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Induce Hyperlipidemia in Rats Using High Fat Diet Investigating Blood Lipid and Histopathology


Abstract and Figures

Induce Hyperlipidemia in Rats Using High Fat Diet Investigating Blood Lipid and Histopathology. J Hematol Blood Disord 4(1):104 The experiment was conducted to investigate the effect of induced hyperlipidemia in SD rats fed with high fat diet (HFD) for 7 weeks on blood lipid profile and possible pathological changes in liver, stomach, intestine, heart, spleen, lung and kidney. There were significant differences in most rats which induced hyperlipidemia throughout the experimental period with the blood lipid levels and histopathology. Abstract
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Case Report Open Access
Volume 4 | Issue 1
Induce Hyperlipidemia in Rats Using High Fat Diet Investigating Blood Lipid
and Histopathology
Karam I*1, Ma N2, Yang Y-J2 and Li J-Y2
1Central Laboratory of Veterinary Research, Soba (Animal Resources Research Corporation ARRC) Sudan
2Key Lab of New Animal Drug Project of Gansu Province; Key Lab of Veterinary Pharmaceutical
Development, Ministry of Agriculture; Lanzhou Institute of Husbandry and Pharmaceutical Science of
CAAS, Lanzhou, P.R. China
*Corresponding author: Karam I, Central Laboratory of Veterinary Research, Soba (Animal Resources
Research Corporation ARRC) Sudan, Tel: 00249-912-624503, E-mail:
Citation: Karam I, Ma N, Yang Y-J, Li J-Y (2018) Induce Hyperlipidemia in Rats Using High Fat Diet
Investigating Blood Lipid and Histopathology. J Hematol Blood Disord 4(1):104
e experiment was conducted to investigate the eect of induced hyperlipidemia in SD rats fed with high fat diet (HFD) for 7
weeks on blood lipid prole and possible pathological changes in liver, stomach, intestine, heart, spleen, lung and kidney. ere were
signicant dierences in most rats which induced hyperlipidemia throughout the experimental period with the blood lipid levels and
Keywords: Rats; Hyperlipidemia; High Fat Diet; Histopathology
Volume 4 | Issue 1
Journal of Hematology and Blood Disorders
ISSN: 2455-7641
Hyperlipidemia is modiable risk factor for atherosclerosis and related cardiovascular diseases, including coronary heart disease,
cerebral stroke, myocardial infarction and renal failure are becoming a major health problem in the world recently [1].
Lipids are water insoluble organic compounds, which are essential for many normal functions of living organisms: they are
important components of cell membranes, they are used to store energy, and they play a signicant role as enzyme co-factors,
hormones, and intracellular messengers [6]. Of the many groups of lipids, three are most important from a clinical perspective:
fatty acids, sterols (mainly cholesterol), and acylglycerols (mainly triglycerides) [6,7].
Hyperlipidemia is a heterogeneous group of disorders characterized by an excess of lipids in the blood stream, the term
hyperlipidemia refers to increased concentrations of lipids (triglycerides, cholesterol, or both) in the blood [2-4]. ese lipids
include cholesterol, cholesterol esters, phospholipids, and triglycerides.
e term hyperlipoproteinemia refers to increased blood concentrations of lipoproteins, but it is oen used interchangeably with the
term hyperlipidemia. However, the term hyperlipoproteinemia should ideally be used only in cases where measurement of actual
lipoproteins has been performed [4,5]. Lipids are transported in the blood as large lipoproteins, increased blood concentrations
of triglycerides are referred to as hypertriglyceridemia, while increased blood concentrations of cholesterol are referred to as
Four main classes of lipids can be recognized from a metabolic stand point. ese are free fatty acids, triacylglycerol, phospholipids,
and cholesterol and its esters. e principle functions of lipids are to act as energy stores and to serve as important structural
component of cells. To fulll these functions, lipids have to be transported in plasma from one tissue to another, from the intestine
or the liver to other tissues such as muscular or adipose tissue, or from the other tissues to the liver.
Fatty acids are relatively simple lipids and are also important components of many other lipids [6,7]. Cholesterol is the main sterol
in animal tissues.
