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Antibiotic Prophylaxis in Interventional Radiology

  • Tallaght University Hospital and Trinity College, Dublin


Despite several decades of advances in both minimally invasive techniques and antibiotic therapy, infection remains one of the more common complications of invasive procedures. Interventional radiology (IR) has traditionally been believed to be associated with lower infection rates than surgery. However, new interventional techniques, as well as more aggressive therapeutic interventions, have presented new challenges in relation to pharmacological management of postprocedural infection and pain. The risk of infection associated with IR procedures can never be completely eliminated, and the reasons for this are manifold, including more virulent organisms, ongoing and newly emerging antibiotic resistance, increased numbers of immunocompromised patients, and the adoption into everyday interventional practice of more aggressive interventional techniques such as chemoembolization, uterine fibroid embolization, and complex biliary intervention. Despite the widespread use of prophylactic antibiotics in IR, and the widely held belief that they are beneficial and are the standard of care, randomized controlled clinical trials have never validated the use of antibiotics in this setting. As such, an argument could be made not to use antibiotics at all for prophylaxis in IR. The purpose of this article is to discuss some of the issues relating to the use of prophylactic antibiotics, and what choice of antibiotics physicians make when they decide to use prophylaxis for IR procedures.
Antibiotic Prophylaxis in Interventional
J. Mark Ryan, MD, FRCR, FFRRCSI, Barbara M. Ryan, MD, MRCPI, MSc, and Tony P. Smith, MD
Despite several decades of advances in both minimally invasive techniques and antibiotic therapy, infection remains
one of the more common complications of invasive procedures. Interventional radiology (IR) has traditionally been
believed to be associated with lower infection rates than surgery. However, new interventional techniques, as well as
more aggressive therapeutic interventions, have presented new challenges in relation to pharmacological management
of postprocedural infection and pain. The risk of infection associated with IR procedures can never be completely
eliminated, and the reasons for this are manifold, including more virulent organisms, ongoing and newly emerging
antibiotic resistance, increased numbers of immunocompromised patients, and the adoption into everyday interven-
tional practice of more aggressive interventional techniques such as chemoembolization, uterine fibroid embolization,
and complex biliary intervention. Despite the widespread use of prophylactic antibiotics in IR, and the widely held
belief that they are beneficial and are the standard of care, randomized controlled clinical trials have never validated
the use of antibiotics in this setting. As such, an argument could be made not to use antibiotics at all for prophylaxis
in IR. The purpose of this article is to discuss some of the issues relating to the use of prophylactic antibiotics, and
what choice of antibiotics physicians make when they decide to use prophylaxis for IR procedures.
J Vasc Interv Radiol 2004; 15:547–556
Abbreviations: IR interventional radiology, RF radiofrequency, TIPS transjugular intrahepatic portosystemic shunt, UFE uterine fibroid embolization
SEVERAL authors (1–3) have reported
on the use of prophylactic antibiotics
in interventional radiology (IR) prac-
tice over the past 15 years. Spies noted
that no randomized controlled trials
had ever been performed in the inter-
ventional setting and as such the role
and effectiveness of antibiotic prophy-
laxis in IR had never been scientifically
established (1). Little has changed in
the past fifteen years and the use of
prophylactic antibiotics for many in-
terventional radiology procedures has
become, for better or for worse, the
perceived standard of care.
In 1998, a survey of members of the
Society of Cardiovascular and Inter-
ventional Radiology (SCVIR), now the
Society of Interventional Radiology
(SIR), was performed to investigate
the use of antibiotic prophylaxis in pa-
tients undergoing vascular and non-
vascular procedures. There were 401
respondents to the survey (3). This
survey showed wide variation among
interventionalists in their perception
of indications for antibiotic prophy-
laxis and in their routine clinical use of
prophylactic antibiotics.
The role of antibiotics in preventing
infections in certain surgical settings
appears to be valid (4). However, it is
interesting to note that some surgical
centers are now revisiting their use of
antibiotic prophylaxis for some proce-
dures, and are reassessing their empir-
ical approach (5–7). This is an impor-
tant development for interventional
radiologists considering many antibi-
otic choices in interventional radiol-
ogy have been derived from surgical
experience (1).
An argument can be made that the
risk associated with prophylactic anti-
biotic administration to an individual
patient is small, with the potential
benefit being great. However the
global impact of this empirical ap-
proach is becoming clear with the
worldwide emergence of more viru-
lent and resistant bacterial strains. In
addition, a small number of patients
have died as a result of antibiotic hy-
persensitivity reactions, raising a crit-
ical question that one is reluctant to
ask in these unfortunate situations:
“Was the use of prophylactic antibiot-
ics necessary or useful?”
The purpose of this article is pri-
marily to discuss some of the emerg-
ing issues regarding the use of antibi-
otics for prophylaxis in interventional
radiology practice.
When choosing an antibiotic for
prophylaxis, one needs to consider the
likely source and type of pathogen,
and the prophylaxis should be specif-
ically directed against these organ-
isms. The routine use of very broad
spectrum antibiotics is inappropriate
and indeed promotes further antibi-
otic resistance (8). However despite
From the Division of Vascular-Interventional Radi-
ology (J.M.R., T.P.S.), Duke University Medical Cen-
ter, Durham, NC; Department of Gastroenterology
(B.M.R.), Manchester Royal Infirmary, Manchester,
United Kingdom. Received September 4; accepted
December 17. Address correspondence to J.M.R.,
Division of Vascular-Interventional Radiology,
Duke University Medical Center, Box 3808, Erwin
Road, Durham, NC 27710; E-mail: mryan98454@
None of the authors have identified a potential con-
flict of interest.
© SIR, 2004
DOI: 10.1097/01.RVI.000024942.58200.5E
Review Article
this being widely known, the antibiot-
ics that tend to be used for prophylaxis
are very often broad-spectrum. This is
a serious and ever increasing problem.
Despite the availability of powerful
new antibiotic therapies, morbidity
and mortality resulting from infec-
tious complications have increased in
the past decade, following several de-
cades of decline. This is in large part
related to the increasing frequency
and spectrum of antibiotic resistant in-
fections that have emerged during the
past two decades (9). Contributory
causes to this increase include a com-
bination of changing microbial charac-
teristics, the selective pressure of in-
appropriate and irresponsible antimi-
crobial use, and social and technical
changes that enhance the transmission
of resistant organisms. Bacterial or-
ganisms have an enviable armamen-
tarium to enhance their ability to resist
antibiotic therapy. Resistance is con-
ferred either by mutational change, or
by the acquisition of resistance-encod-
ing genetic material transferred from
another bacterium. The spread of an-
tibiotic resistance genes is causally re-
lated to the misuse and overuse of an-
tibiotics in human health care and also
to the ubiquitous use of antibiotics in
animal feeds. Other factors including
the increased use of invasive devices, a
greater number of susceptible hosts
(ie, immunocompromised patients), and
lapses in infection control practices. In
the hospital environment, widespread
use of antimicrobials in intensive care
units and for immunocompromised pa-
tients has resulted in the selection of
multiple-drugresistant organisms. Me-
thicillin-resistant staphylococci, vanco-
mycin-resistant enterococci, and extend-
gram-negative bacilli are currently a
major problem in nosocomial infections.
Ongoing surveillance of disease pat-
terns have identified an increasing inci-
dence of more seriously ill patients suf-
fering from multiple-drugresistant
nosocomial infections (10).
