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Abstract and Figures

Clinical relevance This study demonstrates an association between myopia and smartphone data usage. Youths now spend more time participating in near tasks as a result of smartphone usage. This poses an additional risk factor for myopia development/progression and is an important research question in relation to potential myopia management strategies. Background Children are now exposed to another possible environmental risk factor for myopia – smartphones. This study investigates the amount of time students spend on their smartphones and their patterns of smartphone usage from a myopia perspective. Methods Primary, secondary and tertiary level students completed a questionnaire exploring patterns of smartphone usage and assessing their attitudes toward potential myopia risk factors. Device‐recorded data usage over an extended period was quantified as the primary and objective indicator of phone use. Average daily time spent using a smartphone was also quantified by self‐reported estimates. Refractive status was verified by an optometrist. Results Smartphone ownership among the 418 students invited to participate was over 99 per cent. Average daily smartphone data and time usage was 800.37 ± 1,299.88 MB and 265.16 ± 168.02 minutes respectively. Myopic students used almost double the amount of smartphone data at 1,130.71 ± 1,748.14 MB per day compared to non‐myopes at 613.63 ± 902.15 MB (p = 0.001). Smartphone time usage was not significantly different (p = 0.09, 12 per cent higher among myopes). Multinomial logistic regression revealed that myopic refractive error was statistically significantly associated with increasing daily smartphone data usage (odds ratio 1.08, 95% CI 1.03–1.14) as well as increasing age (odds ratio 1.09, 95% CI 1.02–1.17) and number of myopic parents (odds ratio 1.55, 95% CI 1.06–2.3). Seventy‐three per cent of students believed that digital technology may adversely affect their eyes. Conclusion This study demonstrates an association between myopia and smartphone data usage. Given the serious nature of the ocular health risks associated with myopia, our findings indicate that this relationship merits more detailed investigation.
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Smartphone use as a possible risk factor for myopia
Clin Exp Optom 2020 DOI:10.1111/cxo.13092
Saoirse McCrann* PhD BSc
James Loughman*
John S Butler
Nabin Paudel* PhD BOptom
Daniel Ian Flitcroft*
*Centre for Eye Research Ireland, School of Physics,
Clinical and Optometric Sciences, Technological
University Dublin, Dublin, Ireland
Department of Optometry, African Vision Research
Institute, University of KwaZulu Natal, Durban,
South Africa
School of Mathematical Sciences, Technological
University Dublin, Dublin, Ireland
Department of Ophthalmology, Childrens University
Hospital, Dublin, Ireland
Submitted: 4 February 2020
Revised: 27 April 2020
Accepted for publication: 27 April 2020
Clinical relevance: This study demonstrates an association between myopia and
smartphone data usage. Youths now spend more time participating in near tasks as a result
of smartphone usage. This poses an additional risk factor for myopia development/progres-
sion and is an important research question in relation to potential myopia management
Background: Children are now exposed to another possible environmental risk factor for
myopia smartphones. This study investigates the amount of time students spend on their
smartphones and their patterns of smartphone usage from a myopia perspective.
Methods: Primary, secondary and tertiary level students completed a questionnaire explor-
ing patterns of smartphone usage and assessing their attitudes toward potential myopia
risk factors. Device-recorded data usage over an extended period was quantied as the pri-
mary and objective indicator of phone use. Average daily time spent using a smartphone
was also quantied by self-reported estimates. Refractive status was veried by an
Results: Smartphone ownership among the 418 students invited to participate was over
99 per cent. Average daily smartphone data and time usage was 800.37 1,299.88 MB and
265.16 168.02 minutes respectively. Myopic students used almost double the amount of
smartphone data at 1,130.71 1,748.14 MB per day compared to non-myopes at
613.63 902.15 MB (p = 0.001). Smartphone time usage was not signicantly different
(p = 0.09, 12 per cent higher among myopes). Multinomial logistic regression revealed that
myopic refractive error was statistically signicantly associated with increasing daily
smartphone data usage (odds ratio 1.08, 95% CI 1.031.14) as well as increasing age (odds
ratio 1.09, 95% CI 1.021.17) and number of myopic parents (odds ratio 1.55, 95% CI
1.062.3). Seventy-three per cent of students believed that digital technology may adversely
affect their eyes.
Conclusion: This study demonstrates an association between myopia and smartphone data
usage. Given the serious nature of the ocular health risks associated with myopia, our nd-
ings indicate that this relationship merits more detailed investigation.
Key words: lifestyle, myopia, myopia prevention, risk factors, smartphones
Myopia is predicted to affect almost ve bil-
lion people worldwide by 2050,
and is a
global public health concern with signicant
social, educational, and economic conse-
The onset of myopia has also
shifted to a younger age,
which is a con-
cern, as younger children exhibit more rapid
myopia progression
and are more likely to
reach higher levels of myopia. This can sub-
stantially increase the risk of developing
sight-threatening conditions including myo-
pic maculopathy, glaucoma, cataract and
retinal detachment in later life.
The aetiology of myopia is multifacto-
rial, involving interplay between genetic
environmental and behavioural factors,
with decreased time outdoors,
disturbed/delayed sleep,
increased time
spent in education
and time spent reading
continuously or in long periods of close work
all cited as possible inuences.
Children and young adults are now
exposed to another possible environmental
risk factor for myopia digital devices.
Smartphones, iPads, tablets and computers
are used at a very early age in both home
and school environments.
Children are the
fastest growing population of smartphone
with 95 per cent of American teen-
agers reporting ownership of or access to a
smartphone in 2018.
Smartphones are
now the most used device for internet access
on a daily basis by 916-year-olds in
while 85 per cent of young people
in the UK (aged 1215) use a smartphone
Several studies have identied computer
usage as a risk factor for myopia.
study in particular, found myopia was asso-
ciated with a closer computer screen work-
ing distance.
The working distance
adopted by smartphone users is typically
even closer than for computer screens.
is conceivable, therefore, that increased and
continuous exposure to a smartphone
screen might represent a plausible risk fac-
tor for the development or progression of
myopia, especially in younger age groups.
© 2020 Optometry Australia Clinical and Experimental Optometry 2020
However, there is a scarcity of published
literature investigating the relationship
between smartphone use and myopia.
Recent studies that have addressed the ocu-
lar impact of smartphone use have focused
on self-reported estimates of time spent on a
even though self-reported
smartphone assessments have been shown
to perform poorly when attempting to predict
objective smartphone behaviours.
This study was designed to investigate self-
reported and device-tracked smartphone usage
among children and young adults to determine
whether any association exists with refractive
status. Furthermore, the attitudes of students to
mobile phones and digital technology as a risk
factor for myopia were also explored.
Students across the spectrum of primary
school (kindergarten to grade 6), secondary
school (corresponding to grades 712) and
tertiary (or university level) education settings
were invited to participate in the study
between January and March 2018. This was
facilitated by a n invitation to participateemail
request sent to university staff via university
administrators and to schools in the Republic
of Ireland directly by the study investigator.