Dietary intake is the major source of cholesterol, but it can also be synthesized endogenously by the liver and other tissues. It plays
a fundamental role in central metabolic pathways, such as bile acid metabolism and steroid hormone and vitamin D synthesis [6,7].
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Volume 4 | Issue 1
Journal of Hematology and Blood Disorders
Triglycerides are the most common and ecient form of stored energy in mammal .ey can be derived from both dietary sources
and endogenous (hepatic) production [6,7].
Because lipids are water-insoluble molecules, they cannot be transported in aqueous solutions, such as plasma. For that reason,
lipids are transported in plasma as macromolecular complexes known as lipoproteins [2,4,6-10].
Lipoproteins are spherical structures that consist of a hydrophobic core containing lipids (i.e. triglycerides and/or cholesterol
esters), and an amphophilic (i.e. both hydrophobic and hydrophilic) outer layer of phospholipids, free cholesterol, and proteins that
forms a protective envelope surrounding the lipid core [4,6-8,10,11].
Previous works have shown that feeding rats a high fat diet induces hepatic steatosis and liver damage, which are stages of the
disease. us this study was designed to investigate the most histopathological changes which induces by feeding of high amounts
of fats particularly cholesterol on the liver [12,13].
It is worth noting that free fatty acids are transported bound to albumin and do not require incorporation into lipoproteins
for transport [2,4,6,7,9,10]. Plasma lipoproteins dier in their physical and chemical characteristics such as size, density, and
composition. In this study induces hyperlipidemia in rats using dietary intake high fat diet for seven weeks.
Materials and methods
Twenty Sprague-Dawley (SD) rats SD male rats with clean grade (Certicate No.: SCXK (Gan) 2012-0075), aged 7 weeks and
weighing 120 -130 g, were purchased from the animal breeding facilities of Gansu traditional Chinese medicine University (Lanzhou,
China). ey were housed in plastic Macrolon cages of appropriate size with stainless steel wire cover and chopped bedding. Light/
dark regime was 12/12 h and living temperature is 22 ± 2 oC with relative humidity of 55 ± 10%. Standard compressed rat feed for
group A and the other group B feed by high fat diet aer two weeks of acclimatization, the Male SD rats was fed HFD (41.5% lipids,
40.2% carbohydrates, and 18.3% proteins (kcal)). Weight, food intake, blood lipid parameters were measured during a 7weeks diet
course. Free access to either a standard rodent chow (12.3% lipids, 63.3% carbohydrates,and 24.4% proteins (kcal)), or a high-fat
diet, based on lard, swine oil, (derived from cod liver, HF-F).e food was supplied from Keao Xieli Co., Ltd (Beijing, China).
e study was performed in compliance with the Guidelines for the care and use of laboratory animals as described in the US
National Institutes of Health. Animals were allowed a 2-week quarantine and acclimation period prior to start of the study.
e rats were feeding with standard diet for two weeks before starting the experiment as acclimatization period for adaptation,
then for group A as blank group continue for seven weeks as experimental period, for B group feeding with high fat diet for seven
Study design
Aer the administration period the rats divided in two in each group ten rats, blood lipids levels were measured, the examinations
were carried out at the end of feeding administration; aer the rats were feed with HFD food, the blood samples were collected
from the rat tail, the rats will be fasting for 10-12 hours before collected blood samples. e serums were got through centrifuge
for 15mins at the speed of 4000g and stored at -20 oC till needed for lipid determination. e blood lipids level including TG, TC,
HDL and LDL were measured on week 7 to make sure the success of hyperlipidemia animal model. Examinations of serum total
lipids, was carried out at the end of experiment.
Blood sample was analyzed for hyperlipidemia indexes with a hematology using Erba XL-640 analyzer (German) was used to
measure the blood lipid level. Moreover, an automatic biochemistry analyzer was used to examine the serum obtained from the
blood sample for the content of TG, TC, LDL, and HDL.
Aer xation (and subsequent weighing, vide supra), organs sampled for histological examination were dehydrated and paranized
and embedded according to standard sampling and trimming procedures [14]. Sections of 4µm were stained with hematoxylin
and eosin (HE) in an automated way. Microscopic observations were done by initial unblinded comparison of control and tested
samples. Blind and/or semi-quantitative scoring was applied when changes were detected by the initial inspection.
