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A Physical Basis for Time Clustering of Large Earthquakes


Abstract and Figures

We develop a theory that links stress interaction between earthquakes and the occurrence of temporal clustering. Coseismic static stress change in the vicinity (50 km) of large earthquakes suggests that perturbations of 0.1 to 1 bars may affect the occurrence of other earthquakes. At larger distances, interactions also seem to exist: four M 8 earthquakes have occurred in Mongolia on distant faults (400 km) during the last century. Also, paleoseismic observations documenting much longer time periods display a time clustering of major events. We demonstrate with simple mechanical concepts that postseismic stress relaxation magnifies the coseismic stress change and has a major effect on fault interaction during the seismic cycle. In the simple case where two distant faults are coupled, the probabilistic occurrence of triggered earthquakes may increase dramatically due to long range postseismic coupling.
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Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, 91, 6, pp. 1685–1693, December 2001
A Physical Basis for Time Clustering of Large Earthquakes
by Jean Che´ry, Se´bastien Merkel, and Ste´phane Bouissou*
Abstract We develop a theory that links stress interaction between earthquakes
and the occurrence of temporal clustering. Coseismic static stress change in the vi-
cinity (50 km) of large earthquakes suggests that perturbations of 0.1 to 1 bars may
affect the occurrence of other earthquakes. At larger distances, interactions also seem
to exist: four M8 earthquakes have occurred in Mongolia on distant faults (400 km)
during the last century. Also, paleoseismic observations documenting much longer
time periods display a time clustering of major events. We demonstrate with simple
mechanical concepts that postseismic stress relaxation magnifies the coseismic stress
change and has a major effect on fault interaction during the seismic cycle. In the
simple case where two distant faults are coupled, the probabilistic occurrence of
triggered earthquakes may increase dramatically due to long range postseismic
Since large earthquakes have been identified as an elas-
tic rebound of the crust around a fault (Reid, 1910), the
prediction of time and location of large earthquakes hasbeen
a major aim of the earth science community. Unfortunately,
numerous searches for geophysical precursors and extensive
modeling of earthquake mechanics have been unsuccessful
in predicting earthquake occurrence (Geller et al., 1997). In
contrast to volcanic eruptions, which occur at very specific
and identified sites often with clear precursors (i.e., Dvorak
and Dzurizin, 1997), active faults are spread over large
areas and seem to generate earthquakes in an unpredictable
manner. Even in a tectonic zone where detailed fault maps
exist, we always face a triple uncertainty about the next
earthquake: its location, its time, and its size. We study in
the following sections of this article the problem of earth-
quake timing by simulating earthquake occurrence on two
distant faults. We assume in this model that secular stress
accumulation on the faults and earthquake stress transfer
through the crust control the seismic cycle. We specifically
model the postseismic stress change and show that it is the
main factor responsible for earthquake time clustering. The
article is divided into five sections: (1) We first summarize
observations of earthquake-induced seismicity and earth-
quake time clustering. (2) We then present the principle of
earthquake interaction and estimate the magnitude of stress
drop during a large earthquake. (3) We describe a physical
model of the seismic cycle which incorporates local stress
drop on a fault and distant stress change between faults. (4)
We present a numerical device able to simulate earthquake
*Present address: Geosciences Azur, Sophia Antopolis, Valbonne,
series on two coupled faults. (5) Finally, we perform a para-
metric study that shows under which conditions earthquake
time clustering takes place.
Earthquake Stress Change and Earthquake
Time Clustering
Two classes of observations support the idea that a me-
chanical coupling exists between distant earthquakes. First,
local and distant seismicity evolve after a large earthquake.
This change happens immediately after an earthquake and
may last for decades. Second, large earthquakes are some-
times clustered in time, suggesting that fault failure on one
fault may affect earthquake occurrence on another fault.
A large earthquake often induces microseismicity and
other earthquakes during the hours, days, or months follow-
ing the mainshock (Omori law); (see Scholz, 1990). This
effect is generally explained by an elastic stress change in
the crust, which leads to earlier failure at other potential
rupture zones. With the precise knowledge of fault geometry
and coseismic slip distribution, a stress change can be esti-
mated for any part of the crust (e.g., Chinnery, 1963; Okada,
1992). A positive shear stress change Dson a fault plane
should advance the time of the next earthquake on this fault,
and is known as the clock advance. In the case where the
normal stress change is neglected, the clock advance is sim-
ply given by ∆∆t=/
,where Dsis the shear stress change
the rate of secular stress accumulation onto the fault.
A large earthquake on a fault system may also inhibit
seismicity. A clear example is provided by the 1906 San
Fransisco earthquake, which was followed by the absence
of moderate and large earthquakes in Northern California
1686 J. Che´ry, S. Merkel, and S. Bouissou
until the end of 1970s (Ellsworth, 1990). This behavior is
likely due to sudden elastic stress release in the fault vicinity
(e.g., Jaume´ and Sykes, 1996; Harris and Simpson, 1998).
This stress release is followed by stress reloading due to
either viscous motions in the lower crust (Nur and Mavko,
1974) or creep on deep extension of the rupture surface(Sav-
age and Burford, 1973). The time constant associated with
this relaxation is found on the order of 30 yr (Thatcher,
1983). However, shorter times (80 days) have also been ob-
served by precise geodetic measurements following the1992
Landers earthquake (Savage and Svarc, 1997), suggesting
that the relaxation after an earthquake may be nonlinear.
Clock advance and stress release are observed in the
fault vicinity, typically within 10–50 km of the fault plane
for large (M6.5) earthquakes. They are consistent with
positive (unclamping) static stress changes greater than or
equal to 0.1 bar (e.g., King et al., 1994). However, large
earthquakes seem to perturb seismicity at far larger dis-
tances. The best example of this distant triggered seismicity
is probably provided by the 1992 Landers earthquake, which
was followed immediately by a clear increase of microseis-
micity in remote zones (Hill et al., 1993). Such an increase
occurred at the Geysers geothermal area in Northern Cali-
fornia (Gomberg, 1996) at distance exceeding 700 km, 10
times the maximum fault rupture length. The corresponding
static stress change at such distances are less than or equal
to 0.001 bar (Hill et al., 1993). Because such small values
are likely unable to have caused triggering, seismic waves
interacting with crustal fluids may explain such long distance
interactions (Hill et al., 1993; Gomberg, 1996).
While instrumental and short-term historical seismicity
show distant earthquake interactions for a short fraction of
the seismic cycle, archeological and paleoseismic records
span several earthquake cycles. Earthquake occurrence on
large faults is often organized as temporal clusters. For ex-
ample, historical records on rapidly slipping faults, such as
the North Anatolian fault, show periods of great seismic ac-
tivity (967–1105; 1254–1784) followed by long quiescent
times, and a recent earthquake cluster that started in 1939
and has produced 12 M6.7 events until the 1999 Duzce
earthquake (e.g., Stein et al., 1997; Barka, 1999). Near the
Dead Sea fault, a record of lacustrine sediments exhibits
clusters (Marco et al., 1996) with marked peaks of multiple
events separated by a quiescent period of 20,000 yr. Also,
paleoseismic studies of the Central segment of the San An-
dreas Fault reveal temporal earthquake clustering (Grantand
Sieh, 1994).
