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Scavenging of migratory bird carcasses in the Sonoran Desert


Abstract and Figures

In this study we report avian and mammalian scavengers foraging on migratory bird carcasses in the Sonoran Desert. We used remote cameras to monitor carcasses we found along a power line right-of-way (n = 25). We documented four species scavenging 10 carcasses (kit fox, Vulpes macrotis, n = 4; coyote, Canis latrans, n = 3; common raven, Corvus corax, n = 2, and greater roadrunner, Geococcyx californianus, n = 1) and recorded coyote tracks at three additional carcasses. Neither remote cameras nor tracks indicated the scavenger species of the remaining carcasses. Our data suggest migrant birds might provide an important food source for resident scavengers, particularly in desert habitats where food can be scarce. Our study also supports prior assertions that failure to account for removal of carcasses by scavengers might cause errors in estimates of mortality.
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EDM International, Inc., 4001 Automation Way, Fort Collins, CO 805252 (AMR, MRG, TP, JLA, JFD)
Present address of MRG: School of Biological and Biomedical Sciences, University of Durham, South Road, Durham DH1 3LE, U.K.
ABSTRACT—In this study we report avian and mammalian scavengers foraging on migratory bird carcasses in
the Sonoran Desert. We used remote cameras to monitor carcasses we found along a power line right-of-way
(n =25). We documented four species scavenging 10 carcasses (kit fox, Vulpes macrotis,n=4; coyote, Canis
latrans,n=3; common raven, Corvus corax,n=2, and greater roadrunner, Geococcyx californianus,n=1) and
recorded coyote tracks at three additional carcasses. Neither remote cameras nor tracks indicated the
scavenger species of the remaining carcasses. Our data suggest migrant birds might provide an important food
source for resident scavengers, particularly in desert habitats where food can be scarce. Our study also
supports prior assertions that failure to account for removal of carcasses by scavengers might cause errors in
estimates of mortality.
RESUMEN—En este estudio reportamos observaciones de mam´ıferos y aves carro˜
neros aliment´andose de
cad´averes de aves migratorias en el desierto de Sonora. Usamos c´amaras remotas para monitorear cad´averes
(n =25) que encontramos en la zona de restricci ´on a lo largo de un cable de luz. Se registraron cuatro
especies consumiendo carro˜
na de 10 cad´averes (zorra norte˜
na, Vulpes macrotis,n=4; coyote, Canis latrans,n=
3; cuervo com ´
un, Corvus corax,n=2, y correcaminos norte ˜
no, Geococcyx californianus,n=1), y se registraron
huellas de coyote en 3 cad´averes adicionales. Ni c´amaras remotas ni huellas indicaron la especie carro˜
para el resto de los cad´averes. Nuestros datos sugieren que las aves migratorias son potencialmente una fuente
importante de alimento para las especies de carro ˜
neros residentes, particularmente en los h´abitats des´erticos
donde la comida puede ser escasa. Nuestro estudio tambi´en apoya previas declaraciones de que no considerar
la remoci´on de cad´averes por animales carro ˜
neros puede ocasionar errores en las estimaciones de la
Studies of avian migration typically focus on when,
where, why, and how birds migrate (Bowlin et al., 2010).
Survival during migration is of interest, particularly
because it is often lower than survival during sedentary
periods. However, because dead migrants are rarely
found, details describing the timing or location of
mortality during migration are scarce (Sillet and Holmes,
2002). Where avian survival during migration has been
investigated, mortality has been attributed to exhaustion
while traversing ecological barriers (Newton, 2008),
collision with anthropogenic structures (Longcore et al.,
2013; Sporer et al., 2013), loss of stopover habitat
(Sutherland, 1996; Schwarzer et al., 2012), and predation
(Schmaljohann and Dierschke, 2005).
Deserts are an important ecological barrier for avian
migrants moving between Europe and Africa (Newton,
2008; Strandberg et al., 2010) and between North
America and South America (Patten et al., 2003).
Migratory birds frequently die while traversing deserts
during migration, but almost no information exists
describing the fate of their carcasses. Avian collisions
with anthropogenic structures also have been widely
reported (Longcore et al., 2013; Sporer et al., 2013), but
there is little understanding of the interactions between
ecological barriers and anthropogenic structures. The
ecological role dead migrants might play in the commu-
nities surrounding the anthropogenic structures has not
been investigated.
We hypothesized that the carcasses of migratory birds
would be an important prey source to desert scavengers
and predicted that if migratory bird carcasses could be
found and monitored, desert scavengers would be shown
consuming these carcasses. Direct observations of scaven-
gers might not provide an unbiased estimator of scavenger
activity because some scavenger species could be more
difficult to detect. For example, some of the potential
scavengers in our study were hunted and were cryptically
colored (e.g., coyote, Canis latrans) while others were
protected and were boldly colored (e.g., common raven,
Corvus corax). Remote cameras can provide useful infor-
mation when human observers might affect behaviors of
interest (Dwyer and Doloughan, 2013). In this study we
used direct observations and remote cameras to provide
the first documentation of residents scavenging the
carcasses of migratory birds in the Sonoran Desert of
southern California.
MATERIALS AND METHODSStudy Area—We conducted our
study along a power line right-of-way between El Centro,
California (3284703100
N, 11583304700
W) and Ocotillo, California
N, 11585903900
W) on land owned by the U.S. Bureau
of Land Management. We selected our survey area because large
numbers of migrants breeding in North America and wintering
in Central and South America pass through this portion of the
Sonoran Desert (Patten et al., 2003), because collisions with
power lines are of management interest (Ponce et al., 2010;
Barrientos et al., 2012; Sporer et al., 2013), and because desert
passages can be particularly difficult for migrant passerines
(Newton, 2008; Strandberg et al., 2010). Our study area was
entirely within the Sonoran Desert with elevations from 1–300 m
above sea level (El Centro is below sea level). Vegetation was
sparse, dominated by creosote bush (Larrea tridentate) and
ocotillo (Fouquieria splendens) and, to a lesser extent, Opuntia
species of cholla and prickly pear cactus, indigo bush
(Psorothamnus species), and occasional mesquite trees (Prosopis
species). Rainfall averaged <13 cm per year (Western Regional
Climate Center, 2013) and summer temperatures regularly
reached 408C.