All data are expressed as mean ± standard deviation (SD). e dierences of ratios of indexes were analyzed using Dunette’s test
(SPSS 12.0 soware, USA), and inter-group comparisons were made using the Multivariate of General Linear Model.P-values of
<0.05 were considered statistically signicant.
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3 Journal of Hematology and Blood Disorders
Volume 4 | Issue 1
No deaths were observed in any group over the administration periods. Compared with the control group, the test group exhibited
no related changes in clinical signs such as external appearance, behavior, mental state, and daily activities. With regard to food
consumption, all rats showed a signicant increase in body weight (Table 1).
Week 7Week 6Week 5We ek 4Week 3Week 2Week 1
375.13355.2326.71305.2283.2259.62216.95Model Group
*the weight per gram unit
Table 1: All rats in the tested groups had increased high body weights during experiment
Observations in animals’ health
Table 1 showed increase in body weight.
e results of blood lipid level tests are given in Table 2. ere was signicant change in blood lipid level indexes which include TC,
TG, LDL and HDL, compared with control group there was increase in TC, TG and LDL, while HDL was decrease.
Blood lipid level
1.730.3857140.3842861.082143Blank group
Model group
*p< 0.05 signicant dierence from blank group
Table 2: Blood lipid index experimental rats
ere were histopathological changes in organs from the animals in control group and tested group.
Liver cell were also observed there was inltration of lipid (Figure 1). We did not nd any other histopathological changes in any
other organs assessed. e increased liver weights were associated with Centro lobular hypertrophy (Figure 1). In rats, there was a
trend that the rats receiving high fat diet had a higher ratio of fat cells in their livers compared with control. Finally, an increased
ratio of lipid hepatocytes was observed in exposed livers.
Figure 1: High power microphotographs of rat liver show lipid inltration compare control B with tested group A
e results demonstrated that in the kidney lipid happened in the glomerulus of rats and the renal tubule interval of tested groups
following high fat diet administration (Figure 2). No pathological changes such as degeneration and necrosis appeared in renal
tubular epithelial cells in high fat diet groups, while more signicant changes took place in tested groups.
Figure 2: High power microphotographs of rat kidney show lipid inltration compare control A with tested group B
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Volume 4 | Issue 1
Journal of Hematology and Blood Disorders
e stomach, duodenum and ileum showed an increased mucosa height aer high fat diet exposure, this was mainly due to
increased height of the villus (Figure 3).
Figure 3: Low power microphotographs of rat stomach show lipid inltration compare control A with tested group B
e results demonstrated that in the heart lipid happened in the cells (Figure 4) of rats and the muscle interval of tested groups
following high fat diet administration.
Figure 4: High power microphotographs of rat heart show lipid inltration compare control with tested group
Hyperlipidemia, a group of metabolic disorders characterized by the elevated levels of lipids, is a major modiable risk factor for
atherosclerosis and cardiovascular disease [5]. ese lipids include cholesterol, cholesterol esters, phospholipids, and triglycerides.
Increased levels of LDL are related to the development of atherosclerosis [15,16].
e result showed that there were signicant increase in hyperlipidemia biomarker which includes TC, TG, LDL and HDL. ere
were histological changes in organs which conrm the previous result of blood lipid. at mean high fat diet successfully induces
hyperlipidemia in rats, to make disease model of hyperlipidemia.
Hyperlipidemia can be the result of an inherited disease in certain breeds of dogs [17]. In pets, hyperlipidemia most oen occurs as
a consequence of some disorder, hyperlipidemia even can also occur spontaneously aer a meal of high-fat diet, particularly table
scraps [9,10]. Hyperlipidemia is seen most commonly in ponies, miniature horses, and donkeys, and less frequently in standard-
size adult horses [18]. In non-ruminants, including primates and man, hyperlipidemia may be increased by dietary manipulations
such as feeding excessive cholesterol or fats with high saturated fatty acid content [19].
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... [17] This study assessed the anti-hyperlipidemic effect of D5 Chooranam in high fat diet induced model. [18] HFD-fed hyperlipidemic rat model has been reported previously as an ideal in vivo model for testing antihyperlipidemic drugs. [19,20] The male albino rats of Wistar strain were selected as the test system instead of females as the females are less susceptible for dyslipidemia because of their hormonal regulation is protective for the development of hyperlipidemia. ...