Vancomycin has long been consid-
ered the antibiotic of last resort against
serious and multiple-drugresistant
infections caused by gram-positive
bacteria. However, increasingly, van-
comycin resistance is being encoun-
tered. It was first seen in enterococci
and, more recently, in Staphylococcus
aureus. In the U.S., vancomycin resis-
tant enterococcus is endemic in many
health care institutions, although colo-
nization of healthy individuals is vir-
tually unknown. In contradistinction,
colonization of healthy individuals
and animals is endemic in Europe, re-
lated to the use of avoparcin (a vanco-
mycin-like glycopeptide) in the agri-
cultural industry. The use of
avoparcin was abandoned in Germany
in 1994, and during the following 3
years the prevalence of vancomycin
resistant enterococci in the gastrointes-
tinal tract of healthy individuals fell
from 12% to 3% (11). Unfortunately,
this approach of discontinuing the use
of certain drugs to combat antimicro-
bial resistance is not always success-
ful. Twenty years after ceasing the use
of streptomycin, enterobacteriaceae re-
main resistant to it (12). Strategies un-
der investigation to overcome infec-
tions caused by vancomycin-resistant
strains include glycopeptide deriva-
tives with higher potency than vanco-
mycin; the use of small molecules that
re-sensitize bacteria to antibiotics; and
the introduction of novel non-glyco-
peptide antibiotics. These new agents,
including daptomycin, quinupristin-
dalfopristin, and linezolid, specifically
interfere with protein or peptidogly-
can synthesis or with membrane per-
meability. Most of these agents are still
being developed, and currently repre-
sent the only realistic pharmaceutical
option for treating vancomycin-resis-
tant enterococci (13).
Pandemic emergence of multiple-
drugresistant bacteria and the spread
of resistance genes must lead to the
stricter application of effective preven-
tion strategies. These include changes
in antibiotic treatment regimens, more
appropriate antibiotic usage including
more specific organism targeting, bet-
ter hygiene measures, more effective
infection prevention, and control of
horizontal nosocomial transmission of
organisms (14). Failure to address the
problem of antibiotic resistance will
mean ever-increasing problems in the
coming decades.
Patients frequently state that they
have a penicillin allergy, thus present-
ing a physician with a therapeutic di-
lemma. Penicillin and
-lactam aller-
gic reactions should be determined by
a careful history. Many patients who
say they have a penicillin allergy in
fact do not. If a patient has a penicillin
allergy, then the clinician should de-
termine whether it is of an anaphylac-
tic or non-anaphylactic variety. Two
percent of the population has some
degree of penicillin hypersensitivity
but most reactions to
-lactams are of
the non-anaphylactic variety and usu-
ally manifest clinically as a mild mac-
ulopapular rash or fever. Uncom-
monly, penicillin allergies manifest as
anaphylactic reactions (eg, broncho-
spasm, laryngospasm, hypotension, or
hives). Hypersensitivity reactions tend
to be similar when re-challenged with
an offending antigen. Patients who
have a questionable penicillin allergy,
or who have had only fever or rash,
may be safely given
-lactam antibiot-
ics without fear of anaphylaxis. If a
patient has had an anaphylactoid re-
action to penicillins, they should never
receive penicillin. In addition, use of
cephalosporins in these patients is
contraindicated because of the 15%
cross-hypersensitivity. Patients with a
documented history of anaphylactic
reactions should receive non
antibiotics, such as vancomycin. Al-
though monobactams (aztreonam)
and carbapenems (imipenem, mero-
penem) are structurally related to
-lactams, they are unrelated in terms
of allergic potential. There is no cross-
reactivity between monobactams or
carbapenems with
-lactams, and
these drugs may be used safely in pa-
tients with anaphylactic reactions to
-lactams (15).
Timing of Prophylaxis
Better understanding regarding the
timing of antibiotic administration be-
gan with the experimental work of
Burke (16) in the early 1960s. Other
studies during the following decade
confirmed what Burke (16) suggested
and led to the current widespread
practice of administering the antibiot-
ics just as the procedure is about to
begin or at least less than 2 hours be-
fore the procedure (17). If antibiotic
prophylaxis is administered more
than 3 hours before the procedure, the
incidence of adverse infectious events
increases fivefold (18). Whereas the
timing of administration of the antibi-
otic has become fairly standard, dura-
tion of administration remains highly
variable, despite the fact that numer-
548 Antibiotic Prophylaxis for the Interventional Radiologist June 2004 JVIR
ous studies in surgical patients have
demonstrated that a single appropri-
ately timed administration of antibi-
otic prophylaxis is as effective, and in
some cases is more effective, than a
multiple-dose protocol (1922).
Often the antibiotic is administered
by the IR nurse when the patient ar-
rives in the interventional suite. This is
done because if there is a delay in the
patients arrival, the timing of the dose
will remain optimal. A thorough re-
view of the patients current medica-
tions should be performed when the
patient is first referred to the IR service
and appropriate antibiotic coverage
should be chosen by a practitioner ex-
perienced in interventional proce-
dures. Difficulties arise when the pa-
tient is already on antibiotics. Several
things need to be checked in this situ-
ation, including the timing of the last
dose of antibiotics and the appropri-
ateness of the antibiotic in relation to
the procedure and the likely patho-
gens. If one is not satisfied with either
of these situations, an additional dose
may be administered. If a procedure is
prolonged, a supplemental dose of an-
tibiotic is often administered. In cer-
tain procedures, typically where a pa-
tient has a blocked viscus, such as
biliary or kidney obstruction, the risk
of puncture site infection is far out-
weighed by the much more serious
risk of postprocedural bacteremia
caused by intravasation of organisms
into the bloodstream. This risk re-
mains present until the organ is ade-
quately drained, and in situations
such as this appropriate antibiotic
treatment continues until satisfactory
drainage of the viscus is achieved.
Antibiotic choices for specific IR
procedures are described in the Table.
Uterine Fibroid Embolization
Uterine fibroid embolization (UFE)
for treatment of symptomatic fibroid
disease has become a preferred alter-
native to surgery for many patients.
The demand for UFE has risen expo-
nentially, with women themselves be-
ing the driving force behind the de-
mand for this therapy. As with any
minimally invasive therapy, UFE is
not completely without risk of infec-
tion; however, this appears to be very
uncommon (23,24).
