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Abstract and Figures

Human noroviruses are the leading cause of non-bacterial shellfish associated gastroenteritis. Here we report on the detection and characterization of norovirus (NoV) in shellfish associated outbreaks. Requests were received from state and federal officials for technical assistance in the analysis of shellfish for NoV and male specific coliphage (MSC; an enteric virus surrogate) during the years 2009 thru 2014. In outbreaks where NoV was detected, genogroup II (GII) levels ranged from 2.4-82.0 RT-qPCR U/g of digestive diverticula (DD) while NoV genogroup I (GI) levels ranged from 1.5-29.8 RT-qPCR U/g of DD. Murine norovirus extraction efficiencies ranged between 50 and 85%. MSC levels ranged from <6-80 PFU/100 g. Phylogenetic analysis of the outbreak sequences revealed strains clustering with GI.8, GI.4, GII.3, GII.4, GII.7, and GII.21. There was 100% homology between the shellfish and clinical strains occurring in 2 of 8 outbreaks. Known shellfish consumption data demonstrated probable infectious particles ingested as low as 12. These investigations demonstrate effective detection, quantification, and characterization of NoV in shellfish associated with illness.
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Detection and molecular characterization of norovirus from oysters
implicated in outbreaks in the US
Jacquelina W. Woods
, Kevin R. Calci, Joey G. Marchant-Tambone, William Burkhardt III
FDA, Division of Seafood Safety, Gulf Coast Seafood Laboratory, Dauphin Island, AL, 36528, USA
article info
Article history:
Received 25 September 2015
Received in revised form
13 May 2016
Accepted 13 May 2016
Available online 15 May 2016
Molecular characterization
Human noroviruses are the leading cause of non-bacterial shellsh associated gastroenteritis. Here we
report on the detection and characterization of norovirus (NoV) in shellsh associated outbreaks. Re-
quests were received from state and federal ofcials for technical assistance in the analysis of shellsh for
NoV and male specic coliphage (MSC; an enteric virus surrogate) during the years 2009 thru 2014. In
outbreaks where NoV was detected, genogroup II (GII) levels ranged from 2.4 to 82.0 RT-qPCR U/g of
digestive diverticula (DD) while NoV genogroup I (GI) levels ranged from 1.5 to 29.8 RT-qPCR U/g of DD.
Murine norovirus extraction efciencies ranged between 50 and 85%. MSC levels ranged from <6to
80 PFU/100 g. Phylogenetic analysis of the outbreak sequences revealed strains clustering with GI.8, GI.4,
GII.3, GII.4, GII.7, and GII.21. There was 100% homology between the shellsh and clinical strains
occurring in 2 of 8 outbreaks. Known shellsh consumption data demonstrated probable infectious
particles ingested as low as 12. These investigations demonstrate effective detection, quantication, and
characterization of NoV in shellsh associated with illness.
Published by Elsevier Ltd.
1. Introduction
Enteric viruses are the leading cause of foodborne infectious
diseases in the United States and of the 9.4 million cases of known
foodborne illnesses estimated annually, 58% are attributed to hu-
man noroviruses (Scallan et al., 2011). Noroviruses (NoV) are single-
stranded polyadenylated RNA viruses and they are separated into
genogroups IeVI, which includes more than 30 genotypes based on
the sequence comparison of the RNA polymerase and capsid re-
gions (Ando et al., 1995, 200 0; Caddy et al., 2013; Jiang et al., 1993;
Zheng et al., 2006). Genogroups I, II, and IV are known to infect
humans, with NoV GII.4 being the most common genotype iden-
tied within the past 8 years (Patel et al., 2009; Pringle et al., 2015).
Human norovirus is responsible for 48% of all shellsh associ-
ated outbreaks, which can result in secondary transmission where
rates can be as high as 88% (Alfano-Sobsey et al., 2012; Baker et al.,
2011; Becker et al., 2000). Virtually any food may be implicated in
NoV transmission, but bivalved molluscan shellsh present a rela-
tively high risk because of their ability to concentrate viruses from
contaminated water. Shellsh, particularly oysters, are typically
eaten raw or lightly cooked and may contain enteric viruses capable
of causing illnesses (Baker et al., 2011; Le Guyader et al., 2008).
Although the fecal indicator system has been in place for many
years, it has been very well documented that this system does not
adequately index for the presence of enteric viruses (Formiga-Cruz
et al., 2002; Hernroth et al., 2002; Kingsley, 2007; Lees, 2000). Male
specic coliphages (MSC) have been proposed as an indicator for
viral contamination in shellsh as they are accumulated like fecal
coliforms but MSC, like NoV, are not rapidly eliminated by the
shellsh (Formiga-Cruz et al., 2003; Love et al., 2010).
Various methods have been employed for the concentration of
enteric viruses from shellsh (Baert et al., 2007;Kingsley and
Richards, 2001; Le Guyader et al., 2009; Shieh et al., 2003). The
primary method for detection of enteric viruses involves molecular
based real time qPCR or RT-qPCR assays. Because viruses may be
present in very low concentrations in environmental and outbreak
samples, the level of sensitivity of real time qPCR and RT-qPCR is
advantageous for detection of low copy number. While the sensi-
tivity of PCR is benecial, the presence of inhibitory substances (e.g.
polysaccharides), that are co-extracted during sample preparation
is of concern (Atmar et al., 1993; Cannon and Vinje, 2008; Kingsley
et al., 2002). PCR inhibition is especially relevant for the detection
of enteric viruses in shellsh and other foods. The ability to detect
viruses at low levels is critical in outbreak analysis because enteric
*Corresponding author. FDA, Gulf Coast Seafood Laboratory, 1 Iberville Dr.,
Dauphin Island, AL, 36528, USA.
E-mail address: (J.W. Woods).
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Food Microbiology 59 (2016) 76e84
viral pathogens, unlike bacterial pathogens, cannot be enriched.
This study reports on the concentration, detection, and char-
acterization of NoV in shellsh implicated in several outbreaks that
occurred during the years 2009e2014. During this time, states
Departments of Health and/or FDA regional shellsh specialists
requested technical assistance in the analysis of shellsh for
possible norovirus contamination. Clinical samples from ill in-
dividuals in most of the outbreaks were analyzed by the states
Department of Health for NoV genogroup I (GI) and genogroup II
(GII). Oysters were received at FDAs Gulf Coast Seafood Laboratory
and analyzed for the presence of norovirus using the ultracentri-
fugation protocol and real-time RT-qPCR described in this study.
Positive samples were also amplied by conventional RT-PCR using
primers from the RNA dependent RNA polymerase (RdRp) regions
and/or the capsid region of the norovirus genome.
During this study, NoV was detected and quantied from
shellsh implicated in outbreaks. In addition, NoV was character-
ized and the probable infectious particles ingested were deter-
mined based NoV levels and oyster consumption.
2. Material and methods
2.1. Clinical samples
Clinical specimens collected from ill individuals associated with
each outbreak were analyzed for norovirus GI and GII by the states
Department of Health using RT-qPCR. Most samples were sent to
CDC for further analysis, while clinical samples from two outbreaks
were analyzed in-house after analysis of shellsh samples. In house
clinical samples were diluted with tissue culture phosphate buff-
ered saline (t.c PBS) (8.0 g NaCl, 0.2 g KCl, 0.12 g KH
, 0.91 g
per liter), extracted using QIAamp viral RNA kit (Qiagen,
Valencia, CA), and detected by conventional RT-PCR using primers
targeting the capsid region or the RdRp region on the Cepheid
Smart Cycler II
(Beuret et al., 2002)(Kojima et al., 2002; Williams-
Woods et al., 2011).
