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Influence of the wearable posture correction sensor on head and neck posture: Sitting and standing workstations


Abstract and Figures

Flexed head and neck postures are associated with the development of neck pain in the office environment. There is little evidence regarding whether a wearable posture sensor would improve the head and neck postures of office workers. OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of the wearable posture sensor on the posture and physical demands on the head and neck during office work. METHODS: Nineteen participants performed a typing task with and without the wearable sensor in the sitting and standing positions. They were allowed to adjust their workstation during the experiment based on a psychophysical method. The flexion angles of the head and neck, the gravitational moment on the neck, and the positions of the workstation components were measured. RESULTS: On average, participants with the wearable sensor had 8% lower neck flexion angles and 14% lower gravitational moments on the neck than those of participants without the wearable sensor. The effect of the wearable sensor on reducing postural stress of the neck was more significant when using the standing workstation compared to the sitting workstation. CONCLUSIONS: The wearable posture sensor could be an effective tool to alleviate the postural stress of the neck in the office setting.
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Work 62 (2019) 27–35
IOS Press
Influence of the wearable posture
correction sensor on head and neck posture:
Sitting and standing workstations
Ravi Charan Ailnenia, Kartheek Reddy Syamalaa, In-Sop Kimband Jaejin Hwanga,
aDepartment of Industrial and Systems Engineering, Northern Illinois University, DeKalb, IL, USA
bSchool of Allied Health and Communicative Disorders, Northern Illinois University, DeKalb, IL, USA
Received 8 December 2017
Accepted 21 May 2018
BACKGROUND: Flexed head and neck postures are associated with the development of neck pain in the office environment.
There is little evidence regarding whether a wearable posture sensor would improve the head and neck postures of office
OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of the wearable posture sensor on the posture and physical
demands on the head and neck during office work.
METHODS: Nineteen participants performed a typing task with and without the wearable sensor in the sitting and standing
positions. They were allowed to adjust their workstation during the experiment based on a psychophysical method. The
flexion angles of the head and neck, the gravitational moment on the neck, and the positions of the workstation components
were measured.
RESULTS: On average, participants with the wearable sensor had 8% lower neck flexion angles and 14% lower gravitational
moments on the neck than those of participants without the wearable sensor. The effect of the wearable sensor on reducing
postural stress of the neck was more significant when using the standing workstation compared to the sitting workstation.
CONCLUSIONS: The wearable posture sensor could be an effective tool to alleviate the postural stress of the neck in the
office setting.
Keywords: Wearable sensor, posture, workstation, biomechanics, psychophysics
1. Introduction
Office workers typically sit for six hours per day
during work [1]. Prolonged sedentary work has been
associated with adverse health effects, including mus-
culoskeletal disorders [2–4], cardiovascular disorders
[5, 6], and type II diabetes [7]. The lack of motion
in the sitting environment is known to affect low
circulatory demands [8] and muscle activations [9].
Address for correspondence: Jaejin Hwang, Department of
Industrial and Systems Engineering, Northern Illinois University,
590 Garden Road, EB230, DeKalb, IL 60115, USA. Tel.: +1 815
753 9980; E-mail:
Flexed head and neck postures have been found
to be risk factors for neck pain in the office environ-
ment [10–14]. For instance, a recent study showed
that tablet computer usage increases the physical
demand of the neck 3 to 5 times compared to the
neutral posture in sitting [10]. In terms of biome-
chanics, an increased neck flexion angle is related to
an increase of the gravitational moment on the neck
[12, 15, 16]. Compared to neutral posture, the higher
demand of the gravitational moment in the flexed pos-
ture requires greater activation of neck muscles [17],
which leads to muscle fatigue and increases risk of
neck pain [18].
ISSN 1051-9815/19/$35.00 © 2019 IOS Press and the authors. All rights reserved
28 R.C. Ailneni et al. / Influence of a wearable posture correction sensor
To alleviate the adverse effects of substantial head
and neck flexion in the office environment, several
administrative and engineering controls have been
suggested. For instance, previous studies found that
an accessory stand for the tablet or laptop can reduce
flexion angles of the head and neck and decrease mus-
cle activities of the neck [10, 11, 19]. Despite the
positive results of the accessory stand on reducing
postural stress of the neck, the long-term effects of
ergonomic training on musculoskeletal disorders of
office workers are still controversial [20, 21]. Proper
ergonomic training and sustained usage of ergonomic
interventions are still challenging issues in the office
environment [22, 23].
Wearable posture correction sensors might be
a useful tool to help office workers maintain good,
upright postures in the office environment. A previ-
ous study showed that a wearable sensor that tracks
the user’s postures and gives light vibration feedback
in real-time is effective at improving posture over 25
days [24]. Despite this promising result, there is lit-
tle evidence that wearable posture sensors reduce the
flexion angles and physical demands of the head and
neck when using sitting and standing workstations.
The objective of this study was to investigate
whether a wearable posture sensor reduces the postu-
ral stress of the head and neck in sitting and standing
workstations. Our first hypothesis was that the wear-
able sensor feedback would help participants reduce
flexion angles of the head and neck, thereby decreas-
ing the gravitational moment on the neck relative
to that of participants without the wearable sensor.
Our second hypothesis was that the wearable sensor
would assist participants in finding better workstation
configurations that alleviate physical demand, includ-
ing the heights of the chair and desk and tilt angle of
the laptop, compared to participants without the aid
of the wearable sensor.