In some reports on UFE, the admin-
istration of preprocedural antibiotics
is routine (2527). Although evidence
from randomized controlled trials is
lacking, the current antibiotic of choice
for many interventionalists is1gof
cefazolin, based on the most likely
source of pathogens during solid or-
gan embolization, which is contamina-
tion by skin pathogens (staphylococ-
cus or streptococcus). Cefazolin is
inexpensive and has activity against
many clinically important pathogens
including most staphylococci, strepto-
cocci and Escherichia coli. Some inter-
ventionalists do not administer pro-
phylactic antibiotics routinely for UFE,
and some use a multiple-day, multi-
ple-drug approach to prophylaxis. In
the prospective Ontario Uterine Fi-
broid Embolization Trial, antibiotic
prophylaxis use was routine at four
hospitals and reserved only for pa-
tients at higher infection risk at a fur-
ther four hospitals. Routine antibiotic
coverage comprised1gofcefazolin
administered intravenously 1 hour be-
fore the procedure. Patients who were
allergic to penicillin were adminis-
tered 500 mg vancomycin intrave-
nously. There were only two infection-
related hysterectomies required in 570
UFE procedures, one in each group
In contrast to the low infection rate
observed by many interventionalists,
there has been a single study from the
United Kingdom reporting a 17% re-
admission rate (seven out of 42 pa-
tients) for infection after UFE. There
Commonly Used Antibiotics for Prophylaxis in IR
Procedure Suggested Prophylaxis
Angiography Not routine
Angioplasty Not routine
Stent placement Not routine
Peripheral or dialysis access
Not routine
Uterine fibroid embolization 1 g cefazolin intravenously
Hepatic chemoembolization 1.53 g ampicillin/sulbactam intravenously
Splenic embolization 1 g ceftriaxone IV
Renal embolization 1 g ceftriaxone IV
TIPS 3 g ampicillin/sulbactam IV
Tunneled central venous access 1 g cefazolin IV
Endograft 1 g cefazolin IV
Biliary drainage 3 g ampicillin/sulbactam IV
Cholecystostomy 1 g ceftriaxone IV
Gastrostomy 1 g cefazolin IV
Nephrostomy 1 g ceftriaxone IV
RF ablation 1 g cefazolin IV
Solid organ embolization: Many interventional radiologists use prophylaxis
primarily against contamination by skin pathogens. For this cefazolin is satisfactory.
If coverage is required against additional microorganisms, the antibiotic regimen
needs to be adjusted accordingly.
Benefits of prophylaxis has never been validated for IR procedures in randomized
controlled clinical trials.
For high risk cases, ie, Procedure duration 2 hrs; Arterial sheath left in 24 hrs;
Closure device used 1 week-Single Dose 1 g cefazolin IV.
Alternative to cefazolin is Vancomycin1gIVforserious anaphylaxis to penicillin or
cephalosporin allergy; or for patients infected with methicillin resistant
Staphylococcus aureus.
Cefazolin is active against S aureus and S epidermidis.
Ceftriaxone, cefoperazone or cefoxitin are active against E coli, Klebsiella.
Enterobacter, pseudomonas, and clostridia.
Ampicillin/sulbactam has enhanced activity against enterococcus over
Cefotetan (or ampicillin, gentamicin and metronidazole) are active against gram-
negative bacteria, anaerobes, enterococci, B fragilis.
Vancomycin, cefazolin, cefoxitin, ceftazidine, cefuroxime need adjustment if
continued in patients with renal dysfunction.
Ryan et al 549
Volume 15 Number 6
was one infection-related hysterec-
tomy. Three of the patients had uri-
nary tract infection, probably related
to bladder catheterization; in three pa-
tients, no source of infection was iden-
tified; and in one patient, there was
spontaneous extrusion of a fibroid.
The authors approach to antibiotic
prophylaxis was co-amoxiclav TID
and metronidazole BID on the day of
the procedure, followed by a further
48 hours administration of the same
antibiotics post-procedurally. They
admitted their patients to the hospital
for 3 days, which is uncommon in the
U.S. (29). It has been suggested that
polypharmacy and prolonged antibi-
otic administration can in fact be det-
rimental when prophylaxis is the goal.
This occurs because normal gram-pos-
itive organisms are destroyed, which
allows harmful gram-negative organ-
isms to proliferate (30). Most studies of
prophylaxis have indicated that sin-
gle-drug use is most effective and that
combinations are unnecessary (22).
There have been anecdotal case re-
ports in the literature of fatal sepsis
after UFE (31). In the case report by
Vashisht (31), the patient did not re-
ceive prophylactic antibiotics and de-
veloped an E coli urinary tract infec-
tion 3 days after the procedure for
which she received antibiotic therapy.
The patient returned 1 week later with
E coli sepsis, to which she succumbed.
In a recent article reporting fatal sepsis
after UFE, again prophylactic antibiot-
ics were not administered (32). The
patient presented 5 days after the pro-
cedure with S pyogenes sepsis.
Whether or not prophylactic antibiotic
administration would have prevented
infection in these cases is unknown.
Options for UFE: (i) no prophylaxis;
(ii) cefazolin 1 g intravenously;
(iii) 1.53 g ampicillin/sulbactam
Transjugular Intrahepatic
Portosystemic Shunt
Dravid et al (3) reported that 69% of
respondents to their survey used anti-
biotic prophylaxis in patients under-
going transjugular intrahepatic porto-
systemic shunt (TIPS). An infection
rate of 13% was reported. Patients
who undergo TIPS are usually ill pa-
tients with multisystem disease and
infection in these patients is poorly tol-
erated. Dravid et al (3) concluded that
prophylaxis is necessary for TIPS, and
suggested the use of cefoxitin1gin-
travenously every 6 hours for 48
Some interventionalists use ceftri-
axone 1 g intravenously once daily for
48 hours. It has superior activity over
cefoxitin against E coli, enterobacter,
gram-negative bacteria, anaerobes and
enterococci, and has the advantage of
a once daily dosing regimen. Ampicil-
lin/sulbactam (Unasyn, Roerig, NY)
gives superior coverage against en-
terococcus and is also a suitable
choice. However there is no evidence
from clinical trials that the use of pro-
phylactic antibiotics in TIPS is
Infectious complications from TIPS
can be divided into two groups: (i)
periprocedural sepsis not involving
infection of the stent, and (ii) infection
of the TIPS stent. Periprocedural sep-
sis, which appears to be uncommon,
has been recognized since the early
days of TIPS (33); however, infection
of the TIPS stent itself has only re-
cently been recognized, reportedly oc-
curring in 1.7%5.1% of cases (3437).
Brown et al (38) studied a series of
patients with Enterococcus faecium in-
fection after TIPS. A review of 314 pa-
tients who underwent TIPS at their
institution identified four patients
with enterococcal infection (1.3%). All
four patients had thrombosis of their
TIPS at the time of diagnosis. All were
treated with prolonged courses of in-
travenous antibiotics. Two of four pa-
tients survived and underwent a suc-
cessful repeat TIPS (38).
Sanyal et al (34) were the first to
describe the clinical picture of infec-
tion of the TIPS stent. The diagnosis
was based on the occurrence of fever
with positive blood cultures, and ei-
ther a thrombus or vegetations on the
stent, or persistent bacteremia in a pa-
tient with a TIPS and no other detect-
able source of infection. The clinical
features of endotipsitis included fever,
tender hepatomegaly, hypoxemia,
septic pulmonary emboli, septic
shock, neutrophilia, and subsequent
development of necrotizing fasciitis.
Organisms included oral and enteric
aerobic gram-negative bacteria, and
Candida. Most patients responded to
antibiotic therapy.
DeSimone et al (36) studied 99 TIPS
during an 8-year period, and identi-
fied five patients with no other alter-
native source of bacteremia despite
rigorous evaluation who were pre-
sumed to have TIPS infections. Pa-
tients developed bacteremia a median
of 100 days after TIPS placement
(range, 6732 days), well beyond the
effective period of antibiotic prophy-
laxis. Bacteremia resolved in all after
treatment with intravenous antibiotics
Deibert et al (39) studied the effec-
tiveness of a single dose of a second-
generation cephalosporin to prevent
post-TIPS infection. One hundred-five
transjugular interventions were ran-
domized to either receive no antibiotic
treatment (46 interventions) or2gce-
fotiam (56 interventions) given at the
beginning of the procedure. Post-TIPS
infection was defined as an increase in
WBC count (15,000), fever (38.5 de-
grees C), or a positive blood culture.
