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Gravity flows associated with floods and carbon burial: Taiwan as instructional source area.


Abstract and Figures

Taiwan's unique setting allows it to release disproportionately large quantities of fluvial sediment into diverse dispersal systems around the island. Earthquakes, lithology, topography, cyclone-induced rainfall, and human disturbance play major roles in the catchment dynamics. Deep landslides dominate the sediment-removal process on land, giving fluvial sediment distinct geochemical signals. Extreme conditions in river runoff, sediment load, nearshore waves and currents, and the formation of gravity flows during typhoon events can be observed within short distances. Segregation of fresh biomass and clastic sediment occurs during the marine transport process, yet turbidity currents in the Gaoping Submarine Canyon carry woody debris. Strong currents in the slope and back-arc basin of the Okinawa Trough disperse fine-grained sediments rapidly and widely. Temporal deposition and remobilization may occur when the shallow Taiwan Strait acts as a receptacle. Taiwan can therefore serve as a demonstration of the episodic aspect of the source-to-sink pathway to both the coastal and deep-ocean environments.
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MA05CH03-Liu ARI 9 November 2012 13:4
Gravity Flows Associated with
Flood Events and Carbon
Burial: Taiwan as Instructional
Source Area
James T. Liu,1,Shuh-Ji Kao,2Chih-An Huh,3
and Chin-Chang Hung1
1Institute of Marine Geology and Chemistry, National Sun Yat-sen University, Kaohsiung,
Taiwan 80424, Republic of China; email:,
2Research Center for Environmental Changes and 3Institute of Earth Sciences, Academia
Sinica, Nangang, Taipei, Taiwan 11529, Republic of China; email:,
Annu. Rev. Mar. Sci. 2013. 5:47–68
First published online as a Review in Advance on
August 28, 2012
The Annual Review of Marine Science is online at
This article’s doi:
Copyright c
2013 by Annual Reviews.
All rights reserved
Corresponding author.
mountainous river, typhoon, hyperpycnal flow, turbidity current, POC,
carbon burial
Taiwan’s unique setting allows it to release disproportionately large quan-
tities of fluvial sediment into diverse dispersal systems around the island.
Earthquakes, lithology, topography, cyclone-induced rainfall, and human
disturbance play major roles in the catchment dynamics. Deep landslides
dominate the sediment-removal process on land, giving fluvial sediment dis-
tinct geochemical signals. Extreme conditions in river runoff, sediment load,
nearshore waves and currents, and the formation of gravity flows during
typhoon events can be observed within short distances. Segregation of fresh
biomass and clastic sediment occurs during the marine transport process, yet
turbidity currents in the Gaoping Submarine Canyon carry woody debris.
Strong currents in the slope and back-arc basin of the Okinawa Trough dis-
perse fine-grained sediments rapidly and widely. Temporal deposition and
remobilization may occur when the shallow Taiwan Strait acts as a receptacle.
Taiwan can therefore serve as a demonstration of the episodic aspect of the
source-to-sink pathway to both the coastal and deep-ocean environments.
Annu. Rev. Marine. Sci. 2013.5:47-68. Downloaded from
by Dr. James Liu on 01/03/13. For personal use only.
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MA05CH03-Liu ARI 9 November 2012 13:4
1.1. Influence of the Tectonic Setting
Taiwan, a high-standing island with an area of 36,000 km2, is located along the Ring of Fire on
the western margin of the Pacific Ocean. Because of its tectonic setting between the colliding
Philippine Sea and Eurasian plates, Taiwan has rugged mountainous terrain due to uplift, de-
nudation, and river incision. The Central Range extending along the north–south longitudinal
axis of the island has more than 200 peaks higher than 3,000 m above sea level. This mountain
range is the major divide between rivers that flow into the Pacific Ocean on the east coast and
those that flow into the Taiwan Strait on the west coast (Figure 1). Most rivers originate in this
range, with steep gradients and short distances from the headwaters to the confluences or mouths,
forming small mountainous rivers (SMRs) (Milliman & Syvitski 1992).
Previous studies have indicated that approximately 70% of the global fluvial sediment discharge
is from the orogens in southern Asia and high-standing islands fringing the Pacific and Indian
Oceans (Milliman & Meade 1983). This is due to a complex interplay between active tectonism,
steep topography, heavy rainfall, and intense human activities (Dadson et al. 2003, Griffiths 1979,
Milliman & Syvitski 1992). The contribution by SMRs to the world ocean’s sediment budget in
this region, although significant, has often been underestimated (Goldsmith et al. 2008, Lyons
et al. 2002, Milliman & Syvitski 1992). Sediment discharge from Taiwan rivers is 180–380 Mt
(metric megatons) year1(depending on the method) (Dadson et al. 2003, Kao & Milliman 2008),
suggesting that the sediment yield of the island is 5,000–10,600 t km2year1, which means that
0.9%–1.9% of global fluvial sediment is discharged from only 0.024% of Earth’s surface.
1.2. Influence of the Monsoon Climate and Typhoons
The Tropic of Cancer crosses southern Taiwan; the island’s average annual temperature is above
22C and the average rainfall is over 2,500 mm. The humid tropical and subtropical climate in
Taiwan is very much influenced by the Asian monsoon. Taiwan is also situated in the typhoon
corridor in the western Pacific. Between 1949 and 2009, 255 typhoons passed through Taiwan,
an average of approximately 4 per year. The statistics of the typhoon tracks show that approxi-
mately 56% of them were westbound, coming from the Pacific Ocean, and approximately 31%
were northbound, coming from the Philippines and northern South China Sea (Figure 1). The
remaining 13% did not follow one of the common tracks shown in Figure 1.
Figure 2 shows the tracks of selected typhoons mentioned in this review. Typhoon-induced
episodic floods and hyperpycnal flows play an important role in the transport of terrestrial sediment
and carbon to the sea (Dadson et al. 2005, Hilton et al. 2008b, Kao & Milliman 2008, Liu et al. 2012,
Lyons et al. 2002, Milliman & Kao 2005, Milliman et al. 2007). [Hyperpycnal processes involve
transporting river material, not entrained seafloor sediment, directly to the marine environment
by a turbulent flow (hyperpycnal turbidity current), which initially contains freshwater (Mulder
et al. 2003).] Typhoons are not only physical agents for enhanced delivery of terrestrial material
to the sea; they are also geological agents, triggering gravity flows such as turbidity currents that
eventually leave deposits (turbidites) on the seafloor and form large-scale deep-water depositional
systems (Kneller & Buckee 2000, Mulder et al. 2003, Shanmugam 2000).
1.3. Influence of Earthquakes on the River Sediment Load
Taiwan is prone to earthquakes ( Large earthquakes
induce landslides and alter the topography of river catchments, thus facilitating erosion (Chen et al.
2005, Hovius et al. 2011b, Lin et al. 2008a, Meunier et al. 2008). Earthquakes often reinforce the
48 Liu et al.
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MA05CH03-Liu ARI 9 November 2012 13:4
Figure 1
Topographic map of Taiwan based on elevation. The large arrows represent the common tracks based on 255
typhoons making landfall in Taiwan between 1949 and 2009. At the bottom of each ribbon is the percentage
of typhoons that took that track; only 13% are not represented by any of the tracks. The catchments of
four river systems featured in this review—the Lanyang, Liwu, Zhuoshui, and Gaoping—are also
highlighted. Data taken from the Taiwan Central Weather Bureau ( Taiwan as Instructional Source Area 49
120° E
22° N
23° N
24° N
25° N
0 25 50
121° E
122° E
Elevation (m)
Distance (km)
Other tracks:
Annu. Rev. Marine. Sci. 2013.5:47-68. Downloaded from
by Dr. James Liu on 01/03/13. For personal use only.
MA05CH03-Liu ARI 9 November 2012 13:4
117° E
19° N
20° N
21° N
22° N
23° N
24° N
25° N
26° N
27° N
118° E 119° E 120° E 121° E
East China Sea
South China Sea
122° E 123° E 124° E 125° E
Fanapi (2010)
Morakot (2009)
Kalmaegi (2008)
Fong Wong (2008)
Sinlaku (2008)
Jangmi (2008)
Billis (2006)
Haitang (2005)
Mindulle (2004)
Conson (2004)
Nakri (2002)
Kai-Tak (2000)
Herb (1996)
Figure 2
The tracks of selected typhoons mentioned in this review.
effect of typhoons and vice versa, thus substantially increasing the sediment load in fluvial systems
(Chang et al. 2007, Chen et al. 2011, Lin et al. 2008b, Wenske et al. 2011), which often reach hy-
perpycnal concentrations (Dadson et al. 2005). Three out of the nine “dirty” rivers in the world are
in Taiwan, and these are able to produce one or several hyperpycnal flows each year (Mulder et al.
2003). Kao & Milliman (2008, table 3) have calculated that 10 Taiwanese rivers have discharged
>20% of their cumulative sediment loads at hyperpycnal concentrations. The three major factors
combined (topography, typhoons, and earthquakes) render high erosion rates, high river runoff,
and high sediment load, thus making Taiwan well suited to serve as an instructional source area
that can elucidate flood-related gravity flows in the source-to-sink pathway for terrestrial sediment
and carbon and their eventual burial in the deep sea.
Erosion rates in the Central Range average 3–7 mm year1(Dadson et al. 2003, Fuller et al. 2003),
with much of the eroded sediment derived from bedrock landslides that mobilize clastic sediment
50 Liu et al.
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MA05CH03-Liu ARI 9 November 2012 13:4
Table 1 Some characteristics of the selected river catchments in Taiwan
Catchment area
(m3s1)Sediment load (106tons year1)Average slope
Lanyang 978a63.62a17 (Dadson et al. 2003), 5–17 (Liu et al. 2008) 1/55a
Zhuoshui 3,157a145.95a54 (Dadson et al. 2003), 28 (Dadson et al. 2005),
30–60 (Liu et al. 2008)
Gaoping 3,257a68.48a49 (Dadson et al. 2003), 35 (Dadson et al. 2005),
15–35 (Liu et al. 2008)
Liwu 616b31.31a15 (Dadson et al. 2003), 11 (Dadson et al. 2005) 1/32b
aWater Resour. Agency (2010).
bWikipedia ( ).
from threshold hillslopes (Hovius et al. 2000). Typhoons trigger large floods in river catchments
and play a crucial role in sediment transfer in Taiwan (Dadson et al. 2005, Kao & Milliman 2008).