2. Methods
2.1. Participants
A total of 19 participants (10 females and 9 males)
were recruited for the study. All participants provided
informed consent per Institutional Review Board
requirements prior to participation in the study. The
inclusion criteria were that the participant should
have a typing speed of at least 30 words per minute
(WPM) and should not have had any pain in the
upper extremities or lower back region within the past
7 days. The means (standard deviation) of age, height,
body mass, and head circumference of the partic-
ipants were 24.47 (5.32) years, 167.98 (12.25) cm,
66.79 (9.30) kg, and 54.53 (2.84) cm, respectively.
The detailed anthropometric information is summa-
rized in Table 1.
2.2. Instrumentation
Kinematics data of the head, neck, and positions
of the workstation components (desk, chair, and lap-
top) were continuously collected during the task
using an optical motion capture system with six Flex
13 infrared cameras (Natural Point, Corvallis, OR,
USA) at a sampling rate of 100 Hz. A customized
Matlab program (R2015a, MathWorks, Natick, MA,
USA) was utilized to compute joint angles and joint
moments of the head and neck. The posture correc-
tion wearable sensor (Alex, NAMU Inc., Seoul, South
Korea) was positioned on the posterior side of the
participant’s neck. This device consisted of a 3-axis
accelerometer to measure posture and movement of
the neck in real time, and it sends this information
to the companion smartphone app through Bluetooth
for the posture management. This device measures
the gravitational force on the sensor in a static pos-
ture then computes the neck flexion angle [25]. When
a participant maintained a poor neck posture (a neck
flexion angle greater than 15relative to the neu-
tral posture) for more than 30 seconds, the wearable
sensor gently vibrated in real-time to remind the par-
ticipant to correct their posture. We determined the
15flexion as a threshold since previous study found
15forward bending had 2–3 times greater stress on
the neck compared to the neutral posture [26].
2.3. Testing procedure
Anthropometric measures including the height,
body mass, and head circumference of each partic-
Table 1
Mean and standard deviation of participant anthropometry
Age (years) Height (cm) Body mass (kg) Head circumference (cm)
Males (n= 9) 24.33 ±2.24 174.07 ±6.18 72.23 ±9.43 55.59 ±2.03
Females (n= 10) 24.06 ±7.21 162.49 ±13.99 61.88 ±6.14 53.57 ±3.21
Total (n=19) 24.47 ±5.32 167.98 ±12.25 66.79 ±9.30 54.53 ±2.84
R.C. Ailneni et al. / Influence of a wearable posture correction sensor 29
ipant were collected at the beginning of the study.
Seven reflective markers were placed on the partic-
ipant’s left and right canthus, left and right tragus,
C7 spinous process, sternal notch, and the vertex of
the head to calculate joint angles and gravitational
moment of the head and neck. Eight reflective mark-
ers were placed on the ground, chair, edge of the desk,
and laptop to compute the height of the desk and chair,
as well as the laptop tilt angle.
The participants were asked to type continuously
using typing software (Typing Master 10) with and
without the wearable sensor in the sitting and standing
workstations. A total of four conditions were random-
ized, and each condition consisted of a 30-minute
typing task. The contents of the typing tasks were
varied between conditions of each participant to min-
imize the learning effect. Five-minute breaks were
provided to the participants between conditions to
minimize carryover fatigue. The experimental setup
is shown in (Fig. 1).
At the beginning of each task, the laptop was
located at the left edge of the desk, and the height
of the desk and the chair were set to the lowest level
in the sitting workstation, or the desk was set to the
highest level in the standing workstation. Each partic-
ipant initially adjusted their workstation components.
Based on the psychophysical method [27], partici-
pants were instructed to adjust the tilt angle of the
laptop screen and the height of the desk and chair
to their preference. They could also adjust them in
the middle of the task if they wanted. They were
instructed to keep adjusting their workstation as if
they were comfortably working a full 8-hour day.
This method was found to be a robust and effective
method to determine a participant’s preferred setup
of the sitting and standing workstations [28].
2.4. Data analysis
Independent variables included the presence of
the wearable sensor (with or without). Dependent
variables included the neck flexion angle, head
flexion angle, cranio-cervical angle, gaze angle,
gaze distance, C7-T1 gravitational moment, C7-T1
moment-arm, laptop tilt angle, chair height, desk
height, typing speed, and typing accuracy. Figure 2
illustrates the dependent variables. The neck flexion
angle was defined as the angle between the vertical
line at the C7 spinous process and the vector point-
ing from the C7 spinous process to the mid-tragus
(midpoint between left and right tragus). The head
flexion angle was defined as the angle between the
vertical line at the mid-tragus and the vector point-
ing from the mid-tragus to the mid-canthus (midpoint
between left and right canthus). The cranio-cervical
angle was defined as the angle between the vector
pointing from the mid-tragus to the C7 spinous pro-
cess and the vector pointing from the mid-tragus to
the mid-canthus. The gaze angle was defined as the
angle between a horizontal line at the mid-canthus
and the vector pointing from the mid-canthus to the
center of the laptop screen. Gaze distance was com-
puted from the mid-canthus to the center of the laptop
Fig. 1. Experimental setup. (a): with wearable sensor while sitting, (b): with wearable sensor while standing, and (c): the wearable sensor
positioned on the neck.
30 R.C. Ailneni et al. / Influence of a wearable posture correction sensor
Fig. 2. Illustration of dependent variables. : neck flexion angle, : head flexion angle, : cranio-cervical angle, : gaze angle, : gaze
distance, : laptop tilt angle, : gravitational moment on the neck, and : gravitational moment-arm of the neck. Solid circle: reflective
markers, and dotted circle: virtual marker.
