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Measurements of Size-Segregated Emission Particles by a Sampling System Based on the Cascade Impactor


Abstract and Figures

A special sampling system for measurements of size-segregated particles directly at the source of emission was designed and constructed. The central part of this system is a low-pressure cascade impactor with 10 collection stages for the size ranges between 15 nm and 16 microm. Its capability and suitability was proven by sampling particles atthe stack (100 degrees C) of a coal-fired power station in Slovenia. These measurements showed very reasonable results in comparison with a commercial cascade impactor for PM10 and PM2.5 and with a plane device for total suspended particulate matter (TSP). The best agreement with the measurements made by a commercial impactor was found for concentrations of TSP above 10 mg m(-3), i.e., the average PM2.5/PM10 ratios obtained by a commercial impactor and by our impactor were 0.78 and 0.80, respectively. Analysis of selected elements in size-segregated emission particles additionally confirmed the suitability of our system. The measurements showed that the mass size distributions were generally bimodal, with the most pronounced mass peak in the 1-2 microm size range. The first results of elemental mass size distributions showed some distinctive differences in comparison to the most common ambient anthropogenic sources (i.e., traffic emissions). For example, trace elements, like Pb, Cd, As, and V, typically related to traffic emissions, are usually more abundant in particles less than 1 microm in size, whereas in our specific case they were found at about 2 microm. Thus, these mass size distributions can be used as a signature of this source. Simultaneous measurements of size-segregated particles at the source and in the surrounding environment can therefore significantly increase the sensitivity of the contribution of a specific source to the actual ambient concentrations.
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Measurements of Size-Segregated
Emission Particles by a Sampling
System Based on the Cascade
Laboratory for Analytical Chemistry, National Institute of
Chemistry, Slovenia, Hajdrihova 19, SI-1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia,
Faculty of Physics, University of Vienna, Boltzmanngasse 5,
A-1090 Vienna, Austria, and Environmental Department,
Electroinstitute Milan Vidmar, Hajdrihova 2, SI-1000 Ljubljana,
Received May 10, 2007. Revised manuscript received October
22, 2007. Accepted November 09, 2007.
A special sampling system for measurements of size-
segregated particles directly at the source of emission was
designed and constructed. The central part of this system is a low-
pressure cascade impactor with 10 collection stages for the
size ranges between 15 nm and 16 µm. Its capability and suitability
was proven by sampling particles at the stack (100 °C) of a coal-
fired power station in Slovenia. These measurements showed
very reasonable results in comparison with a commercial cascade
impactor for PM10 and PM2.5 and with a plane device for
total suspended particulate matter (TSP). The best agreement
with the measurements made by a commercial impactor
was found for concentrations of TSP above 10 mg m-3, i.e.,
the average PM2.5/PM10 ratios obtained by a commercial impactor
and by our impactor were 0.78 and 0.80, respectively. Analysis
of selected elements in size-segregated emission particles
additionally confirmed the suitability of our system. The
measurements showed that the mass size distributions were
generally bimodal, with the most pronounced mass peak in the
1–2 µm size range. The first results of elemental mass size
distributions showed some distinctive differences in comparison
to the most common ambient anthropogenic sources (i.e.,
traffic emissions). For example, trace elements, like Pb, Cd,
As, and V, typically related to traffic emissions, are usually more
abundant in particles less than 1 µm in size, whereas in our
specific case they were found at about 2 µm. Thus, these mass
size distributions can be used as a signature of this source.
Simultaneous measurements of size-segregated particles at
the source and in the surrounding environment can therefore
significantly increase the sensitivity of the contribution of a
specific source to the actual ambient concentrations.
One of the more pernicious problems in air quality is the
persistence of fine suspended particulate matter. Until
recently, the total mass concentration of airborne particulate
matter (TSP) was the only standard for particulates used for
air quality assessment. New developments in aerosol mea-
surement techniques enabled size-dependent analyses of
aerosol particles, thus better classifications and more com-
prehensive studies of the effect of ambient aerosols are
feasible. Exposure to elevated concentrations of respirable
ambient aerosol particles has been associated with various
health problems (1, 2). Particle size and shape are key factors
controlling the extent of particle penetration into the human
respiratory tract. In addition, the potential health effects
depend on many other factors, such as chemical and physical
characteristics of aerosols, the amount of toxic substances,
and their solubility in biological fluids, etc. (3, 4). As a result
of numerous studies on the health effects and epidemiological
investigations, the regulations have focused on controlling
PM10, which refers to the mass concentration of inhalable
particles with an aerodynamic diameter less than 10 µm and
PM2.5, which refers to the alveolar size fraction with a diameter
less than 2.5 µm(5, 6).
Among the combustion sources that have the most
significant relative contribution to air pollution are power
and industrial plants, with coal the most commonly used
fuel for commercial power generation due to its relatively
abundant reserves (7). The emission of particles is a complex
function of fuel type and quality, combustion technology,
type and size of facility, and control technology, etc. (8, 9).
Despite the progress in emission reduction technology, which
has greatly decreased the emission of TSP (e.g., particulate
controls in power stations have high efficiency rates),
considerable amounts of particles are released into the
environment. This fact is true particularly for the big power
stations with high coal consumption (10).
Therefore, information on the particulate matter emission
from combustion sources is important for a number of
reasons, such as examination of source status according to
regulations, generation of emissions inventories, prediction
of ambient air quality in the areas affected by the source as
well as source apportionment and exposure assessment for
the affected human population and ecological systems.
Formerly, emissions at the source have been monitored by
measuring TSP, e.g. using plane filter devices according to
the methods by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
or VDI (11, 12). Whereas for the determination of mass size
distribution of particles at the source, measurements were
performed by cascade impactors or cascade cyclones (13, 14).
Measurements of emissions typically involve much more
complicated sampling approaches, such as source dilution
and isokinetic conditions (9, 15, 16). Recently, for more precise
measurements of PMx, a new PM10/PM2.5 cascade impactor
(GMU-impactor Johnas) for in-stack measurements was
developed (17, 18).
The objectives of this study were to design and construct
a special sampling system for measurements of size-
segregated particles in the size range from 15 nm to 16 µm
directly at the source of emission. To prove the feasibility
and capability of this system, it was used for size-segregated
sampling of particles at the stack of a coal-fired power station
in Slovenia, and the first results of mass and chemical size
distribution of emission particles are presented. In addition,
for checking the accuracy of our sampling system the
measurements were performed simultaneously with the
commercial impactor (GMU-impactor Johnas). Since size
segregation of some typical elements depends on the source,
an insight into their size distributions at the source and
comparison with the surrounding ambient concentrations
* Corresponding author phone: +386 1 476 0200; fax: +386 1 476
0300; e-mail:
National Institute of Chemistry, Slovenia.
