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四川新津宝墩遗址的植硅体分析 Phytolith Analysis from the Baodun Archaeological Site, Xinjin, Sichuan


Abstract and Figures

Ancient civilization is mostly founded on well-developed agricultural economies, with the Chengdu Plain considered to be the " civilization center " of the upper Yangtze region in China. From result of fl oatation and phytolith analysis on cultural layers and from two pits
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34 卷,第 2
2015 5
人 类 学 学 报
Vol.34, No.2
May, 2015
基金项目:国家重点基础研究发展计划 (2015CB953803) 和国家自然科学基金面上项目 (41472145)资
作者简介:陈涛 (1986-),男,博士研究生,主要从事植物考古学研究。 E-mail:
CitationChen T, Jiang ZH, He KY, et al. Phytolith Analysis from the Baodun Archaeological Site, Xinjin, Sichuan[J]. Acta
Anthropologica Sinica, 2015, 34(2): 225-233
陈 涛 1, 2,江章华 3,何锟宇 3,杨 3Jade d’Alpoim GUEDES4
蒋洪恩 1, 2,胡耀武 1, 2,王昌燧 1, 2,吴 妍 1
1. 中国科学院古脊椎动物与古人类研究所,中国科学院脊椎动物演化与人类起源重点实验室 , 北京 100044
2. 中国科学院大学科技史与科技考古系 , 北京 100049 3. 成都文物考古研究所,成都 610071
4. Department of Anthropology, Washington State University, Pullman WA 99163
摘 要 : 农业是文明产生的深厚基础。成都平原是长江上游地区文明起源的中心,探讨其史前农业的经济
有驯化特征的产于水稻叶秆的扇型和横排双裂片型 ( 哑铃型 ) 植硅体以及产于水稻稃壳的双峰型植硅体,
中图法分类号 : Q914.2+2文献标识码 :A文章编号 :1000-3193(2015)02-0225-09
Phytolith Analysis from the Baodun Archaeological Site, Xinjin, Sichuan
CHEN Tao1,2, JIANG Zhanghua3, HE Kunyu3, YANG Yang3, Jade d’Alpoim GUEDES4,
JIANG Hongen1,2, HU Yaowu1,2, WANG Changsui1,2, WU Yan1,2
1. Key Laboratory of Vertebrate Evolution and Human Origins of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100044, China
2. Department of Scienti c History and Archaeometry, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049, China
3. The Chengdu City Institute of Archaeology, Chengdu 610071, China
4. Department of Anthropology, Washington State University, Pullman WA 99163
Abstract: Ancient civilization is mostly founded on well-developed agricultural economies,
with the Chengdu Plain considered to be the “civilization center” of the upper Yangtze region
in China. From result of oatation and phytolith analysis on cultural layers and from two pits
at the Baodun site, we obtained archaeobotanical knowledge that can be used to interpret local
DOI: 10.16359/j.cnki.cn11-1963/q.2015.0023
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agricultural economies. In this study, we found abundant cuneiform bulliform cell and parallel-
bilobate short cell phytoliths from rice leaves, and double-peaked cell phytoliths from the glume
of rice. A small amount of husk phytoliths from common millet were also present. Our results
demonstrate that the general size of the cuneiform bulliform cell phytoliths are big and t well
with Oryza sativa L. ssp. Japonica. Thus, we conclude that the agricultural economy of the
ancient Baodun people was based mainly on rice and supplemented by millet.