Another clue of temporal clustering is provided by the
record of earthquake occurrence on groups of faults. In Mon-
golia and surroundings areas, four M8 earthquakes have
occurred on distinct faults during the last century (Baljin-
nyam et al., 1993). Preliminary paleoseismic studies of some
these faults have shown a recurrence time of a few thousands
of years (Schwartz et al., 1996). Also, 100-m offset of
80,000-yr-old alluvial fans along the Bogd fault, along
which the Gobi-Altay M8 earthquake occurred, leads to a
long term slip rate of 1.2 mm/yr (Ritz et al., 1995), consistent
with a time return of a few thousand yr, suggesting that the
four twentieth century earthquakes occurred after a long pe-
riod of quiescence. A similar clustering phenomenon appar-
ently happened in the New Madrid region in the United
States, where at least three M7–8 earthquakes occurred dur-
ing 1811–1812, and previously during approximately A.D.
1530 to A.D. 900, suggesting a recurrence time of about 500
yr (Tuttle et al., 1999). However, precise GPS observations
indicate a low strain rate in this area (Newman et al., 1999),
which rather supports the view that the recurrence time is
much longer, at least 2500 yr (assuming a model appropriate
for a plate boundary, which clearly New Madrid province is
not). The most impressive evidence for large scale earth-
quake clustering exists in an archeological compilation of
Nur and Cline (2000), which suggests that the collapse of
Bronze Age in the Eastern Mediterranean may have been
caused by numerous major earthquakes (so called earth-
quake storm) occurring in a 50-yr period.
We saw in this section that earthquake-induced stress
change is believed to activate or inhibit seismicity. Also,
large earthquakes display time correlation, suggesting a me-
chanical coupling through the crust. The aim of the next
sections is to quantify stress changes during the seismic cy-
cle and to propose a physical model of earthquake interac-
tion. In this article, we refer to three phases of the seismic
cycle: (1) The coseismic phase corresponds to the earth-
quake itself. The crustal motion is generally explained by a
sudden shear stress drop on the fault plane associated with
the onset of slip, which produces an elastic response of the
crust. (2) A postseismic phase follows in the case of large
earthquakes. This corresponds to a slowly decaying crustal
motion in the fault vicinity. (3) A relaxed phase lasts until
the next earthquake. During this phase, the fault only ex-
periences a secular loading due to relative plate motion,
which slowly builds stress until the failure limit.
Stress Interaction Principle and Coseismic
Stress Drop
In order to understand how an earthquake on a fault A
may activate an earthquake on a distant fault B, we define
the following variables at the time of an earthquake on fault
A(illustrated schematically in Fig. 1): (1) the local stress
drop Dsassociated with a large coseismic motion on fault
A; (2) the small remote static stress change ds caused by A
on B; (3) on fault B, the current stress s, the failure stress s
and the local rate of stress accumulation
. It is intuitive that
an event on Awill trigger an earthquake on Bif the remote
stress change ds is large enough that it brings the stress level
on Bclose to the static yield stress s
. Also, it appears that
the current stress level on Bmust be statistically close to s
if the local stress drop Dson Bis small. We first focus on
the expected magnitude of local stress drop after an earth-
quake. Local stress drop during a large earthquake is usually
estimated with a dislocation model that provides a relation
A Physical Basis for Time Clustering of Large Earthquakes 1687
stress trigger
fault B
Figure 1. Principle of stress coupling between two
seismogenic faults. Rupture occurs on fault A on a
vertical fault plane Oxz due to a regional loading of
the crust. The local stress drop Dsis controlled by the
rupture dimensions Land Wand the coseismic slip u.
Fault slip causes a small stress change dson the re-
mote fault B. This stress change evolves with time
due to a stress relaxation around the deep part of the
fault A.
between the mean displacement u¯, the mean stress drop
and a dislocation length D:
where Cis a geometrical constant of a value close to 1 (Par-
sons et al., 1988), and Gis the shear modulus. Using the
scalar moment magnitude relation MGSu
0=⋅,where Sis
the fault surface rupture area and assuming that G3
Pa the combination of these two equations and the hy-
pothesis that the dislocation is circular give an estimate of
in the range 10100 bars, with a preferred value near 30 bars
(Kanamori and Anderson, 1975; Hanks, 1977). In fact, equa-
tion 1 provides a direct estimation of
if u¯ and Dare
known from local seismological and geodetical observa-
tions. As the Landers surface rupture approximates an elon-
gated rectangle of length Land width W(Fig. 1), this length
scale Dmay correspond to W, L, or a combination of both
(Scholz, 1982a,b). The range of Wand Ldepend on earth-
quake size. For intracontinental earthquakes larger than M
6, instrumental seismicity indicates that Wis between 10 and
15 km and is largely independent of the magnitude (Wells
and Coppersmith, 1994). The value of Lincreases with the
magnitude, with typical values of 10 km to 500 km for M
5.5 to M8 events, respectively. In the case of Landers earth-
quake, u¯ 2.5 m, L75 km, and W15 km. If Wis
chosen for length scale, the stress drop would be then of the
order of 50 bars. This value falls within the range given by
Kanamori and Anderson (1975). The other possible choice
is to take Lfor length scale as suggested by Scholz (1982a)
and Das (1982). In this case where Dis chosen as L, the
mean stress drop is only 10 bars. We will study in the next
section how the length scale used for stress drop estimate
may evolve along the seismic cycle.
Seismic Cycle Model and Postseismic
Stress Change
The previous calculations are only valid for elastic dis-
locations and are restricted to coseismic static motions. As
postseismic relaxation will modify the strain eld and there-
fore the crustal stress in the years or decades following an
earthquake (Thatcher, 1983), there is a need to understand
how local and remote stresses evolve during the seismic cy-
cle. Postseismic surface motion is usually explained in two
ways (see Fig. 2). A rst model (Savage and Burford, 1973)
assumes a thick elastic lithosphere of thickness Hlarger than
the fault width (HkW). Postseismic slip occurs on the deep
part on the fault. As a result, the long term motion simply
corresponds to a slip of two lithospheric blocks separated by
an innite fault, without large deformation in the lithosphere.
A second model (Nur and Mavko, 1974) assumes a thin
elastic lithosphere of thickness Hequal to Woating on a
viscoelastic asthenosphere. In this case, postseismic motions
are due to a stress relaxation around the fault tip. The long-
term motion of the system corresponds to a slip between the
two thin elastic plates. These models have one main draw-
back: their behavior depends only on Wor Hand do not
incorporate the fault length L. Also, they contain a stress
singularity as the coseismic motion drops abruptly to zero
at the depth W.
