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Exploring the Influences of Density on Travel Behavior Using Propensity Score Matching



The causality issue has become one of the key questions in the debate over the relationship between the built environment and travel behavior. Since a residential self-selection effect exists, it is important to know if the observed influence of the built environment on travel behavior diminishes substantially once we control for self-selection. Using 5537 adult respondents to the 2006 Great Triangle Travel Survey in North Carolina, this study applied the propensity score matching approach to identify the causal effect of density on travel behavior and the relative contribution of self-selection to travel behavior. The results showed that, after removing self-selection bias, residents living in high-density neighborhoods travel, on average, 3.31 fewer miles per person per day than those who live in low-density neighborhoods. Self-selection effects account for 28%, 64%, and 49% of the observed influences of density on personal miles travelled, driving duration, and transit duration, respectively. We also found that different modeling approaches produce different point estimates, and that interval estimates of treatment effects tend to have a large variation. This points to a caveat of using point estimates to evaluate the impacts of the built environment on travel behavior.
Exploring the influences of density on travel behavior using
propensity score matching
Xinyu (Jason) Cao* and Yingling Fan
Humphrey School of Public Affairs, University of Minnesota
301 19th Ave S., Minneapolis, MN, 55455
*Corresponding author
Phone: 612-625-5671
Fax: 612-625-3513
The causality issue has become one of the key questions in the debate over the relationship
between the built environment and travel behavior. Since residential self-selection effect exists,
it is important to know if the observed influence of the built environment on travel behavior
diminishes substantially once we control for self-selection. Using 5,537 adult respondents to the
2006 Great Triangle Travel Survey in North Carolina, this study applied the propensity score
matching approach to identify the causal effect of density on travel behavior and the relative
contribution of self-selection to travel behavior. The results showed that, after removing self-
selection bias, residents living in high-density neighborhoods on average travel 3.31 fewer miles
per person per day than those who lived in low-density neighborhoods. Self-selection effects
account for 28%, 64%, and 49% of the observed influences of density on personal miles
travelled, driving duration, and transit duration, respectively. We also found different modeling
approaches may produce different point estimates, and interval estimates of treatment effects
tend to have a large variation. This points to a caveat of using point estimates to evaluate the
impacts of the built environment on travel behavior.
Key words: land use, smart growth, transportation, treatment effect, statistical control
Recently, policy makers at the federal, state, and local levels have been considering land use
policies as a way to reduce vehicle miles traveled (VMT) and thus greenhouse gases (GHGs).
The U.S. is the largest emitter of GHGs per capita in the world and its transportation sector is a
major contributor. In 2007, transportation-related CO2 emissions accounted for 28% of GHGs
from all economic sectors (EPA, 2009). This statistic is not surprising given notorious auto
dependence in the U.S. In the fields of transportation and planning, it is widely recognized that
the low-density and segregated-use type of development has greatly contributed to auto
dependence and its negative consequences. Therefore, changing the built environment has been
considered as an important policy instrument to reduce driving. In 2008, California Senate
passed Bill 375 to reduce GHGs through regional sustainable community strategies; the 2009
U.S. HUD-DOT-EPA Interagency Partnership for Sustainable Communities recommended
directing federal funding toward existing communities – through strategies like transit oriented,
mixed-use development, and land recycling, and providing more transportation choices.
Recent empirical studies appear to support the implementation of land use policies to reduce
VMT and GHGs. The report Growing Cooler (Ewing et al., 2008) summarized the evidence on
urban development and climate change and concluded that “it is realistic to assume a 30 percent
cut in VMT [for people in areas of] compact development” (p. 9). Driving and the Built
Environment, a major report of Transportation Research Board (TRB, 2009), projected the
impacts of compact development on motorized travel and CO2 emissions, and made a conclusion
that “steering 75 percent of new and replacement housing units into more compact development
and assuming that residents of compact communities will drive 25 percent less would reduce
VMT and associated fuel use and CO2 emissions of new and existing households by about 7 to 8
percent relative to base case conditions by 2030, with the gap widening to between 8 and 11
percent less by 2050” (p. 4). These studies highlight the promise of high-density and compact
development in addressing the concerns of auto dependence and GHGs.
However, in the studies mentioned above, the assumed relationships between the built
environment and travel behavior may be, at least partly, a result of residential self-selection. The
overwhelming majority of previous studies, on which the assumptions were based, are
observational studies (Cao et al., 2009). In the studies, survey respondents self-selected, rather
than being randomly assigned, to live in their residential neighborhoods. Therefore, the observed
association between the built environment and travel behavior may be spurious due to factors
antecedent to both residential and travel choices. For example, an individual who dislikes
driving may selectively live in an urban area with ample transit services and then uses transit
more. In this case, it may be the preference rather than the urban area itself that causes the use of
transit. Residential self-selection generally results from both demographics and attitudinal
factors (Mokhtarian and Cao, 2008); some of the factors are observed whereas others are not.
The goal of the self-selection research is to establish whether there is a causal relationship from
the built environment to travel behavior, and ultimately to determine the magnitude of this
relationship. Such evidence provides a basis for the adoption of policies that aim to change
travel behavior by changing the built environment. The existence of self-selection does not mean
that the built environment is irrelevant. In fact, we encourage self-selection into smart growth
communities alike to reduce driving if there is an undersupply of these alternative developments.
However, to the extent self-selection exists but is not accounted for, we are likely to overestimate
the influence of the built environment when we use land use policies to reduce travel and
emissions (Mokhtarian and Cao, 2008; Pinjari et al., 2007). Therefore, the relative importance of
built environment effect and self-selection effect matters when we estimate the impacts of land
use policies on travel.
Using the 2006 Greater Triangle Travel Survey in central North Carolina, this study applies
propensity score matching to estimate the causal influence of density on travel behavior. In
particular, it answers the following questions: (1) How large is the causal influence of density on
travel behavior? (2) To what extent is the observed influence of density on travel behavior
attributable to density itself? (3) Do the results derived from the matching differ from those
obtained from the statistical control method? Here, we chose density as the built environment
variable of interest for a few reasons. Density is one of few dimensions of the built environment
that have important effects on travel behavior (Cervero and Kockelman, 1997). Higher densities
are likely to create a critical mass of people on the street – making alternative modes competitive
to driving. Further, many projection studies used density as a key instrument. In the
Transportation Research Board report (TRB, 2009), compact development meant doubling the
density of new and redevelopment housing. Ewing et al. (Ewing et al., 2008) defined compact
development as a development whose average “blended” densities of single-family and multi-
family houses are higher than existing densities. Although the influence of density on travel
behavior has been well acknowledged (Steiner, 1994), this study disentangles the self-selection
effect from the observed effect of density on travel behavior. The organization of this paper is as
follows. Section 2 reviews research progress on the issue of residential self-selection. Section 3
describes the propensity score approach. The next section presents the data and variables.
