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Empirical estimates of Mean Aortic Pressure: Advantages, drawbacks and implications for pressure redundancy


Abstract and Figures

Mean arterial pressure (MAP) is estimated at the brachial artery level by adding a fraction of pulse pressure (form factor; =0.33) to diastolic pressure. We tested the hypothesis that a fixed form factor can also be used at the aortic root level. We recorded systolic aortic pressure (SAP) and diastolic aortic pressure (DAP), and we calculated aortic pulse pressure (PP) and the time-averaged MAP in the aorta of resting adults (n=73; age 43+/-14 years). Wave reflection was quantified using the augmentation index. The aortic form factor (range 0.35-0.53) decreased with age, MAP, PP and augmentation index (each P<0.001). The mean form factor value (0.45) gave a reasonable estimation of MAP (MAP=DAP+0.45PP; bias=0+/-2 mmHg), and the bias increased with MAP (P<0.001). An alternative formula (MAP=DAP+PP/3+5 mmHg) gave a more precise estimation (bias=0+/-1 mmHg), and the bias was not related to MAP. This latter formula was consistent with the previously reported mean pulse wave amplification of 15 mmHg, and with unchanged MAP and diastolic pressure from aorta to periphery. Multiple linear regression showed that 99% of the variability of MAP was explained by the combined influence of DAP and SAP, thus confirming major pressure redundancy. Results were obtained irrespective of whether the marked differences in heart period and extent of wave reflection between subjects were taken into account. In conclusion, the aortic form factor was strongly influenced by age, aortic pressure and wave reflection. An empirical formula (MAP=DAP+PP/3+5 mmHg) that is consistent with mechanical principles in the arterial system gave a more precise estimate of MAP in the aorta of resting humans. Only two distinct pressure-powered functions were carried out in the (SAP, DAP, MAP, PP) four-pressure set.
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7Clinical Science (2002) 103, 7–13 (Printed in Great Britain)
Empirical estimates of mean aortic pressure:
advantages, drawbacks and implications
for pressure redundancy
Denis CHEMLA*, Jean-Louis HE
BERT*, Eduardo APTECAR†, Jean-Xavier MAZOIT*,
*Services de Physiologie Cardio-Respiratoire et d’Anesthe
!sie, CHU de Bice
#tre, Universite
!Paris XI, Assistance
Publique – Ho
#pitaux de Paris, UMR 7639 CNRS-Loa-Ensta-Ecole Polytechnique, 94 275 Le Kremlin-Bice
#tre, France, †Service de
Chirurgie Thoracique et Cardiovasculaire, CHU Henri Mondor, 94 010 Cre
!teil, France, ‡Service de Cardiologie, Ho
#pital Jean-
Rostand, 94 200 Ivry-sur-Seine, France, and §Service de Physiologie et d’Explorations Fonctionnelles & INSERM U251, CHU
Xavier Bichat, 75018 Paris, France
Mean arterial pressure (MAP) is estimated at the brachial artery level by adding a fraction of
pulse pressure (form factor; l0.33) to diastolic pressure. We tested the hypothesis that a fixed
form factor can also be used at the aortic root level. We recorded systolic aortic pressure (SAP)
and diastolic aortic pressure (DAP), and we calculated aortic pulse pressure (PP) and the time-
averaged MAP in the aorta of resting adults (nl73; age 43p14 years). Wave reflection was
quantified using the augmentation index. The aortic form factor (range 0.35–0.53) decreased
with age, MAP, PP and augmentation index (each P0.001). The mean form factor value (0.45)
gave a reasonable estimation of MAP (MAP lDAPj0.45PP ; bias l0p2 mmHg), and the bias
increased with MAP (P0.001). An alternative formula (MAP lDAPjPP/3j5 mmHg) gave a
more precise estimation (bias l0p1 mmHg), and the bias was not related to MAP. This latter
formula was consistent with the previously reported mean pulse wave amplification of 15 mmHg,
and with unchanged MAP and diastolic pressure from aorta to periphery. Multiple linear
regression showed that 99%of the variability of MAP was explained by the combined influence
of DAP and SAP, thus confirming major pressure redundancy. Results were obtained irrespective
of whether the marked differences in heart period and extent of wave reflection between
subjects were taken into account. In conclusion, the aortic form factor was strongly influenced
by age, aortic pressure and wave reflection. An empirical formula (MAP lDAPjPP/3
j5 mmHg) that is consistent with mechanical principles in the arterial system gave a
more precise estimate of MAP in the aorta of resting humans. Only two distinct pressure-
powered functions were carried out in the (SAP, DAP, MAP, PP) four-pressure set.
Mean arterial pressure (MAP) is considered as the
perfusion pressure through each tissue bed, and accounts
for more than 80% of the total hydraulic load placed on
Key words: aorta, arterial pressure, pulse pressure, wave reflection.
Abbreviations : DAP, diastolic aortic pressure; MAP, mean arterial pressure ; PP, aortic pulse pressure; SAP, systolic aortic pressure.
Correspondence: Dr Denis Chemla (e-mail denis.chemla!
the left ventricle [1,2]. Although true MAP is the area
under the blood pressure curve divided by cardiac cycle
length, clinical and epidemiological studies currently
approximate brachial MAP by using an empirical formula
where a fraction of pulse pressure (form factor; l0.33)
#2002 The Biochemical Society and the Medical Research Society
8 D. Chemla and others
is added to the diastolic pressure [3,4]. This empirical
formula implies that MAP is twice as sensitive to
diastolic as it is to systolic pressure (MAP l2\3
idiastolic pressurej1\3isystolic pressure). Increased
MAP is an important component of vascular overload
and cardiovascular risk, and the redundant relationship
between systolic, diastolic and mean pressure may have
implications for cardiovascular risk stratification [5–7].
The main drawbacks of this formula arise from unpre-
dictable changes in form factor related to age and
vasomotor tone [5,8,9].
According to this empirical formula, it is generally
assumed that, at a given MAP, increased pulse pressure
reflects an increased systolic pressure (and thus left
ventricular systolic load) and a decreased diastolic press-
ure, which may compromise coronary perfusion [10,11].
However, central and not brachial blood pressure reflects
the true workload placed on the left ventricle and
determines myocardial oxygen consumption and cor-
onary perfusion pressure. The MAP and diastolic arterial
pressure show little difference between central and
peripheral arteries, whereas systolic pressure increases
from aorta to periphery. This pulse wave amplification
depends on the characteristics of pressure wave trans-
mission and reflection, and is mainly influenced by
arterial compliance, body length, heart rate, MAP, age
and sex [10–14]. The form factor value, which relates to
pulse contour characteristics, is approx. 0.50 in central
arteries (sine-wave pattern), thus implying that MAP is
roughly as sensitive to diastolic aortic pressure (DAP) as
it is to systolic aortic pressure (SAP) [4]. However, the
precise relationship between the steady and pulsatile
components of blood pressure remains to be documented
at the aortic root level.
