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Inflammation beyond the Joints: Rheumatoid Arthritis and Cardiovascular Disease


Abstract and Figures

Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA), a chronic systemic inflammatory disease which affects approximately 1% of the population, is classically characterized by inflammation and synovitis that leads to cartilage damage and juxta-articular bone destruction. Accumulating evidence indicates that a major cause of death among RA patients is Cardio Vascular Disease (CVD), in excess of that in the general population. In this review, we discuss the epidemiology of CVD in RA populations, the underlying pathophysiologic mechanisms of CVD in RA including the role of chronic inflammation in driving accelerated atherosclerosis, the obesity paradox and altered metabolic pathways leading to pro-inflammatory HDL formation and insulin resistance. We also discuss the pitfalls in the evaluation of CVD utilizing traditional risk scores which tend to underestimate CVD risk in RA population and the efforts directed to find more accurate predictors for early CVD detection. Finally, we will present the latest developments in the evaluation and management of CVD in RA patients, given recent evidence on the role of inflammation and its impact on CVD.
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ISSN:XXXX-XXXX SFJC, an open access journal
Volume 2 · Issue 3 · 1000019SF J Cardiol
Review Article Open Access
SciFed Journal of Cardiology
Arielle Urman, SF J Cardiol, 2018, 2:3
page 1 of 23
Inflammation beyond the Joints: Rheumatoid Arthritis and Cardiovascular
Arielle Urman, Nicholas Taklalsingh, Cristina Sorrento, *Isabel M. McFarlane
*Department of Internal Medicine Division of Rheumatology SUNY-Downstate Medical Center Brooklyn, NY 11203, USA
Rheumatoid Arthritis; Cardiovascular Risk
Factors; Cardiovascular Disease; Risk Assessment;
Cardiovascular Outcomes; Pathogenesis; Treatment;
Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA), a chronic systemic
inflammatory disease which affects approximately
1% of the population, is classically characterized by
inflammation and synovitis that leads to cartilage damage
with joint space narrowing and juxta-articular bone
erosions. CVD risk is increased among RA patients as
demonstrated by numerous epidemiological studies, as the
presence of traditional Cardio Vascular (CV) risk factors
do not explain the higher rate of CV events seen in this
population. The inflammatory milieu of RA, marked
by elevations of serum inflammatory mediators and
endothelial dysfunction, creates an opportune climate for
the development of atherosclerosis and cardio myocyte
dysfunction. Accordingly, CVD in RA is associated
with active RA disease as measured by joint swelling,
extra-articular disease, and elevated serum inflammatory
markers. Clinically, RA patients with CVD present with an
increased rate of silent cardiac disease, atypical symptoms
and diastolic heart failure. Predicting CVD and evaluating
the risk have proven to be difficult in RA, in part due to
the paucity of studies and challenges with risk calculator
models. Imaging techniques and special functional
tests may provide more reliable tools to assess risk and
progression of CVD in this patient population. Optimizing
*Corresponding author: Isabel M. McFarlane, Department of Internal
Medicine Division of Rheumatology SUNY-Downstate Medical Center
Brooklyn, NY 11203, USA. E-mail:;
Tel: 718-221-6515
Received September 10, 2018; Accepted September 27, 2018; Published
Citation: Arielle Urman (2018) Inflammation beyond the Joints:
Rheumatoid Arthritis and Cardiovascular Disease. SF J Cardiol 2:3.
Copyright: © 2018 Arielle Urman. This is an open-access article
distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License,
which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any
medium, provided the original author and source are credited.
Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA), a chronic systemic inflammatory disease which affects approximately 1% of the
population, is classically characterized by inflammation and synovitis that leads to cartilage damage and juxta-articular
bone destruction. Accumulating evidence indicates that a major cause of death among RA patients is Cardio Vascular
Disease (CVD), in excess of that in the general population. In this review, we discuss the epidemiology of CVD in RA
populations, the underlying pathophysiologic mechanisms of CVD in RA including the role of chronic inflammation in
driving accelerated atherosclerosis, the obesity paradox and altered metabolic pathways leading to pro-inflammatory
HDL formation and insulin resistance. We also discuss the pitfalls in the evaluation of CVD utilizing traditional
risk scores which tend to underestimate CVD risk in RA population and the efforts directed to find more accurate
predictors for early CVD detection. Finally, we will present the latest developments in the evaluation and management
of CVD in RA patients, given recent evidence on the role of inflammation and its impact on CVD.
ISSN:XXXX-XXXX SFJC, an open access journal
Volume 2 · Issue 3 · 1000019SF J Cardiol
Citation: Arielle Urman (2018) Inflammation beyond the Joints: Rheumatoid Arthritis and Cardiovascular Disease. SF J Cardiol 2:3.
page 2 of 23
prevention and management in RA includes a combination
approach that addresses traditional risk factors and
The recognition that RA carries a heightened CVD
morbidity and mortality derived from a number of reviews
and meta-analysis. In a review that included 91,618
patients, CVD accounted for 39.6% of all deaths [1]. One
meta-analysis comprising 111,758 patients found a 50%
increased risk of CVD death, with Ischemic Heart Disease
(IHD) and Cerebral Vascular Accidents (CVA) accounting
for 59% and 52% increased risks, respectively [2]. Another
meta-analysis of 14 observational studies concluded a
48% increased risk of incident CVD in patients with RA,
with the risk of Myocardial Infarction (MI) and CVA being
increased by 68% and 41%, respectively, with a single
study identifying the risk of Congestive Heart Failure
(CHF) increased by 87% [3]. These statistics are supported
by a recent prospective population-based cohort study of
CVD end-points showing that RA patients had higher
rates, via adjusted incidence ratio (IRR) of MI (IRR: 1.43),
unheralded coronary death (1.60), heart failure (1.61),
cardiac arrest (2.26), peripheral arterial disease (1.36)
and lower rates of stable angina (hazard ratio: 0.83) [4].
Increased incidence of CV events in RA patients have
been linked to that in diabetics, with a two-fold increase
compared to the general population [5].
Most recently, a large population-based study
matched RA patient’s ≥15 years of age to individuals without
RA. The mortality rate for RA patients was 232-compared
to184 in the non-RA population (14% versus 9%).
Overall, RA patients had increased all-cause mortality, but
age specific mortality ratios suggested excess mortality
among patients younger than 45 years due to respiratory
and circulatory diseases [6]. The majority of population-
based studies are derived primarily from European and
North American cohorts. A recent cross-sectional study
of Chinese patients showed an approximately two-fold
increased risk of CVD, IHD and CHF in RA patients
compared to age and sex-matched controls [7]. One South
African study looked at CVD in RA patients belonging to
an African Black population cohort. Their review argues
that CVD in RA occurring in developed population cohorts
cannot be extrapolated to developing countries population
as further research is needed to ascertain the true disease
prevalence given the degree of heterogeneity in ethnicity
and geographic locations [8].
The pathophysiology of CVD in RA involves
immune dysregulation and chronic inflammation which
results from the interaction of genetic and environmental
factors [9]. Inflammation favors atherosclerotic CVD,
with inflammatory markers like C Reactive Protein
(CRP) considered independent predictors for coronary
heart disease in the general population [10, 11]. Evidence
supports that inflammation is the major driver of excess
CVD in RA [12, 13].
Systemic Inflammation and Endothelial
Elevated levels of cytokines such as tumor necrosis
factor-α (TNF-α), interleukin-17 (IL-17), interleukin-6
(IL-6), and interleukin-1β (IL-1β) are found in both RA
and CVD, with higher levels being present in RA [10, 14-
16]. These cytokines have been implicated in endothelial
cell activation, a crucial step for pannus formation in the
synovial tissue and in the pathogenesis of atherosclerotic
CVD [10, 17, 18]. (Figure 1) Endothelial activation induces
cellular expression of chemokines and adhesion molecules
that enable leukocyte migration into the joint space or
vascular intima which favor further neutrophil recruitment,
activation and propagation of the local inflammatory
process [19-21]. IL-17 induces endothelial cells to express
chemokines that promote neutrophil recruitment [22].
Local T1 helper cells release interferon-gamma (IFN-γ)
which, together with TNF-α and IL-17, causes endothelial
cell apoptosis, [23, 24] eliminating the endothelial cells’
anti-thrombotic properties [25]. In the inflammatory milieu
of RA, atherosclerotic plaques are particularly unstable
and vulnerable to rupture [26, 27]. TNF- α and IL-17 also
prevent nitric oxide and thrombomodulin synthesis and,
along with IL-1 increase tissue factor production and
activation [17, 28-31]. Similarly, IL-6 increases levels of
fibrinogen and IL-6 receptor signaling pathways play a
causal role in coronary heart disease [29, 32]. In concert,
these actions create a hypercoagulable environment in the
vascular lumen.
Results of cytokine-targeted therapy studies
provide proof-of-concept in vivo, confirming the role
of the cytokines and inflammation in RA pathogenesis.
For example, TNF-α blockade improves endothelial-
dependent vascular function in RA patients [33]. In patients
with Coronary Artery Disease (CAD), anti-IL-1β therapy
significantly reduced the rate of subsequent CV events,
independent of lipid-lowering [34]. Furthermore, IL-6
ISSN:XXXX-XXXX SFJC, an open access journal
Volume 2 · Issue 3 · 1000019SF J Cardiol
Citation: Arielle Urman (2018) Inflammation beyond the Joints: Rheumatoid Arthritis and Cardiovascular Disease. SF J Cardiol 2:3.
page 3 of 23
receptor inhibition lessened the inflammatory response
and release of troponin-T after acute MI [35].
In addition to direct pro-atherogenic effects,
TNF-α and IL-17 increase insulin resistance, alter lipid
levels and function, and create oxidative stress. IL-17
also affects cardio myocytes by inducing inflammation
and apoptosis which result in myocardial remodeling
due to increased cardiac fibroblast activity and collagen
production [36-39]. These processes likely contribute to
the development of cardiomyopathy and heart failure [40].
