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Adenine auxotrophy - be aware: Some effects of adenine auxotrophy in Saccharomyces cerevisiae strain W303-1A


Abstract and Figures

Adenine auxotrophy is a commonly-used genetic marker in haploid yeast strains. Strain W303-1A, which carries the ade2-1 mutation, is widely used in physiological and genetic research. Yeast extract-based rich medium contains a low level of adenine, so that adenine is often depleted before glucose. This could affect the cell physiology of adenine auxotrophs grown in rich medium. The aim of our study was to assess the effects of adenine auxotrophy on cell morphology and stress physiology. Our results show that adenine depletion halts cell division, but that culture optical density continues to increase due to cell swelling. Accumulation of trehalose and a coincident 10-fold increase in desiccation stress tolerance is observed in adenine auxotrophs after adenine depletion, when compared to prototophs. Under adenine starvation, long-term survival of W303-1A is lower than during carbon starvation, but higher than during leucine starvation. We observed drastic adenine-dependent changes in cell stress physiology, suggesting that results may be biased when adenine auxotrophs are grown in rich media without adenine supplementation. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.
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Adenine auxotrophy be aware: some effects of adenine
auxotrophy in Saccharomyces cerevisiae strain W303-1A
Agnese Kokina, Juris Kibilds & Janis Liepins
Institute of Microbiology and Biotechnology, University of Latvia, Riga, Latvia
Correspondence: Agnese Kokina, Institute
of Microbiology and Biotechnology,
Kronvalda bldv. 4, Riga LV-1586, Latvia.
Tel./fax: +371 67034885;
Received 25 September 2013; revised
24 February 2014; accepted 18 March 2014.
Final version published online 11 April 2014.
DOI: 10.1111/1567-1364.12154
Editor: Terrance Cooper
auxotrophy; starvation; adenine; W303;
desiccation tolerance; trehalose.
Adenine auxotrophy is a commonly used genetic marker in haploid yeast
strains. Strain W303-1A, which carries the ade2-1 mutation, is widely used in
physiological and genetic research. Yeast extract-based rich medium contains a
low level of adenine, so that adenine is often depleted before glucose. This
could affect the cell physiology of adenine auxotrophs grown in rich medium.
The aim of our study was to assess the effects of adenine auxotrophy on cell
morphology and stress physiology. Our results show that adenine depletion
halts cell division, but that culture optical density continues to increase due to
cell swelling. Accumulation of trehalose and a coincident 10-fold increase in
desiccation stress tolerance is observed in adenine auxotrophs after adenine
depletion, when compared to prototrophs. Under adenine starvation, long-term
survival of W303-1A is lower than during carbon starvation, but higher than
during leucine starvation. We observed drastic adenine-dependent changes in
cell stress physiology, suggesting that results may be biased when adenine auxo-
trophs are grown in rich media without adenine supplementation.
Like all micro-organisms, baker’s yeast cells respond to
environmental changes and adapt their growth and prolif-
eration accordingly. A drop in nutrient availability is a
signal for the onset of nutrient limitation and impeding
starvation. Even a slight drop in the concentration of a
critical nutrient is sufficient to induce alterations in cell
physiology such as the initiation of a ‘preconditioning
programme’, which prepares the cell for harsh conditions
(Smets et al., 2010).
Two types of limitations or starvations, dependent on
the nutrient, can occur: ‘natural limitations’, which sets
in when basic nutrients (carbon, phosphorous, sulphur
and nitrogen) are scarce, and ‘artificial limitations’,
which sets in when particular metabolites or metabolic
intermediates are insufficient (Saldanha et al., 2004).
Additionally, depending on nutrient supply mode, dis-
tinction is made between starvation and limitation. Star-
vation for certain nutrient is defined if it is absent,
whereas limitation occurs when certain nutrient is added
in scarce amounts and thus limits the growth. Starvation
is a typical phenomenon of batch cultivations, and limi-
tation is usually attributed to chemostat cultivations.
Auxotrophy is a typical example of an artificial limita-
tion. Many common laboratory yeast strains (W303,
S288C, CEN.PK and FY series) contain one or several
auxotrophic markers. Histidine, leucine, uracil, adenine
and tryptophan (his, leu, ura, ade and trp) are the most
common auxotrophic markers of Saccharomyces cerevisiae
strains used in physiology studies (Pronk, 2002; Da Silva
& Srikrishnan, 2011). Insufficient concentration of an
auxotrophic agent leads to artificial limitation. Depend-
ing on the type of limitation, the yeast cells exhibit dif-
ferent responses. Cell cycle arrest and subsequent
quiescent state constitute a typical response to natural
limitations (Boer et al., 2008). However, cell cycle arrest
and quiescence do not occur for an artificial limitation
with either leucine or uracil. On the other hand, inabil-
ity to complete cell division and to halt subsequent cell
cycle leads to a decrease in viability in addition to an
observable ‘glucose wasting’ phenomenon (Boer et al.,
The adenine auxotrophic marker, ade2-1, is common
to the S. cerevisiae strain W303-1A and its derivatives.
These strains are well known for the fact that they
acquire red colouration during culture growth. This red
pigment is the oxidised form of ribosylaminoimidazole,
FEMS Yeast Res 14 (2014) 697–707 ª2014 Federation of European Microbiological Societies.
Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd. All rights reserved
an intermediate of the adenine de novo synthesis pathway.
The adenine auxotrophy-dependent red colouration is
used in white red mutant screens (Weng & Nickoloff,
1997) and synthetic lethality assays (Barbour & Xiao,
2006). In addition to ade2,ade1 is also used in white red
mutant screens, and ade8, another adenine de novo syn-
thesis pathway gene, has been used as an integration site
yielding moderate expression levels of heterologous genes
(Sadowski et al., 2007).
External adenine supplement in synthetic media is
needed to promote proliferation of adenine auxotrophs.
However, availability of adenine is sometimes ignored in
rich media (e.g. yeast extract-based media) because it is
assumed that all nutrients are present in sufficient levels.
Several researchers point out that in rich media, adenine
levels vary from batch to batch and the adenine is often
depleted before exhaustion of the carbon source (VanDu-
sen et al., 1997; Zhang et al., 2003).
Besides hampering proliferation, adenine auxotrophy
might have other adverse effects on yeast physiology.
Thus far, adenine auxotrophy has been associated with a
decrease in heterologous protein expression. Interestingly,
this has been observed for both low and high external
adenine levels (VanDusen et al., 1997; Zhang et al.,
W303-1A and its derivatives have been exploited in
basic physiology research for 30 years (Carlson & Bot-
stein, 1982; Ralser et al., 2012). However, to our knowl-
edge, no research on the effects of adenine auxotrophy
on physiology of this particular strain has been per-
formed. Many physiological studies are performed in
batch mode using rich media where the effects of ade-
nine limitation can become pronounced, obfuscating the
physiological phenomenon of interest. The findings from
the studies herein can help to minimize these undesired
effects. In the present work, we report some basic cul-
ture physiology and cell morphology studies using
W303-1A batch cultivation. We find that adenine deple-
tion has a direct impact on the cell size, trehalose con-
tent and subsequent desiccation stress tolerance. Taken
together, our results serve as a basis for new interpreta-
tions of some previous results regarding yeast stress
physiology as well as a warning against assuming that
adenine auxotrophy provides a neutral background for
physiology studies.
Materials and methods
Laboratory strains used in this study are shown in
Table 1. CEN.PK ade8 disruption was created by homolo-
gous recombination using a URA cassette and screening
for ura
mutants on 5-FOA as described in Sadowski
et al. (2007).
Growth media
YPD [10 g L
of yeast extract (Biolife), 20 g L
of pep-
tone (Biolife), 20 g L
of dextrose (Sigma)] was used for
yeast cell physiology studies: growth dynamics, cell mor-
phology, trehalose content and desiccation stress toler-
ance. Synthetic dextrose (SD) media [1.7 g L
of yeast
nitrogen base w/o amino acids and ammonium sulphate
(Difco), 5 g L
of (NH
of dextrose]
supplemented with leucine (260 mg L
), of tryptophan
(80 mg L
), of uracil (100 mg L
), histidine
(100 mg L
) and adenine (100 mg L
) was used for
adenine titration experiments. For starvation experiments,
SD media with either adenine, leucine or glucose omitted
depending on starvation type investigated were used.
