Ismail Sulaiman

Ismail Sulaiman
Syiah Kuala University | UNSYIAH · Department of Agricultural Product Technology



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Publications (62)
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The packaging of ground chicken meat, known as chicken nuggets, generally experiences a very rapid rate of deterioration caused by microorganisms. To determine the shelf life of chicken nuggets, shelf life measurements are made by accelerating product degradation through environmental conditions such as temperature, humidity, gas atmosphere, and li...
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Nutmeg ( Myristica fragrans Houtt ) is one of the spices utilized as food. The processing of nutmeg into sweets makes one of the snacks known as nutmeg candy. The nutmeg candy found in the market still does not have the identity product shelf life or expiration date, so buyers are hesitant; in this study, a simulation of estimating the shelf life o...
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The development of coffee drinks continues to develop along with the large variety of coffee drinks with various flavors and the process of making coffee drinks. Coffee drinks contain very high caffeine, but on the other hand, coffee has a distinctive taste and multiple benefits, one of which is protecting the body from free radicals caused by anti...
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Nutmeg is one of the spice plants that can be found in the province of Aceh, nutmeg is processed into snacks managed by cooperatives small and medium enterprises. Due to a large number of nutmeg, processing into snacks is one of the regional economic empowerment. In this study, an analysis of the supply chain distribution of candied nutmeg and the...
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The development of product quality is one of the most critical factors in the industry because rate changes can result in changes in the selling value of the product. Tea processing in the industry is generally a quality analysis process before the product is marketed. Analyzing the quality of brewing in green tea is carried out when the tea is dry...
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Biofoam is an alternative packaging to replace styrofoam because it is renewable and biodegradable. In this study, the coconut fibre were used in the production of biofoam cup with addition of commercial tempe yeast (Rhizopus oligosporus). The purpose of this study was to produce biofoam cup which has the characteristics of water resistant, not eas...
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One of the innovations of cascara is the kombucha cascara which is made from the fermented coffee fruit skin, which is fermented with a kombucha starter or Symbiotic Culture of Bacteria and Yeast (SCOBY). The cascara used in this study was cascara from the Timtim, Borbor, and Ateng super coffee varieties. This study aims to determine the effect of...
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Wine coffee has a different taste from normal coffee drinks due to the fermentation process. In this study, various levels of temperatures and durations of brewing with French press method were conducted and the resulted Gayo Arabica wine coffee drink was analyzed with the hedonic and cupping tests. Compared to the hedonic test, the cupping test ca...
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Cake is a wet food product made by baking dough from flour, sugar, eggs, milk, fat, and other additives. Adee cake is one of the typical foods marketed in the Pidie area, which is very famous and becomes one of the foods as souvenirs. The problem faced with this cake is the shelf life and quality of the cake. Therefore, this research was carried ou...
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Analog rice is artificial rice made from carbohydrate sources to resemble rice. Taro kimpul is one of Indonesia's local foods rich in carbohydrates that have not been widely used and have functional properties to be used as a raw material for analog rice. In this study, the manufacture of analog rice also used functional ingredients (beets and drag...
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[EFFECT OF LEAF WASTE PROPORTION AND TYPES OF LOCAL MIKROORGANISM ON THE QUALITY OF BOKASHI]. The purpose of this study was to get a combination of the treatment of the leaf waste proportion and local microorganism (MOL) type to the quality of bokashi. The use of specific MOL as a bioactivator is expected to produce a good bokashi. The production o...
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Areca nut contains tannin which has a great potential to apply as natural colour agent in food industries. Tannin offers specific colour and alter its colour due to environmental sensitivity. This study aims to fabricate a tannin-based colour indicator from areca nut in smart packaging in the form of a strip type and to characterize the indicator a...
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Analog rice is artificial rice shaped like rice grains made from non-rice carbohydrate-rich flour with water, which can overcome food security in Indonesia. Taro kimpul is a local food rich in carbohydrates that cannot be widely used. Therefore, kimpul thread has the potential to be used as raw material in the manufacture of analog rice. This study...
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Coffee is a non-alcoholic beverage that is consumed globally due to its specific flavour and functional properties. Nowadays coffee is diversified based on its coffee varieties, brewing methods, and bean processing techniques. Wine coffee is a commercial name for fermented coffee, a new coffee diversification product. Wine coffee is produced by fer...