There is also widespread vascular dysfunction with
impaired vasodilation, which positively correlates with
elevated inflammatory markers such as high sensitivity
CRP (hsCRP) [41-43]. Furthermore, Coronary Flow
Reserve (CFR) is decreased and carotid Intima-Media
Thickness (cIMT) is increased in RA population [44].
Deranged Lipids and Atheroma Instability
RA and other systemic inflammatory conditions
are associated with a unique type of dyslipidemia
characterized by high levels of triglycerides and low
levels of Low-Density Lipoproteins (LDL) and High-
Density Lipoproteins (HDL). Although lipoprotein levels
are low, there is a paradoxical increase in CV risk [45].
This “lipid paradox” is explained by the fact that low
lipoprotein levels are associated with inflammatory
states, and inflammation is independently associated with
CV events, and perhaps in a more causal fashion than
cholesterol levels. Low lipoprotein levels are associated
with elevations in ESR and CRP [46]. Furthermore, a
clinically significant portion of HDL is altered in structure
and function so that instead of being anti-inflammatory
and atheroprotective, it enhances LDL-oxidation and foam
cell formation [47-50]. This pro-inflammatory HDL has
an altered proteome and does not bind efficiently with
Lecithin-Cholesterol Acyl Transferase (LCAT) resulting in
inadequate clearance of lipids from developing atheromas,
a decreased efflux capacity. Pro-inflammatory HDL levels
positively correlate with acute phase proteins, including
serum amyloid A and complement factors, as well as RA
disease activity [51, 52].
With increased control of inflammation, LDL
levels rise while HDL production is shifted toward the anti-
inflammatory form [53]. Accordingly, decreasing hsCRP
by at least 10 mg/L over two years is associated with a
rise in LDL and increased HDL cholesterol efflux capacity
[54]. Lipid levels rise with the use of Disease Modifying
Anti-Rheumatic Drugs (DMARDs), anti-TNF, anti-IL-6R,
and Janus kinase inhibitors [53, 55-57].
The altered lipid profile in RA may be responsible
for increased CVD events by causing increased instability
of atherosclerotic plaques. A post-mortem study
demonstrated lower overall grades of stenosis and fewer
vessels with severe-grade stenosis, but significantly more
vulnerable plaques, with increased medial and adventitial
inflammation, in RA subjects compared to controls [27].
On ultrasound examination, RA patients had more carotid
plaques than age and sex matched controls without RA.
Controls were found to have more stable plaques [58].
Although RA patients had fewer atheromas and less
severe stenosis, they had higher frequency of CVD events
when compared to the general population suggesting that
atherosclerotic plaques in RA are more prone to rupture.
There is evidence that RA patients are
hypercoagulable. Some of the related pathophysiology was
discussed above in the context of the effects of cytokines
on endothelial cells. To review, elevated concentrations of
fibrinogen, von Will brand factor, fibrin D-dimer, tissue
plasminogen activator antigen, and platelets are seen
in RA patients [59]. Another pathway that contributes
to hypercoagulability is the CD40-CD40L, which is
upregulated in RA and associated with a genetic variant
of CD40. Studies of this pathway in CVD have shown
that levels of soluble CD40L are predictive of MI and
associated with plaque rupture and thrombosis [60-62].
The Role of T Cells
The major risk allele for RA, HLA DRB1, is
associated with the proliferation of an autoreactive
CD4+CD28- T cell population [9]. These T cells are
senescent meaning that, contrary to what the name
Figure 1: Shared Pathogenesis
ISSN:XXXX-XXXX SFJC, an open access journal
Volume 2 · Issue 3 · 1000019SF J Cardiol
Citation: Arielle Urman (2018) Inflammation beyond the Joints: Rheumatoid Arthritis and Cardiovascular Disease. SF J Cardiol 2:3.
page 4 of 23
suggests, they are terminal effectors that are highly active
in secreting pro-inflammatory cytokines and resistant
to apoptosis [63]. Significantly, the responsible allele
has also been linked to increased CVD [64]. Expansion
of the CD4+CD28-T cell population is associated with
preclinical cardiovascular disease; these T cells are found
within atherosclerotic plaques [65] where they release
IFN-γ and IL-17, promoting an inflammatory milieu [66].
In one study of RA patients, it was found that patients with
greater expansion of this T cell population had increased
atherosclerosis and endothelial dysfunction, as measured
by carotid IMT and brachial artery Flow Mediated
Vasodilation (FMV), than those with smaller populations
[67]. TNF-α blocking therapy restored CD28 expression
on T cells [68].
It is thought that activation of T cells and
macrophages inside the atheroma by antigens generated
from oxidized LDL may trigger macrophage-mediated
destruction of the fibrous cap with erosion of the overlying
endothelium, bringing thrombogenic particles from
the endothelium into contact with blood, triggering the
coagulation cascade and arterial occlusion, leading to
dreaded cardiovascular events [69].
Risk Factors
CV risk scores valuable for the general population
(Systematic Coronary Risk Evaluation score, Framingham
Risk Score, Reynolds Risk Score) generally underestimate
or overestimate (QRisk II) CV risk in patients with RA
[70]. According to a recent, large, international cohort
study, the Framingham Risk Score in Adult Treatment
Panel (FRS-ATP), RA-related characteristics have been
shown to account for roughly a third of CVD events in
RA patients [71]. There have been many attempts to adjust
pre-existing CVD risk calculators as well as to derive new
risk calculators, but all have resulted in underestimations
In 2015, the Extended Risk Score - Rheumatoid
Arthritis (ERS-RA) was released. The project used data
from the Consortium of Rheumatology Researchers of
North America (CORRONA) cohort, the largest US-based
RA registry to assess newly diagnosed RA patients without
CVD for all possible traditional and RA-related CV risk
factors. Factors such as age, sex, diabetes, hyperlipidemia,
hypertension, and patient-reported tobacco use were
included; in addition to, RA-related factors such as,
level of disease activity, extent of functional disability,
RA duration, presence of subcutaneous nodules, joint
erosions on X-ray, RF or anti-CCP antibody positivity,
any use of corticosteroids or DMARDS, and current use
of methotrexate, NSAIDS, or anti-TNF drugs were also
recorded. Race, education, physical activity, BMI, family
history of early MI, and aspirin use were also considered.
Patients were followed for a mean of 2.9 years. The
researchers concluded that rather than multiplying by
a correction factor [75, 76] or including inflammatory
biomarkers in the calculation, using clinical disease activity
(moderate or high instead of none or low), functional
disability (moderate or high instead of none or low), disease
duration greater than 10 years, and any prednisone use, in
addition to traditional risk factors, resulted in an improved
risk prediction model [77]. However, a later attempt to
externally validate the ERS-RA algorithm found that the
algorithm does not predict CVD in RA more accurately
than risk calculators made for the general population [72].
Other recent efforts that used DAS28, ESR, or health
assessment questionnaires in addition to traditional risk
factors have also failed [73].
Abnormal Body Adiposity
CVD is traditionally associated with abdominal
adiposity and increased BMI. While these associations
hold true in RA patients, there is also an association
between CVD mortality, weight loss and low BMI in RA
[78-82]. One study found that obesity is associated with
decreased mortality in RA patients, however, others have
shown that obesity contributes the same or to a lower
magnitude of CVD risk in RA patients compared to
Figure 2: Risk Factors
Arrows Represent the Causal Relationship between the Activity of
Inflammatory Factors, and the Development of Traditional Risk Factors
(Increased Adiposity, Dyslipidemia, Insulin Resistance) and RA-
Specific Risk Factors that Reflect Disease Activity.
Hs-CRP High Sensitivity C Reactive Protein, ESR Estimated
Sedimentation Rate, TNF Tumor Necrosis Factor, IL-6 Interleukin-6,
IL-1 Interleukin-1, IL-17 Interleukin-17
ISSN:XXXX-XXXX SFJC, an open access journal
Volume 2 · Issue 3 · 1000019SF J Cardiol
Citation: Arielle Urman (2018) Inflammation beyond the Joints: Rheumatoid Arthritis and Cardiovascular Disease. SF J Cardiol 2:3.
page 5 of 23
controls [83, 84]. The observed “obesity paradox” appears
to be a consequence of the association between catabolic
weight loss and increased inflammation and mortality [81].
Chronic inflammation in RA is associated with loss of lean
body mass and increased fat mass, specifically abdominal
adiposity and visceral fat; it has been termed rheumatoid
cachexia, there is no net weight loss so that BMI is
maintained. Rheumatoid cachexia may affect 10-67% of
RA patients [85, 86]. (Figure 3) Moreover, RA patients
have decreased muscle and fat mass resulting in low BMI.
Among RA patients, classical cachexia with BMI <20 is
associated with increased CVD-related mortality [82]. Any
seemingly protective effect of obesity likely represents the
absence of intense disease activity [87].
Bioelectrical impedance studies have shown
that RA patients may have more fat mass for a given
BMI than controls, suggesting that BMI measurements
may underestimate fat mass and CVD risk in RA [37,
88]. It has been suggested that the BMI cut-off for
overweight and obesity should be 2 kg/m2 lower in RA
patients in order to appropriately estimate the health risks
conferred by being overweight or obese [88]. Increased
BMI in RA is associated with typical CVD risk factors,
hypercholesterolemia, diastolic hypertension, and elevated
CRP [78, 79, 89].
The relationship between BMI and CVD in
RA is U-shaped in that at low BMI, inflammatory and
RA-related factors predominate contributing to CVD
risk whereas at high BMI, traditional CVD risk factors
contribute significantly. This results in decreased CVD risk
in RA patients with higher BMI compared to those with
lower BMIs, supporting the postulate that inflammation
associated with RA is a more powerful risk factor for
CVD than traditional CVD risk factors. Additionally,
hypertension and smoking confer attributable risk for
CVD to RA patients as seen for the general population [73,
In RA, CVD risk is associated with lower than
expected levels of LDL-C and Total-Cholesterol (T-C)
which means that using LDL-C to extrapolate CVD risk in
RA results in an underestimation [90]. Recent studies have
shown that a U-shaped association between cholesterol
levels and CVD risk also exists in non-RA population [90].
