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Edge Computing and IoT in Smart Cities - An Overview


Abstract and Figures

In an era of growing urbanization and rising sustainability expectations, the confluence of edge computing and IoT technologies has emerged as a critical enabler for creating smarter, more efficient, and resilient urban settings. IoT and edge computing work together as complementary technologies to build smart cities. This chapter delves into the various aspects of edge computing and IoT, highlighting their critical role in enhancing urban living. It looks at the underlying ideas, architectural models, and methods of implementation that facilitate the fusion of different technologies in the context of the smart city environment. The study also discusses a range of use cases and scenarios in which edge computing and IoT are transforming smart cities in profound ways. Applications that come under this category include energy management, public safety, healthcare, environmental monitoring, and intelligent transportation systems. The present research also explores the challenges and considerations that must be made when integrating edge computing and IoT in smart cities, including infrastructure needs, security, privacy, and scalability. By bringing computation and data storage closer to the edge, these technologies can improve the performance, reliability, and security of smart city applications.
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Holistic Research Perspectives Vol.11
E-ISBN: 978-81-954930-4-3 51
Edge Computing and IoT in Smart Cities - An Overview
Ms. Ramandeep Kaur
Assistant Professor
Department of Fashion Design
Chandigarh University, Punjab, India
Ms. Ranjodh Kaur
Assistant Professor
Department of IT
Guru Nanak Dev Engineering College, Ludhiana, Punjab, India
Dr. Jagdeep Singh
Assistant Professor
Department of IT
Guru Nanak Dev Engineering College, Ludhiana, Punjab, India
In an era of growing urbanization and rising sustainability expectations, the confluence of edge
computing and IoT technologies has emerged as a critical enabler for creating smarter, more
efficient, and resilient urban settings. IoT and edge computing work together as
complementary technologies to build smart cities. This chapter delves into the various aspects
of edge computing and IoT, highlighting their critical role in enhancing urban living. It looks
at the underlying ideas, architectural models, and methods of implementation that facilitate the
fusion of different technologies in the context of the smart city environment. The study also
discusses a range of use cases and scenarios in which edge computing and IoT are transforming
smart cities in profound ways. Applications that come under this category include energy
management, public safety, healthcare, environmental monitoring, and intelligent
transportation systems. The present research also explores the challenges and considerations
that must be made when integrating edge computing and IoT in smart cities, including
infrastructure needs, security, privacy, and scalability. By bringing computation and data
storage closer to the edge, these technologies can improve the performance, reliability, and
security of smart city applications.
Keyword: Edge Computing, Smart Cities, IoT, Fog Computing.
The modern world is experiencing enormous urbanisation, with cities now hosting more than
half of the global population. In furtherance, rapid urbanisation has brought with it, number of
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new difficulties such as increased demand for energy, transportation, healthcare, and public
safety. Simultaneously, there is a stronger emphasis on sustainability, robustness, and
efficiency. As a result of these difficulties, the concept of “smart cities” has gained steam, with
a focus on harnessing technology to improve urban living. One of the key technologies driving
the emergence of smart cities is the Internet of Things. The Internet of Things (IoT) refers to
the networking of a wide range of physical devices and sensors that collect and share data.
These technologies may be found throughout the city, ranging from traffic lights to trash
collection systems to wearable health trackers. The sheer volume of data generated by IoT
devices on the other hand, creates significant challenges for processing, evaluating, and making
real-time decisions. Edge computing boosts the efficiency, dependability, and security of IoT
applications by bringing processing and data storage closer to the network’s ‘edge’. This
chapter intends to explore how edge computing and IoT technologies may be incorporated in
the context of smart cities [1].
Edge Computing and IoT collaboration is the core of smart city development, ushering in a
new era of unmatched connectivity and efficiency. Edge Computing is emerging as a critical
player in the complex network of urban infrastructure, where data flows from sensors, cameras,
and a plethora of IoT devices. Edge Computing decreases latency and enables real-time
decision-making by processing data closer to the source of creation at the network’s edge. This
dynamic synergy between Edge Computing and IoT is particularly crucial in smart cities,
where split-second responses may enhance traffic flow, public safety, and overall city
performance. The edge acts as a data processing hub, relieving the burden on centralised data
centres, and resulting in a more dispersed, robust system. This interaction is critical to the
agility and responsiveness needed in smart cities, where data-driven insights enable
administrators to make educated decisions quickly [2]. Furthermore, the convergence of Edge
Computing and IoT goes beyond simple data processing. It speeds up the deployment of
machine learning models at the edge, allowing devices to make intelligent decisions in real-
time [3].
Literature Review
The integration of edge computing and IoT technologies in smart cities has garnered substantial
attention in recent years due to its potentiality to revolutionize municipality infrastructure,
services, and sustainability. This study aims to provide an overview of the stream research
landscape painting in this domain, focusing on key studies that explore various aspects of edge
computing and IoT undefined in smart city environments. A research study delves into the
acceptance of IoT edge-computing-based sensors in smart cities for universal design purposes.
