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Effect of Soil Properties and Vegetation Characteristics in Determining the Frequency of Burgundy Truffle Fruiting Bodies in Southern Poland

  • Forest Research Institute, Sekocin Stary Poland

Abstract and Figures

Burgundy truffle (Tuber aestivum Vittad.) has a wide-ranging distribution across Europe, yet its ecology are far from being well understood. For instance, although the literature on the ecophysiology of this species is dominated by the symbiosis with deciduous hosts, the real range of hosts in nature seems to be much wider than the distribution of T. aestivum. The aim of this study was to determine the relative importance of abiotic (soil) and biotic (vegetation) properties in determining the performance of T. aestivum in this pioneering stage of research on truffles in Poland. We found that soil parameters influenced the formation of the T. aestivum fruiting bodies more strongly than the floristic composition. The number of fruiting bodies increased with increasing concentration of soil calcium and phosphorus concentration. The number of plant species was the only significant predictor among the investigated vegetation’ characteristics. The influence of this predictor was positive, there was an increasing number of fruitbodies found when the number of plant species was higher. The presence of truffle fruitbodies was significantly correlated with the presence of five plant species, viz.: Brachypodium sylvaticum, Cephalanthera damasonium, Cornus sanguinea, Sanicula europaea and Viola mirabilis.
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Effect of Soil Properties and Vegetation Characteristics in Determining
the Frequency of Burgundy Truffle Fruiting Bodies in Southern Poland
Authors: Dorota Hilszczańska, Aleksandra Rosa-Gruszecka, Radosław Gawryś, and
Jakub Horak
Source: Ecoscience, 26(2) : 113-122
Published By: Centre d'études nordiques, Université Laval
Downloaded From: on 12 Apr 2019
Terms of Use: Access provided by Czech University of Life Sciences
Effect of soil properties and vegetation characteristics in determining the
frequency of Burgundy truffle fruiting bodies in Southern Poland
Dorota Hilszczańska
, Aleksandra Rosa-Gruszecka
, Radosław Gawryś
and Jakub Horak
Department of Forest Ecology, Forest Research Institute, Sękocin Stary, Poland;
Faculty of Forestry and Wood Sciences, Department of
Forest Protection and Entomology, Czech University of Life Sciences Prague, Prague, Czech Republic
The Burgundy truffle (Tuber aestivum Vittad.) has a wide-ranging distribution across Europe, yet
its ecology is far from being well understood. For instance, although the literature on the
ecophysiology of this species is dominated by the symbiosis with deciduous hosts, the real
range of hosts in nature seems to be much wider than the current distribution of T. aestivum.
The aim of this study was to determine the relative importance of abiotic (soil) and biotic
(vegetation) properties in determining the performance of T. aestivum in this pioneering stage
of research on truffles in Poland. Soil parameters influenced the formation of T. aestivum fruiting
bodies more strongly than plant composition. The number of fruiting bodies increased with
increasing concentration of soil calcium and phosphorus. The number of plant species was the
only significant predictor among the investigated vegetation characteristics. The influence of this
predictor was positive, as an increasing number of fruiting bodies was found when the number of
plant species was higher. The presence of truffle fruiting bodies was significantly correlated with
the presence of five plant species, viz.: Brachypodium sylvaticum,Cephalanthera damasonium,
Cornus sanguinea,Sanicula europaea and Viola mirabilis.
La truffe blanche dété (Tuber aestivum Vittad.) a une vaste aire de répartition en Europe, mais son
écologie est encore loin dêtre bien comprise. Par exemple, même si la littérature sur
lécophysiologie de lespèce est dominée par la symbiose avec les hôtes caducifoliés, la
véritable aire de répartition naturelle des hôtes semble beaucoup plus étendue que la
répartition actuelle de T. aestivum. Le but de cette étude était de déterminer limportance relative
des propriétés abiotiques (sol) et biotiques (végétation) pour déterminer la performance de T.
aestivum au stade pionnier de la recherche sur les truffes en Pologne. Les paramètres du sol
influencent plus fortement la formation de fructifications de T. aestivum que la composition
végétale. Le nombre de fructifications augmentait avec la concentration du sol en calcium et en
phosphore. Le nombre despèces végétales était le seul prédicteur significatif parmi les
caractéristiques de la végétation étudiées. Linfluence de ce prédicteur était positive puisquun
plus grand nombre de fructifications était trouvé quand le nombre despèces végétales était plus
élevé. La présence de fructifications de truffe était corrélée significativement avec la présence de
cinq espèces végétales: Brachypodium sylvaticum, Cephalanthera damasonium, Cornus sanguinea,
Sanicula europaea et Viola mirabilis.
Received 23 May 2018
Accepted 20 September 2018
Tuber aestivum; calcium;
phosphorus; clay; plants
species richness
Tuber aestivum; calcium;
phosphore; argile; richesse
spécifique de plantes
Truffles are hypogeous fungi belonging to the Pezizales
(Ascomycota), a large group of symbiotic fungi grow-
ing with the roots (ectomycorrhiza) of several vascular
plant species, including both angiosperms and gymnos-
perms. The fruiting body of these fungi is a subterra-
nean complex apothecium, commonly known as the
truffle. The geographic distribution of truffles mainly
covers the temperate zones of the northern hemi-
sphere, with at least three areas of genetic
differentiation in Europe, Southeast Asia and North
America (Pomerico et al. 2006). Among the species of
truffles, Tuber magnatum Pico (the white truffle), T.
melanosporum Vittad. (the black truffle) and T. aesti-
vum Vittad. (the Burgundy truffle) are the most valued
and most expensive due to their taste and aroma
(Mello et al. 2006). Economically, truffles are the
most valuable non-timber products of forest ecosys-
tems and are highly prized for their culinary qualities,
especially in countries such as France, Italy and Spain
CONTACT Dorota Hilszczańska Department of Forest Ecology, Forest Research Institute, Braci Leśnej 3 Str., Sękocin
Stary, 05-090 Raszyn, Poland
2019, VOL. 26, NO. 2, 113122
© 2018 Université Laval
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(e.g., Rosa-Gruszecka et al. 2017a). Highly desirable
truffles (i.e., T. magnatum [white] or T. melanosporum
[black]) may reach remarkable prices of around
20003000 euros per kilogram, with the industry in
Italy worth around 400 million euros per annum
(Büntgen et al. 2012; Pieroni 2016).
Ecologically, these fungi are of considerable impor-
tance because of the benefits of their mutualistic asso-
ciation with their host plants (Pacioni and Comandini
1999). In addition, the relatively long-lived fruiting
body provides a food source for invertebrates and
vertebrates (Johnson 1996; Vega and Blackwell 2005;
Rosa-Gruszecka et al. 2017a).
