Israa Burhanuddin Abdurrahman

Israa Burhanuddin Abdurrahman
Tikrit University · Department of English Language (Education for Women)

Doctor of Philosophy


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Israa Burhanuddin Abdurrahman currently works at the Department of English Language (Education for Women), Tikrit University. My current project is 'metaphony'.
Additional affiliations
November 1996 - August 2023
Tikrit University
  • Professor
  • Linguistics: Phono-Pragmatics, Discourse Analysis, stylistics, ecolinguistics
November 2012 - August 2015
University of Baghdad
Field of study
  • English Linguistics


Publications (40)
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This study explores the phenomenon of bullying as a prominent element within the American film "Wonder." Movies serve the dual purpose of providing amusement to audiences while also conveying messages of communication, morality, culture, society, and education. The problem of this study lies in understanding how language is used in the context of s...
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This study explores the phenomenon of bullying as a prominent sociocultural element within the American film "An American Girl: Chrissa Stands Strong" serve the dual purpose of providing amusement to audiences while also conveying messages of communication, morality, culture, society, and education. In addition to that, bullying remains a widesprea...
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This study is a critical discourse analysis of two feminist plays: The Verge by Susan Glaspell (1921) and The Wedding Band: A Love/Hate Story in Black and White by Alice Childress (1966) dealing with the representation of feminism of the heroines of the two plays. Many studies have dealt with critical discourse analysis of feminism in different lit...
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This study tackles a new aspect that relates phonology and interpretation. It indicates that juncture may cause misunderstanding and therefore mistranslation. The significant problem is in relation to interpretation as it may not be accurate because the translators do not have good knowledge of certain phonological phenomena, and this causes phonol...
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Possession is a common grammatical feature across many languages, and the ways in which possession is marked and expressed can vary widely from language to language. In some languages, possession is marked by case, while in others, it is marked by the use of possessive pronouns or possessive affixes on nouns as in the English language. A possessor...
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Abstract The current study examines the speech acts utilized in the instructions given by the World Health Organization (WHO) on Eid al Adha regarding COVID19. The study attempts to determine the most prominent function of illocutionary acts used in the selected data, as well as identifying how the instructions are conveyed, directly or indirectly,...
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Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA) is a research paradigm that linguistically addresses the prevailing social problems by opposing dominant ideological positions. Women's status in society appears to be fixed in division in that Women are so trained to think and live in parts that they cannot pull themselves together. Choosing Katherine Mansfield...
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This study is concerned with the syntactic order of adverbials in Standard English. It is motivated by the fact that the area of adverbials is an extremely problematic area of English grammar. Hence, it is a fertile issue for investigation. It is hypothesized that the particular problems that adverbials pose lie in the relative distributional freed...
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Treffinger Strategy is a framework that focuses on developing creativity and problem-solving skills in students. One of the main problems related to achievement skills identified by this model is the overemphasis on standardized testing and rote memorization. It is designed to help individuals develop their cognitive and metacognitive abilities, en...
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This research is an ecolinguistic study of UNICEF Environmental Reports "Nutrition in Emergencies" (June, 2018) in relation to the Sustainable Developmental Goals. It serves to identify the linguistic structures that highlight the role and responsibility of universal organizations and institutions in shaping the public's views that are at the heart...
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The variety of meaning and function of the modal auxiliaries lead to an issue in relation to many speeches especially the political ones. This research aims at highlighting the modal auxiliaries in English and show their usage in conveying meaning; checkout the applicability of Randolph Quirk and Green Baum’s modal of modality to political speeches...
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This study tackles the modern field of study of ‘multimodal metaphors’. It aims at exploring the ability of Iraqi M.A. EFL learners in perceiving multimodal metaphors; identifying the importance of text mode in multimodal metaphors; and detecting whether the different types of multimodal metaphors show any differences/similarities in terms of inter...
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Deictic expressions are important in language because they help speakers and listeners to realize the meaning of words and phrases in relation to the context in which they are used. By relying on shared contextual knowledge, deictic expressions allow for more efficient and effective communication. Deictic expressions are identified and analyzed acc...
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In this study, a morpho-pragmatic analysis of broken plural in the Glorious Quran is tackled to answer the question whether the types of broken plural can be replaced without affecting the meaning, and to achieve the aim that these various forms are utilized thoughtfully and creatively and are never used randomly. Accordingly, it is hypothesized in...
