Jean-Yves Meunier

Jean-Yves Meunier
Institute of Research for Development | IRD · 237 - Mediterranean Institute of marine and terrestrial Biodiversity (IMBE)



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January 1997 - January 2003
  • Technician in entomology
  • I've principaly worked on transmission and vectors of Malaria (Anopheles sp.)


Publications (81)
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Hoverflies are among the most important insect pollinators and there is documented evidence of a recent decline in their populations. To trace the past distributions of hoverfly species, verified records of historical collections are essential. Here, we provide data on 1071 specimens of hoverflies collected or received by Jean Timon-David and hoste...
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A specimen of Microrhagus pyrenaeus Bonvouloir, 1872 (Coleoptera, Eucnemidae) was trapped in Fos-sur-Mer in 2012. It appeared in a recent publication under the name Eucnemis capucina Ahrens, 1812. M. pyrenaeus is new to the Bouches-du-Rhône department and also to Provence-Alpes-Côte-d'Azur region. This species, which as a high national heritage val...
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Hoverflies are among the most important insect pollinators and there is documented evidence of a recent decline in their populations. To trace the past distributions of hoverfly species, verified records of historical collections are essential. Here we provide data on 1071 specimens of hoverflies collected or received by Jean Timon-David and hosted...
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Many insect species have shown dramatic declines over the last decades, as a result of man-related environmental changes. Many species which were formerly widespread are now rare. To document this trend with evidence, old records of collected specimens are vital. We provide here the data on 9752 bee (Hymenoptera: Apoidea) specimens hosted in severa...
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A targeted dung-beetle (Scarabaeoidea: Aphodiidae, Scarabaeidae & Geotrupidae) survey in the "mas de Gonon" sector (Fos-sur-Mer, Bouches-du-Rhône) was conducted in 2019. The present study raised the previous known species richness of this area from 6 to 31 dung beetles. The results shows a remarkable richness and includes species that are localized...
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Many insect species have shown dramatic declines over the last decades, as a result of man-related environmental changes. Many species which were formerly widespread are now rare. To document this trend with evidence, old records of collected specimens are vital. We provide here the data on 9752 bee (Hymenoptera: Apoidea) specimens hosted in severa...
Des recherches menées en 2018-2019 sur le site de la Feuillane à Fos-sur-Mer (Bouches-du-Rhône, France) ont permis de compléter des travaux entomologiques déjà menés sur ce site. Les insectes apparte-nant aux groupes suivants ont été systématiquement identifiés : coléop-tères ; lépidoptères rhopalocères et Zygaenidae ; diptères Conopidae, Hippobosc...
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Pollinators are declining globally, with climate change implicated as an important driver. Climate change can induce phenological shifts and reduce floral resources for pollinators, but little is known about its effects on floral attractiveness and how this might cascade to affect pollinators, pollination functions and plant fitness. We used an in...
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A tribute is paid to François Rousset, Agricultural Engineer, Amateur Entomologist and Specialist of African Longhorned Beetles, especially the Lamiinae and the Prosopocerini tribe among this Sub-Family. (Published in L'entomologiste)
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A biography is given on Jean des Moutis, Capitaine de Vaisseau, Officier de la Légion d'honneur et Compagnon de la Libération
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A tribute is paid to Philippe Bruneau de Miré (1921-2021) a french ecologist, entomologist, explorer and humanist
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A tribute is paid to Philippe Bruneau de Miré (1921-2021) a great french ecologist, entomologist and explorer.
Technical Report
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Report on the mission to Ipassa station (Makokou - Gabon) made in january 2006 to study insect fauna
Technical Report
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Introduction. Depuis 2015, l’Association Catharsius ( et l’African Natural History Research Trust (ANHRT. effectuent régulièrement des missions de recherche en Côte d’Ivoire et accumulent les données sur la faune entomologique du pays, en particulier sur la forêt classée du Mont Tonkoui. Dès 2016 n...
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Petit exposé sur les Ex libris et la bibliophilie entomologique Short presentation on Ex libris and entomological bibliophilia
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Un refuge forestier menacé : la forêt d’altitude à Parinari du Mont Tonkoui en Côte d’Ivoire. Évaluation de la biodiversité entomologique, botanique et ornithologique. Valeurs de conservation du site Introduction. Depuis 2015, l’Association Catharsius ( et l’African Natural History Research Trust (ANHRT. https://www.anhrt....
