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From the highest to the deepest: The Gaoping River-Gaoping Submarine Canyon dispersal system


Abstract and Figures

There are many different source-to-sink dispersal systems around the world, and the Gaoping River (GPR)-Gaoping Submarine Canyon (GPSC) provides an example especially as a canyon-captured system. The GPR, a small mountainous river having an average gradient of 1:150, and the GPSC, which links the river catchment to the deep-sea basin, represent two major topographic features around SW Taiwan. Together, they constitute a terrestrial-to-marine dispersal system that has an overriding impact on the source-to-sink transport of sediment in this region. The GPSC extents from the mouth of the GPR through the shelf and slope and into the northeastern Manila Trench, a distance of about 260 km. It is a major conduit for the transport of terrestrial sediment and carbon to the South China Sea and the landward transport of particles of marine and biological origin. In the GPSC the dominant mode of suspended-sediment transport is tidal oscillations and the net direction is up-canyon. In contrast, sediment transport associated with episodic gravity-driven events is down-canyon. The steady sedimentation of the tidal regime results in hemipelagic mud across the canyon floor, whereas the gravity-driven (hyperpycnal) regime causes turbidite erosion and deposition along the canyon thalweg. Typhoon-induced river floods often lead to hyperpycnal plumes at the river mouth, which directly and indirectly ignite hyperpycnal turbidity currents in the canyon forming an effective agent for transporting large amounts of terrestrial organic material (modern and fossil carbon) to the South China Sea basin. Therefore, the GPR-GPSC represents a source-to-sink system in which terrestrial sediment in a mountainous catchment is promptly removed and transported to the deep sea by episodic gravity flows. This is also a pathway by which modern terrestrial organic carbon is quickly and effectively delivered to the deep sea.
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From the highest to the deepest: The Gaoping RiverGaoping Submarine
Canyon dispersal system
James T. Liu
, Ray T. Hsu
, Jia-Jang Hung
, Rebecca H. Rendle-Bühring
Chon-Lin Lee
, Chih-An Huh
Department of Oceanography, National Sun Yat-sen University, Kaohsiung 80424, Taiwan ROC
Department of Geosciences, University of Bremen, PO Box 330440, D-28334 Bremen, Germany
Department of Marine Environment, National Sun Yat-sen University, Kaohsiung 80424, Taiwan ROC
Institute of Earth Sciences, Academia Sinica, Taipei, 11529, Taiwan ROC
abstractarticle info
Article history:
Received 2 September 2014
Received in revised form 22 September 2015
Accepted 27 October 2015
Available online 30 October 2015
Small mountainous river
Submarine canyon
River ood
Hyperpycnal ow
Terrestrial sediment
Hemipelagic sediment
There are many different source-to-sink dispersal systems around the world, and the Gaoping River (GPR)
Gaoping Submarine Canyon (GPSC) provides an example especially as a canyon-captured system. The GPR, a
small mountainous river having an average gradient of 1:150, and the GPSC, which links the river catchment
to the deep-sea basin, represent two major topographic features around SW Taiwan. Together, they constitute
a terrestrial-to-marine dispersal system that has an overriding impact on the source-to-sink transport of
sediment in this region. The GPSC extents from the mouth of the GPR through the shelf and slope and into the
northeastern Manila Trench, a distance of about 260 km. It is a major conduit for the transport of terrestrial
sediment and carbon to the South China Sea and the landward transport of particles of marine and biological
In the GPSC thedominant mode of suspended-sediment transport is tidal oscillations and the net direction isup-
canyon. In contrast, sediment transport associated with episodic gravity-driven events is down-canyon. The
steady sedimentation of the tidal regime results in hemipelagic mud across the canyon oor, whereas the
gravity-driven (hyperpycnal) regime causes turbidite erosion and deposition along the canyon thalweg.
Typhoon-induced river oods often leadto hyperpycnal plumes at the river mouth, whichdirectly and indirectly
ignite hyperpycnal turbidity currents in the canyon forming an effective agent for transporting large amounts of
terrestrial organic material (modern and fossil carbon) to the South China Sea basin. Therefore, the GPRGPSC
represents a source-to-sink system in which terrestrial sediment in a mountainous catchment is promptly
removed and transported to the deep sea by episodic gravity ows. This is also a pathway by which modern
terrestrial organic carbon is quickly and effectively delivered to the deep sea.
© 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
1. Introduction.............................................................. 275
2. Background............................................................... 275
2.1. Systemmorphology ....................................................... 275
2.2. Strongforcing:typhoonsandearthquakes ............................................. 275
2.3. AhighlyperturbedGPRcatchment:complexsignalgeneration.................................... 276
2.4. Aneffectiveconduitforland-seaexchanges:theGaopingSubmarineCanyon.............................. 278
3. Approachandmethods......................................................... 278
4. The environmental units in the Gaoping RiverGaopingSubmarineCanyonsystem.............................. 278
4.1. The uvialsystem ........................................................ 278
4.1.1. Hydrologicalcyclesandepisodicevents .......................................... 278
4.1.2. Sedimentgenerationanddelivery............................................. 278
4.2. Theestuary........................................................... 281
4.2.1. The estuarine lterrelatedtothesalt-wedge........................................ 281
Earth-Science Reviews 153 (2016) 274300
Corresponding author.
E-mail address: james@mail.n (J.T. Liu).
0012-8252/© 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
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4.2.2. Flocculation....................................................... 281
4.3. TheGaopingSubmarineCanyon.................................................. 281
4.3.1. Physicaloceanographyofthecanyon ........................................... 282
4.3.2. Benthicnepheloidlayer ................................................. 283
4.3.3. Dynamicsandsourcesofthesettlingparticles....................................... 285
4.3.4. Sedimentation: tide-dominated versus gravity-owdominatedregimes............................ 285
4.3.5. Tracersforterrestrial-andmarine-sourcedparticles..................................... 286
5. The source-to-sink sediment processes in the GPRGPSCsystem ...................................... 287
5.1. Fine-grainedsedimentsascarriersofgeochemicalsignalsthroughthesystem............................. 288
5.2. The rivercanyontransportpathwayundernormalconditions.................................... 289
5.3. The rivercanyontransportpathwayunderhyperpycnalconditions.................................. 290
5.4. Internalsourcesandsinks:thenewisold ............................................. 294
5.5. Sedimentrecordsignaturesofthedualsedimentationpatternalongthecanyonconduit........................ 296
6. Summaryandfuturework........................................................ 297
Acknowledgments.............................................................. 297
AppendixA. Supplementarydata...................................................... 297
References................................................................. 298
1. Introduction
In a sediment-routing system the erosion of mountainous regions
and the nal deposition are linked when the sediment is moved from
its source to its sink (Allen, 2008). Globally the amount of sediment
delivered to the oceans by rivers is inuenced by tectonic processes,
which control the topography along the sediment-routing system, and
by the climate, which controls the weathering and erosion in river
catchments (Allen, 2008).
There is a great diversity of sediment-routing systems in the world,
which have a range of source and sink characteristics on continental
margins (Walsh and Nittrouer, 2009). There are numerous examples
including systems on passive continental margins such as the Po River
(Fox et al., 2004; Traykovski et al., 2007), the Amazon River (Nittrouer
and DeMaster, 1996), the Mississippi River (Bianchi and Allison,
2009), the Yangtze River(Changjiang), andthe Yellow River (Huanghe).
Some of these systems form active deltas (Bianchi and Allison, 2009;
Saito et al., 2001; Wu et al., 2007). Examples on active continental
margins include the Ganges-Brahmaputra River (Goodbred, 2003),
and the Eel River (Warrick, 2014). Along the Pacic Rim there are
small mountainousrivers on high standing islands, suchas the Lanyang,
Zhuoshui, and Gaoping in Taiwan (Liu et al., 2009b, 2013) and the
Waipaoa River in New Zealand (Kuehl et al., in this volume; Marsaglia
et al., 2010; Parra et al., 2012). A great majority of these rivers ow
into a bay or a gulf and wide or narrow shelves. There is another kind
of sediment-routing system that includes river-associated submarine
canyons (Baker and Hickey, 1986; Choi and Wilkin, 2007; Hsu et al.,
2014; Lopez-Fernandez et al., 2013; Palanques et al., 2005; Walsh and
Nittrouer, 2009), which comprise only 2.62% of all the 4025 submarine
canyons in the world (Harris and Wihteway, 2011). Most of these
submarine canyons are separated from their associated river mouths
by a portion of the continental shelf (Liu and Lin, 2004). Only in rare
cases does the submarine canyon head reach into or very near the
mouth of the river, such as the Sepik River (Kineke et al., 2000), the
Biobio River (Sobarzo et al., 2001), and the Gaoping River (GPR) (Liu
et al., 2002).
Among all the river dispersal systems, the Gaoping is particularly in-
teresting because there is a strong coupling between the dynamics that
move the sediment and thesediment record in the system that links the
catchment of a mountainous river and a submarine canyon on an active
tectonic setting. The characteristics of this sediment-routing system
makes it an ideal natural laboratory to study source-to-sink processes
and responses across the boundaries of different environmental units
within short time and space scales.
Based on topographic features, the Gaoping sediment dispersal sys-
tem in southern Taiwan is geographically divided into three segments
(Fig. 1A), each withits own source-to-sink implications:1) the southern
part of the Taiwan orogen (Fig. 1B); 2) the tectonically active drainage
basin of the GPR which includes the Gaoping coastal plain; 3) the
Gaoping Submarine Canyon (GPSC) that extends from the mouth of
the GPR into the NE corner of the South China Sea basin, which is
fronted by the steep slope of Taiwan Strait to the north (Yu et al., 2009).
This paper reviews the three key segments of the GPRGPSC system
and discuss their inuence on the form and function of this dispersal
system. The emphasis is on the processresponse linkages between
sediment processes and the associated geochemical signals carried by
ne-grained sediment through the system.
2. Background
2.1. System morphology
The GPR is the largest river in Taiwan in terms of drainage area
(3257 km
) and the second largest in terms of suspended-sediment
load (49 MT per year) (Liu et al., 2009a)(Fig. 2A). The headwater of
the GPR is located in the southern part of the Central Range near Mt.
Jade (Yu-Shan) whose elevation is 3952 m above sea level (Fig. 2B). It
is a small mountainous river, with 48% of its drainage basin above
1000 m, 32% between 100 and 1000 m, and 20% below 100 m (Liu
et al., 2009a). Consequently, the riverbed gradient is 1:15 in the upper
reaches, 1:100 in the middle reaches, and 1:1000 in the lower reaches,
with an average of 1:150 (Fig. 2C, Liu et al., 2009a).
Located ~ 1 km from the mouth of the GPR, the head of the GPSC
cuts across the narrow Gaoping shelf and slope, and merges into the
northern end of the Manila Trench about 260 km away (Yu et al.,
2009,Fig. 1C). The morphology of the canyon is closely affected by the
intrusions of mud diapers in the upper reaches and thrust faulting in
the middle and lower reaches of the canyon (Chiang and Yu, 2006).
High and steep walls characterize the head region of the canyon (Yu
et al., 1993). The canyon has relief exceeding 600 m, with a cross-
sectional geometry varying from V-shaped to broadly U-shaped +/
irregular troughs (Chiang and Yu, 2006, 2011). The formation of this
submarine canyon was controlled by the tectonic evolution of the arc-
continent collision between the Chinese continental margin and the
Luzon volcanic arc, which generated many structural deformations in
the Taiwan accretionary wedge, including the GPSC (Liu et al., 1997).
2.2. Strong forcing: typhoons and earthquakes
In addition to tectonic deformation, typhoons and earthquakes are
two major factors that affect the system (Liu et al., 2013). On average,
approximately four typhoons pass through Taiwan per year (Liu et al.,
2013). Among the historical typhoons, 23% were from the western
Pacic Ocean, and 13% were from the SCS (Liu et al., 2013). Typhoons
can affect the system when still hundreds of kilometers away by bring-
ing marine-sourced foraminifera into the upper reaches of the GPSC.
275J.T. Liu et al. / Earth-Science Reviews 153 (2016) 274300
During the proximal phase, when typhoons induce river oods, high
waves and storm surges are typically present in thecoastal areas and lo-
cally sourced sediments from the river ood and sea-oor resuspension
dominate the sediment uxes in the system (Liu et al., 2006). Typhoons
are a signicant factor not only as a geological agent that affects sedi-
ment generation and burial throughout the system on millennium
time scales and longer, but also as a major forcing agent moving sedi-
ment from the terrestrial river catchmentto the deep sea via the subma-
rine canyon on time scales of hours and days (Liu et al., 2012; Hsu et al.,
2014). This review considers how several recent typhoons, including
Kalmaegi (2008), Morakot (2009), and Fanapi (2010) affected the
source-to-sink processes in the GPRGPSC system (Liu et al., 2013).
The inuence of earthquakes has been minor in the sub-aerial GPR
catchment area in recorded history compared to other areas in
Taiwan. However, a major earthquake in 2006 triggered signicant
gravity ows in the nearby Fangliao Submarine Canyon and the lower
GPSC and Manila Trench (Hsu et al., 2008; Carter et al., 2012; Su et al.,
2012). Associated with the event, ~22 subsea communication cables
were broken, implying the tremendous power of the gravity ows.
Hung and Ho (2014) reported elevated concentrations and inventories
of suspended matterand trace metals in both Fangliaoand Gaoping can-
yons after this earthquake, which could be caused by the earthquake-
triggered gravity ows.