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An accidental mishearing of a phrase sometimes makes the phrase acquire a new meaning. This mishearing is called 'mondegreen'. If utterances are composed, on purpose, to result in mondegreens, then their aim is to entertain the hearer and to create jokes and riddles, mainly. For example, a. "He took a nice cold shower after his date" (original). b....
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The current study explores the role of using the Renzulli learning strategy on the development of four skills for fourth year Iraqi EFL preparatory students. The population of the present study includes EFL Iraqi preparatory students of the fourth year in Ibn AlHaitham Secondary Private School for Girls, Tikrit City in Salah Alden governorate. The...
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The current study aims at revealing the effect of SCAMPER strategy on evoking Iraqi preparatory pupils' creative thinking skills. To conduct the study and fulfill its aims, it is hypothesized that, there is no statistically significant difference between the mean scores of the experimental group which is taught by SCAMPER strategy and the control g...
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This study tackles a new aspect that relates phonology and interpretation. It indicates that juncture may cause misunderstanding and therefore mistranslation. The significant problem is in relation to interpretation as it may not be accurate because the translators do not have good knowledge of certain phonological phenomena, and this causes phonol...
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The main features that characterize the human language
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Pragmatics The study of what speakers mean, or 'speaker meaning', is called Pragmatics. Pragmatics is the study of invisible meaning or how we recognize what is meant even when it is not actually said. Speakers depend on a lot of shared assumptions and expectations. You use the meanings of the words, in combination, and the context in which they oc...
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It is the description of the systems and patterns of speech sounds in a language. It is concerned with the ways in which speech sounds form systems and patterns in human language Phonology permits a speaker: To produce sounds that form meaningful utterances. To recognize a foreign accent. To make up new words. Phonology Phonology is the sound syste...
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Semantics • Semantics is the study of the meaning of words, phrases and sentences. Linguistic semantics deals with the conventional meaning conveyed by the use of words and sentences of a language. Conceptual and Associative Meaning • Conceptual Meaning covers these basic, essential components of meaning which are conveyed by the literal use of a w...
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We simply do not know how language originated. We do not know that spoken language developed well before written language. Yet we have no physical evidence relating to the speech of our ancestors and because of this absence of evidence speculations about the origins of human speech have been developed. In fact, there are many 'speculations' about h...
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main concepts in morphology
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The History of Linguistics
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How language users interpret what other language users intent to convey is based discourse. To interpret discourse, we use correct and incorrect form and structure. But that is not enough. Because an ungrammatical sentence may convey a message, we make sense of it. As language users, we have more knowledge than that. Cohesion • Cohesion can be desc...
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Common Mistakes in Writing
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Unlike the process of assimilation, which is a phonological process in which two sounds that are different become more alike, dissimilation is a process in which sounds that are alike become different. The present paper is concerned with showing dissimilation process in both English and Arabic languages. It seeks to investigate the main causes behi...
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How to Warm up Your Classroom
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it shows the importance of drama in education
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Abstract This paper highlights the concepts of homonymy and polysemy as they constitute one of the central issues in semantics and the psychology of word meaning. Approximately the majority of content words do not have a single meaning; rather they associate to a number of senses. When the senses of a word are semantically incompatible in non-neut...
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An accidental mishearing of a phrase sometimes makes the phrase acquire a new meaning. This mishearing is called 'mondegreen'. If utterances are composed, on purpose, to result in mondegreens, then their aim is to entertain the hearer and to create jokes and riddles, mainly. For example, a. "He took a nice cold shower after his date" (original). b....
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Applying a stylistic analysis on certain texts refers to the identification of patterns of usage in writing. However, such an analysis is not restricted just to the description of the formal characteristics of texts, but it also tries to elucidate their functional importance for the interpretation of the text. This paper highlights complexity as a...
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The majority of content words do not have a single meaning for each; rather they associate to a number of senses. When these senses are semantically incompatible in non-neutral contexts, they are then homonymous; otherwise, they are polysemous where polysemous words have an underspecified meaning that encompasses their different senses. To reliably...
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Optimality Theory (OT) is a grammatical framework of recent origin presented by Prince and Smolensky in 1993. The central idea of Optimality Theory is that surface forms of language reflect resolutions of conflicts between competing constraints. A surface form is ‘optimal’ in the sense that it incurs the least serious violations of a set of violabl...


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