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Intraoperative risks of radiation exposure for the surgeon and patient



Intraoperative radiological imaging serves an essential role in many spine surgery procedures. It is critical that patients, staff and physicians have an adequate understanding of the risks and benefits associated with radiation exposure for all involved. In this review, we briefly introduce the current trends associated with intraoperative radiological imaging. With the increased utilization of minimally invasive spine surgery (MIS) techniques, the benefits of intraoperative imaging have become even more important. Less surgical exposure, however, often equates to an increased requirement for intraoperative imaging. Understanding the conventions for radiation measurement, radiological fundamental concepts, along with deterministic or stochastic effects gives a framework for conceptualizing how radiation exposure relates to the risk of various sequela. Additionally, we describe the various options surgeons have for intraoperative imaging modalities including those based on conventional fluoroscopy, computer tomography, and magnetic resonance imaging. We also describe different ways to prevent unnecessary radiation exposure including dose reduction, better education, and use of personal protective equipment (PPE). Finally, we conclude with a reflection on the progress that has been made to limit intraoperative radiation exposure and the promise of future technology and policy.
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© Annals of Translational Medicine. All rights reserved. Ann Transl Med 2021;9(1):84 |
Intraoperative risks of radiation exposure for the surgeon and
Nathaniel W. Jenkins, James M. Parrish, Evan D. Sheha, Kern Singh
Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, Rush University Medical Center, Chicago, IL, USA
Contributions: (I) Conception and design: All authors; (II) Administrative support: All authors; (III) Provision of study materials or patients: All
authors; (IV) Collection and assembly of data: All authors; (V) Data analysis and interpretation: All authors; (VI) Manuscript writing: All authors; (VII)
Final approval of manuscript: All authors.
Correspondence to: Kern Singh, MD. Professor, Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, Rush University Medical Center, 1611 W. Harrison St, Suite
#300, Chicago, IL 60612, USA. Email:
Abstract: Intraoperative radiological imaging serves an essential role in many spine surgery procedures.
It is critical that patients, staff and physicians have an adequate understanding of the risks and benefits
associated with radiation exposure for all involved. In this review, we briefly introduce the current trends
associated with intraoperative radiological imaging. With the increased utilization of minimally invasive
spine surgery (MIS) techniques, the benefits of intraoperative imaging have become even more important.
Less surgical exposure, however, often equates to an increased requirement for intraoperative imaging.
Understanding the conventions for radiation measurement, radiological fundamental concepts, along with
deterministic or stochastic effects gives a framework for conceptualizing how radiation exposure relates to
the risk of various sequela. Additionally, we describe the various options surgeons have for intraoperative
imaging modalities including those based on conventional fluoroscopy, computer tomography, and magnetic
resonance imaging. We also describe different ways to prevent unnecessary radiation exposure including
dose reduction, better education, and use of personal protective equipment (PPE). Finally, we conclude with
a reflection on the progress that has been made to limit intraoperative radiation exposure and the promise of
future technology and policy.
Keywords: Intraoperative imaging; ionizing radiation; DNA damage; genomic instability; shielding; distance;
dose reduction; spine surgery
Submitted Jan 27, 2020. Accepted for publication Jun 11, 2020.
doi: 10.21037/atm-20-1052
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The World Health Organization recognizes that excessive
exposure to ionizing radiation increases the risk of
harmful sequelae, such as cancer (1). Radiation exposure is
particularly relevant among the surgical specialties that rely
on various modalities of radiologic imaging and localization.
Various examples of these technologies include uoroscopy
for imaging, intraoperative computed tomography (CT)
for localization, radiopaque dye for visualization in vascular
procedures, conrmation of alignment, or instrumentation
placement in orthopaedic procedures (2). While general
orthopaedic procedures frequently require imaging of the
limbs or peripheral structures when placing implants, spine
surgery routinely requires surgeons to place these devices in
close proximity to structures of the central nervous system
and neighboring vascular structures. In spine surgery, the
most common procedure requiring use of ionizing radiation
is the placement of posterior pedicle screws as erroneous
screw placement can have catastrophic results.
Ensuring the proper positioning of surgical devices requires
intraoperatively attained radiographic images. Increased
exposure to various spectra of the electromagnetic spectrum
Review Article on Current State of Intraoperative Imaging
Jenkins et al. Intraoperative radiation exposure
© Annals of Translational Medicine. All rights reserved. Ann Transl Med 2021;9(1):84 |
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is a necessary part of nearly all radiological imaging (3).
Spine surgeons first made use of biplanar fluoroscopy
which was used as an early radiological imaging modality.
The radiation emitted during intraoperative fluoroscopic
imaging places surgeons at risk for increased exposure
to ionizing radiation and other resultant sequelae (4).
As we will later discuss, some side effects include burns,
cataracts, carcinogenesis, and hair loss (5). Over the past
two decades, the utilization of intraoperative radiation-
emitting devices has risen with the increasing adoption
of minimally-invasive surgical techniques (6-8). With less
anatomic exposure, imaging is often required to verify the
position of anatomy and instrumentation (9).
While MIS offers numerous purported advantages such
as reduced hospital stays, decreased blood loss, a lower
risk of infection and lower pain scores (10,11), its practice
requires frequent use of uoroscopy for localization and
placement of pedicle screws and interbody implants as
the anatomic landmarks utilized in traditional, open spine
surgery techniques are not directly visualized. Moreover,
it has been observed that reducing fluoroscopy time
and exposure are among the most difcult MIS skills to
master (12). Despite these concerns, fluoroscopy remains
the conventional intraoperative imaging modality used in
MIS spine surgery despite its known risks (13-19).
Reducing radiation exposure to the patient, operating
room staff, and surgeon may be accomplished through
judicious use of intraoperative fluoroscopy, the use of
emerging technologies and increasing emphasis on the
use of personal protective equipment (PPE) (20). While
opportunities to decrease radiation exposure while using
traditional fluoroscopic methods are numerous, they are
faced with signicant barriers to implementation. Detailed
mitigation and safety procedures can be cumbersome,
are likely to be met with cultural resistance, and require
signicant healthcare workforce buy-in (21).
Many assert that new technologies are the likely solution
for reducing intraoperative radiation exposure (18,22,23).
Proven technologies such as frameless image guidance and
navigation systems have undergone changes to improve
accuracy and streamline registration procedures. Other
novel technologies are becoming increasingly utilized
such as intraoperative computed tomography (CT) based
guidance, IR-navigation that uses preoperative CT imaging,
and three-dimensional (3D) fluoroscopy (24). Despite
these advances, the strongest supporting evidence for these
methods is based on small cohorts.
Finally, while institutions are required to provide
education and appropriate PPE, there is a disconnect
between compliance and recommendations (25). Even
though required PPE items such as lead gowns, shields,
gloves, or glasses, may be institutionally supplied, education
regarding the use of such equipment, and lack of availability
are among the most common reasons for a lack of
The objective of this review is to outline the physical and
pathological origins of intraoperative radiation, to describe
the various sources of intraoperative radiation exposure and
the barriers that must be overcome to prevent radiation
exposure, and nally to review future directions that may be
most applicable to mitigating intraoperative radiation risks.
