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Patient satisfaction following endoscopic endonasal dacryocystorhinostomy: A quality of life study

  • Vision Eye Institute Sydney

Abstract and Figures

Purpose: To assess the subjective success and quality of life of adult patients post endoscopic endonasal dacryocystorhinostomy (EE-DCR) for acquired nasolacrimal duct obstruction. Design: Retrospective, questionnaire study performed at least 6 months post EE-DCR. Participants: Hundred and ten of the 282 consecutive patients who underwent EE-DCR. Methods: A standardised questionnaire (Glasgow Benefit Inventory, GBI) was used to analyse the quality of life. The questionnaire examines four parameters, providing total, subscale, social, and physical scores. Main outcome measures: We aimed to assess patient experience following EE-DCR surgery. Total GBI scores range from -100 to +100, the former reflecting maximal negative benefit and corresponding to subjective worsening of tearing and impact on quality of life. Any positive score reflects a satisfactory surgical outcome and +100 represents maximal positive benefit. A score of zero is no perceived benefit. Results: The average age was 62 years, 63% were female. In three of the parameters measured, there was a subjective improvement post surgery: subscale score 22.16 (95% CI: 15.23-29.09), total score 15.04 (95% CI: 9.74-20.35), and social support score 4.67 (95% CI: 0.93-8.42). Physical health scored -4.47 (95% CI: -10.25 to 1.32). Secondary analyses demonstrate no statistical significance with respect to outcome whether a trainee or consultant performed the procedure. Younger patients (under split median of 63.5) had a better total score 19.04 (95% CI: 11.35-27.74) than those older than 63.5 years (11.04, 95% CI: 3.61-18.47). Discussion: This study shows that EE-DCR gave patients improvement in quality of life, proven by a validated questionnaire. The mean total score of 15.04 found in our study compares with the 18.7 recorded by Feretis et al in 2009. Results were irrespective of the grade of surgeon, similar to the findings of Fayers et al for functional successes. Conclusion: This study supports the use of EE-DCR for the improvement of quality of life in adult patients.
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Patient satisfaction
following endoscopic
a quality of life study
G Jutley, R Karim, N Joharatnam, S Latif, T Lynch
and JM Olver
Purpose To assess the subjective success
and quality of life of adult patients post
endoscopic endonasal dacryocystorhinostomy
(EE-DCR) for acquired nasolacrimal duct
Design Retrospective, questionnaire study
performed at least 6 months post EE-DCR.
Participants Hundred and ten of the
282 consecutive patients who underwent
Methods A standardised questionnaire
(Glasgow Benefit Inventory, GBI) was used to
analyse the quality of life. The questionnaire
examines four parameters, providing total,
subscale, social, and physical scores.
Main outcome measures We aimed to assess
patient experience following EE-DCR
surgery. Total GBI scores range from 100 to
þ 100, the former reflecting maximal negative
benefit and corresponding to subjective
worsening of tearing and impact on quality
of life. Any positive score reflects a
satisfactory surgical outcome and þ 100
represents maximal positive benefit. A score
of zero is no perceived benefit.
Results The average age was 62 years, 63%
were female. In three of the parameters
measured, there was a subjective
improvement post surgery: subscale score
22.16 (95% CI: 15.23–29.09), total score 15.04
(95% CI: 9.74–20.35), and social support score
4.67 (95% CI: 0.93–8.42). Physical health
scored 4.47 (95% CI: 10.25 to 1.32).
Secondary analyses demonstrate no statistical
significance with respect to outcome whether
a trainee or consultant performed the
procedure. Younger patients (under split
median of 63.5) had a better total score 19.04
(95% CI: 11.35–27.74) than those older than
63.5 years (11.04, 95% CI: 3.61–18.47).
Discussion This study shows that EE-DCR
gave patients improvement in quality of life,
proven by a validated questionnaire. The
mean total score of 15.04 found in our study
compares with the 18.7 recorded by Feretis
et al in 2009. Results were irrespective of the
grade of surgeon, similar to the findings of
Fayers et al for functional successes.
Conclusion This study supports the use of
EE-DCR for the improvement of quality of
life in adult patients.
Eye (2013) 27, 1084–1089; doi:10.1038/eye.2013.96;
published online 12 July 2013
Keywords: patient satisfaction; postoperative;
epiphora; endoscopic endonasal DCR;
Glasgow Benefit Inventory
Epiphora impacts on quality of life in adult
patients by causing blurred vision, spattered
glasses, and sore skin.
Tearing is socially
embarrassing as it mimics the appearance of
persistent crying. An important cause of
epiphora is narrowing or occlusion of the
nasolacrimal duct.
Nasolacrimal duct blockage
is circumvented by surgically creating an
anastomosis between the lacrimal sac and nasal
cavity above the site of occlusion, by either
external dacryocystorhinostomy (DCR) or
endoscopic endonasal dacryocystorhinostomy
(EE-DCR). The external approach has remained
the mainstay of treatment for over a century.
With the advent of fibreoptic endoscopes
utilising the principles of total internal reflection
and the simultaneous use of a light pipe within
the lacrimal sac to guide placement of the
osteotomy, the endoscopic endonasal approach
to DCR gained popularity from the 1990s.
Oculoplastic and Orbital
Service, The Western Eye
Hospital, London, UK
JM Olver, Oculoplastic and
Orbital Service, The
Western Eye Hospital,
153-173 Marylebone Road,
London NW1 5QH, UK.