The catchments of three rivers—the Lanyang (LYR), Zhuoshui (ZSR), and Gaoping (GPR)—
are selected in this review as instructional source areas; another river, the Liwu (LWR), is also
mentioned. (The romanization of Chinese names in this review follows the international Pinyin
system.) Table 1 lists the physiographical and hydrographical characteristics of these rivers. The
LYR and LWR flow into the Pacific Ocean, and the ZSR and GPR flow into the Taiwan Strait
(Figure 1).
Typhoons occur mostly in summer and early fall, but on occasion they also appear in late spring
and early winter (Figure 3). Typhoons coming in the wet seasons, however, have more power than
those occurring in the dry seasons, creating extreme annual values in the river flow and suspended
load. Depending on the location of the river catchments with respect to the typhoon track, the peak
river discharge and suspended-sediment content in different river catchments might not occur on
the same day, and might not even occur within the short period of the typhoon (Figure 3).
2.1. Lanyang River to the Okinawa Trough
The LYR catchment is a watershed that has been highly disturbed by human activities such as
road construction, hillslope farming, and aggregate extraction (Kao & Liu 1996, 2000, 2002).
Based on sediment-trap observations made at a location approximately 90 km from the LYR
in the southwesternmost Okinawa Trough (SOT), the measured mass fluxes are related to the
runoff of the LYR (Hsu et al. 2004). A three- to five-day lag exists between the peaks of riverine
sediment discharge and sediment fluxes at the trap site. The velocity of the Kuroshio Current is
1or greater (Kao et al. 2006b), which could result in an 86-km transport within one day
if the sediment were carried by the Kuroshio. Higher sediment fluxes are also observed at greater
depths, suggesting a significant lateral transport due to gravity flows or resuspension.
From 210Pb-based sediment-accumulation rates, Huh et al. (2006) estimated sediment
burial in the SOT to be 14 Mt year1, which is comparable to the LYR’s sediment load
(6.4–18 Mt year1) (Kao & Milliman 2008), lending strong support to the sediment-trap ob-
servation by Hsu et al. (2004, 2006) that the SOT is a proximal and ultimate sink of sediments
off northeast Taiwan. Historical data reveal that hyperpycnal flows potentially occurred in 8 out
of 56 recorded years, contributing 83 Mt (23%) of a total of 360 Mt of sediment load (Kao &
Milliman 2008). Note that in the entire 56-year record, hyperpycnal flow events constitute only
195 h. The normal mode of sediment dispersal is via hypopycnal plumes. Taiwan as Instructional Source Area 51
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MA05CH03-Liu ARI 9 November 2012 13:4
1967 1971 1975 1979 1983 1987
Time (year)
1991 1995 1999 2003 2007 2011
Time (year)
Sediment content (ppm)
(m3 s–1)
(m3 s–1)
(m3 s–1)
1991 1995 1999 2003 2007 2011
Figure 3
Available records of the river discharge and sediment content from the gauging station closest to the river mouth for the (a)Lanyang
River (Lanyang Bridge station), (b) Zhuoshui River (Xizhou Bridge station), and (c) Gaoping River (Liling Bridge station). The
interruptions in the records are due to the gap in the original data provided by the Water Resources Agency, Taiwan Ministry of
Economic Affairs. Small red circles represent days of typhoon warnings issued by the Taiwan Central Weather Bureau. The three
circled letters represent Typhoons Kalmaegi (K), the second-greatest typhoon discharge in 2008; Morakot (M), the greatest in 2009;
and Fanapi (F), the greatest in 2010.
In contrast, Jeng & Huh (2006) point out that the LYR is not a major source for hydrocarbon
in the SOT. Sediment-trap observations show that great sediment fluxes correspond to high values
of δ13C-TOC (total organic carbon) around 22(Kao et al. 2003). Yet this is contradictory to
the observed correlation that at peak riverine sediment loads, δ13C-TOC values approach 25
(Kao & Liu 2000). This is because the material and organic carbon collected by sediment trap
might not come directly from the LYR. Premixed organic matter sourced from the East China
Sea shelf during typhoons could be a contributing factor. Another possibility is that the sediment
trap might not have captured the sediment from the river, and the enhanced fluxes in the trap are
related to typhoon disturbance of reworked marine sediments. Furthermore, a rapid (three- to
five-day) addition of marine organic carbon from primary production in the upper ocean occurs,
resulting in a dramatic shift in the δ13C-TOC of sinking particles. Nevertheless, the δ13 C-TOC
values of surface sediments increase seaward within a short distance of the LYR mouth (Huh et al.
2004, Kao et al. 2003). In addition to hemipelagic sediments, those from seismically triggered
turbidity currents are widely distributed in the SOT. The time of deposition for various turbidite
layers can be correlated not only spatially among sites but also temporally with the history of
major submarine earthquakes in and around this seismically active region (Huh et al. 2004, 2006).
These facts reveal the source-to-sink complexity in this region.
2.2. Zhuoshui River to Taiwan Strait
The ZSR originates in the middle section of the Central Range at an altitude of 3,400 m above
sea level. It has the largest sediment load among rivers in Taiwan. The ZSR flows onto a shallow
52 Liu et al.
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MA05CH03-Liu ARI 9 November 2012 13:4
shelf. Sediment transport beyond the plume stage is controlled largely by the tidal currents,
wave-induced longshore currents, and regional current systems ( Jan et al. 2002). Mud normally
constitutes a majority (90%) of the suspended-sediment discharge (Kao et al. 2008b). During
typhoon floods, as the sediment flux increases, the sand fraction also increases to a maximum of 30%
at the peak flood. The findings of Kao et al. (2008b) suggest that the transport and deposition of the
mud exported by the ZSR are very likely in the northward direction, and the river plume related
to Typhoon Herb (1996) was probably hypopycnal. If it had been hyperpycnal, the deposited mud
would have initially been near the river mouth (Liu et al. 2002, Wright & Nittrouer 1995).
7Be-enriched mud belts and patches of fresh fluvial origin appeared off the ZSR and other small
rivers on the west coast of Taiwan immediately after Typhoons Mindulle (2004), Haitang (2005),
and Billis (2006) and vanished shortly afterward (Huh et al. 2011, Milliman et al. 2007). These
mud patches were ephemeral and migrated gradually toward the north, which could be followed at
monthly to seasonal intervals. Owing to frequent episodic typhoons and floods, non-steady-state
210Pb profiles are common in the Taiwan Strait (Huh et al. 2011). The mud budget in the Taiwan
Strait suggests that 85% of the fluvial mud from western Taiwan rivers is transported out of the
strait (Kao et al. 2008b).
Chien et al. (2011), in a study of the sediment dynamics of the ZSR plume after Typhoon
Kalmaegi (2008) (Figure 2), reported a maximum suspended-sediment concentration (SSC) of
120 g liter1in the river shortly after the onset of high-density river flow. Immediately seaward
of the river mouth, within the influence of fresh river effluent, the SSC values dropped drastically,
indicating rapid deposition. After the typhoon, the texture of the surficial sediment near the river
mouth also became finer, changing from silt to silty clay, which also corroborates previous findings.
This proximal deposition could be explained by the gentle slope immediately seaward of the ZSR
mouth, which creates shorter run-out distances of sediment deposits by the ZSR plume (S.-N.
Chen, personal communication).
2.3. Gaoping River to Gaoping Shelf and Submarine Canyon
The headwater of the GPR originates in the southern part of the Central Range (Figure 4a)at
an elevation of 4,000 m above sea level; 48% of the drainage basin is above 1,000 m, 32% is
between 100 and 1,000 m, and 20% is below 100 m (Liu et al. 2009a). Ninety-one percent of the
annual discharge of the GPR is concentrated in the flood season ( June to October) (Liu et al.
2002). The physical and chemical weathering rates of the GPR watershed are not only greater
than the world average but also greater than the SMR average (Hung et al. 2004). Studies show
that sediment yield from the GPR watershed (15 kg m2year1) is higher than Taiwan’s overall
average (10 kg m2year1) (Dadson et al. 2003) and much higher than the mean value of global
SMRs (3 kg m2year1) (Milliman & Syvitski 1992).
210Pb-based sediment-accumulation rates show the greatest values in a pair of depositional
lobes flanking the Gaoping Submarine Canyon (GPSC) in the upper-slope region and the lowest
values at the base of the slope (Huh et al. 2009a). However, the sediment-accumulation rate could
not be resolved from cores collected near the canyon head owing to episodic disturbances by active
sediment transport, deposition, or erosion (Liu et al. 2009b). From the distribution of sediment-
accumulation rates off the GPR mouth and the adjacent shelf and slope, it is estimated that over
80% of the GPR sediment load is transported via the GPSC to the abyssal plain and the Manila
Trench in the South China Sea (Huh et al. 2009a). During non-typhoon periods, fine-grained
sediment and terrestrial organics are transported southward (Kao et al. 2006a), in which the ballast
effect is evident because the marine organic carbon burial exceeds the primary productivity in the
overlying waters. Taiwan as Instructional Source Area 53
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MA05CH03-Liu ARI 9 November 2012 13:4
Figure 4
(a) Three-dimensional topography of the Gaoping River catchment and the head region of the Gaoping Submarine Canyon. (b)The
bathymetry of the area indicated by the red box in panel a, showing the head region of the canyon and the locations of sediment-trap
moorings discussed in this review.
Submarine canyons have been shown to play an important role globally in the transport of
terrestrial and shelf-generated sediment to the deeper part of the ocean (Khripounoff et al. 2003).
Recent studies have shown that the GPSC is a two-way conduit for land-sea exchanges of water
masses, energy, and sediment (Chiou et al. 2011; Lee et al. 2009a; Lin et al. 2005; Liu & Lin
2004; Liu et al. 2002, 2006, 2009b). In a 54-year record, hyperpycnal flows occurred in only 3
different years, lasting a total of 35 h (Kao et al. 2008b). Liu & Lin (2004) showed that hypopycnal
plume dynamics and the coastal wind field largely control the delivery of terrigenous fine-grained
sediment to the canyon. Both lithogenic and nonlithogenic particles contribute to high mass fluxes
(exceeding 800 g m2day1) in the lower part of the canyon in the wet season (Huh et al. 2009b,
Liu et al. 2009b).
In the canyon’s interior, the M2tide is the most important forcing in sediment transport
(Lee et al. 2009b, Liu et al. 2010), occasionally interrupted by hyperpycnal events in the wet
season (Huh et al. 2009b; Liu et al. 2010, 2012). Sediment transport in the canyon takes place
mostly in the tidally modulated benthic nepheloid layer (BNL) (Liu et al. 2002, 2010). Sediment
transport is highly nonlinear, and internal tides and related small-scale mixing are also important
in this transport (Lee et al. 2009a,b; Liu et al. 2010; Wang et al. 2008). The net transport of
suspended particles near the canyon floor is landward, mostly by tidal currents, whose direction is
also modulated by the spring/neap tide (Huh et al. 2009b; Liu & Lin 2004; Liu et al. 2002, 2006).