The gravitational moment was calculated from the
product of the head mass and the perpendicular dis-
tance between the vertical axis at the center of gravity
(COG) of the head and C7-T1. The COG was esti-
mated as 17% of the distance from the mid-tragus to
the vertex of the head [29]. The head mass was esti-
mated using a regression equation based on the head
circumference and the body mass [30]. The C7-T1
position was estimated from the midpoint between
the sternal notch marker and the C7 spinous process
marker [31].
The average values of the joint angle, gravita-
tional moment of the head and neck, and workstation
positions were calculated during the last 6 minutes
(minute 24 to 30) of each condition to represent the
participant’s final preferred workstation configura-
tion and associated posture [28]. A previous study
showed that the participant gradually settled into
a preferred workstation configuration within 11.25
minutes while sitting or standing [28]. Thus, we
assumed that the 30-minute task period would be
a reasonable duration to find convergence of the
workstation and associated posture.
2.5. Statistical analysis
For normally distributed data, a paired t-test was
conducted using SPSS 24 software at a significance
level of 0.05. If the data were not normally dis-
tributed, a Wilcoxon signed-rank test was conducted.
The mean and standard error of each dependent vari-
able was summarized.
3. Results
3.1. Head and neck postures
The number of vibrations that occurred from the
wearable sensor decreased over time in the sitting and
standing workstations (Fig. 3). The average number
of vibrations was less than one during the last interval
R.C. Ailneni et al. / Influence of a wearable posture correction sensor 31
Fig. 3. Mean and standard error of (a) the number of vibrations occurred from the wearable sensor, and (b) height of the desk and chair over
time while sitting and standing. Each data point represented the average values of the preceding 6-minute interval.
Table 2
Mean and standard error of final preferred workstation configuration and associated
head and neck postures in the sitting workstation
Variables p-values Wearable sensor
With Without
Neck flexion angle () 0.00257.52 (1.25) 63.16 (1.83)
Head flexion angle () 0.156 80.22 (1.85) 81.96 (2.08)
Cranio-Cervical angle () 0.001157.14 (1.89) 160.90 (2.00)
Gaze angle () 0.106 –30.51 (1.40) –32.02 (1.36)
Gaze distance (cm) 0.068 56.17 (1.50) 53.43 (1.90)
Laptop tilt angle () 0.732 113.96 (2.19) 113.54 (1.68)
Neck moment (Nm) 0.0282.60 (0.16) 3.00 (0.20)
Neck moment-arm (cm) 0.0285.92 (0.35) 6.82 (0.42)
Chair height (cm) 0.863 44.27 (0.90) 44.42 (0.90)
Desk height (cm) 0.338 73.17 (1.27) 72.03 (1.12)
Typing accuracy (%) 0.473 92.53 (0.98) 93.21 (0.87)
Typing speed (WPM) 0.297 38.63 (2.95) 39.05 (2.53)
Note: Mean and standard error of each variable was summarized. p-values < 0.05.
The Wilcoxon signed ranks test was conducted for typing accuracy and speed.
(24 to 30 minutes). In addition, the average differ-
ences between the desk and chair heights between the
fourth interval (18 to 24 minutes) and the last inter-
val (24 minute to 30 minute) were less than 0.3 cm
(Fig. 3). This was indicative of the convergence of the
workstation configuration at the end of each condition
for the participants. Thus, only the final preferred con-
figuration and associated posture in the last interval
were considered in the following analysis.
Table 2 shows the mean and standard error of each
dependent variable, with p-values, while sitting. With
the aid of the wearable sensor, participants showed
significantly lower neck flexion angles (p= 0.002)
and cranio-cervical angles (p= 0.001) compared to
those of participants without the wearable sensor.
The neck flexion and cranio-cervical angles were
decreased by 6 and 4 degrees when participants wore
the sensor.
32 R.C. Ailneni et al. / Influence of a wearable posture correction sensor
Table 3
Mean and standard error of final preferred workstation configuration and associated
head and neck postures in the standing workstation
Variables p-values Wearable sensor
With Without
Neck flexion angle () <0.000158.49 (1.11) 63.21 (1.38)
Head flexion angle () 0.03881.32 (2.01) 84.35 (1.69)
Cranio-Cervical angle () 0.298 157.09 (2.06) 158.22 (1.87)
Gaze angle () 0.126 –34.04 (1.69) –35.67 (1.59)
Gaze distance (cm) 0.01855.76 (1.91) 53.55 (2.13)
Laptop tilt angle () 0.372 116.96 (1.93) 115.24 (2.38)
Neck moment (Nm) <0.00012.69 (0.11) 3.18 (0.12)
Neck moment-arm (cm) <0.00016.16 (0.27) 7.24 (0.26)
Desk height (cm) 0.320 111.62 (1.83) 110.14 (1.48)
Typing accuracy (%) 0.415 93.37 (0.85) 93.68 (0.71)
Typing speed (WPM) 0.209 38.84 (2.92) 39.63 (3.10)
Note: Mean and standard error of each variable was summarized. p-values < 0.05.
The Wilcoxon signed ranks test was conducted for typing accuracy and speed.
Table 3 shows the mean and standard error of each
dependent variable, with p-values, while standing.