2.3. A highly perturbed GPR catchment: complex signal generation
Landsides/debris ows triggered by earthquakes and typhoons epi-
sodically increase the sediment supply from upland catchments in the
GPR drainage basin (Hsieh and Chyi, 2010; Liu et al., 2013). Fan terraces
are a very common landscape form at the conuences of the major and
secondary tributaries along the Qishan and Laonong Rivers (Hsieh and
Chyi, 2010; Hsieh and Capart, 2013), and the stratigraphic sequences
of these fans attest to the mass-wasting process that erode the moun-
tains and aggrade the river channels and riverbanks (Hsieh and Chyi,
2010). An event that took place b200 yr BP, for example, caused the
riverbed to elevate 120 m (Hsieh and Capart, 2013). Because of the ep-
isodic nature of the mass wasting, both the aggradation and subsequent
incisionprogress rapidly,on time scales of less than a few hundred years
(Hsieh and Chyi, 2010). There is recurring aggradation-incision in the
history of tributary-fan development throughout the upper and
middle-reaches of the GPR catchment, thus the high spatial and tempo-
ral variability in river morphology indicates that sedimentation to and
in the river is dynamic and complex. Although typhoons and earth-
quakes are key driving forces in the sediment supply (Liu et al.,
2013), there are other factors such as aggradation-incision that con-
trols the uvial behaviorof each tributary (Hsieh and Chyi, 2010;
Hsieh and Capart, 2013). These in turn, form internal sources and
sinks on centennial to millennium time scales within the river
In 510 August 2009, a super typhoon (Morakot) hit Taiwan (Chien
and Kuo, 2011). In about three days, it brought cumulative precipitation
of 1677 mm in the GPR basin, which is equivalent to the annual rainfall
in an ordinary year (Tsou et al., 2011). A catastrophic landslide in
the upper reaches of the Qishan River on 9 August buried the Xiaolin
Village and caused more than 400 casualties (Supplemental Fig. S1A).
The Xiaolin Village was located at the foot of an ancient colluvium
deposit that had accumulated over 120 m thick (Hsieh et al., 2012)
(Supplemental Fig. S1B). The erosion left a concave-shaped slope
(Supplemental Fig. S1C). Underlying the erosional slope of the Xiaolin
landslide, the prevailing appearance (dated 21, 14.9, 13.7 and 12.0 ka)
of mass-wasting sequences thicker than 20 m also suggests frequent
recurrences of landslides/debris ows in this area (Hsieh et al., 2012),
which would episodically generate enormous amount of sediment in
the source-to-sink system.
Fig. 1. A 3-D topographic mapof the GPR basin and the upperand middle reaches of theGPSC (A). The smallermap of Taiwan shows the areaincluded in the 3-D map (B).The top ographic
changes fromnear the mountainoussource area to the middle reaches of the canyon areshown by the plot of elevationsalong the thalweg of the riverand the submarine canyon(C). The
red arrowindicates the conuence point of the riverand submarine canyon. The deployment locations of four sediment trap moorings (T6KP,T7KP, T10KP3, T10KP4)discussed in the text
are indicted. The locations of three long piston cores (OR1-811 K08P, OR1-820 35, OR1-811 K31A) discussed in the text are also indicated.
276 J.T. Liu et al. / Earth-Science Reviews 153 (2016) 274300
Another more common type of disturbance brought on by typhoons
on the time scale of da ys, is ooding of in the Gaoping uvial plain south
of the conuence of the Qishan, Laonong, and Ailiao rivers (Fig. 2B).
River oods often cause erosion of the topsoil and destructions of
man-made structures. For example during Typhoon Morakot, ve of
the nine bridges crossing the GPR were destroyed (Supplemental
Fig. S2A, B). River dikes collapsed in many places, roads were washed
away, and buildings were destroyed. Disturbances in the GPR affected
Fig. 2. (A) Thetopographic map of Taiwan showing thearea of the GPR basin (grey).(B) An enlarged topographic map of theGPR basin, showing the maincourse of the GPR and the three
major tributaries: Qishan River, Laonong River, andAilao River. The diamond symbols show the locations of the elevations plotted in (C) along the thalweg of the main courseof the river
system. The source area is near Mt. Jade, the highest peak of the Central Range.
277J.T. Liu et al. / Earth-Science Reviews 153 (2016) 274300
the characteristics of the uvial sediment signal during the oods (Liu
et al., 2013), which will be elaborated on in later Sections 4.1.2 and 5.4.
2.4. An effective conduit for land-sea exchanges: the Gaoping Submarine
The sediment discharged by the GPR to the open shelf and slope ac-
counts for less than 20% of the river's sediment load (Huh et al., 2009a).
A larger amount of the sedimentis carried by gravity ows, in the form
of hyperpycnal turbidity currents, via the GPSC, to the deeper South
China Sea (Carter et al., 2012; Huh et al., 2009b; Liu et al., 2006, 2012,
this volume). Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH) concentrations
and compositional patterns show that riverine particulates are mostly
directed to the NW-shelf and/or the GPSC (Fang et al., 2007). The
GPSC also acts as a major sink for riverine trace metals (Hung and
Hsu, 2004; Liu et al., 2009b). But studies show that the GPSC is actually
a two-way conduit for land-sea exchanges of water masses and
suspended particles (Liu et al., 2002, 2006; Liu and Lin, 2004; Lin et al.,
2005). While terrigenous material is transported down the canyon to-
wards the deep sea by gravity ows, marine-sourced biogenic material
is transported landward via the canyon conduit by tide-dominated pro-
cesses (Lin et al., 2005). Nevertheless, lithogenic sediments dominate
suspended particles in the head region of the canyon (Liu et al., 2009b).
3. Approach and methods
The objectives of eld monitoring and analysis of water and sedi-
ment in the GPRGPSC system are rstly to address diversity in the
source (terrestrial vs. marine), origin (lithogenic vs. biogenic), and
history (modern vs. fossil) of the sediment. Consequently multiple
geochemical and isotopic analyses were used to extract the geochemical
characteristics (e.g., organic material, trace metals) of the sediment.
Furthermore, tracers that can identify the origin of particles, such as
biomarkers, PAHs, and foraminifers were used.
was employed
as an indictor of steady settling in sediment in cores and sediment
trap samples on the centennial time scale, and the AMS
C was used
to determine the longer chronology of material in sediment cores and
particles captured in non-sequential sediment traps.
Secondly, to address relationships betweenphysical forcing and sed-
iment responses, instrumented taut-line moorings were congured
with CTDs, current meters, and sediment traps. To establish the cou-
pling between processes in the water column and the seabed, mooring
deployments were accompanied by water-column sampling of the
suspended-sediment and concentrations, by sampling of the surcial
sediment on the seaoor, and by coring at the deployment site. Concur-
rently, the hydrography at the deployment site was surveyed over tidal
cycles. Results from eight mooring deployments are included in this
4. The environmental units in the Gaoping RiverGaoping
Submarine Canyon system
4.1. The uvial system
4.1.1. Hydrological cycles and episodic events
Due to the inuence of typhoons and the monsoon climate, rainfall
in the GPR basin is highly seasonal, most of which (70%) occurs during
the ood season from June to September (Huh et al., 2009a; Milliman
and Kao, 2005). Consequently, 91% of the annual discharge occurs in
the ood season (Liuetal.,2002). Typhoon-related episodes of high
runoff are accompanied by larger suspended-sediment discharge (Liu
et al., 2013). Based on a 41-year long monthly discharge record, the
temporal uctuations of river runoff show important periodicities of
about less than 12 years, 1 year, and 0.5 years. The 12-yr periodicity is
close to the 11-yr cyclicities in the solar activities that affect decadal
global climatic patterns in precipitation (Prokoph et al., 2012; Wang
and Su, 2013). The monsoon climate, on the other hand, brings distinct
dry and ood seasons over the annual hydrological cycle. The passing of
typhoons mostly occurs in the summer and early fall, potentially bring-
ing massive rainfall.
4.1.2. Sediment generation and delivery
The geology, topography, climate, and human activities in the river
catchment lead to signicantly higher physical and chemical weathering
rates than the world average (Hung et al., 2004). Studies show that the
sediment yield from the GPR basin (15 kg/m
/yr) is higher than
Taiwan's overall average (10 kg/m
/yr) (Dadson et al., 2003), and
much higher than the mean value of global small mountainous rivers
(3 kg/m/yr) (Milliman and Syvitski, 1992). The rate of chemical erosion
in the GPR basin is estimated to be 1.3 kg/m
/yr, which is also much
higher than the world average of 3340 g/m
/yr (Hung et al., 2004).
During the ood season, on average, the river runoff and the sediment
load are two to three orders of magnitude higher than those observed
in the dry season, respectively (Hung et al., 2004). In general, the river
discharges high sediment loads and strong geochemical signals to the
sea in the ood season and during typhoon events.
The transport and delivery of sediment particulate C, N, and bio-
markers differs substantially between dry and ood seasons. During the
ood season, episodic oods from heavy monsoon rains or typhoons
critically inuence not only the annual load of the suspended-sediment
but also POC and PN values. The concentrations of POC (PN) are closely
correlated (r N0.92, p b0.003) with suspended-sediment concentrations,
which in turn are dependent on water discharge during the ood season.
This implies that they have the same source (Hung et al., 2012). The daily
river transport of POC is estimated to be 5.98 × 10
g C/d in the dry season
and 1.25276 × 10
g C/d in the ood season. In 2007, the estimated
annual load of suspended-sediment, POC and PN (based on discharge-
weighted concentration) were 3.7 × 10
metric tons/yr, 226 Gg C/yr
and 15 Gg N/yr, respectively (Hung et al., 2012). In the very dry year of
2002, the estimated suspended-sediment, POC and PN load were
2.14 × 10
metric tons/yr, 9.51 Gg C/yr and 1.53 Gg N/yr, respectively
(Hung, unpublished data). Therefore, the load of river-borne materials
in any particular year depends highly on the river discharge, which in
turn, largely depends on the occurrence of typhoons in that year.
In the ood season, the suspended-sediment load was largely
composed of the 1063 μm fraction except possibly during an event.
For example during Typhoon Pabuk, the 63153 μmfractiondominated
the suspended-sediment load. The grain-size distribution of POC gener-
ally matches that of suspended-sediment. However, during Typhoons
Wutip and Sepat, the 63153 and 2.710 μm fractions dominated the
suspended-sediment load, probably representing the two pathways of
POC in the GPR basin (Hung et al., 2012). As noted elsewhere, the
coarse-grained fraction of POC, N25 μm in the case of the Eel River and
N63 μm in the case of the Amazon River, is derived mainly from plant
debris. The ne-grained fraction of POC, b4μm in the case of the Eel
River and b63 μm in the case of the Amazon River, is derived from the
soil (Blair et al., 2003). Similar relationships are expected in the GPR
Based on linear regression analyses, Liu et al. (2009a) found that
of the ve grain-size classes in suspension in the lower GPR (N500,
250500, 63250, 1063, and 1.210 μm), all except for the N500 μm
grain-size class are carriers of POC and PN in the surface water, with
Fig. 3. The sampling sitesand sample types forbiomarkers in twoseasons are markedand color-coded in(A) and (B). Seasonalmean distributionpatterns of carbonnumbers derivedfrom
n-alkanes(C15C35) of sediment and soilsamples in (C) summer(ood season), and (D) winter (dry season). The mean compositions of carbon numbers aredistinctive among therock,
agricultural soil, and suspended particles (E). The calculated Carbon Predominance Index (CPI) along the GPR in (F) summer and (G) winter, respectively (0 km is located at the river
278 J.T. Liu et al. / Earth-Science Reviews 153 (2016) 274300
279J.T. Liu et al. / Earth-Science Reviews 153 (2016) 274300
clearly terrestrial POC and PN in the 63250, 1063, and 1.210 μmsize
classes. In contrast, in the near-bedwater, only the nest size class (1.2
10 μm) carries terrestrial POC and PN. On the riverbed, the coarsest size-
classes of the total and lithogenic part of the sediment N473 and 249
473 μm are terrestrial. The nest two size-classes of b10 and 10
63 μm are of marine origin. These ndings indicate that under non-
typhoon conditions the GPR is exporting large-sized suspended terres-
trial organic particles to the sea in the surface water and importing
ne-grained marine organic particles as a result of estuarine circulation,
potentially trapping these materials on the riverbed (see next section).
Under typhoon conditions, landslides and erosion of forested hill
slopes in the GPR basin release large amount of woody debris in the
form of driftwood that ranges from tree trunks to branches and twigs
(Liu et al., 2013). Thus the driftwood is another pathwayfor modern ter-
restrial organic carbon (OC) to escape to the sea (Liu et al., 2012, 2013).