... Cholesterol amounts in membranes are necessary for living. Despite making up only 2.2% of the body weight, the central nervous system (CNS) includes up to 25% of the body's overall cholesterol (9)(10)(11)(12). ...
... As a reported example, a study on Wistar rats established that several weeks into a regimen of HFD lead to obesity and dyslipidemia (Rosnah et al., 2022). Another study (Karam, Ma, Yang, & Li, 2018) on the same species of rats as in the current study (Sprague-Dawley rats) has also reported significant increase in hyperlipidemia biomarkers after only 7 weeks of consumption of HFD with the following macronutrients (41.5% lipids, 40.2% carbohydrates, and 18.3% proteins (kcal)). ...
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Purpose This paper aims to evaluate the effect of consumption of a high-fat diet (HFD) rich with total saturated fats on adiposity and serum levels of vascular cell adhesion molecule (sVCAM-1), a biomarker of endothelial inflammation/dysfunction. Another aim is to evaluate whether supplementation of a phytosomal formulation of curcumin would reduce adiposity measures and sVCAM-1 levels in HFD rats. Design/methodology/approach The study was conducted on 17 male rats which were allocated to one of three feeding regimen groups: normal diet (ND); HFD, or HFD with dietary phytosomal curcumin (HFD-C). Anthropometric measures were recorded weekly up to 20 weeks of feeding intervention, at the end of which, sVCAM-1 levels were also compared with one-way ANOVA and Tukey post-hoc analysis. Findings The HFD group had the greatest values for raw anthropometric data, and there was a group difference in anthropometric measures, however there was no significant difference between HFD and HFD-C for any measure. The gain at 20 weeks from initial values did reveal significant differences in weight and abdominal circumference between HFD and HFD-C groups. There were significant group differences in sVCAM-1 levels, with only HFD-C displaying significant lower levels than HFD group. Originality/value This is the first study that shows the capacity of a phytosomal formulation of curcumin in reducing adiposity and sVCAM-1 levels during daily intake of saturated fats above the recommended level. The results are promising in that this formulation can protect against endothelial inflammation/dysfunction, and can be used as complimentary therapy to suppress dyslipidemia/obesity-related cardiovascular complications.
... The results of blood serum lipid profile of the Wistar rats after treatment with the fruit extract and the standard drug atorvastatin group C 1-3 and D respectively are given in Table 2. Before the treatment, the Wistar rats were fed with a high-fat diet (40% lipid) for five weeks to induce hyperlipidemia, our approach is similar to the previous studies [17] whereby hyperlipidemia was induced after feeding rats with a high-fat diet (41% lipid) for two weeks. After two weeks and they were given the treatments. ...
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Atherosclerotic cardiovascular diseases are characterized by strokes and coronary artery disease. Hyperlipidemia and free radicals generation in the body are among the main risk factors for cardiovascular diseases. Statin drugs such as lovastatin and atorvastatin are mostly prescribed for the treatment of hyperlipidemia. However, many patients show intolerance toward these drugs and develops mild symptoms, which include myalgia and cramps, to the most severe Rhabdomyolysis. In this study, we have qualitatively determined the phytochemicals in Doum (Hyphaene thebaica) fruit aqueous extract and the antioxidant activity using the DPPH assay. Furthermore, we have investigated the hypolipidemic potential of the extract in Wistar rats. Freshly prepared aqueous extract of the Doum fruit with concentration 200-400 mg/kg and 20mg/kg of atorvastatin were orally administered to the Wistar rats fed with high-fat diet for two weeks and were sacrificed for hyperlipidemic analysis. The qualitative determination of the phytochemicals indicates the presence of steroids, saponin, tannins, phlobatannins, terpenoids, alkaloid, glycoside, and flavonoids. The fruit extract shows antioxidant activity by scavenging the DPPH radicals with IC 50 of 128 µm/mL. Both the fruit extract and atorvastatin decreased serum total glyceride cholesterol, total cholesterol, LDL, and increased HDL level significantly (P < 0.05). This result revealed the anti-hyperlipidemic, and antioxidant potential of Doum fruit. Therefore, it could be useful in managing hyperlipidemia, thereby reducing the risk factor of cardiovascular diseases in the end.
