Irena Pilch

Irena Pilch
University of Silesia in Katowice · Institute of Psychology



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Publications (58)
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Narcissism is increasingly being investigated in the context of consumer attitudes and behavior. Previous research showed that narcissism is reflected in materialistic tendencies and money-related attitudes. However, almost all of these studies concerned the grandiose type of narcissism. We examined relationships of both grandiose and vulnerable na...
This article presents two empirical studies examining different types of materialism as identified in an analysis of connections between materialism and HEXACO personality traits. Two groups of materialistic subjects and one non-materialistic group were revealed in both studies. In one group, a high level of materialism was accompanied by low level...
The relationships between the Dark Triad traits (narcissism, Machiavellianism and psychopathy) and materialism were investigated in a sample from the general population (N = 378). The triarchic psychopathy model (comprising meanness, boldness and disinhibition) was used in this study. The Dark Triad predicted 21–36% of materialism and its facets an...
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The results of the previous research which tried to investigate links between self-esteem and narcissism in search of the source of narcissistic fragility are not consistent. The aim of the study was to contribute to the understanding of this complex relation by assessing relationships between the four facets of grandiose narcissism measured by the...
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Exposure to bullying at work is a serious social stressor, having important consequences for the victim, the co-workers, and the whole organization. Bullying can be understood as a multi-causal phenomenon: the result of individual differences between workers, deficiencies in the work environment or an interaction between individual and situational...
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The aim of the current study was to investigate the relationships between personal religiosity, trust, and the acceptance of restrictions which could be imposed on individuals during the COVID-19 pandemic in order to overcome the crisis. The study was carried out in Poland, a country with one of the highest declared levels of religiosity in Europe....
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Due to the demographic growth of older population segments, psychological research is increasingly devoted to the determinants of successful aging. The current study investigates the relationship between older people’s self-perception of aging and its potential political and psychosocial antecedents. We concentrate on a subjective aspect of success...
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Although the associations between personality traits and subjective wellbeing (SWB) are well established, personality still remains important in the research on SWB. The big five/five factor model of personality is the most frequently used by SWB researchers. However, there is a possibility that an alternative six-factor personality model (HEXACO),...
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Background The number of psychological studies on conspiracy beliefs has been systematically growing for about a dozen years, but in recent years, the trend has intensified. We provided a review covering the psychological literature on conspiracy beliefs from 2018 to 2021. Halfway through this period, the COVID-19 pandemic broke out, accompanied by...
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The study aimed to investigate associations between psychopathic traits (disinhibition, boldness, and meanness) and indicators of relationship quality (satisfaction, commitment, feelings toward the partner, closeness, and relationship costs) using a variable-centred and a person-centred approach. A total of 1,292 participants completed measures ass...
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We investigated the relationships between political beliefs regarding two aspects of the right-left distinction (cultural and economic) and the acceptance of the pandemic restrictions using variable-centred and person-centred approaches. The community sample consisted of 305 participants. Four groups of the restrictions were considered. Religious f...
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The triarchic psychopathy model was used to investigate the effects of male psychopathy on female satisfaction in a female community sample (N = 1945). We examined the associations of the psychopathic traits of a male romantic partner (in the perception of his female partner) with relationship satisfaction and sexual satisfaction assessed by the fe...
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The aim of this study was to evaluate the predictive value of the constructs proposed by two influential theoretical frameworks: the Protection Motivation Theory (PMT) and the Big Five (B5) model of personality in predicting health-related coping behavior during the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic. Both adaptive (i.e., preventive) and maladaptive (i.e., avoida...
Silesia is a typical ‘borderland region’, where the awareness of social distinctness is clear, and the regional cultural frame is the result of many years of interpenetration of numerous cultures and traditions. Presently, this may reinforce the clear feeling that Silesians are treated as an alien group, with distinct categories of a specific other...
