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Physical and Biological Properties of Bioaerosols


Abstract and Figures

Bioaerosols include bacterial cells and spores, viruses, pollen, fungi, algae, detritus, allergens and cell fragments. Bioaerosol particles are usually a small fraction of all aerosol particles in our surroundings, but their impact can be critical. They are a means for transmission of disease, they cause allergic reactions and they have effects on the global climate, ecology and biodiversity. This chapter provides an overview of the main types of bioaerosol particles, their sources, transport and sinks, and their potential effects on health and atmosphere.
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Chapter 3
Physical and Biological Properties of Bioaerosols
Jakob Löndahl
P. Jonsson et al. (eds.), Bioaerosol Detection Technologies, Integrated Analytical Systems,
DOI 10.1007/978-1-4419-5582-1_3, © Springer-Verlag New York 2014
J. Löndahl ()
Division of Ergonomics and Aerosol Technology, Department of Design Sciences,
Lund University, Box 118, 221 00 Lund, Sweden
Bioaerosols make up a diverse group of airborne particles with biological origins.
They include bacterial cells and spores, viruses, pollen, fungi, algae, detritus, al-
lergens and cell fragments. Sometimes the term is also used to include secondary
particles in the atmosphere that are formed from the condensation of gaseous mol-
ecules released by biological organisms. In this chapter, though, bioaerosols refer to
primary (directly emitted) aerosol particles.
Bioaerosol particles are usually a small fraction of all aerosol particles in our
surroundings, but their impact can be critical—a single viable microbial pathogen
could, for instance, be sufficient to spread an infection. Bioaerosols are a means for
transmission of disease between humans, crops and livestock. They can cause aller-
gic reactions and affect indoor air quality. They have to be controlled and minimized
in hospital operating theatres, the food industry, pharmaceutical manufacturing and
cleanrooms. They are important in ecology and biodiversity. They can damage our
cultural heritage and in the worst case, be used for biological terrorism or warfare.
The physical characteristics of bioaerosols are highly varied. The smallest par-
ticles, such as cell fragments, may consist of a few molecules and be 0.001 µm in
diameter while pollen and algae can have sizes of 100 µm or more (Figs. 3.1 and
3.2). This range, which spans over five orders of magnitude, is comparable to the
difference between a pinhead and the St. Peter’s Basilica in Rome.
Aerosol particles, from 0.001–100 µm, have different mechanisms for transport
in the air, deposition on surfaces and light scattering—properties that are important
both for their effects and for their detection. The size also has implications for the
amount of material carried by the particle, since the volume is proportional to the
cubed diameter ( dp
3) and thus spans over 15 orders of magnitude.
Characteristics other than physical size are significant for aerosol movement.
These include density, shape and electrical charge. The density of biological
J. Löndahl34
material typically is around 1.0–1.5 g cm−3, but bioaerosol particles are often mixed
with other matter with higher density, such as mineral dust or sea salt. The shape
of bioaerosols may vary from spherical to elongated structures, from a single cell
to chains or complex aggregates. The electrical charge is presumably close to the
“neutral” Boltzmann charge distribution. Some studies have suggested that airborne
bacteria can carry a high charge, but this is likely due to the methods used for spray-
ing them [1].
A key to understanding the impact of microorganisms in the air is their viability,
that is, their capacity to survive and grow. Many microbes have developed systems
that protect them against the harsh conditions in the atmosphere where exposure to
UV radiation may be high, temperature and oxygen pressure low, and the availabil-
ity of liquid water and nutrition limited [2]. Formation of resting stages, pigmenta-
tion, biofilms and psychrotolerance are among the mechanisms that are involved to
preserve viability.
By mass, the major part of microbial cells generally consists of water (~ 70 %),
although at atmospheric conditions they may desiccate. The remainder mainly is
comprised of proteins, lipids, carbohydrates and other macromolecules.
Ambient concentrations of bioaerosol particles remain uncertain due to a limited
amount of data and the lack of measurement standard. Until recently, culture-based
techniques have been most common and it is well known that these methods cap-
ture only a fraction of the total diversity of the biological particles present in the
air. Culture-independent methods are rapidly developing, but data from these on
environmental bioaerosols are still scarce.
This chapter provides an overview of the main types of bioaerosol particles, their
sources, transport and sinks, and their potential effects on health and atmosphere.
Fig. 3.1 Approximate size range of various individual bioaerosol particles. Fragments include, for
instance, parts of cells, plants and biofilms or the crust on sand and rocks
3 Physical and Biological Properties of Bioaerosols 35
Types of Bioaerosols
Bacteria and Archea
Bacteria are unicellular, prokaryotic, microorganisms found in almost all environ-
ments on Earth. Humans carry ten times more bacteria by number on their skin and
in their gut flora than there are cells in the body. Airborne bacteria may be transport-
ed as single cells, but typically they are attached to other particles such as leaf, soil
or skin fragments [3]. Spherical bacteria ( cocci, e.g. Micrococcus or Streptococcus)
often occur in pairs, chains or clusters. Rod-shaped bacteria ( bacilli, e.g. Bacillus
anthrasis) may be single or form chains.
Based on the structure of the cell wall, most bacteria can be grouped as either
Gram-positive or Gram-negative. The cell walls of Gram-positive bacteria general-
Fig. 3.2 Electron microscope images of (a) Mycobacterium tuberculosis (image credit: Janice
Carr), (b) Flavivirus, (c) Redbud pollen and (d) Chlamydomonas sp., green microalgae
J. Löndahl36
ly have a thick layer of peptidoglycan, while Gram-negative have several thin layers
of peptidoglycan surrounded by an outer membrane containing lipopolysaccharides
(endotoxin). Some Gram-positive bacteria, such as Bacillus and Clostridium, can
develop endospores. These are dormant forms with high resistance to radiation,
heat, freezing and other types of environmental stress. Endospores can be both
smaller and larger than the vegetative cell.
Outdoor particles with bacteria are normally found to have an aerodynamic di-
ameter of approximately 4 µm except at coastal sites and over oceans where the
diameter is about half of this or less [3]. Continental bacteria are normally larger
than marine bacteria, but the difference may be partly due to the formation process,
where airborne bacteria produced from the water sometimes carry less residual ma-
terial [4]. The reported sizes of indoor bacteria are about 1–3 µm [5].
Archaea were previously believed to be specific type of bacteria, but are now
recognized as a separate domain of life. Originally, archaea were found mostly in
extreme environments, but over time they have been detected in many common
habitats. The knowledge about archaea in the air, however, is very limited.
Viruses are parasitic infectious agents that only can reproduce in living cells of ani-
mals, plants or bacteria. Those specialized on infecting bacteria are called bacterio-
phages. Since viruses need a host cell to multiply and carry out metabolic processes,
they are usually not considered organisms. Viruses are the most common biological
entity in ecosystems. A viral particle that is released from a cell and capable of in-
fecting other cells is called a virion.
All viruses carry nucleic acid, either as DNA or RNA (but not both). A protein
shell called a capsid surrounds the genetic material, which is the source of infec-
tion. The capsid allows recognition of receptors on the host cell and helps the virion
in some cases to enter the host cell. In addition, some viruses have an envelope of
lipoproteins originating from the cell membrane.
