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A New Method for Computing the Transmission Capacity of non-Poisson Wireless Networks


Abstract and Figures

The relative locations of concurrent transmitting nodes play an important role in the performance of wireless networks because it largely determines their mutual interference. In most prior work the set of interfering transmitters has been modeled by a homogeneous Poisson distribution, which assumes independence in the transmitting node positions, and hence precludes intelligent scheduling protocols. One of the main difficulties in extending the numerous Poisson results is the absence of an analytical form for the probability generating functional and the Palm characterization of the underlying spatial node distribution. In this paper we take an alternative approach based on the second-order product density of the node distribution, which is asymptotically tight as the outage probability tends to zero. Unlike the probability generating functional, the second order product density can be easily obtained for a wide range of point processes and hence this approach is useful in analyzing complex wireless networks and MAC protocols. We use this approach to then provide accurate approximations of the transmission capacity of wireless ad hoc networks for three plausible point processes, corresponding to ALOHA, clustering, and carrier sensing schedulers. The mathematical framework introduced can be used to analyze other relevant metrics.
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A New Method for Computing the Transmission
Capacity of non-Poisson Wireless Networks
Radha Krishna Ganti and Jeffrey G. Andrews
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
University of Texas at Austin
Austin, TX 78712-0204, USA
Abstract—The relative locations of concurrent transmitting
nodes play an important role in the performance of wireless
networks because it largely determines their mutual interference.
In most prior work the set of interfering transmitters has
been modeled by a homogeneous Poisson distribution, which
assumes independence in the transmitting node positions, and
hence precludes intelligent scheduling protocols. One of the main
difficulties in extending the numerous Poisson results is the
absence of an analytical form for the probability generating
functional and the Palm characterization of the underlying spatial
node distribution. In this paper we take an alternative approach
based on the second-order product density of the node distri-
bution, which is asymptotically tight as the outage probability
tends to zero. Unlike the probability generating functional, the
second order product density can be easily obtained for a wide
range of point processes and hence this approach is useful in
analyzing complex wireless networks and MAC protocols. We
use this approach to then provide accurate approximations of
the transmission capacity of wireless ad hoc networks for three
plausible point processes, corresponding to ALOHA, clustering,
and carrier sensing schedulers. The mathematical framework
introduced can be used to analyze other relevant metrics.
Interference is a main limiting factor for the performance
of a wireless ad hoc network. The interference in a network is
primarily dictated by the locations of the concurrent transmit-
ters whose location is often modeled by a point process [1],
[2] on the plane. Tools from stochastic geometry and point
process theory have been used to characterize the performance
of various physical layer technologies in an ad hoc network
[3], [4], [5], [6], [7], [8], [9], where interference is a main
limiting factor. But nearly all stochastic geometry work on
wireless networks focuses on the case where the transmitting
nodes are distributed as a Poisson point process (PPP) because
of its tractability. However the PPP does not describe “good”
MAC protocols which attempt to avoid collisions or otherwise
coordinate transmissions. Although the Poisson model has
been valuable in providing tractability and insight into “worst
case” MAC protocols, tractable analytical approaches that go
beyond the Poisson model are sorely needed.
In this paper we provide a new method for looking at the
performance characterization of more general point processes
that could model more sophisticated scheduling approaches
and hence get closer to optimal throughput (good upper bounds
for which are of course unknown for most nontrivial multi-
node networks). We utilize the transmission capacity (TC)
metric that was introduced in [10] and is equal to the maximum
spatial density of simultaneous transmissions possible for a
given outage constraint. The TC of a wireless network is
known only when the underlying nodes are distributed as a
Poisson point process (PPP) or more recently, as a Poisson
cluster process(PCP) [11]. The main difficulty in characteriz-
ing the TC is the evaluation of the outage probability which in
turn requires the conditional probability generating functional
of the underlying node distribution. But unfortunately, the
conditional probability generating functionals are known only
for a PPP [1], [12], PCP [11] and a few variants of the PPP.
As an alternative approach, we consider the TC when the
outage probability is close to zero. We characterize the TC
in this low outage regime using the second order product
density of the spatial distribution of the transmitters, a quantity
that can be analytically evaluated for a large class of point
processes. As an example we look at the TC under three
scenarios: PPP used in modeling ALOHA and networks with
no coordination, PCP used to model sensor networks where
clustering helps in improving the lifetime of the network,
Matern hard-core process used in modeling a CSMA type of
network where there is a strict minimum distance between
neighboring transmissions. Although we emphasize on the TC,
the techniques provided in this paper are general and can be
used to analyze other metrics when the density of concurrent
transmitters is small [13].