Tel: þ 44 (0)203 312 6666;
Fax: þ 44 (0)207 886 3259.
Received: 29 August 2012
Accepted in revised form:
23 March 2013
Published online: 12 July
Eye (2013) 27, 1084–1089
& 2013 Macmillan Publishers Limited All rights reserved 0950-222X/13
Using a laser to create the rhinostomy is outdated
because of high rates of fibrosis secondary to charring,
with mechanical approaches using a diamond bur
showing greater successes.
We offer all patients endoscopic endonasal surgery,
with its advantages of no scar, shorter postoperative
recovery, greater heamostasis, and shorter operating
time. In this study, we aimed to measure the impact of
EE-DCR on patients’ quality of life, using the Glasgow
Benefit Inventory (GBI).
Robinson et al
developed the GBI, a post-
interventional questionnaire to be used in
otolaryngological (ORL) procedures. It is a validated
questionnaire that is both sensitive to the change in
health status due to a surgical procedure and patient
orientated. It is comprised of 18 questions, each of which
is based on a five-point Likert scale.
The questions are
specifically tailored to measure a change in health status,
defined as the general perception of well-being (12
questions). Social and physical health parameters are also
assessed, with three questions each. The total GBI scores
from 100 (maximal negative benefit), through zero (no
change) to þ 100 (maximal positive benefit in health
Any positive score represents patient
satisfaction with the intervention. Robinson aimed to
control response bias by having half the answers range
from large improvement to large deterioration and the
remaining half conversely. We applied the GBI to collect
data for EE-DCR, as quality of life is a significant
contributor to overall success of the procedure.
Materials and methods
A postal questionnaire was sent out retrospectively, at
least 6 months post EE-DCR. The study was carried out
in accordance with ethical guidelines of the Declaration
of Helsinki with institutional ethics approval. Patients
were listed for surgery based on clinical assessment
(including syringing and probing), plus/minus
radiological diagnosis with lacrimal scintigraphy. Those
with nasolacrimal duct obstruction (NLDO) were offered
EE-DCR surgery.
Endoscopic endonasal DCR was performed under
general anaesthesia. All patients had the nasal mucosa
decongested with Moffats solution, combination of 1 ml
adrenaline 1 in 1000, 2 ml of 10% cocaine, and 2 ml
sodium bicarbonate. The lateral nasal wall was infiltrated
with 1 ml of 2% xylocaine (with 1 in 200 000 adrenaline).
The lacrimal crest was identified using a rigid 01 and/or
301 Hopkins endoscope. The nasal mucoperiosteoum over
the frontal process of the maxilla and lacrimal bone was
elevated. A Medtronic diamond bur was used to create the
bony rhinostomy. A fibreoptic light pipe was inserted into
the lacrimal sac, enabling visualisation and subsequent
vertical incision of the sac and flaps with a keratome. An
oscillating blade was used as needed to fashion mucosa.
O’Donoghue tubes are inserted and knotted.
Theatre records and operation notes were reviewed,
and demographic data collected. Patients were eligible
for our study if they had a NLDO and were aged 18 and
over. Exclusion criteria included patients undergoing
external or laser procedures, revision procedures for
failed primary surgical procedures, pregnancy and
secondary acquired NLDO (such as from sarcoid or
Wegener’s granulomatosis), and those with obstruction
at the canaliculi or common canaliculus.
Each patient was sent the GBI questionnaire, enclosed
with an information leaflet, consent form, and a stamped
addressed envelope (see Appendix). We gave patients a
3-month period to respond, after which they were called
twice, once during the day and once in the evening. We
entered the data into an excel database and statistical
analysis was performed.
The records of 282 consecutive patients who underwent
EE-DCR surgery were analysed. We sent out 250 surveys,
as 32 addresses were not available. Out of the responses,
14 were returned anonymously and hence we were
unable to add demographic data.
We received 97 posted responses, 3 months from
sending out the questionnaires, representing an overall
response rate of 38.7%. Three were incomplete and hence
were not included in the analysis. We than rang all
non-responders to improve the compliance rate, and
overall were able to fill 16 further questionnaires over the
phone, giving a total of 110 responders.
The mean age of patients, at surgery, was 62 years
(95% CI: 59.36–65.08), with a range of 18–94. Overall 63%
were female, 37% were male and 56% were British. From
the 110 questionnaires analysed, the mean total score
from the GBI was þ 15.04 (95% CI: 9.74–20.35). The
general subscale score was þ 22.16 (95% CI: 15.23–29.09).
Social support scale resulted in a mean of þ 4.67 (95% CI:
0.93–8.42) and physical health scored 4.47 (95% CI:
10.25 to 1.32). Figure 1 shows box-plots of both total
and subscale scores, when individual ratings are
categorised as either plus or minus scores.
Table 1 shows a breakdown of the operating surgeon in
all 110 procedures. A t-test was performed for rank of
operator and showed that consultant only (n ¼ 67) had a
mean total score of 13.18 (95% CI: 7.14–19.21). The other
group included any patients who had a trainee operating
on them (even if that was together with a consultant,
n ¼ 26) and had a mean of 20.82 (95% CI: 9.12–32.54). This
difference was not statistically significant (P ¼ 0.2199),
similar to functional successes noted by Fayers et al.
Endoscopic endonasal dacryocystorhinostomy
G Jutley et al
A t-test for total score by patient age category was
performed, split at the median of 63.5. The younger
group’s mean was 19.04 (95% CI: 11.35–27.74), compared
with 11.04 (95% CI: 3.61–18.47) in the older group.