With the wearable sensor, participants showed sig-
nificantly lower neck flexion angles (p< 0.0001) and
head flexion angles (p= 0.038) compared to those of
participants without the wearable sensor. The neck
flexion and head flexion angles were reduced by 5 and
3 degrees while wearing the sensor. With the wear-
able sensor, participants had significantly longer gaze
distance (p= 0.018) than did participants without the
wearable sensor. The gaze distance was increased by
2 cm when wearing the sensor.
3.2. Gravitational moment on the neck
There was a significant effect of the wearable sen-
sor on the gravitational moment and moment-arms at
C7-T1 while sitting and standing (Tables 2 and 3).
With the wearable sensor, participants showed lower
gravitational moments and moment-arms compared
to without the wearable sensor. The statistical sig-
nificance was greater in the standing workstation
(p< 0.0001) than the sitting workstation (p= 0.028).
When participant wore the sensor, the gravita-
tional moment and moment-arm were decreased
by 0.4 Nm and 1 cm in the sitting workstation,
and reduced by 0.5 Nm and 1 cm in the standing
3.3. Typing accuracy and speed
Typing accuracy and speed were not significantly
different with and without the wearable sensor for
either the sitting or standing workstations (Tables 2
and 3). Average typing accuracy ranged from 92.53%
to 93.68%, and average typing speed ranged from
38.63 to 39.63 WPM.
4. Discussion
The objective of this study was to investigate the
effect of the wearable posture correction sensor on
the preferred workstation setup and associated pos-
tures of the head and neck while sitting and standing.
The results showed that the wearable sensor assisted
participants in achieving more upright postures of
the head and neck (reduced flexion angles and grav-
itational moments) compared to without wearable
sensor. This result supported the first hypothesis that
the wearable posture sensor would reduce the flexed
head and neck postures of participants and alleviate
the gravitational moment on the neck.
Regardless of the wearable sensor, participants had
similar preferred workstation setups, including the
desk height, chair height, and laptop tilt angle for
sitting and standing at the last interval (24 to 30 min-
utes) of the study. This result did not support our
second hypothesis that the wearable sensor would
assist participants in having a more upright posture
than without the wearable sensor. In addition, there
was no significant difference in typing performance
with and without the wearable sensor.
The neck flexion angle was significantly different
with and without the wearable sensor for the sitting
(p= 0.002) and standing (p< 0.0001) workstations.
The effect of the wearable sensor on the neck flexion
angle was more significant in the standing work-
station in comparison with the sitting workstation.
R.C. Ailneni et al. / Influence of a wearable posture correction sensor 33
Participants with the wearable sensor in the sit-
ting position showed the lowest neck flexion angle
(57.52), while participants without the wearable sen-
sor in the standing position showed the highest neck
flexion angle (63.21). The range of values in the
present study was comparable to a previous study
(55.0to 60.2) in which participants typed with
a tablet computer in different positions [10]. For
example, the neck flexion angle with the wearable
sensor in the sitting condition (57.52) was compara-
ble to the more upright posture condition (desk high
while reading, 56.8), with the exception of neutral
posture, reported in the previous study [10].
The head flexion angle was significantly differ-
ent (p= 0.038) with and without the wearable sensor
in the standing workstation. Standing participants
with the wearable sensor showed a less flexed pos-
ture (81.32) than those without the wearable sensor
(84.35). This finding was comparable to the range
of values (85to 107.3) from previous studies that
investigated the interaction of individuals with tablet
devices and their positions [10, 11]. For example, the
head flexion angle with the wearable sensor while sit-
ting (80.22) was comparable to the lowest demand
condition (movie watching with the tablet, 85)
reported in the previous study [11].
The cranio-cervical angle was significantly dif-
ferent (p= 0.001) with and without the wearable
sensor while sitting. While sitting, the wearable sen-
sor resulted in a smaller angle (157.15) than that
without the wearable sensor (160.90). The cranio-
cervical angle is the combination of the neck and head
flexion angles. The head flexion angle did not signif-
icantly vary (p= 0.156) with and without wearable
sensor while sitting. Therefore, the cranio-cervical
angle was mainly influenced by the neck flexion angle
with (57.52) and without (63.16) the wearable
The average gravitational moment on the neck,
which ranged from 2.60 Nm (with the wearable sen-
sor in sitting) to 3.18 Nm (without the wearable
sensor in standing), was significantly different with
and without the wearable sensor for sitting (p= 0.028)
and standing (p< 0.0001). The effect of the wear-
able sensor on the gravitational moment was more
significant in the standing workstation. Our find-
ing was comparable to the range (3 to 3.8 Nm) of
the previous study that included typing with the
tablet device [10]. Participants without the wear-
able sensor in the standing workstation showed a 1.2
times greater gravitational moment than participants
with the wearable sensor in the sitting workstation.
Previous studies showed that a 1.47 to 1.5 times
greater gravitational demand occurs at the desk flat
position compared to the desk high position [10, 12].
The gravitational moment with the wearable sen-
sor in sitting (2.60 Nm) was comparable to the desk
high reading position (approximately 3 Nm), the low-
est demand condition with the tablet in the previous
study [10].
Participants with the wearable sensor had a signif-
icantly (p= 0.018) longer gaze distance (55.76 cm)
than without the wearable sensor (53.55 cm) while
standing, and the range of gaze distances was similar
to the range of the previous study [11]. A greater gaze
distance was associated with a reduced neck flexion
angle with the wearable sensor (58.49) compared
to without the wearable sensor (63.21). The pre-
vious study reported that a gaze angle below –45
is associated with significantly higher strain on the
neck extensors [12]. In the present study, the gaze
angle ranged from –35.67(without the wearable sen-
sor, standing) to –30.51(with the wearable sensor,
sitting), above the threshold (–45) reported in the
previous study [12].