Radiation emission and pathophysiological
Conceptualizing the pathophysiology associated
with ionizing radiation exposure requires a cursory
understanding of how radiation exposure is measured,
what types of exposure exist, as well as the associated
short- and long-term physical effects. X-radiation (X-ray)
is electromagnetic radiation that is commonly used in
intraoperative imaging (fluoroscopy, CT). Radiation
exposure was classically measured by the roentgen, which
measures the intensity of X-ray radiation to which one was
exposed. More contemporary units of measurement include
the average energy absorbed by unit mass (Gray or Rad)
and effective dose (Sievert). The Gray (Gy) is dened as the
absorption of one joule of radiation energy per kilogram of
matter while the Rad is a unit of absorbed radiation dose (1
rad =0.01 Gy). Alternatively, the Sivert is an effective dose, a
measure of the overall detrimental health effects of ionizing
radiation. It is calculated by weighting the concentration of
energy imparted on each organ using factors that account
for radiation-related mutagenic potential in reference
populations and the radiation type. To better understand
the difference between absorbed and effective dose, we
can consider that a single radiograph from the posterior-
anterior chest delivers an absorbed dose to the posterior
chest of 0.14 Gy (9,26). When converted and weighted
an effective dose, this is 0.03 mSv. A lumbar radiograph
delivers approximately 1.5 mSv and a lumbar CT roughly
15 mSv to the patient (26).
There are three main sources of radiation in the
operating room: direct radiation, scattered radiation, and
leakage radiation (27). Direct radiation is emitted from the
beam source toward the target to produce the radiograph.
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© Annals of Translational Medicine. All rights reserved. Ann Transl Med 2021;9(1):84 |
Scattered radiation is the phenomenon of deected photons
from the X-ray beam that have interacted with the patient.
This phenomenon is known as Compton scattering and
occurs when an X-ray interacts with matter and deflects
instead of being absorbed. The majority of these scattered
X-rays are along the initial beam trajectory but they may
also scatter in any direction. The magnitude of scattered
radiation exposure depends on the strength of the X-ray
source, the distance from the target being imaged, and the
mass of the target. Leakage radiation is any radiation that
escapes the X-ray tube housing which is not originating
from the beam path. The magnitude of radiation from
a source, be it direct, scattered or leaked, is inversely
proportional to the square of the distance of the source
to the surgeon or patient (27). For example, considering
a point source of radiation that emits in all directions, it
is understandable that, at greater distances away from the
source the radiation is distributed over a larger and larger
spherical surface.
The biological effects of ionizing radiation are classified
into either deterministic or stochastic. Deterministic effects
are the immediate changes to tissues such as skin erythema,
hematopoietic damage, and fibrosis (27). Deterministic
effects are the result of a large number of cells in an organ or
tissue that are killed as the result of large radiation doses (28).
Deterministic effects are only observed once a high
threshold dose has been achieved. For example, during
the 2011 Fukushima Daiichi nuclear disaster in Ōkuma,
Fukushima Prefecture of Japan, workers were exposed to
an unforeseen supply of radioactive water and this resulted
in their hospitalization for the consequent radiation burns
(29,30). This threshold dose is much greater than those
used in diagnostic imaging.
Ionizing radiation produces both direct and indirect
damage to DNA including, base alteration, crosslinking,
and strand breaks (31). The stochastic effect is cellular
damage to DNA arising from low dose ionizing radiation
exposure, such as those in the OR. The stochastic effect is
the probability of experiencing an effect, which is directly
proportional to the radiation dose (i.e., 10 Gy has a higher
probability than 1 Gy). For stochastic effects, the severity
does not change with increases in dose. The only element
that changes is the likelihood that damage will occur.
Hence, there is no radiation dose threshold for cellular
damage, as any amount of ionizing radiation imparts
destructive energy on human cells that could ultimately
result in malignant conditions.
Current standards on radiation safety are described
by the US National Council on Radiation Protection &
Measurements (NCRP) and the International Commission
on Radiological Protection (ICRP). ICRP recommends a
dose limit for medical interventional procedures of a whole-
body effective dose of 20 mSv/year averaged over 5 years (28).
Further guidance is specied that this is not to exceed 50 mSv
in any single year, an extremity dose of 500 mSv/year, or
a skin dose of 500 mSv/year averaged over 1-cm2 (28).
Furthermore, no dose is advised at any time during
pregnancy of 5 mSv, and no dose to the lens of the eye of
20 mSv/year averaged over 5 years, not to exceed 50 mSv in
any single year (28). These recommended limits are meant
to avoid deterministic effects and to ensure that stochastic
effects are kept at an acceptable level (28). Notably, NRCP
has a higher recommended occupational dose limit of
50 mSv/year (32).
Physician exposure
Intraoperative surgeon exposure is predominantly
encountered due to scatter radiation. Long term effects of
exposure to ionizing radiation have been studied by tracking
survivors of the Hiroshima atomic bomb (33). These studies
based on this cohort have shown that 1 Sv of exposure
imparts a 60% increase in developing solid malignancy (33).
Exposure effects can be systemic or local. Localized
effects, for example, can include sequelae that develop after
radiation exposure to the lens of the eye, resulting in the
formation of cataracts. A consensus has not been reached on
the threshold exposure that will result in cataract formation.
This is in part due to the fact that cataracts may be caused
by deterministic or stochastic effects (34). Ainsbury
et al. evaluated data from atomic bomb survivors, clinical
exposures, and occupational exposures, such as pilots and
astronauts, and determined that the exposure threshold for
posterior subcapsular cataracts was 0.5 Gy (28,35). To put
this in measurement in perspective, one study found that
spine surgery patients were exposed to an average of 1,091
Gy with the use of conventional uoroscopy (36).
In a survey of female orthopaedic, urology, and plastic
surgeons (n=1,203) who were exposed to uoroscopy, Chou
et al., reported that orthopaedic surgeons in this cohort
had twice the expected rate of total cancers and 2.9 times
the rate of expected breast cancers (37). Interestingly, the
reported rate of cancer from urology and plastic surgeons
was not statistically different from their expected rate.
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Intraoperative imaging modalities: spine surgery
sources of radiation
Spinal imaging and navigation systems play an irreplaceable
role in accurate instrumentation placement. There are
various options available for intraoperative imaging, each
with its own set of unique advantages and disadvantages.
Traditional fluoroscopy is typically the easiest to adopt
and has the fewest barriers to implementation, while other
techniques—e.g., navigation, robotics—which promise
equivalent or increased accuracy with decreased radiation
exposure may be cost-prohibitive, involve a change in
workow or specialized training requiring adoption by OR
staff, and often come with a new set of potential pitfalls and
a corresponding learning curve for the surgeon.
Intraoperative navigation
Spinal navigation systems typically function through the
synchrony of multiple peripheral units. For example,
radiographic imaging data is often collected of the relevant
anatomy, uploaded into a computer which, in turn, constructs
a 3D image. The computer also integrates several other
components such as optical cameras, specialized surgical
instrumentation, and tools which can all be tracked relative
to surgical eld reference points (38,39). The computer can
then guide instrumentation insertion without the need for
continuously gathering uoroscopic imagery (40).
Early navigation systems primarily use preoperative
imaging, which entails a registration process (39). The
registration process ensures that references on the
preoperative CT or MRI are matched with physical points
in the surgical field. This process is often cumbersome
and time-intensive. Likewise, operative positioning of
the patient can move anatomic relationships that are
not reflected in preoperative imaging (41-44). Hence,
navigation systems that make use of 3D intraoperative
images have been developed and these can provide
automated registration throughout the operation. These
systems not only save time, but also avoid navigation errors
that can arise with preoperative image guidance systems,
such as inaccurate point or surface matching (45).
The resulting images can be utilized for either active or
passive navigation. Active navigation systems can prevent
movement beyond boundaries, or they can even perform
certain tasks. Passive navigation systems provide location
and imaging information without limiting movement. Given
the variety of options and uses for pre- and postoperative
imaging modalities, designing and using these systems in
a way that optimizes image quality and reduces radiation
exposure is more of a concern than ever before. Modalities
utilized include CT or MRI. Due to their prevalence, ease
of use and familiarity, there has been substantially more
research investigating CT-based systems (46). CT based
systems have demonstrated notable reductions in the
frequency of misplaced spine surgery instrumentation.