The Burgundy truffle is found throughout Europe
(Pacioni and Comandini 1999; Chevalier 2010). Recent
evidence suggests that T. aestivum, in particular, may be
found in suitable areas north of the Alps, such as
Germany, and even as far north as southern Sweden
and Finland (Stobbe et al. 2012,2013). In Poland, the
first cultivated specimen of T. aestivum was found in
September 2016 (Rosa-Gruszecka et al. 2017b). This fact
confirms the feasibility of growing truffles outside native
stands; however, some factors that shape their productiv-
ity are still unknown. Although the importance of soil
chemical and physical characteristics for truffle (e.g., T.
aestivum) ectomycorrhizal development and formation
of fruiting bodies in plantations and natural stands is well
documented (Lulli et al. 1999;García-Monteroetal.2008;
Bragato et al. 2010), some researchers (Ricard 2003;
Granetti et al. 2005) emphasized a knowledge gap about
potential feedbacks between soil physical-chemical prop-
erties and the formation of fruiting bodies.
This study is a first approach to the ecology of T.
aestivum in a region where it has not traditionally been
harvested and where studies on truffle ecology are
scarce. The environmental conditions are also different
from those of traditional truffle-producing regions,
such as France or Italy.
Due to the growing demand for truffles, the estab-
lishment of truffle orchards in Poland is currently
underway (Hilszczańska et al. 2016). Hence, this
study aimed to provide a survey of the soil properties
and plant species that may be associated with truffles.
The ecological indicators typical of the T. aestivum are
of practical importance for evaluating the truffle-pro-
ducing potential of Polish forests.
Materials and methods
Study area
The study was conducted at six sites (AF, Tables 13)
with confirmed presence of T. aestivum, located in the
Nida Basin in southern Poland. The sites were located
between 247 and 319 m a.s.l. in a mixed deciduous
forest (Hilszczańska et al. 2014). All of these forests
shared similar topographic and microclimatic condi-
tions, and their geographic coordinates are 50° 25´50°
28´ N and 20° 19´20° 48´ E. Over the last decade,
mean annual precipitation was 600 mm, and mean
annual temperature was 8.0°C. The regional lithology
comprises Jurassic and Cretaceous limestone and marl-
stone, and the soils are rendzic leptosols. The forests
belong to the Tillio-Carpinetum typicum (TRACZ.
1962) and Carici-Fagetum (MOOR 1952) geo-botanical
types. Each site was explored with the help of trained
truffle dogs in collaboration with researchers from the
Agricultural University in Nitra, and inventories were
made in 20122014. At each site, a different number of
plots (100 m
) was established due to stand size (Tables
13), where truffle occurrence, soil physical-chemical
properties and vegetation types were studied. There
were 32 plots in total.
Soil analysis
Five soil samples were taken at each plot. The analysis
was performed in one mixed sample for each plot; thus,
32 soil samples were analysed. The soil was sampled by
removing the litter and vegetation layers and then
collecting approximately 0.5 kg of soil down to a
depth of 2030 cm, depending on the rockiness of the
soil. The soil analyses were performed in the laboratory
of the Polish Centre for Accreditation (No. AB740).
Soil samples were sieved and dried before analysis (ISO
11277 2005). Soil water pH and essential nutrient con-
tents were measured according to ISO 10390 (1997)
and PB-14 ed.2 of 1 January 2010 (using inductively
coupled argon-plasma spectrometry following minera-
lization in chloric [VII] acid); percentage of total N and
total organic carbon (TOC) were measured according
to ISO 13878 (2002) and ISO 10694 (2002), carbon
calcium content (percent) was measured according to
Scheiblers method (ISO 10693 1994) and exchangeable
cations (Ca, Mg, K, Na) were measured according to
ISO 11260 (2011). Soil texture was measured based on
three particle-size fractions: < 2 μm (clay), 263 μm
(silt) and 632000 μm (sand) (ISO 11277 2005).
Vegetation survey and truffle harvest
At each of the six truffle sites, vegetation was assessed
in a 100 m
circle plot (32 plots in total) between June
and August 2014. The plots were centred in the area
with highest T. aestivum production. The number of
host plants as well as the plants of the forest floor and
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the percentage cover of seedlings (Table 2) were esti-
mated according to the Relevé method developed by
Braun-Blanquet (1964). The Shannon diversity index
was then calculated. In 20122014, every two weeks
from June to November, each plot was checked for
the presence of T. aestivum fruiting bodies. Truffle
yield (weight and number) is shown in Table 3.
Study variables and environmental predictors
The number of Tuber aestivum fruiting bodies per site
was used as a dependent variable to compare the influ-
ence of ecological characteristics (soil and vegetation)
between the six truffle sites. All statistical analyses were
performed with the statistical computing system R
version 3.0.2. Due to the use of a sub-plot design, the
analyses of soil variables first controlled for the poten-
tial influence of spatial autocorrelation due to the
potential bias caused by treatment replication (Tobler
1970; Oksanen 2001). Gearys C (e.g., Horak 2013) was
used to control for the influence of spatial distribution
of sub-plots on the number of fruiting bodies using the
package spdep (Bivand and Piras 2015). After having
found that the influence was not significant (C = 0.68;
P = 0.07), non-spatial statistical methods were used.
The potential bias caused by multicollinearity of the
predictors was controlled using the variance inflation
factor (VIF) of predictors with the package HH.
Predictors that had VIF 2 (Graham 2003) were
excluded step by step before the final analyses (namely:
silt, organic material, pH, organic carbon, potassium,
magnesium and number of host plants). The variance
explained by the particular predictors was computed by
the process of hierarchical partitioning (Chevan and
Sutherland 1991) using the package hier.part. The sig-
nificance of the particular predictors was computed by
a generalized linear mixed-effect model (GLMM) using
the package MASS. The quasi-Poisson distribution was
considered unreliable for the GLMM. Thus, the pro-
blem of potential overdispersion was solved by adding
a unique identifier (UID) for each observation (sub-
plot) and then adding that unique UID as a random
term (Gelman et al. 2014). Thus, the model was speci-
fied as: glmmPQL (Y~ X1+ X2+ X3. . ., random = ~ 1 |
UID, family = Poisson).
The relationship between the number of truffles and
the coverage of plant species was assessed by the
Spearman rank correlation coefficient. Only the species
Table 1. Texture and chemical composition of the analysed soils. Plots where fructification of T. aestivum was observed are shown in
bold characters.
