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Consumption Values and Market Choices: Theory and Applications



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... Sheth's consumption value theory (1991a, 1991b) claims that the multifaceted determinants of consumer choice are a variety of forms of consumption values and not purchase criteria. The forms of value are categorised as functional, social, emotional, epistemic and conditional (Sheth et al., 1991a(Sheth et al., , 1991b. A fundamental premise on which this theory rests is that these forms of value act independently and differently according to the circumstances, the time, the place, and consumption. ...
... Functional value pertains to whether a product or service "is able to perform its functional, utilitarian, or physical purposes" (Sheth et al., 1991a;Sheth et al., 1991b, as cited in Fernández & Bonillo, 2007). ii. ...
... Social value refers the social image the consumer wishes to project or to an image that is acknowledged by the consumer's circle of friends, family, acquaintances, and society at large (Sheth et al., 1991a(Sheth et al., , 1991b. iii. ...
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The local situation regarding the engagement and retention of teachers is somewhat under-researched. As elicited in the literature review, the employer branding concept is considered as a positive move towards attracting and retaining employees. Thus, this study investigates the dimensions of perceived value as projected by employer brands that may attract human resources to a particular school – whether church, independent, or state. The components and features of perceived value were explored by means of semi-structured interviews. Listening to teachers’ voices enables the employers to understand their perception. Hence, such practice will contribute to establishing the Employee Value Proposition, which is an integral part of the employer branding concept. The Employee Value Proposition communicates what teachers wish to see in their employer, as well as their intentions of either staying or leaving their job or employer type. Subsequently, the employer can strategically develop and convey their image as the employer of choice to both current and prospective teachers. The findings and discussion that emerge from this qualitative study demonstrate the multifaceted dimensions of perceived value ranging between family-like work environment, networking between schools, and market outreach. Such findings and discussion are intended to contribute towards a change in the employers’ mindset by inviting teachers to build and shape the Employee Value Proposition based on their perceived value.
... Outra perspectiva considera que o cliente é o responsável por criar valor (Korkman, 2006). A terceira perspectiva de criação de valor é a co-criação que ocorre na relação entre consumidores e empresas (Vargo;Lusch, 2004 (Woodruff, 1997;Woodruff;Gardial, 1996;Gutman, 1982 Sanchez et al., 2006;Petrick, 2002;Sweeney;Soutar, 2001;Sheth et al., 1991;Holbrook;Hirschman, 1982). ...
... A literatura apresenta diferentes abordagens para mensurar o valor percebido pelos clientes (Zeithaml,1988;Holbrook;Hirschman, 1982;Gutman, 1982;Woodruff, 1997;Mathwick et al., 2001;Sweeney;Soutar, 2001;Petrick, 2002;Sanchez, 2006;Varshneya;Das, 2017 Por outro lado, diversos autores afirmam que valor percebido é uma construção multidimensional (Sheth et al., 1991;Grönroos, 1997;Woodruff, 1997;Mathwick et al., 2001;Sweeney;Soutar, 2001;Petrick, 2002;Sanchez, 2006;Varshneya;Das, 2017 ...
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Esta pesquisa tem como objetivo mensuar o valor percebido em serviços de alimentação e visou quantificar o impacto do valor percebido em diferentes constructos posteriores ao consumo de serviços alimentícios no Brasil, sendo testados a satisfação, a intenção de recompra e a recomendação. Para tal, um modelo denominado SERV-PERVAL-PP (Service Perceived Value - Post Purchase) foi desenvolvido por meio de modelagem de equações estruturais com 400 consumidores de fast food. O modelo proposto apresentou boa adequabilidade estatística e evidenciou em seus resultados que as alterações nas dimensões que compõem o valor percebido causam impactos nos constructos posteriores ao consumo, tal achado possibilita aos gestores identificarem quais são os elementos mercadológicos ligadas à percepção de valor dos clientes que possuem impacto posterior ao consumo de serviços alimentícios. Essa compreensão possibilita aos gestores operacionalizarem os componentes que compõem o valor percebido visando ampliar o nível dos constructos mercadológicos que são considerados abstratos.
