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2D electrophoresis-based expression proteomics: A microbiologists perspective



Quantitative proteomics based on 2D electrophoresis (2-DE) coupled with peptide mass fingerprinting is still one of the most widely used quantitative proteomics approaches in microbiology research. Our view on the exploitation of this global expression analysis technique and its contribution and potential to push forward the field of molecular microbial physiology towards a molecular systems microbiology perspective is discussed in this article. The advances registered in 2-DE-based quantitative proteomic analysis leading to increased protein resolution, sensitivity and accuracy, and the promising use of 2-DE to gain insights into post-translational modifications at a proteome-wide level (considering all the proteins/protein forms expressed by the genome) are focused on. Given the progress made in this field, it is foreseen that the 2-DE-based approach to quantitative proteomics will continue to be a fundamental tool for microbiologists working at a genome-wide scale. Guidelines are also provided for the exploitation of expression proteomics data, based on useful computational tools, and for the integration of these data with other genome-wide expression information. The advantages and limitations of a complete 2-DE-based expression proteomics analysis, envisaging the quantification of the global changes occurring in the proteome of a given cell depending on environmental or genetic manipulations, are discussed from the microbiologist's perspective. Particular focus is given to the emerging field of toxicoproteomics, a new systems toxicity approach that offers a powerful tool to directly monitor the earliest stages of the toxicological response by identifying critical proteins and pathways that are affected by, and respond to, a chemical stress. The experimental design and the bioinformatics analysis of data used in our laboratory to gain mechanistic insights through expression proteomics into the responses of the eukaryotic model Saccharomyces cerevisiae or of Pseudomonas strains to environmental toxicants are presented as case studies.
Review ISSN 1478-9450
© 2010 Expert Reviews Ltd
Proteomic analysis based on
2D electrophoresis
Genome-wide approaches have become obliga-
tory tools in biology research since the advent
of whole-genome sequencing. This is especially
true for microbiologists given that most available
genome sequences belong to microorganisms, as
is the case for the first bacterium, Haemophilus
influenzae, and the first eukaryote, Saccharomyces
cerevisiae, whose genomes were fully sequenced
in 1995 [1] and in 1996 [2], respectively. Having
much smaller genomes than higher eukaryotes,
research on microorganisms, particularly on pro-
karyotes, now relies on the availability of hun-
dreds of bacterial genome sequences. According
to the Genomes Online Database (GOLD) [101]
there were, in September 2009, more than 1000
fully sequenced genomes and over 5000 on going
genome projects, of which more than 4000
relate to bacterial and 450 to fungal genomes,
the remainder referring to parasites, plants and
other multicellular eukaryotes.
Soon after the rst genome sequences were
made available, genome-wide expression screen-
ing tools were developed, both at the transcrip-
tome [3] and proteome [4] levels. Unavoidably,
the first organisms for which these genome-wide
screens were carried out were microorganisms.
In particular, the yeast S. cerevisiae is considered
a ‘work horse’ for the development of new tools
and technological advances in this field [5,6].
Unlike any other genome-wide approach, the
history of proteomics started 20 years before the
release of the rst bacterial genome sequence,
Isabel Sá-Correia†1 and
Miguel C Teixeira1
1Institute for Biotechnolog y and
Bioengine ering, Biological Scie nces
Research Group, Centro de Engenharia
Biológica e Q uímica, Instituto Superior
Técnico, Technical Unive rsity of Lisbon,
Av. Rovisco Pais, 1049- 001 Lisboa,
Author for corresp ondence:
Tel.: +351 218 417 682
Fax: +351 218 419 199
isacorreia @is
Quantitative proteomics based on 2D electrophoresis (2-DE) coupled with peptide mass
fingerprinting is still one of the most widely used quantitative proteomics approaches in microbiology
research. Our view on the exploitation of this global expression analysis technique and its
contribution and potential to push forward the field of molecular microbial physiology towards a
molecular systems microbiology perspective is discussed in this article. The advances registered in
2-DE-based quantitative proteomic analysis leading to increased protein resolution, sensitivity and
accuracy, and the promising use of 2-DE to gain insights into post-translational modifications at a
proteome-wide level (considering all the proteins/protein forms expressed by the genome) are
focused on. Given the progress made in this field, it is foreseen that the 2-DE-based approach to
quantitative proteomics will continue to be a fundamental tool for microbiologists working at a
genome-wide scale. Guidelines are also provided for the exploitation of expression proteomics
data, based on useful computational tools, and for the integration of these data with other
genome-wide expression information. The advantages and limitations of a complete 2-DE-based
expression proteomics analysis, envisaging the quantification of the global changes occurring in
the proteome of a given cell depending on environmental or genetic manipulations, are discussed
from the microbiologist’s perspective. Particular focus is given to the emerging field of
toxicoproteomics, a new systems toxicity approach that offers a powerful tool to directly monitor
the earliest stages of the toxicological response by identifying critical proteins and pathways that
are affected by, and respond to, a chemical stress. The experimental design and the bioinformatics
analysis of data used in our laboratory to gain mechanistic insights through expression proteomics
into the responses of the eukaryotic model Saccharomyces cerevisiae or of Pseudomonas strains
to environmental toxicants are presented as case studies.
2D electrophoresis-based
expression proteomics:
a microbiologist’s perspective
Expert Rev. Proteomics 7(6), 943–953 (2010)
Expert Rev. Proteomics 7( 6), (2010)
Sá-Correia & Teixeira
with the development of a revolutionary technique, denomi-
nated ‘2D electrophoresis’ (2-DE), in 1975 [7]. At this time,
there were constraints limiting the applicability of this tool, and
the term ‘proteome’ was not created until 1995 [8,9]. Although
2-DE allowed large-scale proteome-wide protein separation and
quantification, it was not possible to carry out the subsequent
step of high-throughput protein identification before acquiring
knowledge of the genome sequence of a specific organism. Today,
such identification is fairly easy and relatively inexpensive, relying
on peptide mass fingerprinting [10] or, when necessary, tandem
mass spectrometry (MS/MS). This approach is commonly based
on the measurement of the trypsin-digested peptide mass:charge
ratio and subsequent comparison with the theoretical mass:charge
peptide ratios for all the translated open reading frames contained
in each sequenced genome. This, of course, is only feasible with
the progressive release of genome sequences. Therefore, the first
expression-proteomics experiments were really carried out in
1995 [8,11], using the information on the genome sequences that
were then almost completed. The field of proteomics, the large-
scale study of proteins, includes a set of techniques whose aim is
exclusive and independent of other genome-wide approaches, such
as genomics, transcriptomics or metabolomics.
Today, it is possible to use this approach even for species whose
genomes are not sequenced. For example, the proteomic analysis
of the response to phenol provided important clues regarding the
mechanisms behind the regulation of phenol catabolism in the
Pseudomonas spp. M1, which exhibits exceptional biodegradation
ability towards phenol and other toxic and recalcitrant compounds,
even though the genome of this strain was not available [12]. A total
of 56 of the 87 proteins assigned matched the P. aeruginosa pro-
teins present in databases. Remarkably, of the genome sequences
available, P. aeruginosa was found to be the closest species to the
strain M1 [12]. However, the remaining 31 proteins of interest had
no registered homologs and could not be identified. In such cases,
other MS approaches, such as peptide fragmentation fingerprinting
or de novo sequencing, may be required.