The study investigator visited participating
classrooms and potential participants were
provided with a questionnaire. The study
investigator explained the instructions on the
questionnaire carefully with each class, and
any questions were answered. For partici-
pants aged 16 and over, a consent form was
signed and the questionnaires were com-
pleted instantly and collected by the study
investigator. Students under the age of 16 and
any subject over 16 who did not have their
phone present in the classroom completed
the questionnaire for homework along with
the parental consent form (where applicable),
and returned it to their teacher the following
day. Completed forms were collected one
week after distribution. Schools were con-
tacted the day before the study investigators
return, to remind students to return their
questionnaires if they had not done so. All stu-
dents present on the day of the initial investi-
gator visit agreed to participate in the study.
Study conduct
As the study was performed in a classroom
rather than a clinical setting, a simple
optometrist-led method was used to separate
myopes from non-myopes. Prior to the study
investigator visit, participants (or parents)
were requested to bring a copy or photograph
of their glasses or contact lens prescription to
school, which was documented by the investi-
gator. The investigator, a qualied optome-
trist, conrmed refractive status (including for
those without a written prescription) by
questioning students use of their spectacle/
contact lens prescription, their unaided signs
and symptoms and by examining the stu-
dentsspectacles to determine if lenses were
convex (magnifying and hence hyperopic) or
concave (minifying and hence myopic).
An initial draft questionnaire was con-
structed and subsequently analysed by an
external reviewer with expertise in question-
naire design. The questionnaire was pilot-
tested on ve people (two primary school
students, two secondary school students
and one university student), after which it
was edited to remove leading or confusing
questions. For Android users, smartphone
data usage was queried by going into Set-
tings > Data Usage > Mobile Data Usage as
well as Settings > Data Usage > WI-FI Data
Usage. For iPhone users, smartphone data
usage was found via Settings > Mobile Data
> Data Usage in Current Period, as well as
Settings > Mobile Data > WI-FI Data Usage.
Participants were asked to record the time
period for data usage based on their current
usage period (for Android users) or date of
last reset (for iPhone users). These values
are available within the phone settings and
indicate the date from which the phone has
been logging cellular data usage.
Average daily data usage was calculated
by dividing the number of days from the last
data reset by the amount of data used. Stu-
dents were also asked to record the three
applications (apps) that used the most data.
Smartphone usage was also assessed by
self-report. Participants were asked to esti-
mate how much time they spend on aver-
age per day using their phone, the longest
period of time spent on their phone at any
one period in a week and how long they
spend looking at their phone after going to
bed. Nine tick box questions were used to
capture participant demographics, record
participant and self-reported parental myo-
pia status, explore patterns of smartphone
use (for example, whether used to read or
watch TV programs, use for social media,
internet and so on), quantify how often the
phone was used after going to bed and to
determine if participants thought the use of
a phone screen impacted their eyes. An
open-ended question probed participants
thoughts on the potential impact of the
screen on their eyes. Parents were asked to
assist in answering the questionnaire for
participants under 16 years old.
Data analysis
Questionnaires were anonymous; partici-
pants were assured that all individual
results would be kept strictly condential.
Participation in the study was voluntary. The
study was approved by the Research Ethics
Committee at Technological University Dub-
lin. All data was collected between January
and March 2018. The data collected was
analysed on the statistical package for social
sciences (IBM SPSS Statistics for Windows,
Version 22.0; IBM, Armonk, NY, USA) and R
version RStudio (RStudio, Inc., Bos-
ton, MA, USA). The KolmogorovSmirnov
test for normality determined the
smartphone usage data was not normally
distributed. A BoxCox transformation was
therefore used to normalise smartphone
data usage and time usage to facilitate para-
metric analysis. Non-parametric tests were
used and the median and condence
intervals were reported where appropriate.
The results were analysed using descriptive
statistics and inferential statistics including
Spearmans rank order correlation, chi-
squared tests of independence, KruskalWallis
and MannWhitney U-tests. A statistical signi-
cance level of p < 0.05 was adopted through-
out the analysis.
Three of the 418 (< one per cent) students
initially invited to participate in the study did
not own a smartphone (but used their par-
ents smartphone) and were excluded as
their personal data usage could not be iden-
tied. Four hundred and two participants
(96 per cent) aged between 1033 years pro-
vided informed consent and completed the
questionnaire (54 per cent, 216/402 female;
45 per cent, 181/397 male; one per cent,
5/402 not stated). The mean age was 16.77
(standard deviation [or ] 4.4) years and
34 per cent (138/402) of participants wore
glasses/contact lenses for myopia. The mean
age at which myopic participants were rst
prescribed glasses was 11 years (range
319). There was some minor loss of data on
Clinical and Experimental Optometry 2020 © 2020 Optometry Australia
Smartphones as a possible risk factor for myopia McCrann, Loughman, Butler et al.
specic questions due to incomplete
responses or inability to conrm refractive
status (spectacles or spectacle/contact lens
prescription not provided by six participants).
A detailed description of the recruitment set-
ting, data capture and refractive status con-
rmation of all participants is provided in
Figure 1, while participant demographics,
behaviours and beliefs according to refrac-
tive status are provided in Table 1.
Smartphone usage
Students used an average of
873 1,038 MB of data per day and spent
an average of four hours and
32 169 minutes per day on their phone.
The longest period students reported spend-
ing on their phone at any one period in a
week was an average of three hours
28 188 minutes. The mean period since
smartphone data was last reset was
215 320 days. Data usage among myopic
students was statistically signicantly higher
(84 per cent higher, p = 0.001) than non-
myopes (Table 1). Self-reported smartphone
time usage was not statistically signicantly
(p = 0.09) different between myopes and
non-myopes (12 per cent higher self-
reported use among myopes, Table 1).
Spearmans correlation revealed daily data
usage (r = 0.14, df = 311, p = 0.01) and daily
time spent on a smartphone (r = 0.04,
df = 311, p = 0.41) was positively correlated
with age. Simple linear regression analysis
was used to test the relationship between
BoxCox normalised daily data usage and
daily time spent on the phone. The results of
the regression indicated three per cent of
the variance could be explained by the
model (daily data usage versus daily time)
= 10.2, p < 0.002).
The variation of data usage and time
spent on a phone as a function of
age/educational level is shown in Figure 2.
The distribution of smartphone usage, par-
ticularly data usage, was positively skewed
in both refractive groups. Non-parametric
analysis (MannWhitney U-test) for each
educational level showed a signicant dif-
ference in daily data usage between myo-
pic and non-myopic university students
(p = 0.02) and a signicant difference in
daily time on phone between myopic and
non-myopic primary school students
(p = 0.02). Other comparisons were not sig-
nicant. Log transformation of the usage
data still resulted in a small amount of
negative skew, as shown in the box-and-
whisker plots in Figure 2. Subsequent para-
metric analysis on smartphone data usage
was therefore performed following
normalisation using a BoxCox trans
Eighty-four per cent (342/406) of students
reported using their phone in bed. Spearmans
correlation revealed age and time spent on a
phone in bed were inversely correlated (ρ
[323] = 0.25, p = 0.0001), with younger partici-
pants spending more time on a smartphone
in bed compared to older students.
For most participants (72 per cent; 301/418),
the main purpose of their smartphone was to
use social media apps that involve screen
interaction. Snapchat, Instagram and Facebook
were the most used apps across all age
groups and refractive error proles. Spotify,
podcasts and music applications that require
less visual interaction by users were the most
used applications by only four participants in
the study.
Figure 1. Participant recruitment, data capture and refractive status conrmation
© 2020 Optometry Australia Clinical and Experimental Optometry 2020
Smartphones as a possible risk factor for myopia McCrann, Loughman, Butler et al.