Data Collection—Between 15 March 2013 and 15 June 2013,
we walked transects daily through our study area in search of
migratory bird carcasses. We defined our survey period to
coincide with the peak of avian migration through our study
area (Patten et al., 2003). Each transect was 500 m long and 50
transects were surveyed 14–16 times. Transects were completed
by three observers walking parallel to one another along a power
line right-of-way. Each observer surveyed a 25-m wide portion of
the total transect, with each observer slightly overlapping the
areas surveyed by the adjacent observer so that total transect
width was 65 m. Each observer zig-zagged back and forth within
their area of responsibility within each transect (as in Faanes,
1987; Barrientos et al., 2012), and walked slowly at about 3–4
km/hr (2 mph; as in Murphy et al., 2009).
We began transects at local sunrise and continued until
approximately 6 h after sunrise. While walking transects, we
recorded observations of foraging behaviors of potential
scavengers; for example, a common raven (Corvus corax)in
flight with nothing in the feet or beak, dropping to the ground,
and then immediately flying up again in possession of a
migratory bird carcass. When this occurred, we followed the
common raven to identify the scavenged animal to species level,
if possible, or to family or order otherwise. We also recorded the
locations of the migratory bird carcasses we encountered. To
minimize the possibility that our presence might influence
scavenger activity, we did not collect, mark, move, or remove any
migratory bird carcass we encountered. We recorded carcass
locations with a WAAS-enabled GPSmap 62s receiver (Garmin
International, Olathe, KS) and used the global positioning
system device to return to carcass locations. We used direct
observations and remote cameras to document scavenging of
migratory bird carcasses.
We also used remote cameras to document scavenging
events. We used three remote cameras, one HC500 (Reconyx,
Inc., Holmen, WI) and two Bushnell Trophy Cams (Bushnell
Corporation, Cody, KS). Each camera was programmed to
capture three, eight-megapixel photographs at 5-s intervals each
time the camera was triggered. We initially used high-sensitivity
settings on the cameras but, during presurvey trials, found that
at these settings the cameras exhausted their memories and
power supplies recording wind-driven movements of vegetation.
Thus, we used medium-sensitively settings throughout the study
to balance oversensitivity to vegetation movement with under-
sensitivity to scavengers.
The cameras recorded color photographs illuminated via
ambient light during the day, and black and white photographs
illuminated via infrared at night, allowing 24-h continuous
observation of carcasses. At each carcass we monitored, we
placed one remote camera under a nearby creosote bush.
Creosote bushes were common in the study area and provided
visual cover, reducing the likelihood that cameras would be
noticed by potential scavengers or people. Creosote bushes
could have obscured the infrared sensors of the camera. To be
sure each camera had a clear view of each monitored carcass, we
laced any branches that would obscure the carcass behind
adjacent branches outside the view of the camera. We wrapped
each camera in burlap and the branches of creosote bushes to
further break up the boxy shapes of the cameras. We then
revisited each monitored carcass every 24–48 h. The substrate in
the study area was a mix of sand and gravel. If the carcass was
absent, we recorded any animal tracks within 5 m, if present, and
retrieved the camera. Because the cameras were triggered based
partially on detection of body heat, being in an already warm
environment could have decreased the likelihood of cameras
triggering when scavengers were present. Recording tracks
enabled us to evaluate scavenging in cases where the camera
did not capture an image of the scavenger.
RESULTS—While walking transects, we recorded 26
instances of a common raven in flight dropping to the
ground with nothing in its feet or beak and then
immediately flying up with a migratory bird carcass in
its beak. Scavenged birds identified to species were two
black-headed grosbeaks (Pheucticus melanocephalus), one
black-throated gray warbler (Setophaga nigrescens), one
orange-crowned warbler (Vermivora celata), one white-
winged dove (Zenaida asiatica), and two yellow warblers
(Setophaga petechia). Five warblers could not be identified
to species (Family Parulidae) and 14 birds could be
identified only as passerines (Order Passeriformes), based
on size, as the raven departed with the carcass in its beak.
These scavenging events occurred primarily during the
morning (mean SE =0757 h 20 min; min =0543 h,
max =1138 h) with two scavenging events observed in
March, 14 in April, 10 in May, and none in June after
young ravens had fledged and family groups of ravens
moved away from the power line corridor.
We used remote cameras to monitor the carcasses of 21
passerines and four nonpasserines (n=25, Table 1).
Cameras recorded kit fox (Vulpes macrotis), coyote,
common raven, and greater roadrunner (Geococcyx
californianus) scavenging 10 of the carcasses (Fig. 1).
These scavenging events occurred primarily during the
night (n=6), with fewer recorded during the early
December 2014 Rogers et al.—Scavenging of migratory bird carcasses 543
morning before 0630 (n=2) or later in the day (n=2).
Coyote tracks indicated the scavenger species at three
carcasses where cameras failed, but we could not identify
the time of day these carcasses were scavenged. Seven
carcasses were scavenged, but neither cameras nor tracks
indicated the scavenger species. Combining these 20
events, one scavenging event occurred in March, seven in
April, 10 in May, and two in June. Five carcasses were not
scavenged during the monitoring period.
Combining both types of scavenging events (direct
observations and remote cameras), carcasses scavenged
by birds were consistently taken during the day (26/26
documented via direct observation; 3/3 documented via
remote cameras; 100%) and carcasses scavenged by
mammals were taken primarily at night (6/7 documented
via remote cameras; 86%; this excludes three carcasses
where the mammalian scavenger was identified by tracks,
seven carcasses where the scavenger was not identified at
all, and five carcasses which were not scavenged).
