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Proposing New Blockchain Challenges in eHealth


Abstract and Figures

Background: The blockchain technology has reached a great boom in the health sector, due to its importance to overcome interoperability and security challenges of the EHR and EMR systems in eHealth. Objective: The main objective of this work is to show a review of the existing research works in the literature, referring to the new blockchain technology applied in ehealth and exposing the possible research lines and trends in which this technology can be focused. Methods: The search for blockchain studies in eHealth field was carried out in the following databases: IEEE Xplore, Google Scholar, Science Direct, PubMed, Web of Science and ResearchGate from 2010 to the present. Different search criteria were established such as: “Blockchain” AND (“eHealth” OR “EHR” OR “electronic health records” OR “medicine”) selecting the papers considered of most interest. Results: A total of 84 publications on blockchain in eHealth were found, of which 18 have been identified as relevant works, 5.56% correspond to the year 2016, 22.22% to 2017 and 72.22% to 2018. Many of the publications found show how this technology is being developed and applied in the health sector and the benefits it provides. Conclusion: The new blockchain technology applied in eHealth identifies new ways to share the distributed view of health data and promotes the advancement of precision medicine, improving health and preventing diseases.
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Proposing New Blockchain Challenges in eHealth
Susel Góngora Alonso
&Jon Arambarri
&Miguel López-Coronado
&Isabel de la Torre Díez
Received: 13 December 2018 / Accepted: 31 January 2019
#Springer Science+Business Media, LLC, part of Springer Nature 2019
The blockchain technology has reached a great boom in the health sector, due to its importance to overcome interoperability and
security challenges of the EHR and EMR systems in eHealth. The main objective of this work is to show a review of the existing
research worksin the literature, referring to the new blockchain technology applied in ehealth and exposing the possible research
lines and trends in which this technologycan be focused.The search for blockchain studies in eHealth field was carried out in the
following databases: IEEE Xplore, Google Scholar, Science Direct, PubMed, Web of Science and ResearchGate from 2010 to the
present. Different search criteria were established such as: BBlockchain^AND (BeHealth^OR BEHR^OR Belectronic health
records^OR Bmedicine^) selecting the papers considered of most interest. A total of 84 publications on blockchain in eHealth
were found, of which 18 have been identified as relevantworks, 5.56% correspond to the year 2016, 22.22% to 2017 and 72.22%
to 2018. Many of the publications found show how this technology is being developed and applied in the health sector and the
benefits it provides. The new blockchain technology applied in eHealth identifies new ways to share the distributed view of health
data and promotes the advancement of precision medicine, improving health and preventing diseases.
Keywords Blockchain .Challenges .eHealth .Electronic health records (EHRs)
eHealth is a technology that is becoming increasingly impor-
tant over time, from remote access to medical records, such as
Electronic Health Records (EHR) or Electronic Medical
Records (EMR), to the exchange of real-time data from dif-
ferent body sensors in patients [1]. The importance of eHealth
is its ability to provide patients, worldwide, access to their
medical data and real-time monitoring of their health with
the evolution of IoT and connected objects. Improved com-
munication between patients and health professionals, there-
fore, effectiveness in treatments and health monitoring, greater
access to medical care and less pressure on public health bud-
gets [2].
EHR is a standardized information model, which allows
integration among multiple health care providers, and this
integration is considered its main advantage [3]. EHR has
several benefits, ranging from supporting medical prescrip-
tions, improving the management of disease and contributing
to the reduction of serious medication errors. However, EHR
has limitations with respect to interoperability, with the secu-
rity of data exchanged between health organizations, or with
the non-incorporation of data on patient welfare [4]. Hence, in
the context of eHealth, blockchain emerges as a highly secure
and decentralized network platform of several computers
called nodes; changing the way medical information is stored
and shared. It facilitates the work, monitors the security and
accuracy of data and also reduces the maintenance cost [5].
The main advantage of blockchain technology in
healthcare organizations is the management of patients
EMRs. Nowadays, patient information is stored safely in
This article is part of the Topical Collection on Systems-Level Quality
*Isabel de la Torre Díez
Susel Góngora Alonso
Jon Arambarri
Miguel López-Coronado
Department of Signal Theory and Communications, and Telematics
Engineering, University of Valladolid, Paseo de Belén, 15,
47011 Valladolid, Spain
Virtual Ware Labs Foundation, Bilbao, Spain
Basauri, Spain
Journal of Medical Systems (2019) 43:64
many places, dispersed among many institutions, hospitals
and insurance providers, without full access to a shared patient
database [6]. Health records stored in blockchain could allow
patients to make their structured data available to researchers.
All these factors have the potential to reducestorage costs and
increase efficiency, possibly even by integrating automatic
systems of insurance payment through the use of intelligent
contracts (automatic execution contracts with terms of agree-
ment between the parties written directly on code lines) built
as a layer on blockchain [7].