The presence of event beds, such as those generated by turbidity currents or hyperpycnal flows,
suggests occurrences of gravity-driven flows. Gravity-flow-related erosion could take the form of
mass wasting triggered by earthquakes (Huh et al. 2006, Sari & Cagatay 2006, Su et al. 2012)
such as canyon-wall slumping or slope failure, or the form of entrainment by turbidity currents
triggered by earthquakes and typhoons (Liu et al. 2006, 2012; Xu et al. 2004). Erosion could
54 Liu et al.
120.0° E
22.0° N
22.5° N
23.0° N
23.5° N
24.0° N
Elevation (m)
120.2° E
Gaoping River
20 km
120.4° E 120.6° E 120.8° E 121° E
120.30° E
120.40° E
22.30° N
22.35° N
22.40° N
22.45° N
22.50° N
Depth (m)
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by Dr. James Liu on 01/03/13. For personal use only.
MA05CH03-Liu ARI 9 November 2012 13:4
Table 2 Height of instrument above the seafloor on the taut-line moorings from whose data the cumulative sediment
transport was estimated (Figure 6)
Instrument height (meters above bed)
Water depth
number LISST-100/XR-420 Current meter Reference(s)
2000 290 T1KP 25 (LISST-100) 50 (rotary) Liu et al. 2002, 2010
2002 313 T3KP 28 (LISST-100) 33 (rotary) Liu & Lin 2004, Liu et al. 2010
2004 315 T4KP 41 (LISST-100) 47 (acoustic) Liu et al. 2006, 2010
2008 615 T7KP 56 (acoustic) Liu et al. 2012
2010 267 T10KP4 40 (XR-420, optical
backscatter sensor)
20 (acoustic) R.T. Hsu, J.T. Liu, C.-C. Su &
S.-J. Kao, unpublished
also result in “overturned” deposits with lower 210Pbex activities in the core-top samples from the
canyon (Liu et al. 2009b). Gravity flows in the canyon are also generated by typhoon-triggered
hyperpycnal flows in the river during the wet season (Liu et al. 2012), which is discussed further
below along with examples.
From a source-to-sink perspective, high sediment-accumulation rates and mass fluxes suggest
that part of the canyon is a trap for terrestrial and marine organic and biogenic particles. Yet other
evidence also shows that the canyon is a conduit for suspended sediment bypassing (Huh et al.
2009b). Gravity flows might play a pivotal role in determining whether the GPSC is a trap (sink),
pathway (conduit), or source (entrainment of the canyon walls and floor) on different spatial and
temporal scales.
Because each of the previous mooring observations in the GPSC (Table 2) encountered at least one
typhoon (Table 3), here we reexamine the data to render new insights into the interaction between
Table 3 Peak river discharge and sediment content of various typhoons recorded at the Liling Bridge gauging station of
the Gaoping River
Typhoon Period
Peak date(s) of river
discharge and sediment
Peak river discharge
Peak river sediment
content (ppm)
Kai-Tak July 6–10, 2000 July 10, 2000 8931,221
Nakri July 9–10, 2002 July 9–10, 2002 278516
Conson June 7–9, 2004 June 8–9, 2004 18 80
Kalmaegi July 16–18, 2008 July 18, 2008 7,67021,722
Fong Wong July 26–29, 2008 July 29, 2008 1,723 2,162
Kammuri August 5–8, 2008 August 8, 2008 825 1,009
Nuri August 19–21, 2008 August 19, 2008 598 700
Morakot August 5–10, 2009 August 9, 2009 3,88360,010
Fanapi September 17–20, 2010 September 19, 2010 2,382 8,396
The period of a typhoon is defined by the duration of the typhoon warning issued by the Taiwan Central Weather Bureau. Numbers are rating-curve
values except for those marked with asterisks, which are direct measurements. Data taken from Water Resour. Agency (2010). Taiwan as Instructional Source Area 55
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by Dr. James Liu on 01/03/13. For personal use only.
MA05CH03-Liu ARI 9 November 2012 13:4
the typhoon-induced gravity flows and the tidal flows. Sediment fluxes from each mooring were
computed by multiplying the measured flow by the SSC (Liu & Lin 2004; Liu et al. 2002, 2006)
or acoustic backscatter (Liu et al. 2012; R.T. Hsu, J.T. Liu, C.-C. Su & S.-J. Kao, unpublished
observations). The cumulative (net) suspended-sediment transport of each mooring record was
then computed by time integration of the sediment flux and plotted (Figures 5 and 6) similarly
to the progressive vectors used by Liu et al. (2006, 2009b, 2012). In what follows, observations of
three recent typhoons are used as illustrations for further discussion (Figure 3c).
3.1. Typhoon Kalmaegi (2008)
Typhoon Kalmaegi’s track cut across the northeast corner of Taiwan (Figure 2) during July 16–
18, 2008. The peak discharge and SSC occurred on July 18 (Table 3). A sediment-trap mooring
(T7KP) deployed in the GPSC (Figure 4b) captured two hyperpycnal turbidity currents (Liu et al.
2012). From the pulsating warm water plumes, nontidal flow patterns, and sediment characteris-
tics carried by the passing flow, Liu et al. (2012) identified distinct waxing and waning phases of
two hyperpycnal turbidity currents. Within the 16-h duration of these events, the measured mass
flux was 200 kg m2day1, from which Liu et al. (2012) estimated that the two turbidity currents
transported 2.6 Mt of sediment to the deep sea. Those findings verified the turbidite sequences
observed in sedimentological records from the Mediterranean region (Mulder & Alexander 2001,
Mulder et al. 2003). Liu et al. (2012) also confirmed the direct link between typhoon-triggered hy-
perpycnal flows in the GPR and turbidity currents in the GPSC that efficiently transport terrestrial
sediment en masse to the deep sea.
Based on the colocated optical backscatter and flow data collected by Liu et al. (2012), a plot of
cumulative sediment transport shows that during Typhoon Kalmaegi the net sediment transport
abruptly changed from up-canyon to down-canyon around 9:00 AM on July 18 (Figure 6). Liu
et al. (2012) attributed this reversal to the passing of a hyperpycnal turbidity current triggered
mostly by the sediment-laden river effluent at the head of the canyon and wave-driven gravity
transport on the shelf by typhoon waves (see Palanques et al. 2008 and Puig et al. 2004, which
discuss wave-driven gravity flows).
3.2. Typhoon Morakot (2009)
Typhoon Morakot is unique in that within five days it dropped nearly 3 m of rain in southern
Taiwan, which is equivalent to the average annual rainfall of that area (Figures 2 and 3). The high
rainfall in the GPR catchment caused numerous landslides, severe hillslope erosions, avulsion, the
collapse of riverbanks, and the collapse of five out of eight bridges crossing the GPR. It also created
enormously high SSCs in the river plume (Figures 3cand 7). During the typhoon, the peak SSC
in the river (Table 3) exceeded the threshold (40 g liter1) for the formation of hyperpycnal
flows (Mas et al. 2010, Mulder et al. 2003). It does seem likely, however, that the hyperpycnal
plumes moved down the canyon and triggered hyperpycnal turbidity currents similar to what Liu
et al. (2012) observed. These currents caused the breakage of several undersea cables along the
thalweg of the GPSC (Su et al. 2012). Immediately after Morakot, Kao et al. (2010) observed
anomalously warm and turbid low-salinity water at 3,000–3,700 m depth in areas 180 km off
southwestern Taiwan. The 250-m-thick bottom-hugging water mass appears to have originated
in shallow coastal waters and was transported to the deep sea via hyperpycnal flows.
Six weeks after Morakot (August 5–10, 2009), on September 28, 2009, a box core (K1) was
taken during R/V Ocean Researcher 1 cruise 915 at the head of the GPSC (Figure 7). The coring
site was near the landward terminus of the canyon, where the vertical drop between the upper
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–1,000 0 1,000 2,000 3,000
–500 0 500 1,000 1,500
–100 0 100 200 400 500300
–50,000 –40,000 –30,000
East–west cumulative transport (kg m–2)
North–south cumulative transport (kg m–2)
–20,000 –10,000 0 5,000
Typhoon Kai-Tak
Typhoon Nakri
Typhoon Ramasun
Typhoon Conson
Typhoon Fanapi
Figure 5
Cumulative transport based on the sediment-trap observations at locations near the head of the Gaoping
Submarine Canyon in 2000, 2002, 2004, and 2010 (Figure 4b). The insets are enlarged versions for the years
of (a) 2000, (b) 2002, and (c) 2004. In each inset, the black cross indicates the origin of the record, and the
bold colored lines indicate periods of typhoons encountered during each deployment. Cumulative transport
was computed by time integration of the suspended-sediment flux, which is the product of the measured
suspended-sediment concentration (SSC) and the flow velocity (negative toward the south and west). The
2010 data set has the largest net transport values because of the high SSC, which was two orders of
magnitude higher than those in other years. Taiwan as Instructional Source Area 57
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Typhoon Kalmaegi (2008)
Typhoon Fong Wong (2008)
Typhoon Nuri (2008)
3,500 7,500 –11,500 –15,500
East–west cumulative transport (count-km)
North–south cumulative
transport (count-km)
–19,500 –23,500 –27,500 –31,500
Figure 6
Cumulative transport based on the 2008 sediment-trap deployment in the Gaoping Submarine Canyon (Figure 4b), which was located
farther down the canyon than the other deployments. Periods of typhoons during the deployment are indicated by thicker colored
tracks. Cumulative transport was computed by time integration of the suspended-sediment flux, which is the product of the backscatter
(count) and the flow velocity (in centimeters per second).
rim and floor of the canyon is 80 m. This location was likely near the plunge point at which
the hyperpycnal river plumes descended into the canyon, judging by the satellite image taken on
August 13, 2009 (Figure 7).
The sandy material in the lower 11 cm of the core shows a sharp contrast with the rest of the
muddy material (Figure 8a,b). The core samples were analyzed for grain-size composition, TOC,
TON (total organic nitrogen), δ13C, and δ15 N (R.B. Sparkes, I.-T. Lin, N. Hovius, A. Galy, J.T.
Liu, et al., unpublished observations). The mean grain size of the core showed a sharp graded
sequence superimposed by an inversely graded sequence with a demarcation at the down-core
depth of 42–43 cm (Figure 8a,b), similar to what Liu et al. (2012) found in their sediment trap.