Combining all carcasses, we recorded three events in 10
days of monitoring in March, 22 events in 22 days of
monitoring in April, 23 events in 23 days of monitoring in
May, and three events in 10 days of monitoring in June.
Migratory bird carcasses were more likely to be present in
April and May (v
=9.11, df =3, P=0.028).
DISCUSSION—Most of the carcasses we found occurred
during the peak of spring migration in our study area
(Patten et al., 2003). Little is known about the fate of the
carcasses of migratory birds that die during migration.
Our data suggest migratory birds might provide an
important food source for resident scavengers in desert
habitats where food resources can be rare. Common
ravens are regularly reported as facultative scavengers
(Boarman and Heinrich, 1999; Matley et al., 2012), and
our observations of common ravens flying directly from
scavenging sites to nest sites (TP, pers. obs.) suggests the
common ravens in our study area used scavenged
carcasses to provision nestlings. Prior studies of the diets
of kit foxes indicated that a low proportion (6.9%) of
fecal scats collected in the Chihuahuan Desert contained
avian remains (Moehrenschlager et al., 2007). In nonde-
sert habitat near Bakersfield, California, White et al.
(1985) found slightly higher values, with 8.6% of kit fox
scats containing avian remains. Prior studies of the diets
of coyotes in the Sonoran Desert also indicated that a low
proportion (2.6%) of fecal scats collected in fall
contained avian remains (Hern´andez et al., 1994),
though scats collected year-round had higher proportions
of birds (7.4%; McKinney and Smith, 2007). Birds were
also relatively rare in the diets of coyotes in the
TABLE 1—Remote cameras documented scavenging of migrant bird carcasses (n=25) in the Sonoran Desert.
Scavenged species Scavenger species
Common name Scientific name Common name Scientific name
Ash-throated flycatcher Myiarchus cinerascens N/A N/A
Black-throated sparrow Amphispiza bilineata ——
Brant goose Branta bernicla Coyote Canis latrans
Lazuli bunting
P. amoena Coyote tracks
C. latrans
Lazuli bunting
P. amoena Coyote tracks C. latrans
Lincoln’s sparrow Melospiza lincolnii ——
MacGillivray’s warbler Oporornis tolmiei ——
Mourning dove Zenaida macroura Coyote C. latrans
Mourning dove Z. macroura N/A N/A
Nashville warbler Vermivora ruficapilla ——
Orange-crowned warbler Vermivora celata ——
Red-winged blackbird Agelaius phoeniceus ——
Townsend’s warbler Setophaga townsendi Common raven Corvus corax
Townsend’s warbler S. townsendi Common raven C. corax
Unidentified Empidonax flycatcher Empidonax species Kit fox Vulpes macrotis
Western tanager Piranga ludoviciana N/A N/A
White-winged dove Zenaida asiatica Kit fox V. macrotis
Willow flycatcher Empidonax traillii N/A N/A
Willow flycatcher E. traillii N/A N/A
Wilson’s warbler
Wilsonia pusilla Coyote tracks C. latrans
Wilson’s warbler W. pusilla ——
Wilson’s warbler W. pusilla Coyote C. latrans
Wilson’s warbler W. pusilla Greater roadrunner Geococcyx californianus
Wilson’s warbler W. pusilla Kit fox V. macrotis
Yellow warbler Setophaga petechia Kit fox V. macrotis
N/A indicates the carcass was not scavenged during the monitoring period; — indicates the carcass was scavenged but the scavenger species was
not identified.
Three carcasses were within the frame of the same camera setup.
544 vol. 59, no. 4The Southwestern Naturalist
Chihuahuan Desert of New Mexico, where birds occurred
in only 1.6% of scats collected in spring and 1.5% of scats
collected year-round (Hern´andez et al., 2002). Our study
suggests that, though the proportion of birds in the scats
of mammalian scavengers might be consistently low in
general, those studies might not well-represent individual
scavengers occupying areas where migrant passerine
carcasses occur in disproportionately high numbers.
We observed kit fox dens, a pack of coyotes including
juveniles, and four common raven nests in our study area
(TP, unpubl. data). Each of these species was breeding
during our study; coyotes March–May (Webb et al., 2004),
kit foxes March–September (Zoellick et al., 1989), and
common ravens May–July (Smith et al., 1981). Thus, we
speculate that scavenged migratory bird carcasses were
likely provided to offspring in each of these species. We
also observed an emaciated kit fox, a coyote with only
three legs, and a common raven with a broken mandible.
It might be that injured scavengers in our study area
depended on the carcasses of migrating birds. If so, then
cascading effects from the mortality of avian migrants
within an ecological barrier could have influenced the
ecological community of our study area. Future research
investigating coyote scats in our study area, particularly
with emphasis on seasonal difference in scat composition,
would help resolve the potential differences between our
findings and those of previous researchers and would
clarify the ecological role of the carcasses of migratory
birds in migration corridors.
Though remote cameras enabled us to document some
scavenging events we would not have seen otherwise, the
cameras failed to detect all scavengers. In these cases we
speculate carcasses were scavenged in one of two ways.
First, based on our observations of common ravens in
flight dropping to the ground and then immediately
flying up again with a scavenged migratory bird carcass, we
FIG. 1—Migrant passerine carcasses scavenged in the Sonoran Desert. a) Kit fox scavenging Wilson’s warbler. b) Coyote scavenging
mourning dove. c) Common raven scavenging Townsend’s warbler. d) Greater roadrunner scavenging Wilson’s warbler (see Table 1
for scientific names).