Patients who did not receive cefotiam
had an infection rate of 20%, versus
14% of patients treated with cefotiam
(39). The difference was not statisti-
cally significant. Some would say that
Deibert et als (39) findings argue
against the routine use of prophylactic
antibiotics for TIPS. Some may argue
that cefotiam was a suboptimal antibi-
otic choice in the first place, and an
agent with better coverage against en-
terococcus would have been more ap-
propriate, and would presumably
have had an effect on outcome.
Acute infection related to TIPS
placement appears to be uncommon,
whether or not prophylactic anti-
biotics are of value remains
Options for TIPS: (i) no prophylax-
is; (ii) 1 g ceftriaxone intravenously;
(iii) 1.53 g ampicillin/sulbactam
Biliary Interventions
Bile is contaminated in one-third of
patients with malignant biliary ob-
struction and in greater than two-
thirds of patients with benign stricture
or stones (40). Therefore in the setting
of biliary obstruction, the differentia-
tion between prophylaxis and treat-
ment is blurred. The frequency of in-
fectious complication for biliary
drainage procedure has been reported
to be 24%46% (41,42). Dravid et al (3)
reported in their survey that 89% of
interventionalists routinely use antibi-
otics for biliary drainage. Brody et al
550 Antibiotic Prophylaxis for the Interventional Radiologist June 2004 JVIR
(43) evaluated the use of routine bile
cultures to determine the risk factors
for bacterial colonization in patients
with biliary obstruction undergoing
percutaneous biliary drainage. During
a 2-year period bile cultures were pro-
spectively obtained in 76 patients un-
dergoing 86 biliary drainage proce-
dures. They found that pyrexia,
previous biliary instrumentation, and
bilioenteric anastomosis were signifi-
cant predictors of a positive bile culture.
Enterococcus species was the most fre-
quent organism isolated, with yeast,
gram-negative aerobic bacilli, and Strep-
tococcus viridans also reported. This
study concluded that preprocedural bile
cultures provide valuable information
for planning antibiotic prophylaxis.
Clark et al (44) performed a pro-
spective study of 480 biliary proce-
dures. The complexity of the proce-
dures ranged from simple tube
injection to de novo biliary drainage
tube placement. All patients received
prophylaxis of 1 g cefotetan intrave-
nously. Forty-two patients developed
elevated white cell count or fever, and
seven (2%) developed overt sepsis.
They found that patients who had pre-
vious biliary intervention were at
greater risk for infection. They sug-
gested that in patients with a recent
history of biliary intervention, that ce-
fotetan alone was inadequate, and that
4 g mezlocillin intravenously should
also be administered. The use of third-
generation cephalosporins (eg, ceftri-
axone 1 g intravenously daily) may be
more effective than second generation
because they have enhanced biliary
excretion and thus reach higher con-
centrations in the bile.
Ampicillin/sulfabactam (Unasyn)
has greater activity against enterococ-
cus and is considered by many to be
the most appropriate choice in the set-
ting of biliary obstruction. Antibiotic
treatment should be continued until
the system is effectively drained.
One study of antibiotic prophylaxis
before endoscopic retrograde cholan-
giopancreatography in patients with
obstructive jaundice concluded that
prophylaxis resulted in fewer cases of
cholangitis and was cost effective com-
pared to a strategy of no prophylaxis
(45). Both the American and European
societies of gastrointestinal endoscopy
currently recommend the use of pre-
ERCP antibiotic prophylaxis in pa-
tients with a history of previous biliary
sepsis, in those with biliary obstruc-
tion, and in patients with pancreatic
Hepatolithiasis can lead to liver ab-
scess formation, secondary biliary cir-
rhosis, portal hypertension, and death
from sepsis or hepatic failure. In addi-
tion to clearance of the stones and re-
lief of bile stasis either by surgery or
by IR manipulation, effective antimi-
crobial therapy plays a crucial role in
the treatment of these patients. A
study by Chen et al (46) demonstrated
the presence of bacteria in the bile of
all patients with hepatolithiasis, most
frequently gram-negative bacteria
such as klebsiella, E coli, and Pseudo-
monas sp, and the gram-positive en-
terococcus. Bacteroides were the most
frequently found anaerobes. Ceftazi-
dime and cefoperazone are effective
against pseudomonas. Antibiotics
should be adjusted according to the
results of bacteriologic cultures (46).
Options for biliary intervention: (i)
1 g ceftriaxone intravenously; (ii) 1.53
g ampicillin/sulbactam; (iii)1gce-
fotetan intravenously 4 g mezlocil-
lin intravenously; (iv) 1 g ceftazidine
Genitourinary Procedures
Septicemia is less common after
genitourinary intervention than after
biliary procedures. An incidence of
bacteremia of 17% in patients under-
going nephrostomy tube exchange
was reported by Cronan et al (47). The
incidence was similar in patients who
received no periprocedural antibiotics
to those who did. Factors which pre-
dispose to genitourinary tract con-
tamination include advanced age, dia-
betes, indwelling catheter, ureteroin-
testinal conduit, stones, and bacteri-
uria. Therefore in presence of these
factors, the differentiation between
prophylaxis and treatment is blurred.
The incidence of septic shock in the
setting of pyonephrosis has been re-
ported to be as high as 7% (48). Organ-
isms that commonly infect the genito-
urinary tract include E coli, proteus,
klebsiella, and enterococcus. The value
of prophylaxis for urologic procedures
has not been demonstrated in clinical
trials, however patients who have
signs of infection, or who fall into a
high risk group as described above,
should be treated with an appropriate
antibiotic before manipulation. Urine
cultures should be performed and
therapy tailored appropriately.
Options for urologic procedures: (i)
no prophylaxis; (ii) 1 g ceftriaxone in-
travenously; (iii) 1.53 g ampicillin/
sulbactam; (iv) 1 g ampicillin genta-
micin 120 mg intravenously.
Fluoroscopically placed gastros-
tomy and gastrojejunostomy tubes un-
commonly cause infectious complica-
tions. When infections do occur they
are usually minor skin infections at the
site of insertion or at the site of t-fas-
tener placement (49). Local treatment
with topical preparations is usually
Options for gastrostomy: (i) no pro-
phylaxis; (ii) 1 g cefazolin intravenously.
Several studies have shown that he-
patic abscesses are likely to occur after
hepatic chemoembolization in patients
with history of biliary reconstructive
surgery, or biliary-enteric anastomosis
(5052). An explanation for this is that
biliary reconstructive surgery causes
bile duct ischemia, which is exacer-
bated by chemoembolization as the
peribiliary capillary plexus is supplied
by branches of the hepatic artery. Bile
duct ischemia, combined with the
presence of enteric pathogens (second-
ary to bilio-enteric anastomosis), pro-
motes formation of intrahepatic ab-
scesses. Kim et al reported an overall
incidence of liver abscess of 4.5% in
157 patients who underwent chemo-
embolization. Eighty-six percent of
these patients had previously under-
gone a Whipple procedure, and in-
deed only one patient who had had a
Whipple procedure did not get a
postembolization abscess. All patients
had received cefazolin 1 g intrave-
nously and metronidazole 500 mg in-
travenously 1 hour before the proce-
dure, followed by qid 8 cefazolin and
qid 12 metronidazole postprocedure
until discharge. Oral amoxicillin/cla-
vulanate (or ciprofloxacin in penicil-
lin-sensitive patients), was given for 5
days after discharge.