2.2. Outbreak details for shellsh samples
Between 2009 and 2014 the shellsh associated norovirus
outbreaks were in the states of TN and MS in 2009 (outbreak 1), AK
in 2009 (outbreak 2), MS in 2010 (outbreak 3), WA and PA in 2011
(outbreak 4), LA in 2013 (outbreak 5), MA in 2013 (outbreak 6) LA in
2014 (outbreak 7), and WA in 2014 (outbreak 8). Corresponding
parties reported symptoms of nausea, vomiting, and/or diarrhea
within 12e48 h after consumption of the implicated oyster-
sdconsistent with norovirus infection. Oysters (Crassostrea virgin-
ica) implicated in the TN and MS outbreak in 2009 were harvested
in MS and repacked by dealers in AL and MS. Oysters were then
shipped to restaurants in LA, MS, FL, and TN. Shellsh from the AK
outbreak were harvested from a local aquafarm. After harvesting
from the farm, oysters (Crassostrea gigas) were transported to a
harbor dock and held for dock-side sale. Samples from the impli-
cated lots were received from two local retail establishments. In the
MS 2010 outbreak, the oysters (Crassostrea virginica) were har-
vested from a growing area in LA. Oysters were then shipped to
dealers in MS where the shellsh were purchased and served at a
conference. Oysters from the outbreaks in WA and PA were indi-
vidually quick frozen imported shellstock (Crassostrea gigas) har-
vested from aquafarms, while the outbreaks occurring in TN, AK,
LA, MA or MS were domestic fresh whole or shuck oysters. All
samples were shipped under frozen or refrigerated conditions and
immediately analyzed or stored at 20
C until analysis. In all
outbreaks, shellsh was consumed raw, with the exception of one
where the shellsh was partially cooked and served as Oyster
Rockefeller. The actual internal cooking temperature of the Oyster
Rockefeller was unknown.
2.3. Shellsh analysis
For virus concentration and extraction, 6 to 10 whole oysters
were shucked and the digestive diverticula (DD) were removed to
obtain a 4 g sample (Fig. 1). In some instances 12 to 20 oysters
were dissected and portioned into 4 g samples. A 100
l aliquot at
anal concentration of 10
PFU per gram of a non-human Cal-
icivirus, San-Miguel Sea Lion Virus (provided by Alvin Smith
University of Washington) serogroup 17 (SMSV-17) or murine
norovirus (propagated in house from stocks provided by David
Kingsley) (MNV-1) was added directly to DD prior to homogeni-
zation of the DD with 40 ml of sterile Milli-Q water (Wobus et a l.,
2004). Viruses were adsorbed onto the oyster homogenate by
adjusting the pH to 4.0e5.0 using 3N HCl. After the adsorption
step, samples were then centrifuged for 15 min at 2000x gat 4
Following centrifugation, the supernatant was discarded. Viruses
were eluted from the pellet by adding 40 ml of 0.75 M glycine-
0.15 M NaCl (pH 7.6) and the pH adjusted to 7.5e7.8 with 5 M
NaOH. The samples were centrifuged for 15 min at 5000x gat 4
followed by an additional elution with 20 ml of 0.5 M threonine-
0.15 M NaCl (pH 7.5) and centrifuged as previously described. The
glycine and threonine eluates, around 60e65 ml, were combined,
balanced, and ultracentrifuged at 170,000x g (Sorvall WX90,
Thermosher Scientic) for 1 h at 4
C. The pellet was resus-
pended in 5-ml of tcPBS (8.0 g NaCl, 0.2 g KCl, 0.12 g KH
0.91 g Na
per liter) and transferred to a 50 ml conical tube.
Samples were then extracted rst with 5 ml of chloroform, by
vortexing for 1 min and then centrifuged at 1700x gfor 15 min at
C. The upper aqueous phase was transferred to a clean ultra-
centrifuge tube. Th e remaining porti on was extracted with 5 -ml of
0.5 M threonine-0.15 M NaCl (pH 7.5), vortexed for 1 min, and
centrifuged as previously described. Both aqueous phases were
combined into the ultracentrifuge tube and 50 ml of tcPBS was
added to each sample, balanced, and ultracentrifuged at 170,000x
gfor 1 h at 4
C. After ultracentrifugation, the pellet was resus-
pended with 80 0
l of tcPBS and evenly distributed into 4 DNase/
RNase free 1.5 ml microcentrifuge tubes. One concentrate was
selected and extracted for RNA with RNeasy Mini Kit (Qiagen,
Valencia, CA) as described in (Williams-Woods et al., 2011). The
remaining three concentrates were stored at 70
C. Extracted
RNA was tested by real-time RT-qPCR and conventional RT-PCR as
described below.
Male-specic coliphage (MSC) densities in the oysters were
determined by using a modied double-agar-overlay method
described by Cabelli (Cabelli, 1988) where the Escherichia coli strain
HS(pFamp)R (ATCC # 700891) was utilized as the suitable bacterial
host strain (Cabelli, 1988; Debartolomeis and Cabelli, 1991;
Environmental Protection Agency, 2001).
2.4. Real-time RT-qPCR
2.4.1. Norovirus
Real-time RT-qPCR for NoV GI and NoV GII was completed on
two clinical samples and all shellsh samples. Positive controls
used for NoV GI and GII were in vitro RNA transcripts of sequences
cloned from positive clinical samples previously identied as NoV
(Burkhardt et al., 2006; Kageyama et al., 2003). Primers and probes
for NoV GI and GII targeted the most conserved region of the ORF1-
ORF2 junction. The real-time RT-qPCR included an RNA internal
amplication control (IAC) and was performed in a 25-
l reaction
using a One-Step RT-PCR Kit (Qiagen, Valencia, CA) as previously
described (DePaola et al., 2010). The inclusion of the IAC was used
J.W. Woods et al. / Food Microbiology 59 (2016) 76e84 77
Enteric Virus Concentration in Shellfish
Dissect oyster
(4g of digestive diverticula)
Add 10x wt of sample (4 grams X 10) sterile water
Blend and transfer homogenate to 50 ml conical tube
Adjust pH to 4.0 – 5.0
Shake well and centrifuge 2000 x g, 15 min., @ 4C
Discard supernatant and re-suspend pellet w/ 10x wt oyster tissue (40ml)
0.75 M glycine/0.15 M NaCl
Adjust pH to 7.5 -7.8
Centrifuge 5000 x g, 15 min., @ 4C
Decant eluate into sterile 70ml ultracentrifuge tube
Add 5 x weight oyster tissue (20ml) of 0.5M threonine/0.15M NaCl
Shake well and centrifuge 5000 x g, 15 min., @ 4C
Decant and combine eluate in 70ml ultracentrifuge tube
Spin at 170,000 x g for 1 hr, @ 4C
Resuspend pellet with 5 ml PBS
Transfer resuspended pellet to 50 ml polypropylene conical tube
Add 5ml of chloroform to suspension
Vortex 1 min
Centrifuge 1700 x g, 15 min., @ 4C
Transfer upper aqueous layer to clean 70ml ultracentrifuge tube
Add 5 ml 0.5M threonine/0.15M NaCl, pH 7.5 to chloroform tube and vortex
Centrifuge 1700 x g, 15 min., @ 4C
Transfer & combine top aqueous layer in 70 ml ultracentrifuge tube
Add 50 ml tc PBS to eluent in ultracentrifuge tube
Spin at 170,000 x g for 1 hr, @ 4C
Discard supernatant & re-suspend virus pellet in 800 μl tcPBS
Aliquot 200 μl into 4 tubes
(distribute evenly into each tube)
Fig. 1. Flow diagram of the enteric virus concentration and extraction protocol for shellsh.
J.W. Woods et al. / Food Microbiology 59 (2016) 76e8478
to access inhibition in the RT-qPCR reactions. Inhibition was
determined by comparing the IAC C
value of the RT-qPCR negative
control and the IAC Ct value of the sample. A one to two C
ence between the IAC of the negative control and the IAC of the
sample is dened as minimal to no inhibition. Greater than 3.33 C
difference between the IAC of the negative control and the IAC of
the sample is considered signicant inhibition. Briey, thermal
cycling was run using a Smart Cycler II
(Cepheid, Sunnyvale, CA)
with the following conditions: 50
C for 3000 s, 95
C for 900 s
followed by 50 cycles of 95
C for 10 s, 53
C for 25 s, 62
C for 70 s.
Fluorescence was read at the end of the 62
C elongation step.