December 2014 Rogers et al.—Scavenging of migratory bird carcasses 545
suggest that in some instances scavenging events might
have occurred more quickly than our cameras were
capable of capturing photographs. Second, during tran-
sects we also regularly encountered desert iguanas
(Dipsosaurus dorsalis) which occasionally scavenge carrion
(Norris, 1953). Because our cameras operated by detect-
ing differences in temperature, and because iguanas are
ectothermic species, we suggest that if reptiles like desert
iguanas scavenged carcasses (DeVault and Krochmal,
2002) our cameras might not have detected them. We
do not know if both, either, or neither of these hypotheses
are correct. Nevertheless, because scavenged carcasses
were consumed diurnally and nocturnally, and human
surveys for carcasses were largely conducted diurnally, our
study supports prior assertions that failure to account for
removal of carcasses by scavengers might bias studies
toward lower estimates of mortality (Dwyer and Mannan,
2007; Ponce et al., 2010), particularly when a diverse suite
of predators are active throughout the day and night.
Scavenging events tended to happen relatively soon after
sunrise as ravens flew along the length of the power line
right-of-way. Because most scavenging events occurred
nocturnally or relatively soon after sunrise, our data also
suggest that survey time period strongly influences
detection probability. The later in the day that surveys
occur, the greater the likelihood that carcasses are
scavenged before surveys begin.
Our study was relatively limited in scope, including
only a single spring migration in an area where spring
and fall avian migrations occur annually. Future research
comparing multiple years of surveys, and comparing
surveys during spring and fall migration, would likely
reveal additional species of migratory birds consumed by
scavengers as well as potential differences in the species
composition of scavengers and migratory bird carcasses by
We thank R. Abe and E. Gilbreath for assistance with data
collection, A.M. Dwyer, D. Eccleston, and R. E. Harness for
comments on an early draft of this work, and D. P. Ordo˜
nez for
translating our abstract into Spanish.
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Submitted 21 October 2013.
Acceptance recommended by Associate Editor, M. Clay Green, 28 April
December 2014 Rogers et al.—Scavenging of migratory bird carcasses 547
... Des estimations moyennes des biais toutes infrastructures confondues sont utilisées pour produire des estimations moyennes de mortalité toutes espèces confondues, avec de très grands écart-types (Loss et al., 2014;Rioux et al., 2013). L'intérêt de ce type d'étude est discutable du point de Afin d'identifier les facteurs qui influencent la variabilité spatiale entre sites de la persistance, des suivis de la présence et de l'abondance des communautés de nécrophages pourraient être réalisés en parallèle aux expériences de persistance, par exemple en utilisant des pièges photographiques sur les sites (Kostecke et al., 2001;Rogers et al., 2014). Ce type We used survival analysis and generalized linear mixed effects models to investigate the effects of site, habitat, carcass size and trial period on both carcass persistence and detection. ...
... Des études supplémentaires seraient nécessaires pour mieux comprendre les relations entre la variabilité spatiale et saisonnière de la persistance et la présence, l'abondance, et la composition des communautés de nécrophages. Ce type d'étude pourrait être réalisé en associant un suivi de la persistance des carcasses à un suivi des communautés de nécrophages présentes sur site par l'utilisation de pièges photographiques comme l'ont fait Kostecke et al. (2001) et Rogers et al. (2014). La grande diversité des systèmes étudiés (espèces de carcasses concernées, composition des communautés de nécrophages, types d'infrastructures) n'a pas permis à l'effort de recherche investi jusqu'à présent d'obtenir des résultats concluants Lambertucci et al., 2009;Ray et al., 2014). ...
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La plupart des activités humaines, industrielles ou domestiques, requièrent aujourd’hui l’utilisation d’énergie électrique. Les choix faits pour la production de cette électricité ont nécessité le développement de réseaux de transport d’électricité. En raison de sa densité de câbles, ce réseau induit une fragmentation de l’habitat des animaux volants et principalement des oiseaux. Au-delà des électrocutions au niveau des pylônes, cette fragmentation peut causer la mort d’individus par collision avec les câbles (Bevanger, 1998; Jenkins et al., 2010) et également le dérangement des espèces ou des modifications de leur comportement (Deng and Frederick, 2001; Prinsen et al., 2011; Shimada, 2001). Un grand nombre de facteurs influençant les collisions sont aujourd’hui identifiés (Janss, 2000; Martin and Shaw, 2010). Cependant, la quantification de la mortalité par collision reste complexe en raison de l’hétérogénéité des méthodes utilisées et de l’existence de biais à la quantification (Bech et al., 2012; Ponce et al., 2010). Cette thèse se concentre sur une approche méthodologique de l’étude des interactions des oiseaux avec le réseau de lignes électriques haute-tension (HT) et très-haute-tension (THT) en France métropolitaine. Le premier volet de la thèse concerne la localisation et la hiérarchisation de zones à risque d’interaction pour les oiseaux sur l’ensemble du réseau. Dans ce but, des données de configuration des lignes électriques, de présence (atlas) et de déplacement (couloirs de migration) d’espèces d’oiseaux vulnérables aux lignes électriques sont combinées. Le deuxième volet de la thèse consiste à mettre au point des méthodes qui pourraient permettre de quantifier à l’échelle nationale la mortalité des oiseaux par collision avec les lignes électriques HT-THT. La méthodologie proposée se base sur l’estimation des biais à la quantification, réalisée au cours de la thèse, que sont la détection des cadavres d’oiseaux par les observateurs et la persistance des cadavres sous les lignes électriques. Le troisième et dernier volet de la thèse concerne les modifications de comportement des oiseaux en réponse à la fragmentation de l’espace aérien. Afin de caractériser les mouvements des oiseaux à l’approche des lignes électriques, nous avons adapté une méthodologie d’analyse proposée récemment pour étudier les stratégies d’évitement des oiseaux à différentes échelles spatiales. L’objectif de cette analyse est d’identifier les comportements de vol qui pourraient résulter en une collision avec les câbles. Des données de suivis par télémétrie en trois dimensions (données GPS 3D) de Vautour fauve (Gyps fulvus) sont utilisées dans cette étude comportementale. Ce travail de recherche a permis de proposer un cadre méthodologique pour l’étude des interactions entre oiseaux et lignes électriques et de mettre en évidence l’importance des biais de quantification associés à la recherche de cadavres d’oiseaux sous les lignes. Il a établi pour la première fois une hiérarchisation du risque d’interaction des oiseaux avec les lignes électriques sur l’ensemble du réseau de transport d’électricité français. Les facteurs qui influencent l’utilisation de l’espace à proximité des lignes électriques par les vautours fauves dans les Causses ont également été mis en évidence.
