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Fungos gasteroides no Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil: Arachnion e Disciseda (Lycoperdaceae)
Acta Biol. Par., Curitiba, 39 (1 -2) : 19 -27. 201 0. 19
Gasteroid mycobiota of
Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil: Arachnion and
Disciseda (Lycoperdaceae)
Fungos gasteroides no
Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil: Arachnion e
Disciseda (Lycoperdaceae)
Lycoperdaceae Chevall. comprises fungi belonging to the phylum
Basidiomycota, known as puffballs because of the globose to subglobose
shape of their basidiomata and the pulverulent mass of spores that are
dispersed passively in the air and by rain. The family contain about 20
genera and approximately 150 species worldwide (KIRK et al., 2001).
The diversity of the gasteroid fungi in the mycobiota of Rio Grande do
Sul has been recently investigated (CORTEZ et al., 2008a, 2008b, 2009,
2010), and in this paper the genera Arachnion and Disciseda are
Arachnion Schwein. is a genus with small basidiomata (< 20 mm
diam.), disintegrating endoperidium at maturity, gleba formed by minute
peridioles similar to sand grains, and capillitium absent or poorly developed
(LONG, 1941; ZELLER, 1949). There are 15 recorded names in MycoBank
databases, seven of which are in current use (DEMOULIN, 1972;
QUADRACCIA, 1996). Some consider the genus to belong to a distinct family
1 Professor Adjunto, Universidade Federal do Paraná, Rua Pioneiro, 2153, CEP 85950-000,
Palotina, PR, Brazil. 2 Professor Adjunto, Departamento de
Botânica, Ecologia e Zoologia, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte, CEP 59072-
970, Natal, RN, Brazil. 3 Professora Associada, Departamento de Botânica,
Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, Av. Bento Gonçalves 9500, CEP 91501-970,
Porto Alegre, RS, Brazil.
20 Acta Biol. Par., Curitiba, 39 (1 -2) : 19 -27. 201 0.
Arachniaceae Coker & Couch (MILLER & MILLER, 1988), but currently
it is classified as Lycoperdaceae (KIRK et al., 2001) or Agaricaceae
(KIRK et al., 2008). Recent phylogenetic studies on Lycoperdaceae
(KRÜGER & GARGAS, 2008; LARSSON & JEPPSON, 2008; BATES et al., 2009)
did not considered members of the genus Arachnion and thus their
relationships remain unclear. In Brazil, four Arachnion taxa were
recorded: A. foetens Speg., A. album Schwein., A. scleroderma Lloyd,
and A. iriemae Rick (SPEGAZZINI, 1889; RICK, 1961).
Disciseda Cz ern. is a noth er g enus occ upyi ng a rath er i sola ted posi tio n
in Lycoperdaceae especially because the species exhibit a circumscissile
rupture of the exoperidium (MILLER & MILLER, 1988; MORENO et al., 2003).
They occur in desert, xerophilous or sandy habitats and are said to be
partially hypogeous when immature, with a basal peristoma; when mature,
the exoperidium breaks, leaving the lower half in soil, and the basidioma
overturns, allowing the peristoma to spread the spores (MITCHELL et al.,
1975; CALONGE, 1998; MORENO et al., 2003). Of the 43 recorded names in
Mycobank databases, about 15 species are considered by modern
mycologists (KIRK et al., 2008). The name Disciseda has not been
previously reported in Brazil, but Catastoma Morgan, a synonym of that
genus, was recorded from Rio Grande do Sul by RICK (1961), who cited
C. circumcissum (Berk. & M.A. Curtis) Morgan.
The aim of the present paper was to investigate the occurrence of
species belonging to Arachnion and Disciseda in the mycobiota of Rio
Grande do Sul State, in southern Brazil.
Specimens were collected during mycological surveys from March
2006 to May 2009, in several areas of Rio Grande do Sul State, southern
Brazil. Collected specimens were analyzed macro- and
micromorphologically following standard procedures (MILLER & MILLER,
1988), then dried and preserved at the ICN herbarium (“Instituto de
Biociências, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul”). Additional
specimens from the ICN and PACA herbaria were revised. Color
terminology followed KORNERUP & WANSCHER (19 78) .
Arachnion Schwein. 1822
1. Arachnion album Schwein., Leipzig, Schr. Nat. Gesell. 1:
59, 1822. [Figs 1-2]
Basidiomata 5-12 mm diam., 4-7 m high, depressed-subglobose, with
scattered basal rhizomorphs. Peridium <0.3 mm thick, smooth, fragile to
Acta Biol. Par., Curitiba, 39 (1 -2) : 19- 27. 2010 . 21
papery, white (4A1), grey (4B1) to yellowish grey (4B2), dehiscence
irregular. Gleba granulose to pulverulent when mature, composed by
numerous minute peridioles reminding sandgrains, color grey (4C1) to
greyish beige (4C2) in fresh, brownish grey (5C2) to light grey (1D1).