Blockchain technology has gained great popularity in
recent years in different sectors, one of these fields being
health. This popularity is due to its unique characteristics
such as: absence of centralized control, a high degree of
anonymity and a consensus distributed over decentralized
networks. Hence, in this work we present a review of the
state of the art regarding blockchain technology in
eHealth, in order to obtain an overview of topic and ex-
pose the possible research lines and trends in which this
technology can be focused.
There are similar studies that demonstrate the viability
of our research, such as: in [8] the authors determine the
current challenges of EMR systems and potential solu-
tions in order to show the interoperability and security
challenges of the different EMR systems that they use
blockchain technology, [9] the authors present the poten-
tial applications of technology and highlight the
blockchain challenges in medical care and [10]theau-
thors investigate different blockchains structures in the
administration and exchange of EHR and EMR to allow
patients, hospitals, clinics and other medical stakeholders
to share data with each other and increase interoperability.
The methodology used in this review is described below.
Afterwards, the results obtained the discussion of them and
the final conclusions of this research work will be finalized.
In this paper was developed a review of the existing re-
search works in literature regarding the use of blockchain
in eHealth, with publication dates from 2010 to the present.
Different scientific databases were used to carry out the
review, such as: IEEE Xplore, Google Scholar, PubMed,
Science Direct, Web of Science and ResearchGate. Table 1
shows the different search criteria used for the review. The
databases used cover the largest amount of research in
fields such as eHealth.
Certain requirements for the inclusion of a document
were taken into account, such as: 1) The document must
be written in English. 2) Blockchain studies applied to
eHealth. 3) Those studies focused on how blockchain is
applied in other non-ehealth sectors are eliminated. The
selection process of the articles was carried out by reading
titles and abstract of results obtained by one of authors,
and the articles were classified by reading their abstracts
and the full article when necessary. Fig. 1show the search
strategy used in the review.
Of the 84 publications found 53 were duplicated or with
irrelevant title for this research, the remaining 31 studies were
read and analyzed their abstracts to determine which were of
interest, obtaining as a result 18 documents which gave rise to
relevant contributions. In the following section shows the
most relevant papers found.
Blockchain technology has gained considerable progress
in recent years in fields such as health. The medical data
contains personal and sensitive information that must be
preserved. In the early stages of design and development,
several organizations have designed novel technologies
that have the latency to maximize medical data, such as
heterogeneous transparency and operational capabilities
[5]. Blockchain offers a new and promising distributed
frameworktoamplifyandsupport the integration of
health care information in a variety of uses and stake-
holders [11].
By reviewing the literature we found a total of 18 relevant
papers related to the blockchain technology applied in
eHealth. Of which 5.56% correspond to the year 2016,
22.22% to 2017 and 72.22% to 2018 demonstrating the nov-
elty of the Blockchain technology applied to eHealth. Fig. 2
shows the statistics of the relevant paper found from 2010 to
the present and Fig. 3shows the percentages of each topic in
which results of this review are divided.
Below is show a summary of results obtained in the litera-
ture review (See Table 2).
In [6] propose a novel protocol to achieve the preservation
of patient privacy, called Pseudonym Based Encryption with
Different Authorities (PBE-DA) applying the Blockchain con-
cept in health communication entities in an eHealth platform,
with the objective to comply with the requirement of structure
distributed in eHealth records system. The results showed the
development of the protocol and its validation.
In [16] the authors propose a secure and scalable access
control system for confidential information. Employed secure
cryptographic techniques (encryption and digital signatures)
to ensure efficient access control to confidential shared
datasets using an authorized blockchain for enhanced security
and a closely monitored system. They designed a blockchain-
based data exchange scheme that allows users/data owners to
access EHR from a shared repository after their identities and
cryptographic keys have been verified. The results show that
64 Page 2 of 7 J Med Syst (2019) 43:64
the system succeeds where traditional methods of passwords
access control, firewalls and intrusion detection systems fail.
In [19] the authors present an approach to solve the prob-
lem of managing access control in eHealth. Access control is a
special complex task in electronic health, since resources and
data are distributed among different installation and institu-
tions. To overcome this complexity, they propose an approach
that takes advantage use of blockchain to store transactional
information about eHealth records and access control policies.
The results in general show that approach is viable, which
offers several advantages when compared with existing
In [22] the authors propose a DABS scheme for
Blockchain in healthcare, which provides an efficient verifi-
cation of EHR data authenticity and identity of the signer.
They also describe a holistic on-chain and off-chain collabo-
rative storage system for efficient storage and verification of
EHR data. This blockchain-based storage system ensures that
stored and shared EHR data is not constrained cannot be ver-
ified, and combination of on-chain and off-chain storage ef-
fectively realizes the secure sharing of large-scale distributed
EHR data. The experimental results show that the proposed
protocol is effective and practical.
