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Multiple fungal pathogens infect economically important fruits, thereby affecting their quality and marketability. Previous research showed that some fungal pathogens that can infect the stems might infect the fruit but show a different symptom. To determine the causal pathogen of a fruit disease of Selenicereus monacanthus (Dragon fruit), we used a combination of fungal pathology characterization and molecular biology techniques. This paper presents the pathogenicity of Neoscytalidium dimidiatum MBDF36C to S. monacanthus resulting in brown rot and canker on fruits and stem, respectively. The paper also demonstrates the in vitro inhibition of N. dimidiatum MBDF36C by chemicals, including a bio-fungicide containing Bacillus subtilis. At seven days post-inoculation, we observed severe browning on N. dimidiatum MBDF36C-inoculated fruits but not on stems. Stems exhibited canker-like symptoms. The same fungus was re-isolated from both inoculated diseased fruits and stems, thereby confirming Koch's postulates. The pathogen was identified as N. dimidiatum based on its morphology, cultural characteristics, and sequences of the partial ß-tubulin gene. In vitro growth of N. dimidiatum MBDF36C was also completely inhibited by a bio-fungicide containing B. subtilis, isoprothiolane, and mancozeb. This study is the first report of N. dimidiatum causing brown fruit rot of dragon fruit in the Philippines. This information could impact the current postharvest fruit handling operations and future studies on dragon fruit disease management.
MycoAsia Journal of modern mycology ISSN: 2582-7278 | 2022/06 1
Fruit brown rot caused by Neoscytalidium dimidiatum on Selenicereus monacanthus in
the Philippines
Mark Angelo Balendres1, *, John Darby Taguiam1, Edzel Evallo1, Jaypee Estigoy2, Cris Cortaga1
1Institute of Plant Breeding, College of Agriculture and Food Science, University of the Philippines Los Baños, Laguna,
Philippines 4031. 2Agricultural Science and Technology School, Central Luzon State University, Science City of Muñoz,
Nueva Ecija, Philippines 3120.
Multiple fungal pathogens infect economically important fruits, thereby affecting their quality and
marketability. Previous research showed that some fungal pathogens that can infect the stems might
infect the fruit but show a different symptom. To determine the causal pathogen of a fruit disease of
Selenicereus monacanthus (Dragon fruit), we used a combination of fungal pathology characterization
and molecular biology techniques. This paper presents the pathogenicity of Neoscytalidium
dimidiatum MBDF36C to S. monacanthus resulting in brown rot and canker on fruits and stem,
respectively. The paper also demonstrates the in vitro inhibition of N. dimidiatum MBDF36C by
chemicals, including a bio-fungicide containing Bacillus subtilis. At seven days post-inoculation, we
observed severe browning on N. dimidiatum MBDF36C-inoculated fruits but not on stems. Stems
exhibited canker-like symptoms. The same fungus was re-isolated from both inoculated diseased fruits
and stems, thereby confirming Koch's postulates. The pathogen was identified as N. dimidiatum based
on its morphology, cultural characteristics, and sequences of the partial ß-tubulin gene. In vitro growth
of N. dimidiatum MBDF36C was also completely inhibited by a bio-fungicide containing B. subtilis,
isoprothiolane, and mancozeb. This study is the first report of N. dimidiatum causing brown fruit rot
of dragon fruit in the Philippines. This information could impact the current postharvest fruit handling
operations and future studies on dragon fruit disease management.
Keywords: Bacillus subtilis QST strain 713, brown rot, dragon fruit, fruit disease, stem canker
Balendres MA, Taguiam JD, Evallo E, Estigoy J, Cortaga C (2022) Fruit brown rot caused by Neoscytalidium dimidiatum
on Selenicereus monacanthus in the Philippines. MycoAsia 2022/06.