University of Vienna.
Electroinstitute Milan Vidmar.
Environ. Sci. Technol. 2008, 42, 878–883
878 9ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY / VOL. 42, NO. 3, 2008 10.1021/es071094g CCC: $40.75 2008 American Chemical Society
Published on Web 12/19/2007
and size distributions can significantly improve our knowl-
edge on the contribution of the individual source to the actual
ambient air pollution by particulate matter.
Experimental Section
Sampling Device. The measurements were carried out by a
specially constructed sampling system illustrated in Figure
1. The central part of our system is a Berner low-pressure
cascade impactor (HAUKE, LPI 25/0,015/2) with 10 collection
stages for the nominal size ranges expressed in Dae (aero-
dynamic equivalent diameter): 0.015–0.03 µm; 0.03–0.06 µm;
0.06–0.125 µm; 0.125–0.25 µm; 0.25–0.5 µm; 0.5–1.0 µm;
1.0–2.0 µm; 2.0–4.0 µm; 4.0–8.0 µm; 8.0–16.0 µm. The sampling
probe consists of two tubes of different diameters. The central
one is connected to the impactor inlet on one side, and on
the other side it is opened to the flue gas inside the stack.
The system for controlling and measuring the temperature
inside the impactor enables the impactor to be heated to the
temperature of the flue gas and also enables the desired
temperature to be maintained during the sampling. In the
case of undiluted sampling, the filter holder with a filter for
removing particles from ambient air, the device for delivering
constant volumetric air flow, and the compressor unit were
not used, and the inlet to the outer tube was blocked. The
nominal flow rate through this impactor is 25.8 L min-1.
Because of technical problems (i.e., small sampling port and
mechanical instability of the sampling probe because of the
rather bulky impactor), the impactor was positioned outside
the chimney stack, while a sampling probe was placed into
the chimney. Before the flue gas enters the stack it is washed
in a gas scrubber in order to remove a considerable part of
the SO2formed during the combustion of the coal. Therefore,
the flue gas contains a lot of water vapor at around 100 °C.
Thus, to prevent water condensation on the particles the
inside of the impactor was heated to the temperature of the
flue gas before sampling and kept constant during sampling.
As shown in Figure 1 the sampling probe was designed to
also allow dilution of the flue gas by compressed and filtered
ambient air. The flow rate of dilution air was controlled by
the device for delivering constant volumetric air flow.
According to selected conditions several dilution rates are
Emission Measurements. The measuring campaign was
performed in June 2005 and May 2006 at the stack of the
coal-fired power station in Slovenia. Sampling was conducted
from the 50 m platform on the stack using existing sample
ports, i.e., holes with an opening of 12 cm on the outer side
and 30 cm on the inner side of the stack and with a depth
of 50 cm. The sampling times were from 10 min to 1 h (without
dilution) and 5 h when dilution was introduced. The
impaction plates were covered with annular Tedlar foils, and
on top of these folded aluminum foils were placed. This
arrangement enabled the simultaneous determination of the
mass and chemical composition with one sampling only.
Emission measurements were also carried out with the
filter sampler for TSP (SICK, Gravimat SHC 502) and with the
cascade impactor for PM10 and PM2.5 (Paul Gothe Bochum,
GMU cascade impactor Johnas). Samples were taken in
parallel either by both the LPI and Johnas impactor or one
impactor and TSP sampler. Simultaneously, continuous
measurements of TSP were performed with a dust concen-
tration monitor (OMD41).
Mass and Chemical Analysis. Mass size distribution of
particles was determined gravimetrically using aluminum
foils, while for chemical analysis Tedlar foils were used (19).
On the basis of preliminary experiments done with certified
material (Reference Material 1648, Urban Particulate Matter)
and samples of TSP collected on quartz fiber filters at the
stack of the thermo-power plant, the extraction with con-
centrated HNO3was selected because of the lower detection
limits for some of the elements in comparison with other
extraction methods (i.e., HNO3/H2O2and HNO3/HF diges-
tion) and its simplicity. The applied extraction procedure
leads to the total recovery of Zn, As, Se, Cd, and Pb. For Mg,
V, Mn, and Ni, recoveries were in the range of 60 to 80%,
while for K and Co lower recoveries were obtained (ap-
proximately 50%). After extraction of aerosol deposits on
Tedlar foils as well as PM2.5,PM
10, and TSP samples in HNO3,
measurements of Mg, K, V, Mn, Co, Ni, Zn, Ga, As, Se, Sr, Mo,
Cd, and Pb were performed by inductively coupled plasma
mass spectrometry (ICP-MS, Agilent 7500ce system with
collision reaction cell). After extraction of deposits on
aluminum foils in Milli-Q water, SO42- was determined by
ion exchange chromatography, with a Dionex IonPac AS4A
separation column and a mixture of Na2CO3/NaHCO3as the
eluent (19).
Results and Discussion
Mass Concentration and Chemical Composition of Emis-
sion Particles. The results of particle mass concentrations
measured at the stack of the thermo-power plant in Slovenia
by different techniques are shown in Table 1. All the results
are expressed at normal conditions (273 K, 1013 mbar). During
the first sampling in 2005, measurements were performed in
parallel using one plane filter device (for TSP) and our
upgraded system with a 10-stage Berner impactor, while
measurements with the GMU-impactor Johnas were only
feasible immediately after sampling with our system. For
sampling during 2006, this technical problem was solved
allowing measurements with the GMU-impactor Johnas and
our impactor to be carried out simultaneously. Although the
energy production was practically the same during these
two sampling periods, there were differences regarding the
particle mass concentrations. Due to some improvements
in the operating technology and emission reduction tech-
nology, the concentrations were reduced by more than twice
in the second period. TSP concentrations in 2005 were about
25 mg m-3over the whole sampling period, while in 2006 the
concentrations were much lower. For particles collected by
the Berner impactor, the concentrations of PM10 and PM2.5
were determined graphically from the dependence of particle
cumulative mass on the aerodynamic diameter of particles.