In this preliminary prospective study, we tested the
hypothesis that a single form factor value can be used to
reliably estimate MAP at the aortic root level. We also
present the advantages and drawbacks of MAP empirical
formulas, together with their pathophysiological im-
plications in terms of left ventricular load, coronary
perfusion pressure, peripheral arterial haemodynamics
and pressure redundancy.
This prospective study included patients (nl73; 65
males) with symptoms of chest pain or other cardio-
vascular symptoms who were referred to the catheteriz-
ation laboratory for diagnostic or routine right and left
heart catheterization. Patients with end-stage heart fail-
ure, rhythm disturbances or aortic or mitral valve
insufficiency were excluded from the study. The final
diagnosis was as follows: subjects with normal cardiac
function and coronary angiograms, nl11; subjects with
miscellaneous cardiac diseases (mainly idiopathic dilated
cardiomyopathy, coronary artery disease, right ventricu-
lar disease, grafted heart and hypertrophic cardio-
myopathy), nl62. In patients receiving vasoactive
drugs, treatment was discontinued 24 h before the inves-
tigation. At the time of the study, 18 patients (25%) had
a SAP 140 mmHg at baseline. Four patients (5%)
suffered from diabetes mellitus. All patients gave in-
formed consent, and the ethical committee of our
institution approved the protocol.
Catheterization technique and recordings
Patients were studied according to our routine protocol
[15]. All patients were in the fasting state for at least 12 h
before the investigation. No premedication was admin-
istered. Lidocaine (1%) was used for local anaesthesia,
and 5000 units of heparin was administered intra-
venously. The percutaneous femoral approach was used.
The left heart pigtail catheter was an 8F single lumen
catheter with a lateral high-fidelity transducer (Cordis\
Sentron, Roden, The Netherlands) [16]. The catheter was
advanced from the femoral artery to the aortic root. After
a 5-min equilibrium period, pressure data were recorded
at base over a 15 s period. The data were computed on a
Toshiba 3200 SX with customized software (sampling
rate 500 Hz). Cardiac output was determined by the
thermodilution technique (Cardiac Output Computer
model 9520A; Edwards Laboratories).
SAP and DAP were measured automatically, and aortic
pulse pressure (PP) was calculated as PP lSAPkDAP.
Pressure wave reflection was evaluated by calculating the
pressure augmentation index [14]. In 65 out of 73 patients
(89%), a well-defined systolic pressure inflection point
(Pi) divided the aortic pressure wave form into early and
late systolic phases, and we calculated the augmentation
index as follows:
=P\PP l(SAPkPi)\PP
Subjects were divided into three groups according to the
classification proposed previously by Murgo et al. [14]:
type A (nl51), =P\PP 0.12; type B (nl11),
0=P\PP 0.12; type C (nl3), =P\PP 0. Thus,
according to this classification, 78% subjects were type
A, 17% were type B and 5% were type C. Given that
81% of patients were older than 30 years, this finding is
consistent with earlier studies [2,14]. The systolic in-
flection point could not be clearly defined in eight
Reference MAP value
The time-averaged MAP in the aorta was taken as the
reference value. The MAP was calculated as the total area
under the pressure curve divided by the heart period.
#2002 The Biochemical Society and the Medical Research Society
9Estimation of mean aortic pressure
Estimates of MAP
MAP lDAPj(form factoriPP)
In each patient, the form factor was calculated as follows:
MAP lDAPj(form factoriPP)
Form factor l(MAPkDAP)\PP
The mean form factor value was calculated in the overall
population, so as to propose an improved, new empirical
estimation of MAP.
MAP lDAPjPP/3j5 mmHg
This formula has been proposed more recently at the
aortic root level [17].
Statistical analysis
Results are expressed as meanspS.D. Pressures and time
parameters were averaged over 10 consecutive cardiac
cycles. We tested the predictive performance of the
empirical formulae against the reference MAP value,
using single linear regression. In addition to the r#
statistics, the predictive performances of all regression
analyses were assessed by the bias, calculated as the mean
difference (pS.D.) between predicted and reference
MAP values. We tested the hypothesis that MAP was
redundant when SAP and DAP values were given. To
this end, a multiple linear regression of SAP and DAP
was applied to the whole data set. Comparisons between
groups were performed by using ANOVA. Linear
regression was studied using the least-squares method. A
Pvalue of 0.05 was considered statistically significant.
The characteristics of the study population are given in
Table 1. Significant linear relationships were found
between the four aortic pressures under study (SAP,
DAP, PP, MAP), and the correlation coefficients are
Table 1 Characteristics of the study population (nl73)
Parameter MeanpS.D. Range
Age (years) 43p14 19–77
Height (cm) 171p7 146–192
Body surface area (m2) 1.84p0.21 1.30–2.47
SAP (mmHg) 127p23 83–181
DAP (mmHg) 78p12 50–109
MAP (mmHg) 100p15 66–134
PP (mmHg) 49p15 27–89
Heart period (ms) 838p179 506–1267
Stroke index (ml/m2)39p14 15–87
Form factor 0.45p0.04 0.35–0.53
Pressure augmentation index (
l65) 0.28p0.16 0–0.53
Table 2 Correlation matrix (nl73)
All relationships are
0.0001 except *
SAP 0.794 0.937 0.883
DAP 0.945 0.415*
MAP 0.668
summarized in Table 2. The augmentation index was
positively related to age (rl0.52), MAP (rl0.56) and
PP (rl0.72) (each P0.001) and was negatively related
to height (rlk0.39, P0.01), similar to previous
findings [8,18,19]. Age and PP were also positively related
(rl0.39, P0.01), but there was no relationship
between age and MAP (rl0.18).
MAP lDAPj(form factoriPP)
On average, the fraction of PP that must be added to
DAP so as to obtain the time-averaged MAP (i.e. the
form factor) was 0.45. The form factor (range 0.35–0.53)
decreased linearly with age (rlk0.69), MAP (rl
k0.41), PP (rlk0.73) and =P\PP (rlk0.83) (each
P0.001) (Figure 1). The form factor increased with
height (rl0.37, P0.01), and was unrelated to body
weight, surface area, heart rate and cardiac index.
