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Validation and application of dual energy X-ray absorptiometry to measure bone mass and body composition in small infants


Abstract and Figures

Precision and validity of dual-energy x-ray absorptiometry (DXA) for analysis of whole-body composition in infants were assessed by 1) scanning piglets in triplicate to calculate CVs, and 2) comparing DXA estimates with chemical analysis of whole carcass. The mean CVs for all DXA measures in small piglets and large piglets were < 2.5%, except for fat mass, which were 6.3% and 3.5%, respectively. In large piglets DXA provided reasonable estimates of chemical analysis for bone mineral content (BMC), lean body mass, and fat mass, but only for lean body mass in small piglets. DXA overestimated fat by twofold and underestimated BMC by a third in small piglets. Scans of prematurely born infants (n = 17) at term and at 3, 6, and 12 mo corrected age demonstrated that changes in BMC, lean body mass, and fat mass can be quantitated by DXA. However, further refinement of DXA technology is necessary before reliable measures of BMC and fat mass in small infants are attainable.
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ABSTRACT Precision and validity of dual-energy x-ray ab
sorptiometry (DXA) for analysis of whole-body composition in
infants were assessed by 1) scanning piglets in triplicate to cal
culate CVs, and 2) comparing DXA estimates with chemical
analysis of whole carcass. The mean CVs for all DXA measures
in small piglets and large piglets were < 2.5%, except for fat
mass, which were 6.3% and 3.5%, respectively. In large piglets
DXA provided reasonable estimates of chemical analysis for
bone mineral content (BMC), lean body mass, and fat mass, but
only for lean body mass in small piglets. DXA overestimated fat
by twofold and underestimated BMC by a third in small piglets.
Scans of prematurely born infants (n = i7) at term and at 3, 6,
and i2 mo corrected age demonstrated that changes in BMC,
lean body mass, and fat mass can be quantitated by DXA. How
ever, further refinement of DXA technology is necessary before
reliable measures of BMC and fat mass in small infants are at
tainable. Am J Cli,, Nutr i993;58:839—45.
KEY WORDS Dual-energy x-ray absorptiometry, body
composition, premature infants, bone mineral content, total body
fat, piglets
The influence of nutrient intake on body composition in grow
ing low-birth-weight infants is essential knowledge for optimiz
ing nutritional management for the support of growth and de
velopment. Until recently, indirect methods of measuring body
composition were not easily applied to small infants, but the lat
est generation of whole-body absorptiometers using dual-energy
x-ray absorptiometry (DXA) may be a useful tool for this pedi
atric population.
The application of DXA for quantitative assessment of fat
mass, lean body mass, and bone mass should provide measures
with precision and accuracy while being safe and noninvasive
for use in infants and small children. Previous generations of
densitometers using radionucides were too slow and subjected
infants to radiation exposures that were of concern (i). DXA uses
a constant potential x-ray energy source, resulting in an increased
scan speed with greater resolution and lower radiation exposure
compared with dual-photon absorptiometry using ‘¿53Gd(2). To
tal-body-potassium counting is not sensitive enough to use in
small infants (3) and methods of electrical conductivity have not
been validated in this population. Skinfold-thickness measure
meats at one or more sites have been used to estimate total body
fat, but these are difficult to measure reliably in very small in
fants. Single-photon absorptiometry is a precise method for mea
suning bone mineral content (BMC) at peripheral individual bone
sites (4), but may not reflect total skeletal bone mineral mass in
infants prone to osteopenia.
To establish DXA as a useful clinical and research tool, the
sensitivity of the technology in detecting small changes in body
composition must be determined. Validation of DXA for use in
infants has been limited to repeated measures of small tissue
phantoms or excised bone (5, 6); precision has not been estab
lished by repeated in vivo measures. Our objectives were first to
establish the precision and accuracy of DXA measurements of
whole-body BMC, fat mass, and lean body mass in young piglets,
which are similar in body composition to infants (7). Second,
serial DXA scans of prematurely born infants were conducted at
term and at 3, 6, and i2 mo corrected age to 1) determine the
feasibility of the measurement technique in young infants; 2)
assess the sensitivity of DXA in quantifying small changes in
BMC, lean body mass, and fat mass in rapidly growing infants;
3) compare DXA measures of radial bone mineral density (BMD)
to radial BMD determined by single-photon absorptiometry
(SPA); and 4) determinethe accuracy of DXA in predictingtotal
body weight.
Materials and methods
Piglets ranging from 2 to 20 d of age were removed from the
sow at the Arkell Research Farm (University of Guelph, Guelph,
Ontario)andtransportedto McMasterUniversity CentralAnimal
1 From the Department of Pediatrics, McMaster University, Hamilton,
and the Department of Nutritional Sciences, University of Guelph,
Guelph, Ontario, Canada.
2 Supported by grants from The Ministry of Health of Ontario (SAA)
and the Medical Research Council of Canada(SAA) and by a Career
Scientist Awardat McMasterUniversity from the Ministryof Healthof
Ontario (SAA).
3 Address reprint requests to SA Atkinson, Department of Pediatrics,
McMaster University 1200 Main Street West, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada
Received December 15, 1992.
Accepted for publicationJune 21, 1993.
Am J Clin Nutr 1993;58:839—45.Printed in USA. ©1993 American Society for Clinical Nutrition 839
Validationandapplicationof dual-energyx-ray
absorptiometryto measurebonemassand body
Janet A Brunton, Henry S Bayley, and Stephanie A Atkinson
by guest on July 12, 2011www.ajcn.orgDownloaded from
Facility. All piglets were housed in stainless steel cages, in ac
cordance with the Guide to the Care and Use of Experimental
Animals (8). Infrared lamps were used to maintain an ambient
temperature of 30 °C.The piglets were weighed on an electronic
scale accurate to 0.1 g (Sartorius, Goettingen, Germany). Two
specific weight groups were targeted for study: 1.6 kg (small
piglets) and 6.0 kg (large piglets). These weights were chosen to
approximate the lowest and midrange weight of infants who
would be ofclinical interest. Piglets that were within 5% of either
targeted weight were given 5% glucose water only, and killed
later the same day. Piglets that were underweight were weaned
to formula designed to meet their nutrient requirements starting
with half-strength feeding and progressing to full-strength feed
ing by the third day. Piglets weighing < 1.5 kg were intermit
tently gavage fed formula or glucose water until they were feed
ing independently. Once the piglets had reached the targeted
weight, formula feeding was stopped and glucose water was pro
vided until the scan measurement occurred later that day. The
final formula feeding was provided 24 h before the scan mea
surement and consisted of half of the piglet's daily requirement.