... In this study, the White-winged Dove was by far the most frequently-recorded species affected with 282 records (57% of the identified carcasses). This is a novel finding, as low numbers of carcasses of this species have been identified in other studies (Rogers et al., 2014). The high number of recorded carcasses could be related to the presence of croplands at the study sites where these birds feed (Collins (17) could be related to the fact that the characteristics of the surrounding habitats favor their presence, although it may also be influenced by the characteristics intrinsic to the species that make them more susceptible to these hazards, as reported in previous studies (Bernardino et al., 2018;Ferrer et al., 2020). ...
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Background and Research Aims Power lines are one of the main anthropogenic causes of bird mortality on a global scale, but research is scarce in some countries with a high diversity of birds, such as Mexico. In this study, we assessed the impact of bird collisions and electrocutions with power lines on avian communities at three wind farms located in three different states in Mexico. Methods Carcass searches were carried out at sites in Tamaulipas (4 months in 2021), Guanajuato (2 months in 2020, 4 months in 2021), and Oaxaca (55 months from 2014 to 2021). Results A total of 579 bird carcasses from 65 different species were recorded. The White-winged Dove ( Zenaida asiatica) was the most frequently found species (282 records) across the three sites. When considering the number of species identified per family, Icteridae had the highest number of species at the Oaxaca site, Columbidae and Passerelidae at the Tamaulipas site, and Anatidae at the Guanajuato site. At the order level, Passeriformes had the highest number of species at the Tamaulipas and Oaxaca sites, and Anseriformes in Guanajuato. Of the total species recorded, 12 are within some category of risk according to Mexican legislation and the IUCN Red List, and 18 are migratory species. Conclusions Our results, together with evidence from previous studies, indicate that power lines represent one of the main causes of anthropogenic mortality in Mexico in terms of the number of affected bird species. Further research is urgently needed to explore the effect of power lines on bird populations in the country, particularly those at risk of extinction, and migratory species. Implications for Conservation The high diversity of species found to be affected in this study highlights the wide-ranging impact of these structures and the need to implement mitigation strategies at the three sites studied, particularly for the most affected species, the White-winged Dove ( Zenaida asiatica).
... This can lead to reduced scavenger diversity and to fewer carcasses being scavenged. In the Sonoran Desert, in the USA, for example, only four scavenging species were recorded, and they scavenged only 40% of bird carcasses monitored (Rogers et al. 2014). Similarly, at our Desert study site, there were relatively few individual dingoes observed visiting carcasses (~3 individuals observed on our carcass cameras) and dingoes detected only 25% of carcasses. ...
Dingoes (Canis dingo) are known for hunting and killing animals to meet their energetic requirements, but like almost all predators they also scavenge animal remains. To improve our understanding of dingo scavenging ecology, we investigated the role of abiotic and biotic factors in shaping carcass utilisation by dingoes and further determined whether dingo scavenging influenced carcass persistence in the landscape. To do so, we monitored visitation and scavenging by dingoes using remote cameras positioned on 119 kangaroo carcasses in open and closed canopy habitats and in warm and cool seasons. The carcasses were monitored across multiple study sites, which incorporated forest, alpine and desert ecoregions in Australia. We found that season played an important role in shaping carcass utilisation by dingoes, as well as carcass persistence. Warmer seasons increased the rate of carcass discovery 6.3-fold in the Forest study site and 4.8-fold in the Alpine study site, and also increased the time dingoes spent feeding on carcasses in the Alpine study site. Further, across all study sites, carcasses persisted at least 4.7 times longer in cool compared with warm seasons. On the other hand, carcass utilisation by dingoes was not influenced by habitat, although carcasses were more likely to persist in open compared with closed canopy habitats in the Alpine study site. Finally, our study showed that dingo scavenging may contribute to substantial carcass removal in certain contexts. Indeed, decreased carcass persistence in the Forest study site was evident in the cool season, when dingo scavenging occurred during the first two weeks of monitoring. The variability in results highlights the complexity of patterns in dingo scavenging and, more broadly, of vertebrate scavenging. It emphasises the need to consider multiple abiotic and biotic factors to properly understand the functional roles of different scavenger species. Longer-term studies with additional seasonal replicates may also yield a more detailed picture of the role of dingoes as apex scavengers.
... The installation of linear corridors, such as access gravel-roads to wind turbines, could act as movement pathways for potential mammalian predators (Trombulak and Frissell 2000;Frey and Conover 2006;Van Der Ree et al. 2015), generating shifts in the structure and composition of communities (e.g., augmentation of generalist predators; Degregorio et al. 2014;Hethcoat and Chalfoun 2015a). Additionally, collision events with wind turbines might attract avian and mammalian predators (Rogers et al. 2014) because of the higher availability of food resources in their vicinity, as has been described from roadkill carcasses (Van Der Ree et al. 2015). Otherwise, a myriad of factors at landscape and microhabitat scale not related to wind farm implementation may also affect habitat utilization by predators and nest predation rates. ...