Parent myopia status
Myopic participants with one (p = 0.01) and
two (p = 0.04) myopic parents were rst pre-
scribed glasses for myopia at a younger age
compared to myopic participants with no
parental history of myopia.
A chi-squared test of independence revealed
myopia status was not statistically signicantly
dependent on gender (χ
[1] = 3.57, p = 0.06).
Beliefs regarding digital
technology and eye health
Overall 73 per cent (296/406) of students
believed that digital technology may adversely
affect their eyes, which was inversely corre-
lated with age (ρ[402] = 0.15, p = 0.003). This
belief was expressed statistically signicantly
more often by myopes (84 per cent; 112/134)
than non-myopes (68 per cent; 175/259)
(p = 0.001). Participants regarded screen
including eye strain (29 per cent; 111/386),
dry eyes (67 per cent; 28/386), headaches (ve
per cent; 18/385), and difculty reading (two
per cent; 9/383). A similar proportion of
myopes (31 per cent; 39/127) and non-
myopes (25 per cent; 61/246) expressed an
opinion that a link existed between myopia
and increased time spent looking at a
The above factors (that is, refractive sta-
tus, phone usage, age, gender, number of
myopic parents, and beliefs) were incorpo-
rated into a multinomial logistic regression
model and revealed that myopic refractive
error status was statistically signicantly
associated with increasing BoxCox trans-
formed daily smartphone data usage
(p = 0.002), as well as increasing age (p = 0.01)
and number of myopic parents (p = 0.008)
(Table 2). A similar multinomial logistic regres-
sion revealed that myopic refractive error sta-
tus was statistically signicantly associated
with BoxCox transformed daily time spent
on mobile phones (p = 0.04) as well as
increasing age (p < 0.001), and number of
myopic parents (p = 0.03, Table 3).
This study found an association between
increased smartphone data usage and myo-
pia with myopic participants using almost
double the amount of data on a daily basis
Figure 2. Daily smartphone data usage (MB) and daily self-reported smartphone usage
time (minutes) according to education level for both myopic and non-myopic participants.
Asignicant difference was found in daily data usage between myopic and non-myopic uni-
versity students (p = 0.02, MannWhitney U-test) and in daily time on phone between myo-
pic and non-myopic primary school students (p = 0.02, MannWhitney U-test).
Myopes Non-myopes p-value
Age (mean) 18 4 (9.33) 16 5 (10.40) 0.002
Male 38% (48/128) 48% (124/257) 0.058
Proportion of myopic parents
No myopic parents 40% (55/137) 56% (143/257) 0.11
One myopic parent 45% (61/137) 36% (92/257)
Two myopic parents 15% (21/137) 9% (24/257)
Smartphone behaviour
Data usage per day (MB) 1,131 1,748 (0.3610,534) 614 902 (06,000) 0.001
Time on phone per day (minutes)
288 174 (101,080) 258 163 (5785) 0.09
Phone in bed every night 64% (86/134) 61% (159/259) 0.72
Usage time in bed (minutes) 67 68 (0455) 71 104 (11,335) 0.65
Smartphone-related beliefs
Belief screens may affect eyes 84% (112/134) 68% (175/259) 0.001
Belief screens may cause myopia 31% (19/127) 25% (61/246) 0.223
Bold value indicates statistically signicant results. Results indicated as mean standard deviation (range). p-values calculated using
the MannWhitney U-test or, where otherwise indicated, using chi-squared () and KruskalWallis H () tests.
Table 1. Participant demographics, smartphone behaviour and related beliefs according to refractive status
Clinical and Experimental Optometry 2020 © 2020 Optometry Australia
Smartphones as a possible risk factor for myopia McCrann, Loughman, Butler et al.
compared to those without myopia. This
association remained signicant even after
statistical correction for possible con-
founders such as variation in data usage
with age, number of myopic parents, gender
and beliefs regarding technology that may
inuence smartphone usage patterns.
The lifestyle habits of children and teen-
agers today have undeniably changed with
advancements in technology and while the
prevalence of myopia has been increasing
for decades, the increased level of near
visual stimulation from smartphones may
pose an additional independent risk for
myopia. Smartphones differ from traditional
reading in various aspects such as wave-
length, distance from the eye, size, contrast,
resolution, temporal properties and spectral
composition, all of which merit investigation.
Aside from this, children and adolescents now
spend more than ever using a smartphone
that demands proximal attention, which may
compete with other more protective activities
such as time outdoors.
reported) devoted by children to smartphone
use alone in the current study, excluding all
other proximal tasks, is close to double that
observed for all near work activities outside
school hours in a study from Singapore
(four hours 32 minutes compared to two hours
42 minutes per day)
(four hours 32 minutes compared to two hours
18 minutes).
Moreover, smartphone owner-
ship has increased dramatically among youn-
ger age groups in both advanced and emerging
with over 99 per cent of students
in the current study owning a smartphone and
younger participants spending more time on a
smartphone in bed compared to older stu-
dents. Our ndings indicate that children and
adolescents are now spending substantially
more time focusing on proximal tasks com-
pared to that observed in studies conducted in
the early and pre-smartphone era.
In 2001, before the advent of
smartphones, Saw et al. reported myopic
children spent 40 minutes more than non-
myopic participants participating in total
near work activities daily.
Mutti et al. also
reported myopes spent an additional
42 minutes per day on the computer, study-
ing and reading compared to non-myopes.
This is similar to the additional 32 minutes
spent by myopes using their smartphones
compared to non-myopes reported herein.
However, there is an apparent discordance
in the level of data and time usage differ-
ences observed between myopes and non-
myopes. It is highly unlikely that the large
data disparity is accurately reected in the
relatively small time difference found using
the self-reported measure. Although statisti-
cally signicant, the correlation between
data usage and self-reported usage time in
this study was weak, which possibly indi-
cates low criterion validity for self-reported
There is evidence to suggest
that self-reported measures of smartphone
use are typically underestimated and not
reliable indicators of actual use.
of data usage, as collected herein, provide
an objective, quantiable and veriable
measure of phone use over an extended
period of time, yielding a better indicator of
smartphone behaviour than self-reported
usage data. Furthermore, there is no vali-
dated questionnaire developed to assess
subjective near work or smartphone usage,
which is a limitation of any study that relies
on self-reported data. Therefore the use of
smartphone data as a surrogate indicator of
phone use provides a better indicator of
smartphone behaviour than self-reported
usage data.
The extended period of data
usage evaluated is particularly important in
that it limits the possible inuence of theo-
retical confounders such as time of week
Independent variable B SE(B) z-value Prob Odds Odds condence intervals
BoxCox daily time usage 0.02585 0.01241 2.084 0.0372 1.026 (1.0011.051)
Age 0.13115 0.03069 4.273 < 0.001 1.14 (1.0761.21)
Number of myopic parents 0.39767 0.17823 2.231 0.025 1.488 (1.052.116)
Technology beliefs
0.53595 0.29441 1.820 0.0687 1.709 (0.973.092)
Gender 0.4620 9.25381 0.182 0.856 0.954 (0.5791.57)
Technology beliefs = belief that technology negatively impacts eyes.