Also, the study highlights the importance of user acceptance in deploying IoT devices at the
edge of networks, particularly in ensuring accessibility and inclusivity in urban environments
[4]. Another research study proposed an efficient edge computing management mechanism
tailored for sustainable smart cities, emphasizing the need for optimized resource allocation
and energy efficiency in edge computing infrastructures [5]. A comprehensive survey provided
insights into the diverse technologies, practices, and challenges associated with IoT
implementation in smart cities. The study offers a holistic view of the current landscape,
covering topics ranging from sensor networks and data analytics to privacy and security
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concerns [6]. Few research studies have contributed to the understanding of IoT technologies
in smart cities, focusing on applications, architectures, and edge-computing-enabled
infrastructures, respectively [7, 8].
A research study discussed an efficient machine learning-based resource allocation scheme
tailored for software-defined networking (SDN)-enabled fog computing environments,
addressing the need for intelligent resource management in edge computing systems [9]. The
research studies conducted by researchers have explored the deployment of Internet of
Vehicles (IoV) and hierarchical distributed fog computing architectures for big data analysis
in smart cities, highlighting the potential applications and architectural considerations in urban
environments [10, 11]. Another research study proposed a novel approach for solving critical
events through mobile edge computing, showcasing the role of edge computing in enhancing
public safety and emergency response systems in smart cities [12]. Yet another study
contributed to the literature by surveying load balancing techniques in fog computing
environments, addressing the challenges associated with workload distribution and resource
optimization at the network edge [13]. Lastly, studies conducted by few researchers have
explored the design and application of municipal service platforms based on cloud-edge
collaboration and metaverse applications in smart cities, respectively [14, 15]. The aforesaid
research studies shed light on emerging trends and future directions in leveraging edge
computing and IoT technologies to create innovative and urban ecosystems.
Need & Relevance
In recent years, the convergence of edge computing and Internet of Things (IoT) technologies
has emerged as a game-changer in the realm of smart cities. As urban populations continue to
grow, cities face mounting challenges related to infrastructure management, resource
optimization, and sustainability. Edge computing and IoT offer promising solutions to address
these challenges by enabling real-time data processing, decentralized decision-making, and
efficient resource allocation at the network edge. Understanding the need and relevance of
these technologies in the context of smart cities is crucial for policymakers, urban planners,
researchers, and industry professionals seeking to harness the potential of digital
transformation in urban environments. This book chapter aims to provide an overview of edge
computing and IoT in smart cities, highlighting their significance, applications, and
implications for urban development. The relevance of exploring edge computing and IoT in
the context of smart cities extends beyond technological innovation. It intersects with broader
societal goals, such as sustainability, inclusivity, and economic development. By leveraging
edge computing and IoT technologies, smart cities can reduce energy consumption, minimize
environmental impact, and enhance accessibility to essential services for all citizens.
Moreover, these technologies have the potential to foster economic growth, spur innovation,
and create new opportunities for businesses and entrepreneurs in urban areas.
To provide a theoretical concept for understanding edge computing and IoT concepts and their
relevance to smart city development
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To explore the applications and use cases of edge computing and IoT in various domains of
smart city infrastructure including transportation, energy, healthcare, public safety, and
environmental monitoring
To discuss the challenges and opportunities, future trends, emerging technologies, and research
directions in the field of edge computing and IoT for smart cities
Method of Study
The study adopted descriptive research design. The entire research chapter is based on
secondary data sources, wherein the observations and challenges are discussed accordingly.
In this section the researcher discusses about the intricate intersection of edge computing and
IoT within the context of smart cities, providing an in-depth overview of key concepts,
technologies, challenges, and opportunities. The overall, the main content of this research
chapter provides a comprehensive overview of the pivotal role of edge computing and IoT in
shaping the future of smart cities.
Edge Computing in Smart Cities
In the context of smart cities, edge computing is a computing paradigm that includes processing
data close to its source of origin, at the network’s perimeter, rather than depending entirely on
centralised cloud servers. This method reduces data latency by executing calculations near the
IoT devices and sensors that create the data. Edge Computing in smart cities enables real-time
analysis, decision-making, and automation, resulting in more responsive, efficient, and
intelligent urban processes. This closeness to the data source is especially important in
applications like intelligent traffic management, where split-second choices can have a big
influence on congestion and overall mobility. Edge Computing also intends to relieve the load
on centralised cloud infrastructure by providing scalability and stability in the face of
expanding volume of data generated by IoT devices in smart cities. Table 1 summarizes the
key information about Edge computing and IoT in smart cities.
Table 1 Summarize Key Information about Edge Computing and IoT
t Ed
g in
Smart Cities IoT in Smart Cities
Definition A decentralized computing paradigm
processing data closer to the source,
enhancing real-time decision-making.
A network of interconnected
devices, sensors, and actuators
that collect and share data to
urban efficienc
Purpose Improve speed, efficiency, and
responsiveness of data processing and
Create a more interconnected
and intelligent urban
ecosystem, optimizing various
y se
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E-ISBN: 978-81-954930-4-3 55
Benefits - Reduction of data latency.
- Increased reliability and scalability.
- Efficient use of bandwidth.
