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Signal transduction systems regulating fruit ripening



Fruit ripening is a unique aspect of plant development with direct implications for a large component of the food supply and related areas of human health and nutrition. Recent advances in ripening research have given insights into the molecular basis of conserved developmental signals coordinating the ripening process and suggest that sequences related to floral development genes might be logical targets for additional discovery. Recent characterization of hormonal and environmental signal transduction components active in tomato fruit ripening (particularly ethylene and light) show conservation of signaling components yet novel gene family size and expression motifs that might facilitate complete and timely manifestation of ripening phenotypes. Emerging genomics tools and approaches are rapidly providing new clues and candidate genes that are expanding the known regulatory circuitry of ripening.
Signal transduction systems
regulating fruit ripening
Lori Adams-Phillips
, Cornelius Barry
and Jim Giovannoni
Boyce Thompson Institute for Plant Research, Tower Road, Cornell Campus, Ithaca, NY 14853, USA
USDA-ARS Plant Soil and Nutrition Laboratory, Tower Road, Cornell Campus, Ithaca, NY 14853, USA
Fruit ripening is a unique aspect of plant development
with direct implications for a large component of the
food supply and related areas of human health and nutri-
tion. Recent advances in ripening research have given
insights into the molecular basis of conserved develop-
mental signals coordinating the ripening process and
suggest that sequences related to floral development
genes might be logical targets for additional discovery.
Recent characterization of hormonal and environmental
signal transduction components active in tomato fruit
ripening (particularly ethylene and light) show conserva-
tion of signaling components yet novel gene family size
and expression motifs that might facilitate complete and
timely manifestation of ripening phenotypes. Emerging
genomics tools and approaches are rapidly providing
new clues and candidate genes that are expanding the
known regulatory circuitry of ripening.
Fruit ripening is widely studied because of the specificity
of this developmental process to plant biology and the
practical importance of ripening to the human diet.
Ripening can be generally defined as the summation of
changes in tissue metabolism rendering the fruit organ
attractive for consumption by organisms that assist in seed
release and dispersal. Specific biochemical and physio-
logical attributes of ripening fruits vary among species
although generally include changes in color, texture,
flavor, aroma, nutritional content and susceptibility
to opportunistic pathogens (reviewed in Ref. [1]). Ripening
is influenced by internal and external cues, including
developmental gene regulation, hormones, light and tem-
perature, but until recently, significant molecular under-
standing was limited primarily to the role and regulation of
ethylene biosynthesis [2].
Ripening physiology has been classically defined as
either ‘climacteric’ or ‘non-climacteric’. Climacteric fruits
show a sudden increase in respiration at the onset of
ripening, usually in concert with increased production of
the gaseous hormone ethylene. Whereas ethylene is typi-
cally necessary for climacteric ripening, non-climacteric
fruits do not increase respiration at ripening and often
have no requirement for ethylene to complete maturation.
Earlier ripening research elucidated the role of ethylene
synthesis and regulation in climacteric ripening (reviewed
in Ref. [3]), which led to several new and important
questions that have begun to be addressed in recent years
and which are the subject of this review.
Have modifications in the design or regulation of signal
transduction systems evolved that are important for
ripening compared with the model system (primarily
Arabidopsis thaliana) in which they were defined?
What regulates ethylene production in climacteric fruit
and does this represent a conserved regulatory switch
among climacteric and non-climacteric fruit species?
In the absence of increased ethylene synthesis, do
non-climacteric fruit still use the ethylene signaling
pathway (possibly via altered ethylene sensitivity or
cross-talk from other signal inputs) to regulate fruit
These questions represent a logical progression toward
understanding early ripening regulatory events in addi-
tion to molecular details of those previously documented.
Fleshy and dry fruit
Fruit tissues are composed of enlarged floral components
including one or more carpels and, in some cases
(depending on species), include tissues derived from the
calyx, receptacle, bracts or floral tube (the basal region of
floral organ fusion). Mature fruits can be categorized
generally as either fleshy or dry; fleshy fruits typically
undergo ripening as defined above and dry fruits
(e.g. Arabidopsis, cereals and legumes) mature in a
process more akin to senescence and disperse their seeds
via abscission-like programs, including dehiscence or
shattering. Arabidopsis has proven an exceptional model
for gaining insight into the molecular regulation of early
steps in fruit formation and development [4,5] but does
not develop fleshy ripe fruits. Nevertheless, ethylene and
light signal transduction pathways defined primarily in
Arabidopsis [6,7] have proven extremely useful in advanc-
ing ripening research in fleshy fruit species such as
tomato. Tomato has emerged as the most tractable model
to date for the analysis of fleshy fruit development and
ripening, in part because of available mutants, excellent
genetics, routine transformation and numerous molecular
and genomics tools ([8,9],
For these reasons, tomato is the system that has been
used for many of the recent advances in ripening described
Corresponding author: Jim Giovannoni (
Available online 15 June 2004
Review TRENDS in Plant Science Vol.9 No.7 July 2004 1360-1385/$ - see front matter q2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. doi:10.1016/j.tplants.2004.05.004
Ethylene signaling pathway defined in Arabidopsis
Much of what is known regarding the steps involved in
ethylene perception and signal transduction has been
realized through studies of the model plant species
Arabidopsis and it is therefore relevant to summarize
this work here (reviewed in Refs [6,10 –12]). In Arabi-
dopsis, ethylene is perceived by a family of five ethylene
receptors (ETR1,ETR2,ERS1,ERS2 and EIN4), similar
to bacterial two-component histidine kinase receptors
(reviewed in Refs [13,14]). Whereas dominant gain-of-
function mutations in single ethylene receptor genes
confer ethylene insensitivity, double, triple and quadruple
loss-of-function mutants result in constitutive ethylene
response phenotypes indicating their activities as redun-
dant and negative regulators of ethylene signaling
[1517]. Acting downstream of the receptors is a putative
MAP-kinase kinase kinase (MAPKKK), termed CONSTI-
homology to members of the Raf family of Ser/Thr kinases
and has been shown to possess intrinsic Ser/Thr protein
kinase activity [18]. Loss-of-function mutations in CTR1
result in constitutive activation of all the ethylene
responses examined, supporting the role of CTR1 as a
negative regulator of ethylene response [19]. In addition,
several lines of compelling evidence suggest CTR1 inter-
acts directly with receptor molecules to form a signaling
complex [20,21]. A MAP-kinase cascade has been impli-
cated in the mediation of the ethylene response down-
stream of CTR1, whereby a MAPKK [stress-induced
MAPKK (SIMKK)] activates an ethylene-inducible MAPK
protein (MPK6) [22]. However, to date, direct association of
CTR1 with SIMKK or any other MAPKK remains to be
demonstrated. Epistasis analysis places ETHYLENE
INSENSITIVE 2 (EIN2) downstream of CTR1 in the
ethylene signaling pathway [23]. EIN2 also appears to act
downstream or independently of MPK6 because ein2
mutants exhibit wild-type activation of MPK6 activity
upon treatment with and without ethylene [22]. Recent
experiments imply that the entire continuum of ethylene
phenotypes observed in receptor loss of function mutants
could be attributed to the unregulated activity of
EIN2 [16].