Key words: Chendu plain; Baodun site; Phytolith; Rice agriculture; Millet agriculture
1 引 言
上游地区文明起源的中心 [1]。众所周知,农业经济的发展是古代文明形成的最为重要的前
笼统探讨,基本观点认为宝墩文化时期,成都平原可能以粟作农业为主 [2-4]。要最终揭示
为辅的经济形态,并且一直持续到商周时期 [5-6]。然而,由于四川盆地的植物考古工作起
物遗存保存较差,从而严重影响了相关史前农业信息的提取 [5]。与之相比,植硅体理化性
质稳定,具有原地沉积性、高残留性以及种属形态差异性等优点 [7],可有效验证和补充大
地区 [8-12],植硅体分析在四川地区农业考古中的应用较少,目前仅有都江堰芒城遗址的灰
[13-14] 及汉源麦坪遗址的文化层和灰坑开展过植硅体分析 [15]
宝墩文化是成都平原文明起源最古老、最重要的文化之一。宝墩遗址 (4500-3700 BP)
2 遗址背景
宝墩遗址位于新津县城西北约 5 km 的龙马乡宝墩村,地理位置为东经 103°45、北
30°26,海拔高度 472-474 m。遗址东北距发源于崇州市的西河约 4 km,西南 500 m
有铁溪河由西北流向东南 [16](图1)。研究区位于成都市区西南 38 km,处在川西平原西南
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图 1 宝墩遗址地理位置示意图
Fig.1 Sketch map showing the geographic location of the Baodun site
平均气温为 15~16℃,多年平均降水量约 1000 mm[17]
宝墩遗址外城墙所包含的范围达 2.76 km2,是目前发现面积最大、且具有内、外双重城墙
的龙山时代城址之一 [18]宝墩遗址的城垣周长近 6.2 km,宽 15-25 m 以上,高度超过 4 m
烘烤过的痕迹。上述发现表明,宝墩先民已过着定居的农业生活 [19]
3 样品的采集
2010 10 月,成都文物考古研究所对宝墩遗址田角林东北区域进行了发掘,发掘面
300 平方米。以常规的柱状采样法从宝墩遗址 T3211 西壁剖面选取了 8品(图2),
同时运用水平采样法从属于宝墩文化一期灰坑 H92 H94 选取了 2个样品。现将 T3211
1层,灰黑色耕土,土质疏松,厚 20-22 cm
2层,灰褐色黏土,土质较致密,厚 23-26 cm,有少量青瓷、白瓷出土,为唐宋
3层,浅灰褐色黏土,土质疏松,厚 15-17 cm,有少量泥质灰陶出土,主要器类
4层,黄褐色黏沙土,土质疏松,10-11 cm有少量石块、红烧土和褐泥质灰陶出土,
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5层,青灰色黏沙土,土质较致密,厚 20-22 cm,可分为 3个亚层。包含物与第 4
6层,灰色黏土夹杂大量褐斑,土质致密,14-16 cm包含物有少量石块、红烧土、
7层,黑褐色黏土,土质较致密,厚 22-24 cm,包含物与 6层基本一致,为宝墩
根据 1996 年的发掘简报和最新的测年结果,将宝墩文化分为四期,其年代范围大致
推定在距今 4500~3700 年之间,每期延续时间两、三百年 [19-20](图3)。
图 2 宝墩遗址 T3211 西壁采样示意图
Fig.2 Sketch map showing the sampling location of trench T3211 at the Baodun site
图 3 宝墩遗址 14C 年代数据
Fig.3 14C dating data from the Baodun site
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4 实验方法
采用赵志军改进的重液浮选法 [21],对样品进行处理。具体步骤简述如下:首先,将
土壤样品溶于 6% 碳酸氢钠溶液,震荡分散 8~12 小时;然后依次加入稀盐酸、浓硝酸和
双氧水,以去除碳酸盐和有机物等接着采用重力沉降法去除黏土,并将样品过 60 目网筛
再以比重为 2.3~2.4 的碘化钾与碘化镉重液,浮选出样品中的植硅体,清洗后,用加拿大
树胶制片。将制成的样品置于日本 Nikon 公司生产的型号为 eclipse LV100P0L 的显微镜