Song et al (53) reported 2,439 pa-
tients with hepatic tumors who had
undergone a total of 6,255 hepatic che-
moembolization procedures. Fifteen
liver abscesses occurred in 14 patients
Ryan et al 551
Volume 15 Number 6
(0.2%). Thirteen liver abscesses were
successfully treated with parenteral
antibiotics and percutaneous catheter
drainage. Irreversible deterioration of
liver function occurred in two pa-
tients. Statistically they found that a
biliary anomaly (particularly a biliary-
enteric anastomosis) prone to ascend-
ing biliary infection was the most
important risk factor for the develop-
ment of liver abscess after hepatic che-
moembolization (53).
A study by Geschwind et al (54)
followed eight patients who under-
went chemoembolization after biliary
surgery. These patients were divided
into two groups. Four patients were
administered intravenous cephalexin
for prophylaxis, and four were given
bowel preparation and tazobactam/
piperacillin (Zosyn, Lederle). Tazobac-
tam/piperacillin provides extensive
coverage against gram-positive and
gram-negative aerobic and anerobic
organisms. All patients in the first
group developed hepatic abscesses,
which required treatment with percu-
taneous catheter drainage and antibi-
otics. None of the patients in the sec-
ond group developed abscesses (54).
This study is too small to draw any
conclusions about whether a broad-
spectrum antibiotic prophylaxis com-
bined with bowel preparation pro-
vides protection against abscess
formation after chemoembolization in
patients who have a history of biliary
reconstructive surgery. If in fact bowel
preparation is effective in the setting
of previous biliary surgery, there may
be a case for investigating the poten-
tial benefit of selective bowel decon-
tamination with non-absorbed antibi-
otics such as neomycin. Some
operators empirically mix antibiotics
with the embolic materials to be intro-
duced, though the advantages of this
approach remain unproven (55).
The data set regarding the use of
antibiotic prophylaxis; for chemoem-
bolization is small and conflicting. In
the absence of randomized clinical tri-
als, the effectiveness of prophylaxis in
this setting is unproven. It would ap-
pear from several studies that bilioen-
teric anastomosis is a predisposing
factor for abscess formation.
Options for chemoembolization: (i)
no prophylaxis; (ii) 1.53 g ampicillin/
sulbactam intravenously; (iii) 1 g cefa-
zolin 500 mg metronidazole intrave-
nously; (iv) 1 g ceftriaxone intravenously.
Radiofrequency Ablation
There have been no randomized
controlled trials on antibiotic use in
patients undergoing radiofrequency
(RF) ablation. However a number of
groups have reported on their experi-
ence and preferred protocols. Gold-
berg and colleagues use cefazolin 1 g
single dose before RF ablation of liver
lesions. Dupuy and colleagues do not
use prophylactic antibiotics unless the
patient has a biliary catheter or stent in
situ, or unless the patient has a biliary-
enteric bypass. In our institution pa-
tients undergoing liver RF are given
ampicillin/sulbactam 1.5 g intrave-
nously before an RF procedure.
There is no consensus on the effec-
tiveness of prophylactic antibiotics for
patients undergoing RF ablation of
liver, lung, adrenal, renal, or other
solid lesions. In the absence of defini-
tive scientific evidence, some practitio-
ners continue to empirically use pro-
phylaxis (56,57).
Options for RF procedures: (i) no
prophylaxis; (ii) 1.53 g ampicillin/
sulbactam intravenously; (iii) 1 g cefa-
zolin intravenously.
Angiography, Stent, and Endograft
Shawker et al (58) performed a pro-
spective study on the incidence of bac-
teremia after angiography, reporting
an incidence of 4%. However this
study found that the phenomenon was
transient and not associated with sep-
sis in any of the affected patients (58).
As a result of this study, along with
years of clinical experience with an-
giography, a consensus has evolved
that prophylaxis is unnecessary for an-
giography. Dravid et al (3) reported
that few respondents to their survey
ever used prophylactic antibiotic for
routine angiographic examinations or
stent placement. In contrast to Shawk-
ers findings, Meyer et al (59) reported
a higher incidence of transient bacte-
remia following arterial intervention.
In a prospective study of 45 patients
undergoing a therapeutic angio-
graphic procedure (all were emboliza-
tions), 32% of patients who received
no antibiotics (n25) developed bac-
teremia, although none developed
clinical sepsis. The organisms isolated
included S epidermidis, streptococcus,
and cornyebacterium, all of which are
normal mucosal or skin flora. By con-
trast, in the group who received anti-
biotic prophylaxis (n20), none had
positive blood cultures (59). This
study concluded that bacteremia was
more common than previously recog-
nized, especially in procedures of ex-
tended duration, such as emboliza-
tion. It is in part as a result of the
findings of this study that many inter-
ventional radiologists give prophy-
laxis targeted against skin pathogens
before performing solid organ emboli-
zation. Meyer et als (59) findings were
consistent with the findings of
Shawker et al (58), that bacteremia was
transient, did not appear to predispose
to sepsis, and the authors stopped
short of recommending antibiotic pro-
phylaxis. Given the nature and source
of the organisms isolated, the authors
did stress the critical importance of
scrupulous sterile technique when
performing embolization.
Stent infection is an uncommon but
serious complication of endovascular
treatment. A pig-model of iliac artery
stent infection with S aureus demon-
strated that there was a statistically
significant increase in infection of the
stent/artery complex over the angio-
plastied artery alone. This is likely to
be a result of a combination of factors
including the presence of a foreign
body, and the presence of an inflam-
matory reaction at the site of stent im-
plantation (60). Stent infection has
been reported in the aorta, iliac, renal,
coronary, and subclavian arteries (61
68), and is usually accompanied by
arteritis with pseudoaneurysm forma-
tion. There are often contributory fac-
tors such as re-puncturing the same
vessel during a short time interval, or
using a vascular sheath that has been
in place for more than 24 hours (69).
Malek et al (62) suggested that pro-
phylactic antibiotics should be admin-
istered if an arterial sheath is left in
overnight after stent placement, or in
patients undergoing multiple endo-
vascular interventions. Infection has
also been associated with the use of
arterial closure devices, especially
where there has been re-intervention
within 1 week (70). One approach is to
administer prophylactic antibiotics be-
fore the second procedure (1 g cefazo-
lin) to patients in whom re-interven-
tion is repeated within 7 days of using
an arterial closure device.
Symptoms of stent infection typi-
552 Antibiotic Prophylaxis for the Interventional Radiologist June 2004 JVIR
cally present days to weeks after the
intervention. Patients develop fever,
leucocytosis and pain, although some
patients may be asymptomatic. The
low risk of stent infection, despite the
serious outcome associated, means
that at the present time prophylactic
antibiotics are uncommonly used for
routine arterial stent placement. How-
ever, for those deemed to be at high-
risk (ie, reintervention 7 days, pro-
longed indwelling arterial sheath,
prolonged duration of procedure), an-
tibiotics may be given (62).
Prophylactic antibiotics are given
routinely for aortic endograft therapy
at many institutions (71), although
there is no scientific evidence to sup-
port this approach. Cefazolin 1 g intra-
venously given at the commencement
of the procedure gives coverage
against skin pathogens. Prosthetic
graft infection is an uncommon event,
though is associated with a high mor-
tality rate (72,73).