From Table 1 it is evident that for concentrations of TSP
above 10 mg m-3our measurements are in good agreement
with those made by a commercial impactor, even though
they were performed in series. However, from Table 1 it is
obvious that particle concentrations vary for about 20%
during one working day. Measurements with the Johnas
FIGURE 1. Simplified scheme of the sampling system: 1, stack
wall; 2, sampling probe; 3, 10-stage low-pressure Berner impactor;
4, oven; 5, filter holder with filter for removing particles in ambient
air; 6, system for controlling and measuring the temperature inside
impactor; 7, vacuum pump; 8, device for delivering constant
volumetric air flow; 9, compressor unit.
impactor showed the average ratio of 0.78 for PM2.5/PM10,
while with the Berner impactor the average ratio was 0.80.
Comparison of TSP obtained by Gravimat showed that the
third run (29.6.05: 16.15–16.25) deviated from the previous
two measurements. The difference of 35% may be attributed
to a potential larger emission of particles above 10 µm.
For the lower mass concentrations, the comparison is not as
good as that for higher ones but it is still adequate. Our system
gave about 30% lower values for PM10 and about 20% lower
values for PM2.5 in comparison with the Johnas impactor.
This is reasonable because the relative measuring errors
increase with lower masses. For the Johnas impactor, the
measuring uncertainty of the whole procedure is (2mgm
which represents nearly 30% of the PM10 value in the second
period. Similar uncertainty has been determined also for the
Berner impactor. In summary, the measurements with our
system gave reasonable results. However, to overcome the
limitations due to the low concentrations, longer term
sampling is necessary.
The suitability of our sampling system was additionally
proven on the basis of the chemical composition of the
particles emitted from the stack of the power plant. The
comparison of total average concentrations of some selected
elements in particles collected by Berner impactor, Johnas
impactor, and TSP sampler is shown in Table 2. It can be
seen that the concentrations of elements determined in
particles of the 15 nm to 16 µm size range in PM10 and TSP
are generally in good agreement. The best agreement was
found for V, As, Se, Sr, and Ga. In addition, concentrations
for Mg, K, and Ni determined in particles sampled by the
Berner impactor compare well to those determined in TSP.
The values for Mg, K, Co, Mo, Cd, and Pb are a bit lower and
for Mn and Ni a bit higher in comparison to PM10. However,
these results can be considered adequate and satisfactory,
especially because of measuring uncertainties and some
fluctuations in chemical composition of particles during the
plant operation. The variations in chemical composition can
also be seen in deviations from the average concentrations
for most of the elements in particles collected at different
times by the 10-stage impactor. Estimated reproducibilities
ranged from 7% (for Pb) to 40% (for Cd). Some of these
elements (e.g., Mn, V, As, Se, and Ga) can certainly be used
as markers of emissions from this particular power plant
(7, 8).
Mass and Chemical Size Distribution. The results of mass
size distribution of particles collected by our sampling system
at the stack of the thermo-power plant during sampling in
2005 and 2006 are shown in Figure 2a. An uncertainty of 8%
was determined for the size ranges between 60 nm and 4 µm
and 21% for the sizes below 60 nm and above 4 µm. The
distributions were generally bimodal, with the most pro-
nounced mass peak in the 1–2 µm size range. The second
mass peak was observed in the 0.06–0.25 µm size range.
Recent literature results suggest that coal fly ash particle
TABLE 1.Comparison of Particle Mass Concentrations (in mg m-3) Measured at the Stack of the Coal-Fired Power Station
in Slovenia by Different Techniques: Dust Concentration Monitor (OMD41), TSP Sampler (SICK, Gravimat SHC 502),
Emission Cascade Impactor (GMU-Cascade Impactor Johnas), and Upgraded 10-Stage Cascade Impactor (Berner Type)
sample OMD41 TSP Gravimat TSP
impactor PM2.5
impactor PM10
impactor PM2.5
impactor PM10
29.6.05 25.7 25.7 19.7 26.2
29.6.05 27.7 21.3 16.8 21.5
29.6.05 28.0 20.5 11.7 13.5
30.6.05 21.7 9.5 12.2
30.6.05 20.1 8.5 10.9
16.5.06 7.2 5.3 6.6 4.0 4.6
16.5.06 7.3 6.3 7.8 5.2 5.4
16.5.06 6.8 5.7 7.3 5.1 5.3
TABLE 2.Comparison of Chemical Composition of Particles Collected in 2005 at the Stack of the Coal-Fired Power Station
by Berner Impactor, Johnas Impactor, and TSP Sampler
Berner impactor
(15 nm to 16 µm)
impactor PM10 Gravimat TSP
Mg [mg g-1] 6.5 (1.5 8.4 (0.2 6.4 (0.5
K [mg g-1] 5.7 (1.6 7.6 (0.9 6.1 (0.8
V [mg g-1] 0.16 (0.04 0.17 (0.01 0.14 (0.01
Mn [mg g-1] 0.46 (0.13 0.33 (0.01 0.34 (0.06
Zn [mg g-1] 0.42 (0.27 0.46 (0.05 0.52 (0.13
As [mg g-1] 0.16 (0.04 0.16 (0.01 015 (0.02
Se [mg g-1] 0.24 (0.05 0.23 (0.01 0.20 (0.03
Sr [mg g-1] 0.15 (0.03 0.16 (0.01 015 (0.01
Ni [µgg
-1]44(12 25 (440(15
Ga [µgg
-1]30(18 27 (328(5
Mo [µgg
-1]65(14 76 (11 74 (9
Pb [µgg
-1]46(456(45 59 (16
Co [µgg
-1] 4.1 (1.0 6.1 (0.8 5.4 (0.4
Cd [µgg
-1] 1.9 (0.8 2.7 (0.7 2.9 (0.4
formation is described as a trimodal particle size distribution
that includes a submicrometer region at about 0.08 µm, a
fine region centered at approximately 2.0 µm, and a bulk or
supermicrometer region for particles at about 5 µm and
greater (20, 21). Since the stack gases were cleaned prior to
emission (gas scrubber and filters) supermicrometer particles
were considerably reduced, thus making the third mode less
evident. The comparison between the prolonged sampling
where dilution with clean air was introduced and sampling
with no dilution is presented in Figure 2b. It is evident that
in the case of dilution the mass size distribution was rather
unimodal. On the basis of the chemical composition of the
particles it was established that the reason for this discrepancy
lies in the losses of SO42-(as H2SO4). The largest losses (nearly
30 times) were determined for sizes below 0.125 µm. For the
0.125–0.50 µm size range the concentration of SO42-was about
400 µgm
-3when no dilution was introduced, while with
dilution the concentration was only about 50 µgm
-3. For
sizes above 0.5 µm the measured concentrations with dilution
were 3 times lower. But on the other hand, no losses of
elements in emission particles collected with dilution were
observed (e.g., the differences for Ga, Se, Pb, and V in all size
ranges were in the range of 20%, which can be attributed to
measurement uncertainty of the whole procedure). This
means that sampling with dilution is suitable for the mass
size distribution of important elements. Dilution however
reduces the formation of small particles of sulfuric acid. In
addition, insight into the molar ratios between SO42-, Ca,
and Mg (using sampling with and without dilution), showed
that the excess of SO42-in comparison to the sum of Ca and
Mg was most probably evaporated as H2SO4. When flue gases
are released from the stack it is believed that evaporation
and/or recondensation of H2SO4takes place, which changes
its distribution over different particle size ranges compared
to the situation in the stack.