... Mathwick et al. (2001) developed an experience scale covering playfulness, aesthetics, service quality, and ROI. Sheth et al. (1991) proposed a multidimensional value incorporating social, emotional, epistemic, functional, and conditional factors. For this study, the PERVAL scale (Sweeney and Soutar, 2001) was used to assess perceived value. ...
Background: The mobile gaming industry has experienced remarkable growth in recent years. However, the majority of Indonesian gamers' spending goes to foreign developers, with only 1.2% of the players' total spending of $1.1 million going to local developers. Purpose: This study aims to analyze the factors that influence consumers' repurchase intentions when purchasing virtual items in the game Mobile Legends. Design/methodology/approach: This study uses the Mobile Legend case study to inspire local game developers to better compete with globally popular games. A quantitative research method was employed to test the hypothesized relationships between the constructs using a sample size survey of 390 Indonesian Mobile Legends players.Findings/Result: Findings from descriptive analysis of tested variables provided a balanced view between strengths in the gaming experience, such as high emotional and social value derived from role modeling features, and weaknesses around graphical quality and overall user satisfaction. On the other hand, when we tested the conceptual model using the PLS-SEM approach, we found that factors such as emotional value, price value, quality value, social value, satisfaction, addiction, and loyalty significantly influence repurchase intention has been confirmed. Conclusion: Finally, recommendations including strategies to improve regional cultural representation and the use of price promotions and installment plans to optimize value perception are recommended for Indonesian games aiming to better compete with global game developers.Originality/value (State of the art): This research addresses the existing gap in literature by proposing additional predictors, including addiction and loyalty, to provide comprehensive guidance for mobile game developers in stimulating increased repurchase intentions Keywords: PERVAL framework, satisfaction, repurchase intention, online mobile game, mobile legends
... Increased interaction with the online brand community and increased brand loyalty are two benefits of providing consumers with creative, interactive, and pleasant features that fulfill their hedonic and social needs (Chan et al., 2014). Epistemic benefits are defined as perceived benefits that are fueled by product volume and that satisfy inquisitiveness, offer fresh intuitions, and fulfill desire for knowledge (Sheth et al., 1991). Within present framework, cognitive advantages are associated with product-related learning, which entails enhanced comprehension and expertise about the items, the technology that underlie them, and how to use them. ...
The social media platforms have become progressively vital in modern era as a means of interacting with consumers and as a means for marketers to focus on online social networks so as to foster loyalty of brands. Purpose of this study is to analyze the causal relationship among the characteristics of gamified customer benefits (epistemic benefits, social integrative benefits, personal integrative benefits and hedonic benefits), customer engagement and customer loyalty with respect to online brand communities on social media platforms. This study also analyzes the mediating role of customer engagement between gamified customer benefits and customer loyalty. Data is collected from 250 individuals and Smart PLS-4 is used to empirically test the hypothesis. Results reveals that epistemic benefits, social integrative benefits and hedonic benefits has positive & significant impact of customer engagement & customer loyalty while personal integrative benefits shows insignificant impact on customer engagement & loyalty. This study shows mediating role of customer engagement amid gamified customer benefits and customer loyalty. Thus, this study may help brand managers to better understand role of gamified customer benefits with customer engagement and customer loyalty.
...  The Sheth-Newman-Gross model of consumption value, which explains the reasons for consumers' choices in the market and focuses attention on estimating the value of consumption (Sheth et al., 1991).  The Dirichlet model, a stochastic model of buyer behaviour at the individual consumer level in markets that are unsegmented and stable (Ehrenberg, 1991). ...
... They also encompassed economic and social (and emotional) value for the same purpose. Earlier, Sheth, Bruce, and Gross (1992) also stressed on the functional value along with social value, emotional value, epistemic value, and conditional value. In identifying the components of customer value creation that would impact brand relationship performance in social media brand communities, Carlson, Wyllie, Rahman, and Voolac (2018 July) identified functional, emotional, relational and entitative values, where relational and emotional values may be recast as social ones. ...