Sterile base lacking. Rhizomorphs scattered, small, thin and white (4A1).
Basidiospores 4.2-6 × 3.5-4.5 (-5) µm, ovoid to broad ellipsoid or
subglobose, pedicels with length depending on the stage of the
development (in mature spores, usually not longer than 1 µm), walls
thickened and smooth under LM, guttulate. Basidia 13.5 × 4 µm,
tetrasporic, with very long sterigmata (<50 µm long). Peridium two-
layered: external layer composed by filamentous, prostrate hyphae, 1.7-
3.5 µm diam., yellowish brown, with some parietal incrustation; internal
layer pseudoparenchymatic, formed by interwoven, hyaline and thin-walled
hyphae, 2.5-5 µm diam. Eucapillitium and paracapillitium absent.
Sul, Reserva Krödt. 25/IV/2004, J. Veleda & M. A. Sulzbacher 25 (ICN
154479); Santa Maria, Campus UFSM, 06/III/2007, V. G. Cortez 020/
07 (ICN 154478), Estação Experimental de Silvicultura, FEPAGRO, 01/
VI/2009, V. G. Cortez 016/09 (ICN 154480); Salvador do Sul, 17/II/
1943, J. Rick (PACA 12160 ), 2 1/II /19 45, J. Rick (PACA 22 735) ; Via o,
Schöenwald, 13/V/1971, M. H. Homrich (ICN 6228).
Africa (BOTTOMLEY, 1948), North America (COKER & C OUCH, 1928), South
America (CALONGE et al., 2000) . Br azi l: P ern ambu co ( APN E, 2 009 ), S ão
Paulo (SPEGAZZINI, 1889) and Rio Grande do Sul (LLOYD, 1906; RICK, 1961,
as A. album and A. scleroderma).
DISCUSSION Arachnion album is the type species of the genus,
and is diagnosed by the presence of a fragile peridium, greyish gleba,
ovoid basidiospores and lack of eucapillitium (DEMOULIN, 1972). Arachnion
iulli Quadr., from Italy (QUADRACCIA, 1996), seems to differ little from
the present species; the basidiospores are described as having long
pedicels, a feature observed to our examined specimens that, in our
understanding, represents different stages of maturation. The ontogenetic
series of basidioma and basidiospores development is described and
presented in detail-rich illustrations by LANDER ( 19 34). Arachnion album
is a common grassland species, but poorly documented in Rio Grande do
Sul, and probably widespread in South America. Noteworthy is RICK’s
(1961) placement of Arachnion in Nidulariaceae Dumort., because of
the presence of peridioles. These structures, however, differ completely
from the peridioles of Crucibulum Tul. & C. Tul., Cyathus Haller and
22 Acta Biol. Par., Curitiba, 39 (1 -2) : 19 -27. 201 0.
Nidularia Fr., where a more complex and specialized spore dispersal
system is observed (MILLER & MILLER, 1988).
Disciseda Czern. 1845
2. Disciseda bovista (Klotzsch) Henn., Hedw. 42: 128,
1903. [Figs. 3-5]
Basidiomata 20-24 mm diam., 14-15 mm high, subglobose to
depressed-globose, basal rhizomorphs absent. Exoperidium <1.5 mm thick,
completely covered by soil particles, occupying one half of the size of
endoperidial body. Endoperidium leathery, smooth, reddish blond (5C4)
to brownish orange (5C5), dehiscing through an apical, fimbriate peristoma.
Gleba fairly pulverulent, golden brown (5D7). Sterile base absent.
Rhizomorphs absent. Basidiospores 5-6.5 µm diam., globose, strongly
echinate, formed by subcylindrical spines <1 µm long, yellowish brown in
KOH. Eucapillitium 2.5-4.5 µm diam., walls thickened, yellowish to
greenish under KOH, without pores, branches and septa rare.
Leopoldo, 1944, J. Rick (PACA 12699).
North America (COKER & COUCH, 1928; OCHOA & MORENO, 2006), South
America (WRIGHT & ALBERTÓ, 2006 ). Br azil : on ly kn own f rom R io G rand e
do Sul.
DISCUSSION — T he m ate rial is pr eser ved i n the F ungi Rick iani coll ecti on
as Catastoma subterraneum (Peck) Morgan, but it was not included in
RICK (1961) . This n ame is c ons ide red a syn ony m of D. bovista by sev eral
mycologists and the most important features are larger basidiomata and
basidiospores, the latter with a conspicuous subcylindrical ornamentation,
and a poreless eucapillitium (CALONGE, 1998; OCHOA & MORENO, 2006).