We assume that the nodes are distributed as a stationary
point process [1] Φof density λon the plane. Each node has
its corresponding receiver at a distance din a random direction,
and for a node xits receiver is denoted by r(x). The path-loss
model is denoted by (x) : R2[0,]and is assumed to be a
non-increasing function of kxkwhich satisfies R
δ(r)rdr <
,for any δ > 0. The small scale fading (power) is denoted
by hxy and is assumed to be i.i.d exponential with unit mean
between any pair of nodes. A node xΦcan communicate
with its receiver yif the received signal to interference ratio
SIR(x, y) = hxy(xy)
I(y, Φ\ {x})θ, (1)
where I(y)is the interference at yR2and is equal to
I(y, Φ\ {x}) = X
Since the process is stationary, the success probability is same
for all transmitters and hence we condition on a node being at
the origin and analyze its success probability. The probability
of success is equal to
Ps=P!o(SIR(o, r(o)) θ),(3)
where P!odenotes the reduced Palm probability [1], [12] of
Φand odenotes the origin (0,0). Transmission capacity is
defined in [4], [10] and given by
Tc(ǫ) = (1 ǫ) sup λ, (4)
with the constraint
In a strict mathematical sense, the success probability is not a
function of the density of transmitters, i.e., for the same density
of transmitters, the success probability may take multiple
values. For example, consider a cluster point process [1] with
density λ=λp¯c, where λpis the average number of clusters
per unit area, and ¯cis the average number of points in each
cluster. In this case, λp= 1,¯c= 3 will lead to a different Ps
than λp= 3 and ¯c= 1.
As is evident from the definition of TC, we must evalu-
ate the success probability when the transmitting nodes are
spatially distributed as Φ. Since evaluating the exact outage
probability is not possible for many plausible spatial distribu-
tions of nodes, the goal of the paper is to develop new bounds
that are asymptotically tight as λapproaches zero. We begin
by a few definitions. Let f(x)be an integrable function on
the plane. Then
and E!ohPxΦPx6=y
yΦf(x)f(y)iis equal to
ρ(3)(x, y)f(x)f(y)dxdy,
where ρ(2)(x)is the second-order product density [1] of the
point process Φand ρ(3)(x, y)is the third-order product den-
sity. Let G[f(x)] denote the conditional probability generating
functional, i.e.,
G[f(x)] = E!o"Y
Lemma 1. The probability of success is bounded by
ρ(3)(x, y)∆(x)∆(y)dxdy,
∆(x) = (1 + θ1(d)(xr(o))1)1.
Proof: The success probability is equal to
where (a)follows since hor(o)is an exponential random
variable. Taking the expectation with respect to the fading
random variables in the interference we obtain
Using the inequality 1PaiQ1ai1Pai+
Pi<j aiaj, and the definition of the n-th order product density
we obtain the lower bound 1µand the upper bound 1
µ+κ/2. The other upper bound can be obtained using the
inequality 1∆(x)exp(∆(x)) and the definition of the
probability generating functional.
The following lemma provides conditions by which the
upper bound can be simplified.
Lemma 2. For any stationary process Φ, if
then G(exp(∆(x)))
Proof: We have,
1(1 exp(∆(x)))#
= 1 λ1ZR2
ρ(2)(x)(1 exp(∆(x)))dx,
where (a)follows from Q1ai1Pai. Using the
expansion of exp(x), we have G(exp(∆(x))) is greater
So it is sufficient to prove that the summation is greater than
κ. By the inequality
(x1) + exp(x)x2
4, x [0,1],
it is adequate to prove
which follows from the assumption.
It is not necessary that Psapproaches one as the density
approaches zero. For example consider a clustered network
with the average number of clusters per unit area is 1/n and
the average number of nodes per cluster be unity. In this case
even though the intensity of the process approaches zero, the
success probability never approaches one. Since 1µis a
lower bound on the success probability, it is necessary for
µ0for Ps1. It should be observed that µmay take
multiple values for a given density λand hence for each λ
we obtain a set of values of µ.Henceforth in this paper, we
consider only point processes for which
λ0inf{µ;density =λ} 0.
The Psfor point processes which do not satisfy the above
condition is always less than one. From now on, by λ0
we also fix a sequence of parameters of the process, so that
µ0for this sequence.