We introduce a modied version of the thin lithosphere
model (Fig. 3c) where the fault is a rectangle LW. We
assume that the base of the fault is embedded in the visco-
elastic layer (i.e., His smaller than W) similar to some seis-
mic cycle models of the San Andreas Fault (Li and Rice,
1987). Finally, we assume that the coseismic dislocation
gently decreases from u
to 0 between Hand Was suggested
by 2D mechanical models of the seismic cycle (Tse and
Rice, 1986; Huc et al., 1998). Local stress drop during the
cycle can then be controlled by L,H, and W. We assume
that the coseismic dislocation corresponds to a slip patch of
LWsize with an amplitude u
. We choose here L70
km, W15 km and u
2.5 m, values that have been
used for Landers earthquake coseismic motion. The choice
of His more difcult, as this quantity cannot be inferred
from the coseismic motion. We choose here H12 km,
but we will demonstrate that this choice is not important.
We compute the shear stress associated with the coseis-
mic slip of a 70 15 km rectangular patch embedded in
half space as shown in Figure 2c, using the formulation of
Okada (1992). The signal is computed on a prole PPnor-
mal to the fault trace starting from the fault center (Fig. 1,
2c, 3a). Coseismic displacement rapidly decays with dis-
tance from the fault center (Fig. 3a), and horizontal fault-
parallel shear stress sdecreases by 50 bars at a 10 km depth
near the fault center (Fig. 3b). Coseismic stress change at
1688 J. Che´ry, S. Merkel, and S. Bouissou
H = W
b. Thin lithosphere model
Viscous asthenosphere
Elastic lithosphere
infinite fault
Elastic lithosphere
H >> W
a. Thick lithosphere model
infinite fault
H < W
c. Modified model
elastic lithosphere
viscous asthenosphere
fault length L
Figure 2. Three seismic cycle models: (a) thick
lithosphere, (b) thin lithosphere, and (c) modied.
These models are loaded laterally by plate motion. (a)
The entire lithosphere is elastic. Coseismic motion u
occurs between depths 0 and W. Interseismic slip oc-
curs below depth W. (b) The elastic lithosphere is thin,
and postseismic relaxation occurs in the viscoelastic
asthenosphere. Models (a) and (b) have a slip singu-
larity at depth W. The only length scale controlling
the local stress drop of these models is W. (c) Modi-
cation of the previous models where the fault has a
nite horizontal length, L. Fault tip penetrates at depth
into the viscous layer as suggested by numerical ex-
periments (e.g., Huc et al., 1998), and uis constant
between 0 and Hand then smoothly decreases be-
tween Hand W. As a consequence, the local stress
drop is mainly controlled by Wduring the coseismic
motion (LkW) but is controlled rather by Lafter
the complete stress relaxation of the lower crust. Re-
mote stress drop is evolving and increases according
to this local stress relaxation.
distance larger than 50 km is close to zero. Display ofremote
stress change between 50 and 1000 km using a log
(Fig. 3c) shows a values of 0.045 bar at 150 km. Therefore,
the ratio between absolute values of remote and local stress
change after the coseismic motion is on the order of 10
at 150 km from the fault. Such a small ratio suggests a low
probability that a large earthquake triggers a distant earth-
quake unless the affected fault was already near failure. If
we assume that the fault strength evolves from 50 bars to 0
during a cycle of 200 yr, the remote stress change corre-
sponds to a clock advance of 10
200 yr 73 days.
Postseismic motion can be explained by afterslip on the
deep part of the fault plane (e.g., Savage and Prescott, 1978;
Savage and Svarc, 1997; Reilinger et al., 2000). However,
viscoelastic relaxation below the seismogenic layer can also
cause similar surface motion (e.g., Deng et al., 1998; Pollitz
et al., 2000). The equivalence between the two formulations
has been demonstrated by Savage (1990), at least for the
calculation of horizontal displacements (Deng et al., 1998).
For the purpose of reasoning, we assume that no postseismic
slip occurs on the fault rupture plane. Therefore, only stress
release in the viscoelastic part at depth should cause post-
seismic displacements (Nur and Mavko, 1974; Huc et al.,
1998). Although stress diffusion of the lithosphere can delay
the stress transfer from the fault zone to the far eld (see
Cohen, 1999), we also assume for simplicity that postseismic
relaxation below the fault zone corresponds to a uniform
exponential change of the stress. Therefore, all stress com-
ponents within the viscoelastic part fall to 0 after more than
two or three relaxation times of the medium. The relaxed
phase that follows the transient relaxation phase should dis-
play any shear traction on the xyplane at the base of the
elastic plate (depth Hon Fig. 2c). Because this plate has
been loaded by a pure strike-slip coseismic motion that is
constant with respect to depth, the relaxed stress state (i.e.,
the xycomponent) in the elastic part is depth invariant.
The earthquake model after the postseismic phase simply
corresponds to a platelike dislocation with scale L(L-model
as dened by Scholz [1982a]). With regard to this symmetry,
we can conclude that the relaxed stress in the elastic plate is
no longer controlled by Wbut rather by L, which is the
characteristic length of the model after the end of the post-
seismic phase. As has been done for other long-term stress
change modeling (e.g., King et al., 1994), we approximate
the stress for the relaxed phase with an elastic model con-
taining a deep dislocation (Savage, 1990) with using the
Okada (1992) formulation by setting WkL.
The local stress drop is only 10 bars after relaxation
(Fig. 3b), This value is close to the one given using equation
(1). Also, the remote stress at 150 km dramatically rises from
0.045 bar to 0.45 bar due to the disappearance of the length
W(Fig. 3c). The ratio between remote and local stress
change after postseismic relaxation is on the order of 5
, 50 times greater than the coseismic value. The cor-
responding clock advance at 150 km is now on the order of
10 yr for a recurrence time of 200 yr.
A Physical Basis for Time Clustering of Large Earthquakes 1689
To summarize, the coseismic stress change is mainly
controlled by the smaller length, W, and the relaxed post-
seismic stress change is controlled by the larger length, L.
Because the postseismic behavior may signicantly affect
the clock advance between distant faults, we propose a sim-
ple model that mimics these stress interactions during the
seismic cycle.
A Numerical Model of Earthquake Generation
Earthquake generation by the means of mechanical
models of coupled faults has already been studied (e.g.,
Lomnitz-Adler and Perez Pascual, 1989; Harris and Day,
1993; Senatorsky, 1997), but these studies do not account
for large postseismic stress changes. As we demonstrate that
these changes greatly enhance the efciency of long-range
interaction, we incorporate coseismic and postseismic stress
evolution in a simple physical model of seismic cycle on
two distant faults.
The simplest earthquake model consists of a frictional
mass Mattached to an elastic spring of stiffness K(Fig. 4a).