Hilton et al. (2011a) used biomarkersto distinguish the POC sources
in the highly disturbed GPR basin, and found that they are mainly
derived from bedrock erosion. Fifty-four samples including riverbed
sediment, forest soil, agricultural soil, suspended particles, and rocks,
were taken from the GPR basin in dry and ood seasons for biomarker
studies (Fig. 3A,B). The mean distributions of carbon numbers derived
from n-alkanes (C15C35) show cleardistinction between the sediment
and soil in different seasons (Fig. 3C, D). In forest soil samples, similar to
agricultural soil (Fig. 3E), the odd-number carbons are predominantly in
higher molecular n-alkanes, meaning that hydrocarbons in the soil are
mainly generated by vascular plants with less degradational inuence
(Fig. 3C, D). However, in riverbed sediment, there is no odd-number
predominance, and the patterns are similar to those of rock samples
(Fig. 3E). This discrepancy between the soil and river sediment is caused
by different contributing sources, e.g. recently produced material (soils,
standing biomass, and modern woody debris) and fossil OC (Sparkes
et al., 2015). Thus, soil apparently contains fresh organic carbon from
vascular plants (Brassell et al., 1986; Eglinton and Hamilton, 1967),
whereas riverbed sediment is composed of reworked organic carbon
(petrogenic alkanes). The carbon number composition of the riverine
suspended particles suggests high dilution from degraded hydrocar-
bons released from sedimentary rocks by incision and landslides
(Hilton et al., 2011b). Such petrogenically-sourced alkanes are predom-
inant in sediments in the GPR basin and in suspended particles in the
Fig. 4. Salt-wedge inuence on sediment dynamics as shown by the along-channel grain-size composition of the unaltered riverbed sediment (A), the lithogenic fraction of the riverbed
sediment, (C) the distribution of the medium-silt fraction and TOC, As, and Hg, and (D) the salinity structure that shows the boundary of the salt-wedge intrusion. The red dashed line
indicates the boundary between the salt-wedge and uvial regimes (taken from Liu et al., 2009a).
280 J.T. Liu et al. / Earth-Science Reviews 153 (2016) 274300
The Carbon Predominance Index (CPI) indicates the freshnessof
the OC. Larger values of CPI (usually N4) denote fresh and well-
preserved n-alkanes with less diagenetic change and a smaller content
from petrogenic sources (Powell et al., 1978; Powell and Mokirdy,
1973). On the other hand, petrogenic input and recycled organic matter
(OM) have a CPI value close to unity (Pendoley, 1992). Along the GPR,
the spatial distribution of CPI reveals that petrogenic hydrocarbons
dominate river sediments regardless of the season (Fig. 3F, G).
Therefore, there is a disassociation between the biomarkers in the soil
and in the river sediment throughout the GPR system due to the over-
whelming signals from the recycled OC sources in the system. This
will be further discussed in 4.4.
4.2. The estuary
4.2.1. The estuarine lter related to the salt-wedge
In the ood season, tidally driven salt-water intrusion is the major
factor inuencing the hydrodynamics of the lower reaches of the GPR,
which in turn, affects the down-river and water-column distribution
of suspended and riverbed sediments (Liu et al., 2009a). The intrusion
front of the salt-wedge driven by the tide creates a dynamic barrier
(Fig. 4). On its landward side, the riverbedsubstrate is composed of sed-
iment mostly coarser than 249 μm. Within the salt-wedge the riverbed
substrate is ner, consisting mostly of mud (b63 μm) as in other
systems (Bianchi, 2007; Carlin et al., 2015; Verlaan, 2000). The barrier
creates a lter on the riverbed immediately seaward of the intrusion
front, trapping higher percentages of clay-sized sediment and associated
TOC and metal species (Figs. 4, 5,Hung et al., 2009; Liu et al., 2009a). The
estuarine lter also separates the OM of terrestrial and marine sources in
the suspended and riverbed sediments. Within the salt-wedge the major
contributor of riverbed TOC is clay-sized marine sediment carried
upstream by the intruding seawater (Fig. 5). The terrestrial POC is a
minor contributor to the riverbed TOC.
4.2.2. Flocculation
Liu et al. (2009a) attribute the coarse-grained composition of the
riverbedsediment immediately landward of the salt-wedge to the effect
of occulation (Fig. 5). The grain-size changes between riverbed and
suspended-sediments are coupled. The abundances of most suspended
and riverbed sediments in matching size-classes have a reciprocal
relationship (negative feedback) through resuspension and deposition
at the sediment-water interface. Only the grain-size classes of 62
473 μm on the riverbed and that of 63250 μminsuspensionareposi-
tively co-varying (both increase and decrease together) (Liu et al.,
2009a). Unlike other grain-size classes in suspension and on the river-
bed, this grain-size class has no statistically signicant correlation
with the salinity, suggesting it is neither marine nor terrestrial (Liu
et al., 2009a). It consists largely of a transient oc population that is
formed and destroyed over the course of a tidal cycle. Additionally as
part of the same study, but not presented in Liu et al. (2009a),peak
values of both the concentration and the mean grain size of the
suspended sediment at the river mouth were found to coincide with
minimum values in salinity. This suggests the presence of short-lived
ocs during the ebbing tide when the salinity was the lowest, which
corroborates well with the presence of the oc group.
4.3. The Gaoping Submarine Canyon
The collision between the continental margin of the northern South
China Sea (part of the Eurasian plate) with the Luzon volcanic arc (Hsu
and Sibuet, 2004; Lallemand and Tsien, 1997)hashadsignicant inu-
ence on the seaoor structure and topography, including the formation
of the GPSC (Liu et al., 1997). The collision area today is an accretionary
prism/wedge (Chemenda et al., 2001; Huang et al., 1997) or an under-
lled foreland basin (Yu, 2004), where sediments from the Taiwan
orogen accumulate.
Both structural and sedimentary processes have affected the geo-
morphology of the GPSC (Chiang and Yu, 2006). In the upper sinuous
part of the canyon, intrusions of mud diapirs have complicated the
cut-and-ll process and have strongly affected the canyon morphology
(Fig. 6). In the middle and lower reaches of the canyon, thrust faulting
created two prominent bends in the course of the canyon (Fig. 1).
Base tilting has also affected the morphology of the lower canyon
(Chiang and Yu, 2006).
Fig. 5. Schematic 3-D plots of the river-salt wedge dynamics. (A) The basic setting showing the steep slope of the riverbed and the shallow water depth. The red columns represent
the double pilings of the Xuangyuan Bridge (insert). (B) During ood, the river water slides over the intruding salt-wedge with little mixing. The landward end of the salt-wedge
forms a dynamic barrier that facilitates the deposition of coarse sediment on its landward side and the trapping of ne-grained sediment on its seaward side (the estuarine lter).
(C) During ebb,the salt-wedge withdraws to the river mouth, and river-borne sediments are transported to the sea relatively unimpeded.
281J.T. Liu et al. / Earth-Science Reviews 153 (2016) 274300
Based on geomorphology and seismic surveys, Chiang and Yu
(2008) hypothesized that gravity ows were the main control in the
formation and maintenance of meanders of the canyon. For example,
the sinuosity of the upper reaches of the canyon was likely caused by
erosion of the seaoor due to gravity ows and slumping of the canyon
walls (Fig. 6B, C, D, E), which could also trigger gravity ows. Identied
boulders on the canyon oor in a 3-D image from multi-beam bathy-
metric surveys (Fig. 6D) support the presence of gravity ows
(Shanmugam, 2006). Additionally, in a distal meander of the canyon,
overspilled sediments at the outer bend of levees and a terrace of at
stratied facies at the inner bend also suggest active sedimentary pro-
cesses in the canyon (Chiang and Yu, 2008, 2011).
4.3.1. Physical oceanography of the canyon
A branch of Kuroshio Current ows NW parallel to the coast through
this area,bringing water masses and marine substances from the Pacic
and the South China Sea (Liu et al., this volume). The observed
temperature-salinity properties at the head region of the GPSC shows
that the canyon is lled with three types of waters: 1) the efuent
from the GPR, 2) Kuroshio Current water, and 3) South China Sea
Fig. 6. (A) Detailed bathymetry of the upper reaches of the GPSC based on the composite of 3 multi-beambathymetric surveys conductedby Taiwan Ocean ResearchInstitute (TORI). The
two blackdashed lines indicatethe locations of two seismiccross-sections(B, C). Localizedcanyon-rim slumping (D) and canyon-wall landslide (E) are indicated by red arrowson two 3-D
topographic plots. (B is taken from Chiang and Yu, 2011; C is taken from Chiang and Yu, 2006; D and E are taken from Yeh et al., 2013).
282 J.T. Liu et al. / Earth-Science Reviews 153 (2016) 274300
water (Liu et al., 2002, 2006). The canyon interior is stratied mainly
due to the temperature gradient (Liu et al., 2002), and slopes of
isopycnal surfaces in the canyon are controlled by the tidal phase (Liu
et al., 2002).
Tidal currents generally dominate the ow eld in many submarine
canyons, and internal tides may be an order of magnitude more
energetic than the barotropic tidal currents (Kunze et al., 2002). Obser-
vations of currents and hydrographic proles in the GPSC (Wang et al.,
2008) show that in the lower part of the water column the major axis
of the tidal currents is aligned with the thalweg of the canyon (Liu
et al., 2010). Tidal energy is channeled from the shelf landward with a
beamlike internal wave, guided by bottom topography. The semidiurnal
internal tide (M
) dominates with an intensity increasing with depth
(bottom trapped) and is also increasing toward the canyon head
(Wang et al., 2008). The water mass displacement associated with the
internal tidal current may have had a major effect on the sediment
transport (Xu et al., 2002; Liu et al., 2012). The internal tide can be easily
generated and amplied with the isotherm displacement over 200 m
and thus plays an important role in mixing, leading to downward
mixing of river discharged materials over a tidal cycle. Note, the internal
tidal energy ux in the GPSC is 37 times greater than that in the
Monterey Canyon (Lee et al., 2009a,b). The isopycnal disturbances and
associated high suspended-sediment concentrations near the canyon
oor suggests that turbulent mixing and breaking of internal tides
play a role in sediment transport processes in the canyon (Lee et al.,
2009b; Liu et al., 2002).
In 2008, two sediment trap moorings were deployed in deeper
water (~ 650 m) than previous deployments in the GPSC (Fig. 7): 1)
JanuaryMarch (T6KP) and 2) JulySeptember (T7KP) (Figs. 1, 7). The
observations from these two moorings reveal twofundamental patterns
of the ow eld and the associated sediment dynamics in the GPSC
(Huh et al., 2009b; Liu et al., 2012). In each mooring dataset there is a
clear demarcation between the shelf and canyon ow regimes (Fig. 8).
On the shelf, the impinging ow of the Kuroshio Current and wind-
generated currents dominate the sub-tidal ow eld, and these
are superimposed by tidal oscillations (Liu et al., 2006)(Fig. 8A, B).
Under normal conditions the ow in the canyon interior shows a two-
layered structure affected by the internal tide (Fig. 8A) (Liuetal.,
2006, 2009c; Wang et al., 2008), which is better revealed by the mea-
surements of an upward-looking long-range ADCP (Huh et al., 2009b).
However, during the passing of four typhoons in the 2-month deploy-
ment of T7KP (Liu et al., 2012), the two-layer structure was replaced
by a thick layer of landward ow almost lling the entire water column
of the canyon interior, with a thin layer of seaward ow close to the
canyon oor (Fig. 8B).
4.3.2. Benthic nepheloid layer
The benthic nepheloid layer has been observed in the head region of
the GPSC throughout a year (Liu et al., 2002, 2010). The benthic
nepheloid layer was as thick as 100 m and the suspended-sediment
concentration reached 30 mg/l. The thickness and the suspended-
sediment concentration of the benthic nepheloid layer are controlled
by the tidal current in the course of a semi-diurnal tidal cycle (Liu
et al., 2010).
Previous sediment trap moorings in 2000, 2002, and 2004 produced
month-long time series records in the benthic nepheloid layer near the
canyon oor of 1) along-canyon velocity, 2) water temperature, and
3) the volume concentration of suspended particles in various grain-size
classes (Fig. 7). Data show that the benthic nepheloid layer is strongly
modulated by the tides at semidiurnal, quarter, and sixth diurnal frequen-
cies and spring-neap cycles (Liu and Lin, 2004; Liu et al., 2006, 2010). In
Fig. 7. The deployment locations of 6 taut-line sediment trap moorings and one shipboard
hydrographic proling station in different years (Liu et al., 2013) are plotted over the
bathymetric map shown in Fig. 6.
Fig. 8. Flowregimes above the canyonand in the canyon interior, differentiatedas shown by the progressivevector plotsof each bin in the ADCP measurements at the samelocation (Fig. 7)
between 10 Jan. -20 March, 2008 (A) and 7 July11 Sept., 2008 (B). (A) is taken from Huh et al. (2009b) and (B) is the re-plot of the data reported in Liu et al. (2012).
283J.T. Liu et al. / Earth-Science Reviews 153 (2016) 274300
the course of a semidiurnal cycle, the ood (up-canyon) current brings
colder and more saline offshore water containing higher suspended-
sediment concentrations that enters the canyon near the canyon oor
(Fig. 9A, B). This causes the thickness of the benthic nepheloid layer
to increase. During the ebb phase, warmer and less saline coastal water
displaces the colder and more saline water near the canyon oor. The
suspended-sediment concentration immediately near the canyon oor
increases in response to the maximum ood and ebb currents of the M
Fig. 9. Shipboard measurements of the tidally modulated benthic nepheloid layer as shown by the vertical chang es over a 25-h period of (A) salinity, (B) temperature, and (C) light transmission.
The simultaneously measured ow eld is represented by the magnitude and horizontal orientations (north is to the top of the plot) of the arrows (taken from Liu et al., 2010).
284 J.T. Liu et al. / Earth-Science Reviews 153 (2016) 274300
tide (Fig. 9C). In the benthic nepheloid layer, suspended-sediment trans-
port is also strongly affected by non-linear processes such as the genera-
tion of M
tide (the overtide of M
), as indicated by the increased values of
the amplitude ratios of M
for the suspended-sediment grain-size
classes (Liu et al., 2010) and by the interaction between the internal
tide and the canyon topography (Lee et al., 2009a).
4.3.3. Dynamics and sources of the settling particles
Liu and Lin (2004) show that river plume dynamics and the coastal
wind eld largely control the delivery of river and shelf-sourced terrig-
enous ne-grained sediment to the canyon under non-ood conditions.