Define Tcu(ǫ)to be equal to sup(1 ǫ)λsubject to the
constraint min{1µ+κ/2,G[exp(∆(x))]} 1ǫand
Tcl(ǫ)to be equal to sup(1 ǫ)λsubject to the constraint
µǫ. We then have
We now show that Tcl(ǫ)is asymptotically equal to Tcu(ǫ)for
small ǫunder very mild conditions. We first prove that for any
positive density of transmitters λ > 0, the success probability
is strictly less than one.
Lemma 3. The maximum density λso that
1 G(exp(∆(x))) < ǫ
tends to zero as ǫ0.
Proof: From the definition of the reduced probability
generating functional,
G(exp(∆(x)) = E!oexp(X
∆(x)) (a)
where (a)follows from Jensens inequality. So it is sufficient
to prove that sup λwith the constraint exp(µ)>1ǫtends
to zero as ǫ0. But since µis the average of PxΦ∆(x)
with respect to the Palm distribution and since ∆(x)>0, a
necessary condition for µ0is for the density λto tend to
Theorem 1. If
A.2 µ= Θ(λγ)for some γ1,
A.3 k=o(µ),
as λ0, the transmission capacity is
Tc(ǫ) = Tcl(ǫ) + o(Tcl(ǫ)), ǫ 0.
Proof: From (6), it suffices to prove Tcu(ǫ) = Tcl(ǫ) +
o(Tcl(ǫ)). The upper bound Tcu(ǫ)is equal to the supremum
value of λso that
For the above condition to be satisfied as ǫgets smaller, it
follows from Lemma 3 that λ0. Since λshould be small,
it follows from Lemma 2 that
min{1µ+κ/2,G(exp(∆(x)))}= 1 µ+κ/2.
Fig. 1. Proof for Theorem 1. Observe that the triangle ABE is congruent
to triangle ACD.
So the upper bound translates to finding the maximum λ
such that µκ/2< ǫ. Also by our assumption A.2, µis
locally convex in the neighborhood of λ= 0. See Figure 1
where the upper and the lower bound are illustrated. From the
figure, it suffices to prove limλ0(λ2ν)/(λ1+ν) = 0. Also
assumption A.3, implies limλ0C1/(C1+C2) = 0. Hence
by the congruency of the triangles ABE and ACD it follows
that λ21tends to zero, hence proving the theorem.
Assumption A.2 is a reasonable assumption. Indeed it is
proved in [13] that
for any δ > 0under mild assumptions and hence γ1in
assumption A.2 is always valid.
In this section, we will analyze the asymptotic transmission
capacity using Theorem 1 and compare it with the actual TC.
We consider three different spatial distribution of transmitters:
Poisson point process (PPP), Poisson cluster process (PCP),
Modified Matern hard-core process. These three process ex-
hibit different kind of regularity in terms of the node place-
ment: PPP corresponds to an entirely random arrangement of
nodes, PCP exhibis clustering while the Modified Matern hard-
core process has a minimum distance between the nodes.
A. Poisson point process (PPP)
The success probability of a PPP [1] is equal to
Ps= exp λZR2
Hence it is easy to observe that
Tc(ǫ) = (1 ǫ) ln((1 ǫ)1)
When ǫis small
Tc(ǫ) = ǫ
For a PPP ρ(2)(z) = λ2and so
Since α > 2,R∆(x)dx < and hence µ= Θ(λ),i.e.,
ν= 1, thus verifying assumption A.2. For a PPP, ρ(3)(x, y) =
λ3and it is easy to verify that κ/µ 0as λ0and
λ1κ1Rρ(2)(x)∆2(x)dx , thus verifying assumptions
A.1 and A.3. So by Theorem 1, the asymptotic TC is equal
to sup λsuch that µ < ǫ. In this case it is easy to verify that,
Tcl(ǫ) = ǫ
which agrees with the actual transmission capacity of the PPP
for small ǫin (7).
B. Poisson cluster process (PCP)
A PCP constitutes a Poisson parent process Φpof density
λpand daughter point processes of density ¯c, resulting in
a stationary point process of density ¯p. A point of the
daughter point process of a parent point at xΦpis
spatially distributed with density f(yx), y R2. The success
probability in a stationary PCP is provided in [11], and is equal
Ps= exp λpZR2h1exp((y))idy
exp((y))f(y)dy, (8)
where β(y) = RR2f(yx)∆(x)dx. It was also proved in [11]
that the transmission capacity of a PCP is equal to
ln((1 ǫ)1)
ǫ < 1exp ZR2
sup β(y)dy.
