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Single gene mutations causing SGA



The growth hormone-insulin-like growth factor-I (GH-IGF-I) axis plays a key role in intra-uterine growth and development. This review will describe the consequences of genetic defects in various components of the GH-IGF-I axis on intra-uterine growth and development. Animal knockout experiments have provided evidence for the GH-independent secretion of IGF-I and its effect in utero. Reports of patients with a deletion or mutation of the IGF-I and IGF1R genes have provided insight into the role of intra-uterine IGF-I in the human. Homozygous defects of the IGF-I gene have dramatic effects on intra-uterine growth and development, whereas heterozygous defects of the IGF1R gene have a more variable clinical presentation. The phenotype in relation to the genotype of the different disorders will be reviewed in this chapter.
Single gene mutations causing SGA
Marie J.E. Walenkamp*MD, PhD
Jan M. Wit MD, PhD
Department of Paediatrics, J6-S, Leiden University Medical Centre,
PO Box 9600, 2300 RC Leiden, The Netherlands
The growth hormone–insulin-like growth factor-I (GH–IGF-I) axis plays a key role in intra-uter-
ine growth and development. This review will describe the consequences of genetic defects in
various components of the GH–IGF-I axis on intra-uterine growth and development. Animal
knockout experiments have provided evidence for the GH-independent secretion of IGF-I
and its effect in utero. Reports of patients with a deletion or mutation of the IGF-I and
IGF1R genes have provided insight into the role of intra-uterine IGF-I in the human. Homozy-
gous defects of the IGF-I gene have dramatic effects on intra-uterine growth and development,
whereas heterozygous defects of the IGF1R gene have a more variable clinical presentation. The
phenotype in relation to the genotype of the different disorders will be reviewed in this
Key words: IGF-I; growth hormone; insulin; receptor; mutation; IUGR; development.
Human growth is a complex process, comprising a continuum that starts at concep-
tion and ends in young adulthood. Intra-uterine growth probably involves the most
dynamic period of this continuum, characterized by organogenesis in the first trimes-
ter, major cellular hyperplasia in the second trimester, and maturation of the organs
and further body growth in the third trimester. Normal prenatal growth is dependent
on an optimal intra-uterine environment, determined by maternal factors, placental
function and fetal conditions. In addition, the growth hormone (GH)–insulin-like
growth factor (IGF)-I axis plays a key role in intra-uterine growth and development.
This review focuses on the consequences of disruptions in the various components
of the GH–IGF-I axis on intra-uterine growth and development.
* Corresponding author. Tel.: þ31 715262824; Fax: þ31 715248198.
E-mail (M.J.E. Walenkamp).
1521-690X/$ - see front matter ª2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Best Practice & Research Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism
Vol. 22, No. 3, pp. 433–446, 2008
available online at
The pulsatile secretion of GH is regulated by the hypothalamic factors GH-releasing
hormone and somatostatin, which are controlled by a wide range of neurotransmitters
and neuropeptides.
The biological actions of GH are mediated by the transmembrane
GH receptor (GHR). Binding of GH to its receptor results in activation of the JAK-
STAT signal transduction pathway and the transcription of target genes, including
IGF-I and IGF binding protein (IGFBP)-3.
IGF-I is a single-chain, 70-amino-acid peptide with a molecular weight of 7.65 kDa,
organized into four domains: the A and B domain with a similar structure to the A and
B chain of insulin (49% sequence identity); the C domain, similar in structure to the C-
peptide of pro-insulin; and the D domain.
The IGF-I prohormone also contains a C-
terminal E-peptide that is cleaved in the Golgi apparatus before secretion.
IGF-I is mainly produced in the liver, this growth factor is synthesized in all cells of the
IGF-II is a 67-amino-acid peptide with a molecular weight of 7.47 kDa.
The IGFs are associated with six soluble high-affinity IGFBPs. Changes in expression
of the IGFBPs and the IGFBP proteases play an important role in modulating the ac-
tions of the IGFs. In the circulation, the IGFs form a ternary complex with IGFBP-3
or IGFBP-5 and a large protein named ‘acid labile subunit’ (ALS).
These three mole-
cules form a 150-kDa complex, restricting the IGFs to the circulation and prolonging
their half-life.
The biological functions of IGF-I are primarily mediated through the type 1 IGF-I
receptor (IGF1R). The IGF1R gene is located on the distal long arm of chromosome
15 (15q26.3) and has a similar organization compared with the insulin receptor (IR)
gene, with sequence homology varying from 41% to 84% depending on the domain.
Both are heterotetrameric (a
) transmembrane glycoproteins, synthesized as
a single-chain preproreceptor, and consisting of an a-subunit that is mainly involved
in ligand binding and a b-subunit containing the tyrosine kinase domain. Ligand bind-
ing to the tyrosine kinase receptor results in receptor autophosphorylation on in-
tracellular tyrosine residues, and activation of the receptor’s intrinsic tyrosine
kinase, initiating distinct intracellular signalling pathways.
The main signalling path-
ways are the PI3 kinase/Akt and MAP kinase ERK 1/2 pathways, resulting in protein
synthesis, glucose transport and nuclear targets involved in cell proliferation and
In many species, the IGF-I and IGF-II genes are expressed in fetal tissues from the ear-
liest stage of pre-implantation development to the final phase of tissue maturation just
before birth.
In chicken embryos, IGF1R mRNA is expressed as early as Day 0 and
IGF-I is present from Day 2.
In pre-implantation mouse embryos, IGF-II ligand and re-
ceptor gene activity is detectable as early as at the two-cell stage; the time when tran-
scription from the embryonic genome is activated. Receptors for insulin and IGF-I are
detectable from the eight-cell stage. Transcripts for insulin or IGF-I are not detectable
in pre-implantation mouse embryos.
In the humans, transcripts of the IGF1R are
present in oocytes and pre-implantation embryos. Of the ligands, only IGF-II tran-
scripts are present, consistent with the findings in mice.