Low cholesterol levels may reflect chronic inflammation
and are associated with high levels of triglycerides and
LDL Particles (LDL-P) [54]. LDL-P and ApoB have been
shown to be a better surrogate for estimating CVD risk than
LDL-C when the two measures are discordant [91-95].
HDL-C also presents a challenge in RA patients.
As discussed above, a significant portion of the HDL-C
is pro-inflammatory and dysfunctional. HDL particles
(HDL-P) concentration appears to be inversely related to
carotid-IMT and CHD than HDL-C [96].
That the higher risk of CVD associated with lower
cholesterol levels in RA reflects increased inflammation
is supported by evidence. In patients receiving DMARDs,
decreasing hsCRP correlated with improvements in HDL
efflux capacity and rising LDL [54].
Insulin Resistance
Insulin resistance is more prevalent in RA with
a rate of 54% in RA compared to 40-45% in the general
population [97]. It has been hypothesized that the increased
prevalence of insulin resistance is due to inflammation. In
RA, insulin resistance has been shown to be associated
Figure 3: Inflammation Alters Traditional Risk Factors
Figure 4: The Good, the Bad, and the Neutral – A New Way of Thinking
of Cholesterol
New evidence has shed light on the ambiguity of cholesterol and
suggests that conventional categorizations oversimplify the matter.
HDL-P High Density Lipoprotein-Particles, Apoa1 Apolipoprotein A1,
T-C Total-Cholesterol, LDL-C Low Density Lipoprotein-Cholesterol,
HDL-C High Density Lipoprotein-Cholesterol, LDL-P Low Density
Lipoprotein-Particles, Apo B Apolipoprotein B
ISSN:XXXX-XXXX SFJC, an open access journal
Volume 2 · Issue 3 · 1000019SF J Cardiol
Citation: Arielle Urman (2018) Inflammation beyond the Joints: Rheumatoid Arthritis and Cardiovascular Disease. SF J Cardiol 2:3.
page 6 of 23
with elevations in TNF-α, IL-6, ESR, and CRP, measures
of RA disease activity and importantly, coronary artery
calcification [97]. One study demonstrated no significant
difference between the CVD risk conferred by diabetes to
RA patients compared to non-RA patients [84].
Smoking, a strong predictor of CVD in RA is
also more prevalent in RA than in the general population,
although it only contributes in a smaller magnitude to the
CV risk [73, 84, 98].
Genetic Markers
One study demonstrated an increased risk of CV
mortality in RA patients with HLA-DRB1*04 shared
epitope alleles and the association was even stronger
with HLA-DRB1*0404. The HLA-DRB1*04 allele is
also associated with treatment resistant RA, endothelial
dysfunction and extra-articular RA manifestations [12, 99-
105]. The IL-6-174C allele is associated with increased
CVD in RA patients and this corresponds with elevated
IL-6 levels in the carrier’s serum [106].
Clinical Disease Activity
The CORRONA researchers found that per each
10-point reduction in Clinical Disease Activity Index
(CDAI range 0-76) score there was a 21% reduction in
CVD event risk, with a reduction of 53% between high
disease activity and remission [107]. Similarly, other
studies found Disease Activity Score 28 (DAS28), joint
pain severity, functional disability, severe extra articular
RA and, in some cases, disease duration were independently
associated with increased risk of cardiovascular events
and new onset CAD [108-110]. Absence of joint pain is
associated with decreased cardiac risk [109]. Accordingly,
a study of patients treated with anti-IL-6 therapy found that
decreased risk of cardiovascular events correlated with the
extent of reduction in disease activity measured by DAS28
[111]. There is a small but significant increase in CVD risk
in RA patients for time spent in acute flare compared to
time spent in remission. CVD risk for patients in remission
is similar to the risk in patients without RA [112].
On the other hand, a higher score on the Health
Assessment Questionnaire (score 0-3) at one year after
RA diagnosis is an independent predictor of future CVD-
related and all-cause mortality [113]. The association
between CVD risk in RA and extra-articular disease has
been observed in patients with RA vasculitis, pulmonary
disease, rheumatoid nodules among others, with a hazard
ratio of 2.32 in patients with RA lung disease [45].
Disease severity is also associated with subclinical,
premature atherosclerosis, as measured by Coronary
Artery Calcification (CAC) score and cIMT [114, 115].
The greatest difference in CAC between RA and non-RA
patients occurs in the youngest age group [114].
The “time-to-risk profile” depends on the CVD
phenotype [116]. Risk for certain categories of CVD is
increased even prior to RA diagnosis, while risk for others
is not increased until years after diagnosis. For example,
risks for IHD and venous thromboembolism are not
increased prior to diagnosis but increase rapidly after RA
onset [117-119]. The risk for ACS within the first year
after diagnosis is particularly increased in patients with a
high disease activity score [116, 120]. On the other hand,
risk for ischemic stroke is first detectable at ten years after
RA onset [121].
It is unclear how corticosteroid use affects CVD
risk although it appears to be related to pre-existing heart
conditions. Corticosteroid use has been shown to increase
the risk of CVD death in patients with RA without CHD
history, even after adjustments for CV risk factors.
However, in patients with history of CHD, corticosteroid
use actually decreases the risk of death from CVD [45,
122, 123]. Use of corticosteroids has been associated
with an increased risk of CV events, as has use of COX-
2 inhibitors and shorter duration of DMARD use [108].
On the other hand, studies have found no significant
association between corticosteroids and CV events
[124]. Low-dose corticosteroid use had no effect on
atherosclerosis, ventricular function, heart rate variability
or arterial stiffness however, an association with major
CV events, including MI, stroke, and death was found
[125]. Glucocorticoid use was associated with increased
CVD risk and poorer survival for RA patients over age
65 at diagnosis, while methotrexate was associated
with decreased CVD risk [126]. We hypothesize, that
RA patients who required corticosteroid treatment had
more active disease and higher levels of inflammation
which in addition to the effects on insulin sensitivity and
sympathetic tone from glucocorticoids led to an increased
rate of cardiovascular events.
Inflammatory Markers
Inflammation is at the heart of the matter in
ISSN:XXXX-XXXX SFJC, an open access journal
Volume 2 · Issue 3 · 1000019SF J Cardiol
Citation: Arielle Urman (2018) Inflammation beyond the Joints: Rheumatoid Arthritis and Cardiovascular Disease. SF J Cardiol 2:3.
page 7 of 23
RA patients. (Figure 5) This is reflected by the strong
correlation between disease activity, quantified to some
extent by plasma biomarkers of inflammation, and CVD
risk. Seropositivity for Rheumatoid Factor (RF) and Anti-
Citrullinated Peptide Antibodies (ACPA), along with higher
white blood cell count at diagnosis, and higher cumulative
C-Reactive Protein (CRP), Erythrocyte Sedimentation
Rate (ESR) and pain-visual analog scale scores were
associated with higher CVD risk among patient <65 years
of age at RA diagnosis [126]. Inflammatory markers (ESR,
CRP, WBC, IL-6, TNF-alpha) have a stronger association
with fatal CVD and heart failure than with atherosclerosis
and MI [45, 127].
C Reactive Protein (CRP)/High-Sensitivity CRP
Elevated serum CRP levels are associated
with increased CVD risk, including MI, heart failure,
atherosclerosis, and mortality in RA [124, 128]. It is also
an independent predictor of CVD risk, specifically of MI,
in healthy people without RA. The association holds true
even in sub-groups of patients with LDL cholesterol levels
below 130 mg/dl and is a stronger predictor of CVD events
than LDL-cholesterol, atherogenic cholesterol index,
serum amyloid A, IL-6, homocysteine, and Inter Cellular
Adhesion Molecule-1 (ICAM-1) [129]. An hsCRP level
of >5 mg/dL has been shown to be an independent and
statistically significant predictive marker of CV death in
RA patients with a hazard ratio of 3.9 and 4.22 for men and
women, respectively [128]. A CRP > 10 mg/L has been
associated with increased MI with a hazard ratio of 2.12
(95% CI 1.02 to 4.38) [130].
Elevated CRP levels has also been associated
with a significantly increased risk of heart failure and
mortality with hazard ratios 1.25 and 1.08, respectively, in
RA patients [131]. In both RA and the general population,
elevated CRP is associated with number of atherosclerotic
plaques and with increased carotid IMT. A proposed
mechanism for these strong associations is that CRP
promotes atherogenesis by increasing uptake of oxidized
LDL cholesterol by macrophages and inhibiting cholesterol
efflux from foam cells, and also promotes plaque rupture
by promoting the production of matrix metalloproteinases
by macrophages [132, 133].
Elevated ESR is independently associated
with increased cardiovascular risk [108, 122]. Studies
have shown that ESR > 42 mm/h carries increased MI
and ischemic stroke risks [130] and ESR=50 mm/h is
associated with approximately 10-fold increase in CVD
risk [130, 131]. A 15 year follow-up study found increased
risk for CVD death with a hazard ratio of 2.03 ((95% CI)
1.45-2.83) for patients with at least 3 ESR values of at
least 60 mm/hr [45].
RF Positivity
Many studies have shown that RF positivity (+)
is significantly associated with increased cardiovascular
and all-cause mortality in RA [134, 135]. In fact, the
mortality gap between RF (-) RA patients and the general
population has remained stable in recent years while the
gap for RF (+) patients has increased [136]. Interestingly,
the association between RF (+) and increased CV and all-
cause mortality holds true even in patients without RA
[137]. RF (+) is positively associated with smoking and
diabetes but correlates inversely with cholesterol levels
[138]. Seropositivity confers increased cardiovascular risk
and all-cause mortality, even after adjusting for smoking
and diabetes [139]. RF (+) also strengthens the association
between CRP levels and CV death [128] However, some
more recent studies have not found an association between
RF positivity and CVD risk [77, 120].