Characteristic mass size distributions (for four different
concentration ranges) for some chemical species determined
in emission particles collected using the system without
dilution are presented in Figure 3. It is evident that SO42-
exhibits a typical bimodal size distribution, with modes at
FIGURE 2. Mass size distribution of particles collected at the
coal-fired power plant during sampling in 2005 and 2006 (a) and
comparison between sampling with and without dilution (b).
Concentrations are expressed at normal conditions (273 K, 1013
FIGURE 3. Mass size distributions of SO42-(a), Mg and K (b), Zn, V, As, and Se (c), and Pb, Cd, and Ga (d) in particles emitted from
the thermo-plant.
around 0.25 µm and 2 µm. For Mg and K (Figure 3b), V and
As (Figure 3b), as well as for Pb and Cd (Figure 3d), a unimodal
size distribution with a mode at around 2 µm was determined.
For Zn a unimodal size distribution was also found, but with
a peak near 1 µm. For Se and Ga two modes were identified,
one near 0.25 µm and other at around 2 µm. The mass size
distributions of chemical species provide important infor-
mation, since some elements have a characteristic mode in
a limited size range and can be used as markers for the
identification of a particular source (i.e., source signature)
and further for tracing the source contribution at locations
of interest, at various distances from the source. Results from
the Johnas impactor only give distributions between the
coarse and fine mode with a division at 2.5 µm. So, for the
components which have a peak maximum below 2 µm (see
Figure 3), the important information is lost. For example, in
the case of Zn (Figure 3c), for which measurements with our
system gave a maximum mass concentration at about 1 µm,
results from the Johnas impactor only gave limited informa-
tion, as 75% of Zn is present in the range below 2.5 µm. We
also want to point out that we are aware of the different
techniques applied in flue gas analysis, especially the
implication of cascade impactors for the measurement of
dust in flowing gases (22). However, the ANDERSEN M III
impactor has some limitations, i.e., particles of diameter lower
than 0.41 µm are collected on a back-up filter; therefore,
information on size-segregated composition below this size
is lost. Thus, in our case we would not have seen the ultrafine
mode of the combustion aerosols and the behavior of the
sulfate aerosol under dilution. In addition, the Berner LPI
impactor facilitates a split foil technique allowing the
simultaneous collection of aerosols on aluminum foil for
gravimetric analysis and on chemically inert Tedlar foil for
chemical analysis. This therefore removes any uncertainties
introduced by subsequent sampling by different instruments
at different conditions of the flue gas.
In the past few years, many studies on the size distribution
of elements in ambient aerosol particles from very diverse
environments have been done. For example, on the basis of
characteristic size distributions of trace metals in atmospheric
aerosols at background sites in England three main behavioral
types were identified: metals (Cd, Sn, Pb, and Se) whose mass
resisted mainly within the accumulation mode, metals (Ni,
Zn, Cu, Co, Mn, and Hg) that were distributed between fine,
intermediate, and coarse modes, and metals (Fe, Sr and Ba)
that were mainly found within coarse particles (23). For four
typical urban sites in Budapest, Hungary, it was shown that
typical coarse-mode elements (e.g., Na, Mg, Al, Si, Ca, Ti, Fe,
Ga, Sr, Mo, and Ba) exhibited unimodal size distributions,
while elements typically related to high-temperature or
anthropogenic sources (e.g., S, K, V, Cr, Mn, Ni, Cu, Zn, Ge,
As, Se, and Pb) either had a unimodal mass size distribution
with most of their mass in the fine size fraction or showed
a clear bimodal size distribution (24). For the two sites within
the Los Angeles Basin, crustal metals (e.g., Al, Si, K, Ca, Fe,
and Ti) were predominantly present in the supermicrometer
particles (25). Potentially toxic metals, which were mainly
partitioned in the submicrometer particles, have been traced
to vehicular emissions (Pb, Sn, and Ba) and to emissions
from power plants and oil refineries (Ni and Cr). Anyhow,
all these results showed that the measured size distributions
of elements in ambient aerosol particles are the result of a
combination of different processes including local anthro-
pogenic and natural sources as well as long-range transport
and resuspension and depend on meteorological conditions,
of which wind speed and direction are the most important.
It is evident that our results on elemental mass size
distributions showed some distinctive differences with results
obtained for atmospheric aerosol particles (23–25). For
example, trace elements, like Pb, Cd, As, and V, typically
related to other high-temperature sources, especially to traffic
emissions, are usually more abundant in the particle size
range below 1 µm, whereas in our specific case these elements
were found above 1 µm. So, to establish the influence of a
specific emission source to the actual ambient aerosol
concentrations, elemental mass size distributions can cer-
tainly be a very useful tool. This is particularly true in areas
relatively close to the source.
In general, for a good understanding of the contribution
from different emission sources adequate source fingerprints
through direct measurements of size-segregated emission
particles are required as well as measurements of size-
segregated ambient aerosol concentrations. Ambient air is
a complex mixture of pollutants emitted from numerous
diverse sources and undergoes continuous changes, but
source signatures may show narrower distributions of some
key components. By use of this approach, the contribution
of a particular source can be more precisely estimated. In
this work we showed that size-segregated sampling followed
by elemental analysis can be used to define a source signature.
Simultaneous measurements of size-segregated particles at
the source and in the surrounding environment can therefore
significantly improve the insight into the contribution of a
specific source to the actual ambient concentrations.