These data indicate an important role for the IGF system during early development.
One of the mechanisms by which IGF-I exerts its role at this stage appears to be
434 M. J. E. Walenkamp and J. M. Wit
prevention of apoptosis. This is supported by studies in porcine embryos in which IGF-
I increased the rate of blastocyst formation and total cell number, and decreased the
incidence of apoptosis by regulating the expression of pro- and anti-apoptosis-related
Also, in humans, IGF-I significantly increases the development of embryos to
the blastocyst stage. In addition, the proportion of apoptotic nuclei is decreased by
IGF-I in the human embryo. This suggests that IGF-I rescues embryos in vitro which
would otherwise arrest, and acts as a survival factor during pre-implantation human
All human fetal tissues express IGF-I/IGF-II mRNA. Differential patterns of IGF ex-
pression are observed in different fetal tissues and vary with gestational age.
In the last few years, reports of patients with genetic defects in various components of
the GH–IGF-I axis, in addition to animal knockout experiments, have increased our
knowledge of the role of the GH–IGF-I axis in intra-uterine growth and development.
The established genetic defects in the GH–IGF-I axis are described below, focusing on
the intra-uterine effects.
Pituitary GH secretion
Classical GH deficiency can be the result of a mutation in the GH releasing hormone
receptor (GHRH-R) gene. Little mice, with a naturally occurring missense mutation of
the extracellular part of the GHRH-R, have a normal birth weight.
Also, humans
with a GHRH-R mutation are born with a normal birth weight.
GH deficiency
due to mutations in genes playing a role in the ontogenesis of GH-producing cells in
the anterior pituitary does not affect intra-uterine growth. This is demonstrated by
the normal birth weights of mice with a Prop1 mutation (Ames dwarf) or a Pit1 muta-
tion (Snell and Jackson dwarf).
Also, infants with Prop1 mutations have birth weight
and length within the normal range.
As illustrated by the normal birth weight and
length in two families with a GH-1 gene mutation [mean birth weight 0.9 standard
deviation scores (SDS), mean birth length 0.7 SDS], GH deficiency does not appear
to affect intra-uterine growth.
Children with congenital GH deficiency have a birth
length in the lower normal range.
These cases illustrate that GH is not determinative for intra-uterine growth,
although some impact of GH deficiency on growth in the late third trimester may ex-
plain why birth size is in the lower normal range in some cases.
GHR and GH signalling
The biological effects of GH can only be reached in the presence of a normal function-
ing GHR and an intact post-receptor signalling pathway. The earliest and most com-
monly described genetic abnormalities of the GHR gene include deletions and
mutations in the extracellular domain of the GHR, resulting in reduced GH binding.
Birth weight of these patients is normal and birth length is in the lower normal
The GHR uses JAK-STAT proteins as the signal transduction pathway. STAT5b is the
preferred STAT protein. Upon activation, STAT5b regulates the expression of a variety
of target genes, including IGF-I. Several patients with a STAT5b mutation have been
Single gene mutations causing SGA 435
described recently. Although postnatal growth is extremely retarded, birth weight is
normal in all cases except one, and birth length is normal.
Targeted mutagenesis of the genes encoding IGF-I, IGF-II and IGF1R in mice have
provided insight in the role of the IGF-I system in prenatal growth and development.
IGF-I /mice have a birth weight of 60% of their wild-type littermates.
This is in
contrast to the normal birth weight found in mice with GH deficiency or GH resis-
tance, and strongly suggests that, in prenatal mice, IGF-I is secreted independently
of GH and that disruption of the IGF-I gene results in severely compromised intra-uterine
growth. The proposed underlying mechanism for growth retardation in IGF-I knock-
out mice is an elongation of the cell cycle time, resulting in fewer proliferative events
and generation of fewer cells compared with wild-type mice. In this way, IGF-I is an
essential factor for the maintenance of growth at a normal rate.
The first human IGF-I gene defect was described in 1996 by Woods et al.
This pa-
tient was born at 37 weeks of gestation. The parents were first cousins once removed.
A caesarean section was performed because of poor fetal growth. The pregnancy had
been uneventful. At birth, the infant had symmetrical growth retardation, with a birth
weight of 1.4 kg (3.9 SDS), length 37.8 cm (5.4 SDS) and head circumference of
27 cm (4.9 SDS). Placental weight was 350 g (1.3 SDS). Throughout infancy and
childhood, bilateral sensorineural deafness was found and psychomotor development
was delayed. Biochemical analysis revealed undetectable levels of IGF-I, with no re-
sponse to the administration of GH at a dose of 0.1 U/kg for 4 days. Spontaneous
12-h GH secretion showed abnormally high peaks and an elevated baseline between
peaks. ALS and IGFBP-3 values were within the normal range. Molecular analysis
showed a homozygous deletion of exons 4 and 5 of the IGF-I gene. This deletion re-
sults in a mature truncated IGF-I peptide of 25 amino acids instead of 70, followed by
an out-of-frame nonsense sequence and a premature stop codon.
The second patient with a genetic defect of the IGF-I gene was first described in
1969 by van Gemund et al.
, but the defect was elucidated in 2005. This patient
was the first child of a second marriage of the mother. Four healthy children were
born in the first non-consanguineous marriage of the mother. The second marriage
was consanguineous; the grandfathers of the patient were brothers. The patient was
born after 8 months of gestation with a birth weight of 1420 g (3.9 SDS) and length
of 39 cm (4.3 SDS). The youngest son of the second marriage was born at term with
a birth weight of 1900 g (4.5 SDS). Both brothers showed bilateral hearing loss, mi-
crocephaly and severe mental retardation. Biochemical evaluation revealed elevated
basal GH levels (20 mU/L in the oldest brother and 4.5 mU/L in the youngest brother)
and an excessive response of GH to insulin-induced hypoglycaemia (191 mU/L and
309 mU/L, respectively). The authors concluded that familial unresponsiveness to
the somatotropic effects of GH was combined with intact glucoregulation and lipolysis.