The design of a quantitative proteomics experiment to identify
the global response of a microbial strain to a particular chemi-
cal stress involves cell exposure to stress, proteome extraction
and eventual proteome fractionation, solubilization of proteins
in the isoelectric-focusing buffer, protein separation in the first
and second dimensions, staining of proteins, comparative gel
analysis, identification of proteins whose content varies, data
analysis and identification of mechanisms of toxicity and stress
response (a scheme of these various steps can be seen in [13]). 2-DE
can resolve complex protein mixtures by charge using isoelectric
focusing (IEF; using an immobilized pH gradient – commercial
immo bilized pH gradient gel strips that separate complex protein
samples more reproducibly and in higher amounts [from µg to
mg]), and then by mass using sodium docecyl sulfate–polyacryl-
amide gel electrophoresis (SDS–PAGE). Sample application for
IEF can be achieved by in-gel rehydration or by cup or paper
loading, cup/paper loading being very helpful for separating very
basic proteins [14]. After separation, resolved proteins from 2D
gels can be manually excised as plugs and digested overnight with
trypsin. The peptide fragments can be analyzed in an external
MS platform, releasing the microbiology laboratories from the
financial burden of sustaining such platforms and associated staff,
a set-up that is far from its main objectives. This option is pivotal
to maintain the feasibility of using expression proteomics as a
routine approach in many microbiology laboratories. Moreover,
once a proteome reference map is produced, it can be used to
readily identify protein spots in every gel produced using the same
protocol and organism, thus facilitating downstream analysis.
Alternatives to this classical method have been developed,
such as the multidimensional protein identification technology
(MudPIT) approach [15], which relies mostly on multidimensional
liquid chromatography (LC) for protein separation and MS for
protein identification. Especially since it became possible to use
MS or MS/MS to perform relative and absolute protein quanti-
fication in complex samples, LC-MS approaches have become
proteomics procedures [16,17]. However, LC-MS-based proteomics
relies on more-sophisticated equipment and requires qualified
users. Actually, only a few MS-based quantitative proteomics tech-
niques can accurately be considered established and require quite
expensive commercially available kits (e.g., isotope-coded affinity
tag [ICAT] and isobaric tag for relative and absolute quantifica-
tion, as reviewed elsewhere [16,17]). Although isotope-coded affinity
tag technology is present in most proteomics facilities today, in
many cases, the use of these novel approaches remains confined to
the laboratories of their inventors and collaborators [18]. LC separa-
tion approaches have gained increased relevance in the analysis of
samples that are difficult to study using 2-DE, for instance, using
very hydrophobic integral membrane proteins. However, LC-MS
approaches still lack the high resolving power of 2-DE, in par-
ticular, to resolve protein species [19]. Most proteins occur in 2-DE
gels as many spots, corresponding to different levels and natures
of post-translational modifications, and the relative intensity of
each of these protein species can be individually quantified. This
protein species level is ignored by the high-throughput bottom-up
LC-MS approaches. Theoretically, 2-DE should be able to resolve
up to 10,000 proteins in a single gel [20] , 2000 being routinely
detected and quantified using fluorescent staining, with each spot
representing amounts as low as 1 ng of protein [21]. In addition,
2-DE is not limited to simultaneous comparisons between two
or three samples. Indeed, new samples can always be compared
with those analyzed before using an identical protocol, and can
be stored as gel images on a computer, which is not possible using
LC-MS approaches [21]. The recent development of various fluores-
cent dyes for protein labeling, some of them exhibiting specificity
towards given protein classes, the development of the difference
gel electrophoresis (DIGE) technology, and the improvement of
software packages for 2-DE gel analysis have further increased
the sensitivity, reliability, reproducibility and range of applicabil-
ity of 2-DE-based proteomics (highlighted in FIGURE 1) [22]. This
experimental approach was recently explored by our group to
compare the expression profiles of clonal isolates of Burkholderia
cenocepacia retrieved from a patient with cystic fibrosis, who was
chronically infected during 4 years with the same strain. This
patient died with the cepacia syndrome and the clonal variants 945
Microbial 2-DE proteomics
exhibited differential antibiotic susceptibility. This comparative
analysis revealed mechanistic insights into the adaptive strategies
employed by these bacteria to deal with the stressing conditions
of the cystic fibrosis lung, including those related to aggressive
antibiotic therapy [Madeir a et al., Unpublish ed Data]. In the same con-
text of microbial clinical proteomics, the DIGE technology was
also used to study the response to the antibiotic ciprofloxacin in
Streptococcus uberis [23] .
In this review, current advances in sample preparation (pro-
teome extraction a nd proteome prefractionation or fraction
enrichment), proteome separation by 2-DE, data acquisition and
data analysis using specialized software will be addressed. The
synergy of our microbiologist’s perspective and the technological
advances in the field of quantitative proteomics is emphasized
to support an ambitious systems biolog y approach to micro-
bial physiology issues and to extend the knowledge gathered to
more-complex and less-accessible organisms. 2-DE-based expres-
sion proteomics, envisaging the quantitative analysis of the global
changes occurring in the proteome of a given cell depending on
environ mental and genetic manipulations, has contributed deeply
to elucidate scientific issues of molecular and cellular microbiol-
ogy and microbial physiology in different microbial systems, as
exemplified throughout this paper. The expertise of our labora-
tory in exploring 2-DE-based proteomics applied to bacteria of
the Pseudomonas genus and to S. cerevisiae is exploited herein as
case studies.
Advances in the sensitivity & accuracy of 2-DE-based
quantitative proteomics
One of the major drawbacks associated with 2-DE-based proteomics
is the reduced capacity to detect low-abundance proteins. However,
the development of fluorescence protein staining has contributed
Figure 1. Exploitation of 2D electrophoresis-based proteomics in the study of the microbial stress response. Quantitative
expression proteomics (e.g., using the DIGE technology) can be used to assess proteome-wide cellular responses but also, upon
prefractionation, organelle- or subcellular structure-specific stress responses. Selecting appropriate strains, for example, deletion mutants
devoid of a transcription factor or a kinase, and using specific fluorescent dyes, such as ProQ Diamond for the labeling of
phosphoproteins, it is possible to use 2-DE-based proteomics to identif y transcription factor regulons or protein kinase targets at a global
scale. When studying the effect of pro-oxidant chemicals, it is also possible to quantify changes at the level of proteome carbonylation
(using DNP labeling of proteins) or S-thiolation (using NEM labeling of proteins), through redox proteomics approaches.
DIGE: Difference gel electrophoresis; DNP: 2,4-dinitrophenylhydrazine; NEM: N-ethylmaleimide.
Global s
Environmental Stress
protein_kinase Organe
stress re
Transcrip"on factor
kinase targets
Redox proteomics
"on DIGE
Soluble proteome
oQ Diamond
Sypro Ruby
Sypro Ruby
transcription factor
protein kinase
transcription factor
protein kinase
Control vs environmental stress DIGE
Redox proteomics
kinase targets
Transcription factor
regulation Membrane proteome
Soluble proteome
Organelle- or
stress response
Global stress
Flamingo/Sypro Ruby
DNP labeled
NEM labeled
Proteome oxidation
ProQ Diamond
Expert Rev. Proteomics 7( 6), (2010)
Review Sá-Correia & Teixeira
to overcoming this limitation. Fluorescent dyes used frequently
for in-gel protein staining include SYPRO® Ruby (Molecular
Probes, OR, USA) and Flamingo™ (BioRad, CA, USA), whose
sensitivity dynamic ranges embark 1–1000 ng of protein. This is
a remarkable achievement when compared with classical protein-
staining methods, based on Coomassie® Blue (Merck, Darmstadt,
Germany; dynamic range: 30–900 ng) or silver nitrate (dynamic
range: 1–10 ng), which are still important to produce preparative
gels for protein identification. Although quite sensitive, the very
narrow dynamic range of silver nitrate staining makes it completely
unsuitable for quantitative proteomics. Protein staining with DIGE
cyanine (Cy) dyes has even higher sensitivity, allowing the detec-
tion of proteins over a 20,000-fold concentration range [22]. DIGE
relies on prelabeling of different protein samples with different
fluorophores – for example, sample A (Cy3), sample B (Cy5) and
standard (Cy2) – followed by sample mixing, separation by 2-DE
and scanning of the gel in three wavelengths specific for each dye
(FIGURE 1). Since up to three samples can be separated in the same
gel, the DIGE approach also makes a perfect alignment of protein
spots possible. The use of a selected standard protein extract, to be
separated together with pairs of the samples under study in each
of the several gels required for a complete experiment, contributes
to the optimization of gel-to-gel spot matching.