Although such a model is a poor representation of the geo-
metrical properties of an earthquake, it provides insight into
the relationship between kinematical variables like the co-
seismic motion uand the plate velocity v, which can be
directly observed, and stress variables, which are only ac-
cessible through a mechanical model. The velocity vrepre-
sents the work of relative plate motion. The frictional slider
accounts for fault friction. If the velocity is constant, and if
the slider abruptly slips by an amount u, the recurrence time
Tis simply Tu/v. If u5 m as typical for very large
earthquakes, we nd T200 yr for v25 mm/yr. Such
values are typical of the San Andreas Fault. This implies that
if uand vare known, the mechanical properties as Kor the
slider friction lare not needed to compute the recurrence
time. However, urandomly varies for a real spring and fric-
tional mass even for a constant velocity. Because the stiff-
ness Kcan be considered constant, the variability of coseis-
mic motion and recurrence time may be understood in terms
of a friction law (Scholz, 1998). For sake of simplicity, we
assume a very simple friction law in which the yield stress
has a static yield value s
and a dynamic value s
, giving the
following expression for coseismic motion:
=2( ) .
The stress drop is 2(s
). Assuming that s
is con-
stant and known and that s
evolves in a unknown manner
from one earthquake to another leads to the stress evolution
illustrated in Figure 4b. This model is referred as time pre-
dictablebecause the knowledge of the stress at a time t
allows the prediction of the time of the next earthquake (Shi-
mazaki and Nakata, 1980).
We now modify this model to account for postseismic
stress evolution. This is done by adding a viscoelastic body
having stiffness K
and relaxation time t
(Fig. 4c). The
stress state on the fault at the end of viscoelastic relaxation
is controlled by the stiffness K
. We also take into account
a small triggering stress coming from other faults. Four
forces control the motion of the point Pon fault A: the upper
crustal stress f
, the viscoelastic stress f
, the frictional stress
s, and a small triggering stress d
coming from a distant fault
B. The force balance on fault Ais given by
ff Mu
where u¨ is the acceleration of the mass M. During the inter-
seismic phase, we have  
uu s
== <0,| |
(the static yield
stress). The stress evolution of the system is given by
ft ft t
() ( ) ,=+
ft fte
Att t
() ( ) ,
δτ δτ δτ δτ
() ( )( ),
co tt t post co
=+− −
where ds
is the coseismic remote stress change, ds
the postseismic remote stress change,
is the secular stress
rate, and t
is the relaxation time of the damping zone. tA
and tB
0are the time occurrence of last earthquakes on A and
B, respectively. f
ds evolves until s
, which cor-
responds to the beginning of coseismic motion at time tA
The force evolution in the springs is then given by
ft ft K u
() ( ) ,∝−
ft ft K u
() ( ) ,=−
(8) and the coseismic motion of Pis given by
2( )
We now explore with a numerical model how two de-
vices (shown in Fig. 4c) interact when they are coupled with
the remote stress change ds.
Earthquake Clustering and Clock Advance
Mechanical parameters of our model are adjusted to
mimic the behavior of two distant faults capable of gener-
ating M7 earthquakes. The interfault distance is chosen as
150 km, and the coseismic motions vary randomly from1.77
and 3.23 m. We adjust K
and K
to have a local stress drop
evolving from 50 to 10 bars during the postseismic
phase. The remote stress change ds increases from 0.045 to
0.45 bar during this time, as shown in Figure 3. Two values
of 3 and 30 yr are used for t
, and
is set to 0.1 and 0.01
bar/yr in order to produce recurrence times Tof 200 and
2000 yr, respectively. The loading velocity is applied until
10,000 events have been generated. In order to detect earth-
quake clustering, we consider earthquake occurrence on
faults A and B as part of the same time series. Elapsed times
1690 J. Che´ry, S. Merkel, and S. Bouissou
0 50 100 150 200 250
0 50 100 150 200 250
∆τ postseismic
distance (km)
slope -2
a. Displacements
∆τ coseismic
distance (km)
b. Stress changes
c. Log variation of stress changes
slope -3
distance (km)
150 km
Figure 3. (a) Coseismic and postseismic motion
calculated for a 5-m horizontal motion on a fault plane
having an horizontal length L70 km and a depth
W15 km. Values are computed following Okada
(1992) on a prole normal to the fault plane (PP)in
Figures 1 and 2c. Postseismic motion corresponds to
a stress relaxation at depth, which is simulated by
setting Wto a large value. (b) Stress change at 10 km
depth. Local stress change Dt(distance 0) evolves
from 50 to 10 bars between the coseismic and post-
seismic phase. Coseismic stress change scales is
mainly controlled by W, while postseismic stress
change is controlled by L. ds values (large distance)
are not distinct from 0. (c) Log
stress change at 10-
km depth. This reveals the distinct decay of coseismic
and postseismic stress change as a function of dis-
tance from the fault. The arrow reects the postse-
ismic stress transfer ds at 150 km to the fault, which
corresponds to an increase from 0.045 bar to 0.45 bar.
These values are used for, respectively, dsco and
dspost in our fault interaction model. Slope values
indicate that the postseismic stress change scales with
in the far eld, while the coseismic stress change
scales with 1/R
. As a consequence, the ratio between
these quantities is 10 at a distance R150 km and
reaches 100 at R1000 km.
between two successive earthquakes are counted using 10-
yr class intervals and then normalized by the total number
of elapsed times (number of events 1). Therefore, we ob-
tain histograms of the 10-yr probability of occurrence of an
earthquake in this two fault system (Fig. 5). Such histograms
are used to detect earthquake time clustering: if faults are
not coupled, there is no reason to have an accumulation of
short elapsed times with respect to large elapsed times.
Therefore, the histogram of elapsed times should be at until
a decay for t
T. If faults are coupled due to postseismic
relaxation, the accumulation of short elapsed times should
correspond to a peak in the related histogram.
We rst run a case where T200 yr, which typically
corresponds to the recurrence time in rapidly deforming
zones such as the San Andreas fault system. We choose t
30 yr such as suggested by postseismic motion associated
with the 1906 earthquake (Thatcher, 1983). The at aspect
of the recurrence histogram (Fig. 5a) indicates that no mutual
triggering between faults occurs. We now decrease t
to 3
yr. This value is compatible with the viscosity used by Deng
et al. (1998) for the postseismic motion of Landers earth-
quake. This a lower bound with respect to studies of Li and
Rice (1987) and Kenner and Segall (1999) that proposed
values of 1016 yr for the relaxation time of the San Andreas
fault following the 1906 earthquake. This small value results
in a peak for the time [010 yr]. We then run a case where
T2000 yr, which is more typical of a slowly deforming
intracontinental fault system. The probability of occurrence
clearly increases by a factor of 4 for t
30 yr and by a
factor 10 for t
3 yr with respect to the probability for a
normal distribution.