Received: 17.02.2022 | Accepted: 30.06.2022 | Published: 15.07.2022
Handling Editor: Dr. Belle Damodara Shenoy
Reviewers: Dr. Tamie C. Solpot, Dr. Thomas Edison E. dela Cruz
Tropical crops are famous for their delicious, water-rich taste and as a cash crop. Therefore, the market
is expanding. Many countries such as the Philippines, where these tropical crops are grown, benefit
from the global export market. While banana, pineapple, and papaya are the three more commonly
exported fruits, minor but emerging tropical fruits are beginning to penetrate the global market. One
of which is the edible cactus known as dragon fruit or Pitahaya (Selenicereus species) (Casas and
Barbera 2002, Nobel 2002). While the dragon fruit market is relatively small compared to banana and
pineapple, this budding industry is steadily and increasingly becoming popular. Vietnam is leading the
world's dragon fruit export (Mercado-Silva 2018, Tel Zur 2015). Other Southeast Asian countries
follow Vietnam's track (Balendres and Bengoa 2019). In the Philippines, the dragon fruit industry over
the past decade has grown (Eusebio and Alaban 2018). From a small 12-hectare farm in the early
1990s, the area planted with dragon fruit has reached almost 600 hectares with a volume of production
of more than 1800 mt in 2020 (Philippine Statistics Authority 2021). Dragon fruits are consumed as
fresh or in various processed and preserved foods (Pascua et al. 2015). However, yield and quality
MycoAsia Journal of modern mycology ISSN: 2582-7278 | 2022/06 2
limiting factors threaten the lucrative dragon fruit industry. In addition, diseases are a significant
concern (Balendres and Bengoa 2019).
There are 25 species of plant pathogens causing various diseases in dragon fruits, and more than 90 %
of these pathogens are fungi (Balendres and Bengoa 2019). Diseases caused by Neoscytalidium
dimidiatum (Penz.) Crous & Slippers proved to be problematic in the field once spots developed into
canker, leading to rotting and collapse of the stem (Chuang et al. 2012). Although stem diseases can
be destructive in the field, some plants can withstand the infection and produce fruit. Therefore, a more
pressing concern is understanding when the pathogens infect the fruits. Diseased fruits, e.g., those
showing rot and spots, could be devalued because of their appearance or, worst, rejected by buyers or
consumers. Diseased fruits may be rejected during export due to the biosecurity rules of the importing
countries. The common fungal pathogens that attack dragon fruits are Bipolaris cactivora (Taba et al.
2007, Tarnowski et al. 2010) and N. dimidiatum (Lan et al. 2012, Ezra et al. 2013, Yi et al. 2015), but
no fruit disease has yet been scientifically reported in the Philippines. Fruit diseases are better
addressed when the cause of the disease is identified.
Chemicals have been used to control major dragon fruit diseases, including those caused by N.
dimidiatum (Balendres and Bengoa 2019), but given the growing concern over the use of synthetic
pesticides and some preference of consumers to organically grown fruits, biopesticides, alongside field
hygiene practices, are likely the preferred disease control management. However, some biopesticides
can have a phytotoxic effect on fruits (Aifaa et al. 2013). Biopesticides based on microbial antagonists
may fill this gap. Bacillus subtilis strains have been used against Bipolaris cactivora (Bae et al. 2013)
and on anthracnose pathogens (Meetum et al. 2017) of dragon fruits. However, reports on large-scale
commercial applications are scarce. Testing commercially available biofungicides could expedite the
selection of relatively safer chemicals for disease management of dragon fruit.
A diseased fruit of the red-skin, red-fleshed dragon fruit (S. monacanthus) from San Juan, Science City
of Muñoz, Nueva Ecija, Philippines, was submitted to the laboratory for diagnosis and subsequently
to identify the causative agent. Anecdotal claims of fruit diseases in dragon fruits in the country have
been made, but are not documented. The disease symptoms have also been linked to fungal pathogens,
as reported in the literature. Nevertheless, no empirical evidence to support such claims has been
presented. Moreover, insect pests could damage the fruit, and these insect-damaged tissues could be
erroneously identified as a fruit disease. This study aimed to isolate and characterize the causative
agent of the diseased fruit using combined morpho-cultural and molecular characterization methods.
Materials and Methods
Source of diseased fruit and fungal isolation
The diseased fruit of S. monacanthus, showing complex symptoms ranging from white to brown spots,
canker-like lesions, browning, and rot, was obtained from San Juan, Science City of Muñoz (15.7295°
N, 120.8729° E), Philippines. Fungi were isolated following the method of Balendres et al. (2020).
