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Rhabdomyolysis with Concurrent Atorvastatin and Diltiazem


Abstract and Figures

To report a case of rhabdomyolysis and acute hepatitis associated with the coadministration of atorvastatin and diltiazem. A 60-year-old African American man with a significant past medical history presented to the emergency department with acute renal failure secondary to rhabdomyolysis. In addition, liver enzymes were elevated to greater than 3 times normal. The only change in medication was the initiation of diltiazem 3 weeks earlier for atrial fibrillation to a complicated medication regimen that included atorvastatin. Rhabdomyolysis has been reported in patients receiving hydroxymethylglutaryl coenzyme A (HMG-CoA) reductase inhibitors when coadministered with agents that may inhibit their metabolism. Atorvastatin is the most potent of this class of agents currently available and is commonly used in the treatment of hyperlipidemia. Rhabdomyolysis resulting from the drug interaction between diltiazem and other HMG-CoA reductase inhibitors has been described in the literature. However, no report has specifically associated this adverse event with atorvastatin and diltiazem. We describe a patient with a complex medication regimen who was admitted for rhabdomyolysis and accompanying acute renal failure, along with acute hepatitis, thought to be secondary to a drug interaction between atorvastatin and diltiazem. While optimizing the patient's lipid profile should be the primary factor in choosing one statin over another, the potential for drug interactions requires close attention. All patients beginning HMG-CoA reductase inhibitor therapy should be counseled regarding the signs and symptoms of muscle injury; particular attention should be paid to those patients who are taking medications that may interact.
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The Annals of Pharmacotherapy
2002 October, Volume 36
torvastatin is a hydroxymethylglutaryl coenzyme A
(HMG-CoA) reductase inhibitor commonly used for
the treatment of hypercholesterolemia. This class of agents,
commonly referred to as “statins,” has an excellent safety
profile and carries a low risk of adverse drug reactions.
However, the voluntary withdrawal of cerivastatin from the
market has resulted in increasing concern and has empha-
sized the risk of rhabdomyolysis with statin therapy. Ac-
cording to the Food and Drug Administration, 31 deaths
due to severe rhabdomyolysis associated with cerivastatin
have been reported.
In 12 of these cases, cerivastatin was
used in conjunction with gemfibrozil.
Lovastatin, simvastatin, cerivastatin, and atorvastatin are
metabolized primarily via the CYP3A4 isoenzyme. Precipi-
tation of rhabdomyolysis has been associated with the coad-
ministration of agents competing for the same metabolic
pathway, such as erythromycin, diltiazem, mibefradil, cy-
closporine, and itraconazole.
In addition, statins may inter-
act with the fibrate derivatives gemfibrozil and fenofibrate to
cause rhabdomyolysis, although the exact mechanism is
poorly understood.
To our knowledge, rhabdomyolysis
from drug interactions with atorvastatin have been previous-
ly reported in the literature in association with cyclosporine,
and fusidic acid.
We report a pa-
tient with rhabdomyolysis whose condition we believe was
associated with the concomitant use of atorvastatin and dilti-
Case Report
A 60-year old African American man presented to the emergency de-
partment with a chief symptom of abdominal pain (peri-umbilical) and
reported a “racing heart” associated with shortness of breath over the
Rhabdomyolysis with Concurrent Atorvastatin and Diltiazem
John J Lewin III, Jean M Nappi, and Marian H Taylor
OBJECTIVE: To report a case of rhabdomyolysis and acute hepatitis associated with the coadministration of atorvastatin and
CASE SUMMARY: A 60-year-old African American man with a significant past medical history presented to the emergency
department with acute renal failure secondary to rhabdomyolysis. In addition, liver enzymes were elevated to greater than 3 times
normal. The only change in medication was the initiation of diltiazem 3 weeks earlier for atrial fibrillation to a complicated medication
regimen that included atorvastatin.
DISCUSSION: Rhabdomyolysis has been reported in patients receiving hydroxymethylglutaryl coenzyme A (HMG-CoA) reductase
inhibitors when coadministered with agents that may inhibit their metabolism. Atorvastatin is the most potent of this class of agents
currently available and is commonly used in the treatment of hyperlipidemia. Rhabdomyolysis resulting from the drug interaction
between diltiazem and other HMG-CoA reductase inhibitors has been described in the literature. However, no report has specifically
associated this adverse event with atorvastatin and diltiazem. We describe a patient with a complex medication regimen who was
admitted for rhabdomyolysis and accompanying acute renal failure, along with acute hepatitis, thought to be secondary to a drug
interaction between atorvastatin and diltiazem.
CONCLUSIONS: While optimizing the patient’s lipid profile should be the primary factor in choosing one statin over another, the
potential for drug interactions requires close attention. All patients beginning HMG-CoA reductase inhibitor therapy should be
counseled regarding the signs and symptoms of muscle injury; particular attention should be paid to those patients who are taking
medications that may interact.
KEY WORDS: acute hepatitis, atorvastatin, diltiazem, rhabdomyolysis.
Ann Pharmacother 2002;36:1546-9.
Author information provided at the end of the text.