These four examples of stress coupling show that an
increase in postseismic stress change strongly controls the
probability of obtaining two events separated by a short pe-
riod of time on distant faults. This behavior is favored by a
short relaxation time that rapidly leads the fault system to a
stress state close to instability as suggested by Figure 4b and
d. Moreover, a longer individual recurrence time (that cor-
responds to a slower loading rate) still enhances earthquake
time clustering (Fig. 4c, d). This last nding can be heuris-
tically explained using the clock advance concept, which
predicts that the time of a triggered earthquake is advanced
/if the stress change is positive. In the case where
changes between two models, which is the case in
Figure 5b and d, the clock advance is longer when the sec-
ular stress rate is slower. Although this clock advance cal-
culation is not relevant during the postseismic phase because
the stress change is not linear with time, it is meaningful
during the relaxed phase which undergoes only a constant
stress rate. Consequently, this larger clock advance occurs
on a large part of the interseismic phase. This clock advance
effect favors distant triggering of earthquakes and therefore
leads to a clustered seismic cycle.
On the basis of this simple physical model, we suggest
that the interaction between numerous faults coupled by
postseismic stress may lead to generalized earthquake clus-
A Physical Basis for Time Clustering of Large Earthquakes 1691
Figure 4. (a) A simple earthquake model: trep-
resents the continous plate loading, and Krepresents
the elastic stiffness of the portion of the crust. (b)
Variable stress drop, slip, and recurrence time occur
due to a random variation of dynamic stress sd. (c)
Modied model incorporating the relaxation of the
lower crust, which behaves like of a Maxwell body
with a relaxation time tr. This model simulates the
evolution of the local stress drop Ds.(d) Nonlinear
evolution of local stress in the viscoelastic model.
Note that the relaxed stress becomes close to yield ss
after postseismic stress relaxation. The stress rate dur-
ing the relaxed phase is equal to .˙r
tr = 30 yrs
0 100 200 300
tr = 3 yrs
T = 200 yrs
0 100 200 300
0 100 200 300
time (yrs)
T = 2000 yrs
0 100 200 300
time (yrs)
Figure 5. 10-yr probabilities of occurrence of M
7 earthquakes for a system made with two faults sepa-
rated by 150 km. Statistics are compiled for 10,000
events for slip values randomly varied (see text). (a)
Histograms corresponding to 200 yr for the individual
mean recurrence time. The normal probability of oc-
currence is 0.05, corresponding to a noncoupled
earthquake model. (b) The probability doubles if a
short relaxation time is used. (c) and (d) Histograms
corresponding to 2000 yr for individual mean recur-
rence times. The probability of occurrence is 4 times
greater than that expected for a normal distribution if
a relaxation time of 30 yr is used and is 10 times
greater for a short relaxation time of 3 yr. Temporal
clustering is very likely in this last case, with a prob-
ability as high as for the short recurrence time model
of Figure 5a (T200 yr; tr 30 yr).
tering as a chain reaction referred to as an earthquake storm
by Nur and Cline (2000). The timescale of this reaction may
be controlled by the relaxation time of the viscoelastic part
of the system as suggested by the decay in the histogram of
Figure 5c. This timescale probably depends on the viscosity
of the lower crust (e.g., Deng et al., 1998) or possibly of the
mantle (Pollitz et al., 2000). A long quiescent period then
follows the cluster. This behavior dramatically contrasts
with the classical recurrence time model (Shimazaki and
Nakata, 1980), which was proposed to explain the variation
of the recurrence time in rapidly deforming subduction do-
mains. Our physical model would be more relevant to ex-
plain the emergence of clustered earthquakes within slower
deforming zones such as the western United States or Mon-
golia. For a specic tectonic province, the emergence of
clustered phenomenon should be controlled by specic val-
ues of L,W,H,u,T, and t
. The value of rupture length L
has a specic importance because it imposes a relaxed stress
stress closer to the yield stress value. Therefore, the post-
seismic interaction between large earthquakes such the ones
of Mongolia between 1905 and 1957 should produce signi-
cant stress change despite the large distances between faults.
Because values of W,H, and useem to have smaller varia-
tions than L, they could not be responsible for dominant
changes of the earthquake system behavior. By contrast, in-
dividual recurrence time Tlargely varies on faults (i.e., 250
yr for the San Andreas fault and thousands of years for Mon-
golian faults). On the basis of Figure 5, it seems that the
clustered aspect of the seismic cycle is dependent of on the
ratio T/t
. If we assume that two tectonic zones like the San
Andreas fault system and Mongolia have the same mechan-
ical properties, the slower deforming zone (Mongolia)
should produce more clustered sequences than the rapidly
deforming one. However, the clustering of earthquake series
is dependent from the postseismic relaxation time t
of the
lithosphere, which is not known in slowly deforming areas
1692 J. Che´ry, S. Merkel, and S. Bouissou
like the New Madrid seismic zone or in Mongolia. On the
basis on our model, the geodetic assessment of this time
constant appears mandatory for a better understanding of
time clustering of large earthquakes.
This article beneted from useful comments from Jean-Franc¸ois Ritz.
Ben Holtzman also provided numerous grammatical and syntax improve-
ments. Reviewers Joan Gomberg, Ruth Harris, and Liz Hearn made fruitful
comments and suggestions that greatly improved the manuscript.
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Laboratoire de Ge´ophysique
Tectonique et Se´dimentologie
Universite´de Montpellier II
34095 Montpellier, France
(J.S., S.B.)
Carnegie Institution
5251 Broad Branch Road
Washington, D.C.
Manuscript received 1 December 2000.
... C'est le seul capable d'engendrer des variations de contrainte significatives à grande distance de la source et sur le long-terme [Freed, 2005]. Ces variations de contrainte postsismiques sont donc capables d'amplifier de manière significative les variations de contrainte cosismiques à grande distance de la source [e.g Pollitz et al., 2003;Chéry et al., 2001b]. La vitesse à laquelle ces contraintes se relaxent dépend de la structure rhéologique de la lithosphère, et plus particulièrement de la viscosité. ...
... Dasht-e-Bayaz (Mw 7.1, 1968), le séisme de Khuli-Boniabad (Mw 7.1, 1979) Dans une seconde partie, un simulateur de séismes qui intègre les transferts de contrainte entre failles [Chéry et al., 2001b] ...
... Les variations de contrainte de Coulomb postsismiques ont été prises en compte en faisant l'hypothèse que les variations de contrainte de Coulomb postsismiques après la relaxation totale de la lithosphère correspondent aux variations de contrainte de Coulomb induites par une faille allant de la base de la croûte sismogène (ici prise à 15 km) à une profondeur infinie (ici prise à 1500 km) dans un milieu élastique [e.g. Chéry et al., 2001b]. ...