Although currently only known from Rio Grande do Sul, D. bovista may
also occur in xerophilous environments in other parts of Brazil.
3. Disciseda candida (Schwein) Lloyd, Mycol. Writ. 1:
100, 1902. [Figs 6-8]
Basidioma 18 mm diam., 9 mm high, depressed-subglobose, basal
rhizomorphs absent. Exoperidium about 1 mm thick, covered by abundant
soil particles, occupying about one quarter of the basidioma size.
Endoperidium papery to membranous, smooth or cracked, greyish brown
(5D4) to light brown (5D5), dehiscence through a small, fimbriate
peristoma. Gleba pulverulent, golden brown (5D7). Sterile base absent.
Rhizomorphs absent. Basidiospores 3.4-4.2 µm diam., globose, smooth
Acta Biol. Par., Curitiba, 39 (1 -2) : 19- 27. 2010 . 23
to punctuate, shortly pedicellate (<0.7 µm long), yellowish under KOH.
Eucapillitium 3-5.5 µm diam., commonly wavy, walls more or less
thickened, hyaline to yellowish under KOH, with scattered and small
pores, branches dichotomous, septa not seen.
Figs 1-2. Arachnion album: 1, basidiomata; 2, basidiospores. Figs. 3-5. Disciseda bovista:
3, basidioma; 4, basidiospores; 5, eucapillitium. Figs. 6-8. Disciseda candida: 6, basidioma;
7, basidiospores; 8, eucapillitium.
24 Acta Biol. Par., Curitiba, 39 (1 -2) : 19 -27. 201 0.
1935, J. Rick (PACA 12698).
(CALONGE, 1998; SARASINI, 2005), North America (COKER & COUCH, 1928;
OCHOA & MORENO, 2006), South America (WRIGHT & ALBERTÓ, 2006).
Brazil: only known in Rio Grande do Sul (RICK, 1961).
DISCUSSION — This species is distinct from the other Disciseda spp.
by virtue of the weakly ornamented basidiospores, which seems to be
smooth under light microscopy, but punctuated structure can be seen in
most basidiospores. Such as other members in the genus, it is considered
a rare species, and the studied material was collected in a region of
intense desertification in Rio Grande do Sul (SUERTEGARAY et al., 2001). It
was reported by RICK (1961) as Catastoma circumscissum, considered
a later synonym (CALONGE, 1998).
Arachnion iriemae Rick — The species, described by RICK (1961)
from Rio Grande do Sul, was not preserved or deposited in any consulted
herbarium. Consequently, it should be considered a doubtful species.
Arachnion foetens Speg. - Also reported by RICK (1961), but without
preserved specimens. SUMÁRIO
Os gêneros Arachnion e Disciseda (Lycoperdaceae,
Basidiomycota) foram estudados durante a revisão dos fungos
gasteróides do Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil. Com base no material coletado
e estudo de exsicatas de herbários, as seguintes espécies foram
identificadas: Arachnion album, Disciseda bovista e D. candida. Todas
espécies são descritas e ilustradas.
PALAVRAS CHAVE: mycobiota; diversidade; descrição; taxonomia
The genera Arachnion and Disciseda (Lycoperdaceae,
Basidiomycota) were studied during the revision of the gasteroid fungi
from Rio Grande do Sul State, in southern Brazil. Based on the study of
fresh and herbarium specimens, the following species were identified:
Arachnion album, Disciseda bovista and D. candida. All taxa are
described and illustrated.
KEY-WORDS: mycobiota; diversity; description; taxonomy
Acta Biol. Par., Curitiba, 39 (1 -2) : 19- 27. 2010 . 25
Les genres Arachnion et Disciseda (Lycoperdaceae,
Basidiomycota) ont été étudiés lors de la révision des gastéromycètes
du Rio Grande do Sul, au sud du Brésil. Basé sur l’étude des frais et des
spécimens d’herbier, les espèces suivantes ont été identifiées: Arachnion
album, Disciseda bovista et D. candida. Tous les taxons sont décrits et
MOTS CLÉS: mycobiota; diversité; description; taxonomie
Acknowledgments The authors thank the curators of the herbaria PACA and ICN
for allowing full access to its collections and CNPq for financial support.
Herbário Pe. Camille Torrend (URM), Departamento de Micologia,
Universidade Federal de Pernambuco. Available at: <http://>
Access in 22 September 2009.
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Recebido: 28 de janeiro de 2010.
Full-text available
In this study, five species of the genus Disciseda are reported for the semiarid region of Northeastern Brazil. Disciseda anomala (Cooke & Massee) G. Cunn. and D. hyalothrix (Cooke & Massee) Hollos are new records for South America; D. verrucosa G. Cunn. is recorded for the first time in Brazil; D. bovista (Klotzsch) P. Henn. and D. candida (Schwein.) Lloyd are new records for Northeastern Brazil. Detailed descriptions of the specimens, comments, illustrations, SEM photos of basidiospores and keys are provided.