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previous 24 hours. He had also noticed increasing fatigue and decreasing
urine output over the previous 2–3 days. His medical history was signifi-
cant for 3-vessel coronary artery disease, moderate tricuspid valve regur-
gitation, mild to moderate aortic valve regurgitation, severe mitral valve
regurgitation, congestive heart failure, atrial fibrillation, hypertension,
hyperlipidemia, and type 2 diabetes. Past social history was negative
with the exception of tobacco use 20 years ago. The patient’s medication
regimen on admission consisted of atorvastatin 20 mg/d, diltiazem XL
180 mg twice daily, metoprolol 100 mg twice daily, digoxin 0.125 mg/d,
benazepril 40 mg/d, furosemide 40 mg twice daily, warfarin 7.5 mg/d,
aspirin 325 mg/d, insulin 70/30 twice daily, and sublingual nitroglycerin
as needed. The patient had been taking all medications except diltiazem
for >1 year. The diltiazem had been initiated 3 weeks before this admis-
sion while the patient was hospitalized for treatment of his atrial fibrilla-
tion. The patient did not report use of any over-the-counter or prescrip-
tion agents other than those listed. During this previous admission, he
had refused triple valve replacement and coronary artery bypass grafting
as well as percutaneous coronary intervention and stent placement. In the
3 weeks prior to his presentation, the patient received a total of 16 days
of diltiazem therapy and reported adherence to all of his medication regi-
Physical examination on admission was significant for BP 91/43 mm
Hg, heart rate 66 beats/min, and no signs of traumatic injury. Pertinent
laboratory findings were as follows: creatine kinase (CK) 1898 units/L
with MB fraction 1.3%, troponin-I <1.0 ng/mL, serum myoglobin 674.7
mg/mL, urine myoglobin negative, sodium 131 mEql/L, potassium 6.3
mEq/L, phosphorus 8.2 mg/dL, blood urea nitrogen (BUN) 48 mg/dL,
serum creatinine (SCr) 3.4 mg/dL, prothrombin time (PT) 46.5 sec, in-
ternational normalized ratio (INR) 19.7, total bilirubin 0.7 mg/dL, direct
bilirubin 0.4 mg/dL, aspartate transaminase (AST) 1236 units/L, alanine
transaminase (ALT) 1610 units/L, alkaline phosphatase (ALP) 287
units/mL, and digoxin 1.3 ng/mL.
A diagnosis of acute hepatitis and rhabdomyolysis with accompany-
ing acute renal failure (ARF) was made, and the patient was subsequent-
ly admitted to the coronary care unit. All medications were discontinued,
with the exception of aspirin, digoxin, and furosemide. The patient was
hydrated with bicarbonate-containing fluids, and the coagulopathy was
treated with phytonadione and fresh frozen plasma. The complete heart
block resolved with correction of metabolic abnormalities. The rest of
the patient’s hospital course was largely uneventful, with the ARF re-
solving rapidly, resulting in transfer to the floor on hospital day 2 and
subsequent discharge on hospital day 6.
Over the course of hospitalization, the patient’s renal function re-
turned to baseline (SCr 1.1 mg/dL). His CK reached a maximum of
2092 units/L on hospital day 1 and decreased to 623 units/L on discharge
(Table 1). He did not report muscle fatigue or weakness at any point dur-
ing his hospitalization. Liver function test results reached a maximum on
hospital day 2 (AST 3070 units/L, ALT 2708 units/L, ALP 227 units/L)
and decreased through discharge (AST 150 units/L, ALT 882 units/L,
ALP 194 units/L), eventually returning to normal by 3 months (Table 2).
Prior to discharge, diltiazem was reinstated, as other measures to control
his heart rate had proven ineffective. The patient was given a follow-up
appointment to reevaluate treatment of his hypercholesterolemia as an
Rhabdomyolysis is a potentially lethal consequence of
widespread muscle necrosis resulting from trauma, infec-
tion, toxins, and medications; it has been described in de-
tail elsewhere.
The mechanism by which statins cause
skeletal muscle damage has not been fully elucidated.
However, it has been proposed
that the depletion of
ubiquinone (coenzyme Q10), a necessary cofactor in the
mitochondrial electron transport system, is the major
mechanism causing this adverse effect. The synthesis of
ubiquinone is dependent on mevalonate as a precursor, the
production of which is reduced by statins. While the inci-
dence of rhabdomyolysis from statins is rare, the risk is in-
creased when they are used in combination with agents
that share similar metabolic pathways.
Two previously
reported pharmacokinetic studies have shown that atorva-
statin plasma concentrations are increased when coadmin-
istered with erythromycin
and itraconazole,
both potent
inhibitors of the CYP3A4 isoenzyme. Diltiazem is a nondi-
hydropyridine calcium-channel antagonist that is a substrate
and inhibitor of the CYP3A4 isoenzyme.
A pharmacoki-
netic analysis
has demonstrated increased plasma con-
centrations of lovastatin, which shares a similar metabolic
pathway to that of atorvastatin, when coadministered with
In our patient, the initiation of diltiazem and subsequent
onset of the adverse event reveals a strong temporal relation-
ship and is considered probable according to the Naranjo
probability scale.