Chemical characteristics Soil particle size fractions
Code pH H
[cmol(+)/kg] C/N
OM (organic matter)
[Corg [%] x 1.724]
[mg/100 g]
A1 7.3 31.80 12.99 2.68 4.62 7.21 0.533 1.080 13.22 41.47 45.31
A2 5.1 12.70 12.14 2.31 3.98 7.48 0.734 1.150 12.14 38.61 49.25
A3 7.4 38.90 14.14 3.79 6.53 5.74 0.937 1.310 23.60 42.40 34.00
A4 5.4 14.70 13.41 2.57 4.42 5.72 0.342 0.770 18.64 44.98 36.38
A5 6.7 27.70 13.36 3.26 5.63 6.25 0.435 1.200 18.98 40.94 40.08
A6 6.8 25.50 12.22 2.38 4.11 5.38 0.334 1.140 19.62 42.45 37.93
B1 7.4 46.10 12.83 4.97 8.57 4.72 0.720 1.220 23.71 52.00 24.29
B2 5.6 2.40 10.68 1.10 1.90 1.88 0.160 0.200 15.00 61.70 23.30
B3 7.6 30.00 25.72 3.38 5.83 2.18 0.576 0.570 25.08 47.70 27.22
B4 5.2 2.40 12.01 1.81 3.13 2.59 0.139 0.230 25.53 65.91 8.56
B5 7.4 43.50 15.02 4.99 8.60 3.43 0.637 1.350 16.88 53.05 30.07
B6 5.8 6.00 12.66 3.06 5.27 4.33 0.231 0.540 4.48 82.84 12.68
B7 7.6 43.76 22.95 5.33 9.19 3.19 0.770 1.180 27.63 42.50 29.87
B8 7.6 54.74 21.44 8.07 13.91 3.81 1.050 1.480 30.78 46.30 22.92
C1 7.5 44.80 20.17 5.41 9.33 3.27 1.265 1.510 17.75 44.60 37.65
C2 5.0 18.30 12.67 3.89 6.70 2.47 0.753 0.970 7.56 35.33 57.11
C3 6.8 40.10 14.24 4.37 7.54 4.11 0.514 1.250 9.60 40.30 50.10
C4 5.7 31.90 12.71 4.72 8.14 3.18 0.597 1.510 6.42 35.85 57.73
C5 7.4 46.60 12.70 4.64 7.99 2.92 0.681 1.300 8.40 47.12 44.48
C6 6.3 27.50 12.37 2.67 4.60 3.49 0.624 1.170 6.69 37.91 55.40
D1 7.4 40.80 10.84 3.64 6.27 2.68 0.441 1.970 39.37 30.45 30.18
D2 5.5 12.10 9.92 2.08 3.58 1.28 0.246 1.230 32.06 43.61 24.33
D3 5.7 19.60 10.22 3.36 5.80 2.34 0.359 1.980 46.00 25.22 28.78
D4 4.9 3.30 9.39 1.31 2.25 1.26 0.187 0.520 40.76 44.27 14.97
D5 7.2 40.60 10.88 4.40 7.58 5.64 0.556 2.140 27.23 44.25 28.52
D6 4.8 15.90 10.49 2.66 4.58 4.59 0.379 1.700 30.61 33.66 35.73
E1 7.3 27.31 13.85 3.61 6.23 1.68 0.391 0.407 52.71 19.95 27.34
E2 7.5 22.84 11.96 2.12 3.65 5.37 0.556 0.609 51.04 18.53 30.43
E3 7.5 16.98 12.61 1.93 3.32 5.19 0.393 0.480 68.03 12.89 19.08
F1 7.2 38.20 16.11 5.25 9.05 9.48 0.559 0.800 48.98 28.33 22.69
F2 7.3 37.69 17.91 5.14 8.86 1.39 0.523 0.772 40.43 34.56 25.01
F3 7.3 38.51 16.26 5.40 9.31 8.15 0.434 0.511 59.19 17.69 23.12
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occurring in the herb and shrub layers were included,
with occurrence in more than 40% of Relevés in at least
one of the analysed groups. Plant species coverage was
obtained after transposing the Braun-Blanquet (1964)
cover scales: r = 0%; + = 0,1%; 1 = 5%; 2 = 17,5%;
3 = 37,5%; 4 = 62,5%; 5 = 87,5%.
Detrended correspondence analysis (DCA) (Hill and
Gauch 1980) was used to evaluate the diversity of
vegetation composition. The analyses were performed
on the phytosociological data with only the herb layer
taken into account. Braun-Blanquet (1964) cover scales
were transposed to van der Maarel (1979) scales: r = 1,
+ = 2, 1 = 3, 2 = 5, 3 = 7, 4 = 8, 5 = 9. The DCA
analysis was performed using the vegan package
(Oksanen et al. 2017) in the R programme. The vegan
package was also used to determine the coefficient of
determination R
(envfit function) for the environmen-
tal variables with the location of points in ordinal space
and to determine the statistical significance of indicat-
ing vectors by the permutation test, based on 999
A total of 1185 Burgundy truffle fruiting bodies were
found (mean per plot = 37.03 ± 12.28 SE), which
amounted to nearly 22 kg (Table 3). The analysis of
Table 2. Vegetation characteristics of the analysed plots. Plots where fructification of T. aestivum was observed are shown in bold
(Shannon diversity index for
forest-floor species)
Total number of
plant species
Number of tree
and shrub hosts
Number of
orchid species
Total number of
potential host plants
cover [%]
Tree and
shrub hosts*
A1 0.603 25 4 0 4 5.5 Ca, Cb, Qp,
A2 0.294 23 3 0 3 0.6 Ca, Cb, Qr
A3 0.399 23 3 0 3 0.8 Ca, Cb, Qr
A4 0.418 23 3 0 3 0.8 Ca, Cb, Qp
A5 0.416 21 3 0 3 0.9 Ca, Cb, Qr
A6 0.436 23 3 1 4 0.6 Ca, Cb, Qp Cd
B1 0.715 48 5 1 6 1.1 Ca, Cb, Fs,
Qp, Qr
B2 0.651 38 3 0 3 1.2 Ca, Cb, Qp
B3 0.856 54 3 2 5 0.8 Ca, Fs, Ps Cc, Cd
B4 0.305 27 3 0 3 0.8 Ca, Cb, Qp
B5 0.287 29 3 0 3 0.4 Ca, Fs, Qp
B6 0.684 42 3 0 3 5.4 Ca, Cb, Qp
B7 1.046 40 4 2 6 1.0 Ca, Cb, Ld,
Cc, Cd
B8 0.995 41 3 1 4 1.2 Ca, Cb, Qr Cd
C1 0.676 32 5 0 5 1.0 Ca, Cb, Qp,
Qr, Tc
C2 0.499 31 4 1 5 0.9 Ca, Cb, Qr,
C3 0.534 20 5 1 6 0.7 Ca, Cb, Qp,
Qr, Tc
C4 0.393 12 5 0 5 0.3 Ca, Cb, Fs,
Qp, Tc
C5 0.741 25 5 0 5 0.9 Ca, Fs, Qp,
Qr, Tc
C6 0.632 23 5 0 5 1.0 Ca, Cb, Qp,
Qr, Tc
D1 0.367 20 2 0 2 0.3 Cb, Qr
D2 0.626 19 3 0 3 18.1 Ca, Cb, Qr
D3 0.411 19 2 0 2 17.7 Cb, Qr
D4 0.994 30 5 0 5 5.5 Ca, Cb, Fs,
Qp, Qr
D5 0.486 17 3 0 3 0.5 Cb, Qp, Qr
D6 0.570 20 3 0 3 10.8 Cb, Qp, Qr
E1 0.442 29 4 0 4 5.6 Cb, Pa, Pt,
E2 1.074 31 3 1 4 0.7 Cb, Pt, Qr Cd
E3 1.129 19 6 0 6 0.8 Cb, Pa, Ps,
Pt, Qp, Qr
F1 0.696 26 2 1 3 0.7 Fs, Qp Cd
F2 0.861 39 3 0 3 5.6 Fs, Qp, Qr
F3 0.791 19 3 1 4 2.6 Cb, Fs, Qp Cd
*Species codes:
Ca Corylus avellana,CbCarpinus betulus,CcCypripedium calceolus,CdCephalanthera damasonium,EhEpipactis helleborine,FsFagus sylvatica,Ld
Larix decidua,PaPopulus alba,PtPopulus tremula, Ps- Pinus sylvestris,QpQuercus patreae,QrQuercus robur, Tc- Tilia cordata
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the environmental predictor variables showed that soil
parameters influenced the formation of T. aestivum
fruiting bodies more strongly than vegetation para-
meters. The soil variables, including calcium, phos-
phorous and percent clay, explained 29.23% of the
total variance in the data, while vegetation data
explained 14.27%. Calcium had the highest impact on
the number of fruiting bodies of T. aestivum; nearly
three times higher than the next two most influential
predictors, namely the number of plant species (6.77%)
and the amount of phosphorus pentoxide (6.49%). The
other three predictors explained less than 5% of the
variance. Clay explained 3.89% of the variance, the
number of known host tree species explained 3.46%.