Briefly, infected-fruit tissues (2×2 mm in size) were sterilized in 10 % Sodium hypochlorite solution
(v/v, Zonrox, GreenCross Philippines), then washed three times with sterile distilled water at 1 min
and 30 sec each. Fruit tissue-cuttings were then blot-dried in sterile tissue paper. Once dried, fruit
tissue-cuttings were plated in potato dextrose agar (PDA) medium (HiMedia Laboratories Pvt Ltd,
India) and incubated at 28 °C for 7 days. Five fungal isolates (designated as Iso1 to Iso5) were obtained
that differed in cultural growth in the PDA medium. However, the pathogenicity assay (see the section
below) indicated that only Iso5 was consistently causing disease on the test fruits. Hence, only Iso5
was further assessed and studied. The fungus (designated as isolate MBDF36C) was deposited at the
Fungal Repository of the Plant Pathology Laboratory, Institute of Plant Breeding (IPB), College of
Agriculture, and Foods Science, University of the Los Baños, Laguna, Philippines.
MycoAsia Journal of modern mycology ISSN: 2582-7278 | 2022/06 3
Morphological and Cultural Characterizations
A pure culture of isolate MBDF36C was obtained and subsequently grown in PDA medium. The
fungal morphology and cultural characteristics were assessed following the procedure used by
Balendres et al. (2020).
Molecular Identification
Fungal genomic DNA was extracted using the procedure of Doyle and Doyle (1987) and Cullings
(1992). The DNA sequence of the partial ß-tubulin gene was amplified following the Polymerase
Chain Reaction (PCR) procedure used by Dela Cueva et al. (2018) using primer pair, T1 (5 AAC ATG
Cigelnik 1997). The amplification started with a 3 min initial denaturation at 95 °C, followed by 30
cycles of 94 °C for 1 min, 52 °C for 30 s, 72 °C for 1 min, and a final extension step of 72 °C for 10
min (Dela Cueva et al. 2018). The PCR product was sent to Apical Scientific Sdn. Bhd. (Malaysia) for
sequencing and the consensus DNA sequence was then derived from the forward and reverse DNA
sequences using the sequence editing software Geneious R9 (Biomatters, New Zealand). First, to
identify the pathogen based on % sequence identity, an analysis was performed using the BLASTN
program (Zhang et al. 2000) to determine the closest fungal species. A phylogenetic tree was then
constructed using the Maximum Likelihood (ML) method based on the T92 (Tamura-3) parameter
(Tamura and Nei 1993) with uniform rates of nucleotide substitution supported with 1000 bootstrap
replicates (Felsenstein 1985). The analysis was conducted in MEGA version 7 (Kumar et al. 2016).
Neofusicoccum parvarum CBS 112930 (GenBank No. KX464983) was used as an outgroup.
Pathogenicity Assay
Ripe fruits and healthy young stem cuttings of S. monacanthus used in the pathogenicity assays were
sourced from the dragon fruits plants maintained at the IPB. These fruits and stem cuttings were not
sprayed with any chemicals. In the detached fruit assay, fruits were washed with tap water, surface-
sterilized in commercially available 10 % Sodium hypochlorite solution (v/v, Zonrox, Green Cross,
Philippines), and washed three times with distilled water before air drying. Fruits were then placed in
a plastic container overlaid with moist tissue paper. Three replicate fruits were used. Each fruit had six
wound-inoculated sites (pricked using pipette tip), corresponding to 5 fungal treatments and a distilled
water control treatment. 10 µl of spore suspension (>106 spores/ml) from seven-day old fungal cultures
was injected using a pipette into the inoculation sites. The container was sealed with the plastic cover,
and disease development was assessed seven days post-inoculation (dpi). In in vivo test, the
pathogenicity of N. dimidiatum MBDF36C was assessed on three-week-old rooted-stem cuttings of S.
monacanthus in the screenhouse. The same volume of spore suspension (prepared as above) was
inoculated on pre-determined wounded sites. The inoculated sites were then covered with transparent
tape to ward off insects or ants from entering the wound and avoid the spore suspension's rapid
evaporation. Wounded sites inoculated with distilled water served as the negative control. Disease
development was assessed at seven dpi. Re-isolation of the fungus from the diseased fruits and stems
was performed to establish Koch's postulates using the same method as described earlier.
In vitro Chemical Assay
The effect of a biofungicide containing either B. subtilis QST 713, isoprothiolane, mancozeb, citronella
oil or propamocarb was assessed in vitro using the poisoned food method (Grover and Moore 1962).
A five-mm mycelial plug of N. dimidiatum MBDF36C was placed at the center of the PDA medium
(in Petri plates) containing recommended rates of the test chemicals (Table 1). Pyraclostrobin (Xu et
al. 2018) was used as the chemical control. The PDA medium with sterile distilled water only (no
chemical) was used as the negative control. The trial was replicated three times. Mycelial growth was
measured at three dpi when the fungal growth in the negative control reached the edge of the plate.