If the piglets were studied on the day of arrival to the laboratory,
they were killed@ 8 h after removal from the sow.
To facilitate the scan procedure, piglets were anesthetized with
an intraperitoneal injection of 25 mg pentobarbital/kg body wt
(65 g/L). This was necessary to ensure that the animal remained
completely motionless for the DXA scan.
DXA scan procedure
Scans were performed by using a Hologic QDR-1000/W
(Hologic Inc, Waltham, MA). The principles of dual-photon ab
sorptiometry to estimate tissue composition are described in de
tail elsewhere (9). The Hologic system uses fast kV@switching
of an x-ray tube to generate both high- and low-energy photon
beams (140 and 70 kV@,).The beam is transmitted in a rectilinear
raster throughout the entire body. Measurements of photon trans
mission are made for the high- and low-energy beams along the
scan path. At all measurement locations the beam passes through
a wheel containing tissue and bone simulants for continuous in
ternal calibration during the scan. The relative attenuation of the
two photon beams can be related to the mass of either component
in a two-component system. Consequently, if the body is consid
ered to consist of bone mineral and soft tissue, then total-body
bone mineral mass can be measured. If a second dual-photon
analysis is performed at sites that contain only soft tissue, then
soft tissue mass can be divided into lean tissue mass and fat mass.
Triplicate whole-body scans were conducted by using the pe
diatric scan mode. The piglets were placed uncovered on the scan
bed on their stomachs in the spread-eagle position, with the legs
extended from the body. Generally, scans were performed with
out repositioning but if the piglets started to arouse during scan
ning, more anesthetic was given and the scan restarted. On com
pletion of the scans the piglets were killed with an injection of
sodium pentobarbital. The whole carcass was immediately frozen
for subsequent chemical analysis. To determine whether fluid
shifts that occur postmortem would influence the DXA estimate
of soft tissue, six piglets (three small, three large) were frozen in
the scanning position and rescanned. This variable was important
for future studies in animals.
Individual scans were analyzed by using the Pediatric Whole
Body software (version 6.01, Hologic Inc.). The soft tissue anal
ys@sin the pediatric mode assumes a lean tissue hydration factor
of 86%. Large piglets have a lean tissue water content of@ 69%
(7). One scan for each of the large piglets was reanalyzed by
using 69% as the lean tissue hydration factor.
To determine the influence of covers and blankets in the sub
ject scan field, one piglet was scanned three times with 1) a flan
nd sheet under and over it in a single layer (total blanket weight
92 g), 2) a flannel sheet under and over it in a single layer with
the piglet also wrapped in a flannel receiving blanket (total blan
ket weight 220 g), and 3) a double layer of flannel under and
over it with the piglet wrapped in a receiving blanket (total blan
ket weight 265 g). This experiment was conducted after an up
grade to the software had been installed (version 6.02).
Carcass preparation and analysis
The whole frozen carcasses were individually ground to a
coarse homogenate (small piglets: Hobart model M803, Don
Mills, Ontario; large piglets: Autio model 801CH25, Astoria,
OR) then reground to ensure a fine homogeneous mixture. Two
samples of tissue homogenate from each piglet were weighed to
0.1 g, frozen, and then lyophilized. Total body water of each
animal was determined by the difference between the wet tissue
weight and the lyophilized weight. The lyophilized tissue was
reground in a blender to facilitate sampling.
Total carcass BMC was determined by weighing@ 0.5 g dried
tissue to a reproducibility of 0.1 mg. The weighed tissue was
heated to 500 °Cin a muffle furnace for 72 h, dried in a desiccator
to a constant weight, then reweighed to determine ash weight.
The CVs of triplicate samples from each piglet were 7.0% in the
small piglets and 7.6% in the large piglets. Total carcass lean
body mass was determined by the following equation:
Lean body mass
= total carcass nitrogen X 6.25 + total body water
Nitrogen was analyzed by the micro-Kjeldahl method (10) by
using 0.5 g dry tissue. The (Vs for repeated samples for the
nitrogen analysis were 2.6% and 5.7% in the small and large
piglets, respectively. Total carcass fat mass was determined by
the lipid-extraction method adapted from Folch et al (11). Ap
proximately 1.5 g dried tissue was homogenized (Polytron;
Brinkman, Lucerne, Switzerland) with a mixture of chloroform,
water and methanol for 5 mm. Separation of chloroform and
methanol layers was facilitated by centrifugation at 10 000 X g
for 10 min at 4 °C.The chloroform layer was drawn off and
evaporated in a nitrogen stream. Samples were heated in an oven
at 100 °Cfor 0.5 h then placed in a desiccator. The lipid was then
weighed. The CVs by this method were 2.2% and 2.9% in the
small and large piglets, respectively.
Infant scans
Infants (birth weight < 1500 g) who were diagnosed with
bronchopulmonary dysplasia (BPD)were recruited from the neo
natal intensive care unit at the Children's Hospital at Chedoke
McMaster, Hamilton, Ontario, as part of an ongoing clinical nu
trition trial. The study was approved by the Research Project
Advisory Committee and informed parental consent obtained.
During routine visits to the Growth and Development Follow-up
Clinic at term and at 3, 6, and 12 mo corrected age, serial DXA
measures were conducted. Infants were laid on the scan bed on
their stomachs. When sleeping quietly, the infants were scanned
once by using the pediatric scan mode. No sedation was used.
by guest on July 12, 2011www.ajcn.orgDownloaded from
piglets (n=10)Weight15720.20.0-0.3BMC272.30.6-4.3Lean
piglets (n=10)Weight59840.20.0-0.5BMC1161.50.1—3.4Lean
Precision of whole-body scans by dual-energyx-ray absorptiometry
in small and large piglets
bone mass compared for the two methods. A comparison of BMD
of the radius was of interest to determine whether DXA values
could be compared with previously published values for infants,
obtained by using SPA technology. All regional analyses were
conducted by one person with a mean intraobserver CV of 4.0%
(determined from repeated analyses of scans of three infants of
varying size). Infant scans were analyzed as two groups (< 5 kg
and 5 kg body weight) to determine whether infant size influ
enced the relationship between the methods.