Based on theoretical settling velocities of siliciclastic spherical particles
and assuming a still and stratied canyon interior, Liu and Lin (2004)
found that sand-sized particles fall through the canyon within an hour
while the clay-sized particles take over a month to settle. Consequently,
the behaviorof suspended particles of different sizes in the canyon
interior can be differentiated into a coarse-grained group (sand) that
forms the rapid-settlingpopulation and a ne-grained group (mud)
that forms the backgroundpopulation. The coarse-grained group is
delivered directly to the canyon by the river efuent and by wave
resuspension of the shelf substrate (Liu et al., 2012). Both lithogenic
and non-lithogenic particles contribute to high mass uxes including
all sediment types (exceeding 700 and 800 g/m
/d) in the lower part
of the canyon (Liu and Lin, 2004; Liu et al., 2009c).
With lower settling velocities, ne-grained sediment remains in the
water column longer and is transported farther, causing the observed
downward ning of suspended-sediment in the canyon (Liu and Lin,
2004; Liu et al., 2009c). Because of the longer residence time of ne-
grained sediment in the water column, there are also downward
decreases of ne-grain afliated non-lithogenic components in the
suspended-sediment in the water column such as TOC and PAH due to
decay, decomposition, and mineralization (Liu et al., 2009c).
4.3.4. Sedimentation: tide-dominated versus gravity-ow dominated
Time-series data of water-borne properties and sediment captured
by the sediment traps on T6KP and T7KP moorings provide clear insight
into the dynamics of settlingparticles in the GPSC (Huh et al., 2009b; Liu
et al., 2012, 2013). The two moorings had similar congurations, in
which identical non-sequential sediment traps were used. They were
also deployed near the same location, which makes them ideal to
show contrast in the canyon hydrodynamics and sediment dynamics
(see Sections 5.2,5.3).
The T6KP mooring was deployed in the winter/dry season when
tides were the dominant forcing in the GPSC. The spring-neap tidal
cycles were well reected in the textural composition and the mean
grain size of the sediment captured by the sediment trap (Fig. 10A, F).
The data show that higher energy during the spring tide caused
increases in the coarse-grained faction (sand), which resulted in larger
mean grain size (Fig. 10A). Conversely, the ne fraction was higher
during the neap tide. Since the amount of clay controls the texture of
the captured particles in the trap, the down-trap watercontent basically
follows that of the clay content (Fig. 10B). These ne-grained particles
are major carriers of bio-geochemical signals. For example, the TOC
and TN mimics that of the clay fraction in the sediment trap samples
(Fig. 10C, D). Liu et al. (2009c) also reported similar trends.
Fig. 10. Findings from the sediment trap mooring(T6KP) betweenJanuary and March 2008 thatshow tidal-regimecontrolled dynamicsof settling particles in theGPSCover5spring-neap
cycles as revealed by the down-trap changesof (A) composition of the coarse and ne fractionsand mean grain-size,(B) water content and clayfraction, (C) TOC and clay fraction, (D) TN
and clay fraction, (E) cumulation rate (half-tone diamonds indicate the locations and time of timer discs) and mass ux (horizontal bars) between adjacent timer-discs, and the
(F) corresponding along-canyon ow. The red arrows point to the time of the spring tide in the canyon.
285J.T. Liu et al. / Earth-Science Reviews 153 (2016) 274300
The T6KP mooring encompassed ve spring-neap cycles (Fig. 10F),
which generally recorded an increase in the mass ux from a neap to
the ensuing spring tide (Fig. 10E). Liu et al. (2009c) also documented
the close co-varying relationship of the mass ux and coarser grain-
size composition to the spring-neap cycle. During this deployment,
most of the captured sediment was mud, of which the clay content
was as high as 30% (Fig. 10B). This suggests the tidal regime provides
a stable hydrodynamic environment for steady sedimentation of
hemipelagic mud (Huh et al., 2009b), which is the normal sedimenta-
tion pattern in the GPSC. The sedimentation of mud leads to the domi-
nant presence of mud on the seaoor of the GPSC (Liu et al., 2002,
Being deployed in the summer/ood season, T7KP (Fig. 11A) experi-
enced an energetic regimeof hyperpycnal events followed by the quies-
cent normal tidal regime (Liu et al., 2012). This is clearly reected in the
grain-size texture and the mean grain size of the captured sediment
(Fig. 11B). In the sediment trap sediment, Liu et al. (2012) identied
sediment carried by two hyperpyncal turbidity current events, each
characterized by an inverse graded layer overlain by a graded layer,
then capped with a thin layer of ne-grained sediment (Fig. 11B). This
is hypothesized to be the waxing and waning phases of the turbidity
currents. However, the inverse-to-normal grading could also be caused
by an increase in suspended-sediment concentration in the ow
(Talling, 2014). The grain-size composition is much coarser during this
period of typhoon inuence. The normal tidally inuenced pattern
returns in the sediment in the upper part of the sediment trap
(Fig. 11B). Three spring tides could be identied by the periodic pattern
of higher sand content and a greater mean grain size shown by the
captured particles (Fig. 11B).
Comparing the texture in the upper and lower part of the sediment
trap (Fig. 11B), it is clear that sediments in the lower trap were coarser
and had a higher settling velocity, pointing to a more energetic regime
(Fig. 11C). The estimated mass ux during the 16-h period of the two
hyperpycnal turbidity currents was 2 orders of magnitude higher than
that measured during the spring tide (Liu et al., 2009c). This dataset
suggests that the tide-dominated regime represents the hemipelagic
background, in which the ne-grained sedimentation occurs. In con-
trast, the hyperpycnal turbidity currents triggered by the hyperpycnal
plumes at the river mouth during episodic river oods appear to be
the main agent (based on the mass ux) for coarse-grained sediment
deposition and sediment transport in the canyon.
4.3.5. Tracers for terrestrial- and marine-sourced particles
Ubiquitous contaminants such as PAHs are mainly transported via
atmospheric wet/dry deposition, air-water exchange and uvial deliv-
ery in coastal areas. Nonetheless, they can also be transported through
oceanic circulation and long-range atmospheric transport (Dachs
et al., 1996; Fang et al., 2009, 2012; Huang et al., 2012; Lai et al., 2014;
Lin et al., 2013; Sato et al., 2008). As thesecompounds are particle reac-
tive, the specic patterns of their presence in particles can help trace
particulate transport within a dispersal system (Fang et al., 2009;
Huang et al., 2012; Lin et al., 2013). Several diagnostic ratios related to
their provenance have been widely used to distinguish the possible
sources of these particles (Fang et al., 2003, 2007, 2009; Huang et al.,
Fig. 11. Findings from the sediment trap mooring (T7KP) between July and September 2008 that show captured signals of two typhoon-triggered hyperpycnal turbidity current events.
(A) Schematic drawing of the non-sequential sediment trap showing the level of collected sediment in yellow, physical locations of the 1st three timer-discs and their corresponding
normalized down-trap depths (pointed by the arrows), and the location of the sediment interfaceas indicated by the circled alphabet Kfor Typhoon Kalmaegi. (B) The mean grain-
size (bluecircles) plottedover the cumulativepercentage of clay, silt, andsand. The red and light purple arrows represent inferred waxingand waning stages of two hyperpycn altu rbidity
currents.(C) Settling velocity. (D) Total carbon(TotalC) as expressed by thesummation of TOC and TIC. (E) C/N ratio by weight. (F) Mass ux. The right/left-hand pointing red triangles
indicate the down-trap depths of the 5 time-points that delineate the intervals for estimating the mass uxes. The blank segment indicates the space where the funnel of the trap is
threaded into the PVC pipe below which the sediment sample was greatly disturbed in the disassembly process after retrieval (taken from Liu et al., 2012).
286 J.T. Liu et al. / Earth-Science Reviews 153 (2016) 274300
2011; Lai et al., 2011, 2013; Lin et al., 2013; Page et al., 1999; Savinov
et al., 2000; Yunker et al., 2002). Three diagnostic ratios, representing
petrogenic, biogenic and pyrogenic origins, have been effective in differ-
entiating and characterizing sediments among offshore, nearshore and
inner harbor samples in the Gaoping system, respectively (Fang et al.,
2003). Enrichment of pyrogenic and petrogenic PAHs in sediments
exhibit spatial dilution by biogenic PAHs, which can be used to infer
their transport and origin.
Before PAHs were used as provenance tracers in southwest Taiwan,
seasonal and spatial variations of PAH ngerprints in sediments were
explored (Fang et al., 2007; Jianget al., 2009). The sources of particulate
PAHs in the water column of the GPR are predominantly petrogenic in
the ood season but pyrogenic in the dry season. Samples used to
characterize PAH compounds in the water column were collected
from two taut-line sediment trap moorings (T4KP) deployed at the
upper rim and near the oor of the canyon (Liu et al., 2006, 2010).
PAH diagnostic ratios and statistical tools (e.g., principal component
analysis) were applied to distinguish sources of PAHs and trace the
transport path of the land-derived particles from the GPR (Fang et al.,
2009). During the sampling period, both traps were signicantly tilted
by the tidal currents and uctuated vertically (Lee and Liu, 2006; Liu
et al., 2009b). The trap at the canyon rim experienced greater vertical
movements, thus their particle characteristics (e.g., particulate organic
carbon content, particle mass, and ne particle fraction) varied more
than those from the trap near the canyon oor. Nonetheless, interesting
observations were drawn from the study. Hourly depth variations of the
tilted sediment trap array were echoed by the corresponding total PAH
concentrations. The PAH composition of the collected particles was re-
lated to the ow direction and speed, reecting alternating seaward
(down-canyon) or landward (up-canyon) sources.
A second example illustrates the usefulness of PAHs to resolve the
effects of a typhoon on particulate transport (Liu et al., 2012). Trap sam-
ples collected from T7KP provided a high resolution PAH prole that
traced Typhoon Kalmaegi-induced particle movement (Liu et al.,
2013). The PAH composition in the trap samples allowed the typhoon's
effect to be broken into stages including; 1) marine signature before any
typhoon; 2) signature of resuspended-sediments caused by typhoon-
induced currents and waves; 3) pyrogenic particles from northwestern
shelf caused by down-canyon ows; and 4) strong pyrogenic signatures
caused by two hyperpycnal turbidity currents, suggesting the delivery
of terrestrial particles. The anthropogenic PAHs discharged to the
canyon head in the wake of the typhoon oods was indicated by low
perylene ratios and these PAHs indicated a very clear petrogenic signal,
representing the background composition of the GPR watershed.
In contrast to the PAHs, foraminiferal shells provide evidence for
landward transport of biogenic particles of marine origin in the GPSC.
During the distal phase of Typhoon Kai-tak (2000), the concentration
of both benthic and planktonic foraminifera increased 2 to 4-fold in
sediment trap samples (T1KP mooring) in the upper water column
(104 mab, meter above the seaoor) and near the oor (54 mab) of
the GPSC (Lin et al., 2005; Liu et al., 2006). The presence of shallow-
water living benthic foraminiferal shells indicated landward transport
in the canyon (Lin et al., 2005). The benthic and planktonicforaminiferal
shells discovered in sediment traps on two moorings (T4KP) at the
upper rim and near the oor of the canyon in 2004, also indicated lateral
(cross-shelf) and up-canyon transport of biogenic marine particles (Liu
et al., 2009b). These studies conrm that foraminiferal shells are not
only useful tracers, but also important components of sinking particles
in the GPSC (Liu et al., 2009b). Together, the tracers indicate two-way
transport of particles in the GPSC.
5. The source-to-sink sediment processes in the GPRGPSC system
In a conceptual model for the particle dynamics in the head region of
the GPSC, Liuetal.(2009c)depict the diverse source and nature of
particles, their complex delivery pathways to the canyon, and the sedi-
mentation process in the canyon (Fig. 12). Generally, particles delivered
to the canyon consist of three major types: 1) lithogenic/siliciclastic
particles which are mostly sourced from the GPR and delivered by
river plumes and from resuspension of shelf sediments; 2) biogenic
Fig. 12. A conceptual model illustrating particle dynamics in the head region of the GPSC. The thick dashed line depicts the upper and lateral boundaries of the canyon. The bands of dif-
ferent colorsin the background indicate the stratied water columnespecially in the interior of the canyon. Thelegends in the rst panel indicate particles from theuvial and reworked
shelf sources. Th e second panel represents particles of biogenic origins. The legends in the third panel include proc esses related to gravity-ow-caused erosion and deposition
(hyperpycnites and turbidites). The meanings of the callouts are as follows: A: Fine-grained sediment is dispersed by the river plume on the shelf. B: Sediment coarser than very-ne
silt descends into the canyon, a process that is modulated by the tide. C: Particles settling into the canyon are from diverse sources of terrestrial sediment, reworked sediment from the
shelf oor, and biogenic particles related to marine foraminifers. D: Authigenic particles related to primary production on the shelf. E: Progressive change in physical and geochemical
properties of sinkingparticles. F:Particles from resuspensionfrom the canyon oor,entrainment fromcanyon walls, and along-canyontransport contribute to the formation of the benthic
nepheloidlayer. G: Planktonic and benthicforaminifersare signicant biogenic particles transported fromdistal sources andfrom settling fromabove. H: Erosionof the substrateby gravity
processes. I: Deposits by gravity ows such as turbidites and hyperpycnites. (Taken from Liu et al., 2009c).