Isocentric C-arms
C-arms can be contrasted against legacy two-dimensional
fluoroscopy primarily because the C-arm allows an X-ray
tube to rotate over a 190º arc about an isocentric point of
interest. This rotation along with a wide aperture allows
for the acquisition of 100 two-dimensional images, that are
attained at equidistant angles. After acquiring, the images
are reconstructed into a 3D image with volumes in excess
of 15-cm (47-49). While several studies have observed
that intraoperative isocentric devices that are comparable
to CT insofar as diagnostic capability (42,50), others have
noted that C-arms may be limited in the cervical-thoracic
region (51). C-arm devices can also function as standard
fluoroscopic imaging systems and they can be used for
registering patient anatomic landmarks with navigation
systems (49).
As with any imaging modality, radiation exposure is
an important consideration in patient care. However,
intraoperative radiation exposure also means that the
hospital staff will be at risk for exposure during each
surgery. The Iso-C3D is promising in this regard because it
has been determined to produce images with comparable
quality to postoperative CT scans, albeit with a reduced
radiation signature. Thus, the Iso-C3D can be used to
replace postoperative CT and reduce radiation exposure for
the patient.
To lessen ionizing radiation exposure and fluoroscopy
time, researchers have utilized Iso-C3D arms instead of
standard fluoroscopy (42,52,53). One study compared
the two methods of measurement amongst 18 minimally
invasive transforaminal lumbar interbody fusion procedures
(MIS TLIF) on cadavers (52). Overall, uoroscopy time was
lower despite a longer setup in the Iso-C3D group. Radiation
exposure, which was measured in millirems (mREM),
was not discernible in the Iso-C3D group, whereas it was
12.4 mREM in the standard group (52). A similar study
involved 4 cadaveric lumbar pedicle screw placements while
comparing Iso-C3D and standard fluoroscopy (53). This
study also demonstrated less radiation exposure in the Iso-
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© Annals of Translational Medicine. All rights reserved. Ann Transl Med 2021;9(1):84 |
C3D group. The use of Iso-C3D is not only advantageous due
to reduced radiation, it has also demonstrated increased
accuracy when placing pedicle screws.
One disadvantage of the Iso-C3D is that its 190º rotation
limits the device to image three to five vertebral levels at
a time (46). Spine surgeries that require scanning of more
levels may require more than one sequential scan. Beyond
interrupting the task flow of the surgery and increasing
operative duration, it also increases the amount of radiation
exposure (50).
In comparison to C-arms, O-arms have a full 360º image
acquisition capability due to their circular gantry. O-arms
have an anatomical registration system that is similar to
They are also typically capable of acquiring more images
over a shorter period of time than are C-arms. In their
standard 3D volumetric imaging mode, O-arms will acquire
roughly 400 images over 360º in 14 seconds (45). The time
and number of images is roughly doubled in high denition
modes. O-arms were the first to offer a standard or high
denition mode.
Despite these advantages, there is disagreement
on the utility of O-arm imaging in terms of reducing
radiation. The findings of multiple studies demonstrate
that despite decreased radiation exposure to the surgeon
and clinical staff, who have the advantage of being able to
leave the room or cover behind a mobile shield, there is
overall increased radiation towards the patient (18,54-58).
Comparisons between C-arm and O-arm imaging have
replicated these results in cadaveric studies, most notably
in the analysis of 160 pedicle screw placements (58). It
was found that clinicians and operating room staff were
not exposed to any radiation in O-arm imaging, whereas
60.75 mREM of radiation exposure was attributed to C-arm
imaging. Conversely, the cadavers were exposed to much
higher radiation in the O-arm group as compared to the
C-arm group (58). An additional study found similar results
when comparing O-arm and C-arm fluoroscopy amongst
posterior pedicle screw insertions (18). In a cohort of
73 patients, those whose procedure involved O-arm
imaging had a radiation exposure that was 8.74 times that
of the operating room clinicians and staff. Overall, these
patients also had a higher mean effective dose radiation of
1.09 mSv when compared to patients who underwent the
same procedure with C-arm uoroscopy after MIS or open
procedures. These ndings demonstrate that clinicians must
consider the radiation risks to the patient when choosing
O-arm imaging, despite the benet to the clinicians.
Intraoperative MRI
Intraoperative MRI enhances the ability to visualize soft
tissue in the spine, which is why it is often used in tumor
removal (59). Although intraoperative MRI is an established
and well-researched technique in neurological surgery
and tumor removal, it has not been researched as heavily
in degenerative spine surgery. Researchers have studied
intraoperative MRI in transforaminal endoscopic lumbar
discectomy for patients with disk herniation and have
found that MRI can aid in locating surgical entry point and
instrumental trajectory as it relates to the intervertebral disk
space (60). It has also been noted that intraoperative MRI
can help to identify neural and vascular tissue, as well as
insufficient decompression, which overall reduces surgical
complications (60). To our knowledge, there are no studies
evaluating intraoperative MRI with MIS, although one
interventional neurology study found that intraoperative MRI
is approximately double the cost of intraoperative CT (61).
Procedure-related exposure
Differences in radiation exposure by procedure: MIS vs.
Despite minimizing exposure of the patient during surgery,
as previously mentioned, MIS is even more dependent
than open surgery is on intraoperative imaging (62). MIS
presents many potential advantages, such as less patient-
reported pain durations and severity levels, less tissue
trauma, less bleeding, and smaller wounds. Faster recovery
times have been attributed to these and other aspects.
However, due to the nature of MIS and its overall approach
to lessen adjacent tissue damage, there is minimal spine
exposure which results in less visibility. For this reason,
radiological imaging plays a signicant role in MIS.
Radiation exposure is an unfortunate, yet essential
aspect of the most common tools used to visualize surgical
instrumentation. Due to the necessary verification of
instrumentation with radiologic imaging in MIS, ionizing
radiation is an unavoidable necessity for both surgeons
and patients. The presence of this workplace hazard
makes it desirable to monitor intraoperative exposure.
Hence, exposure and variations in exposure are often
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© Annals of Translational Medicine. All rights reserved. Ann Transl Med 2021;9(1):84 |
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measured throughout procedures through fluoroscopic
monitoring. This is most applicable during the placement
of percutaneous screws in MIS (3). With the concern and
actual effects of radiation exposure that have now been
realized, several investigators have attempted to measure
the intraoperative radiation exposure for both surgeons and
patients during various spine procedures (3,63-66). Indeed,
one Italian institution described their orthopaedic surgeons
to have increased their risk of cancer by ve times (13).
Fusion procedures
A recent meta-analysis determined that, compared to open
spine fusion surgeries, MIS TLIF can expose patients
to as much as 2.4 times more radiation (67). One study
measured radiation exposure to both surgeons and patients
undergoing minimally invasive spine fusions and observed
total radiation exposure for patients was 3.47±2.12 Rad
which broke down to 0.46 Rad/screw. The mean radiation
to the surgeon was estimated to be 8.61 μSv, which was
divided up to 1.06 μSv/screw. When compared to TLIF
or A/P fusion procedures, XLIF procedures exposed the
surgeon and patient to nearly twice as much ionizing
radiation, Farber et al. did note that when compared to
using fluoroscopy in the general setting, low-dose pulse
setting for uoroscopy could signicantly reduce the level
of exposure (1.40±0.65 vs. 0.79±0.65 μSv/screw, P=0.0002).