... The results of blood serum lipid profile of the Wistar rats after treatment with the fruit extract and the standard drug atorvastatin group C 1-3 and D respectively are given in Table 2. Before the treatment, the Wistar rats were fed with a high-fat diet (40% lipid) for five weeks to induce hyperlipidemia, our approach is similar to the previous studies [17] whereby hyperlipidemia was induced after feeding rats with a high-fat diet (41% lipid) for two weeks. After two weeks and they were given the treatments. ...
... Hyperlipidemia was induced by a diet rich in fat given for about 12 weeks (11). Myocardial infarction was induced by administering Isoprenaline subcutaneously at a dose of 85mg/kg with the second dose after 24 hours of the initial dose (12). ...
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Control of hyperlipidemia is believed to reduce major cardiovascular events such as cardiovascular death, myocardial infarction, nonfatal stroke, hospitalization for unstable angina, and coronary revascularization. The benefits of monotherapy with Bempedoic acid (BA) as a hypolipidemic agent given after induction of myocardial infarction (MI) in reducing the risk of acute MI worth being investigated, therefore this study was designed to investigate the effectiveness of Bempedoic acid on reducing cardiovascular risk factors in rats with induced hyperlipidemia and myocardial infarction compared to Rosuvastatin. Male albino rats (n=40) were divided into five equal groups, each with eight rats, the first group served as a negative control group, the second group (diet-induced hyperlipidemia and Isoprenaline induced myocardial infarction) served as a positive control group, the third group (diet-induced hyperlipidemia and Isoprenaline induced myocardial infarction) received daily oral administration of Rosuvastatin for 12 weeks, the fourth group (diet-induced hyperlipidemia, DIH) received Bempedoic acid for 4 weeks as prophylaxis and then myocardial infarction was induced and Bempedoic acid administration was continued for the remaining 8 weeks, and the fifth group (diet-induced hyperlipidemia and Isoprenaline induced myocardial infarction) received a daily oral administration of Bempedoic acid for 12 weeks as a treatment. After 12 weeks, blood samples were withdrawn by cardiac puncture for measuring and evaluating lipid profiles and other parameters. Bempedoic acid and Rosuvastatin significantly reduce mean serum levels of lipid profiles; Total cholesterol, LDL and triglyceride, increase HDL and reduce cardiac enzyme levels as compared with the positive control group. The findings from this study suggested that Bempedoic acid as monotherapy either as a therapy or as prophylaxis was effective in reducing lipid parameters, LDL, Tch, and TG and cardiac enzymes creatine kinase-MB (CK-MB) and serum level of cardiac troponin-I (cTn-I) compared with the positive control group and was not superior to Rosuvastatin in these parameters but taking BA as prophylaxis could prevent the morbidity with cardiovascular events as it was effective in reducing the above parameters by greater percentages than BA and Rosuvastatin therapy.. Both drugs showed similar profiles in blood pressure and heart rate measurements.
... Cholesterol group (CHO group): Twelve male rats were maintained on high fat diet-HFD which consists of (lipids 41.5%, carbohydrates 40.2%, and proteins 18.3%). 10 3. ...
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Because of the vast use of statins to control and treat hyperlipidemia, this study was set to compare the most common statins Atorvastatin and Simvastatin with the flavonol Kaempferol considering the unwilled collateral e ects of them. Sixty adult albino male rats were allocated into five groups of twelve members to each. It is obvious based on the results that Atorvastatin could cause significant declination in the hemoglobin, hematocrit, platelets and leukocytes while simvastatin could cause a significant declination in leukocytes and platelets, on the other side; the kaempferol could not a ect these values comparing with the control group. The lipid profile and the hepatic enzymes like Alanine aminotransferase (ALT), Aspartate aminotransferase (AST) and Alkaline phosphatase (ALP) were significantly disturbed too in all groups and it was very clear that serum aminotransferases and alkaline phosphatase were significantly elevated in all groups except the Kaempferol comparing with control group at (P≤0.05). It is very obvious that kaempferol could ameliorate the lipid profile the antioxidant enzymes and the blood values in a manner which is better than those of statins. Keywords 1* 2 3 3 3 1 2 3 3/14/23, 11:56 AM Physiological Scrutiny to Appraise a Flavonol Versus Statins | Biomedical and Pharmacology Journal 2/14
... The results of blood serum lipid profile of the Wistar rats after treatment with the fruit extract and the standard drug atorvastatin group C 1-3 and D respectively are given in Table 2. Before the treatment, the Wistar rats were fed with a high-fat diet (40% lipid) for five weeks to induce hyperlipidemia, our approach is similar to the previous studies [17] whereby hyperlipidemia was induced after feeding rats with a high-fat diet (41% lipid) for two weeks. After two weeks and they were given the treatments. ...