The influence of the coverage of woody tree species
seedlings was also low (Figure 1).
According to the GLMM analysis, the number of
fruiting bodies was positively influenced by calcium
and phosphorus as key soil properties. Higher concen-
trations of these soil properties increased the number
of harvested fruiting bodies.
Variables such as sand, calcium, magnesium and
organic carbon content, C/N ratio and number of
plant species significantly influenced plant species com-
position (Table 4). The DCA analysis showed that plots
with truffles were similar with regard to soil texture and
were highly diverse in soil chemical composition
(Figure 2). The plots without truffles were characterized
by very large variations in the content of sand particles
and on average were less rich in calcium and carbon.
The number of plant species was the only significant
predictor among the investigated vegetation characteristics,
with more fruiting bodies found when the number of plant
species was higher. The other predictors were not signifi-
cant (Table 5). The DCA analysis showed that truffle plots
exhibited greater diversity than the control set along the
first DCA axis. Vegetation composition of the forest floor
was similar in truffle plotsand control plots. However, the
presence of truffle fruiting bodies was significantly corre-
lated to the presence of five plant species (Table 5), viz.:
Cornus sanguinea,Viola mirabilis,Cephalanthera damaso-
nium,Sanicula europaea and Brachypodium sylvaticum.
Presence of Lilium martagon and Polygonatum multi-
florum was correlated negatively with the presence of fruit-
ing bodies, as was the abundance of Carpinus betulus
natural regeneration (Table 6).
Table 3. Diversity of hypogeous fungi species within the studied plots.
Hypogeous fungi species
(based on fruiting bodies collected)* Weight of Tuber aestivum fruiting bodies [g] Number of Tuber aestivum fruiting bodies
A1 T. ae., T. ex., Hym. sp. 500.78 49
A2 - 0 0
A3 T. ex.00
A4 - 0 0
A5 G. ver.00
A6 Hym. sp. 0 0
B1 T. ae., T. ex. 949.22 32
B2 - 0 0
B3 T. ae., T. sp. 150.50 17
B4 - 0 0
B5 T. ex. 00
B6 - 0 0
B7 T. ae.,T. ex., G. sp. 2909.90 99
B8 T. ae., T. ex. 3962.48 148
C1 T. ae., T. ex., T. ruf., G. sp. Hym. sp., Rh. ros. 1391.45 94
C2 - 0 0
C3 T. ex., T. mac., E. sp., Hym. sp. 0 0
C4 T. macu.00
C5 T. ae.,T. ex., T. macu., M. sp. 428.34 38
C6 T. macu., E. sp., H. tul. 00
D1 T. ae., T. ex., G. ver. 362.86 32
D2 - 0 0
D3 - 0 0
D4 - 0 0
D5 T. ex. 00
D6 Hym. sp. 0 0
E1 T. ex., T. macr., T. macu. 00
E2 T. ae., T. ex.,B. sp., G. ver., Hym. lut., Hym. sp. 1622.61 126
E3 T. ae.,T. ex., B. sp., E. sp., Hym. sp. 312.57 9
F1,G. ver. 6925.60 297
F2 T. ae. 1528.11 202
F3 T. ae.,Hym. sp. 717.53 42
* Tuber aestivum,T. ex.Tuber excavatum,T. macu.Tuber maculatum,T. macr.Tuber macrosporum,T. sp. Tuber sp., H. tul.Hydnotria tulasnei,
Hym. sp. Hymenogaster sp., Hym. lut.Hymenogaster luteus,B. sp. Balsamia sp., M. sp. Melanogaster sp., Rh. ros.Rhizopogon roseolus,G. ver.Genea
verrucosa,G. sp. Genea sp.
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T. aestivum is associated with forests characterized by a
large variety of plant species. Locations where the spe-
cies is found are highly valuable and interesting as they
are associated to calcareous soils which cover rather
small areas in Poland (Rosa-Gruszecka et al. 2017b).
Soil analyses and vegetation data can be useful in
predicting the current distribution of T. aestivum in
Europe (Csorbainé 2001; Wedén et al. 2004;Gažo et al.
2005; Hilszczańska et al. 2008,2014; Stobbe et al. 2012;
Moser et al. 2017). Moser et al. (2017) highlighted that
species distribution models (SDMs) of T. aestivum
could be used to categorize fungus locations, although
more environmental parameters were needed than for
T. melanosporum (Serrano-Notivoli et al. 2016). In the
case of the latter truffle species, a few parameters, such
as climate, geology and topography, characterized sui-
table habitats. More variables were needed to charac-
terize habitat suitability for T. aestivum, due mainly to
its plasticity towards a large range of physicochemical
soil properties (Robin et al. 2016) and associated vege-
tation (Bencivenga et al. 1995; Stobbe et al. 2012;
Hilszczańska et al. 2014). Vegetation inventories
showed that orchids often co-occur with truffles, espe-
cially those belonging to the genera Epipactis Zinn,
Cephalanthera Rich. and Cypripedium L.
(Hilszczańska et al. 2014). It was shown that orchids
can be mycorrhizal partners of Tuber species (Selosse
et al. 2004). For example, mycelium of T. maculatum
was isolated from the roots of Epipactis helleborine and
Cephalanthera damasonium, and mycelium of T. exca-
vatum was isolated from the roots of Epipactis micro-
phylla (Ouanphanivanh et al. 2008). Orchids and
truffles share similar niches in the soil, and the key
factor in their development is calcium. For example,
Cypripedium calceolus grows in soils with a 6.67.5 pH
range (Ellenberg et al. 1991). In this study, orchid
species were present in all plots (with only one
Figure 1. Variance in the number of Burgundy truffle (Tuber aestivum) fruiting bodies explained by environmental predictors in
Poland. Results are from hierarchical partitioning. The white-grey colour indicates the independent variance explained solely by a
predictor; the black colour indicates the variance explained jointly with other predictors.
Table 4. Parameters of soil and environmental variables fitted
to DCA analysis. Coefficient of determination r
individual vari-
ables with the location of points in the ordination space and
significance level p were computed by a permutation test with
999 iterations. Significant p-values are in bold characters.
