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High pregnancy and implantation rates can be obtained using Magnetic-Activated Cell Sorting (MACS) to selection spermatozoa in patients with high levels of spermatic DNA fragmentation

  • EmbryoFertility Biomedicina Reproductiva

Abstract and Figures

Purpose: DNA fragmentation in spermatozoa has been associated with poor semen quality, low fertilization rates, impaired preimplantation development, and high miscarriage rates. The objective of this study was to evaluate the effects of the use of non-apoptotic MACS-selected spermatozoa in ICSI cycles, compared to those ICSI cycles in patients with normal sperm DNA fragmentation. Methods: A total of 134 cycles of ICSI were included in the study. The study group consisted of patients with high DNA fragmentation and their spermatozoa were selected by MACS (n=57); and the control group, of patients with normal DNA fragmentation and their spermatozoa were selected by classic morphological characteristics. The fertilization rate, cleavage rate, embryo quality, pregnancy rate (PR), implantation rate (IR) and miscarriage rate (MR) were compared between groups. Results: There was no difference in the fertilization rate (74.5 and 76.5%), cleavage rate and good embryo quality at Day 3 (98.3 and 89.1%; 88.4 and 83.7%) or blastocyst formation rate (50.8 and 41.1%) for the study and control groups, respectively. PRs, IRs and MRs were similar for the study group compared to the control group (PR: 63.2 versus 45.5%; IR: 37.4 versus 28.1%; MR: 8.3 versus 17.1). The women were distributed into three groups: <35 years, 35-39 years and ≥ 40 years. Pregnancy, implantation and miscarriage rates were similar in the three evaluated groups (P: NS). Conclusions: By selecting non-apoptotic sperm by MACS, we can achieve very acceptable pregnancy and implantation rates; being
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García-Ferreyra et al., JFIV Reprod Med Genet 2014, 2:4
Research Article
Journal of Fertilization : In Vitro, IVF-Worldwide,
Reproductive Medicine, Genitics & Stem Cell Biology
Volume 2 • Issue 4 • 1000133
JFIV Reprod Med Genet
ISSN: 2375-4508 JFIV, an open access journal
Keywords: Sperm DNA fragmentation; SCD test; ICSI; Pregnancy
rate; Implantation rate
Semen quality is frequently used as an indirect measure of male
infertility. Ejaculate volume, sperm concentration, motility and
morphology, determined according to World Health Organisation
(WHO) standards, are the most important parameters evaluated in
infertility centers as a part of routine semen analysis. However, these
traditional criteria provide little indication of possible nuclear DNA
Normal sperm genetic material is required for a successful
fertilization, as well as for further embryo and fetal development in
order to produce healthy ospring. Sperm DNA contributes half of
the ospring´s genomic material and abnormal DNA can lead to
derangements in the reproductive process. ere is now good evidence
that shows that sperm DNA and chromatin damage are associated with
male infertility and reduced natural conception rates [1-3].
In the last years, the integrity of sperm DNA is being recognized
as a new parameter of semen quality and a marker of male infertility
[4,5]. Nevertheless, DNA integrity assessment is not being carried out
as a routine part of semen analysis in the clinical laboratory [6]. Sperm
DNA fragmentation can be caused by apoptosis in the seminiferous
tubule epithelium, defects in chromatin remodeling during the process
of spermiogenesis, oxygen radical-induced DNA damage during
sperm migration from the seminiferous tubules to the epididymis,
the activation of sperm caspases and endonucleases, damage induced
by chemotherapy and radiotherapy, and the eect of environmental
toxicants [7]. In humans, high levels of sperm nuclear DNA damage
have been related to low fertility potential, failure to obtain blastocysts,
blockage in embryo development aer embryo implantation,
increased risk of recurrent miscarriages, reduced chances of successful
implantation, and negative eects on the health of the ospring [8-11].
Magnetic-Activated Cell Sorting (MACS) is an excellent tool for
selecting the desired cells or sperms out of a mixed cell population on
membrane surface markers [12]. Externalization of phosphatidylserine
(PS) to the outer membrane of sperm is considered early sign of
apoptosis. Annexin V is a protein with a molecular weight of 35 KDa that
has high anity to PS in the presence of physiological concentrations
of Ca+2 and is unable to pass through intact sperm membranes; thus,
annexin V binding by a sperm cell indicates that its membrane integrity
has been compromised [13,14]. MACS using annexin V conjugated
with magnetic microspheres, which are exposed to a magnetic eld in
an anity column, can separate apoptotic from non-apoptotic sperm.
*Corresponding author: Javier García-Ferreyra, FERTILAB Laboratory of
Assisted Reproduction, Av. San Felipe 1017, Lima 11, Peru, Tel: +51-1-471-1111;
Received August 13, 2014; Accepted October 29, 2014; Published November
06, 2014
Citation: García-Ferreyra J, Villegas L, Romero R, Zavala P, Hilario R, et al. (2014)
High Pregnancy and Implantation Rates Can Be Obtained Using Magnetic-Activat-
ed Cell Sorting (MACS) to Selection Spermatozoa in Patients with High Levels of
Spermatic DNA Fragmentation. JFIV Reprod Med Genet 2: 133. doi:10.4172/2375-
Copyright: © 2014 García-Ferreyra J, et al. This is an open-access article
distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which
permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided
the original author and source are credited.
Purpose: DNA fragmentation in spermatozoa has been associated with poor semen quality, low fertilization
rates, impaired preimplantation development, and high miscarriage rates. The objective of this study was to evaluate
the effects of the use of non-apoptotic MACS-selected spermatozoa in ICSI cycles, compared to those ICSI cycles
in patients with normal sperm DNA fragmentation.
Methods: A total of 134 cycles of ICSI were included in the study. The study group consisted of patients with
high DNA fragmentation and their spermatozoa were selected by MACS (n=57); and the control group, of patients
with normal DNA fragmentation and their spermatozoa were selected by classic morphological characteristics. The
fertilization rate, cleavage rate, embryo quality, pregnancy rate (PR), implantation rate (IR) and miscarriage rate
(MR) were compared between groups.