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Wind farm implementation is a rapidly growing source of landscape transformation that may alter ecological processes such as predator–prey interactions. We tested the hypothesis that wind farms increase the activity of nest predators and, ultimately, increment ground-nest predation rates. We placed 18 plots in Iberian shrub-steppes (11 at control and seven at wind farm sites), each one comprised nine artificial ground-nests (three quail eggs/nest). Artificial nests were placed during two events: at the beginning (April) and at the end (June) of the breeding season in 2016 (n = 324 artificial nests). We estimated the relative abundance of avian and large mammalian predators in the surroundings of each plot and recorded nest fate after 12 days exposure. We also measured variables at landscape and microhabitat scale that potentially affect predator abundance and nest predation. Wind farm sites contained higher cover of gravel roads and more large mammalian predators. Moreover, the abundance of large mammalian predators increased with surrounding cover of both trees and gravel-roads. Avian predator abundance and nest predation rates did not differ between control and wind farm sites, though nest predation did increase with the surrounding cover of crops and gravel roads. Lastly, nest predation was higher at the end of the breeding season and decreased with moss and lichen cover. Our results support previous evidence on the increase of mammalian predator abundance as the surface area of gravel-roads increases, pointing towards a potential mechanism for wind farms leading to rise ground-nest predation. Future wind energy projects should minimize the development of gravel-roads for wind turbine access or maintenance.
... In arid and low productivity regions animal carcasses may provide particularly valuable resources for scavengers (Rogers et al., 2014) and, in addition to natural deaths, could be produced frequently as a result of culling or hunting by humans. In Australia, for example, camels, feral goats and pigs are targeted for commercial use and to reduce perceived competition with livestock. ...
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In addition to feeding on animal remains, many scavengers also function as predators. Carcasses may therefore affect local animal communities by attracting facultative scavengers and increasing predation risk for other species in the vicinity of the carcasses. This risk may be elevated in low productivity environments, especially where humans increase carcass production and where facultative scavengers include invasive species. In June and October 2018, we monitored experimentally placed red kangaroo (Osphranter rufus) carcasses and artificial bird nests in two different habitats in the Simpson Desert, Australia, to identify the nest predators attracted to the carcasses, and to determine how carcasses affect overall and predator-specific nest predation. We modelled our nests to approximate those of the ground nesting little buttonquail (Turnix velox) and the endangered night parrot (Pezoporus occidentalis). Native Corvus spp. and then invasive red foxes (Vulpes vulpes) were the top carcass visitors and nest egg predators. Carcass presence and open habitat increased overall nest predation and fewer artificial parrot nest eggs were depredated compared to those of quail. Open habitat and carcass presence only increased predator-specific nest predation by foxes, but corvid nest predation was highest in June 2018, and for the artificial quail nest types. Foxes were the main predator of eggs from night parrot nests. Our study shows that carcass provisioning by humans may have indirect, deleterious effects on ground nesting birds, and indicates that foxes might pose a greater threat to night parrot populations than previously recognised.
... In arid southern Australia, corvids (Corvus coronoides and C. bennetti), wedge-tailed eagles Aquila audax and red foxes fed extensively on kangaroo offcuts left in the field after butchering (Read and Wilson 2004). Considering smaller carcasses, Rogers et al. (2014) found that common ravens, kit foxes Vulpes macrotis, coyotes, and greater roadrunners Geococcyx californianus found and fed upon 20 out of 25 carcasses of small migrating birds that died from colliding with power lines in the Sonoran Desert (California, USA). ...
A scavenger is an animal that feeds on the carcass or remains of any dead animal which it did not participate in its killing. Scavenging is pervasive across the animal kingdom and almost all predator species use carrion to a certain extent in both terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems. There is a group of animals, the obligate scavengers, which rely (almost) entirely on carrion. Among vertebrates, only birds have evolved into obligate scavengers, namely vultures, which suggests that the costs of adaptation to obligate scavenging are high. Obligate and facultative scavengers exhibit a wide array of adaptations to locate and exploit carrion across systems, including inexpensive locomotion to find the unpredictable carrion on savannas, caching carrion in cold tundra or chemotaxis in aquatic systems. Traditionally viewed as an opportunistic process, particularly for facultative scavengers, carrion consumption by vertebrates often follows complex and structured patterns and is crucial in maintaining the stability and structure of food webs.
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Collisions with anthropogenic structures by long-distance migrants and threatened and endangered species are a growing global conservation concern. Increasing the visibility of these structures may reduce collisions but may only be accepted by local residents if it does not create a visual disturbance. Recent research has shown the potential for ultraviolet (UV) light, which is nearly imperceptible to humans, to mitigate avian collisions with anthropogenic structures. We tested the effectiveness of two UV (390–400 nm) Avian Collision Avoidance Systems (ACASs) at reducing collisions at two 260-m spans of marked power lines at the Iain Nicolson Audubon Center at Rowe Sanctuary, an important migratory bird stopover location in Nebraska. We used a randomized design and a tiered model selection approach employing generalized linear models and the Akaike Information Criterion to assess the effectiveness of ACASs considering environmental (e.g., precipitation) and detection probability (e.g., migration chronology) variables. We found focal (assessed power line) and distal (neighboring power line) ACAS status and environmental variables were important predictors of avian collisions. Our top model suggests that the focal ACAS illumination reduced collisions by 88%, collisions were more likely at moderate (10–16 km/h) compared to lower or higher wind speeds, and collision frequency decreased with precipitation occurrence. Our top model also indicates that the distal ACAS illumination reduced collisions by 39.4% at the focal power line when that ACAS was off, suggesting a positive “neighbor effect” of power line illumination. Although future applications of ACASs would benefit from additional study to check for potential negative effects (for example, collisions involving nocturnal foragers such as bats or caprimulgiform birds drawn to insects), we suggest that illuminating power lines, guy wires, towers, wind turbines, and other anthropogenic structures with UV illumination will likely lower collision risks for birds while increasing human acceptance of mitigation measures in urban areas.