There were no significant differences of the work-
station configuration setups, including the chair
height, desk height, and laptop tilt angle, with and
without the wearable sensor. Based on the psy-
chophysical methods implemented in this study, we
found that participants settled on a similar preferred
setup, regardless of the wearable sensor. This indi-
cates that the significant differences of the neck
and head flexion angles and gravitational moment
with and without the wearable sensor were mainly
influenced by posture. In other words, given simi-
lar configurations of the workstations while sitting
and standing, participants tended to approach upright
postures more with the aid of the wearable sensor
compared to without the wearable sensor.
For the sitting workstation, the participants pre-
ferred chair and desk heights were approximately
44 and 73 cm, respectively. A previous study found
that the user’s preferred desk height in sitting is
74 cm, close to our finding [28]. For the standing
workstation, the preferred desk height of participants
was approximately 111 cm, higher than the preferred
desk height (98 cm) reported in the previous study
[28]. The difference might be due to the different
tasks conducted by the participants and the different
devices used in the two studies. The present study
involved typing with a laptop, while the previous
study involved one third keyboard work and two
thirds mouse work with the desktop setting [28].
34 R.C. Ailneni et al. / Influence of a wearable posture correction sensor
There were several limitations in this study. Only
healthy young participants were recruited. Elderly
participants, who have different cognitive and motor
functions, might behave differently given the same
psychophysical experiment setup. This was a labo-
ratory study to investigate the effect of the wearable
sensor on head and neck postures in simulated office
work. Even though we found some potential ben-
efits of the wearable posture sensor on reducing
physical demands on the neck, the long-term effect
of the wearable sensor on the physical stress of
the neck in daily life is still unknown. Neck mus-
cle fatigue was not addressed in this study. Each
condition consisted of a 30-minute task, and the mus-
cle activity was not monitored in this study. Future
studies might address the effect of the wearable sen-
sor on neck muscle fatigue in the longer duration
task. The commercial wearable sensor used in this
study was not directly validated or calibrated in our
laboratory. This sensor might result in lower sensi-
tivity to estimate neck angles in walking due to the
external accelerations of the movement [25]. Since
participants had static postures (Fig. 3: number of
vibration was less than 1 in last period), we expect
that the measurement error of the sensor would be
5. Conclusions
The potential benefit of the wearable posture
correction sensor was investigated to find whether
participants could improve their head and neck pos-
tures in office work. With the assistance of the
wearable sensor, participants had 8% lower neck flex-
ion postures and 14% lower gravitational moments on
the neck, compared to without the wearable sensor for
the sitting and standing workstations. The effect of
the wearable sensor on the physical demands on the
neck was more significant in the standing worksta-
tion compared to the sitting workstation. The present
study showed that the wearable sensor could be an
effective tool to alleviate postural stress of the head
and neck in sedentary work. Our findings will be help-
ful to improve the design of the wearable sensor and to
develop ergonomic guidelines for using the wearable
sensor during office work.
Conflict of interest
None to report.
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... *p < 0.05. In a study conducted by Ailneni et al. [38], it was observed that the cervical flexion decreased by 8%, and the gravitational moment of the neck decreased by 14% after using PCF sensors during computer tasks. In addition, significant angular changes in neck extension were observed in this study when the PCF system was employed, providing findings similar to those of previous studies. ...
... Owing to the nature of smartphone operation, the device must be held with either one or both hands and because of the small screen size, strong concentration and load may be involved even in a short time [44]. In contrast to Kuo have attempted to obtain more detailed data by measuring kinematic data for the last 5 minutes of a session or by collecting angle data every 5 minutes over a longer period [19,38]. Thus, future research will require new attempts to collect and analyze kinematic data. ...
... In addition, there was a significant difference in muscle activity and APDF values of the CES over time. Regarding the APDF value of the CES, a significant difference was observed between the initial (0-1 minute) and final(15-16 minutes) periods.In studies that examined postural changes using PCF during computer tasks, significant increases in the extension angle of the upper body were reported before and after use[10,21,38].The change in the extension of the upper body in a seated posture serves to align the spine in a neutral position, reducing the moment exerted on the spine by narrowing the distance between the head and thoracic vertebrae up to the gravity line. ...
... Besides passive assistive instruments, active assistive instruments, such as biofeedback and electromyography-based feedback devices, that provide feedback and enable active posture adjustment have also been developed; however, they have the disadvantage of being impractical for daily life use because of their voluminous size and unverified long-term effects [15,22,23]. To compensate for these limitations, studies on posture correction using various active wearable sensors, such as inertial measurement unit (IMU) sensors that are comfortable to use, regardless of environmental restrictions, are being conducted [24][25][26]. Raya et al. [24] have shown that active wearable sensors are reliable for a range of motion measurement. Furthermore, Ailneni et al. [25] and Kuo et al. [26] have shown that wearable sensors are effective in head and neck posture improvement during computer work but may be inconvenient for certain people, such as office workers who wear headphones and work on computers. ...
... Raya et al. [24] have shown that active wearable sensors are reliable for a range of motion measurement. Furthermore, Ailneni et al. [25] and Kuo et al. [26] have shown that wearable sensors are effective in head and neck posture improvement during computer work but may be inconvenient for certain people, such as office workers who wear headphones and work on computers. ...