One technique, although part of a cadaveric study, used
preoperative C-arm fluoroscopy to demonstrate reduced
intraoperative radiation to below detectable levels (52).
Other spine procedures
Other investigators have measured radiation exposure
for vertebroplasty, kyphoplasty, pedicle screw insertion,
microdiscectomy, and endoscopic procedures (10,14,68-73).
In general, MIS techniques appear to impose more of a
radiation exposure risk than do open techniques. Radiation
exposure has been compared between open versus MIS
microdiscectomies (74). Compared to the open technique,
MIS microdiscectomies were again observed to have a
statistically signicant increase in radiation exposure for the
surgeon, including areas such as the chest, eyes, hand, and
thyroid. Others have investigated endoscopic procedures.
In one investigation with percutaneous endoscopic lumbar
discectomies, the authors observed similar surgeon radiation
exposure levels (0.1718 μSv/level) to those reported in
common MIS procedures (66).
Barriers to exposure safety
Current barriers facing trainees and practicing physicians
are multifaceted, ranging from education, protective
equipment, and local/institutional safety policies. While
the previously mentioned safety policies are put forth
by national (NRCP) and international (IRCP) radiation
safety organizations, these recommendations have a varied
application at the trainee and physician levels throughout
orthopaedic surgery (28,32,75).
In one cohort of 26 orthopaedic trainees, just over 50%
of the trainees felt they received adequate radiation safety
training (76). Overall, the cohort reported high compliance
with lead apron use (96%), while in contrast, their
dosimeters were rarely used (27%) (76). The two greatest
barriers to using protective equipment were perceived
impracticality and lack of availability (76). In another survey
of 50 general surgery trainees from the United Kingdom,
only 16% reported they had read literature regarding
radiation safety, 22% utilized a thyroid shield, and a slim
6% were aware of the principle “As Low As Reasonably
Achievable (ALARA)” (77).
The American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons
(AAOS) recommends a three-pronged approach to reducing
radiation exposure to surgeons, patients, and associated staff
which include: educating users on safe techniques to reduce
exposure, utilization of protective equipment and dose-
measuring methods, as well as the regular maintenance of
imaging equipment and shielding. Institutional policies vary
widely and, unfortunately, there are no current standardized
educational curriculums on radiation safety for orthopaedic
residency training (78).
Standard radiation protection, such as lead aprons,
skirts, thyroid, and eye shields, should be worn during all
procedures and may be supplemented with more specialized
equipment to further mitigate radiation exposure (16). A
mobile shielding device has been observed to reduce the
exposure dose to a surgeon by 75–86.1% in vertebroplasties
(14,79). Wearing lead gloves while performing
percutaneous vertebroplasty procedures has also been
reported to reduce radiation exposure by 75%, reducing
the treatment associated dose to the hand from 1.81 to
0.49 mSv (71). Although this may seem like a minuscule
improvement, for a surgeon who performs hundreds of
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© Annals of Translational Medicine. All rights reserved. Ann Transl Med 2021;9(1):84 |
procedures a year, this can safely increase the number
of procedures performed without increasing exposure
to the hand when compared to performing procedures
without lead gloves. All imaging modalities benefit from
further protection. While using a cone-beam CT for 3D
image guidance, having the surgeon stand behind a lead
shield 10 feet away has been observed to reduce scatter
radiation to the torso from 5 rem to 3.6 rem/spin (55).
Ahn et al. demonstrated that without the use of protective
radiation shielding, a surgeon would be limited to 291
percutaneous endoscopic lumbar discectomies annually (i.e.,
prior to exceeding the maximum annual dose limit) (66).
In this same study, the addition of a lead collar and apron,
the radiation dose was reduced by 96.9% and 94.2%,
respectively (66). Another study that evaluated the radiation
dose from C-arm fluoroscopy during a simulated spine
procedure, recommended the best steps to take to reduce
exposure were to: increase the distance from the source,
wear all protective equipment (apron, thyroid shield, and
goggles), avoid direct exposure to the hands, and avert one’s
head if no eye protection is available (16).
Fluoroscopic dose reduction
The principals inherent to ALARA are essential to safe
radiation exposure practices. The foundational tenets
include decreasing the dose, increasing the distance to the
source, decreasing the time exposed, or a combination of
all three. There is a plethora of research that has evaluated
and demonstrated the success of this principle in reducing
radiation exposure. Acquisition of uoroscopic images may
be modied to reduce exposure to the patient and surgeon.
Switching from a continuous uoroscopic mode to a pulsed
mode has been shown to reduce radiation dose (80,81).
Physicians must attempt to balance useful image quality
while adhering to the ALARA principle. In one cohort of
50 patients undergoing MIS TLIF, Clark et al. successfully
implemented a low dose pulsed fluoroscopy protocol that
decreased fluoroscopy time and radiation dose without
compromising image quality (82). Another study reported
that in 158 patients undergoing spinal interventions a
56.7% reduction in radiation exposure was achieved
through the use of pulsed low dose uoroscopy (81). Using
pulsed and low dose settings does pose a risk for producing
lower image quality (81), although some radiological studies
have demonstrated no perceivable difference (83,84).
One development that has allowed for the focusing
of radiation, beam collimation, allows the operator to
concentrate the radiation on a point of interest while
avoiding inadvertent targets. This is achieved by the
application of lead shutters that restrict the X-ray beam
to only the anatomy of interest. Obvious advantages are
reducing radiation doses to the patient and surgeon. Using
cadavers and Monte Carlo risk and outcome simulation,
Yamashita et al. demonstrated that the collimation of C-arm
uoroscopy reduced 65% of the radiation exposure to the
surgeon’s hand and thyroid (85). Artner et al. used low dose
CT-guided injections to demonstrate that low dose settings
can also be applied to CT-guided procedures (38). An 85%
dose reduction was observed when using a low dose mode
while maintaining the safety and precision of epidural and
periradicular injections (38). In addition to changes in
mode settings, modications in how the surgeon manually
manipulates the acquisition of images may reduce radiation
exposure. Freezing the last image on the monitor, known as
“image hold”, allows the surgeon to plan the next maneuver
while avoiding additional inadvertent radiation to the
patient and OR staff (86). Intermittent fluoroscopy is the
method of only activating the X-ray beam for a few seconds
at a time to visualize structures (86). Taken together, even in
radiologically intensive operative techniques, surgeons have
many options available that can assist in the delicate balance
between image quality and radiation exposure safety.
The critical balance to optimize care while limiting
radiation exposure for patients, hospital staff, and
community members is a challenge that continues to
evolve. Prototypes such as hybrid operating rooms are
soon expected to be equipped with automated C-arms
with 3D cone-beam CTs. These are hypothesized to offer
the automation of signicant portions of image collection
processes and to potentially eliminate the exposure burden
currently imposed on hospital staff (69). Robotic surgery
also may offer new methods to limit radiation exposure
for hospital staff. While there is much promise with these
systems, it is also important to be cognizant of potential
limitations such as cost, maintenance requirements,
and operative time durations. Until such time that
technological progress changes the current paradigm of
intraoperative radiation, the fundamentals of decreasing
exposure—distance, dose reduction, and shielding—
remain essential pillars for practitioners who utilize
ionizing radiation as an integral part of their surgical
Jenkins et al. Intraoperative radiation exposure
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Page 8 of 11
Funding: None.
Provenance and Peer Review: This article was commissioned
by the Guest Editor (Dr. Sheeraz Qureshi) for the series
“Current State of Intraoperative Imaging” published in
Annals of Translational Medicine. The article was sent for
external peer review organized by the Guest Editor and the
editorial ofce.