Section 5 discusses modeling results. The last section discusses the limitations of the approach
and summarizes major findings.
Since the 1990s, several studies have reviewed empirical relationships between the built
environment and travel behavior from different prospective (Crane, 2000; Ewing and Cervero,
2001; Frank and Engelke, 2001; Handy, 1996). These studies concluded that many attributes of
traditional neighborhoods (such as high density, mixed land use, and high connectivity) have a
positive association with walking and/or a negative relationship with driving. However,
association does not necessarily mean causality. It is possible that residential self-selection
confounds the relationships.
Recently, many studies have investigated the relationships between the built environment and
travel behavior, controlling for residential self-selection. Among the 38 studies reviewed in Cao
et al. (Cao et al., 2009), many concluded the evidence of residential self-selection, and virtually
every study found a statistically significant influence of the built environment on travel behavior,
controlling for self-selection. It is arguable that the magnitude of an effect is at least as
important as statistical significance of the effect, especially as statistical significance is affected
by sample size (Ziliak and McCloskey, 2004). Therefore, to ascertain whether shaping travel
behavior by changing the built environment is practically significant, it is necessary to evaluate
the size of the causal effect. Further, since residential self-selection exists, the observed
influence of the built environment on travel behavior (without a correction for self-selection)
constitutes the influence of the built environment itself and the influence of self-selection. This
finding intrigues planners and make them interested in knowing if the observed influence of the
built environment on travel behavior diminishes substantially once we control for self-selection.
However, few studies have shed light on the share of which the causal influence of the built
environment accounts for its observed influence on travel behavior. Using travel diary data from
the Regional Travel – Household Interview Survey, Salon (Salon, 2006) estimated a three-tiered
nested logit model of residential choice (high density vs. low density), auto ownership, and
walking level. She concluded that the effect of the built environment itself accounted for 1/2 to
2/3 of the effect of a change in population density on walking level in most areas of New York
City. Using the 1998-1999 Austin Travel Survey, Zhou and Kockelman (Zhou and Kockelman,
2008) employed a sample selection model to investigate the causal influence of residential
location on VMT. They found that the causal effect of the built environment (rural and suburban
neighborhoods vs. CBD and urban neighborhoods) accounted for 58% of the total influence of
residential location on VMT. Cao (Cao, 2009) also employed a sample selection model to a
2003 data of respondents living in four traditional and four suburban neighborhoods in Northern
California. He concluded that about 24% of the total influence of neighborhood type on VMD
resulted from residential self-selection. In addition, several studies indicated whose effect of the
built environment itself and the self-selection on travel behavior is stronger, but did not report
exact shares (Chatman, 2009; Frank et al., 2007). The results of these studies were mixed: some
suggested the built environment dominates its observed influence on travel; some indicated self-
selection plays a more important role; and others found their relative contributions depend on
where respondents currently live (see (Cao et al., 2009) for details). Therefore, the relative
contribution of self-selection to the relationships between the built environment and travel
behavior merits further investigation.
With respect to methodologies used in previous studies, nine approaches have been applied in the
literature to address the issue of self-selection in the relationships between the built environment
and travel behavior (Cao et al., 2009; Mokhtarian and Cao, 2008). Among them, the propensity
score method, widely used in the evaluation of social programs, has been recently introduced in
the field of land use and transportation (Boer et al., 2007).
Empirical studies on the relationships between the built environment and travel behavior rely on
observational data. The assignment of treatment is often nonrandom in observational studies.
Accordingly, observations in a treatment group may differ systematically from those in a control
group. In this context, people living in high-density areas tend to be less affluent, have fewer
cars, live in a smaller household, and prefer higher access to workplace and services than their
counterparts in low-density areas, a result of residential self-selection. Therefore, the observed
difference in travel behavior outcomes between the groups is confounded by the self-selection.
That is, it may be a biased estimate for the treatment effect of density on travel behavior. To
reduce the bias, we can match residents into strata based on their characteristics, and then
compare travel behavior between residents living in high-density and low-density areas that were
grouped into the same stratum (Rosenbaum and Rubin, 1984).
The matching roughly resembles an experiment with random assignment of treatment.
For the illustration purpose, let’s assume that residential choice is confounded by a single
variable – income. For a resident who lives in high-density areas (treatment) and has an income
of $50,000, the match will be a resident who lives in low-density areas (control) and has an
income of $50,000 (or within a pre-specified range, say $49,000-$51,000). That is, we aim to
find an almost “identical” observation in the control group for an observation in the treatment
group. This matching is approximately equivalent to the process in which one of the two “same”
observations is assigned into the treatment group and the other is assigned into the control group.
If we repeat this process for all observations in the original treatment group, observations in the
matched treatment group should not, on average, differ from those in the matched control group.
We can then compare travel behavior between matched treatments and controls.
When a treatment group differs in many characteristics from a control group, the matching
should be based on a scalar that can integrate all of the characteristics (Rosenbaum and Rubin,
1984). The propensity score is a scalar function that can be used to balance multiple
characteristics. According to their definition, the propensity score in this context is the
conditional probability that an individual lives in one type of neighborhoods (high-density vs.
low-density neighborhoods) given her observed characteristics. The propensity score can be
estimated using discrete choice models. Using large and small sample theory, Rosenbaum and
Rubin (Rosenbaum and Rubin, 1983) have proved that “adjustment for the scalar propensity
score is sufficient to remove bias due to all observed covariates [i.e., characteristics/variables]”
In this study we used the software of Limdep 9.0. We chose the caliper matching option with
caliper width being 0.01 since the caliper width of 0.01 or 0.02 is commonly adopted in
empirical studies (Oakes and Johnson, 2006). The matching process is as follows: if the
propensity score of a treatment observation is p, the matched control observations are those
whose propensity scores are within the range of
. The treatment observation and
matched control observations comprise a stratum. A treatment observation can have one or more
matched control observations. On the other hand, if there are no eligible control observations for
a treatment observation, it is removed from further analysis. We repeat this process for all
treatment observations and create a number of strata. Note that control observations may be used
more than once and may not be used at all.