At 55 years of age, the oldest brother was re-evaluated.
The youngest brother died
at 32 years of age of aspiration pneumonia. As the phenotype of the patient was strik-
ingly similar to that of the patient with the IGF-I deletion, the authors were surprised
to find extremely elevated IGF-I levels (þ7.3 SDS). IGFBP-3 was normal. An IGF1R
defect was excluded by demonstrating normal
H thymidin incorporation in cultured
fibroblasts of the patient, upon stimulation with wild-type IGF-I. Subsequently, the IGF-I
gene was sequenced. This analysis identified a homozygous G >A nucleotide substitu-
tion at position 274, changing valine at position 44 of the mature IGF-I protein to
436 M. J. E. Walenkamp and J. M. Wit
methionine (Val
Met). Receptor binding assays showed that recombinant Val
has an approximately 90-fold lower affinity for the IGF1R compared with wild-type
IGF-I. Competition binding studies revealed no significant contribution of Val
to the displacement of tracer IGF-I from IGF1R expressing membranes of bovine pla-
centa, despite the increased levels of IGF-I in serum. These data supported the inacti-
vating nature of the mutation. Remarkably, the distribution of Val
Met over the
various molecular weight classes in serum was normal, suggesting normal binding of
Met to the IGFBPs. Structural analysis by nuclear magnetic resonance imaging
confirmed retention of near-native structure with only local side-chain disruptions de-
spite the significant loss of function.
The third patient with an IGF-I gene defect was described by Bonapace et al.
patient was born after 39 weeks of gestation and an uneventful pregnancy. His birth
weight was 1480 g (4 SDS), length was 41 cm (6.5 SDS) and head circumference
was 26.5 cm (<5th percentile). Other phenotypical features included sensorineural
deafness and delayed psychomotor development. His parents were first cousins. Bio-
chemical features consisted of low serum IGF-I levels (1 ng/mL, normal range 3.7–
152 ng/mL) and elevated GH concentrations upon stimulation with arginine (18 ng/
mL, normal range 10–12 ng/mL). IGFBP-3 levels were normal. After administration
of 0.6 IU GH/day intramuscularly for 7 days, IGF-I levels did not change. Sequencing
of the IGF-I gene revealed a homozygous T >A transversion in exon 6 of the IGF-I
gene, resulting in the expression of a smaller exon 6 (340 bp instead of 450 bp) and
altering the E domain of the IGF-I prohormone. Functional studies were not per-
formed. However, a later study showed that this mutation cannot explain the clinical
and biochemical phenotype, as it was found in homozygous and heterozygous states in
controls of normal height, corresponding to 4% of studied alleles.
The fourth patient, a boy born from a consanguineous marriage after 40 weeks of
gestation, was presented in 2006. His birth weight was 2350 g (2.5 SDS), length was
44 cm (3.7 SDS) and head circumference was 32 cm (3 SDS).
Hearing tests were
normal and he showed mild developmental delay. Biochemically, IGF-I levels were re-
duced, with normal levels of IGFBP-3 and ALS. IGF-I gene analysis revealed a homozy-
gous missense mutation resulting in the change of a highly conserved arginine located
in the C domain of the protein into a glutamine. Affinity for the IGF1R was decreased
two- to three-fold, resulting in decreased IGF1R autophosphorylation. The authors
concluded that partially diminished IGF-I activity has dramatic consequences on fetal
growth and development.
To the present authors’ knowledge, these four patients are the only documented
patients with a genetic defect in the IGF-I gene. A common feature in these patients
is severe intra-uterine growth retardation (IUGR), which is in line with the findings
in mice and in contrast with the normal birth size generally found in patients with
GH deficiency or GH resistance, implicating that in humans, IGF-I secretion before
birth is independent of GH. Apparently, IGF-II, which is not affected in these patients,
is unable to compensate for the loss of IGF-I activity in these patients in utero.
Besides these reports on rare genetic defects, there is also more indirect evidence
suggestive of a role of IGF-I in intra-uterine growth. In numerous studies in normal
term infants, using cord blood or fetal blood across a range of birth weights, a positive
relationship has been found between cord blood IGF-I and birth weight.
In addition,
in pregnancies complicated by IUGR, umbilical cord blood IGF-I is reduced compared
with pregnancies with normal fetal growth.
Finally, the finding that genetically deter-
mined low IGF-I levels, due to polymorphisms in the IGF-I gene promoter region, result
in a reduced birth weight and length supports the role of IGF-I in fetal growth.
Single gene mutations causing SGA 437
There are also indications of an IGF-I dose effect on intra-uterine growth. Hetero-
zygous IGF-I mice are found to be smaller than their wild-type littermates, with 10–
20% smaller organs.
These mice were otherwise healthy. In humans, there also
appears to be an effect of IGF-I heterozygosity. The parents of the first patient had
heights in the lower normal range (father 1.8 SDS, mother 1.4 SDS) with low se-
rum IGF-I levels (118 ng/mL and 101 ng/mL in the father and mother, respectively, nor-
mal adult range 126–369 ng/mL) and normal levels of IGF-II and IGFBP-3.
present authors had the opportunity to study 24 family members of the patient
with the inactivating mutation of the IGF-I gene, and nine of them carried the mutation.
These carriers had a significantly lower birth weight than the non-carriers (3048 g vs
3358 g) and a significantly lower height (1.0 vs 0.4 SDS). Total IGF-I levels in the
carriers were higher than in the non-carriers (þ0.6 SDS vs 0.3 SDS).
Effect of a genetic IGF-I defect on brain development
Central nervous system development begins in the embryo with the formation and
closure of the neural tube, followed by the rapid division of pluripotential cells, which
migrate to the periphery of the neural tube and differentiate into neural or glial cells.
During embryogenesis, IGF-I mRNA expression is detectable in many brain regions.
From IGF-I knockout experiments, a key role of IGF-I in the complex process of cen-
tral nervous system development has become evident, including rescuing neurons
from apoptosis.