From undergoing surgery to receiving the
questionnaire, there was a mean time of 47.01 months
(with a range of 6–133).
In this study, we have shown by using a validated tool
that quality of life improves with EE-DCR. Modern
medicine has moved full circle from the paternalistic
approach practiced by previous generations. An
important requirement of contemporary medicine is the
patient experience: with particular emphasis on
measuring the effect of an intervention on patient benefit.
Vast improvements occurred in this area when Robinson
et al
devised the GBI, a validated questionnaire enabling
assessment of the patients’ health status post
otolaryngeal or ophthalmic intervention.
We sent the questionnaires by mail, without seeing the
patients. We aimed to avoid clinical bias from objective
measures and use patient experience exclusively to
assess the success of the procedure. To further highlight
the importance of using the patients’ experience as the
primary outcome measure, Tarbet and Custer
found that
62% of all patients with patent DCR’s to irrigation still
had persistent epiphora clinically. Furthermore, Delaney
and Khooshabeh
described only 38% of patients with
patent DCRs clinically classed themselves as completely
asymptomatic through questionnaire. It should be kept
in mind that a significant number of these patients may
represent epiphora of multifactorial cause.
We chose outcomes of at least 6 months
postoperatively to assess success.
Our response
rate of 38.7% was markedly lower than other postal
questionnaire studies for OLR procedures
most likely reflects our population of an inner city
multi-cultural mix of patients, with 44% of the study
population non-British. We found that the EE-DCR gave
patients improvement in areas of general perception of
well-being, including the social and psychological
components contributing to health. The predominantly
positive scores demonstrate that patients perceive
EE-DCR as a beneficial procedure, with improvement in
parameters including mucoid discharge, blurry vision,
and soreness peri-orbitally from persistent wiping of the
skin. Unlike the other three parameters, the mean
physical health score was 4.47. We were unable to fully
account for this negative finding, but analysis of the
GBI questionnaire shows that the questions enquiring
about physical well-being are quite generic and relate
to systemic health, with little correlation to the original
symptoms (refer to questions 8, 12, and 16). Overall, as
well as a lack of scarring, shorter operating time and
minimal blood loss, EE-DCR now also receives positive
feedback from validated patient assessments, giving
credence to offering it as a first-line management of
The ENT literature has published the use of
questionnaires to assess patient symptoms post EE-DCR
procedures, and authors have shown patient subjective
improvement of symptoms. For instance Agarwal
followed up 300 patients a year after EE-DCR and noted
94% were symptom free after the primary intervention.
Figure 1 (a) Box plot of total scores. Total GBI scores, broken
down into separate plus and minus scores. (b) Box plot of
subscale scores. General GBI scores, broken down into separate
plus and minus scores.
Table 1 Representation of all procedures performed by various
Performed Success Failure
Consultant only 51 43 8
Consultant and trainee 32 24 8
Trainee only 11 10 1
Anonymously returned forms 16 12 4
Success is indicative of plus total scores.
Endoscopic endonasal dacryocystorhinostomy
G Jutley et al
Validated quality of care data were not collected. Karim
et al
found 84% in the endoscopic cohort were symptom
free at least 4 months postoperatively. Zenk et al
gained a greater perspective into long-term symptom
improvement, after performing a retrospective analysis
of 165 patients who underwent EE-DCR. Total or partial
resolution of symptoms, as described by patients,
occurred in 81.8% (total resolution in 67.9%).
The GBI has been used in a wide variety of ORL
procedures, including rhinoplasty,
acoustic neuroma
endoscopic sinus surgery,
and EE-DCR.
et al
used the GBI questionnaire in a prospective study of
55 patients undergoing EE-DCR. The patients were
reviewed at 6 months by a consultant ophthalmologist
and graded as a success if the symptoms were either
cured or better. Surgery was successful in 78% of patients;
the mean total GBI scores for successful and failure
groups were þ 34 and 19, respectively (comparable
with figures from our study of þ 23 and 24,
respectively). This study demonstrated that the GBI is a
sensitive measure, as it can differentiate between success
and failure. Most recently, Hii et al
have prospectively
evaluated adults treated with external or EE-DCR,
analysing patient satisfaction with the GBI, economic cost,
and surgical success. The study differed from ours as it
was prospective, the authors aimed to compare the two
procedures directly, and objective measures of success
were also observed. Thirty-seven patients underwent
external DCR and 40 were in the EE-DCR group. The
questionnaire was posted 6 weeks postoperatively and the
mean GBI scores were þ 16.1 and þ 24.1, respectively. The
difference of 8 between the scores did not reach statistical
suggesting that although both operations
produce positive post-interventional change in health
status, the difference between both is negligible. As
anatomical and functional success at 3-month follow-up
in both groups were similar (91.7 and 92.1% in the
external and EE-DCR groups respectively) and the cost
difference did not reach statistical difference,
one can
conclude that patient choice and surgeon preference key
in deciding what approach is adopted. We feel the
advantages of no scar, shorter postoperative recovery,
greater heamostasis, and shorter operating time
advocate the use of EE-DCR as front-line surgery,
substantiated with the results from the Hii et al
showing no difference between the surgeries in three
In our study, we found that younger patients had
statistically significant improved general perception of
well-being compared with older patients. This is a
consistent finding in the literature, for instance, Tripathi
et al
showed a statistical correlation between complete
resolution 12 month post endoscopic laser DCR
(EL-DCR) in 46 patients and the younger the age of the
patient. It is well recognised that the incidence of NLDO
increases with age: it is plausible to consider that an 18
score questionnaire of the GBI could be difficult to fill in
for our more elderly patients, particularly, if no guidance
notes are presented to them. If a simpler questionnaire can
be used, which is more user friendly, a more accurate
assessment of patient symptomatology can be surmised.