Conflicts of Interest: All authors have completed the ICMJE
uniform disclosure form (available at http://dx.doi.
org/10.21037/atm-20-1052). The series “Current State of
Intraoperative Imaging” was commissioned by the editorial
office without any funding or sponsorship. KS reports
personal fees and other from Zimmer Biomet, other from
Stryker, other from RTI Surgical, other from Lippincott
Williams and Wilkins, other from Avaz Surgical LLC,
other from Vital 5 LLC, personal fees from K2M, non-
nancial support and other from TDi LLC, non-nancial
support from Minimally Invasive Spine Study Group, non-
nancial support from Contemporary Spine Surgery, non-
financial support from Orthopedics Today, non-financial
support from Vertebral Columns, grants from Cervical
Spine Research Society, outside the submitted work. The
authors have no other conicts of interest to declare.
Ethical Statement: The authors are accountable for all
aspects of the work in ensuring that questions related
to the accuracy or integrity of any part of the work are
appropriately investigated and resolved.
Open Access Statement: This is an Open Access article
distributed in accordance with the Creative Commons
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commercial replication and distribution of the article with
the strict proviso that no changes or edits are made and the
original work is properly cited (including links to both the
formal publication through the relevant DOI and the license).
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Cite this article as: Jenkins NW, Parrish JM, Sheha ED,
Singh K. Intraoperative risks of radiation exposure for the
surgeon and patient. Ann Transl Med 2021;9(1):84. doi:
... The 3 main sources of radiation exposure during fluoroscopy include the primary beam, scatter radiation, and leakage radiation. 2 Radiation from the primary beam comes from the x-rays used to produce an image. Scatter radiation is produced when an x-ray Radiation exposure to the orthopedic surgeona dosimetric comparison of two mini C-arm fluoroscopy models: a pilot study from the primary beam interacts with the target being imaged and is deflected instead of being absorbed. ...
... These effects occur at the DNA level, and while an increase in dose does not necessarily increase the severity of injury, it does increase the likelihood of an oncogenic mutation arising. 2 In a 2005 study, Mastrangelo et al 16 found a greater incidence of cancer among human orthopedic surgeons when poor radiation safety measures were practiced. Additionally, Chou et al 17,18 found an increased prevalence of breast cancer among human orthopedic surgeons when compared to plastic and urologic surgeons, even after controlling for lifestyle and socioeconomic factors. ...
... It is also known that prolonged radiation exposure can also lead to the formation of cataracts. 2,4,15,19 There have not been any studies that have investigated the occupational radiation-related cancer risk in veterinary surgeons. Most veterinary personnel wear a lead gown and thyroid shield when exposed to x-rays. ...
OBJECTIVE Perform a cadaveric experimental pilot study to measure and compare potential radiation exposure to an orthopedic surgeon from 2 different-generation mini C-arm models during a simulated orthopedic surgery. SAMPLE 16 radiation dosimeters. METHODS Mock surgery setups were constructed with a canine cadaver thoracic limb and 2 different-generation mini C-arm models. Four radiation dosimeters were placed near the mini C-arm to mimic common locations of radiation exposure during image acquisition. One mini C-arm was placed in auto technique mode, and 100 static images were acquired. The dosimeters were replaced, and a 5-minute-long dynamic image was acquired. The same protocols were repeated for the second mini C-arm. The dosimetry badges were then submitted for radiation exposure quantification. RESULTS All but 1 dosimeter had radiation exposure levels below the detectable limits of the dosimeter. The dosimeter closest to the primary x-ray beam of 1 mini C-arm during dynamic image acquisition had a reading of 1 mrem. CLINICAL RELEVANCE Intraoperative radiation exposure from the mini C-arm is low, specifically to areas not protected by lead and in close proximity to the primary x-ray beam. That being said, surgeons should always practice the principles of ALARA (ie, as low as reasonably achievable) to minimize radiation exposure in the workplace.
... One of the primary hazards of exposure to radiation for maxillofacial surgeons is the increased risk of developing cancer. Studies have shown that long-term exposure to low levels of radiation can increase the risk of developing certain types of cancer, including leukemia, thyroid cancer, and breast cancer [12,13]. ...
... It is crucial for them to be aware of these risks and take proactive measures to protect themselves from potential health problems associated with long-term exposure. By using protective gear, minimizing their exposure levels, and undergoing regular medical screenings, maxillofacial surgeons can reduce their overall risk and continue providing high-quality care for their patients while safeguarding their own well-being [12]. 4) Needle stick injuries pose significant hazards for maxillofacial surgeons. ...
... Chronic exposure can have negative health impacts on every system in the body, including prenatal malformations, cancer, benign tumors, and genetic disorders. Radiation sickness (bleeding, anemia, loss of bodily fluids, and bacterial infection) may be one of the more severe abnormalities [5]. For all HCWs who are exposed to radiation, safety knowledge is essential. ...
... They are directly related to the dose received and have a threshold dose. Stochastic effects, or probabilistic effects, are associated with exposure to ionizing radiation and can occur at any dose, but their probability increases with higher doses [5]. ...
Full-text available
Background In recent years, there has been a marked growth in the use of ionizing radiation in medical imaging for both diagnosis and therapy, which in turn has led to increased radiation exposure among healthcare workers. Aim The purpose of this study was to assess the level of safety compliance awareness among healthcare workers exposed to ionizing radiation. Research design A descriptive cross-sectional design was used for this investigation. Setting This study was conducted online, using social media sites such as WhatsApp, Instagram, and Facebook. Subjects A purposive sample of 384 Egyptian healthcare workers was enrolled in the current study. Tool A safety compliance awareness questionnaire was used in this study to collect pertinent data. Results The result of this study showed that 65.4% and 64.1% of the studied sample chose the correct answers that mammography and CT scans involve the use of x-rays. However, 64.3% and 67.2% of the studied sample chose the wrong answers, saying that MRI and Ultrasound involve the use of X-rays. Moreover, 47.14%, 43.5%, and 57% of the studied sample never used a dosimeter, did not follow dosimeter controls, and did not wear a lead collar. Conclusion Most of the healthcare workers studied had poor knowledge about radiation exposure safety. Moreover, most of the healthcare workers in the current study demonstrated inadequate practice compliance concerning radiation protection procedures. Recommendation Should encourage hospital training programs to include radiation safety topics in their training plans for healthcare workers.
... Chronic exposure can have negative health impacts on every system in the body, including prenatal malformations, cancer, benign tumors, and genetic disorders. Radiation sickness (bleeding, anemia, loss of bodily fluids, and bacterial infection) may be one of the more severe abnormalities [5]. For all HCWs who are exposed to radiation, safety knowledge is essential. ...
... They are directly related to the dose received and have a threshold dose. Stochastic effects, or probabilistic effects, are associated with exposure to ionizing radiation and can occur at any dose, but their probability increases with higher doses [5]. ...
Full-text available
Background In recent years, there has been a marked growth in the use of ionizing radiation in medical imaging for both diagnosis and therapy, which in turn has led to increased radiation exposure among healthcare workers. Aim The purpose of this study was to assess the level of safety compliance awareness among healthcare workers exposed to ionizing radiation. Research design A descriptive cross-sectional design was used for this investigation. Setting This study was conducted online, using social media sites such as WhatsApp, Instagram, and Facebook. Subjects A purposive sample of 384 Egyptian healthcare workers was enrolled in the current study. Tool A safety compliance awareness questionnaire was used in this study to collect pertinent data. Results The result of this study showed that 65.4% and 64.1% of the studied sample chose the correct answers that mammography and CT scans involve the use of x-rays. However, 64.3% and 67.2% of the studied sample chose the wrong answers, saying that MRI and Ultrasound involve the use of X-rays. Moreover, 47.14%, 43.5%, and 57% of the studied sample never used a dosimeter, did not follow dosimeter controls, and did not wear a lead collar. Conclusion Most of the healthcare workers studied had poor knowledge about radiation exposure safety. Moreover, most of the healthcare workers in the current study demonstrated inadequate practice compliance concerning radiation protection procedures. Recommendation Should encourage hospital training programs to include radiation safety topics in their training plans for healthcare workers.