In [25] propose a secure EHR system based on attri-
butes and blockchain technology. In the system, they used
attribute-based encryption (ABE) and identity-based en-
cryption (IBE) to encrypt medical data, using the
identity-based signature (IBS) to implement digital signa-
tures. This greatly facilitates the management of the sys-
tem and does not need to introduce different cryptograph-
ic systems for different security requirements. In addition
blockchain techniques guarantee the integrity and trace-
ability of medical data.
In [26] the authors propose a blockchain-based secure and
privacy-preserving personal health information (PHI) sharing
(BSPP) scheme for diagnosis improvements in e-Health sys-
tems. In this case, the private blockchain and consortium
blockchain are used. The private blockchain is responsible
for storing the PHI, while the consortium blockchain keeps
records of the PHI safe indexes. Block generators must pro-
vide a conformance test to add new blocks to blockchain,
which guarantees the availability of the system. The results
show that the proposed protocol can meet the security
One of the blockchain main advantages compared to other
models of distributed databases is the integration of data
Fig. 1 Flow Diagram
Table 1 Searches conducted on the different academic databases
Databases Search criteria Search fields
IEEE Xplore BBlockchain^AND (BeHealth^OR BEHR^OR Belectronic health records^OR Bmedicine^)Babstract^
Google Scholar BBlockchain^AND (BeHealth^OR BEHR^OR Belectronic health records^OR Bmedicine^)Btitle^
PubMed BBlockchain^AND (BeHealth^OR BEHR^OR Belectronic health records^OR Bmedicine^)Btitle/abstract^
Science Direct BBlockchain^AND (BeHealth^OR BEHR^OR Belectronic health records^OR Bmedicine^)Babstract, title, keywords^
Web o f Science BBlockchain^AND (BeHealth^OR BEHR^OR Belectronic health records^OR Bmedicine^)Btitle^AND Btopic^
ResearchGate BBlockchain^AND (BeHealth^OR BEHR^OR Belectronic health records^OR Bmedicine^)Btitle/abstract^
J Med Syst (2019) 43:64 Page 3 of 7 64
processing, which guarantees correction and security in a sin-
gle protocol, is implemented algorithmically and minimizes
the human factor [21]. The ability to verify the authenticity of
EHR data and signer identity for EHR data is fundamental for
the practical deployment of blockchain in medical care [22].
Identify new ways to share the distributed view of health data
and promote advancement of precision medicine, health im-
provement and disease prevention [28]. Below we show the
main challenges that are discussed in this review.
The Blockchain technology offers a platform that could be
used for many potential applications in medical care. It has
the potential to improve security in remote patient monitoring
systems and automate the delivery of health-related notifica-
tions in a manner compatible with HIPAA [29]. You can solve
current problems with poorly managed patient data by adding
clean and formatted data to EHR and EMR, which allows
healthcare to use big data with more reliable information,
leading to more meaningful results.
Blockchain is a technology based on public key cryptogra-
phy and hashing mechanisms as a means to track historical
transactions related to distributed patient records while pre-
serving the data confidentiality, integrity and availability.
Ensuring that records are not lost or modified falsified or
accessed incorrectly.
There are important obstacles to overcome in order for
blockchain to reach its maximum potential and be applied
in medical care, the most important problems are technol-
ogy scalability and data access controls [7]. Some of
greatest advantages that application of this technology
could provide in health care are: access to a large quantity
of anonymous health data that could be used for medi-
cines personalized development, rationalization of medi-
cal insurance costs and health, as well as the improvement
of public health policies. Along with data availability on
health care providers, this type of patient participation
could generate a new era in medical care.
The blockchain technology could also help with other as-
pects of medical care, such as improving the insurance claim
or other administrative processes within the healthcare net-
works and making available to biomedical researchers, popu-
lation data related to health [30].
Conclusion and future work
The purpose of this review was to provide an overview of the
state of art in research on blockchain in eHealth and expose
the research lines and trends of this new technology in this
field. The results obtained show us a very innovative technol-
ogy from which we obtained relevant papers with publication
date from 2016.
Fig. 2 Relevant papers found in
the last 10 years
Fig. 3 Percentages of topics found in the review, related with blockchain
in eHealth
64 Page 4 of 7 J Med Syst (2019) 43:64
Table 2 Studies of the bibliographic review related to Blockchain in eHealth
Authors Year of
Objective of the Study Results
Azaria et al. [12] 2016 They propose a novel decentralized registry management
system called MedRec to manage EMRs, using
blockchain technology. The system provides patients
with a complete and immutable record and easy access
to their medical information through providers and
treatment centers.