MycoAsia Journal of modern mycology ISSN: 2582-7278 | 2022/06 4
The mean percent inhibition was computed, and data were analyzed by the variance (ANOVA) test.
Multiple comparisons of means were carried out using Tukey's HSD test.
Table 1. Mean percent growth inhibition of Neoscytalidium dimidiatum MBDF36C in potato dextrose agar (PDA) medium
amended with sterile distilled water (negative control) and various chemicals at three days post-incubation.
Chemical Treatment
Rate Used1
Mean % Growth Inhibition2
Pyraclostrobin (chemical control)
1 mL
100 (±0.00)a
Bacillus subtilis strain QST 713
2 mL
100 (±0.00)a
2.25 mL
100 (±0.00)a
2 g
100 (±0.00)a
Citronella oil3
1.25 µl
72.22 (0.79b
1.6 mL
0 (±0.00)c
Distilled water (negative control)4
0 (±0.00)c
1Based on the recommended rate as per product's label and adjusted to rate per 400 mL dH20 (capacity of Schott bottle).
2As compared to the fungal growth in PDA medium sterile dH20, only in vitro food poison technique assay (see Materials
and Methods). 3Based on the rate used by Dela Cueva and Balendres (2018).4No chemicals added.
Values are mean±standard error of the mean. Means followed by the same letter within the column are not significantly
different at 0.05 level by Tukey's HSD test.
Characteristics and Identity of MBDF36C
Isolate MBDF36C was fast-growing, reaching the edge of the PDA medium just after three days of
incubation. The arthroconidia were hyaline to dark brown (Figure 1a), thick-walled, one-celled, rod-
shaped, and occurred singly or in arthric chains. Initially, the fungus was white with dense white aerial
mycelium (Figure 1b) that gradually turned grey to dark with age, usually at seven days from culture
(Figure 1c). These morpho-cultural characteristics are those of Neoscytalidium dimidiatum. The
identity of fungal isolate MBDF36C was further confirmed by the amplification and sequencing of the
fungal TUB2 gene. First, the BLASTN search showed a 99.30 % sequence identity with several
isolates of N. dimidiatum that cause canker or die-back (KF778965, KC357307). The constructed
phylogenetic tree based on the ML method supported the identity of MBDF36C as N. dimidiatum
(Figure 2).
Pathogenicity of N. dimidiatum MBDF36C
Only N. dimidiatum MBDF36C caused consistent brown rotting symptoms in all three fruit replicates
(Figure 1d). Browning started at two dpi from the inoculated sites, which grew larger as days
progressed. Despite N. dimidiatium being a pathogen known to cause canker or die-back symptoms,
no canker-like symptom was observed in the inoculated and wounded sites. However, typical canker
symptoms developed at seven dpi on stems in the screen house. No disease or symptoms were
manifested in the distilled water-inoculated sites. The same fungus was re-isolated from the diseased
fruits and stems from the laboratory and screenhouse assays, thus confirming Koch's postulates.
Inhibition of N. dimidiatum MBDF36C Growth by Chemicals
Growth of N. dimidiatum MBDF36C in the PDA medium was significantly (P<0.005) and completely
inhibited by the biofungicide containing either B. subtilis, isoprothiolane, and mancozeb (Table 1),
which were assayed separately. Substantial and significant growth inhibition (72.22 %) was observed
in the PDA medium amended with citronella oil. Propamocarb was not effective against N. dimidiatum
MBDF36C (growth rate was similar to the control treatment at 90 mm in diameter). The effect of the
bio-fungicide containing B. subtilis, isoprothiolane, and mancozeb was comparable to that of
pyraclostrobin (chemical check).
MycoAsia Journal of modern mycology ISSN: 2582-7278 | 2022/06 5
Figure 1. Morphology (a) and cultural characteristics of 3- (b) and 7-day old (c) Neoscytalidium dimidiatum MBDF36C
in potato dextrose agar (PDA) medium. Inoculation of the pathogen resulted in browning on fruits (d) and canker on the
stem (e) within the inoculation point (arrowed). No browning was observed on inoculation points with other fungi (Iso1 to
Iso4) and in control (ctl, distilled water) treatments.