Yeasts were cultivated in shake flasks at 180 r.p.m. in
30 °C with broth volume not exceeding 20% of the flask
Morphological measurements
Optical density (OD) was measured at 600 nm with
Ultrospec 2100 pro (Amersham Biosciences), diluting
cultures below 0.3 absorbance units.
The cells dry weight was determined by harvesting bio-
mass from 20 to 40 mL of cultivation broth by centrifu-
gation, washing twice with distilled water, and drying at
Table 1. Yeast strains used in this study
Strain name in text Strain genotype Source
W303 ade2 W303-1A MATa leu2-3,112 trp1-1 can1-100 ura3-1 ade2-1 his3-11,15 Dr. Peter Richard
W303 ADE2 W303-1A ADE2 Dr. Arnold Kristjuhan
W303 prototroph 2832 1B MATa can1 Dr. Frederick R. Cross
CEN.PK prototroph CEN.PK 113-1A Dr. Peter Richard
CEN.PK ADE8 CEN.PK2 MATa leu2-3/112 ura3-52 trp1-289 his3-1,MAL2-8c SUC2 Dr. Peter Richard
CEN.PK ade8 CEN.PK2 MATa leu2-3/112 ura3-52 trp1-289 his3-1,ade8,MAL2-8c SUC2 This study
FEMS Yeast Res 14 (2014) 697–707ª2014 Federation of European Microbiological Societies.
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698 A. Kokina et al.
105 °C until reaching constant weight. For cell counts
and morphology assessment, cells were fixed in 1% glu-
taraldehyde and then sonicated briefly. Cell number was
counted by hemocytometer.
Cell size (for a sample size of n>300) was determined
by analysing micrographs with IMAGEJ software, approxi-
mating cell shape as an ellipse and calculating the area of
the acquired ellipses (Jorgensen et al., 2007). Buds, if they
exceeded half the size of the mother cell, were defined as
separate cells. Budding index, defined as the proportion
of cells with buds, was determined for the population
from a sample size of n>500.
Metabolite measurements
Anthrone assay was used to determine trehalose and media
glucose concentrations (Terevelyan & Harrison, 1956). For
trehalose measurements, cells were washed with distilled
water twice, disintegrated in 5% TCA with glass beads, and
then the supernatant (diluted with water when necessary)
mixed with anthrone (2 g L
in 75% H
ratio. The mixture was heated at 100 °C for 10 min, and
absorbance at 626 nm was measured. The same procedure
was used for media glucose quantification.
The concentration of adenine in media was determined
enzymatically following a modified protocol from Zhang
et al. (2003). More specifically, the concentration of ade-
nine in media was quantified fluorometrically by hypo-
xanthine oxidase (Sigma X4500)-coupled assay using
horseraddish peroxidase (HRP; Sigma) and Amplex Ultr-
aRed dye (Molecular Probes
, ex/em 530/590 nm). The
reaction mix contained 20 lL of sample, 2 mL 0.1 M,
pH 7.5 sodium phosphate buffer, 0.02 U xanthine oxi-
dase, and 2 U HRP. Reaction mixtures were incubated at
30 °C for 30 min at which point the emission at 590 nm
(ex 530) was measured with a FluoroMax-3 (Yvon Hori-
ba) spectrofluorometer.
Stress tolerance assessment
Desiccation tolerance was assayed by estimating CFU
, before and after dehydration. One millilitre of cul-
ture at OD
=1 was washed with distilled water twice,
diluted serially and spotted on YPD plates. The remaining
cell suspension was centrifugated, and the pellet was left to
desiccate for 10 h at 30 °C in a desiccator and then rehy-
drated for 10 min in room temperature in distilled water.
The suspension of rehydrated cells was serially diluted and
spotted on YPD plates. The viability was calculated by
dividing the number of CFU mL
before and after desic-
cation, as performed in Calahan et al. (2011).
To assess starvation stress tolerance, cells were grown in
full SD media up to exponential phase, washed with dis-
tilled water, and re-suspended to OD
=1 in SD media
lacking either sugar, leucine or adenine with all other
broth components added in surplus. The yeasts were incu-
bated for 10 days in a rotary shaker, and samples were
taken upon inoculation (day 0) and on the 1st, 2nd, 4th,
7th and 10th day. Samples were diluted serially and plated
on YPD plates to assess viability. Undiluted sample was
fixed with glutaraldehyde and later used for budding
index, cell size and count mL
Statistical treatment of data
All the represented values are means from biological trip-
licates. Error bars and variation depict standard errors.
Two-tailed, two-sample unequal variance Student’s t-test
or Wilcoxon rank-sum test (for cell size comparison)
were used to compare means of physiological parameters.
P-values <0.05 were considered statistically significant.
Growth characteristics and cell morphology
The effects of adenine auxotrophy on the S. cerevisiae
strain W303-1A (from here on called W303 ade2) were
explored during cell growth in YPD (glucose content 2%)
media. A W303-1A-derived adenine prototroph (W303
ADE2) strain was used as a control. External adenine
depletion was monitored by xanthine oxidase coupled to
horseradish peroxidase assay. Also, red colouration of
W303 ade2 cells served as a signal for adenine depletion.
The red pigment in yeast cells was observed after adenine
became depleted in the media, as detected by xanthine
oxidase assay. However, adenine auxotrophs tend to accu-
mulate a vast amount of adenine and then use it upon
depletion of the external adenine pool (VanDusen et al.,
1997). The adenine synthesis pathway and subsequent red
pigment accumulation in adenine auxotrophs are induced
after adenine de novo synthesis is started, which occurs
when no free adenine remains inside the cell (Rebora
et al., 2001). Therefore, we assumed that pigment devel-
opment is a physiologically more reliable signal for ade-
nine starvation in the cell than the concentration of
adenine in the media.
We assessed growth of W303 ade2 and its correspond-
ing adenine prototroph W303 ADE2 using yeast extract
from only one producer due to known variance in ade-
nine content across different commercial suppliers
(VanDusen et al., 1997; Zhang et al., 2003). For all exper-
iments, yeast extract from the same producer and single
batch was used.
First, we compared growth dynamics of W303 adenine
auxotroph and prototroph in YPD media to determine
FEMS Yeast Res 14 (2014) 697–707 ª2014 Federation of European Microbiological Societies.
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Effects of adenine auxotrophy in S. cerevisiae W303-1A 699
whether adenine content in media influences general cell
OD measurements at 600 nm were used to monitor
growth (Fig. 1a). Throughout the exponential growth
phase (from 0 to 10 h), both strains, W303 adenine auxo-
troph and prototroph, grew similarly. The adenine content
in the media, measured by the xanthine oxidase assay, was
depleted at the same time for both strains (see Fig. 1).
Moreover, specific glucose consumption rates and biomass
yields were similar for both strains during the exponential
growth phase, before exhaustion of external adenine.
Biomass yields per substrate consumed (Y,x/s,gg
for W303 ade2 and W303 ADE2 were 0.097 and 0.099,
respectively. Specific substrate uptake rates (q) were 0.98
and 0.95 g g
for W303 ade2 and W303 ADE2,
There was still some sugar left in the growth medium
after external adenine was exhausted (Fig. 1b). Surpris-
ingly, adenine depletion did not interrupt an increase in
OD for the W303 ade2 strain, a metric that suggests
uninterrupted growth. This observation conflicted with
the prediction that adenine exhaustion would halt prolif-
eration and an OD
increase (Fig. 1a). When the ratio
of dry weight to OD of the culture was analysed (Sup-
porting Information, Fig. S1), both W303 strains, ade2
and ADE2, maintained linear OD/dry weight ratios both
before and after external adenine was depleted. As
expected, W303 ade2 formed red pigment as a response
to external adenine depletion.
To resolve the discrepancy between the expected prolif-
eration cessation and the clear increase in OD for W303
ade2 in culture after adenine depletion, we compared
optical densities with the corresponding cell counts mL
of both cultures (Fig. 2).
There was a notable difference in cell number mL
when comparing the adenine auxotroph and prototroph.
While the cell number mL
grew steadily in adenine
prototroph, its increase ceased for the auxotroph after
adenine depletion. To show that this effect was not strain
specific, but purely adenine dependent, we added extra
adenine (100 mg L
) to W303 ade2 strain in YPD
media. As a result of not reaching adenine starvation
through supplementation, the behaviour of W303 ade2
cells followed the pattern of the W303 ADE2 strain.