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A biography of Olivier Violo (1967-2017) artist and amateur entomologist is given
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The introduction of mammals on oceanic islands currently threatens or has caused the extinction of many endemic species. Cats and rats represent the major threat for 40 % of currently endangered island bird species. Direct (predation) and/or indirect (exploitative competition for food resource) trophic interactions are key mechanisms by which invad...
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The introduction of mammals on oceanic islands currently threatens or has caused the extinction of many endemic species. Cats and rats represent the major threat for 40 % of currently endangered island bird species. Direct (predation) and/or indirect (exploitative competition for food resource) trophic interactions are key mechanisms by which invad...
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A tribute is paid to the memory of Olivier Violo (1967-2017) amateur entomologist and artist
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A tribute is made to Jacques d'Aguilar (1921-2018) who was a great french entomologist from INRA, specialized in agricultural entomology. He was also a bibliophile and a science historian in entomology.
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Une synthèse biographique est donnée sur Charles, Adolphe. Albert Fauvel, avocat caennais et entomologiste éclairé. Spécialiste des micro-coléoptères, il fit une belle synthèse sur les coléoptères de Nouvelle-Calédonie. Summary - A Biography of Charles, Adolphe, Albert Fauvel, Lawyer in Caen and Entomologist Specialized in Micro-Beetles, is Given...
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The extraordinary work of Scott sisters is presented with a short biography of these australian entomological painters of the nineteenth century
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A Biographical Synthesis is given onto Capitaine de Vaisseau Jean des Moutis, "Officier de la légion d'honneur and Compagnon de la Libération", who was the Chief of the Chaleix Naval Base at Noumea after the Second World War (New Caledonia)
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Ecological restauration of Bagaud Island (Parc National de Port-Cros)
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The Narrative of the Mission of Professor André Guillaumin in New Caledonia (1950-1951), Remained Unpublished to there, is Given Preceded by a Biography of this Immense Botanist who was the Best Connoisseur of his time of New Caledonian Flora
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Iconographic complement with a dedication of Lucy Evelyn Cheesman of my previous paper on this entomologist.
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After having reminded his journey on the island a short biography is given. The current number of the species which were dedicated to her is also given.
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The continuation of the genesis of the French Institute of Oceania (IFO) by Doctor René Catala is given. The debuts of the institute in 1946 and the implementation will be later published
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A Biography on Reverend Father François Luneau, Stretcher Bearer and Chaplain during the First World War and Priest Missionary in New Caledonia from 1922 to 1950, is given.
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The genesis of the creation of the French Institute of Oceania is given. This intstitute will become the ORSTOM and then the IRD. A short biographical synthesis is given onto Doctor René Catala, PhD, who initiate this project in Nouméa (New-Caledonia) after the second world war.
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A tribute is made to Édouard Étienne Meunier (1888-1965), the former mayor of the municipality of Cherré, the former station master of streetcars, a war veteran of the World War I and the former Resistance fighter of the Second World War
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Biological invasions are recognized as one of the major threats to island biodiversity conservation, and numerous studies have been conducted around the world to restore the biodiversity of islands submitted to invasive species impacts. However, few scientific post-eradication studies were piloted notably for the biodiversity assessment of Arthropo...
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Observations de cas de phorésie des pseudoscorpions Titanatemnus conradti (Tullgren, 1908) et T. tanensis Mahnert, 1983 sur trois Cerambycidae Prioninae du Cameroun et de Tanzanie, Cantharocnemis (Cantharoplatys) plicipennis Fairmaire, 1887 (Cantharocnemini), Jamwonus subcostatus Harold, 1879 (Callipogonini) et Macrotoma drumonti Bouyer, 2011 (Macr...
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J'ai appris avec beaucoup de peine la disparition de notre collègue Francis Bosc qui s'est éteint à Verlhac-Tescou dans le Tarn-et-Garonne le 20 octobre 2012 à l'âge de 62 ans. Je l'avais connu lors de mes études agricoles à Montauban (1987-1989), étant tous deux membres de la Société de sciences naturelles de Tarn-et-Garonne, rattachée au Muséum d...
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Description of a new subspecies of Temnoscelis waddeli Chevrolat (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae, Lamiinae, Stenobiini). Temnoscelis waddeli quentini n. ssp. is described, based upon two specimens collected on Mount Cameroon by Dr Thierry Garnier
Background Black rats Rattus rattus and mat-forming iceplants, Carpobrotus aff. acinaciformis and Carpobrotus edulis are pervasive pests on Mediterranean islands. Their cumulative impacts on native biotas alter the functioning of island ecosystems and threaten biodiversity. We report here the first attempt to eradicate both taxa from a protected na...