- The results demonstrated an innovative approach to the
management of medical records, providing
interoperability and accessibility through a complete
registry. MedRec allows the exchange of patient data
and incentives for medical researchers to maintain the
2017 They present a system that allows personalized control of
the access of third parties to EHR of patients, which
allows people to specify when and how their records are
accessed for research purposes.
- The results show that the use of Ethereum blockchain
technology based on intelligent contract to implement
this system, allows it to operate in a verifiable, reliable
and openly auditable environment, crucial features for
the advancement of health information systems.
et al. [14]
2017 The authors propose a framework on the management and
exchange of EMR data for care of cancer patients based
on blockchain.
They implement the framework in a prototype that
guarantees privacy, security, availability and detailed
access control over EMR data.
- The results show that the proposed study can
significantly reduce the response time to share EMR,
improve decision making for medical care and reduce
the overall cost.
Magyar [15] 2017 They present a study of how blockchain technology can
help solve the problem of secure data storage and
guarantee its availability at the same time in an EHR
- The new technology solves an essential problem of
access to data without endangering personal privacy.
- It opens new opportunities for automatic personal
monitoring devices and takes a step towards the
participation of new service providers.
Xia et al. [16) 2017 The authors propose a secure and scalable access control
system for confidential information using blockchain.
- The results show that the system succeeds where
traditional methods of passwords access control,
firewalls and intrusion detection systems fail.
Badr, Gomaa, &
2018 They propose a novel protocol to achieve the preservation
of patient privacy, called PBE-DA applying the
Blockchain concept in an eHealth platform.
- The results showed the protocol development and its
Dagher et al. [17] 2018 They propose a framework based on blockchain for
secure, interoperable and efficient access to EHR by
patients, suppliers and third parties, while preserving
the privacy of patientsconfidential information.
The framework, called Ancile, uses smart contracts in
blockchain based on Ethereum for greater control of
data access, and uses advanced cryptographic
techniques for greater security.
- The results show a blockchain system that achieves a
high level of decentralization while recognizing that
some nodes must be of a higher authority.
- It offers an important preservation of the data privacy
and integrity.
Da Conceição
et al. [18]
2018 The authors analyze blockchain technology and smart
contracts in scenarios related to access, administration
and interoperability of data for domain of specific
medical attention.
They propose the implementation of large-scale
information architecture to access EHR based on
intelligent contracts as mediators of information.
- His main contribution is the framing of data privacy and
accessibility problems in medical care as well as
proposal of an integrated architecture based on
Dias et al. [19] 2018 The authors present an approach to solve the problem
of managing access control in eHealth.
- The results in general show that the approach is viable,
which offers several advantages when compared with
existing systems.
Kaur et al. [5] 2018 The authors propose a platform based on Blockchain
-This study offers a summary of the framework, the
internal work and protocols for management of
heterogeneous health data.
Mikula &
Jacobsen [20]
2018 The authors propose a system for the identities and
accesses management using blockchain.
They propose a prototype based on an open source
blockchain framework called Hyperledger Fabric to
demonstrate the viability of the system.
- The results confirm that identity and access management
can be achieved in a decentralized, efficient and secure
- The proposed concept was applied and discussed in a
case of use with EHR of health sector.
Novikov et al.
2018 They present a model of health system decentralized
infrastructure, a scheme of the distributed data registry
for creation of patient electronic medical card. An
algorithm has been developed for use of smart contracts
in the health system using blockchain.
- The results of research demonstrate the effectiveness of
blockchain technology for storing patient EHR.
J Med Syst (2019) 43:64 Page 5 of 7 64
Challenges such as the scalability, security and profitability
of blockchain technology will require more research before
large-scale production implementations. The future of this
technology in health and other industries needs more research
and development. However, a distributed system that elimi-
nates intermediaries has a substantial potential to interrupt
many current processes in medical care and research.
Blockchain offers an opportunity to make possible the ef-
ficient exchange of information between the interested parties
and the protection of the patientsprivacy,aswellastoguar-
antee the integrity of the data. Unresolved problems such as
acceptance, regulation and ethics should be considered for the
use of blockchain technology.
As the health industry moves towards models focused
mainly on patients, the use of blockchain technology emerges
as a viable solution, since it allows storing and managing
electronic health records in an efficient and safe way.
Blockchains potential for health care depends to a large
extent on the acceptance of new technology within the health
care ecosystem to create technical infrastructure. Leveraging
this technology has potential of connect fragmented systems
to generate ideas and better assess the care value. In the long
term, a national blockchain network for EMR can improve
efficiency and support better health outcomes for patients.
Hence, we propose as future work design and implement a
platform using blockchain to share EHRs among various med-
ical and health institutions in a region of Spain, taking into
account the security and privacy protocols for the handling of
patient data. Facilitating that in a future blockchain can be
seen as component of a system in which patients act as ad-
ministrators of their own data.