De nombreuses études montrent que les transferts de contrainte co- et postsismiques jouent un rôle majeur dans l’occurrence des séquences de séismes. Cependant, la grande majorité de ces études implique des systèmes de failles à la configuration géométrique simple (e.g. failles parallèles ou colinéaires). Dans cette thèse, nous étudions une séquence de séismes s’étant produite au sein d’un système de failles à la configuration géométrique plus complexe (i.e. failles conjuguées), la séquence du NE Lut (1939-1997, NE Iran), afin d’évaluer (1) si les transferts de contrainte favorisent la succession de séismes de la séquence et (2) s’ils permettent sur le long-terme de synchroniser les ruptures des failles du système. Pour cela, nous mesurons d’abord les déformations de surface produites par la séquence afin de mieux contraindre par la suite la modélisation des transferts de contrainte. A partir de la technique de corrélation subpixel d'images optiques, nous mesurons les champs de déplacements de surface horizontaux produits par les séismes de Khuli-Boniabad (Mw 7.1, 1979) et de Zirkuh (Mw 7.2, 1997). Nous montrons que ces séismes sont caractérisés par la rupture de plusieurs segments dont les limites sont corrélées avec les complexités géométriques des failles. Nous interprétons les différences de leurs caractéristiques de rupture (longueur de rupture, glissement moyen, nombre de segments rompus) comme étant dues à des différences de maturité des failles de Dasht-e-Bayaz et d’Abiz. Nous détectons également les déplacements produits par un séisme historique modéré, le séisme de Korizan (Mw 6.6, 1979). C’est la première fois que les déplacements produits par un séisme historique de si petite taille sont mesurés par corrélation d’images optiques. Ensuite, en combinant le champ de déplacements InSAR déjà publié avec les données optiques proche-faille précédemment acquises, nous estimons un nouveau modèle de source pour le séisme de Zirkuh (Mw 7.2, 1997). Nous montrons que les données proche-faille sont essentielles pour mieux contraindre la géométrie de la rupture et la distribution du glissement en profondeur. Le modèle estimé montre que le séisme de Zirkuh a rompu trois aspérités séparées par des barrières géométriques où les répliques du séisme se localisent. Seul le segment central de la faille présente un déficit de glissement en surface que nous interprétons comme étant dû à de la déformation distribuée dans des dépôts quaternaires non consolidés. Enfin, à partir des informations précédemment acquises, nous modélisons les transferts de contrainte au cours de la séquence du NE Lut. Nous montrons que ceux-ci ont favorisé l’occurrence de 7 des 11 séismes de la séquence et que modéliser précisément la géométrie des ruptures est essentiel à une estimation robuste des transferts de contrainte. De plus, nous montrons que l’occurrence du séisme de Zirkuh (Mw 7.2, 1992) est principalement favorisée par les séismes modérés de la séquence. Pour finir, la simulation d’une multitude de cycles sismiques sur les failles du NE Lut montre que les transferts de contrainte, en particulier les transferts postsismiques liés à la relaxation viscoélastique de la lithosphère, sont le principal processus permettant la mise en place répétée de séquences de séismes sur les failles du NE Lut. Enfin, d'après les simulations réalisées, l'ordre dans lequel se sont produits les séismes majeurs durant la séquence du NE Lut est assez exceptionnel.
... In the present study, we argue for both types of behavior. Clustered earthquake recurrence, both on and among faults, has been recognized in a variety of tectonic settings worldwide, and a number of mechanisms affecting strain accumulation or release have been proposed, including variations in tectonic loading, postseismic stress redistribution, changes in effective fault strength, and nontectonic loading and unloading of the crust (e.g., Stein et al., 1994;Chéry et al., 2001aChéry et al., , 2001bStiros, 2001;Crone et al., 2003;Friedrich et al., 2003;Hetzel and Hampel, 2005;Kenner and Simons, 2005;Hampel and Hetzel, 2006;Oskin et al., 2008;Sieh et al., 2008;Calais et al., 2010;Clark et al., 2012;Benedetti et al., 2013;Calais et al., 2016;Craig et al., 2016;Dolan et al., 2016;Liu and Stein, 2016;Chen et al., 2020). ...
... Coulomb stress transfer could conceivably have contributed to the close timing of earthquakes on the BRF and the along-strike Rock Creek fault, its nearest neighbor involved in the cluster. Although the 70-km distance between the two faults ( Fig. 1b) is greater than for well-known historical examples of earthquake triggering (e.g., Landers-Hector Mine and Dixie Valley-Fairview Peak sequences), it is within the range where stress transfer through the long-term effects of postseismic relaxation is expected to cause earthquake interaction (Chéry et al., 2001b), and, for normal-faulting earthquakes, cause positive stress change on receiver faults in the along-strike direction of the source fault (Nostro et al., 2001;Bagge and Hampel, 2017). Scholz (2010) noted that because the magnitude of Coulomb stress transfer is small compared to earthquake stress drop, this implies that faults involved in a cluster are simultaneously close to failure. ...
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Earthquake clustering (grouping in space and time) is a widely observed mode of strain release in the upper crust, although this behavior on individual faults is a departure from classic elastic rebound theory. In this study, we consider factors responsible for a cluster of earthquakes on the Bear River fault zone (BRF), a recently activated, 44-km-long normal fault on the eastern margin of Basin and Range extension in the Rocky Mountains. The entire surface-rupturing history of the BRF, as gleaned from paleoseismic and geomorphic observations, began only 4500 years ago and consists of at least three large events. Rupture of the BRF is spatially complex and is clearly conditioned by preexisting structure. In particular, where the south end of the fault intersects older thrust faults and upturned strata along the south-dipping flank of the Precambrian basement-cored Uinta arch, the main trace ends abruptly in a set of orthogonal splays that accommodate down-dropping of a large hanging-wall graben against the arch. We hypothesize that the geomechanically strong Uinta arch crustal block impeded the development of the BRF and, over time, enabled a significant accumulation of elastic strain energy, eventually giving rise to a pulse of strain release in the mid- to late Holocene. We surmise that variations in fault strength, both in space and time, is a cause of earthquake clustering on the BRF and on other faults that are structurally and tectonically immature. The first two earthquakes on the BRF occurred during the same period of time as a regional cluster of earthquakes in the Middle Rocky Mountains, suggesting that isolated faults in this slowly extending region interact through widespread changes in stress conditions.
... As no quantitative constraint on the viscoelastic structure of the lithosphere in NE Iran exists, we assume that the postseismic stress changes after the total relaxation of the lithosphere are equal to the stress changes produced by a dislocation going from the seismogenic to an infinite depth in an elastic half-space (e.g. Chéry et al. 2001 (Savage 1990). The postseismic stress change as a function of time is then computed assuming that it evolves exponentially with time (e.g. ...
... The postseismic stress change as a function of time is then computed assuming that it evolves exponentially with time (e.g. Chéry et al. 2001): ...