While the atorvastatin serum concentra-
tion was not measured, we believe that the most likely
cause of rhabdomyolysis and ARF in this patient was the
initiation of diltiazem leading to competitive inhibition of
atorvastatin metabolism and subsequent elevation of ator-
vastatin serum concentration. While hepatic enzyme inhi-
bition typically occurs within 24 hours of initiation of the
precipitant drug, our patient’s adverse event occurred 3
weeks after onset. This may be a result of the longer half-
life of atorvastatin (14 h) and the time required for accumu-
lation of a significant amount of drug within the myocytes.
We suggest that the elevation of atorvastatin concentrations
resulted in skeletal muscle damage and rhabdomyolysis, as
evidenced by the elevation of CK, serum myoglobin, serum
potassium, and subsequent deposition of myoglobin in the
kidneys, causing ARF. While our patient’s urine dipstick
for myoglobin was negative, a urinary myoglobin concen-
The Annals of Pharmacotherapy
2002 October, Volume 36
Table 1. Time Course for Changes in Serum
Creatine Kinase
Date Creatine Kinase (units/L)
2/14/01 (diltiazem initiated) 783
3/7/01 (diltiazem discontinued) 2092
3/9/01 1408
7/12/01 519
Table 2. Time Course for Changes in Serum Transaminases
Date ALT (units/L) AST (units/L)
10/30/00 23 21
2/14/01 (diltiazem initiated)
3/7/01 (diltiazem discontinued) 1610 1236
3/8/01 2708 3070
3/9/01 1636 614
3/11/01 882 150
7/12/01 40 43
ALT = alanine transaminase; AST = aspartate transaminase.
tration is not the most sensitive marker for rhabdomyoly-
sis. Although our patient did not admit to muscle pain or
weakness, up to 50% of patients with rhabdomyolysis may
not admit to the presence of muscle pain.
Increasing concentrations of liver enzymes and, rarely,
acute hepatitis have been associated with the use of statins.
All statins currently carry the recommendation to monitor
liver enzymes. However, the statins’ potential for directly
causing hepatotoxicity may not be a class effect and has
been debated.
As with the elevation of CK, the elevation of transami-
nases also depicts a strong temporal relationship to the ini-
tiation of diltiazem therapy and is associated with a Naran-
jo probability rating
of probable. We suspect that the
acute rise in transaminases and subsequent decline to base-
line depicted in Table 2 may be a result of numerous fac-
tors. It is unclear, and perhaps unlikely, that increased ator-
vastatin concentrations and direct hepatotoxicity are solely
responsible for this acute elevation in transaminases. It is
likely that the development of ARF in addition to the pa-
tient’s valvular disease and congestive heart failure result-
ed in some degree of ischemia and/or passive congestion
of the liver. The marked elevation in PT and INR (46.5 sec
and 19.7, respectively) resulting from hepatic congestion
and presumable reduction in warfarin elimination support
this assumption.
When initiating therapy with statins, clinicians should
consider the potential impact that drug interactions may
have on the long-term safety of these agents. The potential
for drug interactions must be weighed against the relative
potencies of these agents and the likelihood of achieving
the patient’s goal lipid profile. Atorvastatin, lovastatin,
simvastatin, and cerivastatin are primarily metabolized via
Phase I metabolism by the CYP3A4 isoenzyme, predis-
posing these agents to drug interactions with medications
metabolized in the same fashion. In contrast, fluvastatin is
primarily metabolized by the CYP2C9 isoenzyme, and
pravastatin does not undergo substantial metabolism via
the cytochrome P450 system. Pravastatin and fluvastatin
may be preferable for patients taking agents metabolized
via the CYP3A4 system, provided they are capable of
achieving the goals of therapy.
While optimizing the patient’s lipid profile should be
the primary concern in choosing one statin over another,
the potential for drug interactions requires close attention.
All patients beginning statin therapy should be counseled
regarding the signs and symptoms of muscle injury; partic-
ular attention should be paid to those patients who are tak-
ing medications that may interact.
John J Lewin III PharmD, at time of writing, Resident, Critical
Care Pharmacy Practice, College of Pharmacy, Medical University of
South Carolina, Charleston, SC; now, Clinical Specialist, Critical
Care, University of Maryland Hospital, and Clinical Assistant Pro-
fessor, University of Maryland College of Pharmacy, Baltimore, MD
Jean M Nappi PharmD BCPS FCCP, Vice-Chair and Professor
of Pharmacy, College of Pharmacy, Medical University of South Car-
Marian H Taylor MD, Cardiology Fellow, Department of Medicine,
Medical University of South Carolina
Reprints: John J Lewin III PharmD, University of Maryland Hospi-
tal, Department of Pharmacy Services, 22 South Greene St., Room
N1W89, Baltimore, MD 21201, FAX 410/328-8984, E-mail
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OBJETIVO: Informar un caso de rabdomiólisis y hepatitis aguda asociada
a la administración concurrente de atorvastatina y diltiazem
The Annals of Pharmacotherapy
2002 October, Volume 36
JJ Lewin III et al.
Case Reports
The Annals of Pharmacotherapy
2002 October, Volume 36
RESUMEN: Un hombre de 60 años de edad con un amplio historial
médico se presenta a la sala de urgencias en fallo renal agudo secundario
a rabdomiólisis. Además, las enzimas hepáticas estaban elevadas tres
veces sobre lo normal. El único cambio en medicación fue añadirle
diltiazem a un regimen complejo de medicación que incluía
atorvastatina tres semanas antes para fibrilación auricular.