EIN2 encodes a protein with similarity to the Nramp
family of metal ion carriers [24] and based on indirect
evidence might represent a common convergence point
through which multiple hormone signal transduction
pathways, including abscisic acid [25,26], auxin [27],
cytokinin [28] and jasmonate [29] might act. However, the
mechanism by which EIN2 is activated remains unclear.
Considering the similarity of the EIN2 N-terminus to the
Nramp proteins, this domain might be important for
sensing or transporting a divalent cation, although no
metal-transporting capacity has been observed for EIN2
[24]. It is tempting to speculate that this cation might be
given the role of this ion in ethylene-mediated
pathogenesis response [30]. Based on epistasis, EIN2
operates upstream of EIN3 and the EIL (EIN3-like) family
of nuclear localized trans-acting proteins [31,32]. EIN3
undergoes post-translational regulation by ethylene via
ubiquitin or proteasome-dependent proteolysis mediated
by two F-box proteins, EBF1 and EBF2 [33,34]. Homodimers
of EIN3, EIL1 and EIL2 bind to a defined target site in the
promoter region of the transcription factor, ETHYLENE
RESPONSE FACTOR 1 (ERF1)[32].ERF1 is part of a
large multi-gene family of transcription factors and is
important in the regulation of downstream ethylene
responsive genes via binding to the ‘GCC’ box promoter
element [35,36].
Tailoring ethylene signaling to the needs of a ripening
Several ethylene signal transduction components homolo-
gous to those identified in Arabidopsis have been isolated
from various plant species. Furthermore, sequence and
functional analysis is beginning to reveal that although
the basic machinery is apparently conserved, family
composition and regulation of ethylene signal transduc-
tion genes in fruit species such as tomato can vary
substantially (Figure 1).
Six ethylene receptors have been isolated in tomato, five
of which have been shown to bind ethylene (reviewed in
Refs [37,38]). Each tomato receptor gene has a distinct
pattern of expression including a subset (NEVER-RIPE or
NR and LeETR4) that is strongly induced during ripening
[3941]. Interestingly, although a dominant mutation in
the ethylene binding site of NR confers ethylene insensi-
tivity and results in fruits that do not fully ripen [42,43],
analysis of transgenic loss-of-function mutations suggests
that NR is not necessary for ripening to proceed [44,45].
The molecular explanation for this result proved to be
compensatory up-regulation of another member of the
tomato receptor family, LeETR4, as a response to reduced
NR transcript. However, NR is not responsive to reduc-
tions in LeETR4 mRNA, indeed transgene-mediated
reduction in LeETR4 expression resulted in constitutive
ethylene responses including accelerated ripening [45].
Although reduced expression of the LeETR4 receptor
resulted in apparent increased ethylene sensitivity, over-
expression of the wild-type NR receptor in tomato resulted
in reduced sensitivity in seedlings and mature plants [46].
This is consistent with the model predicted in Arabidopsis
where ethylene receptors are thought to act as negative
regulators of ethylene signaling, thus reduced receptor
expression increases sensitivity to ethylene whereas
increased receptor expression decreases sensitivity [37,38].
However, neither the specificity of a single ethylene
receptor to a specific biological function, nor compensatory
regulation of receptor genes has been reported in
Arabidopsis and might represent the result of selective
pressures to insure maintenance of capacity to control
ethylene responses in a tissue whose normal development
is dependent on activity of this hormone.
Additional ethylene signaling components have been
defined in tomato, including a CTR1-like gene (LeCTR1)
that was shown through complementation of an Arabi-
dopsis ctr1 mutant to function in ethylene signaling [47].
Like NR and LeETR4,LeCTR1 mRNA is also up-regulated
during fruit ripening [47,48]. Only one CTR1 gene has
been identified in Arabidopsis. By contrast, additional
CTR genes (LeCTR2,LeCTR3 and LeCTR4) have been
identified in tomato (Figure 1)[48]. Further mining
of species-specific sequence databases indicates that a
Review TRENDS in Plant Science Vol.9 No.7 July 2004
multi-gene family of likely CTR1 genes is not limited to
tomato [48].
Analysis of the Arabidopsis genome and extensive
screening for constitutive triple response mutants result-
ing in multiple allelic mutations in CTR1 suggests the
existence of a single CTR1 gene in Arabidopsis. Further-
more, Arabidopsis CTR1 has been assigned to a subclass
of MAPKKKs comprising six similar MAPKKK proteins
related to the Raf kinases [49]. Phylogenetic analysis
indicated that Arabidopsis CTR1 is more similar to
LeCTR1,LeCTR3 and LeCTR4 than to any of the other
five members of the Arabidopsis MAPKKK subfamily,
supporting the existence of a single CTR in Arabidopsis
and multiple CTRs in tomato [48]. Based on phylo-
genetic analysis, LeCTR2 (GenBank Accession number
AJ005077) shares more similarity with EDR1
Figure 1. Ethylene perception and signal transduction in tomato. Binding of ethylene to members of the receptor family (here represented by LeETR1, LeETR2, NR, LeETR4,
LeETR5, LeETR6) is mediated by a single copper ion (Cu), delivered by RAN1 (not shown). Ethylene negatively regulates the signal transduction pathway upon binding
to the receptor, possibly through direct interaction with the tomato CTR1 proteins (LeCTR1, LeCTR3 and LeCTR4). Upon inactivation of LeCTR protein(s), a putative MAPK
cascade (represented by LeSIMKK and LeMPK6 with candidate EST IDs shown in parentheses) is relieved from inhibition and activates ethylene signaling through a
cascade to downstream components including LeEIN2 (probably membrane localized but the specific sub-cellular membrane is currently unknown) and EIN3-like proteins,
LeEIL1– LeEIL4. LeEIL transcription factors probably initiate a transcription factor cascade through activation of secondary transcription (28txp) factors (represented as
LeERF1– LeERF4), which in turn activate ethylene-responsive target genes.
TRENDS in Plant Science
LeEIN2? (AF243474)
Cu Cu Cu Cu Cu Cu
LeSIMKK? (TC118386)
LeMPK6? (TC125770, TC125769)
Ethylene response genes
e.g. PG, E8, E4, NR
Phytoene synthase
2o txp factors (LeERF1–LeERF4)?
Review TRENDS in Plant Science Vol.9 No.7 July 2004 333
CTR1 [48,50].InArabidopsis,EDR1 is involved in
pathogen response but not in ethylene signaling [50].