Bipolaris cactivora (Petr.) Alcorn (Taba et al. 2007, Tarnowski et al. 2010) and Neoscytalidium
dimidiatum (Lan et al. 2012, Ezra et al. 2013, Yi et al. 2015) have been reported to cause brown spots
and rot on fruits of Selenicereus monacanthus and S. undatus. In this study, fruit brown rot in S.
monacanthus was caused by N. dimidiatum MBDF36C. Black rot and brown rot have been previously
reported in Israel (Ezra et al. 2013) and China (Yi et al. 2015). Both diseases were found in S. undatus
(red skin, white flesh). Here, fruit browning is reported in the Philippines for the first time on the red
skin, white-fleshed, S. monacanthus. The causative agent, N. dimidiatum MBDF36C, also causes
canker on dragon fruit stems.
These morphological characteristics of N. dimidiatum MBDF36C were consistent with the description
of N. dimidiatum (Penz.) Crous & Slippers (Crous et al. 2006). This pathogen is also known as N.
hyalinum (Phillips et al. 2013). However, when Huang et al. (2016) described a related species, N.
novaehollandiae, the name of the former was changed back to the old name, which is N. dimidiatum.
Both, nonetheless, are phylogenetically related (Phillips et al. 2013). This pathogen, N. dimidiatum, is
notoriously known to cause stem canker on dragon fruits (Chuang et al. 2012, Hawa Mohd 2013, Xu
et al. 2018), resulting from the collapsing of the plant (Chuang et al. 2012). In this study, the N.
dimidiatum MBDF36C isolates can also infect the stem and cause canker-like symptoms in S.
monacanthus. The result suggests that the inoculum during fruit infection likely came from infected
stems. Indeed, N. dimidiatum can also cause a canker on fruits (Sanahuja et al. 2016, Taguiam et al.
MycoAsia Journal of modern mycology ISSN: 2582-7278 | 2022/06 6
Figure 2. Phylogenetic analysis by Maximum Likelihood (ML) method using the TUB2 sequence of Neoscytalidium
dimidiatum MBDF36C (arrowed) Philippine isolate (red arrowhead) and other N. dimidiatum (syn. N. hyaline) isolates.
The evolutionary history was inferred using the ML method based on the T92 (Tamura-3) parameter (Tamura and Nei
1993) with uniform rates of nucleotide substitution supported with 1000 bootstrap replicates (Felsenstein 1985). The
analysis was conducted in MEGA version 7 (Kumar et al. 2016). The tree was rooted to Neofusicoccum parvarum CBS
112930 (GenBank No. KX464983).
Chemicals are used to mitigate severe infection of dragon fruit diseases in the field. Nevertheless,
information on what chemicals and their effectivity are not widely reported. Azoxystrobin and
difenoconazole have been shown to control anthracnose and stem canker (Noegrohati et al. 2019).
Hexaconazole, tebuconazole, flusilazole, and pyraclostrobin inhibit N. dimidiatum growth (Xu et al.
2018). These chemicals are known to suppress the spore germination and fungal growth either by
affecting the fungal cell walls or inhibiting mitochondrial respiration. In this study, isoprothiolane and
mancozeb completely inhibited the growth of N. dimidiatum MBDF36C. These results were
comparable to pyraclostrobin and corroborated with the previous findings of Xu et al. (2018). While
the result promises chemicals that can be used for control, it is not without a disadvantage from an
environmental and health perspective. Therefore, attempts have been made to select a relatively eco-
friendly approach, e.g., biopesticides in the form of essential oils.
MycoAsia Journal of modern mycology ISSN: 2582-7278 | 2022/06 7
Cymbopogon essential oil has been previously used to control dragon fruit anthracnose (Aifaa et al.
2013). However, essential oil higher than 2 % was phytotoxic and was not recommended for treatment.
Why a relatively higher concentration is phytotoxic remains unknown but it might have something to
do with the complex interactions of multiple chemical components in the essential oil that need to be
characterized (Brokl et al. 2013). In this study, N. dimidiatum MBDF36C growth was strongly
inhibited by citronella essential oil at a 1.25 uL/mL concentration. In another study, Dela Cueva and
Balendres (2018) found that citronella essential oil higher than 1.25 uL/mL concentration, although
helpful in mitigating anthracnose symptoms, can negatively affect the quality of pepper fruits. Thus,
future studies involving citronella essential oil in dragon fruit disease management would need to
include the effect of the oil on the quality of the fruits and stems. Biological control agents, e.g.,
Bacillus subtilis, have also been shown to inhibit fungal growth. They can also reduce the virulence of
anthracnose pathogens (Meetum et al. 2017). In this study, a bio-fungicide containing B. subtilis QST
713 was found to inhibit the in vitro growth of N. dimidiatum MBDF36C completely. The inhibitory-
growth effect was comparable to the chemical check, pyraclostrobin. However, the in vitro assay may
not reflect the actual efficacy of the biofungicide in the field. Hence, future screenhouse and field
studies would need to incorporate the comparison of rate, timing, and frequency of biofungicide
application. Information could lead to a better understanding of how to maximize the use of the
biofungicide to manage diseases (stem canker and fruit brown rot) caused by N. dimidiatum.