Acknowledgments This research has been partially supported by
European Commission and the Ministry of Industry, Energy and
Tourism under the project AAL-20125036 named BWetake Care: ICT-
based Solution for (Self-) Management of Daily Living^.
Compliance with ethical standards
Conflict of interest The authors declare that they have no conflict of
Ethical approval This article does not contain any studies with human
participants or animals performed by any of the authors.
PublishersNoteSpringer Nature remains neutral with regard to jurisdic-
tional claims in published maps and institutional affiliations.
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Ta bl e 2 (continued)
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J Med Syst (2019) 43:64 Page 7 of 7 64
... Blockchain technology can be effectively deployed for remote patient monitoring, storage and data sharing [8,36,54]. Effective access controls through cloud authentication with keyless signature infrastructure and permission miners [11,15,18,52,68]. The incursion of innovative technologies for better diagnosis using wearable devices and smart health applications [10,15,49,75,86]. ...
... Yim et al. [85] -Data modeling, data capturing, data completeness, data accuracy, data sharing 5 Marques and Ferreira [49] -Privacy of medical records 6 Alamri et al. [4] -Security -Privacy -Throughput/latency -Bandwidth -Data management 7 Nazir et al. [53] -Data storage -Information retrieval -Complex system modelling -Processing of huge data volumes 8 Assenza et al. [10] -Privacy and security of wearable devices -Poor integration -Access to sensitive data about patient by wearable devices 9 Mohsin et al. [51] -Security -Privacy -Storage -Legislation -Scalability of infrastructure 10 Ramachandran et al. [63] -Storage, security, privacy, access, management of data 11 Coppola et al. [20] -Privacy, commercialization, compensation, confidentiality 12 Ghazvini and Shukur [30] -Patient records' privacy and security 13 Uddin et al. [75] -Security and privacy -Data sharing and communication -Large dataset 14 Nortey et al. [57] -Security breaches and privacy violations 15 Nagasubramanian et al. [52] -Centralized storage prone to Cyber-attacks -Loss of confidentiality -Security -Unauthorized access to patients' records 16 Zhang and Lin [86] -Security and privacy of personal health information 17 Yang et al. [83] -Privacy -Security -Lack of confidence for extensive collaboration of health teams 18 Khatoon [42] -Accessing and managing a large amount of medical data -Unstructured data -Data collection difficulties -Data siloing -Legacy network incongruity 19 Zhou et al. [89] -Incredibility -Storage -Security -Sharing of data -Privacy ...
... Assenza et al. [10] -Use of artificial intelligence -Safe/direct communication between devices and EMR applications 8 Mohsin et al. [51] -Implementation, costs, security, testing and evaluation 9 ...
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Electronic Medical Records (EMR) is often used to refer to as electronic personal health (EPH) records or electronic healthcare records (EHR). These are considered vivacious assets of health facilities and patients. The relevance of the EMRs has motivated diverse innovations in the collecting, organizing, managing and administering for purpose of treatment primarily and other reasons. There are various concerns raised about legitimate usages, reproducibility, accuracy, and privacy breaches of EMRs across majority of health and medical facilities globally. This phenomenon became popular due to its support of electronic devices, wireless links, transmission and storage of data in the cloud, and communication across a gateway (or central-point). Therefore, physicians and medical facilities were empowered to undertake virtual consultations to patients through telemedicine applications for the remote treatment and diagnosis. Internet of Things (IoT) systems, medical wearable objects, and sensors were the basic components that collect and transmit patient data on real-time basis to a base station or centralized servers managed by hospitals. However, there is the need to improve creation and adoption of EMRs not without understanding their roles and shortfalls as well possible means of improvement. Consequently, this study conducts a systematic literature review on electronic medical records management and administration under current trends, issues, solutions and future directions. To this end, eighty-one (81) peer-reviewed articles including conferences and journals papers were included in the final stage of the study after applying Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Review and Meta-analysis Protocols (PRIMA-P) methodology of records selection. The contributions of this study include: the recognition of the informed consent strategy as the best solution to illegitimate access to patient electronic records; the use of permissioned access strategies provided by blockchain technology as most recent attempt for privacy preservations; the use of lightweight cryptosystems with greater emphasis on Lattice systems; and the need to scale beyond theoretical frameworks to real-life implementations.
... The current research on BCT applied to eHealth are examined and potential research avenues were explored in [50]. Studies from 2010 to 2019 were selected for analysis after a search of well-known scientific resources for blockchain research in the eHealth sector. ...