Table 3. Summary of logistic regression analysis for variables predicting myopic status by BoxCox of daily time spent on a
smartphone (minutes), age, parental myopia, a belief that technology can negatively impact eyes and gender for n = 364
Independent variable B SE(B) z-value Prob Odds Odds condence intervals
BoxCox daily data usage 0.08068 0.02583 3.123 0.002 1.08 (1.0311.142)
Age 0.08708 0.03541 2.460 0.014 1.09 (1.021.17)
Number of myopic parents 0.44240 0.19709 2.245 0.008 1.55 (1.062.301)
Technology beliefs
0.4448 0.31001 1.434 0.151 1.55 (1.0013.301)
Gender 0.10949 0.28154 0.389 0.697 1.12 (0.6441.94)
Technology beliefs = belief that technology negatively impacts eyes.
Table 2. Summary of logistic regression analysis for variables predicting myopic status by BoxCox of daily data usage (MB), age,
parental myopia, a belief that technology can negatively impact eyes and gender for n = 286
© 2020 Optometry Australia Clinical and Experimental Optometry 2020
Smartphones as a possible risk factor for myopia McCrann, Loughman, Butler et al.
(weekday versus weekend). Additionally the
data is likely more reective of typical daily
life and not limited to short-term recall
which would inuence self-reported time
usage estimates.
Although gender-based differences in
myopia prevalence in children have been
identied in certain populations,
was not statistically signicantly associated
with myopia status in this study, which is in
agreement with observations in the North-
ern Ireland Childhood Errors of Refraction
(NICER) study in Northern Ireland. Percep-
tions relating to the possible ocular effects
of smartphones were also explored as a
means to elucidate the impact, if any, of
such beliefs on the habitual usage of such
devices. Our ndings suggest that believing
phone usage is deleterious to eye health
does not limit use. This belief was expressed
more often among myopes, in whom
smartphone use was greatest.
A range of factors could be associated with
the onset and/or progression of myopia in
smartphone use which merit further investi-
gation. These include excessive accommoda-
tion or closer working demands,
accommodative convergence/accommodation
and peripheral defocus.
thermore, bedtime mobile phone use can dis-
turb and delay sleep,
and future research
should continue to investigate associations
between myopia and circadian rhythm, lack
of sleep and poor sleep quality.
Limitations of the study
The results of this study are limited in that
the case control design limits any causal
inferences regarding the observed associa-
tion between smartphone use and myopia.
Future studies should seek to address cau-
sality through prospective design. However,
the study represents a large study sample
of smartphone users across the entire edu-
cation level and age spectrum during which
myopia development and progression is
most likely,
and thus, the period during
which environmental inuences may pose a
signicant risk to the development of myo-
pic refractive error.
One consideration is how much of the
data usage relates to visual tasks. This study
predates the built-in screen timeapp of iOS
12 that provides daily and weekly activity
reports of the total time a person spends in
each app they use.
Background programs
as well as some apps (for example, apps
which download les and videos or high-
resolution video streaming apps such as
YouTube and Netix) use more data so
smartphone data consumption does not
necessarily correlate with time spent looking
at a smartphone;
however, it is likely that
any inuence of such factors is balanced
across the two study groups. It has also
been demonstrated that the use of social
networking apps account for the majority of
active time spent on a smartphone and
corresponding data trafc.
with these social media apps requires a high
level of visual participation. Additionally,
applications that play music and therefore
do not require a person to look at a screen
were not in the top applications that used
most data in this study.
As the study was performed in a class-
room rather than a clinical setting, a formal
eye examination was not conducted as part
of the study. However, a qualied optome-
trist carefully reviewed every participant
who reported spectacle/contact lens use in
order to determine their refractive status.
This method is more robust than self-
classication of myopia status which has
been performed in a range of studies. Self-
classication of myopia has been found to
be reasonably reliable and provides lower-
bound to any potential underestimation.
The possibility that some children may have
had uncorrected refractive error may have
led to an underestimation of the number of
myopes. As a validation, the proportion of
myopes in this study attending primary
(< 13 years) and secondary school (1318 years)
was 15 and 26 per cent, respectively; compa-
rable to the prevalence of myopia in
schoolchildren reported in the recent Ireland
Eye Study (1213 years, 19.9 per cent) and to
the UK NICER study (1213 years, 16.4 per
cent, 1820 years, 18.6 per cent), so any
underestimation is likely minimal.
The conr-
mation of the association between myopic
parents and myopia in their children also
afrms the validity of the myopic classication
Time spent outdoors was not recorded in
the study and extensive screen time may
inuence time spent participating in out-
door activities, although mobile phone use
is not limited to indoors or outdoors.
Although we cannot be denitive as to
whether more smartphone usage equates
to less time outdoors, it is highly likely that
the levels of daily usage reported herein
would certainly compete with and limit the
time available to children and adolescents
for outdoors-based activities. Future studies
should incorporate objective measures of
light and outdoors exposure patterns to
address this issue more comprehensively.
The escalating prevalence of myopia is not a
recent phenomenon and certainly predates
smartphones, but the current generation of
children are the rst to grow up in an era of
smartphone dependency. This study dem-
onstrates an association between myopia
and smartphone data usage. Children are
now spending substantially more time
focusing on proximal tasks compared to
that observed in studies conducted in the
pre-smartphone era, posing an additional
environmental risk factor for myopia. Given
the serious nature of the ocular health risks
associated with myopia, our ndings indi-
cate that this relationship merits more
detailed investigation.
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© 2020 Optometry Australia Clinical and Experimental Optometry 2020
Smartphones as a possible risk factor for myopia McCrann, Loughman, Butler et al.
... In total, 102,360 participants were involved in all included studies, 91,282 in cross-sectional studies (N = 15) and 11,078 in cohort studies (N = 4). Meanwhile, 13 (68%) studies used cycloplegic refraction, three studies (16%) used self-reported myopia [28,51,52], and three studies (16%) performed optometry with a noncycloplegic state [27,53,54]. The included studies were from nine countries, two studies (10%) were conducted in North America [27,54], seven (38%) in Europe [25, 28-30, 45, 46, 52], six (32%) in East Asia [43,44,47,48,50,53], two (10%) in South Asia [26,49], and two (10%) in Southeast Asia [42,51] (Table 1). ...
... As presented in Table S6, according to the NOS checklist, 14 studies (74%) with a score ≥ 7 stars were considered high quality [26,29,30,[42][43][44][45][46][47][48][49][50][51]53], while the remaining five studies (26%) with 5 or 6 starts were considered moderate quality [25,27,28,52,54]. The results of bias risk assessment using the NOS checklist revealed the following possible sources of bias: the sample size included in six (32%) studies was relatively small [25,29,30,47,52,53]; five studies (26%) had insufficient strategies to deal with confounding factors (e.g. ...
... As presented in Table S6, according to the NOS checklist, 14 studies (74%) with a score ≥ 7 stars were considered high quality [26,29,30,[42][43][44][45][46][47][48][49][50][51]53], while the remaining five studies (26%) with 5 or 6 starts were considered moderate quality [25,27,28,52,54]. The results of bias risk assessment using the NOS checklist revealed the following possible sources of bias: the sample size included in six (32%) studies was relatively small [25,29,30,47,52,53]; five studies (26%) had insufficient strategies to deal with confounding factors (e.g. gender or age) [25,27,28,46,54], while five studies (26%) lacked adjustment for key confounding factors (e.g. ...