The form factor was higher in patients with SAP
140 mmHg (0.46p0.04) than in the remaining subjects
(0.42p0.04; P0.001). The form factor was similar in
controls (0.46p0.03) and in patients with miscellaneous
cardiac diseases (0.45p0.04; Pl0.28). By applying this
single form factor value of 0.45 to the overall population,
we obtain:
This formula gave a precise estimation of MAP
(100p16 mmHg ; mean bias l0p2 mmHg). The bias
ranged from k3toj8 mmHg and increased with MAP
(rl0.40, P0.001) (Figure 2, upper panel), age (rl
0.67, P0.001) and =P\PP (rl0.76, P0.001). The
bias was not influenced by heart rate (rlk0.24).
MAP lDAPjPP/3j5 mmHg
This formula gave a precise estimation of MAP
(100p15 mmHg ; bias l0p1 mmHg). The bias ranged
from k3toj3 mmHg. The bias was not influenced by
MAP (rlk0.19; Figure 2, lower panel) or heart rate
(rlk0.14). The bias increased with age (rl0.61,
P0.001) and =P\PP (rl0.30, P0.01). This formula
can be rewritten as follows:
MAP l0.67DAPj0.33SAPj5 mmHg
Pressure redundancy
Multiple linear regression indicated that 99% of the
variability of MAP was explained by the combined
#2002 The Biochemical Society and the Medical Research Society
10 D. Chemla and others
Figure 1 Relationships between form factor and age (nl73), PP (nl73), pressure augmentation index (nl65) and
height (nl73)
All relationships are
0.001, except for that with height (
influence of DAP and SAP (multiple r#l0.9914). The
equation was as follows:
MAP l0.70DAPj0.32SAPj4 mmHg
This equation is very close to the formula given above
and gave a precise estimation of MAP (100p15 mmHg;
bias l0p1 mmHg). The bias ranged from k3to
j3 mmHg and was not influenced by MAP (rlk0.13,
Pl0.27). Assuming that the pressure bias is small
enough to be negligible, this implies that two subjects
with the same DAP and SAP had the same MAP,
irrespective of their pressure waveform and heart rate
(Figure 3). The addition of age, =P\PP or both to
the multiple regression increased the multiple r#value
slightly (0.9949, 0.9928 and 0.9950 respectively). The
SAP value was predicted accurately when MAP and DAP
values were given [bias l0.7p4.2 mmHg (i.e. 0p3%);
range k9 to 10 mmHg].
The fraction of PP that must be added to DAP so as to
obtain the time-averaged MAP was 0.45 at the aortic root
level. Although this gave a reasonably good estimation of
MAP, the form factor was influenced by age and aortic
pressure, and a better estimate was obtained by using an
alternative formula (MAP lDAPjPP\3j5 mmHg).
The unusual accuracy of this empirical formula suggested
that two pressures were enough to decribe the (SAP,
DAP, PP, MAP) four-pressure set. Pressure redundancy
was confirmed by multiple linear regression, showing
that 99% of the variability of MAP was explained by the
combined influence of DAP and SAP.
In the peripheral arteries of adults, MAP is estimated
by adding 0.33i(pulse pressure) to diastolic pressure [3,
4]. The form factor may depend on arterial pressure, age
and arterial location. In newborns, it has been recom-
mended that form factors of 0.40 and 0.50 are used for
the tibial artery and the radial artery respectively [20]. In
adults, the assumed weakness of the empirical estimate
of MAP is illustrated throughout aging, where the form
factor of 0.33 becomes closer to 0.50. This could be
responsible for the levelling off of estimated MAP after
age 50–60 years, thus also explaining why MAP is no
longer a surrogate measurement of vascular resistance [5].
Validation of the form factor value is hampered by the
small calibre of the brachial artery and by the need for
miniaturized high-fidelity pressure recording systems.
Overall, these limitations could explain the difficulty in
#2002 The Biochemical Society and the Medical Research Society
11Estimation of mean aortic pressure
Figure 2 Empirical estimates of MAP
Upper panel: correlation between the true time-averaged MAP and the pressure
bias obtained using a single form factor of 0.45 [bias l(DAPj0.45PP)kMAP]
l73). Mean bias and 95% confidence interval are indicated. The bias
increased with MAP. Lower panel: correlation between the true time-averaged MAP
and the pressure bias obtained using the alternative empirical formula [bias l
(DAPj0.33PPj5 mmHg)kMAP] (
l73). Mean bias and 95% confidence
interval are indicated. The bias was not influenced by MAP.
precisely documenting the role of MAP in cardiovascular
risk. Such a role is, however, intuitive, as MAP accounts
for more than 80% of the total hydraulic load put on the
left ventricle and is considered as the perfusion pressure
through each tissue bed [1,2].
Central aortic pressure reflects the workload put on
the left ventricle, and determines myocardial oxygen
consumption, coronary perfusion pressure and the pre-
vailing pressure for aortic baroreflexes. Furthermore,
arterial pressure at any point of the vascular tree depends
on both central aortic pressure and the characteristics of
pressure wave transmission and reflection. Both the large
aorta diameter and the possibility of using high-fidelity
pressure catheters make it possible to reliably compare
the true MAP and empirical estimates.
Figure 3 Pressure redundancy
A typical example is presented, where two subjects with the same DAP (67 mmHg)
and SAP (105 mmHg) have the same time-averaged MAP (85 mmHg), despite
marked differences in pressure waveform, dicrotic notch pressure and cycle length.
Subject F1, beat no. 1 (dotted line) and subject F20, beat no. 6 (solid line) are
presented. In the overall population, MAP could be estimated from DAP and SAP
only, assuming that the pressure bias (0p1 mmHg) was small enough to be
Aortic form factor
At the aortic root level, the form factor value we report
here (0.45) lies between the classical empirical value (0.50)
[4] and experimental values obtained from carotid pulse
tracings (0.43) [3] and ascending aorta recordings (0.41)
[21]. Meaney et al. [21] recently documented the aortic
form factor in cardiac patients (mainly with coronary
artery diseases; 67% male). These authors used fluid-
filled catheters and electronic damping of the signal for
MAP calculation. When compared with their study [21],
our slightly higher form factor value could be explained
by differences in the catheters (we used high-fidelity
pressure catheters), our method for calculating the ref-
erence MAP (time-averaging) and the characteristics of
the study population. We suggest that aortic MAP could
be estimated using the following formula:
Although reasonably accurate (bias l0p2 mmHg), this
formula has several drawbacks. First, there is no theo-
retical\physiological background upon which to predict
such a formula. Secondly, the formula gives the false
impression that the form factor value is constant. Con-
versely, we observed that MAP was as sensitive to DAP
as it was to SAP in young patients, and in patients with a
low PP value and a small extent of wave reflection (form
factor approx. 0.50). The relative contribution of DAP
increased in older patients, and in those with a high PP
value and enhanced wave reflections, in whom MAP
tended to be twice as sensitive to DAP as it was to SAP
(form factor approx. 0.33). The pathophysiological im-
plications may be important. The left ventricular systolic
wall stress and coronary perfusion pressure depend
#2002 The Biochemical Society and the Medical Research Society
12 D. Chemla and others
strongly on SAP and DAP respectively [1,2,22]. Our
results may reflect the coupling between arterial load and
the myocardial oxygen supply\demand ratio. For a given
MAP, the form factor decreased from "0.50 to "0.33 in
cases where PP was increased, and this may reflect
beneficial protection of the coronary circulation, with
preserved (instead of decreased) DAP values when
pulsatile stress is increased.