A Finnish group have recently devised a Nasolacrimal
Duct Obstruction Symptom Score (NLDO-SS), and
published their results following endoscopic DCR on 64
consecutive patients.
The questionnaire had only five
items that focused on the common ocular symptoms of
NLDO, and as such it was more appropriate for
nasolacrimal surgery than the GBI. The authors showed a
statistically significant correlation between the GBI and
the NLDO-SS: although not validated, perhaps the future
step would be to use this simple and sensitive tool
routinely to assess symptoms post EE-DCR in an
ophthalmic setting.
Mistry et al
questioned the use of GBI in assessing the
success of EE-DCR. They argued that this is a quality of
life assessment and patients with anatomical obstruction
at the lacrimal apparatus may not have great overall
disability. Furthermore, the GBI is intended to measure
change in health status, yet it is only distributed
post-procedure and thus is not appropriate for assessing
symptoms before surgery. The authors developed a
new Lac-Q questionnaire after reviewing the presenting
complaints of 100 consecutive patients referred for
treatment of lacrimal obstruction. The questions account
for both eye-specific symptoms as well as the overall
social impact of the disease. In a pilot study of 22 DCR
surgeries, they showed that compared with preoperative
scores, the reduction postoperatively was significant.
Also noted was the correlation between Lac-Q scores
and objective assessments, giving merit to the use of
the questionnaire in a larger study.
Our study has all the limitations associated with being
retrospective in nature. The range of time from surgery to
receiving questionnaire was 6–133 months and recall bias
may have contributed to the results, even though the
questionnaire used was validated. For future studies,
the Lac-Q or NLDO-SS questionnaires can be used
prospectively for patients undergoing EE-DCR.
EE-DCR can be considered the first-line surgical
procedure for the treatment of acquired NLDO. As it
improves quality of life, ophthalmologists should use
measures such as GBI, Lac-Q, or NLDO-SS scores to
evaluate success as an adjunct to auditing their results.
Ultimately patients are not concerned with functional or
anatomical outcome, but how an operation can help
Endoscopic endonasal dacryocystorhinostomy
G Jutley et al
improve the quality of their life. Our study shows that
EE-DCR gives an improvement of general well-being, as
assessed by a validated questionnaire. This information
should be made available to all patients before deciding
their management options.
What was known before
K Limited knowledge about patient satisfaction post
What this study adds
K We can use various questionnaires to improve our
Conflict of interest
The authors declare no conflict of interest.
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The GBI questionnaire
Endoscopic endonasal dacryocystorhinostomy
G Jutley et al
Endoscopic endonasal dacryocystorhinostomy
G Jutley et al
... A stable tear film is of utmost importance for maintaining optical quality and normal functioning of the eye [1]. Although epiphora is a commonly reported symptom, about 30.47/100,000, there are few reports on its impact on patients' daily activities and social lives [1,2]. Symptomatic epiphora can occur if secreted tears do not drain properly and an important cause of epiphora is narrowing or occlusion of the nasolacrimal duct as following dacryocystitis (DC) [1,2]. ...
... Although epiphora is a commonly reported symptom, about 30.47/100,000, there are few reports on its impact on patients' daily activities and social lives [1,2]. Symptomatic epiphora can occur if secreted tears do not drain properly and an important cause of epiphora is narrowing or occlusion of the nasolacrimal duct as following dacryocystitis (DC) [1,2]. DC is a relative common disease with an increasing incidence of gram-negative bacteria and methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus [3]. ...
... Although DC is not burdened with mortality, it has a strong impact on the quality of life (QoL) of affected individuals [4]. For instance, tearing is socially embarrassing as it mimics the appearance of persistent crying [1,2]. In addition, epiphora impacts on QoL by causing spattered glasses, blurred vision, and sore skin [2]. ...
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The Glasgow Benefit Inventory (GBI) is a generic patient recorded outcome measure assessing the quality of life of patients undergoing ear nose and troth surgery. Although largely used in the clinical practice, it has never been adapted and validated in the Italian language. The aim of the study was to translate the original GBI from English to Italian and to examine its reliability for use in the Italian adult population of patients undergoing endonasal endoscopic dacryocystorhinostomy. After translation and back-translation of the original English we evaluated the reliability of GBI for use in 79 Italian adults undergoing dacryocystorhinostomies. Reliability of GBI-IT was examined by the internal consistency of the scale (using the Cronbach’s alpha coefficient), and by the test–retest analysis. The GBI-IT showed adequate internal consistency (Cronbach’s alpha = 0.85 for the total scale). The total GBI-IT score showed a strong correlation in retests (CCC 0.87). In conclusion, our study showed that the GBI-IT has satisfactory internal consistency and reliability and is equivalent to the original English version. In addition, it can be considered a valuable measure for both clinical and research uses.
... The procedure bypasses the distal NLDO effectively. It was considered the gold standard in the past and is still performed frequently nowadays [1][2][3]. ...
... On the contrary, Patient-Reported Outcome Measures gained a lot of interest in the evaluation of the various health care services [1,[3][4][5][6]. The validated QOL questionnaires allow evaluation of the postoperative improvement from the patient's perspective [1][2][3][4][7][8][9]. They are considered as an evaluation of the negative and positive attributes in one's life. ...