Propamocarb did not inhibit the growth of the pathogen and the mechanism is yet to be determined.
In conclusion, Neoscytalidium dimidiatum MBDF36C causes fruit rotting and stem canker in dragon
fruit. The fungal pathogen was identified using morphological, cultural, pathogenicity, and molecular
characterization. This study also demonstrates the potential of the biofungicide containing B. subtilis
in managing diseases caused by N. dimidiatium. However, further screenhouse and field trials are
warranted to further underpin the chemical's efficacy.
We thank Fe Dela Cueva and Vangelene Linga for technical assistance in the laboratory. We also thank
Ryan Tiongco, Joseph Lagman, and Anthony Vicencio for assistance in the screen house. Jennelyn
Bengoa and Rodel Maghirang kindly provided fruits and stems of dragon fruits. This study was
supported by a grant from the Department of Agriculture-Bureau of Agricultural Research (N825921)
awarded to M.A. Balendres. In addition, the Institute of Plant Breeding, College of Agriculture and
Food Science, University of the Philippines Los Baños, and the DOST-SEI have provided in-kind
Statement on conflict of interest
The authors declare that they have no conflict of interest.
Authors contribution
MAB wrote the manuscript, analyzed the data, conceived and designed the research study. JDT and
EE conducted the experiments, analyzed the data, and co-wrote the manuscript. JE and CC collected
the samples and co-wrote the manuscript.
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Published by Managing Editor, MycoAsia, Email:
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Neoscytalidium dimidiatum, a plant-and human-associated fungus, has emerged as a substantial global ecological and agricultural threat aggravated by global warming. It inflicts various diseases, including canker, blight, dieback, leaf spot, root rot, and fruit rot, across a wide spectrum of fruit trees, field crops, shrubs, and arboreal species, with a host range spanning 46 plant families, 84 genera, and 126 species, primarily affecting eudicot angiosperms. Six genera are asymptomatic hosts. Neoscytalidium dimidiatum exhibits worldwide distribution, with the highest prevalence observed in Asia and North America, notably in Iran, Turkey, and California. Rising disease prevalence and severity, aggravated by climate change, particularly impact tropical arid places across 37 countries spanning all 7 continents. This comprehensive review encapsulates recent advancements in the understanding of N. dimidiatum, encompassing alterations in its taxonomic classification, host range, symptoms, geographic distribution, epidemiology, virulence, and strategies for effective management. This study also concentrates on comprehending the taxonomic relationships and in-traspecific variations within N. dimidiatum, with a particular emphasis on N. oculus and N. hylocereum, proposing to consider these two species as synonymous with N. dimidiatum. Furthermore, this review identifies prospective research directions aimed at augmenting our fundamental understanding of host-N. dimidiatum interaction.
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The most commonly cultivated vine cactus in the Cactaceae family is normally Hylocereus undatus, which would be native to Mexico and America. It is commonly referred to as "dragon fruit" or "pitaya." Additionally, it goes by the name "buahnaga," which means "dragon fruit." In addition to their attractive color, Hylocereus undatus fruits are popular around the world due to their abundance of polyphenolic components and their antioxidant activity. Due to the characteristics, degree of production, and financial benefits of the pitahaya fruit, a member of the Hylocereus genus, more land has been planted in agriculture during the past two decades. Stalks, fruits, and flowers from the plant are used in food and film.
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We present the latest version of the Molecular Evolutionary Genetics Analysis (MEGA) software, which contains many sophisticated methods and tools for phylogenomics and phylomedicine. In this major upgrade, MEGA has been optimized for use on 64-bit computing systems for analyzing bigger datasets. Researchers can now explore and analyze tens of thousands of sequences in MEGA. The new version also provides an advanced wizard for building timetrees and includes a new functionality to automatically predict gene duplication events in gene family trees. The 64-bit MEGA is made available in two interfaces: graphical and command line. The graphical user interface (GUI) is a native Microsoft Windows application that can also be used on Mac OSX. The command line MEGA is available as native applications for Windows, Linux, and Mac OSX. They are intended for use in high-throughput and scripted analysis. Both versions are available from free of charge.