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Atherosclerotic cardiovascular diseases are characterized by strokes and coronary artery disease. Hyperlipidemia and free radicals generation in the body are among the main risk factors for cardiovascular diseases. Statin drugs such as lovastatin and atorvastatin are mostly prescribed for the treatment of hyperlipidemia. However, many patients show intolerance toward these drugs and develops mild symptoms, which include myalgia and cramps, to the most severe Rhabdomyolysis. In this study, we have qualitatively determined the phytochemicals in Doum (Hyphaene thebaica) fruit aqueous extract and the antioxidant activity using the DPPH assay. Furthermore, we have investigated the hypolipidemic potential of the extract in Wistar rats. Freshly prepared aqueous extract of the Doum fruit with concentration 200-400 mg/kg and 20mg/kg of atorvastatin were orally administered to the Wistar rats fed with high-fat diet for two weeks and were sacrificed for hyperlipidemic analysis. The qualitative determination of the phytochemicals indicates the presence of steroids, saponin, tannins, phlobatannins, terpenoids, alkaloid, glycoside, and flavonoids. The fruit extract shows antioxidant activity by scavenging the DPPH radicals with IC 50 of 128 µm/mL. Both the fruit extract and atorvastatin decreased serum total glyceride cholesterol, total cholesterol, LDL, and increased HDL level significantly (P < 0.05). This result revealed the anti-hyperlipidemic, and antioxidant potential of Doum fruit. Therefore, it could be useful in managing hyperlipidemia, thereby reducing the risk factor of cardiovascular diseases in the end.
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Buku ini memuat metoda pemilihan hewan coba yang sesuai untuk penelitian eksperimental dan pembuatan/induksi hewan model pada beberapa penyakit.
Conference Paper
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The incidence of sarcopenia continues to increase with age. The prevalence ranges from 5-13 percent in those aged 60-70 years and 11-50 percent in those aged >80 years. Decreased walking speed is one of the factors that can affect the status of weakness in the elderly. The purpose of the study was to analyze the intake of vitamin D and the duration of exposure to the sun with the walking speed of the elderly. The research design was cross-sectional, at Panti Bhakti Kasih Siti Anna, Pangkalpinang City, 2020. The research sample was 22 of elderly. The results of the study stated that 68.2 percent of respondents were women with an average age of 80 years. The category of obesity (36.4%) and slow walking speed (95.5%) were the dominant results. The average daily intake of vitamin D in the elderly is 241.8 IU with 30 minutes of sun exposure. The statistical analysis stated that there was a relationship between vitamin D intake and duration of sun exposure with the walking speed of the elderly (p<0.05). The conclusion is that there is a relationship between vitamin D intake and duration of sun exposure with the walking speed of the elderly. Further research can be conducted regarding the relationship between diet and sarcopenia in the elderly aged more than 85 years and the role of vitamin D intervention in osteosarcopenia. Keywords: vitamin D intake, sun exposure, walking speed, elderly
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This study was designed to investigate the effects of high fat diet on liver tissue as well as biochemical changes of lipid profiles of hyperlipidemic and normolipidemic rats which treated with atorvastatin before and after induction of hyperlipidemia by feeding the rats with high fat diet, the result showed: There was high significant increase(p<0.0005)in TC,TG,LDL,VLDL , and AI, but there was high significant decrease in HDL in rats fed on HFD for seven months if compared with negative control group, while atorvastatin treatment caused high significant decrease(p<0.0005)in lipid profile parameters after three months of treatments if compared to positive control group. Atorvastatin treatment result in high significant decrease (p<0.0005,p<0.005)in TC,TG,LDL,VLDL, and AI in normolipidemic rats as compared with negative control group. The histological sections of liver were revealed presence of severe histopathological changes which classified into grades between 0-4. The most severe changes were in liver sections of hyperlipidemic rats which consist: infiltration of lipids in micro, mid, and macro vascular steatosis, while some livers were observed to contain onset of fat sacs, damage of unique radial appearances of hepatocytes in hepatic lobule, lymphocytes infiltration, congestion also observed in some liver section of these animals, whereas the histopathological changes in livers of normolipidemic rats which treated with atorvastatin were less severity as compared with positive control rats these changes included: sever lymphocytes infiltration especially around central portal vein, pyknotic nuclei, severe congestion and loss radial appearances of hepatocytes also there was dilatation of central portal vein and some bile ducts, while atorvastatin treatment reduce the effects mentioned in some hyperlipidemic individuals.