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The paper aimed to examine the effect of the Nepalese tourist-based restaurants' brand coverage in their social media on customer value creation. A questionnaire survey was administered on 205 tourist customers (with usable response of 196) intercepted at ten tourist-based restaurants located at one of the popular tourist-restaurant hubs of the Kathmandu Valley, in the post-COVID months of March and April of 2023. It made use of the descriptive statistics and inferential ones like Levenes' test of equality of error variances, Wilks' Lambda test and MANCOVA test. The study found that the use of social media in marketing tourist-based restaurants helped create customer value, as social media marketing made a substantial and positive effect on the creation of social, functional, and economic values of tourist-based restaurants. The study specifically discusses the tourist-based restaurants' brand coverage in their social media and investigates its effect on customer value creation at a time when Nepalese tourism has started gradually recovering from the consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic. It is the first study of this kind at least in the Nepalese context.
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This study sought to examine the food consumption experiences of local cuisine among Gen-Z tourists in Indonesia. The SEM analysis was employed to define the consumption value, experiential value, and social media influencer to attitude towards local food and food destination image which lead to behavioural intention. A total of 340 respondents were selected to get a comprehensive insight from the young-adult generation. This study found that health value, emotional value and interaction value, and social media interaction have a positive relationship to the food destination image. Meanwhile, the attitude was affected by emotional values and social media. Both food destination image and attitude have a significant impact on behavioural intention. This study contributes to gastronomic, marketing, and hospitality literature in the context of local cuisine. Moreover, practical contributions are discussed to gain focus on resource development.
Mục tiêu nghiên cứu của bài nghiên cứu này nhằm tìm ra sự tác động của yếu tố giá trị tiêu dùng tác động đến ý định tiêu dùng ẩm thực đường phố tại Việt Nam dựa trên lý thuyết hành vi có kế hoạch và lý thuyết giá trị tiêu dùng. Nghiên cứu điều tra 421 khách du lịch quốc tế tiêu dùng ẩm thực đường phố tại Hà Nội và sử dụng mô hình cấu trúc (SEM) để phân tích kết quả. Kết quả nghiên cứu cho thấy các yếu tố như thái độ, chuẩn mực chủ quan và nhận thức kiểm soát hành vi có tác động tích cực đến ý định tiêu dùng của khách du lịch. Hơn nữa, giá trị tiêu dùng đóng vai trò quan trọng trong việc tác động lên thái độ tiêu dùng của khách du lịch và cuối cùng, tác động lên ý định tiêu dùng của khách. Từ đó, khuyến nghị cho người kinh doanh ẩm thực đường phố chú ý đến yếu tố thuộc giá trị tiêu dùng để thu hút khách du lịch tiêu dùng nhiều hơn ẩm thực đường phố ở Việt Nam.
This thought-provoking book chronicles the evolution of marketing theories and the rationales behind them. The authors present a typology for the twelve schools of marketing thought, and describe a comprehensive metatheoretical framework based on six basic criteria. They also develop a list of concepts and axioms useful in generating a practical theory of marketing. References are extensive and include many pioneering, seldom-cited works. Graduate students and marketing professionals will find this a stimulating and practical work.
A synthesis of research on consumers' prepurchase behavior suggests that a substantial proportion of purchases does not involve decision making, not even on the first purchase. The heavy emphasis in current research on decision making may discourage investigation of other important kinds of consumer behavior.
Toward the Contextualization of Consumer Behavior," in Historical Perspectives in Con-sumer Research: National and International Perspectives
  • James F Engel
Engel, James F. (1985), "Toward the Contextualization of Consumer Behavior," in Historical Perspectives in Con-sumer Research: National and International Perspectives, C. F. Tan and J. N. Sheth, eds. Ann Arbor, MI: Association for Consumer Research, 1-4.