Results: There was no difference in the fertilization rate (74.5 and 76.5%), cleavage rate and good embryo
quality at Day 3 (98.3 and 89.1%; 88.4 and 83.7%) or blastocyst formation rate (50.8 and 41.1%) for the study and
control groups, respectively. PRs, IRs and MRs were similar for the study group compared to the control group (PR:
63.2 versus 45.5%; IR: 37.4 versus 28.1%; MR: 8.3 versus 17.1). The women were distributed into three groups:
<35 years, 35-39 years and ≥ 40 years. Pregnancy, implantation and miscarriage rates were similar in the three
evaluated groups (P: NS).
Conclusions: By selecting non-apoptotic sperm by MACS, we can achieve very acceptable pregnancy and
implantation rates; being a good option for couples with high sperm DNA fragmentation and repeated assisted
reproduction failures.
High Pregnancy and Implantation Rates Can Be Obtained Using
Magnetic-Activated Cell Sorting (MACS) to Selection Spermatozoa in
Patients with High Levels of Spermatic DNA Fragmentation
Javier García-Ferreyra1*, Lucy Villegas1, Rocío Romero2, Patricia Zavala2, Roly Hilario2 and Julio Dueñas-Chacón1,2
1FERTILAB Laboratory of Assisted Reproduction, Lima, Peru
2PROCREAR Fertility Center, Lima, Peru
Page 2 of 6
Volume 2 • Issue 4 • 1000133
JFIV Reprod Med Genet
ISSN: 2375-4508 JFIV, an open access journal
Citation: García-Ferreyra J, Villegas L, Romero R, Zavala P, Hilario R, et al. (2014) High Pregnancy and Implantation Rates Can Be Obtained Using
Magnetic-Activated Cell Sorting (MACS) to Selection Spermatozoa in Patients with High Levels of Spermatic DNA Fragmentation. JFIV
Reprod Med Genet 2: 133. doi:10.4172/2375-4508.1000133
Several studies reported an improvement in fertilization rates
[15,16] and embryo quality [17-19] because the best sperms were
selected using MACS compared to standard selection methods. On the
other hand, Gil et al. [20] showed that the implantation and miscarriage
rated did not vary between MACS or standard sperm selection methods;
however, they did observe an improvement in pregnancy rates.
In this study, we evaluated the eects of using MACS as a sperm
selection technique in patients with high DNA fragmentation compared
with patients with normal DNA fragmentation and determine the
ecacy of such technique in the hopes of improving ART success rates.
Materials and Methods
In this study, we analyzed 134 cycles of ICSI that were done
between March 2012 and April 2014 at FERTILAB Laboratory of
Assisted Reproduction (Lima, Peru), all approved by the Institutional
Review Board (IRB) and the corresponding Ethics Committee. Written
consent was obtained from all patients and their partners included in
this study. e study group was made up of patients with high sperm
DNA fragmentation (n = 57) and their wifes oocytes were injected
with non-apoptotic spermatozoa selected using MACS and; the control
group, of patients with normal sperm DNA fragmentation (n = 77) and
their wife’s oocytes were injected with spermatozoa selected by classic
morphological characteristics.
Sperm DNA fragmentation assessment
Prior to the hormonal stimulation, sperm DNA fragmentation
values were evaluated with the Sperm Chromatin Dispersion (SCD)
test [21] using Halosperm® Kit (Halotech Dna, Spain). Briey, sperm
samples from each patient, containing aer dilution or concentration
not <5 million and not >10 million spermatozoa per milliliter, were
used. e kit contains aliquots of agarose gel in Eppendorf tubes. Each
semen sample was processed aer the agarose gelled (from immersion
in a water bath at 90ºC for 5 min). When the Eppendorf tubes reached
a temperature of 37ºC (5 min at 37ºC in a dry atmosphere), 25 µL
of sperm were added and gently mixed. Twenty microliters of this
mixture were placed on precoated slides and covered with 22 x 22-mm
coverslide. e slides were maintained at 4ºC for 5 minutes to produce
a microgel containing embedded spermatozoa. e coverslides were
gently removed, and the slides were immersed in a previously prepared
acid solution (80 µL of HCl added to 10 mL of distilled water) for 7
minutes. Aer removal from this solution, the slides were incubated
for 25 minutes in 10 mL of lysing solution (provided in the Halosperm
kit). Aer rinsing in distilled water, the slides were dehydrated for 2
minutes in three concentrations of alcohol (70%, 90% and 100% vol)
for 2 minutes each and either were stored (storage was possible several
months in optimal conditions) or were processed immediately with
staining solution for 10 minutes with continuous airow. Staining
was performed with 1:1 (vol/vol) by using Wrights solution (Merck,
Darmstadt, Germany) and phosphate-buered saline solution (Merck).
e slides were rinsed in tap water, allowed to dry at room temperature,
processed for upright or inverted bright-eld microscopy at x100, and
covered with 22 x 22 coverslide. Operators scored ≥500 spermatozoa
for each patient according to the patterns established by Fernández et
al. [21]. Strong staining is preferred to visualize the dispersed DNA
loop halos. Removal of sperm nuclear proteins results in nucleoids with
a central core and a peripheral halo of dispersed DNA loops. e sperm
tails remain preserved. e acid treatment produces DNA unwinding
that is restricted in those nuclei with high levels of DNA strand breakage.
Aer the subsequent lysis, sperm nuclei with fragmented DNA produce
very small or no halos of dispersed DNA. However, nuclei without
DNA fragmentation released their DNA loops to form large halos.
Ovarian stimulation and oocyte collection
e menstrual cycles of patients were stimulated using recombinant
FSH (Gonal®, Merck Serono laboratories, Peru) and HMG (Menopure®,
Ferring Pharmaceutical, Peru) according to the stimulation protocols
previously established and starting on day 2 of the menstrual cycle
until when at least three follicles reached ~18 mm in diameter. e
oocyte pickup was performed by vaginal ultrasound 36 h aer the
intramuscular application of Human Chorionic Gonadotropin, hCG
(Pregnyl®, Ferring Pharmaceutical, Peru). For the procedure, the patient
was under general anesthesia with 200 mg of Propofol iv (Diprivan® 1%
P/V; AstraZeneca Laboratories, UK).
During the follicular aspiration procedure, the oocytes were
recovered in Global®-HEPES-buered medium (IV Fonline, Canada)
supplemented with 10% vol/vol Serum Substitute Supplement (SSS;
Irvine Scientic, USA). Aer retrieval, cumulus-oocyte complexes
were manually trimmed of excess cumulus cells and cultured in ~200
µL drops of Global®-Fertilization medium (IV Fonline, Canada) plus
10% SSS under oil at 37°C and an atmosphere containing 6% CO2, 5%
O2 and 89% N2 for 5 hours before the ICSI procedure.