Therefore, we concluded that an increase in OD
adenine depletion in adenine auxotrophic cultures is not
caused by cell multiplication but most likely due to
changes in the cells’ optical properties.
Two hypotheses were proposed to explain the OD
increase after adenine depletion: either pigment induced
by adenine auxotrophy has absorption that overlaps
600 nm or increased light scattering occurs due to
increase in cell size.
The red pigment does not have specific absorption
around 600 nm (Smirnov et al., 1967). Therefore, we
concluded that red pigment had negligible, if any, impact
on W303 ade2 OD measurements at 600 nm. Beauvoit
et al. (1993) have reported that yeast cell size affects cul-
ture suspension light scattering and attributed it to a spe-
cial case of general light scattering Mie theory.
To determine whether cell size was contributing to the
increase in OD
, mean cell size in W303 ade2 and
W303 ADE2 cultures was measured after 27.5 h of growth
in YPD medium. Size was measured as an elliptical
approximation of the cell’s cross-section in microphoto-
graphs. The adenine auxotrophic cells were significantly
(P<0.0001) bigger than those of the prototrophs:
22 14 vs. 16 5lm
, respectively (Fig. 3).
Fig. 1. W303 ADE2 and W303 ade2 culture
growth (a) and glucose consumption (b) when
cultivated in YPD media. Error bars represent
standard deviation from three independent
cultivations. Dashed vertical line indicates
adenine depletion in the media.
FEMS Yeast Res 14 (2014) 697–707ª2014 Federation of European Microbiological Societies.
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700 A. Kokina et al.
Based on these data, we concluded that the increase in
cell size has led to elevated turbidity of the cell suspen-
sion and, therefore, to the misleading impression of pro-
liferation of adenine auxotroph cells after adenine
Our results indicate that growth of the W303 ade2
strain in rich medium differs significantly from that of the
adenine prototroph when adenine is depleted. VanDusen
et al. (1997) reported on high variability of adenine con-
tent among yeast extracts of different vendors and differ-
ent batches (ranging from 0.34 up to 1.91 mg g
extract). The YPD media used in experiments described
here contained 13 mg L
of adenine.
Due to vast variability of adenine content among dif-
ferent manufacturers’ yeast extracts, and obvious adenine
insufficiency observed in our rich media, we decided to
determine optimal adenine concentration for the W303
ade2 strain cultivation. To ensure exact adenine concen-
trations, SD media were used. We were interested in
changes in growth rate, which, besides red pigmentation,
would indicate adenine exhaustion. We inoculated expo-
nentially growing, freshly washed W303 ade2 cells to
flasks with media of different adenine content. We used
an adenine concentration of 100 mg L
as a positive
control (physiologically ‘safe’ after Pronk, 2002) against
which growth curves of all other adenine concentrations
(0, 5, 10, 20 and 40 mg L
) were compared (Fig. 4).
Results are plotted on log axis to demonstrate growth rate
changes. W303 ade2 culture growth profiles when culti-
vated in media with 0, 5, 10 and 20 mg L
diverged from 100 mg L
curve at different time points,
and cells started to accumulate red pigment, thus indicat-
ing depletion of external adenine. Student t-test revealed
significant differences for OD
between 100 mg L
each of these cultivations. At the time points when
growth rate changed, glucose persisted in ample amounts
(20, 15.4, 14.2, 8.68 g L
for flasks with 0, 5, 10, and
20 mg L
adenine supplement, respectively) further
indicating adenine depletion. No statistically significant
Fig. 2. W303 strain cell count mL
depending on OD
. Yeast
strains were grown in YPD media with (100 mg L
) and without
extra adenine supplement. Cell number mL
was determined by
hemocytometer. Vertical dashed line indicates adenine depletion
during W303 ade2 cultivation in YPD media without extra adenine
supplement. Approximations of third-order polynomial functions were
used for visualization of cell number mL
data. However, it does not
fully account for relationship between the variables.
Fig. 3. W303 strain mean cell size. Cells were harvested after 27.5 h
of cultivation, and their cross-section areas were measured from
micrographs as described by Jorgensen et al. (2007). Cell number
exceeded 300 for each strain. Means of both distributions were
compared by Wilcoxon signed rank-sum test. Mean cell area of W303
ade2 and W303 ADE2 revealed to be significantly different
Fig. 4. Growth curves of W303 ade2 strain in SD media with
different adenine content (0, 5, 10, 20, 40 and 100 mg L
); all
other nutrients were added in surplus. Each growth curve is mean of
biological triplicates; error bars represent standard deviations.
Statistical comparison between OD measurements during cultivation
in medias of different adenine concentrations and 100 mg L
(positive control) was made. Asterisks below data point denote
significant difference from positive control (P<0.05).
FEMS Yeast Res 14 (2014) 697–707 ª2014 Federation of European Microbiological Societies.
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Effects of adenine auxotrophy in S. cerevisiae W303-1A 701
(P>0.05) differences between culture OD
observed when comparing cultures containing 40 mg L
with cultures of 100 mg L
adenine supplement.
Based on our results, we concluded that at least
40 mg L
supplement should satisfy uninterrupted W303
ade2 mutant growth.
Desiccation and starvation responses
Reserve carbohydrate accumulation (glycogen and treha-
lose) is reported to occur in yeast under certain limita-
tions (Lillie & Pringle, 1980; Klosinska et al., 2011).
Studies of different limitations in chemostats have
revealed that trehalose accumulation is inversely related
to the culture’s growth rate, but independent of the nat-
ure of limitation, whether it be natural or artificial (Boer
et al., 2010). Due to the observed halt of proliferation
after the onset of adenine depletion (Fig. 2), we decided
to measure trehalose accumulation in a series of W303
strains (W303 ade2, W303 ADE2, and W303 prototroph)
during cultivation in a YPD medium. A fully prototro-
phic strain was added to the analysis to assess possible
pleoitropic effects from other auxotrophies present in
W303 ade2 and W303 ADE2 cells. Cells were sampled at
exponential growth phase, shortly before and after
exhaustion of adenine, after exhaustion of glucose, and
during stationary phase. Both (W303 ADE2 and W303
prototroph) strains had consumed all the glucose after
13 h of growth. At the same time, we observed accumula-
tion of red pigment and cessation of W303 ade2 growth.
Glucose measurements revealed that there was still
glucose left in the media. Trehalose content in
exponential phase cells, of all three strains, was close to
zero. After adenine exhaustion, W303 ade2 started to
accumulate trehalose and its content increased with time.
After glucose exhaustion, prototrophic strains began to
accumulate trehalose as well, but at a slower rate. Inter-
estingly, trehalose content continues to increase with time
in a fully prototrophic strain but not in W303 ADE2
(Fig. 5a). Trehalose content of adenine-starved W303
ade2 cells differed significantly (P<0.05) from W303
prototroph and W303 ADE2.
Traditionally, the increase in trehalose content has been
linked to elevated tolerance to stress (e.g. desiccation).
We assessed desiccation stress tolerance in cells sampled
during various stages of culture growth, both adenine suf-
ficient and adenine starved (Fig. 5b). All cell cultures
sampled during exponential phase showed low desiccation
stress tolerance, but desiccation tolerance of W303 ade2
cells increased sharply after adenine depletion. Desicca-
tion tolerance over time roughly corresponded to the pat-
tern of trehalose accumulation, and for adenine-starved
W303 ade2 cells, desiccation tolerance differed signifi-
cantly (P<0.05) from W303 prototroph and W303
A distinction has previously been made between starva-
tion for natural and artificial nutrients (Saldanha et al.,
2004). Cells starved for natural (C, P, N) nutrients sur-
vive for longer periods than cells under artificial starva-
tions and do so by arresting the cell cycle. In contrast,
auxotrophically starved cells have elevated glucose con-
sumption rate and reduced survival and do not arrest
their cell cycle (Brauer et al., 2008). To place adenine
starvation in the landscape of natural and artificial starva-
tions, W303 ade2 cells were incubated in synthetic media
lacking either leucine, adenine or carbon source. While
carbon-starved cells clearly showed high and stable sur-
vival rates when compared to both auxotrophies, survival
of leucine and adenine differed significantly (P<0.05)
when measured at day 4, 7 and 10. Adenine starvation
Fig. 5. Changes in accumulated trehalose (a) and desiccation
tolerance (b) during W303 prototroph, W303 ADE2 and W303 ade2
cultivation in YPD media. Cells were desiccated in +30 °C for 10 h.