DISCUCION: Rabdomiólisis se ha reportado en pacientes que reciben
inhibidores de la reductasa de 3-hidroxi-3-metil glutaril coenzima A
(HMG-CoA, por sus siglas en inglés) cuando estos se administran
concurrentemente con agentes que inhiben su metabolismo.
Atorvastatina es el más potente de esta clase de agentes que se encuentra
disponible en la actualidad y se usa comúnmente en el tratamiento de
hiperlipidemia. Como resultado de la interacción entre diltiazem y otros
inhibidores de HMG-CoA, se ha descrito en la literatura que ocurre
rabdomiólisis. Sin embargo no hay reportes que asocien este evento
adverso con atorvastatina y diltiazem. En este reporte se descrbe a un
paciente complicado que se admite por rabdomiólisis y fallo renal agudo
además de hepatitis aguda que se piensa es secundaria a la interacción
de atorvastatina y diltiazem.
CONCLUSIONES: A pesar de que el factor primario para la selección de
una estatina sobre las otras debe ser la optimacióm del perfil de lípidos
de un paciente, el potencial para interacción de medicamentos requiere
de mucha atención. Todos los pacientes que comienzan una terapia con
inhibidores de la reductasa de HMG CoA deben recibir orientación
sobre los signos y síntomas de daño muscular, en particular los que están
tomando medicamentos que pueden interaccionar.
Sonia I Lugo
OBJECTIF: Signaler un cas de rhabdomyolyse et d’hépatite aiguë associé
à l’utilisation concomitante d’atorvastatine et de diltiazem.
PRÉSENTATION SOMMAIRE DU CAS: Un homme âgé de 60 ans avec un
lourd passé médical se présente à la salle d’urgence en insuffisance
rénale aiguë secondaire à une rhabdomyolyse. De plus, ses enzymes
hépatiques sont élevés à plus de trois fois la limite supérieure normale.
Le seul changement à sa médication remonte à il y a trois semaines
lorsque, pour traiter une fibrillation auriculaire, du diltiazem a été ajouté
à son régime médicamenteux complexe comprenant de l’atorvastatine .
DISCUSSION: La rhabdomyolyse a déjà été signalée chez des patients
recevant des inhibiteurs de la 3-hydroxy-3-méthylglutaryl- coenzyme A
(HMG-CoA) réductase alors qu’ils étaient administrés concomitamment
avec des agents pouvant inhiber leur métabolisme. L’atorvastatine est le
plus puissant des agents de cette classe et est fréquemment employé
dans le traitement de l’hyperlipidémie. Des cas de rhabdomyolyse
résultant de l’interaction entre le diltiazem et les autres inhibiteurs de
l’HMG-CoA réductase ont déjà été signalés dans la documentation
scientifique. Cependant, cet effet indésirable n’a pas encore été signalé
spécifiquement avec l ‘atorvastatine et le diltiazem. Les auteurs
décrivent le cas d’un patient admis pour une insuffisance rénale aiguë
secondaire à une rhabdomyolyse et associée à une hépatite aiguë qu’ils
pensent secondaire à une interaction médicamenteuse entre
l’atorvastatine et le diltiazem.
CONCLUSIONS: Alors que l’amélioration du profil lipidique du patient
devrait être le facteur principal à considérer lors de la sélection d’une
statine par rapport à une autre, la possibilité d’une interaction
médicamenteuse doit aussi retenir notre attention. On devrait informer
tous les patients qui débutent une thérapie avec un inhibiteur de l’HMG-
CO-A réductase de surveiller les signes et symptômes qui pourraient
être reliés à une atteinte musculaire, encore plus si ces patients reçoivent
une médication qui peut causer une interaction médicamenteuse.
Marie Larouche
... Verapamil has been shown to increase C max and AUC of simvastatin 2-3 fold (Kantola et al. 1998). Diltiazem has been found responsible for rhabdomyolysis secondary to interaction with simvastatin and atorvastatin (Kanathur et al. 2001, Lewin et al. 2002Gladding and Pilmore 2004;Hu et al. 2011). The most recent recommendation of FDA (2011) has reconsidered the label for simvastatin dose when combined with non-DHP CCB from 20 to 10 mg. ...