The goal of propensity score matching is to estimate the causal influence of density on travel
behavior (or average treatment effect (ATE) of density). In Limdep 9.0, the treatment effect for
each stratum is calculated as the difference between
, where
is the travel
behavior outcome of a treatment observation (an individual in high-density areas) and
is the
mean outcome of controls (matches in low-density areas). The ATE is the average of treatment
effects over those strata (Greene, 2007).
The causal influence of the built environment on travel can also be derived from other methods.
Statistical control is a commonly-used approach in addressing residential self-selection (Cao et
al., 2009). It explicitly accounts for the influences of confounding factors in analyzing travel
behavior, by measuring them and including them in the travel behavior equation. Although
propensity score matching and statistical control can use the same set of variables, they are
different. Conceptually, propensity score matching controls for the observed characteristics that
affect whether an individual is assigned to a treatment group or a control group. The attention is
directed to the imbalance in the values of covariates between treatment and control groups.
Statistical control identifies the determinants of travel behavior through incorporating them
directly into the behavior equation, so that we can account for all differences between treatment
and control groups that affect the behavior. The attention is directed to the behavioral outcome
(Winship and Morgan, 1999).
Empirically, first, a model estimating propensity scores is a prediction model so it is not
necessary to evaluate multicolinearity and statistical significance of explanatory variables (Oakes
and Johnson, 2006). However, multicolinearity and statistical significance are important for an
explanatory model in the statistical control approach. Thus, if multicolinearity among
independent variables is a potential problem in the data, it seems that propensity score matching
is superior to statistical control. Second, the propensity score approach generally requires a
discrete classification (binary, nominal, or ordinal) of treatments and controls. Therefore, we
need to transform continuous measurements of the built environment into discrete scales. This
transformation may lead to a loss in efficiency. In contrast, statistical control can accommodate
both continuous and discrete variables. Third, propensity score matching will discard some
observations if no match is found for some treatment observations or if control observations are
not close (in terms of propensity score) to any treatment observations. This may not be desirable
because resources are wasted.
Although both methods can produce unbiased estimates if implemented appropriately, it is
interesting to illustrate how empirical results derived from these approaches differ from each
other. This may carry important messages since we often use point estimates of treatment effects
to evaluate the relative contributions of the built environment itself and self-selection to travel
behavior (Cao, 2009; Salon, 2006; Zhou and Kockelman, 2008). It is worth noting that we
intended to compare the results derived from propensity score matching, statistical control, and
sample selection model. However, we have tried several model specifications for the sample
selection model and failed to obtain reasonable outcomes. Since some scholars questioned the
reliability of sample selection model specification (Brownstone and Golob, 2009; Zhou and
Kockelman, 2008), the model should be used with caution.
This study uses an existing travel diary dataset from the Triangle area of North Carolina – the
2006 Greater Triangle Travel Survey. This survey was sponsored by the Capital Area
Metropolitan Planning Organization, the Durham-Chapel Hill-Carrboro Metropolitan Planning
Organization, the Triangle Transit Authority, and the North Carolina Department of
Transportation. The survey entailed the collection of activity and travel information for all
household members during a specific 24-hour period. The survey relied on the willingness of
regional households to 1) provide demographic information about the household, its members
and its vehicles, and 2) have all household members record all travel-related details, including
address information for all locations visited, trip purpose, mode choice, and travel times. Due to
variances in response rates, incentives were offered to selected households (such as those without
vehicles, those living in the outlying counties who were of African American descent, and
university students). The survey was accompanied by an extensive public information campaign
that was designed to emphasize the importance of and benefits from participation. The response
rate of this survey is 25%. This study uses 3,480 households in Durham, Orange and Wake
Counties, North Carolina (Figure 1).
[Insert Figure 1 here]
The dependent variables are personal miles travelled (PMT) and travel duration by mode. Based
on the addresses of trip origins and destinations, trip lengths were calculated using the network
distance function of ArcGIS 9.0. Here, it is assumed that individuals will choose the shortest
path between origins and destinations. PMT was computed by summing lengths of all trips that
an individual made by all modes. Mode-specific travel duration variables, measured in minutes,
were directly derived from travel survey, including driving duration and transit duration.
Based on the population density of census block groups, residential locations of respondents
were classified into two categories: high-density areas and low-density areas. Specifically,
census block groups with 5.225 or more persons per acre (70 percentile of the density of 448
census block groups) were classified as high-density areas. The explanatory variables for
residential choice include two groups: residential preferences and socio-demographics. In the
survey, respondents were asked to indicate the factors that they considered when they moved to
their current home. The five pre-specified factors include job location/length of commute;
access to transit; quality of school district/access to desirable school; crime level/neighborhood
safety; and neighborhood appearance/other amenities. Although these factors cover only a few
dimensions of residential choices and were measured in a Yes/No way, their presence in a
regional travel survey allows us to explore the fundamental differences in residential preferences
among individuals and their influence on residential and travel choices. It is worth noting that
residential preferences were reported not by each member in the household but as joint
household decisions. In this study, it is assumed that household members younger than 18 years
old did not participate in residential location choice and hence were removed from the analysis.
As a result, the analysis of this study is based on 5,537 adults in the 3,480 households. The
survey also includes a list of socio-demographic variables such as household income, household
size, auto ownership, employment status, gender and so on.
As illustrated in Table 1, there are significant differences between residents living in high-density
and low-density areas. Residents living in high-density areas had a tendency to travel fewer
miles, drive shorter, and take transit longer than those in low-density areas. Different travel
patterns are consistent with the differences in socio-demographics and residential preferences.
Those in high-density areas tended to have a lower income, have fewer vehicles, live in a smaller
household, and be younger and White than their counterparts in low-density areas. Further,
when making residential choices, the former are more likely to value length of commute and
access to transit than the latter, whereas the latter are more likely to consider neighborhood
amenities. These statistics suggest that residential self-selection may be at work. We employ
propensity score matching to isolate the self-selection effect.
[Insert Table 1 here]
5.1 The impacts on density on travel behavior
A binary probit model was used to estimate the propensity score (the predicted probability that a
resident lives in high-density areas). Table 2 presents the final model. Pseudo R-square of the
model is 0.298, meaning that 29.8% of the uncertainty in the data was explained by the
information in the model (Hauser, 1978). As expected, household income, household size, auto
ownership, age, and being White are negatively associated with the choice of high-density areas.