- Enhanced privacy and security.
- Deployment of machine learning at
the e
- Operational efficiency
- Resource optimization.
- Enhanced public services.
- Support for evidence-based
The edge computing also contributes to increased reliability. Local processing at the edge
ensures that critical services can continue to operate independently in the event of network
disruptions or connectivity issues. Another significant advantage is the effective use of
bandwidth. Moreover, Edge Computing eliminates the need to send massive amounts of raw
data to centralised servers by processing data locally, maximising network capacity, and
minimising operational costs. Furthermore, Edge Computing increases privacy and security by
putting sensitive data closer to its source, decreasing the risks associated with network data
transfer [5].
IoT in Smart Cities
In the context of smart cities, the IoT refers to a vast network of interconnected devices,
sensors, and actuators that gather and share data to improve the efficiency, sustainability, and
general usefulness of urban settings. IoT devices are integrated in different infrastructure
components such as transportation systems, utility grids, and public areas in a smart city
scenario, forming a network where data is continually created, transferred, and analysed. This
network allows city officials to make more informed choices, automate procedures, and
improve the quality of services given to people. The major goal of incorporating IoT into smart
cities is to create a more connected and intelligent urban ecology. IoT devices act as data
sources, providing real-time information about municipal operations, environmental
conditions, and infrastructure usage. IoT helps to the building of cities that are not just
technologically sophisticated, but also more sustainable, resilient, and responsive to the
demands of their residents by supporting a data-driven approach [6]. The use of IoT in smart
cities has several advantages. One key advantage is increased operating efficiency. IoT devices
provide for real-time monitoring and administration of many municipal functions, allowing for
quick reactions to changing conditions. For example, intelligent transportation systems may
use IoT data to optimise traffic flow and alleviate congestion.
Architectural Frameworks for Edge Computing and IoT Integration
Architectural frameworks are critical in influencing the integration of Edge Computing and the
IoT, across several domains, including smart cities. These frameworks provide the structure
and rules required for creating and deploying systems that integrate Edge Computing and IoT
technologies. Integration of these two paradigms is critical for developing resilient and
efficient systems capable of handling the diverse and dynamic nature of smart city data. Figure
1 represents an overview of smart cities enabled by IoT and Edge Computing [8].
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Fig 1: Overview of Smart Cities Enabled by IoT and Edge Computing
The architectural frameworks for Edge Computing and IoT integration in smart cities are
focused on providing a flexible and scalable structure. The distribution of computing resources
across the network is a crucial notion, with edge nodes deliberately positioned to process data
locally. Architectures must allow for the training and deployment of these models at the edge,
guaranteeing that real-time choices may be made based on locally processed data. Some of the
most common architectural frameworks for edge computing and IoT integration are as follows:
EdgeX Foundry: It is an open-source platform that provides a standardized collection of APIs
and services for developing edge computing applications.
Eclipse Kura: Kura is a Java/OSGi-based open-source edge computing framework that
provides a lightweight platform for developing and maintaining IoT applications on edge
FIWARE: FIWARE is also an open-source platform that contains components for developing
and maintaining IoT applications.
Amazon Greengrass: Greengrass is a service from Amazon Web Services (AWS) that allows
you to run AWS Lambda functions on edge devices.
Microsoft Azure IoT Edge: Azure IoT Edge is a service from Microsoft Azure that allows
you to deploy and manage IoT applications on edge devices.
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IBM Watson IoT Edge: It is IoT Edge service that lets you set up and maintain edge device
cognitive IoT apps.
These are only a handful of architectural frameworks that are accessible for the integration of
edge computing and IoT. The ideal structure for you will rely on your unique demands and
specifications. Lastly, architectural frameworks for Edge Computing and IoT integration in
smart cities serve as the foundation for developing intelligent, responsive, and scalable
systems. These frameworks provide the rules for allocating computer resources, assuring
device compatibility, and deploying machine learning at the edge. As smart cities expand, these
architectural underpinnings will play an important role in creating the future of urban living by
improving efficiency, sustainability, and overall quality of life for citizens [9].
Deployment Techniques in Smart Cities
In order to fully use the revolutionary power of IoT and Edge Computing, smart city
deployments require the application of complex deployment strategies. The deployment of
edge nodes strategically throughout the urban environment is one such tactic. Cities may
guarantee that data is handled as close to its source as feasible, minimizing latency and
facilitating real-time decision-making, by carefully placing sensors, gateways, and edge
servers. For applications like intelligent transport systems, where split-second reactions are
critical to maximizing traffic flow and guaranteeing effective mobility, this strategy is
especially important. The adaptability required to adjust to the dynamic nature of smart cities
is provided by this hybrid approach, which enables effective resource allocation and scalability
while satisfying the various needs of various applications within the urban environment [10].