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Objective This study aimed to systematically review epidemiological evidence on associations between screen time exposure and myopia in children and adolescents, and to quantitatively evaluate summary effect estimates from existing literature. Method There were three online databases including PubMed, Embase, and Web of Science, for epidemiological studies on screen time exposure and myopia published before June 1, 2023. The risk of bias was assessed by the Newcastle Ottawa Scale (NOS) checklist. Summary odds ratios (ORs) and 95% confidence intervals (CIs) were calculated to evaluate the correlation between screen time exposure and myopia using random or fixed-effect models by exposure type (categorical/continuous). We also performed subgroup analysis by screen device type, study quality, geographic region, and research period. Results We searched 7,571 records from three databases and identified 19 eligible studies, including 14 high-quality studies and 5 moderate-quality studies. Meta-analyses suggested that there was a statistically significant correlation between screen time (high vs. low) and myopia. The pooled ORs with 95%CIs were respectively 2.24 (1.47–3.42) for cross-sectional studies, and 2.39 (2.07–2.76) for cohort studies. We also found a significant association between continuous exposure to screen time (per 1 h/d increase) and myopia in cohort studies. The pooled ORs with 95%CIs were 1.07 (1.01–1.13). In subgroup analysis stratified by screen device type in cross-sectional studies, screen time exposures from computers (categorical: OR = 8.19, 95%CI: 4.78–14.04; continuous: OR = 1.22, 95%CI: 1.10–1.35) and televisions (categorical: OR = 1.46, 95%CI: 1.02–2.10) were associated with myopia, while smartphones were not. Although publication bias was detected, the pooled results did not show significant changes after adjustment using the trim and fill method. Conclusion Our findings support that screen time exposure was significantly associated with myopia in children and adolescents. Notably, screen time exposure from computers may have the most significant impact on myopia.
... Chidi-Egboka et al. [6] found a direct link between smartphone gaming and dry eye. Numerous other studies have reinforced the idea that excessive screen use can affect binocular vision, increase myopia, cause tear film instability, and induce ocular fatigue, among other issues [7][8][9][10][11]. ...
... Specifically, a moderate positive correlation coefficient of +0.44 is discerned between the number of errors in the Ishihara Test conducted on the iPad (IOT) and the Ishihara Test administered via physical media (IPT). This moderate positive correlation, in conjunction with corroborating evidence from pertinent literature [8,9], bolsters the validity of utilising the Ishihara Test on digital devices for the detection of congenital colour vision anomalies. ...
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Over the past decade, global screening time has increased, a trend intensified by the COVID-19 pandemic, leading to the integration of screens into daily life. Studies have documented the adverse effects of prolonged screening on ocular health and binocular vision, such as dry eye syndrome, blurry vision, headaches, myopia, and visual fatigue. However, it remains unclear if prolonged screening affects the development of colour vision defects. Objectives: This study aimed to determine the relationship between (a) prolonged screening and acquired colour vision deficiencies and (b) COVID-19 infection and acquired colour vision deficiencies. Methods: A population of 50 individuals with normal trichromatic vision, aged 20 to 30 years, with an average daily screening time of 516.7 min, was evaluated. Participants were initially screened using the Ishihara 32-plate Test to exclude those with congenital colour vision deficiencies. The Farnsworth–Munsell 100 Hue Test (FM100H) and Square Root Total Error Score (√TES) were used to evaluate acquired colour vision deficiencies under standardized conditions. The dataset underwent dual analysis: (1) detailed statistical scrutiny and (2) comparison of √TES values with historical data from 1982, 1991, 2001, and 2002. Results: The global group had a √TES (Mean ± SD) of 5.40 ± 1.58, the COVID-19 subgroup 5.46 ± 1.62, and the non-COVID-19 subgroup 5.32 ± 1.51. No significant differences were found between the √TES values from this population and those reported in previous studies. Statistical analysis showed no significant correlation between gender and COVID-19 infection with √TES values. Conclusions: Neither screening time nor COVID-19 infection appears to significantly impact the occurrence of permanently acquired colour vision deficiencies in individuals aged 20 to 30 years.
... [57][58][59] The studies show that myopia is the most common refractive error associated with screen time. [58][59][60][61][62][63][64] Regular use of a computer has 4.5 times higher impact on children than irregular use. 65 Furthermore, using VDTs for more than 6 hours/day increases the odds of myopia two times compared to using these devices for less than 2 hours/day. ...
... 59 Nowadays, even children are exposed to higher computer usage, due to homeschooling during the pandemic and the studies have shown a great impact of prolonged screen time on children's vision. [57][58][59][60][61]63,65 Moreover, some of the studies have demonstrated that watching television is not highly associated with expanded refractive error, while other ones have shown the relation. 70,71,57,62,64 To prevent changes, time spent on digital devices should be decreased to the minimum, there should be a rest for 10 minutes after 30-40 minutes of working and more time should be spent on outdoor activities. ...
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Introduction and aim. Recently, an increased use of video display terminals has been observed in workplace environments, as a result of the evolution of communication technologies and new information-sharing strategies. It has led to an increased prevalence of computer-related ocular disorders, such as computer vision syndrome, dry eye disease, refractive errors and con vergence insufficiency. In this review we describe problems associated with these disorders and propose preventive methods. Material and methods. With the use of specific keywords, the databases of the PubMed, Science Direct, and Google Scholar were searched for relevant original papers. Analysis of the literature. The listed disorders might have similar symptoms, such as eye burning, itching, blurred vision, and tearing, and their severity correlates with the time of exposure to video display units. However, there are preventive measures, which can help in decreasing the negative effects of computers on our vision, such as adequate viewing distance, proper work space lighting, eyeglasses with anti-glare coating, taking 5-minutes breaks after every 30 minutes, or following the 20-20-20 rule. Conclusion. Prolonged usage of the video display terminals is connected to many ocular disorders, and in today’s world, it is very important to remember actions that can be undertaken to minimize the risk.
... These activities impose greater demands on accommodation and vergence due to the axial elongating effects of excessive accommodative convergence and peripheral defocus. Additionally, the small screens and font size on smart devices encourage closer viewing distances than conventional print materials, exacerbating these effects [50]. ...
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Background Myopia is a growing concern worldwide, especially among adolescents. This study aims to investigate the prevalence and associated factors of myopia in adolescents aged 12 ~ 15 in Shandong Province, China. Methods This cross-sectional study adhered to the Strengthening the Reporting of Observational Studies in Epidemiology guidelines and involved stratified random cluster sampling of 128,678 students from 186 middle schools across 17 cities in Shandong Province. Data collection was conducted from November to December 2023. We excluded students with organic eye diseases, abnormal binocular vision functions, or a history of eye injuries or surgeries. Myopia was assessed using the standard logarithmic visual acuity chart and computerized optometry without inducing ciliary muscle paralysis. A comprehensive questionnaire survey was conducted to gather demographic characteristics and daily life behaviors. With the chi-squared test for univariable analysis and multivariable logistic regression for identifying significant factors. Results This study included 126,375 participants, with a gender distribution of 51.02% male and 48.98% female. The overall prevalence of myopia was 71.34%. Higher prevalence was observed in girls (72.26%) compared to boys (70.45%), and the prevalence increased with age, peaking at 73.12% in 15-year-olds. Urban residents had a higher prevalence (71.86%) than rural (70.39%). Factors such as less frequent outdoor exercise, improper reading and writing posture, closer distance to screens, longer screen time, and shorter sleep duration were associated with higher odds of myopia. Conversely, more frequent outdoor exercise and longer sleep duration lowered the odds. Additionally, female gender, older age, urban residence, and parental history of myopia increased the risk. Conclusion The high prevalence of myopia among adolescents in Shandong Province was influenced by a combination of demographic, behavioral, and environmental factors. The study highlighted the importance of lifestyle modifications, such as increasing outdoor activities and maintaining proper visual habits, to mitigate the risk of developing myopia. These findings underscored the need for targeted public health interventions and educational campaigns to address this significant public health issue.