Variable DCA1 DCA2 r
pH H
O 0.96 0.29 0.12 0.191
Ca [cmol(+)/kg] 0.97 0.23 0.25 0.013
C/N 0.86 0.51 0.40 0.003
Corg [%] 1.00 0.05 0.34 0.002
[mg/100g] 1.00 0.02 0.04 0.608
K [cmol(+)/kg] 0.99 0.10 0.11 0.208
Mg [cmol(+)/kg] 0.13 0.99 0.21 0.043
Sand [%] 0.09 1.00 0.23 0.020
Silt [%] 0.13 0.99 0.22 0.051
Clay [%] 0.32 0.95 0.01 0.945
H (Shannon diversity index for forest floor
0.80 0.60 0.04 0.603
Total number of plant species 0.37 0.93 0.28 0.017
Number of tree and shrub hosts 0.89 0.46 0.03 0.682
Seedling cover [%] 0.57 0.82 0.13 0.157
Downloaded From: on 12 Apr 2019
Terms of Use: Access provided by Czech University of Life Sciences
exception) with a pH between 6.8 and 7.6, and in most
cases they were present in plots where truffles fructifi-
cated (Tables 13).
Although some plant and truffle species showed
significant correlations, the main determinant of truffle
presence seems to be a high amount of calcium in the
soil. Given that all the plant species that were positively
correlated with truffles have a wide distribution range
and a broad ecological plasticity, such an explanation is
reasonable. Moreover, endophytic colonization of her-
baceous plant roots by T. aestivum cannot be excluded.
Positive correlations between the presence of T. aesti-
vum (fruiting bodies) and that of herbaceous species
such as Brachypodium sylvaticum,Sanicula europea
and Viola mirabilis (Table 6) support this assumption,
as also shown by Schneider-Maunoury et al. (2018)in
the case of the related species T. melanosporum which
was present in non-mycorrhizal roots of some herbac-
eous plants. The detection of T. aestivum in the roots
of various non-host plants was previously reported by
Gryndler et al. (2014).
Negative correlations between Lilium martagon and
Polygonatum multiflorum and T. aestivum fruiting
bodies (Table 6) might be due to the presence of
bioactive compounds in the tissues of the herbaceous
species. These species are rich in saponin glycosides,
sitosterol, asparagine, tannins and other compounds
that can inhibit truffle development; for example, by
limiting the number of soil bacteria necessary in the
process of formation and maturation of fruiting bodies
(Benucci and Bonito 2016). The lack of T. aestivum
fruiting bodies under young C. betulus seedlings is
probably due to their age. In truffle orchards T. aesti-
vum fruiting bodies usually occur when seedlings are at
least eight years old (Rosa-Gruszecka et al. 2017b).
The purpose of this work was to show that suitable
T. aestivum habitats occur when certain conditions are
met, including soils rich in calcium and the presence of
different plant species typical of calcareous soils, but
these conditions are not limited to soils and presence of
Figure 2. Result of the detrended correspondence analysis (DCA) of herb layer vegetation in plots with truffles (circle) and without
truffles (square). 1 group centroids of the plots with truffles, 0 group centroids of the control plots. Axis parameters: DCA1:
eigenvalue 0.3143; DCA2: eigenvalue 0.1759. Only variables that were statistically significantly (p < 0.05) correlated to the
ordination results are shown (a permutation test based on 999 iterations was used).
Table 5. Significance and effect of the studied environmental
predictors on the number of Burgundy truffle (Tuber aestivum)
fruiting bodies in Poland. Results from a GLMM. Significant
p-values are in bold characters.
Category Predictor t p
Soil Calcium 5.93 < 0.001
Phosphorus (P
) 2.33 0.028
Clay 1.25 0.22
Vegetation Plant species richness 2.15 0.042
Host tree species 0.42 0.68
Seedling cover 1.77 0.09
Downloaded From: on 12 Apr 2019
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thermophilous shrubs (Stobbe et al. 2012; Hilszczańska
et al. 2014; Merenyi et al. 2014). It seems that the
cohabitation of species that differ in ecological require-
ments may indicate conditions or processes conducive
to truffle development in a given location. Hence, the
presence of truffle fruiting bodies might be correlated
with plant species diversity rather than richness in
plants that share the same ecological niche. In a study
carried out in beech forests in Germany and
Switzerland, Moser et al. (2017) showed that some
species play a key role in truffle development. It cannot
be excluded that in a small vegetation patch, some
factors, hitherto unknown, alleviate competition in
the plant community and, ipso facto, stimulate an
increase in species richness.
This study showed the potential of using some plant
species as indicators of natural populations of the
Burgundy truffle. The investigated sites where the
presence of fruiting bodies coincided with a complex
of forest-floor species, including Sanicula europaea,
Viola mirabilis,Brachypodium sylvaticum and orchid
Cephalanthera damasonium, seemed to be consistent
with suitable habitat for T. aestivum. Comprehensive
research aimed at a thorough analysis of the conditions
at locations where Burgundy truffles are found should
facilitate the discovery of new places of occurrence as
well as allowing to optimize the soil conditions in
truffle orchards in Poland.
We thank Jan Gazo and Marian Miko from Agricultural
University of Nitra (Slovakia) for their help with truffle
hunting and field work.
Disclosure statement
All the authors conducted literature research and contributed
to the preparation and critical revision of the manuscript. All
the authors read and approved the final manuscript. The
authors declare that they have no competing interests.
This work was supported by the State Forests National Forest
Holding [grant No. OR-].
Dorota Hilszczańska
Aleksandra Rosa-Gruszecka
Jakub Horak
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Quercus robur (c) 0.0609 10 9 58 69
Aegopodium podagraria (c) 0.1115 12 9 63 77
Anemone nemorosa (c) 0.2005 6 7 26 54
Asarum europaeum (c) 0.2508 9 8 37 69
Astragalus glycyphyllos (c) 0.1826 6 6 26 46
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Maianthemum bifolium (c) 0.0943 14 7 68 54
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Viola mirabilis* (c) 0.4659 8 8 32 69
Viola reichenbachiana (c) 0.2505 16 8 84 69
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aestivum fruiting bodies. Asterisks show significant correlations (p 0.05).
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... Truffles are the subterranean fruiting bodies of Tuber (Ascomycotina, Pezizales), a mycorrhizal genus of fungi that needs host plants and appropriate environmental conditions for development [12][13][14][15]. The process of fruiting body formation is affected by many biotic and abiotic factors, and research on this aspect has been conducted in many countries [16][17][18][19]. ...
... Previous studies have shown that orchids belonging to the genera Epipactis Zinn, Cephalanthera Rich, and Cypripedium L. also coexist with the Burgundy truffle [14,23]. Orchids have been reported to form mycorrhizal symbiosis with many species of truffles [24]. ...
... K. Koch) [29]. Biotic and abiotic factors connected with presence of T. aestivum in Europe have been broadly investigated [14,15,[17][18][19][30][31][32][33][34]. ...