Desiccation tolerance was quantified as in Calahan et al. (2011). In
both (a) and (b), lines denote strain growth curves in logarithmic scale
and bars trehalose (a) or survival (b). Error bars depict standard
deviation from biological triplicates. Viability in first two time points (8
and 12 h) is close to zero (see b). Asterisks depict statistically
significant difference (P<0.05) between trehalose content of W303
ade2and both W303 prototroph and W303 ADE2 strains (a). Also it
depicts difference between W303 ade2and both W303 prototroph
and W303 ADE2 strains desiccation tolerance as statistically
significant (P<0.05) (b).
FEMS Yeast Res 14 (2014) 697–707ª2014 Federation of European Microbiological Societies.
Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd. All rights reserved
702 A. Kokina et al.
led to higher culture viability than leucine starvation
except for first 2 days where survival did not differ signif-
icantly between leucine and adenine starvation (Fig. 6a).
To find out whether survival of adenine- and leucine-
starved cultures can be explained by differences in the
cells’ ability to arrest their cell cycle, we estimated the
budding index of the starved cultures. The number of
cells with small buds was counted, and the relative frac-
tion for all cells calculated. Presence of a small bud indi-
cates that the given cell is in the beginning of S phase
and is not arrested (Smets et al., 2010). Typically, a large
percentage of cells are in a budded state while starving
for leucine or uracil (Brauer et al., 2008). Adenine-starved
W303 ade2 cells showed a smaller percentage of budded
cells. Differences between leucine and adenine starvations
were established in the first 2 days of starvation and
remained relatively unchanged through the remainder of
the experiment (Fig. 6b). When comparing the viability
and budding index results, we noticed that higher mortal-
ity during starvation corresponds to a higher percentage
of budded cells. That confirmed the possible role of cell
cycle arrest in viability during auxotrophic starvation.
Although exponentially growing, double-washed cells
were used for SD adenine- and leucine-deficient media
inocula, a two- to fourfold increase in OD of the culture
was observed during the first days of cultivation
(Fig. S2a). This might be explained either by cell multi-
plication due to accumulated resources within the cells or
by cell size increase. We estimated cell number mL
during cultivation (Fig. S2b). Almost no increase in cell
numbers was seen. When using the real cell density (cell
number mL
) instead of OD
measurements, viability
curves showed no statistically significant (P<0.05) dif-
ference in cell survival between adenine- and leucine-
starved cultures, during the first 2 days of starvation
(Fig. S2c).
Because differences in cell size and cell number per
optical unit were noted during W303 ade2 and W303
ADE2 cultivation in YPD medium, we expected a similar
effect during long-term adenine or leucine starvation.
Mean cell size of the culture increased for both cultures,
albeit to a different degree (Fig. 7). The increase in the
mean cell size for leucine-starved cultures stopped after
2 days, whereas it continued to increase in adenine-
starved culture. These differences are statistically signifi-
cant for each day of cultivation (P<0.001). When the
distribution of the frequencies of cell size was plotted
(Fig. S3), the distributions were shown to widen with
each starvation day. While some of the starved cells
slowly lost viability and retained their size, living cells
became increasingly larger. It seems plausible that the
increase in cell size is caused by metabolite (e.g. treha-
lose) accumulation.
On the basis of our results, we conclude that adenine
auxotrophy is distinctively different from leucine auxotro-
phy. Although cell viability drops over time relative to
carbon starvation, adenine starvation exhibits characteris-
tics similar to those of other natural starvations: higher
survival rates and ability to arrest cell cycle more effi-
ciently when starved in comparison with artificial starva-
tions such as leucine.
Auxotrophy is a common property of haploid laboratory
strains. Traditionally, amino acid and purine/pyrimidine
auxotrophic markers are used in yeast strain genetic
Fig. 6. Survival rate (a) and budding index (b) during prolonged
W303 ade2 auxotrophic (leucine or adenine) or carbon source
starvation. Cells were grown in full SD media up to exponential
phase, washed with distilled water and re-suspended to OD600 =1
in SD media lacking sugar, leucine or adenine; all other broth
components were added in surplus. Error bars represent standard
deviation from three independent cultivations. Viability in (a) depicted
as percentage of CFU from OD600 =1 in the beginning of
experiment. Budding index is calculated as ratio of cell number with
small bud against total cell number. Asterisks depict statistically
significant difference (P<0.05) between adenine and leucine and
carbon starvations.
FEMS Yeast Res 14 (2014) 697–707 ª2014 Federation of European Microbiological Societies.
Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd. All rights reserved
Effects of adenine auxotrophy in S. cerevisiae W303-1A 703
engineering. Leucine, tryptophan, adenine, uracil, methio-
nine, and histidine auxotrophies are typical markers and
targets for complementation with plasmids or integration
constructs (Pronk, 2002; Da Silva & Srikrishnan, 2011).
However, questions have been raised regarding how this
common strain property affects the general physiology of
cells (M
ulleder et al., 2012; Liu et al., 2013). Problems
with auxotrophic strains might arise for two reasons:
depletion of the auxotrophic agent in the growth medium
may occur with great regularity if the concentration of
the agent is insufficient and there may exist pleiotropic
interactions between multiple auxotrophies in the same
strain. Several protocols define different amounts of
auxotrophic agents needed in synthetic media, and yeast
cell physiologists have raised concerns that the amounts
usually used might not be sufficient for uninterrupted cell
growth (Pronk, 2002). However, rich media have been
considered safe in respect to auxotrophies, and additional
amino acids or nucleotides are seldom added.
Our results show that additional adenine (at least
40 mg L
or more), even to the rich media, should be
added to avoid adenine starvation. Concerns are raised
regarding growth attenuation effects of auxotrophic sup-
plements, if added in excess (Mulleder et al., 2012). Our
results on synthetic media (Fig. 4) show no statistically
significant differences in growth if 40 or 100 mg L
nine is added. Furthermore, no difference between growth
parameters of W303 prototroph and W303 ade2 on YPD
with extra 100 mg L
adenine supplement is seen
(µ=0.45 h
for both strains). Similarly, VanDusen
et al. (1997) and Zhang et al. (2003) reported on
sufficient adenine concentration to be 5080 mg L
Auxotrophic markers can have pleiotropic effects on
S. cerevisiae physiology. There are many examples of the
effects of tryptophan, methionine and histidine autotro-
phy on yeast physiology. For example, any gene deletion
in the tryptophan biosynthesis pathway (trp1-5 genes)
leads to decreased growth in the presence of rapamycin,
caffeine and SDS. Notably, wild-type characteristics are
not regained after the respective gene complementation
alez et al., 2008). Also, depending on the length of
the HIS3 gene deletion (200 bp or 1 kbp) used to gener-
ate the histidine auxotrophy, various levels of respiration
deficiency at 37 °C can be observed (Young & Court,
2008). Criticism has also been raised regarding the use of
methionine auxotrophs because the need for methionine
supplement masks the effects of other gene deletions as
seen in zwf1 strains (Thomas et al., 1991; Pronk, 2002).
In contrast to the above auxotrophies exhibiting pleio-
tropic impact on physiology, our results on adenine aux-
otrophy show purely adenine-dependent effects. When
ample amount of adenine is available in the media, ade-
nine auxotrophs and prototrophs are physiologically
indistinguishable: autotroph and prototroph cell size, OD
and dry weight ratio, biomass yield, glucose consumption,
and desiccation tolerance are similar. On the other hand,
when adenine concentration in medium is limiting, cell
morphology and physiology change significantly. Addi-
tionally, adenine-dependent effect is not strain or specifi-
cally ADE2 gene dependent. We repeated desiccation
tolerance experiments with strains of CEN.PK series: full
CEN.PK prototroph, CEN.PK ADE8 (CEN.PK2 MATa
leu2-3/112 ura3-52 trp1-289 his3-1,MAL2-8c SUC2) and
CEN.PK ade8 deletion (made on CEN.PK ADE8 back-
ground). Growth rate, trehalose accumulation and desic-
cation tolerance were measured. Results follow the same
pattern as in W303 the adenine auxotroph accumulates
trehalose and shows significantly (P<0.05) elevated des-
iccation tolerance when adenine becomes depleted (results
are shown in Fig. S4). From this, we conclude that the
observed phenomenon is not strain or ade2 gene specific;
instead, it relates to adenine auxotrophy generally.