Individuals who considered access to transit in residential choice were more likely to live in
high-density areas. Those valued neighborhood amenity and safety had a tendency to choose
low-density areas although neighborhood amenity is not significant at the 0.05 level. Length of
commute is insignificant in the model, but its interaction with White is significantly and
positively associated with the choice of high-density areas. The interaction of neighborhood
safety and White is insignificant in the model.
[Insert Table 2 here]
The inclusion of both interaction terms in the model is to ensure the mean characteristics for
treatments and controls are statistically equal for individuals in specific ranges of the propensity
score. After matching on propensity scores, it is important to evaluate whether confounding
variables (residential preferences and socio-demographics) are balanced between treatments and
controls. If they are unbalanced, differences between treatments and controls and hence
selection bias still exist. We need to propose new model specifications. Previous research
suggested that incorporating the unbalanced variable, its high-order form (such as polynomial
terms), and its interaction with other variables may achieve the balance of all variables (Oakes &
Johnson, 2006; Rosenbaum & Rubin, 1984). After several attempts, we found that the inclusion
of the interaction terms satisfied the balance hypothesis (as shown in Table 2).
The task of matching accomplishes once the balance hypothesis is satisfied. Limdep 9.0
produced the ATE according to the procedure described in Section 3. As shown in Table 3, the
ATEs of density on PMT and transit duration are significantly different from 0; the ATE on
driving duration differs from 0 at the 0.1 level. The ATE of density on PMT is 3.31 miles,
meaning that after removing self-selection bias, residents living in high-density areas on average
travel 3.31 fewer miles per person per day than those who lived in low-density areas. This 3.31-
mile effect accounts for 18.6% of the average PMT (17.82 miles) for the whole sample. The
effect of residential self-selection on PMT is 1.32 miles (= 4.63 – 3.31). Therefore, density and
self-selection contribute to 72% and 28% of the observed impact of density on PMT,
[Insert Table 3 here]
Regarding travel time, the ATE of density on driving duration accounts for 5.4% of the average
driving duration for the whole sample. The point estimate for the ratio between the ATE and
observed effect is 34% - meaning that density contributes to 34% of the observed effect of
density on driving duration. This indicates that long driving time observed in low-density areas
is more of a result of residential self-selection than that of density. Because self-selection
accounts for only 28% of the observed influences of density on PMT, it seems that when making
residential location choices, people are more likely to assess their choices based on driving time
rather than distance travelled, presumably trying to manage their travel within their travel time
budgets. The ATE of density on transit duration is equivalent to the mean transit duration for the
whole sample. This highlights the important influence of density on transit usage. The ratio
between the ATE and observed effect is about 50%, suggesting that density and self-selection are
equally important in explaining the variation in transit duration.
The discussions above were based on the point estimates of ATE. The point estimate from a
sample is just one estimate for the population parameter. It is more or less different from the
population parameter due to chance error. If the chance error is large, the point estimate is not
precise. Accordingly, it may have a critical impact on the share of the observed influence of
density on travel behavior that is attributable to density. The 95% confidence interval captures
the size of chance error with a confidence level of about 95%. In other words, if we draw
numerous samples from the population and calculate the 95% confidence interval for each
sample, the population parameter is caught inside the intervals about 95% of times (Freedman et
al., 2007). The 95% confidence intervals for the ATE are pretty wide in this sample; so are the
ratios between the ATE and observed effect are pretty wide. For instance, with a 95%
confidence, the causal influence of density on PMT accounts for 46% - 97% of the observed
influence of density. Although this interval covers 50%, it seems that density plays a more
important role in influencing PMT than does self-selection. By contrast, the ratio for driving
duration ranges from 7% to 75% and the ratio for transit duration ranges from 5% to 96%. That
is, the causal influence of density on driving duration can account for as large as 75% and as
small as 7% of the observed influence of density. Given this wide range, we are still uncertain
whose effect of density and self-selection is more important. Therefore, when we evaluate the
relative contributions of the built environment itself and self-selection to travel behavior, we
should discuss both point estimates and their confidence intervals.
Because the choice of caliper width may influence point estimate of ATE, we conducted a
sensitivity analysis for different caliper widths. As shown in Table 4, the point estimates of the
ATE are fairly consistent for PMT and driving duration when the width increases from 0.003 to
0.03. However, the estimates for transit duration have a relatively large variation. Presumably,
few people in the sample took transit and hence excessive zeros in the data lead to unstable
[Insert Table 4 here]
5.2 Comparison with the statistical control approach
Linear regression models (not shown) were developed for the travel behavior variables. For
illustration purpose, the independent variables in the regression models include the density
dummy variable and all those in the probit model of the propensity score (Table 2). As shown in
Table 3, the coefficient estimates for the density dummy in the equations are within 95%
confidence intervals for the ATEs, respectively; the point estimates for ATEs also fall in 95%
confidence intervals for the coefficients, respectively. However, the relative differences between
point estimates can be as large as 28%. Therefore, when we use point estimates to evaluate the
relative contributions of the built environment itself and self-selection to travel behavior, the
choice of approaches may make a difference.
This study applies propensity score matching to determine the causal effect of density on travel
behavior and the relative contribution of density and self-selection to travel behavior. Although
the propensity score method can be used to estimate treatment effects, it is not a panacea for
addressing selection bias. The method assumes that all variables affecting treatment assignments
are measured through observed characteristics, hidden bias can be a potential concern
(Rosenbaum and Rubin, 1983). If unmeasured characteristics (for example, attitudes were not
measured in most regional travel surveys) are a source of self-selection, this approach cannot
compensate for that. In this study, we included several attitudinal factors and hence at least
partly addressed the hidden bias problem. However, the hidden bias can be a concern due to the
size of our pseudo R-square.
Nevertheless, this study provides insightful evidence to understand the causal influence of
density on travel behavior. First, the results suggest that if residential self-selection is not
controlled for, we are likely to overestimate causal influences of the built environment on travel
behavior. Based on point estimates, we found that the effects of density on PMT, driving
duration, and transit duration accounted for 72%, 34%, and 51% of the observed influences of
density, respectively. However, the 95% confidence intervals are pretty wide and hence make
uncertain the answers to the following question: which effect is larger, density or self-selection?