CVs were calculated for the triplicate measures. Differences
between mean DXA estimates for the groups of pigs and mea
sured values were determined by paired t tests (Minitab, version
7.1; Minitab Inc, Pittsburgh). The relationship between the two
methods was determined by regression analyses (Fig P, 6.0;
Biosoft, Ferguson, MO). The level of significance for all tests
wasP < 0.05.
The mean weights and CVs for whole body and individual
body compartments as measured by DXA for each group are
presented in Table 1. FIgure 1 shows linear regressions of whole
body composition determined by DXA compared with the scale,
or chemically analyzed carcass weights in the small piglets. Only
total-body weight (Fig 1, A) and lean body mass (Fig 1, C) men
sured by the two methods were significantly correlated. DXA
determined BMC (Fig 1, B) and fat mass (Fig 1, D) were not
Fromtriplicatescanson individualpiglets.
During the scan infants were covered by a single layer of flannel
blanket and were wearing only a disposable diaper. Each infant
was weighed to 1 g on an electronic balance. Mean values of the
measurements of fat mass of infants were compared with litera
ture values for full-term infants (12) at similar corrected ages to
compare percent body fat values obtained by DXA vs those ob
tained by skinfold-thickness measurement.
Triplicate measures of BMD of the left radius at the one-third
distal site were conducted by using SPA (Norland, Fort Atkinson,
WI). The pediatric software allowed the DXA scans to be re
gionally analyzed so that the radius could be isolated and the
A 1800 B 46
y—fl.9+ 0.102*
y.—5&3 + 1.03*
:@ @@oo
@ 1500
@ 1500
1400 T—@1@,@ ‘¿,
1400 1500 1500 1700 @80O
ScsI. Weight (g)
24 @0 36 42 46
Total Ash (9)
D 250
@ 150
0 100
C 1550@
@ 1350
y—162+ 0.617*
p<O.O1 S
•¿! a
55 5
Sy.171 + 0.053*
-i@ 1@0 150 200 250
Total Fit (a)
1200 1350 1500 1550
Total (g)
FIG 1. Linear regression comparing dual-energy x-ray absorptiometry (DXA)-determined total body weight (A),
bone mineralcontent (BMC) (B), lean body mass (C), and fat mass (D) with measuredvalues in small piglets. Hatched
line represents regression line, solid line is the line of identity.
by guest on July 12, 2011www.ajcn.orgDownloaded from
piglets (n10)Weight1572
mineral27 ±2.2
tissue1371 ±62.8
(1261—1509)1456 ±70.6
tissue174 ±20.9
piglets (n =10)Weight5984±211
mineral116 ±14.0
@ 19.9
tissue5217 ±203.3
(4866—5612)5151 ±188.5
tissue651 ±82.7
(485—736)480 ±78.8
(325—585)< 0.0135.6
correlated with the chemically analyzed values in the small pig
lets. Figure 2 represents linear regressions comparing the two
methods in the large piglets. DXA-estimated total body weight,
BMC, total lean body mass, and fat mass were all significantly
correlated with the measured values.
Comparisons between DXA-determined weights and tissue
analysis for body weight, BMC, lean body mass, and fat mass
for both small and large piglets are presented in Table 2. In the
small piglets, DXA-determined values were significantly differ
ent from measured values for all indexes except total body
weight. DXA consistently underestimated total bone and lean
body mass and overestimated fat mass. In large piglets, DXA
marginally overestimated the total body weight and total lean
body mass. Total fat mass was overestimated by approximately
In the large piglets, when the lean tissue hydrationassumption
was changed from 86% to 69%, further errorsoccurred in the
soft tissue measurements. Overestimation of total fat mass in
creased the error from 35% to@ 57%. Lean body mass was un
derestimated by < 1% when compared with chemically analyzed
Table 3 representsthe results of the three scans with different
coverings. Additional layers of flannel consistently increased the
DXA-determined weight by 33% of the measured blanket
weight. The addition of blankets reduced the precision of the
measurementscomparedwith scans in small piglets (Table 1) for
total body weight (CV 1.7 vs 0.2%) and lean body mass (CV 1.9
vs 0.8%).
There were no significant differences between live and frozen
piglets for DXA estimates of weight (small 1565 ±54 vs 1569
The accuracyof dual-energyx-ray absorptiometry(DXA)-estimated
weights vs measured tissue weights in small and large piglets
* Determined by paired t test.
t PercentdifferencebetweenmeasuredvalueandDXAestimate.
tir ±SD;rangeinparentheses.
±57 g; large5984 ±207 vs5984 ±200 g), BMC (small25.7
±1.4 vs 25.6 ±2.8 g; large 114.8 ±5.0 vs 118.6 ±9.4 g), fat
mass (small 172 ±29 vs 136 ±24 g; large 624 ±101 vs 614
A esoo
3 5200
@ 5900
; 5400
@ 5100
B 150
.@ 130
@ 110
D 750
U- 550
0 450
y—48.9+ 0.572x
y——310+ 1.07*
5600 5900 6200 6500 90 110 130 150
Scala W.ight (a) Total Ash (a)
U@ U
y.—145.9 + 1.04*
p'c0.01 y@232+ 0.868*
4800 5100 5400 5700
Total (a)
350 450 550 650 750
Total Fat (g)
FIG 2. Linear regression comparing dual-energy x-ray absorptiometry (DXA>-determined total body weight (A),
bonemineralcontent(BMC)(B), leanbody mass(C),andfat massif)) to measuredvaluesin largepiglets.Hatched
line representsregressionline, solid line is the line of identity.
by guest on July 12, 2011www.ajcn.orgDownloaded from
1@Scan 2tScan
±30.41.7BMC42.440.541.341.4 ±0.962.3Lean1592163916491627 ±30.41.9Fat115108119114 ±5.64.9
(n = 17)847 ±15224.6 ±1.6tFollow-up
(n = 9)3089 ±4224.3 ±1.9k3mo(n=14)4675±82415.1±1.9j6mo(n=10)5924±95226.8±0.8*l2mo(n=4)8140±129151.8±1.8*
DXA-determined BMC and the ashed weight of fresh chicken
bones. In Clan's study, DXA underestimated BMC by > 50%,
which is similar to our results in the small piglets.