When comparing fully prototrophic strains with their
respective his,leu,trp,ura auxotrophs, a decrease in tre-
halose accumulation and desiccation tolerance can be
seen; however, differences are not statistically significant
(P>0.05). Some or even all of these common auxotro-
phies could decrease desiccation resistance in prototrophs.
To fully understand the phenotypical interplay between
all auxotrophic markers, each auxotrophy alone and its
combination with the others should be tested in other-
wise prototrophic strains. Some interplay between ade-
nine, histidine and tryptophan auxotrophies could take
Fig. 7. W303 ade2 culture mean cell size dynamics during prolonged
adenine or leucine starvation. Cell cross-section areas were measured
from micrographs as described by Jorgensen et al. (2007). Cell
number exceeded 300 for each data point. Asterisks depict
statistically significant difference (P<0.0001) between cell sizes of
adenine and leucine starvations, as determined by Wilcoxon rank-sum
FEMS Yeast Res 14 (2014) 697–707ª2014 Federation of European Microbiological Societies.
Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd. All rights reserved
704 A. Kokina et al.
place as they share some common elements in their bio-
synthesis pathway. Moreover, multiple stress-related phe-
notypic traits of tryptophan auxotrophs have been
described before (Gonz
alez et al., 2008). We did segregant
analyses of crosses between ade
and ade
and found that increased desiccation stress tolerance and
trehalose accumulation after adenine depletion occurs in
segregants independently of trp gene functionality
(data not shown). However, adenine auxotrophy is usu-
ally accompanied by other four auxotrophic markers in
W303 series strains or through ade8 disruption by an
integration vector. Statistically significant differences
among adenine auxotrophs and prototrophs that we
observed in two strain backgrounds, W303 and CEN.PK,
indicate that the observed effects are adenine auxotrophy
specific and thus should be carefully considered when
doing physiological studies with those strains.
We explored this phenomenon further to determine
the extent of biases in yeast physiology that can be pro-
duced due to insufficient adenine in the medium. Mea-
surements of OD, a common indicator of cell growth
used in microbiology (Madrid & Felice, 2005), can be
misleading in adenine auxotrophs due to the swelling of
cells OD
increases even after cell proliferation has
stopped. One of the reasons why ade markers are widely
used in genetic research is because the accumulation of
red pigment is a convenient visual marker used when dis-
tinguishing segregants. The same pigment is autofluores-
cent and hinders cell visualization (Weisman et al., 1987),
so usually care is taken to use adenine-enriched media
when growing cells for visualization studies. On the other
hand, stress physiology research is quite often performed
on adenine auxotrophs after exponential growth phase in
rich media, without any additional supplementation
(Carrasco et al., 2001; Petrezselyova et al., 2010). In our
opinion, increased stress tolerance of stationary-phase
adenine auxotrophs in rich media is due to adenine
depletion and not because of other strain characteristics.
Desiccation is a multifactorial stress that challenges
cells with hyperosmolarity, hyperoxidation, hyperionicity
and protein misfolding/aggregation during dehydration
and rehydration (Chakrabortee et al., 2007; Franc
ßaet al.,
2007). Trehalose is a widely discussed storage carbohy-
drate, which accompanies various stress conditions (Crowe
et al., 1998). Still, whether trehalose is an important desic-
cation stress protector or just a metabolite that accumu-
lates during slow growth remains unclear (Paalman et al.,
2003; Ratnakumar & Tunnacliffe, 2006). Although treha-
lose accumulation in W303 ade2 coincides with the
increase in desiccation tolerance, adenine prototroph
strain does not show the same relationship between treha-
lose accumulation and desiccation tolerance. This indi-
cates that trehalose accumulation could serve as a signal
for elevated desiccation tolerance, but it might not be a
prerequisite for it. Previously, rate of trehalose accumula-
tion has been attributed to the growth rate (Paalman
et al., 2003). Adenine auxotroph cells indeed accumulate
far greater amounts of trehalose after they cease to prolif-
erate, and dynamic trehalose levels that change over time
in arrested cells indicate that there may be additional reg-
ulatory mechanisms.
Trehalose levels in cells are determined as an outcome
of dynamic equilibrium of trehalose synthesis and hydro-
lysis (Hohman & Mager, 2003). The activity of trehalase
and trehalose synthase is regulated by the cAMP-PKA
pathway, which is upregulated in the presence of glucose
(Winderickx et al., 1996). A great increase in trehalose lev-
els in adenine-starved cells could indicate downregulation
of cAMP-PKA pathway and consistent downregulation of
trehalase activity and upregulation of trehalose synthase
complex activity. Research shows that yeast cells, when
starved for carbon, nitrogen or phosphorous, upregulate
both sides of the trehalose metabolism synthesis and
hydrolysis. However, trehalose accumulates only in nitro-
gen-starved cells (Klosinska et al., 2011). We have mea-
sured trehalase activity in ade8 deletion strain in CEN.PK
background, and it shows the same tendency trehalose
accumulation is accompanied by elevated trehalase activity
during adenine starvation (data not shown). Additional
research is needed to clarify dynamics of trehalose accu-
mulation during adenine starvation to determine whether
they are similar to those observed in nitrogen starvation.
The recent work of Welch et al. (2013) elucidates the
role of TOR and RAS pathway in acquiring desiccation
stress resistance. These two pathways regulate cell growth
rate by monitoring external carbon and nitrogen supplies
(Smets et al., 2010). Here, we show that adenine deple-
tion does stop cell division and increases cell viability
after desiccation, indicating a possible role for these two
signalling pathways in physiological changes observed
during adenine starvation. The increase in desiccation tol-
erance in response to carbon, nitrogen and phosphorus
starvation has already been reported (Welch et al., 2013).
Although adenine and uracil are nucleotides, different
physiological responses to starvation can be observed for
them. It is possible that either yeast cells sense external
adenine levels or, as adenine becomes limited, the cells
sense limited or imbalanced adenylate levels intracellu-
larly. Yet there are no reported transcriptional response
mechanisms to disturbed nucleotide balance (Ljungdahl
& Daignan-Fornier, 2012). Little is known about adenyl-
ate levels in cells undergoing adenine starvation, so fur-
ther studies are required to elucidate possible cell
response mechanisms. Existence of specific transcriptional
response leading to a quiescent state for yeast is under
debate (Klosinska et al., 2011).
FEMS Yeast Res 14 (2014) 697–707 ª2014 Federation of European Microbiological Societies.
Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd. All rights reserved
Effects of adenine auxotrophy in S. cerevisiae W303-1A 705
To summarize our findings, the physiological state of
W303-1A changes dramatically after adenine is exhausted
in YPD media. Cell proliferation ceases while cells
increase in size and accumulate trehalose. Prominent
increase in desiccation stress tolerance follows. Trehalose
accumulation and elevated desiccation tolerance imply
that adenine auxotrophs change their carbon flow and
internal signalling after adenine depletion. In prolonged
starvation experiments, adenine-deficient cells show
increased ability to arrest cell cycle and are viable for
longer period of time compared with cells starved for leu-
cine. These facts distinguish adenine starvation from
other auxotrophies described thus far. To avoid unwanted
phenotypic changes due to adenine depletion in rich
media, we suggest adding extra adenine for ade
if cell
physiology will be studied after exponential growth phase,
to avoid adenine exhaustion before glucose depletion.
J.L. and A.K. were supported by ESF project Nr. 2009/
0138/1DP/ J.K. was supported
by ERAF, contract no. L-KC-11-0005, project Nr. KC/ We thank Prof. U. Kalnenieks for the
valuable discussions and Dr. M. I. Pena for critical read-
ing of the manuscript.
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Supporting Information
Additional Supporting Information may be found in the
online version of this article:
Fig. S1. W303 adenine auxotroph and prototroph dry
weight dependence on optical density measurements
when cultivated in YPD medium.
Fig. S2. Optical density (a), cell count mL
(b) and rela-
tive survival rate (c) during W303 ade2 adenine (dia-
monds) and leucine (squares) starvation.
Fig. S3. Cell size distribution during adenine (upper
panel) and leucine starvation (lower panel).
Fig. S4. Changes in accumulated trehalose (a) and desic-
cation tolerance (b) during CEN.PK prototroph, CEN.PK
ADE2 and CEN.PK ade2 cultivation in YPD media.