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Background Cultivation of red dragon fruit (Hylocereus polyrhizus) in Indonesian orchards is hampered by anthracnose and stem canker. A mixture of azoxystrobin 200 g/L + difenoconazole 125 g/L is recommended in supporting the obligated integrated pest management. For the consumer safety, dietary intake of the residues from fresh edible part should be assessed; therefore, information on correct dissipation pattern of the applied pesticide is required. Materials and Methods Field residue trials in Indonesian highland (West Java) and coastal area (Special Region of Yogyakarta) were done at recommended dose was 0.151 kg ai/ha azoxystrobin and 0.094 kg ai/ha difenoconazole, three times at 10 days interval. Whole fruit samples were collected at 70%–100% ripeness at −1, 0, 1, 3, 7, 10, and 14 days after last application, processed and determined its residue as soon as possible. Result and Discussion Photoisomerization of azoxystrobin was observed at Day 0, especially in coastal area; however, it has been dissipated to below lowest validated level in the following day. At Day 0, 3%–5% of the deposited azoxystrobin and difenoconazole penetrate into the flesh; however, most residues (95%–97%) were retained in peel, and dissipated in prolonged day. The dissipation pattern was non-linear. The dissipation data were better fit with bi-exponential double-first-order in parallel than single first-order kinetics model. The DT50 of both azoxystrobin and difenoconazole was 3 days. At harvest time, seventh day, only azoxystrobin residue was detected in flesh at 0.006 mg/kg; therefore, the long-term dietary risk was 0 per cent acceptable daily intake. Conclusion Fresh red dragon fruit is safe to consume.
Anthracnose is one of the leading causes of quality losses of banana fruit. It is caused by several species in the genus Colletotrichum. In the Philippines, Colletotrichum musae has long been known as the only anthracnose pathogen of banana in the Philippines, but molecular characterization is yet to be done. Further, little is known of cultivar susceptibility to anthracnose in popular banana cultivars. Here we provide evidence for C. musae as a postharvest anthracnose pathogen of banana cv. Cavendish, presents the first molecular characteristics of C. musae PHBN0002, and demonstrates the susceptibility of three popular banana cultivars to postharvest anthracnose. The pathogen was isolated from anthracnose-infected fruit of cv. Cavendish with morphological characteristics resembling to C. musae. The DNA sequences of the ITS, GAPDH and ACT gene regions of the fungus had high similarities to that of the authentic sequences of epitype specimen of C. musae. In controlled unwounded detached-fruit assays, fruit of cv. Lakatan, Latundan and Saba developed anthracnose 7 d post inoculation of C. musae. The results strengthen the knowledge of C. musae as the anthracnose pathogen of banana in the Philippines and demonstrates the ability of the fungus to cross-infect to popular banana cultivars. This study may lead to further characterization of the genetic variability of C. musae frorm different banana growing regions in the country, which is one of the key elements in developing effective and durable control measures.
In the Philippines and other Southeast Asian countries, dragon fruits (Hylocereus species) have the potential to be a major “cash crop”. However, among the major problems currently faced by growers are yield- and quality-limiting diseases. In the Philippines, little is known of the dragon fruit diseases and measures that may be used in disease management. In this study, Neoscytalidium dimidiatum has been identified, by a combined morphological and molecular identification approach, as the cause of dragon fruit stem canker. The three dragon fruit species, H. monacanthus, H. undatus, and H. megalanthus, were susceptible to stem canker in both detached stems (3 laboratory trials) and rooted-stem cuttings (2 glasshouse trials) assays. The symptom was more severe in inoculated rooted-stem cuttings than in detached stems. Growth of N. dimidiatum was suppressed in potato dextrose agar (PDA) medium amended with B. subtilis (2 ml/400 mL, 100% fungal growth inhibition, fgi), mancozeb (2 g/400 mL, 100% fgi) and pyraclostrobin (1 mL/400 mL, 100% fgi) (chemical control). Citronella oil (1.25 uL/mL, up to 85.42% fgi) and isoprothiolane (2.25 mL/400 mL, up to 100% fgi) also showed promising results. However, the growth of N. dimidiatum was not inhibited in PDA medium amended with propamocarb (1.60 mL/400 mL). This is the first scientific report of N. dimidiatum as a pathogen of dragon fruit in the Philippines, the susceptibility of H. megalanthus to stem canker, and the growth inhibitory effect of B. subtilis and other chemicals that can be used alternatively or in rotation with synthetic chemicals.