Distributed and Mobile Edge Computing
In the context of developing technologies like the Internet of Things and smart cities,
distributed edge computing represents a paradigm change in the distribution and use of
computing resources. Distributed edge computing, in contrast to conventional centralized
computing models, moves computation closer to the data source, lowering latency and
improving real-time processing capabilities. By distributing computing resourcessuch as
servers and edge nodesacross several network locations, this method makes it possible to
create an architecture that is more decentralized and flexible. Distributed edge computing
minimizes the need for data to travel long distances and the possibility of network bottlenecks
by guaranteeing that this data is handled closer to its source [11]. The idea of distributed edge
computing is becoming a vital component of smart city applications, fostering metropolitan
areas’ flexibility, efficiency, and reactivity. Data processing and service delivery are being
completely transformed by Mobile Edge Computing (MEC); a revolutionary technology that
brings computing capacity closer to the edge of mobile networks. In essence, MEC increases
the responsiveness and efficiency of mobile apps by utilizing edge computing capabilities. This
technique lowers latency and allows real-time processing by putting computer equipment at
the edge of cellular networks. MEC is particularly significant for mobile networks, where the
exponential growth of data and low-latency applications such as autonomous vehicles and
augmented reality necessitate a more distributed computing architecture. Mobile Edge
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Computing is at the vanguard of mobile network evolution, ushering in a new era of mobile
computing that is more responsive, scalable, and suited to the dynamic demands of modern
mobile consumers [12].
Fog Computing
Within the complex environment of smart cities, Fog Computing, an extension of Edge
Computing, plays a critical role in the synergy between Edge Computing and the IoT. Fog
Computing, as a decentralized computing paradigm, includes the dispersal of computing
resources closer to the network’s edge, bringing intelligence and processing capabilities to the
devices and sensors that generate data. Fog Computing serves as an intermediary layer between
edge devices and centralized cloud servers in the setting of smart cities, where a plethora of
IoT devices continually provide data across multiple applications. This intermediary layer
enables more effective data processing, lowering latency and improving overall responsiveness
of smart city systems. The integration of fog computing in smart cities is especially
advantageous in scenarios requiring real-time decision-making, such as intelligent
transportation systems and public safety applications. Fog Computing reduces the need for
data to travel great distances to centralized data centres by processing it closer to the point of
origin [13]. This not only improves reaction times, but also optimizes bandwidth utilization
and relieves load on cloud infrastructure. In smart cities, fog computing illustrates a dispersed
and adaptable strategy to solving the particular problems of urban settings while also
contributing to the seamless integration of Edge Computing and IoT technologies for more
efficient, intelligent, and responsive urban systems [14].
Applications and Use Cases
Edge Computing and IoT integration in smart cities has ushered in a plethora of applications
and use cases that considerably improve urban living. Edge Computing and IoT work together
to optimize traffic flow, decrease congestion, and increase overall mobility in intelligent
transportation systems. Smart traffic signals with sensors and cameras, along with edge
computing capabilities, offer real-time traffic pattern analysis. Edge Computing in this context
provides quick decision-making for load balancing, decreasing energy waste, and boosting the
integration of renewable energy sources into urban power infrastructure [15]. These
applications are only a taste of the disruptive influence that Edge Computing and IoT are
having in smart cities with larger ramifications extending to environmental monitoring,
healthcare, public safety, and beyond [16].
Intelligent Transportation Systems
A prime example of the ground-breaking cooperation of Edge Computing and IoT in smart
cities is Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS). By using Edge Computing’s processing power
and IoT sensors embedded in infrastructure, vehicles, and roadways, smart cities transform
their transportation ecosystems. Dynamic traffic control and optimization are made possible
by these systems’ real-time collection and analysis of enormous amounts of data. In order to
facilitate real-time decision-making for adaptive traffic signal control, route planning, and
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congestion management, edge computing brings processing closer to the source. This reduces
fuel consumption and emissions, which not only shortens travel times and eases traffic, but
also contributes to the development of a more sustainable urban environment. Additionally,
the growth of intelligent vehicle-to-everything communication is made possible by edge
computing and the internet of things [17].
Traffic Management
Edge computing and IoT are driving a substantial revolution in smart city traffic management.
Edge computing provides real-time analysis of information gathered by IoT devices such as
sensors and cameras embedded in urban infrastructure by processing data at the edge, closer
to the source of generation. This decentralized strategy minimizes latency, allowing for quick
decisions in reaction to changing traffic circumstances. Edge devices, for example, can
optimize traffic signal timing based on real-time data, resulting in enhanced traffic flow and
reduced congestion. Edge computing and IoT device collaboration also enables predictive
analytics in traffic control. Machine learning algorithms at the edge can estimate traffic
patterns and potential disruptions by analyzing historical and real-time data from IoT devices.
This proactive strategy enables the deployment of preventative actions such as signal timing
adjustments or traffic rerouting, which contributes to the overall efficiency of transportation
system. In furtherance, the integration of edge computing with IoT improves safety by allowing
for the rapid identification of risks such as accidents or barriers, as well as providing prompt
reaction mechanisms such as notifying emergency services or dynamically rerouting traffic.