This work was supported by the Slovenian Research Agency
(Contracts L1-6100-0104 and P1-0034-0104) and Slovenia’s
thermo-power plant. We thank Dr. M. Kovacˇevicˇ and Dr. B.
Budicˇ from the National Institute of Chemistry, Slovenia, for
performing ICP-MS analysis.
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... New aerosol measurement techniques enable size-dependent analyses of aerosol particles, thus better classifications and more comprehensive studies of the effect of emitted aerosols are possible (John et al. 2001(John et al. , 2003Turšič et al. 2008). For example, it was found that size-fractionated emission and ambient measurements (PM 10 /PM 2.5 ) followed by mass and elemental analysis give characteristic fingerprints for different sources (John et al 2001). ...
... In this work, the size segregated sampling of particles at the largest coal-fired power station in Slovenia was performed by the newly developed system (Turšič et al. 2008). To observe the relationship of this particular source to the actual ambient aerosol concentrations, simultaneous size segregated measurements of particles were performed also in the ambient environment. ...
... In total 10 series of samples were taken. The specially constructed sampling system used for size-segregated aerosol measurements was described in detail elsewhere (Turšič et al. 2008). Briefly, a central part of this system is a Berner low-pressure cascade impactor (HAUKE, LPI 25/0,015/2) with ten collection stages (size ranges from 15 nm to 16 μm). ...
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Size segregated sampling of aerosol particles at the coal-fired power station Šoštanj, Slovenia was performed by a newly developed system. In addition, simultaneous sampling of particles was performed at two locations, Velenje and Veliki vrh, chosen on the basis of long term monitoring of SO 2 in the influential area of power plant. The signature of the power plant (e.g. characteristic size distributions of some typical trace elements) was identified. For elements, like As, Mo, Cd and Ga, which are typical for coal combustion, the highest concentrations were observed in the size range between 1 and 4 μm. For Se and sometimes for Ga two modes were identified, first between 0.1 and 0.5 μm and second between 1 and 4 μm. Ratios between the average concentrations of selected elements in fine and coarse particles collected at Veliki vrh (the most influenced location) and Velenje (usually not influenced by the thermo power station) were significantly higher than 1 in the case of Mo and Se for coarse and fine size range, while for As the ratio was higher than 1 for the coarse fraction. Consequently, Mo, Se and As were found as the most important tracers for the emissions from the investigated source. On the basis of the ratios between the concentrations of elements measured in particles at low and high SO 2 concentrations at Veliki vrh, Cd was shown to be a typical tracer as well. Our results definitely showed that size segregated measurements of particles at the source and in the influenced area give more precise information on the influence of source to the surrounding region. It was found that patterns of size distributions for typical trace elements observed at the source are found also in the influenced area, i.e. Veliki vrh.
... Concentrations of particulate matter (PM) with aerodynamic diameters less than 10 μm (PM 10 ) and 2.5 μm (PM 2.5 ) are measured using dichotomous samplers with size-selective inlets. These concentrations are widely used for regulatory work due to the health concerns associated with these particles (Lv et al., 2006;Moreno et al., 2007;Kon et al., 2007;Tursic et al., 2008). Recent epidemiological studies indicate that smaller size fractions may be most intimately involved in causing hazards to human health; therefore, studies with PM 2.5 measurements may be relevant (Shaheen et al., 2005;Moreno et al., 2006;Querol et al., 2007). ...
... For size-fractionated dust and aerosol collection, multi-stage cascade impactors have been used (Querol et al., 2000;Tursic et al., 2008). Size-fractioned samples can be individually analyzed both physically (e.g., microscopically, gravimetrically) and chemically. ...
... Corriveau et al. (2011) used a Proton Induced X-ray Emission Spectroscopy Cascade Impactor (PCI) sampler to assess As contamination from a mine-tailing site. Micro-orifice uniform deposit impactors (MOUDI) have been used in several studies (Querol et al., 2000;Allen et al., 2001;Tursic et al., 2008;Csavina et al., 2011). In one model (MSP model #110), the nozzle plates rotate relative to the impaction plates to achieve near uniform particle deposition on the collecting substrates over the impaction area. ...
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Contaminants can be transported rapidly and over relatively long distances by atmospheric dust and aerosol relative to other media such as water, soil and biota; yet few studies have explicitly evaluated the environmental implications of this pathway, making it a fundamental but understudied transport mechanism. Although there are numerous natural and anthropogenic activities that can increase dust and aerosol emissions and contaminant levels in the environment, mining operations are notable with respect to the quantity of particulates generated, the global extent of area impacted, and the toxicity of contaminants associated with the emissions. Here we review (i) the environmental fate and transport of metals and metalloids in dust and aerosol from mining operations, (ii) current methodologies used to assess contaminant concentrations and particulate emissions, and (iii) the potential health and environmental risks associated with airborne contaminants from mining operations. The review evaluates future research priorities based on the available literature and suggest that there is a particular need to measure and understand the generation, fate and transport of airborne particulates from mining operations, specifically the finer particle fraction. More generally, our findings suggest that mining operations play an important but underappreciated role in the generation of contaminated atmospheric dust and aerosol and the transport of metal and metalloid contaminants, and highlight the need for further research in this area. The role of mining activities in the fate and transport of environmental contaminants may become increasingly important in the coming decades, as climate change and land use are projected to intensify, both of which can substantially increase the potential for dust emissions and transport.
... The 22 mechanical principle behind size impaction employs the known quantities of Stokes number 23 and slip correction factors to derive particle inertia, therefore ascribing a stopping distance in 24 accordance to particle size (Hinds, 1999). Particulates are collected onto substrates, frequently 25 made of quartz, polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE; best known as Teflon), polyethylene 26 terephthalate (commonly abbreviated PET, otherwise known as Mylar), polycarbonate or 27 aluminium (Howell et al., 1998; Schaap et al., 2004; Tursic et al., 2008). The choice of 28 substrate is dependent on the type of impactor, sampling conditions and analytical techniques 29 intended to be carried out (Fujitani et al., 2006). ...
