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Jean ulrich Mullot

Jean ulrich Mullot

PhD, PharmD


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September 2006 - September 2009
Université Paris-Sud 11
  • PhD Student


Publications (84)
The terrorist threat, particularly CBRNe, has persisted for decades, necessitating national and international programs for the detection, identification of attacks, and the protection of populations. Wastewater-based epidemiology, beyond the simple analysis of agents in wastewater, has become an effective tool for monitoring the health of populatio...
Without an adequate supply of oxygen from the scuba apparatus, humans would not be able to dive. The air normally contained in a scuba tank is dry and free of toxic gases. The presence of liquid in the tank can cause corrosion and change the composition of the gas mixture. Various chemical reactions consume oxygen, making the mixture hypoxic. We re...
Source de préoccupations, l'air à l'intérieur des avions peut être contaminé par des composés présents dans l'air extérieur, les matériaux ou émis par les passagers. Pour assurer une bonne qualité d'air en cabine, les avions sont équipés d'un système de renouvellement d'air, reposant pour la majorité sur un prélèvement d'air au niveau des moteurs....
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Carbon monoxide (CO) is a lethal gas, present during incomplete combustion of carbonaceous materials. CO may be present in certain occupational atmospheres or during accidental events such as fires. Colorless and odorless, its presence can only be detected analytically. Nevertheless, the measurement methods available today may either be lacking (no...
Introduction: Recent news points to the eventuality of an armed conflict on the national territory. State of the art: In this situation, pulmonologists will in all likelihood have a major role to assume in caring for the injured, especially insofar as chest damage is a major cause of patient death. Perspectives: The main injuries that pulmonol...
Résumé L’Institut de recherche biomédicale des armées (IRBA), largement impliqué dans la recherche sur le SARS-CoV-2, a cofondé le réseau sentinelle Obépine chargé de détecter, de qualifier et de quantifier le génome du virus dans les eaux usées en France. Durant cette pandémie, l’épidémiologie basée sur les eaux usées s’est avérée être un outil de...
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Cadmium (Cd) is a highly toxic metal, regularly monitored uniformly for water quality across Europe, but scarcely for sediments. This study was designed to compare the kinetics of Cd remobilization and the amplitude of its transfers with different marine sediments. The results showed a highly reproducible transfer kinetics. Dissolved Cd was strongl...
Quantification of trace levels of metal ions is an important issue in terms of health and environment safety. Ion-imprinted polymers (IIPs) are synthetic materials that present excellent selectivity properties. Therefore, when combined with electrochemical sensors, proven to be low-cost and time-efficient, they can act as remarkably selective recep...
Les armées font face à des contraintes majeures pour s’approvisionner en eau potable lorsqu’elles sont déployées loin du territoire national. Le défi logistique et technique consiste à alimenter en eau, de qualité équivalente à la métropole, des effectifs importants projetés dans des conditions parfois précaires, tout en préservant leur santé. Même...
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Trace metal (TM) contamination in marine coastal areas is a worldwide threat for aquatic communities. However, little is known about the influence of a multi-chemical contamination on both marine biofilm communities' structure and functioning. To determine how TM contamination potentially impacted microbial biofilms' structure and their functions,...
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Une odeur de solvant désagréable et persistante a été ressentie par un pilote et le navigateur d'un avion de chasse au cours de leur installation et a entraîné des vertiges chez ces derniers. L'élément incriminé dans cet incident est une tuyauterie inox souple du circuit oxygène de l'avion. Une tuyauterie issue du même lot a été envoyée au laborato...
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Contaminated sediments could act as a source of contamination to the surrounding environments by several processes (e.g., diffusive flux, sediment resuspension). This study aimed at highlighting the mechanisms of copper and lead mobilization from resuspended particles to the aqueous phase using laboratory experiments and a kinetic model. Three sedi...
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Unraveling the relative importance of both environmental conditions and ecological processes regulating bacterioplankton communities is a central goal in microbial ecology. Marine coastal environments are among the most urbanized areas and as a consequence experience environmental pressures. The highly anthropized Toulon Bay (France) was considered...
La Première Guerre mondiale, terminée il y a cent ans, fut le premier conflit armé qui a vu survivre des blessés balistiques de l’extrémité céphalique, grâce aux progrès de l’anesthésie-réanimation et de la chirurgie. Ces blessés, traités à l’Hôpital du Val de Grâce, furent à l’origine de la création en 1921 de l’Union des blessés de la face et de...
Ce nouveau numéro de « Médecine et Armées » s’intéresse aux soignants en situation de crise. Il convient donc de chercher à définir la crise, notion à l’usage florissant et galvaudé. Il faut le souligner d’emblée : la notion de crise échappe à toute définition répondant aux canons de la rigueur analytique habituelle. Relisons ici Uriel Rosenthal :...