Full-text available
The aim of this study was to enable searches for truffles (Tuber spp.), particularly the Burgundy truffle (T. aestivum Vittad.), to be carried out in forests based on a method that has been constantly developed since 2007 by the Forest Research Institute. The method is termed “Virtual Truffle Hunting” and it takes 12 parameters into account: bedrock, soil pH, Ca+ and CaCO3 content in soil, C/N ratio, soil structure, altitude of terrain, type of forest site, forest structure, the Burgundy truffle host trees, and the presence of particular species including orchids and insects. A simple “Virtual Truffle Hunting” software has also been developed, which makes the use of the method easy, fast, and effective. This method is to ascertain the truffle potential for all areas in which digital maps are not available. In 2015, the method was tested in 20 sites, representing forests in 5 Polish macroregions. Hunting for hypogeous fungi was conducted from June to October with the help of trained dogs. Thanks to this method, 14 new truffle sites were found. The knowledge of environmental conditions conducive to the Burgundy truffle growth enabled us to form an effective tool in order to identify new sites of truffle presence. View Full-Text Keywords: bioindicators; hypogeous fungi; soil parameters; software; Tuber aestivum; valorization
... Research conducted by Hilszczańska et al. (2019a, b) on areas G and W were located in stands not subject to human impact and composed of different species, although with similar soil pH to those described by Gryndler et al. (2013) (pH 6.9 and 7.5 respectively). The research by Siebyła et al. (2020) and previous studies by Hilszczańska et al. (2019aHilszczańska et al. ( , 2019b showed that the influence of soil chemical composition on the occurrence of truffle fruiting bodies is of great importance. The soil was mainly determined by the content of calcium ions. ...
... The percentage (%) of calcium ions was almost twice as high in the truffle variant (42.6 cmol / kg on average), compared to the control variant (24.06 cmol / kg). Similarly, N, C, K were almost twice as high in the samples where truffle fruiting bodies were detected compared to the control variant in the soils of sites G and W. Plots G and W were located in stands that were not influenced by humans and consisted of other forest vegetation, and soil pH (pH 6.9 and 7.5, respectively) was similar (Hilszczańska et al. 2019a(Hilszczańska et al. , 2019b as described by Gryndler et al. (2013). Plots M and W were dominated by upland forest and fresh forest, respectively. ...
The rhizosphere is the region of soil in which the highest densities of fungi and bacteria occur. In this study, an attempt was made to assess the distribution of bacterial species in soil where the summer truffle Tuber aestivum Vittad. bears fruit in selected stands in Poland. In order to determine the bacterial metagenome, the Next Generation Sequencing (NGS) method was applied. Differences occurred in the bacterial species composition at the cluster level between soils in which summer truffle fruiting was recorded and control soils. In particular, differences in the percentage of Firmicutes bacteria were noted with an average frequency of 3.9% in truffle soil compared to 96.1% in the control soil. It was estimated that two bacterial species, namely Lysobacter antibioticus and Ensifer adhaerens had a positive effect on the occurrence of T. aestivum. Our research increased the knowledge of particular groups of bacteria accompanying truffles and their potential impact on the formation of fruiting bodies in T. aestivum.
... In 2007, research on truffles conducted in the Nida Basin revealed the presence in Poland of T. aestivum and other truffle species [21]. Since then, efforts have been made to disseminate knowledge about truffles (Tuber spp.) by publications, a movie, and book [11,12,14,15,[21][22][23][24][25][26], and popular programs. The first Polish truffle orchards were established using seedlings inoculated from native inoculum. ...
... In the oldest orchard, which was established in 2008, fruiting bodies of T. aestivum were first observed in 2016 [12]. The research and popularization of truffles was strongly supported by the forestry sector, which help to drive research and to promote the subject within forestry education [23][24][25][26]. ...
Full-text available
While the use of truffles in Poland has a long tradition, for historical reasons this knowledge was almost lost. Currently, truffles and truffle orchards are again receiving public attention. For example, the Polish State Forests supported the establishment of truffle orchards by the Forestry Research Institute. In recent years, knowledge concerning these unique hypogeous fungi has been disseminated systematically through scientific and popular publications, films, and electronic media. This study investigates the awareness of economically and culinary valued truffle fungi (Tuber spp.) among more than 1400 Polish foresters. The results show that 70% of interviewees were familiar with historical and contemporary information about growing and using truffles in Poland. Based on respondents' age, education, type of work, and gender we attempted to identify whether these elements were associated with the state of knowledge about truffles. The results indicated that younger foresters were better informed about the presence of truffles in Poland and also about their use in the past in Polish cuisine. Environmental education was an important source of knowledge about truffle harvesting and the soils that are conducive to truffle development. Foresters who have provided forest ecology education and who are 36-65 years of age generally possessed better knowledge about truffles than other age cohorts. More than 30% of respondents expressed interest in educational courses to improve their knowledge of truffles. The results point to the need for forestry education concerning truffles and indicate the need for fostering sustainable agroforestry-centered initiatives disseminating this knowledge to the public.
... There must be other parameters, influenced directly or indirectly by the meteorological variables, responsible for the different fruiting of species and their diversity. For example, the concentration of ergosterol in the soil would be related to the composition of the ectomycorrhizal community [75,76] and the concentrations of nitrogen [17,77], calcium, and phosphorus [78]. Soil factors could be responsible for the distribution of fruiting in the landscape [79], which in turn, is related to the availability of nitrogen [77]. ...
Full-text available
The fungal biodiversity associated with a stable plant community appears to vary from year to year. To analyse the annual behaviour in the formation of fruiting bodies, a statistical study of the data obtained for 4 years (2009–2012) in an apparently undisturbed Mediterranean ecosystem dominated by the holm oak (Quercus ilex L. subsp. ballota (Desf.) Samp.), located in the Midwest of the Iberian Peninsula, was carried out. These data were related to the main meteorological variables. The 150 species collected showed a significant annual, monthly, and weekly difference in their fruiting during the collection period. All this implies a variation in the annual fungal fruiting which can modify the moment of when maximum peaks of fruiting appear, their duration, and the number of species that compose them. In addition, the results make it possible to establish an annual behaviour pattern, with sporocarp formation throughout the year and four fruiting groups (two of them in the dry season). They also allow for inferring a possible response to climate change, with a delay in the fruiting of the autumn-winter group and earlier fruit bearing in the winter-spring group.
... In summary, our study has shown that individual fruiting bodies of T. aestivum collected from two areas, representing the same stage of maturity, possessed different microbiomes. These differences may result from the diverse plant community of forest floor environment (Hilszczańska et al. 2018) and, therefore, influence differences in microbiomes. In general, the core bacterial microbiome of the studied gleba from T. aestivum was similar to the bacterial communities of the other Tuber species (Benucci and Bonito 2016). ...
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Tuber species may be regarded as complex microhabitats hosting diverse microorganisms inside their fruiting bodies. Here, we investigated the structure of microbial communities inhabiting the gleba of wild growing (in stands) T. aestivum, using Illumina sequencing and culture-based methods. The two methods used in combination allowed to extract more information on complex microbiota of Tuber aestivum gleba. Analysis of the V3–V4 region of 16S rDNA identified nine phyla of bacteria present in the gleba of T. aestivum ascomata, mostly Proteobacteria from the family Bradyrhizobiaceae. Our results ideally match the earlier data for other Tuber species where the family Bradyrhizobiaceae was the most represented. The ITS1 region of fungal rDNA represented six alien fungal species belonging to three phyla. To complement the metagenomic analysis, cultivable fungi and bacteria were obtained from the gleba of the same T. aestivum fruiting bodies. The identified fungi mostly belong to the phylum Basidiomycota and same to Ascomycota. Analysis of cultivable bacteria revealed that all the specimens were colonized by different strains of Bacillus. Fungal community inhabiting T. aestivum fruiting bodies was never shown before.