This suggests the occurrence of a turbidity current or hyperpycnal flow (Liu et al. 2009b, 2012;
Mulder et al. 2003). The demarcation layer contains anomalously high TOC and C/N ratio and
low δ13C(Figure 8c,d).
A simple two-end-member scheme used to estimate the terrestrial fraction (Ft) of the organic
carbon is as follows (Liu et al. 2006):
δ13C (measured in the K1 core) =δ13C (measured in the GPR)
×Ft+δ13C (measured on the Gaoping slope) ×(1 Ft).(1)
Representative δ13C values of 18 and 27 were used for the Gaoping slope (seafloor sediment)
and GPR (woody debris) end members, respectively, from the recent study of Morakot’s effect
on the GPR system (R.B. Sparkes, I.-T. Lin, N. Hovius, A. Galy, J.T. Liu, et al., unpublished
observations). However, other published δ13C values for Taiwanese rivers are also noted (Hilton
et al. 2010, Kao et al. 2006a). In general, in the K1 core a large portion (over 70%) of the
organic carbon (modern and fossil) is of terrestrial origin. Within the turbidite deposit, the value
is as high as 90% (Figure 8d). These findings confirm that the turbidity currents depositing
the sediment were transporting terrestrial material, presumably from the GPR hyperpycnal flows
during Morakot, thereby forming an integral part of the organic pathway to transfer terrestrially
sourced carbon to geological carbon sequestration (Hovius et al. 2011a).
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22.35° N
22.40° N
22.45° N
22.50° N
120.35° E 120.40° E 120.45° E
Box core K1
Figure 7
Satellite image of the landward terminus of the Gaoping Submarine Canyon taken by FORMOSAT-II at
9:44 AM on August 13, 2009, on which bathymetric contours (in meters) are superimposed. The box core K1
was taken on September 28, 2009. Adapted from Kao et al. (2010); image provided by the Center for Space
and Remote Sensing Research, National Central University.
3.3. Typhoon Fanapi (2010)
Typhoon Fanapi devastated southern Taiwan during September 17–20, 2010 (Table 2). R/V
Ocean Researcher 3 cruise 1493 deployed two moorings near the terminus of the GPSC, including
one sediment-trap mooring (T10KP4) on September 24. After the lifting of the typhoon warning,
the sediment content and river discharge remained high for several more days, and consequently
the instruments on the moorings were able to capture the wake of the river hyperpycnal flows
(anomalously high SSC and warm water) within the BNL (R.T. Hsu, J.T. Liu, S.-N. Chen, C.-C.
Su & S.-J. Kao, unpublished observations).
The optical backscatter sensor measurements on T10KP4 were first converted from formazin
turbidity units (FTUs) to milligrams per liter (1 FTU 1.7 mg liter1), according to Jouanneau
et al. (1998). Subsequently, the cumulative sediment-transport plot showed that the first two
semidiurnal tidal cycles of the record had strong down-canyon transport (Figure 6). After 11:50 AM
on September 25, the net transport became up-canyon and remained so until the end of the record.
3.4. Gravity Flow: Tidal-Flow Interactions in the Gaoping Submarine Canyon
A consistent theme that emerges from all the cumulative sediment-transport plots (Figures 5 and
6) is the strong tidal modulation for the net sediment transport in the BNL. Owing to the steering Taiwan as Instructional Source Area 59
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20 40 60
Mean grain size
Down-core depth (cm)
proportions (%)
TOC (%) C/N
80 100 0 20406080
100 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 48610121416
Water content (%) δ13CFt (%)
15 20 25 30 35 40 –26 –25 –24 60 70 80 90
abc d
Figure 8
Down-core properties of the box core K1, including (a) mean grain size (red ) superimposed on a photograph
of the core; (b) water content (blue) superimposed on the cumulative proportions of clay, silt, and sand;
(c) TOC (total organic carbon) ( green)andδ13 C(purple); and (d)C/Nratio(orange) and terrestrial fraction
of the organic carbon (Ft, defined by Equation 1) (brown).
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effect of the GPSC, in the course of each semidiurnal tidal cycle the net sediment transport shows
periodic reversals following the orientation of the thalweg. Because of unfortunate choices of
deployment sites in 2000, 2002, and 2004, flow observations were greatly influenced by the local
canyon topography (Liu et al. 2010), and thus the data are not representative of the net effect of
tidal transport (Figure 5ac).
The early part of the T7KP observation in 2008 (before the influence of Typhoon Kalmaegi)
and the later part of the T10KP4 observation in 2010 (after the influence of Typhoon Fanapi) show
a net up-canyon transport (Figures 5 and 6). In fact, another typhoon-free record from mooring
T6KP in 2008 (Huh et al. 2009b) shows exactly the same trend. Typhoons do not necessarily
offset this trend, as shown in Figures 5 and 6. Only Kalmaegi and Fanapi had noticeable indica-
tions of reversed net sediment transport to down-canyon. One explanation is obvious, as seen in
Table 3: Some typhoons do not generate substantial river discharge and SSC, and thus are unable
to form hyperpycnal flows at the river mouth. The other possibility is the inability of the mooring
instrumentation to be close enough to the canyon floor to capture the bottom-hugging turbidity
currents, if any (Kao et al. 2010, Liu et al. 2012).
Although Liu et al. (2012) have seen the retardation of the turbidity current by the tidal flow,
little is known about the interactions between the gravity-driven turbidity currents and the tide-
driven barotropic and baroclinic flows in the canyon. Despite the strong terrestrial signals in the
suspended sediment of the BNL after Fanapi (R.T. Hsu, J.T. Liu, S.-N. Chen, C.-C. Su & S.-J.
Kao, unpublished observations), little is known about how the hyperpycnal plume plunges into the
canyon, how the hyperpycnal flow affects the BNL, or how turbidity currents are ignited. These
are subjects worthy of future pursuit.
The highest rates of total particulate organic carbon (POC) and sediment transfer have been
measured in small river catchments (<5,000 km2) draining mountainous terrain (Dadson et al.
2003, Hilton et al. 2008b, Hovius et al. 2000, Kao & Liu 1996, Lyons et al. 2002, Milliman &
Syvitski 1992). In Taiwan, frequent deep landslides coupled with biomass elimination provide
opportunities to examine the transfer behavior of clastic sediment and POC over a large dynamic
range of flow conditions (Hilton et al. 2008a, Kao & Liu 1996). Hilton et al. (2008a) confirmed the
important role of the erosional process that supplies POC biomass from forested hillslopes to river
channels during high rainfall. This is seen in Taiwan in a common post-typhoon phenomenon of
driftwood—large tree trunks to small tree branches and twigs—along riverbanks and on riverbeds
(West et al. 2011) and even on beaches and in harbors (Figure 9a,b). Apparently, typhoons trigger
landslides that subsequently release coarse woody debris from mountain forests (Hilton et al. 2011;
Seo et al. 2008a,b; West et al. 2011). Carbon contained in the driftwood is part of the pathway
in which fresh terrestrial carbon is transported from river catchments to the coastal waters and
beyond. The orange-colored streaks to the north of the river plume and along riverbanks and
shorelines seen in the FORMOSAT-II image taken on August 13, 2009, are actually driftwood
(Figure 7). Morakot-generated driftwood from Taiwan reached Kyushu, Japan, approximately
1,100 km away (Radio Taiwan Int. 2009).
In the transport process, large woody debris can break down and be entrained with clastic
material as part of the river sediment load, enhancing POC biomass supply by an SMR. Woody
material—including small plant debris, branches, and twigs—carried in a hyperpycnal turbidity
current was captured by the sediment trap in the GPSC during Typhoon Kalmaegi (Figure 9c).
A piece of woody material is also visible in the photograph of the Morakot-generated turbidite
(Figure 8a). The findings by Liu et al. (2012) confirmed the pathway for effective and speedy Taiwan as Instructional Source Area 61
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b c
Figure 9
Photographs of driftwood piling up on (a) the bank of the Gaoping River (courtesy of R.B. Sparkes) and (b) a beach in eastern Taiwan
(courtesy of the Central News Agency), taken shortly after Typhoon Morakot in 2009. (c) Photograph of a freeze-dried sediment-trap
sample (courtesy of H.-L. Lin, taken from Liu et al. 2012) carried in the head of a passing turbidity current in the Gaoping Submarine
Canyon in 2008, which was triggered by Typhoon Kalmaegi.
transport of terrestrial sediment and carbon from the river hyperpycnal plume via turbidity currents
to the deep sea (Saller et al. 2006). Generally, Taiwan’s SMRs rapidly transport sediments from
their source areas to the sea (Huh et al. 2011). Therefore, this link between the hyperpycnal flow
and the turbidity current could be one pathway for the burial of terrestrial carbon promoted by
rapid sediment accumulation in marine depocenters (Burdige 2005, Canfield 1994, Galy et al.
2007, Hovius et al. 2011b, Leithold & Hope 1999, Liu et al. 2012).
Typhoons or dust storms significantly enhance the supply of terrestrial and oceanic nutrients in
marginal seas (Chang et al. 1996, Chung et al. 2012, Hung et al. 2009, Shiah et al. 2000, Siswanto
et al. 2009) as well as in the Kuroshio Current (Chen et al. 2009) and the open Gulf of Mexico
(Yuan et al. 2004). The nutrient-rich water can boost phytoplankton blooms and in turn help
drive the global carbon cycle. For example, the diatom abundance in the southern East China Sea
(SECS) (25.45N, 122.00E; Figure 2) increased by approximately 50-fold within 10 days of the
passage of Typhoon Morakot (Chung et al. 2012). Seasonal investigations near the continental
shelf break (25.40N, 122.45E; Figure 2), including periods before and shortly after the passage
of Typhoons Fong Wong, Sinlaku, and Jangmi in 2008, showed that nutrient-rich waters were
brought to the surface after the typhoons, leading to a phytoplankton bloom (Hung & Gong
2011). Elevated POC fluxes (552 ±28 mg C m2day1) off the northeast corner of Taiwan were
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observed after Typhoon Jangmi, which is approximately a threefold increase from the monthly
mean value (184 ±37 mg m2day1) (Hung & Gong 2011).