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Les bâtiments de la Marine nationale disposent de moyens propres de production d'eaux destinées à la consommation humaine à partir de l'eau de mer. En mission, avoir les moyens d'apprécier régulièrement les principales caractéristiques physico-chimiques de l'eau permet de détecter rapidement toute anomalie pouvant remettre en cause la qualité de l'...
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Les militaires projetés en opérations extérieures sont amenés à vivre plusieurs mois sur une zone de déploiement. Dans ces circonstances, une exposition répétée à des toxiques chimiques environnementaux, même à de faibles concentrations, peut altérer leur santé. Des illustrations historiques de ces risques sanitaires, comme le cas de l'« agent oran...
Shells fired during World War I exhibited different explosive compounds and some of these weapons also contained a wide variety of chemical warfare agents. At the end of the war, for safety purposes, the large quantity of weapons remaining on the former front needed to be dismantled and destroyed. A large amount of the remaining shells was destroye...
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Nutrient loadings from either point or non-point sources to the environment are related to the growing global population. Subsequent negative impacts of nutrient loading to aquatic environments requires a better understanding of the biogeochemical cycling and better tools to track their sources. This study examines the carbon (C), nitrogen (N) and...
Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) and organic matter contents were measured in seawater during resuspension experiments using sediments collected from Toulon Bay (Northwestern Mediterranean Sea, France). The studied sediments were very highly contaminated in PAHs, especially in 4-ring compounds emitted from combustion processes. The sediments...
Les bâtiments de la Marine nationale disposent de moyens propres de production d’eaux destinées à la consommation humaine à partir de l’eau de mer. En mission, avoir les moyens d’apprécier régulièrement les principales caractéristiques physico-chimiques de l’eau permet de détecter rapidement toute anomalie pouvant remettre en cause la qualité de l’...
Investigating the impact of human activities on marine coastal ecosystems remains difficult because of the co-occurrence of numerous natural and human-induced gradients. Our aims were (i) to evaluate the links between the chemical environment as a whole and microbial diversity in the benthic compartment, and (ii) to compare the contributions of ant...
Contexte La qualité de l’air ambiant dans les enceintes de transports ferroviaires souterrains (EFS) est caractérisée par des particules en suspension riches en métaux, majoritairement du fer, et en carbone, dont la concentration massique est très supérieure à celle mesurée dans l’air ambiant extérieur aux EFS. Cependant, les risques sanitaires che...
This study aims to test if CO2 concentration could be used as a proxy for indoor air quality. It focuses on the observed correlations between concentrations of carbon dioxide (CO2) and indoor air pollutants within two measurement campaigns in France (567 dwellings and 310 nurseries, kindergartens and elementary schools). In dwellings, the weekly av...
Sedimentary organic matter (SOM) mineralization is the driving force in diagenesis activity. This biogeochemical process, which controls the mobility of a huge number of elements and especially SOM transformations in surface and deep (down to -50 cm) sediments, was assessed in this study via seasonal monitoring with sediment core sampling in Toulon...
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This article presents the results of a multidisciplinary study about Kabul air quality, designed to assess the health risks faced by deployed troops. Following complaints or rumours about the air quality on this theatre of operations, this study was conducted by a team of pharmacists from the French Defence Medical Service, supported by their respe...
Cet article présente les résultats d’une étude pluridisciplinaire de la qualité de l’air à Kaboul, à des fins d’évaluation des risques sanitaires pour les troupes déployées. Diligentée à la suite de plaintes ou rumeurs en rapport avec la qualité de l’air sur ce théâtre, cette étude a été menée à bien par des pharmaciens du Service de santé des armé...
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Concentrations of inorganic tin (Sninorg), tributyltin (TBT) and its degradation products dibutyltin (DBT) and monobutyltin (MBT) were measured in surface sediments and in two cores from the Toulon Bay, hosting the major French military harbour. Anticipating planned dredging, the aim of the present work is to map and evaluate for the first time the...
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The aim of this work was to develop a comprehensive prioritization method to select the biomarkers to be monitored in the French national biomonitoring program. The first step consisted in building an exhaustive list of biomarkers. The next step involved prioritizing the initial list of biomarkers according to specific scientific questions about hu...
Since 2001 and the end of the Taliban regime, Afghanistan has become the site of vast military operations aimed at ensuring the country's stability. International armed forces including 130,000 soldiers are deployed there, in a particularly hostile environment. An estimation/prioritization of health risks related to the environment was conducted to...
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De nombreux professionnels respirent de l’air comprimé en bouteille dans le cadre de leurs activités. Parmi ceux-ci les personnels de la Marine Nationale y recourent dans deux circonstances : pour la plongée et pour les interventions en milieu pollué (appareils respiratoires isolants). Afin de limiter les risques d’intoxication chimique, la Marine...
This study presents trace elements levels in surface and deep sediments of the Toulon bay (SE France) subjected to anthropogenic inputs (navy base, harbors, etc.). The studied elements (As, Cd, Cr, Cu, Hg, Ni, Pb, Zn) are defined as priority contaminants in aquatic systems. Fifty-five points scattered on the entire bay were sampled, allowing the de...