2.4.2. MNV-1 and SMSV-17 extraction controls
Real-time RT-qPCR withthe inclusion of an RNA IAC was utilized
for detection of MNV-1 or SMSV-17 in a 25-
l reaction using One-
Step RT-PCR Kit. Primers and probe sequences for SMSV-17 and
MNV targeted ORF1 and ORF2 of the genome, respectively (DePaola
et al., 2010; Hewitt et al., 2009; Smith et al., 1998). The MNV-1 and
SMSV-17 extraction and RT-qPCR positive controls were propa-
gated in house from stock virus utilizing RAW 264.7 (MNV-1) (ATCC
TIB-71) and Vero cells (SMSV-17) (Smith et al., 1998; Wobus et al.,
2006). The primer concentration for MNV-1 and the IAC were
200 nM and 75 nM, respectively, while the 5
nuclease probe
concentrations for MNV-1 and the IAC targets were 100 and
150 nM, respectively. The nal concentration of MgCl
in the RT-
qPCR reaction was 4 mM. Thermal cycling was run using a Smart
Cycler II
under the following conditions: 50
C for 3000 s, 95
C for
900 s followed by 45 cycles of 95
C for 15 s, 55
C for 20 s, 62
C for
60 s. Fluorescence was read at the end of the 62
C elongation step
Smart Cycler II
. Default analysis parameters were used, except the
manual threshold uorescence units were set to 10.
Real-time RT-qPCR utilized for detection of SMSV-17 was
analyzed as previously described (DePaola et al., 2010). Thermal
cycling was run under the following conditions: 50
C for 3000 s,
C for 900 s followed by 45 cycles of 94
C for 10 s, 62
C for 20 s,
C for 40 s. Fluorescence was read at the end of 72
C elongation
2.5. Conventional RT-PCR for NoV detection
Detection by conventional RT-PCR was completed on all RT-
qPCR positive samples for NoV GI or GII with previously
described primers, MON (Beuret et al., 2002) and GSK (Kojima et al.,
2002). Conventional RT-PCR conditions for NoV MON primers were
RT (reverse transcription) at 50
C for 50 min, Taq polymerase
activation at 95
C for 15 min followed by 50 cycles of 94
C for 30 s,
C for 1 min 30 s, and 60
C for 30 s with a of hold 72
C for 7 min.
Conventional RT-PCR conditions for NoV GSK primers were RT at
C for 50 min, Taq polymerase activation at 95
C for 15 min
followed by 50 cycles of 95
C for 30 s, 55
C for 30 s, and 62
C for
60 s with a of hold 72
C for 7 min. Conventional RT-PCR assays
were analyzed using Smart Cycler II
and PCR amplicons were
detected by electrophoresis using 2% agarose gels and visualized
using ethidium bromide (0.5
2.6. Sequence and phylogenetic analysis
For sequence analysis, positive NoV GI and/or GII RT-PCR
products of corresponding size were cut and puried with Qiagen
Gel Extraction kit (Qiagen, Valencia, CA). Puried PCR products
were amplied using M13 tailed MON or GSK primers (Williams-
Woods et al., 2011). Gel puried products were sequenced
directly utilizing M13 primers. Sequencing was conducted with the
DTCS Quick Start kit (Beckman Coulter, Fullerton, CA) on the CEQ
8000 (Beckman Coulter, Fullerton, CA) sequence analyzer.
Sequences from the NoV RNA-dependent RNA polymerase (RdRp)
region (213 bp) or the capsid region (329 or 343 bp) were analyzed
using nucleotide BLAST ( and
were edited using BioEdit 7.0.9 (Hall, 1999). Sequence alignment
and comparison was performed using the NCBI bl2seq and MEGA
6.0 alignment program (Tamura and S., 2013). Phylogenetic trees of
the 213, 329, and 343 nucleotides (nt) for NoV were constructed
based on neighbor-joining methods using MEGA 6.0 (Tamura and
S., 2013).
2.7. Quantication
NoV levels were determined using standard curve (r2 >0.99) or
Most Probable Number (MPN). Standard curves were based upon
the end-point dilutions of NoV RNA and the endpoint was assigned
a value of 1 RT-PCR unit for the last dilution where only 2 of 3 re-
actions were positive (Katayama et al., 2008; Sanchez et al., 2012).
For the standard curve quantication, reactions with C
values of
zero were described as non-detects. MPN values were determined
using a MPN table with RT-qPCR reactions at 0.08, 0.06, 0.04, and
0.02 g equivalents per reactionproducing a positive C
value. For the
MPN quantication, non-detected samples were described as less
than values derived from the MPN calculator (http://www. Determination of infectious par-
ticles ingested was based on the average size of the digestive
diverticula per individual outbreak investigation, RT-qPCR units
(derived from standard curve or MPN), and the number of oysters
consumed (in cases where the amount consumed was unknown, a
value of 1 was assigned). Infectious particles ingested were also
based on average extraction efciencies of 60% and the assumption
of a ratio of noninfectious versus infectious NoV particles of 40:1
(Burkhardt et al., 2002). These levels were derived using the
following formula:
Infectious particles ingested ¼[(RT-PCR units/gram average
size of DD) (oysters consumed) ¼Level consumed þ(levels
consumed 0.40) ÷40].
2.8. Extraction efciency
Samples were spiked with non-human Caliciviruses SMSV-17 or
MNV-1 at a nal concentration of 10
PFU/gram to determine the
extraction efciency. The amount of SMSV-17 or MNV-1 recovered
was based on the extracted virus standard curve generated with
spiked levels of SMSV-17 or MNV-1. The ratio of RT-PCR units to
infectious units of SMSV-17 and MNV-1 was 40:1 to 100:1
respectively. Both enteric viruses were propagated and titered in-
house by plaque assay and end-point titration. Analysis of out-
breaks prior to 2011 utilized SMSV-17 as the extraction control but
due to proprietary issues, analysis of outbreaks occurring after 2011
utilized MNV-1 as the extraction control.
3. Results
3.1. Clinical analysis and shellsh outbreak details
Clinical and shellsh samples from outbreak 1 (TN and MS,
2009) were positive for NoV GII (additional analysis of clinical
samples done in-house) (Table 1). Shellsh consumed during these
outbreaks were from the same lot and harvested from the same
area. During outbreak 2 (AK, 2009), NoV GI and GII were detected in
clinical samples while only NoV GII was detected in the shellsh.
NoV GI and GII were detected in the shellsh samples of outbreak 4
(WA and PA, 2011) and outbreak 8 (WA, 2014). In addition to
multiple genogroups, multiple genotypes were also detected in the
clinical and shellsh samples for outbreak 4 (additional analysis of
J.W. Woods et al. / Food Microbiology 59 (2016) 76e84 79
clinical samples done in-house). Only NoV GII was detected for
outbreaks 3 (MS, 2010), 5 (LA, 2010), and 7 (LA, 2014) while in
outbreak 6 (MA, 2013) only GI was detected in the shellsh and
clinical samples. Multiple genogroups were detected in the shell-
sh during outbreak 8 (WA, 2014) and clinical samples were not
3.2. Analysis of shellsh
NoV was detected in all outbreak samples analyzed from 2009
to 2014; with the exception of one outbreak that occurred in 2010
where the samples tested were not from the implicated lot (results
not shown). The size of each DD in the 4 g sample analyzed varied
from 0.7 g to 1.0 g. When examining the IAC, there was minimal to
no inhibition present in the RT-qPCR reactions. Extraction ef-
ciency ranged from 50 to 85% for all outbreaks (Table 1). The LOD
(limit of detection) and LOQ (limit of quantication) for NoV were
33 and 150 genomic copies respectively. For the extraction control,
the LOQ was 5 PFU/g and the LOD was 0.5 PFU/g. The ranges of RT-
qPCR units per gram of DD for NoV genotype I outbreaks were <10
to 29.8 (Table 1). For NoV GII detection, the ranges were 2.4e82 RT-
qPCR units. Levels of NoV GII RT-qPCR units detected were the
highest in shellsh outbreaks associated with the imported product
(outbreak 4 WA, 2011). For outbreak 2 (AK), outbreak 3 (MS) and
outbreak 6 (MA) MSC levels were 17, 10, and 80 PFU/100 g
respectively. In all other outbreaks, MSC levels were below detec-
tion limits (Table 1).