... There are a few studies evaluating the improvement in patient-reported outcome benefit and quality of life following DCR surgery for NLDO, mostly using a questionnaire called Glasgow benefit inventories (GBIs) [3][4][5][6][7][8][9]. ...
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Purpose This study aims to investigate the effects of external dacryocystorhinostomy (DCR) surgery on tear meniscus parameters and assess its relationship with improvements in quality of life (QoL) in patients with nasolacrimal duct obstruction (NLDO). Methods This prospective study included 30 patients diagnosed with NLDO who underwent external DCR surgery. Tear meniscus (TM) parameters, including height, depth and area, were measured using anterior segment optical coherence tomography. Lacrimal symptom questionnaire (LacQ), Munk scores and Glasgow benefit inventories (GBI) were collected. Statistical analysis was performed to evaluate the correlation between tear meniscus changes and improvements in QoL. Results TM height, depth and area decreased from preoperative median measurements (0.09 mm², 0.37 mm, 0.56 mm) to postoperative median measurements (0.03 mm², 0.21 mm, 0.30 mm) (p < 0.001). Lacrimal symptom scores and Munk scores showed a significant improvement at 3-month postoperatively (p < 0.001). The GBI scores also demonstrated a significant improvement, indicating a positive impact on the patients’ QoL. (p < 0.001). A statistically significant correlation was found between the change in TM parameters and LacQ lacrimal symptom scores. Conclusion External DCR surgery leads to significant improvements in tear meniscus parameters and quality of life outcomes in patients with NLDO. The decreased in TM height and TM area indicates improved tear film dynamics and decreased tear volume, which positively impact the patients’ ocular comfort and overall well-being. This study highlights the importance of tear meniscus evaluation as a potential market for assessing the success of DCR surgery and its impact on patients’ QoL.
... There are a few studies evaluating the improvement in patient-reported outcome bene t and quality of life following DCR surgery for NLDO, mostly using a questionnaire called Glasgow Bene t Inventories (GBI). [3][4][5][6][7][8][9] Ramey et al performed a systematic review of outcome measures reported by all oculoplastic patients and were able to identify only two validated lacrimal surgery questionnaires, the Nasolacrimal Duct Obstruction Symptom Score (NLDO-SS) and the Lac-Q questionnaire, both of which are speci c to DCR surgery. [10][11][12] Therefore, this prospective study aimed to investigate the changes in tear meniscus parameters following external DCR surgery in patient with NLDO. ...
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Purpose This study aims to investigate the effects of external dacryocystorhinostomy (DCR) surgery on tear meniscus parameters and assess its relationship with improvements in quality of life (QoL) in patients with nasolacrimal duct obstruction (NLDO). Methods This prospective study included 30 patients diagnosed with NLDO who underwent external DCR surgery. Tear meniscus (TM) parameters, including height, depth and area, were measured using anterior segment optical coherence tomography (OCT). Lacrimal symptom questionnaire (Lac-Q), Munk scores and Glasgow benefit inventories (GBI) were collected. Statistical analysis was performed to evaluate the correlation between tear meniscus changes and improvements in QoL. Results TM height, depth and area decreased from preoperative median measurements (0.09 mm², 0.37 mm, 0.56 mm) to postoperative median measurements (0.03 mm², 0.21 mm, 0.30 mm) (p < 0.001). Lacrimal symptom scores and Munk scores showed significant improvement at 3 months postoperatively (p < 0.001). The GBI scores also demonstrated a significant improvement, indicating a positive impact on the patients’ QoL. (p < 0.001). A statistically significant correlation was found between the change in TM parameters and LacQ lacrimal symptom scores. Conclusion External DCR surgery leads to significant improvements in tear meniscus parameters and quality of life outcomes in patients with NLDO. The decreased in TM height and TM area indicates improved tear film dynamics and decreased tear volume, which positively impact the patients’ ocular comfort and overall well-being. This study highlights the importance of tear meniscus evaluation as a potential market for assessing the success of DCR surgery and its impact on patients’ QoL.
... Lacrimal passage obstruction is a common disease in the eld of ophthalmology and is caused by in ammation, trauma, neoplasia, or infection of the lacrimal passage [1]. Lacrimal passage obstruction has been reported to cause a variety of symptoms, including epiphora, blurred vision, ocular discharge, conjunctivitis, and blepharitis [2], as well as reduced vision-related quality of life (QOL) [3][4][5][6]. Therefore, treatment of lacrimal passage obstruction is considered important to improving visual function and QOL. ...
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Purpose: To analyze the relationship between tear meniscus dimensions and higher-order aberrations (HOAs) in patients with lacrimal passage obstruction using anterior segment optical coherence tomography (AS-OCT). Methods:This study was a retrospective observational study of 71 eyes of 49 patients with lacrimal passage obstruction. These patients received sheath-guided dacryoendoscopic probing and bicanalicular intubation (SG-BCI) at Toyama University Hospital between August 2020 and October 2021. Using AS-OCT, tear meniscus height (TMH), tear meniscus area (TMA), and total higher-order aberration (HOA) values were measured before and after surgery. Results:Surgical success was achieved in 69 eyes (97.1%). At the final observation, 62 eyes showed lacrimal patency (89.8%). The preoperative TMH, TMA, and HOA values were 1.55 ± 0.96 mm, 0.11 ± 0.14 mm², and 0.37 ± 0.27 µm, respectively, and the final postoperative TMH, TMA, and HOA values were 0.97 ± 0.74 mm (p<0.0001), 0.06 ± 0.11 mm² (p=0.02), and 0.29 ± 0.16 µm (p=0.001), respectively. The results showed a significant improvement. The changes in HOAs before and after surgery were positively correlated with the changes in TMH (r = 0.3476, p = 0.0241) and TMA (r = 0.3653, p = 0.0174). Conclusion:SG-BCI for lacrimal passage obstruction resulted in a significant decrease in measured HOAs. The decrease in HOAs was correlated with decreases in tear meniscus dimensions.