Ashing whole-carcass tissue homogenate will result in a slight
overestimation of BMC because of the inclusion of nonbone min
eral, but this should not influence the results significantly. The
discrepancy between our study results and previously published
in vitro findings may be partially explained by different instru
mentation. Braillon et al (5) used the same device on bones that
were similar in size to those found in our piglets, but the scan
type and software used in the study were not clearly defined.
Thus, it is difficult to compare their findings with ours, deter
mined by using the pediatric whole-body scan mode.
When the body weight ofan animal (and presumably an infant)
is —¿6 kg, both the accuracy and precision of DXA estimates of
BMC are acceptable. At 1.6 kg body wt, DXA consistently un
derestimated BMC by a range of 17-40%. The failure of this
device to accurately measure BMC in small piglets is likely mul
tifactorial. The partial volume effect of determining bone content
in pixels containing bone and soft tissue will be exaggerated in
very small animals. As well, skeletal density varies; therefore,
regions of low density may be below the threshold for detection
resulting in artificially low whole-body BMC. The small and
large piglets had 38 ±3.3 and 116 ±19.9 g whole-body BMC,
respectively. Healthy full-term infants have whole-body BMC
comparable to that of the small piglets (13). The infants we stud
ied had an average DXA-estimated whole-body BMC of58 ±18
g at full-term corrected age. Infants at 3 mo corrected age had
almost double this mass (112 ±26 g), a value similar to that of
the large piglets. Our results illustrate the difficulties that will be
encountered when DXA is used for in vivo measurement of
whole-body composition in small infants in early life.
The small piglet is an ideal model for studying soft tissue com
position of preterm infants. Both have lean tissue hydration of
@ 80% and both have low body-fat stores that are well under
10% (7, 13). DXA-estimated total body fat was the measure with
the most variability and least accuracy. In small piglets, DXA
overestimated total body fat by 2.5-fold. In absolute terms, this
corresponds to@ 120 g fat. DXA calculates a fat fraction for the
pixels containing no bone. This is extrapolated to total body fat
from the soft tissue mass. In small piglets and preterm infants,
their distinct body composition (ie, minimal body fat) may be
beyond the capabilities of the current pediatric software. A fur
ther explanation for the large error in estimation of total body fat
may be the absolute thickness of the animal being measured. In
Infant characteristics5
The influenceof flannelblankets in the scan field on body
compositionmeasurementsof a single piglet weighing1717g by
dual-energy x-ray absoptiometry
S Single flannel sheet under and over piglet; blanket weight 92 g.
t Singleflannelsheetunderandover pigletwith pigletin flannelre
cciving blanket; blanket weight 220 g.
t Doubledflannelsheetunderandoverpigletwithpigletinreceiving
blanket;blanketweight 265 g.
±107 g), or leanbodymass(small1366 ±32 vs 1409 ±42 g;
large 5247 ±147 vs 5252 ±144 g). The CVs of triplicate scans
on the frozen animals were similar to those calculated for the
same animals when scanned alive.
The characteristics of the infants are presented in Table 4. A
total of 37 scans were conducted in 17 infants. There was a high
correlation between DXA-estimated total body weight and the
scale-measured weight of infants weighing < 5 kg (y = 0.024
+ 1.039x,r = 0.997,P < 0.01) and 5 kg (y = 0.206 + 1.014x,
r 0.995, P < 0.01).
The correlation between the DXA and SPA measures of radial
BMD in infants weighing < 5 kg and 5 kg is depicted in Fig
ure 3. There was no correlation between methods in the smaller
infants, but there was a significant correlation in infants weight
ing 5 kg. In most infants weighing 5 kg the DXA-deter
mined radial BMD was higher than the SPA measurement.
Figure 4 depicts the proportion of fat and fat-free body mass
(FFBM) as determined by DXA in infants scanned during follow
up visits. Compared with reference infants (12), the infants with
BPD had lower body weights and a higher proportion of total
body weight as fat at all ages except 12 mo.
Measures of whole-body composition in infants, especially
those of low birth weight, require an accurate tool. For longitu
dinal measures the precision of measurement must be small
enough to allow detection of small differences in BMC and soft
tissue compartments.
Our data established that repeated whole-body measures of
BMC by DXA were repeatable with CVs < 2.5% in live animals
as small as 1.6 kg, but in these animals the quantitation of BMC
by DXA was not accurate compared with total body ash. Other
investigators have assessed the accuracy of DXA-determined
BMC but used in vitro rather than in vivo models. In one study
by Braillon et al (5), femurs excised from premature infants were
submersed in water, scanned in triplicate (Hologic QDR-1000),
then ashed. In contrast with our findings, they found a high cor
relation between BMC measured by DXA and ash weight, but
DXA consistently overestimated BMC. Chan (6) used a Norland
XR-26 (Fort Atkinson, WI) and found a high correlation between
S f@ SD.
t Postconceptionalage at birth.
t Agecountedfromterm(40wkpoatconceptionalage).
by guest on July 12, 2011www.ajcn.orgDownloaded from
2 .200
< .150
0250@ y0.132 + 0.163*
idj 0.200@ p0.46 U
z U
@ 0.150 UU U@
0L@@ I
0 0.100 0.150 0.200 0.250
SPA BMD (g/cm2)
A A y.0.106 + 0.548*
A r—0.82
.150 .200
SPA BMD (g/cm@)
.250 .300
FIG 3. Linear regression comparing dual-energy x-ray absorptiometry (DXA)-determined radial bone mineral density
(BMD) to single-photon absorptiometry (SPA)—determined radial BMD in infants weighing < 5 kg (n = 16) (A), and
5 kg (n = 14) (B).
vivo studies of tissue phantoms mimicking various tissue thick
nesses showed the greatest accuracy between 10 and 20 cm (14,
15). At thicknessesoutside this range, the attenuation error
caused by the fractional crossover of the high- and low-energy
beams increases. A large proportion of the total body in a 1.6-kg
piglet was < 10 cm thick in the scanning position, particularly
in the appendages. Specific calibration to account for this effect
is likely required when small animals or infants are measured.