... The initial investment in this technology can be substantial, requiring equipment, training, and maintenance resources, which may strain hospital budgets. Another concern is the potential increase in patient radiation exposure due to repeated intraoperative CT scans [15,42,43]. It is vital to weigh the benefits of improved navigation against the need to reduce radiation risks. ...
Full-text available
Abstract: Percutaneous pedicle screws (PPSs) are commonly used in posterior spinal fusion to treat spine conditions such as trauma, tumors, and degenerative diseases. Precise PPS placement is essential in preventing neurological complications and improving patient outcomes. Recent studies have suggested that intraoperative computed tomography (CT) navigation can reduce the dependence on extensive surgical expertise for achieving accurate PPS placement. However, more comprehensive documentation is needed regarding the procedural accuracy of lateral spine surgery (LSS). In this retrospective study, we investigated patients who underwent posterior instrumentation with PPSs in the thoracic to lumbar spine, utilizing an intraoperative CT navigation system, between April 2019 and September 2023. The system's methodology involved real-time CT-based guidance during PPS placement, ensuring precision. Our study included 170 patients (151 undergoing LLIF procedures and 19 trauma patients), resulting in 836 PPS placements. The overall PPS deviation rate, assessed using the Ravi scale, was 2.5%, with a notably higher incidence of deviations observed in the thoracic spine (7.4%) compared to the lumbar spine (1.9%). Interestingly, we found no statistically significant difference in screw deviation rates between upside and downside PPS placements. Regarding perioperative complications, three patients experienced issues related to intraoperative CT navigation. The observed higher rate of inaccuracies in the thoracic spine suggests that various factors may contribute to these differences in accuracy, including screw size and anatomical variations. Further research is required to refine PPS insertion techniques, particularly in the context of LSS. In conclusion, this retrospective study sheds light on the challenges associated with achieving precise PPS placement in the lateral decubitus position, with a significantly higher deviation rate observed in the thoracic spine compared to the lumbar spine. This study emphasizes the need for ongoing research to improve PPS insertion techniques, leading to enhanced patient outcomes in spine surgery.
... According to a 2006 report by the National Commission on Radiation Protection and Measurement, the per capita radiation dose in the United States increased from 3.6 mSv in the early 1980s to 6.2 mSv in 2006 due to the increased use of CT. 2) The use of fluoroscopy has also increased with the development of minimal invasive procedures, resulting in excessive radiation exposure. 3,4) Chou et al. 5) investigated cancer prevalence among female orthopedic, urological, and plastic surgeons in the United States. In the study, female orthopedic surgeons had a higher-than-expected prevalence of cancers that may or may not be due to occupational exposure to ionizing radiation. ...
Simple radiography is the most frequently and widely available technology to examine bone pathologies. Computed tomography (CT) can evaluate pathologies more accurately in multiple planes and three dimensions; however, radiation exposure is much higher than with simple radiography. In addition, diagnostic ability is decreased for both technologies when metal devices are present. Tomosynthesis is a radiographic technology used to evaluate tissues quasi−three-dimensionally with less radiation exposure. Tomosynthesis technology was recently upgraded to reduce the effects of metal artifacts. This case report compares examination time, medical expense, image resolution, and radiation exposure for upgraded tomosynthesis, simple radiography, CT, and standard tomosynthesis in three patients with metal devices in the affected knees. Examination times were similar for the imaging technologies. Diagnostic performance was better for upgraded tomosynthesis than for simple radiography and standard tomosynthesis, and similar to that for CT. Moreover, radiation exposure and expense were higher for tomosynthesis than for simple radiography but lower than for CT. These findings suggest that upgraded tomosynthesis is the best method for evaluating bone pathology when metal devices are present and radiation exposure must be limited.
Intraoperative MRI (iMRI) made its debut to great fanfare in the mid-1990s. However, the enthusiasm for this technology with seemingly obvious benefits for neurosurgeons has waned. We review the benefits and utility of iMRI across the field of neurosurgery and present an overview of the evidence for iMRI for multiple neurosurgical disciplines: tumor, skull base, vascular, pediatric, functional, and spine. Publications on iMRI have steadily increased since 1996, plateauing with approximately 52 publications per year since 2011. Tumor surgery, especially glioma surgery, has the most evidence for the use of iMRI contributing more than 50% of all iMRI publications, with increased rates of gross total resection in both adults and children, providing a potential survival benefit. Across multiple neurosurgical disciplines, the ability to use a multitude of unique sequences (diffusion tract imaging, diffusion-weighted imaging, magnetic resonance angiography, blood oxygenation level-dependent) allows for specialization of imaging for various types of surgery. Generally, iMRI allows for consideration of anatomic changes and real-time feedback on surgical outcomes such as extent of resection and instrument (screw, lead, electrode) placement. However, implementation of iMRI is limited by cost and feasibility, including the need for installation, shielding, and compatible tools. Evidence for iMRI use varies greatly by specialty, with the most evidence for tumor, vascular, and pediatric neurosurgery. The benefits of real-time anatomic imaging, a lack of radiation, and evaluation of surgical outcomes are limited by the cost and difficulty of iMRI integration. Nonetheless, the ability to ensure patients are provided by a maximal yet safe treatment that specifically accounts for their own anatomy and highlights why iMRI is a valuable and underutilized tool across multiple neurosurgical subspecialties.
OBJECTIVE The objective of this study was to gain a greater understanding of the burden of musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs) in spine surgeons, their impact on practice, and risk factors contributing to MSDs, including surgical instrument design and surgical ergonomics. METHODS An anonymous REDCap survey was distributed via email to the departments of several academic and private centers across the United States, as well as to the AANS/CNS Women in Neurosurgery Section email list. Chi-square tests and Wilcoxon rank-sum tests were used to compare responses by gender. Multivariable linear regression analysis was performed to identify predictors of discomfort in instrument utilization. RESULTS Survey responses were received from 120 spine surgeons (29.1% response rate), of which 73 were included in the analysis. A very high number of respondents had experienced an MSD (70.4%), 38.2% had undergone treatment for at least one MSD, and 13.4% had lost time at work for at least one MSD. Women were more likely than men to have lost time at work due to an MSD (22.6% vs 5.6%, p = 0.04). Women were more likely than men to report difficulty in instrument grip, comfort, and use on a 20-point Likert scale (mean 10.7 vs 15.2 points, p < 0.0001). This effect persisted when adjusting for glove size and days per week spent operating (p = 0.002). Specifically, women were less likely to agree that the handles of surgical instruments were an appropriate grip (p < 0.0001), that they rarely experienced difficulty when using them (p < 0.0001), and that they rarely needed to use two hands with instruments meant to be used with one hand (p = 0.0002). CONCLUSIONS The MSD burden in spine surgeons is substantial. While there was no evidence of gender differences in MSD rates and severity, female surgeons report significantly more discomfort with the use of surgical instruments. There is a need for more investigation of MSD risk factors in spine surgeons and mitigation strategies. Gender differences in comfort in instrument use should be further explored and addressed by spine surgeons and device manufacturers.