In three of the outbreaks, NoV GI and GII were detected. In
outbreak 1 and 6, the same genotype was detected in the shellsh
and clinical sample (Table 1). For outbreak 1 (MS), outbreak 4 (PA),
and outbreak 5 (LA), the number of oysters consumed was known,
and for the other outbreaks, the number consumed was unknown
and was assumed to be at least one (Table 2). The total ingested
particles ranged from 1.0 to 2572.5, with the highest levels occur-
ring in the outbreak where there was a documented consumption
of 35 oysters. The number of infectious particles ingested ranged
from 1.0 to 64.3.
3.3. Phylogenetic analysis
The phylogenetic trees were constructed utilizing the neighbor-
joining method based on the nucleotide sequence from the RdRp
region (213 nt for GI and GII) or capsid region (329nt for GI and
343nt for GII). In outbreak 1, the shellsh and clinical nucleotide
sequence demonstrated 100% similarity and were associated with
GII.7 (Fig. 2). In outbreaks 2 and 3, NoV sequence was closely
associated with GII.7 and GII.4 Minerva, respectively (Fig. 2). The
clinical and oyster strains from outbreak 4 (WA) showed 10 0%
similarity with Genebank reference strains EU085529 and
GU299761 which corresponds to GI.1 and GI. 8, respectively (Fig. 3).
For outbreak 4, NoV GII for the clinical and oyster strains showed
100% similarity with Genebank reference strains DQ438972 and
JX439803 which corresponds to GII.17 and GII.3 respectively
(Fig. 4). The nucleotide sequence identities for outbreak 8 showed
100% homology between the clinical and oyster nucleotide
sequence which were characterized as GI.4 (Fig. 3). Only partial
sequences were obtained for outbreaks 2, 4 (PA), 5 and 7, therefore
genotypes could not be accurately determined. Sequences for
outbreaks 1, 2, 3, 4, 6 and 8 were deposited into GeneBank with the
following accession numbers KT277938, KT277939, KT277940,
KT277941, KT277942, KT277943, KT277944, KT277947, KT277948,
KT277946, and KT277949.
Table 1
NoV and indicator levels in outbreaks.
Outbreak Year Avg size DD(g) MPN or RT-qPCR units/g Genogroup/genotype shellsh MSC PFU/100 g Genotype clinical Extraction eff.
2009 1.0 52.5 GII.7 <6 GII.7 69
2 2009 1.0 65.3 GII.7 17 GI.4, GII.4 62
3 2010 0.9 13.8 GII.4 Minerva/Den Haag 10 GII.4 New Orleans 70
2011 1.0 1.5, 5.5 GI.8, GII.3 <7.3 GI.1, GII.17 68
2011 1.0 82 GII
<7.0 GII
5 2013 0.9 5.9 GII
<9.9 GII
6 2013 0.7 29.8 GI.4 80 GI.4 85
7 2014 1.0 4.8, 28 GI
, GII.12 <11.4 GII.7 68
2014 0.9 <LOQ, 2.4 GI, GII.21 <10 not tested* 50
Table represents comparison of detectable RT-qPCR units per gram of oyster.
Results from analysis of oysters from TN.
Outbreak from imported oysters in WA.
from imported oysters in PA. VGenogroup determined by RT-qPCR, no genotyping was performed.
Outbreaks 5 and 7 yielded partial sequences therefore accurate genotyping
could not be determined. Below limit for quantication or sequencing. *No clinical specimen was collected for testing.
Extraction efciency using SMSV-17 or MNV as an
extraction control.
Table 2
Approximate levels of NoV particles ingested.
Outbreak Year NoV
Oysters consumed* Levels in oysters
Total ingested Approximate infectious particles ingested
2009 GII 35 1837.5 2572.5 64.3
2 2009 GII 1 65.3 91.42 2.28
3 2010 GII 1 12.7 17.6 1.0
2011 GI, GII 1 1.5, 55.2 77.28 1.0, 1.9
2011 GII 1 82 114.28 2.9
5 2013 GII 9 368.5 515.9 12.9
6 2013 GI 1 29.8 41.7 1.0
7 2014 GI, GII 1 3.4, 41.1 4.7, 58.0 1.0, 1.4
8 2014 GI, GII 1 1, 2,1 1, 2.3 1.0, 1.0
Comma separates GI and GII genotype in RT-qPCR units/g. *Oyster consumption assumed to be 1 unless otherwise known.
Results from analysis of oysters from MS.
Outbreak from imported oysters in WA.
Outbreak from imported oysters in PA.
Documented case of ingestion of only 1 oyster caused NoV illness.
J.W. Woods et al. / Food Microbiology 59 (2016) 76e8480
4. Discussion
Enteric viruses, unlike pathogenic bacteria, require a specic
host cell to replicate (Benton and Ward, 1982; Gonzalez-Hernandez
et al., 2014; Guix et al., 2005). Therefore methods employed for
detection of enteric viruses, such as NoV and hepatitis A virus must
demonstrate minimal inhibition and the capability of detecting
viruses at very low levels. During these investigations, NoV was
detected in shellsh implicated in outbreaks where multiple ge-
notypes were detected. Typically when multiple genotypes are
detected, sewage contamination is thought to be the cause and for
outbreaks 4 and 7, it was determined that shellsh harvested from
these growing areas were directly impacted by human sewage. In
outbreak 1, only one genotype (GII.7) was associated with the
clinical and shellsh samples, although it was later determined that
the growing area was directly impacted by sewage discharge. In
addition, phylogenetic analysis demonstrated 100% homology be-
tween the two clinical and shellsh samples in outbreak 1, which
were collected in two different states. For outbreak 2, only NoV
GII.7 was detected in the shellsh while GI.4 and GII.4 was detected
in the clinical isolate. After the States investigation, it was deter-
mined that the shellsh implicated in outbreak 2 had been har-
vested and held in the water dockside near a waste water treatment
plant (WWTP) outfall. During outbreak 6, GI.4 was detected in the
clinical and shellsh samples and phylogenetic analysis revealed
100% homology between the clinical and shellsh samples. Over-
board discharge was suggested during outbreak 6, but it was never
ofcially conrmed. In the US during the years 2009e2012, less
than 2% of reported foodborne outbreaks were attributed to
molluscan shellsh and non GII.4s were the most common geno-
types identied in foodborne outbreaks (Hall et al., 2014). During
these shellsh outbreak investigations, GII.4 was only associated
with outbreak 3. The levels detected in shellsh were the highest
for outbreak 4 (82 RT-qPCR units/g DD) which had a documented
NoV infection with the ingestion of only one oyster. The lowest
levels of GI and GII detected were in outbreaks 4 and 8, respectively.
The implicated shellsh consumed in these outbreaks were from
growing areas that were impacted by freshfecal contamination or
non-point sources. Viruses in that instance were minimally
exposed to environmental stressors, such as sunlight and temper-
ature, which can cause inactivation of viruses and render them
non-infectious (Chang et al., 1985; Hill, et al., 1970; Nuanualsuwan
et al., 2002).
In all eight outbreak investigations, the levels detected were
lower than levels found a shellsh associated outbreaks occurring
in France where a C
value of 33 was detected. The difference in this
lower C
value is equivalent to 2 logs higher NoVlevels in the French
outbreak compared to the outbreaks in these investigations (Le
Guyader et al., 2006; Le Guyader et al., 2008; Wang et al., 2015).
In another shellsh associated outbreak which occurred in New
South Wales, NoV GII was detected with Ct values ranging from 37
to 39, which was comparable to levels in these outbreak in-
vestigations; although the NoV detected in the Wales outbreak was
unable to be characterized (Fitzgerald et al., 2014).