Psychomotor development is normal in patients with GH deficiency or insensitiv-
However, in patients with a mutation or deletion of the IGF-I gene, microcephaly
at birth and severe mental retardation is found, implicating an essential role for IGF-I in
prenatal brain development. In heterozygous carriers of the inactivating IGF-I mutation,
head circumference was significantly lower than in the non-carriers (1.0 SDS vs þ0.5
, implicating an effect of IGF-I haplo-insufficiency on the central nervous system.
Effect of a genetic IGF-I defect on auditory development
The role of IGF-I in auditory function in IGF-I knockout mice has been studied re-
cently. Auditory brainstem responses in IGF-I /mice showed bilateral sensorineu-
ral hearing loss, involving all frequencies.
At a cellular level, a significant decrease in
number and size of auditory neurons, increased apoptosis of cochlear neurons, and
reduced volume of the cochlea was found.
Apparently, IGF-I is a key factor in the
development and maturation of the inner ear. This was confirmed in patients with
a mutation or deletion of the IGF-I gene. Audiograms of these patients demonstrated
severe bilateral sensorineural deafness.
This is re-inforced by absent brainstem-
evoked potentials in one of these patients.
Hearing problems have not been re-
ported in patients with GH deficiency or GH insensitivity. Audiometry was performed
in heterozygous carriers of the IGF-I mutation, revealing hearing abnormalities in
seven individuals.
However, no statistical significant association with carriership
could be detected.
ALS expression occurs late in fetal life
and appears to have no effect on fetal growth,
as demonstrated in ALS knockout mice.
Recently, several patients with mutations in
438 M. J. E. Walenkamp and J. M. Wit
the ALS gene have been reported. However, birth data are limited
, so the role of
ALS in fetal growth remains to be established.
The phenotype of the IGF1R/and the IGF1R//IGF-I/knockout mice is indistin-
guishable, including a birth weight of 45% of normal. All of them died of respiratory
failure immediately after birth.
This is strong evidence that the IGF-I ligand does not
utilize any receptor other than the IGF1R. Homozygous IGF1R mutations in humans
have not been described, probably because this genetic defect is not compatible with life.
Mice with a heterozygous mutation of the IGF1R are phenotypically normal, regard-
less of paternal or maternal transmission of the mutated allele.
Several reports in
children with heterozygous defects of the IGF1R have demonstrated a variable pheno-
type. The first patients were described by Abuzzahab et al in 2003
, supplemented by
a detailed description of one of the families by Raile et al.
To date, four other families
have been described.
The auxological measurements at birth are summarized in
Ta b l e 1 . IGF-I levels are elevated in most cases.
The compound heterozygous mutation described in the first family resulted in re-
duced binding of IGF-I to the IGF1R in fibroblasts, and binding studies indicated that
IGF-I binding affinity was one-third of that in controls. In line with this observation,
receptor phosphorylation assays showed reduced receptor signalling.
In the second
family, a heterozygous point mutation in exon 2 of the IGF1R gene resulted in a reduced
number of receptors in fibroblasts compared with controls.
In addition, receptor
autophosphorylation and phosphorylation of downstream signalling proteins was de-
The mother and daughter described by Kawashima et al have a heterozygous
mutation at the cleavage site of the IGF1R precursor, resulting in failure of processing
Table 1. Birth data of the five families with a heterozygous insulin-like growth factor I receptor muta-
tion. Growth data are expressed as standard deviation scores.
Subject Reference Mutation Birth weight Birth length Head circumference
Index case 47 Compound heterozygous
R108Q and K115N
Mother K115N 2
Father R108Q 2
Index case 47 R59 stop 3.5 5.8 4.6
Brother 48 R59 stop 2.7 2.1
Mother 48 R59 stop 2.4 1.6
Index case 50 R709Q 1.5 1.0
Mother R709Q 1.6
Index case 49 E1050K 3.3 4.2 5.6
Mother E1050K 2.1 0.3
Index case 52 R431L 1.8 3.2
Mother R431L 1.7
Index 51 R481Q 4.9 3.1
Aunt R481Q Final height: 5.0
Mother unknown Final height: 5.7
Single gene mutations causing SGA 439
of the IGF1R precursor protein to mature IGF1R.
The present authors described
a mother and daughter with a heterozygous mutation in the intracellular kinase do-
main, resulting in reduced autophosphorylation and activation of downstream signal-
ling cascades.
Finally, the mutation described by Inagaki et al resulted in an altered
domain within the a-subunit of the IGF1R, resulting in reduced phosphorylation and
decreased cell proliferation.
As demonstrated in Ta b l e 1 , the degree of IUGR varies, which can be explained by
the different nature of the various mutations, resulting in a different degree of remain-
ing signalling. Patients with an identified affected mother seem to be more severely
growth retarded at birth than patients with an unaffected mother. A possible explana-
tion is that maternal IGF-I resistance during pregnancy affects placental size and, as
a consequence, fetal growth. This is supported by a strongly positive correlation be-
tween the rate of IGF-I increase during pregnancy and placental weight
, and by
the observation that placentas from IUGR pregnancies are characterized by decreased
expression of IGF1R and signal transduction proteins.
IGF1R haplo-insufficiency is associated with a variable degree of IUGR (1.8 to
5.6 SDS), as is demonstrated in patients with a terminal deletion of chromosome
15q, which includes the IGF1R gene.
Reports of patients with three copies of
the IGF1R gene and macrosomia at birth support the concept that a gene dose effect
plays a role in intra-uterine growth.
IGF1R signalling
To the authors’ knowledge, no genetic defects in the IGF-I signalling pathway have been
described. However, in pregnancies complicated by IUGR, the IRS-2 and Akt pathway
are down-regulated in the placenta, implying a role for IGF-I signalling in fetal growth.
The IGFBPs modulate the actions of the IGFs. In mice, overexpression of IGFBP-1 re-
sults in a modest and transient impairment of fetal growth, and maternal IGFBP-1 ex-
cess is associated with reduced fetal growth.