ACPA Positivity
Studies evaluating ACPA positivity as a risk
factor for CVD in RA have produced mixed results. ACPA
positivity was shown to be associated with increased risk
of fatal CVD and death but lower or no increased risk
of non-fatal CVD, CHD, or stroke compared to ACPA
negative patients [108, 109, 140, 141]. Other studies
found borderline associations with CVD events without
statistical significance [120, 140]. Studies that looked at
Figure 5: Inflammation is the Hub of the Risk Factor Wheel
ISSN:XXXX-XXXX SFJC, an open access journal
Volume 2 · Issue 3 · 1000019SF J Cardiol
Citation: Arielle Urman (2018) Inflammation beyond the Joints: Rheumatoid Arthritis and Cardiovascular Disease. SF J Cardiol 2:3.
page 8 of 23
coronary atherosclerosis and ACPA positivity found no
association even though citrullinated proteins were found
within atherosclerotic plaques [142]. However, another
study found that ACPA antibodies are independently
associated with IHD (6.5% versus 2.6%) and higher
mortality rates (11.2% versus 6.8%) compared to ACPA
antibody negative RA patients [143]. Interestingly, an
association between high levels of ACPA and reduced left
ventricular mass, end diastolic volume, and stroke volume,
but not reduced ejection fraction has been described.
Elevated levels of IL-6 are associated with CVD
in RA and in the general population, and IL-6 receptor
signaling pathways are known to have a causal role in the
development of CAD [32]. Elevated levels of IL-6 predict
cardiovascular event risk in healthy men and women.
[129, 144, 145] Among women with RA, IL-6 is strongly
associated with increased cardiovascular and all-cause
mortality rather than non-fatal CVD or CHD [109].
Elevated cytokine concentrations are associated
with subclinical CVD in RA patients. Elevated levels
of inflammatory markers such as IL-6, Serum Amyloid
A (SAA), intercellular adhesion molecule-1 (ICAM-1),
E-selectin, TNF-α, and myeloperoxidase were found in RA,
but only IL-6 and TNF-α concentrations correlated with
high coronary calcium scores, independent of Framingham
risk score and diabetes [146]. Elevated IL-6 is associated
with higher levels of markers of endothelial dysfunction,
ICAM-1 and Vascular Cell Adhesion Molecule-1 (VCAM-
1) [147].
Other biomarkers being investigated are high-
sensitivity cardiac troponin I (hs-cardiac troponin 1) and
N-Terminal pro-Brain Natriuretic Peptide (NT-proBNP).
Hs-cardiac troponin 1 has been shown to be independently
associated with subclinical coronary plaques and a
predictor of CV events in RA patients [148]. NT-proBNP
is an independent predictor of CV mortality and has been
shown to be most useful as a predictor when levels are at
least 100 pg/ml [149-152].
Clinical Manifestations of Cardiovascular Disease
in Rheumatoid Arthritis
Ischemic Heart Disease
RA is associated with an increased risk of IHD.
Prospective cohort studies place the relative risk of MI in
RA between 1.7 and 2.0, and meta-analyses data estimate
a standardized mortality ratio of IHD between 1.59 and
1.77 [2, 153-156]. There is evidence that subclinical
atherosclerotic disease is more common in RA. RA
patients who underwent Computed Tomography (CT)-
angiography for evaluation of coronary plaques had a
significantly higher proportion of plaques when compared
with controls [157]. RA patients were also more likely
to have single, double, and triple-vessel disease, >50%
stenosis, and extensive segmental disease. Moderate RA
disease activity (DAS28 ≥3.2) is most closely associated
with non-calcified coronary plaque [157]. RA patients
who were identified to have unilateral or bilateral carotid
plaques by ultrasound examination were more likely to
have newly incident Acute Coronary Syndrome (ACS)
compared to RA patients without carotid artery plaques
[115]. This may point to carotid artery plaque identification
as a potential predictive tool for estimating CAD and CVD
event risk in RA patients.
Just as higher RA disease activity has been
associated with an increased risk of subclinical
atherosclerotic disease, several studies have demonstrated
that high disease activity is associated with an increased risk
of incident IHD. RA patients with ACS have significantly
higher DAS28 scores [116]. RA patients with IHD have
more tender joints [158]. ACS and IHD are associated with
elevated ESR in RA patients [116, 158]. A 10-point drop in
Clinical Disease Activity Index (CDAI) resulted in a 21%
decrease in composite cardiovascular risk. The effect of
disease activity may be cumulative as increased risk with
extended disease duration is observed; RA patients at >10
years after diagnosis had a significantly increased risk of
MI, while those at <10 years after diagnosis did not have
a significantly increased risk. These findings suggest that
both disease length and severity affect the risk of developing
IHD in RA. Furthermore, it has been demonstrated that the
relative risk of MI, stroke, or CV death in RA patients is
highest among young RA patients and lowest for those >
75 years old. This risk-age discrepancy could be explained
by the fact that high-risk RA patients suffered premature
CV death leaving a relatively healthy older population
It appears that RA patients experience IHD
differently from the general population. RA patients
are five times more likely to have unrecognized MIs,
identified by characteristic ECG findings in a patient with
no documented history of previous MI) [45]. RA patients
are more likely to suffer from sudden cardiac death and
have increased frequency of ST-segment elevation MI,
higher troponin levels, more inpatient complications, and
ISSN:XXXX-XXXX SFJC, an open access journal
Volume 2 · Issue 3 · 1000019SF J Cardiol
Citation: Arielle Urman (2018) Inflammation beyond the Joints: Rheumatoid Arthritis and Cardiovascular Disease. SF J Cardiol 2:3.
page 9 of 23
higher short-term mortality after first acute MI or stroke
than non-RA patients [45, 116, 159]. In addition, a review
of Acute Coronary Syndrome (ACS) treatment patterns
and outcomes among RA patients found not only a higher
case fatality rate for MI but also that these patients were
less likely to receive coronary artery bypass grafting,
percutaneous reperfusion, and secondary prevention of
MI including beta-blockers and lipid-lowering agents
[116, 160]. On the other hand, one study that found no
difference in ACS management still found worse mortality
and increased recurrent ischemia in RA compared to non-
RA patients [161].
Congestive Heart Failure
RA has also been associated with an increased
risk of ischemic and non-ischemic CHF, with a more
significantly increased risk for ischemic CHF [162-169].
RA patients have a higher rate of diastolic dysfunction, but
no difference in left ventricular ejection fraction compared
to the general population [137, 166, 170-175].
In non-RA populations, ischemic CHF can be
attributed to hypertension, smoking, high BMI, and
alcohol abuse however, in RA, those traditional risk
factors do not fully explain the occurrence of the disease
prevalence and RA patients are less likely to have obesity
and hypertension [176]. As in IHD, RA patients are more
likely to experience CHF differently from non-RA patients
with greater incidence of sub-clinical disease; they present
with less orthopnea, dyspnea on exertion, and paroxysmal
nocturnal dyspnea compared to controls. This absence of
the cardinal symptoms of CHF could potentially delay
diagnosis and treatment in RA patients [176]. Stroke and
atrial fibrillation have also been found to be more prevalent
in RA patients, with a 40% higher risk of atrial fibrillation
and a 30% increased risk of stroke in RA compared to the
general population [177].
Evaluation and Workup
It is of paramount importance that CV disease be
promptly diagnosed and evaluated in patients with RA
given the heightened risk of mortality [2]. The workup
of CV disease in RA should include history, physical
examination, laboratory tests, electrocardiography
and echocardiography, with a specific focus on IHD,
heart failure, myocarditis, micro-vascular disease and
pulmonary hypertension, conditions more prevalent in
RA [163, 178, 179]. Risk assessment tools, such as the
Systematic Coronary Risk Evaluation (SCORE) index
and Framingham models were developed to estimate
CV risk in the general population [180, 181]. These
tools underestimate the CV risk in RA largely due to the
exclusion of non-traditional risk factors [70, 182]. Studies
have shown that RA patients deemed to have moderate
risk by these models, actually have carotid plaques which
place them at a much higher CV risk [183, 184]. The
QRESEARCH CV Risk Algorithm 2 (QRISK2), a risk
calculator that incorporates RA in its assessment, was
found to be of value in the determination of fatal versus
non-fatal CV risk but appears to overestimate CV events
in RA [70, 76].
The Modified SCORE (mSCORE) index,
developed by the European League Against Rheumatism
(EULAR), has shown a higher 10-year CV risk in patients
with RA. This emphasized the need to include RA disease-
specific factors to the estimation of CV risk in calculation
tools [75, 185, 186]. The 2016 updated EULAR
recommendations advised a multiplication factor of 1.5 for
CV risk assessment calculators when used in patients with
RA [186]. However, current research suggests that many
of these risk assessment tools, including the Expanded
CV Risk Prediction Score for Rheumatoid Arthritis (ERS-
RA), EULAR multiplier and QRISK2, are still not ideal
[72, 77]. Future research is likely to provide a more
accurate CV risk assessment calculator to be used among
RA population.