Eliason et al (74) reported an infec-
tion in a patient after coil embolization
of an endoleak. The patient developed
abdominal pain, fever, and leukocyto-
sis. An abdominal CT and indium scan
revealed an infected endovascular
graft. Interventional radiologists
should remain aware that re-interven-
tion, which is required in up to 20% of
patients, is an important source of en-
doluminal graft infection (74).
The use of covered stents in an in-
fected field remains controversial. It is
generally recommended that infected
aneurysms be treated with autografts
or allografts. Kurimoto et al (75) de-
scribed an infected pseudoaneurysm
that was successfully treated by endo-
vascular stent-graft with adjunctive
antibiotic administration.
Options for angiography, stent
placement, endograft: (i) no prophy-
laxis; (ii) 1 g cefazolin intravenously
(for high-risk patients).
Central Venous Access
Placement of central venous cathe-
ters has become an increasing part of
the workload of an interventional ra-
diology service. Patients requiring
central venous access are frequently
immuno-compromised and thus at in-
creased risk of infectious complica-
tions. The infection rate has in fact
been extremely low, comparable to the
infection rates of surgically placed
catheters (76). A standard prophylaxis
is 1 g cefazolin intravenously before
starting the procedure, and the adop-
tion of scrupulous sterile technique
and appropriate presurgical prepara-
tion is mandatory.
A revised version of The Center for
Disease Control Guidelines for the
Prevention of Intravascular Catheter-
related Infections was released in Au-
gust 2002 (77). The emphasis in the
guidelines was on sterile technique,
the use of 2% chlorhexidine skin prep-
aration, avoidance of routine catheter
change as a means of preventing infec-
tion, and the use of antiseptic or anti-
biotic impregnated catheters if infec-
tion rates are high. The guidelines did
not specifically address antibiotic pro-
phylaxis; indeed the benefit of antibi-
otic prophylaxis for central venous ac-
cess remains unproven. Coagulase-
negative staphylococci are the most
common cause of catheter-related in-
fections, followed by enterococci. The
percentage of enterococci resistant to
vancomycin has risen from 0.5% in
1989 to 25.9% in 1999. Migration of
skin organisms into the catheter tract
is the most common route of infection,
with contamination of the catheter
hub contributing to the intraluminal
colonization of long-term catheters.
Recommendations include the use of
catheters with the fewest number of
lumens necessary for management of
the patient, so as to reduce portals for
colonization. For patients requiring in-
termittent long-term venous access, to-
tally implantable devices are more ap-
propriate and more resistant to
contamination. Such devices are now
in use for dialysis access management
in an attempt to reduce infection rates.
Whigham et al (78) investigated the
catheter infection rate in a total of 391
patients, including patients with and
without HIV who had implantable ve-
nous access devices placed by an in-
terventional radiologist. These re-
ported a significant difference in the
infectious complication rate encoun-
tered in HIV-positive patients com-
pared with the general population.
Most infections in oncology patients
with long-term venous access are
caused by gram-positive bacteria. Van
et al (79) looked at the efficacy of ad-
ministering antibiotics before insertion
of a central venous catheter with or
without vancomycin/heparin flush
technique in the first 45 days after in-
sertion of the catheter to prevent
gram-positive catheter-related infec-
tions in oncology patients. They re-
ported that administration of an anti-
biotic before catheter insertion
followed by vancomycin/heparin
flush decreases the number of gram-
positive infections. However, they did
not endorse this strategy for general
use, only in cases of recurrent infec-
tions (7981).
Management of infections associ-
ated with implantable ports can be dif-
ficult to treat and are potentially fatal,
thus prevention is a priority. Preven-
tive strategies include systemic
periprocedural administration of anti-
biotics in addition to local application
of antimicrobial agents (antibiotics or
antiseptics) at the time of implant.
There is little in the way of scientific
evidence to support such techniques
as lavage of the port pocket although
many interventionalists continue to do
this empirically (82).
Options for central venous access:
(i) no prophylaxis; (ii) 1 g cefazolin
The benefits of the use of antibiotic
prophylaxis in IR practice have never
been determined in randomized con-
trolled trials. However, it has become
the perceived standard of care for
many IR procedures. Appropriate pro-
phylaxis for IR procedures requires a
sound knowledge of the likely patho-
gens and procedure-specific infection
issues. Ideally this would lead to the
choice of an agent that was narrow in
its spectrum of activity. Unfortunately
this has not been the tendency, with
the use of more broad-spectrum anti-
biotics becoming increasingly evident.
This contributes to ever-evolving and
increasingly problematic antibiotic re-
sistance of microorganisms (83). The
medical community is already seeing
the result of this in everyday practice,
and it is a problem that is unlikely to
improve in the foreseeable future. One
obvious approach to combat this prob-
lem would be to stop giving prophy-
lactic antibiotics (especially broad-
spectrum ones) for procedures where
they have no proven effectiveness,
which would in fact be most IR and
surgical procedures. However this is
extremely difficult to do when pro-
phylactic antibiotics are considered
Ryan et al 553
Volume 15 Number 6
standard of care for many interven-
tions. It may expose individual physi-
cians who did not give antibiotic pro-
phylaxis to legal challenges if a patient
became infected after a procedure. Ac-
tion by an individual physician is not
likely to be effective in countering the
emergence of antibiotic resistance.
This is something that has to be done
collectively, on a community, national,
and global scale. It all comes back to
performing randomized controlled
clinical trials, and as Dr Spies noted in
1988, these are increasingly unlikely to
ever be done (1).
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Call for Editor
The Society of Interventional Radiology is seeking applications for the position of JVIR Editor-in-
Chief. The position will become available in January 2006 when the current editor, Dr. Karim Valji,
concludes his term. The ideal candidate will be a practicing interventional radiologist and an active
member of SIR with considerable experience in writing, editing, or reviewing scientific articles for
Interested individuals should contact Cathy Mendelsohn, JVIR, 1020 N. Haddow, Arlington
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position description and application materials. Deadline for receipt of completed applications is
August 1, 2004.
556 Antibiotic Prophylaxis for the Interventional Radiologist June 2004 JVIR
... 2,3 As such, there has long been an emphasis on measures aimed at prevention of these complications including the use of periprocedural prophylactic antibiotics targeted at skin flora. 4 In the past, prophylactic antibiotics have been routinely used by many physicians despite lack of clear scientific benefit and classification of port placement as a clean procedure as defined by the National Academy of Sciences/National Research Council. [4][5][6] The original Society of Interventional Radiology (SIR) practice guidelines regarding prophylactic antibiotics for various interventional radiologic procedures published in 2010 provided no consensus statement on the routine use of prophylactic antibiotics prior to port placement. ...
... 4 In the past, prophylactic antibiotics have been routinely used by many physicians despite lack of clear scientific benefit and classification of port placement as a clean procedure as defined by the National Academy of Sciences/National Research Council. [4][5][6] The original Society of Interventional Radiology (SIR) practice guidelines regarding prophylactic antibiotics for various interventional radiologic procedures published in 2010 provided no consensus statement on the routine use of prophylactic antibiotics prior to port placement. 7 More recent studies, including meta-analysis and randomized controlled trials, have shown no significant benefit to the use periprocedural antibiotics prompting the SIR to recommend against the routine use of antibiotics in the most recent updated version of these guidelines published in 2018. ...