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Stephan von Breuning avait lui-même établi la liste de ses publications, ainsi qu'une courte notice biographique [Breuning, 1984] qui fut présentée par le second auteur et parut après sa disparition dans le bulletin n° 41 de la société Sciences Nat (fondé par Jacques Rigout). Par la suite, le second auteur fit paraître un hommage annonçant le compl...
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SUMMARY.— Simultaneous eradications of Black Rat (Rattus rattus) and Ice plants (Carpobrotus spp.) on Bagaud Island (Port-Cros National Park, Provence, France): preliminary results on their impacts on Athropods communities.— Biological invasions are recognized as one of the major threats to island biodiversity conservation, and numerous studies hav...
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Restauration écologique de l’ile de Bagaud
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Étapes et résultats des opérations de restauration écologique de l’ile de Bagaud vis à vis des Carpobrotus et des rats noirs
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A tribute is made to Édouard Meunier (1920-2014) a former Resistance fighter of the Second World War
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Description of a new sub-species of Temnoscelis waddeli Chevrolat (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae, Lamiinae, Stenobiini). Temnoscelis waddeli quentini n. ssp. is described, based upon two specimens collected on Mount Cameroon by Dr Thierry Garnier
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A tribute is paid to René Michel Quentin (1924-2010), entomologist at ORSTOM and specialized in the study of african longhorned beetles. The chronological list of its publications was drown up from its documentary holdings.
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Dans les lignes qui suivent est décrit un nouveau Temnosceloides du Nigéria, Temnosceloides carnusi n. sp., celui-ci est comparé à la seule espèce connue du genre : Temnosceloides excavatipennis BREUNING & TÉOCCHI, 1973. Abstract : A new species of Temnosceloides from Nigeria, Temnosceloides carnusi n. sp., is described compared with the only one s...
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A new genus and species of Cerambycidae Plectogasterini from Cameroon (Coleoptera). A new genus and a new species of Cerambycidae Plectogasterini are described from Cameroon. An identification key of Plectogasterini genera is given
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Observations were made in Cameroon on the ressemblance between Polyrhachis militaris (F., 1781), (Hym. Formicidae) and Falsovelleda congolensis (Hintz, 1911) , (Col. Cerambycidae) wich is supposed to be myrmecophilic. Notions of biogeography and ecology are given for this long-horned beetle which is notified in Cameroon for the first time
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Description of the female of Chasmogaster camerunensis Quentin & Villiers, 1969, with a complement of the distribution of Neoclosterus bernardii Quentin & Villiers, 1969 (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae). The unknown female of Chasmogaster camerunensis Quentin & Villiers, 1969 (Plectogasterini) is described on a specimen recently collected in Cameroon. Co...
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Discovery of Saphanodes gabonicus (Boppe, 1921) in Ivory Coast (Côte d'Ivoire), (Coleoptera, Disteniidae)
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Synonymy of Phryneta bicoloripennis Breuning, 1965 with P. pulchra Tippmann, 1958 (Col. Cerambycidae, Lamiinae)
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Une base est créée pour l'identification fiabilisée des insectes d'intérêt médical en couplant les données classiques de la systématique avec des données moléculaires.
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Transmission blocking immunity (TBI) was studied in relation to age, gametocyte density and transmission intensity. subjects with high gametocytaemias were selected in a hypo-endemic urban district and a hyper-endemic rural area in South Cameroon. TBI was determined in blood from gametocyte carriers in a bioassay (Direct Membrane Feeding Assay), wi...
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Ecology and biogeography of Phryneta bicoloripennis Breuning, 1965, endemic species from West Cameroonian Dorsal (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae). The collections of a little-known species of Phryneta, P. bicoloripennis, described by Stephan von Breuning in 1965 based on two specimens collected in 1908 in the region of Bamenda, indicate that this species...
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Malaria transmission from humans to mosquitoes was assessed in two neighbouring villages in a rural area near Yaoundé, Cameroon during high and low transmission seasons during 1998-2000, using several indices previously evaluated in different areas endemic for malaria but never directly compared. These indices were estimated from human parasitologi...
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The size of tsetse flies is often associated with population dynamics and vectorial capacity parameters. Adult fly size is generally estimated from measurements of wing segments. To take measure of the wing, a semi-automatic software was developed by CIRAD-EMVT and IRD. It was used in wild populations of Glossina tachinoides Westwood and G. palpali...