Figure 6: Elevated Inflammatory Biomarkers Found in Rheumatoid
These markers are being studied for their usefulness in contributing to
cardiovascular disease risk assessment tools in rheumatoid arthritis
patients CRP C-reactive protein, ESR Estimated Sedimentation Rate,
NT-probnp N-terminal pro brain natriuretic peptide, TNF-Α tumor
necrosis factor-alpha, IL-6 interleukin-6, IL-Β interleukin-beta, IL-17
interleukin-17, ICAM-1 Intercellular Adhesion Molecule-1, VCAM-
1 Vascular Cell Adhesion Molecule-, Hs-cardiac troponin 1 high
sensitivity-cardiac troponin 1, RF Rheumatoid Factor, ACPA Anti-
Citrullinated Protein Antibodies
ISSN:XXXX-XXXX SFJC, an open access journal
Volume 2 · Issue 3 · 1000019SF J Cardiol
Citation: Arielle Urman (2018) Inflammation beyond the Joints: Rheumatoid Arthritis and Cardiovascular Disease. SF J Cardiol 2:3.
page 10 of 23
Serum biomarkers have been studied as surrogate
CV end points in RA [187] (Figure 6). The Reynold’s risk
assessment incorporated hsCRP given its usefulness across
a full range of CV risk profiles. However, the Reynold’s
risk assessment failed to accurately predict CVD in RA
Imaging studies are also useful in determining CV
risk with high sensitivity and specificity. An ideal imaging
tool would be able to provide: accurate prediction of CV
mortality, early subclinical detection of atherosclerosis,
longitudinal evaluation of interval changes in CVD
and detection of impact of atherosclerosis and other
manifestations of CVD [191]. Endothelial dysfunction has
been reliably associated with impending atherosclerotic
disease [192]. (See Figure 1) Flow-mediated dilation
(FMD) and Brachial Artery Reactivity Testing (BART) can
help estimate endothelial function [193, 194]. However,
rigorous research found that of the parameters measured
in BART, only forearm hyperemic flow could estimate
the 10-year CV risk in RA by correlation with AHA/ACC
risk categories [195]. While impaired in RA, FMD did not
show significant correlation with estimated 10-year CV
risk [195, 196]. Utilizing ultrasonography (US), the aortic
Pulse Wave Velocity (aPWV) and augmentation index
(AIx) can provide a measurement of arterial stiffness [193,
194]. A meta-analysis concluded that arterial stiffness was
abnormal in patients with RA [197]. Studies have shown
that although aPWV and AIx can predict CV risk in the
general population, they are not useful to predict CV
events in RA [198].
Carotid plaque and cIMT, as measured by US, have
been independently associated with CV risk determination
in the general population [199]. A 5-year prospective study
of RA patients without CV risk factors showed that cIMT
≥0.90 mm, predicted CV events in >60% of the cohort. A
cIMT ≤0.77 mm was associated with no CV events. cIMT
is useful in estimating CV risk in RA patients who may
be underestimated by conventional risk scoring calculators
[115, 200]. Studies showed that 65% of patients classified
as moderate risk and 85% of those in high or very high-
risk categories have increased cIMT and/or carotid plaque,
signifying its utility in re-estimating CV risk in this
intermediate-risk cohort [183]. Carotid plaques, defined as
a localized intima-media thickening of >1 mm, was shown
to have significant correlation with poor CV survival
and ischemic CV events. These findings are particularly
important in the presence of bilateral carotid plaques,
where the incidence of CV events rises by over a factor
of 4 [115, 201]. The updated EULAR recommendations
suggest that carotid US be used to screen for asymptomatic
atherosclerotic plaques as part of CV disease evaluation in
patients with RA [186].
Cardiac CT and CAC score are useful modern
imaging techniques to quantify risk in RA patients. Similar
to the ultra-sonographic techniques, CAC is well known
to be a useful risk prediction marker of CV events in the
general population [202]. A study of 227 patients showed
that patients with both early and established RA had more
severe CAC scores. Patients with established disease had
an odds ratio of 3.42 for severe CAC when adjusting for
CV risk factors, making cardiac CT a useful discriminator
of CV risk in RA patients [203]. Cardiac MRI (CMR)
can be used to quantify the extent of myocardial damage
in patients with RA [204]. Although limited literature
currently exists on CMR use in RA, patients tend to have
reduced left ventricular mass and ejection fraction [172].
Myocardial strain imaging with the use of
Speckle-Tracking Echocardiography (STE) is a new
technique to evaluate myocardial function that can detect
early myocardial dysfunction in patients with RA [205].
The Mayo Clinic used this modality to detect subclinical
myocardial diastolic dysfunction in a retrospective study
of 87 patients with RA without history of CV disease.
Global left ventricular and right ventricular strain were
reduced in RA patients, with worse strain correlating
with other markers of RA disease severity [205]. An
Italian study examining RA patients free of CV disease
and normal transthoracic echocardiograms, demonstrated
statistically significant reductions in LV end-systolic radial
and longitudinal strains when compared to the general
population controls [206]. Larger prospective trials are
needed to confirm its usefulness as a routine modality
and clinical utility in predicting CV events. Table 1 for a
summary of special tests that may be used to assess CVD
in RA).
Additionally, genetic and serological markers are
being studied to evaluate CV disease in RA patients. Human
leukocyte antigens, cytokines, adipokines, endothelial
cell activation markers, and their related genes all show
a significant correlation with the development of CV risk
in RA patients [206, 207] (See Figure 6). Age-adjustments
should also be considered when evaluating CV risk in RA
patient since younger RA patients tend to have higher rates
of CAD, and dyslipidemia deserves special attention as
previously discussed [208].
An accurate CV risk assessment tool would involve
ISSN:XXXX-XXXX SFJC, an open access journal
Volume 2 · Issue 3 · 1000019SF J Cardiol
Citation: Arielle Urman (2018) Inflammation beyond the Joints: Rheumatoid Arthritis and Cardiovascular Disease. SF J Cardiol 2:3.
page 11 of 23
a composite score that factors in clinical and demographic
data, carotid US results and serological and genetic serum
markers, providing a more individualized approach to CV
risk for patients with RA [207]. We encourage clinicians
to adopt a cautious approach when investigating patients
with RA and maintain a low threshold for treatment and
start prevention strategies to minimize the burden of CV
disease in patients with RA.
Chronic inflammation is now regarded as the
driver of accelerated atherosclerosis in the RA population
[209, 210]. Effective disease control seems to be pivotal
to preventing atherosclerosis and its consequences. One
of the first studies to show that disease control improved
mortality was a retrospective review of RA patients
receiving intramuscular gold therapy [211]. Disease
Modifying Anti-Rheumatic Drugs (DMARD) and
particularly methotrexate (MTX) soon were also found to
reduce mortality up to 50%. In addition, MTX treatment
reduced ESR and CRP, and raised TC and HDL levels
[212, 213]. Hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) has also been
found to have a favorable effect on lipid profile and has an
additional antithrombotic effect [214]. HCQ reduces total
cholesterol (T-C), LDL-C and increases HDL-C leading to
a favorable atherogenic index [215-217].
The availability of DMARDs and anti-TNF
therapies have been associated with decreases in CV
fatalities in RA [218]. Clinical reports support the
notion that arrhythmic events are significantly reduced
in patients taking anti-TNF therapies or MTX [111, 219,
220]. Elevated levels of hsCRP and IL-6 were found to
be strong and independent predictors of sudden cardiac
death among a healthy cohort reinforcing the idea that
inflammatory cytokines induce structural, chronic cardiac
sympathetic activation, and myoelectrical alteration which
favor arrhythmogenic events in the non-RA population
[221, 222]. Moreover, triple therapy with MTX plus
sulfasalazine and HCQ for 52 weeks was demonstrated
to reduce disease activity and increase HDL-C, lower
LDL-C, and lower the atherogenic index [223].
A five-year study that compared RA patients on
synthetic DMARDs to those on anti-TNF therapy found
that the risk of MI was decreased by 39% in the latter
group. The study also demonstrated that 16 months of anti-
TNF therapy was not only associated with a lower CV risk,
but also influenced disease severity and mortality post MI.
These findings reinforced the concept that a reduction of
vascular inflammation in RA is linked to better outcomes
by decreasing atherosclerosis which entails improved
endothelial function, plaque stabilization and post-MI
remodeling [224, 225]. The randomized control trial
of golimumab in MTX refractory RA patients (GO-
FORWARD) revealed that at 14 weeks, the T-C, LDL-C
and HDL-C, had increased in the MTX-golimumab group
compared to the placebo-MTX control [226, 227]. In
MTX naïve patients (GO-BEFORE), rises in the lipid
parameters at 24 weeks were similar in the golimumab-
MTX and placebo-MTX groups, which supported the
notion that the improvements in lipid profile were due
to MTX effectiveness in naïve patients [228, 229].
Tocilizumab (TCZ)’s effects (IL-6R inhibitor) on lipids
and CV risk was examined in the MEASURE trial. TCZ
resulted in a decrease of HDL-associated serum amyloid
A, phospholipase A2, lipoprotein A, fibrinogen, D-dimer
and elevation of paraoxonase while ApoB/ApoA1 ratio
remained stable. This shows that TCZ induced elevations
in LDL-C but altered HDL particles towards an anti-
inflammatory composition, ameliorating many vascular
risk surrogates [53, 229].
The relationship of TCZ and major CV adverse
events (MACE) was studied in about 4000 RA patients
with moderate to severe RA. TCZ’s ability to decrease
disease activity positively correlated with a lower risk
of future MACE. The higher the disease activity despite
TCZ, the higher the risk of future MACE. Moreover, lipid
parameters while on TCZ were not useful as markers of
risk for MACE [111].
JAK inhibitors also increase HLD-C and LDL-C
Table 1: Special Tests
Predictive Requires Further
Testing Not Predictive
Hyperemic Flow
Cardiac MRI [204]
Dilation [195, 196]
Carotid Intima
Media Thickness
[115, 183, 186,
Brachial Artery
Reactivity [195]
Cardiac CT and
Coronary Speckle-Tracking
Aortic Pulse Wave
Velocity [198]
Score [203]
Augmentation Index
ISSN:XXXX-XXXX SFJC, an open access journal
Volume 2 · Issue 3 · 1000019SF J Cardiol
Citation: Arielle Urman (2018) Inflammation beyond the Joints: Rheumatoid Arthritis and Cardiovascular Disease. SF J Cardiol 2:3.
page 12 of 23
in a similar fashion as seen with tocilizumab, with a
reduction in the CV risk and decreased cIMT despite the
elevation in lipid profile. Pooled analysis found the MACE
events were similar for patients on tofacitinib or placebo
and this risk did not increase over time. However, in 2017
concerns for venous thromboembolic events lead the FDA
to establish mandatory reporting of all MACE for the JAK
inhibitors class. Venous thromboembolism has been seen
as an adverse effect with the entire class, and portal vein
thrombosis was linked to ruxolitinib [230]. This should be
kept in mind as pulmonary embolism appears to be a class-
wide issue for JAK inhibitors.