Viruses are normally found in the size range 0.02–0.3 µm, although a few excep-
tions exist such as mimivirus around 0.4 µm and the exotic Megavirus chilensis,
which is even larger [6, 7]. Viruses are typically shaped either as rods (helical) or
spheres (icosahedral).
The literature on airborne viruses is comparatively scarce. This is most likely
due to inefficient measurement methods—especially before the development of
molecular techniques such as PCR. It is assumed that viruses, at least those that
are viable, normally are transported attached to larger particles. Since they have no
repair systems they are usually more easily inactivated by heat, radiation and other
types of environmental stress than live microorganisms. The relationship between
relative humidity and survival of viruses in the air is complex and varying depend-
ing on virus type [8].
3 Physical and Biological Properties of Bioaerosols 37
Pollen is produced by plants to transfer the male gametes (sperm cells) to the
pistils or female structures where fertilization takes place. The size range of the
pollen grains is approximately 10–100 µm, although many that are found in the
atmosphere are between 20 and 60 µm. Most pollen that contains allergens is an-
emophilous (“wind-loving”). Anemophilous plants (e.g. grass, conifers, birches and
ragweed) use wind as their primary dispersal vector. However, not all pollens are
transferred through the air.
Pollen grains vary not only in size, but also in surface structure, density and
shape. Normally they have a hard shell that protects the seed and prevents deteriora-
tion of the genetic material present in the nuclei from environmental stress during
transport through the atmosphere. The shell may rupture into smaller fragments
between 0.1 and 5 µm at high humidity [9]. The shape and structure of the pollen
grains are characteristic for different plant species and their origin can often be
identified under microscope.
The dispersal, resuspension and transport of pollen into the atmosphere are large-
ly determined by meteorological factors. For instance, emissions decrease when
wind speeds are low and during rainfall. There also appears to be an association
between transport distances and temperature, with an increase in distances travelled
as the temperature increases [10].
The concentration of pollen in the air follows a seasonal cycle that primarily is
a function of climate and has a limited shift due to meteorological factors. Climate
change may adjust the onset of these pollination seasons and alter their duration.
Fungi are among the most common organisms on Earth and include molds, rusts,
smuts, yeasts, mildews and mushrooms. In many ecosystems they play a key
role as decomposers. They may be independent or live in symbiotic or parasitic
associations with plants and animals. Fungi are a source of severe problems when
they cause crop diseases, infectious disease or allergies, but can also be beneficial
when used in biological pesticides or for the production of antibiotics.
Some fungi are unicellular, such as yeasts, but usually they consist of multi-
cellular tubular filaments called hyphae. The hyphae branch into a network called
mycelium, which may develop reproductive spores. These spores can be released
by passive processes, using wind or other external forces, or by active processes
where an ejection is produced by, for instance, osmotic pressure or surface tension.
It is commonly assumed that spores constitute the bulk of the bioaerosols pro-
duced from fungi. These are found in the size range 1–50 µm, but more typically
between 2 and 10 µm [11, 12]. Frequent genera in the atmosphere are Cladospo-
rium, Alternaria and the actively released ascospores and basidiospores. It has been
shown that emission of the spores may be accompanied by significant amounts of
fungal fragments [13].
J. Löndahl38
Some fungi produce mycotoxins, which are secondary metabolites associated
with both acute and chronic health effects. Fungal spores are coated with ergosterol
and sometimes sugar alcohols (e.g. arabitol and mannitol). These compounds can be
used as chemical tracers for the total spore concentration in the air.
Microalgae and Cyanobacteria
Microalgae are eukaryotic and predominantly photosynthetic organisms that are
present in both aquatic and many non-aquatic habitats. In aquatic environments,
microalgae play an important role in the microbial food web.
Cyanobacteria, also called blue-green algae, are bacteria which, similar to most
algae, can produce chemical energy through photosynthesis. Algae and cyanobacte-
ria together produce the major part of the atmospheric oxygen.
Algae can be both unicellular and multicellular and range in size from about
1 µm to several meters. Few studies have investigated airborne microalgae and
cyanobacteria, but they have nevertheless been found in both indoor and outdoor
air around the globe [14, 15].
Allergens, Lichens, Fragments and Other Bioaerosols
A variety of biologically derived particles in the air can be added to the list. Crusts on
rocks and sand often carry biological material that may be suspended into the air as
a result of erosion from wind and rainfall [16]. Lichens, which are a symbiotic union
between fungi and microalgae or cyanobacteria, are widespread on Earth and have
also been detected in the atmosphere [17]. Plant fragments are, by mass, among the
most common bioaerosol materials in the atmosphere [18]. Other particle types that
can be important, especially from a health point of view as they may cause allergic
reactions, are skin fragments, fur fibers, insect secretions and dandruffs.
Sources, Transport and Sinks
Dispersal is fundamental to life. After survival and reproduction it can be regarded
as the third most important need for an organism. Since the air provides an efficient
pathway for fast transport over long distances, it is thus not surprising that many
microbes have developed mechanisms to spread into the atmosphere, stay viable for
long periods in its inhospitable environment and deposit on a new location to begin
life. It has even been suggested that through millions of years of evolution microbes
have adapted at the group level to become airborne by, for example, changing the
local climate and increasing wind speeds [19, 20]. Transport by the wind may very
well be the most common route for microbial dispersal [21]. This section reviews
emission, aging and deposition of bioaerosols (Fig. 3.3).
3 Physical and Biological Properties of Bioaerosols 39
Sources—Primary Emission
Bioaerosols are produced by a range of processes including bubble bursting, ero-
sion, active dispersal and mechanical interaction between surfaces. The particles
may be airborne as individual cells, but often they are attached to other material
such as dust, plant fragments or as a group of cells trapped in biofilm.
Globally, open water is a major source of ambient bioaerosols, since water cov-
ers about 70 % of the Earth. The surface of the water has an almost omnipresent mi-
crolayer, up to some hundreds of µm thick, which is in contact with the atmosphere.
This surface microlayer is a unique habitat and compared to subsurface waters, it
is enriched by orders of magnitude with bacteria, viruses and other microorgan-
isms as well as lipids, carbohydrates, polysaccharides, amino acids and proteins.
The aerosol particles dispersed from the surface are even further concentrated with
biological material [23, 24].
There are three main types of droplets formed from bodies of water: spume
drops, film drops and jet drops (Fig. 3.4) [25]. Spume drops, which generally have
a minimum diameter of about 40 µm, are torn off from wave crests when wind
speed exceeds 7–11 m s−1. Film and jet drops originate from the bursting of bubbles.
Film drops, usually with diameters between 1 and 10 µm, are released horizontally
when the thin film on top of the bubble ruptures, while jet drops, with diameters of
6–100 µm or about one-tenth of the initial bubble, are ejected in an upward direction
when the bubble collapses. Bubbles larger than 8 µm in diameter are required for
jet drops [26]. Major sources of bubbles are breaking waves, rain and boat traffic.
Over dry land, plants release bioaerosol particles as a result of decay processes or
for reproduction—the latter including pollen and spores. Particles may be emitted
from surfaces of vegetation, soil and rock because of erosion, wind or other types of
mechanical interaction. Droppings from birds and rodents can transmit viral and mi-
croorganism material. In populated areas, the concentration of bioaerosols is often
Fig. 3.3 Cycling of primary
aerosols in the atmosphere
(modified from [22])
J. Löndahl40
enhanced due to agriculture, horticulture, waste disposal, sewage treatment works,
traffic and other human activities.