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Purpose The aim of this study was to compare insertion-related port infection rates between patients who received intraprocedural prophylactic antibiotics versus those who did not. Materials and Methods All patients who underwent port insertion by interventional radiology from 7/1/ 2015 through 7/1/2020 at a single U.S.-based Health System were identified using electronic medical records database. During this period, 2,099 patients underwent port placement at three hospitals within the same health system. One-thousand sixty-three patients who underwent port placement at one hospital received periprocedural antibiotics and 1,036 patients at the two other hospitals did not receive antibiotics. Retrospective data were reviewed on each patient including demographics, reason for port insertion, and evidence of port infection. All relevant data up to 30 days postinsertion were reviewed, including blood cultures, unplanned readmissions, emergency room visits, and clinic visits. Qualitative trends were evaluated for various subgroups including presence of bacteremia, time from insertion, and demographics. Patients with an obvious external source of infection were excluded. Results Insertion-related infection rate was 0.9% for the entire cohort, 1.23% for the antibiotic group, and 0.68% for the nonantibiotic group. The insertion-related infection for adult patients was 0.88% for the antibiotic group and 0.68% for the nonantibiotic group. The pediatric insertion-related infection rate was 7.69%, all of whom received intravenous antibiotics. No other clear qualitative differences were noted for analyzed subgroups. Conclusion This study demonstrates low insertion-related port infection rate with no clinically significant difference between the groups that did or did not receive antibiotics. Subgroup analysis showed an exceptionally high infection rate in the pediatric population despite receiving preprocedure antibiotics.
... By inoculating the bloodstream or causing postablative tissue necrosis, hyperthermal ablation procedures are associated with the risk of infection (6). Similar rates of liver abscesses are observed in the RFA(1.8%) ...
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An institutionalised in-house antibiotic prophylaxis (AP) guideline was developed in May 2019 to standardize AP prescription. This retrospective cohort study evaluated the effectiveness and clinical outcomes of the newly launched AP guideline on patients undergoing radiofrequency (RFA) and microwave (MWA) ablation of the liver from November 2018 to March 2020. Patients without high risk of biliary tree contamination were recommended a single dose of 2g IV cefazolin (or 600mg IV clindamycin in cases of beta-lactam allergy). Univariate analysis was conducted to evaluate the clinical outcomes. The study included 87 patients who underwent 93 procedures consisting of 18 RFAs and 75 MWAs for liver tumours. Concordance with AP guidelines improved significantly (38.5% vs. 87.0%; p<0.001). There were no ablation-related infections and mortality within 30 days post-ablation, and post-procedural nausea and vomiting were significantly reduced (15.4% vs. 1.9%; p=0.020). No significant difference in post-procedural fever (7.7% vs. 5.6%; p-value=0.693), chest and/or abdominal pain (5.1% vs. 7.4%; p=1.000) were noted. The newly implemented in-house antibiotic prophylaxis guideline streamlined AP prescribing in patients undergoing RFA and MWA. Additional research is needed to determine the effects on infection and mortality in patients with high-risk factors such as bile duct stents, sphincterotomies, and biliary-enteric anastomoses.
... Several studies have reported the roles of radiologists in prescribing antibiotics; most interventional radiologists prescribe antibiotics as preventive treatments (prophylaxes) in procedures. [71][72][73] However, their role in prescribing medication in outpatient's clinic setting is not very clear. More research is required to elucidate the reasons for this increase, and further training on remote e-prescribing and reviewing the prescribing privileges for controlled medications is recommended. ...
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Background The COVID-19 pandemic has affected healthcare systems globally. Various health care technologies have been used to mitigate the risk of disease transmission. Telemedicine is one such technology, and remote consulting and prescribing comprise one of its key aspects. In Saudi Arabia, telephone health services have been widely used through the free Medical Consultation Call Center (937). This platform facilitates medical consultations for all citizens, residents, and visitors. After consultations, healthcare providers are able to issue authenticated e-prescriptions using the Anat platform. Objectives To explore the utilization of the Anat remote prescription system in Saudi Arabia during the COVID-19 pandemic and to identify the factors associated with antibiotic prescription and primary medication adherence. Methods This retrospective analysis included data from the Anat e‑prescription system using a stratified random sample of 25000 prescriptions issued in Saudi Arabia in 2020. Predictive factors related to the patients, practitioners, and prescriptions were identified through bivariate and multivariate logistic regression analyses. Results Out of 25,000 e-prescriptions, 8885 were dispensed, resulting in a 35.5% primary medication adherence rate. The significant predictors of primary adherence were children, respiratory diseases, and antibacterial drugs. In addition, antibiotics made up 32.1% of the e-prescriptions. The prescription of antibiotics was significantly associated with male sex, children, genitourinary system diseases, and being treated by radiologists. Conclusions Almost two thirds 62.2% of e-prescriptions were undispensed, with antibiotic eprescriptions at 32.1%. Findings emphasize the need to enhance primary medication adherence and antibiotic prescription interventions. These findings could aid decision-makers in improving patient-centered e-prescribing practices.
... Postembolization hospitalization may be prolonged, however, in patients who develop these symptoms. Even though there is currently no solid evidence supporting the routine use of antibiotic prophylaxis, many physicians still recommend antibiotic treatment for 3-7 days after cTACE treatment, using appropriate agents that cover Gramnegative enteric pathogens (92,93). Major complications such as liver infarction, biloma, surgical cholecystitis, gastrointestinal ulceration or hemorrhage, vascular dissection occur in less than 1% of procedures, while the incidence of liver failure and patient mortality in 30 days is less than 4%. ...
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Developed in early 1980s, transarterial chemoembolization (TACE) with Lipiodol was adopted globally after large-scale randomized control trials and meta-analyses proving its effectiveness were completed. Also known as “conventional TACE” (cTACE), TACE is currently the first-line treatment for patients with unresectable intermediate stage hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) and delivers both ischemic and cytotoxic effects to targeted tumors. Although new technology and clinical studies have contributed to a more comprehensive understanding of when and how to apply this widely-adopted therapeutic modality, some of these new findings and techniques have yet to be incorporated into a guideline appropriate for Taiwan. In addition, differences in the underlying liver pathologies and treatment practices for transcatheter embolization between Taiwan and other Asian or Western populations have not been adequately addressed, with significant variations in the cTACE protocols adopted in different parts of the world. These mainly revolve around the amount and type of chemotherapeutic agents used, the type of embolic materials, reliance on Lipiodol, and the degree of selectiveness in catheter positioning. Subsequently, interpreting and comparing results obtained from different centers in a systematic fashion remain difficult, even for experienced practitioners. To address these concerns, we convened a panel of experts specializing in different aspects of HCC treatment to devise modernized recommendations that reflect recent clinical experiences, as well as cTACE protocols which are tailored for use in Taiwan. The conclusions of this expert panel are described herein.
... There is little consensus in the literature about optimal coverage for biliary procedures. However, for prophylaxis before PTC, an invasive procedure applied to the biliary tract, one gram of ceftriaxone, second-generation cephalosporins, or one and a half grams of ampicillin-sulbactam have been recommended intravenously in different studies (3,14,15). Another view is that prophylactic antibiotics are administered as a single dose only in cases where diagnostic imaging will be performed. In these cases, 3rd generation cephalosporins are often preferred. ...