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Purpose: Radiation exposure is a necessary component of minimally invasive spine procedures to augment limited visualization of anatomy. The surgeon's exposure to ionizing radiation is not easily recognizable without a digital dosimeter-something few surgeons have access to. The aim of this study was to identify an easy alternative method that uses the available radiation dose data from the C-arm to accurately predict physician exposure. Methods: The senior surgeon wore a digital dosimeter during all minimally invasive spine fusion procedures performed over a 12-month period. Patient demographics, procedure information, and radiation exposure throughout the procedure were recorded. Results: Fifty-five minimally invasive spine fusions utilizing 330 percutaneous screws were included. Average radiation dose was 0.46 Rad/screw to the patient. Average radiation exposure to the surgeon was 1.06 ± 0.71 μSv/screw, with a strong positive correlation (r = 0.77) to patient dose. The coefficient of determination (r2) was 0.5928, meaning almost two-thirds of the variability in radiation exposure to the surgeon is explained by radiation exposure to the patient. Conclusions: Intra-operative radiation exposure to the patient, which is easily identifiable as a continuously updated fluoroscopic monitor, is a reliable predictor of radiation exposure to the surgeon during percutaneous screw placement in minimally invasive spinal fusion surgery and therefore can provide an estimate of exposure without the use of a dosimeter. With this, a surgeon can better understand the magnitude of their exposure on a case-by-case basis rather than on a quarterly basis, or more likely, not at all. These slides can be retrieved under Electronic Supplementary Material.
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Purpose: Navigation is emerging as a useful adjunct in percutaneous, minimally invasive spinal surgery (MIS). The aim of this study was to compare C-Arm navigated, O-Arm navigated and conventional 2D-fluoroscopy assisted MIS thoracic and lumbosacral spine fixation techniques in terms of operating time, radiation exposure and accuracy of pedicle screw (PS) placement. Methods: Retrospective observational study of 152 consecutive adults who underwent MIS fixations for spinal instability: 96 2D-fluoroscopy assisted, 39 3D-C-Arm navigated and 27 using O-Arm navigated. Results: O-Arm navigation significantly reduced PS misplacement (1.23%, p) compared to 3D-C-Arm navigation (7.29%, p = 0.0082) and 2D-fluoro guided placement (5.16%, p = 0379). 3D-C-Arm navigation was associated with lower procedural radiation exposure of the patient (0.4 mSv) than O-Arm navigation (3.24 mSv) or 2D-fluoro guidance (1.5 mSv). Operative time was comparable between three modalities. Conclusions: O-Arm navigation provides greater accuracy of percutaneous instrumentation placement with an acceptable procedural radiation dose delivered to the patients and comparable operative times. These slides can be retrieved under Electronic Supplementary material.
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Background Awareness of the harmful effects of long-term low-dose radiation is rising. Many studies have assessed both patient and physician exposure to radiation in association with the use of fluoroscopy in the operating room. However, to our knowledge, previous studies have not assessed, in a detailed fashion, the reduction in radiation exposure that pulsation and collimation provide. Methods Seven fresh cadavers were irradiated for 5 minutes with C-arm fluoroscopy with use of standard x-ray and pulsed and collimated x-ray beams. The x-ray sources were placed under the table, over the table, and lateral to the table. Radiation exposure doses were measured at different points, such as the center of the radiation field on the cadaver as well as at the locations of the surgeon’s hand and thyroid gland. In addition, Monte Carlo simulation (a physics equation to predict exposure) was performed to estimate the dose reduction and to confirm the experimental results. Results The radiation exposure doses associated with the use of pulsed fluoroscopy (8 times per second) were reduced by approximately 30% for the patient and by approximately 70% for the surgeon’s hand and thyroid gland as compared with those associated with the use of continuous fluoroscopy. The radiation exposure doses associated with the use of collimated beams were reduced to approximately 65% for the surgeon’s hand and thyroid gland as compared with those associated with the use of non-collimated fluoroscopy. These results were consistent with the simulation, and the phenomena could be appropriately explained by physics. Conclusions The present study revealed the effectiveness of pulsed and collimated x-ray beams in reducing radiation exposure doses resulting from C-arm fluoroscopy. Surgeons should consider using the techniques of pulsed fluoroscopy and collimation to protect patients and themselves from radiation. Clinical Relevance This study presents data regarding the reduction of radiation exposure provided by pulsed fluoroscopy and collimation.
Study design: Retrospective cohort OBJECTIVE.: To describe our technique for and evaluate the time demand, radiation exposure and outcomes of skin-anchored ION in minimally invasive (MIS) lumbar surgery, and to compare these parameters to 2D fluoroscopy for MI-TLIF. Summary of background data: Limited visualization of anatomic landmarks and narrow access corridor in MIS procedures result in greater reliance on image-guidance. Although 2-dimensional fluoroscopy has historically been used, intra-operative 3-dimensional navigation(ION) is gaining traction. Methods: Patients who underwent MIS lumbar microdiscectomy, laminectomy or MI-TLIF using skin-anchored ION and MI-TLIF by the same surgeon using 2D fluoroscopy were selected. Operative variables, radiation exposure and short-term outcomes of all procedures were summarized. Time-demand and radiation exposure of fluoroscopy and ION for MI-TLIF were compared. Results: Of the 326 patients included, 232 were in the ION cohort (92 microdiscectomies, 65 laminectomies and 75 MI-TLIFs) and 94 in the MI-TLIF using 2D fluoroscopy cohort. Time for ION set-up and image-acquisition was a median of 22-24 minutes. Total fluoroscopy time was a median of 10 seconds for microdiscectomy, 9 for laminectomy and 26 for MI-TLIF. Radiation dose was a median of 15.2mGy for microdiscectomy, 16.6 for laminectomy and 44.6 for MI-TLIF, of this, 93%, 95% and 37% for microdiscectomy, laminectomy and MI-TLIF, respectively were for ION image-acquisition, with the rest attributable to the procedure. There were no wrong-level surgeries. Compared to fluoroscopy, ION for MI-TLIF resulted in lower operative times (92 vs 108 minutes, p < 0.0001), fluoroscopy time (26 vs 144 seconds, p < 0.0001) and radiation dose (44.6 vs 63.1 mGy, p = 0.002), with equivalent time-demand and length of stay. ION lowered the radiation dose by 29% for patients and 55% for operating room personnel. Conclusion: Skin-anchored ION does not increase time-demand compared to fluoroscopy, is feasible, safe and accurate, and results in low radiation exposure. Level of evidence: 3.