Typhoons have a profound impact on POC flux, but are they important to the summer POC
flux in the SECS? The areas of the cold-water patch (e.g. <27C) in the SECS under non-typhoon
and post-typhoon conditions are approximately 2,900 and 10,000–30,000 km2, respectively (Hung
& Gong 2011, Hung et al. 2010). The corresponding POC fluxes are 184 and 225–552 (average
value of 400) mg m2day1, respectively (Hung & Gong 2011). Thus, the typhoon-induced
POC transport in the SECS would be 0.21 Mt (assuming four typhoons and that the cold-water
patches last 20 days per year, the trapping efficiency is 75%, and the affected area is 20,000 km2).
Also, assuming the summer to be 100 days long, POC transport under non-typhoon conditions
(80 days) would then be 0.056 Mt. Consequently, typhoons could contribute approximately
79% of the total summer POC transport in the SECS, which is a conservative estimate because
the sizes of cold-water patches are underestimated owing to heavy cloud cover. Furthermore,
typhoon-triggered terrestrial nutrients also enhance new phytoplankton production (Chung et al.
2012; C.C. Hung, C.C. Chung, G.C. Gong, S. Jan, W.C. Chou, et al., unpublished observations).
In general, typhoon-related marine POC loads in waters around Taiwan are also an important
source in carbon burial. Simultaneous occurrences of typhoon disturbances in river catchments,
on the seafloor of shallow shelves and deep submarine canyons, and on the ocean surface make
sedimentary systems important in organic carbon burial. Great burial flux and organic preser-
vation efficiency can be achieved over short periods in Taiwan’s unique setting as well as other
similar Oceania islands owing to largely enhanced new marine production, riverine input of clastic
sediment, and terrestrial organic matter.
Owing to its short half-life, 7Be—a radionuclide often used as an indicator of fresh terrestrial
sediment—is concentrated in the uppermost layer of topsoil, and therefore can be more easily
detected in sediments resulting from sheet erosion; during landslides, hyperpycnal flows, etc., 7Be
becomes so diluted that its detection is virtually impossible, even with high-efficiency detectors.
During the peak of Typhoon Morakot, the measured SSC at the LWR exceeded 90 g liter1,yet
7Be was not detected in the suspended sediment (Hale et al. 2012). Similarly, 7Be was not detected
in riverbank and suspended-sediment samples in the lower reaches of the GPR on August 20, 2009,
when the measured SSC was 5 g liter1, nor was it detected in Morakot cores taken from Fangliao
Canyon (Hale et al. 2012). These facts suggest that a new paradigm is needed for quantifying
marine deposits from floods of highly disturbed river catchments.
Traditionally, flood deposits on the shelf that came from freshly eroded topsoil have been
characterized by, among other factors, fine-grained sediments having high levels of fresh organic
material, high water content, and detectable 7Be (Dail et al. 2007, Huh et al. 2009a, Leithold &
Blair 2001, Leithold et al. 2005). However, in the case of Morakot, although the turbidite layer
contains a very high fraction of terrestrial carbon (Figure 8d), much of the fluvial sediment load
was composed of fossil organic carbon (R.B. Sparkes, I.-T. Lin, N. Hovius, A. Galy, J.T. Liu,
et al., unpublished observations). Similar conditions have been documented in other mountainous
watersheds (Kao & Liu 1996, Leithold et al. 2006). Deepening incision of river channels driven
by a wetter climate was inferred from fossil organic carbon deposited in the SOT in the Holocene
(Kao et al. 2008a). Furthermore, the chemical weathering index of riverbed sediments from the
GPR (63; Selvaraj & Chen 2006) is consistently lower than that of surface soil samples (85;
S.-J. Kao, unpublished data), pointing to the same conclusion. Consequently, these “new” deposits Taiwan as Instructional Source Area 63
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in the receiving basins differ from topsoil in their physical and geochemical properties. These
observations lead us to suggest that new marine deposits are old terrestrial sediments transported
by highly disturbed fluvial dispersal systems during and following severe typhoons.
The authors are not aware of any affiliations, memberships, funding, or financial holdings that
might be perceived as affecting the objectivity of this review.
We acknowledge support from the Republic of China National Science Council. Robert B. Sparkes
made grain-size, TOC, δ13C, and C/N data available and also supplied the photograph of driftwood
on the bank of the Gaoping River (Figure 9a). Ray T. Hsu made optical backscatter sensor and
flow data on mooring T10KP4 available. We are grateful for John Milliman’s helpful comments
to improve the manuscript.
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MA05-FrontMatter ARI 16 November 2012 11:15
Annual Review of
Marine Science
Volume 5, 2013 Contents
Reflections About Chance in My Career, and on the Top-Down
Regulated World
Karl Banse pppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp1
Causes for Contemporary Regional Sea Level Changes
Detlef Stammer, Anny Cazenave, Rui M. Ponte, and Mark E. Tamisiea pppppppppppppppp21
Gravity Flows Associated with Flood Events and Carbon Burial:
Taiwan as Instructional Source Area
James T. Liu, Shuh-Ji Kao, Chih-An Huh, and Chin-Chang Hung ppppppppppppppppppppp47
A Deep-Time Perspective of Land-Ocean Linkages
in the Sedimentary Record
Brian W. Romans and Stephan A. Graham pppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp69
Remote Sensing of the Nearshore
Rob Holman and Merrick C. Haller ppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp95
High-Frequency Radar Observations of Ocean Surface Currents
Jeffrey D. Paduan and Libe Washburn ppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp115
Lagrangian Motion, Coherent Structures, and Lines
of Persistent Material Strain
R.M. Samelson pppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp137
Deglacial Origin of Barrier Reefs Along Low-Latitude Mixed
Siliciclastic and Carbonate Continental Shelf Edges
Andr´e W. Droxler and St´ephan J. Jorry pppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp165
The Trace Metal Composition of Marine Phytoplankton
Benjamin S. Twining and Stephen B. Baines ppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp191
Photophysiological Expressions of Iron Stress in Phytoplankton
Michael J. Behrenfeld and Allen J. Milligan ppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp217
Evaluation of In Situ Phytoplankton Growth Rates:
A Synthesis of Data from Varied Approaches
Edward A. Laws pppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp247
Annu. Rev. Marine. Sci. 2013.5:47-68. Downloaded from
by Dr. James Liu on 01/03/13. For personal use only.
MA05-FrontMatter ARI 16 November 2012 11:15
Icebergs as Unique Lagrangian Ecosystems in Polar Seas
K.L. Smith Jr., A.D. Sherman, T.J. Shaw, and J. Sprintall pppppppppppppppppppppppppppp269
Ecosystem Transformations of the Laurentian Great Lake Michigan
by Nonindigenous Biological Invaders
Russell L. Cuhel and Carmen Aguilar ppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp289
Ocean Acidification and Coral Reefs: Effects on Breakdown,
Dissolution, and Net Ecosystem Calcification
Andreas J. Andersson and Dwight Gledhill ppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp321
Evolutionary Adaptation of Marine Zooplankton to Global Change
Hans G. Dam ppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp349
Resilience to Climate Change in Coastal Marine Ecosystems
Joanna R. Bernhardt and Heather M. Leslie ppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp371
Oceanographic and Biological Effects of Shoaling of the Oxygen
Minimum Zone
William F. Gilly, J. Michael Beman, Steven Y. Litvin, and Bruce H. Robison ppppppppp393
Recalcitrant Dissolved Organic Carbon Fractions
Dennis A. Hansell pppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp421
The Global Distribution and Dynamics of Chromophoric Dissolved
Organic Matter
Norman B. Nelson and David A. Siegel ppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp447
The World Ocean Silica Cycle
Paul J. Tr´eguer and Christina L. De La Rocha pppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp477
Using Triple Isotopes of Dissolved Oxygen to Evaluate Global Marine
L.W. Juranek and P.D. Quay ppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp503
What Is the Metabolic State of the Oligotrophic Ocean? A Debate
Hugh W. Ducklow and Scott C. Doney ppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp525
The Oligotrophic Ocean Is Autotrophic
Peter J. le B. Williams, Paul D. Quay, Toby K. Westberry,
and Michael J. Behrenfeld ppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp535
The Oligotrophic Ocean Is Heterotrophic
Carlos M. Duarte, Aurore Regaudie-de-Gioux, Jes´us M. Arrieta,
Antonio Delgado-Huertas, and Susana Agust´ıppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp551
An online log of corrections to Annual Review of Marine Science articles may be found at
Contents vii
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by Dr. James Liu on 01/03/13. For personal use only.
... Extreme weather events are also hypothesized to contribute significantly to sediment production, inducing siltation. For instance, Typhoon Kalmaegi induced a peak river discharge of 7,670 m 3 /s and released an estimated total sediment load of 30 Mt over approximately 3d (Chien et al., 2011;Liu et al., 2013). The in situ measurements conducted 40h post-peak fluvial discharge of Typhoon Kalmaegi in 2008 indicated that the typhoontriggered heavy precipitation delivered a large number of sediment to the mouth of the Zhuoshui River and the surrounding areas (Chien et al., 2011). ...
... This study used numerical modeling to simulate the Zhuoshui River estuary's plume dynamics under Typhoon Kalmaegi event on July 16-18, 2008, combined with the tidal flow and river discharge during the low discharge and extreme flooding. TyphoonKalmaegi induced a peak river discharge of 7,670 m 3 /s and released an estimated total sediment load of 30 Mt over approximately 3d(Chien et al., 2011;Liu et al., 2013). The riverine sediment accumulated in the Zhuoshui River mouth obtained 40h post-the-peak fluvial discharge due to Typhoon Kalmaegi. ...
... The study area image from Google Earth. The dotted white line and green dot indicate the Zhuoshui River and its river mouth, respectively.The Zhuoshui River flows onto a shallow shelf with a maximum peak flow of 28,900 m 3 /s(Chiang et al., 2019;Chien et al., 2011;Liu et al., 2013; WRA, 2021). Originating from the Central Range, the Zhuoshui River annually discharges 210 m 3 /s westward to the Taiwan ...