The model results also showed that the causal effect of density on PMT is considerable – a
random individual is likely to reduce her PMT by 18.6% if moving from a low-density area to a
high-density one (the 95% confidence interval ranges from 11.8% to 25.3%). This sizable
influence provides a supportive evidence for the ability of changes in the built environment to
stimulate meaningful changes in travel.
Previous studies often use point estimates to evaluate the relative contributions of the built
environment itself and self-selection to travel behavior. An evaluation using the 95% confidence
interval shows large variation in the results, which undermines the practical relevance of point
estimates reported in previous studies. Further research is needed to understand the range of the
variation. Further, different modeling approaches may produce different point estimates for the
impact of the built environment on travel behavior although the estimates can be consistent. A
confidence interval is likely to provide reliable estimates; however, it seems to be not precise.
Thank Zhiyi Xu and Fangfang Sun for their help on modeling. Michael Oakes help clarify some
concepts of propensity score matching.
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Table 1. Differences between Residents in High-Density and Low-Density Areas
High Density Low Density Difference P-value
(N=1,184) (N=4,353)
Travel behavior
PMT 14.188 18.814 -4.626 0.000
Driving duration 54.754 64.585 -9.831 0.000
Transit duration 4.281 0.869 3.412 0.000
Household income 4.660 5.457 -0.797 0.000
Household size 2.481 2.664 -0.182 0.000
Auto ownership 1.793 2.184 -0.391 0.000
Female 0.552 0.543 0.009 0.569
Age 47.993 49.304 -1.311 0.013
White 0.717 0.856 -0.139 0.000
Employed 0.742 0.750 -0.007 0.613
# of jobs 0.102 0.116 -0.013 0.184
Residential preferences
Length of commute 0.569 0.532 0.038 0.021
Access to transit 0.185 0.101 0.084 0.000
Access to desirable school 0.327 0.328 -0.001 0.926
Neighborhood safety 0.334 0.357 -0.023 0.132
Neighborhood amenity 0.538 0.594 -0.056 0.001
Table 2. Binary Probit Model for Propensity Score
Coefficients P-values
Constant 0.576 0.000
Household income -0.095 0.000
Household size -0.032 0.084
Number of cars -0.135 0.000
Age 0.004 0.003
White -0.503 0.000
Residential preferences
Length of commute -0.030 0.736
Access to transit 0.281 0.000
Neighborhood safety -0.189 0.460
Neighborhood amenity -0.066 0.129
White x Neighborhood safety 0.136 0.191
White x Length of commute 0.265 0.007
N 5537
Log-likelihood at 0 -3838.0
Log-likelihood at convergence 2693.8
McFadden R-square 0.298
Table 3. Observed and Treatment Effects of Density on Travel Behavior
Person Mile
Mean 17.82 62.48 1.60
Observed Effect -4.63 -9.83 3.41
ATE -3.31 -3.37 1.73
P-value 0.000 0.100 0.030
95% CI [-4.51, -2.11] [-7.38, 0.65] [0.17, 3.29]
Coefficient -3.33 -4.69 1.52
P-value 0.000 0.012 0.000
95% CI [-4.50, -2.16] [-8.36, -1.02] [0.71, 2.33]
Relative Difference 0.6% 28.1% 12.1%
ATE/Observed Effect 71.5% 34.3% 50.7%
ATE/Mean 18.6% 5.4% 108.1%
Note: ATE = Average Treatment Effects; CI = Confidence Interval; Relative Difference = ABS(ATE-
Coefficient)/MAX(ATE, Coefficient).
Table 4. Sensitivity Analysis of Caliper Width
Person Mile
0.003 -3.42 -3.43 1.24
0.005 -3.33 -3.31 1.46
0.01 -3.31 -3.37 1.73
0.02 -3.13 -3.40 1.85
0.03 -3.20 -3.67 2.03
Figure 1. Study area (Orange, Durham, and Wake Counties, NC)
... The linkage between travel behavior, built environment, and residential self-selection has received increasing attention in the travel behavior research from the last two decades (Mokhtarian and van Herick, 2016;Lin et al., 2017;Choi, 2018;Gao et al., 2022). Numerous studies have showed that modifying built environment to transitoriented development (TOD) can bring positive travel behavior among individuals in terms of increased public transit usage, increased walking/cycling, lowered travel distances, improved physical health, and urban wellbeing (Cao, 2015;Cao and Fan, 2012;Choi, 2018;Deng and Yan 2019). Some other studies identified that residential selfselection of individuals plays a decisive role in reshaping travel behavior in TOD neighborhoods (Cervero, 2003;Cao, 2014;Chen et al., 2017). ...
... In contrary, some studies showed that men have stronger association with walkability than women in pedestrian-friendly TODs (Clifton and Dill, 2005;Kamruzzaman et al., 2016). In mix-use TODs, women have more positive association with walking than men (Cao and Fan, 2012). Despite gender differences in travel behavior persisting across TOD types, very few efforts have been made to mainstream 'gender' as a key motivation in TOD policy and design. ...
... Transit oriented development (TOD) has long been considered as a sustainable planning approach for urban problems in both developed and developing countries (Cao, 2014;Cao and Fan, 2012;Choi, 2018;Deng and Yan, 2019). Some successful examples of TODs worldwide include Copenhagen in Denmark, Arlington in the United States, Curitiba in Brazil, Tokyo in Japan, Beijing in China, and Brisbane in Australia (Kamruzzaman et al., 2016;Park et al., 2018;Gu et al., 2019;Kumar et al., 2020;Nasri et al., 2020;Requejo, 2021). ...
... Here, we rely on propensity score matching (PSM), because its relatively simplicity and its effectiveness have led to its widespread use in a variety of fields to minimize the confounding effects of observed covariates (Austin et al., 2018). In transportation, although more papers have relied on PSM recently (Cheng et al., 2019;Dong, 2021;Kim et al., 2020;Shi et al., 2021) since the early work of Cao and co-authors (Cao and Fan, 2012;Cao and Schoner, 2014;Mishra et al., 2015), it remains underused. However, to the best of our knowledge, our study is the first to apply PSM to assess the impact of e-shopping on household travel in the U.S. Our goal here is to quantify causal shifts in simple measures of travel associated with various degrees of e-shopping while controlling for self-selection using an extensive list of variables. ...