MAP lDAPjPP/3j5 mmHg
This formula has three advantages. First, the accuracy of
this formula was excellent (bias l0p1 mmHg), and this
confirmed previous results [17]. Secondly, there is a
strong theoretical\physiological background upon which
to predict such a formula. This formula is consistent with
mechanical principles in the arterial system, if one
assumes a form factor of 0.33 in peripheral arteries.
Indeed, MAP and diastolic arterial pressure show little
difference between central and peripheral arteries, while
systolic pressure increases from aorta to periphery
[10–14]. Two studies have shown that radial artery pulse
pressure is 15 mmHg higher than aortic PP in the overall
population (mean value) [12,13]. The j5 mmHg extra
factor is in fact foreseeable, as it encompassed one-third
of the pulse wave amplification:
MAP lDAPj(peripheral PP\3)
lDAPj(aortic PPj15)\3
lDAPj(aortic PP\3)j5 mmHg
Thirdly, this formula was very similar to the equation
obtained by multiple linear regression (see the Results
section), and thus can be viewed as a simplified formali-
zation of pressure redundancy, as discussed below.
The novelty of our result is not that aortic MAP could be
approximated by using DAP and SAP only, but rather
that an empirical formula gave an unusually accurate
estimation of MAP. Pressure redundancy was confirmed
by multiple linear regression, showing that 99% of the
variability of MAP was explained by the combined
influence of SAP and DAP. For a given DAP, MAP
contains virtually no additional information independent
of SAP, assuming that the pressure bias (0p1 mmHg) is
small enough to be negligible. Results were obtained
irrespective of whether the marked differences in wave
reflection and heart period were taken into account.
Because all clinical and epidemiological studies use a
fixed form factor of 0.33 to estimate MAP at rest, pressure
redundancy is commonly admitted (although not yet
demonstrated) for peripheral arteries, and it is likely that
this has clinical implications in terms of risk stratification
[5–7]. Pressure redundancy may appear as an unifying
concept [23,24] for central and peripheral haemo-
dynamics, and may relate to the general physiology of the
human circulation at rest. One explanation could be that
redundancy reflects the overlap of the main haemo-
dynamic variables regulating SAP, DAP, MAP and PP
[22,25]. Efforts must be directed towards the con-
firmation of pressure redundancy at the peripheral
arterial level. If confirmed, this could indicate that two
pressures [i.e. either (SAP, DAP) or (PP, MAP)] are
enough to characterize the four-pressure set.
The practical implications of our results must be
discussed. Our study improved estimation of central
MAP, and thus may help carotid artery pressure cali-
bration using applanation tonometry. Further studies are
needed to confirm this point. Finally, in a population
similar to ours, we suggest that central SAP could be
reasonably estimated from peripheral MAP and diastolic
pressure values (mean bias l0p3 %) if one assumes
unchanged MAP and diastolic pressure from aorta
to periphery. However, further studies are needed to
confirm this point, given that peripheral arterial pressure
was not measured in our study.
Strengths and limitations of the study
To the best of our knowledge, this is the first study to
document form factor values using high-fidelity pressure
catheters. For an invasive study, the number of subjects
was large (nl73) and likely to be sufficient to justify the
conclusions we have drawn from the data. The results
pertain strictly to the population under study. The design
of our study (i.e. prospective and invasive) explains why
we have included control subjects and patients with
various forms of cardiac diseases, ranging in age from 19
to 77 years. Our results are thus strengthened by the fact
that data were obtained from a heterogeneous population
and over a wide range of cardiac function (stroke index
ranging from 15 to 87 ml\m#), heart period (from 506 to
1267 ms) and extent of wave reflection (pressure aug-
mentation index ranging from 0 to 0.53). Since only 5%
of patients were Murgo’s type C [14], our results need to
be confirmed in patients with small or diffuse reflections.
Results were also obtained over a wide range of SAP
(from 83 to 181 mmHg), MAP (from 66 to 134 mmHg)
and PP (from 27 to 89 mmHg) values. Although 25 % of
patients had a SAP 140 mmHg at baseline, further
studies are needed to confirm our results in patients with
hypertension. For ethical reasons, we did not test the
acute effects of vasodilators, and the lowest DAP was
50 mmHg. Thus further studies are needed to document
the form factor value in patients with very low pressures
(e.g. patients in intensive care units). Finally, our results
apply strictly to aortic pressure at rest. They do not apply
to other arterial sites (e.g. brachial artery), nor to dynamic
#2002 The Biochemical Society and the Medical Research Society
13Estimation of mean aortic pressure
In conclusion, in the aortic root of resting humans, the
form factor was strongly influenced by age, aortic
pressure and wave reflection. The high accuracy of the
empirical formula (MAP lDAPjPP\3j5 mmHg) was
consistent with the previously reported mean pulse wave
amplification of 15 mmHg, and with unchanged MAP
and diastolic pressure from aorta to periphery. Aortic
pressure redundancy was demonstrated by multiple
linear regression, showing that 99% of the variability of
MAP was explained by the combined influence of DAP
and SAP in resting humans. The (SAP, DAP) pressure set
and the (MAP, PP) pressure set were redundant, and only
two pressure-powered functions were carried out in the
(SAP, DAP, MAP, PP) four-pressure set.
We thank Dr Karsten Plamann and Sheila Carrodus for
helpful discussion. We also thank the nurses of Kremlin-
#tre and Bichat Hospital.
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#2002 The Biochemical Society and the Medical Research Society
... The most common and simplest method for the temporal averaging of arterial pressure is an estimation, in which a fraction of the pulse pressure is added to the diastolic pressure. This fraction is called the form factor (FF), because it depends on the form of the pressure pulse wave (8). Pulse pressure is the difference between systolic (P s ) and diastolic (P d ) pressures. ...