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Blockchain technologies (BCT) are utilized in healthcare to facilitate a smart and secure transmission of patient data. BCT solutions, however, are unable to store data produced by IoT devices in smart healthcare applications because these applications need a quick consensus process, meticulous key management, and enhanced eprivacy standards. In this work, a smart and secure eHealth framework SSEHCET (Smart and Secure EHealth Framework using Cutting-edge Technologies) is proposed that leverages the potentials of modern cutting-edge technologies (IoT, 5G, mobile edge computing, and BCT), which comprises six layers: 1) The sensing layer-WBAN consists of medical sensors that normally are on or within the bodies of patients and communicate data to smartphones. 2) The edge layer consists of elements that are near IoT devices to collect data. 3) The Communication layer leverages the potential of 5G technology to transmit patients' data between multiple layers efficiently. 4) The storage layer consists of cloud servers or other powerful computers. 5) Security layer, which uses BCT to transmit and store patients' data securely. 6) The healthcare community layer includes healthcare professionals and institutions. For the processing of medical data and to guarantee dependable, safe, and private communication, a Smart Agent (SA) program was duplicated on all layers. The SA leverages the potential of BCT to protect patients' privacy when outsourcing data. The contribution is substantiated through a meticulous evaluation, encompassing security, ease of use, user satisfaction, and SSEHCET structure. Results from an in-depth case study with a prominent healthcare provider underscore SSEHCET's exceptional performance, showcasing its pivotal role in advancing the security, usability, and user satisfaction paradigm in modern eHealth landscapes.
... Blockchain-based healthcare systems could support drug supply management, access control for medical activities, and medical record exchange. The authors of [29] and [30] review blockchain-based solutions that exploit some properties of this technology, such as decentralization and absence of a centralized authority, pseudo-anonymity, and heterogeneous transparency. ...
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The facilitation of sharing and exchanging patients’ health records is a paramount opportunity in e-health, enabling healthcare providers to garner a comprehensive and clear perspective of patients’ medical histories without necessitating direct inquiries. Besides this great advantage, it introduces substantial issues on security and privacy, mainly related to unauthorized access to e-health records when different healthcare service providers maintain records. In this paper, we deal with this problem and propose using the blockchain technology (1) to obfuscate the linkage between patients’ identities and their e-health records and (2) to grant access to e-health records exclusively to entities authorized by patients themselves. Key outcomes include using a digital identity based on the Electronic Identification, Authentication, and Trust Services Regulation (eIDAS) to control access to these records, and a concrete implementation by adopting the Ethereum blockchain. Our solution relies on using a public blockchain, which is an improvement for the state of the art, in which only private or consortium blockchains have been proposed. The resulting solution has been analyzed, and the effectiveness and affordability of the proposal have been shown.
... As such, there are emergent examples of blockchain utilisation to such social ends, such as in 'Decentralised Science' and 'Regenerative Financing', which respond to challenges across science and ecology. While various review articles have assessed the use of blockchain technologies in health [6,[8][9][10], primarily exploring how web3 technologies can be leveraged for use in health records [11][12][13], there has been little consideration of wider socio-political and ecological determinants of health, nor of potential interventions. Little attention has been paid to the nexus of blockchain technology and planetary health, nor to the application of web3 solutions for planetary health challenges. ...
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Planetary health is an emergent transdisciplinary field, focused on understanding and addressing the interactions of climate change and human health, which offers interventional challenges given its complexity. While various articles have assessed the use of blockchain (web3) technologies in health, little consideration has been given to the potential use of web3 for addressing planetary health. A scoping review to explore the intersection of web3 and planetary health was conducted. Seven databases (Ovid Medline, Global Health, Web of Science, Scopus, Geobase, ACM Digital Library, and IEEE Xplore) were searched for peer-reviewed literature using key terms relating to planetary health and blockchain. Findings were reported narratively. A total of 3245 articles were identified and screened, with 23 articles included in the final review. The health focus of the articles included pandemics and disease outbreaks, the health of vulnerable groups, population health, health financing, research and medicines use, environmental health, and the negative impacts of blockchain mining on human health. All articles included the use of blockchain technology, with others additionally incorporating smart contracts, the Internet of Things, artificial intelligence and machine learning. The application of web3 to planetary health can be broadly categorised across data, financing, identity, medicines and devices, and research. Shared values that emerged include equity, decentralisation, transparency and trust, and managing complexity. Web3 has the potential to facilitate approaches towards planetary health, with the use of tools and applications that are underpinned by shared values. Further research, particularly primary research into blockchain for public goods and planetary health, will allow this hypothesis to be better tested.
... Ensuring the security of the communication network utilized by healthcare IoT systems is imperative to prevent both interception and unauthorized data access [7]. Secure communication protocols and robust encryption algorithms are fundamental in safeguarding patient information [8]. ...