... PSU has been associated with different negative life and health outcomes such as poor sleep quality, [13][14][15] impaired work and academic performance, [16][17][18][19] neck and shoulder pain, [20,21] and visual impairment [22,23]. Further, PSU has been positively associated with depression, anxiety, and Fear of Missing Out (FoMO) [24][25][26][27][28][29][30]. ...
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Background and aim The study investigated the effects of a 14-day social media abstinence on various mental health factors using an experimental design with follow-up assessment. Hypotheses included positive associations between problematic smartphone use (PSU) and depression, anxiety, fear of missing out (FoMO), and screentime. Decreases in screentime, PSU, depression and anxiety, and increases in body image were assumed for the abstinence group. Additionally, daily changes in FoMO and loneliness were explored. Methods Participants completed different questionnaires assessing PSU, FoMO, depression and anxiety, loneliness and body image and were randomized into control and social media abstinence groups. Daily questionnaires over 14 days assessed FoMO, loneliness, screentime, and depression and anxiety. 14 days after the abstinence, a follow-up questionnaire was administered. Multilevel models were used to assess changes over time. Results PSU was positively associated with symptoms of depression, anxiety and FoMO, but not with screentime. Spline models identified decreased screentime and body image dissatisfaction for the intervention group. Depression and anxiety symptoms, PSU, trait and state FoMO, and loneliness, showed a decrease during the overall intervention time but no difference between the investigated groups could be observed (hence this was an overall trend). For appearance evaluation and body area satisfaction, an increase in both groups was seen. Daily changes in both loneliness and FoMO were best modelled using cubic trends, but no group differences were significant. Discussion Results provide insights into effects of not using social media for 14 days and show that screentime and body image dissatisfaction decrease. The study also suggests areas for future studies to better understand how and why interventions show better results for some individuals.
... It was predicted by 2050 there will be 4758 million people with myopia (49.8% of the world population) and 938 million people with high myopia (9.8% of the world population) [12]. The rapid consumer electronics growth and the coming "metaverse" may only increase the predicted myopic prevalence instead of decreasing [13]. It is also noteworthy that the secondly leading cause of blindness and moderate and severe vision impairment worldwide was uncorrected refractive error [14]. ...
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Purpose This study seeks to build a normative database for the vessel density of the superficial retina (SVD) and evaluate how changes and trends in the retinal microvasculature may be influenced by age and axial length (AL) in non-glaucomatous eyes, as measured with optical coherence tomography angiography (OCTA). Methods We included 500 eyes of 290 healthy subjects visiting a county hospital. Each participant underwent comprehensive ophthalmological examinations and OCTA to measure the SVD and thickness of the macular and peripapillary areas. To analyze correlations between SVD and age or AL, multivariable linear regression models with generalized estimating equations were applied. Results Age was negatively correlated with the SVD of the superior, central, and inferior macular areas and the superior peripapillary area, with a decrease rate of 1.06%, 1.36%, 0.84%, and 0.66% per decade, respectively. However, inferior peripapillary SVD showed no significant correlation with age. AL was negatively correlated with the SVD of the inferior macular area and the superior and inferior peripapillary areas, with coefficients of −0.522%/mm, −0.733%/mm, and −0.664%/mm, respectively. AL was also negatively correlated with the thickness of the retinal nerve fiber layer and inferior ganglion cell complex (p = 0.004). Conclusion Age and AL were the two main factors affecting changes in SVD. Furthermore, AL, a relative term to represent the degree of myopia, had a greater effect than age and showed a more significant effect on thickness than on SVD. This relationship has important implications because myopia is a significant issue in modern cities.
... Furthermore, participants with positive perceptions about the system's usefulness and ease of use were significantly more likely to report the usage of the mobile money payment system for NHIS membership renewal. The predictive potential of age in our study was not expected since the population was made up of youths who spend more time on their phones 30,31,[47][48][49] and make a lot of online purchases. 50,51 Our stance is premised on the expectation of some uniformity within the various age categories. ...
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In 2018, Ghana’s National Health Insurance Scheme (NHIS) introduced a mobile money payment system for membership renewal and premium payments to enhance enrolment and retention rates. However, the adoption of such innovations depends on various factors, including personal traits and public perceptions. This study aims to explore the determinants of NHIS membership renewal and premium payment via the mobile renewal system. Conducted at Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology (KNUST) in Kumasi, Ghana, the study used a survey design to gather data from 951 KNUST students. Employing logistic regression analysis, the study identified key factors influencing the use of the NHIS mobile renewal service. The findings revealed that individuals aged 19-21, 25-27 or above 27, without mobile money accounts, and those with no history of online purchases were less likely to adopt the mobile renewal system (P < .05). Conversely, those perceiving the system as useful and easy to use were more likely to utilise it for NHIS membership renewal (P < .05). In conclusion, policymakers should prioritise system quality, accessibility, perceived ease of use, and usefulness to facilitate the adoption and usage of the NHIS mobile payment system. These findings contribute valuable insights for enhancing the effectiveness of health insurance innovations.
... As expected and as previously reported [11], sex differences in the association of BMI with higher risk for myopia were also noted, with a greater effect size in obese males; these differences have become more prominent in recent years. A feasible hypothesis could be the increasingly sedentary lifestyle of adolescents and its association with higher usage of smartphones and time spent on screens at earlier ages [38][39][40]. ...
Objectives: To assess height and weight as possible sex-specific risk factors for bilateral myopia among young adults. Methods: We conducted a cross-sectional study including 101,438 pre-enlisted young adult males and females, aged 17.4 ± 0.6 and 17.3 ± 0.5 years, respectively, and born during 1971-1994. Categories of BMI (body mass index) were defined according to sex-related percentiles for 17-year-olds following U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention growth charts, and subjects were divided into five height and weight categories according to sex-adjusted percentiles. Data included best-corrected visual acuity, diverse socio-demographic variables, anthropometric indices, and refractive errors, namely bilateral myopes and emmetropes. Results: The prevalence of bilateral myopia in males and females was 19.1% and 26.0%, respectively. Bilateral myopia displayed a J-shaped associated with BMI, achieving statistical significance only among males (p < 0.0001). Weight displayed a U-shaped association with bilateral myopia among both young males (p < 0.0001) and females (p < 0.005). A higher prevalence of bilateral myopia was observed only among males of the lower height category (p < 0.0001), even when controlling for BMI (from normal to obesity). In a multivariable regression model, obesity was associated with higher prevalence of bilateral myopia (OR: 1.21; 95% CI: 1.07-1.38, p = 0.002), only among males. There were no interactions of BMI with height or weight. Bilateral myopia was also associated with prehypertension among males (OR: 1.10, 95% CI: 1.04-1.15, p < 0.001). Conclusions: A higher risk for bilateral myopia was associated with either BMI solely or height and weight, as well as pre-hypertension, in males. The possible association with low height requires further research.