FEMS Yeast Res 14 (2014) 697–707 ª2014 Federation of European Microbiological Societies.
Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd. All rights reserved
Effects of adenine auxotrophy in S. cerevisiae W303-1A 707
... This transition from fermentation to respiration is known as the diauxic shift and involves catabolite de-repression and is accompanied by an increase in mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) 23,24 . Moreover, in yeast strains that are defective in adenine production, depletion of the base precedes glucose exhaustion, the diauxic shift is thereby reached earlier, and growth slows down even in the presence of sufficient extracellular glucose 25 . ...
... Supplementing standard minimal medium with 50 mg/l adenine prevented GFP-PDT degradation ( Supplementary Fig. 2a), establishing that adenine depletion is central to the degradation in post-diauxic cells. To test this directly, we resuspended cells growing in an excess of adenine in medium containing 0, 2, or 20 mg/l adenine, and at a glucose concentration of 1%, which is similar to the extracellular glucose concentration when cells reach diauxie 20,25 (Fig. 3a). The mitochondrial GFP-PDT signal in mf-Lon expressing cells was reduced after 2-3 hours of adenine withdrawal (0 mg/l) or limitation (2 mg/l), and was further reduced during continued growth without adenine. ...
... In yeast, we observed that mf-Lon-induced degradation relied on adenine auxotrophy and occurred during the diauxic shift in minimal medium, coinciding with adenine depletion 25 . Although this allowed us to induce degradation and gain more control over the system, the exact reason for this phenomenon remains elusive. ...
Full-text available
Targeted protein degradation systems developed for eukaryotes employ cytoplasmic machineries to perform proteolysis. This has prevented mitochondria-specific analysis of proteins that localize to multiple locations, for example, the mitochondria and the nucleus. Here, we present an inducible mitochondria-specific protein degradation system in Saccharomyces cerevisiae based on the Mesoplasma florum Lon (mf-Lon) protease and its corresponding ssrA tag (called PDT). We show that mitochondrially targeted mf-Lon protease efficiently and selectively degrades a PDT-tagged reporter protein localized to the mitochondrial matrix. The degradation can be induced by depleting adenine from the medium, and tuned by altering the promoter strength of the MF-LON gene. We furthermore demonstrate that mf-Lon specifically degrades endogenous, PDT-tagged mitochondrial proteins. Finally, we show that mf-Lon-dependent PDT degradation can also be achieved in human mitochondria. In summary, this system provides an efficient tool to selectively analyze the mitochondrial function of dually localized proteins.
... Considering nitrogen base auxotrophies, the allele ade2-1, which contains a nonsense mutation (Glu64STOP) [41], is widely found in different laboratorial S. cerevisiae strains and confers adenine dependence. A major phenotypic characteristic of ade2-1 is the development of a red ochre color due to the intracellular accumulation of oxidized adenine-associated metabolic intermediates [40,42], a phenotype that can be useful for red-white colony screening [43], redox biology [44], and drug discovery [40]. ...
... The depletion of adenine reserves in yeast cells increases trehalose synthesis and leads to cell cycle arrest, recapitulating the protective effects observed for desiccation stress tolerance. As a consequence, the adenine-deficient cells become viable for a longer period of time and evade biocontainment [42]. Complementally, it was observed that adenine auxotrophy increases the mutagenesis rate in yeast cells [45], a condition that is observed for other auxotrophic markers such as leu2 and/or lys2 alleles. ...
Full-text available
Biocontainment techniques for genetically modified yeasts (GMYs) are pivotal due to the importance of these organisms for biotechnological processes and also due to the design of new yeast strains by using synthetic biology tools and technologies. Due to the large genetic modifications that many yeast strains display, it is highly desirable to avoid the leakage of GMY cells into natural environments and, consequently, the spread of synthetic genes and circuits by horizontal or vertical gene transfer mechanisms within the microorganisms. Moreover, it is also desirable to avoid patented yeast gene technologies spreading outside the production facility. In this review, the different biocontainment technologies currently available for GMYs were evaluated. Interestingly, uniplex-type biocontainment approaches (UTBAs), which rely on nutrient auxotrophies induced by gene mutation or deletion or the expression of the simple kill switches apparatus, are still the major biocontainment approaches in use with GMY. While bacteria such as Escherichia coli account for advanced biocontainment technologies based on synthetic biology and multiplex-type biocontainment approaches (MTBAs), GMYs are distant from this scenario due to many reasons. Thus, a comparison of different UTBAs and MTBAs applied for GMY and genetically engineered microorganisms (GEMs) was made, indicating the major advances of biocontainment techniques for GMYs.
... Considering nitrogen base auxotrophies, the allele ade2-1, which contains a nonsense mutation (Glu64STOP) [41], is widely found in different laboratorial S. cerevisiae strains and confer adenine dependence. A major phenotypic characteristic of ade2-1 is the development of a red ochre color due to the intracellular accumulation of oxidized 5 of 17 adenine-associated metabolic intermediates [40,42], a phenotype that can be useful for red-white colony screening [43], redox biology [44] and drug discovery [40]. ...
... The depletion of adenine reserves in yeast cells increase trehalose synthesis and lead to cell cycle arrest, recapitulating the protective effects observed for desiccation stress tolerance. As a consequence, the adenine-deficient cells become viable for a longer period of time and evade biocontainment [42]. Complementally, it was observed that adenine auxotrophy increases mutagenesis rate in yeast cells [45], a condition that is observed for other auxotrophic markers like leu2 and/or lys2 alleles. ...
Full-text available
Biocontainment techniques for genetically modified yeasts (GMYs) are pivotal due to the importance of these organisms for biotechnological processes and also due to the design of new yeast strains by using synthetic biology tools and technologies. Due to the large genetic modifications that many yeast strains display, it is highly desirable to avoid the leakage of GMY cells into natural environments and, consequently, the spread of synthetic genes and circuits by horizontal or vertical gene transfer mechanisms within the microorganisms. Moreover, it is also desirable to avoid that patented yeast gene technologies spread outside the production facility. In this review, it was evaluated the different biocontainment technologies currently available for GMYs. Interestingly, uniplex-type biocontainment approaches (UTBAs), which relies on nutrient auxotrophies induced by gene mutation or deletion, or the expression of simple kill switches apparatus, are still the major biocontainment approaches still in use with GMY. While bacteria like Escherichia coli account for advanced biocontainment technologies based on synthetic biology and multiplex-type biocontainment approaches (MTBAs), GMYs are distant from this scenario due to many reasons. Thus, a comparison of different UTBAs and MTBAs applied for GMY and genetically engineered microorganisms (GEMs) was made, indicating the major advances of biocontainment techniques for GMYs.
... Considering nitrogen base auxotrophies, the allele ade2-1, which contains a nonsense mutation (Glu64STOP) [41], is widely found in different laboratorial S. cerevisiae strains and confer adenine dependence. A major phenotypic characteristic of ade2-1 is the development of a red ochre color due to the intracellular accumulation of oxidized adenineassociated metabolic intermediates [40,42], a phenotype that can be useful for red-white colony screening [43], redox biology [44] and drug discovery [40]. ...
... The depletion of adenine reserves in yeast cells increase trehalose synthesis and lead to cell cycle arrest, recapitulating the protective effects observed for desiccation stress tolerance. As a consequence, the adenine-deficient cells become viable for a longer period of time and evade biocontainment [42]. Complementally, it was observed that adenine auxotrophy increases mutagenesis rate in yeast cells [45], a condition that is observed for other auxotrophic markers like leu2 and/or lys2 alleles. ...
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Biocontainment techniques for genetically modified yeasts (GMYs) are pivotal due to the importance of these organisms for biotechnological processes and also due to the design of new yeast strains by using synthetic biology tools and technologies. Due to the large genetic modifications that many yeast strains display, it is highly desirable to avoid the leakage of GMY cells into natural environments and, consequently, the spread of synthetic genes and circuits by horizontal or vertical gene transfer mechanisms within the microorganisms. Moreover, it is also desirable to avoid that patented yeast gene technologies spread outside the production facility. In this review, it was evaluated the different biocontainment technologies currently available for GMYs. Interestingly, uniplex-type biocontainment approaches (UTBAs), which relies on nutrient auxotrophies induced by gene mutation or deletion, or the expression of simple kill switches apparatus, are still the major biocontainment approaches still in use with GMY. While bacteria like Escherichia coli account for advanced biocontainment technologies based on synthetic biology and multiplex-type biocontainment approaches (MTBAs), GMYs are distant from this scenario due to many reasons. Thus, a comparison of different UTBAs and MTBAs applied for GMY and genetically engineered microorganisms (GEMs) was made, indicating the major advances of biocontainment techniques for GMYs.