Seminal samples and sperm non-apoptotic selection by MACS
Study group sperm cells were prepared by density gradient
centrifugation aer MACS of non-apoptotic spermatozoa. Control
group sperm cells were prepared by density gradient centrifugation
without magnetic sorting. On the day of the ICSI procedure, all
patients’ partners collected the semen samples by masturbation in
aseptic conditions into sterile cups aer 3-5 days of sexual abstinence.
Concentration, progressive motility and morphology from spermatozoa
were assessed aer semen liquefaction for 30 min at room temperature
according to World Health Organization criteria (2010). Motile
spermatozoa were separated from the seminal plasma by centrifugation
through 1.0 mL 95% and 45% Isolate gradients (Irvine Scientic,
USA). e pellet was washed once by centrifugation for 5 min, and was
resuspended in HEPES-buered Global medium + 10% SSS for ICSI.
For magnetic selection, spermatozoa were incubated with annexin
V-conjugated microbeads (Miltenyi Biotec, GmbH, Bergisch Gladbach,
Germany) for 15 min at room temperature. One hundred microliters of
microbeads were used for each 10 million separated cells. e sperm/
microbead suspension was loaded in a separation column containing
iron globes, which was tted in a magnetic eld (Mini MACS; Miltenyi
Biotec). e fraction composed of apoptotic spermatozoa was retained
in the separation column, whereas the fraction with intact membranes
was eluted through the column and was collected as non-apoptotic
ICSI, fertilization and embryo culture
In every patient, all oocytes in metaphase II were injected 5 hours
aer aspiration according to methods previously described [22]. Aer
the ICSI procedure (day 0), all injected oocytes were cultured at 37°C in
an atmosphere of 6% CO2, 5% O2 and 89% N2.
e fertilization was evaluated 16-18 hours post injection by
presence of two pronuclei (day 1). e zygotes were individually
cultured under mineral oil, in 10-µL droplets of Global® medium (IVF
online, Canada) supplemented with 10% vol/vol SSS from day 1 to day
3. On day 3, the embryos were moved to fresh 10-µL droplets of Global®
medium + 10% SSS and cultured 2 days more up to the transfer day in
blastocyst stage.
Page 3 of 6
Volume 2 • Issue 4 • 1000133
JFIV Reprod Med Genet
ISSN: 2375-4508 JFIV, an open access journal
Citation: García-Ferreyra J, Villegas L, Romero R, Zavala P, Hilario R, et al. (2014) High Pregnancy and Implantation Rates Can Be Obtained Using
Magnetic-Activated Cell Sorting (MACS) to Selection Spermatozoa in Patients with High Levels of Spermatic DNA Fragmentation. JFIV
Reprod Med Genet 2: 133. doi:10.4172/2375-4508.1000133
On day 3 the embryos were evaluated for cell number,
fragmentation, and multinucleation. Good quality day 3 embryos were
dened as those with 6-8 cells and ≤ 10% of fragmentation. Good
quality blastocysts were dened as having an inner cell mass (ICM)
and trophoectoderm type A or B [23]. e ICM score was evaluated
as follow: type A = compact area, many cells present; type B = cells are
loosely grouped. e trophoectoderm was scored as follows: type A =
many cells forming a tight epithelial network of cells; type B = few cells
forming a loose network of cells.
Embryos were transferred on day 5 in all patients using an Emtrac
embryo transfer catheter (Gynétics Medical Products, Lommel,
Belgium) that had been previously washed with culture medium. e
catheter was completely lled with culture medium and the blastocysts
lled in the last 10 µL of the catheter. All transfers were performed
according to the methods previously described by Mansour [24]. e
blastocysts that were not transferred were cryopreserved or discarded
according to their morphology.
Pregnancy determinations
e biochemical pregnancy was assessed 14 days aer the embryo
transfer by measuring the Human Chorionic Gonadotropin beta
subunit (hCG-b) in blood. e clinical pregnancy was determined
by transvaginal ultrasonography to detect gestational sacs and fetal
heartbeats at approximately 21 and 28 days aer transfer, respectively.
Statistical analysis
Statistical analysis was carried out using the statistic package Stata
10 (StataCorp, College Station, TX). Data are represented as Mean ±
SD. Group comparisons were made using the χ2 test and Student’s t-test.
It was considered a statistical signicant dierence when P <0.05.
e normal fertilization rate was calculated from the number of
zygotes with two pronuclei of ICSI and divided by the number of oocytes
injected by 100. e cleavage rate was calculated from the number of
embryo with ≥ 6 cells at day 3 and divided by the total number of zygotes
by 100. e rate of implantation was calculated dividing the number of
gestational sacs observed by ultrasound at the 21 st day post transfer
divided by the total number of embryos transferred by 100. e rate
of clinic pregnancy was calculated from the number of patients with at
least one gestational sac divided by the total embryo transfers by 100.
e miscarriage rate was dened as the number of pregnancies with
total loss of gestational sacs before the 20 weeks of gestation between
the numbers of pregnancies by 100.
e mean days of stimulation were similar in the study and control
groups (8.10 ± 1.08 versus 8.02 ± 1.32 days; P: NS). e women of the
study group compared with the control group had signicantly lower
mean rFSH treatment (1292.21 ± 291.71 versus 1386.19 ± 313.21; IU/l;
data not shown). Women and their partners from the study group were
signicantly older than that those from the control group (P <0.05;
Table 1). Furthermore, the study group had higher percentages of DNA
fragmentation compared to the control group (P <0.05). Both evaluated
groups had similar sperm concentration, progressive motility and
morphology (P: NS; Table 1).