... Ailneni et al. [84] Evaluating the effectiveness of vibration feedback in reducing flexion/inclination angles of the head and neck, as well as gravitational moment on the neck during sitting and standing computer work. ...
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Work-related diseases and disorders remain a significant global health concern, necessitating multifaceted measures for mitigation. One potential measure is work technique training utilizing augmented feedback through wearable motion capture systems. However, there exists a research gap regarding its current effectiveness in both real work environments and controlled settings, as well as its ability to reduce postural exposure and retention effects over short, medium, and long durations. A rapid review was conducted, utilizing two databases and three previous literature reviews to identify relevant studies published within the last twenty years, including recent literature up to the end of 2023. Sixteen studies met the inclusion criteria, of which 14 were of high or moderate quality. These studies were summarized descriptively, and the strength of evidence was assessed. Among the included studies, six were rated as high quality, while eight were considered moderate quality. Notably, the reporting of participation rates, blinding of assessors, and a-priori power calculations were infrequently performed. Four studies were conducted in real work environments, while ten were conducted in controlled settings. Vibration feedback was the most common feedback type utilized (n = 9), followed by auditory (n = 7) and visual feedback (n = 1). All studies employed corrective feedback initiated by the system. In controlled environments, evidence regarding the effectiveness of augmented feedback from wearable motion capture systems to reduce postural exposure ranged from strong evidence to no evidence, depending on the time elapsed after feedback administration. Conversely, for studies conducted in real work environments, the evidence ranged from very limited evidence to no evidence. Future reach needs are identified and discussed.
... Datification, sensorization, and AI not only enable more varied, pervasive, and widespread monitoring practices but also make it palpably easier to decipher intimate preferences, everyday routines, subjective well-being, or sentiments toward their employer to the extent of predicting resignations (Fang et al., 2018) or job burnout (Dai and Zhu, 2021). On the one hand, these tools can benefit workers, helping to prevent serious accidents (Sarkar et al., 2019) and helping to protect them from life-threatening hazards (Asadzadeh et al., 2020) or damages owing to unhealthy work habits (Ailneni et al., 2019). On the other hand-and the focus of this article-the connected workplace poses risks to workers' fundamental rights and dignity. ...
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Because of Covid-19 lockdowns, managers and administrators have begun to look for new ways to monitor and control their stranded-at-home workforce. Yet long before the pandemic already, advancements in datification, sensorization, and artificial intelligence have given rise to what we call connected workplace surveillance. At the heart of this new mode of employee monitoring and control is the extension of the scope of data collection beyond what is necessary and reasonable for performance appraisals or managerial oversight. This includes treating an employee’s body as a data source, disrespecting the boundaries between business and private life, or using gathered surveillance information for subtle persuasion, manipulation, and coercion. This article provides a new perspective on control theory, examining the characteristics of connected surveillance and comparing it to visual or computerized surveillance. Taking an employee-centric position, it also proposes a research agenda for critical, behavioral, and design-oriented scholars who wish to explore the identified issues.
Objectives: The present study aimed to investigate the effect of corrective exercise intervention (corrective exercise reminding and training software) on musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs), fatigue, posture and working memory among office workers. Methods: A total of 66 office workers participated in the present study. Data collection was carried out using questionnaires (including the Nordic musculoskeletal questionnaire, multidimensional fatigue inventory and Borg rating scale), direct observations of work postures using rapid upper limb assessment (RULA) and rapid office strain assessment, and the n-back test. Results: There was a significant difference between the two groups (intervention and control) in terms of the severity of musculoskeletal discomfort after the intervention. There was a significant decrease in the mean score of trunk posture and the total RULA score in the intervention group after the intervention. The severity of perceived discomfort in all areas except the knee declined during the intervention. There was also a significant difference in physical and mental fatigue scores before and after the intervention. There was a significant difference in the accuracy score of office workers after the intervention compared to before the intervention. Conclusions: Overall, the results confirm the effectiveness of this low-cost, simple and easy-to-use ergonomic intervention.
Measuring the physical demands of work is important in understanding the relationship between exposure to these job demands and their impact on the safety, health, and well-being of working people. However, work is changing and our knowledge of job demands should also evolve in anticipation of these changes. New opportunities exist for noninvasive long-term measures of physical demands through wearable motion sensors, including inertial measurement units, heart rate monitors, and muscle activity monitors. Inertial measurement units combine accelerometers, gyroscopes, and magnetometers to provide continuous measurement of a segment’s motion and the ability to estimate orientation in 3-dimensional space. There is a need for a system-thinking perspective on how and when to apply these wearable sensors within the context of research and practice surrounding the measurement of physical job demands. In this paper, a framework is presented for measuring the physical work demands that can guide designers, researchers, and users to integrate and implement these advanced sensor technologies in a way that is relevant to the decision-making needs for physical demand assessment. We (i) present a literature review of the way physical demands are currently being measured, (ii) present a framework that extends the International Classification of Functioning to guide how technology can measure the facets of work, (iii) provide a background on wearable motion sensing, and (iv) define 3 categories of decision-making that influence the questions that we can ask and measures that are needed. By forming questions within these categories at each level of the framework, this approach encourages thinking about the systems-level problems inherent in the workplace and how they manifest at different scales. Applying this framework provides a systems approach to guide study designs and methodological approaches to study how work is changing and how it impacts worker safety, health, and well-being.