The anti-inflammatory effect of statins was tested
in the TARA trial (Trial of Atorvastatin in Rheumatoid
Arthritis), in which RA patients 50 years old without
known CVD or diabetes, who had RA for ≥ 10 years and
were maintained on DMARD therapy, were initiated on
atorvastatin or placebo as adjuvant therapy and followed
for 6 months. Modest but significant improvements were
seen in disease activity index and swollen joint count in
addition to a decrease in ESR and CRP of 28% and 50%,
respectively [231]. Furthermore, a large population-
based study in which non-RA patients on statins were
followed for 12 years looked at the crude incidence of
RA in the population. It found that the high dose statin
group (atorvastatin 20-80 mg, rosuvastatin 5-40 mg, or
simvastatin 80 mg) was associated with a 23% reduction
in the risk of incident RA, compared to the low-dose statin
group, suggesting that statins may reduce inflammation
directly [232]. Statins have also been demonstrated to
improve arterial stiffness and endothelial dysfunction
[233, 234]. Remarkably but not surprisingly, a population
study of RA patients who had their statins discontinued for
more than 3 months revealed a 67% increase in the risk of
MI with a 2% increased risk of acute MI for each month of
discontinuation [235]. The addition of a second non-statin
lipid lowering therapy such as ezetimibe was also studied
in patient with hsCRP >6 mg/dL, leading to significant
reductions in LDL-C, hsCRP and disease severity [236].
A propensity score analysis of RA patients on at least one
DMARD demonstrated that the concomitant use of statins
was associated with a 21% lower risk of all-cause mortality
The benefits of early therapy in RA were confirmed
by a 20-year follow up study of a cohort of RA patients who
had low disease activity throughout, but in whom disability
was apparent by year seven of disease and continued to
rise regardless of whether they received treatment for their
RA. In this study 44% of patients died, however, patients
who had received DMARD treatment within 6 months
of disease onset tended to have a lower risk of death that
those who did not receive treatment [238]. Early initiation
of statins should also be considered for patients with RA,
even in the absence of dyslipidemia given that this patient
population carries high risk features for CVD and statins
have been demonstrated to have effective preventative and
protective properties in RA patients [239].
A recent large population study encountered that
the risk of ACS was increased 23% in the siblings of RA
patients compared to the general population suggesting
a possible shared susceptibility between RA and ACS.
Therefore, inquiring about family history of RA during
health maintenance visits might help detect and address
subclinical CVD risk in patients otherwise considered low
risk [240]. Rheumatology clinics also failed to discuss
hypertension in 2 out of 3 visits, which represent a huge
missed opportunity since 40% of RA patients met criteria
for uncontrolled hypertension. Better strategies are needed
to address modifiable risk factors such as hypertension,
including prompt referral to primary care and patient
education in order to improve outcomes in this vulnerable
patient population [241].
While RA occurs in about 1% of the general
population, CVD disproportionally affects RA patients
and is currently the major cause of morbidity and mortality
among RA patients. CVD presents much earlier in RA
patients and has been reported even before full clinical
presentation and diagnosis of RA. Among the major CVD
presentations, silent MI, diastolic dysfunction, arrythmias,
stroke and sudden cardiac death appear to be prevalent
and occur at a relatively younger age. Other features of
CVD in RA include the obesity paradox and the lipid
paradox making this disease a particularly interesting
and rather challenging entity to diagnose and manage.
Chronic inflammation appears to be the major underlying
pathogenic factor linking RA and CVD. This is associated
with endothelial dysfunction, lipid abnormalities,
hypercoagulability and early atherosclerosis with unstable
plaque formation. Physicians should be cognizant of RA
disease activity as it correlates with higher CVD risk.
The use of DMARDs and biologics have been shown to
control not only RA but also CVD risk. Early detection
and aggressive management of CVD should be employed
in this high-risk population together with control of the
ISSN:XXXX-XXXX SFJC, an open access journal
Volume 2 · Issue 3 · 1000019SF J Cardiol
Citation: Arielle Urman (2018) Inflammation beyond the Joints: Rheumatoid Arthritis and Cardiovascular Disease. SF J Cardiol 2:3.
page 13 of 23
traditional CVD risk factors including hypertension,
hyperlipidemia, smoking and diabetes. Further research
is needed to help characterize and establish the ideal
management strategies in this vulnerable population and
inform future guideline development in this field.
This work is supported in part by Dr. Moro O.
Salifu's efforts through NIH Grant # S21MD012474
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Volume 2 · Issue 3 · 1000019SF J Cardiol
Citation: Arielle Urman (2018) Inflammation beyond the Joints: Rheumatoid Arthritis and Cardiovascular Disease. SF J Cardiol 2:3.
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Citation: Arielle Urman (2018) Inflammation beyond the Joints:
Rheumatoid Arthritis and Cardiovascular Disease. SF J Cardiol 2:3.
... Cytokines present in chronic inflammation are implicated in the pathogenesis of atherosclerosis, while vascular changes manifesting as impaired vasodilation affect coronary flow reserve [3,10]. ...
... In this cross-sectional, single-center study, we identified patients with RA according to the International Classification of Diseases, Ninth Revision, and Tenth Revision Codes (ICD-9-CM 714.0, and ICD-10-C M06.00-M06.09) and HF (ICD-9-CM 428.0 -428.9 and ICD-10-CM I50.1 -I50.9). We included all inpatients and outpatients aged 18- [10]. For each patient diagnosed with RA-HF, we identified one age-and sex-matched patient from the historical cohort. ...
... Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is a persistent inflammatory disease with various co-morbidities [3]. The job of caring is fundamental in the early diagnosis and treatment of this crippling illness [3]. ...
... Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is a persistent inflammatory disease with various co-morbidities [3]. The job of caring is fundamental in the early diagnosis and treatment of this crippling illness [3]. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) are effective pain-relieving medications [4]. ...
Purpose: To investigate the risk and safety profile of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) for osteoporotic fractures in patients with rheumatoid arthritis (RA). Methods: 298 RA patients admitted to The First People's Hospital of Huzhou, Huzhou, China from August 2020 to September 2022, were investigated. Patients were assigned to groups based on drugs used viz: control group received anti-rheumatic drugs other than NSAIDs; corticosteroid group received dexamethasone, disease-modifying anti-rheumatic drugs (DMARDs) groups received sulfasalazine, NSAID group received either diclofenac or ibuprofen etc. Each group of patients received the respective treatment frequently for at least 3 years. The primary outcome in this study was the incidence of osteoporotic fracture resulting from fragile bone and deterioration of bone mass. Results: The incidence of osteoporotic fracture was highest in NSAID group (11.58 %) when compared to 5.44, 4.96, and 2.36 % in the corticosteroid, DMARD and control groups, respectively (p < 0.05). This shows that users of NSAIDs had a 5-fold higher risk of osteoporotic fracture than patients in control group (OR = 1.26 (95 % CI: 1.22 - 1.81)) and 2-fold possibility of osteoporotic fracture when compared to corticosteroid users ((OR = 1.46 (95 % CI: 1.57 - 2.32)) and DMARD users (1.83 (95 % CI: 1.26 - 1.67)). Conclusion: Rheumatoid arthritis patients on NSAIDs such as celecoxib, diclofenac, ibuprofen, indomethacin, and oxaprozin are at risk of developing osteoporotic fracture. Therefore, NSAIDs must be used with proper counseling in RA patients to minimize the risk of osteoporotic fracture. In future, the study duration will need to be extended to determine the long-term effects and potential changes in bone properties.
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The challenges associated with diagnosing and treating cardiovascular disease (CVD)/Stroke in Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) arise from the delayed onset of symptoms. Existing clinical risk scores are inadequate in predicting cardiac events, and conventional risk factors alone do not accurately classify many individuals at risk. Several CVD biomarkers consider the multiple pathways involved in the development of atherosclerosis, which is the primary cause of CVD/Stroke in RA. To enhance the accuracy of CVD/Stroke risk assessment in the RA framework, a proposed approach involves combining genomic-based biomarkers (GBBM) derived from plasma and/or serum samples with innovative non-invasive radiomic-based biomarkers (RBBM), such as measurements of synovial fluid, plaque area, and plaque burden. This review presents two hypotheses: (i) RBBM and GBBM biomarkers exhibit a significant correlation and can precisely detect the severity of CVD/Stroke in RA patients. (ii) Artificial Intelligence (AI)-based preventive, precision, and personalized (aiP³) CVD/Stroke risk AtheroEdge™ model (AtheroPoint™, CA, USA) that utilizes deep learning (DL) to accurately classify the risk of CVD/stroke in RA framework. The authors conducted a comprehensive search using the PRISMA technique, identifying 153 studies that assessed the features/biomarkers of RBBM and GBBM for CVD/Stroke. The study demonstrates how DL models can be integrated into the AtheroEdge™–aiP³ framework to determine the risk of CVD/Stroke in RA patients. The findings of this review suggest that the combination of RBBM with GBBM introduces a new dimension to the assessment of CVD/Stroke risk in the RA framework. Synovial fluid levels that are higher than normal lead to an increase in the plaque burden. Additionally, the review provides recommendations for novel, unbiased, and pruned DL algorithms that can predict CVD/Stroke risk within a RA framework that is preventive, precise, and personalized.
Background: Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is a chronic autoimmune disease that can lead to joint pain and disability, and seriously impact patients' quality of life. Strychni Semen combined with Atractylodes Macrocephala koidz (SA) have pronounced curative effect on RA, and there is no poisoning of Strychni Semen (SS). However, its pharmacological mechanisms are still unclear. Objective: In this study, we aimed to investigate the pharmacological mechanisms of Strychni Semen combined with Atractylodes Macrocephala Koidz (SA) for the treatment of RA. Methods: We used network pharmacology to screen the active components of SA and predict the targets and pathways involved. Results originating from network pharmacology were then verified by animal experiments. Results: Network pharmacology identified 81 active ingredients and 141 targets of SA; 2640 disease-related genes were also identified. The core targets of SA for the treatment of RA included ALB, IL-6, TNF and IL-1β. A total of 354 gene ontology terms were identified by Gene ontology (GO) enrichment analysis. Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes (KEGG) pathway enrichment analysis results showed that SA was closely associated with TNF signaling pathways in the treatment of RA. Furthermore, according to the predicted results of network pharmacology, we established a rat model of Adjuvant arthritis (AA) for in vivo experiments. Analysis showed that each treatment group led to an improvement in paw swelling, immune organ coefficient and synovial tissue morphology in AA rats to different degrees, inhibit the expression levels of IL-1β, TNF-α and IL-6, upregulated the levels of Fas, Bax and Caspase 3, down-regulated the expression levels of Fas-L, Bcl-2 and p53. Conclusion: SA has an anti-RA effect, the mechanism underlying the therapeutic action of SA in AA rats was related to the regulation of apoptosis signaling pathways.