For a PCP, the second order product density is equal to
ρ(2)(z) = λ21 + (ff)(z)
and hence
∆(z)dz+ ¯cZR2
Observe that µmay take multiple values for the same λby
choosing different λpand ¯c. We can observe that µ= Θ(λ),
when ¯cis chosen to be small and λpchosen do that ¯p=λ.
The expression for ρ(3)(x, y)is very complicated and we will
verify A.3 by simulation. From Figure 2 we observe that κ=
o(µ). It is also easy to verify that
ρ(2)(x)∆2(x)dx < ,
and hence combined with the fact that κ=o(µ)assumption
A.1 is satisfied. Hence by Theorem 1, the asymptotic TC is
equal to sup λwhen µ < ǫ. Since (ff)(z)>0and ∆(z)>
0, it is easy to observe that the supremum value is equal to
Tcl(ǫ) = ǫ
and is obtained by decreasing ¯cto zero and increasing λp.
Even in this case the asymptotic TC matches with the actual
transmission capacity.
0.01 0.015 0.02 0.025 0.03 0.035 0.04 0.045 0.05 0.055 0.06
l(x)=|x|−4, d=1,θ=1
Matern (CSMA)
Poisson cluster process
Fig. 2. κ/µ as a function of the density λfor PCP and Matern hard-
core process. We observe that κ/µ tends to zero as λ0, thus verifying
assumption A.3.
C. CSMA modelling with Matern Hard core process
We now provide an analysis of the transmission capacity in
a CSMA wireless network. Although the spatial distribution of
the transmitters that concurrently transmit in a CSMA network
is difficult to be determine, the transmitting set can be closely
approximated by a modified Matern hard-core processes [2].
In this subsection we use the model proposed by Baccelli. in [2] to model the CSMA process and derive the TC
for a low outage probability.
CSMA Model: We start with a Poisson point process Ψof
unit density. To each node xΨ, we associate a mark
mx, a uniform random variable in [0,1]. The contention
neighborhood of a node xis the set of nodes which result
in an interference power of at least Pat x,i.e.,
N(x) = {yΨ : hyx(yx)>P}
A node xΨbelongs to the final CSMA transmitting set if
mx< my,y N(x).
The average number of nodes in the contention neighborhood
of xΨ, does not depend on the location xby the stationarity
of Ψand is equal to [2]
N(x)] = 2πZ
The density of the CSMA Matern process Φis equal to
Using the results in [14], [2], the second-order product density
can be shown to be equal to
ρ(2)(r) = 2
b(r) N λ1eb(r)
b(r) = 2NZ
eP(t)1+(t2+r22rt cos(Θ))1tdΘdt.
For clarity of exposition, we concentrate on (x) = kxkα,
although similar results hold for the non-singular model too.
In the singular case, N=P2C(α), where C(α) =
0.01 0.015 0.02 0.025 0.03 0.035 0.04 0.045 0.05
Quantity in assumption A.1
Fig. 3. The quantity in assumption A.1 versus the density λfor (x) =
kxk4,d= 1 and θ= 1. We observe that assumption A.1 holds true in this
0.015 0.02 0.025 0.03 0.035 0.04
Density λ
l(x)=|x|−4,θ=1, d=1
Theory: µ
Theory Asymptote: 18.75λ2
Fig. 4. Outage probability versus density λfor (x) = kxk4,d= 1
and θ= 1. We observe that µis a good approximation of 1Psfor small
lambda. We also observe that 1Ps= Θ(λ2).
Lemma 4. For small density λ, in the modified Matern hard-
core process
C(α)(2C(α)ξ(r))rα+1dr, (9)
where γ= 4πC(α)α/2+1 θdα, and
ξ(r) = Z
e(tα+(t2+r22rt cos(Θ))α/2)tdΘdt
Proof: The result can be obtained by using the sub-
stitution rP1rin the integral for µand observing
that for small P,λP2C(α)1, and b(rPs1 ) =
P2 (2C(α)ξ(r)), and ∆(xP1) = Pθ(d)1kxkα.
Also observe that the integral in (9) is finite because of the
presence of the term 1exp(rα).
