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Jaime Liege Gama Neto

Jaime Liege Gama Neto
Universidade Estadual do Maranhão, Campus Lago da Pedra



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Publications (31)
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The bagworm Oiketicus kirbyi is an extremely polyphagous insect pest that attacks several crops of economic importance in various Brazilian regions. In this paper, we are made the first record of O. kirbyi in Maranhão state, northeast Brazil region. Additionally, the Jabuticabeira tree Plinia grandifolia, an economically important Brazilian fruit t...
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Graphical abstract Highlights d Ecological metadata were compiled for 7,694 sites across the Brazilian Amazon d Accessibility and proximity to research facilities influenced research probability d Knowledge gaps are greater in uplands than in wetlands and aquatic habitats d Undersampled areas overlap predicted hotspots of climate change and defores...
Three new species of Oxyethira are described and ilustrated: Oxyethira longisterna sp. nov., Oxyethira gyrosterna sp. nov., and Oxyethira acuminata sp. nov. New country records of Oxyethira macrosterna Flint 1974 and Oxyethira bicornuta Kelley 1983 are also provided.
The male and female of Neotrichia anamariae sp. nov., a new species of Neotrichia from Northeast Brazil Region, are described and illustrated, representing the first record of Neotrichia from Maranhão State.
A new species of caddisfly, Itauara marcellina sp. nov., is described and illustrated from Roraima state in northern Brazil. This new species is characterized by features of the male genitalia. The dorsolateral processes of tergum X, in dorsal view, are horn-like and the phallicata has a medial pair of membranous, rounded, lateral flanges projectin...
Two new species of Oxyethira from Brazil are described: Oxyethira (Dampfitrichia) jiquitaia sp. nov., and Oxyethira (Tanytrichia) librina sp. nov. Illustrations of male genitalia are provided with each description. These results increase the number of Oxyethira species in Brazil from 37 to 39.
Five new species of Neotrichia Morton 1905 from Brazil are described, including Neotrichia dirrocha sp. nov., N. jamevu sp. nov., N. paidegua sp. nov., N. pavula sp. nov., and N. flinti Keth sp. nov. Among these, N. flinti Keth sp. nov., a species described by Keth (2002) from Venezuela but not previously published, is made available. Illustrations...
Two new species of Flintiella Angrisano 1995 are described and illustrated from specimens collected with light traps in the states of Pará and Roraima, northern Brazil. Flintiella serrana sp. nov. can be distinguished from all other species in the genus by the subgenital plate with incised apex, and two pairs of ventral processes. Flintiella triaen...
Six new species of Neotrichia Morton 1905 from Brazil are described: Neotrichia anaua sp. nov., Neotrichia catrimani sp. nov., Neotrichia cauame sp nov., Neotrichia mucajai sp nov., Neotrichia quitauau sp nov., and Neotrichia xereuini sp nov. Illustrations of male genitalia are provided with each description.
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We report the first occurrence of Bessierus doloris in Brazil. Additionally, we provide biological and taxonomic information on this species. Male imagos specimens were collected with a Pennsylvania light trap in the Apiaú region, municipality of Mucajaí, Roraima. The discovery of this species in Brazil extends its geographic distribution further w...
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Adult triatomines were collected with a luminous trap and by hand in June and November 2016 in the Mucajai and São João da Baliza counties, in Center-Southern and Southern Roraima. Brazil. Eratyrus mucronatus Stål, 1859 and Rhodnius montenegrensis Rosa et al. 2012 are recorded for the first time in the Roraima state. The finding of E. mucronatus an...
Seven new species of Neotrichia Morton 1905 from Brazil are described: Neotrichia caboca sp. nov., Neotrichia capitiana sp. nov., Neotrichia cruviana sp. nov., Neotrichia damurida sp. nov., Neotrichia macuxi sp. nov., Neotrichia makunaima sp. nov., and Neotrichia matula sp. nov. Illustrations of male genitalia are provided with each description. Ne...
Two new species of Hydroptilidae from Pará, Brazil, are described and illustrated: Costatrichia inaequalis sp. nov. is a distinctive species characterized principally by the lateral processes on tergum IX rounded and each bearing a long dorsal seta. Oxyethira carajas sp. nov. is characterized by the inferior appendages fused, incised mesally, narro...
Two new species of Helicopsychidae from Pará State, Brazil, are described and illustrated: male of Helicopsyche (Ferop-syche) carajas n. sp. is characterized by segment X having 8 pairs of subequal megasetae distributed in a pair of longitudinal rows; the primary branch of each gonocoxite, in lateral view, with its basal half nearly as broad as its...
A new species of Austrotinodes Schmid 1955 from Roraima state, Brazil is described and illustrated: Austrotinodes tepui sp. nov. In addition, A. lenti and A. neblinensis are recorded from Roraima state for the first time.
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Resumo. Registra-se pela primeira vez no Brasil o megaloptera Corydalus peruvianus Davis, ampliando a distribuição geográfica da espécie na América do Sul. Adicionalmente, são fornecidas informações sobre o ambiente e a qualidade da água do local onde a espécie foi coletada. Abstract. We recorded, for the first time in Brazil, the megalopteran Cory...