... Household income clearly impacts the ability to shop, so we created 5 groups based on approximate quintiles (20% strata) of annual household income. As education may influence shopping (Cao and Fan, 2012;Zhou and Wang, 2014), we defined four common categories to capture the highest educational achievement in the household (see Table 2). ...
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How does e-shopping impact household travel? To answer this question, which is particularly relevant for policymakers concerned with congestion, air pollution, and greenhouse gas emissions from transportation, we analyzed data from the 2017 National Household Travel Survey using propensity score matching. This allowed us to tackle the bias from households self-selecting into various levels of e-shopping and gain causal inference. Unlike other related papers in the literature, our unit of analysis is a household because travel and shopping decisions within a household are interrelated. We classified households into three groups based on how many orders per person per month they placed online: low (up to one), medium (more than once but less than four), and high (over four). We found that more e-shopping results in more household travel (number of trips, miles, and VMT), but this effect depends on e-shopping frequency and population density, and it affects weekdays more than weekends. E-shopping impacts household travel more for medium frequency e-shoppers in low density areas: compared to similar low frequency e-shoppers, on weekdays, they take on average 8 more monthly trips and travel ~104 extra miles (including 31 miles for shopping). At the other end of the spectrum, high frequency e-shoppers in dense areas do not travel more on weekends than similar low e-shopping frequency households. To help reduce e-shopping induced travel, policymakers could encourage the creation of neighborhood depots where households would pickup and return unwanted orders, and foster the development of virtual reality tools for shopping from home.
... Step 1: Community classification-Hierarchical cluster analysis method Unlike some studies that use single built environment variable, such as density (Cao and Fan, 2012) and residential distance to city center (Lin et al., 2017), to classify residential location, we conduct residential community classification using five built environment variables (based on "5Ds" framework) and employing cluster analysis method. By doing so, we achieve the goal of involving more built environment features to characterize residential communities and examining the variations of the built environment as a whole at the same time. ...
... Second, we match the urban residents and suburban residents based on the propensity score. A caliper of 0.01 is used, following some existing studies (Cao and Fan, 2012). Third, we calculate a standard mean difference (SMD), which can be calculated with the following formula, to examine the effectiveness of the matching. ...
The built environment impacts multiple dimensions of travel behavior of urban residents. However, limited research has explicitly unveiled how these impacts vary between diverse socioeconomic groups, especially internal migrants versus locals, notwithstanding hundreds of millions of internal migrants are living in cities in developing countries. Hence, employing a large-scale travel behavior survey dataset collected in Xiamen (China) in 2015 and applying the propensity score matching method, this study comparatively examines the differentiations in responsiveness of such two groups to the built environment. The results demonstrate that (1) the effects of the built environment on travel behavior differ between internal migrants and locals in some dimensions (e.g., active travel frequency and duration); (2) the built environment has larger effects on all the travel dimensions of locals than on those of internal migrants, implying the existence of “transportation assimilation” and a temporal lag effect; (3) the internal migrants are less impacted by residential self-selection effects. These findings can enlighten decision-makers about more nuanced, targeted, and socially inclusive intervention strategies, thus effectively accommodating the travel demands of both locals and internal migrants.
... TOD refers to creating compact, mixed-use, walkable communities centered around high-quality public transit systems (Papa and Bertolini, 2015). Therefore, high-density apartment building construction plays a key role in TOD (Cao and Fan, 2012;Papa and Bertolini, 2015). Yet, the socioeconomic implications of densification around train stations and its consequences for the public transit accessibility of various socioeconomic groups are not well understood. ...
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Densification is a key concept in contemporary urban planning. Yet, there are widespread concerns about densification causing displacement and gentrification. This paper examines densification around train stations—a prevalent form of transit-oriented development (TOD) in cities with established public transit systems—in the Canton of Zurich, Switzerland. We assess the effects of densification around train stations on the socioeconomic population composition in these areas and investigate three different potential displacement effects. Leveraging 1.8 million linked person-housing unit observations for all individuals within our study perimeter, we provide a more nuanced understanding of densification’s effects on the population composition and displacement than prior research. Our findings reveal that even though densification increases the absolute number of low-income residents, it primarily benefits middle- and high-income households. Specifically, there is a decline in the share of low-income residents, attributed to the influx of younger high-income individuals. Moreover, incumbent low-income residents experience an increased risk of direct displacement due to housing demolitions. These outcomes highlight the limitations of TOD strategies in mitigating persistent socioeconomic disparities in public transit access, emphasizing the need for more comprehensive measures to address the challenges of equitable housing and public transit accessibility.
... They found that 58 % of the total effect of neighborhood type on VMT is attributable to neighborhood type. Using data from the Great Triangle Travel Survey in North Carolina, Cao and Fan (2012) examined the influence of land use density (i.e., high-density vs. low-density) on travel behavior. They found that density itself contributes to 34 %, 51 %, and 72 % of the observed effects of density on driving duration, transit duration, and personal miles travelled respectively. ...
Residential self-selection (RSS) confounds the connection between the built environment and travel behavior. Existing studies have used endogenous switching regression models to quantify the proportions of the built environment itself and RSS in the observed behavioral difference between different environments. However, the models are sensitive to model specification and assume pre-defined (mostly linear) relationships among variables. This study applies a double machine learning approach to fill the gap. The empirical context is to jointly model residential choice of Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) neighborhoods and weekly driving distance of household owning cars in Jinan, China. The results showed that the RSS effect accounts for about 40% of the observed difference in driving distance between the households living inside and outside of BRT neighborhoods. This results also emphasizes the necessity of relaxing the linearity assumption in the research on the relationships among the built environment, RSS, and travel behavior.
Land Use Mix (LUM) has attracted attention for its potential to promote walking; however, the LUM-walking association was not universally positive. Existing research, potentially confounded by diverse LUM connotations and walking metrics, prompted our effort to establish a comprehensive framework. This framework aims to clarify LUM’s influence on walking, including various LUM indicators (mix in quantity, distance, function), multiple walking indicators (frequency, time, distance), distinct geographical background (residence, workplace), and travel types (weekly travel, weekday-exclusive travel). Besides, China’s unique context provide an opportunity to mitigate residential self-selection effects. We found that the proximity (LUM in distance) is the sole environmental factor driving increased walking frequency. While the LUM in quantity or function could enhance resident convenience by diversifying services, it occasionally diminishes walking distance and duration, potentially conflicting with public health considerations. Conversely, although exposure to high-functional mixed, low-compatibility environments may increase walking time and distance, it is more likely a compensatory behavior aimed at avoiding the negative externalities such as pollution and noises. Additionally, the placement of public transit stops will not only help ease traffic congestion but also encourage walking.