The relative quantification of protein concentration in 2-DE
gels has also been significantly improved with the advances in the
computational tools used for image analysis. Specialized software
has been developed and continuously improved to carry out the
electronic alignment of stained proteins, comparisons of the intensi-
ties of the same protein spots and normalization against the total
protein concentration (usually assumed to be represented by the
total spot volume in a given gel), calculating a ratio (fold change) for
each protein. There are some inherent limitations to this approach,
including: the difficulty to properly identify spots when they are
partially superimposed; the possibility to obtain mismatched spots;
and the difficulty to quantify the intensity of very intense – satu-
rated – or very subtle spots. To try to overcome these limitations,
the whole analysis has to be verified spot by spot, making it a
very time-consuming process. Recent powerful software packages
(e.g., those made available by Progenesis, BioRad, GE Healthcare
[USA] and other companies) include refined statistical analyses of
the gels. Average spot intensities for each condition are compared by
their normalized volumes using one-way ANOVA between-group
tests. Only significant spots, both statistically (p-value < 0.05) and
biologically (those exhibiting intensity variation), are considered
for further analysis. The possibility to carry out automatic statisti-
cal analysis through the available software packages increases the
degree of confidence in the assessment of protein-content variation,
making it acceptable to consider statistically meaningful variations
in protein concentrations as low as 1.2-fold.
Increasing the spectrum of proteins that can be
analyzed through 2-DE-based proteomics
One of the most noticeable shortcomings of 2-DE is the lim-
ited range of proteins that can be analyzed. Extremely acidic or
basic proteins, very low- or very high-molecular-weight proteins
and, more importantly, low-abundance proteins are not covered.
Indeed, proteins can range from 10 to 1000 kDa, from 3 to 10 in
pI, and from 100 to 100,000,000 copies per cell, with the dynamic
range of protein concentrations in cell-extract samples reaching up
to six orders of magnitude [24]. Continuous efforts have been made
to improve the resolution power of 2-DE gels, as exemplified in a
recent analysis of the Helicobacter pylori proteome [25]. In this case,
gel porosity was manipulated to allow the separation of very low-
molecular-weight proteins [25]. It is important to recognize that
no experimental design is, so far, capable of entirely resolving all
proteins/protein forms present in a cell. However, this problem can
be partially overcome with prefractionation of the protein sample,
together with the development of novel detergents, surfactants and
chaotropes that allow the solubilization of very-hydrophobic pro-
teins, in particular, integral membrane proteins that are difficult
to separate by 2-DE [21,26 ,27]. Fractionation approaches to isolate
proteins specifically associated with organelles or other cell struc-
tures (FIG URE 1) have been used with success in the analysis of sub-
proteomes from the nucleus, ribosomes, membranes, chloroplasts,
mitochondria, lysosomes, phagosomes and the cell wall [28 –30],
further allowing the concentration of proteins present in lower
relative abundance in whole-cell extracts [26 –28].
A good example of the advantages of prefractionation in
Gram-negative bacteria is provided by the recent study of the
global response to phenol stress in the environmental model
strain Pseudomonas putida KT244, which was carried out in our
group [31]. A rst study led essentially to the identification of
soluble proteins that are up- or down-regulated following cell
exposure to phenol [31], and, using a motif-finding algorithm
under development, motifs of biological relevance were identi-
fied in the co-regulated gene promoters [32]. The extension of this
analysis to the membrane proteome involved the fractionation of
the total proteome in the soluble proteome and the subproteomes
corresponding to inner-membrane and outer-membrane proteins
and their solubilization by the detergent dodecylmaltoside, which
is compatible with subsequent protein resolution by 2-DE (FIGUR E 2)
[33]. This study allowed the further identification of the coordinate
increase of the concentration of protein subunits of known or
putative solvent efflux pump systems (TtgA, TtgC, Ttg2A, Ttg2C
and PP_1516–7) and decrease in the content of porins OprB,
OprF, OprG and OprQ, consistent with an adaptive response to
reduce intracellular phenol concentrations [33]. Protein fraction-
ation was essential to the identification of these protein content
changes, as detailed in the article, and to the understanding of
the global response to phenol stress.
A possible drawback of prefractionation is the requirement for
very large amounts of cells per sample to reach, at the end of the
process, sufficient protein quantity to allow a 2-DE based pro-
teomics analysis. Although this is a serious problem in the case of
medical research when relying on the availability of small-scale
biopsies, this is not usually a critical issue for most microbiological
samples, since it is, in general, possible to obtain high amounts of
protein extracts in a relatively short period of time at a low cost.
Of course fractionation cannot fully solve the problem of protein
concentration range in a complex mixture, since all subfractions 947
Microbial 2-DE proteomics
exhibit a wide range of protein content as
well. For example, nuclei-enriched frac-
tions contain very high concentrations of
histones but a low abundance of transcrip-
tion factors. However, prefractionation
tremendously increases the total amount of
proteins that can be detected and quantified
in the various fractions [33]. Although 2-DE
has been used with some success to separate
membrane-enriched fractions, it has proven
unsuitable to detect integral membrane
proteins, in particular, multispanner solute
transport systems [27,33].
2-DE-based proteomics of
post-translational modifications
One of the most significant advantages
of 2-DE is the straightforward separation
of protein species that only differ in their
post-translational modifications. Over the
years, the assessment of a number of post-
translational modifications has become
possible at the proteome-wide level using
2-DE [28].
For instance, the development of ProQ
Emerald, a fluorescent dye specific for
glyco protein staining, made the study
of the glycoproteome possible [3 4]. ProQ
Emerald is conjugated to glycoproteins
prior to 2-DE and, upon separation, is
detected using a fluorescence scanner. The
same gel can be sequentially post-stained
with SYPRO Ruby to allow the comparison
between the glycoproteome and the ‘whole’
proteome [34] . Although glycoproteomics
is still a relatively unexplored field, this
‘omics’ approach may provide very signifi-
cant results given that glycosylation often
determines biological function, sub cellular
loca lization, immunogenicity, solubility
and the stability of proteins [34, 35].
Protein phosphorylation is one of the
most widespread regulatory mechanisms
in nat ure, and this post-tra nslational
mod ificat ion can be studied through
phosphoproteomics. The occurrence of
phosphoproteins is readily detectable in
2-DE gels, as multiple pI variants of a
single protein. Phosphoproteomics using 2-DE was first based
on the use of pre-electrophoretic 32P labeling of proteins or
western blotting using antiphosphoamino acid antibodies [36] .