Hence µ= Θ(λα/2)and condition A.2 is valid with ν=
α/2>1. As in the previous case we also show the validity of
A.1 and A.3 by simulation. See Figure 2 and Figure 3. From
Figure 4, we observe that µclosely approximates the simulated
1Psfor small lambda. Hence the asymptotic TC would
also match closely with the actual TC. Since µ= Θ(λα/2)it
follows that Tcl(ǫ) = Θ(ǫ2). Hence for α= 4, the TC for
the CSMA is Θ(ǫ)which is much greater than that of the
the PPP with ALOHA which is equal to Θ(ǫ). In Figure 4, the
asymptote of µfrom Lemma 4, which in the case of α= 2
corresponds to 18.752λ2is also plotted. Using the asymptote
we can also infer that
ǫ0Tc(ǫ)ǫ2 =γZ
In this paper we provide a characterization of the trans-
mission capacity that is order optimal in terms of the outage
constraint. This characterization depends only on the second-
order product density of the spatial distribution of the trans-
mitters, a quantity that can be evaluated analytically for most
point processes. We also showed that the TC evaluated using
the second order product density matches perfectly with the
actual TC when the nodes are distributed as a Poisson point
process and a Poisson cluster process. Using this framework,
we obtained the TC of a CSMA process and showed that it
behaves like Θ(ǫ2)where ǫis the outage constraint, unlike
the case of ALOHA where it is Θ(ǫ).
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... where A 4 (y 0 , c) is given by (12) below. ...
... for the cases α = 2 and α = 4, where A 2 (y 0 , c) is given by (8) and A 4 (y 0 , c) is given by (12). Proof: We write ...
... Note that (a) in the proof holds for general point processes and some approximation techniques for computing the righthand side already exist [12]. The (b) part is for PPPs only. ...
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... One of the main difficulties in the analysis of non-Poisson point processes is the mathematical intractability attributed to the absence Fig. 1: Actual BS deployment from a rural area [15] of a closed form expression for the probability generating functional (PGFL) of the underlying node distribution. An alternative approach is presented in [13] to overcome the PGFL hurdle by using Weierstrass inequality [14]. The authors derived bounds on the probability of coverage utilizing the second order density of the underlying node distribution. ...
... It can be noticed that the lower bound introduced in Proposition 1 is tighter than Theorem 1 within 4% from the simulated data on the average and it is quite accurate in plausible scenarios where the SINR threshold ranges from 10 to 20 dB. Finally, we replace Conjecture 1 by the Weierstrass inequality in [13] and we notice that the P c diverges significantly as we increase the SINR threshold. ...
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The recent witnessed evolution of cellular networks from a carefully planned deployment to more irregular, heterogeneous deployments of Macro, Pico and Femto-BSs motivates new analysis and design approaches. In this paper, we analyze the coverage probability in cellular networks assuming repulsive point processes for the base station deployment. In particular, we characterize, analytically using stochastic geometry, the downlink probability of coverage under a Matern hardcore point process to ensure minimum distance between the randomly located base stations. Assuming a mobile user connects to the nearest base station and Rayleigh fading, we derive two lower bounds expressions on the downlink probability of coverage that is within 4% from the simulated scenario. To validate our model, we compare the probability of coverage of the Matern hardcore topology against an actual base station deployment obtained from a public database. The comparison shows that the actual base station deployment can be fitted by setting the appropriate Matern point process density.
... One of the main difficulties in the analysis of non-Poisson point processes is the mathematical intractability attributed to the absence Fig. 1: Actual BS deployment from a rural area [15] of a closed form expression for the probability generating functional (PGFL) of the underlying node distribution. An alternative approach is presented in [13] to overcome the PGFL hurdle by using Weierstrass inequality [14]. The authors derived bounds on the probability of coverage utilizing the second order density of the underlying node distribution. ...
... It can be noticed that the lower bound introduced in Proposition 1 is tighter than Theorem 1 within 4% from the simulated data on the average and it is quite accurate in plausible scenarios where the SINR threshold ranges from 10 to 20 dB. Finally, we replace Conjecture 1 by the Weierstrass inequality in [13] and we notice that the P c diverges significantly as we increase the SINR threshold. ...
Full-text available
The recent witnessed evolution of cellular networks from a carefully planned deployment to more irregular, heterogeneous deployments of Macro, Pico and Femto-BSs motivates new analysis and design approaches. In this paper, we analyze the coverage probability in cellular networks assuming repulsive point processes for the base station deployment. In particular, we characterize, analytically using stochastic geometry, the downlink probability of coverage under a Matern hardcore point process to ensure minimum distance between the randomly located base stations. Assuming a mobile user connects to the nearest base station and Rayleigh fading, we derive two lower bounds expressions on the downlink probability of coverage that is within 4% from the simulated scenario. To validate our model, we compare the probability of coverage of the Matern hardcore topology against an actual base station deployment obtained from a public database. The comparison shows that the actual base station deployment can be fitted by setting the appropriate Matern point process density.