Although the precision and accuracy of DXA was better in the
large piglets than in the small piglets, DXA still overestimated
total body fat by = 35%. DXA measures of large piglets would
also be subject to the error introduced by minimal tissue thickness
but to a lesser degree than in the small piglets.
The 6-kg piglet is not an ideal model for an infant of the same
size because of differences in body fat content and regional dis
FIG 4. Dual-energy x-ray absorptiometry (DXA) estimates of body
composition in prematurely born infants (DXA) (n = 17) at specific
corrected ages during the first year of life compared with skin-fold-thick
ness estimatesof body composition in a referencepopulation(Ret)(12).
The valuesrepresentpercentbody fat.Term (n = 9),3 mo (n = 14),6
mo (n = 10), and 12 mo (n = 4). FFBM, fat-freebody mass.
tribution. Large piglets were 8.2 ±1.3% fat by carcass analysis;
an infant of the same weight has = 25% fat (12). The distribution
of fat in infants would likely influence the accuracy, ie, a high
proportion of fat in the appendages could be overestimated be
cause of the low tissue thickness.
The hydration of the lean tissue decreases in both piglets and
infants during early neonatal life (7, 13). Theoretically, the lean
tissue hydration assumption should be altered in the software
program to account for this change in body hydration. In practice,
the use of a lower hydration factor (69% vs 86%) increased the
error in the soft tissue analysis by further overestimating total
body fat. The relationship between the ratio of attenuation co
efficients at the low and high energy levels (RM) and the percent
fat value of soft tissue will be altered as the tissue hydration
changes. Further study is required to determine the effect of hy
dration state on DXA estimates of soft tissue, because a change
in the lean tissue hydration factor did not improve accuracy.
The numerous potential sources of error in DXA technology
dictate that all DXA instruments must be validated before reliable
in vivo measures of whole-body composition can be achieved in
small infants. Previous technological refinements of the pediatric
software program for the QDR-1000/W resulted in improved pre
cision in small piglets; the CVs for total fat decreased from 8.6%
to 6.3% when scans were reanalyzed with upgraded software
(version 6.01). Further improvement in accuracy is necessary be
fore DXA estimates of whole-body composition in infants or
animals weighing < 6 kg can be interpreted with confidence.
Appropriate blanket coverings and positioning will influence
DXA estimates, thus standardization of the DXA scanning pro
cedure is essential.
DXA scanning to determine whole-body composition has
proven to be a feasible technology for use in infants. Precision
was not assessed because repeated measures unnecessarily cx
pose infants to further radiation and would require sedation for
the infants to remain still for a prolonged period of time. In our
experience, scanning of infants without the use of sedation is
certainly feasible; 40 infant scans were attempted, of which 37
were completed successfully. The average scan time for whole
body-composition analysis of an infant is 8 mm.
Term 3Mo 6Mo l2Mo
by guest on July 12, 2011www.ajcn.orgDownloaded from
Analysis of the accuracy of DXA in infants resulted in similar
findings to those for the piglets. DXA consistently overestimated
total body weight by@ 3.5%, a value slightly greater than in the
piglets (0.2-4.5%). This is likely due to the use of blanket coy
erings and disposable diapers on the infants during scanning,
which were not used on the piglets. The use of flannel coverings
in the scan field increases the DXA-determined weight of the
subject by@ 33% of the weight of the blanket in small piglets.
Unpublished data from our laboratory showed that in large pig
lets the same blanket coverings increased the DXA-determined
weight, representing 50% of the blanket weight. Therefore, the
use of a correction factor to accommodate blanket use must be
done with caution.
We analyzed the infant bone-density-scan data in two groups
(those weighing < 5 kg and those 5 kg) based on the differ
ences in accuracy of DXA observed in the large piglets vs that
in the small piglets. In infants weighing < 5 kg, the mean DXA
and SPA-determined BMD were 0.211 and 0.192 g/cm2, respec
tively. The greater value for radial BMD by DXA over SPA is
as expected because the DXA analysis includes more dense cor
tical bone in its measurement than would be present at the distal
one-third radius site. There was no association between the DXA
and SPA measures in infants weighing < 5 kg. In the smaller
infants it was more difficult to isolate the radius for the regional
analysis by DXA. The potential error in isolation of the radius in
the DXA scan field likely contributes to the lack of agreement
between measures by DXA and SPA.
If measures of body fat in infants taken by using DXA tech
nology are validated, this technique could become the standard
for body-composition analysis because hydrostatic weighing is
not ethical in this population and skinfold-thickness measures do
not represent total body fat (16). Body-composition data for a
reference population of infants used two-site skinfold-thickness
measures to estimate total body fat (12). Compared with these
reference data, our infants had lower weights (by@ 1 kg) and
had a greater percent of total body fat (Fig 4). The largest din
crepancy between our measures of percent body fat and the pub
lished values (12) was in the smallest infants. If our values are
corrected by the 35% overestimation of fat compared with chem
ical analysis that we observed in the large piglets, then the percent
body fat of our infants is similar to the reference population at
term and at 3 and 6 mo corrected age. Further study is required
to determine whether body composition of term infants is a rca
sonable reference standard of comparison for prematurely born
infants when they reach similar corrected ages.
DXA technology is noninvasive and relatively safe for use in
small infants and children. We believe that further software im
provements could result in a technology that has the potential to
be the standard for estimation of body composition in small in
fants. N
Wegratefullyacknowledgetheassistanceof RobertBertolo,Michelle
Whelan, and Cohn Webber, and especially appreciate the cooperation of
the parents of the infants who were scanned.
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by guest on July 12, 2011www.ajcn.orgDownloaded from
... ADP, DXA, and isotope dilution have been validated against chemical carcass analysis in piglets. [36][37][38][39][40] The body composition of piglets are considered to be comparable to the body composition of preterm infants. 37 Therefore, in practice, these methods are accepted as accurate measures. ...
... 37 Accuracy of DXA There are no comparative studies with preterm infants where DXA was compared with other methods, such as isotope dilution. DXA has been validated in piglets 38,40 and in practice is accepted as an accurate measure. Nevertheless, in human as well as in animal studies DXA has been reported to overestimate fat mass, especially in lower weights. ...