Conference Paper
Drug–drug interactions (DDIs) represent an important clinical problem. They substantially increase the incidence of adverse drug reactions that may be severe enough as to require hospitalization. Statins are widely used in the primary and secondary cardiovascular prevention. The safety of statins is well documented; yet possible complications due to their muscle and liver toxicity, albeit rare, should not be underestimated. The risks are considerably elevated when these drugs are combined with other drugs capable ofpotentiating their effects. Sincemost of the statins aremetabolized by the cytochrome P-450 (CYP) enzymes, their plasmalevels are sensitive toCYPinhibitors andinducers.Another group of riskyinteractions are thosein which statins increase the likelihood of other drugs’ toxicity, such as digitalis and oral anticoagulants. The aim of the present study was to assess the incidence of potential DDIs (pDDIs) that patients are exposed to at hospital entry and at discharge. The study was conducted in the 1st Clinics of Cardiology of the University Hospital St Maria in Varna. A total of 1235 patients’ charts were examined for the period from July 2007 to April 2008. Of these, 162 patients were identified as receiving statin therapy at admission and 357 at discharge. Results: The statin prescribed most commonly was simvastatin – 34.6% at admission and 58.8 % at discharge; correspondingly, most of the DDIs found are related to this drug. Next were lovastatin (26.5%) and atorvastatin (22.8%) at admission and atorvastatin (16.2%), rosuvastatin (9.5%) and lovastatin (9.2%) at discharge. The drug least used was pravastatin (1.8%) at admission; it did not appear at discharge. The total number of potential clinically significant DDIs was 41 (25%) at admission and 86 (24%) at discharge. The prevalence in both cases is generally the same, but the structures of the exposures differ. Amongst the CYP inhibitors leading to potentially major DDIs with many statins, amiodarone was the most commonly encountered (c. 4%). There were no combinations with non-DHP calcium antagonists at discharge, while 3.7% of the admitted patients received a statin plus either verapamil (5) or diltiazem (1). The co-prescription with acenocoumarol and cardiac glycosides prevailed in patients leaving the hospital. The exposure to the pDDIs is discussed in respect to possible causes and outcomes, clinical and laboratory supporting findings, and in comparative manner with other similar studies.
... Despite the aforesaid background, lack of case reports of atorvastatindiltiazem and undiagnosed hypothyroidism combination induced rhabdomyolysis indicates this important problem is underdetected and underreported. However, our literature survey found one case report of rhabdomyolysis due to atorvastatin-diltiazem combination [9]. ...
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Statins and hypothyroidism, independently, can rarely cause rhabdomyolysis. The combination of them especially with concurrent intake of drugs such as diltiazem increases the risk of rhabdomyolysis. Hashimoto’s encephalopathy is a rare condition associated with Hashimoto’s thyroiditis and some patients with that can present with a stroke like picture. An elderly male who has been on atorvastatin for three years and on diltiazem for a week presented with sudden onset inability to walk and confusion. On examination muscle tenderness was noticed and creatine kinase levels indicated rhabdomyolysis which we attributed to atorvastatin. Patient developed a seizure and myoclonus of masseters. Considering this, his confusion and his neutrophilia and high C-reactive protein levels, empirical antibiotics with dexamethasone were started and the patient responded to that. His cerebrospinal fluid and blood culture reports that arrived later did not show sepsis. After going home also his CK (creatine kinase) levels remained high; TSH (thyroid-stimulating hormone) level test was done and hypothyroidism was diagnosed. His antithyroid peroxidase antibody levels were also very high. We retrospectively think he had Hashimoto’s encephalopathy as well. His lipid profile and TSH and CK values returned to normal in that order after a few months of levothyroxine therapy.
In recent years our understanding of molecular mechanisms of drug action and interindividual variability in drug response has grown enormously. Meanwhile, the practice of anesthesiology has expanded to the preoperative environment and numerous locations outside the OR. Anesthetic Pharmacology: Basic Principles and Clinical Practice, 2nd edition, is an outstanding therapeutic resource in anesthesia and critical care: Section 1 introduces the principles of drug action, Section 2 presents the molecular, cellular and integrated physiology of the target organ/functional system and Section 3 reviews the pharmacology and toxicology of anesthetic drugs. The new Section 4, Therapeutics of Clinical Practice, provides integrated and comparative pharmacology and the practical application of drugs in daily clinical practice. Edited by three highly acclaimed academic anesthetic pharmacologists, with contributions from an international team of experts, and illustrated in full colour, this is a sophisticated, user-friendly resource for all practitioners providing care in the perioperative period.
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A 90-year-old woman is referred six months after a transient ischaemic attack (TIA) with asymptomatic cholestatic liver function test (LFT) derangement. Following the TIA, atorvastatin and clopidogrel therapy are initiated. This is added to pre-existent once daily nifedipine for hypertension. Nifedipine (a weak inhibitor of CYP3A4 and competing substrate) and clopidogrel (a competitive inhibitor of CYP3A4) may have affected the metabolism of atorvastatin, resulting in the elevation of serum alkaline phosphatase levels to over six times the upper limit of normal. More often, statin therapy elevates serum alanine aminotransferase levels. Drug-induced liver injury (DILI) was deemed ‘probable’ as judged by the Roussel Uclaf Causality Assessment Method score. Statin therapy remains overwhelmingly safe, with benefits outweighing risks in the vast majority. The UK recommended LFT monitoring regime facilitates early recognition of DILI. Case reports are examined where similar drug combinations resulted in severe morbidity and mortality.