... However, we assume that they deviate only slightly from P vc , which has been demonstrated in mechanically ventilated patients (54). 8 We favor the term "gravitational pressure" because "hydrostatic pressure" can easily be confused with the "static pressure" of the flowing fluid. We do not fear confusion with terms of the same name in cosmology, such as gravitational pressure in a star, because of the dissimilarity between the two fields. ...
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The core concepts of physiology, as first published in this journal in 2011, not only provide a noteworthy teaching approach but also encourage reflection on the fundamentals of physiology. Unfortunately, a fundamental flaw has crept into the core concept of flow down gradients. Fluids do not generally flow from high to low pressure, as claimed, but only because of a specific pressure difference, that is, the perfusion pressure. This is related to a problem that is widespread in physiology, from which even the core concepts are not free, namely, the description of mean arterial pressure (MAP) solely by means of Ohm's law of circulation, although this law actually describes perfusion pressure. Both pressures can be numerically approximately equal in the physiological case, but conceptually they remain different in principle. We solved this problem using the extended Bernoulli equation (a combination of Ohm's law and the simple Bernoulli equation). Thereafter, MAP depends on the following pressure components, all of which are essential for a basic understanding of circulation: perfusion, central venous, gravitational, and dynamic pressures. These pressures also have great pathophysiological and clinical importance, which we exemplify here. Towards the end of this paper, we provide recommendations that should be considered in teaching, whether it is a beginner or advanced course. We address physiology teachers who are open to critical constructive improvements in their teaching, especially in hemodynamics. In particular, we encourage the authors of the flow down gradients core concept to improve and refine its "unpacking."
... Finally, an estimate of the pressure-wave form factor (FF) 2 necessary for Step 3 was calculated from the final P (t) with the formula F F = (P mean − P dia )/(P sys − P dia ) (Chemla et al., 2002). ...
... The models allowed physiological inlet pressure waveforms to be obtained (Figure 2.9) with form factor values in the range of 0.49-0.51, as expected at the aortic root level (Chemla et al., 2002). The flow rate and pressure waveforms computed at the other model boundaries are reported in Appendix C. ...
Aortic dissection (AD) is a severe vascular condition in which an intramural tear results in blood flowing within the aortic wall. The optimal treatment of type-B dissections - those involving the arch and descending aorta - is still debated; when uncomplicated, they are commonly managed medically, but up to 50% of the cases will develop complications requiring invasive intervention. Patient-specific computational fluid dynamics (CFD) can provide insight into the pathology and aid clinical decisions by reproducing in detail the intra-aortic haemodynamics; however, oversimplified modelling assumptions and high computational cost compromise the accuracy of simulation predictions and impede clinical translation. Moreover, the requirement of working with noisy and oftentimes minimal clinical datasets complicates the implementation of personalised models. In the present thesis, methods to overcome the aforementioned limitations and facilitate the clinical translation of CFD tools are presented and tested on type-B AD cases. A novel approach for patient-specific models of complex ADs informed by commonly available clinical datasets (including CT-scans and Doppler ultrasonography) is proposed. The approach includes an innovative way to account for arterial compliance in rigid-wall simulations using a lumped capacitor and a parameter estimation strategy for Windkessel boundary conditions. The approach was tested on three case-studies, and the results were successfully compared against invasive intra-aortic pressure measurements. A new and efficient moving boundary method (MBM) - tunable with non-invasive displacement data - is then proposed to capture wall motion in CFD simulations, necessary in certain AD settings for accurate haemodynamic predictions. The MBM was first applied and validated on a case-study previously investigated with a full fluid-structure interaction technique, and then employed in a patient-specific compliant model of a type-B AD informed by multi-modal imaging data. Extensive comparison between in silico and in vivo data demonstrated the reliability of the model predictions.
... Our group (28)(29)(30) and others (31) have proposed various empirical formulas relying on aortic SBP and DBP to estimate MBP at the aortic root level. In a previous high-fidelity aortic pressure study (28), we showed that the geometric mean of aortic SBP and DBP provides an accurate and precise estimate of the time-averaged aortic MBP: ...
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Objective: The non-invasive estimation of central systolic blood pressure (cSBP) is increasingly performed using new devices based on various pulse acquisition techniques and mathematical analyses. These devices are most often calibrated assuming that mean (MBP) and diastolic (DBP) BP are essentially unchanged when pressure wave travels from aorta to peripheral artery, an assumption which is evidence-based. We tested a new empirical formula for the direct central blood pressure estimation of cSBP using MBP and DBP only (DCBP = MBP ² /DBP). Methods and Results: First, we performed a post-hoc analysis of our prospective invasive high-fidelity aortic pressure database ( n = 139, age 49 ± 12 years, 78% men). The cSBP was 146.0 ± 31.1 mmHg. The error between aortic DCBP and cSBP was −0.9 ± 7.4 mmHg, and there was no bias across the cSBP range (82.5–204.0 mmHg). Second, we analyzed 64 patients from two studies of the literature in whom invasive high-fidelity pressures were simultaneously obtained in the aorta and brachial artery. The weighed mean error between brachial DCBP and cSBP was 1.1 mmHg. Finally, 30 intensive care unit patients equipped with fluid-filled catheter in the radial artery were prospectively studied. The cSBP (115.7 ± 18.2 mmHg) was estimated by carotid tonometry. The error between radial DCBP and cSBP was −0.4 ± 5.8 mmHg, and there was no bias across the range. Conclusion: Our study shows that cSBP could be reliably estimated from MBP and DBP only, provided BP measurement errors are minimized. DCBP may have implications for assessing cardiovascular risk associated with cSBP on large BP databases, a point that deserves further studies.
... They found that MAP was underestimated by the 33% form-factor in all individuals in their sample, and as a result, proposed a higher form-factor (40%) as the new standard. Chemla et al. [14], indicated that a higher form-factor (such as a 40% form-factor) is also required to estimate an integrated MAP at the level of the aorta, but this is likely population-specific because within their study, the form-factor was substantially influenced by age and BP (MAP). We compared brachial and radial MAP derived using a 40% form-factor to the reference aortic MAP in our sample that included a wide range of BP levels and age. ...