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Background: There are several methods to measure body composition in preterm infants. Yet, there is no agreement on which method should be preferred. Methods: PubMed,, Wiley/Cochrane Library, and Google Scholar were searched for studies that reported on the predictive value or validity of body composition measurements in preterms, up to 6 months corrected age. Results: Nineteen out of 1884 identified studies were included. Predictive equations based on weight and length indices, body area circumferences, skinfold thickness, bioelectrical impedance, and ultrasound did not show agreement with body composition measured with air displacement plethysmography (ADP), dual-energy x-ray absorptiometry (DXA), magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), or isotope dilution. ADP agreed well with fat mass density measured by isotope dilution (bias -0.002 g/ml, limits of agreement ±0.012 g/ml, n = 14). Fat mass percentage measured with ADP did not agree well with fat mass percentage measured by isotope dilution (limits of agreement up to ±5.8%) and the bias between measurements was up to 2.2%. DXA, MRI, and isotope dilution were not compared to another reference method in preterms. Conclusions: DXA, ADP, and isotope dilution methods are considered trustworthy validated techniques. Nevertheless, this review showed that these methods may not yield comparable results. Impact: Based on validation studies that were conducted in a limited number of study subjects, weight and length indices, body area circumferences, skinfold thickness, bioelectrical impedance, and ultrasound seem to be a poor representation of body composition in preterm infants. DXA, ADP, and isotope dilution methods are considered trustworthy and validated techniques. Nevertheless, these methods may not yield comparable results.
... The use of DEXA is not allowed in pregnancy because it would expose the foetus to ionizing radiation [171,172]. ...
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Bone health starts with maternal health and nutrition, which influences bone mass and density already in utero. The mechanisms underlying the effect of the intrauterine environment on bone health are partly unknown but certainly include the ‘foetal programming’ of oxidative stress and endocrine systems, which influence later skeletal growth and development. With this narrative review, we describe the current evidence for identifying patients with risk factors for developing osteopenia, today’s management of these populations, and screening and prevention programs based on gestational age, weight, and morbidity. Challenges for bone health prevention include the need for new technologies that are specific and applicable to pregnant women, the foetus, and, later, the newborn. Radiofrequency ultrasound spectrometry (REMS) has proven to be a useful tool in the assessment of bone mineral density (BMD) in pregnant women. Few studies have reported that transmission ultrasound can also be used to assess BMD in newborns. The advantages of this technology in the foetus and newborn are the absence of ionising radiation, ease of use, and, above all, the possibility of performing longitudinal studies from intrauterine to extrauterine life. The use of these technologies already in the intrauterine period could help prevent associated diseases, such as osteoporosis and osteopenia, which are characterised by a reduction in bone mass and degeneration of bone structure and lead to an increased risk of fractures in adulthood with considerable social repercussions for the related direct and indirect costs.
... DXA is considered to accurately measure mineral content and lean soft tissue, but it's estimation of fat mass could be overestimated in small infants. The disadvantage of this method is also radioactive exposure and need for sedation, since the movement of the newborn has to be prevented during the investigation (26)(27)(28). ...
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The aim of the paper is to present different techniques for measuring body composition in neonates and the importance of its assessment for monitoring adequate growth and predicting neonatal- and later-life morbidity. Follow up of neonatal growth is even more important in specific groups of newborns, for example preterm infants, newborns with congenital heart disease and newborns with kidney anomalies. There are several models that divide body into compartments containing specific components. None of the measuring techniques embraces all of the body components, but with accurate and quality assessment of body compartments growth can be followed quite successfully. We believe that measuring body composition in vulnerable and sick neonates can contribute to better enteral support and management resulting in optimal growth and short- and long-term outcomes in these children. Conclusion – Optimal growth in infancy has significant impact on neurodevelopment and adult life disease programming. There are several different techniques for measuring body composition and some of them can be easily introduced in everyday clinical practice.
... Tarama zamanı kısadır ve düşük dozlarda yüksek rezolüsyon göstermektedir. Bu nedenlerle preterm bebekler için uygun bir tanı şekli gibi görünmektedir (16,17,18 Congdon ve arkadaşları pretermlerde postkonsepsiyonel 40-60. haftalarda mineral retansiyonunun term bebeklere göre hızlı olduğunu, korunmayan pretermlerde dahi kemik mineralizasyonunun düzelerek post-natal 6. ayda term bebeklerle aynı düzeye ulaştığını bildirmiştir (19,20). ...
... On the other hand, DXA has often proven to be an efficient and accurate technique to assess fat mass in children as well as infants, although it is associated with minimal radiation exposure across ethnicities. DXA is in fact considered the gold standard to measure body composition [19][20][21]. Mid-upper arm circumference (MUAC) has shown potential as a low cost, convenient, and reliable alternative to BMI to identify overweight and obesity in all pediatric age groups [22,23]. When it comes to global relevance of MUAC, a study across 12 countries and the socioeconomic spectrum, including an SA country, stated that MUAC as a tool is accurate for identifying obesity in 9-11-year-old children across the 12 countries. ...
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South Asians constitute one-fourth of the world’s population and are distributed significantly in western countries. With exponentially growing numbers, childhood obesity is of global concern. Children of South Asian ancestry have a higher likelihood of developing obesity and associated metabolic risks. The validity of commonly used measures for quantifying adiposity and its impact on metabolic outcomes differ by race and ethnicity. In this review we aim to discuss the validity of body mass index (BMI) and other tools in screening for adiposity in South Asian children. We also discuss the prevalence of overweight and obesity amongst South Asian children in western countries and the differences in body fat percentage, adiposity distribution, and metabolic risks specific to these children compared to Caucasian children. South Asian children have a characteristic phenotype: lower lean mass and higher body fat percentage favoring central fat accumulation. Hence, BMI is a less reliable predictor of metabolic status in these children than it is for Caucasian children. Furthermore, the relatively lower birth weight and rapid growth acceleration in early childhood of South Asian children increase the risk of their developing cardiometabolic disorders at a younger age than that of Caucasians. We emphasize the need to use modified tools for assessment of adiposity, which take into consideration the ethnic differences and provide early and appropriate intervention to prevent obesity and its complications.