... We now exploit the fact that λ(x) is subharmonic around y 0 in a region G. Letr(y 0 ) denote the maximal radius for which b(y 0 ,r(y 0 )) is contained in G. Then, (38) can be bounded as = 2πλF ( y 0 ) r(y 0 ) 0 r P (g ≥ z (c + r α )) dr, ...
... Note that (a) in the proof holds for general point processes and some approximation techniques for computing the right-hand side already exist [38]. The (b) part is for PPPs only. ...
Wireless networks found in practice are finite, and hence non-stationary, with nodes typically non-homogeneously deployed over the network area. This obviously leads to a location-dependent performance and to boundary effects which is often neglected in network modeling. In this work, interference and local throughput in a Poisson network, where the spatial distribution of nodes is isotropic but not necessarily stationary, are studied. They are precisely analyzed as a function of (i) an arbitrary receiver location and of (ii) an arbitrary isotropic shape of the spatial distribution. The interference distribution is characterized through a first moment analysis for arbitrary block-fading channels (including the pure path loss model) and bounds on the tail probability are derived. For Rayleigh fading, the Laplace transform of the interference distribution is presented. For the path losses $\alpha=2$ and $\alpha=4$ closed-form results are derived. Two metrics suitable for measuring local throughput in non-stationary networks are proposed, and they are discussed for the isotropic model at hand. One the one hand, this work reveals some interesting and fundamental facts, particularly it revises some prior results for the case $\alpha=2$. On the other, it provides a powerful tool for studying non-stationary networks as demonstrated through numerous examples.
... A few studies have approached the difficult problem of medium access control (MAC) analysis in random spatial field of interference including [1], [2], [3], and [4], while at the same time [5], [6], and [7] have considered multiantenna (MIMO) radios, though they have focused mainly on the Aloha case. As a point of comparison, the study [5] developed a particular coordinated protocol as a comparison point against Aloha. ...
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Multiple antennas have become a common compo-nent of wireless networks, improving range, throughput, and spatial reuse, both at the link and network levels. At the same time, carrier sensing is a widely used method of improving spatial reuse in distributed wireless networks, especially when there is limited coordination among non-communicating nodes. While the combination of carrier sensing and multiple antennas has been considered in the literature, physical layer spatial models and the attendant consequences have not been included. The primary reason for this has been the difficulty of analyzing functionals of interacting point processes. Having developed new methods of quantifying physical layer performance with robust spatial network models, we use these techniques to address the following questions: What multiple antenna techniques produce the best network performance, and what is the performance gain? And, how should multiple antennas interact with carrier sensing parameters? Overall, the analysis confirms the significant benefit of multiple antennas in distributed wireless networks.
... In [5], Andrews et al. investigate service outage and transmission capacity for mobile cellular systems assuming spatial homogeneous PPP structure. Ganti et al. in [9][10][11][12] investigate coverage and transmission capacity in mobile ad hoc networks with cluster-based node deployment. Lee et al. [13] modeled a cognitive radio network with Poisson-cluster-based transmitters. ...
This paper analyzes two-tier orthogonal frequency-division multiplexing (OFDM)-based cellular structure, when the traditional macrocell structure is extended with femtocells. The benefit of using femtocells is the capacity and coverage extension capability. To fulfill strict quality of service requirements in next-generation mobile networks such as Long Term Evolution (LTE) or LTE-Advanced, capacity and coverage enhancing becomes rather important. On the other hand, adding small cells such as femtocells next to macrocell modifies the interference pattern of the current region. Therefore, the number of small cells in a given area should be limited. In this paper, we provide an analytic framework to calculate the outage probability for a macrocell user in OFDM-based femtocell networks when the deployed femto base stations are composing an independent Poisson cluster process such as Thomas cluster process. Cluster-based femtocell modeling offers accurate network planning for mobile operators. In this cluster-based realization, we give an interference characterization and consider the outage probability for a randomly deployed user when communication channel is infected with Rayleigh fading. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
... These correlations are especially significant in scenarios in which N becomes very dense, since they will heavily influence the interference and contention statistics in the secondary network. For a recent interesting asymptotic analysis of this influence, see [46]. ...