Both approaches are highly laborious and, although radioac-
tivity detection is highly sensitive, it raises a number of issues
regarding safet y and waste disposal. 2-DE-based phosphopro-
teomics was later attempted by the comparison of duplicate
protein extracts, either treated or not with a protein phospha-
tase [37] . More recently, the use of the fluorescent dye ProQ
Diamond, specific for phosphoproteins, made possible the
easy and selective detection and quantification of the phos-
phoproteome, following separation by 2-DE [38] . A combina-
tion of ProQ Diamond phosphoprotein staining and SYPRO
Ruby staining of all proteins in the same 2-DE gel can be used
Figure 2. Comprehensive high-throughput proteome-wide data analysis, based
on expression profile and biological function. (A) Visualization of the results
obtained by protein clustering based on expression profiles (B) or shared ‘gene ontology’
terms, using different computational approaches, indicated in the figure, and applied to
the yeast proteome response to 2,4-dinitrophenylhydrazine-induced stress [4 4].
GO: Gene ontology; ROS: Reactive oxygen species.
FIGURE 2 B is modified from [105].
0 10 20 30 40
Oxygen and ROS metabolic process
Response to unfolded protein
Hydrogen transport
Regulation of pH
pH reduction
Carbohydrate metabolic process
Purine nucleotide metabolic process
Amino acid metabolic process
Protein frequency (%)
Frequency in
the genome
Frequency in
the dataset
GO-based clustering
Expression profile-based clustering
Normalized volume Distance
Protein dendrogram
Expert Rev. Proteomics 7( 6), (2010)
Review Sá-Correia & Teixeira
(FIG URE 1) . This approach is called ‘multiplex proteomics’, since
it allows the quantitative dichromatic fluorescence detection of
different classes of proteins in 2-DE gels [38].
Proteins modified by oxidative stress, for example, by carbonyl-
ation [39,40] or S-thiolation [41], can also be quantified upon separa-
tion by 2-DE [42]. Current approaches in this field of 2-DE-based
redox proteomics are mostly suitable for evaluating irreversible pro-
tein modifications when they occur in a high frequency. However,
the use of affinity selection methods to trap subproteomes can
increase the possibility of evaluating reversible protein-oxidation
events and selectively increases the concentration of oxidized pro-
teins to detectable levels [43]. Changes occurring in the carbonylated
proteome of yeast cells exposed to hydrogen peroxide can be assessed
using 2-DE [39,40]. Upon prederivatization of protein extracts with
the carbonyl reactive compound 2,4-dinitrophenylhydrazine, pro-
teins can be separated by 2-DE, transferred into a polyvinylidene
fluoride or nitro cellulose membrane, and 2,4-dinitrophenylhydra-
zine (DNP)-labeled proteins can be detected and quantified using
specific anti-DNP antibodies [39,40] . Oxidized proteins can also
be purified with N-(6-(biotinamido)hexyl)-3´-(2´-pyridyldithio)-
propionamide and then separated and quantified through 2-DE,
or labeled with N-(14C)ethylmaleimide, followed by separation
through 2-DE and quantified by autoradiography, for the detec-
tion of oxidized protein thiols [41]. Other thiol-specific reagents
such as maleimides, iodoacetic acid, iodoacetamide, thiosulfates
and others can alternatively be used, and covalently attached to
fluorescent molecules such as fluorescein for detection [42]. These
experimental approaches may shed light on the mechanisms mediat-
ing thiol oxidation as a physiological event and as a result of oxida-
tive stress. The perception that oxidative stress has the power to
activate or denature proteins through S-thiolation or carbonylation
highlights the fact that the assessment of protein concentration per se
is not enough information, and that the study of post-translational
modifications at a proteome-wide scale is pivotal for understanding
biological phenomena.
Toxicoproteomics: a systems microbiology perspective
Microbiologists have an interest in exploring expression pro-
teomics as a genome-wide expression approach in order to gain
mechanistic insights into the global microbial responses to an
alteration of the environment and/or the genetic background.
Studies in the field of microbial toxicoproteomics are an example
of the potential of these research topics in the application of pro-
teomics in toxicology. This systems toxicity approach offers a pow-
erful tool to directly monitor the earliest toxicological response by
identifying critical proteins and pathways that are affected by, and
respond to, adverse chemical and environmental exposures using
quantitative proteomics. The data are analyzed and explored using
bioinformatics tools to extract significant hypotheses/conclusions,
and their integration with data coming from diverse genome-
wide approaches is instrumental. The assessment of proteomic
expression changes in response to toxicants has the potential to
provide both earlier and more sensitive biomarkers and signatures
of a toxic response than traditional toxicological methods. The
uncovering of new biomarkers is essential for mechanistic research
and risk assessment. It is expected that further coordinated stud-
ies on the mechanisms governing the toxicity of, and resistance
to, environmental toxicants may guide the development of rapid
inexpensive and reliable assays suitable for the large-scale toxicity
assessment of chemical compounds with an impact on environ-
mental or human health. Indeed, there is a pressing need for such
assays, as the majority of chemicals in commercial use have not
been comprehensively tested for human toxicity.
The budding yeast S. cerevisiae, used in the production of
bread, beer and wine and as a cell factory in biotechnology, is an
important and robust model species for the study of the genet-
ics and physiolog y of less-accessible eukaryotes. Indeed, yeast
shares basic molecular mechanisms and signaling pathways
with higher eukaryotes. Yeast is easy and inexpensive to grow,
its genetic manipulation is straightforward and the full genome
sequence has been available since 1996 [2]. This yeast species pio-
neered the development and testing of a number of postgenomic
experimental approaches and computational tools. Furthermore,
yeast-specific large-scale biological resources and genome-wide
strategies are available, together with huge amounts of informa-
tion based on functional genomics strategies, facilitating the bio-
logical interpretation of genome-wide data. Two case studies in
the field of yeast toxicoproteomics, currently under study in our
laboratory, focus on the agricultural fungicide mancozeb, linked
to the development of Parkinsonism symptoms and cancer, and
the widely used auxin-like herbicide 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic
acid (2,4-D). The widespread and intensive use and misuse of
pesticides has led to a growing number of resistant fungal and
weed species and may give rise to a number of toxicological and
environmental problems. The understanding of the underlying
mechanisms is crucial to dealing with their consequences.
To gain insights into the yeast global response to 2,4-D, the
variations occurring at the protein-expression levels in response to
this herbicide were examined [44], together with the comparative
analysis of the yeast transcriptome [45]. The responsive proteins were
first clustered based on their expression profile using the SameSpots
gel analysis software from NonLinear Dynamics (Newcastle-upon-
Tyne, UK) (FIGUR E 2A) , and were grouped using the FatiGO soft-
ware [102], which orders the groups of proteins associated with gene
ontology (GO) terms, based on the over-representation of each GO
term in the dataset in comparison with the genome (FIGURE 2B). Over-
represented GO terms included the carbohydrate catabolic process
and amino acid biosynthetic process, correlating with increased
energy requirement and with a dramatic reduction of the intracel-
lular amino acid concentration [44]. These adaptive mechanisms
presumably occur as a response to the deleterious effects exerted by
2,4-D on plasma membrane lipid organization and permeability,
leading to nutrient import inhibition. The current model suggests
that the presence of 2,4-D exerts a repressing effect over the target
of the rapamycin pathway [46], a central controller of cell growth
in all eukaryotes, which regulates the balance between protein
synthesis and degradation in response to nutrient quantity and
quality. Moreover, the observed increased expression of Vma1p and
Vma2p, which are two subunits of the peripheral catalytic sector of
the multimeric H+-ATPase, present in the membrane of the yeast 949
Microbial 2-DE proteomics
vacuole, guided the analysis of the role of the V-ATPase in 2,4-D
stress tolerance, particularly in the recovery of the intracellular
pH [47] and of the amino acid vacuolar and cytosolic pools [44] .