In humans, many reports have described
an inverse correlation between maternal and fetal IGF-I levels and fetal size.
It has
been suggested that in some cases of IUGR, IGFBP-1 inhibits the growth-promoting ef-
fect of IGF-I in utero by binding fetal IGF-I and inhibiting IGF activity. This is supported
by the observation that IGFBP-1 levels are markedly elevated in the umbilical cord
blood of babies with combined respiratory and metabolic acidosis as a result of pro-
found and prolonged hypoxia, which is considered to be a leading cause of IUGR.
The mechanism to restrict IGF-mediated growth in utero under conditions of chronic
hypoxia and limited substrate availability appears to be a conserved physiological mech-
anism. Knockdown of IGFBP-1 in zebrafish significantly alleviates hypoxia-induced
growth retardation, whereas overexpression of IGFBP-1 causes growth retardation un-
der normoxia. Furthermore, re-introduction of IGFBP-1 to the IGFBP-1 knocked-
down embryos restores the hypoxic effects on embryonic growth.
Knowing the effects of IGF-I on intra-uterine growth and considering the homology
between insulin and IGF-I, the effects of a defect in insulin secretion cannot be left
440 M. J. E. Walenkamp and J. M. Wit
unmentioned. Babies with pancreas agenesis show severe IUGR.
Other evidence for
the role of insulin in fetal growth comes from children with mutations in the glucoki-
nase gene. Glucokinase catalyses the rate-determining step in glycolysis and plays
a role as pancreatic b-cell glucose sensor. Consequently, mutations in the gene result
in altered glucose sensing and decreased insulin secretion. Children with a mutation in
the glucokinase gene are approximately 500 g smaller than unaffected siblings, suggest-
ing that the reduced fetal insulin secretion in response to maternal blood glucose
levels impairs fetal growth.
Population genetics analysis showed that a common var-
iation of the glucokinase gene is associated with birth weight, also indicating the role of
insulin in fetal growth.
The effects of insulin are mediated by the IR. Mutations in the IR in humans cause
severe IUGR as seen in leprechaunism, or a various degree of IUGR as seen in Rabson-
Mendenhall syndrome, depending on remaining IR activity.
The number of patients with a genetic defect in the GH–IGF-I axis is small. However,
alertness of physicians evaluating children born SGA will identify more patients. Ge-
netic analysis of the GH–IGF-I axis should be considered in patients born SGA with
suggestive phenotypic features such as microcephaly, deafness or mental retardation.
For a detailed description of the diagnostic work-up of a patient with short stature and
born SGA, the reader is directed to a recent review on this topic.
In short, the dif-
ferential diagnosis in a patient with short stature, born SGA and with a small head cir-
cumference includes IGF-I deficiency or IGF-I insensitivity. IGF-I levels will determine
which gene should be analysed. When IGF-I levels are lower than 2 SDS, an IGF-I
deletion or an IGF-I mutation is considered and the IGF-I gene should be analysed. In
case of IGF-I levels above 0 SDS, an inactivating missense mutation of the IGF-I gene
or a heterozygous mutation of the IGF1R gene are possible defects.
Besides conventional genetic diagnostic tools such as sequence analysis and fluores-
cent in-situ hybridization, which are time-consuming techniques, a quick and inexpen-
sive technique was recently described to detect duplications and deletions in the
genome: multiplex ligation-dependent probe amplification (MLPA).
In short, oligonu-
cleotide probes of interesting exons of the gene are synthesized. If two adjacently-an-
nealing probes hybridize on a target sequence (DNA of the patient), ligation will occur.
The ligated products serve as a template for polymerase chain reaction amplification.
By using a fluorescently labelled primer, the products can be separated according to
size and quantified. Since the MLPA assay can be easily extended to include as many
as 40 different probe sets, this technique is ideally suited for the simultaneous evalu-
ation of copy number changes of multiple genomic regions, and is therefore expected
to contribute significantly to the elucidation of genetic causes of SGA.
The GH–IGF-I axis plays a key role in growth and development. GH deficiency or GH
resistance has no influence on intra-uterine growth and development. In contrast, IGF-I
deficiency due to a deletion or mutation of the IGF-I gene has a major impact on intra-
uterine growth and development, resulting in severe IUGR, microcephaly, psychomo-
tor retardation and deafness. Important growth-promoting actions of IGF-I include
proliferation and differentiation, as well as prevention of apoptosis. IGF-I resistance
Single gene mutations causing SGA 441
due to a genetic defect of the IGF1R gene has a more variable impact on intra-uterine
growth and development, probably dependent on remaining signalling activity. Maternal
IGF1 resistance may also play a role. Genetic analysis of IGF-I or IGF1R is advised in
patients with SGA and suggestive symptoms such as microcephaly, retardation or deaf-
ness, in combination with extremely low or high IGF-I levels.
1. Giustina A & Veldhuis JD. Pathophysiology of the neuroregulation of growth hormone secretion in
experimental animals and the human. Endocrine Reviews 1998; 19: 717–797.
*2. Le Roith D, Bondy C, Yakar S et al. The somatomedin hypothesis: 2001. Endocrine Reviews 2001; 22:
3. Dupont J & Holzenberger M. Biology of insulin-like growth factors in development. Birth Defects
Research. Part C, Embryo Today 2003; 69: 257–271.
4. Daughaday WH & Rotwein P. Insulin-like growth factors I and II. Peptide, messenger ribonucleic acid
and gene structures, serum, and tissue concentrations. Endocrine Reviews 1989; 10: 68–91.
5. Boisclair YR, Rhoads RP, Ueki I et al. The acid-labile subunit (ALS) of the 150 kDa IGF-binding
protein complex: an important but forgotten component of the circulating IGF system. The Journal of
Endocrinology 2001; 170: 63–70.
6. Adams TE, Epa VC, Garrett TP et al. Structure and function of the type 1 insulin-like growth factor
receptor. Cellular and Molecular Life Sciences 2000; 57: 1050–1093.