The outdoor emissions of bioaerosols vary with time and location [18]. Over wa-
ter, the production of bioaerosols is influenced by ice cover and wind speed, which
can vary over the year. Over land, the emissions largely depend on the vegetation
cycles and meteorological conditions, which changes daily and weekly as well as
seasonally. Temporal variation is most pronounced in rural and remote regions. In
densely populated areas, the variation over time is limited as human activity is rela-
tively constant. Geographically, bioaerosol emissions in uninhabited regions may
be homogenous over vast areas, while the emissions in cities often vary strongly
with spatial location since they often are dominated by a few point sources.
Indoor bioaerosols may originate from the outdoor air, but often other sources
are more significant. Especially if water or moisture is available, microbial growth
can be excessive in a building structure, or its ventilation and air conditioning sys-
tems. Particles directly emitted from humans and animals also constitute a large
fraction of the indoor bioaerosols.
In some indoor environments, bioaerosol particles may be detrimental, such as in
operating theatres, industrial cleanrooms, isolation rooms and the food industry. In
these locations efficient ventilation, clean procedures and airlocks usually minimize
most particle sources. However, some particles generated inside the facilities such
as skin fragments or emissions from specific processes may be difficult to remove
completely and can cause severe problems.
Biological warfare and terrorism have been behind much of the development
of new detection techniques for bioaerosols in the past decades. Agents intended
for airborne transmission include bacteria such as Bacillus anthracis, Francisella
tularensis and Yersinia pestis, viruses such as Variola major (smallpox) and Ebola,
toxins such as botulinum toxin (produced by the bacteria Clostridium botulinum)
and many mycotoxins. The consequences can be disastrous if a virus that is not nor-
mally spread through the air is modified to allow airborne transmission—a scenario
which has become less unlikely with the advancement of biotechnology [27].
Transformation and Aging during Transport
Aerosol particles often stay for weeks in the atmosphere before deposition on the
ground. Some particles reach the stratosphere, which further prolongs their atmo-
Fig. 3.4 Aerosol production from water and typical droplet diameters
3 Physical and Biological Properties of Bioaerosols 41
spheric lifetime. During this time, they can be transported thousands of kilometers,
but also transformed and inactivated since particles in the air are exposed to both
physical and chemical aging processes.
The size and structure of aerosols are modified mainly by coagulation, restruc-
turing and evaporation or condensation. During coagulation, particles collide and
form larger units. The coagulation rate increases proportionally to the square of
the number concentration (~ N2) and is thus most rapid in polluted environments.
Particle restructuring may especially occur as a result of water uptake at high
humidity because of the increasing surface tension or due to droplet formation. The
exchange of semivolatile compounds by evaporation and condensation is continu-
ous and highly related to the chemical reactions in the air. Common chemical reac-
tions in the air include oxidation, nitration, hydrolysis and photolysis. The reactions
are often driven by UV radiation as well as oxidants such as OH, ozone, NO3 or
acids such as H2SO4 and water.
Despite the environmental stress in the air, it is possible for many microbes to
remain metabolically active, grow and maintain reproductive capacity [28, 29]. As
mentioned in the introduction, these microbes often have protection mechanisms
that help them preserve viability. Many microorganisms survive by formation of en-
dospores, but also non-spore-forming bacteria have the means to maintain viability
such as repair mechanisms and pigmentation. Some biological agents without repair
mechanism, such as viruses and fungal spores, may be shielded by attachment to
dust, pollen, biofilms or other material. For instance, the foot-and-mouth disease
virus was found to cross the English Channel and the concentration of the influenza
virus increased when dust from China reached Taiwan [30, 31]. It has even been
claimed that bacteria can remain viable more than 50 km above the Earth’s surface
[32]. The atmosphere may very well be a habitat of its own for some microorgan-
isms and not only a means for transportation [2].
Particles are removed from the air by either wet or dry deposition on a surface. Wet
deposition, when particles are washed out from the atmosphere by precipitation, is
the main sink for atmospheric particles (between ~ 0.1 and 10 µm). The particles
may be scavenged in a cloud by formation of or collision with cloud droplets, or
below the cloud if they come in contact with rain or snowfall.
In dry deposition, particles collide and stick to the ground as a result of sedimen-
tation, diffusion, impaction or other processes such as interception, turbulent eddies
and thermophoresis. Particles larger than about 0.5 µm, as most bioaerosols, trans-
port relative to the air primarily due to gravitational settling. The settling velocity
is proportional to the squared diameter ( dp
2) and thus increases dramatically with
size. Large particles that are not removed by sedimentation may land on a surface
by impaction when the air stream changes direction, or be intercepted on it if some
part of the particle comes in contact. Particles smaller than 0.5 µm move mainly by
diffusion due to Brownian motion. The diffusion speed is approximately propor-
tional to the inverse of the squared diameter ( 1/dp
2). In narrow air spaces, such
J. Löndahl42
as the respiratory tract, deposition due to diffusion can efficiently remove the main
fraction of particles below 0.1 µm within a few seconds.
In the range 0.1–1 µm, neither diffusion nor sedimentation or impaction act
strongly on the aerosol particles. Thus, particles in this size span accumulate and
stay longest in the air. It can also be noted that certain bioaerosols, such as some
pollen and fungal spores, are aerodynamically shaped to be buoyant in the air, which
facilitates long-distance transport.
From a health point of view, deposition of bioaerosol particles in the respiratory
tract is of special concern. Figure 3.5 illustrates the regional deposition of inhaled
particles in a normal nose breathing adult during relaxed conditions as calculated
with the Multiple-Path Particle Dosimetry Model (MPPD, version 2.11, Chemical
Industry Institute of Toxicology, Research Triangle Park, NC). As expected, the de-
position probability has a minimum for particles between 0.1 and 1 µm. Bioaerosol
particles larger than 10 µm—such as many pollen, fungal spores and algae—most
likely deposit in the nose and mouth, although some may reach further down into
the respiratory tract. Bacteria, viruses, cell fragments and other small bioaerosol par-
ticles can easily reach the alveoli where gas exchange takes place: around 30–60 %
of the particles in the range 0.01–2 µm that deposit in the respiratory tract end up in
the pulmonary region. The pulmonary region is the most sensitive part of the lungs.
Health Effects
Historical Background
Observations of adverse health outcomes from bioaerosols have accompanied hu-
manity throughout history. An early notion of harmful contagions, possibly molds,
and measures for decontamination is found in Leviticus 14 in the Bible. More devas-
tating was the bubonic plague, caused by the bacterium Yersinia pestis, which likely
Ϭ͘ϬϬϭ Ϭ͘Ϭϭ Ϭ͘ϭ ϭϭϬϭϬϬ
Fig. 3.5 Respiratory tract
deposition fractions of
inhaled hydrophobic particles
in a healthy adult. Values are
calculated for nasal breathing
during relaxed conditions
(12 breaths per minute with
a tidal volume of 0.63 L) by
the MPPD model
3 Physical and Biological Properties of Bioaerosols 43
was the reason for the Black Death that killed at least one third of the population of
Europe in the fourteenth century [33]. Bubonic plague is a zoonotic disease, trans-
mitted from animals to humans, but can also spread between humans via coughing,
for instance. Later, in the mid-nineteenth century, the Irish potato famine gave rise
to one million deaths and large-scale emigration. The starvation was caused by a
potato blight from the fungus-like microorganism Phytophthora infestans, which
can be rapidly transmitted through the air.