2D electrophoresis-based quantitative proteomics was a lso
explored in order to obtain insights into the mechanisms of man-
cozeb toxicity and tolerance in yeast [48]. The transcription factors
predicted to regulate the expression of the genes encoding the pro-
teins whose abundance varied in response to mancozeb-induced
stress were identified using the YEASTRACT database [49,103], a
publicly available curated repository of more than 48,000 regula-
tory associations between transcription factors and target genes
in S. cerevisiae. YEASTR ACT also includes computational tools
for the analysis of genome-wide expression results (microarray and
quantitative proteomics data). Remarkably, approximately 90% of
the genes encoding proteins whose content increased in response
to mancozeb were found to be targets of the transcription factor
Yap1, one of the main regulators of the oxidative stress response
in yeast, which is consistent with the hypothesized pro-oxidant
action of this fungicide (FIGURE 3B). It is expected that this proteomic
analysis may be extended to the phytopathogenic fungi that are the
natural targets of this agricultural fungicide and may also provide
clues to understanding mancozeb toxicity in humans. Indeed,
70% of the proteins identified as having an altered expression level
in response to mancozeb toxicity have human orthologs [48], while
the whole genome only includes approximately 30% proteins with
human homologs. Proteomics data were more-recently integrated
with results from a genome-wide screening of the EUROSCARF
yeast collection (comprising approximately 5000 single-deletion
mutants in which each yeast nonessential gene was individually
deleted). Results revealed that 286 genes are required to provide
protection against mancozeb toxicity [50]. Both expression pro-
teomics and chemogenomics results point to a possible role of
the agricultural fungicide as a pro-oxidant agent. Mancozeb was
found not to induce endogenous reactive oxygen species or free-
radical accumulation, but to lead to massive oxidation of pro-
tein cysteines, due to its action as a thiol-reactive compound [50].
Mancozeb-induced protein S-thiolation is also consistent with
the pivotal role of Yap1 in the yeast proteome-wide response to
mancozeb. Indeed, Yap1p has two molecular redox centers: one
triggered by thiol-reactive compounds and the other by reactive
oxygen species. In both cases, Yap1p is activated and localized
to the cell nucleus, thus mediating the upregulation of its target
genes that depend on the triggered redox center [51]. Physical and
genetic interactions of yeast proteins, whose abundance changed
in response to mancozeb, and of their human orthologs were pre-
dicted using the STRING information system (FIGURE 3A) [104] . The
generated networks of protein–protein associations of yeast and
human proteins share a high degree of similarity, suggesting that
the main conclusions of this study can be considered powerful
indications to expand the knowledge obtained in yeast to humans.
The data obtained in this study indicate that the expression level
of some target genes represents some interesting early biological
indicators of a toxic response and might constitute a useful tool
for toxicity assessment and the analysis of the presence of such
toxicants in the environment. The number of target genes whose
expression is significantly changed and the nature of the affected
biological processes emphasize the lack of risk assessment and the
relevance of research related to the biological effects of pesticides
prior to their commercial release and wide use in agriculture.
Expert commentary
Expression proteomics is instrumental to responding to the chal-
lenges of postgenomic microbiology research. 2-DE-based pro-
teomic analysis has been widely used over the last two decades,
particularly following the genome sequencing of a continuously
increasing number of microorganisms, and is still the most-
commonly used approach for expression proteomic studies [21,52],
despite its limitations [53,54] and the attempted development of
alternatives [16]. Although 2-DE has biophysical limitations that
constrain the resolution of proteins at extreme pH, hydropho-
bicity and mass, it exhibits a high resolving power and is an
extremely versatile separation technique that readily couples with
MS. The continued use of 2-DE-based expression proteomics,
especially in microbiology research, is apparently due to the fact
that this approach is compatible with the routine of modern
microbiolog y laboratories of international level. 2-DE-based
methodologies are well established, easy to implement and
continue to be a paradigm of proteomics research, especially in
research laboratories whose aim is not analytical proteomics and
the development of associated technology, but rather to use the
existing tools to address biological questions [12,13 ,18,31,33 ,44 ,48] .
Unlike LC-based proteomics, 2-DE only requires basic biochem-
istry knowledge and appropriate experimental skills. Moreover,
the necessary equipment and reagents for IEF and high-resolution
SDS–PAGE are relatively inexpensive. Furthermore, the advances
in the field of 2-DE-based proteomics reviewed in this paper
highlight the fact that part of the most critical constraints tradi-
tionally associated with this approach have been dealt with, and
it continues to be the methodology of choice to resolve and iden-
tify post-translational modifications. Altogether, these advances
have put 2-DE-based proteomics back on top as a great tool to
answer biological questions and to guide more profound studies
of molecular microbial physiology.
Five-year view
The important role of 2-DE-based proteomics, within the reach
of most microbiology laboratories, has pushed forward research
devoted to dealing with its limitations and has guaranteed the lon-
gevity of 2-DE-based proteomics coupled to peptide mass finger-
printing. 2-DE allies high-throughput proteome analysis with the
simplicity and versatility of its basic procedures. This versatility
makes it possible to extend the experimental set-up put together
for the quantitative proteomic analysis applied to the study of the
molecular physiology of our favorite microbe, and to the study of
various microbes, providing genome-wide responses to key issues
at the level of the effectors of a given response – the proteins.
The perception that post-translational modifications have the
potential to activate or reduce the biological activity of proteins
highlights the importance of studying these post-translational
modifications at a proteome-wide scale and not only the alteration
Expert Rev. Proteomics 7( 6), (2010)
Review Sá-Correia & Teixeira
of the protein content in response to a specific modification of
the microbial environment or genetic background. In this sense,
tools developed to quantitatively study subproteomes, phospho-
proteomes, glycoproteomes and redox-modified proteomes have
increased the possible applications of 2-DE to address key microbi-
ological issues. These approaches are expected to become standard
procedures in microbiology laboratories to help delineate the sig-
naling pathways and key players, particularly transcription factors,
protein kinases and phosphatases, underlying the proteome-wide
changes in both the protein content and protein modification
induced by environmental stress and/or alteration of the genetic
background. Further technological advances are still required
to lead to the final goal of reaching 100% protein coverage in
proteome-wide studies, allowing the complete separation and
chemical characterization of all protein species in a given organ-
ism. The continuous development of databases and computational
tools that allow the full exploitation of results coming from expres-
sion proteomics and from other omics approaches in a systems
biology perspective will also be instrumental in the coming years.
This will require the coordinate activity of multi disciplinary teams
with expertise in biological sciences and functional genomics,
bioinformatics and computational biology.
The authors would like to acknowledge all those who have, over the years,
contributed to implementing and exploiting their expression proteomics plat-
form, namely Pedro M Santos, Tânia Simões, Catarina Roma-Rodrigues,
Andreia Madeira, Nuno P Mira and Sandra C dos Santos.
Figure 3. Comprehensive high-throughput proteome-wide data analysis, based on protein–protein interaction and
transcriptional regulation data. Visualization of the results obtained by protein clustering based on protein–protein interactions (A) or
shared transcription factors (B), using different computational tools indicated in the figure, and applied to the yeast proteome response
to mancozeb-induced stress [49]. Emphasis is given to the important role of the transcription factor Yap1.
Modified from [106,107] .
Sod2 Gre2 Tsa1 Grx1 Ahp1 Tsa2 Trr1 Sod1
Transcription factor-based clustering
Protein/genetic interaction-based clustering 951
Microbial 2-DE proteomics
Financial & competing interests disclosure
Expression proteomics work in our laboratory has been financially sup-
ported by FEDER and Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia (contracts
ERA-PTG/SAU/ 0001/ 2008, in the conte xt of EraNet Pathogenomics
ADHR ES Signature Project, PTDC/AGR-A LI /102608/20 08, PTDC /
SAU-FC F / 7176 0 /20 06, PTDC /SAU-M II/69591/ 2006 , PTD C /
BIO/72063/2006 and PTDC/BIO / 66151/2006). The authors have no
other relevant affiliations or financial involvement with any organization
or entity with a financial interest in or financial conflict with the subject
ma tter or m ate r ial s dis cus sed in t he ma nus cript a par t from
those disclosed.