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Atorvastatin and its lactone form metabolite are reported to be associated with statin-induced myopathy (SIM) such as myalgia and life-threatening rhabdomyolysis. Though the statin-induced rhabdomyolysis is not common during statin therapy, its incidence will significantly increase due to pharmacokinetic drug-drug interactions (DDIs) with inhibitor drugs which inhibit atorvastatin's and its lactone's metabolism and hepatic uptake. Thus, the quantitative analysis of DDIs of atorvastatin and its lactone with cytochrome P450 3A4 (CYP3A4) and organic anion-transporting polypeptide (OATP) inhibitors is of great importance. This study aimed to predict pharmacokinetic DDIs possibly causing atorvastatin-induced rhabdomyolysis using Physiologically Based Pharmacokinetic (PBPK) Modelling. Firstly, we refined the PBPK models of atorvastatin and atorvastatin lactone for predicting the DDIs with CYP3A4 and OATP inhibitors. Thereafter, we predicted the exposure changes of atorvastatin and atorvastatin lactone originating from the case reports of atorvastatin-induced rhabdomyolysis using the refined models. The simulation results show that pharmacokinetic DDIs of atorvastatin and its lactone with fluconazole, palbociclib diltiazem and cyclosporine are significant. Consequently, clinicians should be aware of necessary dose adjustment of atorvastatin being used with these four inhibitor drugs.
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To evaluate the onset timing of musculoskeletal adverse events (MAEs) that develop during statin monotherapy and to determine whether concomitant drugs used concurrently with statin therapy shifts the onset timing of MAEs. Cases in which statins (atorvastatin, rosuvastatin, simvastatin, lovastatin, fluvastatin, pitavastatin, and pravastatin) were prescribed were extracted from the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) Adverse Event Reporting System (FAERS) Data Files. The onset timing of MAEs during statin monotherapy was evaluated by determining the difference between statin start date and MAE onset date. The use of concomitant drugs with statin therapy was included in the analysis. Statins used in combination with concomitant drugs were compared with statin monotherapy to determine if the use of concomitant drugs shifted the onset timing of MAEs. The onset of MAEs was significantly faster with atorvastatin and rosuvastatin than with simvastatin. A difference in onset timing was not detected with other statins because the number of cases was too small for analysis. When evaluating concomitant drug use, the concomitant drugs that shifted the onset timing of MAEs could not be detected. Statins with strong low‐density lipoprotein cholesterol‐lowering effects (atorvastatin and rosuvastatin) contributed not only to a high risk of MAE onset, but also to a shorter time‐to‐onset. No concomitant drug significantly shifted the onset timing of MAEs when used concurrently with statins.
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The estimation of the probability that a drug caused an adverse clinical event is usually based on clinical judgment. Lack of a method for establishing causality generates large between-raters and within-raters variability in assessment. Using the conventional categories and definitions of definite, probable, possible, and doubtful adverse drug reactions (ADRs), the between-raters agreement of two physicians and four pharmacists who independently assessed 63 randomly selected alleged ADRs was 38% to 63%, kappa (k, a chance-corrected index of agreement) varied from 0.21 to 0.40, and the intraclass correlation coefficient of reliability (R[est]) was 0.49. Six (testing) and 22 wk (retesting) later the same observers independently reanalyzed the 63 cases by assigning a weighted score (ADR probability scale) to each of the components that must be considered in establishing causal associations between drug(s) and adverse events (e.g., temporal sequence). The cases were randomized to minimize the influence of learning. The event was assigned a probability category from the total score. The between-raters reliability (range: percent agreement = 83% to 92%; κ = 0.69 to 0.86; r = 0.91 to 0.95; R(est) = 0.92) and within-raters reliability (range: percent agreement = 80% to 97%; κ = 0.64 to 0.95; r = 0.91 to 0.98) improved (p < 0.001). The between-raters reliability was maintained on retesting (range: r = 0.84 to 0.94; R(est) = 0.87). The between-raters reliability of three attending physicians who independently assessed 28 other prospectively collected cases of alleged ADRs was very high (range: r = 0.76 to 0.87; R(est) = 0.80). It was also shown that the ADR probability scale has consensual, content, and concurrent validity. This systematic method offers a sensitive way to monitor ADRs and may be applicable to postmarketing drug surveillance.
The Food and Drug Administration documents the receipt of 12 case reports of severe myopathy or rhabdomyolysis associated with concomitant use of lovastatin and gemfibrozil, including 10 voluntary postmarketing, and 2 required, reports. All patients had serum creatine kinase levels of more than 10 000 U/L, 4 tested showed myoglobinuria, and 5 had acute renal failure. The patients' symptoms resolved when both drugs were discontinued. For the first year of marketing of lovastatin, spontaneous reports of myopathy with documentation of creatine kinase level were reviewed for the use of lovastatin, gemfibrozil, and combination therapy. The median creatine kinase level in reports involving concomitant lovastatin and gemfibrozil use was 15 250 U/L, 20 times that in reports with gemfibrozil use alone and 30 times that in reports with lovastatin use alone. Because of the potential for severe myopathy and life-threatening rhabdomyolysis, and given alternative drug combinations for treating hyperlipoproteinemia, the use of lovastatin in combination with gemfibrozil is to be discouraged. (JAMA. 1990;264:71-75)