Results of laboratory and clinical outcomes obtained from the
study group (high DNA Fragmentation) and the control group (normal
DNA fragmentation) are shown in (Table 2). A total of 588 and 672
oocytes were collected from women of study and control groups,
respectively. Four hundred and eighty-six and ve hundred and
seventy-eight oocytes from de study and control groups, respectively,
were inseminated. e normal fertilization (2PN) was similar in both
evaluated groups (study group: 74.5% versus control group: 76.5%).
ere was no dierence in the cleavage rate and good embryo quality at
day 3 between groups. Blastocyst development rates were similar (50.8%
and 41.1%, respectively) for the study and control groups. In addition,
embryos reaching the blastocyst stage were morphologically similar in
both groups. In the study group, a total of 107 embryos were transferred
to 57 patients with a mean of 1.88 embryos. In the control group, a
total of 146 embryos were transferred to 77 patients with a mean of
1.90 embryos. ere was no signicant dierence in the clinical PR per
transfer in the evaluated groups: 63.2% in the study group and 45.5% in
the control group. Implantation and miscarriage rates were similar in
both groups (Figure 1). e percentages of single and twin pregnancies
were similar between both studied groups.
e total number of cycles was allocated to three age groups: <35;
35-39 and ≥ 40 years old (Table 3). e pregnancy, implantation and
miscarriage rates were similar in each age group in both the high DNA
fragmentation (study group) and normal DNA fragmentation (control
group). Our data showed that pregnancy and implantation rate is
similar with advancing age in the study group.
Study Group Control Group
No. cycles 57 77
Female age (years) (Mean ± SD) 34.64 ± 4.55*32.76 ± 4.21
Male age (years) (Mean ± SD) 42.24 ± 7.76*38.38 ± 5.79
Sperm DNA fragmentation (%) 38.21 ± 11.33*18.76 ± 9.07
Sperm concentration (x 106/mL) 77.65 ± 41.29 67.53 ± 35.57
Progressive motility (%) 23.63 ± 11.22 21.60 ± 11.58
Sperm morphology (%) 5.01 ± 4.85 6.67 ± 6.84
*P<0.05 compared to the control group
Table 1: Comparison of seminal results in the study and control groups.
Study Group Control Group
Cycles 57 77
Total number of oocytes 588 672
Total number of injected oocytes 486 578
Total number of fertilized oocytes (2PN) (%) 362 (74.5) 442 (76.5)
Cleavage rate of embryo at day 3 (%) 98.3 89.1
Number of cells at day 3 (Mean ± SD) 7.19 ± 0.88 7.24 ± 0.87
Good quality embryos at day 3 (%) 88.4 83.7
Blastocyst development (%) 50.8 41.1
Good quality blastocysts (%) 71.9 69.3
Full blastocyst (%) 35.3 43.5
Expanded blastocyst (%) 60.9 54.2
Hatching blastocyst (%) 3.8 2.3
Total number of embryo transferred/patient
(Mean ± SD) 107 146
(1.88 ± 0.33) (1.90 ± 0.38)
Pregnancy rate (%) 63.2 45.5
Implantation rate (%) 37.4 28.1
Single pregnancies (%) 88.9 82.9
Twin pregnancies (%) 11.1 17.1
Miscarriages (%) 8.3 17.1
Biochemical pregnancy rate (%) 0 0
Table 2: Comparison of laboratory results and clinical outcomes between both
evaluated groups.
Page 4 of 6
Volume 2 • Issue 4 • 1000133
JFIV Reprod Med Genet
ISSN: 2375-4508 JFIV, an open access journal
Citation: García-Ferreyra J, Villegas L, Romero R, Zavala P, Hilario R, et al. (2014) High Pregnancy and Implantation Rates Can Be Obtained Using
Magnetic-Activated Cell Sorting (MACS) to Selection Spermatozoa in Patients with High Levels of Spermatic DNA Fragmentation. JFIV
Reprod Med Genet 2: 133. doi:10.4172/2375-4508.1000133
Sperm chromatin is a well-organized, compact, crystalline
structure, consisting of haploid DNA and heterogeneous proteins. Its
highly condensed and insoluble nature plays a protective role during
the transfer of the paternal genetic information through the male and
female reproductive tracts, adjusting to the extremely limited volume of
the sperm nucleus [25,26].
Apoptosis is an ongoing physiological phenomenon that maintains
the number of germ cells within the supportive capacity of the Sertoli
cells [27]. is process includes a cascade of events such as interruption
of membrane phospholipid asymmetry, condensation and destruction
of the chromatin, compaction of cytoplasmic organelles, reduced
mitochondrial transmembrane potential, mitochondrial release of
cytochrome c, production of reactive oxygen species, expansion of the
endoplasmic reticulum, and a diminishing in cell volume [28]. Among
these events, translocation of phosphatidylserine (PS), as an early event
of the execution phase of apoptosis, is considered one of the signals
for specic recognition and removal of apoptotic cells by phagocytosis
[29]. In men, increased rates of externalized PS are associated with
decreased sperm motility, morphology or concentration in ejaculated
semen [30], and its occurrence is reported to be higher in semen
samples from infertile men compared with fertile men [31]. Based on
PS externalization to the outer membrane, and using magnetic cell
sorting using annexin V (used as an apoptotic marker) conjugated with
microbeads, apoptotic sperm can be separated from non-apoptotic
sperm [32].
Sperm DNA fragmentation may exert its eect at dierent stages
of the reproductive procedure, beginning from the pre-implantation
development of the embryo to achievement and sustaining of
pregnancy and nally the creation of healthy ospring. Several studies
demonstrated the impact of sperm DNA damage and its correlation
with clinical endpoints including fertilization rates, embryonic
development, implantation, pregnancy and miscarriage rates [33-35].
Negative correlation has been associated between fertilization
results with the presence of high levels of sperm DNA fragmentation
[9,36-39]. However, if the type and extent of DNA damage can be
balanced by the reparative ability of the oocyte, it is possible to achieve
fertilization even in the presence of elevated sperm DNA fragmentation
rates [10,40,41]. Additionally, in ICSI, the natural selection barriers are
bypassed entirely and fertilization with highly DNA-fragmented sperm
is possible. Although this damage may also be repaired in the oocyte,
excessive damage may potentially result in early reproductive failures
[42]. During the 4 to 8 cell stage, when the paternal genome is switched
on, development of the embryo is denitely aected by sperm DNA
integrity. en, apoptosis and fragmentation will be present within
the embryo and subsequently there is some diculty in reaching to
blastocyst stage [26,43]. An inverse relationship has been reported
between the likelihood of achieving pregnancy either by natural
intercourse, intrauterine insemination or by application of ART and
the presence of high sperm DNA fragmentation levels [11,40,44,45].