No writing assistance was utilized in the production of this manuscript.
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Key issues
s 2D electrophoresis still remains the main platform for quantitative proteomics, being the most amenable approach for most
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s The use of fluorescent dyes for protein detection and quantification, and especially coupled to the difference gel electrophoresis (DIGE)
technology, has increased the sensitivity and accuracy of 2-DE-based quantitative proteomics.
s Prefractionation of protein extracts is crucial to increase the spectrum of analyzable proteins, in particular, those occurring in low
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s 2-DE-based proteomics tools applied to the study of post-translational modifications (e.g., redox, phosphor- and glyco-proteomics)
have the power to tremendously increase our global understanding of signal transduction pathways affecting most
biological processes.
s The development and use of appropriate computational tools to integrate proteomics data with knowledge gathered from other
‘omics’ approaches is crucial to guide fur ther studies on integrative microbiology.
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105 FatiGO
... Two dimensional gel electrophoresis (2D-GE) is an important analytical method in various fields including proteome research [1]. This technique is highly reproducible and capable of generating statistically relevant data of cellular proteomes. ...
Full-text available
In the recent past, two dimensional gel electrophoresis has emerged as a powerful molecular biology tool for the comparative expression profiling of complex protein sample. It involves the separation as well as the resolution of diverse proteins sample on the basis of isoelectric points and molecular mass of protein in two dimension ways. In this way, it reflects the view of overall proteome status including differentiation in protein expression levels, post-translational modifications etc. Moreover, this allows the identification of novel biological signatures, which may give a particular identity of pathological background to cells or tissues associated with various types of cancers and neurological disorders. Therefore, by utilizing such tools, one can clearly investigate and compare the effects of particular drugs on cells of tissues and also one can analyze the effects of disease on the basis of variations in protein expression profile at broad spectrum. Recently, to get more error-less and accurate proteome profile, conventional 2-D gel electrophoresis has been enhanced with the inclusion of different types of protein labeling dyes which enables a more comparative analysis of diverse protein sample in a single 2-D gel. In this advanced technique (2-D-DIGE), protein samples are labeled with three different types of CyDyes (Cy2, Cy3, and Cy5) separately and combined and further resolved on the same gel. This will facilitate the more accurate spot matching on a single gel platform and will also minimize the experimental variations as commonly reported in the conventional 2D-gel electrophoresis. Therefore, in the present proteomic research era, 2D-DIGE has proved to be an extremely powerful tool with great sensitivity for up to 125 ng of proteins in clinical research volubility especially, neurological and cancer related disorders. B e n t h a m S c i e n c e P u b l i s h e r s N o t F o r S a l e 68 Protocols used in Molecular Biology Shekhar et al.
... Since the correlation between mRNA abundance and protein levels is poor, proteome analysis is considered superior to cDNA microarrays for the analysis of cell function. Furthermore, two-dimensional gel electrophoresis (2-DE) analysis offers advantages because of its high resolution and ability to detect posttranslational modifications (10,11). Therefore, a proteomic approach using 2-DE in combination with drug sensitivity studies may provide further insight into the mechanisms of paclitaxel resistance. ...
Full-text available
Paclitaxel is widely used to treat various cancers; however, resistance to this drug is a major obstacle to breast cancer chemotherapy. To identify the proteins involved in paclitaxel resistance, the present study compared the proteomes of MCF-7 human breast cancer cells and its paclitaxel-resistant subclone MCF-7/PTX. Using two-dimensional gel electrophoresis and matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization time of flight mass spectrometry, 11 upregulated and 12 downregulated proteins were identified in MCF-7/PTX cells compared with the parental cell line. These 23 proteins were functionally classified as stress-induced chaperones, metabolic enzymes and cytoskeletal proteins. The anti-apoptotic proteins, stress-70 protein, 78-kD glucose-regulated protein, peptidyl-prolyl cis-trans isomerase A (PPIA) and heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein H3, were also upregulated in MCF-7/PTX cells. Notably, knockdown of the stress-response chaperone PPIA using small interfering RNA in MCF-7/PTX cells restored their sensitivity to paclitaxel. These findings indicated that PPIA may have an important role in paclitaxel resistance in MCF-7/PTX cells.
... Jednakże ocena samej ekspresji genów jest niewystarczająca, aby w pełni zrozumieć działanie toksyny i wynikające stąd konsekwencje [29], ponieważ spodziewane są również zaburzenia w produkcji i/lub funkcji białka. Analizy profili białek mogą być stosowane w celu identyfikacji zmian jakie w nich zachodzą po ekspozycji na toksynę [17,62,71,72]. Genomowe i proteomiczne metody nie uwzględniają dynamicznego stanu metabolicznego komórki. ...
This review paper discusses a new set of biotests used for toxicity assessment of plant protection products and their residues in agricultural ecosystems. Recent regulations have imposed restrictions on the use of animals for scientific purposes, and also the obligation to analyze auxiliary substances in plant protection products and to identify endocrine disrupters. The major characteristics of yeasts and their taxonomic classification are describedin the study. Commercial yeast-based biotests and potential uses of yeasts in environmental studies and toxicogenomics are also analyzed.
... Quantitative proteomics based on 2D electrophoresis (2-DE) coupled with peptide mass fingerprinting is still one of the most widely used quantitative proteomics approaches in microbiology research. The particular focus is given to the emerging field of toxicoproteomics, a new systems toxicity approach that offers a powerful tool to directly monitor the earliest stages of the toxicological response by identifying critical proteins and pathways that are affected by, and respond to, a chemical stress [26]. The identification, quantitation and global characterization of all proteins within a given proteome are extremely challenging due to the absolute detection limits of technology as well as the dynamic range in expression of proteins; and the extreme diversity and heterogeneity of the proteome. ...
An emerging field for the analysis of biological systems is the study of the complete protein complement of the genome, the ‘proteome’. Proteomics is defined as a scientific approach used to elucidate all protein species within a cell or tissue. Emerging proteomic technologies have promised for early diagnosis and in advancing treatment directions. Application of these technologies has produced new biomarkers, diagnostic approaches, and understanding of disease biology. Here in this review we have outlined potential implications for clinical proteomics focused on applied research activities. This review presents a general survey of the recent development in array technologies from a proteomics perspective. The significance of informatics in proteomics will gradually increase because of the advent of high-throughput methods relying on powerful data analysis. Lastly, an attempt has been made to present novel biological entities named the bioinformatics tools developed to analyse the large protein– protein interaction networks they form, along with several new perspectives of the field. Bioinformatics is an integral part of proteomics research.
... In order to extend the analysis of this strain response to lethal concentrations of acetic acid, in particular at the level of the mitochondria that is known to play a key role in acetic acid -induced PCD in S. cerevisiae [13] and to suffer extensive ultrastructural changes during the PCD process in Z. bailii [7], we performed in this study a 2-DE-based expression proteomic analysis, following sub-fractionation of yeast mitochondrial proteins [5]. The use of the 2-DE-based quantitative proteomic analysis, combined with sub-cellular fractionation, allowed us to focus our analysis specifically on mitochondrial proteins, mitochondrial functions, mitochondrial controlled processes and PCD [20]. In addition, while the previous study on the proteomic response to sub-lethal concentrations of acetic acid was severely limited by the lack of the genome sequence of the hybrid strain examined [17], the analysis here presented benefited from this knowledge and the careful annotation of the genome [18], to identify the majority of proteins with altered content in acetic acid challenged cells. ...