For each outbreak investigation the approximate level of infec-
tious particles ingested was determined. These levels were based
Fig. 2. Phylogenetic analysis of outbreak sequences generated using NoV GII primers (213 nt) from the RNA-dependent RNA-polymerase region utilizing MUSCLE alignment. Tree
contains sequences from outbreaks 1, 2, and 3 and was constructed using the neighbor-joining method (MEGA 6.0). Scale bar represents 0.05 substitutions per base position.
Bootstrap values are indicated as 500 replicates.
J.W. Woods et al. / Food Microbiology 59 (2016) 76e84 81
on 100% recovery (average recovery was 60%) of the virus with
estimated 40:1 ratio of non-infectious to infectious particles. It was
interesting that the number of ingested particles per individual
oyster was the highest for outbreak 4 (PA) at levels of 82. The level
of infectious particles ingested calculated for this outbreak was 2.9,
which is well below the estimated levels of 18 particles that can
cause NoV illness, but the genetic predisposition was not known for
the individual therefore the infected person could have been sus-
ceptible to one infectious particle (Atmar et al., 2014; Teunis et al.,
2008; Thebault et al., 2013). For outbreak 1, the average number of
oysters consumed was 35, with 64.3 approximate infectious par-
ticles ingested. This outbreak had the highest approximate infec-
tious particles ingested and NoV was detected in the clinical
specimens 3 weeks after the onset of illness. The total levels
ingested in outbreak 5 were 515.9 with the consumption of 9
oysters with estimated infectious particles of 12.9. The C
values for
the outbreaks in these studies ranged from 38 to 42 (data not
shown). Given the high C
values or low copies detected, ability or
inability to genotype the sequences was not directly related to the
genomic copies detected during each outbreak.
The MSC levels were below the detection limit for the majority
of the outbreaks, demonstrating that these indicator microorgan-
isms did not index for the presence of enteric viruses during
outbreak analyses. However, in outbreak 2, where the source of
contamination was identied as human wastewater associated,
MSC levels were detected. In outbreak 3, human sewage discharge
was also suspected as there were 2 WWTP and septic systems
within a few miles of the growing area where the implicated lot
was harvested. The MSC levels for outbreak 6 cannot be easily
explained as this outbreak was suspected overboard discharge,
although there was a WWTP in close proximity of the growing area.
For outbreaks 1, 4, and 7 the lack of MSC detection could be
explained by sewage impact from small land based sources or other
non-point sources where MSC contribution would be minimal.
Further investigation of the growing area may help identify other
potential sources of MSC.
5. Conclusion
In these studies, an ultracentrifugation protocol which in-
corporates extraction controls was used for the detection and
subsequent characterization of NoV in several oyster associated
outbreaks. Characterization of NoV revealed 100% identity between
clinical and shellsh samples in 2 of the 8 outbreaks and the C
values of NoV detected were not indicative of the ability to
sequence NoV RT-PCR products. This is the rst study to include the
probable infectious particles ingested with the addition of MSC
(enteric virus surrogate) levels in shellsh associated outbreak
samples. Although the calculation of infectious particle ingested is
an estimate, this can be useful as a reference once effective prop-
agation of norovirus has been achieved.
In addition, the protocol in this study has been used for
extraction and detection of enteric viruses in clams and mussels
with average extraction efciencies of 46% (data not shown). The
Fig. 3. Phylogenetic analysis of outbreak sequences generated using NoV GI primers (329 nt) from the capsid region utilizing MUSCLE alignment. Tree contains sequences from
outbreaks 4 and 8 using the neighbor-joining method (MEGA 6.0). Scale bar represents 0.05 substitutions per base position. Bootstrap values are indicated as 1000 replicates.
J.W. Woods et al. / Food Microbiology 59 (2016) 76e8482
concentrate generated from this protocol can also be used for
propagation of culturable enteric viruses, if desired (Woods, 2010).
For their assistance during the outbreak investigations, the au-
thors would like to thank John Dunn, Tennessee Department of
Health, Sara W. Longan, Alaska Department of Health, Erica Busby,
Massachusetts Department of Health, Laura Johnson, Washington
State Department of Health, John Veazey, FDA Southeast Regional
Shellsh Specialist, Gary Wolfe, FDA Regional Shellsh Specialist,
Kristina Phelps, FDA Pacic Regional Shellsh Specialist, Michael
Antee, FDA Pacic Regional Shellsh Specialist, and Amy Fitzpa-
trick, FDA Northeast Regional Shellsh Specialist. We would like to
thank David Kingsley for the murine norovirus stock and we would
also like to thank the CDC Calicinet team.
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J.W. Woods et al. / Food Microbiology 59 (2016) 76e8484
... Bivalve mollusks, owing to their filter-feeding behavior, accumulate pathogens to levels significantly higher than those found in the surrounding water. Notably, in eight HuNoV outbreak investigations conducted between 2009 and 2014 in the United States, HuNoV was consistently detected in all bivalve shellfish samples implicated in HuNoV outbreaks [53]. Furthermore, a 100% genetic match was found between the shellfish and the clinical strains associated with each of the outbreaks [53]. ...
... Notably, in eight HuNoV outbreak investigations conducted between 2009 and 2014 in the United States, HuNoV was consistently detected in all bivalve shellfish samples implicated in HuNoV outbreaks [53]. Furthermore, a 100% genetic match was found between the shellfish and the clinical strains associated with each of the outbreaks [53]. The degree of HuNoV contamination in shellfish is strongly influenced by various factors, including the species of shellfish and environmental conditions including season, rainfall, temperature, water quality, and tidal changes [54,55]. ...
Full-text available
Human norovirus (HuNoV) is a leading global cause of viral gastroenteritis, contributing to numerous outbreaks and illnesses annually. However, conventional cell culture systems cannot support the cultivation of infectious HuNoV, making its detection and study in food and water matrices particularly challenging. Recent advancements in HuNoV research, including the emergence of models such as human intestinal enteroids (HIEs) and zebrafish larvae/embryo, have significantly enhanced our understanding of HuNoV pathogenesis. This review provides an overview of current methods employed for HuNoV detection in food and water, along with their associated limitations. Furthermore, it explores the potential applications of the HIE and zebrafish larvae/embryo models in detecting infectious HuNoV within food and water matrices. Finally, this review also highlights the need for further optimization and exploration of these models and detection methods to improve our understanding of HuNoV and its presence in different matrices, ultimately contributing to improved intervention strategies and public health outcomes.
... It is known as "RNA calicivirus" highly transmissible infection causing in humans. Norovirus has two Geno groups GI and GII, which can cause infection in human (Woods et al., 2016;Bazzardi et al., 2014). This infection known as the principal reason of digestive problems without bacteria due to eating of undercooked shellfish and oysters (Woods et al., 2016). ...
... Norovirus has two Geno groups GI and GII, which can cause infection in human (Woods et al., 2016;Bazzardi et al., 2014). This infection known as the principal reason of digestive problems without bacteria due to eating of undercooked shellfish and oysters (Woods et al., 2016). The main sources of norovirus were Mussels and clams (Bazzardi et al., 2014;Terio et al., 2010) prawns, crabs, and finfish (Anbazhagi and Kamatchiammal, 2010) spider, gooseneck and barnacles (Sala et al., 2008). ...
Full-text available
Nowadays food poisoning is a major social and scientific issue. Food poisoning is caused by those foods which looks normal when we see it, smells normal and even tastes normal when we eat it. Only special scientists can analyze food quality by checking its all-sensory parameters. Food poisoning caused by foodborne pathogens. These pathogens can be bacteria, viruses, fungi and algae. Pathogens mostly attack on those foods which stored in humid environment, high temperature and which have more water content. According to these conditions' seafood is more susceptible food for contamination. Seafood can be contaminated by pathogens at any stage from harvesting to fork. Sometime fish can become poisonous even in water by some bacteria's or by some algal toxins. Most common pathogens which involve in seafood poisoning are Vibrio, Salmonella, Listeria, Shigella, Staphylococcus, Clostridium and Escherichia coli. Poisoning diseases which can occur are scombroid poisoning, amnestic shellfish poisoning and diarrheic poisoning, etc. Some viruses also involved in seafood born infections. These infections can be avoided by using proper cleanliness and care in handling fish. In this review the most common food-borne pathogens in fish and fish products are discussed.