Energy Management
With the integration of edge computing and the IoT, energy management in smart cities is
experiencing a transformational transition. Edge computing brings processing capacity closer
to energy infrastructure, enabling real-time data analysis from IoT devices such as smart
metres, sensors, and linked appliances. This localized processing decreases latency and enables
faster and more informed decisions about energy usage, distribution, and efficiency. IoT
devices are critical in smart cities for gathering granular data on energy use trends, building
characteristics, and grid performance. The convergence of edge computing and IoT in energy
management not only improves the dependability and resilience of urban energy networks, but
also adds to sustainability goals by enabling more efficient resource usage and lowering overall
energy consumption [13].
Smart Grids
IoT devices are critical in smart cities for gathering granular data on energy use trends, building
characteristics, and grid performance. These gadgets continually provide data to edge
computing platforms, which may analyze it on the spot. This enables intelligent energy
management solutions such as dynamic load balancing, predictive repair of energy
infrastructure, and optimizing energy distribution based on real-time demand to be
implemented. The convergence of edge computing and IoT in energy management not only
improves the dependability and resilience of urban energy networks, but also adds to
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sustainability goals by enabling more efficient resource usage and lowering overall energy
Environmental Monitoring
The combination of edge computing and the IoT improves environmental monitoring in smart
cities dramatically. Edge computing brings processing capabilities closer to IoT devices like
sensors and drones, which are widely used to collect environmental data. This enables real-
time analysis of environmental data at the edge, allowing for rapid and informed decisions on
air quality, pollution levels, temperature, and other critical environmental factors. When it
comes to environmental monitoring, edge computing’s smooth integration with IoT enables
early change detection and proactive responses to environmental issues. Combined with IoT
and edge computing, environmental monitoring becomes a dynamic and responsive system.
Effective data filtering is made possible by localized data processing at the edge, guaranteeing
that only pertinent data is forwarded to centralized systems. This lowers latency as well as
network burden, enabling quicker reactions to escalating environmental problems.
Air Quality & Environmental Sensors
The IoT and edge computing have improved the efficacy of air quality monitoring in smart
cities. In cities, environmental sensors are commonly utilized, such as air quality monitoring
systems. In real time, these sensors record information on particles, contaminants, and other
markers of air quality. This data is processed locally by edge computing, enabling real-time
analysis at the edge of the network. This reduces latency and facilitates prompt decision-
making in response to variations in air quality. The fast processing of information at the edge
enables quick responses such as changing traffic flow or warning inhabitants of potential health
hazards all of which contribute to enhanced air quality management in smart cities. In air
quality monitoring, coordination between edge computing and IoT offers more effective data
handling. Edge devices, rather than sending all raw data to centralized servers, can filter and
analyze information locally, delivering only relevant and condensed insights to the cloud. This
not only optimizes network bandwidth but also improves the air quality monitoring system’s
overall scalability.
The integration of edge computing and the IoT in healthcare is revolutionizing patient care,
diagnostics, and overall healthcare delivery inside smart cities. IoT device integration, such as
wearable health trackers and medical sensors, enables continuous real-time monitoring of
patients’ vital signs and health parameters. Edge computing enables fast processing of this
massive stream of health data at the moment of collection. Furthermore, the integration of edge
computing with IoT improves healthcare service efficiency by enabling remote patient
monitoring and telemedicine. Wearable devices with sensors may send health data to edge
devices, which can then analyze the data locally. The seamless integration of edge computing
and IoT in healthcare not only improves patient outcomes, but also helps to the development
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of more responsive and patient-centric healthcare systems within the context of smart cities
Patient Monitoring & Telemedicine
With the integration of edge computing and the IoT in smart cities, patient monitoring and
telemedicine are experiencing dramatic transformations. Wearable health monitors and in-
home medical sensors, for example, capture real-time data on patients’ vital signs and health
indicators. This data is analyzed locally using edge computing, reducing latency, and providing
quick insights at the moment of collection. In the context of patient monitoring, this implies
that healthcare practitioners will be able to obtain timely and reliable information about their
patients’ status, allowing for proactive interventions and personalized treatment plans [19].
Video Surveillance & Crime Prevention
The combination of edge computing and IoT is causing a paradigm change in smart city video
monitoring and crime prevention. IoT-enabled security cameras are positioned strategically to
keep an eye on high-crime areas, public places, and vital infrastructure in metropolitan settings.
By granting these cameras local processing capability, edge computing makes it possible to
analyze video streams in real time at the network’s edge. By reducing latency and enabling
prompt identification of suspicious activity or security risks, this decentralized technique
improves the efficacy of video surveillance systems. With the use of these predictive
capabilities, law enforcement may more effectively allocate resources, proactively address
security concerns, and put preventative measures in place to dissuade criminal activity [20].
Smart cities are becoming safer and more secure as a result of the integration of video
surveillance with edge computing and IoT, which turns conventional security systems into
dynamic and proactive instruments for preventing crime.
Emergency Response
The combination of edge computing with the IoT dramatically improves public safety and
emergency response capabilities in smart cities. Every second matters in an emergency, and
edge computing provides real-time processing of important data acquired by IoT devices such
as sensors and security cameras at the network’s edge. It is because of the reduced latency;
emergency response teams obtain rapid and actionable information. Whether it is a natural
catastrophe, a traffic accident, or a public safety danger, the combination of edge computing
and IoT enables quick and informed decision-making in emergency scenarios. Edge computing
and IoT collaboration not only enhances the efficiency of emergency response systems, but
also plays an important role in making smart cities more resilient and better equipped to deal
with unanticipated events.