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Penggunaan kemasan plastik sebagai bahan kemasan pada makanan memerlukan perhatian khusus terhadap siswa di sekolah yang berada di Banda Aceh. Salah satu kemasan yang digunakan adalah styrofoam. Penggunaan kemasan styrofoam sangat banyak terutama pada pembungkus makanan, hal ini sangat dikhawatirkan apabila digunakan pada makanan yang kondisinya pa...
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This study aims to determine characteristics of the gel-type colorimetric indicator at various pH and under different storage conditions, then determine the indicator characteristic in the packaging of fish fillets during storage. The gel-type color indicator was synthesized with a concentration of 1%, 3%, and 5% gambir powder. The FT-IR spectra of...
Two foods, belonging to different protein sources (dairy vs plant), namely Emmental cheese and tofu, were treated by the instant pressure drop (DIC) process inserted between two drying stages to obtain expanded and crispy snacks. This process consisted of a short heating step (t = 38–52 s) using steam under pressure (p = 0.26–0.62 MPa) and instanta...
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Konsumsi talas dengan asam oksalat yang tinggi dapat merusak atau membahayakan kesehatan khususnya pada ginjal, yaitu akan terbentuknya batu ginjal. Talas di beberapa daerah dijadikan salah satu pengganti bahan pokok, bahkan talas terkenal dengan makanan yang rendah akan kandungan gulanya. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah memanfaatkan umbi talas s...
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Styrofoam is in high demand by street vendors and is often used as food packaging. This can cause an emergence of environmental problems because it cannot decompose. On the other hand, there is much waste from agricultural products such as sugarcane bagasse and coconut fiber which frequently accumulate on the side of Banda Aceh’s road without furth...
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Cocoyam (Araceae family) tuber, like purple taro, traditionally are used as sources of non-rice carbohydrates in Aceh Province, Indonesia. But it contain high calcium oxalate, which contributes to kidney stones formation. Immersion in strong acid (HCl) solution can reduce calcium oxalate. However, it will cause a very strong taste and aroma in coco...
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The fermentation of arabica wine coffee from the cherry is one of the methods in processing the coffee which has the wine taste. The selection of media of fermentation is also one of the factors influencing the taste of the arabica wine coffee. The difference in the fermentation process of the coffee bean affects the taste and quality of the coffee...
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Kimpul tubers have anti-nutritional substances in the form of calcium oxalate (CaC2O4) which when consumed will cause itching sensations in the skin, mouth, throat and digestive tract. Calcium oxalate content in kimpul tubers is 1,740 mg / 100 g. The safe limit for consuming oxalate for adults is 0.60-1.25 g per day for 6 consecutive weeks. In this...
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Edible films are plastics that can be degraded by microorganismnisms and are made from renewable materials. The purpose of this study was to determine the characteristics of jackfruit and durian seed starches, improve the physical and mechanical properties of edible film from starch to characteristics physical properties edible film. The concentrat...
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Kimpul tuber is a source of carbohydrates that have high levels of oxalate, therefore it is necessary to reduce oxalate levels, several methods have been used to reduce oxalate levels, high levels of oxalate are caused by the sap or mucus in the taro. The process of decreasing oxalate levels by physical and chemical means has been carried out but h...
Abstrak: Tandan kosong kelapa sawit merupakan limbah padat terbesar yang dihasilkan oleh perkebunan kelapa sawit. Kandungan utama tandan kosong kelapa sawit adalah selulosa. Tingginya kandungan selulosa pada tandan kosong kelapa sawit dapat dimanfaatkan sebagai bahan dasar pembuatan nanoselulosa. Nanoselulosa merupakan selulosa yang dihasilkan dala...
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Organical material such as animal dung, husk ash, bran, and sawdust is often used in bocation production. In this study, the paper waste of printing company at Syiah Kuala University was enriched in the raw material of bocation production. This study was aimed to determine the proportion of paper waste that can be added and the duration of fermenta...
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The purpose of this study was to assist the use of organic fertilizer at farmer level. This study used Group Randomised Design factorial with 3 factors. The first factor is the long drying time (T) consisting of 3 (three) levels, namely 0 day (T1), 1 day (T2), and 2 days (T3). The second factor is the drying type (P) consisting of two levels, namel...
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Abstrak. Hard Candy adalah permen yang memiliki tekstur keras dan penampakan bening serta berkilau (glossy) yang digunakan sebagai penyegar mulut dimana bahan bakunya terdiri dari minyak atsri atau buah. Pada pembuatan ini, kombinasi serai wangi-jeruk nipis dipilih karena serai wangi termasuk salah satu minyak atsiri yang mengandung sumber sitronel...