A study has been carried out in three French hospitals in order to assess and model the pharmaceutical load in hospital wastewater and its impact in WWTP. This study, called Mediflux, consisted of three successive steps: first, an original prioritization procedure developed in our laboratory enabled us to select a list of relevant molecules from di...
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L’AP4C est un détecteur portatif de contrôle de la contamination chimique récent, reposant sur le même principe que l’AP2C : la photométrie de flamme. En plus du soufre et du phosphore, déjà disponibles sur l’AP2C, l’AP4C permet la détection d’azote, d’arsenic et du groupement CH à l’aide de trois nouvelles séries de diodes. L’AP4C offre l’avantage...
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During the last ten years, consumption of palm wine, a popular traditional alcoholic beverage, seriously increases in Gabon. This sweet beverage seems to be the main alcohol and the most drunken in low socioeconomic population. To have an idea of its composition and toxicity, 21 samples of palm wine were collected in the country and analysed. Twent...
Pollution of the environment by pharmaceuticals is a subject of growing scientific and societal concern. However, few quantitative data have been reported concerning hospital wastewater contamination. Among the different molecules used at hospital, antineoplastic drugs appear to be of special interest, and 5-fluorouracil (5-FU) can be considered as...
Indoor air quality guidelines (IAQGs) provide safe levels of indoor pollutant concentrations below which adverse health effects are not expected to occur in the general population, including susceptible subgroups. The French Agency for Environmental and Occupational Health Safety and the French Scientific and Technical Centre for Building have been...
La reproduction humaine est une fonction biologique particulièrement sensible. Depuis plusieurs décennies, des modifications des fonctions de reproduction ont été rapportées chez l'homme et contribuent à l'intérêt que les pouvoirs publics portent aux substances chimiques reprotoxiques. L'Agence française de sécurité sanitaire de l'environnement et...
Recent decades have witnessed rising concern about the impact of the environment and chemicals on human reproductive function. Semen quality has declined, and abnormalities of the reproductive tract have increased. Reprotoxic chemicals are currently of great interest to public authorities. The French Agency for Environmental and Occupational Health...
Purpose Intracameral cefuroxime use is an increasing practice to prevent post‐operative bacterial endophthalmitis following cataract surgery. First objective is to test stability of cefuroxime solution up to seven days at +4 °C in normal saline solution (NSS). Second objective is to evaluate if cefuroxime may be stable when prepared and stored in a...
A molecularly imprinted polymer synthesized in dichloromethane, was evaluated for the selective extraction of a pharmaceutical compound from human plasma and integrated on-line with liquid chromatography. The target drug is an alpha-blocker called alfuzosin widely used for the treatment of benign prostatic hyperplasia. By a comprehensive approach o...
La qualité de l'air intérieur représente une priorité de santé publique. Les Valeurs Guides de Qualité d'Air Intérieur (VGAI) fournissent une référence sanitaire pour protéger la population exposée dans les environnements intérieurs. L'Agence française de sécurité sanitaire de l'environnement et du travail (Afsset) et le Centre Scientifique et Tech...
Au cours des dix dernieres annees, de nombreuses etudes ont fait etat de la presence de produits pharmaceutiques dans les lacs, les rivieres, les ruisseaux. Ces substances sont generalement retrouvees sous forme de traces, mais les scientifiques s'interrogent sur les repercussions nefastes que pourraient engendrer ces residus pour la sante humaine...
Objective Degradation of ticarcillin limits the shelf life of 6 mg/mL ophthalmic solutions diluted in 0.9% sodium chloride. The aim of this study is to determine the duration of stability of these ophthalmic solutions, before use, in order to set their shelf life. Methods Various parameters were studied: pH, osmolarity, limpidity, ticarcillin conc...
A molecularly imprinted polymer (MIP) was synthesized and evaluated to selectively extract an alpha-blocker, i.e. alfuzosin, from human plasma. The synthesis of the MIP was performed in dichloromethane with methacrylic acid as monomer and the target drug as template. A first series of experiments was carried out in dichloromethane to estimate the p...
The public is becoming increasingly aware of the risks associated with carcinogenic chemicals in the environment. While the carcinogenic potential of many substances is recognized, there may be several different quantitative toxicity reference values for a given chemical, or, on the contrary, none at all. This situation, which makes it difficult to...
L'évaluation quantitative des risques sanitaires est une pratique qui tend à se généraliser pour apporter aux décideurs publics des éléments objectifs d'appréciation des risques sanitaires associés à une situation donnée. Cette pratique peut également être déclinée en milieu militaire pour évaluer les risques liés à l'exposition à des toxiques chim...
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Pharmacy services in healthcare facilities have increasing analytical needs, as frequently recalled by good practices guidelines (hospital pharmacy good practices, hospital pharmaceutical preparations good practices). Various analytical methods can be employed, from spot tests to the most recent chromatographic methods. The purpose of this paper is...


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