(200× 500×) 下进行观察、鉴定,并作数量统计。每一个样品均随机选择了 700 粒左右
的植硅体进行统计分析。按照最新的国际植硅体命名法规 (International code for phytolith
nomenclature1.0) 对部分植硅体的描述和命名做了更新 [22],同时列出传统命名以资对照。
5 结 果
宝墩遗址剖面和灰坑样品中,植硅体的基本组合为长方型、方型、扇型、双裂片型 (
铃型 )长鞍型、短鞍型、棒型、刺棒型、帽型、针型毛细胞 (尖型 )波状梯型 (齿型 )等,
此外还有海绵骨针和硅藻等生物化石 (45)。根据植硅体主要类型数量的变化,可将
植硅体图谱自下而上划分为 5个组合带 (6)
带Ⅰ (生土层 ):植硅体组合以扇型、方型、长方型、棒形等为主,其次是芦苇扇型、
双裂片型 (哑铃型 )和针型毛细胞 (尖型 ),并含有少量鞍型、波状梯型 (齿型 )、帽型以
带Ⅱ (新石器时代晚期,对应⑥~⑦层 ):植硅体组合仍是以扇型、方型、长方型、
双裂片型 (哑铃型 )为主,鞍型和帽型有少量增加,芦苇扇型和棒形减少,海绵骨针消失。
值得注意的是,出现了水稻扇型、横排双裂片型 (哑铃型 )和双峰型植硅体以及黍稃壳植
带Ⅲ (汉代时期,对应③~⑤层 )
占组合中的绝大多数。双裂片型 (哑铃型 )和帽型减少,农作物仅见少量水稻扇型植硅体,
带Ⅳ (唐宋时期,对应②层 ):植硅体组合仍以扇型、方型、长方型占绝大多数,双
裂片型 (哑铃型 )型消失,基本不见海绵骨针、硅藻和农作物植硅体。
带Ⅴ (耕土层,对应①层 ):扇型、方型、长方型植硅体有所减少,但仍占大多数
双裂片型 (哑铃型 )、鞍型、帽型、波状梯型 (齿型 )和棒型增加,一度消失的海绵骨针、
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图中标尺棒长均为 20μm (Scale bar=20μm)
(a) T3211 ⑥层长方型植硅体 (Rectangle);
(b) T3211 ⑥层方型植硅体 (Square);
(c) T3211 ⑦层扇型植硅体 (Cuneiform bulliform cell);
(d) T3211 ⑦层芦苇扇型植硅体 (Scutiform);
(e) T3211 ⑥层双裂片型植硅体 (Bilobate short cell);
(f) 灰坑 H92 竹节型植硅体 (Oblong concave saddle);
(g) 灰坑 H94 刺棒型植硅体 (Elongate sinuous);
(h) T3211 ⑦层棒型植硅体 (Elongate);
(i) T3211 ⑥层针型毛细胞植硅体 (Acicular hair cell);
(j) T3211 ⑥层波状梯型植硅体 (Trapeziform sinuate);
(k) 灰坑 H94 硅藻 (Diatom);
(l) T3211 ⑥层海绵骨针 (Sponge spicule);
(m) T3211 ⑥层水稻扇型植硅体(Cuneiform bulliform cell from
(n) 灰坑 H94 水稻双峰型植硅体 (Double-peaked glume cell);
(o) T3211 ⑥层水稻横排双裂片型植硅体 (Parallel-bilobate short
(p) T3211 ⑥层黍稃壳η型植硅体 (η-shaped husk phytolith from
图 4 宝墩遗址 T3211 主要植硅体形态和硅藻化石
Fig.4 Photographs of representative phytoliths and diatoms from trench T3211 at the Baodun site
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图 6 宝墩遗址 T3211 剖面植硅体、硅藻百分含量图谱
Fig.6 Content change (%) of phytoliths and diatoms from trench T3211 at the Baodun site
图 5 宝墩遗址 H92 和 H94 植硅体、硅藻百分含量图谱
Fig.5 Content change (%) of phytoliths and diatoms from pits H92 and H94 at the Baodun site
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6 讨论与结论