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Aim: To investigate the metabolite changes caused by simvastatin or fenofibrate intervention in diet-induced hyperlipidemia rats using a GC-MS-based metabolomic profiling approach. Methods: SD rats were fed with high-lipid diet for 4 weeks to induce hyperlipidemia, then the rats were fed with normal diet, and orally administered with simvastatin (10 mg·kg−1·d−1) or fenofibrate (150 mg·kg−1·d−1) for 2 weeks. Blood samples were collected once a week, and potential biomarkers were examined using commercial assay kits and a metabolomic approach. The metabolomics data were analyzed using a multivariate statistical technique and a principal component analysis (PCA). Results: Oral administration of simvastatin or fenofibrate significantly decreased the plasma levels of total cholesterol (TC) and low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol and increased the plasma level of high-density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol in the hyperlipidemia rats. Plasma samples were scattered in the PCA scores plots in response to the diet and to the drugs administered. The main metabolites changed in the hyperlipidemia rats were cholesterol, creatinine, linoleic acid, β-hydroxybutyric acid, tyrosine, isoleucine and ornithine. The plasma level of creatinine was significantly lower in the simvastatin-treated rats than in the fenofibrate-treated rats. The plasma tyrosine concentration was declined following intake of high-lipid diet, which was reversed by fenobrate, but not by simvastatin. Conclusion: A series of potential biomarkers including tyrosine, creatinine, linoleic acid, β-hydroxybutyric acid and ornithine have been identified by metabolomic profiling, which may be used to identify the metabolic changes during hyperlipidemia progression.
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The serum cholesterol on ruminant animals rises when supplemental fat is fed in a form that ensures the absorption of long-chain fatty acids. The effects of these fat supplements on cholesterol metabolism have been studied in sheep and goats. The proximal part of the small intestine was the major site of sterol synthesis in sheep. Supplementing the diet with fat significantly enhanced sterolgenesis in the small intestine both in vivo and in vitro, whereas in vitro sterolgenesis appeared to be suppressed in the liver. Increased intestinal sterolgenesis was seen with several varieties of fat, but was greatest when palm oil was fed. The reciprocal findings in the intestine and liver may reflect the increased requirement for cholesterol for the transport of triglyceride in chylomicrons and the secondary inhibiting effect of this cholesterol on sterol synthesis in the liver. Dietary fat supplementation did not alter the excretion of neutral steroids in the feces of goats but did not cause a marked reduction in the excretion of acidic steroids which may have been due to the decreased formation of sterols in the liver. In two lactating goats in which an injection of [14C] cholesterol was followed by daily intraruminal administration of labeled cholesterol, fat supplementation lowered the specific radioactivity of cholesterol in alimentary particles and in milk, being consistent with an increase in intestinally synthesized cholesterol. The hypercholesterolemia that develops in fat-fed ruminants appears to be primarily due to an increased intestinal biosynthesis of cholesterol but may also be partly due to a decreased fecal excretion of bile acids.
Lipid disorders are common in dogs, with most arising from secondary causes such as endocrine imbalances, cholestatic liver disease, or protein-losing nephropathies. Two primary lipid disorders - idiopathic hyperlipidemia in miniature Schnauzers and hypercho-lesterolemia in briards - are also recognized. Visualization of a lipemic fasted blood sample or elevated plasma cholesterol or triglyceride in combination with clinical assessment is the method by which most lipid disorders are diagnosed. Cholesterol and triglyceride are components of larger molecules called lipoproteins, which have a complex and highly regulated metabolism that is important to understand when altered by lipid disorders.