... The visual disability in some patients with epiphora has been compared to that in patients awaiting cataract surgery [2,3]. Other non-visual symptoms and social impacts of epiphora have been reported, such as "spattered glasses", periorbital irritation, and feelings of embarrassment [4]. ...
... Lacrimal passage obstruction is a common disease in the field of ophthalmology and is caused by inflammation, trauma, neoplasia, or infection of the lacrimal passage [1]. Lacrimal passage obstruction has been reported to cause a variety of symptoms, including epiphora, blurred vision, ocular discharge, conjunctivitis, and blepharitis [2], as well as reduced visionrelated quality of life (QOL) [3][4][5][6]. Therefore, treatment of lacrimal passage obstruction is considered important to improving visual function and QOL. ...
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PurposeTo analyze the relationship between tear meniscus dimensions and higher-order aberrations (HOAs) in patients with lacrimal passage obstruction using anterior segment optical coherence tomography (AS-OCT).Methods This study was a retrospective observational study of 71 eyes of 49 patients with lacrimal passage obstruction. These patients received sheath-guided dacryoendoscopic probing and bicanalicular intubation (SG-BCI) at Toyama University Hospital between August 2020 and October 2021. Using AS-OCT, tear meniscus height (TMH), tear meniscus area (TMA), and total corneal HOAs values were measured before and after surgery.ResultsSurgical success was achieved in 69 eyes (97.1%). At the final observation, 62 eyes showed lacrimal patency (89.8%). The preoperative TMH, TMA, and HOAs values were 1.55 ± 0.96 mm, 0.11 ± 0.14 mm2, and 0.37 ± 0.27 µm, respectively, and the final postoperative TMH, TMA, and HOAs values were 0.97 ± 0.74 mm (p < 0.0001), 0.06 ± 0.11 mm2 (p = 0.02), and 0.29 ± 0.16 µm (p = 0.001), respectively. The results showed a significant improvement. The changes in HOAs before and after surgery were positively correlated with the changes in TMH (r = 0.3476, p = 0.0241) and TMA (r = 0.3653, p = 0.0174).ConclusionSG-BCI for lacrimal passage obstruction resulted in a significant decrease in measured HOAs. The decrease in HOAs was correlated with decreases in tear meniscus dimensions.
Endoscopic Endonasal Dacryocystorhinostomy (EE-DCR) is regarded as the treatment of choice for blocked nasolacrimal duct obstruction, having largely overtaken the external approach (transcutaneous) dacryocystorhinostomy (Ex-DCR) in popularity and being taught word-wide. However, a valued place remains for the external approach where the surgeon does not have either the endoscopic expertise nor equipment, and where infiltrative local anaesthetic surgery is the only option. The aim of both EE-DCR and Ex-DCR is entirely identical, which is to make an unimpeded opening into the nose from the lacrimal sac. Both achieve this end. Lacrimal surgeons should be trained in the anatomy and surgery of both EE-DCR and Ext-DCR as well as the less often used dacryocystectomy (DCT). Both Ext-DCR and EE-DCR have success rates in the region of 90%. Arguments remain on the use of silicone intubation.
Purpose: To determine the cost-effectiveness of endoscopic dacryocystorhinostomy (DCR). Methods: We constructed a Markov model in which patients with nasolacrimal duct obstruction received endoscopic DCR or no surgery. Incremental cost-effectiveness ratios, 1-way sensitivity analyses, and probabilistic sensitivity analyses were used to evaluate for model sensitivity to multiple model inputs. Results: Endoscopic DCR was found to be cost-effective with an incremental cost-effectiveness ratio of US$2162 per quality-adjusted life-year. The model was most sensitive to the health utility deduction from epiphora. Probabilistic sensitivity analysis found endoscopic DCR to be cost-effective over no surgery 93.7% of the time. Conclusions: Endoscopic DCR is a cost-effective treatment for patients with epiphora. The model is very sensitive to the negative effect epiphora has on quality of life. With the advancement of health care technology and surgical techniques, the success rates of endoscopic DCR continue to improve and to be an even more efficacious and economical treatment for nasolacrimal duct obstruction.
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Introduction: With an increasing number of publications on health-related quality of life (HRQOL) following head and neck cancer, the recognition of a number of well-validated questionnaires and a growing awareness of the potential role of HRQOL in practice, it was our aim to repeat the survey of 2002 reported in the Annals to see how practice changed. Materials and methods: A postal survey of members of the British Association of Head and Neck Oncologists was undertaken in January 2006 with reminders sent in February, March and April. Results: The response was 50% (106 of 210) of which 53% were using or had used HRQOL questionnaires. The main reasons for not using HRQOL questionnaires were that they were too time-consuming or intrusive in a clinic setting and that there was a lack of resources. Conclusions: Clinicians still see the use of questionnaires as a research-tool only, rather than an adjunct to giving patient information, promoting choice, and identifying patients with problems. The burden on HRQOL evaluation in routine clinical practice remains a substantial barrier. Advances with IT support in clinic should make it easier to collect and use these data in the future. As surgeons, we still need to be persuaded of the benefits of HRQOL outcomes in our practice.