... Cascade impactors have been deployed in a diverse array of measurement campaigns utilising 10 their versatility, characterising size-fractionated chemical composition of urban aerosols 11 (Sardar et al., 2005; Schwarz et al., 2012), particle volatility (Hering and Cass, 1999; Huang 12 et al., 2004), vapour-particle phase partitioning (Delgado-Saborit et al., 2014), influence of 13 relative humidity (Štefancová et al., 2010), indoor -outdoor relationship (Smolík et al., 14 2008), archive contamination (Mašková et al., 2015), metals in particles collected near a busy 15 road (Lin et al., 2005; Karanasiou et al., 2007; Ondráček et al., 2011), size-segregated 16 emission particles in a coal-fired power station (Tursic et al., 2008), whilst extensive 17 theoretical investigations and experimental characterization of cascade impactors tended to 18 focus on the performance of one type of cascade impactor (Biswas and Flagan, 1984; Wang 19 and John, 1988; Štefancová et al., 2011; Jiménez and Ballester, 2011; Marple et al., 2014). 20 Howell et al. (1998 carried out an intercomparison of 'traditional' BLPI and Moudi 21 impactors during a field campaign. ...
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Due to the need to better characterise the ultrafine particles fraction and related personal exposure, several impactors have been developed to enable the collection of ultrafine particles (<100 nm). However, to the authors’ kno wledge there have been no field campaigns to-date intercomparing impactor collection of ultrafine particles. The purpose of this study was two-fold: 1) to assess the performance of a number of conventional and nano-range cascade impactors with regard to the particle mass size distribution under different environmental conditions and aerosol loads and types, and 2) to characterise aerosol size distributions including ultrafine particles using impactors in 2 European locations. The impactors used were: (i) Berner low-pressure impactor (BLPI; 26 nm - 13.5 μm), (ii) nano-Berner low-pressure impactor (nano-BLPI; 11 nm - 1.95 μm) and (iii) Nano-microorifice uniform deposit impactor (nano-Moudi; 10 nm-18 μm), and (iv) Personal cascade impactor Sioutas (PCIS; <250 nm - 10 μm). Taking the BLPI as an internal reference, the best agreement regarding mass size distributions was obtained with the nano-BLPI, independently of the aerosol load and aerosol chemical composition. The nano-Moudi showed a good agreement for part icle sizes >320 nm, whereas for particle diameters <320 nm this instrument recorded larger mass concentrations in outdoor air than the internal reference. This difference could be due to particle bounce, to the dissociation of semi volatiles in the coarser stages and/or to particle shrinkage during transport through the impactor due to higher temperature inside this impactor. Further research is needed to understand this behaviour. With regard to the PCIS, their size-resolved mass concentrations were compar able with other impactors for PM1, PM2 and PM10, but the cut-off at 250 nm did not seem to be consistent with that of the internal reference.
... A mathematical model was developed to fit the experimental lead leaching profile to a mathematical particle diffusion model, similar to a model described by Beeston [19], assuming that the glass particles are spherical in shape, keep their size upon leaching, and can be associated with a certain fixed mean aerodynamic diameter. However, in this case the model was extended with the discrete size distribution of the glass particles via 10-stage Berner cascade impaction [20] so that the relevant leaching parameters retrieved ...
... To this end, a leaching procedure based on HNO 3 only was applied. It is known that concentrated HNO 3 yields satisfactory results for estimating the total leachability for some elements, such as Zn, Pb, Mg, and Mn (Turšič et al. 2008). Since dilution of the concentrated HNO 3 digest would imply a significant dilution step prior to inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (ICP-MS) analysis, we tried to emulate the concentrated acid results by using lower initial HNO 3 concentrations, which can be measured directly. ...
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Objective In this work, continuous and size-segregated aerosol measurements at Mt. Krvavec, Slovenia, during the Eyjafjallajökull volcanic eruption were performed. Based on chemical and morphological characteristics of size-segregated particles, the presence of the volcanic aerosols after long-range transport to Slovenia was to be confirmed. Results and conclusions Continuous measurements with the aethalometer and SMPS indicated the suspected volcanic ash plume passing over the sampling site. The aerosols collected by discrete sampling showed a chemical signature similar to the known elemental signature of the Icelandic volcanic ash. Coarse particles showed a composition typical for silicates rich in metals; in many cases also S was present. Morphological analysis showed particles with features indicative of an explosive volcanic eruption, e.g., pumice and pumice shards, glass shards, minerals, evidence of steam condensation, etc. The high sulfate concentration associated with the fine particles resulted in sulfate crystallization within the cascade impactor leading to the formation of large structures resembling a “fern”. Mass size distributions for Fe, Ti, Mn, Ca, Na, and Mg showed one primary peak (for Fe, Mn, and Ti at 2.8 μm; for Ca, Na, and Mg at ca. 4 μm), which supports the fact that most of the particles in the coarse sizes were silicates rich in metals. The size distribution of the water-soluble SO 4 2− showed a maximum peak at 0.75 μm, which also confirms the high sulfate concentration in the fine particles. Chemical and morphological characterization of aerosols collected at Mt. Krvavec indeed confirmed that volcanic ash plume passed over Slovenia.
... For the gravimetric mass analysis as well as for analysis by laser ablation ICP-MS clean aluminum foils were used as impaction substrates, while for wetchemical analysis by ICP-MS clean Tedlar foils were used (Turšič et al., 2006). Wet-chemical analysis for the latter foils was performed after extraction by concentrated HNO 3 (Turšič et al., 2008). ...
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This is a first attempt to measure the elemental mass loading in size-segregated aerosol particles using a laser ablation ICP-MS mapping approach in combination with image analysis software. For optimal mapping of impaction spots on foils the laser ablation ICP-MS parameters resolution, sensitivity and analysis time were critically balanced, depending on the size of the particles and the mass loading. It was shown that size-segregated particles originating from industry-influenced or urban areas could be visualized (shades of gray or "pseudocolours" representing mass loading) and digitally analyzed by comparison with a commercially available air particulate SRM (NIST 2783). Actual results for industry-influenced and urban aerosol particles show distribution profiles that are similar to these obtained with a conventional wet-chemical leaching approach (with ICP-OES or ICP-MS analysis). Also the mass loadings were in the same range although with whole-spot laser ablation ICP-MS analysis even elemental concentrations in nanoparticles could be measured whereas the leaching approach had insufficient sensitivity to measure these particles. Contrary to the use of single line or crater laser ablation ICP-MS as sometimes practiced in the literature it was found essential to map whole impaction spots due to artifacts generated by cascade impactor sampling, leading to distorted impaction spots (presence of halos or satellites).