Background and Aims Nowadays, lifestyle changes have led to non-structural musculoskeletal disorders. Various methods are used to correct these disorders, such as techniques with a local perspective on the disorder and its correction and techniques focused on the cerebral cortex. This study aims to review the studies that have addressed the role of the cerebral cortex, postural awareness, and used methods in correcting postural disorders. Methods In this review study, the search was conducted for relevant papers published from 2005 to 2020 in Scopus, PubMed, ScienceDirect, Google Scholar, SID, and Academic Search. Of 70 papers found in the initial search, 20 met the inclusion and exclusion criteria and were reviewed. Results In the present study, Some studies examined the cortical map and body representation in the brain (BRIB), muscle behavior, and movement patterns and suggested a reciprocal relationship between BRIB and muscle behavior. According to some studies, the inconsistency of BRIB with the actual state of the body led to improper control of posture and, consequently, poor posture. Some other studies suggested a relationship between postural awareness and muscle dysfunction, followed by poor posture. Conclusion Although studies have acknowledged the role of the cerebral cortex and body representation (Homunculus) in correcting and achieving an optimal posture, there are lack of studies on the techniques for improving this representation and its effect on correcting postural abnormalities.
Many people who experience back discomfort discover that sitting incorrectly is the root of their problem. Computer operators can work from a supine or significantly reclined position thanks to certain devices. The goal of this research is to identify a person’s posture and inform them on how to improve it. This can lessen pain in the back, neck, etc. Internet of Things (IOT) and machine learning are used in this project to identify position and posture. Based on a network of interconnected sensors that are physically installed in chairs to gather data, the smart chair system uses the capabilities of the IOT. All of the gathered data is uploaded to the cloud server so that any application can utilize data whenever and wherever it is needed.KeywordsBack discomfortPostureIOTMachine learning
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Keeping good posture is important to prevent potential serious health problems. In this work, we present an original posture tracking study using a latest posture sensor Lumo Lift™, and also compare the results against measurement data obtained from our own custom wireless gait analysis sensor (WGAS). The measured posture data using both sensors indicates that: (1) even though its raw posture data is inaccessible, the Lumo Lift™ is able to track posture in real-time and provide instant feedbacks and this "coaching" appears effective for improving posture; (2) our WGAS can detect slouchy posture reliably in real-time using both its small 3-axis accelerometers and gyroscopes, which achieved good and similar tracking capability compared to the Lumo Lift™. More importantly, WGAS offers raw posture data to enable real-time posture analysis and classification.
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Tablet computer use requires substantial head and neck flexion, which is a risk factor for neck pain. The goal of this study was to evaluate the biomechanics of the head-neck system during seated tablet computer use under a variety of conditions. A physiologically relevant variable, gravitational demand (the ratio of gravitational moment due to the weight of the head to maximal muscle moment capacity), was estimated using a musculoskeletal model incorporating subject-specific size and intervertebral postures from radiographs. Gravitational demand in postures adopted during tablet computer use was 3-5 times that of the neutral posture, with the lowest demand when the tablet was in a high propped position. Moreover, the estimated gravitational demand could be correlated to head and neck postural measures (0.48 < R(2) < 0.64, p < 0.001). These findings provide quantitative data about mechanical requirements on the neck musculature during tablet computer use and are important for developing ergonomics guidelines. Practitioner Summary: Flexed head and neck postures occur during tablet computer use and are implicated in neck pain. The mechanical demand on the neck muscles was estimated to increase 3-5 times during seated tablet computer use versus seated neutral posture, with the lowest demand in a high propped tablet position but few differences in other conditions.
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Touch-screen tablets are becoming increasingly popular as office work tools. However, as current health and safety regulations applied to office equipment do not cover tablets, the importance of understanding their impact on the posture of office workers increases. As the research on ergonomic issues related to tablet use is scarce, especially in the context of office work, we explore, through an online questionnaire, semi-structured interviews and observations with postural analysis, how and where office workers use tablets and what potential posture-related issues could arise as a result. Our findings show that the lack of screen adjustability and the virtual keyboard encourage poor posture and tablet use could lead to discomfort in a number of body areas, especially the neck and wrists.
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Objectives: To establish the level of musculoskeletal fitness and health-related quality of life (HRQoL) in sedentary office workers with sub-acute, non-specific low back pain, and compare the results with reference data for healthy sedentary office workers. Design: Cross-sectional study. Setting: Occupational secondary prevention setting. Participants: One-hundred and ninety sedentary office workers: 118 suffering from sub-acute, non-specific low back pain (47 men and 71 women) and 72 age-matched healthy controls (30 men and 42 women). Main outcome measures: Participants were assessed using a musculoskeletal fitness battery (sit-and-reach test, hand grip strength, lumbar and abdominal trunk muscle endurance, and back scratch test), the EuroQol-5D-3L, Oswestry Disability Questionnaire, and Roland Morris Disability Questionnaire. Data for both genders and conditions were compared. Results: Subjects with low back pain achieved lower scores in most of the fitness tests compared with healthy, age-matched controls. Trunk flexor and extensor endurance demonstrated the greatest difference in both men {flexion: median difference 59 [95% confidence interval (CI) 26 to 90]seconds; extension: median difference 24 [95% CI 20 to 68]} and women [flexion: median difference 59 (95% CI 5 to 85.50)seconds; extension: median difference 41 (95% CI 30 to 55)seconds]. Differences in HRQoL were also demonstrated between groups for both men and women, with the exception of the pain/discomfort dimension in women. Conclusions: Sedentary office workers with sub-acute, non-specific low back pain had lower musculoskeletal fitness than healthy, age-matched controls, with the main difference found in endurance of the trunk muscles. HRQoL was also lower in workers with low back pain.