Background Lovastatin is oxidized by cytochrome P4503A to active metabolites but pravastatin is active alone and is not metabolized by cytochrome P450. Diltiazem, a substrate and a potent inhibitor of cytochrome P4503A enzymes, is commonly coadministered with cholesterol-lowering agents.Methods This was a balanced, randomized, open-label, 4-way crossover study in 10 healthy volunteers, with a 2-week washout period between the phases. Study arms were (1) administration of a single dose of 20 mg lovastatin, (2) administration of a single dose of 20 mg pravastatin, (3) administration of a single dose of lovastatin after administration of 120 mg diltiazem twice a day for 2 weeks, and (4) administration of a single dose of pravastatin after administration of 120 mg diltiazem twice a day for 2 weeks.ResultsDiltiazem significantly (P < .05) increased the oral area under the serum concentration-time curve (AUC) of lovastatin from 3607 ± 1525 ng/ml/min (mean ± SD) to 12886 ± 6558 ng/ml/min and maximum serum concentration (Cmax) from 6 ± 2 to 26 ± 9 ng/ml but did not influence the elimination half-life. Diltiazem did not affect the oral AUC, Cmax, or half-life of pravastatin. The average steady-state serum concentrations of diltiazem were not significantly different between the lovastatin (130 ± 58 ng/ml) and pravastatin (110 ± 30 ng/ml) study arms.Conclusion Diltiazem greatly increased the plasma concentration of lovastatin, but the magnitude of this effect was much greater than that predicted by the systemic serum concentration, suggesting that this interaction is a first-pass rather than a systemic event. The magnitude of this effect and the frequency of coadministration suggest that caution is necessary when administering diltiazem and lovastatin together. Further studies should explore whether this interaction abrogates the efficacy of lovastatin or enhances toxicity and whether it occurs with other cytochrome P4503A4-metabolized 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl-coenzyme A reductase inhibitors, such as simvastatin, fluvastatin, and atorvastatin.Clinical Pharmacology & Therapeutics (1998) 64, 369-377; doi:
The Food and Drug Administration documents the receipt of 12 case reports of severe myopathy or rhabdomyolysis associated with concomitant use of lovastatin and gemfibrozil, including 10 voluntary postmarketing, and 2 required, reports. All patients had serum creatine kinase levels of more than 10,000 U/L, 4 tested showed myoglobinuria, and 5 had acute renal failure. The patients' symptoms resolved when both drugs were discontinued. For the first year of marketing of lovastatin, spontaneous reports of myopathy with documentation of creatine kinase level were reviewed for the use of lovastatin, gemfibrozil, and combination therapy. The median creatine kinase level in reports involving concomitant lovastatin and gemfibrozil use was 15,250 U/L, 20 times that in reports with gemfibrozil use alone and 30 times that in reports with lovastatin use alone. Because of the potential for severe myopathy and life-threatening rhabdomyolysis, and given alternative drug combinations for treating hyperlipoproteinemia, the use of lovastatin in combination with gemfibrozil is to be discouraged.
Diltiazem and verapamil were found to be inhibitors of the cytochrome P-450-dependent biotransformation of drugs. Diltiazem and verapamil competitively inhibited the N-demethylation of aminopyrine in hepatic microsomes with Ki values of 100 and 140 microM respectively. Both diltiazem and verapamil were N-demethylated themselves by hepatic microsomes with Km values of 62 and 145 microM respectively. Both drugs also interacted directly with cytochrome P-450 as measured by difference spectra. Diltiazem caused a type I spectral change and verapamil caused a reverse type I spectral change. No metabolic intermediate complexes could be demonstrated for either drug. Inhibition also occurred in vivo as both drugs could prolong pentobarbital-induced sleeping times in mice at doses comparable to those used in man. These results suggest that diltiazem and verapamil may have the potential to cause drug interactions involving inhibition of drug biotransformation.
We studied 87 episodes of rhabdomyolysis in 77 patients and found the following. Alcoholism was the most common etiologic factor (67%). This may reflect in part our liberal definition of alcoholic rhabdomyolysis. Multiple factors existed in 59% of the episodes. Myoglobinuria was detected by orthotolidine dipstick in the absence of hematuria in only 50% of patients. Thus, urine testing is not a sensitive clue to the presence of rhabdomyolysis. Twenty-two patients were azotemic (creatinine > 3.0 mg/dl) on admission. These patients had higher average values for serum potassium, anion gap, phosphorus, and uric acid and a lower average serum calcium concentration than did non-azotemic patients. Discriminant analysis of the 65 patients without admission azotemia separated them into two groups: a group at high risk for renal failure, 11/27 or 41%, a group at low risk, 0/30 or 0%. The low risk group had an R value less than 0.1 where R = 0.7 [serum K] + 1.1 [serum creatinine] + 0.6 [serum albumin] - 6.6. Twenty-nine patients had ARF (33%). Six of these patients died. Hypocalcemia developed in 63% of the patients. It was similar in frequency and degree in 16 patients with ARF not due to rhabdomyolysis. Two patients had hypercalcemia during the course of ARF. These 2 and 56 patients with hypercalcemia described in the literature are reviewed. Hyperkalemia and hyperphosphatemia were similar in degree and frequency in patients with rhabdomyolysis-related ARF and other types of ARF. The anion gap on admission was markedly increased in rhabdomyolysis-related ARF (28 mEq/L) in contrast to the other types of ARF (17 mEq/L). The frequency of oliguria, need for dialysis and mortality were not different in rhabdomyolysis- and non-rhabdomyolysis-related ARF. In conclusion, the answers to the four questions posed in the introduction are given: 1). Alcohol and compression with or without drug abuse are common pathogenic factors for rhabdomyolysis. 2). A dark brown, orthotolidine-positive urine without red cells remains an important clue to rhabdomyolysis, but this finding is absent in more than half of patients and is an insensitive marker. Elevations of CK and myoglobin levels are diagnostic of muscle injury. Other routine blood chemistry tests are not sensitive indicators of rhabdomyolysis. 3). A formula may be used to predict high and low risk for developing acute renal failure after rhabdomyolysis. This formula utilizes admission serum potassium, creatinine, and albumin concentrations. 4). Patients with rhabdomyolysis-related ARF do not differ from patients with non-rhabdomyolysis ARF with regard to serum potassium, phosphorus, and calcium concentrations, rate of rise of serum creatinine, BUN-to-creatinine ratio, oliguria, dialysis and mortality. Patients with rhabdomyolysis with ARF do have higher serum uric acid and anion gap levels.