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The Zhuoshui River delivers 51.10 Mt/d of sediment, which is the maximum sediment yield, to the river mouth and surrounding areas. The Mailiao Port’s navigation channel, located in the south of the Zhuoshui River, has a daily dredging volume of 18,797 m3/d. The erosion and deposition between the Zhuoshui River mouth and Mailiao Port are challenging to be investigated, particularly during a typhoon in the summer and low river discharge conditions in the winter. This present study aimed to understand the process of river plumes at the land-sea boundary system during Typhoon Kalmaegi-induced high river discharge to assess a possible source of generating morphological change in the Mailiao Port’s navigation channel. The mechanisms and effects that dominantly control the transport of sediment particles at the Zhuoshui River mouth and adjacent to the Mailiao Port were also investigated. Two numerical models named Regional Ocean Model System (ROMS) and NearCom-TVD 10.0 were used to simulate the scenarios. Model results demonstrate that the mechanisms of sediment transport processes were influenced mainly by river discharge, sediment grain distributions, tidal currents, Coriolis force, and extreme weather conditions. During a typhoon in the summer, the simulated model indicates that the transport processes of river plumes toward the offshore area were interrupted by intensive tidal currents. Because of the Coriolis force and river flow, the river plume moved northward or deposited surrounding the river mouth. Tidal currents modulated the sediment resuspension in the inner shelf. The residual tidal circulations transported the river plume southward and shoreward to the Mailiao Port’s navigation channel and port basin south of the river mouth. The port siltation most likely occurs during the winter, when wave-driven longshore currents carry a substantial sediment volume from the river mouth, primarily from the north towards the south. The deposited sediment in the port’s northern area was further transported to the port basin or navigation channel, generating siltation.
... (b) Location of major rivers, currents and annual sediments flux of rivers in southeast China (Milliman and Meade, 1983;Liu et al., 2008a). (c) The tectonic framework of Taiwan and routes of typhoons (Chai, 1972;Liu et al., 2013). The geographic maps generated by Generic Mapping Tools (Wessel et al., 2019). ...
... Taiwan Island is characterized by tectonically active backgrounds and frequent earthquakes. Subtropical monsoon climate currently prevails and tropical cyclones frequently influence Taiwan, resulting in large amount of rainfall in summer and fall (Huang et al., 1997;Liu et al., 2001Liu et al., , 2013. Additionally, Taiwan is one of the densest river-covered regions in Asia. ...
... For this reason, the Zhuoshui River discharges about 54 Mt. sediments to the Taiwan Strait every year (Deng et al., 2019). Typhoons are frequent in Taiwan, 255 typhoons passed through Taiwan in 1949-2009, with an average of approximately 4 per year (Liu et al., 2013). The routes of typhoons were Bard et al. (1990). ...
As an important component in East Asia sediment source-to-sink systems, small mountainous rivers in Taiwan deliver disproportionately large amounts of sediments to oceans. Although the modern fluvial sediment transport processes, discharge fluxes and sediment compositions have been well investigated, the drainage evolution of these mountainous rivers remains understudied and sediment fluxes are expected to vary greatly in glacial-interglacial cycles due to the tremendous climatic fluctuations. To define how the drainage of Taiwan mountainous rivers has evolved since the last glaciation, we target a sediment core (98 m in length) from the Zhuoshui River delta, western Taiwan and use sediment petrography, heavy mineral analysis, detrital zircon UPb geochronology and clay mineralogy to investigate provenance variations and river basin evolution since 60 ka. Sediments of the last glaciation show comparatively high illite crystallinity index values, low metasedimentary lithic fragment and stable heavy mineral contents and similar detrital zircon UPb ages with downstream signatures, indicating prominent sediment contributions from the Coastal Plain and Western Foothills regions (elevation <1 km) during the glaciation. However, characteristics of the deglacial and Holocene sediments indicate high contributions from the higher Hsueshan Range and Central Range regions (elevation >1 km). We suggest that headward extension and drainage capture since the deglaciation, which was most likely due to the increasing monsoon rainfall, account for the provenance variations in the discharged sediments. This implies a climate-driven drainage reorganization of the small mountainous rivers in Taiwan since the last glaciation. Our findings highlight the previously-overlooked, variable provenance information from Taiwan in glacial-interglacial cycles, and the dynamic source signatures are important to East Asia sediment source-to-sink studies.
... The wet season occurs from summer to early autumn due to the impact of monsoons and typhoons, contributing about 78 % of the yearly charge of the river (Liu et al., 2002) and up to ∼ 46 times more particulate organic carbon (POC) transport than in the dry season (Liu et al., 2016). Hsu et al. (2014) showed that the sedimentary OC accumulation rates in the Gaoping shelf and slope area account for less than 13 % of the riverine POC load, suggesting that most POC likely exits the GPSC and is buried in the deep South China Sea (SCS) Kao et al., 2014;Liu et al., 2013Liu et al., , 2016. However, these earlier studies did not consider the impact of benthic organisms, which play a quantitatively important role in oxidizing sedimentary OC through feeding, respiration, burrowing, and predation activities. ...
... GPR and GPSC exhibit distinct dry and wet seasons due to the influence of monsoons and typhoons, resulting in extreme precipitation in the region from May to October (Liu et al., 2016). The combination of steep topography, a highly erodible drainage basin, and intense human activities also leads to remarkably high suspended-sediment load and fluvial discharges from the GPR during the wet season (Huh et al., 2009;Liu et al., 2013Liu et al., , 2016. However, the sediment and macrofauna OC stocks were not statistically different among sampling seasons (Fig. 2a, d). ...
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The Gaoping Submarine Canyon (GPSC) off southwest Taiwan has been extensively studied due to its unique geology, its role in transferring terrestrial material to the deep sea, and its diverse biological communities. However , there is a lack of understanding of carbon cycling across the sediment-water interface in the canyon. This study aims to fill the gap by utilizing the field data collected between 2014 and 2020 and a linear inverse model (LIM) to reconstruct the benthic food web (i.e., carbon flows through different stocks) in the head of GPSC and the upper Gaop-ing slope (GS). The biotic and abiotic organic carbon (OC) stocks were significantly higher on the slope than in the canyon, except for the bacteria stock. The sediment oxygen utilization was similar between the two habitats, but the magnitude and distribution of the OC flow in the food web were distinctively different. Despite a significant input flux of ∼ 2020 mg C m −2 d −1 in the canyon, 84 % of the carbon flux exited the system, while 12 % was buried. On the slope, 84 % of the OC input (∼ 109 mg C m −2 d −1) was buried, and only 7 % exited the system. Bacteria processes play a major role in the carbon fluxes within the canyon. In contrast, the food web in the upper slope exhibited stronger interactions among metazoans, indicated by higher fluxes between meio-fauna and macrofauna compartments. Network indices based on the LIM outputs showed that the canyon head had higher total system throughput (T ..) and total system throughflow (TST), indicating greater energy flowing through the system. In contrast, the slope had a significantly higher Finn cycling index (FCI), average mutual information (AMI), and longer OC turnover time, suggesting a relatively more stable ecosystem with higher energy recycling. Due to sampling limitations , the present study only represents the benthic food web during the "dry" period. By integrating the field data into a food web model, this study provides valuable insight into the fates of OC cycling in an active submarine canyon, focusing on the often overlooked benthic communities. Future studies should include "wet" period sampling to reveal the effects of typhoons and monsoon rainfalls on OC cycling.
... The wet season occurs from summer to early autumn due to the impact of monsoons and typhoons, contributing about 78 % of the yearly charge of the river (Liu et al., 2002) and up to ∼ 46 times more particulate organic carbon (POC) transport than in the dry season (Liu et al., 2016). Hsu et al. (2014) showed that the sedimentary OC accumulation rates in the Gaoping shelf and slope area account for less than 13 % of the riverine POC load, suggesting that most POC likely exits the GPSC and is buried in the deep South China Sea (SCS) Kao et al., 2014;Liu et al., 2013Liu et al., , 2016. However, these earlier studies did not consider the impact of benthic organisms, which play a quantitatively important role in oxidizing sedimentary OC through feeding, respiration, burrowing, and predation activities. ...
... GPR and GPSC exhibit distinct dry and wet seasons due to the influence of monsoons and typhoons, resulting in extreme precipitation in the region from May to October (Liu et al., 2016). The combination of steep topography, a highly erodible drainage basin, and intense human activities also leads to remarkably high suspended-sediment load and fluvial discharges from the GPR during the wet season (Huh et al., 2009;Liu et al., 2013Liu et al., , 2016. However, the sediment and macrofauna OC stocks were not statistically different among sampling seasons (Fig. 2a, d). ...
Full-text available
The Gaoping Submarine Canyon (GPSC) off southwest Taiwan has been extensively studied due to its unique geology, its role in transferring terrestrial material to the deep sea, and its diverse biological communities. However, there is a lack of understanding of carbon cycling across the sediment–water interface in the canyon. This study aims to fill the gap by utilizing the field data collected between 2014 and 2020 and a linear inverse model (LIM) to reconstruct the benthic food web (i.e., carbon flows through different stocks) in the head of GPSC and the upper Gaoping slope (GS). The biotic and abiotic organic carbon (OC) stocks were significantly higher on the slope than in the canyon, except for the bacteria stock. The sediment oxygen utilization was similar between the two habitats, but the magnitude and distribution of the OC flow in the food web were distinctively different. Despite a significant input flux of ∼ 2020 mg C m−2 d−1 in the canyon, 84 % of the carbon flux exited the system, while 12 % was buried. On the slope, 84 % of the OC input (∼ 109 mg C m−2 d−1) was buried, and only 7 % exited the system. Bacteria processes play a major role in the carbon fluxes within the canyon. In contrast, the food web in the upper slope exhibited stronger interactions among metazoans, indicated by higher fluxes between meiofauna and macrofauna compartments. Network indices based on the LIM outputs showed that the canyon head had higher total system throughput (T..) and total system throughflow (TST), indicating greater energy flowing through the system. In contrast, the slope had a significantly higher Finn cycling index (FCI), average mutual information (AMI), and longer OC turnover time, suggesting a relatively more stable ecosystem with higher energy recycling. Due to sampling limitations, the present study only represents the benthic food web during the “dry” period. By integrating the field data into a food web model, this study provides valuable insight into the fates of OC cycling in an active submarine canyon, focusing on the often overlooked benthic communities. Future studies should include “wet” period sampling to reveal the effects of typhoons and monsoon rainfalls on OC cycling.
... Further insights regarding the cause of damaging telecommunication cables are still required to be further investigated. The geometric feature of the Gaoping River (GPR) and the GPSC (see Figs. 1a and 1b) represents a good example of source-tosink sediment transport system for studying submarine geohazards (Liu et al., 2013. The GPSC and the Manila Trench have experienced multiple cable break events over the past decade that were possibly triggered by typhoon-induced density currents (Carter et al., 2012;Gavey et al., 2016). ...
... In this region, tropical cyclone-(typhoon) induced floods play a significant role in terrestrial sediment transport (Dadson et al., 2005;Hilton et al., 2008;Liu et al., 2012;Lyons et al., 2002). For example, Typhoon Kalmaegi passed through the northeast corner of Taiwan during 16-18 th July, 2008, inducing the peak river discharge of 7,670 m 3 /s and the peak SSC of 21.72 g/L (Liu et al., 2013). A sediment-trap mooring deployed in the GPSC has captured the field evidence of density currents that efficiently transported terrestrial sediments to the deep sea (Liu et al., 2012). ...