This paper examines the endogenous relationship between residential level of accessibility and household trip frequencies to tease out the direct and indirect effects of observed behavioural differences. We estimate a multivariate ordered probit model system, which allows dependence in both observed and unobserved factors, using data from the 2016 Transportation Tomorrow Survey (TTS), a household travel survey in the Greater Golden Horseshoe Area (GGH) in Toronto. The modelling framework is used to analyse the influence of exogenous variables on eight outcome variables of accessibility levels and trip frequencies by four modes (auto, transit, bicycle and walk), and to explore the nature of the relationships between them. The results confirm our hypothesis that not only does a strong correlation exist between the residential level of accessibility and household trip frequency, but there are also direct effects to be observed. The complementarity effect between auto accessibility and transit trips, and the substitution effect observed between transit accessibility and auto trips highlight the residential neighbourhood dissonance of transit riders. It shows that locations with better transit service are not necessarily locations where people who make more transit trips reside. Essentially, both jointness (due to error correlations) as well as directional effects observed between accessibility and trip frequencies of multiple modes offer strong support for the notion that accessibility and trip frequency by mode constitute a bundled choice and need to be considered as such.
Urban planners face challenges in justifying the behavioral impacts of public transit investments with causal evidence. In this study, we take a cost-effective approach to data collection by utilizing restricted-use Census Bureau microdata that provide rich individual characteristics and fine-geographical-resolution block information, and then construct a natural experiment. We evaluate the impacts of new rail transit lines on commuting behavior in Charlotte (NC), Dallas (TX), and Los Angeles (CA). We find that new transit lines lead to 10%, 6%, and insignificant increases in public transit ridership for Charlotte, Dallas, and Los Angeles, respectively, signaling potentially diminishing marginal returns of public transit investments. Also, we find no significant effects on commuting time across the three cities. This research demonstrates the potential of using Census Bureau microdata to assess the causal impact of urban infrastructure.
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The main objective of this study is to investigate the effect of integrated marketing communication as an exogenous variable on tourist intention to revisit as an endogenous variable. The researcher also identified visitor value and propensity to travel variables as intervening and moderating variables, respectively, in addition to these two variables. This research applies a descriptive quantitative approach, with Structural Equation Model-Partial Least Square (SEM-PLS) as the data analysis technique. All tourists who visited Toddopulia Tourist Village, Patin Village, Nglurah, Pela, Batu Layang, Sumberbulu, and Pentingsari were included in this study. While the non-probability sampling technique used in this study is stratified purposive sampling. According to the findings of this study, the majority of the hypotheses had a positive or influential relationship. This phenomenon is also supported by a number of references from previous studies. Some of these findings suggest that tourism villages differ significantly from tourism products or other tourist destinations. Due to the wide range of characteristics of tourist villages in Indonesia, one of the study's limitations is the limited sample size. As a result, larger sample size research is expected to be carried out in future studies. The study's findings are also expected to be used as a reference by various tourism village stakeholders, including the government, local communities, tourism village managers, and academics, in developing an integrated marketing strategy.
Before the transition of automated vehicles (AVs) to urban roads and subsequently unprecedented changes in traffic conditions, the evaluation of transportation policies and futuristic road design related to pedestrian crossing behavior is of vital importance. Recent studies analyzed the non-causal impact of various variables on pedestrian waiting time in the presence of AVs. However, we mainly investigate the causal effect of traffic density on pedestrian waiting time. We develop a double/debiased machine learning (DML) model in which the impact of the confounders variable influencing both a policy and an outcome of interest is addressed, resulting in unbiased policy evaluation. Furthermore, we try to analyze the effect of traffic density by developing a copula-based joint model of the two main components of pedestrian crossing behavior, pedestrian stress level and waiting time. The copula approach has been widely used in the literature for addressing self-selection problems, which can be classified as a causality analysis in travel behavior modeling. The results obtained from copula approach and DML are compared based on the effect of traffic density. In the DML model structure, the standard error term of the density parameter is lower than that of the copula approach and the confidence interval is considerably more reliable. In addition, despite the similar sign of effect, the copula approach estimates the effect of traffic density lower than DML, because of the spurious effect of the confounders. In short, the DML model structure can flexibly adjust the impact of confounders by using machine learning algorithms and is more reliable for planning future policies.
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The propensity score is the conditional probability of assignment to a particular treatment given a vector of observed covariates. Both large and small sample theory show that adjustment for the scalar propensity score is sufficient to remove bias due to all observed covariates. Applications include: (i) matched sampling on the univariate propensity score, which is a generalization of discriminant matching, (ii) multivariate adjustment by subclassification on the propensity score where the same subclasses are used to estimate treatment effects for all outcome variables and in all subpopulations, and (iii) visual representation of multivariate covariance adjustment by a two- dimensional plot.
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Disaggregate demand models predict the choice behavior of individual consumers. But while such models predict choice probabilities (0 < p < 1), they must be tested against (0, 1) choice behavior. This paper uses information theory to derive three complementary tests that help analysts select a “best” disaggregate model. “Usefulness” measures the percentage of uncertainty (entropy) explained by the information the model provides. It provides theoretic rigor and intuitive appeal to the commonly used likelihood ratio index and leads to important practical extensions. “Accuracy” is a new two-tailed normal test that determines whether the (0, 1) observations are reasonable under the hypothesis that the model is valid. “Significance” is the standard chi-squared test to determine whether a null model can be rejected. This paper also extends the information test to examine the relationships among successively more powerful null hypotheses. For example, in a logit model one can quantify (1) the contribution due to knowing aggregate market shares, (2) the incremental contribution due to knowing choice set restrictions, and (3) the final incremental contribution due to the explanatory variables. Further extensions provide “explanable uncertainty” measures applicable if choice frequencies are observed. Market research and transportation analysis empirical examples are given.