In order to ensure the success and sustainability of these game-changing technologies, the
integration of edge computing and IoT in smart cities presents a number of issues and concerns
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that need to be carefully considered. The interoperability of various systems and devices inside
the smart city ecosystem is a major problem. Distinct communication protocols and standards
may be used by various devices such as edge computing and Internet of Things applications
spread. For these technologies to function together, they must achieve seamless
interoperability, which calls for standardized frameworks and protocols to make integration
easier and guarantee effective cooperation between systems and devices. Establishing public
confidence in the security and privacy of smart city infrastructure requires the use of robust
encryption techniques, safe access restrictions, and compliance with privacy laws. One of the
most important aspects of tackling infrastructure difficulties in the context of edge computing
and IoT in smart cities is striking a balance between the necessity of cutting-edge technology
and the viability of its deployment financially. The following are some of the key challenges:
Security and Privacy: When using edge computing and the Internet of Things in smart cities,
security and privacy are top priorities. Strict privacy laws and data security protocols are
needed to safeguard private information that is gathered from people and different devices. It
might be difficult to find the ideal balance between protecting people’s privacy and using data
to improve city services.
Privacy Regulations and Data Security: A complicated web of data security guidelines and
privacy laws must be negotiated by smart cities. Strict compliance requirements, like GDPR
or regional data protection regulations, must be followed in order to guarantee that citizen data
is treated morally and lawfully. Safeguarding against possible cyber dangers requires frequent
security audits, secure authentication methods, and encryption.
Scalability: Scalability becomes a crucial factor as smart cities expand and integrate additional
IoT devices. Edge computing and Internet of Things applications require infrastructure that
can handle increased data volumes and an expanding number of connected devices.
Infrastructure Requirements: The network infrastructure in particular requires careful
planning to handle the substantial data flow that numerous IoT devices generate. It is also
important to take into account the cost implications of establishing and sustaining this kind of
Network Infrastructure & Cost Implications: It is expensive to build the network
infrastructure needed for edge computing and the Internet of Things in smart cities. Large
financial expenditures are needed to build high-speed, low-latency networks that can handle
the vast amounts of data produced by IoT devices. Cities must evaluate these initiatives’ long-
term economic feasibility and investigate creative funding options.
In discussing the aforesaid observations and challenges associated with integrating edge
computing and IoT in smart cities, several critical points emerge. Firstly, interoperability
among various systems and devices within the smart city ecosystem presents a significant
challenge. A research study highlighted the disparate communication protocols and standards
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used by different devices hinder seamless integration, necessitating standardized frameworks
and protocols to ensure effective cooperation and interoperability [4]. Similarly, the need to
establish public confidence in the security and privacy of smart city infrastructure cannot be
overstated. Security and privacy concerns require robust encryption techniques, secure access
restrictions, and compliance with privacy laws to safeguard sensitive data [8]. Furthermore,
scalability emerges as a crucial consideration as smart cities expand and integrate additional
IoT devices. The edge computing and IoT applications demand infrastructure capable of
handling increased data volumes and a growing number of connected devices. This scalability
requirement extends to network infrastructure, which necessitates careful planning to
accommodate substantial data flow generated by numerous IoT devices [5]. Additionally, the
cost implications of building and maintaining such infrastructure must be carefully evaluated,
and highlighted [2]. Large financial investments are required to establish high-speed, low-
latency networks capable of handling vast amounts of IoT-generated data, prompting the need
for innovative funding options and long-term economic feasibility assessments. The potential
for efficiency, sustainability, and responsiveness to citizens’ needs through the integration of
edge computing, artificial intelligence, and IoT is evident. Also, the real-time data analysis
facilitated by connected sensors and equipment enables better decision-making in areas such
as public safety, energy efficiency, and traffic management [12]. Moreover, sustainability and
resilience are paramount considerations for future smart cities has been emphasized in a
research study [1]. Urban areas are increasingly prioritizing environmentally conscious
projects, leveraging technology to minimize carbon emissions, maximize resource utilization,
and mitigate the effects of global warming. Additionally, advancements in technology are
expected to foster more transparent and participatory governance models, promoting citizen
engagement and inclusion in smart city development efforts. Through multidisciplinary
collaboration and strategic innovation, smart cities have the potential to evolve into vibrant
centers of innovation, offering improved living standards and addressing the challenges of
urbanization in a sustainable and inclusive manner.
Suggestions & Future Directions
Smart cities have a bright future ahead of them, as technology continues to change urban
environments all around the world. Moreover, they have the potential to improve in efficiency,
sustainability, and responsiveness to the needs of their citizens via growing integration of edge
computing, artificial intelligence, and IoT. Also, smooth transition between digital and
physical infrastructures in the upcoming years is expected, when real-time data analysis for
better decision-making in areas like public safety, energy efficiency, and traffic management
is made possible by linked sensors and equipment. The implementation of intelligent power
networks, self-driving cars, and cutting-edge medical technology will all lead to improved
living standards and a more integrated urban environment. Furthermore, sustainability and
resilience will be given a lot of weight in the future of smart cities. The urban areas will give
precedence to environmentally conscious projects, use technology to minimize carbon
emissions, maximize resource utilization, and alleviate the consequences of global warming.