7. LeRoith D, Werner H, Beitner-Johnson D et al. Molecular and cellular aspects of the insulin-like growth
factor I receptor. Endocrine Reviews 1995; 16: 143–163.
Practice points
IGF-I is essential for normal intra-uterine growth and development
in children born SGA presenting with microcephaly and mental retardation,
a genetic defect of IGF-I or the IGF1R should be considered
a detailed description of phenotypic features in patients born SGA is needed to
perform a well-targeted genetic analysis
MLPA is a quick and inexpensive technique to detect deletions and duplications
in the genome
Research agenda
genome-wide genetic analysis in children born SGA is needed to find novel
genes and pathways involved in intra-uterine growth and development
more patients with genetic defects in the GH–IGF-I axis need to be identified
in order to reveal the exact mechanisms underlying the role of IGF-I in prenatal
screening of short and tall patients with new genetic techniques, such as oligo-
nucleotide micro-array hybridization, may be helpful to detect new defects in
the GH–IGF-I axis, for example in the IGF-I signalling pathway
442 M. J. E. Walenkamp and J. M. Wit
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... Approximately 10% of children born SGA remain short and are therefore treated with growth hormone (GH) to increase adult height (AH) (3)(4)(5)(6)(7). AH is one of the most heritable human traits (8), but only a small number of genetic mutations (,1%) explaining short stature in children born SGA has been found (9)(10)(11). Uncovering the genetic etiology of short stature is important for health prognosis, genetic counseling, and treatment options. ...
... Therefore, identifying underlying causes of being born SGA remains important to alert physicians to potential comorbidities and to improve future treatment options. In most cases, however, no diagnosis is made because only a small number of genetic mutations (,1%) explaining short stature after SGA birth has been found (9)(10)(11). ...
Background: Some children born SGA show advanced bone age (BA) during GH treatment. ACAN-gene mutations have been described in children with idiopathic short stature and advanced BA. Objective: To determine presence of ACAN-gene mutations in short SGA children with advanced BA and to assess the response to GH treatment. Methods: BA assessment in 290 GH-treated SGA children and ACAN-sequencing in 29 children with advanced BA of ≥0.5 years compared to calendar age. Results: ACAN-gene mutations were found in 4/29SGA children with advanced BA (13.8%). Mutations were related to the characteristics: midface hypoplasia(P=0.003), joint problems(P=0.010), broad great toes(P=0.003). Children with advanced BA having ≤1 additional characteristic had no ACAN-gene mutation. Of children with advanced BA and 2 additional characteristics, 50% had an ACAN-gene mutation. Of children with advanced BA and 3 of these characteristics, 100% had an ACAN-gene mutation. All GH-treated children with ACAN-gene mutations received additional GnRHa treatment for 2 years from onset of puberty. At adult height, 1 girl was 5 cm taller than her mother and 1 boy was 8 cm taller than his father with the same ACAN-gene mutation. In boys, bone maturation was delayed by aromatase inhibitor treatment. Conclusion: This study expands the differential diagnosis of genetic variants in children born SGA and proposes a clinical scoring system for identifying subjects most likely to have ACAN-gene mutations. ACAN-gene sequencing should be considered in children born SGA with persistent short stature, advanced BA, and midface hypoplasia, joint problems or broad great toes. Our findings suggest that children with ACAN-gene mutations benefit from GH treatment with 2 years of GnRHa.
... Among the candidate genes for ISS are GH, GHR, STAT5B, and IGFALS; however, mutations in these genes are rare [22][23][24][25]. Meanwhile, the probable candidate genes for SGA include IGF1, IGF2, and IGF1R. ...
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Background Insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1) is required for normal intrauterine and postnatal growth, and this action is mediated through IGF1 receptor (IGF1R). IGF1R copy number variants (CNVs) can cause pre- and postnatal growth restriction, affecting an individual’s height. In this study, we used multiplex ligation-dependent probe amplification (MLPA) to detect CNVs in IGF1R , IGFALS , and IGFBP3 genes in the diagnostic workup of short stature for 40 Egyptian children with short stature. Results We detected a heterozygous deletion of IGF1R (exons 4 through 21) in 1 out of the 40 studied children (2.5%). Meanwhile, we did not detect any CNVs in either IGFALS or IGFBP3 . Conclusion The diagnostic workup of short stature using MLPA for CNVs of IGF1R and other recognized height-related genes, such as SHOX and GH , in non-syndromic short stature children can be a fast and inexpensive diagnostic tool to recognize a subcategory of patients in which growth hormone treatment can be considered.
... IGF-1 promotes growth primarily by binding to IGF-1R and is expressed in fetal tissues as early as the formation of the zygote. Thus, defects in either IGF-1 or its receptor can result in poor preand postnatal growth [3,4]. ...
PurposeWe aimed to identify the phenotypic variability of IGF1R defects in a cohort of short children with normal GH secretion gathered through the last decade.Patients and methodsFifty children (25 girls) with short stature and a basal/stimulated growth hormone (GH) over 10 ng/ml having either a low birth weight or microcephaly were enrolled. MLPA and then Sanger sequence analysis were performed to detect IGF1R defects. The auxological and metabolic evaluation were carried out in index cases and their first degree family members whenever available.ResultsA total of seven (14%) IGF1R defects were detected. Two IGF1R deletions and five heterozygous variants (one frameshift, four missense) were identified. Three (likely) pathogenic, one VUS and one likely benign were classified by using ACMG. All children with IGF1R defects had a height < − 2.5SDS, birth weight < − 1.4SDS, and head circumference < − 1.36SDS. IGF-1 ranged from − 2.44 to 2.13 SDS. One child with a 15q terminal deletion had a normal phenotype and intelligence, whereas low IQ is a finding in a case with missense variant. Two parents who carried IGF1R mutations had diabetes mellitus, hypertension and hyperlipidemia, one of whom also had hypergonadotropic hypogonadism.Conclusion We found a deletion or variant in IGF1R in 14% of short children. Birth weight, head circumference, intelligence, dysmorphic features, IGF-1 levels and even height are not consistent among patients. Additionally, metabolic and gonadal complications may appear during adulthood, suggesting that patients should be followed into adulthood to monitor for these late complications.