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Objective: Percutaneous transhepatic cholangiography (PTC) is an invasive procedure used in patients with obstructive jaundice in the progress of some malignancies, and its most common complication is infection. We aimed to evaluate the patients who underwent PTC regarding their cultures, prophylaxis, and antibiotics used for treatment. Materials and Methods: In this cross-sectional study, patients who underwent PTC and were followed up in a medical oncology outpatient clinic between 2010-2017 were evaluated retrospectively. Patients’ data were obtained from the hospital record system (FONET), epicrisis forms, and patient progress files. Results: A total of 93 patients were included in the study. Prophylaxis was given in 50% of the cases. Complications developed in 68% of the cases after the intervention, and the infectious disease clinic consulted all. Blood cultures were obtained from 89% of the febrile patients; however, bile cultures were obtained only from 29%. The rate of resistant Gram-negative enteric bacteria in growing microorganisms was 52% (n=13). It was determined that 65% of the initiated empirical treatments were appropriate for the growth of microorganisms. Conclusion: The growth rate was significantly higher in blood cultures than in bile cultures. The lower growth rate in bile culture was attributed to the low number of bile cultures. There was no significant difference regarding the growth rate and drug resistance of the microorganisms. Therefore, we think giving antibiotics as treatment rather than prophylaxis is more appropriate. Taking cultures will ensure that patients receive appropriate antibiotic therapy for the causative agent. Keywords: Antibiotic prophylaxis, bacteremia, biliary tract infections, percutaneous transhepatic cholangiography
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We report a case of intracranial abscesses development in a patient with head and neck cancer after emergent treatment of carotid blowout syndrome with coil embolization. Our patient is a 60-year-old male who presented with hemoptysis and hematemesis, which raised concerns for impending carotid blowout syndrome. Endovascular occlusion was successfully achieved, and the patient was discharged in stable condition. Ten days later, the patient reported headaches and right facial pain, and magnetic resonance imaging revealed multiple intracranial abscesses. Broad-spectrum intravenous antibiotics were administered, leading to a variable response with some abscesses decreasing in size and others increasing. Seven weeks from discharge, the patient had no neurological deficits, and all abscesses had decreased in size.
The continuous research in locoregional curative therapies, designed to reduce the number of oncologic patients undergoing palliative treatments, is getting more and more results. One of the most interesting among these is the combination of percutaneous and intra-arterial treatments for primary and secondary liver neoplasms.
Significant advances in ablative and endovascular therapies have allowed interventional radiology to play a substantial role in the management of patients with malignant neoplasms. The evolution of these procedures and the optimization of patient outcomes and experience must take into account various elements of the periprocedural period. Some of the most important considerations within the periprocedural period are the pharmacologic agents used to avoid infectious complications, decrease pain, and manage side effects. In this article, we discuss some of the most commonly used medications in interventional oncology procedures including antibiotics, narcotics, sedatives, antiemetics, and others.
Antibiotic prophylaxis in interventional radiology (IR) is widely used; however, such practice is based on data from the surgical literature. Although published guidelines can help determine the need for prophylactic antibiotic use in the patient undergoing percutaneous procedures, local practice patterns often dictate when such medications are given. In this article, the current state of periprocedural antibiotic use in commonly performed IR procedures (i.e., tube and catheter placements) is presented.
Resumen Las derivaciones del aparato urinario superior engloban las derivaciones internas y externa, que pueden combinarse (derivación mixta). Forman parte de la práctica corriente en cirugía urológica para el tratamiento de la obstrucción ureteral y de la fístula urinaria. Todos los urólogos deben dominar las técnicas quirúrgicas y las indicaciones para limitar el riesgo de complicaciones evitables.
We have examined our prospectively collected experience with femoral artery closure devices. Vasoseal (n = 937), Angioseal (N-742), and Techstar (n = 1001) were utilized consecutively in our laboratory for diagnostic and interventional femoral artery closures. Complications were compared to a similar number of closures with manual compression (MC; n = 1019) before closure devices were utilized. The incidence of surgical repair, acute femoral closure, transfusion due to groin complications, readmission for groin complications, infection, and total complications were examined. We found that the Vasoseal and Angioseal devices were associated with higher rates of total complications than manual compression. The Techstar and manual compression had similar total complication rates. Acute femoral artery occlusion was a potentially serious complication with the Angioseal device. Groin infection occurred with each of the closure devices but not with manual compression. Cathet Cardiovasc Intervent 2001;52:3-7. (C) 2001 Wiley-Liss, Inc.
PURPOSE: To describe early experience with an endovascular suite created for procedures requiring surgical access, endograft placement, or combined surgical and interventional radiologie expertise. MATERIALS AND METHODS: After examining the operating room and angiography environments, practice guidelines, state law, and regulatory agency requirements, a multidepartmental task force recommended reconfiguring an angiography suite to serve as an endovascular suite. Forty patients have been treated; 28 underwent vascular endograft placement and 12 underwent other combined procedures. RESULTS: Procedures included 31 femoral and axillary cutdowns; placement of one aortobifemoral graft, two iliofemoral grafts, two femoropopliteal grafts, and two femoral-femoral crossover grafts; two abdominopelvic exposures for aortic access, and five endarterectomies, including one at the carotid bifurcation performed in combination with common carotid stent placement. Three of the abdominopelvic procedures were not planned, including two emergency conversions. No patient had to be moved to an operating room. There was one major infection (2.5%), two minor wound infections (5%), and one wound with delayed healing (2.5%). CONCLUSION: Early experience with a combined surgical-interventional suite has been favorable, but a vigilant approach is warranted.
A study was carried out with the aim of evaluating septic risk in interventional vascular radiology. Forty-five patients were examined: the first group included 25 patients: All patients underwent therapeutic angiography lasting more than 2 h. Clinical follow up and repeated blood cultures were performed over a 24 h period; 32% of blood samples were positive; all bacteremias remained asymptomatic. The second group (20 patients) did not differ from the first group except for administration of cefuroxime sodium before embolisation. No bacteremia was noted in this group. Septic risk in therapeutic angiography appears underestimated. Nevertheless the usefulness of prophylactic antibiotic therapy needs further investigation.
To test the widespread view that resistance disappears in the absence of antimicrobial use, we tested streptomycin against 477 Enterobacteriaceae from the Royal London Hospital. Twenty per cent proved resistant although streptomycin is little used at the hospital and streptomycin resistance in Gram-negative bacteria is caused by mechanisms that do not compromise the drugs that are used. Up to 70% of the observed resistance was associated with cross-resistance to spectinomycin and the presence of ant(3 )-Ia, an integronassociated gene carried in Tn21-type transposons. This genetic organization may have conserved streptomycin resistance in the absence of direct selection pressure.
Positive bacterial cultures were obtained from catheters and guide wires or blood, or both, during 23 of 100 angiographic procedures. Most frequently contaminated were the catheters. In 11 cases, the organisms isolated were of low virulence (diphtheroids, coagulase-negative staphylococci, and an aerobic Gram-positive rod) and may have represented air or skin contaminants. In 12 cases, however, Gram-negative bacilli of known pathogenicity were recovered. Transient bacteremia was demonstrated in four cases, but in none did local infection of puncture or cutdown sites, or prolonged bacteremia leading to sepsis develop. Postprocedure temperature elevations were not proved to be related to catheter-induced infection. (JAMA 229:1090-1092, 1974)