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Very high concentrations of acetic acid at low pH induce programmed cell death (PCD) in both the experimental model Saccharomyces cerevisiae and in Zygosaccharomyces bailii, the latter being considered the most problematic acidic food spoilage yeast due to its remarkable intrinsic resistance to this food preservative. However, while the mechanisms underlying S. cerevisiae PCD induced by acetic acid have been previously examined, the corresponding molecular players remain largely unknown in Z. bailii. Also, the reason why acetic acid concentrations known to be necrotic for S. cerevisiae induce PCD with an apoptotic phenotype in Z. bailii remains to be elucidated. In this study, a 2-DE-based expression mitochondrial proteomic analysis was explored to obtain new insights into the mechanisms involved in PCD in the Z. bailii derived hybrid strain ISA1307. This allowed the quantitative assessment of expression of protein species derived from each of the parental strains, with special emphasis on the processes taking place in the mitochondria known to play a key role in acetic acid – induced PCD. A marked decrease in the content of proteins involved in mitochondrial metabolism, in particular, in respiratory metabolism (Cor1, Rip1, Lpd1, Lat1 and Pdb1), with a concomitant increase in the abundance of proteins involved in fermentation (Pdc1, Ald4, Dld3) was registered. Other differentially expressed identified proteins also suggest the involvement of the oxidative stress response, protein translation, amino acid and nucleotide metabolism, among other processes, in the PCD response. Overall, the results strengthen the emerging concept of the importance of metabolic regulation of yeast PCD.
This study derives the economic development effects of sanctuary city (SC) policies at the US county level using data from close to 3,000 counties between 2013 and 2017. A county is taken to provide sanctuary to undocumented immigrants if county jails do not accept ICE detainer requests, i.e. do not hold detainees beyond their original release dates. Endogeneity problems and fixed effects in the panel data are fully accounted for by combining coarsened exact matching with the fixed effects instrumental variables method. We can infer that SC policy probably is a significant driver of economic development. The results show that implementing an SC policy for 2.8–3.4 years lowers the unemployment rate by 0.18 percentage points, reduces wages by 1.6%, and increases housing prices by 5.5%, suggesting that these policies have positive effects on the local economy and can contribute to reversing economic declines in some jurisdictions. • Highlights • The economic development effects of sanctuary city (SC) policies are derived using data from about 3,000 counties between 2013 and 2017. • Endogeneity problems and fixed effects are addressed by combining coarsened exact matching with the fixed effects instrumental variables method. • Implementing an SC policy for 2.8–3.4 years lowers the unemployment rate by 0.18 percentage points, reduces wages by 1.6%, and increases housing prices by 5.5%. • Immigrant-inclusive policies have positive effects on the local economy and can contribute to reversing economic decline.
Taenia solium cysts were collected from pig skeletal muscle and analyzed via a shotgun proteomic approach to identify known proteins in the cyst fluid and to explore host-parasite interactions. Cyst fluid was aseptically collected and analyzed with shotgun liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS). Gene alignment and annotation were performed using Blast2GO software followed by gene ontology analysis of the annotated proteins. The pathways were further analyzed with the Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes (KEGG), and a protein-protein interaction (PPI) network map was generated using STRING software. A total of 158 known proteins were identified, most of which were low-molecular-mass proteins. These proteins were mainly involved in cellular and metabolic processes, and their molecular functions were predominantly related to catalytic activity and binding functions. The pathway enrichment analysis revealed that the known proteins were mainly enriched in the PI3K-Akt and glycolysis/gluconeogenesis signaling pathways. The nodes in the PPI network mainly consisted of enzymes involved in sugar metabolism. The cyst fluid proteins screened in this study may play important roles in the interaction between the cysticerci and the host. The shotgun LC-MS/MS, gene ontology, KEGG, and PPI network map data will be used to identify and analyze the cyst fluid proteome of cysticerci, which will provide a basis for further exploration of the invasion and activities of T. solium.
Enzyme discovery in individual strains of microorganisms is compromised by the limitations of pure culturing. In principle, metaproteomics allows for fractionation and study of different parts of the protein complement but has hitherto mainly been used to identify intracellular proteins. However, the extracellular environment is also expected to comprise a wealth of information regarding important proteins. An absolute requirement for metaproteomic studies of protein expression, and irrespective of downstream methods for analysis, is that sample preparation methods provide clean, concentrated and representative samples of the protein complement. A battery of methods for concentration, extraction, precipitation and resolubilization of proteins in the extracellular environment of a constructed microbial community was assessed by means of 2D gel electrophoresis and image analysis to elucidate whether it is possible to make the extracellular protein complement available for metaproteomic analysis. Most methods failed to provide pure samples and therefore negatively influenced protein gel migration and gel background clarity. However, one direct precipitation method (TCA-DOC/acetone) and one extraction/precipitation method (phenol/methanol) provided complementary high quality 2D gels that allowed for high spot detection ability and thereby also spot detection of less abundant extracellular proteins.
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Proteomics approaches are gaining increasing importance in the context of all fields of animal and veterinary sciences, including physiology, productive characterization, and disease/parasite tolerance, among others. Proteomic studies mainly aim at the proteome characterization of a certain organ, tissue, cell type or organism, either in a specific condition or comparing protein differential expression within two or more selected situations. Due to the high complexity of samples, usually total protein extracts, proteomic studies rely heavily on protein identification and quantification using mass spectrometry (MS) based methodologies or with coupling to other methodologies, like liquid chromatography and gel electrophoresis. Despite the increasing importance of MS in the context of animal and veterinary sciences studies, the usefulness of such tools is still poorly perceived by the Animal Science community. This is primarily due to limited knowledge on Mass Spectrometry by animal scientists, which use nowadays still requires a high level of specialization. Additionally, confidence and success in protein identification is hindered by the lack of information in public databases for most of farm animal species and their pathogens, with the exception of cattle (Bos taurus), pig (Sus scrofa) and chicken (Gallusgallus). During this lecture, a description of the main MS methodologies available for proteome characterization and differential proteomic studies will be presented.
Traditionally, protein science focused on isolating and studying one protein at a time. However, since the 1990s, advances in molecular biology, analytical technologies and computing have facilitated the study of many proteins simultaneously, which has led to an information explosion in this area. In this chapter such proteomic and related approaches are reviewed. Proteins are macromolecules consisting of one or more polypeptide chains. The chapter describes the four different levels of a protein's structure. Next, it talks about genes, genomics and proteomics. MS is the analytical technique most intimately associated with proteomics. MS now finds routine application in protein science. A central characteristic of genomics and proteomics is the vast amount of biological data, such as gene and protein sequences, that it generates. While a central goal of proteomics is to separate and identify/record individual proteins constituting a cell or organism's proteome, proteomics also incorporates additional goals of protein analysis.