287J.T. Liu et al. / Earth-Science Reviews 153 (2016) 274300
particles related to primary production on the shelf, and planktonic and
benthic foraminifera settling into the canyon from the shelf and/or
transported up-canyon in its interior; and 3) reworked sediment due
to failure of the canyon walls and entrainment from the canyon oor
by gravity ows. Moreover, recent studies reveal that the river-
sourced sediment, especially during oods, also contains terrestrial OC
of multiple phases (Liu et al., 2012, 2013; Hsu et al., 2014; Sparkes
et al., 2015). Transport agents including free settling, will be discussed
in Sections 5.2 and 5.3. The estimated mass ux near the canyon oor
is 27 times higher than that measured at the upper rim of the canyon
(Liu et al., 2009c), suggesting that the extra sediment ux near the can-
yon oor could not have come from the upper water column in the can-
yon. Therefore, lateral transport along the canyon thalweg must be
important in the lower part of the water column, probably within the
benthic nepheloid layer of the canyon as has been documented in
other canyon systems around the world (Arzola et al., 2008; Drexler
et al., 2006; Puig et al., 2014; van Weering et al., 2002).
The physical and geochemical nature of particles is transformed as
they settle through the water column in the canyon. Typically, there is
a downward ning trend in the size composition of suspended particles
as the average percentage of clay-to-ne-silt particles (0.410 μm)
increases from 22.7% in the surface water in the canyon to 56.0% in
the bottom water near the canyon oor. Conversely, the average
percentage of the sand-sized (N63 μm) particles decreases with depth
from 32% in surface water of the canyon to 12% in the bottom water
near the canyon oor. As a result, the substrate of the canyon oor is
composed largely of lithogenic hemipelagic mud. Along with this down-
ward ning trend is the vertical decrease in the water column of the
concentration of suspended non-lithogenic substances such as TOC
and PAH, despite their afnity to ne-grained particles.
The downward change in the physical nature of the sinking particles
is also reected in the porosity and bulk (solids and voids) density of
particles of three grain-size classes at the surface and near the bottom
in the canyon. Hsu and Liu (2010) attribute this vertical variability
to 1) occulation, 2) biogenic processes, and 3) terrestrial-sourced
sediment from the GPR efuent.
5.1. Fine-grained sediments as carriers of geochemical signals through the
Fine-grained sediments are important vehicles for carrying
geochemical signals along source-to-sink pathways of the GPSGPSC
system. An illustration comes from the combined studies of Liu et al.
(2009a) and Hung et al. (2009) in which physical and geochemical
properties of sediment on the riverbed of the GPR and the oor of the
GPSC were investigated for the spatial variability along the river
canyon conduit (Fig. 13). The estuarine lter related to the salt-wedge
creates a trap that retains higher levels of clay content on the riverbed
that results in the elevation of all the measured geochemical variables
of TOC, TN, Fe, Al, As, Hg, and Mn (Fig. 14,Liu et al., 2009a).
The spatial variability along the rivercanyon pathway in the 8
geochemical variables was reanalyzed using the multivariate analysis
technique of EOF (Empirical Orthogonal/Eigen Function) analysis. The
results show that the rst eigenmode explains over 52% of the overall
correlation (standardized variance), indicating a high correlation. The
sign of the eigenvectors of the rst mode of all the variables is the
same, meaning they all co-vary coherently (Fig. 15A). Clay particles
are widely known as an efcient carrier for most particle-reactive
trace metals and organics. Consequently, the eigenweighting curve of
the rst mode, which shows the spatial pattern of the mode, almost
mimics the distribution of the clay content (Fig. 15B). This means that
the distributions of the 8 geochemical variables are primarily controlled
by the abundance of the clay (Fig. 15A).
The second mode explains over 24% of the correlation. In this mode,
As, Al, Fe, and Mn co-vary with clay because FeMn oxides/hydroxides
are often coated on, or associated with, clay particles, leading to good
correlations among them (Fig. 15A) This suggests that the FeMn
oxides/hydroxides are important in carrying metals, particularly for As
(Hung et al., 2009). On the other hand, the organics and Hg co-vary in
an opposite fashion to clay since Hg is abundant in the organic/sulde
fraction (Hung et al., 2009). Those sediments enriched in sulde are
likely derived from relatively reduced conditions with OM as a driver.
Therefore, the eigenweightings of this mode become negative in the
Fig. 13. Sampling stationsfrom the lower reachesof the GPR to the upper reachesof the GPSC for a study of the geochemical controlof organics and tracemetals in the surcial sedimentin
the GPRGPSC system in 2003 and 2004 (after Hung et al., 2009).
288 J.T. Liu et al. / Earth-Science Reviews 153 (2016) 274300
submarine canyon region (Fig. 15B), which is caused by the decomposi-
tion, mineralization, and degradation of the OM in the GPSC (Liu et al.,
2009b; Hung et al., 2009). In summary, ne-grained particles (ner
than medium silt) are the primary control of geochemical signals not
only in suspended (Fig. 4) and settling (Fig. 10) sediments, but also in
the substrate (Fig. 14) throughout the rivercanyon system.
5.2. The rivercanyon transport pathway under normal conditions
The two-month deployments of T6KP and T7KP provide valuable
contrasts in the net sediment transport in the near-bottom part of the
GPSC under normal and hyperpycnal conditions. The T6KP dataset
only shows net displacement of water; suspended sediment transport
Fig. 14. The surcialsediment datasetof Hung et al. (2009) re-plotted to show thedistributions ofclay, TOC, TN, Fe, Al, (upper panel)As, Hg, and Mn (lower panel)along the rivercanyon
conduit. Stations designated by numbers were located in the river, the smaller the number, the closer to the river mouth. The along-canyon stations are designated by alpha-numerals,
from b1 (at the head of the canyon) to 38. The two red arrows point to the locales of the estuarine lter (Fig. 5B) in both dry and wet seasons. The dashed black line separates the
river and canyon regimes.
Fig. 15. EOFanalysis results of theco-variability in theriver-to-canyon geochemicalproperties of the sediment samplesshowing (A) groupingsof the rst three eigenmodesaccording to
the sign of the eigenvector of each mode, and (B) the spatial characteristics of each mode according to the eigenweightings. The red arrows point to the locales of the estuarine lters in
both seasons. The percentage of clay ineach sample is plotted to illustrate the effect of gain-size.
289J.T. Liu et al. / Earth-Science Reviews 153 (2016) 274300
should theoretically show an identical pattern (Fig. 16A). Duringthe de-
ployment in the non-typhoon season, the net water displacement was
up-canyon, superimposed by tidal oscillations, both of which followed
the orientation of the canyon axis at the mooring site (Figs. 7, 16A).
This net transport pattern is mainly controlled by the tidal regime.
5.3. The rivercanyon transport pathway under hyperpycnal conditions
The T7KP mooring revealed that the normal up-canyon directed
tidal regime was interrupted by a typhoon-triggered down-canyon
hyperpycnal regime (1825 July), followed by a transitional period of
recovery (25 July24 Aug.). Eventually, the normal up-canyon tidal
regime resumed (Fig. 16B; Liu et al., 2012, 2013).
Liu et al. (2012) provide the most comprehensive observations of
not only the ow eld of two passing hyperpycnal turbidity currents
in the GPSC, but also the warm water and the terrestrial sediment
that originated from Typhoon Kalmaegi-triggered oods in the GPR
(Fig. 17). The estimated mass ux of these two sequential events in
16 h was 198.2 kg/m
/d. The results further allow for an estimation of
the sediment carried by the two hyperpycnal turbidity currents of
2.59 × 10
Using discharge and suspended-sediment content from the Water
Resources Agency, Ministry of Economic Affair, the sediment load in
2008 was 35.13 × 10
t, which is comparable previous studies
(Dadson et al., 2003; Hung et al., 2012; Liu et al., 2008). Based on the av-
erage concentration of 0.58% for POC in GPR sediment (Kao et al., 2006),
the average OC exported by the GPR in 2008 was roughly 24.4 × 10
comparable to that estimated by Hung et al. (2012). Using measured
TOC (0.44%) and total carbon (0.83%) in the sediment carried by the
two hyperpycnal turbidity currents (Liu et al., 2012),their total amounts
are estimated, respectively (Table 1). The two hyperpycnal turbidity
currents carried about 18% and 13.7% of the suspended-sediment and
OC load exported by the GPR oods on July 18, 2008, respectively
(Table 1). However, these low percentages are not surprising because
the sediment trap mooring only captured the upper two thirds of the
passing turbidity currents (Liu et al., 2012). Considering that the higher
suspended-sediment concentration in the lower part of the turbidity
currents was missing in the observation, the sediment load is likely
underestimated. Further studies are needed on sediment gravity ows
with improved observational tools.
After the passing of Typhoon Fanapi in 2010, Hsu et al. (2014)
captured the wake of hyperpycnal turbidity currents in the GPSC using
two taut-line moorings (T10KP3, 4; Fig. 7). Mooring T10KP4 was cong-
ured with a non-sequential sediment trap similar to that used by Liu
et al. (2012). Although Hsu et al. (2014) missed the beginning of the
hyperpycnal events, they did capture the warm water and the sediment
carried by the hyperpyncal ow (Fig. 18). Their data showed a decreas-
ing mass ux from 56.8 kg/m
/d at the beginning to 1.24 kg/m
/d at the
end of the deployment over 5 daysand 13 h. Although the hyperpycnal
turbidity currents in the canyon were triggered under the same peak
value of 20 kg/m
for the suspended-sediment concentration in the
GPR during Typhoons Kalmaegi and Fanapi, the mass uxes in the
hyperpycnal turbidity currents after Typhoon Fanapi were much
lower than during Kalmagei. This is probably because the Kalmaegi
observation included two entire hyperpycnal events (Liu et al., 2012)
whereas the Fanapi observation (Hsu et al., 2014) only included the
wake of the hyperpycnal events.
In the Fanapi case, the average TOC in the sediment carried by the
hyperpycnal ows was 0.44%, of which 7090% was of terrestrial origin
(Hsu et al.,2014). During TyphoonKai-tak (in 2000) the TOC contents in
captured sediment trap samples at the upper rim and near the oor of
the GPSC were also about 0.4%, which is lower than 0.7% at the upper
Fig. 16. (A) Progressive vec tor plot of the net water displacement measured at the sediment trap mooring (T6KP). The beginning and end time poi nts of the record are marked.
(B) Progressive vector plot of the net sediment transport observed at the sediment trap mooring (T7KP) (taken from Liu et al., 2013). The plot shows the normal tidal regime in the
beginning of the record, which was then interrupted by the typhoon-induced hyperpycnal regime, followed by a transitional/recovery period, and at the end, the normal tidal regime
290 J.T. Liu et al. / Earth-Science Reviews 153 (2016) 274300
rim and 0.5% near the seaoor for non-typhoon periods (Liu et al.,
2006). Liu et al. (2006) attribute this decrease to a dilution effect caused
by the increase of terrestrial lithogenic particles during the typhoon.
However, this was not the case with the sediments carried in the head
of a hyperpycnal turbidity current during Typhoon Kalmaegi (in
2008), when TOC content was as high as 1.92% (Liu et al., 2012). Since
Typhoon Kalmaegi was the rst typhoon in 2008, the initial river oods
appear to have ushed out higher percentages of fresh organic matter
(standing biomass) in the uvial system, which was then carried by
the hyperpycnal plume into the canyon and captured by the sediment
trap. To summarize, both accounts of hyperpycnal turbidity currents
in the GPSC conrm the rivercanyon pathway for the delivery of
terrestrial sediment and OC to the deep sea during typhoons.
In the GPSC, typhoon-related hyperpycnal turbidity currents
originate in the uvial environment, so the water they carry is warmer
than the ambient water near the canyon oor (Kao et al., 2010).
Consequently, from a temperature viewpoint, these ows are catego-
rized as warm-water turbidity currents(Fig. 19A-C). On the other
hand, earthquakes (Talling et al., 2013) can also trigger mass failures,
leading to the development of turbidity currents (Hsu et al., 2008;
Carter et al., 2014). The water temperature of the turbidity currents of
this nature should be the same or close to the ambient temperature of
the canyon, forming cold-water turbidity currents(Fig. 19DF). In
any case, either of these two mechanisms could generate gravity ows
that have high speeds and long run-outs and are able to cause
geohazards such as breaking subsea communication cables laid across
the GPSC (Carter et al., 2012, 2014).
Since both warm- and cold-water turbidity currents are gravity-
driven, the turbidites they deposit should have similar physical charac-
teristics and typically consist of coarse-grained sediments with high
amounts of lithogenic components (Liu et al., 2009c). A study has
shown that turbidites deposited from warm-water turbidity currents
Table 1
Comparison of sediment and carbon loads and percentages of the two hyperpycnal turbidity currents and the GPR in 2008 (Liu et al., 2012).
Category Sediment Load × 10
(t) Total Carbon Load × 10
(t) Organic Carbon Load × 10
GPR in 2008 (Liu et al., 2012) 35.13 24.4
GPR in 2007 (Hung et al., 2012) 37.0 35.1 22.6
GPR on July 18, 2008 14.40 8.35 (0.58% TOC content, based on Kao et al., 2006)
41.0% of 2008 34.2% of GPR in 2008
Turbidity currents between 08:0024:00 July 18, 2008 2.59 2.15 1.14
18.0% of GPR on July 18 13.7% of GPR on July 18
7.4% of GPR in 2008 6.1% of GPR in 2007* 4.5% of GPR in 2008
Note: All percentages are based on the river loads in 2008.