In the present study, MACS was utilized for the selection of non-
apoptotic sperm in men with high DNA fragmentation levels, and these
selected spermatozoa were used in an ICSI procedure. e results have
shown the feasibility and eciency of MACS to select non-apoptotic
spermatozoa. e data obtained demonstrated similar fertilization
rates, preimplantation embryo development and clinical outcomes in
those patients with high sperm DNA fragmentation treated with MACS
compared with those patients with normal sperm DNA fragmentation.
ese ndings are very important because they show that the utilization
of selected spermatozoa favors normal pregnancy and implantation
rates. Furthermore, the use of this technique is a good choice for
couples with repeated assisted reproduction failures in which sperm
apoptosis is present.
ere are multiple applications for MACS technology in the male
reproduction. MACS, in combination with anti-CD45 microbeads,
have been used repeatedly with great success to eliminate leukocytes
from seminal uid [46,47]. Also, non-apoptotic sperm obtained
through MACS can be used for insemination in infertile men couples
with autoimmune male infertility [48,49]. Additionally, MACS has
been employed to facilitate the analysis of distinctive homogeneous
spermatogenic cell populations by overcoming the heterogeneity of
somatic and germ cells within the testicular tissue [50,51]; and to select
a high proportion of sperm with normal morphology and signicantly
lower sperm deformity index [52].
In regards to the application of MACS in ART, our study showed
an improvement in the fertilization, embryo quality, pregnancy and
implantation rates in those patients with high levels of fragmented
spermatic DNA. Several authors previously reported similar results in
fertilization rates [15,16,53], embryo quality [17,18], pregnancy rates
[18,20,53-55], and additionally healthy infants who are born with
normal neonatal assessments [53,56-58].
Cleavage rate, cleavage stage embryo morphology, cytoplasmic
fragmentation and multinucleation have been shown to be important
markers of embryo quality and viability that may be observed over time
during in vitro culture. Aer the advent of extended embryo culturing,
higher IRs have been reported because of better embryo selection
compared with earlier developmental stages and because of better
synchronization between the embryo developmental stage and uterine
Our observations demonstrate that MACS is a exible, fast and
simple cell sorting system for separation of cells; and employing
annexin V microbeads can eectively remove apoptotic sperm.
Pregnacy rate Implantaon rate Miscarriage rate
Study group
Control group
Figure 1: Pregnancy, Implantation and Miscarriage rates
Study Group Control Group
Age (years) n PR (%) IM (%) MR (%) n PR (%) IR (%) MR (%)
<35 36 66.7 38.9 8.3 53 49.1 31 19.2
35-39 15 53.3 29.6 0 19 36.8 21.1 14.3
≥ 40 6 66.7 50 25 5 40 25 50
PR: Pregnancy rate; IM: Implantation rate; MR: Miscarriage rate
Table 3: Clinical outcomes in the study and the control group according the age
of patients.
Page 5 of 6
Volume 2 • Issue 4 • 1000133
JFIV Reprod Med Genet
ISSN: 2375-4508 JFIV, an open access journal
Citation: García-Ferreyra J, Villegas L, Romero R, Zavala P, Hilario R, et al. (2014) High Pregnancy and Implantation Rates Can Be Obtained Using
Magnetic-Activated Cell Sorting (MACS) to Selection Spermatozoa in Patients with High Levels of Spermatic DNA Fragmentation. JFIV
Reprod Med Genet 2: 133. doi:10.4172/2375-4508.1000133
Hence, sperm cells prepared by MACS have high motility, viability,
morphology, and display reduced apoptosis manifestations, including
DNA fragmentation. Additionally, by selecting non-apoptotic sperm by
MACS, we can achieve satisfactory pregnancy and implantation rates,
rendering the procedure a good option for couples with high sperm
DNA fragmentation and repeated assisted reproduction failures.
Finally, our data demonstrated the importance of adequate
diagnosis and sperm selection pre ART when high levels of sperm DNA
damage are observed. Consequently, we suggest that further research
and well-designed prospective studies are carried out, in which all
variables are controlled, in order to reveal more advantages regarding
the utilization of MACS in ART.
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Volume 2 • Issue 4 • 1000133
JFIV Reprod Med Genet
ISSN: 2375-4508 JFIV, an open access journal
Citation: García-Ferreyra J, Villegas L, Romero R, Zavala P, Hilario R, et al. (2014) High Pregnancy and Implantation Rates Can Be Obtained Using
Magnetic-Activated Cell Sorting (MACS) to Selection Spermatozoa in Patients with High Levels of Spermatic DNA Fragmentation. JFIV
Reprod Med Genet 2: 133. doi:10.4172/2375-4508.1000133
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Citation: García-Ferreyra J, Villegas L, Romero R, Zavala P, Hilario R, et al.
(2014) High Pregnancy and Implantation Rates Can Be Obtained Using Mag-
netic-Activated Cell Sorting (MACS) to Selection Spermatozoa in Patients with
High Levels of Spermatic DNA Fragmentation. JFIV Reprod Med Genet 2: 133.
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... Annexin Vconjugated magnetic microbeads are used for magnetic separation using MACS columns and separators yield a sperm population with a lower incidence of apoptosis, higher nuclear maturity [23,24], higher count and lower SDF [25]. Some studies showed improved fertilization, implantation rates, and clinical pregnancy [26][27][28]. MACS can be done alone or combined with DGC for extra selection and better reproductive outcomes [23,24,28,29]. ...
... Some supported the usage of those techniques for indicated cases and reported significant improvement in ICSI outcomes, while others who studied their use in general ICSI patients and did not show significant improvements. Ferreyra et al. [26] compared the normal SDF group with the abnormal SDF semen that was processed by MACS; they have found no significant difference between both groups in fertilization, cleavage, blastulation, pregnancy, implantation, and miscarriage rates. They concluded that MACS can eliminate the negative effects of abnormal SDF. ...