The present study highlights the importance of examining the contribution of Saharan dust (SD) sources not only in terms of overall mass contribution but also in terms of composition, size distribution and inhaled dose. The effect of SD intrusions on PM and the respective major and trace metals mass concentrations and size distributions was investigated in a suburban site in Athens, Greece. SD events were associated, on average, with lower boundary layer heights (BLH) compared to the non-Sahara (nSD) dust days. During SD events, PM1-10 concentrations showed an increasing trend with increasing atmospheric BLH, in contrary to the fine PM (PM1). Generally, increased PM1 and CO (i.e. anthropogenic origin) levels were observed for BLH lower than around 500 m. The average contribution of SD to PM10 and PM2.5 mass concentration was roughly equal to 31% and 19%, respectively. The mass size distributions of PM and specific major and trace elements (Na, Al, Si, S, Cl, K, Ca, Fe, and Zn) displayed a somewhat different behavior with respect to the mass origin (Algeria-Tunisia vs Libya-Egypt), affecting in turn the regional deposition of inhaled aerosol in the human respiratory tract (HRT). The average PM deposited mass in the upper and lower HRT was 80.1% (Head) and 26.9% (Lung; Tracheobronchial and Pulmonary region) higher for SD days than for nSD days. Higher doses were estimated in the upper and lower HRT for the majority of the elements, when SD intrusions occurred, supporting the increasingly growing interest in exploring the health effects of SD. Only the mass deposition for S, and Na in the lower HRT and Zn in the upper HRT was higher in the case of nSD.
Mine tailings impoundments in arid and semiarid environments are susceptible to wind erosion due to their fine grain silt and sandy composition and lack of vegetative coverage. Aeolian transport of particulate matter from these mine tailings impoundments are potential hazards to human health due to the presence of metal and metalloid contaminants. Predicting windblown transport of mine tailings material can be a useful tool in characterizing the risk and environmental impact on neighboring communities. This work presents a model that can be used to forecast the transport and deposition of windblown dust from mine tailings impoundments. The deposition forecast model uses in situ observations from a tailings field site and theoretical simulations of aerosol transport to parameterize the model. It includes a method for simulating deposition patterns for several different size fractions and can be translated to other regions and applied to different windblown dust sources. The model was developed using data from the Iron King Mine tailings in Dewey-Humboldt, Arizona, a Superfund site that is heavily contaminated with lead and arsenic. A preliminary verification of the model was conducted using topsoil measurements of lead and arsenic as tracers of windblown dust from the tailings impoundment. The tailings tracers support the predicted deposition patterns generated by the deposition forecasting model.
A range of microscopy and analytical techniques have been used to investigate the physicochemical properties of diluted DEP that may be important in determining its biological activity. Transmission electron microscopy demonstrated four basic categories of particle morphology: (1) “spherulites” [individual particles]; (2) “chains” or “clusters” of spherulites; (3) “spherules”, [large bodies of spherulites]; (4) “flake-like bodies”. Image analysis of TEM photomicrographs determined empirical morphological parameters (30nm mean spherulite diameter, aspect ratio 1.5, mean particle area 0.078μm, equivalent spherical diameter 0.23μm, roundness 2.76) and derived parameters (0.313μm2 surface area, 3.7μm2pg surface area per mass and 0.042μm3 volume) of DEP. Distributions of the particle sizes by number showed 10.1% were ultrafine (2.5μm), but distributions based on a mass value were different (0.01% ultrafine; 52.6% fine, 47.4% coarse). In contrast, impacted DEP contained 60.87% ultrafine, 39.13% fine and 0% coarse particles by number. Field emission scanning electron microscopy of spherulites revealed smooth surfaces and flocculated spherules with large surface areas. Electron probe X-ray micro-analysis demonstrated the presence of C, O, Na, Mg, K, Al, Si, P, S, Cl, Ca along with a range of metals (Ti, Mn, Fe, Zn, Cr), that were heterogeneous in distribution. Inductively coupled plasma mass and atomic emission spectrometry identified Mg, P, Ca, Cr, Mn, Zn, Sr, Mo, Ba, Na, Fe, S, and Si as the mobile sorbed metals readily removed during sonication in water from DEP suspensions. X-ray Diffraction confirmed previous observations of the presence of nanometer sized crystallites of disordered graphite. Comparison of microscopy and analytical results between sonicated and impacted DEP revealed a physicochemical difference that must be taken into account in any toxicological investigations.
PM 10 and PM 2.5 (PMx) have been recently introduced as new air quality standards in the EU (Council Directive 1999/30/EC) for particulate matter. Different estimates and measurements showed that the limit values for PM 10 will be exceeded at different locations in Europe, and thus measures will have to be taken to reduce PMx mass concentrations. Source apportionment has to be carried out, demanding comparable methods for ambient air and emission sampling and chemical analysis. Therefore, a special ambient-air sampler and a specially designed emission sampler have been developed. Total-reflection X-ray fluorescence analysis (TXRF) was used for multi-element analyses as a fast method with low detection limits. For ambient air measurements, a sampling unit was built, impacting particle size classes 10–2.5 μm and 2.5–1.0 μm directly onto TXRF sample carriers. An electrostatic precipitator (ESP) was used as back-up filter to also collect particles <1 μm directly onto the TXRF sample carriers. Air quality is affected by natural and anthropogenic sources, and the emissions of particles <10 μm and <2.5 μm, respectively, have to be determined to quantify their contributions to the so-called coarse (10–2.5 μm) and fine (<2.5 μm) particle modes in ambient air. For this, an in-stack particle sampling system was developed, according to the new ambient air quality standards and in view of subsequent analysis by TXRF. These newly developed samplers, in combination with TXRF analyses, were employed in field campaigns to prove the feasibility and capabilities of the approach. Ambient air data show the quantification of a wide spectrum of elements. From those concentrations, PMx ratios were calculated as an indicator for different sources of elements. Results useful for source apportionment are also the elemental day/night ratios calculated to determine local contributions to PMx mass concentrations. With regard to the emission measurements, results of mass and elemental concentrations obtained in two different processes (steel industry) show that the new PM 10/PM 2.5 cascade impactor and measurements with TXRF give characteristic fingerprints for different sources. Size-fractionated ambient air and emission sampling, together with multi-element analysis, prove to be a useful approach to derive information for source–receptor modeling, a method necessary to set up effective abatement strategies to reduce PMx mass concentrations.