Smart city planning will include developing green areas, integrating renewable energy sources,
and putting in place sophisticated waste management systems. Moreover, technology will
promote more transparent and participatory government models, making citizen participation
Holistic Research Perspectives Vol.11
E-ISBN: 978-81-954930-4-3 64
and inclusion crucial. Smart cities will develop into vibrant centres of innovation as the urban
landscape changes, providing a higher standard of living while resolving the problems
associated with urbanization and promoting a more sustainable and inclusive future.
The integration of edge computing and IoT offers a paradigm shift in smart city development
that tackles urbanization’s problems while promoting resilience, efficiency, and sustainability.
In the context of smart cities, this chapter delves the basic ideas, architectural frameworks,
deployment strategies, and many applications of edge computing and IoT. It emphasizes how
essential these technologies are useful in transforming urban life, from energy management
and sophisticated transportation systems to public safety, healthcare, and environmental
monitoring. Although the study observed many advantages it needs to take into account the
difficulties and factors that come alongside in deploying edge computing and IoT in smart
cities. The infrastructure needs, scalability challenges, and security and privacy concerns are
important factors that call for considerable thought and strategic design. Understanding the
flexibility of these technologies may be gained by investigating deployment strategies like
mobile edge computing and distributed edge computing, as well as architectural frameworks
like edge clouds and fog computing. The future prospects for Edge Computing and IoT in
Smart Cities will involve multidisciplinary endeavours that span policy formation, social
sciences, and technical innovation. Thus, to overcome obstacles, improve the capabilities of
smart city technologies, and contribute to building inclusive, resilient, and sustainable urban
environments, researchers will collaborate.
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This paper introduces 5GT-GAN, a novel approach leveraging generative adversarial networks (GANs) to create synthetic mobile Internet traffic data, particularly tailored to smart city applications. Given the challenges of data scarcity and privacy concerns in the context of 5G, generating synthetic data becomes a crucial aspect for effectively deploying AI-driven systems in real-world scenarios. 5GT-GAN integrates unsupervised GAN schemes with the ability to manage temporal dynamics through supervised autoregressive models, successfully generating large-scale synthetic mobile Internet traffic data. Our experimental results illustrate the superior performance of 5GT-GAN in terms of mean squared error (MSE) and mean absolute error (MAE) when compared to traditional models. The use of "Train Synthetic Test Real" (TSTR) and "Train Real Test Synthetic" (TRTS) methodologies affirmed the model’s effectiveness with (0.0023 MAE, 0.0074 MSE ) and (0.0045 MAE, 0.0092 MSE) respectively. Moreover, the model’s runtime complexity of O(n log n) emphasized its efficiency in handling larger datasets, an edge over traditional models. The study also identifies potential future work in augmenting data for traffic prediction and integrating self-attention mechanisms to further enhance the model’s capabilities.
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Information and Communication Technology (ICT) makes cities “smart”, capable of providing advanced municipal services to citizens more efficiently. In the literature, many applications of municipal service platform based on cloud computing and edge computing have been proposed, but the reference model and application instance based on cloud-edge collaboration specially for municipal service platform is rarely studied. In this context, this paper first develops a reference model, including resource collaboration, application collaboration, service collaboration, and security collaboration, and discusses the main contents and challenges of each part. Then, aiming at the problem of computing and communication resources allocation in the cloud-edge collaboration, a game-theory-based dynamic resource allocation model is introduced. Finally, an e-government self-service system based on the cloud-edge collaboration is designed and implemented. The cloud side is a cloud computing server, and the edge side are the self-service terminals integrating various edge computing devices with Artificial Intelligence (AI) embedded. The experimental results show that the designed system combines the advantages of cloud computing and edge computing, and provides a better user experience with lower processing latency, larger bandwidth, and more concurrent tasks. Meanwhile, the findings show that the evolutionary equilibrium and the Nash equilibrium are the optimal solutions, respectively.
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The number of client applications on the fog computing layer is increasing due to advancements in the Internet of Things (IoT) paradigm. Fog computing plays a significant role in reducing latency and enhancing resource usage for IoT users’ tasks. Along with its various benefits, fog computing also faces several challenges, including challenges related to resource overloading, security, node placement, scheduling, and energy consumption. In fog computing, load balancing is a difficult challenge due to the increased number of IoT devices and requests, which requires an equal load distribution throughout all available resources. In this study, we proposed a secure and energy-aware fog computing architecture, and we implemented a load-balancing technique to improve the complete utilization of resources with an SDN-enabled fog environment. A deep belief network (DBN)-based intrusion detection method was also implemented as part of the proposed techniques to reduce workload communication delays in the fog layer. The simulation findings showed that the proposed technique provided an efficient method of load balancing in a fog environment, minimizing the average response time, average energy consumption, and communication delay by 15%, 23%, and 10%, respectively, as compared with other existing techniques.