Digital Identity is a prominent practice across every digital platform for maintaining confidentiality and privacy. The demand for Internet of Things (IoT) and its allied technologies such as Internet of Medical Things (IoMT), the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT), and the Internet of Video Things (IoVT) is constantly on the rise in both wired and wireless domains. IoT communications emerge as a major challenge for digital identity-based security solutions in the areas of healthcare, transportation, and their allied applications. This paper addresses the different aspects of digital identity for security preservation and maintenance in IoT and blockchain based solutions. It focuses on Confidentiality, Integrity, and Availability (CIA) issues and corresponding digital identity solutions using the duo. The writers perused over 112 publications and shared their findings on cutting-edge technologies related to Digital Identity (DId) in the healthcare industry.
Conference Paper
When developing models or frameworks in electronic health, known as eHealth, they must consider a variety of essential characteristics for their optimal functioning; however, identifying these characteristics is complicated because health processes, especially those directed at health care, are very diverse. Therefore, the objective of the research is to identify the most used characteristics in the development of frameworks or models for eHealth, to determine which are the ones that have had the greatest relevance and thus offer a general extract of the essential components in the design of eHealth-oriented models or frameworks. The set of evidence shows as a result the essential characteristics to develop models and frameworks in the eHealth field, such as: optimal management of documentation based on semantic terminology, adoption or management of ontologies, application of IT governance standards, quality and health, safety and privacy, functional and quality requirements, among others. Based on what has been observed, it is concluded that by identifying the main characteristics that any model or framework developed for eHealth must have, it allows the researcher or developer to have a clearer vision of what these types of systems should consider creating an architectural structure. More solid, formal and quality in the context of eHealth.
Conference Paper
Construction logistics are said to be particularly complicated since there are so many deliveries and varied routes to coordinate, all of which must be done in a safe and effective manner to ensure that materials are transported from one construction site to another in good time and with accuracy. To this end, complex logistics solutions that will help manage effectively the entire logistics processes have been advocated. Blockchain technology has been identified as this logistics solution. However, there are concerns in some quarters as regards the barriers to the adoption of this solution in the management of construction logistics. Hence, this study evaluates the militating factors against the adoption of blockchain technology in construction project logistics in South Africa (SA). A Survey design was adopted. A total number of one hundred and forty (140) questionnaires were administered to construction professionals in Guateng Province, SA, and ninety (90) were returned and found suitable for analysis. Collected data were analyzed using percentage, mean item score, standard deviation, one sample t-test, and Kruskal-Wallis. The findings reveal the militating factors to the adoption of this solution in the management of construction logistics in SA which are lack of trust, skepticism, lack of data storage capability, cost and complexity, lack of data standardization, low understanding toward blockchain technology, low support from high-level management, and low awareness to related legal issues. This finding could inform construction stakeholders in the country on the present militating factors to the adoption of this solution in the management of construction logistics and these challenges identified must encourage stakeholders to take significant steps towards addressing them such that the SA construction industry benefit from this all-important approach.
Blockchain is an Internet-level revolution. The Internet solves information and communication problems but cannot cater to trust and intermediaries’ issues. Blockchain is the solution to these. The implementation of blockchain technology in India’s healthcare industry is still in its infancy, with a few pilot projects and initiatives being undertaken by start-ups and government agencies. These projects aim to leverage the secure and transparent nature of blockchain to address challenges such as data privacy, interoperability, and fraud prevention. However, there are also concerns about the high costs of implementation and the need for regulatory frameworks to govern the use of blockchain technology in the healthcare sector. Overall, while the potential of blockchain in healthcare sector is promising, its widespread adoption in India’s healthcare system is likely to be a gradual and ongoing process. Using the Fuzzy-DEMATEL methodology, this research paper seeks to identify and model the barriers to blockchain technology adoption in India’s healthcare industry. Originality/value: Blockchain technology in healthcare is in a nascent stage. This study outspreads the knowledge base by recognizing and further prioritizing the significant barriers that need to be overcome to adopt blockchain in India’s healthcare sector effectively.
Conference Paper
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The burden of disease is higher by far in developing countries than in the developed world. Developing countries today are turning to technology as the silver bullet or remedy. Indeed, Information and Communication Technology has turned into a key-enabling tool in the enhanced healthcare management. The electronic health records or electronic medical records (EMR) a key component of medical informatics symbolize potential solutions for enhanced healthcare. However, interoperability and security of EMR systems has been the two main challenges of EMR in the healthcare industry. By analyzing existing literature using scoping review research approach this paper explored the potential use of blockchain technology in improving the interoperability and security of EMR systems for the benefit of different stakeholders in health sector in developing countries such as Kenya. To achieve our main objective, five databases were searched and 204 papers screened for inclusion. As a result of the search and screen process, we identified 25 relevant articles.