Over the last century, several major outbreaks of influenza have been noted [34].
The pandemic of 1918–1920, known as the Spanish flu, with a total of 40–50 mil-
lion deaths was by far the worst. Notorious are also the 1957 Asian flu and the
1968 Hong Kong flu, each with a total mortality of about one million, and the less
destructive but more recent Swine flu in 2009. Judging from history, we will have
more influenza pandemics in the future—perhaps next time if the highly pathogenic
H5N1 virus, known as bird flu, develops an ability to spread in the air from person
to person.
Health Effects from Exposure
There are many health effects associated with bioaerosols related to toxic and al-
lergenic materials, and to infectious diseases from pathogenic biological agents.
Respiratory infections, which often can be linked to inhaled pathogens, are the most
severe diseases worldwide in terms of mortality. They are the source of about 7 % of
the total deaths, which in 2002 corresponded to almost 4 million people [35]. Tu-
berculosis, a lung disease usually caused by airborne Mycobacterium tuberculosis
(Fig. 3.2a), is the reason for another 3 % of the yearly loss of lives in the world,
primarily in low- and middle-income countries [36]. Infectious diseases linked
to bioaerosols are essentially caused by viruses (e.g. influenza, measles), bacte-
ria (e.g. tuberculosis, Legionnaire’s disease) or fungal spores (e.g. aspergillosis,
A biological agent must be viable in order to cause an infection, but non-
viable bioaerosols can also have implications for health if they carry toxic or
allergenic material. Allergens comprise a range of molecular structures from
chemicals with low molecular weight to proteins with high molecular weight
[37]. Common allergens include: proteases (enzymes important in protein ca-
tabolism), some proteins present in dander, saliva and urine from cats and dogs,
glycopeptides from fungi, and industrially produced enzymes from fungi and
Asthma, which is a chronic inflammation of the airways, is sometimes associated
with exposure to allergens from dust mites, dander, cockroaches and mold. Onset
can also be due to exposure to non-allergenic biological material such as endotoxins.
Many toxins with well-known health effects are produced from bacteria and
fungi. Bacterial endotoxins can be strongly pro-inflammatory and inhalation stud-
ies have linked them to symptoms such as fever, neutrophilic airway inflammation,
cough and lung function impairment [38]. Knowledge about airborne exposure to
J. Löndahl44
fungal toxins—mycotoxins—is still limited. Notable is the carcinogenic aflatoxin
from Aspergillus flavus, but the primary route for exposure is ingestion. Other com-
pounds that can be used as biomarkers for toxic effects are ergosterol, which is a
component in fungal membranes and yeasts, and β-(1→3)-D-glucans, which are
cell wall components of most fungi and some bacteria.
Indoor and Workplace Bioaerosols
A building and its ventilation system can facilitate survival of microorganisms since
it provides a closed environment where many of the natural inactivation mecha-
nisms are inhibited, such as UV-light, ozone and large temperature variations. This
is amplified by efforts to save energy by decreased ventilation and increased insu-
lation. Many indoor environments also accommodate potent sources of biological
agents from industrial processes, waste handling, animals or people.
Nonspecific health symptoms related to a building where people reside are of-
ten described as sick building syndrome (SBS). The cause of the symptoms is not
known, but often linked with poor air quality and nearby biological or chemical
contaminants. SBS is probably common, but in absence of clear criteria for diagno-
sis, the prevalence remains uncertain.
Workers may sometimes be exposed to high concentrations of bioaerosols. Oc-
cupations at high risk for infectious diseases are health care workers, farmers and
veterinarians. Of increasing concern is, for instance, multidrug-resistant Staphylo-
coccus aureus (MRSA), which can affect hospital workers and patients. Around
5–10 % of all patients admitted to hospitals in Europe and the United States are af-
fected by health care associated or nosocomial infections, whereof many are spread
through the air [39].
Hygiene Hypothesis
It has long been noted that a certain exposure early in life to microbial agents may
decrease the risk of developing allergies [40, 41]. This is referred to as the hy-
giene hypothesis and the basic idea is that contact with a diverse range of biological
agents during childhood is essential for the development of the immune system.
Although the hypothesis is well supported by epidemiological findings, there are
contradictory data that remain to be explained.
Atmospheric and Ecosystem Impact
Biological material is one of the most important groups of aerosols in the atmo-
sphere, although both its concentration and impact on the environment remains
largely unclear. It has been suggested that up to 1000 Tg of bioaerosols are emitted
3 Physical and Biological Properties of Bioaerosols 45
each year (compared to 3300 Tg for sea salt and 2000 Tg for mineral dust) [42, 18]
(Table 3.1). Proteins, amino acids and related amino compounds alone may consti-
tute up to 10 % of the fine particulate matter in the atmosphere [43].
The most critical effects of atmospheric aerosols are their influence on the global
mean temperature. Airborne particles are essential to the Earth’s energy balance—
the absorption and reflection of incoming radiation from the sun and outgoing ra-
diation from the Earth’s system. Overall, aerosol particles cool the planet, mainly by
backscattering of light from the sun. The backscattering may be either direct (i.e.,
reflection of the light directly by the particles) or indirect, in which case the aero-
sol particles alter light scattering through interactions with clouds. At atmospheric
conditions, cloud droplets are formed by condensation of water vapor on already
existing particles, referred to as cloud condensation nuclei (CCN) or ice nuclei (IN).
Aerosol particles are, in other words, necessary for cloud formation. The average
albedo of Earth aerosols—the fraction of light reflected back into space—is about
20 % and most of this is from clouds.
Bioaerosols represent a relatively small fraction of the total amount of particles
in the atmosphere and thus have a limited effect on the directly scattered light on
a global scale. However, an increasing number of scientific studies are showing
that bioaerosols may have a significant influence on clouds and precipitation [18,
19]. As sources of cloud condensation nuclei biological particles seem to behave
similarly to other particles of equal size, but as ice nuclei they may be extremely
The formation of ice crystals in clouds at temperatures between 0 and 38 °C
originates on ice nuclei, which only are a minor fraction of all aerosol particles.
When the ice crystals have formed, they may quickly grow and thereby initiate
precipitation. The most efficient ice nuclei particles in the atmosphere appear to
be bioaerosols, as some bacterial strains and fungi are found to form ice at high
subzero temperatures [45, 46]. Notable are Pseudomonas syringae, Pseudomonas
fluorescens and Erwinia herbicola.
Table 3.1 Estimated global emissions of primary bioaerosol particles and magnitude of concen-
trations over vegetated regions [18, 44]. Primary emitted aerosols from sea salt, mineral dust and
fossil fuels are inserted for comparison
Global emissions
[Tg year−1]
median (min–max)
Number concentration
Mass concentration
[µg m−3]
Total bioaerosol 132 (< 10–1000)
Bacteria 1.66 (0.7–28) ~ 104~ 0.1
Viral particles ~ 104~ 10−3
Pollen 66 (47–84) ~ 10 (up to 103)~ 1
Fungal spores 31 (8–186) ~ 103–104~ 0.1–1
Algae ~ 100 (up to 103)~ 10−3
Sea salt 3340
Mineral dust 2150
Fossil fuel 35
J. Löndahl46
Other suggested atmospheric effects of bioaerosols include modification of
cloud chemistry. Metabolically active bacteria in cloud droplets can contribute to
the transformation of chemical compounds in the air [43]. The extent of this effect
is uncertain.