Objectives: Accurate assessment of mean arterial pressure (MAP) is crucial in research and clinical settings. Measurement of MAP requires not only pressure waveform integration but can also be estimated via form-factor equations incorporating peripheral SBP. SBP may increase variably from central-to-peripheral arteries (SBP amplification), and could influence accuracy of form-factor-derived MAP, which we aimed to determine. Methods: One hundred and eighty-eight patients (69% men, age 60 ± 10 years) undergoing coronary angiography had intra-arterial pressure measured in the ascending aorta, brachial and radial arteries. Reference MAP was measured by waveform integration, and form-factor-derived MAP using 33 and 40% form-factors. Results: Reference MAP decreased from the aorta to the brachial (-0.7 ± 4.2 mmHg) and radial artery (-1.7 ± 4.8 mmHg), whereas form-factor-derived MAP increased (33% form-factor 1.1 ± 4.2 and 1.7 ± 4.7 mmHg; 40% form-factor 0.9 ± 4.8 and 1.4 ± 5.4 mmHg, respectively). Form-factor-derived MAP was significantly different to reference aortic MAP (33% form-factor -2.5 ± 4.6 and -1.6 ± 5.8, P < 0.001; 40% form-factor 2.5 ± 5.0 and 3.9 ± 6.4 mmHg, P < 0.001, brachial and radial arteries, respectively), with significant variation in the brachial form-factor required (FFreq) to generate MAP equivalent to reference aortic MAP (FFreq range 20-57% brachial; 17-74% radial). Aortic-to-brachial SBP amplification was strongly related to brachial FFreq (r = -0.695, P < 0.001). The 33% form-factor was most accurate with high aortic-to-brachial SBP amplification (33% form-factor MAP vs. reference aortic MAP difference 0.06 ± 3.93 mmHg, P = 0.89) but overestimated reference aortic MAP with low aortic-to-brachial SBP amplification (+5.8 ± 4.6 mmHg, P < 0.001). The opposite was observed for the 40% form-factor. Conclusion: Due to variable SBP amplification, estimating MAP via form-factors produces nonphysiological inaccurate values. These findings have important implications for accurate assessment of MAP in research and clinical settings.
... These findings are consistent with previous studies showing average differences of 8-18 mmHg comparing noninvasive and invasive DBP [25,26]. Form factors were higher for invasively measured data, although in both cases, the values were within the range (0.35-0.53) reported by Chemla et al. [27] for central BP. Both the systolic upstroke and the diastolic decay of the invasively and noninvasively acquired pressure waveforms showed excellent agreement, but agreement of the waveforms around the dicrotic notch was less good. ...
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Objectives: Aortic (central) blood pressure (BP) differs from brachial BP and may be a superior predictor of cardiovascular events. However, its measurement is currently restricted to research settings, owing to a moderate level of operator dependency. We tested a new noninvasive device in a large UK cohort. The device estimates central BP using measurements obtained with an upper arm cuff inflated to suprasystolic pressure. We compared these estimates with those obtained using radial tonometry as well as with invasively acquired measurements of aortic BP in a limited number of individuals. Methods: Consecutive cuff-based and tonometry-based estimates of the pressure waveform and the central BP were obtained from 1107 individuals (70 ± 6 years). Short-term and long-term reproducibility studies were performed on 28 individuals. Simultaneous cuff-based and invasively measured pressure traces were acquired and compared in an additional six individuals (65 ± 20 years). Results: Central systolic BP, as estimated by the cuff-based device, was found to be highly reproducible (coefficient of variation 4 and 8% for short and long-term reproducibility, respectively) and was comparable to that estimated by tonometry (average difference 3 ± 6 mmHg, intraclass correlation coefficient = 0.91). The cuff-based pressure waveforms were similar to those acquired invasively (cross-correlation coefficient 0.93), and the difference in the estimated central systolic BP was −5 ± 8 mmHg (P = 0.2). Conclusion: Cuff-based devices show promise to simplify the measurement of central BP, whilst maintaining a similar fidelity to tonometry. This could lead to improved adoption of estimates of central BP in clinical practice.
... WK3 parameters C tot , R 1 and R 2 (R1/(R1 + R2) = 5.6% [30] ) were iteratively varied until the pressure waveform P ( t ) obtained was bounded by the targetˆPtargetˆ targetˆP sys andˆPandˆ andˆP dia , using Q IN ( t ) as input. An estimate of the form factor FF = ( P mean −P dia )/( P sys −P dia ) [31] , necessary for Step 3, was calculated, where P mean , P sys and P dia are the mean, maximum and minimum values of P ( t ), respectively. 3. The total resistance R tot, i = R 1, i + R 2, i of each WK3 was estimated via a steady-state CFD simulation of the AD model with the following BCs: the mean pressure ¯ P IN , calculated fromˆP fromˆ fromˆP sys , ˆ P dia and FF as ¯ ...
Patient-specific computational fluid-dynamics (CFD) can assist the clinical decision-making process for Type-B aortic dissection (AD) by providing detailed information on the complex intra-aortic haemodynamics. This study presents a new approach for the implementation of personalised CFD models using non-invasive, and oftentimes minimal, datasets commonly collected for AD monitoring. An innovative way to account for arterial compliance in rigid-wall simulations using a lumped capacitor is introduced, and a parameter estimation strategy for boundary conditions calibration is proposed. The approach was tested on three complex cases of AD, and the results were successfully compared against invasive blood pressure measurements. Haemodynamic results (e.g. intraluminal pressures, flow partition between the lumina, wall shear-stress based indices) provided information that could not be obtained using imaging alone, providing insight into the state of the disease. It was noted that small tears in the distal intimal flap induce disturbed flow in both lumina. Moreover, oscillatory pressures across the intimal flap were often observed in proximity to the tears in the abdominal region, which could indicate a risk of dynamic obstruction of the true lumen. This study shows how combining commonly available clinical data with computational modelling can be a powerful tool to enhance clinical understanding of AD.
Cardiovascular diseases (CVDs) are the principal cause of morbidity worldwide. According to the World Health Organisation (WHO), around 17.9 million deaths were reported in 2016 due to CVDs, representing 31% of the global death, while this number is expected to reach over 23.6 million by 2030. Arterial disease, stroke, transient ischaemic attack, and rheumatic heart disease are the most prevalent CVDs. British Heart Foundation (BHF) has reported that around 7.4 million people in the UK are living with CVDs, which imposes a £9 billion annual cost on the healthcare system. In recent years, advances in vascular biology, biomechanics, medical imaging, and computational techniques including Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) have provided the research community with a unique opportunity to simulate and analyse blood flow from a new angle and to develop new strategies for intervention. The increasing power-to-cost ratio of computers and the advent of methods for subject-specific modelling of cardiovascular flow have made CFD-based modelling sometimes even more reliable than methods based solely on in-vivo or in-vitro measurement. This chapter explains a workflow for subject-specific modelling of blood flow in the aorta as an exemplar of digitalisation in healthcare. The workflow comprises multi-modal clinical images, a multiscale numerical pipeline, and haemodynamic metrics. Subject-specific modelling primarily relies on clinical data, which is reachable through different clinical imaging modalities to get the anatomy and flow data of the Region of Interest (ROI). At the next stage, the computational pipeline should be set through appropriate boundary conditions. The latter requires a multiscale approach to couple the three-dimensional CFD model to zero/one-dimensional circuits. These circuits normally mimic upstream and downstream regions, which are not included in the three-dimensional CFD domain, however, they affect crucially and are to be considered for an accurate personalised medicine. Once the pipeline has been set, it can suggest complex blood flow behaviour because of different pathological conditions that might emerge throughout the vascular network. At this stage invoking accurate and reliable haemodynamic metrics can translate the simulated data into interpretable clinical output, which is the main goal of the workflow.