Fig. 17. Observations of two hyperpycnal turbidity currents in July 2008 by T7KP that include: (A) the tidal and non-tidal parts of the along-canyon velocity recorded by a single-level
acoustic current meter at 56 mab(meter above bed); (B) contoured temperature and the acoustic backscatter measured on the mooring; (C) the vertical prole of the non-tidal along-
canyon velocity measured by the RDI(LADCP) on a nearby mooring. The down-canyonows are in red and up-canyon owsare in blue. The color-coded diamond time-markers indicate
the beginning of the waxing phase (red), the transition fromwaxing to waning phases (purple), and theend of the waning phase (lightblue) of the rst turbiditycurrent (taken from Liu
et al., 2012).
291J.T. Liu et al. / Earth-Science Reviews 153 (2016) 274300
Fig. 18. Evidence of a river-ood relatedhyperpycnal event in the GPSCas shown by (A) the temperature reversals at thetwo moorings (T10KP3, 4), and (B) the vertical structureof the
non-tidalows observed at thetwo moorings. The positive and blue sticks indicatethe up-canyon directedows and the negativeand red sticks indicatedown-canyon directed ows. The
black dashed line separates the hyperpyncal and tidal regimes of the ow eld (taken from Hsu et al., 2014).
Fig. 19. Schematic drawings of the genesis of the warmand coldgravity ows in the GPSC. (A) During episodic ood events the GPR efuent containing high concentration of suspended-
sediment forms the hyperpycnal plume and plunges into the head of the GPSC. (B) The hyperpycnal process ignites gravity ows. (C) Hyperpycnal turbidity currents carry warm water and
a large amount fresh terrestrial sediment down the canyon. (D) Earthquakes or other marine processes cause the failure of canyon walls and slopes. (E) Slumping occurs and generates debris
ows. (F) Through a hydraulic jump, the debris ows transform into turbidity currents carrying the ambient seawater and reworked marine sediment down the canyon (Talling et al., 2013).
292 J.T. Liu et al. / Earth-Science Reviews 153 (2016) 274300
Fig. 20. (A) Mapshowings locationsof 5 gravity cores along thethalweg of the upper reaches of the GPSC takenshortly after TyphoonMorakot. The core labelsmatch the locationson the
map (B, C, D, E, F). For eachcore, the followingdown-core variablesare shown in sequence:the mean grain-sizeplotted over the photoof the core, cumulativeplot of the sand, silt, and clay
and water content, the Terrestrial Fraction (F
) and the C/N ratio, and the
. Core K1 h as additional three data points of A MS
C age (provided by Robert Sparkes) plotted over the
293J.T. Liu et al. / Earth-Science Reviews 153 (2016) 274300
potentially contain fresher sediment from the terrestrial environment,
having high values of terrestrial OC and water content and low to very
low levels of
activity (Liu et al., 2009c). Conversely, turbidites
deposited from cold-water turbidity currents are mainly reworked
coarse marine sediment, having marine-sourced OC and lowwater con-
tent, and potentially very low levels of
activity (Liu et al., 2009c).
5.4. Internal sources and sinks: the new is old
The GPRGPSC system is an active sediment dispersal system that
links the mountainous river catchment to the deep sea via a submarine
canyon. Typical sediment processes operate over tidal, sub-tidal to sea-
sonal time scales. However, episodic typhoon and earthquake events
dominate the system and move large amounts of sediment down the
canyon and to the South China Sea (Carter et al., 2012).
Typhoon Morakot devastated the GPR catchment and left deposi-
tional layers not only in the GPSCbut also in the nearby Fangliao Subma-
rine Canyon (Hale et al., 2012). Several lines of evidence in ve cores
from the upper GPSC taken after this typhoon show ood-triggered
hyperpycnal turbidites (Fig. 20). Notably in Core K1 located right at
the head of the canyon, where plunging of the hyperpycnal plume
probably took place, is a turbidite layer that contained over 80% of
sand and high amounts of terrestrial OM (with TOC exceeding 1.0%),
terrestrial fraction (F
) exceeding 80%, a C/N ratio exceeding 14 (Liu
et al., 2013; Sparkes, 2012; Sparkes et al., 2015), and very low
(Fig. 20B). Three AMS
C dated samples show the ages for the core ma-
terial are 8.2,11.2, 12.7 ka. (data provided by Robert Sparkes) in the tur-
bidite, mid-core, and the core-top, respectively. The turbidite was likely
fresh terrestrial sedimentdelivered by Morakot-related river oods, yet
the OC it contained is over 8200 yr old. The ensuing deposited sediment
Fig. 20 (continued)
294 J.T. Liu et al. / Earth-Science Reviews 153 (2016) 274300
was medium silt, still containing over 70% of terrestrial OM, and is even
older. Furthermore, the upward linear increase of
activity in the
top 5 cm of the core probably reects the scavenging effect due to
steady sedimentation of terrestrial sediment after the oods. The old
age of freshly delivered terrestrial sediment points to multiple sources
for the sediment, particularly the OC from the terrestrial system
(Hilton et al., 2011a; Sparkes et al., 2015). Typhoon-induced mass
wasting and debris ows in the river catchment apparently released
the old sediment including fossil OC and mixed it with the fresh sedi-
ment that contained the terrestrial non-fossil carbon (Sparkes et al.,
2015) during the transport process. This turbidite was probably depos-
ited at the beginning of the river oods, with a higher amount of eroded
topsoil, making it younger than the overlying sediment. As the typhoon
progressed, older fan terraces, tributary fans, and ancient colluvium
began to be incised, introducing older and ner sediment into the
river ow which was then deposited in the wake of the peak oods
forming the ner sediment deposited above the turbidite in K1
(Fig. 20). This phenomenon highlights the fact that fresh sediment
newly delivered to the sea from highly disturbed river catchments con-
tains old sediment with fossil OC (Sparkes, 2012) from internal sinks
and deep erosions of the hill slopes, landslides, and fan terraces. This
freshly delivered sediment that contains terrestrial fossil OC from the
uvial system is different from the reworked sediment from the seaoor
found in sediment records that bears marine signals (including marine
OC), which had already been delivered and deposited in the offshore
part of the system (Kao et al., 2014).
Liu et al. (2002) found high abundance of very-coarse and coarse
sand in the surcial sediment on the north ank of the canyon head.
Recent multi-beam bathymetric surveys show gullies on the canyon
wall at this location (pointed by the red arrow in Fig. 20A), which are
likely erosional features from descending/plunging hyperpycnal
plumes. The presence of the turbidite in Core K1 suggests that there
might be another internal sink of temporarily deposited coarse-
grained terrestrial sediment at the head of the canyon. These deposits
may have been ushed down the canyon by the second ow described
by Carter et al. (2012), or later by other hyperpycnal events (Puig et al.,
After Typhoon Morakot, hyperpycnal turbidity currents may have
been ignited at the canyon head multiple times and then moved down
the canyon over a period of a few days (Kao et al., 2010; Carter et al.,
2012). Due to topographically induced secondary ows and tidal energy
distribution at the rst meander of the canyon thalweg, erosion of the
canyon oor and wall at the core site K12A is suspected to have caused
the high percentage of sand at this site (Fig. 20C, Liu et al., 2010). Addi-
tionally, the lower F
and C/N and high
values, suggest that the
substrate sediment at this location is probably a mixture of marine
and terrestrial material, including sediment from hemipelagic settling
(Kao et al., 2014). After passing the rst canyon meander, acceleration
of the turbidity current due to the increased slope likely caused erosion
at the location of Core K25B (Fig. 20D). In Cores K8 and K8X, turbidites
are present showing higher values of F
and C/N, and low
(Fig. 20E, F). These two cores also contain coarse woody debris and the
highest presence of terrestrial biomass of any of the Morakot cores
(Sparkes, 2012; Sparkes et al., 2015). At the sites of Cores K8 and K8x,
the canyon topography probably caused the turbidity current to decel-
erate (Fig. 20A), thus becoming depositional (Sequeiros et al., 2009).
Fig. 20 (continued)
295J.T. Liu et al. / Earth-Science Reviews 153 (2016) 274300
The low values of F
C/N, and
are also likely to have been
contributed to by internal sinks from canyon wall slumping
(Fig. 6B-E). Using elemental and isotopic analyses, Sparkes et al.
(2015) conrmed that terrestrial OC (fossil and non-fossil) domi-
nat ed the sediment in Morakot canyon cores. In the down-canyon trans-
port by hyperpycnal turbidity currents, reworked marine sediment
(resuspended from the shelf and from erosion of the canyon wall) includ-
ing marine-sourced OC was also incorporated into the deposits (Sparkes
et al., 2015).
Complementing the presence of fossil OC in terrestrial sediment
freshly deposited in the Morakot cores, fossil OC contained in suspended
terrestrial sediment was also captured in the non-sequential sediment
trap immediately after Typhoon Fanapi (Hsu et al., 2014). The AMC
ages of three sediment samples at the bottom, middle, and the top of
the trap, were 7.8, 6.4, and 8.1 ka, respectively (data provided by George
Burr), and corresponding F
values were 82.2%, 92.2%, and 94.4%, respec-
tively. Since sediment captured by the sediment trap was from the wake
of hyperpycnal turbidity events (Hsu et al., 2014), the upward increase in
the F
values suggests that the weakened turbidity current reduced
mixing with the ambient canyon water. This caused less dilution
by marine-sourced OC in the captured terrestrial sediment, causing the
upward increase in F
values in the trap. There is no doubt that the
typhoon-related events eroded modern OC and remobilized fossil OC
in sediment from internal sinks in the GPR basin and transported them
to the deep sea along the GPRGPSC dispersal system via turbidity
currents (Kao et al., 2014; Sparkes et al., 2015).
5.5. Sediment record signatures of the dual sedimentation pattern along the
canyon conduit
Steady tidal oscillations and episodic sediment-gravity ows leave
two distinct types of sedimentary signatures in seaoor deposits of
the canyon conduit. Trends similar to those observed in the sediment
trap moorings (Huh et al.,2009b and Liu et al., 2012) werealso observed
in longer piston cores taken at three locations: 1) proximal to the head
in upper reaches (OR1-811 K08P), 2) at the transition between the
upper and middle reaches (OR1-820 35), and 3) more distally, at the
transition between the middle and lower reaches (OR1-811 K31A) of
the GPSC (Fig. 1). They are used to illustrate gradual down-canyon
changes in the seaoor lithology in response to the relative dominance
of these two sediment transport processes.
Based on the core descriptions, the sediments at all three sites
consist largely of ning-upward deposits, with coarser sandy units
interspersed with bands of ner muddy units (the extent, depending
on location within the GPSC). The coarser sandy-silt layers are dark
greenish grey, while the ner clayey-silt layers are olive grey. Sporadic
dark olive brown layers also occur. The coarser sandy units most likely
reect sediment-gravity ow deposits, while the ner muddy units rep-
resent hemipelagic deposits (Rendle-Buehring et al., 2009). The ner
muddy units in the other two cores are dominated by sediments that
are comparable to two pelagic, undisturbed long cores (ORI 799-G24
and ORI 732-8G) located outside the GPSC in the northeastern area of
the South China Sea (Rendle-Buehring et al., 2008).
Core OR1-811 K08P is dominated by thick, very coarse, sandy turbi-
dite deposits interspersed with minor thin bands of hemipelagic mud
(Fig. 21). These ndings suggest that this location along the canyon
conduit forms a depocenter and a major sink for very coarse turbidite
deposits left by turbidity currents generated farther up-canyon
(Rendle-Buehring et al., 2009).
The lithology of Core OR1-820 35 consists mainly of clayey-silt
intermingled with thin bands of coarser (sandy-silt) turbidite deposits
(Fig. 22A, B). Many of these turbidites have the typically sharp lower
boundary dened by a contrast in color, texture and grain size when
compared to the hemipelagic background mud below(Fig. 22C). Graded
laminations in the turbidites are also apparent in the X-radiograph
(Fig. 22B). The ne-grained nature of the coarser deposits suggest that
only the ner sediments carried in turbidity currents reach this location
far down the conduit.
At the most distal Core OR1-811 K31A, the lithology is again dominat-
ed by ne-grained silty-clay and hemipelagic sediments. Interspersed in
the hemigelagic sediments are minor intermittent ne-grained
(b100 μm) thin turbidites (Fig. 23A). Due to the very ne-grained nature
of these turbidites, they are more visible in the X-radiographs
(Fig. 23B). The results suggest that only the very low energy (end)
phase of the turbidity currents deposit sediment this far down the
The sedimentary lithology observed in these three cores shows that
grain size decreases down-canyon in both the ne-grained hemipelagic
sediments and in the coarse-grained gravity ow deposits. This demon-
strates the down-canyon decrease in the strength of the uvial-fed
sediment load and/or the episodic sediment-gravity ows (Talling
et al., 2013). These results probably indicate that the upper reaches of
the GPSC constitute a sink for the high-energy, coarser turbidites,
while the middle and lower reaches of the canyon form a sink for the
progressively lower-energy, thinner and ner-grained turbidites that
are deposited in the more distal reaches of the canyon conduit. Farther
away from the head of the canyon, the ne-grained mud becomes
Fig. 21. Photo of Core OR1-811 K08P.
296 J.T. Liu et al. / Earth-Science Reviews 153 (2016) 274300
the dominant lithology in the more distal gravity ow deposits.
These ne-grained mud deposits in the canyon are comparable to
the hemipelagic sediments on the Gaoping slope (Sparkes et al., 2015)
that ultimately form the deposits on the abyssal plain and in the
Manila Trench in the South China Sea (the ultimate sink for sediments).