... The concentrations of NoVs detected in shellfish correlate with the number of local NoV outbreaks [25]. For example, in eight NoV outbreak investigations in the United States from 2009 to 2014, NoVs were detected in all bivalve shellfish samples from outbreak areas and showed 100% homology with clinical strains [26]. Humans who consume oysters contaminated with NoVs are prone to vomiting, diarrhea and other symptoms [10]. ...
Full-text available
Noroviruses (NoVs) are major foodborne pathogens that cause acute gastroenteritis. Oysters are significant carriers of this pathogen, and disease transmission from the consumption of NoVs-infected oysters occurs worldwide. The review discusses the mechanism of NoVs bioaccumulation in oysters, particularly the binding of histo-blood group antigen-like (HBGA-like) molecules to NoVs in oysters. The review explores the factors that influence NoVs bioaccumulation in oysters, including temperature, precipitation and water contamination. The review also discusses the detection methods of NoVs in live oysters and analyzes the inactivation effects of high hydrostatic pressure, irradiation treatment and plasma treatment on NoVs. These non-thermal processing treatments can remove NoVs efficiently while retaining the original flavor of oysters. However, further research is needed to reduce the cost of these technologies to achieve large-scale commercial applications. The review aims to provide novel insights to reduce the bioaccumulation of NoVs in oysters and serve as a reference for the development of new, rapid and effective methods for detecting and inactivating NoVs in live oysters.
... Similarly, between 2009 and 2018 in the United States, norovirus was responsible for 47% of foodborne illnesses [2]. Enteric viruses are mainly transmitted via the faecal-oral and vomit-oral routes, including direct person-to-person contact, the consumption of contaminated food or water, contact with contaminated environmental surfaces [3][4][5][6][7][8] and, for HEV, direct contact with infected animals [9]. ...
Full-text available
Human norovirus and hepatitis viruses (hepatitis A (HAV) and hepatitis E (HEV)) are leading causes of foodborne disease worldwide. Among the various food products, different types of dairy products can be implicated in viral foodborne outbreaks and contamination can occur at different stages, such as preparation, contact with contaminated equipment or via other foods. The aim of this study was to characterise a proteinase K method adapted from the ISO 15216 method for the detection of HAV, HEV and norovirus in artificially contaminated dairy products, based on the recent international standard of ISO 16140-4. Results showed that the recovery yields obtained from pure RNA in dairy products ranged from 5.76% to 76.40% for HAV, from 35.09% to 100.00% for HEV, from 25.09% to 100.00% for norovirus GI and from 47.83% to 100.00% for norovirus GII. The process control MNV-1 was detected in all RNA extracts, with recovery yields between 36.83% and 100.00%. The limit of detection (LOD) of the method was between 184 and 642 genome copies/mL (or/g) for the LOD50 and 802 and 2800 genome copies/mL or/g for the LOD95 according to the virus analysed. This method proved to be suitable for detecting viruses in dairy products for routine diagnostic needs.
... Even though NoV is known to spread directly from person to person, transmission through food is common. Shellfish, predominantly oysters, are repeatedly listed as the culprit in foodborne NoV infections (Bellou et al., 2013;Bitler et al., 2013;Guix et al., 2019;Hardstaff et al., 2018), and the occurrence of NoV outbreaks after the consumption of oyster dishes is well-documented (Baker et al., 2011;Iritani et al., 2014;Meghnath et al., 2019;Woods et al., 2016). ...
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Raw oysters are considered a culinary delicacy but are frequently the culprit in food-borne norovirus (NoV) infections. As commercial depuration procedures are currently unable to efficiently eliminate NoV from oysters, an optimisation of the process should be considered. This study addresses the ability of elevated water temperatures to enhance the elimination of NoV and Tulane virus (TuV) from Pacific oysters ( Crassostrea gigas ). Both viruses were experimentally bioaccumulated in oysters, which were thereafter depurated at 12 °C and 17 °C for 4 weeks. Infectious TuV and viral RNA were monitored weekly for 28 days by TCID 50 and (PMAxx-) RT-qPCR, respectively. TuV RNA was more persistent than NoV and decreased by < 0.5 log 10 after 14 days, while NoV reductions were already > 1.0 log 10 at this time. For RT-qPCR there was no detectable benefit of elevated water temperatures or PMAxx for either virus ( p > 0.05). TuV TCID 50 decreased steadily, and reductions were significantly different between the two temperatures ( p < 0.001). This was most evident on days 14 and 21 when reductions at 17 °C were 1.3–1.7 log 10 higher than at 12 °C. After 3 weeks, reductions > 3.0 log 10 were observed at 17 °C, while at 12 °C reductions did not exceed 1.9 log 10 . The length of depuration also had an influence on virus numbers. TuV reductions increased from < 1.0 log 10 after seven days to > 4.0 log 10 after 4 weeks. This implies that an extension of the depuration period to more than seven days, possibly in combination with elevated water temperatures, may be beneficial for the inactivation and removal of viral pathogens.
... Several studies in Europe and Japan also mentioned the correlation between NoV pollution in the aquatic environment or shellfish and NoV infection in the human population (8)(9)(10). In two of the eight nororenia-related outbreaks reported by US researchers, the shellfish had 100% homology with the clinical strain (22). Our study provided additional evidence that NoV in the oyster was associated with human diarrhea in Yantai city, close to Jinan and Linyi cities. ...
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Background This study aimed to assess the correlation between Norovirus (NoV), diarrhea, and raw oysters from the eastern coastal areas of Yantai, Shandong, China. Methods Marine oysters were selected from the three aquatic markets in Laishan district, Yantai City, in March 2019. Meanwhile, 100 fecal samples were collected from patients with diarrhea from the same areas during the same period. Nucleic acids were extracted from these samples and detected by employing reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) for NoV GI/GII. The VP1 gene of the coat protein of NoV was amplified by semi-nested RT-PCR and sequenced. Sequence comparison of VP1 was performed with BioEdit software, and the evolutionary tree was constructed with Mega7.0 software. Results Of the 151 oysters, 42 (27.8%) were positive for NoV. Among them, 32 (21.2%) were GII-positive, 10 (6.6%) were GI-positive, and one GI VP1 sequence was obtained in the oyster samples. Of 100 fecal samples from patients with diarrhea, 38 were GII-positive and 17 were GI-positive. Totally, 19 GII VP 1 sequences and eight GI VP 1 sequences were obtained. Two G1 VP 1 sequences in two fecal samples showed 98.7% nucleotide sequence identity and 99.1% amino acid sequence identity G1 VP 1 acquired in the oyster sample. Conclusions The results suggest that oysters may be responsible for the spread of NoV in Yantai, Shandong province, China.
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Este estudo consistiu numa revisão breve para caracterizar o panorama epidemiológico dos surtos de doenças veiculadas por alimentos no Brasil, entre 2019 e 2024. Dos 52 artigos científicos examinados, apenas três foram considerados relevantes, com dois reportando dados de períodos anteriores ao foco da investigação. Os resultados destacam o norovírus e Toxoplasma gondii como principais agentes etiológicos recorrentes em surtos de doenças de transmissão hídrica e alimentar (DTHA), associados principalmente ao consumo de picolés, hortaliças, queijos artesanais e água. Esses achados sublinham a necessidade de aprimorar as práticas de manipulação de alimentos e vigilância sanitária. As políticas públicas, incluindo a Instrução Normativa do Ministério da Agricultura, Pecuária e Abastecimento e as Resoluções da Diretoria Colegiada da ANVISA, são essenciais para prevenção e controle de DTHA, juntamente com a fiscalização efetiva e a adoção de boas práticas de fabricação. Este estudo ressalta a importância do comprometimento de todos os atores da cadeia produtiva para garantir a segurança dos alimentos.