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A symptom-based questionnaire (the `Lac-Q` questionnaire) for adult patients undergoing lacrimal drainage surgery was developed. The questionnaire yields a numerical score that can be used to assess severity of symptoms. In this study, the questionnaire was evaluated in 17 consecutive patients undergoing 22 dacryocystorhinostomy (DCR) procedures. The questionnaire was administered pre- and postoperatively. The pathology encountered at operation was recorded. The success of surgery was judged by patient satisfaction, endoscopic evaluation of DCR stomal patency, and objective lacrimal drainage testing using the functional endoscopic dye test (FEDT). In a further group of 12 pre-operative cases, the questionnaire was repeated after 4-6 weeks but before surgery, to assess test-retest reliability in the absence of clinical change. The Lac-Q questionnaire was based on two broad categories of eye-specific scores and social impact scores. A numerical score, the `Lac-Q` score, was generated pre- and postoperatively. When compared to pre-operative scores, the reduction in Lac-Q scores postoperatively was significant. Postoperative scores also correlated well with objective lacrimal drainage testing using the FEDT. Analysis of symptom scores shows that the questionnaire was reliable with regard to content validity, internal consistency, test-retest reliability, and responsiveness to clinical change. We conclude that the Lac-Q questionnaire is a useful clinical tool to evaluate outcomes after adult lacrimal surgery.
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To compare success rates of external dacryocystorhinostomy (DCR) and endoscopic endonasal DCR for acquired nasolacrimal duct obstruction (NLDO). Historical cohort study. 100 patients who underwent external DCR and 105 patients who underwent endoscopic endonasal DCR. A retrospective review of medical records of patients with acquired NLDO who underwent DCR from 2004-2010 was performed. Data regarding the lacrimal drainage system, eye examination, surgical outcomes, patient symptom control, and postoperative care were analyzed. Surgical success was defined by patient's resolution of symptoms with patency on irrigation. Surgical failure was defined as no symptomatic reduction in epiphora and/or an inability to irrigate the lacrimal system postoperatively. A total of 205 patients underwent surgeries for acquired NLDO. The average age was 69 years, and 62.4% of subjects were female. Pooled results showed that both surgical approaches had similar success rates (endoscopic endonasal DCR 82.4% versus external DCR 81.6%; P = 0.895). Complication rates were low in both types of surgery. This included three patients with postoperative hemorrhage (two who had endonasal DCR surgery and one having external DCR surgery). This resolved with conservative treatment. Postoperative problems with lacrimal patency (including canalicular obstruction) occurred to 6.8% of endoscopic patients and 9% of those with the external DCR surgery. Of the 14 patients who had their silicone tubes fall out before the 2-month assessment, 10 were classified as failures (71%), in contrast to only a failure rate of 13.9% of those whose tubes were present for the recommended time. This difference was statistically significant (P < 0.01). The success rate of DCR for acquired NLDO in our group of patients was high overall with a low complication rate between the two types of surgery. There was no statistically significant difference between endoscopic and external DCR. Endoscopic surgery may have a benefit of preserving the lacrimal pump system and leaving no surgical scar. Patient preference and availability of each service should direct management. Hence endoscopic endonasal DCR surgery should be considered for primary treatment of nasolacrimal duct obstruction.
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The incidence of nasolacrimal pathway obstruction increases with age, and dacryocystorhinostomy (DCR) is a commonly applied surgical technique to treat severe cases. However, no disease-specific tools to assess the symptoms and the subjective outcome after DCR have been established. We have developed a specific Nasolacrimal Duct Obstruction Symptom Score (NLDO-SS) questionnaire to evaluate the outcome, and tested it in a prospective clinical trial. Prospective clinical follow-up study. Sixty-eight consecutive primary endoscopic dacryocystorhinostomy (EN-DCR) procedures were performed in 64 patients during 2004-2008. Preoperatively and during the three follow-up visits (at 1 week, 2 and 6 months), the patients filled in the NLDO-SS, and at the second and third follow-up visits they also filled in the Glasgow Benefit Inventory (GBI) questionnaire. At one year after the operation, a GBI questionnaire was sent to the patients. The surgical success rate of EN-DCR was 93 %. EN-DCR resulted in a significant reduction in all of the eight symptoms scores of the NLDO-SS (p= 0.001). The GBI scores indicated a significant benefit at 2 months (+37 (SD; 28) and an even higher benefit at 6 months after surgery (+52 (SD; 29), p= 0.001), but no further improvement was found between 6 and 12 months (+52 vs +52, p= 1.0). The correlation between the total GBI and NLDO-SS was significant (p=0.001). EN-DCR significantly improves the quality of life as measured by the GBI. The NLDO-SS correlated with the GBI and gave more information about the benefits after EN-DCR than GBI alone. The NLDO-SS proved to be an effective tool to evaluate lacrimal obstructions and EN-DCR benefits. Further studies to validate NLDO-SS are needed.