Inhibitors of HMG-CoA reductase are new safe and effective cholesterol-lowering agents. Elevation of alanine-amino transferase (ALT) and aspartate-amino transferase (AST) has been described in a few cases and a myopathy with elevation of creatinine kinase (CK) has been reported rarely. The inhibition of HMG-CoA reductase affects also the biosynthesis of ubiquinone (CoQ10). We studied two groups of five healthy volunteers treated with 20 mg/day of pravastatin (Squibb, Italy) or simvastatin (MSD) for a month. Then we treated 30 hypercholesterolemic patients in a double-blind controlled study with pravastatin, simvastatin (20 mg/day), or placebo for 3 months. At the beginning, and 3 months thereafter we measured plasma total cholesterol, CoQ10, ALT, AST, CK, and other parameters (urea, creatinine, uric acid, total bilirubin, gamma GT, total protein). Significant changes in the healthy volunteer group were detected for total cholesterol and CoQ10 levels, which underwent about a 40% reduction after the treatment. The same extent of reduction, compared with placebo was measured in hypercholesterolemic patients treated with pravastatin or simvastatin. Our data show that the treatment with HMG-CoA reductase inhibitors lowers both total cholesterol and CoQ10 plasma levels in normal volunteers and in hypercholesterolemic patients. CoQ10 is essential for the production of energy and also has antioxidative properties. A diminution of CoQ10 availability may be the cause of membrane alteration with consequent cellular damage.
Lovastatin is a cholesterol-lowering drug that can cause myopathy as a rare side effect. Concomitant use of certain drugs (e.g., cyclosporine) increases the risk of skeletal muscle toxicity. Lovastatin is metabolized by CYP3A4. Because itraconazole is a potent inhibitor of CYP3A4, we wanted to study a possible interaction between these drugs. In this double-blind, randomized, two-phase crossover study, 12 healthy volunteers received either 200 mg itraconazole or placebo orally once a day for 4 days. On day 4, each subject ingested a single 40 mg dose of lovastatin. Plasma concentrations of lovastatin, lovastatin acid, itraconazole, hydroxyitraconazole, and creatine kinase were measured up to 24 hours. On average, itraconazole increased the peak concentration (Cmax) of lovastatin and the area under the lovastatin concentration-time curve (AUC) more than twentyfold (p < 0.001). The mean Cmax of the active metabolite, lovastatin acid, was increased 13-fold (range, tenfold to 23-fold; p < 0.001) and the AUC(0-24) twentyfold (p < 0.001). In one subject plasma creatine kinase was increased tenfold within 24 hours of lovastatin administration during the itraconazole phase but not during the placebo phase. No increase in creatine kinase was observed in the other subjects. Itraconazole greatly increases plasma concentrations of lovastatin and lovastatin acid. Inhibition of CYP3A4-mediated metabolism probably explains the increased toxicity of lovastatin caused not only by itraconazole but also by cyclosporine, erythromycin, and other inhibitors of CYP3A4. Their concomitant use with lovastatin and simvastatin should be avoided, or the dose of 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl coenzyme A reductase inhibitors should be reduced accordingly.
Coenzyme Q10 (ubiquinone) the essential mitochondrial redox-component and endogenous antioxidant, packaged into the LDL + VLDL fractions of cholesterol, has been suggested as an important anti-risk factor for the development of atherosclerosis as explained by the oxidative theory. Forty-five hypercholesterolemic patients were randomized in a double-blind trial in order to be treated with increasing dosages of either lovastatin (20-80 mg/day) or pravastatin (10-40 mg/day) over a period of 18 weeks. Serum levels of coenzyme Q10 were measured parallel to the levels of cholesterol at baseline on placebo and diet and during active treatment. A dose-related significant decline of the total serum level of coenzyme Q10 was found in the pravastatin group from 1.27 +/- 0.34 at baseline to 1.02 +/- 0.31 mmol/l at the end of the study period (mean +/- S.D.), P < 0.01. After lovastatin therapy the decrease was significant as well and more pronounced, from 1.18 +/- 0.36 to 0.84 +/- 0.17 mmol/l, P < 0.001. Although HMG-CoA reductase inhibitors are safe and effective within a limited time horizon, continued vigilance of a possible adverse consequence from coenzyme Q10 lowering seems important during long-term therapy.
The findings in this case indicate that atorvastatin, like other DL-3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl coenzyme A reductase inhibitors, may increase the risk of myositis and rhabdomyolysis when used in combination with gemfibrozil.