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Pliek u is a traditional food of Aceh, Indonesia, obtained traditionally by coconut meat fermentation and added into food or cuisines to enhance the food taste and flavour. This product commonly contains high water and fat causing rancidity and declining of quality over storage time. Therefore, further processes were required to preserve quality an...
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Pliek u is the result of natural fermentation in coconut meat which is separated from the oil through a pressing process. This fermentation products become an inseparable part of the daily food of the Acehnese people. Utilization of pliek u is used as additional ingredient in vegetables but some are used as rujak ingredient. This research aims to d...
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Abstrak: Abon ikan merupakan jenis makanan yang terbuat dari ikan dan diolah dengan cara direbus kemudian digoreng lalu diberi bumbu. Kerusakan bahan pangan dapat disebabkan oleh dua hal yaitu kerusakan oleh sifat alamiah dari produk yang berlangsung secara spontan yang kedua adalah kerusakan karena pengaruh lingkungan. Oleh karena itu diperlukan p...
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Buah kopi memiliki kandungan gula tinggi yang dapat diproses dengan cara fermentasi alami. Fermentasi kopi arabika bertujuan untuk mengurangi rasa pahit dan meningkatkan citarasa kopi. Senyawa-senyawa kompleks pada kopi fermentasi akan meningkatkan mutu kopi. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode survey purposive sampling, yaitu cara pengambilan sampel...
Abstrak. Kopi adalah bahan minuman yang memiliki aroma yang khas yang tidak dimiliki oleh bahan minuman lainnya. Biji kopi (green bean) yang semula tidak memiliki rasa akan berubah menjadi biji kopi yang beraroma, kaya rasa, dan renyah setelah melalui proses roasting. Penelitian ini menganalisis mutu hedonik (warna, aroma, rasa dan overall) kopi ar...
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Abstrak. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh kemasan aluminium foil dan botol kaca terhadap umur simpan abon ikan tongkol. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode Arrhenius dimana faktor pertamanya yaitu jenis kemasan (K) yang terdiri dari dua taraf yaitu aluminium foil dan botol kaca. Faktor kedua yaitu suhu (S) dengan 3 taraf yaitu 30oC,...
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After long-lasting conflict and tsunami on December 26, 2004, some international donors/NGOs supported Aceh on cocoa development. Aceh cocoa sector has experienced tremendous growth in Indonesia. This study aims to investigate quality and market chain of Aceh cocoa beans. The survey was conducted in Pidie District. A number of 21 farmers and 1 expo...
Abstrak. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk melihat pengaruh jenis rempah, konsentrasi rempah, dan interaksi jenis rempah dan konsentrasi rempah terhadap kualitas yoghurt susu kambing. Penelitian menggunakan Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL) Faktorial dengan 2 faktor. Faktor pertama adalah jenis ekstrak rempah (R) yaitu R1 = kayu manis dan R2 = pala. Fa...
Abstrak. Pektin merupakan salah satu senyawa polisakarida yang sangat komplek dan biasanya pektin digunakan untuk bahan pengental, pengeras atau pemadat dalam proses pengolahan bahan pangan. Pektin didapat dari berbagai sumber salah satunya yang palung sering adalah kulit jeruk, namun pektin dari limbah kulit kopi masih sangat kurang informasi dan...
Abstrak.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi bahan tambahan pewarna non pangan Rhodamin B dan Methanyl Yellow pada produk saus tomat dan saus cabe di kota Banda Aceh. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian survei konsumen dan analisis pewarna. Survei konsumen dilakukan dengan teknik incidental sampling yaitu penentuan responden ber...
Abstrak. Buah pala merupakan salah satu produk lokal Aceh yang dapat diolah menjadi berbagai produk makanan sampingan salah satunya adalah selai. Pada penelitian pembuatan selai daging buah pala dilakukan dengan variasi konsentrasi larutan perendaman garam (30%, 50%, 70% ) dan konsentrasi gula (0%, 2,5%, 5%). Penelitianinibertujuanuntukmengetahuipe...
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Pengaruh metode heat moisture treatment terhadap karakteristik pati ubi jalar varietas local Aceh dalam produk mie kering berbasis pati
Conference Paper
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The study was aimed to determine pasting properties, swelling, and solubility of Acehnese sweet potato starch to be suitable for dried-noodle product. This research was conducted using 3 local varieties that were collected from local farmer in Saree, Aceh Besar. Native sweet potato starch were adjusted to 25% of moisture content and refrigerated to...