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Accurate and complete medical data are one valuable asset for patients. Privacy protection and the secure storage of medical data are crucial issues during medical services. Secure storage and making full use of personal medical records has always been a concern for the general population. The emergence of blockchain technology brings a new idea to solve this problem. As a hash chain with the characteristics of decentralization, verifiability and immutability, blockchain technology can be used to securely store personal medical data. In this paper, we design a storage scheme to manage personal medical data based on blockchain and cloud storage. Furthermore, a service framework for sharing medical records is described. In addition, the characteristics of the medical blockchain are presented and analyzed through a comparison with traditional systems. The proposed storage and sharing scheme does not depend on any third-party and no single party has absolute power to affect the processing.
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Recently, Blockchain is considered as one of the main powerful techniques in security and privacy domains. It is considered as the promised security concept for replacing the current third parities trusting solutions. This could be achieved by mixing some cryptography techniques, consensus algorithms alongside with some peer-to-peer communication protocols. In this paper, to meet the requirement of distributed structure in the eHealth Records (EHRs) system, we propose a novel protocol to achieve a perfect privacy preserving for the patient namely Pseudonym Based Encryption with Different Authorities (PBE-DA) by applying the concept of Blockchain on the healthcare communication entities in an e-health platform. Therefore, PBE-DA will be used to help the patient anonymously to access, check or update his sensitive data on EHRs system. Moreover, we analyzed not only the public blockchain tier between the different EHRs cloud provider but also another Blockchain tier between the patient sensors (IoT devices used to do some patient measurements) and the patient system as a gateway for the whole healthcare platform.
Conference Paper
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Blockchain has proved itself to be tamper resistant and secure. It is increasingly getting attention from companies changing from centralized to decentralized systems. This paper proposes a system for identity and access management using blockchain technology to support authentication and authorization of entities in a digital system. A prototype demonstrates the application of blockchain in identity and access management using the Hyperledger Fabric framework. It provides a proof of concept based on a use case concerning Electronic Health Records from the healthcare domain where an immutable and auditable history is desired for data concerning patients. Basic authentication and authorization operations are able to execute in 2-3 seconds with an initial size of blockchain of about 3.8 MB covering physicians in Denmark.
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Continuous monitoring of patient's physiological signs has the potential to augment traditional medical practice, particularly in developing countries that have a shortage of healthcare professionals. However, continuously streamed data presents additional security, storage and retrieval challenges and further inhibits initiatives to integrate data to form electronic health record systems. Blockchain technologies enable data to be stored securely and inexpensively without recourse to a trusted authority. Blockchain technologies also promise to provide architectures for electronic health records that do not require huge government expenditure that challenge developing nations. However, Blockchain deployment, particularly with streamed data challenges existing Blockchain algorithms that take too long to place data in a block, and have no mechanism to determine whether every data point in every stream should be stored in such a secure way. This article presents an architecture that involves a Patient Agent, coordinating the insertion of continuous data streams into Blockchains to form an electronic health record.
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Continuous monitoring of patient's physiological signs has the potential to augment traditional medical practice, particularly in developing countries that have a shortage of healthcare professionals. However, continuously streamed data presents additional security, storage and retrieval challenges and further inhibits initiatives to integrate data to form electronic health record systems. Blockchain technologies enable data to be stored securely and inexpensively without recourse to a trusted authority. Blockchain technologies also promise to provide architec-tures for electronic health records that do not require huge government expenditure that challenge developing nations. However, Blockchain deployment, particularly with streamed data challenges existing Blockchain algorithms that take too long to place data in a block, and have no mechanism to determine whether every data point in every stream should be stored in such a secure way. This article presents an architecture that involves a Patient Agent, coordinating the insertion of continuous data streams into Blockchains to form an electronic health record.
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Blockchain technology enables a decentralized and distributed environment with no need for a central authority. Transactions are simultaneously secure and trustworthy due to the use of cryptographic principles. In recent years, blockchain technology has become very trendy and penetrated different domains, mostly due to the popularity of cryptocurrencies. One field where blockchain technology has tremendous potential is healthcare, due to the need for a more patient-centric approach to healthcare systems and to connect disparate systems and increase the accuracy of electronic healthcare records (EHRs). In this systematic review, an analysis of state-of-the-art blockchain research in the field of healthcare is conducted. The aim is to reveal the potential applications of the technology and to highlight the challenges and possible directions of blockchain research in healthcare. First, background information is discussed, followed by a description of the exact methodology used in this paper. Next, an analysis of the results is given, which includes a bibliometric overview, an analysis of gathered data and its properties, and the results of a literature quality assessment. Lastly, there is a discussion of the results from the analysis. The findings indicate that blockchain technology research in healthcare is increasing and it is mostly used for data sharing, managing health records and access control. Other scenarios are very rare. Most research is aimed at presenting novel structural designs in the form of frameworks, architectures or models. Findings also show that technical details about the used blockchain elements are not given in most of the analyzed publications and that most research does not present any prototype implementation or implementation details. Often even with a prototype implementation, no details about blockchain elements are given.