Background Context Minimally invasive spine techniques are becoming increasingly popular owing to their ability to reduce operative morbidity and recovery times. The downside to these new procedures is their need for intraoperative radiation guidance. Purpose To establish which technologies provide the lowest radiation exposure to both patient and surgeon. Study Design/Setting Systematic review Outcome Measures Average intraoperative radiation exposure (in mSv per screw placed) to surgeon and patient. Average fluoroscopy time per screw placed. Methods We reviewed the available English medical literature to identify all articles reporting patient and/or surgeon radiation exposure in patients undergoing image-guided thoracolumbar instrumentation. Quantitative meta-analysis was performed for studies providing radiation exposure or fluoroscopy use per screw placed to determine which navigation modality was associated with the lowest intraoperative radiation exposure. Values on meta-analysis were reported as mean ± standard deviation. Results We identified 4956 unique articles, of which 85 met inclusion/exclusion criteria. Forty-one articles were included in the meta-analysis. Patient radiation exposure per screw placed for each modality was: conventional fluoroscopy without navigation (0.26±0.38mSv), conventional fluoroscopy with pre-operative CT-based navigation (0.027±0.010mSv), intraoperative CT-based navigation (1.20±0.91mSv), and robot-assisted instrumentation (0.04±0.30mSv). Values for fluoroscopy used per screw were: conventional fluoroscopy without navigation (11.1±9.0 seconds), conventional fluoroscopy with navigation (7.20±3.93s), 3D fluoroscopy (16.2±9.6s), intraoperative CT-based navigation (19.96±17.09s), and robot-assistance (20.07±17.22s). Surgeon dose per screw: conventional fluoroscopy without navigation (6.0±7.9 × 10−3mSv), conventional fluoroscopy with navigation (1.8±2.5 × 10−3mSv), 3D Fluoroscopy (0.3±1.9 × 10−3mSv), intraoperative CT-based navigation (0±0mSv), and robot-assisted instrumentation (2.0±4.0 × 10−3mSv). Conclusion All image guidance modalities are associated with surgeon radiation exposures well below current safety limits. Intraoperative CT-based (iCT) navigation produces the lowest radiation exposure to surgeon albeit at the cost of increased radiation exposure to the patient relative to conventional fluoroscopy-based methods.
Background: Minimally invasive transforaminal lumbar interbody fusion (MI-TLIF) has comparable fusion rates and outcomes to the open approach, though many surgeons avoid the technique due to an initial learning curve. No current studies have examined the learning curve of MI-TLIF with respect to fluoroscopy time and exposure. Our objective with this retrospective review was to therefore use a repeatable mathematical model to evaluate the learning curve of MI-TLIF with a focus on fluoroscopy time and exposure. Methods: We conducted a retrospective review of single level, primary fusions performed by a single surgeon during his initial experience with minimally invasive spine surgery. Chronologic case number was plotted against variables of interest, and learning was identified as the point at which the instantaneous rate of change of a curve fit to the data set equaled the average rate of change of the data set. Results: One hundred nine cases were reviewed. Proficiency in operative time was achieved at 38 cases with the first 38 requiring a median of 137 minutes compared to 104 minutes for the latter 71 cases (P < .0001). Mastery of fluoroscopy use occurred at case 51. The median fluoroscopy time for the first 51 cases was 2.8 minutes, which dropped to 2.1 minutes for cases 52 to 109 (P < .0001). The complication rate plateaued after 43 cases, with 3 of 11 total complications occurring in the latter 76 cases. Conclusions: Our results demonstrate the most gradual learning occurred with respect to fluoroscopy time and exposure, and operative time improved the quickest. Level of evidence: IV. Clinical relevance: These findings may guide spine surgeon education and training in minimally invasive techniques, and help determine safe case loads for radiation exposure during the initial learning phase of the technique. The model used to identify the learning curve can also be applied to several fields and surgical techniques.
Orthopaedic surgeons are routinely exposed to intraoperative radiation and, therefore, follow the principle of "as low as reasonably achievable" with regard to occupational safety. However, standardized education on the long-term health effects of radiation and the basis for current radiation exposure limits is limited in the field of orthopaedics. Much of orthopaedic surgeons' understanding of radiation exposure limits is extrapolated from studies of survivors of the atomic bombings in Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Japan. Epidemiologic studies on cancer risk in surgeons and interventional proceduralists and dosimetry studies on true radiation exposure during trauma and spine surgery recently have been conducted. Orthopaedic surgeons should understand the basics and basis of radiation exposure limits, be familiar with the current literature on the incidence of solid tumors and cataracts in orthopaedic surgeons, and understand the evidence behind current intraoperative fluoroscopy safety recommendations.
In recent publications, such as Publications 117 and 120, the Commission provided practical advice for physicians and other healthcare personnel on measures to protect their patients and themselves during interventional procedures. These measures can only be effective if they are encompassed by a framework of radiological protection elements, and by the availability of professionals with responsibilities in radiological protection. This framework includes a radiological protection programme with a strategy for exposure monitoring, protective garments, education and training, and quality assurance of the programme implementation. Professionals with responsibilities in occupational radiological protection for interventional procedures include: medical physicists; radiological protection specialists; personnel working in dosimetry services; clinical applications support personnel from the suppliers and maintenance companies; staff engaged in training, standardisation of equipment, and procedures; staff responsible for occupational health; hospital administrators responsible for providing financial support; and professional bodies and regulators. This publication addresses these elements and these audiences, and provides advice on specific issues, such as assessment of effective dose from dosimeter readings when an apron is worn, estimation of exposure of the lens of the eye (with and without protective eyewear), extremity monitoring, selection and testing of protective garments, and auditing the interventional procedures when occupational doses are unusually high or low (the latter meaning that the dosimeter may not have been worn).
Background: Excessive radiation to health-care providers has been linked to risks of cancer and cataracts, but its negative effects can be substantially reduced by lead aprons, thyroid shields, and leaded glasses. Hospitals are required to provide education and proper personal protective equipment, yet discrepancies exist between recommendations and compliance. This article presents the results of a survey of U.S. orthopaedic surgery residents concerning attitudes toward radiation exposure and personal protective equipment behavior. Methods: An invitation to participate in a web-based, anonymous survey was distributed to 46 U.S. allopathic orthopaedic surgery residency programs (1,207 potential resident respondents). The survey was conceptually divided into the following areas: demographic characteristics, training and attitudes concerning occupational hazards, personal protective equipment provision and use, and general safety knowledge. Prevalence ratios (PRs) and 95% confidence intervals (CIs) were calculated for the association between these characteristics and compliance with thyroid shield or lead gown wear. Results: In this study, 518 surveys were received, with 1 survey excluded because of insufficient response, leaving 517 surveys for analysis (42.8% response rate). Ninety-eight percent of residents believed that personal protective equipment should be provided by the hospital or residency program. However, provision of personal protective equipment was not universal, with 33.8% reporting none and 54.2% reporting provision of a gown and thyroid shield. The prevalence of leaded glasses usage was 21%. Poor lead gown compliance and thyroid shield wear were associated with difficulty finding the corresponding equipment: PR, 2.51 (95% CI, 1.75 to 3.62; p < 0.001) for poor lead gown compliance and PR, 2.14 (95% CI, 1.46 to 3.16; p < 0.0001) for poor thyroid shield wear. Not being provided with personal protective equipment was also significantly associated with low compliance with both lead gowns (PR, 1.47 [95% CI, 1.04 to 2.08]; p = 0.03) and thyroid shields (PR, 1.69 [95% CI, 1.18 to 2.41]; p = 0.004). Respondents from the Southeast, West, or Midwest had lower compliance with lead gown usage. Forgetting was the number 1 reason to not wear a lead apron (42%). Conclusions: Radiation exposure is associated with increased risk of serious health problems. Our findings identified that the availability of lead personal protective equipment leads to increased compliance among residents surveyed. In addition to yearly occupational hazard training specific to orthopaedic surgery, greater efforts by residency programs and hospitals are needed to improve access to lead personal protective equipment and compliance for orthopaedic residents.
There is a clearly perceived and imminent need to decrease unnecessary and detrimental exposure to medical ionizing radiation. We propose a new radiation "vital sign" that incorporates cumulative radiation exposure to create a risk score on the basis of an individualized assessment of potential harm from additional exposure to medical radiation. We propose to then tie the risk score to real-time, evidence-based, clinical decision support for procedures that use ionizing radiation. Additionally, we offer recommendations that minimize unnecessary or low-yield uses. Preference is given to approaches and modalities that use less or no ionizing radiation and that are medically appropriate, acceptable to, and safer for patients.