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Truffles are a highly valued fungi group because of their gastronomic and economic importance. Even though the demands for truffles, particularly Tuber melanosporum and T. aestivum, has been increased year by year, the natural production of these valued fungi has decreased. So, truffle cultivation is becoming an agricultural alternative in Europe, and the rural economy was supported by cultivating truffle. In Turkey, truffle cultivation was becoming popular in recent years. However, there is not enough literature for understanding the basics of truffle cultivation in Turkey. Hence, it is aimed to discuss the selection of suitable truffle land. Because land selection can be considered as the first step of truffle cultivation and unsuitable land can be limited truffle cultivation success. So, the ecological features of economically important truffles, T. aestivum, T. borchii, T. magnatum, and T. melanosporum, are given in this study based on current literature and field experience.
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The Périgord black truffle (Tuber melanosporum Vittad.) is an ectomycorrhizal fungus forming edible fructifications. The production of T. melanosporum relies mainly on man-made plantations. T. melanosporum is a heterothallic species requiring the meeting of two partners of opposite mating types to fruit. It is common to have productive and non-productive trees in the same orchard. The aim of our study was to assess the distribution of T. melanosporum mating types in soil under productive and non-productive trees to test whether the presence or absence of one or two mating types could be an indicator of productivity. To achieve this aim, five orchards were selected in various French regions. Soils were harvested under productive and non-productive Quercus pubescens; soil characteristics and the distribution of the mating types in the soil were investigated. No significant differences between productive and non-productive soils according to soil parameters were detected. The total content of T. melanosporum DNA in the soil was significantly higher under productive trees compared with non-productive trees, and it was positively correlated only with soil available phosphorous. Under productive trees, it was more frequent to find both mating types than under non-productive trees. Soils with only one mating type were more frequent under non-productive trees than under productive ones. Moreover, no mating type was detected in the soil of 22% of the non-productive trees. These results suggest that the detection of T. melanosporum mating types in soil could be a tool to optimise the management of truffle orchards (e.g. by spore inoculation).
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This paper describes the quantitative and qualitative composition of bacteria isolated from soil in the selected sites in the Nida Basin, in places where mycorrhizae and ascocarps of summer truffle (Tuber aestivum) were found, and in a control soil (without truffle). A classic growth culture method was used with Sanger DNA sequencing to obtain quantitative and qualitative measures of bacterial cultures. The obtained results showed differences in bacteriome composition between the case samples, in which summer truffle fructification was observed, and the control samples. Seven classes of bacteria were identified: Actinobacteria, Bacilli, Deinococci, Flavobacteria, Alphaproteobacteria, Betaproteobacteria, and Gammaproteobacteria. The most numerous bacterial genera were Pseudomonas (class Gammaproteobacteria) – 33%, Streptomyces (class Actinobacteria) – 29% and Bacillus (class Bacilli) – 15%. This research broadens the understanding of individual groups of bacteria accompanying truffles and their potential impact on the formation of summer truffle ascocarps.
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In this paper we discuss the data on presence of truffles (Tuber spp.) in Polish literature and culture through the ages. The aim of this article was to give the historical data on truffles as well as the new ones together with the ongoing research on that ultimate fungi. Study concerning widely understood history of and research on truffles in Poland was based on review of literature dating back to XVII century. A total of 67 books and articles were reviewed. Given the rich body of literature, especially in the past centuries, we have come to the conclusion that truffles were well known to the Poles (at least to the nobles and the rich). Some factors determining truffle forgetfulness after the Second World War are given in respect to social, cultural and forests' management changes. The following reasons can be highlighted: (1) changes in the forest cover, which in 1945 was only 20.8% and furthermore unfavorable changes in the forest struc− ture, the tree species composition and the management (undergrowth shading the forest floor) for truffle development; (2) changes in the structure of forest ownership and management, especially disappearance of traditional ways of forest use, such as cattle grazing and brushwood collecting; (3) changes of Polish State borders resulting in significant area of soils, which are conducive to truffles growing (chernozem) coming into the borders of Ukrainian territory; (4) social changes resulted from the extermination and deportations of Polish aristocracy and intelligentsia (including foresters) – knowledgeable social group of people regarding truffle col− lection, use and cultivation as well as migration of people from rural to urban areas and emigra− tion from Poland, and (5) the fact that in time of communists regime there was no room to promote the gourmet products, especially if it was associated with the aristocracy. In consequence, truffles went into oblivion. Furthermore, the aspects of promotion and establishment of truffle orchards in Poland in the last decade are also presented. Based on the authors findings is clearly shown that there is a great potential towards promotion and growing truffles in Poland, especially Tuber aestivum Vittad. known as summer or Burgundy truffle. This species has a wide range in Europe and plasticity to different climatic conditions.
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Truffle harvests are declining in Europe, due to droughts, and this offers an opportunity for production to be developed in countries such as the UK and Poland, where rainfall tends to be higher. Drier Medi-terranean summers seem to be associated with a decrease in the harvest of the P erigord truffle (Tuber melanosporum) in Spain, France and Italy. However, other species, for example the Burgundy truffle (Tuber aestivum) offer opportunities for production in the more temperate environments north of the Alps. Truffles across Europe can be infested by insect larvae, seriously reducing their economic and culinary quality. Here, using a combination of literature sources and a field survey, we present a commentary on insects attacking truffles, aiming to highlight those species that could be potential pests in the British and Polish emergent industries. There is a remarkable disparity in coincidence of records of insects and truffles in these countries, yet a survey in Poland confirms that insects can be abundant. We discuss reasons for this disparity and suggest that biochemical methods could easily be developed for detection of the truffles and their attackers. Please cite this article in press as: Rosa-Gruszecka, A., et al., Insect-truffle interactions e potential threats to emerging industries?, Fungal Ecology (2016),
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Cultivation of the Burgundy truffle, Tuber aestivum Vittad., has become a new agricultural alternative in Poland. For rural economies, the concept of landscaping is often considerably more beneficial than conventional agriculture and promotes reforestation, as well as land-use stability. Considering examples from France, Italy, Hungary and Spain, truffle cultivation stimulates economic and social development of small, rural communities. Because there is no long tradition of truffle orchards in Poland, knowledge regarding the environmental factors regulating the formation of fruiting bodies of T. aestivum is limited. Thus, knowledge concerning ectomycorrhizal communities of T. aestivum host species is crucial to ensuring successful Burgundy truffle production. We investigated the persistence of T. aestivum ectomycorrhizae on roots of hazel (Corylus avellana L.) and oak (Quercus robur L.) and checked the host-species influence on community structure of ectomycorrhizal fungi. The study was conducted in an experimental plantation located in eastern Poland and established in 2008. We demonstrated that the number of fungal taxa was not significantly different between oak and hazel. However, the species composition differed between these two host trees. During the three-year study, we observed that species richness did not increase with the age of the plantation.