Background As previously reported, dual‐energy x‐ray absorptiometry provides reliable and accurate values for bone mineralization in piglets and infants, but overestimates fat content in small infants. The purpose of the current study was to determine an appropriate equation of correction for at mass measurement and to establish reference values of body composition of preterm and term neonates. Methods Fat mass and chemical whole‐body fat content were evaluated by dual‐energy x‐ray absorptiometry in eight piglets with a body weight between 1408 and 5151 g. The results were combined with previous data obtained in 13 piglets, and two correction equations were determined according to fat mass content. Close to birth, 106 healthy appropriate‐for‐gestational‐age preterm and term infants were scanned by dual‐energy x‐ray absorptiometry to determine bone mineral content, bone area, and fat mass. Fat mass content determined by dual‐energy x‐ray absorptiometry was corrected using the equations obtained in piglets after which lean body mass was recalculated. Results Multivariate analysis showed that dual‐energy x‐ray absorptiometry body weight was the best predictor of bone mineral content ( r ² = 0.94), bone area ( r ² = 0.95), lean body mass( r ² = 0.98), and fat mass ( r ² = 0.84). Gender was an additional significant independent variable for fat mass and lean body mass. Body weight related curves of percentiles for bone mineral content, bone area, fat mass, and lean body mass, were constructed. In vivo dual‐energy x‐ray absorptiometry values of fat mass and calcium content estimated from bone mineral content were in accordance with previously reported whole‐body carcass reference values in preterm and term neonates. Conclusion Normative data of dual‐energy x‐ray absorptiometry body composition for healthy preterm and term infants are provided and can therefore be used in research and in clinical practice.
Body composition assessment is a valuable tool for clinical assessment and research that has implications for long‐term health. Unlike traditional measurements such as anthropometrics or body mass index, body composition assessments provide more accurate measures of body fatness and lean mass. Moreover, depending on the technique, they can offer insight into regional body composition, bone mineral density, and brown adipose tissue. Various methods of body composition assessment exist, including air displacement plethysmography, dual‐energy x‐ray absorptiometry, bioelectrical impedance, magnetic resonance imaging, D3 creatine, ultrasound, and skinfold thickness, each with its own strengths and limitations. In infants, several feeding practices and nutrition factors are associated with body composition outcomes, such as breast milk vs formula feeding, protein intake, breast milk composition, and postdischarge formulas for preterm infants. Longitudinal studies suggest that body composition in infancy predicts later body composition, obesity, and other cardiometabolic outcomes in childhood, making it a useful early marker of cardiometabolic health in both term and preterm infants. Emerging evidence also suggests that body composition during infancy predicts neurodevelopmental outcomes, particularly in preterm infants at high risk of neurodevelopmental impairment. The purpose of this narrative review is to provide clinicians and researchers with a comprehensive overview of body composition assessment techniques, summarize the links between specific nutrition practices and body composition in infancy, and describe the neurodevelopmental and cardiometabolic outcomes associated with body composition patterns in term and preterm infants.
Objective: To compare body composition and growth in very low birthweight infants according to their source of human milk: maternal expressed breast milk (MEBM) versus donor breast milk (DBM). We hypothesized that infants fed predominately MEBM would exhibit reduced body fat percentage compared to those fed predominately DBM. Methods: Premature infants weighing ≤1500 g on an exclusive human milk diet were enrolled in a single-center study between 2017 and 2021. Demographic data and anthropometric measurements were collected. All infants underwent body composition analysis via dual energy x-ray absorptiometry at 36 weeks corrected post menstrual age. Results: A total of 60 infants were enrolled and 48 were included in the primary analysis. No differences were detected in percent body fat (14 vs. 12%, p = 0.7) or fat-free mass (2050 vs. 2130 g, p = 0.7). Both groups displayed similar growth and anthropometric measurements. Caloric and macronutrient intake between groups was similar. Conclusion: In the cohort of patients studied, no differences were observed in percent body fat based on primary human milk type intake in the first 28 postnatal days. Further investigation is required in a larger population of exclusive human milk fed preterm infants to determine if body composition differences exist based on an infant's primary human milk source. Impact: Premature infants are at risk for altered body composition at term corrected age, specifically increased body fat percentage, which may have implications for the future. To our knowledge this is the first study exploring body composition outcomes based on an infant's primary human milk source. Infants fed exclusive human milk (e.g., donor vs. maternal) displayed similar percent body fat and growth outcomes.
This article reviews the current status of various methodologies used in obesity and nutrition research in children, with particular emphasis on identifying priorities for research needs. The focus of the article is 1) to review methodologic aspects involved with measurement of body composition, body-fat distribution, energy expenditure and substrate use, physical activity, and food intake in children; and 2) to present an inventory of research priorities.
To evaluate the applicability of dual energy x-ray bone absorptiometry in newborns, precision and accuracy of the method was tested for very small quantities of mineral ranging from less than 0.5 g to about 4 g of hydroxyapatite using a Hologic QDR 1000 instrument. For six femurs excised from preterm stillborns, the mean precision for bone mineral content (BMC) and bone mineral density (BMD) was 1.2 and 0.8%, respectively. Accuracy based on ash weight indicated a mean overestimation of about 7%. In vivo, the precision was assessed by measuring lumbar spine BMC and BMD (L1 to L5) two or three times in 10 newborns (gestational age, 33 to 40 wk). The mean coefficients of variation were 2.40 and 1.55% for BMC and BMD, respectively. Lumbar spine BMC and BMD were also measured once in 30 full-term infants. Values ranged from 1.17 to 3.90 g for BMC and from 0.192 to 0.356 g/cm2 for BMD. The present study shows that dual energy x-ray absorptiometry provides a valuable new tool for the assessment and management of BMC in low birth weight infants and neonates in general.