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Calculations of Coulomb stress changes have shown that moderate to large earthquakes may increase stress at the location of future earthquakes. Coulomb stress transfers have thus been widely accepted to explain earthquake sequences, especially for sequences occurring within parallel or collinear fault systems. Relating, under this framework, successive earthquakes occurring within more complex fault systems (i.e. conjugate fault system) is more challenging. In this study, we assess which ingredients of the Coulomb stress change theory are decisive for explaining the succession of three large (Mw7+) earthquakes that occurred on a conjugate fault system in the NE Lut, East Iran, during a 30-year period. These earthquakes belong to a larger seismic sequence made up of 11 earthquakes (Mw5.9+) from 1936 to 1997. To reach our goal, we calculate, at each earthquake date, the stress changes generated by the static deformation of the preceding earthquakes, the following postseismic deformation due to the viscoelastic relaxation of the lithosphere, and the interseismic deformation since 1936. We first show that accurately modelling the source and receiver fault geometry is crucial to precisely estimating Coulomb stress changes. Then we show that 7 out of 10 earthquakes of the NE Lut sequence, considering the uncertainties, are favoured by the previous earthquakes. Furthermore, the last two M7+ earthquakes of the sequence (1979 and 1997) have mainly been favoured by the moderate Mw ∼ 6 earthquakes. Finally, we investigate the link between the Coulomb stress changes due to previous earthquakes and the rupture extension of the next earthquake and show that a correlation does exist for some earthquakes but is not systematic.
... An earthquake occurred on one of the faults causes a change in stress state of adjacent faults and in neighboring lithospheric blocks (Rogers and Dragert, 2003;Lin and Stein, 2004). This process occurs by elastic stress transfer in the upper crust and by elastic-plastic stress transfer through the lower crust and upper mantle sequentially from one active segment to another (Chéry et al., 2001;Pollitz et al., 2003;Bykov, 2018). The complex of different migration rates is an integral seismic process, characterized by models of elastic and elastic-plastic stress transfer (Novopashina and Sankov, 2018). ...
... Therefore, viscosity of a brittle seismoactive layer of the Earth's crust in LgE s u m propagation areas may be reduced due to the warming up of the fluid-saturated layer which is located within the brittle deformation layer beneath the thickened granite cover. Today, there is the conception of aqueous fluid's participation in seismic activity migration accompanying the process of horizontal and vertical interaction, both between different lithosphere layers and the upper mantle and lower-crustal layers (Marone et al. 1991;Chéry et al. 2001;Jónsson et al., 2002;Bürgmann and Dresen, 2008;Becken et al., 2011;Kariche et al., 2018;. Fluid can both cause displacement through fault stepover and reduce displacement intensity, as a result of which tectonic stress relaxation is associated with occurrence of numerous small and moderate events. ...
... Northward compressive stress changed the stress state of the piedmont thrust fault (i.e., Kusongmuxieke fault) and triggered earthquakes. In the Lake Ebinur area, dominated by weak lithology, earthquakes occurring on the Jinghenan fault would be capable of causing stress changes near the BoA fault, triggering earthquakes (Chéry et al., 2001b), and controlled by the unique spatial distribution and young nature of the two faults. Similarly, earthquakes on the BoA fault would also cause stress changes near the Jinghenan fault, triggering earthquakes. ...
... Вместе с тем широко известны триггерные эффекты сильных землетрясений (stress transfer), когда сопоставимые по энергии события следуют друг за другом с небольшим (годы, первые десятки лет) интервалом. При этом предполагается, что передача напряжений может происходить быстро в результате упругой реакции верхней коры [Chery, 2001], и замедленно в результате вязко-упругой реакции нижней коры и верхней мантии на большие расстояния [Pollitz, 2003]. ...
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На основе данных сейсмологической сети республики проведен анализ распределения очагов землетрясений произошедших на территории Нижнекуринской впадины. Построены и проанализированы карта эпицентров землетрясений за период 427-2011 гг. и график распределения очагов землетрясений по глубине. На основе цифровых и аналоговых сейсмологических данных построены механиз-мы очагов землетрясений за период 1991-2011 гг. Анализ данных механизмов очагов показал, что на территории Нижнекуринской впадины в 1991-2000 гг, в основном, преобладали сбросо-сдвиговые подвижки, в 2001-2006 гг. наблюдаются взбросы, в 2007-2010 гг.-сдвиги. Как для первой так и для второй нодальных плоскостей в основном характерно СЗ-ЮВ простирание.
... Furthermore, the kernel density estimation method was used to obtain the variation of seismicity frequency with time, with results showing that moderate-strong seismicity increased significantly after large events as well. This may be due to the long time of stress diffusion and adjustment following a large earthquake, which is manifested in the occurrence of a large number of moderate-strong earthquakes (Chéry et al., 2001;Shearer and Stark, 2012), and by long-term memory in statistical characteristics. Therefore, the influence of the latest strong earthquake on future moderate-strong earthquakes should be fully considered in the analysis of seismic hazards of a certain area. ...
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The characteristics of seismic temporal distribution represent an important basis for earthquake prediction and seismic hazard analysis. In this paper, based on the seismic catalogs in Taiwan, and using Poisson (exponential distribution), Gamma, Lognormal, Weibull, and Brownian passage time distributions as target models, we adopt the maximum likelihood method for estimating model parameters. The optimal model for describing the temporal distribution of earthquakes in Taiwan is determined according to the Akaike Information Criterion (AIC), Bayesian Information Criterion (BIC), K-S test, Chi-square test, and coefficient of determination R ² results. The results show that for moderate-strong earthquakes events (M W < 7.0), the Gamma distribution model can well describe the temporal distribution characteristics of earthquakes, while large earthquakes (M W ≥ 7.0) can be described entirely by exponential distribution. In addition, the temporal correlation between earthquakes is also examined through diffusion entropy analysis. The results show that seismic activity features temporal correlation, and earthquakes with relatively small magnitude (M W < 7) are affected by larger events (M W ≥ 7.0), thus suggesting long-term memory in time. In this study, the probability of the occurrence of a major earthquake in Taiwan is also calculated. The results show that the probability of an M W ≥ 7.0 earthquake in Taiwan in the next 10 years reaches 91.3%. The results may be used to inform the selection of seismic time distribution models and the calculation of seismic activity parameters in earthquake prediction and seismic hazard calculation, and hold scientific significance for understanding the mechanism of earthquake genesis.
... The ordered series recur in the same locations during the seismic activation periods [Novopashina and Lukhneva, 2020]. One of the most widely held hypotheses of the migration origin is the elastic and elastoplastic stress transfer mechanisms with participation of the upper mantle layers at the fault interaction [e.g.: Chéry et al., 2001;Pollitz et al., 2003;Lin and Stein, 2004;Grapes and Holdgateb, 2014;Tung and Masterlark, 2018]. Some of researchers relate the occurrence of the ordered earthquake series to the formation of the lithospheric deformation waves of different length [Gorbunova and Sherman, 2012;Sherman, 2013Sherman, , 2014Bornyakov et al., 2014;Novopashnina and San'kov, 2015;Vikulin et al., 2016;Trofimenko et al., 2017;Bykov, 2018;Žalohar, 2018;Bykov and Merkulova, 2020]. ...