Conference Paper
We study the performance characteristics of cognitive wireless networks under different dynamic spectrum access scenarios. Our focus is especially on the influence of spatial structures of the primary and secondary user networks on the achievable performance of the secondary network. We adopt techniques from spatial statistics to develop stochastic models for the structure and interaction of these networks. The chosen models are based on Gaussian random fields and Gibbs point processes, and are firmly grounded on empirical data. We then apply extensive Monte Carlo simulations to study the behavior of these models and their related performance properties. The models and the applied techniques are applicable also to a wider variety of networking problems. Our results provide first quantitative assessments on the influence of the spatial structure, and especially correlation properties, of the involved networks on the expected performance and thus on the utility of dynamic spectrum access based systems.
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In cellular network models, the base stations are usually assumed to form a lattice or a Poisson point process (PPP). In reality, however, they are deployed neither fully regularly nor completely randomly. Accordingly, in this paper, we consider the very general class of motion-invariant models and analyze the behavior of the outage probability (the probability that the signal-to-interference-plus-noise-ratio (SINR) is smaller than a threshold) as the threshold goes to zero. We show that, remarkably, the slope of the outage probability (in dB) as a function of the threshold (also in dB) is the same for essentially all motion-invariant point processes. The slope merely depends on the fading statistics. Using this result, we introduce the notion of the asymptotic deployment gain (ADG), which characterizes the horizontal gap between the success probabilities of the PPP and another point process in the high-reliability regime (where the success probability is near 1). To demonstrate the usefulness of the ADG for the characterization of the SINR distribution, we investigate the outage probabilities and the ADGs for different point processes and fading statistics by simulations.
Conference Paper
Outage probability and transmission capacity are two metrics that are often used together to quantify the achievable capacity of decentralized wireless networks, where the outage probability measures the probability that a direct transmission fails and the transmission capacity measures the maximum spatial density of successful concurrent transmissions, subject to a constraint on the outage probability. In CSMA networks, spatial correlations between concurrent transmitters makes the analysis of the outage probability and the transmission capacity a challenging task. In this paper, we analyze the transmission capacity of CSMA networks subject to a designated outage probability constraint by first deriving an upper bound on the outage probability in CSMA networks subject to Rayleigh fading, which is applicable for any node distribution. On that basis, we provide a sufficient condition on the transmission power required to meet a designated outage probability constraint. Finally, we obtain an upper bound on the transmission capacity in CSMA networks satisfying a pre-determined outage probability constraint.
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Spectrum sharing between wireless networks improves the efficiency of spectrum usage, and thereby alleviates spectrum scarcity due to growing demands for wireless broadband access. To improve the usual underutilization of the cellular uplink spectrum, this paper addresses spectrum sharing between a cellular uplink and a mobile ad hoc networks. These networks access either all frequency subchannels or their disjoint subsets, called spectrum underlay and spectrum overlay, respectively. Given these spectrum sharing methods, the capacity trade-off between the coexisting networks is analyzed based on the transmission capacity of a network with Poisson distributed transmitters. This metric is defined as the maximum density of transmitters subject to an outage constraint for a given signal-to-interference ratio (SIR). Using tools from stochastic geometry, the transmission-capacity trade-off between the coexisting networks is analyzed, where both spectrum overlay and underlay as well as successive interference cancellation (SIC) are considered. In particular, for small target outage probability, the transmission capacities of the coexisting networks are proved to satisfy a linear equation, whose coefficients depend on the spectrum sharing method and whether SIC is applied. This linear equation shows that spectrum overlay is more efficient than spectrum underlay. Furthermore, this result also provides insight into the effects of network parameters on transmission capacities, including link diversity gains, transmission distances, and the base station density. In particular, SIC is shown to increase the transmission capacities of both coexisting networks by a linear factor, which depends on the interference-power threshold for qualifying canceled interferers.
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A statistical model of interference in wireless networks is considered, which is based on the traditional propagation channel model and a Poisson model of random spatial distribution of nodes in 1-D, 2-D and 3-D spaces with both uniform and non-uniform densities. The power of nearest interferer is used as a major performance indicator, instead of a traditionally-used total interference power, since at the low outage region, they have the same statistics so that the former is an accurate approximation of the latter. This simplifies the problem significantly and allows one to develop a unified framework for the outage probability analysis, including the impacts of complete/partial interference cancellation, of different types of fading and of linear filtering, either alone or in combination with each other. When a given number of nearest interferers are completely canceled, the outage probability is shown to scale down exponentially in this number. Three different models of partial cancellation are considered and compared via their outage probabilities. The partial cancellation level required to eliminate the impact of an interferer is quantified. The effect of a broad class of fading processes (including all popular fading models) is included in the analysis in a straightforward way, which can be positive or negative depending on a particular model and propagation/system parameters. The positive effect of linear filtering (e.g. by directional antennas) is quantified via a new statistical selectivity parameter. The analysis results in formulation of a tradeoff relationship between the network density and the outage probability, which is a result of the interplay between random geometry of node locations, the propagation path loss and the distortion effects at the victim receiver.