Transient silencing of the LeCTR1 gene resulted in
plants with constitutive ethylene phenotypes, confirming
the physiological role of LeCTR1 in negatively regulating
ethylene responses in tomato [51]. It is worth noting that
the LeCTR1 sequence used in these experiments has
sufficient homology to, and thus could have silenced, the
subsequently discovered LeCTR3 and LeCTR4 genes. In
addition, although LeCTR1 is induced during ripening, all
three genes are known to be expressed at this stage of fruit
development [48]. Individual silencing of each LeCTR gene
will be necessary to assess individual gene function and to
address the question of redundancy in tomato.
The presence of multiple CTRs in plants raises many
questions about how signal outputs from individual
receptors are transduced. Whether or not specific tomato
CTRs interact with specific tomato receptors remains to be
demonstrated. Assuming tomato ethylene receptors and
CTRs interact, as in Arabidopsis, the interaction kinetics
between the various CTRs and the receptors, in conjunc-
tion with the varying ratio of receptors and CTRs encoded
by different family members (and for different tissues and
responses), might represent a mechanism for optimizing
fidelity of ethylene responses in tomato and other species
with multiple CTR genes.
Lastly, homologs of Arabidopsis EIN3,EIL and ERF
genes have also been identified and characterized in
tomato. Three tomato EIL genes were isolated and shown
to be functionally redundant, regulating multiple ethylene
responses throughout plant development [52]. A fourth
tomato EIL gene (LeEIL4) exhibiting ripening-induced
expression has been recently cloned, although functional
characterization has still to be completed [53]. Four
members of the ERF family (LeERF1LeERF4) have
also been isolated in tomato and their levels of expression
have been characterized in response to wound and
ethylene treatments and in an assortment of develop-
mental stages including ripening [54].LeERF2 exhibited
ripening-associated expression and did not accumulate in
several ripening mutants, suggesting a specific role in
ripening. Proteins derived from all four LeERFs were
capable of binding to a GCC-box containing cis-elements.
Although the GCC-box has been shown to function in
mediating ethylene-inducible expression in several sys-
tems, evidence of the involvement of this element in
regulating ripening-related gene expression is lacking.
Although functional characterization of the ERF gene
family in tomato remains to be completed, ethylene-
inducible ripening expression of genes encoding multiple
steps in the tomato ethylene signal pathway strongly
suggest a selective advantage for amplifying ethylene
signaling machinery during climacteric fruit ripening.
The triple-response screen in combination with the
powerful genetic tools derived from sequencing the
Arabidopsis genome has enabled researchers to begin to
unravel the intricacies of ethylene signaling in plants.
Many of the loci characterized to date have encoded global
regulators of ethylene responses in plants. Some tissue-
specific ethylene response mutants have been identified
also, for example, ethylene insensitive root (eir1), hookless1
(hls1), and weak ethylene-insensitive (wei2,wei3)[23,55,56].
In tomato, the epinastic (epi) mutant displays a ctr-like
seedling phenotype but none of the LeCTR loci identified
to date map to the same chromosomal location as epi
[48,57,58]. Further characterization of the epi mutant was
carried out through double mutant analysis with the
dominant ethylene insensitive receptor mutant, Nr [58].
Interestingly, in the epi/epi Nr/Nr double mutant,
vegetative growth resembles that of epi, whereas petal
senescence, pedicel abscission and fruit ripening are
similar to Nr inhibition of these processes. This result
suggests a role for epi in the regulation of a specific subset
of ethylene responses controlling vegetative growth and
development, or in an independent pathway that cross-
talks with the ethylene signaling network [58]. A fruit-
specific ethylene response mutant remains to be confirmed
and reported in the literature.
ESTs provide candidates for filling in the gaps in fruit
ethylene signal transduction
The generation of vast amounts of sequence information
through EST and whole genome sequencing efforts is
providing plant biologists with new tools to dissect
development and response processes. Of particular inter-
est for ripening are the fruit EST collections derived
from tomato and grape (, These collections provide resources
for comparative studies of gene expression between non-
climacteric (grape) and climacteric fruits (http://ted.bti.
In a recent report, Ashraf El-Kereamy and co-authors
described enhanced anthocyanin accumulation in grape
berries following ethylene treatment, suggesting ethylene-
responsive ripening characteristics in non-climacteric
fruit [59]. The responsiveness of at least some non-
climacteric fruits to ethylene, particularly in the area of
color development, is well documented and has commer-
cial application (e.g. in promotion of color development in
citrus peel). Examination of the grape EST collection
indicates that genes homologous to Arabidopsis ETR1,
EIN2,SIMKK and MAPK6 are expressed in grape berries.
This observation, combined with the results of El-Kereamy
et al., support the intriguing hypothesis that although
ethylene synthesis does not increase during the ripening of
non-climacteric fruits, alterations in ethylene responsive-
ness might be able to mediate physiological changes
associated with ripening.
ESTs representing candidate EIN2,SIMKK and
MAPK6 genes are also present in the tomato fruit EST
collections (Figure 1). Furthermore, mining of microarray
and EST prevalence data from the Tomato Expression
Database ( suggests that a
MAPK6 homolog (TC125769) is up-regulated during
ripening, consistent with other genes encoding ethylene
signaling components in maturing tomato fruit. Expan-
sion of EST resources from these and other fruit crops
should reveal candidates for ethylene signal transduction
from additional species but can also facilitate compara-
tive analysis of family size and expression levels (this is
true only when ESTs are derived from non-normalized,
Review TRENDS in Plant Science Vol.9 No.7 July 2004
non-subtracted cDNAs, as is the case for existing tomato
and grape ESTs). In short, accumulating EST and
associated expression data should enable more-accurate
prediction of orthologs to known genes, in addition to
facilitating identification of candidates for aspects of
ethylene signaling that remain poorly defined (e.g. MAP-
kinase cascade components downstream of CTR1 and
ultimate activators of ethylene-regulated gene expression
during fruit ripening).
Light signal transduction impacts ripe fruit pigmentation
and is a target for nutritional enhancement
In contrast to ethylene, which is required for completion of
most, if not all, ripening processes in climacteric fruit, the
impact of light during fruit ripening appears to be specific
to regulation of pigment accumulation [60]. Tomato high-
pigment mutations (hp1,hp2) result in elevated carotenoid
and flavonoid accumulation because of increased sensi-
tivity to light but have little impact on other ripening
characteristics [61,62]. The genes responsible for both
mutations have been cloned and represent tomato homo-
logs of light signal transduction genes previously
described in Arabidopsis. Specifically, hp1 results from a
lesion in a gene homologous to UV-DAMAGED DNA
BINDING PROTEIN 1 (DDB1) and hp2 is mutated in the
tomato DE-ETIOLATED1 (DET1) ortholog [63,64]. The
corresponding Arabidopsis proteins are capable of inter-
action [65] and analysis of single and hp1 hp2 double
mutants suggests that the same is likely to be true in
tomato [63].