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Sweet potato starch characteristic of local variety using heat moisture treatment with different level of moisture content and temperature The aim of this study is to modify local variety sweet potato starch (cream flesh color) in order to produce the optimal dried-noodle based starch. Native starch was maintained in varied water content (20%, 25%...
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Extraction conditions is critical in obtaining high yields of pectin, without compromising the desired quality. The objective of this work was to evaluate the characteristics of pectin from coffee pulp extracted using oxalic acid under different time (80 and 90 minutes) and temperature (100 o C and 120 o C). The parameter analyzed were yield, equiv...
Buku ini ditulis khususnya untuk mahasiswa yang mengambil mata kuliah Perpindahan Kalor dan Massa pada Semester 3 di Jurusan Teknologi Hasil Pertanian Program Studi Teknologi Hasil Pertanian, dan bagi setiap orang yang memerlukan pengetahuan tentang topik yang berhubungan dengan kalor dan massa bahan dalam suatu proses pengolahan. Buku ini disusun...
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Buku ini kami susun untuk membantu pemahaman masyarakat umum maupun mahasiswa mengenai kopi luwak dan karakteristiknya. Sejauh ini buku yang mengulas kopi luwak sangat langka. Dengan latar belakang sejarah keberadaan kopi luwak yang belum genap seabad dikenal oleh masyarakat dunia, keterbatasan informasi baik teori maupun praktis tentu menjadi kend...
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Buku Potensi Limbah Kopi Sebagai Bahan Baku Pektin ini dapat dijadikan sebagai rujukan ilmu bagi mahasiswa Teknologi Hasil Pertanian, Teknologi Pangan dan Teknologi Industri Pertanian yang dijadikan sebagai bahan acuan dasar dari pengolahan bahan pangan serta pemanfaatan limbah yang ada saat ini. Buku Ajar ini di buat sesederhana mungkin supaya pem...
Setelah menyelesaikan seluruh pokok bahasan pada modul ini, mahasiswa akan dapat memahami konsep penggunaan aplikasi komputer baik dalam proses pembelajaran dengan metode Moodle, aplikasi Microsoft Word, Exel, Powerpoint serta membuat model program dengan menggunakan bahasa program Visual Basic dan Turbo Pascal.
Conference Paper
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ABSTRAK Kopi arabika (Coffea arabica) merupakan salah satu komoditas perkebunan yang terdapat di Indonesia. Pada umumnya petani kopi hanya memanfaatkan biji kopi untuk diolah menjadi produk minuman dan makanan. Hasil samping berupa kulit kopi yang dijadikan limbah proses pengolahan kopi belum termanfaatkan secara maksimal. Pada pulp kopi terkandung...
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Research has been conducted to examine the chemical and microbiological characteristics of asam drien (tempoyak from Aceh) made by following various methods in Aceh. This study used completely randomized design consisting of 4 treatments: fermented durian without the addition of other ingredients/normal (A), fermented durian using turmeric (B), fer...
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The effects of heat moisture treatment (110°C) and pretreatment on the physicochemical properties of sweet potato dried-noodles starch based were investigated. Completely randomized design was performed which arranged by two-factor. The first factor is noodles consist of native starch and treated starch (heat moisture treatment). The second factor...
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Powders of expanded granules generally get high functional characteristics due to porous structure of such granules. The present study aimed at comparing the two ways of high-pressure air or steam alternatively used in instant controlled pressure drop DIC, to achieve the modified three-stage spray-drying operation. Both operations were studied in t...
Fresh fish processing into a dried fish is a fish processing has been done a long time, the processing of fish based traditional food processing becomes important to preserve cultural heritage in fish processing. Differences drying method in the processing can affect the taste and texture of the fish produced timber. Types of tuna used significantl...
Extraction method on raw materials patchouli (Pogestemon cablin) can be done by four methods, such as Randall, evaporation, hydro-distillation and DIC. These methods compared to four to get the patchouli alcohol were analyzed by GC MS to produce the optimum amount of essential oils and economically on an industrial scale. Randall and DIC method can...
The structural modification of materials by the process of instant controlled pressure drop (DIC), is mainly based on the instant autovaporization process in very far from thermodynamic equilibrium conditions. The structure modification process and the volume evolution strictly depend on DIC operational parameters and the product characteristics mu...


Question (1)
So far, measurements have been carried out with SPME GC MS


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