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ABSTRACT The aim:The purpose of this study is to find out the association between procalcitonin and hepcidin in patients with COVID-19, in addition to their role as diagnostic markers. Materials and methods: A total of 75 patients infected with coronavirus were included in the current study, their age is ranging between 20 to 78 years. Those patients was hospitalized in Al-Sadr Teaching Hospital in Najaf, in Iraq. This study also included 50 healthy subjects which are volunteers and considered as a (control group). Biomarker (procalcitonin and hepcidin) measurements were achieved by electrochemiluminescent immunoassay (ECLIA) in the Elecsys immunoassay system. Results: The present study showed a significant increase the serum cencentration of hepcidin and procalcitonin in patients with COVID-19 as compared tohealthy subjects. There was a highly significant increasing(p < 0.01) in hepcidin and PCT level in patients with severe infection comparing to other catgaries.The current study also revealed that the sensitivity values of the markers were: 0.88%, 0.85 for procalcitonin and hepcidin respectively, which indicate high diagnostic power. Conclusions: Serum levels of hepcidin and procalcitonin are increased as inflammatory markers in COVID-19 patients with relatively high sensitivity. It seems that these imflammatory markers obviously elevate in the severe cases COVID-19dusease. KEY WORDS: Covid-19, hepcidin, procalcitonin, imflammatory markers
Objective: The aim: To establish indicators and significance of sonography in the evaluation of muscle necrosis in ischemia of the limb acording to quantitative ultrasonographic indicators and density of collagen by histological method. Patients and methods: Materials and methods: In experiments, rabbits modeled with 6-hour limb ischemia by applying an elastic tourniquet. On days 5, 15, and 30, ultrasound and histological studies of the muscles and correlation analysis were performed between the muscles' entropy and the degree of their damage (atrophy, fibrosis and necrosis). Results: Results: The relative amount of structurally altered tissue was estimated morphometrically and compared with entropy. A high correlation of muscle damage with vertical δ-entropy indicates that sonography is highly likely to detect areas of necrosis and, to a lesser extent, fibrosis in the development of ischemic limb contracture in the early stages. Conclusion: Conclusions: Vertical δ-entropy in sonography is a significant indicator of muscle damage after traumatic ischemia and has strong relationship with muscle fibrosis.
Objective: The aim: To determine the features of daily shifts in blood pressure (BP), the influence of the presence of rheumatoid arthritis (RA) on BP control and identify factors that affect BP among patients with RA in combination with resistant hypertension (RH). Patients and methods: Materials and methods: All material for writing this scientific work were the results of a comprehensive survey of 201 people with RH and RA, hypertension (H) and RA, RA without H, H without RA and relatively healthy individuals. A laboratory study was performed: rheumatoid factor, C-reactive protein (CRP), K+ serum, and creatinine levels. All patients underwent office BP measurement and ambulatory BP monitoring for 24 hours. Statistical processing of the study results was carried out using "IBM SPSS Statistics 22". Results: Results: Among patients with RA in combination with RH non-dippers (38.7%) are the most common type of BP profile. Patients with RH in combination with RA are characterized by an increase in BP more at night (p <0.003), which corresponds to the high frequency of night-peackers (17.7%). The presence of RA determines worse control of diastolic BP (p <0.01) and more vascular overload on organs and systems during the night (p <0.05). Conclusion: Conclusions: An increase in BP in patients with RA in combination with RH is more significant at night, characterized by poorer BP control and greater vascular load at night indicating the need for tighter control of BP during sleep. Non-dippers are most often detected among patients with RA in combination with RH, which is prognostically unfavorable for the development of nocturnal "vascular accidents".
Objective: The aim: This study aimed to develop mouth-dissolving tablets of Acrivastine, an antihistamine medication, in order to increase its oral bioavailability. Patients and methods: Materials and methods: Different super disintegrants, such as crospovidone, croscarmellose sodium, and sodium starch glycolate, were used to make Acrivastine oral dispersible tablets (ODTs). These super disintegrants were utilized in various concentrations. The formulation (F3) with 6% w/w crospovidone had a fast disintegration time (less than 30 seconds) and practically total drug release within 10 minutes. All of the formulations were made using the direct compression method and proper diluents, binders, and lubricants. Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) tests were used to investigate the drug-ex¬cipient interaction, and all formulations demonstrated improved drug-excipient compatibility. Results: Results: The average weight of all formulations was between 175 and 180 mg. All formulations' hardness and friability were within acceptable ranges. Direct compression tablets had a hardness of 3.2 to 4 kg/cm2. All formulations were determined to have a friability of less than 1.0%. For oral dissolving tablets, the in vitro disintegration time is critical, and this time preferred to be < 60 seconds. The results also showed that crospovidone disintegrated after 24 seconds and sodium starch glycolate disintegrated in 40 seconds in vitro. Conclusion: Conclusions: When compared to croscarmellose sodium and sodium starch glycolate, crospovidone performs better as a super disintegrant. In comparison to other formula, tablets breakdown in the mouth in 30 seconds and have a maximum in vitro drug release time in 1-3 minutes.
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Background Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is associated with accelerated atherosclerosis which is not fully explained by traditional risk factors. Such excess risk appears to be driven by systemic inflammation. Aim of the work Aim of the work was to compare between RA patients with and without CD4⁺CD28⁻ T-cell expansion regarding carotid intima-media thickness (IMT) and brachial artery flow-mediated endothelium-dependent dilatation (FMEDD), as markers of early atherosclerosis. Patients and methods The study was conducted on 39 female patients with no overt cardiovascular disease or risk factor and 28 age matched females as controls. Atherosclerotic changes were assessed through measurement of carotid IMT and FMEDD. CD4⁺CD28⁻ T-cells were assessed by flow cytometry. Results The mean age of the patients was 34.9 ± 5 years and the disease duration of 6.1 ± 2.1 years. Traditional risk factors were comparable between patients and controls. Serum homocysteine level tended to be higher in the patients (11 ± 4.21 μmol/L) compared to the control (9.91 ± 3.61 μmol/L). Patients had significantly higher carotid IMT (0.83 ± 0.24 mm vs 0.6 ± 0.15 mm, p = 0.008) and lower FMEDD (3.27 ± 1.49% vs 6.01 ± 1.79%, p = 0.002). Similarly, patients with CD4⁺CD28⁻ expansion (n = 12) had significantly higher IMT (1 ± 0.23 mm) and lower FMEDD (2.25 ± 1.06%) compared to those without (n = 27) (0.76 ± 0.21 mm and 3.67 ± 1.47%); p = 0.01, p = 0.01 respectively; but not affected by receiving methotrexate or not. Laboratory investigations were comparable in patients with and without expansion. Conclusion CD4⁺CD28⁻ cells may contribute to the development of premature atherosclerosis in RA patients. Further studies are recommended to evaluate the benefit of CD4⁺CD28⁻ T-cell modulation on the future development of atherosclerosis in these patients.
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Purpose of review: Increased cardiovascular (CV) risk and associated mortality in rheumatoid arthritis (RA) are not fully explained by traditional CV risk factors. This review discusses the epidemiology and mechanisms of increased CV risk in RA and treatment effects on CV risk focusing on biologic disease-modifying anti-rheumatic drugs (DMARDs) and JAK inhibitors. Recent findings: Intermediary metabolic changes by inflammatory cytokines are observed in body composition, lipid profile, and insulin sensitivity of RA patients, leading to accelerated atherosclerosis and increased CV risk. Successful treatment with DMARDs has shown beneficial effects on these metabolic changes and ultimately CV outcomes, in proportion to the treatment efficacy in general but also with drug-specific mechanisms. Recent data provide further information on comparative CV safety between biologic DMARDs or JAK inhibitors as well as their safety signals for non-atherosclerotic CV events. CV benefits or safety signals associated with DMARD treatments can differ despite similar drug efficacy against RA, suggesting that both anti-inflammatory and drug-specific mechanisms are involved in altering CV risk.
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Objectives: Patients with RA display greater occult coronary atherosclerosis burden and experience higher cardiovascular morbidity and mortality compared with controls. We here explored whether pro-inflammatory cytokines and high-sensitivity cardiac troponin I (hs-cTnI), a biomarker of myocardial injury, correlated with plaque burden and cardiovascular events (CVEs) in RA. Methods: We evaluated 150 patients with 64-slice coronary CT angiography. Coronary artery calcium, number of segments with plaque (segment involvement score), stenotic severity and plaque burden were assessed. Lesions were described as non-calcified, mixed or fully calcified. Blood levels of hs-cTnI and pro-inflammatory cytokines were assessed during coronary CT angiography. Subjects were followed over 60 (s.d. 26) months for both ischaemic [cardiac death, non-fatal myocardial infarction (MI), stroke, peripheral arterial ischaemia] and non-ischaemic (new-onset heart failure hospitalization) CVEs. Results: Plasma hs-cTnI correlated with all coronary plaque outcomes (P < 0.01). Elevated hs-cTnI (⩾1.5 pg/ml) further associated with significant calcification, extensive atherosclerosis, obstructive plaque and any advanced mixed or calcified plaques after adjustments for cardiac risk factors or Framingham D'Agostino scores (all P < 0.05). Eleven patients suffered a CVE (1.54/100 patient-years), eight ischaemic and three non-ischaemic. Elevated hs-cTnI predicted all CVE risk independent of demographics, cardiac risk factors and prednisone use (P = 0.03). Conversely, low hs-cTnI presaged a lower risk for both extensive atherosclerosis (P < 0.05) and incident CVEs (P = 0.037). Conclusion: Plasma hs-cTnI independently associated with occult coronary plaque burden, composition and long-term incident CVEs in patients with RA. Low hs-cTnI forecasted a lower risk for both extensive atherosclerosis as well as CVEs. hs-cTnI may therefore optimize cardiovascular risk stratification in RA.