In addition, the transport of biological particles through the atmosphere can
sometimes have important consequences for ecosystems by changing biodiversity.
The introduction of new species can affect community diversity and modify the
population’s genetic structure (e.g. [47]).
Bioaerosols play a key role for our health and environment through a variety of
processes. Inversely, anthropogenic activity also has an extensive impact on bio-
aerosols. We do not yet have the full picture of all effects from airborne particles
with biological origins, but the developments in molecular microbiology and aero-
sol technology over the past years have provided new possibilities to unravel this
fascinating world.
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... Alteration of pollen season timing and load is not only triggering allergy-related symptoms but can also potentially alter the climate. Although the direct radiative effect of pollen is likely small at the global scale due to the low particle number concentration (Löndahl, 2014), its indirect effect is potentially relevant. Several studies have demonstrated that pollen is moderately hygroscopic, acting as cloud condensation nuclei (CCN) under very low supersaturation (Pope, 2010;Griffiths et al., 2012;Prisle et al., 2019;Mikhailov et al., 2019). ...
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Active remote sensors equipped with the capability to detect polarization, a shape-relevant parameter, are essential to aerosol particle identification in the vertical domain. Most commonly, the linear particle depolarization ratio has been available at the shorter wavelengths of 355 and/or 532 nm. Recently, linear particle depolarization ratios at longer wavelengths (910, 1064, and 1565 nm) have emerged in lidar aerosol research. In this study, a synergy of three lidars, namely a PollyXT lidar, a Vaisala CL61 ceilometer, and a HALO Photonics StreamLine Pro Doppler lidar, as well as in situ aerosol and pollen observations have been utilized to investigate the spectral dependence of birch and pine pollen particles. We found that, regardless of the pollen type, the linear particle depolarization ratio was subject to the amount of pollen and its relative contribution to the aerosol mixture in the air. More specifically, during birch pollination, characteristic linear particle depolarization ratios of 5 ± 2 % (355 nm), 28 ± 6 % (532 nm), 23 ± 6 % (910 nm), and 33 ± 4 % (1565 nm) were retrieved at the pollen layer. Regarding the pine-dominant period, characteristic linear particle depolarization ratios of 6 ± 2 %, 43 ± 11 %, 22 ± 6 %, and 26 ± 3 % were determined at wavelengths of 355, 532, 910, and 1565 nm, respectively. For birch, the linear particle depolarization ratio at 1565 nm was the highest, followed by the 532 and 910 nm wavelengths, respectively. A sharp decrease at 355 nm was evident for birch pollen. For pine pollen, a maximum at the 532 nm wavelength was observed. There was no significant change in the linear particle depolarization ratio at 910 nm for the pollen types considered in this study. Given the low concentration of pollen in the air, the inclusion of the longer wavelengths (910 and 1565 nm) for the detection of birch and pine can be beneficial due to their sensitivity to trace large aerosol particles.
... (2022) found that clearance of smaller particles was lower in the alveolar region of the respiratory tract, Londahl (2010) and McClellan (2016) stated that submicronic particles have low clearance. Kumar Manoj et al. (2019) and Kumar Manoj and Sm (2018) inferred that particulate matter clearance rate was high in the TB region instead of the pulmonary region. ...
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In the glass industrial city Firozabad, real-time monitoring (mass as well as number) of size-segregated particulate matter (PM) was done by a GRIMM portable aerosol spectrometer at two different sites to know about the deposition of size-segregated PM in the human respiratory tract. The average mass concentrations of PMs were recorded as PM10 (184.68 μg/m−3), PM2.5 (54.48 μg/m−3), and PM1.0 (31.02 μg/m−3). PM number concentrations were found as PM10 (18.64 μg/m−3), PM2.5 (496.22 μg/m−3), and PM1.0 (1105.87 μg/m−3). The concentrations of PM10 and PM2.5 exceeded the National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS) and the World Health Organization (WHO) guidelines. It was observed that PM10 and PM2.5 were the highest deposited in the head region (99.58–84.66%, 92.02–32.70%, 99.56–85.05%, and 97.20–69.25%) followed by the tracheobronchial (TB) region respectively in urban and rural. It was revealed that children with 3 and 9 years age group have the highest deposition and highly affected by lung diseases in both sampling sites. The children in the urban site have highly deposited PM mass visualization as compared to the rural site. Hazard quotient (HQ) results showed that a sensitive exposed population (children) may be at non-carcinogenic risk from acute exposure to PM10 in urban (3.83) as well as in rural site (2.971) because the safer limit (HQ > 1) the prescribed by USEPA is exceeded, while the excess lifetime cancer risk (ELCR) assessment of PM2.5 for both adult (68.7 × 10−2, 45.8 × 10−2) and child (195.4 × 10−1, 130.2 × 10−1) exceeded the safer limit (≥ 10−6) in both sites which inferred greater carcinogenic risk for adults and children.
... 9.6 m/s during P1 period, while during P2 period the wind speed ranged from 3.0 to 19.5 m/s with an average value of 8.0 m/s. According to the Löndahl (2014), the shape factor of bioaerosols vary from spherical to elongated structures whereas the density is about 1.0-1.5 g/cm 3 . The same density and shape factor was used for all cases. ...
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The daily deposited dose of bioaerosols and particle mass or number in the human respiratory tract using an exposure dose model (ExDoM2) was quantified in the present study. The dose was calculated for the extrathoracic (ET), tracheobronchial (TB), and alveolar-interstitial (AI) regions of the human respiratory tract. The calculations were performed for viable, cultivable airborne heterotrophic bacteria, mesophilic fast-growing fungi, and total coliforms at a municipal wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) located at a suburban area at a Mediterranean site. The human dose was determined using data from two locations at the WWTP which correspond to two different wastewater treatment stages (aerated grit chamber (indoor) and primary settling tanks (outdoor)) and one outdoor location at the urban background site. In addition, the model simulations were performed for two exposure periods (March to April and May to June 2008). Higher daily deposited dose in the total human respiratory tract was observed for heterotrophic bacteria at the aerated grit chamber, whereas lower values of heterotrophic bacteria were observed at the primary settling tanks. These findings were associated with the corresponding stage of wastewater treatment activities and may be valuable information for determining future dose–response relationships. In addition, higher daily deposited dose was determined in the ET region for the three categories of bioaerosols. Regarding PM10 and PN1, the higher daily deposited dose received by a worker at the aerated grit chamber. Finally, the hazard quotients were estimated and the results showed that the non-carcinogenic effects can be ignored for bioaerosols and PM10 except for workers present at aerated grit chamber. Regarding PM2.5, the non-carcinogenic effects are of concern and cannot be ignored for all cases.