Objective: Mean arterial pressure (MAP) is usually calculated by adding one-third of pulse pressure (PP) to DBP. This formula assumes that the average value of pulse waveform is constant in all individuals and coincides with 33.3% of PP amplitude (MAP = DBP + PP × 0.333). Other formulas were lately proposed to improve the MAP estimation, adding to DBP an established percentage of PP: MAP = DBP + PP × 0.40; MAP = DBP + PP × 0.412; MAP = DBP + PP × 0.333 + 5 mmHg. Methods: The current study evaluated the integral of brachial pulse waveform recorded by applanation tonometry in 1526 patients belonging to three distinct cohorts: normotensive or hypertensive elderly, hypertensive adults, and normotensive adults. Results: The percentage of PP to be added to DBP to obtain MAP was extremely variable among individuals, ranging from 23 to 58% (mean: 42.2 ± 5.5%), higher in women (42.9 ± 5.6%) than men (41.2 ± 5.1%, P < 0.001), lower in the elderly cohort (40.9 ± 5.3%) than in the general population cohort (42.8 ± 6.0%, P < 0.001) and in the hypertensive patients (42.4 ± 4.8%, P < 0.001). This percentage was significantly associated with DBP (β = 0.357, P < 0.001) and sex (β = 0.203, P < 0.001) and significantly increased after mental stress test in 19 healthy volunteers (from 39.9 ± 3.2 at baseline, to 43.0 ± 4.0, P < 0.0001). The average difference between MAP values estimated by formulas, compared with MAP assessed on the brachial tonometric curve, was (mean ± 1.96 × SD): -5.0 ± 6.7 mmHg when MAP = DBP + PP × 0333; -1.2 ± 6.1 mmHg when MAP = DBP + PP × 0.40; -0.6 ± 6.1 mmHg when MAP = DBP + PP × 0.412; -0.4 ± 6.7 mmHg when MAP = DBP + PP × 0.333 + 5. Conclusion: Due to high interindividual and intraindividual variability of pulse waveform, the estimation of MAP based on fixed formulas derived from SBP and DBP is unreliable. Conversely, a more accurate estimation of MAP should be based on the pulse waveform analysis.
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Our objective was to determine whether the systolic, diastolic, and mean arterial pressures measured in the radial artery accurately reflect corresponding pressures in the ascending aorta in narcotic-anesthetized patients with known obstructive coronary artery disease, before being subjected to cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB). This was a prospective study. The cardiac operating room of a large, tertiary-care university medical center. Fifty-one patients (45 men and six women; age range, 48 to 77 years) with documented atherosclerotic coronary artery disease were studied. All patients underwent elective coronary artery bypass grafting after the study. Patients were premedicated with lorazepam and morphine 60 min before administration of Fentanyl-pancuronium anesthesia. The radial artery was cannulated before induction of anesthesia and the aorta approximately 45 min later. Comparisons of radial and aortic pressures were then performed. Radial and aortic pressures were recorded through standard, fluid-filled, high-pressure, 91-cm (36-in) long tubing and disposable transducers, meticulously cleared of air bubbles. Additional measurements included cardiac output, central venous pressure, core temperature, blood gas levels, and hematocrit reading. Radial-aortic pressure differences were as follows: systolic arterial pressure (SAP), 12 +/- 1 mm Hg; mean arterial pressure (MAP), -0.8 +/- 0.3 mm Hg; and diastolic arterial pressure (DAP), -1.0 +/- 0.3 mm Hg. All were significant (p < 0.001), but the SAP difference was more than ten times that of either the MAP or the DAP values. The coefficients of determination (r2) indicated that the radial-aortic dependence was 0.44 for the SAP, 0.90 for the DAP, and 0.98 for the MAP relationship. Plotting the respective differences against the arithmetic mean of simultaneously measured pressures indicated that the radial SAP was 4 to 35 mm Hg higher than the aortic in 42 patients (82 percent) and was 10 to 35 mm Hg higher in 26 patients (51 percent); radial-aortic MAP differences clustered within 3 mm Hg in 47 patients (92 percent); radial DAP was +/- 3 mm Hg different from the aortic in 46 patients (90 percent). The largest MAP difference was -6 mm Hg in one patient. The largest DAP difference was +/- 5 mm Hg in three patients. In this group of patients, who were studied before undergoing CPB, the radial SAP gave a poor estimate of that present in the ascending aorta, since in more than 50 percent of the cases, the radial SAP was 10 to 35 mm Hg higher than that in the aorta. The radial MAP and DAP are reliable, since in 90 percent and 92 percent of the patients, respectively, the pressure differences were within +/- 3 mm Hg of those in the aorta.
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We developed a framework of analysis to predict the stroke volume (SV) resulting from the complex mechanical interaction between the ventricle and its arterial system. In this analysis, we characterized both the left ventricle and the arterial system by their end systolic pressure (Ps)-SV relationships and predicted SV from the intersection of the two relationship lines. The final output of the analysis was a formula that gives the SV for a given preload as a function of the ventricular properties (Ees, V0, and ejection time) and the arterial impedance properties (modeled in terms of a 3-element Windkessel). To test the validity of this framework for analyzing the ventriculoarterial interaction, we first determined the ventricular properties under a specific set of control arterial impedance conditions. With the ventricular properties thus obtained, we used the analytical formula to predict SVs under various combinations of noncontrol arterial impedance conditions and four preloads. The predicted SVs were compared with those measured while actually imposing the identical set of arterial impedance conditions and preload in eight isolated canine ventricles. The predicted SV was highly correlated (P less than 0.0001) with the measured one in all ventricles. The average correlation coefficient was 0.985 +/- 0.004 (SE), the slope 1.00 +/- 0.04, and the gamma-axis intercept 1.0 +/- 0.2 ml, indicating the accuracy of the prediction. We conclude that the representations of ventricle and arterial system by their Ps-SV relationships are useful in understanding how these two systems determine SV when they are coupled and interact.