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Background: Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is a chronic inflammatory disease associated with a wide range of comorbidities, including cardiovascular disease, but its association with heart failure (HF) is not fully clear. We investigated the risk of incident HF in a nationwide cohort of patients with RA. Methods and results: The study comprised the entire Danish population aged ≥18 years followed from January 1, 2008 until first hospitalization for HF, emigration, December 31, 2012, or death. Information on comorbidity, medication, and socioeconomic status was identified by individual-level linkage of administrative registers. Patients with a rheumatologist diagnosis of RA between 1978 and 2008 were included. The primary study outcome was incident HF defined as first hospital admission for HF. Incidence rates of HF per 1000 person-years were calculated and incidence rate ratios adjusted for age, sex, calendar year, comorbidity, medications, socioeconomic status, smoking, and alcohol consumption were estimated. A total of 4 305 225 subjects with no history of HF were eligible for analysis at the study start. Of these subjects, 24 343 developed RA and 50 623 were hospitalized for HF. Overall incidence rates of incident HF were 2.43 and 6.64 for the reference population (n=49 879) and patients with RA (n=744), respectively. Correspondingly, the fully adjusted incidence rate ratio for incident HF was increased in patients with RA with incidence rate ratio 1.30 (95% confidence interval, 1.17-1.45). Conclusions: In this cohort study, RA was associated with an increased hospitalization for HF. These findings add significantly to the existing evidence of RA as a clinically relevant risk factor for HF.
Conference Paper
Background Patients with rheumatoid arthritis (RA) are at increased risk of cardiovascular disease such as acute coronary syndromes (ACS), which cannot entirely be explained by traditional cardiovascular risk factors. Studies have shown an association between RA disease severity and risk of ACS, speaking for a contribution of the RA disease per se to the excess ACS risk. In a recent report, however, we demonstrated that despite more efficient control of inflammation in RA during the recent years, the excess risk for ACS among patients with RA compared to the general population remains¹. This finding suggests that besides effects related to the RA disease per se, there may be a shared susceptibility. If the excess risk of ACS in patients with RA were increased due to this, an increased risk of ACS would be observed also in individuals with a similar genetic set-up and background as the patients with RA, such as their siblings. Objectives To investigate any potential shared susceptibility between RA and ACS by estimating the risk of ACS in full siblings of patients with (vs. without) RA. Methods We used the Swedish Rheumatology Quality register (SRQ) to identify an early RA cohort diagnosed between 1996–2015, which was linked to the Swedish Multigeneration Register, Patient Register, the Cause of Death register, and the Total Population Register. Through this, we sampled five general population comparator subjects to each patient with RA, matched by birth year and sex, and identified all full siblings to patients with RA and for their comparator subjects born within five years of their index case. The comparators, and all siblings, were required to be alive and living in Sweden at the time of the index patient’s RA diagnosis (=start of follow-up). All unique individuals were then followed for ACS (defined as first ever hospitalisation for ACS (ICD10: I21 or I20.0) or MI listed as the cause of death), and censored at death, migration, RA diagnosis (for non-RA subjects) or the end of the study (Dec 31 st 2015). We calculated hazard ratios (HR) using a Cox proportional hazards model, adjusting for age, sex and calendar period of diagnosis. Confidence intervals (CI) were estimated using a robust sandwich estimator. Results We identified 7492 patients with RA who had 10 671 full siblings, and 35 120 population comparator subjects with 47 137 full siblings. The HR for ACS was 1.44 (95% CI: 1.25 to 1.66) and 1.23 (95% CI: 1.09 to 1.40) for patients with RA and their siblings, respectively, compared to the comparator subjects. A direct comparison between the RA patients and their RA-free siblings confirmed the familial association between RA and ACS, HR 1.19 (95% CI: 1.02 to 1.38). Conclusions The increased risk of ACS in siblings of patients with RA a) provide evidence of shared susceptibility between RA and ACS, the nature of which needs to be further investigated, and b) suggests that to bring down the CV risk in RA to that in the general population, cardiopreventive measures must go beyond optimised RA disease control. Reference [1] Holmqvist M, Ljung L, Askling J Acute coronary syndrome in new-onset rheumatoid arthritis: a population-based nationwide cohort study of time trends in risks and excess risks, Ann Rheum Dis2017 Disclosure of Interest H. Westerlind: None declared, M. Holmqvist: None declared, L. Ljung: None declared, T. Frisell: None declared, J. Askling Grant/research support from: Johan Askling has or has had research agreements with Abbvie, BMS, MSD, Pfizer, Roche, Astra-Zeneca, Eli Lilly, Samsung Bioepis, and UCB, mainly in the context of safety monitoring of biologics via ARTIS. Karolinska Institutet has received remuneration for JA participating in advisory boards arranged by Pfizer and Eli Lilly.
Cardiovascular disease (CVD) risk is 1.5-fold higher in rheumatoid arthritis (RA), partly due to subclinical atherosclerosis that develops before the diagnosis of RA. Dyslipidemia in RA is better quantified by lipoproteins and apolipoproteins than by cholesterol levels. Current risk factors likely underestimate CVD risk by underestimating prior risk factor levels. Some of the 2-fold higher risk of heart failure and total mortality in RA may be due to myocardial disease caused by inflammation. Per recent recommendations, to reduce CVD risk in RA, control disease activity, reduce inflammation, and aggressively treat CVD risk factors.
Background/objective: Given heightened cardiovascular disease (CVD) risk in rheumatoid arthritis (RA) and that higher blood pressure (BP) represents greater CVD risk, we hypothesized that higher BP would predict more BP-related communication in rheumatology visits. We examined predictors of documented BP communication during RA clinic visits. Methods: This was a retrospective cohort study of RA patients identified in electronic health record records with uncontrolled hypertension (HTN) receiving both primary and rheumatology care. Trained abstractors reviewed RA visit notes for "BP communication" using a standardized tool to elicit documentation about BP or HTN beyond recording vital signs. We used multivariate logistic regression to examine the impact of BP category (American Heart Association: ideal normotension, pre-HTN, and stages I and II HTN) on odds ratios (95% confidence intervals) of BP communication. Results: Among 1267 RA patients, 40% experienced BP elevations meeting the definition of uncontrolled HTN. Of 2677 eligible RA visits, 22% contained any documented BP communication. After adjustment, models predicted only 31% of visits with markedly high BPs 160/100 mm Hg or greater would contain BP communication. Compared with stage I, stage II elevation did not significantly increase communication (odds ratio, 2.0 [95% confidence interval, 1.4-2.8] vs. 1.5 [1.2-2.2]), although both groups' odds exceeded pre-HTN and normotension. Less than 10% of eligible visits resulted in documented action steps recommending follow-up of high BP. Conclusions: Regardless of BP magnitude, most RA clinic visits lacked documented communication about BP despite compounded CVD risk. Future work should study how rheumatology clinics can facilitate follow-up of high BPs to address HTN as the most common and reversible CVD risk factor.
Objective: To compare mortality rates, underlying causes of death, excess mortality and years of potential life lost (YPLL) among rheumatoid arthritis (RA) patients relative to the general population. Methods: We studied an inception cohort of 87,114 Ontario RA patients and 348,456 age/sex/area-matched general population comparators over 2000 to 2013. All-cause, cause-specific, and excess mortality rates, mortality rate ratios (MRRs), and YPLL were estimated. Results: A total of 11,778 (14% of) RA patients and 32,472 (9% of) comparators died during 508,385 and 1,769,365 person-years (PY) of follow-up, respectively, for corresponding mortality rates of 232 (95% CI 228, 236) and 184 (95% CI 182, 186) per 10,000 PYs. Leading causes of death in both groups were diseases of the circulatory system, cancer, and respiratory conditions. Increased mortality for all-cause and specific causes was observed in RA relative to the general population. MRRs were elevated for most causes of death. Age-specific mortality ratios illustrated a high excess mortality among RA patients under 45 years of age for respiratory disease and circulatory disease. RA patients lost 7,436 potential years of life per 10,000 persons, compared with 4,083 YPLL among those without RA. Conclusion: Mortality rates were increased in RA patients relative to the general population across most causes of death. The potential life years lost (before the age of 75) among RA patients was roughly double that among those without RA, reflecting higher rate ratios for most causes of death and RA patients dying at earlier ages. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.
Objectives: To investigate the incidence of heart failure (HF) and ischemic heart disease (IHD) in different time-spans following incident rheumatoid arthritis (RA). Furthermore, to investigate the impact of IHD on the development of HF and the impact of different treatment era's of RA. Methods: This matched cohort study used nationwide, prospectively collected data. From the total Danish population of approximately 5.7 million inhabitants we identified 51,859 patients (between 1995 and July 2016) with incident RA and a sex and age matched cohort from the general population (256,653 persons). Results: The hazard ratio (HR) for HF among RA patients compared with persons from comparison cohort were 2.28 within the first year of index date, 1.39 within1-5 years of index date, and 1.38 within 5-10 after index date. No difference was identified regarding different treatment era's of RA. For IHD the sHR was 1.93 within the first year of index date, 1.26 within 1-5 years of index date, and 1.31 within 5-10 after index date. Coronary revascularization was also more common within the first year after diagnosis of RA. An increased risk of percutaneous coronary intervention and coronary by-pass grafting within 10 years following the RA diagnosis were observed. HR for new onset of HF in RA without IHD was 1.23, while the HR for new onset of HF in patients with RA and IHD was 2.06. Conclusions: RA patients had higher rates of HF and IHD throughout the entire observation period compared to the comparison cohort. RA was associated with a larger risk for developing HF. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.