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Durante o levantamento da micobiota do Parque Estadual de Itapuã (Viamão, Rio Grande do Sul), algumas espécies de gasteromicetos foram estudadas: Geastrum lageniforme Vittad., G. pectinatum Pers., G. saccatum Fr., G. schweinitzii (Berk. & M.A. Curtis) Zeller, G. smardae V.J. Stanek, Calvatia rugosa (Berk. & M.A. Curtis) D.A. Reid, Lycoperdon perlatum Pers.: Pers., Vascellum pratense (Pers.: Pers.) Kreisel, Mutinus elegans (Mont.) E. Fisch., Lysurus periphragmoides (Klotzsch) Dring, Scleroderma albidum Pat. & Trab. emend. Guzmán e Tulostoma exasperatum Mont. Dentre estas, M. elegans é um novo registro para o Brasil e G. smardae e V. pratense representam novas ocorrências para a micobiota sul-rio-grandense. São apresentados ilustrações e dados taxonômicos das espécies estudadas.
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Twenty-eight species in the family Lycoperdaceae, commonly called ‘puffballs’, are reported from Arizona, USA. In addition to widely distributed species, understudied species (e.g., Calvatia cf. leiospora and Holocotylon brandegeeanum) are treated. Taxonomic descriptions and illustrations, which include microscopic characters, are given for each species, and a dichotomous key is presented to facilitate identification. Basidiospore morphology was also examined ultrastructurally using scanning electron microscopy, and phylogenetic analyses were carried out on nrRNA gene sequences (ITS1, ITS2, and 5.8S) from 42 species within (or closely allied to) the Lycoperdaceae.
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Two sequestrate cortinarioid fungi from Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil). Descomyces albellus (Massee & Rodway) Bougher & Castellano and Setchelliogaster tenuipes (Setch.) Pouzar, two sequestrate fungi of the Cortinariaceae are reported from Rio Grande do Sul State, in southern Brazil. The distribution and taxonomy of both taxa are briefly discussed, and descriptions, line drawings, and photos are presented. Setchelliogaster tenuipes is reported for the first time in Rio Grande do Sul State, and the occurrence of D. albellus is confirmed. RESUMO -(Dois fungos gasteróides no Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil). Descomyces albellus (Massee & Rodway) Bougher & Castellano e Setchelliogaster tenuipes (Setch.) Pouzar, ambos representantes gasteróides da família Cortinariaceae, são registrados para a micobiota sul-rio-grandense. São apresentadas descrições, ilustrações e fotos, bem como uma breve discussão sobre a taxonomia e distribuição geográfica das espécies mencionadas. Setchelliogaster tenuipes é registrada pela primeira vez na micobiota sul-rio-grandense, enquanto a ocorrência de D. albellus é confirmada.
Two new species of Gasteromycetes are described and illustrated from Central Italy, viz. Arachnion iulii and Radiigera romana. Their taxonomic position is discussed and a comparison with taxonomically related taxa is provided.
Type collections of four species of Disciseda have been carefully re-examined. This has lead us to propose the synonyms Disciseda pedicellata = D. hyalothrix and D. arida = D. verrucosa. Our findings are supported by photographs of the macroscopic characters and spore ornamentation with scanning electron microscope of the collections studied.
Este libro es la continuación del volumen I que versa sobre los hongos silvestres que poseen laminillas. Abarca todos los grupos que carecen de ellas y que constituyen una pléyade de de formas de interés ecológico, gastronómico y silvicola. Etre ellos Myxomycetes, ascomicetos carbonosos a leñosos, ascomicetos carnosos en forma de clava, copa o platillo. Heterobasidiomicetes, hongos gelatinosos, holobasidiomicetes, resupinados, efuso-reflexos o petaloides. Holobasidiomicetos con forma de petalo o coral. holobasidiomicetos poroides, coriáceos o leñosos. Gasteromicetos con forma de cuernos hediondos, gasteromicetos con forma de de cuernos hediondos, en forma de bejines u hongos polvera, o en forma de estrella. Gasteromicetes en forma de aldabones o niditos de pájaro. Holobasidiomicetes carnosos poroides afines a los Agaricos y los gasteromicetes agaricoides. Contiene 2229 fotografías y 255 láminas que permiten reconocer las especies más comunes. Está dedicado no sólo a los aficionados, sino a los profesionales de la salud, a los naturalistas, ecólogos y a los Ing. forestales. Contiene las descripciones macro y microscópicas de 229 especies, con los datos de recolección, comestiblidad , etc.