Ripe fruit pigments including carotenoids and flavon-
oids have antioxidant properties that assist in neutralizing
the effects of photo-oxidation while also having nutritional
significance to humans [6668]. Because mutations in the
light signaling pathway positively influence pigmentation
of ripe fruit, targeting the light signaling pathway might
be an effective means of engineering fruit nutritional
quality. Although carotenoid accumulation in edible plant
tissues has been manipulated by altering corresponding
biosynthetic enzymes (e.g. Golden Rice, [68]), the outcome
of such approaches has typically fallen short of expec-
tations. This is probably because of a lack of understanding
regarding endogenous mechanisms of regulation and accu-
mulation of carotenoids and/or undesirable side effects on
non-target metabolites derived from the altered pathway
[68,69]. Engineering of an existing signal transduction
network already capable of regulating flux through the
carotenoid synthesis pathway in a biologically viable
manner might represent a simplified alternative to opti-
mizing carotenoid-associated nutritional benefit in plant
tissues such as fruit. Indeed, recently it has been shown
that manipulating tomato light signal transduction genes
homologous to HY5 and COP1 from Arabidopsis can result
in modified fruit carotenoid accumulation [63].
Developmental regulation of ripening: moving up the
regulatory cascade
Insights into the molecular basis of ethylene synthesis and
perception in climacteric fruit logically lead to questions
concerning ripening regulation upstream of ethylene
synthesis and response. As stated at the onset: what
regulates ethylene during climacteric fruit ripening?
Answers to this question could also conceivably lead to
the discovery of conserved regulatory mechanisms shared
by climacteric and non-climacteric species.
Three spontaneous tomato ripening mutations, ripening-
inhibitor (rin), non-ripening (nor) and Colorless non-
ripening (Cnr) are particularly interesting in this regard
because their physiology is suggestive of roles in ripening
regulation before ethylene synthesis. Fruit homozygous
for either rin or nor, or carrying a dominant Cnr allele,
undergo complete fruit expansion and yield mature seed,
yet fail to proceed in any significant way to ripening.
Mature and unripe rin,nor or Cnr fruit do not demonstrate
climacteric respiration nor elevated ethylene synthesis
[70,71]. However, both rin and nor are capable of ethylene
synthesis in response to wounding [72], suggesting that
the lack of ripening ethylene in these two mutants is
because of a deficiency in appropriate developmental
signals, as opposed to genetic lesions in ethylene biosyn-
thetic genes. Data on Cnr wound ethylene has not been
reported. Application of endogenous ethylene does not
restore ripening to rin,nor or Cnr fruit, but does result in
induction of ethylene-regulated genes [71,73]. This last
observation is particularly intriguing because it suggests
that rin,nor and Cnr have a broader influence on aspects
of climacteric ripening than those aspects controlled solely
by ethylene (Figure 2) and such mechanisms might be
expected to be conserved between both climacteric and
non-climacteric species [9].
Figure 2. Model for regulation of climacteric ripening via coordinated signaling
pathways. Transcription factors including LeMADS-RIN, LeNOR, likely additional
MADS-box proteins, CNR and factors remaining to be discovered (?) represent
the developmental signaling system that initiates ripening in climacteric fruit.
Some components, such as those homologous to LeMADS-RIN can be used in
non-climacteric species as well. The developmental signaling system regulates
ethylene synthesis that is itself autocatalytic, in addition to non-ethylene-mediated
ripening responses (represented by the red broken arrow). Light influences ripen-
ing, at least in tomato, only in relation to carotenoid accumulation and through
activity of the DET1 (hp2) and DDB1 (hp1) gene products.
TRENDS in Plant Science
transcription factors
Ethylene synthesis
MAP kinase
cascade and
Fruit ripening genes
Ethylene response
transcription factors
Review TRENDS in Plant Science Vol.9 No.7 July 2004 335
Positional cloning efforts have resulted in the isolation
of both the rin and nor loci and molecular characterization
of both mutations. rin results from deletion of the last exon
of a tomato MADS-box transcription factor gene desig-
nated LeMADS-RIN [9,74]. The nor locus harbors a gene
with structural features suggestive of a transcription
factor, although not a member of the MADS-box family
(J. Vrebalov and J. Giovannoni, unpublished).
MADS-box genes are ubiquitous among eukaryotes and
are predominantly associated with floral determination
and development in plants [75]. MADS-box proteins are
capable of forming heterodimers and higher-order multi-
mers, suggesting additional MADS-box genes might
participate in ripening (Figure 2;[76]). Indeed, several
MADS-box genes expressed in ripening tomato fruit
have been identified and are logical candidates for
functional analysis related to fruit ripening ([9], see also for expression data on tomato
MADS-box genes). Even more intriguing is the use of the
LeMADS-RIN cDNA to recover a similar sequence from
strawberry, a non-climacteric fruit, suggesting a conserved
link between climacteric and non-climacteric ripening
control [74]. Orthologous genes from agriculturally
important fruit species are now likely to be targeted as
tools for engineering fruit quality and shelf-life.
Identification of two putative transcription factors
regulating ripening in tomato through induction of
climacteric ethylene biosynthesis and additional non-
ethylene-regulated processes, represents a higher rung
in the ladder of fruit ripening control as well as candidates
for conserved molecular mechanisms governing climac-
teric and non-climacteric ripening. Isolation of the Cnr
locus should contribute to a greater appreciation of the
developmental component of ripening regulation. Under-
standing the relationships among the Cnr,rin and nor
gene products represents a logical next target for under-
standing the molecular basis of ripening control.
Emerging genomics tools including ESTs and expres-
sion arrays are also likely to accelerate the discovery of
homologous genes from additional species and the identi-
fication of additional novel ripening regulators, particu-
larly when their evolutionary conservation is established
via comparative genomics approaches. For example, a
recent comparison of ripening-related gene expression in a
non-climacteric fruit species (grape) versus a climacteric
species (tomato) resulted in identification of ripening-
related transcription factor sequences from families that
previously had not been associated with ripening [77].
Specifically, EST abundance was used as a measure of gene
expression in ripening tomatoes and grapes. Subsets of
ripening-related genes from both species were compared
at the level of predicted peptide homology to identify
homologous genes with parallel expression patterns in
maturing fruit tissues from both tomato and grape.
Although ,20 ripening-related putative transcription
factor sequences were identified in each species, three
were highly homologous and thus represent candidates for
conserved regulation of ripening in climacteric and non-
climacteric species. The three common transcription factor
sequences included members of the MADS-box, B-zip, and
zinc-finger families; B-zip and zinc-finger have not been
previously associated with ripening. Functional charac-
terization of these genes, and additional regulatory
candidates likely to result from continued genomics-
based experiments should enable researchers studying
ripening to identify broadly conserved and more-specific
genetic regulators of ripening in the near future.