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The recent tectonic stress field in the northeastern Baikal rift system (BRS) corresponds to the crustal deformation field. The stress-strain state of the Earth’s crust determines the fault network geometry and spatiotemporal structure of the epicentral field characterized by many earthquake swarms and earthquake migrations in the study area. In order to study the seismic process dynamics in different directions of the crustal deformation, the spatiotemporal analysis of earthquake time series has been made over the 1964–2015 instrumental period. To determine the relationship between crustal stress and spatiotemporal features of the epicentral field the seismic data were projected along horizontal stress tensor axes σ3 and σ2, consistent with major directions of the crustal deformation, a strike of major rifting structures, and a general azimuth of active fault groups. The NE-SW direction along the intermediate horizontal stress axes and main faulted arears exhibits slow earthquake migrations up to 60 km long, propagating with a modal velocity of about 30 kilometers per year. The NW-SE direction along the principal horizontal stress axes, orthogonal to the main faulted areas, is characterized by shorter migration sequences of less duration, propagating with a higher velocity than sequences registered in the NE-SW. The difference between the migration dynamics in mutually orthogonal directions can be attributed to the fault network configuration and the differences in the deformation process.
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The problem we address is how to predict strong ground motions for very large earthquakes from observations made of such motions produced by events of moderate size. The discussion is in terms of two basic rupture models, a W model in which slip is controlled by fault width and an L model in which slip is controlled by fault length. Because mean slip is observed to increase linearly with fault length, a long earthquake cannot be modeled as a series of shorter events placed end to end. Rather, to explain the correlation of slip with length, a W model will predict that stress drop increases with length, whereas an L model will predict that stress drop is constant but rise time (slipping duration) increases with length. Thus, a W model predicts that peak and rms accelerations and peak and asymptotic particle velocities increase linearly with fault length. An L model predicts that rms acceleration and asymptotic velocities are independent of length but that the peak velocities increase with the square root of length and peak acceleration with InL.
A complete set of closed analytical expressions is presented in a unified manner for the internal displacements and strains due to shear and tensile faults in a half-space for both point and finite rectangular sources. These expressions are particularly compact and systematically composed of terms representing deformations in an infinite medium, a term related to surface deformation and that is multiplied by the depth of observation point. Several practical suggestions to avoid mathematical singularities and computational instabilities are also presented. The expressions derived here represent powerful tools both for the observational and theoretical analyses of static field changes associated with earthquake and volcanic phenomena.
Following the 1992 Mω = 7.3 Landers earthquake, a linear array of 10 geodetic monuments at roughly 5-km spacing was established across the Emerson fault segment of the Landers rupture. The array trends perpendicular to the local strike of the fault segment and extends about 30 km on either side of it. The array was surveyed by Global Positioning System 0.034, 0.048, 0.381, 1.27, 1.88, 2.60, and 3.42 years after the Landers earthquake to measure both the spatial and temporal character of the postearthquake relaxation. The temporal behavior is described roughly by a short-term (decay time 84 ± 23 days) exponential relaxation superjmposed upon an apparently linear trend. Because the linear trend represents motions much more rapid than the observed preseismic motions, we attribute that trend to a slower (decay time greater than 5 years) postseismic relaxation, the curvature of which cannot be resolved in the short run (3.4 years) of postseismic data. About 100 mm of right-lateral displacement and 50 mm of fault-normal displacement accumulated across the geodetic array in the 3.4-year interval covered by the postseismic surveys. Those displacements are attributed to postseismic, right-lateral slip in the depth interval 10 to 30 km on the downward extension of the rupture trace. The right-lateral slip amounted to about l m directly beneath the geodetic array, and the fault-normal displacement is apparently primarily a consequence of the curvature of the rupture. These conclusions are based upon dislocation models fit to the observed deformation. However, no dislocation model was found with rms residuals as small as the expected observational error.
A complete set of closed analytical expressions is presented in a unified manner for the internal displacements and strains due to shear and tensile faults in a half-space for both point and finite rectangular sources. Several practical suggestions to avoid mathematical singularities and computational instabilities are presented. -from Author
Finite-element results for C, the nondimensional shape factor which relates stress drop to fault offset, are presented for rectangular strike-slip and two dimensional strike-slip and dip- slip faults at various depths of burial. All faults were oriented vertically except for a two-dimensional fault which was dipped at 10o. The finite-element meshes were constructed to limit the error in C to 1%, as demonstrated by comparison with the analytical solution for a circular fault in an infinite region. Attainment of such accuracy results in large, finite-element matrix equations which were solved by a fast iterative technique: the multi-grid method. For the rectangular faults, significant differences were seen in values of C between the finite-element results and some previously reported solutions which were obtained by a different numerical technique.-Authors
By virtue of the images used in the dislocation solution, the deformation at the free surface produced throughout the earthquake cycle by slippage on a long strike-slip fault in an Earth model consisting of an elastic plate (lithosphere) overlying a visoelastic half-space (asthenosphere) can be duplicated by prescribed slip on a vertical fault embedded in an elastic half-space. For the case in which each earthquake ruptures the entire lithosphere (thickness H), the half-space equivalent slip rate is as follows: Depth interval 0-H, slip identical to that in lithosphere-asthenosphere model (i.e., abrupt coseismic slip and no subsequent slip); depth interval (2n-1)H to (2n+1)H(n=1,2,...), slip rate uniform in space and dependent upon time as Fn(t)exp(-t/taua) where Fn is a (n-1) degree polynominal in t, taua is twice the asthenosphere relaxation time (ε/mu), and t is measured from the instant after the preceding earthquake. The slip rate averaged over the seismic cycle in each depth interval equals the secular rate of relative plate motion. For reasonable values of taua, slip rates below 5H do not vary much from the mean value and can be treated as constant. Thus the surface deformation due to the earthquake cycle in the lithosphere-asthenosphere model can be calculated very simply from the half-space model with time-dependent slip in the two depth intervals H-3H and 3H-5H, and uniform slip at a rate equal to the secular relative plate velocity below depth 5H. Inversion of 1973-1988 geodetic measurements of deformation across the segment of the San Andreas fault in the Transvers Ranges north of Los Angles for the half-space equivalent slip distribution suggests no significant slip on the fault above 30 km and a uniform slip rate of 36 mm/yr below 30 km. One equivalent lithosphere-asthenosphere model would have a 30-km thick lithosphere and an asthenosphere relaxation time greater than 33 years, but other models are possible.
We use a 2D finite difference computer program to study the effect of fault steps on dynamic ruptures. Our results indicate that a strike-slip earthquake is unlikely to jump a fault step wider than 5 km, in correlation with field observations of moderate to great-sized earthquakes. We also find that dynamically propagating ruptures can jump both compressional and dilational fault steps, although wider dilational fault steps can be jumped. Dilational steps tend to delay the rupture for a longer time than compressional steps do. This delay leads to a slower apparent rupture velocity in the vicinity of dilational steps. These 'dry' cases assumed hydrostatic or greater pore-pressures but did not include the effects of changing pore pressures. In an additional study, we simulated the dynamic effects of a fault rupture on 'undrained' pore fluids to test Sibson's (1985, 1986) suggestion that 'wet' dilational steps are a barrier to rupture propagation. Our numerical results validate Sibson's hypothesis.