... Furthermore, the neighbouring ice core sites of JUR and SKBL share similar regions of spatial correlation (0.45 ≤ R ≤ 0.78, p < 0.05) (Fig. 3). Numerous studies have highlighted the relationship between wind strength and sea spray production (Blanchard, 1963;Schlichting, 1974;Monahan et al., 1983;Callaghan et al., 2008;Löndahl, 2014;Tesson et al., 2016;Wiśniewska et al., 2019;Marks et al., 2019). Stronger winds have been shown to enhance the production of sea spray aerosols, in-cluding microalgae, which implies an increased transfer of diatoms from the sea surface microlayer into the atmosphere (Marks et al., 2019). ...
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The Southern Hemisphere westerly winds are among the most important drivers of recently observed environmental changes in West Antarctica. However, the lack of long-term wind records in this region hinders our ability to assess the long-term context of these variations. Ice core proxy records yield valuable information about past environmental changes, although current proxies present limitations when aiming to reconstruct past winds. Here we present the first regional wind study based on the novel use of diatoms preserved in Antarctic ice cores. We assess the temporal variability in diatom abundance and its relation to regional environmental parameters spanning a 20-year period across three sites in the southern Antarctic Peninsula and Ellsworth Land, Antarctica. Correlation analyses reveal that the temporal variability of diatom abundance from high-elevation ice core sites is driven by changes in wind strength over the core of the Southern Hemisphere westerly wind belt, validating the use of diatoms preserved in ice cores from high-elevation inland sites in the southern Antarctic Peninsula and Ellsworth Land as a proxy for reconstructing past variations in wind strength over the Pacific sector of the Southern Hemisphere westerly wind belt.
... Den fysiska storleken hos ett smittämne är en av de egenskaper som har störst betydelse för dess spridningsförmåga, inte minst via luft. Även om det finns undantag återfinns de flertalet virus i storleksområdet 0,02-0,3 µm, där SARS-CoV-2 med en diameter på ungefär 0,1 µm är ett typiskt exempel (Löndahl, 2014, Yao et al., 2020. Virus är alltså oerhört små. ...
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Att spridning av sjukdomsframkallande luftvägsvirus kostar samhället enorma resurser har blivit uppenbart för alla under covid-19, men ovälkomna virus har varit människans följeslagare genom hela historien och ständigt uppkommer nya varianter med särskilt hög smittsamhet eller dödlighet. Riskerna har ökat med befolkningstillväxt och globalisering. Samtidigt har våra förutsättningar att skydda oss också blivit bättre genom ökad kunskap och framsteg inom medicin och teknik. Syftet med denna kunskapssammanställning är att beskriva smittvägar, riskfaktorer och skyddsåtgärder för infektiös luftvägssjukdom och därmed bidra till en minskad smittrisk vid arbetsplatser. Mycket av innehållet bygger på forskning om influensa och covid-19, men även en rad andra luftvägsinfektioner är inkluderade. Spridning av virus har här delats upp i tre smittvägar: inandning, direkt deponering och kontakt. Risken för smitta via inandning av virus är särskilt stor när avstånden mellan människor är korta och uppehållstiden lång i lokaler med dålig ventilation. Risken ökar om det också pågår aktiviteter som innebär spridning av virusinnehållande aerosolpartiklar till luften, såsom högt tal eller sång eller vissa medicinska procedurer, eller om den inandade luftmängden är förhöjd, som vid tungt arbete. Virusöverföring via direkt deponering sker när stora smittbärande droppar stänker direkt på en mottagare vid exempelvis hosta. Virusspridning via både inandning och direkt deponering sker på olika sätt genom luften, men benämns här inte ”luftsmitta” eftersom detta begrepp åtminstone enligt klassisk medicinsk indelning syftat på (effektiv) smitta via inandning över avstånd mer än enstaka meter och eftersom det främst använts för sjukdomar som är mycket allvarliga och därför kräver extrema skyddsåtgärder. Smitta via kontakt kan ske antingen via direkt beröring eller genom mellanled, som handtag eller andra ytor. Samtliga tre smittvägar är välbelagda för luftvägsvirus i den vetenskapliga litteraturen, men deras relativa betydelse varierar beroende situation, virustyp och interventioner för att minska smitta. För covid-19 pekar mycket forskning mot att inandning är en dominerande smittväg i många miljöer. Vissa yrkesgrupper, särskilt inom vårdsektorn, löper en förhöjd risk att smittas av luftvägsvirus. En lång rad skyddsåtgärder finns tillgängliga för att på olika sätt minska smittrisker: distans, hygien, fysiska barriärer, ventilation, administrativa åtgärder (exempelvis information, regleringar, kontroller, checklistor) och personlig skyddsutrustning. De flesta av dessa åtgärder har starkt stöd av vetenskapliga studier.
... Such techniques do not currently exist for automatic pollen monitoring, in part because of the novelty of real-time instruments and also because no method currently exists to aerosolise a known quantity of a particular pollen taxon. This in turn is a result of the fact that pollen particles are considerably larger than the aerosols that are typically monitored in air quality networks and because they are very fragile, being easily broken up into smaller pieces using traditional aerosolising methods (Löndahl, 2014). Since the above-mentioned monitoring devices rely on light-induced fluorescence to identify single particles, a validation of the fluorescence response to a known excitation wavelength is also a crucial step in instrument validation. ...
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This study presents the first reference calibrations of three commercially available bioaerosol detectors. The Droplet Measurement Technologies WIBS-NEO (new version of the wideband integrated bioaerosol spectrometer), Plair Rapid-E, and Swisens Poleno were compared with a primary standard for particle number concentrations at the Federal Institute for Metrology (METAS). Polystyrene (PSL) spheres were used to assess absolute particle counts for diameters from 0.5 to 10 µm. For the three devices, counting efficiency was found to be strongly dependent on particle size. The results confirm the expected detection range for which the instruments were designed. While the WIBS-NEO achieves its highest efficiency with smaller particles, e.g. 90 % for 0.9 µm diameter, the Plair Rapid-E performs best for larger particles, with an efficiency of 58 % for particles with a diameter of 10 µm. The Swisens Poleno is also designed for larger particles but operates well from 2 µm. However, the exact counting efficiency of the Poleno could not be evaluated as the cut-off diameter range of the integrated concentrator unit was not completely covered. In further experiments, three different types of fluorescent particles were tested to investigate the fluorescent detection capabilities of the Plair Rapid-E and the Swisens Poleno. Both instruments showed good agreement with the reference data. While the challenge to produce known concentrations of larger particles above 10 µm or even fresh pollen particles remains, the approach presented in this paper provides a potential standardised validation method that can be used to assess counting efficiency and fluorescence measurements of automatic bioaerosol monitoring devices.
... Bioaerosols, or airborne microorganisms, collected from the Earth's atmosphere include essentially all groups of BSC organisms, including archaea, bacteria, fungi, algae, and bryophytes in the form of sexual and/or asexual propagules, including spores, group-specific specialized reproductive structures, or thallus fragments, all of which have been shown to regenerate viable organisms [87]. They include both unicellular and multicellular organisms that range in size from <1 µm and larger [88]. ...