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Density currents induced by large-scalecatastrophicevents (earthquakesand typhoons) may causevarious potential environmental hazards such as submarine and seafloor equipment damages.Approximately 150 to 200 fiber-optic cable break events are recorded each year in the areabetween the Gaoping Submarine Canyon (GPSC) and the Manila Trench. However, howdensity currents were triggered by catastrophic events is not well understood. This study aimedto reproduce the flow field and sediment transport processes of the density currents of the2008-flood events during Typhoons Kalmaegi and Fong Wong using numerical models. Themodel results showed that the riverine flow was affected by the tidal currents and descendedto the submarine canyon. In the submarine canyon, the density current was enhanced during flood tides and attenuated during ebb tides. The river discharge and SSC required for theoccurrence of density currents were approximately 1500~3200 m3/s and 12 g/L. The internalFroude number exceeded the critical value of 0.8, but the required SSC was much lower thanthe critical concentration for the occurrence of the density current.
... For example, the Eel River (northern California) is a major source-to-sink conduit for large sediment transport, delivering between 60 % and 80 % of discharged fine-grained sediment to the adjacent marine depocenter during large winter storms (Wheatcroft and Sommerfield, 2005). Similar large depositions of sediment over relatively short periods of time have been documented elsewhere, near the island of Taiwan (Liu et al., 2013), in the Mekong Delta (Manh et al., 2014) or in the Yangtze River estuary depositional system (Dai et al., 2018) to name a few. ...
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At the land–sea interface, the benthic carbon cycle is strongly influenced by the export of terrigenous particulate material across the river–ocean continuum. Episodic flood events delivering massive sedimentary materials can occur, but their short-term impact on carbon cycling is poorly understood. In this paper, we use a coupled data–model approach to estimate the temporal variations in sediment–water fluxes, biogeochemical pathways and their reaction rates during these abrupt phenomena. We studied one episodic depositional event in the vicinity of the Rhône River mouth (NW Mediterranean Sea) during the fall–winter of 2021/22. The distributions of dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC), sulfate (SO42-) and methane (CH4) were measured in sediment porewaters collected every 2 weeks before and after the deposition of a 25 cm sediment layer during the main winter flood event. Significant changes in the distribution of DIC, SO42- and CH4 concentrations were observed in the sediment porewaters. The use of an early diagenetic model (FESDIA) to calculate biogeochemical reaction rates and fluxes revealed that this type of flood event can increase the total organic carbon mineralization rate in the sediment by 75 % a few days after deposition. In this period, sulfate reduction is the main process contributing to the increase in total mineralization relative to non-flood deposition. The model predicts a short-term decrease in the DIC flux out of the sediment from 100 to 55 mmol/m2/d after the deposition of the new sediment layer with a longer-term increase by 4 %, therefore implying an initial internal storage of DIC in the newly deposited layer and a slow release over relaxation of the system. Furthermore, examination of the stoichiometric ratios of DIC and SO42- as well as model output over this 5-month window shows a decoupling between the two modes of sulfate reduction following the deposition – organoclastic sulfate reduction (OSR) intensified in the newly deposited layer below the sediment surface, whereas anaerobic oxidation of methane (AOM) intensified at depth below the former buried surface. The bifurcation depth of sulfate reduction pathways, i.e., the sulfate–methane transition zone (SMTZ), is shifted deeper by 25 cm in the sediment column following the flood deposition. Our findings highlight the significance of short-term transient biogeochemical processes at the seafloor and provide new insights into the benthic carbon cycle in the coastal ocean.
... Rainfall is abundant in Taiwan, with an average annual precipitation of 2500 mm (Garzanti and Resentini, 2016). Taiwan is heavily influenced by frequent typhoons, 255 typhoons landed in Taiwan from 1949 to 2009, with an average annual 4 to 5 (Liu et al., 2013). The mountainous rivers in Taiwan could supply mounts of sediments in few days during typhoons (Dadson et al., 2005;Milliman et al., 2017). ...
The Changjiang (i.e., Yangtze River) distal mud is a typical region for studying source-to-sink systems in the world. The coupling between climate change and the sedimentary system evolution of the Changjiang distal mud since the Holocene is widely debated. In this study, based on a ¹⁴C chronological framework, we investigated the sedimentary system evolution of the Changjiang distal mud since 8 ka. The provenance identification and climate conditions indicated that the climate oscillation largely determined the sediment source-to-sink processes. The sedimentary system was controlled by monsoon system oscillation from 8 to 3 ka. Specifically, during 8–5.4 ka, the prevailing Indian and east Asian summer monsoons increased the sediment flux to the Changjiang distal mud, and the proportion of the Changjiang sediments increased across the entire Changjiang distal mud. Notably, the southern regions were significantly influenced by western Taiwan rivers. Additionally, the prevailing east Asian winter monsoon enhanced the Zhejiang-Fujian coastal current, resulting in the deposition rates increased in south while declined in north. During 5.4–3.0 ka, the summer monsoon systems attenuated, causing decreased sediment discharges from the Changjiang and Taiwan, and the deposition rates declined across the entire Changjiang distal mud. In the southern regions, the intensified Taiwan warm current increased the proportion of Taiwan sediments. Since 3 ka, the monsoon system has become stable, and anthropogenic activities in south China has increased remarkably. The anthropogenic activities resulted in increased Changjiang sediments and rose deposition rates across the entire Changjiang distal mud. During 1.2–0 ka, the frequent floods in the Changjiang basins and typhoons in Taiwan, caused by increased El Niño–Southern Oscillation (ENSO) frequency, resulted in provenance fluctuation at the Changjiang distal mud. In addition, the attenuated east Asian winter monsoon caused a northward depocenter shift, which was reflected in spatially different deposition rates, i.e., retained high values in the north but declined in the south. Our findings emphasized the dominant roles of different climatic factors in different stages, and enhance our understanding of the east Asia land-ocean interactions and the relationships among the Earth's spheres since the mid-Holocene.
A global network of subsea telecommunications cables underpins our daily digital lives, enabling >95% of global digital data transfer, $trillions/day in financial trading, and providing critical communications links, particularly to remote, low-income countries. Despite their importance, subsea cables and their landing stations are vulnerable to damage by natural hazards, including storm surges, waves, cyclones, earthquakes, floods, volcanic eruptions, submarine landslides and ice scour. However, the likelihood or recurrence interval of these types of events will likely change under future projected climate change scenarios, compounded by sea-level rise, potentially increasing hazard severity, creating previously unanticipated hazards, or hazards may shift to new locations during the 20–30-year operational life of cable systems. To date, no study has assessed the wide-reaching impacts of future climate change on subsea cables and landing stations on a global scale. Here, for the first time we synthesize the current evidence base, based on published peer-reviewed datasets, to fill this crucial knowledge gap, specifically to assess how and where future climate change is likely to impact subsea cables and their shore-based infrastructure. We find that ocean conditions are highly likely to change on a global basis as a result of climate change, but the feedbacks and links between climate change, natural processes and human activities are often complicated, resulting in a high degree of geographic variability. We identify climate change ‘hotspots’ (regions and locations likely to experience the greatest impacts) but find that not all areas will be affected in the same manner, nor synchronously by the same processes. We conclude that cable routes should carefully consider locally-variable drivers of hazard frequency and magnitude. Consideration should be given both to instantaneous events (e.g. landslides, tropical cyclones) as well as longer-term, sustained impacts (e.g. seabed currents that circulate even in deep water). Multiple factors can combine to increase the risk posed to subsea cables, hence a holistic approach is essential to assess the compounded effects of both natural processes and human activities in the future.
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Graphite forms the endpoint for organic carbon metamorphism; it is extremely resilient to physical, biological and chemical degradation. Carbonaceous materials (CM) contained within sediments, collected across Taiwan and from the Gaoping submarine canyon, were analyzed using Raman spectroscopy to determine the crystallinity. This allowed the erosional and orogenic movements of petrogenic organic carbon (OCpetro) during the Taiwanese orogeny to be deduced. After automatically fitting and classifying spectra, the distribution of four groups of CM within the sediments provides evidence that many forms of OCpetro have survived at least one previous cycle of erosion, transport and burial before forming rocks in the Western Foothills of the island. There is extensive detrital graphite present in rocks that have not experienced high-grade metamorphism, and graphite flakes are also found in recently deposited marine sediments off Taiwan. The tectonic and geological history of the island shows that these graphite flakes must have survived at least three episodes of recycling. Therefore, transformation to graphite during burial and orogeny is a mechanism for stabilizing organic carbon over geological time, removing biospheric carbon from the active carbon cycle and protecting it from oxidation during future erosion events.
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During the past decades, the elongated mud belt, 1000 km length, in the inner shelf of the East China Sea (ECS), has been extensively studied. Previous studies mainly focused on the northern part of the mud belt. There are still many arguments on various issues of the mud belt, including the provenance discrimination, the formation mechanism, and its evolution response to climate and environmental changes. In this paper, a borehole acquired from the distal southern mud belt which penetrated the Holocene strata with the collected data was analyzed. According to the parameters of (La/Sm) UCC versus (Gd/Yb) UCC and the ternary diagram of smectite-illite-(kaolinite + chlorite), sediments from the top section of Core ECS1601 originated from the Yangtze River since 13.7 ka. Sediments from upper and lower reaches of the Yangtze River can be clearly distinguished by (Gd/Yb) UCC value. The provenance of the distal mud belt shifted from upper reaches to lower valley since 5 ka and returned to the upper reaches again since 2.5 ka, which was related to the asynchronous evolution of Asian monsoon system and anthropogenic activities. The high sedimentation rates occurring in the distal mud belt between 5 and 2.5 ka were related to the decreased sediment supply of the upper reaches and the strengthened Zhejiang-Fujian Coastal Current (ZFCC) caused by the intensified East Asian Winter Monsoon (EAWM).