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Introduction Habitual viewing behaviour is widely believed to be an important contributing factor to the onset and progression of myopia and may be task dependent. The purpose of this study was to quantify the habitual viewing distance of children performing five different tasks on a smartphone digital device. Methods The real‐time viewing distance in 38 children with their habitual correction was measured using software (MyopiaApp) on a handheld (Google Pixel 3) device. Five tasks were performed in a randomised sequence: playing a game, watching video in a light (680 lux) and dark (5.5 lux) environment and reading small (8 pt) and large (16 pt) text. ANCOVA statistical analysis was used to evaluate the effect of task, group (myope vs. non‐myope) and arm length on the median relative viewing distance. Results Arm length was not correlated with viewing distance in any of the tasks, and there was no significant difference in viewing distance between any of the tasks. Specifically, a two‐way mixed ANCOVA indicated that task, refractive group (myopic vs. non‐myopic), age and arm length, as well as all two‐way interactions were not significantly associated with viewing distance. Overall, 60% of the total variance in viewing distance was accounted for by individual differences. Conclusions The average handheld viewing distance was similar across a variety of everyday tasks in a representative sample of myopic and emmetropic children. Neither arm length, age nor refractive group were associated with viewing distance in any of the tasks. Importantly, myopic children of a given size did not hold the smartphone digital device at a different distance for any task than their equally sized non‐myopic peers. However, both groups exhibited high inter‐individual variability in mean viewing distance, indicating some subjects performed all tasks at further distances while other subjects used at nearer distances.
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Background Myopia, commonly known as near-sightedness, has emerged as a global epidemic, impacting almost one in three individuals across the world. The increasing prevalence of myopia during early childhood has heightened the risk of developing high myopia and related sight-threatening eye conditions in adulthood. This surge in myopia rates, occurring within a relatively stable genetic framework, underscores the profound influence of environmental and lifestyle factors on this condition. In this comprehensive narrative review, we shed light on both established and potential environmental and lifestyle contributors that affect the development and progression of myopia. Main body Epidemiological and interventional research has consistently revealed a compelling connection between increased outdoor time and a decreased risk of myopia in children. This protective effect may primarily be attributed to exposure to the characteristics of natural light (i.e., sunlight) and the release of retinal dopamine. Conversely, irrespective of outdoor time, excessive engagement in near work can further worsen the onset of myopia. While the exact mechanisms behind this exacerbation are not fully comprehended, it appears to involve shifts in relative peripheral refraction, the overstimulation of accommodation, or a complex interplay of these factors, leading to issues like retinal image defocus, blur, and chromatic aberration. Other potential factors like the spatial frequency of the visual environment, circadian rhythm, sleep, nutrition, smoking, socio-economic status, and education have debatable independent influences on myopia development. Conclusion The environment exerts a significant influence on the development and progression of myopia. Improving the modifiable key environmental predictors like time spent outdoors and engagement in near work can prevent or slow the progression of myopia. The intricate connections between lifestyle and environmental factors often obscure research findings, making it challenging to disentangle their individual effects. This complexity underscores the necessity for prospective studies that employ objective assessments, such as quantifying light exposure and near work, among others. These studies are crucial for gaining a more comprehensive understanding of how various environmental factors can be modified to prevent or slow the progression of myopia.
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This study aimed to explore the association between screen exposure in early life and preschool myopia. During the baseline survey of the Longhua Child Cohort Study (LCCS), data of 29,595 preschoolers were collected via a caregiver-reported questionnaire regarding children’s socio-demographic characteristics, visual status, screen exposure and relevant parental information. Data of 26,433 preschoolers with normal eyesight or myopia were included in the analysis and cox regression modelling was employed to assess the associations. Results suggested the hypothesis that screen exposure in early life could be significantly and positively associated with preschool myopia, and in agreement with this hypothesis was the association being strengthened with the increasing daily exposure duration and total years of exposure; in the stratification analysis based on the presence of parental myopia, these associations still existed, and the strength of associations was stronger in preschoolers with myopic parents than those without. Moreover, a statistically significant association was only observed between initial screen exposure that occurred during 0–1-years old and myopia for preschoolers without myopic parents, while the significant associations were observed between initial screen exposure that occurred during 0–1, 1–2, 2–3, and after 3 years old and myopia for preschoolers who had myopic parents, with the strongest association found in the group of children initially exposed to electronic screens during 0–1 year old. Thus our findings indicated the hypothesis that screen exposure in early life might be associated with the occurrence of preschool myopia, and that the postnatal first year might be the sensitive period for the association. However, it is premature to conclude that early screen time leads to myopia with current data. Further longitudinal studies performed with cycloplegia are necessary to verify the hypothesis and shed light on the more urgent question whether early screen exposure contributes to the later myopia epidemic of school-aged children.
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Environmental factors are important in the development of myopia. There is still limited evidence as to whether computer use is a risk factor. The aim of this study is to investigate the association between computer use and myopia in the context of other near work activities. Within the birth cohort study Generation R, we studied 5074 children born in Rotterdam between 2002 and 2006. Refractive error and axial length was measured at ages 6 and 9. Information on computer use and outdoor exposure was obtained at age 3, 6 and 9 years using a questionnaire, and reading time and reading distance were assessed at age 9 years. Myopia prevalence (spherical equivalent ≤–0.5 dioptre) was 11.5% at 9 years. Mean computer use was associated with myopia at age 9 (OR = 1.005, 95% CI = 1.001–1.009), as was reading time and reading distance (OR = 1.031; 95% CI = 1.007–1.055 (5–10 h/wk); OR = 1.113; 95% CI = 1.073–1.155 (>10 h/wk) and OR = 1.072; 95% CI = 1.048–1.097 respectively). The combined effect of near work (computer use, reading time and reading distance) showed an increased odds ratio for myopia at age 9 (OR = 1.072; 95% CI = 1.047–1.098), while outdoor exposure showed a decreased odds ratio (OR = 0.996; 95% CI = 0.994–0.999) and the interaction term was significant (P = 0.036). From our results, we can conclude that within our sample of children, increased computer use is associated with myopia development. The effect of combined near work was decreased by outdoor exposure. The risks of digital devices on myopia and the protection by outdoor exposure should become widely known. Public campaigns are warranted.
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Understanding how people use technology remains important, particularly when measuring the impact this might have on individuals and society. However, despite a growing body of resources that can quantify smartphone use, research within psychology and social science overwhelmingly relies on self-reported assessments. These have yet to convincingly demonstrate an ability to predict objective behavior. Here, and for the first time, we compare a variety of smartphone use and ‘addiction’ scales with objective behaviors derived from Apple's Screen Time application. While correlations between psychometric scales and objective behavior are generally poor, single estimates and measures that attempt to frame technology use as habitual rather than ‘addictive’ correlate more favorably with subsequent behavior. We conclude that existing self-report instruments are unlikely to be sensitive enough to accurately predict basic technology use related behaviors. As a result, conclusions regarding the psychological impact of technology are unreliable when relying solely on these measures to quantify typical usage.