作农业为主 [2-4]。成都宝墩遗址的植硅体分析指出,宝墩文化层和灰坑样品中发现了大量
产生于水稻叶秆的驯化特征扇型植硅体 (底侧面布满龟裂纹,两侧向外突出 )以及横排双
裂片型 (哑铃型 )和产生于水稻颖片的双峰型植硅体。此外,还发现少量的粟类作物黍稃
壳植硅体 (45)( 可能也有粟稃壳植硅体,因破碎严重,无法确定 )。有学者指出
该遗址曾存在栽培稻 [23]。这次在宝墩遗址的宝墩文化地层和灰坑中,既然发现都有典型
扇型,横排双裂片型 (哑铃型 )和双峰型等多种类型的水稻植硅体,那么这些水稻遗存很
典型的驯化形态,即扇型边缘呈“鱼鳞状”纹饰的数量大于 9[24](图4m),从而进一步
证明宝墩遗址发现的水稻植硅体来自栽培稻。此外,2009 年宝墩遗址的浮选结果,也显
文化一期占有少量比例 [5]。由此可见,植硅体的分析结果与浮选分析结果基本吻合。
将从宝墩遗址 T3211 的第 6层和第 7层以及属于宝墩文化一期的两个灰坑 H92
H94 中获得的水稻扇型植硅体进行了形态测量分析。结果发现,这批水稻扇型植硅体形态
的总体尺寸较大。从表 1可以看到,属于宝墩文化一期的水稻扇型植硅体的形状系数平均
值是 0.98,二期为 0.99,它们都处于粳稻范围内 [25]。同时,炭化稻米的形态测量结果,
长宽比平均值为 1.67<2.3,同样符合粳稻特征 [26]。综合上述两方面的分析,可以推测宝墩
几个遗址的相关数据进行比较,不难发现,宝墩遗址水稻扇型植硅体的尺寸明显偏大 [27]
表 1 宝墩遗址与太湖地区部分新石器时代遗址水稻特征扇型植硅体形态参数对比数据
Tab.1 Morphological parameters data of rice cuneiform bulliform cell phytolith from the Baodun site and
some Neolithic sites in Tai Lake area
文化类型 形态特征参数 测量个数
纵长(μm) 横长(μm) b/a
马家浜文化 36.11 30.68 0.87 200
崧泽文化 41.58 35.34 0.92 200
良渚文化 41.79 34.28 0.89 150
宝墩文化一期 51.08±8.57 45.21±7.77 0.98±0.22 50
宝墩文化二期 51.14±9.57 45.29±9.40 0.99±0.23 42
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综上研究,可得出以下结论:1) 宝墩遗址的植硅体分析表明,该地区的土壤环境能
也为以后在该地区开展类似的工作奠定了基础。2) 宝墩文化一、二期先民的经济形态是
致 谢 : 感谢北京大学考古文博学院研究生石涛在取样期间给予的帮助。
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... An insightful discussion among scholars is whether millet at high-altitude locations such as Karuo could be cultivated locally, or they were obtained through networks of seed exchange and/or trade (d'Alpoim Guedes, 2018;Lu, 2016). One can never rule out the possibility that some millet grains, particularly broomcorn, at Karuo were derived from the exchange (d'Alpoim Guedes, 2015). Nonetheless, Song et al. (forthcoming) considered the potential local foxtail millet cultivation at Karuo, and hypothesized the high-altitude adapting landraces might be initially developed with the contribution of unusual (C 4 photosynthetic) cold tolerant weedy Setaria. ...