Background: Touch screen computers require significant arm and hand movements. This can result to body discomfort and biomechanical load in users. Objectives: This study was carried out to examine posture and users' discomfort while using touch screen device as compared with mouse-keyboard and touch pad-keyboard. Methods: Twenty three (23) students participated in this experimental study. The subjects completed pre-defined tasks in three 15 min trials by means of touch screen, touch pad-keyboard and mouse-keyboard as input devices. Postural angles were measured by Qualisys motion capture system. Body discomfort was assessed by a 10-cm visual analog scale. Rating scale was employed to assess the perception of subjects on the posture of body parts while utilizing the three devices. Results: There was no significant difference in head inclination when using the three types of devices. Nevertheless, the mean of neck (p = 0.005) and trunk (p < 0.0001) inclinations as well as arm angle (p < 0.0001) while using touch screen, differed significantly from the two other devices and were more deviated from neutral posture. The type of input device was found to have significant effect on the right shoulder (p = 0.017), right elbow (p = 0.031), right wrist/hand (p = 0.004) and whole body discomfort (p = 0.026). Touch screen caused more discomfort in the mentioned regions when compared to the other two devices. Friedman test showed that differences of mean ratings for perceived shoulder and elbow postures in the 3 trials were significant (p = 0.005 and p = 0.011, respectively). Touch screen was the most unfavorable input device based on the subjects' judgment. Conclusion: Touch screen caused more deviated postural angles, increased body discomfort and unfavorable postures.
Background: Malaysian office workers often experience Musculoskeletal Discomfort (MSD) which is typically related to the low back, shoulders, and neck. Objectives: The objective of this study was to examine the occurrence of lower back, shoulder, and neck pain among Malaysian office workers. Methods: 752 subjects (478 women and 274 men) were randomly selected from the Malaysian office workers population of 10,000 individuals. The participants were aged between 20-50 years and had at least one year of work experience. All participants completed the Cornell Musculoskeletal Discomfort Questionnaire (CMDQ). Instructions to complete the questinnaire were given to the participants under the researchers supervision in the morning before they started a day of work. The participants were then classified into four categories based on body mas index (BMI) (BMI:≤18.4, 18.5-24.99, 25-29.99, ≥30) and age (Age: 20-29, 30-39, 40-49, ≥50). Results: There was a significant association between pain severity in gender and right (p = 0.046) and left (p = 0.041) sides of the shoulders. There was also a significant association between BMI and severity of pain in the lower back area (p = 0.047). It was revealed that total pain score in the shoulders was significantly associated with age (p = 0.041). Conclusions: The results of this study demonstrated that a significant correlation existed between pain servity for gender in both right and left shoulder. These findings require further scientific investigation as do the identification of effective preventative stratgies.
Objective: The aim of this study was to determine user self-selected setup for both sitting and standing computer workstations and identify major differences. Background: No current ergonomic setup guideline for standing computer workstations is available. Methods: Twenty adult participants completed four 45-min sessions of simulated office computer work with an adjustable sit-stand computer workstation. Placement and relative position of all workstation components, including a cordless mouse, a cordless keyboard, a height-adjustable desk, and a 22-inch monitor mounted on a mechanical-assisted arm were recorded during the four sessions, which alternated between sitting and standing for each session. Participants were interrupted four times within each session, and the workstation was "reset" to extreme locations. Participants were instructed to adjust the location to achieve the most comfortable arrangement and to make as many adjustments during the session to achieve this goal. Results: Overall, users placed the keyboard closer to their body (sternum), set desk height lower than their elbow, and set the monitor lower relative to their eyes with a greater upward tilt while standing compared to sitting. During the 45-min sessions, the number of adjustments participants made became smaller and over the four sessions was consistent, suggesting the psychophysical protocol was effective and consistent. Conclusion: Users preferred different workstation setups for sitting and standing computer workstations. Therefore, future setup guidelines and principles for standing computer workstations may not be simply translated from those for sitting. Application: These results can serve as the first step toward making recommendations to establish ergonomic guidelines for standing computer workstation arrangement.
Preamble. Billions of people are using cell phone devices on the planet, essentially in poor posture. The purpose of this study is to assess the forces incrementally seen by the cervical spine as the head is tilted forward, into worsening posture. This data is also necessary for cervical spine surgeons to understand in the reconstruction of the neck.
Objective: To investigate whether or not use of sit-stand desks and awareness of the importance of postural variation and breaks are associated with the pattern of sedentary behavior in office workers. Method: The data came from a cross-sectional observation study of Swedish call centre workers. Inclinometers recorded 'seated' or 'standing/walking' episodes of 131 operators over a full work shift. Differences in sedentary behavior based on desk type and awareness of the importance of posture variation and breaks were assessed by non-parametric analyses. Results: 90 (68.7%) operators worked at a sit-stand desk. Working at a sit-stand desk, as opposed to a sit desk, was associated with less time seated (78.5 vs 83.8%, p = 0.010), and less time taken to accumulate 5 min of standing/walking (36.2 vs 46.3 min, p = 0.022), but no significant difference to sitting episode length or the number of switches between sitting and standing/walking per hour. Ergonomics awareness was not associated with any sedentary pattern variable among those using a sit-stand desk. Conclusion: Use of sit-stand desks was associated with better sedentary behavior in call centre workers, however ergonomics awareness did not enhance the effect.