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The disposal of treated and untreated sewage near shellfish harvesting areas is a global concern. Discharged sewage may be contaminated with enteric viruses present in human faeces. Bivalve molluscs, in turn, act as vectors for enteric viruses through bioaccumulation and retention of these viruses during the filter-feeding process, resulting in outbreaks of infections due to the consumption of contaminated shellfish. This review was conducted using peer-reviewed articles published from 2012 until September 2022, obtained from online databases such as Google Scholar, Scopus, and Science Direct, highlighting the challenges that the shellfish industry is faced with concerning pollutants ending up in the shellfish production areas. Developed countries have made some advancements by upgrading sewage infrastructures, which reduced viral loads in sewage. However, it is difficult to measure the significance of these improvements, as there are no regulations in place which stipulate the permissible limits for viruses. In most developing countries, including South Africa, there is a lack of effective management plans for virus monitoring in shellfish harvesting areas. The findings of this study indicated a need for extensive research on the origin of viruses, their interactions with other organisms within the marine ecosystem, the quantification of viruses within the Saldanha Bay harbour, and the development of virus management plans which currently are non-existent.
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Viruses on some foods can be inactivated by exposure to ultraviolet (UV) light. This green technology has little impact on product quality and, thus, could be used to increase food safety. While its bactericidal effect has been studied extensively, little is known about the viricidal effect of UV on foods. The mechanism of viral inactivation by UV results mainly from an alteration of the genetic material (DNA or RNA) within the viral capsid and, to a lesser extent, by modifying major and minor viral proteins of the capsid. In this review, we examine the potential of UV treatment as a means of inactivating viruses on food processing surfaces and different foods. The most common foodborne viruses and their laboratory surrogates; further explanation on the inactivation mechanism and its efficacy in water, liquid foods, meat products, fruits, and vegetables; and the prospects for the commercial application of this technology are discussed. Lastly, we describe UV’s limitations and legislation surrounding its use. Based on our review of the literature, viral inactivation in water seems to be particularly effective. While consistent inactivation through turbid liquid food or the entire surface of irregular food matrices is more challenging, some treatments on different food matrices seem promising.
Food is one of the most important transmission routes of pathogens. The richness of nutrients in food products ensures an optimal growth environment for many microorganisms, including pathogens. For this reason, it is expedient to develop new and improve currently known methods of controlling microorganisms in food and its processing plants. One of these methods is the use of microwaves. Microwaves are a type of electromagnetic radiation with a wavelength between infrared and ultra-short waves. The mechanism of antimicrobial action of microwave is attributed both to heating and the impact of radiation on changes in the cell elements, including microbial cell wall damage, genomic DNA damage, and thermal coagulation of cytoplasmic proteins. This chapter presents issues related to the morphology of microorganisms, the characteristics of microorganisms present in food, mainly in seafood, covering also the disinfection induced by microwaves, antimicrobial activities, and possible lethal damage to microorganisms, as a method to control microbes in food.
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ABSTRACT In recent years, noroviruses have become recognized as an important cause of both sporadic and epidemic acute gastroenteritis (AGE), largely due to the improved availability of broadly reactive real-time RT-PCR (TaqMan-based RT-PCR) assays. While there is substantial diversity among noroviruses, one specific genotype, GII.4, is the most common etiology in sporadic and epidemic AGE. Outbreaks of norovirus AGE most commonly occur in healthcare facilities and restaurants and result in significant morbidity and mortality and substantial healthcare costs. Norovirus vaccine development is progressing, and Phase I and II human trials have shown proof-of-principle that norovirus vaccines can reduce illness and infection.
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Introduction: Currently available antigen tests for norovirus (NoV) have excellent specificity but negative results do not always rule out infection. Real-time reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) is a useful method for detecting and genotyping NoV in humans and oysters. An outbreak of NoV associated with oyster consumption in northern New South Wales confirmed the value of real-time RT-PCR where immunochromatography (ICT) tests were negative. Methods: Eight cases of gastrointestinal illness in northern NSW, clinically suggestive of NoV infection, were associated with consumption of oysters. A joint environmental investigation was conducted by the New South Wales Food Authority and local council. One human sample was collected and tested for NoV using ICT and real-time RT-PCR. Oyster samples were tested for NoV utilising real-time RT-PCR. Results: The patient with a stool sample had NoV genogroup II (GII) confirmed by real-time RT-PCR after testing negative by ICT. Illness in all cases was consistent with NoV with median incubation and duration of 36 and 50.5 hours respectively. All cases consumed oysters that were harvested from the same area. Three oyster samples from the harvest area were also positive for NoV GII. A nearby leaking sewer line was identified as the likely source of the contamination with hydrological studies confirming its potential to contaminate implicated oyster leases. Conclusion: This investigation confirmed the value of real-time RT-PCR testing of human specimens where ICT tests are negative and clinical illness is suggestive of NoV infection. NoV real-time RT-PCR and epidemiological evidence effectively linked human infection with oyster contamination to motivate a thorough environmental investigation and appropriate action to mitigate further public health risk.
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Introduction Norovirus is the leading cause of acute gastroenteritis and foodborne disease in the United States, causing an estimated one in 15 U.S. residents to become ill each year as well as 56,000–71,000 hospitalizations and 570–800 deaths, predominantly among young children and the elderly. Whereas noroviruses often spread through person-to-person contact, foodborne transmission can cause widespread exposures and presents important prevention opportunities. Methods CDC analyzed 2009–2012 data on suspected and confirmed norovirus outbreaks reported by state, local, and territorial health departments through the National Outbreak Reporting System (NORS) to characterize the epidemiology of foodborne norovirus outbreaks. Results During 2009–2012, a total of 1,008 foodborne norovirus outbreaks were reported to NORS, constituting 48% of all foodborne outbreaks with a single known cause. Outbreaks were reported by 43 states and occurred year round. Restaurants were the most common setting (64%) of food preparation reported in outbreaks. Of 520 outbreaks with factors contributing to contamination reported, food workers were implicated as the source in 70%. Of 324 outbreaks with an implicated food, most resulted from food contaminated during preparation (92%) and food consumed raw (75%). Specific food categories were implicated in only 67 outbreaks; the most frequently named were vegetable row crops (e.g., leafy vegetables) (30%), fruits (21%), and mollusks (19%). Conclusions Noroviruses are the leading cause of reported foodborne disease outbreaks and most often associated with contamination of food in restaurants during preparation by infected food workers. Implications for Public Health Practice Improved adherence to appropriate hand hygiene, excluding ill staff members from working until ≥48 hours after symptom resolution, and supervision by certified kitchen managers are all recommended to reduce the incidence of foodborne norovirus disease.
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Unlabelled: Microfold (M) cells are specialized intestinal epithelial cells that internalize particulate antigens and aid in the establishment of immune responses to enteric pathogens. M cells have also been suggested as a portal for pathogen entry into the host. While virus particles have been observed in M cells, it is not known whether viruses use M cells to initiate a productive infection. Noroviruses (NoVs) are single-stranded RNA viruses that infect host organisms via the fecal-oral route. Murine NoV (MNV) infects intestinal macrophages and dendritic cells and provides a tractable experimental system for understanding how an enteric virus overcomes the intestinal epithelial barrier to infect underlying target cells. We found that replication of two divergent MNV strains was reduced in mice depleted of M cells. Reoviruses are double-stranded RNA viruses that infect hosts via respiratory or enteric routes. In contrast to MNV, reovirus infects enterocytes in the intestine. Despite differences in cell tropism, reovirus infection was also reduced in M cell-depleted mice. These data demonstrate that M cells are required for the pathogenesis of two unrelated enteric viruses that replicate in different cell types within the intestine. Importance: To successfully infect their hosts, pathogens that infect via the gastrointestinal tract must overcome the multilayered system of host defenses. Microfold (M) cells are specialized intestinal epithelial cells that internalize particulate antigens and aid in the establishment of immune responses to enteric pathogens. Virus particles have been observed within M cells. However, it is not known whether viruses use M cells to initiate a productive infection. To address this question, we use MNV and reovirus, two enteric viruses that replicate in different cell types in the intestine, intestinal epithelial cells for reovirus and intestinal mononuclear phagocytes for MNV. Interestingly, MNV- and reovirus-infected mice depleted of M cells showed reduced viral loads in the intestine. Thus, our work demonstrates the importance of M cells in the pathogenesis of enteric viruses irrespective of the target cell type in which the virus replicates.