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The aim of this work is to present new records and distributional notes of Ephemeroptera species on Roraima states. Farrodes maculatus Domí­nguez, Molineri & Peters, 1996, Hermanellopsis incertans (Spieth, 1943) and Thraulodes marreroi Chacón, Segnini & Domí­nguez, 1999 are recorded for the first time in Brazil. Family Coryphoridae, Callibaetis cru...
We conducted an inventory of the Trichoptera fauna of Serra do Tepequém, Amajari municipality (county), Roraima state, Brazil. Adult caddisflies were collected with Pennsylvania and Malaise traps operated beside three 2nd-order streams near the summit of Serra do Tepequém. We identified 27 Trichoptera species (including two new species), all repres...
A new species of Campylocia is described from Northern Brazil based on male and female imagoes. The main characteristics that distinguish the male imago of the new species from its congeners are: forewings with fork of Rs basal to fork of MA and one or two intercalary veins attached to CuA; general color of abdomen whitish; terga I–VIII with purpli...
Two new species of Ulmeritoides Traver, 1959 from Northern Brazil are described based on male imagos. Ulmeritoides aurantifrons sp. nov. differs from all other species of the genus by the following combination of characters: mesonotum with a yellow spot in the apical and medial portions of the mesoscutal suture and a yellowish spot between the apex...
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Resumo. Registra-se pela primeira vez no Brasil Neblinagena doylei Kodada & Jäch (Elmidae, Larainae) ampliando a distribuição geográfica do gênero e da espécie na América do Sul. São apresentadas informações sobre o ambiente e a qualidade da água do local de coleta da espécie. Adicionalmente, citam-se os seguintes gêneros e espécies de Elmidae amos...
Miroculis (Miroculis) eldorado sp. nov. and Ulmeritoides passorum sp. nov. are described based on material from Serra do Tepequém, Roraima State, Brazil. Additional records of Leptophlebiidae genera and species are made. Askola Peters, 1969, Farrodes Peters, 1971, Microphlebia Savage & Peters, 1983, Hydrosmilodon Flowers & Dominguez, 1992, Hagenulo...
The species of Miroculis Edmunds, 1963 were distributed into four subgenera by Savage & Peters (1983): M. (Miroculis), M. (Yaruma), M. (Atroari) and M. (Ommaethus). These four subgenera occur in Brazil, but of the 10 species recorded from the country, five belong to Miroculis (Miroculis) (Dominguez et al. 2013; Costa & Mariano 2013, Salles et al. 2...
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Com o objetivo de contribuir para o conhecimento da ecologia de Euglossina na Região Amazônica, foi realizado um levantamento da fauna Euglossina da Serra do Tepequém, Município de Amajari, Roraima, Brasil. As coletas de abelhas Euglossina foram realizadas nos meses de março e maio de 2011, com a utilização de armadilhas confeccionadas com garrafas...
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Phlebotomine fauna (Diptera: Psychodidae) in preserved and altered forested areas in the Municipality of Caroebe, Roraima State, Brazil Fauna flebotomínica (Díptera: Psychodidae) en selva preservada y alterada del Municipio de Caroebe, Estado de Roraima, Brasil 41 Rev Pan-Amaz Saude 2012; 3(2):41-46 RESUMO Com o objetivo de identificá-la, avaliar o...
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RESUMO Realizou-se estudo visando identificar os conhecimentos que os moradores da vila do Apiaú, (município de Mucajaí, Estado de Roraima) têm sobre a LTA (Leishmaniose Tegumentar Americana), visando à indicação de medidas de controle da transmissão da doença naquela localidade. No período de janeiro de junho de 2010 aplicou-se questionário conten...
Registra-se pela primeira vez o encontro de Lutzomyia (Nyssomyia) yuilli yuilli Young e Porter, 1972 (Diptera: Psychodidae) no Estado de Roraima, Brasil. Os espécimes foram capturados na área indígena de Auaris, na fronteira com a Venezuela, usando-se armadilhas luminosas tipo CDC instaladas em galinheiros, entre 18 h e 6 h. Lutzomyia yuilli yuilli...
Registra-se pela primeira vez o encontro de Lutzomyia (Nyssomyia) yuilli yuilli Young e Porter, 1972 (Diptera: Psychodidae) no Estado de Roraima, Brasil. Os espécimes foram capturados na área indígena de Auaris, na fronteira com a Venezuela, usando-se armadilhas luminosas tipo CDC instaladas em galinheiros, entre 18 h e 6 h. L. yuilli yuilli é a ún...
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The first report of Lutzomyia (Nyssomyia) yuilli yuilli Young & Porter, 1972 (Diptera: Psychodidae) in Roraima State, Brazil is presented. The specimens were captured in the Auaris indigenous community, on the border with Venezuela, with CDC light traps set up in henhouses between 18 h and 6 h. L. yuilli yuilli is the only vector of Leishmania sp....
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Our study aimed to investigate the presence of vectors of Leishmania and to study the transmission risks of leishmaniasis to humans. Thus, a survey forthe occurrence of sand flies in an endemic area for American cutaneous leishmaniasis was conducted in Serra do Tepequém, City of Amajari, Roraima State, Brazil. The sand flies were captured from Augu...


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