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In the analysis of large random wireless networks, the underlying node distribution is almost ubiquitously assumed to be the homogeneous Poisson point process. In this paper, the node locations are assumed to form a Poisson cluster process on the plane. We derive the distributional properties of the interference and provide upper and lower bounds for its distribution. We consider the probability of successful transmission in an interference-limited channel when fading is modeled as Rayleigh. We provide a numerically integrable expression for the outage probability and closed-form upper and lower bounds. We show that when the transmitter-receiver distance is large, the success probability is greater than that of a Poisson arrangement. These results characterize the performance of the system under geographical or MAC-induced clustering. We obtain the maximum intensity of transmitting nodes for a given outage constraint, i.e., the transmission capacity (of this spatial arrangement) and show that it is equal to that of a Poisson arrangement of nodes. For the analysis, techniques from stochastic geometry are used, in particular the probability generating functional of Poisson cluster processes, the Palm characterization of Poisson cluster processes, and the Campbell-Mecke theorem.
Conference Paper
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This paper derives the exact outage probability and transmission capacity of ad hoc wireless networks with nodes employing multiple antenna diversity techniques. The analysis enables a direct comparison of the number of simultaneous transmissions achieving a certain data rate under different diversity techniques. Preliminary results derive the outage probability and transmission capacity for a general class of signal distributions which facilitates quantifying the gain for fading or non-fading environments. The transmission capacity is then given for uniformly random networks with path loss exponent ¿ ≫ 2 in which nodes: (1) perform maximal ratio transmission/combining on M antennas with ¿ (M<sup>2/¿</sup>) gains; (2) various antenna selection combining schemes which give appreciable but rapidly diminishing gains; and (3) orthogonal space-time block coding, for which there is only a small gain due to channel hardening. It is concluded that in ad hoc networks, beamforming performs best, selection combining performs well for smaller numbers of antennas, and that space-time block coding offers only marginal gains.
Although point processes are just integer-valued random measures, their importance justifies a separate treatment, and their special features yield to techniques not readily applicable to general random measures. The first and last parts of the chapter summarize results for point processes, which parallel those for random measures—existence theorems, moment structure, and generating functional—as well as furnishing illustrative (and important) examples. Many of the results are special cases of the corresponding results in Chapter 6, while others are extensions from the context of finite point processes in Chapter 5. The remaining part of the chapter, on the avoidance functions and intensity measures, deals with properties that are peculiar to point processes and for which the extensions to general random measures are not easily found.
Conference Paper
We study the transmission capacities of two coexisting wireless networks (a primary network vs. a secondary network) that operate in the same geographic region and share the same spectrum. We define transmission capacity as the product among the density of transmissions, the transmission rate, and the successful transmission probability (1 minus the outage probability). The primary (PR) network has a higher priority to access the spectrum without particular considerations for the secondary (SR) network, where the SR network limits its interference to the PR network by carefully controlling the density of its transmitters. Assuming that the nodes are distributed according to Poisson point processes and the two networks use different transmission ranges, we quantify the transmission capacities for both of these two networks and discuss their tradeoff based on asymptotic analysis. Our results show that if the PR network permits a small increase of its outage probability, the sum transmission capacity of the two networks (i.e., the overall spectrum efficiency per unit area) will be boosted significantly over that of a single network.
This article provides an overview on the topic of ad hoc network performance analysis, mainly from a physical layer standpoint. The emphasis of the paper is on how the individual link and network performance can be evaluated in an analytically tractable manner, such that design insights can be obtained and optimization over key parameters is possible. Our model is that of a large random network, where the wireless channel comprises path-loss and fading. Various physical layer factors are taken into account: the multiple-access (MA) scheme, such as direct-sequence (DS) CDMA and frequency-hopping (FH) CDMA; error correction coding such as Reed–Solomon (RS) or convolutional coding; coherent or noncoherent detection; the use of multiple-input, multiple-output (MIMO) techniques to enhance error protection or to increase the transmission rate. The performance of the network is evaluated and optimized in terms of useful metrics such as the network throughput, the information efficiency and the transmission capacity.