The effect of nitroprusside on pressure wave transmission from ascending aorta to radial artery was studied in 10 patients with severe congestive heart failure. Nitroprusside resulted in a beneficial increase in cardiac index, reduction of pulmonary wedge pressure and reductions of aortic and radial arterial mean pressures. In 6 patients with an identifiable late systolic peak of aortic pressure (group I), nitroprusside reduced aortic systolic pressure more than radial systolic pressure, resulting in an increase in the difference between aortic and radial systolic arterial pressure (group I control 13 ± 4, nitroprusside 20 ± 6 mm Hg; p < 0.025). Yet in 4 patients in whom no aortic late systolic pressure wave was apparent (group II), nitroprusside did not alter the difference between aortic and radial systolic pressures. Radial arterial pressure is often used to estimate the effect of nitroprusside on the arterial pressure load on the left ventricle. These results indicate that a reduction of radial systolic pressure induced by nitroprusside may underestimate the true reduction of aortic systolic pressure and thus the effect of the vasodilator on the arterial load on the left ventricle. The enhanced difference between aortic and radial arterial systolic pressures appears to be the consequence of nitroprusside on arterial pressure reflections.
Arterial pressure waves were recorded noninvasively from the carotid, radial, femoral, or all three of these arteries of 1,005 normal subjects, aged 2-91 years, using a new transcutaneous tonometer containing a high fidelity Millar micromanometer. Waves were ensemble-averaged into age-decade groups. Characteristic changes were noted with increasing age. In all sites, pulse amplitude increased with advancing age (carotid, 91.3%; radial 67.5%; femoral, 50.1% from first to eighth decade), diastolic decay steepened, and diastolic waves became less prominent. In the carotid pulse, there was, in youth, a second peak on the downstroke of the waves in late systole. After the third decade, this second peak rose with age to merge with and dominate the initial rise. In the radial pulse, a late systolic wave was also apparent, but this occurred later; with age, this second peak rose but not above the initial rise in early systole, even at the eighth decade. In the femoral artery, there was a single systolic wave at all ages. Aging changes in the arterial pulse are explicable on the basis of both an increase in arterial stiffness with increased pulse-wave velocity and progressively earlier wave reflection. These two factors may be separated and effects of the latter measured from pressure wave-contour analysis using an "augmentation index," determined by a computer algorithm developed from invasive pressure and flow data. Changes in peak pressure in the central (carotid) artery show increasing cardiac afterload with increasing age in a normal population; this can account for the cardiac hypertrophy that occurs with advancing age (even as other organs atrophy) and the predisposition to cardiac failure in the elderly. Identification of mechanisms responsible offers a new approach to reduction of left ventricular afterload.
The relationship between the shape of the ascending aortic pressure wave form and aortic input impedance was studied in 18 patients who underwent elective cardiac catheterization but in whom no heart disease was found. Ascending aortic flow velocity and pressure were simultaneously recorded from a multisensor catheter with an electromagnetic velocity probe and a pressure sensor mounted at the same location. Another pressure sensor at the catheter tip provided left ventricular pressure or a second aortic pressure to determine pulse-wave velocity. Fick cardiac outputs were used to scale the velocity signal to instantaneous volumetric flow. Input impedance was calculated from 10 harmonics of aortic pressure and flow. For each patient, impedance moduli and phases from a minimum of 15 beats during a steady state were averaged. Peripheral resistance was 1137 ± 39 dyn-sec-cm-5 (± SEM) and characteristic impedance was 47 ± 4 dyn-sec-cm-5; pulse-wave velocity was 6.68 ± 0.32 m-sec-1. In all patients, a well-defined systolic infection point divided the aortic pressure wave form into an early and late systolic phase. The patients were classified into three groups: group A (n=7) - patients whose late systolic pressure exceeded early systolic pressure; group B (n = 7) - patients whose early and late systolic pressures were nearly equal: group C (n=4) - patients whose early systolic pressure exceeded late systolic pressure. Group A and B patients all demonstrated oscillations of the impedance moduli about the characteristic impedance. Group C patients demonstrated flatter impedance spectra. Thus, a larger secondary rise in pressure was associated with a more oscillatory impedance spectrum. These results suggest that the differences in pressure wave forms are due to differences in reflections in the arterial tree and not secondary to differences in cardiac function. Using pulse-wave velocity, the 'effective' reflection site distance was determined from both pressure (48 cm) and impedance (44 cm) data, implying that the region of the terminal abdominal aorta acts as the major reflection site in normal adult man.
Mean arterial pressure (MAP) is the area under the pressure wave averaged over the cardiac cycle, and therefore depends on pressure wave contour. A generally used rule of thumb to estimate MAP of peripheral arteries in adults is adding one-third of the arterial pulse pressure (PP) to diastolic arterial pressure (DAP). As peripheral pressure wave forms in neonates do not resemble adult peripheral wave forms, it may be expected that this rule of thumb does not hold for neonates. Previously, we found that MAP can be calculated by adding 50% PP to DAP in radial artery waves in neonates. In the present study, we investigated in neonates how MAP in the posterior tibial artery depends on systolic and diastolic pressure and we compared these findings to those found in the radial artery. Forty infants admitted for intensive care were studied. We analyzed 5000 invasively and accurately obtained blood pressure waves in the posterior tibial artery of 20 neonates and another 5000 waves similarly obtained from the radial artery in another group of 20 neonates. We found that MAP in posterior tibial artery waves is well approximated by adding 41.5 +/- 2.0% of PP to DAP, whereas MAP in radial artery waves can be calculated by adding 46.7 +/- 1.7% of PP to DAP. These values are significantly different (p < 0.0001). In conclusion, the rule of thumb as used in the adult to find MAP, where 33% PP is added to DAP, does not hold for the newborn. We recommend to calculate MAP in the tibial artery by adding 40% of PP to DAP and in the radial artery by adding 50% of PP to DAP.
Hypertensive cardiovascular risk may be related primarily to vascular overload, the sum of three vascular abnormalities: increased arteriolar resistance, increased large-artery stiffness, and the effect of increased early pulse-wave reflection. A method for quantifying vascular overload as an index can be derived from measurements of mean arterial pressure and pulse pressure. Several lines of evidence support the hypothesis that abnormal artery stiffness and early pulse-wave reflection become larger components of vascular overload as the duration and severity of hypertension increase. Moreover, these studies suggest that vascular overload is a true indicator of hypertensive cardiovascular risk. Increased systolic blood pressure is a surrogate for vascular overload in young and middle-aged hypertensive subjects. Increased pulse pressure and decreased diastolic pressure are superior to increased systolic pressure as surrogates for vascular overload in geriatric isolated systolic hypertension. By itself, diastolic blood pressure is difficult to interpret and may be an epiphenomenon. Therefore new therapeutic goals, are control of systolic pressure in the young and of pulse pressure in the elderly.