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Numerous studies have found that suburban residents drive more and walk less than residents in traditional neighbourhoods. What is less well understood is the extent to which the observed patterns of travel behaviour can be attributed to the residential built environment (BE) itself, as opposed to attitude-induced residential self-selection. To date, most studies addressing this self-selection issue fall into nine methodological categories: direct questioning, statistical control, instrumental variables, sample selection, propensity score, joint discrete choice models, structural equations models, mutually dependent discrete choice models and longitudinal designs. This paper reviews 38 empirical studies using these approaches. Virtually all of the studies reviewed found a statistically significant influence of the BE remaining after self-selection was accounted for. However, the practical importance of that influence was seldom assessed. Although time and resource limitations are recognized, we recommend usage of longitudinal structural equations modelling with control groups, a design which is strong with respect to all causality requisites.
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The issue of self-selection's role in shaping travel patterns, by impacting one's home location choice, is a critical question. Developers, planners and policymakers regularly debate to what extent the built environment and land use patterns can alleviate roadway congestion, greenhouse gas emissions and myriad other urban problems. This study illustrates the use of Heckman's (1976, 1979) latent index model to ascertain travel impacts of neighborhood type in Austin, Texas. Under this approach, self-selection is formulated as sample selection bias in receiving a treatment. Here, treatment is defined to be one's residence in a suburban or rural zone, rather than Austin's central business district and nearby urban zones. This treatment/no-treatment approach is a meaningful advance in models of self-selection effects, and requires estimation of three straightforward models. Model results suggest that the great majority (90%) of differences in vehicle-miles-traveled between central/CBD and suburban/rural locations is due to the treatment itself, rather than self-selection of such treatment (by households that wish to meet special travel needs).
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This paper presents an examination of the significance of residential sorting or self selection effects in understanding the impacts of the built environment on travel choices. Land use and transportation system attributes are often treated as exogenous variables in models of travel behavior. Such models ignore the potential self selection processes that may be at play wherein households and individuals choose to locate in areas or built environments that are consistent with their lifestyle and transportation preferences, attitudes, and values. In this paper, a simultaneous model of residential location choice and commute mode choice that accounts for both observed and unobserved taste variations that may contribute to residential self selection is estimated on a survey sample extracted from the 2000 San Francisco Bay Area household travel survey. Model results show that both observed and unobserved residential self selection effects do exist; however, even after accounting for these effects, it is found that built environment attributes can indeed significantly impact commute mode choice behavior. The paper concludes with a discussion of the implications of the model findings for policy planning.
The propensity score is the conditional probability of assignment to a particular treatment given a vector of observed covariates. Previous theoretical arguments have shown that subclassification on the propensity score will balance all observed covariates. Subclassification on an estimated propensity score is illustrated, using observational data on treatments for coronary artery disease. Five subclasses defined by the estimated propensity score are constructed that balance 74 covariates, and thereby provide estimates of treatment effects using direct adjustment. These subclasses are applied within sub-populations, and model-based adjustments are then used to provide estimates of treatment effects within these sub-populations. Two appendixes address theoretical issues related to the application: the effectiveness of subclassification on the propensity score in removing bias, and balancing properties of propensity scores with incomplete data.
An increasing body of evidence suggests that moderate forms of physical activity (such as walking and bicycling), when engaged in regularly, can have important beneficial effects on public health. This article reviews current public health, planning, and urban design research to determine, first, how walking and bicycling might be critically important exercise behaviors for improving public health, second, how urban form affects the frequency of walking and bicycling as a form of physical activity, and third, how the public health considerations outlined in this article might reorient planners' thinking toward the realization of health-promotive environments. The current lack of emphasis on the interdependencies between built form and overall quality of life, as measured by health, safety, and welfare considerations, suggests the need for a rethinking of public policy approaches to transportation investment and land development.
Conference Paper
The potential to moderate travel demand through changes in the built environment is the subject of more than 50 recent empirical studies. The majority of recent studies are summarized. Elasticities of travel demand with respect to density, diversity, design, and regional accessibility are then derived from selected studies. These elasticity values may be useful in travel forecasting and sketch planning and have already been incorporated into one sketch planning tool, the Environmental Protection Agency's Smart Growth Index model. In weighing the evidence, what can be said, with a degree of certainty, about the effects of built environments on key transportation "outcome" variables: trip frequency, trip length, mode choice, and composite measures of travel demand, vehicle miles traveled (VMT) and vehicle hours traveled (VHT)? Trip frequencies have attracted considerable academic interest of late. They appear to be primarily a function of socioeconomic characteristics of travelers and secondarily a function of the built environment. Trip lengths have received relatively little attention, which may account for the various degrees of importance attributed to the built environment in recent studies. Trip lengths are primarily a function of the built environment and secondarily a function of socioeconomic characteristics. Mode choices have received the most intensive study over the decades. Mode choices depend on both the built environment and socioeconomics (although they probably depend more on the latter). Studies of overall VMT or VHT find the built environment to be much more significant, a product of the differential trip lengths that factor into calculations of VMT and VHT.
Can neighborhood design improve traffic? Although a fair question in its own right, several influential planning strategies, including “the new urbanism,”“smart growth,” and the “livability agenda” take the answer more or less for granted. But what do we really know, and how can we improve our knowledge on this key issue? The article first proposes a scheme for categorizing research addressing these and related questions. It then presents a detailed discussion of key studies of urban form and travel behavior. The research strategies employed and the data, methods, and results of these studies are evaluated in detail. The article concludes that although this body of research is improving in several respects and should be encouraged by policy makers and scholars alike, our current understanding of this complex group of relationships remains tentative. The basis for using land use and urban design to selectively change travel behavior thus appears limited in the near term, whereas research opportunities abound.
Significance testing as used has no theoretical justification. Our article in the Journal of Economic Literature (1996) showed that of the 182 full-length papers published in the 1980s in the American Economic Review 70% did not distinguish economic from statistical significance. Since 1996 many colleagues have told us that practice has improved. We interpret their response as an empirical claim, a judgment about a fact. Our colleagues, unhappily, are mistaken: significance testing is getting worse. We find here that in the next decade, the 1990s, of the 137 papers using a test of statistical significance in the AER fully 82% mistook a merely statistically significant finding for an economically significant finding. A super majority (81%) believed that looking at the sign of a coefficient sufficed for science, ignoring size. The mistake is causing economic damage: losses of jobs and justice, and indeed of human lives (especially in, to mention another field enchanted with statistical significance as against substantive significance, medical science). The confusion between fit and importance is causing false hypotheses to be accepted and true hypotheses to be rejected. We propose a publication standard for the future: “Tell me the oomph of your coefficient; and do not confuse it with merely statistical significance.â€