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Noroviruses are associated with intestinal disease in humans, cows, pigs, mice, and, more recently, dogs. In 2007, the first canine norovirus (CNV) was identified and characterized in Italy. Subsequent studies have identified CNV in stools of dogs from Portugal, Greece, and the United States. To investigate the prevalence of CNV in the UK dog population, 228 canine stool samples were screened for CNV by qPCR, and 396 serum samples were screened for anti-CNV antibodies. qPCR of RNA extracted from canine stool samples did not reveal any CNV-positive samples, based on samples collected from diarrhoeic and control dogs in 2012-2013. CNV virus-like particles to three different CNV strains were produced using recombinant baculoviruses and a seroprevalence screen undertaken. Anti-CNV antibodies were identified at significant levels in canine serum; 38.1% of samples collected between 1999-2001 and 60.1% of samples collected in 2012-2013 were seropositive. The increase in seroprevalence over time (p<0.001) suggests that the CNV strains screened for are becoming more widespread. Variation in seroprevalence to different CNV strains was also identified. Two-thirds of the dogs were seropositive to a single strain, whereas the remaining third were seropositive to two or three of the strains analysed. This study has provided the first evidence that CNV is present in the UK, with seroprevalence identified to multiple circulating strains. This warrants further study and increased awareness of this recently discovered canine virus.
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Background: Noroviruses are the most common cause of gastroenteritis in the United States. An understanding of the infectious dose of these viruses is important for risk assessment studies. Methods: Healthy adults were enrolled in a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled evaluation of different dosages of Norwalk virus. Eligible subjects were monitored for clinical gastroenteritis, and infection status was determined. The presence of virus in vomitus was also assessed. Results: Fifty-seven persons were enrolled; 8 received placebo and an additional 8 persons were considered to be nonsusceptible on the basis of being secretor negative. Twenty-one persons were infected (all blood group O or A), and 67% of those infected developed viral gastroenteritis. The 50% human infectious dose was calculated to be 3.3 reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction units (approximately 1320 genomic equivalents [gEq]) for secretor-positive blood group O or A persons and 7.0 (approximately 2800 gEq) for all secretor-positive persons. The time of illness onset was inversely correlated with inoculum dose. The maximal concentration of virus shedding was higher for persons with gastroenteritis. Norwalk virus was identified in 15 of 27 (56%) vomitus samples at a median concentration of 41 000 gEq/mL. Conclusions: The 50% human infectious dose measured is higher than previous estimates and similar to that of other RNA viruses. Clinical Trials Registration NCT00138476.
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We announce the release of an advanced version of the Molecular Evolutionary Genetics Analysis (MEGA) software, which currently contains facilities for building sequence alignments, inferring phylogenetic histories, and conducting molecular evolutionary analysis. In version 6.0, MEGA now enables the inference of timetrees, as it implements our RelTime method for estimating divergence times for all branching points in a phylogeny. A new Timetree Wizard in MEGA6 facilitates this timetree inference by providing a graphical user interface (GUI) to specify the phylogeny and calibration constraints step-by-step. This version also contains enhanced algorithms to search for the optimal trees under evolutionary criteria and implements a more advanced memory management that can double the size of sequence data sets to which MEGA can be applied. Both GUI and command-line versions of MEGA6 can be downloaded from free of charge.
The effect of ultraviolet (UV) radiation on the devitalization of eight selected enteric viruses suspended in estuarine water was determined. The surviving fractions of each virus were calculated and then plotted against the UV exposure time for purposes of comparison. Analytical assessment of the survival data for each virus consisted of least squares regression analysis for determination of intercepts and slope functions. All data were examined for statistical significance. When the slope function of each virus was compared against the slope function of poliovirus type 1, the analytical findings indicated that poliovirus types 2 and 3, echovirus types 1 and 11, and coxsackievirus A-9 exhibited similar devitalization characteristics in that no statistically significant difference was found ( P > 0.05). Conversely, the devitalization characteristics of coxsackievirus B-1 and reovirus type 1 were dissimilar from those of poliovirus type 1 in that a statistically significant difference was found between the slope functions ( P < 0.05). This observed difference in devitalization of coxsackievirus B-1 and reovirus type 1 was attributed primarily to the frequency distribution of single and aggregate virions, the geometric configuration, the size of the aggregates, and the severity of aggregation. The devitalization curve of coxsackievirus B-1 was characteristic of a retardant die-away curve. The devitalization curve of reovirus type 1 was characteristic of a multihittype curve. The calculated devitalization half-life values for poliovirus types 1, 2, and 3; echovirus types 1 and 11; coxsackievirus types A-9 and B-1; and reovirus type 1 were 2.8, 3.1, 2.7, 2.8, 3.2, 3.1, 4.0, 4.0 sec, respectively. These basic data should facilitate an operative extrapolation of the findings to the applied situation. It was concluded that UV can be highly effective and provide a reliable safety factor in treating estuarine water. Images
Background: Despite calicivirus food-borne outbreaks posing major public health concern worldwide, little information is at present available about the impact of caliciviruses mixed infection in an oyster-associated outbreak in China. Objectives: To investigate the clinical and epidemiologic characteristics of an oyster-associated calicivirus outbreak initiated by a food festival in Shanghai, China, in April 2014. Study design: Molecular epidemiological studies based on nucleotide sequencing and phylogenetic analysis of calicivirus strains from patients. Results: A total of 65 of the 78 (83%) cases from this outbreak were associated with raw oyster consumption. Forty-six calicivirus strains were identified from 25 stool specimens with norovirus (NoV) GII.4 Sydney_2012, GII.13, GI.2, GI.5 and sapovirus (SaV) GI.2 being predominant genotypes and with a prevalence of triple-, double- and single-infection being 20%, 48% and 28%, respectively. Meanwhile, 13 putative NoV recombinants were indicated by the phylogenetic inconsistency between capsid and polymerase genotype, mainly including GII.Pe/GII.4 Sydney_2012. Molecular epidemiological investigation showed possible multiple route transmission in the field. The clinical and epidemiologic characteristics of the mixed point-source calicivirus outbreak also conformed to Kaplan's criteria. Conclusions: This is the first reported oyster-associated calicivirus outbreak with a high prevalence of mixed infection during a food festival described in China. Our investigation underscores the importance of early surveillance and comprehensive etiologic identification of mixed point-source outbreaks and the need for reliable standards of monitoring oysters to prevent and control calicivirus food-borne outbreaks in China.
As the core of health information technology (HIT), electronic medical record (EMR) systems have been changing to meet health care demands. To construct a new-generation EMR system framework with the capability of self-learning and real-time feedback, thus adding intelligence to the EMR system itself, this paper proposed a novel EMR system framework by constructing a direct pathway between the EMR workflow and EMR data. A prototype of this framework was implemented based on patient similarity learning. Patient diagnoses, demographic data, vital signs and structured lab test results were considered for similarity calculations. Real hospitalization data from 12,818 patients were substituted, and Precision @ Position measurements were used to validate self-learning performance. Our EMR system changed the way in which orders are placed by establishing recommendation order menu and shortcut applications. Two learning modes (EASY MODE and COMPLEX MODE) were provided, and the precision values @ position 5 of both modes were 0.7458 and 0.8792, respectively. The precision performance of COMPLEX MODE was better than that of EASY MODE (tested using a paired Wilcoxon-Mann-Whitney test, p < 0.001). Applying the proposed framework, the EMR data value was directly demonstrated in the clinical workflow, and intelligence was added to the EMR system, which could improve system usability, reliability and the physician's work efficiency. This self-learning mechanism is based on dynamic learning models and is not limited to a specific disease or clinical scenario, thus decreasing maintenance costs in real world applications and increasing its adaptability.