6. Summary and future work
The GPRGPSC dispersal system is an interesting natural laboratory
because it consists of a high-yield river basin that is dynamic in its
sedimentary behavior and a submarine canyon whose sediment
dynamics are controlled by tidal oscillations under normal conditions
and by gravity ows under typhoon-induced hyperpycnal conditions
or triggered by earthquakes. A rivercanyon pathway is formed by
complex mechanisms to deliver sediment of terrestrial, marine, and bio-
genic material with diverse physical and geochemical properties into
the canyon. The submarine canyon is a two-way conduit facilitating
land-sea interactions. Under normal tidal inuence, the net sediment
transport direction is up-canyon. Under episodic typhoon conditions,
the net sediment transport is down-canyon by energetic gravity ows
that deliver terrestrial sediment and carbon to the deep sea. There are
two modes of sedimentation pattern in the canyon. The hemipelagic
mud is formed in the tidal regime and turbidity currents in the
hyperpycnal regime form the coarse- to ne-grained turbidite
sequences. The internal sources and sinks in both the river basin and
canyon conduit complicate the chronological, geochemical and
sedimentary signals in the system. This is a highly complex sediment-
routing system in terms of physical, geochemical, and sedimentary
signals that requires an interdisciplinary approach to understand the
interplay among them.
To further advance our understanding of the GPRGPSC system or
similar systems in the future, there are two challenges. The rst lies in
improving the observational methods for capturing passing turbidity
currents in their entirety (the ow and suspended sediment structures
in space and time, and the material they carry) and the corresponding
signature they leave on the seaoor. The second challenge is to improve
our ability to model, in a prognostic fashion, the generation (start from
the plunging process of the hyperpycnal plume at the head of the
canyon) and propagation of turbidity currents down the canyon, with
particular attention to the processes of sediment entrainment and
deposition at the ow-seabed interface, which determines the fate of
the turbidity current.
All the authors are grateful to the R.O.C. Ministry of Science and
Technology (formerly the National Science Council-NSC) for the nan-
cial support to the FATES research program (Fate of Terrestrial/Non-
terrestrial Substances in the Kaoping Submarine Canyon, 20032006;
Fate and Transport of Terrestrial/Non-terrestrial Substances in a
Collision Margin of Arc and Continental, 2006-2009; and Fate of
Terrestrial/Non-terrestrial Sediments in High Yield Particle-Export
River-Sea Systems, 2009-), and to the individual authors. The authors
also acknowledge the use of R/V Ocean Researcher I and III in the eld-
work, which is vital in the data acquisition and the success of the
research. JTL and RHR-B beneted from the support of the NSC-DAAD
(German Academic Exchange Service) Personnel Exchange Program.
We beneted from discussions with Robert Sparkes. We thank Peter
Talling and another anonymous reviewer and the guest editors J.P.
Walsh and Patricia Wiberg for their helpful comments and suggestions
to improve the manuscript.
Fig. 22. Photoof Core OR1-820 35 (A), imagesof the X-ray radiograph of the segmentsof the core (B), and an enlargedphoto showing a turbidite layer andthe hemipelagic mud aboveand
beneath it (C).
297J.T. Liu et al. / Earth-Science Reviews 153 (2016) 274300
Appendix A. Supplementary data
Supplementary data associated with this article can be found in the
online version, at
These data include the Google map of the most important areas de-
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300 J.T. Liu et al. / Earth-Science Reviews 153 (2016) 274300
... An Anderson-type sediment trap (Anderson, 1977) was deployed on the same mooring line as our studied ADCP, at 30 m above seabed, to collect particles transported in the canyon ( allowing fallen sedimentary sequences to be preserved in a similar way to seabed sediment cores (e.g. Liu et al., 2016, Maier et al., 2019). An intervalometer unit was included in the funnel to insert discs that were scheduled to fall every 21 days into the liner tube. ...
... It is challenging to monitor directly sediment transport in submarine canyons due to difficulty of access and to potential damage of measuring instruments by powerful flows (e.g., Khripounoff et al., 2003, Sumner et al., 2012. 520 However, advances in tools used to measure sediment transport have enabled detailed direct observations in a few canyons globally (Liu et al., 2016, Paull et al., 2018, Clare et al., 2020, Talling et al., 2023. Hydrodynamic processes such as turbidity currents and tides have been reported in canyons elsewhere, but sometimes with different flow properties compared to those in the Congo Canyon. ...
... In other settings, the maximum speed of tides can reach 1 m/s (e.g., Nazaré Canyon, In contrast to the growing number of studies reporting observations of sediment transport in submarine canyons, the impact of hydrodynamic processes on carbon composition in submarine canyons is poorly constrained. A few 535 studies compared particulate organic carbon composition in traps and seabed sediments in submarine canyons (e.g., Kao et al., 2014, Liu et al., 2016, Maier et al., 2019. In a similar way to the Congo Canyon, trap and seabed sediments in the Gaoping Canyon, offshore Taiwan, include particulate organic carbon dominated by inputs from the Gaoping River whose mouth is very close to the canyon head (Kao et al., 2014). ...
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The transfer of carbon from land to the near-coastal ocean is increasingly being recognized in global carbon budgets. However, a more direct transfer of terrestrial carbon to the deep-sea is comparatively overlooked. Among systems that connect coastal to deep-sea environments, the Congo Submarine Canyon is of particular interest since the canyon head starts 30 km into the Congo River estuary, which delivers ~7 % of the total organic carbon from the world’s rivers. However, carbon and sediment transport mechanisms that operate in the Congo Canyon, and submarine canyons more globally, are poorly constrained compared to rivers because monitoring of deep-sea canyons remains challenging. Using a novel array of acoustic instruments, sediment traps and cores, this study seeks to understand the hydrodynamic processes that control delivery of particulate organic carbon via the Congo Submarine Canyon to the deep-sea. We show that particulate organic carbon transport in the canyon-axis is modulated by two processes. First, we observe periods where the canyon dynamics are dominated by tides, which induce a background oscillatory flow (speeds of up to 0.15 m/s) through the water column, keeping muds in suspension, with a net upslope transport direction. Second, fast-moving (up to 8 m/s) turbidity currents occur for 35 % of the time during monitoring periods and transport both muddy and sandy particulate organic carbon at an estimated transit flux that is more than ten times the flux induced by tides. Remarkably, organic carbon transported and deposited in the submarine canyon has a similar isotopic composition to organic carbon in the Congo River, and in the deep-sea fan at 5 km of water depth. Episodic turbidity currents, together with background tidal currents thus promote efficient transfer of river-derived particulate organic carbon in the Congo Submarine Fan, leading to some of the highest terrestrial carbon preservation rates observed in marine sediments globally.
... The northeast South China Sea (SCS) has a robust terrestrial supply from the surrounding river systems such as the Pearl River, the rivers of Luzon Island and the mountainous rivers of Taiwan Island like the Choshui River. As a result, the outer edge of the northeast SCS has accumulated rich loose sediment (Liu et al., 2016b), providing an essential material basis for the generation of turbidity currents. The northeast SCS is adjacent to the Taiwan-Philippines seismic zone, where seismic activity and volcanic eruption are relatively strong (Lo and Hsu, 2005;Lin et al., 2021). ...
... These two slopes are adjacent, separated by the Formosa Canyon, Penghu Canyon and Kaoping Canyon, as well as numerous smaller channels. These submarine canyons extend downward and eventually converge and connect to the Manila Trench, forming a deep-sea sediment transport channel system (Hsiung and Yu, 2013;Liu et al., 2016b). ...
... Additionally, about one-third of the typhoons formed in the Northwest Pacific Ocean affect the SCS, with an average of eight typhoons per year (Pan et al., 2017). These typhoons result in heavy precipitation, which induces the influx of dense sediment from the mountainous rivers on Taiwan Island, providing sufficient provenance conditions for the occurrence of turbidity currents (Dadson et al., 2005;Liu et al., 2016b). ...
... In recent years, more and more research has focused on small and medium-sized rivers (especially mountain streams) (Gao et al., 2009;Chen et al., 2016;Liu et al., 2016;Yang and Yin, 2018;Tang et al., 2021). This is not only because their material flux to the coast may exceed that of the world's major river systems (Milliman et al., 2008;Hilton et al., 2011), but also because the spatial scale of mountain streams is smaller, and their runoff and sediment flux to the sea are significantly influenced by extreme events. ...
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Understanding the evolution and driving factors of sedimentation and erosion at the mouths of small and medium-sized mountain streams during various periods is essential for regional spatial utilization, development, and sustainable economic growth. This is particularly important when considering the combined impact of climate change and human activities. This paper presents an analysis of the changes in sedimentation and erosion of mouth isobaths and underwater deltas over different periods using nautical chart data (1950-2019) and analyzes the factors driving changes in sedimentation and erosion during different periods from 1950 to 2020 based on the runoff-sediment discharge of the Minjiang River (MR) and extreme climate factors such as typhoons, especially the driving factors that caused a sudden change in the sedimentation and erosion process between 1998 and 2005. The results indicate that runoff-sediment characteristics are crucial in driving sedimentation and erosion changes. In the past 70 years, the underwater delta of the MRE has mainly experienced four stages: deposition (1950-1992) -erosion (1993-1998) -deposition (1998-2011) -erosion (2011-2019). Taking the impoundment operation of the Shuikou Reservoir in 1993 as the node, the sediment load of the Minjiang River into the sea began to decrease sharply, and then the estuary quickly showed a state of erosion. The change of sediment flux into the sea is the main driving factor for the evolution of erosion and deposition in the Minjiang River Estuary (MRE). The critical value of the erosion-deposition transition is about 570.3 × 10⁴ t/yr. After the estuary entered a state of erosion in 1993-1998, significant siltation suddenly occurred in 1998-2005. The reason for the siltation in this period may be related to the frequent transit typhoons and flood events in 1998-2005. Therefore, the change of river sediment supply into the sea is the main driving factor controlling the erosion and deposition evolution of the Minjiang River estuary on a long time scale of more than 10 years, which reflects the influence of large-scale human activities on the river and estuary area in the past half century. Extreme climate events are the incentive to adjust the estuary landform in the short term. Extreme climate events will not fundamentally change the process of estuarine geomorphological evolution under the background of sediment supply reduction.
... es reworked sediment from regions IV and V through the many submarine canyons that incise the continental slopes (L. Lin et al., 2019;Z. Liu et al., 2016) but also from the direct input of Taiwanese rivers such as the Gaoping River that can channel large fluvial sediment through its connected submarine canyon as hyperpycnal flows (Kao et al., 2014;J. T. Liu et al., 2016;Z. Liu et al., 2016). A general cyclonic current occurs in the South China Sea, although it can often be reversed by seasonal monsoons, while several meso-scale eddies are formed by the intrusion of the Kuroshio Current as the South China Sea Branch of Kuroshio (SCSBK) in this basin ( Figure 1) (Fang, 1998; J. T. Z. Liu et al., 2016). Cl ...
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As major sites of carbon burial and remineralization, continental margins are key components of the global carbon cycle. However, heterogeneous sources of organic matter (OM) and depositional environments lead to complex spatial patterns in sedimentary organic carbon (OC) content and composition. To better constrain the processes that control OM cycling, we focus on the East Asian marginal seas as a model system, where we compiled extensive data on the OC content, bulk isotopic composition (δ¹³C and Δ¹⁴C), total nitrogen, and mineral surface area of surficial sediments from previous studies and new measurements. We developed a spatial machine learning modeling framework to predict the spatial distribution of these parameters and identify regions where sediments with similar geochemical signatures drape the seafloor (i.e., “isodrapes”). We demonstrate that both provenance (44%–77%) and hydrodynamic processes (22%–53%) govern the fate of OM in this margin. Hydrodynamic processes can either promote the degradation of OM in mobile mud‐belts or preserve it in stable mud‐deposits. The distinct isotopic composition of OC sources from marine productivity and individual rivers regulates the age and reactivity of OM deposited on the sea‐floor. The East Asian marginal seas can be separated into three main isodrapes: hydrodynamically energetic shelves with coarser‐grained sediment depleted in OC, OM‐enriched mud deposits, and a deep basin with fine‐grained sediments and aged OC affected by long oxygen exposure times and petrogenic input from rivers. This study confirms that both hydrodynamic processes and provenance should be accounted for to understand the fate of OC in continental margins.
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Subaquatic channels, situated in lakes, fjords, submarine canyons and on deep-sea fan systems, exhibit diverse morphometric characteristics controlled by sediment transport processes, particularly turbidity currents. These processes play a significant role in transporting sediment, organic carbon, nutrients, and pollutants and pose hazards to critical infrastructure. This study examines a balanced set of subaquatic channels across various settings, sizes, and locations, employing novel data harmonization techniques to address biases toward larger channels. The analysis reveals consistent scaling relationships, particularly the dominant role of bankfull width, influencing bankfull depth, cross-sectional area, wavelength, and amplitude. The aspect ratio (width-to-depth) emerges as a significant parameter, reflecting a necessary channel compactness to maintain turbidity currents. Meandering development reveals relations between width, wavelength, and amplitude, with a preference for specific ratios. Meandering is most pronounced at channel beginnings, transitioning to straighter forms downstream, potentially influenced by flow dynamics and flow confinement. The study broadens the understanding of subaquatic channel evolution, emphasizing the importance of bankfull width and providing insights applicable across settings and scales.