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Background Various types of near work have been suggested to promote the incidence and progression of myopia, while outdoor activity appears to prevent or retard myopia. However, there is a lack of consensus on how to interpret these results and translate them into effective intervention strategies. This study examined the association between visual acuity and time allocated to various activities among school-going children. Methods Population-based survey of 19,934 students in grade 4 and 5 from 252 randomly selected rural primary schools in Northwest China in September 2012. This survey measured visual acuity and collected self-reported data on time spent outdoors and time spent doing various types of near activities. Results Prolonged (>60 minutes/day) computer usage (-0.025 LogMAR units, P = .011) and smartphone usage (-0.041 LogMAR units, P = .001) were significantly associated with greater refractive error, while television viewing and after-school study were not. For time spent outdoors, only time around midday was significantly associated with better uncorrected visual acuity. Compared to children who reported no midday time outdoors, those who spent time outdoors at midday for 31–60 minutes or more than 60 minutes had better uncorrected visual acuity by 0.016 LogMAR units (P = .014) and 0.016 units (P = .042), respectively. Conclusions Use of smart phones and computers were associated with declines in children’s vision, while television viewing was not. Statistically significant associations between outdoor time at midday and reduced myopia may support the hypothesis that light intensity plays a role in the protective effects of outdoor time.
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Best practice clinical guidelines for myopia control involve an understanding of the epidemiology of myopia, risk factors, visual environment interventions, and optical and pharmacologic treatments, as well as skills to translate the risks and benefits of a given myopia control treatment into lay language for both the patient and their parent or caregiver. This report details evidence-based best practice management of the pre-, stable, and the progressing myope, including risk factor identification, examination, selection of treatment strategies, and guidelines for ongoing management. Practitioner considerations such as informed consent, prescribing off-label treatment, and guides for patient and parent communication are detailed. The future research directions of myopia interventions and treatments are discussed, along with the provision of clinical references, resources, and recommendations for continuing professional education in this growing area of clinical practice.
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The evidence-basis based on existing myopia control trials along with the supporting academic literature were reviewed; this informed recommendations on the outcomes suggested from clinical trials aimed at slowing myopia progression to show the effectiveness of treatments and the impact on patients. These outcomes were classified as primary (refractive error and/or axial length), secondary (patient reported outcomes and treatment compliance), and exploratory (peripheral refraction, accommodative changes, ocular alignment, pupil size, outdoor activity/lighting levels, anterior and posterior segment imaging, and tissue biomechanics). The currently available instrumentation, which the literature has shown to best achieve the primary and secondary outcomes, was reviewed and critiqued. Issues relating to study design and patient selection were also identified. These findings and consensus from the International Myopia Institute members led to final recommendations to inform future instrumentation development and to guide clinical trial protocols.
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Objectives To systematically examine the evidence of harms and benefits relating to time spent on screens for children and young people’s (CYP) health and well-being, to inform policy. Methods Systematic review of reviews undertaken to answer the question ‘What is the evidence for health and well-being effects of screentime in children and adolescents (CYP)?’ Electronic databases were searched for systematic reviews in February 2018. Eligible reviews reported associations between time on screens (screentime; any type) and any health/well-being outcome in CYP. Quality of reviews was assessed and strength of evidence across reviews evaluated. Results 13 reviews were identified (1 high quality, 9 medium and 3 low quality). 6 addressed body composition; 3 diet/energy intake; 7 mental health; 4 cardiovascular risk; 4 for fitness; 3 for sleep; 1 pain; 1 asthma. We found moderately strong evidence for associations between screentime and greater obesity/adiposity and higher depressive symptoms; moderate evidence for an association between screentime and higher energy intake, less healthy diet quality and poorer quality of life. There was weak evidence for associations of screentime with behaviour problems, anxiety, hyperactivity and inattention, poorer self-esteem, poorer well-being and poorer psychosocial health, metabolic syndrome, poorer cardiorespiratory fitness, poorer cognitive development and lower educational attainments and poor sleep outcomes. There was no or insufficient evidence for an association of screentime with eating disorders or suicidal ideation, individual cardiovascular risk factors, asthma prevalence or pain. Evidence for threshold effects was weak. We found weak evidence that small amounts of daily screen use is not harmful and may have some benefits. Conclusions There is evidence that higher levels of screentime is associated with a variety of health harms for CYP, with evidence strongest for adiposity, unhealthy diet, depressive symptoms and quality of life. Evidence to guide policy on safe CYP screentime exposure is limited. PROSPERO registration number CRD42018089483.
Purpose: Digital screen time has been cited as a potential modifiable environmental risk factor that can increase myopia risk. However, associations between screen time and myopia have not been consistently reported. Although myopia prevalence increased before the massive use of digital devices in some countries, with the rise being influenced by education, there may be an added recent effect of screen time. The aim of this systematic review is to determine the association between screen time and the risk of developing (1) prevalent or incident myopia, or (2) the risk of myopia progression in children. Published manuscripts were identified in PubMed, ScienceDirect and the Cochrane Library, and citation lists were reviewed. Recent findings: Fifteen studies were included (nine cross-sectional and six cohort studies) with a total of 49 789 children aged between 3 and 19 years old. Seven studies found an association between screen time and myopia. The results showed mixed evidence with the more recent studies exposing a trend of association between hours spent by children using screens and myopia. Meta-analysis using a random-effects model was performed in five studies (n = 20 889) that reported odds ratio (OR). The I2 statistics was used to assess heterogeneity. A pooled OR of 1.02 (95% CI: 0.96-1.08; p = 0.48) suggests that screen time is not associated with prevalent and incident myopia in this group of five studies. Summary: The results for screen time and myopia are mixed. Further studies with objective screen time measurements are necessary to assess evidence of an association between screen time and myopia.
Purpose To assess associations between different types of electronic devices, myopic refraction and ocular biometric parameters in children aged 6–14 years in urban areas of Tianjin, China. Methods A school‐based, cross‐sectional study was performed on 566 children (302 boys and 264 girls). The children underwent a comprehensive eye examination, including cycloplegic autorefraction and ocular biometry. The children's parents completed a detailed questionnaire that included each child's demographics, the use of electronic devices and other related risk factors. Results Myopia was not associated with time spent using various electronic devices. However, the mean spherical equivalent refraction (SER) decreased by 0.28 D (p = 0.042) and 0.33 D (p = 0.018) for each 1‐h increase in the time spent using smart phones and computers, respectively. In the multiple linear regression analyses of factors associated with the SER, the standardised coefficient B for time spent reading and writing was approximately four to five times larger than the standardised coefficient for time spent using smart phones or computers. Time spent using tablets and watching television was not significantly associated with the SER. A longer axial length (AL) was associated with more time spent using smart phones (B = 0.23, p = 0.006) and computers (B = 0.26, p = 0.002) but not using tablets (p = 0.45) and watching television (p = 0.45). No significant association was found between other ocular biometric parameters and time spent using various electronic devices. Conclusions On average, a more myopic SER and longer AL were both associated with more time spent using smart phones and computers, but not with time spent using tablets and watching television. The magnitude of the association between SER and time spent reading and writing was a substantially larger than that for smart phone or computer use. Different types of electronic devices had differing levels of association with myopic refraction.