Aims: Soybean-derived PC is an essential cell membrane phospholipid that is composed of unsaturated fatty acids, including oleic acid. The present study aimed to evaluate the potential alleviation effects of soybean PC on high fat diet (HFD)-induced obesity and its related complications. Main methods: We fed C57BL/6 mice a HFD for 12 weeks and administered PC orally for 8 or 12 weeks at different doses. At the end of the experiment, blood was prepared for biochemical analysis and leptin ELISA. Aorta, epididymal and mesenteric fat and liver were removed surgically, weighed and observed for histological or immunohistochemical changes. Key findings: PC significantly prevented body weight gain and lipid accumulation and alleviated hyperlipidemia by decreasing triglyceride (TG) and total cholesterol (TC) levels and the atherogenic index in serum or by increasing the HDL/TC ratio. Aortic apoE expression and serum leptin levels were suppressed by PC treatment in the HFD-induced obese mouse model. Elevated serum aspartate aminotransferase and alanine aminotransferase levels in HFD-fed mice were decreased in the PC groups. PC treatment significantly decreased HFD-induced liver weight and hepatic lipid accumulation. Significance: PC treatment alleviated HFD-induced obese status and obesity-related complications such as hyperlipidemic changes that induce cardiovascular disease and NAFLD.
Lipid metabolism in dogs can be divided into exogenous and endogenous pathways and exhibits some unique characteristics compared to other species. Hyperlipidemia is common in dogs, and can be either primary or secondary to other diseases. Secondary hyperlipidemia is the most common form and can be a result of endocrine disorders, pancreatitis, cholestasis, protein-losing nephropathy, obesity, and high fat diets. Primary hyperlipidemia is less common and usually associated with certain breeds. Hypertriglyceridemia of Miniature Schnauzers is the most common type of primary hyperlipidemia in dogs in the United States, and appears to have a genetic basis although its etiology remains unknown. Possible complications of canine hyperlipidemia include pancreatitis, liver disease, atherosclerosis, ocular disease, and seizures. Management is achieved by administration of low fat diets with or without the administration of lipid-lowering agents such as omega-3 fatty acids, gemfibrozil, and niacin.
Characterization of the hyperlipoproteinemia induced by feeding high-cholesterol diets to hypothyroid dogs was undertaken in an attempt to identify a lipoprotein pattern or a specific lipoprotein responsible for the atherosclerosis associated with such hyperlipoproteinemia. Various degrees of hyperlipidemia and atherosclerosis were produced during the diet, which was imposed for 3 months to more than a year. Dogs referred to as hyporesponders did not develop significant atherosclerosis despite plasma cholesterol levels ranging from two to five times normal or up to 750 mg/100 ml. This nonatherogenic hyperlipidemia was characterized by an increase in the LDL (low density lipoprotein) and HDLc classes (HDLc refers to a broad spectrum of cholesterol-enriched particles which resemble high density lipoproteins). Dogs referred to as hyperresponders developed significant and often complicated atherosclerosis. Their plasma cholesterol levels were in excess of 750 mg/100 ml, and most of the increased cholesterol was present in lipoproteins with density less than 1.006 g/ml. Several classes of lipoproteins were isolated by ultracentrifugation and purified by Geon-Pevikon block electrophoresis. These lipoproteins were characterized with respect to chemical composition, electrophoretic mobility, immunochemical reactivity, electron microscopic size after negative staining, and apoprotein content as determined by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. We concluded that the atherogenic hyperlipidemia of the hyperresponders was characterized by an increase in the amount of cholesterol-rich HDLc as in the hyporesponders but was distinguished by the appearance of a spectrum of cholesterol-rich lipoproteins in the fraction with a density less than 1.006 g/ml. One of these cholesterol-rich lipoproteins had the properties of β very low density lipoproteins, and the others had those of HDLc. We suggest that the spectrum of lipoproteins with density less than 1.006 g/ml represents "remnants" that accumulate because of defective catabolism of lipoproteins synthesized to carry excess of dietary cholesterol.