Energetyka odnawialna jest ważnym tematem poruszanym w związku z rosnącym zapotrzebowaniem energetycznym wielu państw. Liczne badania potwierdzają, że antropopresja odbija się negatywnie na wielu gatunkach zwierząt i siedliskach. Zasada zrównoważonego rozwoju umożliwia rozwój nowych technologii przy jednoczesnych działaniach na rzecz ochrony przyrody. Wykorzystywanie odnawialnych źródeł energii (OZE)nie pozostaje jednak bez wpływu np. na ptaki. Zwierzęta te są szczególnie narażone na oddziaływanie farm wiatrowych, instalacji energetyki słonecznej i monokultur pod produkcję biopaliwa. W publikacji opisane zostały faktyczne oraz potencjalne oddziaływania OZE na awifaunę, zarówno negatywne jak i korzystne. Chcąc połączyć OZE ze skuteczną ochroną ptaków należy zwrócić uwagę na lokalizację inwestycji oraz gatunki ptaków zamieszkujące dane tereny w pobliżu urządzeń.
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Anthropogenic resource subsidies have contributed to the dramatic increase in the abundance of Common Ravens (Corvus corax) in the western Mojave Desert, California, during the past 30 years. To better understand the effects of these subsidies on raven demography, we examined whether survival to juvenile departure from the natal territory could be predicted by a set of environmental and morphological variables, such as nest proximity to anthropogenic resources and juvenile condition. We captured 240 juvenile ravens over 2 years and marked them prior to fledging. Nest proximity to anthropogenic resources and earlier fledging dates significantly predicted raven juvenile survival to departure from the natal territory. The best-fitting mark-recapture models predicted postdeparture survival as a function of time since fledging, nest proximity to anthropogenic resources, and year hatched. The positive effect of nest proximity to anthropogenic resources influenced postdeparture survival for at least 9 months after fledging, as revealed by the mark-recapture analysis. Annual survival was 47% for first-year, 81% for second-year, and 83% for third-year birds. Our results support the hypothesis that anthropogenic resources contribute to increasing raven numbers via increased juvenile survival to departure as well as increased postdeparture survival. We expect raven numbers to grow in concert with the growing human presence in the Mojave Desert unless raven access to anthropogenic resources is diminished. La Sobrevivencia Juvenil de Corvus corax en un Paisaje Mejorado por Humanos Resumen. Los subsidios de recursos antropogénicos han contribuido al aumento dramático de la abundancia del cuervo Corvus corax en el occidente del desierto de Mojave durante los últimos 30 años. Para entender los efectos de estos subsidios en la demografía del cuervo, examinamos si la sobrevivencia hasta la salida de los juveniles del territorio natal podría ser predicha por un conjunto de variables morfológicas y ambientales, tales como su cercanía a los recursos antropogénicos y la condición de los juveniles. En dos años capturamos 240 cuervos juveniles y los marcamos antes que desarollaran plumas de vuelo. La cercanía del nido al punto de subsidio más cercano y las fechas tempranas de emplumamiento predijeron significativamente la sobrevivencia de los juveniles hasta su salida del teritorio natal. Los modelos de marcaje y recaptura más adecuados predijeron la sobrevivencia posterior a la salida del territorio como una función del tiempo desde el momento de emplumamiento, la cercanía al punto más cercano de subsidio y el año de nacimiento. Según el análisis de marcaje y recaptura, el efecto positivo de la cercanía a subsidios antropogénicos influye en la sobrevivencia después de la salida del territorio hasta por lo menos 9 meses después del emplumamiento. La sobrevivencia anual fue de 47% en el primer año, de 81% en el segundo año y de 83% para aves en su tercer año. Nuestros resultados apoyan la hipótesis de que los recursos antropogénicos contribuyen al crecimiento de los números de cuervos aumentando la sobrevivencia juvenil antes y después de su salida de los territorios natales. Esperamos que los números de cuervos aumenten en relación con la presencia humana en el desierto de Mojave a menos que su acceso a los recursos antropogénicos sea disminuido.
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EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Collisions with powerlines cause substantial mortality among many species of birds, but such losses may be reduced by installing devices that make powerline wires conspicuous., we investigated mortality of sandhill cranes (Grus canadensis) stemming from collisions with two 69-kilovolt (kV) powerline arrays at a major night roost of the species on the Platte River in Buffalo County, south central Nebraska. Static wires of each powerline were equipped with FireFly™ bird diverters (FireFly Diverters LLC, Grantsville, Utah). We searched for carcasses of cranes at sandbars, islands, and shallow water areas between riverbanks below each powerline three times weekly and attempted to account for detectability biases. An estimated 50-93 sandhill cranes were killed by the two powerlines in 2008 and 37-70 were killed in 2009. These estimates were one-half to one-third of that reported in a previous study at the site, before FireFlys were installed. Using binoculars and night-vision scopes, we observed 101 and 117 collisions by sandhill cranes at one of the powerlines in 2008 and 2009, as the cranes returned to their roost from about 0.5 hours before sunset until about 2 hours after sunset. Most collisions occurred when flocks of more than 1000 cranes suddenly flushed from their roost within 0.5 km of the powerline after dusk. There appeared to be no relationship between collision incidence and weather or light conditions. About one-half of cranes that collided fell immediately to the ground, either dead or crippled. Another 29% continued to fly after striking wires, but their flight was hampered. About 65% of observed collisions involved static wires. We also observed reactions of 474 flocks of sandhill cranes to the powerline in 2009. Cranes reacted more quickly to avoid the powerline than they did to powerlines not equipped with diverters or to powerlines equipped with 30-cm yellow aviation balls as diverters in a previous study in south central Nebraska, and did so mainly by gradually climbing in flight. Individual wires on the powerline we observed also were instrumented in 2009 with bird strike indicators (BSIs), a new electronic technology to detect bird collisions. Collision incidents we observed and those indicated by BSIs were highly correlated. Diel records from BSIs indicated one-half of collisions by birds occurred during evening; nearly all the rest were distributed across remaining night hours. Our results might suggest FireFlys reduce the likelihood that a sandhill crane will collide with powerlines at Rowe, but more rigorous experimental design incorporating replication is needed to reliably assess and provide broader inferences on effectiveness of FireFlys in decreasing mortality of cranes and other bird species at powerlines. BSIs should be further evaluated and incorporated into such assessments. 2