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Dans les études de dynamique de population des glossines, vecteurs des trypanosomoses en Afrique, la taille de l'insecte peut être mise en relation avec leur longévité et leur capacité vectorielle. La taille des individus est généralement appréciée par la mesure de nervures remarquables de l'aile. Un logiciel semi-automatique a été développé par le...
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A 2-yr longitudinal malaria study was undertaken in a suburb of Yaounde, the capital city of Cameroon, in the village of Simbock, approximately 2 km from the city limits. This study allowed assessment of malaria transmission intensity and dynamics in this region before implementation of pyrethroid impregnated bed nets through the national vector co...
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We conducted parasitological and entomological malaria surveys among the population of Mengang district in southern Cameroon to analyse the relationship between malaria transmission intensity and malaria morbidity. We investigated two adjacent areas which differ 10-fold in transmission intensity [annual entomological inoculation rate (EIR) 17 vs. 1...
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A survey in Cameroon compared the usefulness of the circumsporozoite protein enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (CSP ELISA) to dissection and microscopic examination of anopheline salivary glands for measuring infectivity rates in anopheline mosquitoes. The salivary glands of 375 females, belonging to four species were examined for sporozoites. Afte...
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Human infectiousness to mosquitoes can be estimated by 2 tests: direct feeding on the skin and membrane feeding on venous blood. To validate the membrane feeding assay, the infectiousness of Plasmodium falciparum gametocyte carriers to Anopheles gambiae was estimated by these 2 methods in the same individuals in a rural area of Cameroon. Results fr...
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In order to describe malaria transmission in a future antigamete vaccine trial area, a longitudinal entomological study was conducted, together with parasitological and immunological surveys, from June 1997 to May 1998 in two nearby villages in a tropical rain forest area 100 km east of Yaoundé. Koundou is located along the main road in an open and...
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In order to describe malaria transmission in a future antigamete vaccine trial area, a longitudinal entomological study was conducted, together with parasitological and immunological surveys, from June 1997 to May 1998 in two nearby villages in a tropical rain forest area 700 km east of Yaounde. Koundou is located along the main road in an open and...
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Pour préparer une future zone d'essai d'un vaccin antigamète, nous avons réalisé, conjointement avec des études parasitologiques et immunologiques, une étude entomologique longitudinale de juin 1997 à mai 1998, à 100 km à l'est de Yaoundé, dans deux villages proches en zone forestière équatoriale du sud Cameroun. Koundou est situé au bord de l'axe...
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Studies on the susceptibility of Anopheles gambiae to insecticides were carried out in rice field areas of Côte-d'Ivoire. An. gambiae larvae populations from Côte-d'Ivoire were resistant to DDT but susceptible to organophosphorous insecticides. Adult populations from the surroundings of Bouake were resistant to DDT and permethrin. Resistance to pro...
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Malaria is a major cause of morbidity and mortality in Ivory Coast. This fact justifies further epidemiological investigations to define regional features and allow implementation of the most suitable control measures. To this end, a study focusing on transmission of malaria was conducted between January and May 1993 concurrently with malarial para...
Studies on the susceptibility of Anopheles gambiae to insecticides were carried out in rice field areas of Cote-d'Ivoire. An. gambiae larvae populations fom Cote-d'Ivoire were resistant to DDT but susceptible to organophosphorous insecticides. Adult populations from the surroundings of Bouake were resistant to DDT and permethrin. Resistance to prop...
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Des études sur la sensibilité d'#Anophles gambiae$ aux insecticides ont été menées dans des zones de riziculture en Côte-d'Ivoire. Les populations larvaires d'#An. gambiae$ de ce pays sont résistantes au DDT mais sensibles aux insecticides organophosphorés. Les populations adultes issues des environs de Bouaké sont résistantes au DDT et à la permét...
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Le paludisme est une cause majeure de morbidité et de mortalité en Côte d'Ivoire. Ceci justifie de préciser les aspects épidémiologiques particuliers à chaque région pour permettre la mise en oeuvre de mesures de contrôle adaptées. Dans ce contexte, une étude sur la transmission du paludisme a été menée de janvier à mai 1993 simultanément avec des...


Cited By
    • Institut Régional de Santé Publique/Tropical Infectious Diseases Reserach Centre/University of Abomey-Calavi
    • Université Nationale d'Agriculture / Centre de Recherche Entomologique de Cotonou
    • Institute of Research for Development
    • University of Douala, Faculty of Medicine and Pharmaceutical Sciences
    • French National Centre for Scientific Research