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Purpose: To know which sperm selection technique, physiological intracytoplasmic sperm injection (PICSI) or magnetic-activated cell sorting (MACS), is better for the selection of sperm with abnormal sperm DNA fragmentation (SDF) in patients undergoing intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI). Methods: A prospective randomized trial included 413 ICSI cases with abnormal SDF (> 20.3%) by TUNEL assay. Patients with at least 1 million total progressive motile sperm count were randomized to PICSI or MACS groups on the day of ICSI. PICSI depends on the hyaluronan binding of better SDF sperm where individual sperm was selected, while MACS selects non-apoptotic sperm population using Annexin V magnetic beads. All pre-implantation embryogenic parameters were observed and the main outcome was the ongoing pregnancy rate. Results: There were no significant differences between patients allocated to PICSI and MACS in the studied parameters including pre-implantation embryological data, implantation, clinical pregnancy, and ongoing pregnancy rates. Meanwhile, sub-analysis according to the female age has shown that female patients with less than 30 years of age in the MACS group had significantly higher good-quality blastocyst, clinical pregnancy, and ongoing pregnancy rates than the PICSI group. However, the higher implantation (p = 0.051), clinical pregnancy (p = 0.078), and ongoing pregnancy (p = 0.097) rates observed in females between 30 and 35 years of age in the PICSI group did not reach significance level. Conclusions: PICSI and MACS are efficient techniques for sperm selection in cases with abnormal sperm DNA fragmentation. However, MACS is preferred when the females are younger than 30 years, while PICSI is preferred in older females. Clinical trial registration number: NCT03398317 (retrospectively registered).
... García-Ferreyra, also in 2013 [61] reported high pregnancy and IR obtained using MACS in 57 patients with high levels of spermatic fDNA when compared to 77 control patients with normal fDNA whose spermatozoa were elected according to classic morphological characteristics. They reported that the FR, CR, embryo quality, PR, IR and miscarriage rate (MR) were similar between groups. ...
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Sperm selection of the most competent sperm is a promising way to enhance reproductive outcomes. Apoptosis is the programmed cell death process to maintain tissue homeostasis, and MACS sperm selection of non-apoptotic cells enables the removal of apoptotic sperm from an ejaculate, thus leaving the non-apoptotic available to be microinjected, but given the associated costs of adding these sperm selection steps to the routine practice, there is a need for a careful examination of the literature available to answer questions such as who can benefit from this MACS, how significant this improvement is, and how robust the evidence and data available supporting this choice are. Thus, the aim of this narrative review was to objectively evaluate the available evidence regarding the potential benefits of the use of MACS. From the literature, there are controversial results since its implementation as an in vitro fertilization add-on, and this may be explained in part by the low quality of the evidence available, wrong designs, or even inadequate statistical analyses. We concluded that the benefits of adding MACS are unclear, and further methodologically sound research on specific populations is much needed before offering it clinically.
... These elements may make it more difficult for sperm cells with damaged DNA to fertilize, decrease the viability of the resulting embryo, and raise the risk of abortion. Several studies have found that sperm had aberrant morphologies and DNA damage [7]. Unknown causes of infertility account for about 25% of cases [8]. ...
... In addition, miscarriages were fewer in the study groups than in control groups. 25 Another study by Horta et al. evaluated the impact of MACS on fertilization, implantation, rates of clinical pregnancy, miscarriage, and embryo growth in couples receiving ICSI. This study found that the rate of implantation on EDT5/6 was significantly greater when MACS was used compared to swim-up sperm selection in the study group (MACS) and control group, respectively. ...
... Nonetheless, a significant increase in both pregnancy and live-birth rates was observed in the MACS group compared to those in the control group. These results are similar to those of previous studies [36,37] in which improvement in reproductive outcomes was also reported in oocyte-donation cycles for couples with an associated male factor. On the other hand, previous studies showed that the MACS procedure was unable to improve reproductive outcomes in oocyte-donation cycles. ...
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Magnetic-activated cell sorting (MACS) can be used to separate apoptotic sperm with high proportions of fragmented DNA from the rest, thus improving the overall quality of the seminal sample. Therefore, the aim of this retrospective study was to investigate the efficiency of the MACS technique to increase reproductive outcomes in patients with high levels of sperm DNA fragmentation (SDF) undergoing intracytoplasmic sperm-injection (ICSI) cycles. In this study, we analyzed a total of 724 assisted-reproduction-technique (ART) cycles that were divided into two groups: the study group (n = 366) in which the MACS selection technique was performed after density-gradient centrifugation (DGC), and the control group (n = 358) in which only DGC was used for sperm selection. Reproductive outcomes were analyzed in both groups according to three different ART procedures: preimplantation genetic testing for aneuploidy (PGT-A), and autologous and oocyte-donation cycles. The MACS group showed significantly lower miscarriage rates in autologous ICSI cycles, higher pregnancy rates in oocyte-donation cycles, and a significant increase in live-birth rates in both autologous and oocyte-donation cycles. Overall, these results suggested that the MACS technique can be effectively used to eliminate sperm with high SDF levels, and therefore may help to improve reproductive outcomes in couples undergoing ART.
... However, another study registering 237 infertile couples following ICSI with donated oocytes did not find significant differences in terms of embryo quality and in the ratios of fertilization, implantation, pregnancy, and live birth when the semen was cryopreserved and then selected by SU or SU followed by AV-MACS (Romany et al., 2014). García-Ferreyra et al. (2014) reported higher, but not statically significant pregnancy and implantation rates when semen showing basal high DNA fragmentation was selected by AV-MACS followed by DGC, compared to DGC alone in ICSI treatments. These results are supported by those reported by Stimpfel et al. (2018) in couples of teratozoospermic patients and women over 30 years old undergoing ICSI, showing higher quality blastocysts when Studies conducted in livestock species using MACS are missing. ...
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Almost 50% of the infertility cases are due to male factors. Assisted reproductive technologies (ARTs) allow to overcome the incapacity of these patients’ spermatozoa to fertilize the oocyte and produce a viable and healthy offspring, but the efficiency of the different techniques has still the potential to improve. According to the latest reports of the European Society of Human Reproduction and Embryology (ESHRE) and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention of the United States (CDC), the percentages of deliveries per ART cycle in 2014 and 2016 were 21 and 22%, respectively. Among the reasons for this relatively low efficiency, the quality of the spermatozoa has been pointed out as critical, and the presence of high percentages of DNA-damaged spermatozoa in patients’ ejaculates is possibly one of the main factors reducing the ARTs outcomes. Thus, one of the main challenges in reproductive medicine is to ensure the highest quality of the spermatozoa used in ARTs, and specifically, in terms of genetic integrity. The latest techniques for the preparation and selection of human spermatozoa are herein discussed focusing on those proven to improve one or several of the following parameters: sperm genetic integrity, fertilization capacity, embryo production, and in vitro survival, as well as pregnancy and delivery rates following in vitro fertilization (IVF) and intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI). In addition, we discuss the potential of techniques developed in non-human mammals that could be further transferred to the clinic.