... Also, the genetic nature of short stature in SGA children is still largely unknown despite adult height being one of the most heritable human traits [11]. A small number of genetic mutations (< 1%), mainly in genes coding for proteins that are involved in the GH-IGF axis, has been found in SGA children with short stature [12][13][14][15]. Furthermore, disturbances in epigenetics, such as DNA methylation, during critical periods of intrauterine development are presumed to play a role [16,17]. ...
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Background: The reason for the insufficient catch-up growth seen in 10% of children born small for gestational age (SGA) is poorly understood. Disturbances in the growth hormone (GH) - insulin-like growth factor (IGF) axis might underlie this failure to show sufficient catch-up growth. Conclusion: This review summarizes insights gained in the molecular and (epi) genetic mechanisms of the GH-IGF axis in short children born SGA. The most notable anomalies of the IGF system are the lowered IGF-I levels in both cord blood and the placenta, and the increased expression of IGF-binding proteins (IGFBP)-1 and IGFBP-2, which inhibit IGF-I, in the placenta of SGA neonates. These observations suggest a decreased bioactivity of IGF-I in utero. IGF-I levels remain reduced in SGA children with short stature, as well as IGFBP-3 and acid-labile subunit levels. Proteolysis of IGFBP-3 appears to be increased.
... Placental factors responsible for IUGR are altered utero-placental vasculature, preeclampsia, abruptio placentae, infarctions, circumvallate placenta, placenta previa, syncytial knots, placental hemangioma, infections as well as multiple gestation [22][23]. Fetal factors involve infections such as cytomegalovirus, toxoplasmosis, Rubella, Herpes and Bloom syndrome, multiple gestation, karyotopic disorders, ring chromosomes [24][25]. Development of central nervous system during pregnancy is mediated by levels of thyroid hormone present [26]. ...
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p>Intrauterine Growth Restriction (IUGR) is defined as the inability of a fetus to gain the normal growth potential due to maternal-placental-fetal factors. These factors mainly involve metabolic disorders, infections, substance abuse and exposure to harmful substances. Incidence of IUGR is higher in developing countries. Proper diagnosis at suitable time is necessary for proper treatment and management. Although, the mechanism is not clear but oxidative stress, immunological factors, aryl hydrocarbon receptor and adduct formation are some pathways which are involved in IUGR. The aftermaths of IUGR involves post-birth complications, perinatal mortality and morbidity. Therefore, management and treatment involves use of both pharmacological (Tocolytics, Corticosteroids, antibiotics) and non-pharmacological methods (bed rest, cerclage). This review highlights the possible risk factors, mechanisms, other biochemical pathways involved, as well as pharmacological and non-pharmacological management of IUGR. Journal of Biomedical Sciences. 2015;2(4):31-37</p
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The factors controlling linear growth and weight gain in the human fetus and newborn infant are poorly understood. We review here the changes in linear growth, weight gain, lean body mass, and fat mass during mid- and late gestation and the early postnatal period in the context of changes in the secretion and action of maternal, placental, fetal, and neonatal hormones, growth factors, and adipocytokines. We assess the effects of hormonal determinants on placental nutrient delivery and the impact of preterm delivery on hormone expression and postnatal growth and metabolic function. We then discuss the effects of various maternal disorders and nutritional and pharmacologic interventions on fetal and perinatal hormone and growth factor production, growth, and fat deposition and consider important unresolved questions in the field.
Infancy, childhood, and adolescence involve somatic growth as well as intellectual and psychological development. With the adequate progression of puberty and normal anatomy, male and female fertility is achieved, and the species can be propagated. A common manifestation of growth failure is short stature. This chapter explores the ontogeny of normal growth, definitions and assessment of short stature, causes of short stature, and provides a diagnostic algorithm for the evaluation of short stature.
Feten mit restringiertem Wachstumspotenzial können dieses nicht vollständig ausschöpfen. Bei dieser Diagnosestellung spielt die Dopplersonographie, v. a. bei früher („early-onset“) fetaler Wachstumsrestriktion bis zu 34 SSW, eine wichtige Rolle. Mit fortgeschrittenem Schwangerschaftsalter zeigen die meisten SGA-Feten („small for gestational age“) keine Auffälligkeiten im Umbilikalarteriendoppler. Neuere Studien zeigen, dass auch diese „late-onset“ SGA-Feten (>34 SSW) signifikant häufiger Geburtsprobleme, eine suboptimale neurologische Entwicklung und höhere kardiovaskuläre Risiken haben. Im Gegensatz dazu steht die frühe „early-onset“ FGR, die mit den typischen Dopplerveränderungen einhergeht, mit hoher Morbidität und Mortalität vergesellschaftet ist und v. a. vom Schwangerschaftsalter bei Diagnose abhängt. Die große Herausforderung der frühen FGR ist die Optimierung des Entbindungszeitpunktes, die Schwierigkeit der späten FGR ist bereits die diagnostische Erfassung.
Feten mit restringiertem Wachstumspotenzial können dieses nicht vollständig ausschöpfen. Bei dieser Diagnosestellung spielt die Dopplersonographie, v. a. bei früher („early-onset“) fetaler Wachstumsrestriktion bis zu 34 SSW, eine wichtige Rolle. Mit fortgeschrittenem Schwangerschaftsalter zeigen die meisten SGA-Feten („small for gestational age“) keine Auffälligkeiten im Umbilikalarteriendoppler. Neuere Studien zeigen, dass auch diese „late-onset“ SGA-Feten (>34 SSW) signifikant häufiger Geburtsprobleme, eine suboptimale neurologische Entwicklung und höhere kardiovaskuläre Risiken haben. Im Gegensatz dazu steht die frühe „early-onset“ FGR, die mit den typischen Dopplerveränderungen einhergeht, mit hoher Morbidität und Mortalität vergesellschaftet ist und v. a. vom Schwangerschaftsalter bei Diagnose abhängt. Die große Herausforderung der frühen FGR ist die Optimierung des Entbindungszeitpunktes, die Schwierigkeit der späten FGR ist bereits die diagnostische Erfassung.