Research in the Giovannoni laboratory is supported by grants from the
National Science Foundation, BARD, IFAFS and the US Department of
Agriculture NRICGP.
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Review TRENDS in Plant Science Vol.9 No.7 July 2004
... Other researchers found that 1.0 µL L −1 1-MCP effectively promoted 'Tunisia', 'Wonderful', 'Tunisian soft-seed', and 'Dahongpao' pomegranate fruit quality by reducing peel browning rates and preserving flavors during low-temperature storage [25][26][27][28]. Although non-climacteric fruit exhibit a declined low respiration and low ethylene production during maturation and ripening, ethylene does participate in the regulation of maturation and some physiological changes [29]. According to Valdenegro et al. [5], 1-MCP as a typical ethylene antagonist did not significantly inhibit the respiration rate and ethylene release of 'Wonderful' during low-temperature storage at 2 • C. Differently, other researchers observed 1.0 µL L −1 1-MCP significantly reduced the respiration intensity of 'Tunisia' and 'Tunisian soft-seed' during low-temperature storage at 4 • C [25][26][27]. ...
... Although browning increases under 5 °C, storage at low temperatures is necessary [6]. Symptoms of peel browning include pitting, husk scald, some softening, a higher sensitivity to decay, internal seed discoloration, and browning of chilling injury in postharvest pomegranate fruit during low-temperature storage [29,33,35]. We observed peel browning in the three soft-seed pomegranate fruit ('Mollar', 'Malisi', and 'Tunisian soft seed') from 30-45 d and in the two semi-soft-seed fruit ('Moyuruanzi' and 'Dongyan') from 60 d after the low-temperature storage. ...
... Although browning increases under 5 • C, storage at low temperatures is necessary [6]. Symptoms of peel browning include pitting, husk scald, some softening, a higher sensitivity to decay, internal seed discoloration, and browning of chilling injury in postharvest pomegranate fruit during low-temperature storage [29,33,35]. We observed peel browning in the three soft-seed pomegranate fruit ('Mollar', 'Malisi', and 'Tunisian soft seed') from 30-45 d and in the two semi-soft-seed fruit ('Moyuruanzi' and 'Dongyan') from 60 d after the low-temperature storage. ...
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Pomegranate fruit production and consumption are restricted by appropriate postharvest handling practices. 1–MCP (1–methylcyclopropene) is a natural preservative of fruits and vegetables; however, its effects on the storage of different pomegranate varieties have not been extensively investigated. Herein, the effects of 1.0 μL L−1 1–MCP on postharvest pomegranate fruit of three soft-seed ‘Mollar’, ‘Malisi’, and ‘Tunisan soft seed’ and two semi-soft-seed ‘Moyuruanzi’ and ‘Dongyan’ were investigated over 90 d (days) under low-temperature storage at 4 ± 0.5 °C with a relative humidity of 85–90%. Several indexes of exterior and interior quality were recorded, the sensory quality was evaluated, and the respiration and ethylene production were also determined. The results showed that peel browning was generally more severe in the soft-seed varieties than in the semi-soft-seed varieties. Significantly lighter peel browning presented in the three soft-seed fruits from 45 d after the 1–MCP treatment, with 35%, 19%, and 28% less than those controls at 90 d, correspondingly. However, 1–MCP only significantly decreased peel browning in the semi soft-seed fruits at 60 days. A prominent decrease in weight loss was recorded in all five varieties, with ‘Malisi’ showing the largest and ‘Dongyan’ the smallest difference between the 1–MCP and control treatments. Through the results of color, physiological, and chemical changes, as well as sensory properties, better color and total acceptance were found with higher titratable acids and vitamin C but with decreased anthocyanins in most fruits treated with 1–MCP. In contrast to the control, remarkable suppression of ethylene production peaks in all whole fruits and periodical increase in respiration rates in the soft-seed whole fruits were activated at 30–60 d after storage by the 1–MCP treatment, roughly when peel browning occurred and began increasing. Overall, our findings provided a crucial foundation for extending the application of 1–MCP in postharvest preservation of pomegranates.
... Although the antioxidant activities of signaling molecules namely: phytomelatonin and ethylene in abrogating the pro-oxidant activities of signaling molecules particularly hydrogen peroxide (H 2 O 2 ), nitric oxide (NO), hydrogen sulfide (H 2 S) are not fully understood, the way and manner these signaling molecules interact with one another has been deciphered to induce ripening of fruits (Adams-Phillips et al. 2004;Umeh 2017;Mukherjee 2019;Pardo-Hernández et al. 2020;Khanna et al. 2021;Corpas et al. 2022;Steelheart et al. 2022;Usman et al. 2015). Therefore, harnessing the phytohormonal functions of melatonin in fruit ripening physiology via crosstalk with ethylene and NO as well as H 2 O 2 is of biological importance in revealing the free radical scavenging role of phytomelatonin. ...
... Ethylene, phytomelatonin, NO, H 2 O 2 , and H 2 S have been by far known as the major players during various plant cellular and physiological processes particularly during fruit ripening and are currently at the forefront of fruit ripening physiology from different researchers worldwide (Adams-Phillips et al. 2004;Mukherjee 2019;Liu et al. 2020;Khanna et al. 2021;Corpas et al. 2022;LOSADA et al. 2022;Steelheart et al. 2022). Fruit ripening, being the final phase of plant development, involves a complex physiological process consisting of a series of events that precipitates the signaling molecules, especially H 2 O 2 , salicylic acid, NO, ethylene, abscisic acid, auxin, H 2 S, brassinosteroids, and jasmonic acid at different levels of gene and protein expression to initiate activation and/or deactivation of various signaling pathways that ultimately lead to the ripening of the fruits (Umeh 2017; Mukherjee 2019; Pardo-Hernández et al. 2020;Khanna et al. 2021;Corpas et al. 2022;Steelheart et al. 2022). ...
... However, the application of ethylene exogenously to such genetically engineered fruits using molecular approaches resulted in their ripening. This implies that ethylene is the principal catalyst of fruit ripening (Adams-Phillips et al. 2004;Giovannoni 2004Giovannoni , 2007. Importantly, however, exogenous application of phytomelatonin in mango fruit appears to halt the ripening of the mango fruits probably by negatively regulating ACS and ACO genes as well as pectin-modifying enzymes Liu et al. 2020. ...