The present study validates the use of dual energy X-ray absorptiometry (DEXA) for measurement of body composition. The precision error was expressed as the SD (CV%) for fat mass, FAT%, lean tissue mass, and total body bone mineral: 1.1 kg (6.4%), 1.6% (5.7%), 1.4 kg (3.1%), and 0.03 kg (1.2%), respectively. The accuracy study in vitro used (1) mixtures of water and alcohol, (2) mixtures of ox muscle and lard, and (3) dried bones. In the clinically relevant range of values there were only small influences on DEXA measurements of variations in amount and composition of the soft tissue equivalents. The accuracy study in vivo compared the components of body composition measured recently by DEXA and earlier by dual photon absorptiometry, counting of naturally occurring total body 40K, and body density by underwater weighing in 25 healthy adult subjects. We found agreement between fat percentage (and lean body mass) by DEXA and the three established measurements modalities; mean differences were (-5.3 to -0.4%) and (-0.7 to 2.5 kg) for fat percentage and lean body mass, respectively. We conclude that DEXA provides a new method of measuring body composition with precision and accuracy errors, which are compatible with the application of DEXA in group research studies and probably also in clinical measurements of the single subject.
This study was performed to determine the precision and stability of dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry (DEXA) measurements, to compare bone mineral density (BMD) of subjects measured by DEXA and radionuclide dual-photon absorptiometry (DPA), and to evaluate different absorber materials for use with an external standard. Short-term precision (% coefficient of variation, CV) was determined in 6 subjects scanned six times each with repositioning, initially and 9 months later. Mean CV was 1.04% for spine and 2.13% for femoral neck BMD; for whole-body measurements in 5 subjects, mean CV was 0.64% for BMD, 2.2% for fat, and 1.05% for lean body mass. Precision of aluminum phantom measurements made over a 9-month period was 0.89% with the phantom in 15.2 cm, 0.88% in 20.3 cm, and 1.42% in 27.9 cm of water. In 51 subjects, BMD by DEXA and DPA was correlated for the spine (r = 0.98, P = 0.000) and femoral neck (r = 0.91, P = 0.000). Spine BMD was 4.5% lower and femoral neck BMD 3.1% higher by DEXA than by DPA. An aluminum phantom was scanned repeatedly, in both water and in an oil/water (30:70) mixture at thickness ranging from 15.2 through 27.9 cm. Phantom BMD was lower at 15.2 cm than at higher thicknesses of both water and oil/water (P = 0.05, ANOVA). The phantom was scanned repeatedly in 15.2, 20.3, and 27.9 cm of water over a 9 month period. In 15.2 and 20.3 cm of water, phantom BMD did not vary significantly whereas in 27.9 cm of water (equivalent to a human over 30 cm thick), phantom BMD increased 2.3% (P = 0.01) over the 9 months.
Bone mineral density (BMD) and soft-tissue composition of the total body and major subregions were measured with dual-energy x-ray absorptiometry (DEXA). Total body scans were made in 12 young adults (6 male, 6 female) on five occasions at both a medium speed (20 min) and a fast speed (10 min). There were no significant differences in mean results or in precision errors between the two speeds. The precision errors (1 SD) for total body BMD, percent fat in soft tissue (% Fat), fat mass, and lean tissue mass were less than 0.01 g/cm2, 1.4%, 1.0 kg, and 0.8 kg, respectively. These results corresponded to a relative error of 0.8% for total body BMD and 1.5% for lean body mass. Regional BMD and soft-tissue values (arms, legs, trunk) were determined with slightly higher precision errors. Skeletal mineral was 5.8 +/- 0.5% of lean tissue mass (r = 0.96, p less than 0.001). DEXA provides precise composition analysis with a low radiation exposure (less than 0.1 microGy).
A method was developed for measuring total body bone mineral (TBBM) and lean body mass in vivo using dual-photon absorptiometry. The entire body was scanned in a rectilinear raster (transverse speed of 1 cm/s and longitudinal steps of 2.5 cm) with a modified nuclear medicine scanner and conventional nuclear counting electronics. The source was 153Gd (1 Ci) with principal photopeaks at 44 and 100 keV. The scan time was about 70 min with an absorbed dose of under 1 mrem. The low dose allows measurements to be repeated at frequent intervals or used on children. Short-term (months) precision of TBBM was about 1.5% for isolated skeletons and about 2% on normal human subjects. Long-term (years) precision on skeletons was under 3%. The precision of percent fat was 0.9%, which would lead to an error of less than 1% in the TBBM. Geometry of measurements also had minimal (and correctable) influence on the accuracy of results. The accuracy (1 standard error of estimate) of TBBM on isolated skeletons (N = 5) was 36 g (equivalent to about 13 g of Ca) with a correlation coefficient of 0.99; this error amounts to about 1--1.5% in normal adults; 2% in older women, and 2.5% in osteoporotic females. The dual-photon absorptiometry method could be implemented in many nuclear medicine departments to follow skeletal changes during growth and aging or to follow the course of a disease or treatment.
At the Bone Mineral Laboratory of the University of Wisconsin a microcomputer-based digital read-out system was designed specifically for determining bone mineral content (BMC) and bone width (BW) in newborn infants with the following features: (1) high accuracy and precision; (2) high reproducibility in vivo; (3) direct read-out of BMC and BW; (4) automatic data calibration; and (5) use of a low activity [125I] source (less than 50 mCi). BMC and BW were determined on the left radius on a series of 114 newborn infants of all gestational ages and a curve for intrauterine bone mineral content extrapolated from the data. Accuracy of the photon absorptiometric system was assessed by measuring BMC on a series of nine small bone sections (29-212 mg/cm) and confirmed by subsequent ashing of these bone sections (r = 0.99). Short-term precision (weekly, coefficient of variation 1.7%) and long-term precision (monthly, coefficient of variation 2.1%) for measuring BMC were determined by multiple determinations on a four-chambered bone phantom calibrated with the bone sections. Immediate reproducibility (without repositioning the arm) for the 4-6 scans performed for each determination of BMC and BW was good with a mean coefficient of variation of 3.9% for BMC and 3.6% for BW. In 84 infants, repositioning error was determined by repeating the measurement of BMC and BW after repositioning the arm. The correlation coefficients between measurements before and after repositioning the arm were 0.97 for BMC and 0.95 for BW. BMC correlated well with gestational age (r = 0.92), birth weight (r = 0.89) and bone width (r = 0.92). BW also correlated with gestational age (r = 0.84) and birth weight (r = 0.85). A multiple linear regression analysis of BMC versus BW, gestational age, and birth weight was done. The correlation coefficient between the predicted BMC from these variables and measured BMC was 0.95. Photon absorptiometry can be used with high accuracy, precision, and reproducibility in vivo in newborn infants. BMC correlates with gestational age, birth weight, and bone width.