Placental insufficiency, often presenting with differing clinical presentations, is associated with the majority of cases of intrauterine growth restriction (IUGR). There are numerous causes of IUGR which are not caused primarily by placental insufficiency, but indirectly lead to it. The causes of IUGR can be subdivided into fetal and maternal etiologies. The fetal etiologies consist of (1) congenital malformations, (2) genetic disorders, (3) infections, (4) multiple gestations, and (5) placental/cord abnormalities. The maternal etiologies are categorized as follows: (1) autoimmune disease, (2) cardiac disease, (3) diabetes, (4) hypertensive diseases, (5) malnutrition, (6) teratogens, and (7) miscellaneous causes such as prior history, interpregnancy intervals, race, maternal age, and low socioeconomic status. Knowledge of the etiologies of fetal growth restriction is essential, so that future care can be targeted at prevention since there are several primary and secondary prevention strategies that can be adopted.
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We describe a new method for relative quantification of 40 different DNA sequences in an easy to perform reaction requiring only 20 ng of human DNA. Applications shown of this multiplex ligation-dependent probe amplification (MLPA) technique include the detection of exon deletions and duplications in the human BRCA1, MSH2 and MLH1 genes, detection of trisomies such as Down’s syndrome, characterisation of chromosomal aberrations in cell lines and tumour samples and SNP/mutation detection. Relative quantification of mRNAs by MLPA will be described elsewhere. In MLPA, not sample nucleic acids but probes added to the samples are amplified and quantified. Amplification of probes by PCR depends on the presence of probe target sequences in the sample. Each probe consists of two oligonucleotides, one synthetic and one M13 derived, that hybridise to adjacent sites of the target sequence. Such hybridised probe oligonucleotides are ligated, permitting subsequent amplification. All ligated probes have identical end sequences, permitting simultaneous PCR amplification using only one primer pair. Each probe gives rise to an amplification product of unique size between 130 and 480 bp. Probe target sequences are small (50–70 nt). The prerequisite of a ligation reaction provides the opportunity to discriminate single nucleotide differences.
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The IGFs are believed to be important in pregnancy and are implicated in the pathophysiology of pre-eclampsia. In adults the IGFs circulate primarily with IGF-binding protein-3 (IGFBP-3) and an acid-labile glycoprotein (ALS) in a 140 kDa complex hich limits IGF bioavailability. Less than 10% of IGFBP-3 is in lower molecular weight forms, We have investigated the developmental regulation of the IGF/IGFBP system in normal and pre-eclamptic pregnancies with particular emphasis on the IGFBP-3 ternary complex. Circulating levels of IGF-1, IGFBP-3 and ALS, and their degree of association in the ternary complex in the fetus increased with gestational age. In neonatal serum from deliveries 35 weeks both ALS and IGFs were limiting but approximately 25% of IGFBP-3 was unable to form the ternary complex even in the presence of excess ALS and IGF-I. Serum IGFBP-1, -2 and -6 concentrations tended to decrease with increasing gestational age. In pre-eclamptic pregnancies, amniotic fluid IGFBP-2, -3 and -6 levels decreased with gestational age while IGFBP-1 levels did not show the normal decline. We speculate that the endocrine IGF system develops in the fetus during the third trimester of pregnancy when ALS levels increase.
Newborn mice homozygous for a targeted disruption of insulin-like growth factor gene (Igf-1) exhibit a growth deficiency similar in severity to that previously observed in viable Igf-2 null mutants (60% of normal birthweight). Depending on genetic background, some of the Igf-1(-/-) dwarfs die shortly after birth, while others survive and reach adulthood. In contrast, null mutants for the Igf1r gene die invariably at birth of respiratory failure and exhibit a more severe growth deficiency (45% normal size). In addition to generalized organ hypoplasia in Igf1r(-/-) embryos, including the muscles, and developmental delays in ossification, deviations from normalcy were observed in the central nervous system and epidermis. Igf-1(-/-)/Igf1r(-/-) double mutants did not differ in phenotype from Igf1r(-/-) single mutants, while in Igf-2(-)/Igf1r(-/-) and Igf-1(-/-)/Igf-2(-) double mutants, which are phenotypically identical, the dwarfism was further exacerbated (30% normal size). The roles of the IGFs in mouse embryonic development, as revealed from the phenotypic differences between these mutants, are discussed.
The insulin-like growth factors-I and -II (IGFs) are involved in a wide array of cellular processes such as proliferation, prevention of apoptosis, and differentiation. Most of these effects are mediated by the IGF-I receptor, although at higher IGF concentrations the insulin receptor can also be activated. As the expression of both the IGFs and their receptors is widespread, IGFs are thought to have autocrine/paracrine modes of actions also, particularly during foetal life. The endocrine component of the IGF system is recognised to be important after birth, with IGF-I mediating many of the effects of growth hormone (GH), and linking anabolic processes to nutrient availability. Consideration of ligands and receptors, however, is insufficient to provide a complete understanding of the biology of IGF. This is because IGFs are found in binary complexes of 40-50 kDa with members of a family of IGF-binding proteins (IGFBPs-1 to -6) in all biological fluids. In addition, in postnatal serum, most IGFs are sequestered into ternary complexes of 150 kDa consisting of one molecule each of IGF, IGFBP-3 or IGFBP-5, and acid-labile subunit (ALS). Despite evidence that ALS plays an important role in the biology of circulating IGFs, it has received only limited attention relative to the other components of the IGF system. This review provides an overview on the current knowledge of ALS protein and gene structure, organisation and regulation by hormones, and insights from novel animal models such as the ALS knockout mice.