Salinity is one of the major abiotic factors limiting plant growth and agricultural productivity. Salt stress disrupts the ion compartmentalization and leaf water status, resulting in an ionic imbalance and impairing mineral uptake and ion homeostasis. Plants cope with ion toxicity through various mechanisms, including ionic balance which is one of the important stress responses against salt stress. Notably, melatonin holds a crucial function in plant’s responses to salinity stress through its ample potential in regulating the signaling related to stress-mediated pathways in various plants. In this context, the role of melatonin in promoting ion homeostasis under salinity stress by mediating various physiological and molecular mechanisms has been described in detail. As a master regulator in plants, melatonin can improve plant defense response to salt stress conditions by directly regulating ROS and RNS or indirectly regulating Ca2+ levels and K+/Na+ homeostasis. Exogenously applied melatonin regulates calcium signaling-related genes such as PLC2, HIPP02, CML10, CML45, and Na+/H+ antiporter-related genes (SOS1, SOS2, and SOS3); besides increasing Ca2+-ATPase activity for ATP synthesis, which improves plant development under stresses. Moreover, it has a significant contribution to K+ signaling by increasing RBOHF-dependent ROS signaling that improves the K+ level under salt stress, indicating that melatonin may improve plant stress response through regulating NADPH function in the K+ transporters pathway and K+ transporter genes such as AKT1, GORK, SOS1, HAK1, HAK5, and HAK21. In conclusion, melatonin enhances K+/Na+ and Ca2+/Na+ levels by increasing the influx and distribution of K+ and Ca2+ with decreasing Na+ levels under salt stress conditions to maintain ion hemostasis, thus plant stress tolerance. The comprehensive knowledge of the versatile role of melatonin in anti-stress regulation will help decipher its mode of action and signaling cascade in plants that aid in understanding the roles of melatonin-mediated ion homeostasis under salinity stress conditions. KeywordsMelatoninIon homeostasisSignalingNitric oxideCalciumPotassiumSalt stress
... Ethylene has been widely studied as an important hormone affecting fruit ripening, especially climacteric fruits (Adams-Phillips et al. 2004;Klee and Giovannoni 2011;Zhang et al. 2009). At present, many transcription factors have been reported to be involved in the ethylene biosynthesis and fruit ripening (Giovannoni 2004;Liu et al. 2014), including ERF (Han et al. 2016), HB , ARF (Yue et al. 2020); NAC (Ma et al. 2014), SBPbox (CNR; Manning et al. 2006), and MADS-box (Itkin et al. 2009;Vrebalov et al. 2002) transcription families. ...
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Phytohormone ethylene is one of the important plant hormones that regulate fruit development and ripening. The transcription regulation of ethylene biosynthesis has been extensively studied in fleshy fruit, but the role of auxin/indole-3-acetic acid (Aux/IAA) in ethylene biosynthesis is still unknown. In this study, based on the genome-wide expression analyses of pear Aux/IAA genes, we found that PbIAA.C3 had a higher expression level in ripening fruits than in developing fruits in all 13 tested pear cultivars. Over-expression of PbIAA.C3 increased ethylene production, while silencing of PbIAA.C3 decreased ethylene production in pear fruit. This result indicates that PbIAA.C3 positively regulates ethylene biosynthesis during fruit ripening. Dual-luciferase assay showed that PbIAA.C3 could enhance the activity of the 1-aminocyclopropane1-carboxylate synthase PbACS1b expression by binding to the upstream region from − 2000 to − 1500 bp of the initiation codon of PbACS1b to increase the expression level. However, the transcription activation of PbIAA.C3 was repressed by the auxin-responsive factor PbARF32 which physically interacted with PbIAA.C3. Therefore, PbARF32 may be also involved in ethylene biosynthesis in pear fruit via the PbIAA.C3–PbARF32 interaction. The information provided new insights into the molecular regulation of ethylene biosynthesis during fruit ripening.
... For fleshy fruits, the ripening process plays important roles in determining their quality, economic benefits and nutrition in human diets (Adams-Phillips et al., 2004). Therefore, it is crucial to elucidate the regulatory mechanisms of fruit ripening. ...
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Carotenoids contribute to fruit coloration and are valuable sources of provitamin A in the human diet. Abscisic acid (ABA) plays an essential role in fruit coloration during citrus fruit ripening, but little is known about the underlying mechanisms. Here, we identified a novel bZIP transcription activator called CsbZIP44 , which serves as a central regulator of ABA‐mediated citrus carotenoid biosynthesis. CsbZIP44 directly binds to the promoters of four carotenoid metabolism‐related genes ( CsDXR , CsGGPPs , CsBCH1 and C sNCED2 ) and activates their expression. Furthermore, our research indicates that CsHB5 , a positive regulator of ABA and carotenoid‐driven processes, activates the expression of CsbZIP44 by binding to its promoter. Additionally, CsHB5 interacts with CsbZIP44 to form a transcriptional regulatory module CsHB5‐CsbZIP44, which is responsive to ABA induction and promotes carotenoid accumulation in citrus. Interestingly, we also discover a positive feedback regulation loop between the ABA signal and carotenoid biosynthesis mediated by the CsHB5‐CsbZIP44 transcriptional regulatory module. Our findings show that CsHB5‐CsbZIP44 precisely modulates ABA signal‐mediated carotenoid metabolism, providing an effective strategy for quality improvement of citrus fruit and other crops.
Tomato ( Solanum lycopersicum ) stands as one of the most valuable vegetable crops globally, and fruit firmness significantly impacts storage and transportation. To identify genes governing tomato firmness, we scrutinized the firmness of 266 accessions from core collections. Our study pinpointed an ethylene receptor gene, SlEIN4 , located on chromosome 4 through a genome‐wide association study ( GWAS ) of fruit firmness in the 266 tomato core accessions. A single‐nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) (A → G) of SlEIN4 distinguished lower ( AA ) and higher ( GG ) fruit firmness genotypes. Through experiments, we observed that overexpression of SlEIN4 AA significantly delayed tomato fruit ripening and dramatically reduced fruit firmness at the red ripe stage compared with the control. Conversely, gene editing of SlEIN4 AA with CRISPR /Cas9 notably accelerated fruit ripening and significantly increased fruit firmness at the red ripe stage compared with the control. Further investigations revealed that fruit firmness is associated with alterations in the microstructure of the fruit pericarp. Additionally, SlEIN4 AA positively regulates pectinase activity. The transient transformation assay verified that the SNP (A → G) on SlEIN4 caused different genetic effects, as overexpression of SlEIN4 GG increased fruit firmness. Moreover, SlEIN4 exerts a negative regulatory role in tomato ripening by impacting ethylene evolution through the abundant expression of ethylene pathway regulatory genes. This study presents the first evidence of the role of ethylene receptor genes in regulating fruit firmness. These significant findings will facilitate the effective utilization of firmness and ripening traits in tomato improvement, offering promising opportunities for enhancing tomato storage and transportation capabilities.