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Biological soil crusts (BSCs) are created where a diverse array of microorganisms colonize the surface and upper few millimeters of the soil and create a consolidated crust. They were originally described from arid ecosystems where vascular vegetation is naturally sparse or absent. They have since been discovered in all terrestrial ecosystems. Where present, they perform a variety of important ecological functions, including the capture and accumulation of water and essential plant nutrients, and their release in forms useful to vascular plants. They also stabilize the soil surface against wind and water erosion. BSC organisms include fungi (free-living, lichenized, and mycorrhizal), archaea, bacteria (cyanobacteria and chemotrophic and diazotrophic bacteria), terrestrial algae (including diatoms), and bryophytes (mosses and worts). BSC organisms reproduce primarily asexually via thallus or main body fragmentation or production of asexual spores that are readily dispersed by water and wind. Asexual and sexual propagules of BSC organisms are commonly lifted into the air with vast quantities of dust from the world's arid areas. BSC organisms and/or their propagules have been detected as high as the stratosphere. Some have also been detected in the mesosphere. Airborne dust, microorganisms, and their propagules contribute to the formation of essential raindrop and snowflake nuclei that, in turn, facilitate precipitation events. While airborne in the atmosphere, they also reflect the sun's rays passing laterally through the troposphere and stratosphere at dawn and dusk, often causing brilliant colors at sunrise and sunset.
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Active remote sensors equipped with the capability to detect polarization, a shape relevant parameter, are essential to aerosol particle identification in the vertical domain. Most commonly, the linear particle depolarization ratio has been available at the shorter wavelengths of 355 nm and/or 532 nm. Recently, linear particle depolarization ratios at longer wavelengths (910 nm, 1064 nm and, 1565 nm) have emerged to the lidar aerosol research. In this study, a synergy of three lidars, namely a PollyXT lidar, a Vaisala CL61 ceilometer and a Halo Photonics StreamLine Pro Doppler lidar, and in situ aerosol and pollen observations have been utilized to investigate the spectral dependence of birch and pine pollen particles. We found that regardless of the pollen type, the linear particle depolarization ratio was subject to the amount of pollen and its relative contribution to the aerosol mixture in the air. More specifically, during the birch pollination characteristic linear particle depolarization ratios of 5 ± 2 % (355 nm), 28 ± 6 % (532 nm), 23 ± 6 % (910 nm) and, 33 ± 4 % (1565 nm) were retrieved at the pollen layer. Regarding the pine dominant period, the characteristic linear particle depolarization ratio of 6 ± 2 %, 43 ± 11 %, 22 ± 6 % and, 26 ± 3 %, was determined at 355 nm, 532 nm, 910 nm and, 1565 nm wavelengths, respectively. For birch, the linear particle depolarization ratio at 1565 nm was the highest followed by 532 nm and 910 nm wavelengths, respectively. A sharp decrease at 355 nm was evident for birch pollen. For pine pollen, a maximum at 532 nm wavelength was observed. There was no significant change in the linear particle depolarization ratio at 910 nm for the pollen types considered in this study. Given the low concentration of pollen in the air, the inclusion of the longer wavelengths (910 nm and 1565 nm) for the detection of birch and pine can be beneficial due to their sensitivity to trace large aerosol particles.
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This study aimed to investigate the possible association between exposure to particulate matter (PM) and bioaerosols with health symptoms and levels of inflammatory blood biomarkers in workers at a Materials Recycling Facility (MRF) in Brazil, compared to a control population of the Federal University of Technology – Parana (UTFPR). A total of 64 volunteers freely agreed to participate in this study, 40 MRF workers (exposed group) and 24 UTFPR staff and students (control group). We applied questionnaires and collected blood samples in November 2018, while PM and bioaerosol (bacteria and fungi) samplings occurred in February 2019 at four different sampling sites: at the MRF, in a waste processing shed (P1), and outdoors (P2); at UTFPR, in a classroom (P3) and the outdoor environment (P4). P1 is the most contaminated site with the highest mean values for PM1.0, PM2.5, PM10 (respectively, 5.7, 27.4, and 562.4 μg m⁻³), and bacteria (1830.7 colony-forming units per cubic meter – CFU. m⁻³). For fungi, P4 presented the highest mean concentration (3218.1 CFU m⁻³). The main microorganisms observed in indoor samples (P1 and P3) were Gram-positive bacteria and fungi Aspergillus spp. Exposure to PM2.5, PM10, bacteria, and fungi may increase the possibility of some respiratory, circulatory, and allergy symptoms among MRF workers. The blood samples showed mixed results; IFN-γ was statistically significant between the two groups and lower for the exposed group. Overall, the study presents a reasonably accurate assessment of air quality and health problems for MRF workers.
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Atmospheric aerosol particles of biological origin are a very diverse group of biological materials and structures, including microorganisms, dispersal units, fragments and excretions of biological organisms. In recent years, the impact of biological aerosol particles on atmospheric processes has been studied with increasing intensity, and a wealth of new information and insights has been gained. This review outlines the current knowledge on major categories of primary biological aerosol particles (PBAP): bacteria and archaea, fungal spores and fragments, pollen, viruses, algae and cyanobacteria, biological crusts and lichens and others like plant or animal fragments and detritus. We give an overview of sampling methods and physical, chemical and biological techniques for PBAP analysis (cultivation, microscopy, DNA/RNA analysis, chemical tracers, optical and mass spectrometry, etc.). Moreover, we address and summarise the current understanding and open questions concerning the influence of PBAP on the atmosphere and climate, i.e. their optical properties and their ability to act as ice nuclei (IN) or cloud condensation nuclei (CCN). We suggest that the following research activities should be pursued in future studies of atmospheric biological aerosol particles: (1) develop efficient and reliable analytical techniques for the identification and quantification of PBAP; (2) apply advanced and standardised techniques to determine the abundance and diversity of PBAP and their seasonal variation at regional and global scales (atmospheric biogeography); (3) determine the emission rates, optical properties, IN and CCN activity of PBAP in field measurements and laboratory experiments; (4) use field and laboratory data to constrain numerical models of atmospheric transport, transformation and climate effects of PBAP.
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Bacteria are ubiquitous in the atmosphere, with concentrations of bacterial cells typically exceeding 1×10<sup>4</sup> m<sup>−3</sup> over land. Numerous studies have suggested that the presence of bacteria in the atmosphere may impact cloud development, atmospheric chemistry, and microbial biogeography. A sound knowledge of bacterial concentrations and distributions in the atmosphere is needed to evaluate these claims. This review focusses on published measurements of total and culturable bacteria concentrations in the atmospheric aerosol. We discuss emission mechanisms and the impacts of meteorological conditions and measurement techniques on measured bacteria concentrations. Based on the literature reviewed, we suggest representative values and ranges for the mean concentration in the near-surface air of nine natural ecosystems and three human-influenced land types. We discuss the gaps in current knowledge of bacterial concentrations in air, including the lack of reliable, long-term measurements of the total microbial concentrations in many regions and the scarcity of emission flux measurements.