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Cultivation of the Burgundy truffle, Tuber aestivum Vittad., has become a new agricultural alternative in Poland. For rural economies, the concept of landscaping is often considerably more beneficial than conventional agriculture and promotes reforestation, as well as land-use stability. Considering examples from France, Italy, Hungary and Spain, truffle cultivation stimulates economic and social development of small, rural communities. Because there is no long tradition of truffle orchards in Poland, knowledge regarding the environmental factors regulating the formation of fruiting bodies of T. aestivum is limited. Thus, knowledge concerning ectomycorrhizal communities of T. aestivum host species is crucial to ensuring successful Burgundy truffle production. We investigated the persistence of T. aestivum ectomycorrhizae on roots of hazel (Corylus avellana L.) and oak (Quercus robur L.) and checked the host-species influence on community structure of ectomycorrhizal fungi. The study was conducted in an experimental plantation located in eastern Poland and established in 2008. We demonstrated that the number of fungal taxa was not significantly different between oak and hazel. However, the species composition differed between these two host trees. During the three-year study, we observed that species richness did not increase with the age of the plantation.
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Background Traditional Environmental Knowledge (TEK) related to truffles represents an under-investigated area of research in ethnobiology. Nevertheless, truffles, in a few southern European areas, and notably in South Piedmont, represent a crucial component of the local economy and cultural heritage. Methods Thirty-four white truffle (Tuber magnatum Pico) gatherers, locally known as trifulau, aged between 35 and 75 years and living in a few villages and small towns of the Langhe and Roero areas (South Piedmont, NW Italy), were interviewed in-depth during the years 2010-2014 regarding their ecological perceptions, truffle gathering techniques, and the socio-ecological changes that have occurred during the past several decades. Results A very sophisticated ethnoecological knowledge of the trees, soils, and climatic conditions considered ideal for searching for and finding white truffles was recorded. Moreover, a very intimate connection between gatherers and their dogs plays a fundamental role in the success of the truffle search. However, according to the informants, this complex ethnoecological cobweb among men, truffles, dogs, and the environment has been heavily threatened in the past few decades by major changes: climate change, in which the summer has become a very hot and dry season; social changes, due to a more market-oriented attitude of younger gatherers; and especially environmental and macro-economic dynamics, which followed the remarkable expansion of viticulture in the study area. Conclusion The TEK of white truffle gatherers indicates the urgent need for fostering sustainable gastronomy-centred initiatives, aimed at increasing the awareness of consumers and food entrepreneurs regarding the co-evolution that has inextricably linked locals, truffles, and their natural environment during the past three centuries.
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Fungi that produce their fruiting bodies underground within the soil profile are known commonly as truffles. Truffle fruiting bodies harbor a diverse but poorly understood microbial community of bacteria, yeasts, and filamentous fungi. In this study, we used next-generation 454 amplicon pyrosequencing of the V1 and V4 region of the bacterial 16S ribosomal DNA (rDNA) in order to characterize and compare effects of truffle species and geographic origin on the truffle microbiome. We compared truffle microbiomes of the glebal tissue for eight truffle species belonging to four distinct genera within the Pezizales: Tuber, Terfezia, Leucangium, and Kalapuya. The bacterial community within truffles was dominated by Proteobacteria, Bacterioides, Actinobacteria, and Firmicutes. Bacterial richness within truffles was quite low overall, with between 2-23 operational taxonomic units (OTUs). Notably, we found a single Bradyrhizobium OTU to be dominant within truffle species belonging to the genus Tuber, irrespective of geographic origin, but not in other truffle genera sampled. This study offers relevant insights into the truffle microbiome and raises questions concerning the recruitment and function of these fungal-associated bacteria consortia.
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Black truffle (Tuber melanosporum Vittad.) has very specific environmental requirements. We integrated these requirements in a geographic information system and weighted them depending on their importance for the presence of the species, based on previous field and laboratory experience. The parameters considered were divided into three groups: (i) topographic; (ii) climatic and (iii) edaphic. A multicriteria analysis was used to develop a final potential habitat map, and filtering it by land uses we produced the cultivation potential map. The result of this work is a 1:275,000 map of Zaragoza province (Spain) that integrates all mentioned maps. This is a practical tool for territory managers, farmers and researchers who will be capable of identifying the better cultivation zones in the Zaragoza province with this map.
The ectomycorrhizal Tuber melanosporum forms edible fruit-bodies after mating between two haploid parents: a maternal individual, which feeds the fruit-body and colonizes surrounding ectomycorrhizas, and a paternal one hitherto undetected around fruit-bodies. Several other aspects of T. melanosporum ecology remain unclear, such as the formation of a brûlé around the mycelium, i.e. patches where plant growth is impaired. Here, we test the hypothesis that T. melanosporum, and specifically paternal individuals, is present on the roots of herbaceous, non-ectomycorrhizal plants of the brûlé. Specific primers detected T. melanosporum on 78.9% of the plant individuals investigated (89.7% of the 80 species considered), and metabarcoding confirmed its presence on 46 of the 70 plant individuals investigated. Genotyping with 13 microsatellites detected maternal individuals of nearby fruit-bodies, but not paternal individuals, whose niche thus remains elusive. We discuss the possibility that T. melanosporum is also a root endophyte in non-ectomycorrhizal plants.
Although Tuber aestivum is widely distributed across Europe, little is known about its biology and ecology. We assess the vegetation composition of wild T. aestivum sites and use this information to characterise suitable habitats in Fagus sylvatica, Carpinus betulus and Ostrya carpinifolia (FCO) forests. Plant species composition at 16 naturally colonised T. aestivum sites in southwestern Germany and Switzerland was compared with that of 232 reference sites in Swiss FCO forest communities. The vegetation composition of truffle sites exhibits a high proportion of herb and shrub species that are indicators of a warm and dry climate, alkaline soil, and open tree canopy and thus typically occur in thermophilous FCO communities on calcareous bedrock. We conclude that T. aestivum is associated with a set of key species in addition to known host species. Based on their floristic composition, we identified FCO forest communities with high and low suitability for T. aestivum.
Tuber aestivum Vittad. is characterized by a broad ecological amplitude and geographical distribution. It is the most widespread truffle species found in Europe. Tuber aestivum is mainly harvested in natural habitats and in previously cultivated soils recolonized by ectomycorrhizal tree species. Production in orchards is less common. In this chapter, we describe the soils in which this species fructifies. Soil descriptions and characteristics were obtained from different sources and countries. The data set presented here is the largest of its kind for such a broad geographic scale. The bedrocks are mainly of sedimentary origin. The textures vary considerably from silty clayey to loamy sandy. In most of the soils, the pH is alkaline or neutral and, less frequently, slightly acidic. The soils are mostly calcareous or rich in exchangeable alkaline cations, mainly calcium. Despite the fact that they are found mostly in natural habitats, T. aestivum exhibits high potential for settling in new environments.