Historically, agricultural and culinary traditions on the Tibetan Plateau have centered on a specific variety of naked frost-tolerant barley. Single-crop-dominant cultivation systems were rare in the ancient world, and we know little about how, why, and exactly when and where this unique barley-dominant economy developed. Previous research has shown that early cultivation systems in Tibet relied on a mix of barley, wheat, and millets, and that a barley-dominant economy first formed around two millennia ago. However, systematically collected data from the transition period between a mixed-cropping and a barley-dominant system have been lacking. We present new archaeobotanical data from the Bangga site (ca. 1055-211BC) in central Tibet, and compare it with a growing corpus of data from other archaeological sites at high elevations across the plateau. We argue that a specialized barley-dominant farming system started to develop, due to a combination of ecological and social factors, at least a millennia earlier than previously recognized in central Tibet and this was eventually adopted across a large geographic area in high-altitude regions (3500 masl) of Tibet.
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Agriculture is a critical foundation for the development of large-scale complex and urban societies. Sanxingdui, located on the Chengdu Plain in western Sichuan and linked with the ancient Chinese Shu Kingdom, is one of the most distinctive archaeological sites in the world. However, despite its importance, the agricultural economy of the Sanxingdui culture and the Chengdu Plain remains poorly understood and heavily debated. This study synthesizes recent archaeological and historical evidence concerning the agricultural economy underpinning the increasing scale and social complexity at Sanxingdui and the greater Chengdu Plain prior to 2200 BP. Our analysis finds a mixed rice and dry-land millet farming economy, in conjunction with pig and chicken husbandry, during the Sanxingdui culture (3700–3100 BP). This integrated agricultural system likely began with the Baodun culture (4500–3700 BP), passing to the Sanxingdui culture (3700–3100 BP), Shierqiao culture (3100–2600 BP) and later, the Shu culture (2600–2300 BP). In addition, although gathering, hunting, and fishing accounted for relatively low proportions of the overall subsistence, the ancient peoples at Sanxingdui and across the Chengdu Plain continued these practices, supporting a diverse agricultural and food system. Understanding the subsistence at Sanxingdui offers key insights into the development of complex societies in southwest China, the contributions to Chinese culture, and the role of agriculture worldwide.
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Identifying when agricultural expansion has occurred and how it altered the landscape is critical for understanding human social survival strategies as well as current ecological diversity. In the present study, phytolith records of three profiles from the Baodun site area were dated to the period from 7,500 to 2,500 aBP by optically stimulated luminescence and ¹⁴C dating, providing the first evidence that the Asian cultivated rice (Oryza sativa) progenitor was distributed in the Chengdu Plain as early as 7,500 aBP. The percentage of rice bulliform with ≥9 scales and the concentration of rice phytoliths sharply increased by approximately 4,200 aBP, suggesting that rice cultivation occupied a dominant position in survival strategy no later than approximately 4,200 aBP, which might be driven by climate deterioration in eastern China. The results further showed that the proportion of Bambusoideae phytoliths increased synchronously with the increase in the proportion of rice phytoliths, suggesting that the vegetation structure near the site was changed intentionally as a consequence of increasing rice agricultural activity since 4,200 aBP. The present study contributes to a deeper understanding of the distribution of wild rice and rice farming throughout the Baodun culture in the Chengdu Plain, and it also provides a glimpse of how humans intentionally changed the vegetation landscape on a local scale.