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Background: The Fear of COVID-19 Scale (FCV-19S) is a brief self-report measure developed at the beginning of the coronavirus pandemic. The scale evaluates the emotional responses to COVID-19. To date, the FCV-19S has been translated and validated in about 20 languages and has been used in many published research. The current study aimed to valida...
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Polska wersja skali strachu przed Covid-19. Adaptacja narzędzia została opublikowana: Pilch, I., Kurasz, Z., & Turska-Kawa, A. (2021). Experiencing fear during the pandemic: validation of the fear of COVID-19 scale in Polish. PeerJ, 9, e11263.
Background. The Fear of COVID-19 Scale (FCV-19S) is a brief self-report measure developed at the beginning of the coronavirus pandemic (Ahorsu et al., 2020). The scale evaluates the emotional responses to COVID-19. To date, the FCV-19S has been translated and validated in about 20 languages and has been used in many published research. The current...
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Background The Dark Triad (DT; Machiavellianism, narcissism, psychopathy) refers to three distinct but interrelated socially undesirable traits which are associated with an antagonistic and exploitative strategy of conduct. The aim of the current study was to investigate the relationships between the DT traits and momentary affective states using a...
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The Dark Triad of personality is a cluster of three socially aversive personality traits: Machiavellianism, narcissism and psychopathy. These traits are associated with a selfish, aggressive and exploitative interpersonal strategy. The objective of the current study was to establish relationships between the Dark Triad traits (and their dimensions)...
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This study investigated sexual functioning with respect to differences in the Dark Triad traits in a large community sample (N=1116). The participants completed an online survey examining dark traits (Machiavellianism, narcissism, and psychopathy domains: boldness, meanness and disinhibition) and measures of sexual functioning. The Dark Triad trait...
The objective of the current study was to replicate an ESM study by Catterson, Eldesouky, and John (2017) on suppression use in daily life, conducted in the USA. We examined whether the relationships between suppression, social hierarchy, and well-being will replicate in the Polish cultural context, which is characterized by high emotionality, high...
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Mobbing (workplace bullying) is hardly ever analysed in the context of national culture, even though researchers and practitioners share the view that the culture of a given country influences each organization's culture and shapes directly values, attitudes and behaviours of employees. The cultural context may either facilitate or hinder mobbing b...
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Implicit social cognition is a branch of psychology that is gaining more and more attention from researchers involved both in academic and practical (e.g., clinical, marketing or educational) activities. Therefore, there is a growing need for research tools allowing precise and multidimensional measurements of implicit psychological constructs, suc...
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Artykuł prezentuje polską adaptację Triarchicznej Miary Psychopatii (Triarchic Psychopathy Measure, TriPM, Patrick 2010b). TriPM jest miarą samoopisową diagnozującą trzy odrębne, lecz częściowo nakładające się komponenty psychopatii: zuchwałość (boldness), bezduszność (meanness) i rozhamowanie (disinhibition) (Patrick, Fowles, Krueger, 2009). Zuchw...
Research on workplace bullying/mobbing has only been conducted in Poland for a short period of time; and the results are not always consistent. This chapter explores the phenomenon of workplace bullying in the context of Polish national culture. The main goal is to discuss the elements of Polish ethnic and organisational culture which may potential...
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The article discusses individual and organizational determinants of mobbing. The hypotheses tested link mobbing behaviours with Machiavellianism and characteristics of organizational culture, identified by Cameron and Quinn. Assessment of mobbing was carried out from the perspective of a perpetrator, a bystander, and a victim. Organizational cultur...
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Poster presented at the conference - Katowickie Spotkania Psychometryczne „Teraźniejszość i przyszłość psychometrii”
Rozdział prezentuje przegląd badań i omawia problemy związane z wykorzystaniem konstruktu ciemnej triady cech osobowości (Dark Triad; makiawelizm, narcyzm i psychopatia), w badaniach szeroko rozumianego wpływu społecznego.