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Hyperpycnal events (when suspended sediment concentrations exceed 40 g/L) occur in small- and medium-sized rivers throughout the world but are particularly common in Taiwan; they are often related to landslides or debris flows initiated and transported by typhoon floods. Super-Typhoon Herb, which swept across Taiwan on July 31-August 2, 1996, triggered floods and landslides throughout the southern part of the island. Sediment concentrations in at least seven rivers (Taan, Choshui, Pachang, Erhjen, Tsengwen, Kaoping, and Peinan) approached or exceeded 40 g/L. Calculated sediment discharged from nine rivers (these seven as well as the Wu and Houlung, neither of which apparently reached hyperpycnal concentrations) during these 3 d was 217 million tons (MT)-most of it on August 1-of which similar to 80% was discharged at hyperpycnal concentrations. Presumably, most of the sediments discharged by the Peinan River (to the southeast) and the Kaoping, Erhjen, Tsengwen, and Pachang rivers (to the southwest) were transported directly to the Huatong Basin and the South China Sea (via the Penghu Canyon system), respectively. The bulk of the typhoon-derived sediment (142 MT), however, was discharged to the northwest (primarily by the Choshui River), and its fate remains unknown. It may have ultimately reached the Penghu Canyon system and thereby the South China Sea, but more probably it was transported northward (via the Taiwan Warm Current) toward China, the East China Sea, or (perhaps) the Okinawa Trough.
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Taiwan's rugged, mountainous terrain, a result of active tectonics, and its monsoonal climate create conditions that produce the greatest sediment yield compared to all land surfaces on Earth. It is estimated that, on average, Taiwanese rivers discharge ~ 150 million tons of sediment annually into Taiwan Strait. The rivers discharge most of the sediment during the relatively short time periods of torrential rains often associated with typhoons, and thus the waters have a high mud fraction (fine-grained sediment, mainly composed of clay). The voluminous amount of sediment that rapidly accumulates near river mouths is dispersed effectively. On a longer time scale, there is persistent northward sediment transport. In this study, we examine the Jhoushuei River system, which has the largest average annual sediment load in Taiwan. The first survey was conducted in 2008, 40 hours after peak fluvial discharge caused by Typhoon Kalmaegi. We measured sediment discharge in the lower reach of the river channel and surveyed suspended sediment distribution in the coastal zone near the river mouth. During Kalmaegi's landfall on Taiwan, suspendedsediment concentration in the Jhoushuei River reached as high as 120 g L-1 and the estimated total sediment discharge was about 30 million tons. Since then, we have conducted surveys on four more occasions in the coastal zone near the river mouth, where we measured suspended-sediment concentrations and currents, and sampled surface sediments over several tidal cycles. The initial results shed light on the mechanism of efficient sediment dispersal during massive sediment-discharge events. Fine-grained sediments originally deposited near the river mouth following typhoon floods, generally in summer and fall, are dispersed during winter. The transport mechanism responsible for the sediment removal warrants further investigation.
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Small mountainous rivers have received increasing attention in recent years because of their high yield of sediments and particulate organic matter. A one-year (1993-1994) study of the fluxes of the total suspended matter (TSM) and particulate organic carbon (POC) in different parts of Lanyang Hsi, a typical small mountainous river in subtropical northeastern Taiwan indicated that the mean TSM and POC yields of the whole drainage area were high (3,600 and 23 g m-2 yr-1, respectively) but that the yields of less disturbed (control) tributaries were only 1/30 of the mean yields of the whole area. Radiocarbon analysis by accelerator mass spectrometry gave very old apparent ages (>10,000 yr) to the POC in the main channel, indicating that >70% of the POC produced in the drainage basin was probably derived from kerogen in the bedrock. TSM yields for 1970-1991, calculated from historical records of runoffs and TSM concentrations, showed large fluctuations from year to year; however, the average yield after 1976 (8,335 g m-2 yr-1) was higher than that before 1976 (3,127 g m-2 yr-1) by a factor of 2.7, suggesting a significant increase in sediment production related to massive road construction in 1975-1980. The average POC yield for 1977-1994 was calculated to be 53 g m-2 yr-1. The very high yields of TSM and POC in recent years are attributable to human disturbances.
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A significant consequence of Typhoon Morakot in August 2009 was the production of vast volumes of driftwood in Pacific Asia. We have quantified the flux of this coarse woody debris (CWD) to the oceans from typhoon triggered landslides in Taiwan, where Morakot made landfall, by combining remote sensing (using FORMOSAT-2 imagery and aerial photography), analysis of forest biomass, and field observations. A total of 3.8–8.4 TgCWD was transported to the oceans, carrying 1.8–4.0 Tg of organic carbon. In addition to the local effects on the marine and coastal environment from such a highly concentrated flux of carbon and nutrients, storm-driven mobilization of CWD may represent a significant, if infrequent, transfer of terrestrial biomass to the oceans. If the frequency of relatively rare, extreme storms such as Morakot increases in a changing climate, this transport mechanism may play an important role in feedbacks between global climate, storm intensity, and carbon cycling.
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In the past few years, large earthquakes and torrential rain hit southern Taiwan and induced severe submarine hazards off the SW coast. Marine sediments (turbidites) provide valuable records with which to study and understand the formation of these submarine geo-hazards. The Pingtung Earthquake (two major events (M L = 7.0) plus many aftershocks), on 26 December 2006, triggered turbidity currents that severed submarine cables in the Fangliao and Gaoping submarine canyons. This caused significant economic loss. In addition to earthquake activity, typhoons and torrential rains that induced flooding are also important mechanisms responsible for the formation of turbidites. On 8-9 August 2009 Typhoon Morakot brought heavy rains to southern Taiwan, causing serious landslides and flooding on land. The typhoon also caused submarine cable breaks in the Gaoping Canyon. All such events are likely to be recorded in the marine sediments of the canyon system, and by analysing these records we may be able to reconstruct the history of past earthquakes and floods in the region. Chirp sonar profiles, in conjunction with core analysis, including X-ray radiographs, grain size and 210Pb analysis, are used to identify the sources, transport and deposition of the turbidites (or hyperpycnite) and to reconstruct the history of earthquakes and flooding in the study area. Results indicate that these submarine hazards are not only related to earthquake and floods but that the unique geological and hydrological setting also plays an important role in the initiation of these submarine geo-hazards.
Satellite ocean color imagery indicates that typhoons enhance sea surface chlorophyll concentrations along their paths. However, the influence of typhoons on microphytoplankton community dynamics is still poorly understood because of the risk of sampling at sea under extreme weather conditions. From 22 July to 26 August, 2009, before and after the passage of the devastating Typhoon Morakot (7-9 August), 7 field cruises were conducted at a station in the southern East China Sea, northeast of Taiwan. Microphytoplankton species composition and related hydrographic and nutrient samples were analyzed. The diatom abundance increased by approximately 50 times just 10 d after the passage of Morakot, and the diatom population was dominated by chain-forming centric diatoms (Chaetoceros spp.) instead of the Trichodesmium and Gymnodinium spp. that prevailed before the typhoon. The strong winds and heavy rains of Morakot caused nutrient entrainment from upwelling and nutrient-enriched floodwaters with a low N:P ratio, driving the observed diatom bloom and change in species composition. The diatom bloom was terminated within 24 h. Based on the concurrent increase in copepods, we suggest that intensive grazing pressure was the main cause of the termination of the diatom bloom induced by Typhoon Morakot.
A three-dimensional model driven by tidal constituents O1, K1, M2 and S2 was adopted to evaluate the sources of baroclinic tidal energy in the Gaoping Submarine Canyon (GPSC) off southwestern Taiwan. The model domain covered the probable primary generation sites, including the Luzon Strait (LS) and the southeastern Taiwan Strait (TS). The simulated baroclinic tides agreed with the observations of tidal current velocity, isotherm vertical displacement, and baroclinic tidal energy flux (Fbc) in the GPSC. The depth-integrated, seven-day-averaged Fbc computed from the model result was 2.2 kW m-1 in the GPSC, and the corresponding area-integrated Fbc reached 189.4 MW. The results obtained from the model suggest that the baroclinic tides lead to strong turbulent mixing near the canyon head with a vertical diffusivity of 3.5 × 10-3 m2 s-1. Baroclinic tidal energy in the GPSC is mainly generated on the western ridge in the LS and on the steep topography in the southeastern TS. The local generation of baroclinic energy only accounts for 4.4% of the total value. The other 95.6% of the baroclinic tidal energy is remotely generated at the LS and the southeastern TS of which 31.9% and 8.8% are directly emanated, respectively, into the GPSC. The northwestward and southeastward baroclinic energy beams radiating from the LS and the southeastern TS, respectively, meet each other and form internal partial standing tides outside the GPSC. The transverse baroclinic energy from the internal partial standing tides accounts for the remaining 54.9% of the baroclinic tidal energy in the GPSC.
Analysis of data from 280 rivers discharging to the ocean indicates that sediment loads/yields are a log-linear function of basin area and maximum elevation of the river basin. Other factors controlling sediment discharge (e.g., climate, runoff) appear to have secondary importance. A notable exception is the influence of human activity, climate, and geology on the rivers draining southern Asia and Oceania. Sediment fluxes from small mountainous rivers, many of which discharge directly onto active margins (e.g., western South and North America and most high-standing oceanic islands), have been greatly underestimated in previous global sediment budgets, perhaps by as much as a factor of three. In contrast, sediment fluxes to the ocean from large rivers (nearly all of which discharge onto passive margins or marginal seas) have been overestimated, as some of the sediment load is subaerially sequestered in subsiding deltas. Before the proliferation of dam construction in the latter half of this century, rivers probably discharged about 20 billion tons of sediment annually to the ocean. Prior to widespread farming and deforestation (beginning 2000-2500 yr ago), however, sediment discharge probably was less than half the present level. Sediments discharged by small mountainous rivers are more likely to escape to the deep sea during high stands of sea level by virtue of a greater impact of episodic events (i.e., flash floods and earthquakes) on small drainage basins and because of the narrow shelves associated with active margins. The resulting delta/fan deposits can be distinctly different than the sedimentary deposits derived from larger rivers that discharge onto passive margins.
A large number of sediment cores collected during 2005–2010 from the Taiwan Strait were analyzed for radionuclides (210Pb, 137Cs and 7Be) to elucidate sedimentation dynamics in this all-important gateway linking two largest marginal seas in the western Pacific (namely, the South China Sea and the East China Sea). Apparent sediment accumulation rates derived from 210Pb and 137Cs profiles vary from <0.1 to >2 cm/yr, averaging ∼0.4 cm/yr and showing a spatial pattern closely related to hydrodynamics and sediment source-to-sink pathways. Spatial-temporal variation of 7Be activity in surface sediments off Taiwan’s west coast indicates episodic deposition of flood layers and their mobility from river estuaries toward the north. In conjunction with particle size distribution in surface sediments and the structure of sediment strata revealed by sub-bottom echo images; the radionuclide data can be used to outline three different sediment source-to-sink dispersal systems. Based on sediment loads of surrounding rivers and the distribution of sediment accumulation rates, lateral transport is required to account for the budget and size distribution of sediments in the strait.