... It has been shown that the induction of adenine starvation through minimal adenine concentration in the medium and deletion of ADE2, which inactivates the adenine de novo biosynthesis pathway, increases Ty1 transcript levels (Todeschini et al., 2005), resulting in higher transposition rates. Rich complex medium like the one that was used for the MA experiment (YPD) can exhibit substantial variation in adenine concentration (VanDusen et al., 1997), and adenine can quickly become the limiting nutrient for ade2 strains (Kokina et al., 2014). Thus, we cannot exclude that the choice of initial ade2 genotypes could have inflated the transposition rates in the MA experiment. ...
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Transposable elements (TEs) are major contributors to structural genomic variation by creating interspersed duplications of themselves. In return, structural variants (SVs) can affect the genomic distribution of TE copies and shape their load. One long-standing hypothesis states that hybridization could trigger TE mobilization and thus increase TE load in hybrids. We previously tested this hypothesis (Hénault et al., 2020) by performing a large-scale evolution experiment by mutation accumulation (MA) on multiple hybrid genotypes within and between wild populations of the yeasts Saccharomyces paradoxus and Saccharomyces cerevisiae . Using aggregate measures of TE load with short-read sequencing, we found no evidence for TE load increase in hybrid MA lines. Here, we resolve the genomes of the hybrid MA lines with long-read phasing and assembly to precisely characterize the role of SVs in shaping the TE landscape. Highly contiguous phased assemblies of 127 MA lines revealed that SV types like polyploidy, aneuploidy, and loss of heterozygosity have large impacts on the TE load. We characterized 18 de novo TE insertions, indicating that transposition only has a minor role in shaping the TE landscape in MA lines. Because the scarcity of TE mobilization in MA lines provided insufficient resolution to confidently dissect transposition rate variation in hybrids, we adapted an in vivo assay to measure transposition rates in various S. paradoxus hybrid backgrounds. We found that transposition rates are not increased by hybridization, but are modulated by many genotype-specific factors including initial TE load, TE sequence variants, and mitochondrial DNA inheritance. Our results show the multiple scales at which TE load is shaped in hybrid genomes, being highly impacted by SV dynamics and finely modulated by genotype-specific variation in transposition rates.
... They play crucial roles as structural components of DNA and RNA, energy carriers, and enzyme cofactors [82]. Perturbations in purine nucleotide metabolism have been shown to significantly impact fungal development and virulence [81][82][83][84][85]. 1-Methyluric acid, a purine and purine derivative, has received limited attention in fungal research. ...
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Ceratocystis fimbriata (C. fimbriata) is a notorious pathogenic fungus that causes sweet potato black rot disease. The APSES transcription factor Swi6 in fungi is located downstream of the cell wall integrity (CWI)-mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) signaling pathway and has been identified to be involved in cell wall integrity and virulence in several filamentous pathogenic fungi. However, the specific mechanisms by which Swi6 regulates the growth and pathogenicity of plant pathogenic fungi remain elusive. In this study, the SWI6 deletion mutants and complemented strains of C. fimbriata were generated. Deletion of Swi6 in C. fimbriata resulted in aberrant growth patterns. Pathogenicity assays on sweet potato storage roots revealed a significant decrease in virulence in the mutant. Non-targeted metabolomic analysis using LC-MS identified a total of 692 potential differentially accumulated metabolites (PDAMs) in the ∆Cfswi6 mutant compared to the wild type, and the results of KEGG enrichment analysis demonstrated significant enrichment of PDAMs within various metabolic pathways, including amino acid metabolism, lipid metabolism, nucleotide metabolism, GPI-anchored protein synthesis, and ABC transporter metabolism. These metabolic pathways were believed to play a crucial role in mediating the growth and pathogenicity of C. fimbriata through the regulation of CWI. Firstly, the deletion of the SWI6 gene led to abnormal amino acid and lipid metabolism, potentially exacerbating energy storage imbalance. Secondly, significant enrichment of metabolites related to GPI-anchored protein biosynthesis implied compromised cell wall integrity. Lastly, disruption of ABC transport protein metabolism may hinder intracellular transmembrane transport. Importantly, this study represents the first investigation into the potential regulatory mechanisms of SWI6 in plant filamentous pathogenic fungi from a metabolic perspective. The findings provide novel insights into the role of SWI6 in the growth and virulence of C. fimbriata, highlighting its potential as a target for controlling this pathogen.
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Yeast cells are extensively used as a key model organism owing to their highly conserved genome, metabolic pathways, and cell biology processes. To assist in genetic engineering and analysis, laboratory yeast strains typically harbor auxotrophic selection markers. When uncompensated, auxotrophic markers cause significant phenotypic bias compared to prototrophic strains and have different combinatorial influences on the metabolic network. Here, we used BY4741, a laboratory strain commonly used as a “wild type” strain in yeast studies, to generate a set of revertant strains, containing all possible combinations of four common auxotrophic markers (leu2∆, ura3∆, his3∆1, met15∆). We examined the effect of the auxotrophic combinations on complex phenotypes such as resistance to rapamycin, acetic acid, and ethanol. Among the markers, we found that leucine auxotrophy most significantly affected the phenotype. We analyzed the phenotypic bias caused by auxotrophy at the genomic level using a prototrophic version of a genome‐wide deletion library and a decreased mRNA perturbation (DAmP) library. Prototrophy was found to suppress rapamycin sensitivity in many mutants previously annotated for the phenotype, raising a possible need for reevaluation of the findings in a native metabolic context. These results reveal a significant phenotypic bias caused by common auxotrophic markers and support the use of prototrophic wild‐type strains in yeast research.
The Pcf11 protein is an essential subunit of the large complex that cleaves and polyadenylates eukaryotic mRNA precursor. It has also been functionally linked to gene-looping, termination of RNA Polymerase II (Pol II) transcripts, and mRNA export. We have examined a poorly characterized but conserved domain (amino acids 142-225) of the Saccharomyces cerevisiae Pcf11 and found that while it is not needed for mRNA 3’ end processing or termination downstream of the poly(A) sites of protein-coding genes, its presence improves the interaction with Pol II and the use of transcription terminators near gene promoters. Analysis of genome-wide Pol II occupancy in cells with Pcf11 missing this region, as well as Pcf11 mutated in the Pol II CTD Interacting Domain, indicates that systematic changes in mRNA expression are mediated primarily at the level of transcription. Global expression analysis also shows that a general stress response, involving both activation and suppression of specific gene sets known to be regulated in response to a wide variety of stresses, is induced in the two pcf11 mutants, even though cells are grown in optimal conditions. The mutants also cause an unbalanced expression of cell-wall-related genes that does not activate the Cell Wall Integrity pathway but is associated with strong caffeine sensitivity. Based on these findings, we propose that Pcf11 can modulate the expression level of specific functional groups of genes in ways that do not involve its well-characterized role in mRNA 3' end processing.
Transposable elements (TEs) are major contributors to structural genomic variation by creating interspersed duplications of themselves. In return, structural variants (SVs) can affect the genomic distribution of TE copies and shape their load. One long-standing hypothesis states that hybridization could trigger TE mobilization and thus increase TE load in hybrids. We previously tested this hypothesis by performing a large-scale evolution experiment by mutation accumulation (MA) on multiple hybrid genotypes within and between wild populations of the yeasts Saccharomyces paradoxus and Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Using aggregate measures of TE load with short-read sequencing, we found no evidence for TE load increase in hybrid MA lines. Here, we resolve the genomes of the hybrid MA lines with long-read phasing and assembly to precisely characterize the role of SVs in shaping the TE landscape. Highly contiguous phased assemblies of 127 MA lines revealed that SV types like polyploidy, aneuploidy and loss of heterozygosity have large impacts on the TE load. We characterized 18 de novo TE insertions, indicating that transposition only has a minor role in shaping the TE landscape in MA lines. Because the scarcity of TE mobilization in MA lines provided insufficient resolution to confidently dissect transposition rate variation in hybrids, we adapted an in vivo assay to measure transposition rates in various S. paradoxus hybrid backgrounds. We found that transposition rates are not increased by hybridization, but are modulated by many genotype-specific factors including initial TE load, TE sequence variants and mitochondrial DNA inheritance. Our results show the multiple scales at which TE load is shaped in hybrid genomes, being highly impacted by SV dynamics and finely modulated by genotype-specific variation in transposition rates.