• A high-powered argon blue-green laser coupled to a 300-μm quartz fiberoptic catheter was used to create intranasal dacryocystorhinostomy fistulas in fresh-frozen cadaver heads. The procedure, which we term endonasal laser dacryocystorhinostomy, is described. Cadaver specimens were examined postoperatively. Laser rhinostomies were found to involve the posteroinferior portion of the lacrimal sac fossa. Tissues surrounding the fistula site showed no signs of damage. We report on the first patient to undergo endonasal laser dacryocystorhinostomy for the treatment of nasolacrimal duct obstruction, with 10 months of follow-up. We believe endonasal laser dacryocystorhinostomy offers the following advantages over standard external dacryocystorhinostomy: (1) Tissue injury is limited to the discrete fistula site. (2) The cutaneous scar and cosmetic blemish of an external dissection are eliminated. (3) Excellent hemostasis is maintained. (4) Minimal operative and postoperative morbidity permits outpatient surgery, with faster resumption of normal daily activities and increased cost-effectiveness. (5) Patients prefer endonasal laser dacryocystorhinostomy to external dacryocystorhinostomy.
This is a really excellent book and fills a gap in the market. It covers all areas of how to investigate and deal with a patient with epiphora from examination and investigation through to surgical management. Dacrocystorhinostomy is extensively explained from its historical perspective to its current application including both external and endoscopic approaches. The advantages and disadvantages of both approaches are well laid out with useful tips to prevent problems. There are also chapters on paediatric lacrimal problems, canalicular surgery, including the repair of canalicular tears, and also a good practical chapter on lid surgery. Newer, less widely accepted techniques like balloon catheter dilation and nasolacrimal duct stenting are also touched upon. The best thing about the book is the extensive array of high-quality photographs and line drawings illustrating not only pathology but also operative technique in a simple and easy-to-follow manner. It is particularly well endowed with endoscopic images highlighting the benefit of the endoscope to the lacrimal surgeon. There are also CT scans and photos of prosections and the bony architecture to help the reader understand the anatomy.
Definitive treatment of nasolacrimal duct obstruction is with external or endonasal dacryocystorhinostomy (DCR). Recent trials suggest surgical equivalency between techniques. We sought to compare alternative outcomes of DCR techniques in terms of quality of life and cost. This study was a multicentre prospective nonrandomized case series comparing adult patients treated with external or endonasal DCR. Groups were allocated according to DCR technique. Participation did not affect treatment choice. The Glasgow Benefit Inventory (GBI) was utilized to compare postoperative quality of life, and an activity-based costing (ABC) method used to estimate costs of the two techniques. Surgical data were also collected. A minimum of 3 months follow-up was observed. Seventy-seven patients were included--37 external and 40 endonasal. Both techniques resulted in positive health status change, with mean GBI scores of +16.1 for external DCR and +24.1 for endonasal (p = 0.18). Using an ABC method, the operative costs of external DCR were less than endonasal at $715.79 AUD and $932.52 AUD respectively. This trial suggests that external and endonasal DCR produce comparable outcomes in terms of postoperative quality of life, with external DCR resulting in lower operative costs.
To present the results of external dacryocystorhinostomy (ext-DCR) for epiphora using strict outcome criteria and provide an accurate baseline and evidence from which to compare the results of endonasal dacryocystorhinostomy. Retrospective case notes review of 158 consecutive adult patients who underwent primary ext-DCR. Functional success was assessed according to the patients' symptoms and anatomical success was measured using objective tests of lacrimal system patency: 1) the functional endoscopic dye test and/or endoscopic endonasal inspection of the ostium; 2) syringing of the lacrimal system; and 3) the fluorescein dye retention test. Patients without complete follow-up data were recalled for clinical reevaluation. A minimum follow-up of 6 months was required. Comparison of overall functional and anatomical success was further analyzed according to etiology using logistic regression and for different grades of surgeon using the chi-squared test. The results for 124 of 158 ext-DCRs showed an overall functional success of 69% and anatomical success of 74%. Patients with primary acquired nasolacrimal duct obstruction (PANDO) who had surgery by the specialist lacrimal surgeon had high success: 83% functional success and 100% anatomical success. Patients with watering eyes from non-PANDO aetiology including canalicular disease who had surgery by the specialist lacrimal surgeon had moderate success: 78% functional success and 70% anatomical success. The results of all surgery by trainees were lower but only significantly so for PANDO. The mean duration of follow-up was 2.6 years (range, 6 months to 8.3 years); median follow-up was 1.9 years. This study used strict criteria to assess functional and anatomical outcomes of primary ext-DCR and thus provide baseline measures of success with a minimal follow-up of 6 months. When canalicular disease was excluded, results for PANDO were higher. Surgery performed by the specialist lacrimal surgeon had higher success rates than when performed by trainee.
To evaluate the results of endoscopic dacryocystorhinostomy performed to treat acquired nasolacrimal duct obstruction. Retrospective analysis of the outcome of endoscopic dacryocystorhinostomy performed in the conventional manner (i.e. without power instruments or laser) to treat acquired nasolacrimal duct obstruction. Outcomes for 300 patients with acquired nasolacrimal duct obstruction were evaluated. Cases with congenital or traumatic blockages were excluded. All the cases were evaluated for nasolacrimal duct blockage by the syringing and regurgitation test. Surgery was performed under local anaesthesia with sedation. Follow up was conducted by syringing and nasal endoscopy, up to one year. Results were compared with published data for endoscopic and external dacryocystorhinostomy. Outcomes were evaluated subjectively using patient symptoms, syringing results and endoscopic appearance. All cases were symptom-free following endoscopic dacryocystorhinostomy. Revision surgery was performed in 18 cases. Stents were placed in 10 patients, of which two developed granulations. Septoplasty was performed in 25 cases to gain access to the lacrimal sac area. The results were comparable with published data for endoscopic and external dacryocystorhinostomy.