The Baodun Culture (4600–3700 a BP) is currently the earliest archeological culture found at the Chengdu Plain in southwestern China. Archeological evidence has shown that the Baodun Culture likely originated from the upper reaches of the Minjiang River, with two possible routes for human migration into the lower Chengdu Plain proposed: (1) At about 5000 a BP, favorable climatic conditions in the upper reaches of the Minjiang stimulated the growth of populations and the development of agriculture in the region. Due to this shift, some groups expanded from the upper Minjiang River to sites in the northern area of the Chengdu Plain, such as the Guiyuanqiao site; (2) during 4800–4300 a BP, a drying event occurred in the upper regions of the river valley causing a reduction in agricultural harvests and the migration of populations into sites – including the Baodun site – from this area of the Minjiang to the southwest piedmont of the Chengdu Plain. A multi-facetted study of the T3321 profile at Baodun site, including pollens, grain size, and geochemistry, demonstrates that after 6000 a BP, the climate of the Chengdu Plain shifted from cool, toward warmer and dryer conditions. However, as the Chengdu Plain is located in an alluvial fan, hydrothermal conditions here are still generally better than those in the upper reaches of Minjiang River. A change in the proportion of Concentricystes seen in the profile T3321 also indicates that after 4700 a BP, the lake and marsh areas associated with the Baodun site further decreased. However, as a result of this reduction, more terrestrial surfaces were exposed, providing favored space for Baodun Cultural groups in the area of the site. Due to such conditions, by about 4600 cal. a BP, people in the upper reaches of the Minjiang River had primarily moved to the southwest piedmont regions of the Chengdu Plain.
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Rice, Oryza sativa L., is one of the most important cereal crops in the world, and its emergence as a domesticated subsistence plant drives much of the interest and research in archaeology in South and East Asia. The homeland of domesticated rice has been proposed as: 1 a specific area, such as India (Vavilov 1926; Ramiah & Ghose 1951), South China (Ding 1957), Southeast Asia (Spencer 1963) and the Yangtze valley in China (Yan 1982; 1989) 2 a biogeographic region, such as the so-called ‘belt region’ with a great diversity of Oryza species (Chang 1976), or 3 an ecological zone, such as coastal swamp habitats (Higham 1995).
A variety of procedures exist for extracting phytoliths from soil. Most are based on the principle of flotation using a heavy liquid of 2·3 specific gravity. No comparative data exist on which procedures are most appropriate for recovering phytoliths in different soils, or if using different flotation media alters results. This paper reports on experiments carried out to address these issues and to improve phytolith extraction. Modifications to common procedures are suggested in the process of removing certain oxides, dispersion, and in the sequence of processing steps. Results of direct comparisons of phytolith recovery in diverse soils using four commonly used heavy liquids are discussed, and recommendations for enhancing phytolith recovery are made.
A variety of phytoliths, together with prolific microcharcoal particles, sponge spicules and diatoms were extracted and identified in four cultural layers from an archeological site at Jinluojia, Macheng, Hubei Province, Central China. The warmth (Iw) and aridity (Iph) indices calculated from grass phytoliths reveal warm and wet periods during the West Zhou, early East Zhou, Tang and Song Dynasties whilst cool and dry periods occurred during the late East Zhou, Ming and Qing Dynasties. The paleoclimate conditions reconstructed on the basis of grass phytoliths extracted from archeological sediments are in agreement with those from natural sediments in the Middle Yangtze region. In contrast, the woody phytoliths show a positive correlation with microcharcoal particles, suggesting an anthropogenic contribution to the woody phytoliths from the use of woody plants for fuel during cooking and heating. Two episodes of the enhanced abundance of woody phytoliths and microcharcoal particles were found to occur at East Zhou Dynasty and from Ming and Qing Dynasties to the Present, proposed to be a consequence of the population expansion and/or the frequent wars.
Fossil rice phytoliths have been identified from a lateglacial to Holocene sequence of epicontinental sediments in the East China Sea that were probably transported by the Yangtze River from its middle and/or lower reaches. The rice phytoliths occurred first in the sequence at about 13900 cal. yr BP and disappeared during the period of 13 000-10 000 cal. yr BP, implying the earliest domesticated cereal crops of the world ever reported. Based on the records of phytoliths, pollen, diatoms and foraminifera from the sequence, the climate between 13 000 and 10 000 cal. yr BP was notably colder (Younger Dryas). The coincidence of disappearance of domesticated rice phytoliths with cold climate conditions may suggest a great climatic influence on human activities during that time. Warmer and wetter conditions during the period 13 900 to 13 000 cal. yr BP and after 10 000 cal. yr BP have probably favoured rice domestication in the area.