More than seven billion people compete for food to survive. Agriculture has increased the production of staple crops, through plant breeding and biotechnology, in arable areas that are now becoming limited due to industrialization. With staple crops becoming a common diet and with people getting the same nutrients from these foods, wild, exotic and underutilized edible plants are being explored as supplements or alternatives. One potential plant is dragon fruit or pitahaya. This vine cactus plant is water-efficient, rich in betalains and antioxidants, has medicinal benefits and is a source of income to growers. However, dragon fruit production faces significant challenges. Among these, losses due to diseases play a significant role in fruit-yield reduction and profitability. This paper provides a comprehensive review of dragon fruit diseases, their associated pathogens, distribution, and their current management options. We conclude that anthracnose, fruit and stem rot, stem canker and the cactus viral disease are among the most frequently reported diseases of dragon fruit and actions are needed to address the growing problems associated with these diseases as effective, sustainable and practical management strategies are yet to be identified.
Canker disease, caused by Neoscytalidium dimidiatum, is the most severe disease affecting the pitaya (Hylocereus spp.) industry. In this study, we isolated identified and characterized this fungal pathogen, based on its morphology, molecular characteristics, and pathogenicity. One fungal strain, named N. dimidiatum 8 (ND8), was isolated from wild-type red-fleshed pitaya (H. polyrhizus) growing in Hainan Province, China. The fungal hyphae were white, then turned gray and finally changed black on potato dextrose agar plates. Under the microscope, the hyphae appeared branched, the individual conidia, arthrospore, and chlamydospore were rod-shaped. Bunchy arthrospore and chlamydospore were chain-like. The cell wall of chlamydospore was thicker than conidia and arthrospore. Diseased stems of pitaya plants initially developed small yellow spots, which gradually spread, eventually leading to the rotting of entire stems. The internal transcribed spacer (ITS) sequences of ND8 strain were 559 bp in length and showed 99% similarity to an N. dimidiatum sequence in GenBank (JX524168.1). The phylogenetic analysis also revealed that the novel isolates ND8 grouped with members of the genus Neoscytalidium. Pathogenicity test showed that pitaya plants infected with ND8 strain exhibited the same symptoms as diseased plants in plantations.
Chilli fruits with symptoms of anthracnose were collected from Batangas, Philippines, to determine the etiology of the disease. The fungus was initially identified as Colletotrichum acutatum sensu lato based on its morpho-cultural characteristics and molecular identity by using primer sets CaInt2/ITS4. Further analyses of three important gene regions, namely internal transcribed spacer (ITS), partial β-tubulin (BTUB), and glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate dehydrogenase (GAPDH), used in discerning species within the C. acutatum species complex, revealed that the gene sequence of Philippine isolate 0013 had high similarity to known authentic gene sequence of C. scovillei. The fungus induced the anthracnose symptoms on chilli cv. Django fruits in both wounded and unwounded conditions. This is the first record of C. scovillei as chilli anthracnose pathogen in the Philippines and of the chilli cultivar “Django” as highly susceptible host of C. scovillei 0013.
The potential of citronella essential oil for the management of chilli anthracnose caused by Colletotrichum acutatum was investigated. In in vitro tests citronella essential oil inhibited mycelial growth at 0.25, 1.25 and 2.5 µL citronella/mL water, reduced conidial germination and inhibited germ tube elongation at 1.25 µL/mL. Citronella essential oil applied as a protective or curative treatment to chilli cv. Django fruits reduced anthracnose infection. Efficacy of citronella essential oil was substantially effective to chemical fungicides and relatively superior to a biofungicide in both protective and curative tests. However, citronella essential oil at 2.5 µL/mL was phytotoxic to chilli fruits. Therefore, the most effective rate of citronella essential oil was at 1.5 µL/mL, inhibition of pathogen growth, reduction of anthracnose symptoms and no observable phytotoxic response on chilli fruits. Citronella essential oil may be a viable alternative to chemical fungicides for the management of chilli anthracnose.