Fog computing is an emerging technology which enables computing resources accessibility close to the end-users. It overcomes the drawbacks of available network bandwidth and delay in accessing the computing resources as observed in cloud computing environment. Resource allocation plays an important role in resource management in a fog computing environment. However, the existing traditional resource allocation techniques in fog computing do not guarantee less execution time, reduced energy consumption, and low latency requirements which is a pre-requisite for most of the modern fog computing-based applications. The complex fog computing environment requires a robust resource allocation technique to ensure the quality and optimal resource usage. Motivated from the aforementioned challenges and constraints, in this article, we propose a resource allocation technique for SDN-enabled fog computing with Collaborative Machine Learning (CML). The proposed CML model is integrated with the resource allocation technique for the SDN-enabled fog computing environment. The FogBus and iFogSim are deployed to test the results of the proposed technique using various performance evaluation metrics such as bandwidth usage, power consumption, latency, delay, and execution time. The results obtained are compared with other existing state-of-the-art techniques using the aforementioned performance evaluation metrics. The results obtained show that the proposed scheme reduces 19.35% processing time, 18.14% response time, and 25.29% time delay. Moreover, compared to the existing techniques, it reduces 21% execution time, 9% network usage, and 7% energy consumption.
Smart city mission is a concept which improves economic growth and quality of life of people by using Information and Communication Technology (ICT). Smart cities collect data from various Internet of Things (IoT) sensors and manage the resources and provide service to the public. Emergency Vehicle Priority/Pre-emption (EVP) is one of the major IoT components in smart cities which saves many lives by giving right of way green signal to the Emergency Vehicles (EVs) such as ambulances and fire engines. The existing EVP system gives green signal to the EVs immediate by stopping the conflicting movements. The sudden stoppage of normal traffic as well as the sequence change generates confusion to the road users and drivers. This needs an optimal control strategy which gives green signal to EVs as well as it should not affect the normal traffic flow. This paper proposes an optimal control strategy for EVP using edge computing and IoT sensor for smart cities. The experiment was conducted using a GPS based IoT sensor which keeps on sending the Location Information (LI) to the edge server. The edge server computes the optimum timings based on the proposed control strategy algorithm and clears the emergency vehicles. Waiting time of other road vehicles before and after implementing the system have been studied at a traffic junction at Thiruvananthapuram, India. The comparison result shows that the average waiting time of vehicles on the other road is reduced by 73.23% in the proposed system when compared with the existing system. Since, edge computing has been deployed the latency in communication has been reduced less than 100 ms. So, the proposed solution reduces the waiting time of other road vehicles and reduces the latency in communication simultaneously.
Future smart cities are the key to fulfilling the ever-growing demands of citizens. Information and communication advancements will empower better administration of accessible resources. The eventual fate of the world's betterment lies in its urban environment advancement. The fast influx of individuals creates possibility, yet it additionally causes challenges. Creating sustainable, reasonable space in the world's steadily extending cities is tested confronting governments worldwide. The model of the smart cities rises, where the rights and well-being of the smart city citizens are assured, the industry is in action, and the assessment of urban planning from an environmental point of view. This paper presents a survey on analyzing future technologies and requirements for future smart cities. We provide extensive research to identify and inspect the latest technology advancements, the foundation of the upcoming robust era. Such technologies include deep learning (DL), machine learning (ML), internet of things (IoT), mobile computing, big data, blockchain, sixth-generation (6G) networks, WiFi-7, industry 5.0, robotic systems, heating ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC), digital forensic, industrial control systems, connected and automated vehicles (CAVs), electric vehicles, product recycling, flying Cars, pantry backup, calamity backup and vital integration of cybersecurity to keep the user concerns secured. We provide a detailed review of the existing future smart cities application frameworks. Furthermore, we discuss various technological challenges of future smart cities. Finally, we identify the future dimensions of smart cities to develop smart cities with the precedence of smart living.
rapid development of the industry affected all its branches, led to evolution, and influenced people's worldview and desires. The revolutionary changes also affected the healthcare system, contributing to its development in technological, socio-economic, scientific, and physical terms. Healthcare has gone through several stages called Healthcare 1.0, Healthcare 2.0, Healthcare 3.0, and Healthcare 4.0. Each of these stages is a logical chain of one whole progress, resulting in solving open challenges and previous problems. Each stage has its advantages, disadvantages, distinctive features, methods of providing medical care, scientific and technical innovations, where the research of which is mandatory for understanding the system as a whole, identifying trends, and developing future directions. This paper is devoted to a systematic analysis of the evolutionary development of healthcare, identifying the causes, means, and influence on subsequent processes. The chronology of the methods is revealed. Each stage of development is analyzed in terms of social significance, scientific and technological significance, communications, and application of information technologies, which makes this paper unique in this area. The studies were carried out with an emphasis on the technical component of the system, particularly the application of network technologies and services, the issues of the introduction of emerging technologies.