Plants produce a large repertoire of secondary metabolites. The pathways that lead to the biosynthesis of these metabolites are majorly conserved in the plant kingdom. However, a significant portion of these metabolites are specific to certain groups or species due to variations in the downstream pathways and evolution of the enzymes. These metabolites show spatiotemporal variation in their accumulation and are of great importance to plants due to their role in development, stress response and survival. A large number of these metabolites are in huge industrial demand due to their potential use as therapeutics, aromatics and more. Ethylene, as a plant hormone is long known, and its biosynthetic process, signaling mechanism and effects on development and response pathways have been characterized in many plants. Through exogenous treatments, ethylene and its inhibitors have been used to manipulate the production of various secondary metabolites. However, the research done on a limited number of plants in the last few years has only started to uncover the mechanisms through which ethylene regulates the accumulation of these metabolites. Often in association with other hormones, ethylene participates in fine-tuning the biosynthesis of the secondary metabolites, and brings specificity in the regulation depending on the plant, organ, tissue type and the prevailing conditions. This review summarizes the related studies, interprets the outcomes, and identifies the gaps that will help to breed better varieties of the related crops and produce high-value secondary metabolites for human benefits.
This study investigated the effect of high concentration potassium (K) application on promotion of lycopene concentration in tomato fruit during maturation and ripening process. The hydroponically cultivated tomato plants were treated with either a standard (4 mM; NK) or high (24 mM; HK) concentration of K in a nutrient solution. Fruit were harvested at green, coloring, pink, and fully mature stage; and fresh weight, K concentration, soluble solid content (Brix), fruit surface color value, and chlorophyll concentration and lycopene concentration were analyzed. Additionally, a subset of pink-stage harvested fruit was stored in the dark at 20°C to facilitate ripening. The HK treatment significantly reduced fruit weight but increased Brix and accelerated fruit coloring. Chlorophyll concentration in fruit decreased from the green stage to the pink stage under NK but remained constant under HK treatment. In the NK group, lycopene concentration was detected at the coloring stage which gradually increased to the mature stage. In contrast, lycopene concentration in the HK group was detected at the green stage and rapidly increased to reach twice the concentration observed in the NK group at the fully mature stage. The lycopene promoting effect of HK treatment persisted during ripening process, with the lycopene concentration in ripened HK-treated fruit almost similar to that in mature on -plant fruit. These findings revealed that high concentration K application enhances lycopene concentration in tomato fruit from early maturation and sustains this effect throughout the ripening process.
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In plants, B3 transcription factors play important roles in a variety of aspects of their growth and development. While the B3 transcription factor has been extensively identified and studied in numerous species, there is limited knowledge regarding its B3 superfamily in pepper. Through the utilization of genome-wide sequence analysis, we identified a total of 106 B3 genes from pepper (Capsicum annuum), they are categorized into four subfamilies: RAV, ARF, LAV, and REM. Chromosome distribution, genetic structure, motif, and cis-acting element of the pepper B3 protein were analyzed. Conserved gene structure and motifs outside the B3 domain provided strong evidence for phylogenetic relationships, allowing potential functions to be deduced by comparison with homologous genes from Arabidopsis. According to the high-throughput transcriptome sequencing analysis, expression patterns differ during different phases of fruit development in the majority of the 106 B3 pepper genes. By using qRT-PCR analysis, similar expression patterns in fruits from various time periods were discovered. In addition, further analysis of the CaRAV4 gene showed that its expression level decreased with fruit ripening and located in the nucleus. B3 transcription factors have been genome-wide characterized in a variety of crops, but the present study is the first genome-wide analysis of the B3 superfamily in pepper. More importantly, although B3 transcription factors play key regulatory roles in fruit development, it is uncertain whether B3 transcription factors are involved in the regulation of the fruit development and ripening process in pepper and their specific regulatory mechanisms because the molecular mechanisms of the process have not been fully explained. The results of the study provide a foundation and new insights into the potential regulatory functions and molecular mechanisms of B3 genes in the development and ripening process of pepper fruits, and provide a solid theoretical foundation for the enhancement of the quality of peppers and their selection and breeding of high-yield varieties.
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Classically fruit ripening and development was studied using genetic approaches with understanding of metabolic changes that occurred in concert largely focused on a handful of metabolites including sugars, organic acids, cell wall components and phytohormones. The advent and widespread application of metabolomics has however led to far greater understanding of metabolic components that play a crucial role not only in this process but also in influencing the organoleptic and nutritive properties of the fruits. Here we review how the study of natural variation, mutants, transgenics and gene-edited fruits has led to a considerable increase in our understanding of these aspects. We focus on flesh fruits such as tomato but also review berries and receptacle as well as stone-bearing fruits. Finally, we offer a perspective as to how comparative analyses and machine learning will likely further improve our comprehension of the functional importance of various metabolites in the future.
†Summary MADS-box genes encode transcriptional regulators involved in diverse aspects of plant development. Here we describe the cloning and mRNA spatio-temporal expression patterns of five new MADS-box genes from Arabidopsis: AGL16, AGL18, AGL19, AGL27 and AGL31. These genes will probably become important molecular tools for both evolutionary and functional analyses of vegetative structures. We mapped our data and previous expression patterns onto a new MADS-box phylogeny. These analyses suggest that the evolution of the MADS-box family has involved a rapid and simultaneous functional diversification in vegetative as well as reproductive structures. The hypothetical ancestral genes had broader expression patterns than more derived ones, which have been co-opted for putative specialized functions as suggested by their expression patterns. AGL27 and AGL31, which are closely related to the recently described flowering-time gene FLC (previously AGL25), are expressed in most plant tissues. AGL19 is specifically expressed in the outer layers of the root meristem (lateral root cap and epidermis) and in the central cylinder cells of mature roots. AGL18, which is most similar in sequence to the embryo-expressed AGL15 gene, is expressed in the endosperm and in developing male and female gametophytes, suggesting a role for AGL18 that is distinct from previously characterized MADS-box genes. Finally, AGL16 RNA accumulates in leaf guard cells and trichomes. Our new phylogeny reveals seven new monophyletic clades of MADS-box sequences not specific to flowers, suggesting that complex regulatory networks involving several MADS-box genes, similar to those that control flower development, underlie development of vegetative structures.
Introduction - G A Tucker Avocado - G B Seymour and G A Tucker, Banana - G B Seymour Citrus fruit - E A Baldwin Exotics - J E Taylor Grape - A K Kanellis and K A Roubelakis-Angelakis Kiwifruit - N K Given (deceased) Mango - C Lizada Melon - G B Seymour and W B McGlasson Pineapple and papaya - R E Paull Pome Fruit - M Knee Soft fruit - K Manning Stone fruit - C J Brady Tomato - G Hobson and D Grierson. Index.