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Technologies to profoundly engineer biology are becoming increasingly affordable, powerful, and accessible to a widening group of actors. While offering tremendous potential to fuel biological research and the bioeconomy, this development also increases the risk of inadvertent or deliberate creation and dissemination of pathogens. Effective regulatory and technological frameworks need to be developed and deployed to manage these emerging biosafety and biosecurity risks. Here, we review digital and biological approaches of a range of technology readiness levels suited to address these challenges. Digital sequence screening technologies already are used to control access to synthetic DNA of concern. We examine the current state of the art of sequence screening, challenges and future directions, and environmental surveillance for the presence of engineered organisms. As biosafety layer on the organism level, we discuss genetic biocontainment systems that can be used to created host organisms with an intrinsic barrier against unchecked environmental proliferation.
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δ-Integration can improve the expression stability and increase the copy number of exogenous genes in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Generally, δ-integration vectors employ auxotrophic markers, such as LEU2-d, HIS3, TRP1, and URA3, to screen transformants. In this study, two cellulase genes (β-glucosidase and endoglucanase) were integrated into the S. cerevisiae W303-1A chromosome as reporters, by δ-integration with the aforementioned auxotrophic markers. Eight strains, L-BGL, H-BGL, T-BGL, U-BGL, L-EG, H-EG, T-EG, and U-EG, were selected and tested. After 5 days growth, cellulase activities (U ml(-1)) were 3, 2.3, 1.8, 1.5, 29, 12, 8, and 1.5, respectively. The results showed that auxotrophic markers influenced the expression of cellulase genes.
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Tolerance to desiccation in cultures of Saccharomyces cerevisiae is inducible; only one in a million cells from an exponential culture survive desiccation compared with one in five cells in stationary phase. Here, we exploit the desiccation sensitivity of exponentially dividing cells to understand the stresses imposed by desiccation and their stress response pathways. We found that induction of desiccation tolerance is cell autonomous and there is an inverse correlation between desiccation tolerance and growth rate in glucose, ammonia or phosphate limited continuous cultures. A transient heat shock induces a five thousand- fold increase in desiccation tolerance while hyper- ionic, reductive, oxidative, or hyperosmotic stress induced much less. Furthermore, we provide evidence that the Sch9p regulated branch of the TOR and Ras-cAMP pathway inhibits desiccation tolerance by inhibiting the stress response transcription factors Gis1p, Msn2p, and Msn4p and by activating Sfp1p, a ribosome biogenesis transcription factor. Among 41 mutants defective in ribosome biogenesis, a subset defective in 60S showed a dramatic increase in desiccation tolerance independent of growth rate. We suggest that reduction of a specific intermediate in 60S biogenesis, resulting from conditions such as heat shock and nutrient deprivation, increases desiccation tolerance.
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Saccharomyces cerevisiae strain W303 is a widely used model organism. However, little is known about its genetic origins, as it was created in the 1970s from crossing yeast strains of uncertain genealogy. To obtain insights into its ancestry and physiology, we sequenced the genome of its variant W303-K6001, a yeast model of ageing research. The combination of two next-generation sequencing (NGS) technologies (Illumina and Roche/454 sequencing) yielded an 11.8 Mb genome assembly at an N50 contig length of 262 kb. Although sequencing was substantially more precise and sensitive than whole-genome tiling arrays, both NGS platforms produced a number of false positives. At a 378× average coverage, only 74 per cent of called differences to the S288c reference genome were confirmed by both techniques. The consensus W303-K6001 genome differs in 8133 positions from S288c, predicting altered amino acid sequence in 799 proteins, including factors of ageing and stress resistance. The W303-K6001 (85.4%) genome is virtually identical (less than equal to 0.5 variations per kb) to S288c, and thus originates in the same ancestor. Non-S288c regions distribute unequally over the genome, with chromosome XVI the most (99.6%) and chromosome XI the least (54.5%) S288c-like. Several of these clusters are shared with Σ1278B, another widely used S288c-related model, indicating that these strains share a second ancestor. Thus, the W303-K6001 genome pictures details of complex genetic relationships between the model strains that date back to the early days of experimental yeast genetics. Moreover, this study underlines the necessity of combining multiple NGS and genome-assembling techniques for achieving accurate variant calling in genomic studies.
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Ever since the beginning of biochemical analysis, yeast has been a pioneering model for studying the regulation of eukaryotic metabolism. During the last three decades, the combination of powerful yeast genetics and genome-wide approaches has led to a more integrated view of metabolic regulation. Multiple layers of regulation, from suprapathway control to individual gene responses, have been discovered. Constitutive and dedicated systems that are critical in sensing of the intra- and extracellular environment have been identified, and there is a growing awareness of their involvement in the highly regulated intracellular compartmentalization of proteins and metabolites. This review focuses on recent developments in the field of amino acid, nucleotide, and phosphate metabolism and provides illustrative examples of how yeast cells combine a variety of mechanisms to achieve coordinated regulation of multiple metabolic pathways. Importantly, common schemes have emerged, which reveal mechanisms conserved among various pathways, such as those involved in metabolite sensing and transcriptional regulation by noncoding RNAs or by metabolic intermediates. Thanks to the remarkable sophistication offered by the yeast experimental system, a picture of the intimate connections between the metabolomic and the transcriptome is becoming clear.
Every cell has developed mechanisms to respond to changes in its environment and to adapt its growth and metabolism to unfavorable conditions. The unicellular eukaryote yeast has long proven as a particularly useful model system for the analysis of cellular stress responses, and the completion of the yeast genome sequence has only added to its power This volume comprehensively reviews both the basic features of the yeast genral stress response and the specific adapations to different stress types (nutrient depletion, osmotic and heat shock as well as salt and oxidative stress). It includes the latest findings in the field and discusses the implications for the analysis of stress response mechanisms in higher eukaryotes as well.
The vacuole of the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae was visualized with three unrelated fluorescent dyes: FITC-dextran, quinacrine, and an endogenous fluorophore produced in ade2 yeast. FITC-dextran, which enters cells by endocytosis, had been previously developed as a vital stain for yeast vacuoles. Quinacrine, which diffuses across membranes and accumulates in acidic compartments in mammalian cells, can also be used as a marker for yeast vacuoles. ade2 yeast accumulate an endogenous fluorophore in their vacuoles. Using these stains, yeast were examined for vacuole morphology throughout the cell division cycle. In both the parent cell and the bud, a single vacuole was the most common morphology at every stage. Two or more vacuoles could also be found in the mother cell or in the bud; however, this morphology was not correlated with any stage of the cell division cycle. Even small buds (in early S phase) often contained a small vacuole. By the time the bud was half the diameter of the mother cell, it almost always bore a vacuole. This picture of vacuole division and segregation differs from what is seen with synchronized cultures. In ade2 yeast, the bud usually inherits a substantial portion of its vacuole contents from the mother cell. We propose that vacuolar segregation is accomplished by vesicular traffic between the parent cell and the bud.
Several factors may control trehalose and glycogen synthesis, like the glucose flux, the growth rate, the intracellular glucose-6-phosphate level and the glucose concentration in the medium. Here, the possible relation of these putative inducers to reserve carbohydrate accumulation was studied under well-defined growth conditions in nitrogen-limited continuous cultures. We showed that the amounts of accumulated trehalose and glycogen were regulated by the growth rate imposed on the culture, whereas other implicated inducers did not exhibit a correlation with reserve carbohydrate accumulation. Trehalose accumulation was induced at a dilution rate (D) less than or equal to 0.10 h(-1), whereas glycogen accumulation gradually increased at decreasing growth rates. The growth rate dependency of trehalose accumulation was supported by studies in cells overexpressing the G(1)-cyclin CLN3. The trehalose level appeared to be dependent on the duration of the G(1) phase, as trehalose was only accumulated at a G(1) phase duration of more than 5 h in both wild-type and CLN3-overexpressing cells. On the other hand, the glycogen level was reduced by CLN3 overexpression in a cell cycle-independent manner. A possible regulatory mechanism that links trehalose and glycogen accumulation to the growth rate is discussed.