... CR value when they also employed the Z potential technique; however, this study did not report on the other parameters studied by our group. García-Ferreyra et al. (2014), employing MACS, reported a CR of 98.3%, TQE on day 3 of 88.4% and a BR of 50.8%. In comparison with our group the CR was 89%, a lower value; however, TQE on day 3 was comparable (90.07%) and our BR (61.68%) was greater. ...
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PGD for HLA typing is a procedure that can be performed when an affected child requires a transplant to treat a non-hereditary disorder related to the hematopoietic and/or immune system. Hematopoietic stem cell transplantation from an HLA-identical donor provides the best treatment option. Three conventional ovarian stimulation procedures for IVF were performed in a couple with a 10-year-old child diagnosed with T-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia of high risk. Trophectoderm biopsy and aCGH examination were performed on 15 blastocysts, three on the first IVF procedure, four on the second cycle, and eight on the third. Three euploid blastocysts HLA-compatible with the genome of the affected child were identified. One euploid blastocyst HLA-compatible with the affected child was warmed and transferred, resulting in an HLA-matched live birth. In conclusion, combined aCGH for aneuploidy screening and Karyomapping may be performed in a single biopsy procedure.
... CR value when they also employed the Z potential technique; however, this study did not report on the other parameters studied by our group. García-Ferreyra et al. (2014), employing MACS, reported a CR of 98.3%, TQE on day 3 of 88.4% and a BR of 50.8%. In comparison with our group the CR was 89%, a lower value; however, TQE on day 3 was comparable (90.07%) and our BR (61.68%) was greater. ...
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Background: In assisted reproduction procedures, we need to develop and enhance new protocols to optimize sperm selection. The aim of this study is to evaluate the ability of the Z potential technique to select sperm with intact DNA in non-normospermic patients and evaluate the impact of this selection on embryonic development. Methods: We analyzed a total of 174 human seminal samples with at least one altered parameter. We measured basal, post density gradients, and post density gradients + Z potential DNA fragmentation index. To evaluate the impact of this technique on embryo development, 54 cases were selected. The embryo development parameters evaluated were fertilization rate, cleavage rate, top quality embryos at the third day and blastocysts rate. Results: We found significant differences in the study groups when we compared the sperm fragmentation index by adding the Z potential technique to density gradient selection vs. density gradients alone. Furthermore, there was no significant difference in the embryo development parameters between the low sperm fragmentation index group vs. the moderate and high sperm fragmentation index groups, when selecting sperms with this new technique. Conclusions: The Z potential technique is a very useful tool for sperm selection; it significantly reduces the DNA fragmentation index and improves the parameters of embryo development. This technique could be considered routine for its simplicity and low cost.
Research question Does magnetic-activated cell sorting (MACS) increase cumulative live birth rates (CLBRs) or improve clinical parameters of reproductive success in couples undergoing ICSI with donor oocytes? Design Retrospective multicenter observational study. Data were compiled from unselected couples who underwent ICSI cycles with donated oocytes in fifteen Spanish IVIRMA fertility clinics (January 2008 to Feb 2020). Patients were divided into reference (standard semen processing, n=40,103) and MACS (additional sperm selection step by MACS, n=900) groups. CLBRs were plotted in Kaplan-Meier curves and compared using the Mantel-Cox test. Proportions were compared with Fisher's exact test. A mixed-effects logistic regression model was developed to adjust results to clinically relevant variables. Results The MACS group showed a 27.1% CLBR after one embryo was replaced and 81.6% after four; the reference group had CLBRs of 19.6% and 78.5%, respectively. CLBR in the MACS group was 4.2% after five oocytes were used and 75.5% after fifteen; for the reference group, CLBRs were 7.8% and 78.3%, respectively. Differences between Kaplan-Meier curves of each group were statistically significant for both measurements. No significant differences between the groups were found in terms of CLBR per embryo transfer (ET) or in classical clinical outcomes such as pregnancy and live birth rates per ET. Conclusions Even though MACS sperm selection slightly increased the cumulative live birth rate per embryo transferred compared to the reference group, this change was not clinically meaningful. MACS should not be recommended indiscriminately to all infertile patients undergoing ICSI with donated oocytes as a sperm processing add-on.
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Magnetic activated cell sorting (MACS) with annexin V microbeads deselected apoptotic sperm with externalized phosphatidylserine (PS) residues on their surface and decrease chance of such sperm to be inseminated. Therefore, the aim of this study was to evaluate efficiency of MACS procedure in a prospective randomized trial. Sixty-two semen samples were allocated into two groups and processed according to: (i) a combination of MACS with density gradient centrifugation (MACS–DGC) as study group (N = 29); and (ii) DGC alone as a control group (N = 33). Fertilization, embryo quality, pregnancy and implantation rates were compared between the two groups. Although, no significant difference was observed in fertilization rates between the two groups, the percentage of high-quality embryos, pregnancy and implantation rates was significantly higher in the MACS–DGC group compared to DGC alone. Therefore, MACS may help to select the most fertile sperm and improve clinical outcomes of intra-cytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI).
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Purpose: To determine whether the use of Magnetic Activated Cell Sorting (MACS) as a sperm selection technique improves ART success rates in couples undergoing assisted reproduction treatment. Methods: Systematic review and meta-analysis of prospective randomized trials. Two reviewers conducted study selection and data extraction independently. Results: Five studies (prospective randomized trials) that comprised 499 patients were included. Sperm selection using MACS resulted in statistically significant differences in pregnancy rates when compared with density gradient centrifugation and swim-up techniques (RR=1.50, 95 % CI 1.14-1.98). No differences were found between the groups according to the implantation (RR=1.03, 95 % CI 0.80-1.31) and miscarriage (RR=2.00, 95 % CI 0.19-20.90) rates. Conclusions: MACS appears to be a safe and efficient method to select functional sperm with consistently good results. This technique may improve pregnancy rates when used to complement standard sperm selection methods in ART.