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The objective of this article was to make an empirical attempt at reflecting the popular concept of brand personality within the realm of voting behaviour. We assumed that voters can perceive political parties in terms of features which are characteristic for people. Parties could be identified as separate brands which, in the process of communicat...
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This preliminary study aimed to explore relations between Machiavellianism, narcissism and psychopathy („The Dark Triad of Personality”), and explicit and implicit self-­esteem.
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Wśród cech osobowości wyróżnić można takie, które zbliżają nas do innych ludzi, ułatwiając nawiązywanie bliskich i trwałych związków, oraz takie, które sprzyjają egoistycznym i antyspołecznym zachowaniom. Nazwa "ciemna triada" jest zbiorczym określeniem dla trzech cech społecznie awersyjnych i niepożądanych, lecz tu traktowanych jako przejaw "norma...
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Wśród cech osobowości wyróżnić można takie, które zbliżają nas do innych ludzi, ułatwiając nawiązywanie bliskich i trwałych związków, oraz takie, które sprzyjają egoistycznym i antyspołecznym zachowaniom. Nazwa "ciemna triada" jest zbiorczym określeniem dla trzech cech społecznie awersyjnych i niepożądanych, lecz tu traktowanych jako przejaw "norma...
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Machiavellianism is the term describing personality syndrome that can be attributed to people who achieve their aims by interpersonal manipulation. Despite the extensive literature describing the differences between Machiavellians and non-Machiavellians, little is known about the biological and environmental determinants of Machiavellianism. The ai...
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Celem prezentowanej analizy było porównanie profili osobowościowych grup wyborców różniących się preferencjami ideologicznymi i politycznymi. W badaniach wykorzystano sześcioczynnikowy model osobowości (HEXACO) w ujęciu leksykalnym. Niższa Ugodowość i wyższa Sumienność wyróżniały wyborców prawicowych, natomiast niższa Ekstrawersja cechowała osoby,...
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The aim of this article is to compare two partly overlapping personality variables - Machiavellianism and subclinical psychopathy. Individuals with these traits share tendency to be callous, selfish and manipulative. Some researchers argued that, in nonclinical samples, these two variables are equivalent. The author presents a review of the theorie...
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In recent years, there has been increasing interest in phenomenon of poor political activity among young adults, manifested in large percentage of non-voters and politically non-engaged individuals. The aim of this study was to examine the relationships between voting behaviour and political preferences of young adults and their hierarchy of basic...
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Wprowadzenie Zachowania polityczne zależą nie tylko od czynników ideologicznych czy socjodemograficznych, lecz także od zmiennych opisujących właściwości indywidualne wyborców. W dojrzałych demokracjach rola tych indywidual-nych wyznaczników decyzji wyborczych stopniowo narasta [Caprara, Zimbar-do 2004; Caprara, Schwartz, Capanna, Vecchione, Barbar...
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The aim of the study was to examine the relationships between the level of spouses' Machiavellianism and tendency to use constructive and unconstructive problem-solving strategies in marital conflicts. The study involved 100 married couples. The participants completed Mach IV and the Problem-Solving Strategies Inventory in two versions: self-report...
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Osobowość może być traktowana jako jeden w ważnych wyznaczników postaw i zachowań konsumentów. W analizie zachowań konsumenckich mają zastosowanie zarówno ogóle ogólne modele osobowości, jak i specyficzne zmienne, ściśle związane z poszczególnymi aspektami badanych zachowań. Badania empiryczne w tym obszarze obejmują szerokie spektrum zagadnień, zw...
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Wprowadzenie Przez wiele dziesięcioleci badacze zachowań politycznych nie ekspono-wali czynnika osobowości wyborcy w swych analizach. Za jedną z przyczyn ma-w swych analizach. Za jedną z przyczyn ma-swych analizach. Za jedną z przyczyn ma-z przyczyn ma-przyczyn ma-łej popularności tej problematyki można uznać przekonanie, że różnice osobo-wościowe...