Progress in the field of proteomics is dependent upon an ability to visualise close to an entire protein complement via a given array technology. These efforts have previously centred upon two‐dimensional gel electrophoresis in association with immobilised pH gradients in the first dimension. However, limitations in this technology, including the inability to separate hydrophobic, basic, and low copy number proteins have hindered the analysis of complete proteomes. The challenge is now to overcome these limitations through access to new technology and improvements in existing methodologies. Proteomics can no longer be equated with a single two‐dimensional electrophoresis gel. Greater information can be obtained using targeted biological approaches based upon sample prefractionation into specific cellular compartments to determine protein location, while novel immobilised pH gradients spanning single pH units can be used to display poorly abundant proteins due to their increased resolving power and loading capacity. In this study, we show the effectiveness of a combined use of two differential subproteomes (as defined by relative solubilities, cellular location and narrow‐range immobilised pH gradients) to increase the resolution of proteins contained on two‐dimensional gels. We also present new results confirming that this method is capable of displaying up to a further 45% of a given microbial proteome. Subproteomics, utilising up to 40 two‐dimensional gels per sample will become a powerful tool for near‐to‐total proteome analysis in the postgenome era. Furthermore, this new approach can direct biological focus towards molecules of specific interest within complex cells and thus simplify efforts in discovery‐based proteome research.
Quantitative Proteomics by Mass Spectrometry, from the Methods in Molecular Biology™ series, is a compendium of cutting-edge protocols for quantitative proteomics, and presents the most significant methods used in the field today. The focus on mass spectrometry (MS) is integral, as MS has, and will continue to be, an essential tool in proteomics for studying complex biological systems and human diseases. This volume, written and compiled by leading quantitative proteomic experts, is an indispensable resource in the search for novel biomarkers. Quantitative Proteomics by Mass Spectrometry presents several innovative MS quantitative procedures, including a variety of methods for introducing isotopic labels and quantifying post-translational modifications. Some of these methods include growing an organism in isotope-enriched media, performing trypsin proteolysis in the presence of 18O-water, reacting protein samples with isotopically labeled reagents, quantifying relative amount of proteins without the use of any isotopic labels. Attention is also given to state-of-the-art techniques for the characterization of the phosphoproteome and tandem MS for detection of inborn errors of metabolism. Specifically, the procedure for determinations of enzymatic activity could be used for large-scale screening of newborns. The protocols in this volume expand both the breadth and depth of readily available methods for quantitative proteomic researchers using MS..
In fungi, cell shape is determined by the presence of a rigid cell wall which separates the cell from the extracellular medium. This highly dynamic structure is essential for the maintenance of cell integrity and is involved in several phenomena such as flocculation, adherence and pathogenicity. The composition of the fungal cell wall is well known, but issues such as the assembly and remodeling of its components remain poorly understood. In an attempt to study the de novo construction of the yeast cell wall, we have undertaken a large-scale proteomic approach to analyze the proteins secreted by regenerating protoplasts. Upon incubation of protoplasts in regenerating conditions, numerous proteins are secreted into the culture medium. These presumably include proteins destined for the cell wall, comprising both structural proteins as well as enzymes involved in cell wall biogenesis. This work reports the establishment of a reference map of proteins secreted by regenerating protoplasts by means of two-dimensional polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (2-D PAGE) and their identification by mass spectrometry. Thirty-two different proteins have been identified, including known cell wall proteins, glycolytic enzymes, heat shock proteins, and proteins involved in several other processes. Using this approach, novel proteins possibly involved in cell wall construction have also been identified. This reference map will allow comparative analyses to be carried out on a selected collection of mutants affected in the cell wall.
Proteomics has traditionnally used the separating power of two-dimensional electrophoresis for the quantitative analysis of protein amounts in complex extracts. However, the limitations of this approach in terms of throughput and analyzable protein range have elicited the development of other proteomics approaches, based either on peptide separations instead of protein separations, or based on direct protein recognition and selection on dedicated arrays (protein chips). These recent methods seem very promising, and probably look more promising than they will ultimately be, just because their weaknesses are not fully characterized yet. The purpose of this paper is thus to highlight the strengths and weaknesses of all the proteomics approaches proposed to date and to try to deduce the respective niches in proteomics that these approaches will have in the future.
This study developed an enzymatic method for high-throughput mapping of phosphoproteins on two-dimensional (2-D) polyacrylamide gels. Proteins of cultured rat skin fibroblasts were divided into two aliquots, one of which was dephosphorylated using recombinant lambda protein phosphatase and the other was not treated with the enzyme. The two aliquots were then subjected to 2-D electrophoresis. Phosphoproteins could be mapped on the 2-D gel of the nontreated aliquot by comparing the gels of the two aliquots, because the phosphoproteins in the treated aliquot shifted to more basic positions on the gel. This technique revealed that approximately 5% of the detectable proteins were phosphorylated. Fourteen phosphoproteins were identified by mass spectrometry, including proteasome component C8 and small glutamine-rich tetratricopeptide repeat-containing protein. Furthermore, the extent of phosphorylation of two actin modulating proteins, destrin and cofilin, was found to be significantly reduced when the cells were chemically or enzymatically detached from the culture dishes. The method developed by this study can generally be applied to all biological materials and is useful for high-throughput mapping of phosphoproteins in proteome research.
A combination of high-resolution two-dimensional (2-D) polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, highly sensitive biological mass spectrometry, and the rapidly growing protein and DNA databases has paved the way for high-throughput proteomics. This review concentrates on protein identification. We first discuss the use of protein electroblotting and Edman sequencing as tools for de novo sequencing and protein identification. In the second part, we highlight matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization mass spectrometry (MALDI-MS) as one of the main contemporary analytical methods for linking gel-separated proteins to entries in sequence databases. In this context we describe the two main MALDI-MS-based identification methods: (i) peptide mass fingerprinting, and (ii) post-source decay (PSD) analysis. In the last part, we briefly emphasize the importance of sample preparation for obtaining highly sensitive and high-quality MALDI-MS spectra.
The original protocol of two-dimensional electrophoresis with immobilized pH gradient (IPG-Dalt; Görg et al., Electrophoresis 1988, 9, 531—546) is updated. Merits and limits of different methods for sample solubilization, sample application (by cup-loading or in-gel rehydration) with respect to the pH interval used for IPG-isoelectric focusing are critically discussed. Guidelines for running conditions of analytical and micropreparative IPG-Dalt, using wide IPGs up to pH 12 for overview patterns, or narrow IPGs for zoom-in gels for optimum resolution and detection of minor components, are stated. Results with extended separation distances as well as automated procedures are demonstrated, and a comparison between protein detection by silver staining and fluorescent dyes is given. A brief trouble shooting guide is also included.
Insights into the mechanisms of toxicity and tolerance to the thiol-reactive agricultural fungicide mancozeb in yeast, as suggested by a chemogenomic approach
Immobilized pit gradients (IPGs) for isoelectric focusing were mtioduu'd in 1982. After ex peri"1 n ci n g initial problems in handling IPGs. a basic protocol o! two-dimensional electrophoresis with IPGs in the first dimension (IPG-Dalti was established in 1988 (Gorg et a!.. Electmphoresis 9, 5:11-046. W}. Since that time, the protocol has not been changed essentially: Isoelectric focusing is performed in individual IPG strips, cast on GelDond PAGfilm. Dry strips are rehydraled to their original thickness with the desired additives, and. afiei IF1 to the steady .state, equilibrated in presence of SOS. DTK, urea, give erol and iodoacetamide, and placed onto the surface of a horizontal ">r on top of a vertical SDS gel. Compared to classical 21) plectrophoresis willi c.trrici arnpholytes. the employment of IPG-Dalt has produced significant improve inenls in 2 I) electroprioretic separation, permitting higher resolution and n producibility which was also demonstrated by inter-laboratoiy comparisons Basic proteins up to pi 12, normally lost by the cathodic drift of carrier am pholyte focusing or separated by NKPHGE with limited reproduc ibility were perfectly separated under equilibrium conditions. These features togethei with the high loading capacity of IPG-Dalt for micropreparative runs have accelcr ated spot identification by microsequencing and mass sped romeuy.