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The Gaoping Submarine Canyon (GPSC) off southwest Taiwan has been extensively studied due to its unique geology, its role in transferring terrestrial material to the deep sea, and its diverse biological communities. However, there is a lack of understanding of carbon cycling across the sediment–water interface in the canyon. This study aims to fill the gap by utilizing the field data collected between 2014 and 2020 and a linear inverse model (LIM) to reconstruct the benthic food web (i.e., carbon flows through different stocks) in the head of GPSC and the upper Gaoping slope (GS). The biotic and abiotic organic carbon (OC) stocks were significantly higher on the slope than in the canyon, except for the bacteria stock. The sediment oxygen utilization was similar between the two habitats, but the magnitude and distribution of the OC flow in the food web were distinctively different. Despite a significant input flux of ∼ 2020 mg C m−2 d−1 in the canyon, 84 % of the carbon flux exited the system, while 12 % was buried. On the slope, 84 % of the OC input (∼ 109 mg C m−2 d−1) was buried, and only 7 % exited the system. Bacteria processes play a major role in the carbon fluxes within the canyon. In contrast, the food web in the upper slope exhibited stronger interactions among metazoans, indicated by higher fluxes between meiofauna and macrofauna compartments. Network indices based on the LIM outputs showed that the canyon head had higher total system throughput (T..) and total system throughflow (TST), indicating greater energy flowing through the system. In contrast, the slope had a significantly higher Finn cycling index (FCI), average mutual information (AMI), and longer OC turnover time, suggesting a relatively more stable ecosystem with higher energy recycling. Due to sampling limitations, the present study only represents the benthic food web during the “dry” period. By integrating the field data into a food web model, this study provides valuable insight into the fates of OC cycling in an active submarine canyon, focusing on the often overlooked benthic communities. Future studies should include “wet” period sampling to reveal the effects of typhoons and monsoon rainfalls on OC cycling.
The South China Sea, which connects the Indian Ocean and the Pacific Ocean, is an important part of the Indo-Pacific Warm Pool. This study examined the provenance and evolution of the sedimentary environment on the southeastern Hainan Island continental shelf in the northwestern South China Sea through AMS 14C dating, grain size analysis, and clay mineral analysis of sediments from Core QZ4. The clay mineral analysis indicated that the terrigenous detritus originated from Hainan Island, while the grain size data identified three endmembers: EM1 and EM2, corresponding to the fine-grained material transported by the oceanic current system, and EM3, corresponding to the coarse-grained material input by rivers from proximal sources. The sedimentary environment in the study area underwent three stages: foreshore (11.2–9.2 ka BP), nearshore (9.2–6.2 ka BP), and shallow shelf (6.2 ka BP to present). From 11.2 to 6.2 ka BP, the sedimentary environment was mainly controlled by sea level changes, although extreme cold events (such as the 9.4 ka BP and the 8.2 ka BP event) had a significant effect on the southeastern continental shelf of Hainan Island. From 6.2 ka BP to the present, the sedimentary record has mainly been influenced by climate change, and an increase in riverine contribution and the enhancement of chemical weathering may have been caused by rising typhoon intensity or frequency and possibly by an increase in human activities. These findings will be valuable for conducting high-resolution research on typhoons by analyzing sediments on the eastern Hainan Island shelf and neighboring areas.
Kuroshio Current (KC) plays a significant role in global climate change by transporting high-temperature and high-salinity water from low-latitude to mid-high-latitude waters. However, the KC evolution and its main controlling factors remained unclear on the orbital timescales. Here, we research the comprehensive record of high-resolution terrigenous mass accumulation rate (MAR), grain size, Srsingle bondNd isotopic compositions of clay-size fractions and clay mineral assemblages in core SCS0003 sediments from the northern slope of the South China Sea (SCS) since 42 kyr. The Srsingle bondNd isotope compositions (<2 μm) and clay minerals illustrate that the smectite mainly came from Luzon Island, with a small content of smectite during the last glacial period, but an increase by about 3–4 times during the Holocene. Furthermore, the smectite MAR flux indicates that the intensity of KC intrusion of the SCS was consistent with the intensity of the open Pacific over the last 42 kyr, which was different from the opposite trend proposed by predecessors. Then it further reveals that the KC was relatively weak and stable in the last glacial period as a whole, but overall became stronger with a larger amplitude in the Holocene, with an increase in the early Holocene and a decline in the middle and late Holocene. Moreover, since 42 kyr El Niño-Southern Oscillation (ENSO) and East Asian monsoon (EAM) controlled by the insolation change in the Earth's precession were the major driving mechanisms of KC evolution, instead of ENSO as the only main controlling factor. On the orbital timescales, our results emphasize that low-latitude processes by the variation of insolation on the precession are very important in driving global climate change, not just high-latitude processes.
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Hyperpycnal events (when suspended sediment concentrations exceed 40 g/L) occur in small- and medium-sized rivers throughout the world but are particularly common in Taiwan; they are often related to landslides or debris flows initiated and transported by typhoon floods. Super-Typhoon Herb, which swept across Taiwan on July 31-August 2, 1996, triggered floods and landslides throughout the southern part of the island. Sediment concentrations in at least seven rivers (Taan, Choshui, Pachang, Erhjen, Tsengwen, Kaoping, and Peinan) approached or exceeded 40 g/L. Calculated sediment discharged from nine rivers (these seven as well as the Wu and Houlung, neither of which apparently reached hyperpycnal concentrations) during these 3 d was 217 million tons (MT)-most of it on August 1-of which similar to 80% was discharged at hyperpycnal concentrations. Presumably, most of the sediments discharged by the Peinan River (to the southeast) and the Kaoping, Erhjen, Tsengwen, and Pachang rivers (to the southwest) were transported directly to the Huatong Basin and the South China Sea (via the Penghu Canyon system), respectively. The bulk of the typhoon-derived sediment (142 MT), however, was discharged to the northwest (primarily by the Choshui River), and its fate remains unknown. It may have ultimately reached the Penghu Canyon system and thereby the South China Sea, but more probably it was transported northward (via the Taiwan Warm Current) toward China, the East China Sea, or (perhaps) the Okinawa Trough.
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The harvesting from mountain belts and subsequent delivery to the oceans of particulate organic carbon (POC) is a significant part of the global carbon cycle. The volume of carbon dioxide (CO2) removed from the atmosphere as plant growth (POCbiomass) and subsequently exported from an active mountain belt by erosion can surpass the amount of CO2 consumed by silicate weathering in the same area. However, to effectively sequester CO2 by POCbiomass erosion two conditions must be fulfilled. Firstly, the eroded material must be transported to a location where it can be buried and stored on geological timescales, without being oxidised (and releasing CO2 to the atmosphere). Secondly, the amount of CO2 released by the mobilisation and oxidation of ancient “fossil” carbon previously contained in the rocks of the mountain belt must be lower than the volume sequestered by POCbiomass burial. The volumes and nature of organic carbon exported from active mountain belts has been studied in detail, but the preservation potential of this material once deposited offshore is poorly constrained.
Biogeochemistry of Estuaries offers a comprehensive and interdisciplinary approach to understanding biogeochemical cycling in estuaries. Designed as a text for intermediate to advanced students, this book utilizes numerous illustrations and an extensive literature base to impart the current state-of-the-art knowledge in this field. While many of the existing books in estuarine science are comprised of edited volumes, typically focused on highly specific topics in estuaries,Biogeochemistry of Estuaries provides, for the first time, a unique foundation in the areas of geomorphology, geochemistry, biochemistry, aqueous chemistry, and ecology, while making strong linkages (trhoughout the text) to ecosystem-based processes in estuarine sciences. Estuaries, located at the interface between land and the coastal ocean are dynamic, highly productive systems that, in many cases, have been historically associated with development of many of the great centers of early human civilization. Consequentially, these systems have and continue to be highly impacted by anthropogenic inputs. This timely book takes the foundational basis of elemental cycling in estuarine and applies it to estuarine management issues. Biogeochemistry of Estuaries will be welcomed by estuarine/marine scientists, ecologists, biogeochemists, and environmentalists around the world.
A fundamental goal of the Earth Science community is to understand how perturbations on Earth's surface are preserved in the stratigraphic record. Recent Source to Sink (S2S) studies of the Waipaoa Sedimentary System (WSS), New Zealand, are synthesized herein to provide a holistic perspective of the processes that generate, transport and preserve sedimentary strata and organic carbon on the Waipaoa margin in the late Quaternary. Rapid uplift associated with subduction processes and weak sedimentary units have conspired to generate rapid rates of incision and erosion in the Waipaoa catchment since the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM). We show that although much of the sediment exported offshore during this time interval originated from valley excavation, a substantial portion emanated from hillslopes, mostly through deep-seated landslide and earthflow processes that were vigorous during periods of rapid fluvial incision just prior to the Pleistocene–Holocene transition. Lacustrine sediments deposited in naturally-dammed 7-ky-old Lake Tutira provide a record of Holocene environmental controls on upper catchment sedimentation in the WSS, with 1400 storms identified. Storm frequency is modulated by the waxing and waning of atmospheric teleconnections between the tropics and Antarctica. Furthermore, clear long-term changes in sediment yield are evident from the Lake Tutira record following human settlement as conversion to pasture is accompanied by a 3-fold increase in the long-term lake sediment accumulation rate.
Folding-and-thrusting in southern Taiwan is accompanied by formation of a marine under-filled foreland basin flanking the orogen. The South China Sea north of 21 °N is characterized by initial collision between the Luzon Arc and the Chinese margin, and by sediment flux both from Taiwan and China. The resultant foreland basin is bounded by the passive Chinese margin to the west and on the eastern flank by a westward-migrating orogenic wedge, shedding relatively large amounts of sediment into the basin. The basin seafloor is >3000 m in water depth. Sediments eroded from Taiwan are transported and overlap the toe of the South China Sea Slope. Longitudinal transport is the major process of sediment dispersal from orogenic highlands in southern Taiwan to the adjacent foreland basin. Sediments derived from Taiwan are syn-depositionally deformed into folds and thrust faults. The deformation fronts overlap onto the Chinese craton. Seismic characteristics and basin geometry infer a general sequential sediment filling of initiation, growth and near completion of the under-filled basin. The uplifted Taiwan orogen is the major sediment source.
The influence of typhoon and earthquake events on the distributions of dissolved and particulate trace metals (Al, Fe, Mn, Cd, Cu, Pb, Zn) is evaluated along the Gaoping Canyon and Fangliao Canyon in a tectonically active margin off southwestern Taiwan. The Fangliao Canyon was mightily struck by a large Pingtung Earthquake (ML 7.0) in winter when terrestrial inputs were insignificant. This large earthquake clearly enhanced the concentration and inventory of total suspended matter (TSM), dissolved and particulate metals by 2-5 fold in Fangliao Canyon and nearby Gaoping Canyon, as compared to those in normal winter conditions. The Gaoping Canyon is typically inundated with massive amounts of terrestrial materials during summer typhoons from the mountainous Gaoping River. Strong contrast of particle and metal distributions can be found between summer and winter and between typhoon and regular summer periods in the Gaoping Canyon, which was apparently caused by various strengths of river inputs followed by sediment resuspension and lateral advection at intermediate and near-bottom depths along the canyon. The water-column and canyon-wide inventories of TSM, dissolved and particulate metals increased up to 2-fold higher during the post-typhoon period than during the rainy period in summer in the Gaoping Canyon. After extreme events, most metals tend to increase their release into the dissolved phase through the increase of TSM concentration. In addition to huge river inputs during typhoon, both typhoon and earthquake induce energetic sea conditions that cause sediment resuspension and enhance the concentration and inventory of particles and metals in submarine canyons.
Subaqueous sediment density flows are one of the volumetrically most important processes for moving sediment across our planet, and form the largest sediment accumulations on Earth (submarine fans). They are also arguably the most sparely monitored major sediment transport processes on our planet. Significant advances have been made in documenting their timing and triggers, especially within submarine canyons and delta-fronts, and freshwater lakes and reservoirs, but the sediment concentration of flows that run out beyond the continental slope has never been measured directly. This limited amount of monitoring data contrasts sharply with other major types of sediment flow, such as river systems, and ensure that understanding submarine sediment density flows remains a major challenge for Earth science. The available monitoring data define a series of flow types whose character and deposits differ significantly. Large (> 100 km3) failures on the continental slope can generate fast-moving (up to 19 m/s) flows that reach the deep ocean, and deposit thick layers of sand across submarine fans. Even small volume (0.008 km3) canyon head failures can sometimes generate channelised flows that travel at > 5 m/s for several hundred kilometres. A single event off SE Taiwan shows that river floods can generate powerful flows that reach the deep ocean, in this case triggered by failure of recently deposited sediment in the canyon head. Direct monitoring evidence of powerful oceanic flows produced by plunging hyperpycnal flood water is lacking, although this process has produced shorter and weaker oceanic flows. Numerous flows can occur each year on river-fed delta fronts, where they can generate up-slope migrating crescentic bedforms. These flows tend to occur during the flood season, but are not necessarily associated with individual flood discharge peaks, suggesting that they are often triggered by delta-front slope failures. Powerful flows occur several times each year in canyons fed by sand from the shelf, associated with strong wave action. These flows can also generate up-slope migrating crescentic bedforms that most likely originate due to retrogressive breaching associated with a dense near-bed layer of sediment. Expanded dilute flows that are supercritical and fully turbulent are also triggered by wave action in canyons. Sediment density flows in lakes and reservoirs generated by plunging river flood water have been monitored in much greater detail. They are typically very dilute (< 0.01 vol.% sediment) and travel at < 50 cm/s, and are prone to generating interflows within the density stratified freshwater. A key objective for future work is to develop measurement techniques for seeing through overlying dilute clouds of sediment, to determine whether dense near-bed layers are present. There is also a need to combine monitoring of flows with detailed analyses of flow deposits, in order to understand how flows are recorded in the rock record. Finally, a source-to-sink approach is needed because the character of submarine flows can change significantly along their flow path.