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Artykuł prezentuje badania przeprowadzone przed pierwszą turą wyborów prezydenckich 2010 roku, których celem było określenie - na podstawie ocen wyborców - profilu osobowości „idealnego” kandydata na urząd Prezydenta RP oraz profili osobowości czterech kandydatów w wyborach 2010: Bronisława Komorowskiego, Jarosława Kaczyńskiego, Grzegorza Napierals...
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W tym artykule próbuję określić specyfikę sytuacji, w jakich działają osoby o niskim i wysokim poziomie makiawelizmu, opisuję cele atrakcyjne dla każdej z tych grup, mechanizmy mogące wpływać na skuteczność obu strategii oraz czynniki tę skuteczność modyfikujące. Wykorzystuję przy tym pojęcia teorii wymiany społecznej, która zakłada, że ludzie nieu...
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Celem prezentowanego badania było ustalenie w jaki sposób ludzie różniący się poziomem makiawelizmu i autorytaryzmu odbierają charakterystyczny głównie dla polityki i z nią przeważnie kojarzony język populizmu. Ponadto zostało postawione pytanie, czy elektorat poszczególnych partii, obecnych w tym momencie na scenie politycznej, różnicuje poziom ma...
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Machiavellianism is a personality trait of which the essence is created by a specific view of the social world that is treated as a place of combat, by egocentric motivation, subjective treatment of other people and a tendency to achieve goals by means of interpersonal manipulation. This article presents the results of a few researches dedicated to...
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Original Papers Machiavellians are usually associated with unusually high interpersonal skills which seem to be vital for effective manipulation of other people. However, the current research has not confirmed such an opinion. The aim of this study was to examine relations between Machiavellianism (Mach) and self-report emotional intelligence (EI a...
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The aim of this study was to examine the associations of Machiavellianism and personality traits in the five-factor model, with job strain and job satisfaction among policemen who were divided in two groups by age. The results showed: (1) a correlation between Machiavellianism and job strain only in the group of younger police officers; (2) connect...
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Wśród teoretyków zarządzania nie ma zgody co do tego, czy makiaweliczny przywódca może być pożyteczny dla organizacji. Podczas gdy niektórzy autorzy traktują makiawelizm jako właściwość dyskwalifikującą kandydata na kierownika, inni wyrażają nadzieję, że niektóre makiaweliczne umiejętności, stanowiące "jasną stronę" makiawelizmu, dadzą się oddzieli...
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Makiawelizm opisuje wymiar osobowości lub strategię społecznego zachowania, która zakłada manipu-lowanie ludźmi dla osiągnięcia osobistego zysku. Pojęcie to zostało wprowadzone przez psychologów Richarda Christiego i Florence Geis w monografii Studies in Machiavellianism (1970). Od roku 1970 opu-blikowano kilkaset prac badawczych poświęconych makia...
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The Machiavellians are usually described as emotionally cold and detached in their interactions with people, with an interpersonal orientation described as cognitive as opposed to emotional. For this reason we rather don't expect any emotional problems regarding this group of people. However, the researchers have not confirmed such an opinion. The...
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The paper discusses the question of job burnout, which is nowadays a common problem among employees. The individual and social costs of job burnout are enormous, so a new approach to reduce its consequences is needed. Using the latest literature, some suggestions of new burnout prevention programmes are presented. The need of complex work is undert...
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Celem badań była analiza związku między poziomem makiawelizmu a wybranymi właściwościami przyjaźni z partnerem tej samej płci. Makiawelizm był pozytywnie powiązany z ilością utraconych przyjaciół, oraz negatywnie z bliskością wobec przyjaciół, zadowoleniem z przyjaźni, satysfakcją ze wsparcia udzielanego przez przyjaciela oraz ocenami zachowań wspi...
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The relationship between Machiavellianism and social perception is depicted in this paper. In study one 210 subjects, who had been classified as high or low in Machiavellianism, were asked to choose from a list of 24 trait adjestives 10 which best described her or him and 10 for describing the partner. Low Machs described oneself as friendly, hones...


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