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Sperm DNA damage is common amongst infertile men and may adversely impact natural reproduction, IUI-assisted reproduction and to a lesser degree IVF pregnancy. The objective of this study was to examine the influence of sperm DNA damage on embryo quality and/or development at IVF and ICSI. We conducted a systematic review of studies that evaluated sperm DNA damage and embryo development and/or quality after IVF and/or ICSI. We identified 28 studies (8 IVF, 12 ICSI and 8 mixed IVF-ICSI studies) that evaluated the relationship between sperm DNA damage and embryo quality. These 28 studies evaluated 3226 treatment cycles (1033 IVF and 873 ICSI, 1320 mixed IVF-ICSI cycles) and demonstrated highly variable characteristics. In 11 of the 28 studies (1/8 IVF, 5/12 ICSI and 5/8 mixed IVF-ICSI studies), sperm DNA damage was associated with poor embryo quality and/or development, whereas the remaining 17 studies showed no relationship between sperm DNA damage and embryo quality and/or development. This systematic review indicates that the evaluable studies are heterogeneous and that overall, there is no consistent relationship between sperm DNA damage and embryo quality and/or development. The data also suggest that the influence of sperm DNA damage on embryo quality/development may be more significant in ICSI compared to IVF cycles.
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DNA damage is frequently encountered in spermatozoa of subfertile males and is correlated with a range of adverse clinical outcomes including impaired fertilization, disrupted preimplantation embryonic development, increased rates of miscarriage and an enhanced risk of disease in the progeny. The etiology of DNA fragmentation in human spermatozoa is closely correlated with the appearance of oxidative base adducts and evidence of impaired spermiogenesis. We hypothesize that oxidative stress impedes spermiogenesis, resulting in the generation of spermatozoa with poorly remodelled chromatin. These defective cells have a tendency to default to an apoptotic pathway associated with motility loss, caspase activation, phosphatidylserine exteriorization and the activation of free radical generation by the mitochondria. The latter induces lipid peroxidation and oxidative DNA damage, which then leads to DNA fragmentation and cell death. The physical architecture of spermatozoa prevents any nucleases activated as a result of this apoptotic process from gaining access to the nuclear DNA and inducing its fragmentation. It is for this reason that a majority of the DNA damage encountered in human spermatozoa seems to be oxidative. Given the important role that oxidative stress seems to have in the etiology of DNA damage, there should be an important role for antioxidants in the treatment of this condition. If oxidative DNA damage in spermatozoa is providing a sensitive readout of systemic oxidative stress, the implications of these findings could stretch beyond our immediate goal of trying to minimize DNA damage in spermatozoa as a prelude to assisted conception therapy.
Programmed cell death is an evolutionarily conserved cell death process that plays a major role during normal development and homeostasis. In many cases, the ordered execution of this internal death programme leads to typical morphological and biochemical changes that have been termed apoptosis. The crucial role of this mode of cell death in the pathogenesis of diverse human diseases including cancer, acquired immunodeficiency syndrome, neurodegeneratives disorders, atherosclerosis and cardiomyopathy is now supported by a wealth of data. In adult mammals, including humans, germ cell death is conspicuous during normal spermatogenesis and plays a pivotal role in sperm output. Withdrawal of gonadotrophins and testosterone further enhances the degeneration of germ cells in the testis. The availability of a quantitative method for analysing the testicular DNA fragmentation and in situ methods to localize specific germ cells undergoing apoptosis, either spontaneously or in response to a variety of death triggering signals, opens new avenues in the understanding of the significance of germ cell apoptosis during normal and abnormal states of spermatogenesis. A growing body of evidence demonstrates that both spontaneous (during normal spermatogenesis) and accelerated germ cell death triggered by deprivation of the gonadotrophic support or moderately increased scrotal temperature in adult rats occur almost exclusively via apoptosis. Although there has been spectacular progress in the understanding of the molecular mechanisms of apoptosis in various systems other than spermatogenesis, elucidation of the biochemical and molecular mechanisms by which germ cell apoptosis is regulated has only just begun. It is likely that germ cell apoptosis is controlled in a cell-type specific fashion, but the basic elements of the death machinery may be universal. In addition, there is increasing evidence that homozygous disruption of a number of genes in mice results in infertility through accelerated germ cell apoptosis. Manipulation of spermatogenesis by survival factor(s) deprivation or increases in extrinsic death signals in loss-of-function or gain-of-function mouse models provides a basis for further attempts to define the intrinsic regulation of various death-related genes by external death signals. Such information is crucial for effective management of male factor infertility as well as more targeted approaches to male contraception.
To treat couples with intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) after annexin V sperm sorting. Two case reports. Department of Reproductive Medicine at a private medical institute. Couples on infertility treatment, donor oocytes. Sperm sorted with annexin V magnetic microbeads before ICSI, day 3 embryo transfer; case 1: ovum donation; case 2: patient oocytes. 1) Sperm DNA fragmentation (terminal deoxynucleotide transferase-mediated dUTP nick-end labeling [TUNEL]) and active caspase-3 (immunocytochemistry); 2) fertilization rate, embryonic quality, blastocyst development of nontransferred embryos, and pregnancy outcome after ICSI of sorted sperm. Case 1: Premature ovarian failure patient with previous fertilization failures: asthenoteratozoospermia, abnormal DNA fragmentation (TUNEL 30%; normal <20%). ICSI with annexin V-treated sperm done on six donated metaphase II (MII) oocytes; four fertilized, and a 5-cell/grade-2 and a 6-cell/grade-2-3 embryo were transfered. A day 5 blastocyst was cryopreserved. The patient was in the last trimester of gestation. Case 2: Couple with >4 years of primary infertility and recent ICSI failure. Semen with teratozoospermia (5% normal forms [Kruger]) and abnormal active caspase-3 (16%; normal <11%). ICSI with annexin V-treated sperm done on 9 MII oocytes. All fertilized; a 7-cell/grade-1 and an 8-cell/grade-1-2 embryo were transferred. A day 5 expanded blastocyst was cryopreserved. The patient was in the second trimester of a twin normal pregnancy. Sperm sorting with annexin V columns was effective in the treatment of two cases of ICSI failure, resulting in a single and a twin pregnancy after transfer of two embryos in each case.
Magnetic activated cell sorting (MACS) with annexin V microbeads recognizes externalized phosphatidylserine (PS) residues on the surface of apoptotic spermatozoa. The successful use of this novel technique applied to a highly apoptotic semen sample before performing intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) is reported here. The use of annexin V microbeads for selecting non-apoptotic spermatozoa seems to reduce the percentage of altered cells, improving the chance of pregnancy after ICSI. © 2009, Reproductive Healthcare Ltd. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.