Tomato high pigment (hp) mutants are characterized by their exaggerated photoresponsiveness. Light-grown hp mutants display elevated levels of anthocyanins, are shorter and darker than wild-type plants, and have dark green immature fruits due to the overproduction of chlorophyll pigments. It has been proposed that HP genes encode negative regulators of phytochrome signal transduction. We have cloned the HP-2 gene and found that it encodes the tomato homolog of the nuclear protein DEETIOLATED1 (DET1) from Arabidopsis. Mutations in DET1 are known to result in constitutive deetiolation in darkness. In contrast to det1 mutants, tomato hp-2 mutants do not display any visible phenotypes in the dark but only very weak phenotypes, such as partial chloroplast development. Furthermore, whereas det1 mutations are epistatic to mutations in phytochrome genes, analysis of similar double mutants in tomato showed that manifestation of the phenotype of the hp-2 mutant is strictly dependent upon the presence of active phytochrome. Because only one DET1 gene is likely to be present in each of the two species, our data suggest that the phytochrome signaling pathways in which the corresponding proteins function are regulated differently in Arabidopsis and tomato.
Although abscisic acid (ABA) is involved in a variety of plant growth and developmental processes, few genes that actually regulate the transduction of the ABA signal into a cellular response have been identified. In an attempt to determine negative regulators of ABA signaling, we identified mutants, designated enhanced response to ABA3 (era3), that increased the sensitivity of the seed to ABA. Biochemical and molecular analyses demonstrated that era3 mutants overaccumulate ABA, suggesting that era3 is a negative regulator of ABA synthesis. Subsequent genetic analysis of era3 alleles, however, showed that these are new alleles at the ETHYLENE INSENSITIVE2 locus. Other mutants defective in their response to ethylene also showed altered ABA sensitivity; from these results, we conclude that ethylene appears to be a negative regulator of ABA action during germination. In contrast, the ethylene response pathway positively regulates some aspects of ABA action that involve root growth in the absence of ethylene. We discuss the response of plants to ethylene and ABA in the context of how these two hormones could influence the same growth responses.
We screened for mutations that either enhanced or suppressed the abscisic acid (ABA)‐resistant seed germination phenotype of the Arabidopsis abi1-1 mutant. Alleles of the constitutive ethylene response mutant ctr1 and ethyleneinsensitive mutant ein2 were recovered as enhancer and suppressor mutations, respectively. Using these and other ethylene response mutants, we showed that the ethylene signaling cascade defined by the ETR1 , CTR1 , and EIN2 genes inhibits ABA signaling in seeds. Furthermore, epistasis analysis between ethylene- and ABA-insensitive mutations indicated that endogenous ethylene promotes seed germination by decreasing sensitivity to endogenous ABA. In marked contrast to the situation in seeds, ein2 and etr1-1 roots were resistant to both ABA and ethylene. Our data indicate that ABA inhibition of root growth requires a functional ethylene signaling cascade, although this inhibition is apparently not mediated by an increase in ethylene biosynthesis. These results are discussed in the context of the other hormonal regulations controlling seed germination and root growth.
The hormone ethylene regulates many aspects of plant growth and development, including fruit ripening. In transgenic tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum) plants, antisense inhibition of ethylene biosynthetic genes results in inhibited or delayed ripening. The dominant tomato mutant, Never-ripe(Nr), is insensitive to ethylene and fruit fail to ripen. The Nr phenotype results from mutation of the ethylene receptor encoded by the NR gene, such that it can no longer bind the hormone. NR has homology to the Arabidopsis ethylene receptors. Studies on ethylene perception in Arabidopsis have demonstrated that receptors operate by a “receptor inhibition” mode of action, in which they actively repress ethylene responses in the absence of the hormone, and are inactive when bound to ethylene. In ripening tomato fruit, expression of NR is highly regulated, increasing in expression at the onset of ripening, coincident with increased ethylene production. This expression suggests a requirement for the NR gene product during the ripening process, and implies that ethylene signaling via the tomato NR receptor might not operate by receptor inhibition. We used antisense inhibition to investigate the role of NR in ripening tomato fruit and determine its mode of action. We demonstrate restoration of normal ripening in Nr fruit by inhibition of the mutantNr gene, indicating that this receptor is not required for normal ripening, and confirming receptor inhibition as the mode of action of the NR protein.
We show that phytochromes modulate differentially various facets of light-induced ripening of tomato fruit (Solanum lycopersicum L.). Northern analysis demonstrated that phytochrome A mRNA in fruit accumulates 11.4-fold during ripening. Spectroradiometric measurement of pericarp tissues revealed that the red to far-red ratio increases 4-fold in pericarp tissues during ripening from the immature-green to the red-ripe stage. Brief red-light treatment of harvested mature-green fruit stimulated lycopene accumulation 2.3-fold during fruit development. This red-light-induced lycopene accumulation was reversed by subsequent treatment with far-red light, establishing that light-induced accumulation of lycopene in tomato is regulated by fruit-localized phytochromes. Red-light and red-light/far-red-light treatments during ripening did not influence ethylene production, indicating that the biosynthesis of this ripening hormone in these tissues is not regulated by fruit-localized phytochromes. Compression analysis of fruit treated with red light or red/far-red light indicated that phytochromes do not regulate the rate or extent of pericarp softening during ripening. Moreover, treatments with red or red/far-red light did not alter the concentrations of citrate, malate, fructose, glucose, or sucrose in fruit. These results are consistent with two conclusions: (a) fruit-localized phytochromes regulate light-induced lycopene accumulation independently of ethylene biosynthesis; and (b) fruit-localized phytochromes are not global regulators of ripening, but instead regulate one or more specific components of this developmental process.
Activation of the plant defensin gene PDF1.2 in Arabidopsis by pathogens has been shown previously to be blocked in the ethylene response mutant ein2-1 and the jasmonate response mutant coi1-1. In this work, we have further investigated the interactions between the ethylene and jasmonate signal pathways for the induction of this defense response. Inoculation of wild-type Arabidopsis plants with the fungus Alternaria brassicicola led to a marked increase in production of jasmonic acid, and this response was not blocked in the ein2-1 mutant. Likewise, A. brassicicola infection caused stimulated emission of ethylene both in wild-type plants and in coi1-1 mutants. However, treatment of either ein2-1 or coi1-1 mutants with methyl jasmonate or ethylene did not induce PDF1.2, as it did in wild-type plants. We conclude from these experiments that both the ethylene and jasmonate signaling pathways need to be triggered concomitantly, and not sequentially, to activate PDF1.2 upon pathogen infection. In support of this idea, we observed a marked synergy between ethylene and methyl jasmonate for the induction of PDF1.2 in plants grown under sterile conditions. In contrast to the clear interdependence of the ethylene and jasmonate pathways for pathogen-induced activation of PDF1.2, functional ethylene and jasmonate signaling pathways are not required for growth responses induced by jasmonate and ethylene, respectively.