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In Lincoln County, Washington, USA, greater sage-grouse (Centrocercus urophasianus) and Columbian sharp-tailed grouse (Tympanuchus phasianellus columbianus) are managed as reintroduced and augmented populations, respectively. Predation by raptors and corvids is a concern, particularly where utility poles may provide hunting perches near leks (i.e., breeding areas). Perch deterrents may offer a mitigating strategy if deterrents reduce the frequency or duration of perching. To investigate the effects of various perch deterrents, we deployed deterrents on 5 power poles retained for use in this study when 33 poles were removed from occupied grouse habitat. We rotated deterrents among poles every 15 to 28 days (mean = 19.4 days) from November 17, 2011, through November 20, 2012, so that all deterrents occurred multiple times on all poles. We compared perch frequency and duration on 4 pole caps, 3 insulator deterrents, an untreated control cross arm, and 5 cross-arm-length deterrents: Pupi™ cross arms mounted at a 22° angle from horizontal; Birdzoff™ deterrents; an experimental shroud; Power Line Sentry X™ deterrents; and Zena Designs™ minispike deterrents. We collected 862 independent records of perching events. Raptors and corvids perched most often (chi-square = 146.0, P < 0.0001) on untreated cross arms (mean = 0.60 perches/day), and insulator deterrents (mean = 0.47 perches/day), and perched least often on pole caps with spikes (mean = 0.11 perches/day) and Zena Designs mini-spikes (mean = 0.10 perches/day). Perching events were shorter on pole caps with spikes and Zena Designs mini-spikes compared to all other treatments (F 8,853 = 23.53, P < 0.0001). Prey captures also were significantly less likely from treated cross arms than from the control cross arm (chi-square = 86.5, df = 4, P < 0.0001). Birds attempting to perch on deterrents often flapped their wings broadly where energized conductors would have existed if the poles had not been decommissioned. On energized poles, electrocution would have been possible in this situation. When perch deterrents are used, insulation or isolation of energized equipment also must be installed to minimize electrocution risk.
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The common raven (Corvus corax) is one of the most intelligent avian species, known for its ability to scavenge from humans and other animals. This adaptive nature is critical in habitats where food can be scarce. The Arctic is such an environment, and optimizing associations with sources of prey is important. Large aggregations of Arctic cod (Boreogadus saida) in shallow waters provide a high energetic source for top predators such as seabirds and marine mammals, and consequently potential food sources for ravens. We document, to our knowledge, the first observations of a raven feeding on Arctic cod discarded by seabirds. This report supplements knowledge of ravens to opportunistically meet dietary requirements and the importance of Arctic cod to avian ecology in the Arctic.
The Salton Sea, California's largest inland lake, supports a spectacular bird population that is among the most concentrated and most diverse in the world. Sadly, this crucial stopover along the Pacific Flyway for migratory and wintering shorebirds, landbirds, and waterfowl is dangerously close to collapse from several environmental threats. This book is the first thoroughly detailed book to describe the birds of Salton Sea, more than 450 species and subspecies in all. A major contribution to our knowledge about the birds of western North America, it will also be an important tool in the struggle to save this highly endangered area. Synthesizing data from many sources, including observations from their long-term work in the area, the authors' species accounts discuss each bird's abundance, seasonal status, movement patterns, biogeographic affinities, habitat associations, and more. This valuable reference also includes general information on the region's fascinating history and biogeography, making it an unparalleled resource for the birding community, for wildlife managers, and for conservation biologists concerned with one of the most threatened ecosystems in western North America.
Populations of Red Knots (Calidris canutus rufa) have declined an estimated 80% in the past 25 years. Declines are primarily attributed to dwindling food resources in Delaware Bay, their last migratory stopover before the breeding grounds. Red Knots wintering in Florida also decreased in numbers, prompting the need to estimate local vital rates to determine whether local factors contribute to declining trends. We estimated age-specific annual survival rates and compared them with estimates from populations of Red Knots wintering in South America using the Barker model. Adult annual survival rates between 2005 and 2010 averaged 0.89 +/- 0.02 [SD]; range: 0.86-0.94) and were similar to estimates reported for Delaware Bay (0.87-0.92). Juvenile survival (0.95 +/- 0.06 [SE]) and adult fidelity (0.81 +/- 0.05 [SE]) were also high. However, juvenile survival did not include the period between fledging and arrival in Florida, a period of potentially high mortality. Similar adult survival rates suggested that there was no apparent survival cost for adults migrating to and from Florida compared with those migrating elsewhere. Factors that influence adult survival likely affect populations of C. c. rufa where they co-occur (e.g., breeding grounds, staging areas). Low year-to-year variation (CV = 2.24%) of adult survival suggests that other vital rates with higher variation (e.g., recruitment) may exert a stronger influence on population growth and partly account for the observed decline. Status projections require estimates of fecundity, year-round juvenile survival, and winter distribution in the United States. Received 7 December 2011, accepted 14 August 2012.
The food habits of coyotes (Canis latrans) during autumn in the Mapimı́ Biosphere Reserve (southern Chihuahuan Desert) and the Pinacate region (Sonoran Desert) of northern Mexico have been studied through the analysis of 117 and 233 faecal scats, respectively. The main foods of coyotes in both areas were leporids and rodents. Reptiles and arthropods were consumed rather often in the more arid Pinacate region, but scarcely at all in Mapimı́, while the contrary occurred with fruits. The results from Pinacate represent the highest occurrence of reptiles and one of the highest occurrences ever of arthropods previously detected in coyote scats. By considering the diets of some other vertebrate predators in different world deserts, we speculate that a high role of reptiles and arthropods as prey would be a characteristic feature of the vertebrate trophic webs in hot desert environments.