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A small subset of the atmospheric aerosol population has the ability to induce ice formation at conditions under which ice would not form without them (heterogeneous ice nucleation). While no closed theoretical description of this process and the requirements for good ice nuclei is available, numerous studies have attempted to quantify the ice nucleation ability of different particles empirically in laboratory experiments. In this article, an overview of these results is provided. Ice nucleation onset conditions for various mineral dust, soot, biological, organic and ammonium sulphate particles are summarized. Typical temperature-supersaturation regions can be identified for the onset of ice nucleation of these different particle types, but the various particle sizes and activated fractions reported in different studies have to be taken into account when comparing results obtained with different methodologies. When intercomparing only data obtained under the same conditions, it is found that dust mineralogy is not a consistent predictor of higher or lower ice nucleation ability. However, the broad majority of studies agrees on a reduction of deposition nucleation by various coatings on mineral dust. The ice nucleation active surface site (INAS) density is discussed as a normalized measure for ice nucleation activity. For most immersion and condensation freezing measurements on mineral dust, estimates of the temperature-dependent INAS density agree within about two orders of magnitude. For deposition nucleation on dust, the spread is significantly larger, but a general trend of increasing INAS densities with increasing supersaturation is found. For soot, the presently available results are divergent. Estimated average INAS densities are high for ice-nucleation active bacteria at high subzero temperatures. At the same time, it is shown that some other biological aerosols, like certain pollen grains and fungal spores, are not intrinsically better ice nuclei than dust, but owe their high ice nucleation onsets to their large sizes. Surface-area-dependent parameterizations of heterogeneous ice nucleation are discussed. For immersion freezing on mineral dust, fitted INAS densities are available, but should not be used outside the temperature interval of the data they were based on. Classical nucleation theory, if employed with one fitted contact angle, does not reproduce the observed temperature dependence for immersion nucleation, temperature and supersaturation dependence for deposition nucleation, and time dependence.
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A small subset of the atmospheric aerosol population has the ability to induce ice formation at conditions under which ice would not form without them (heterogeneous ice nucleation). While no closed theoretical description of this process and the requirements for good ice nuclei is available, numerous studies have attempted to quantify the ice nucleation ability of different particles empirically in laboratory experiments. In this article, an overview of these results is provided. Ice nucleation "onset" conditions for various mineral dust, soot, biological, organic and ammonium sulfate particles are summarized. Typical temperature-supersaturation regions can be identified for the "onset" of ice nucleation of these different particle types, but the various particle sizes and activated fractions reported in different studies have to be taken into account when comparing results obtained with different methodologies. When intercomparing only data obtained under the same conditions, it is found that dust mineralogy is not a consistent predictor of higher or lower ice nucleation ability. However, the broad majority of studies agrees on a reduction of deposition nucleation by various coatings on mineral dust. The ice nucleation active surface site (INAS) density is discussed as a simple and empirical normalized measure for ice nucleation activity. For most immersion and condensation freezing measurements on mineral dust, estimates of the temperature-dependent INAS density agree within about two orders of magnitude. For deposition nucleation on dust, the spread is significantly larger, but a general trend of increasing INAS densities with increasing supersaturation is found. For soot, the presently available results are divergent. Estimated average INAS densities are high for ice-nucleation active bacteria at high subzero temperatures. At the same time, it is shown that INAS densities of some other biological aerosols, like certain pollen grains, fungal spores and diatoms, tend to be similar to those of dust. These particles may owe their high ice nucleation onsets to their large sizes. Surface-area-dependent parameterizations of heterogeneous ice nucleation are discussed. For immersion freezing on mineral dust, fitted INAS densities are available, but should not be used outside the temperature interval of the data they were based on. Classical nucleation theory, if employed with only one fitted contact angle, does not reproduce the observed temperature dependence for immersion nucleation, the temperature and supersaturation dependence for deposition nucleation, and the time dependence of ice nucleation. Formulations of classical nucleation theory with distributions of contact angles offer possibilities to overcome these weaknesses.
Bioaerosols are airborne compounds or microfragments from plant or animal matter or from microorganisms but also comprise whole microorganisms that are either dead or alive. Exposure to these agents may cause infectious diseases, allergic diseases, acute toxic effects, respiratory diseases, neurological effects, and possibly cancer. Respiratory symptoms and disease are the most common health effects associated with noninfectious bioaerosols and include asthma, hay fever, organic dust toxic syndrome, hypersensitivity pneumonitis, and chronic bronchitis. Bioaerosol exposure has also been demonstrated to adversely affect lung function and might play a role in sick building syndrome. Paradoxically, indoor exposure to moderate levels of bioaerosols has been suggested to reduce the risk of developing allergies and allergic asthma in early life. In this article we present an overview of the health effects associated with bioaerosol exposure in both the indoor and occupational environment. We also describe the major agents assumed to play a causal role in the development of bioaerosol-related health effects.
objective. The purpose of this study was to provide a national estimate of the number of healthcare-associated infections (HAI) and deaths in United States hospitals. Methods. No single source of nationally representative data on HAIs is currently available. The authors used a multi-step approach and three data sources. The main source of data was the National Nosocomial Infections Surveillance (NNIS) system, data from 1990-2002, conducted by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Data from the National Hospital Discharge Survey (for 2002) and the American Hospital Association Survey (for 2000) were used to supplement NNIS data. The percentage of patients with an HAI whose death was determined to be caused or associated with the HAI from NNIS data was used to estimate the number of deaths. Results. In 2002, the estimated number of HAIs in U.S. hospitals, adjusted to include federal facilities, was approximately 1.7 million: 33,269 HAIs among newborns in high-risk nurseries, 19,059 among newborns in well-baby nurseries, 417,946 among adults and children in ICUs, and 1,266,851 among adults and children outside of ICUs. The estimated deaths associated with HAIs in U.S. hospitals were 98,987: of these, 35,967 were for pneumonia, 30,665 for bloodstream infections, 13,088 for urinary tract infections, 8,205 for surgical site infections, and 11,062 for infections of other sites. Conclusion. HAIs in hospitals are a significant cause of morbidity and mortality in the United States. The method described for estimating the number of HAIs makes the best use of existing data at the national level.
An aerobiological monitoring programme was carried out for over a year on Signy Island, South Orkney Islands, Antarctica. Collections were made using arrays of rotorod samplers at three sites. Lichen soredia were found to be the most abundant air borne propagules, more so than ascospores, the sexual propagules of lichen fungi. The dominance of soredia over ascospores appeared to decrease with increasing maturity of fellfield sites. No correlations were found with temperature, relative humidity or wind speed. Collections at 1 m above ground level were shown not to be significantly different to those at 0·15 m at two of the sites. Size range distribution also differed at two of the sites. Soredial clumps in excess of 100 μm in diameter were collected at 1 m above ground level and at some distance from potential source plants, though most fell in the range 30–60 μm. Peaks in numbers of air borne soredia were found after winter snow melt, demonstrating that soredial production continues at subzero temperatures.
The sea spray generation function quantifies the rate at which spray droplets of a given size are produced at the sea surface. As such, it is important in studies of the marine aerosol and its optical properties and in understanding the role that sea spray plays in transferring heat and moisture across the air-sea interface. The emphasis here is on this latter topic, where uncertainty over the spray generation function, especially in high winds, is a major obstacle. This paper surveys the spray generation functions available in the literature and, on theoretical grounds, focuses on one by M. H. Smith et al. that has some desirable properties but does not cover a wide enough droplet size range to be immediately useful for quantifying spray heat transfer. With reasonable modifications and extrapolations, however, the paper casts the Smith function into a new form that can be used to predict the production of sea spray droplets with radii from 2 to 500 μm for 10-m winds from 0 to 32.5 m s-1. The paper closes with sample calculations of the sensible and latent heat fluxes carried by spray that are based on this new spray generation function.