Due to the new standards of ambient air quality PM 10 and PM 2.5, these particle size fractions should also be measured in emissions as combustion and industrial processes are anthropogenic sources of particulate matter in ambient air. Therefore, a sampling system for PM 10/PM 2.5 in-stack measurements was designed and calibrated. The exhaust gas is isokinetically sucked into the cascade impactor through the inlet of the plane filter device (VDI 2066 part 7) and the aerosol is fractionated in the particle size classes > 10 μm, 10 to 2.5 μm and < 2.5 μm. Due to a relatively high volume flow (ca. 3.2 m3/h, depending on exhaust gas conditions), sampling times are kept short (for dust concentrations of 10 mg/m3(i. N.) only 30 min).
The size distributions of Ba, Cd, Co, Cu, Hg, Mn, Ni, Pb, Sn, Se, Sr, Zn and Fe in atmospheric aerosols were measured using impactors at three background sites in central England and southern Scotland. Coarse aerosols (>10.0μm) were found to be undercollected by a micro-orifice uniform deposit impactor (MOUDI) when compared to an isokinetic technique, to a degree dependent on the size distribution of individual metals. The size distributions obtained in Scotland, which were typically trimodal, differed from those in central England, where modes were more variable.Characteristic size distributions allowed identification of three main behavioural types: (i) metals whose mass resided mainly within the accumulation mode (Cd, Sn, Pb, Se), (ii) those which were distributed between fine, intermediate and coarse modes (Ni, Zn, Cu, Co, Mn, Hg), and (iii) those which were mainly found within coarse particles (Fe, Sr, Ba). The measured distributions are believed to result from a combination of processes including local anthropogenic and natural sources, long-range transport and resuspension.
The emission of ambient particulate matter that is less than 2.5 μm in aerodynamic diameter from commercial coal combustion sources may represent a greater risk of inhalation into human and animal respiratory systems than emission of larger particles. In addition, there is lower removal efficiency in flue gas particle collection equipment for these smaller particles that may also increase deposition in the downwind environment and subsequent migration into the water table. Recent results suggest that pulverized coal fly ash particle formation is best described as a tri-modal particle size distribution that includes a submicron fume region, a fine fragmentation region centered at approximately 2.0 μm diameter, and a bulk fragmentation region. A fundamental understanding of the mechanisms leading to the formation of the fine fragmentation region and of how this formation influences toxic trace metal partitioning is an important step to mitigating the environmental impact of coal combustion. Results are presented related to some of the factors related to this issue. An extensive SEM examination of fly ash particles in the fine fragmentation region indicates that these particles appear to have a much larger effective surface area compared to supermicron particles due to irregularities such as fractures, stretching, and shedding. These particles also appear to be more reactive with oxy-anion trace elements, such as arsenic and selenium, which may be important in understanding the dominant mechanism related to trace element partitioning during pulverized coal combustion.
Measurement of daily size-fractionated ambient PM10 mass, metals, inorganic ions (nitrate and sulfate) and elemental and organic carbon were conducted at source (Downey) and receptor (Riverside) sites within the Los Angeles Basin. In addition to 24-h concentration measurements, the diurnal patterns of the trace element and metal content of fine (0–2.5 μm) and coarse (2.5–10 μm) PM were studied by determining coarse and fine PM metal concentrations during four time intervals of the day.The main source of crustal metals (e.g., Al, Si, K, Ca, Fe and Ti) can be attributed to the re-suspension of dust at both source and receptor sites. All the crustals are predominantly present in supermicron particles. At Downey, potentially toxic metals (e.g., Pb, Sn, Ni, Cr, V, and Ba) are predominantly partitioned (70–85%, by mass) in the submicron particles. Pb, Sn and Ba have been traced to vehicular emissions from nearby freeways, whereas Ni and Cr have been attributed to emissions from powerplants and oil refineries upwind in Long Beach. Riverside, adjacent to Southern California deserts, exhibits coarser distributions for almost all particle-bound metals as compared to Downey. Fine PM metal concentrations in Riverside seem to be a combination of few local emissions and those transported from urban Los Angeles. The majority of metals associated with fine particles are in much lower concentrations at Riverside compared to Downey. Diurnal patterns of metals are different in coarse and fine PM modes in each location. Coarse PM metal concentration trends are governed by variations in the wind speeds in each location, whereas the diurnal trends in the fine PM metal concentrations are found to be a function both of the prevailing meteorological conditions and their upwind sources.
Chemical profiles for particle emissions are needed for source apportionment studies using the chemical mass balance (CMB) receptor model. Source measurements of geological sources, motor vehicle exhaust, vegetative burning (e.g. asparagus, field burning, charbroil cooking), and industrial sources (e.g. oil-fueled glass plant, manure-fueled power plants) were acquired as part of the Imperial/Mexicali Valley Cross Border PM10 Transport Study in 1992. Six different source sampling techniques (i.e. hot- and diluted-exhaust sampling, ground-based source sampling, particle sweeping/grab sampling, vacuum sampling, and laboratory resuspension sampling) were applied to acquire filter samples of PM2.5 and PM10 (particulate matter with aerodynamic diameters <2.5 and 10 μm, respectively). Filter samples were analyzed for mass by gravimetry, elements (Na to U) by X-ray fluorescence, anions (Cl−, NO3−, SO4=) by ion chromatography, ammonium (NH4+) by automated colorimetry, soluble sodium (Na+) and potassium (K+) by atomic absorption spectrophotometry, and organic and elemental carbon (OC, EC) by thermal/optical reflectance. Concentration data were acquired for a total of ∼50 chemical species. Elevated abundances of crustal components (Al, Si, K, Ca, Fe) from geological material, carbon (OC, EC) and trace elements (Br, Pb) from vehicle exhausts, carbon (OC, EC) and ions (K+, Cl−) from vegetative burning, ions (SO4=, NH4+, Na+, K+, Cl−) and elements (Cl, Se) from a manure-fueled power plants, and sulfur and trace elements (Na+, Pb, Se, Ni, V) from an oil-fueled glass plant were found in the resulting source profiles. Abundances of crustal species (e.g. Al, Si, Ca) in the Imperial/Mexicali Valley geological profiles are more than twice those found in central and southern California. Abundances of lead in motor vehicle exhausts indicate different vehicle fleets in border cities. Emission profiles from field burning and charbroil cooking specific to the border area show that a majority (>60%) of emissions are comprised of carbon, with high organic to total carbon ratios (0.93 to 0.97). Abundances of sulfate and ammonium account for nearly 60% of the manure-fueled power plant's emissions. Elevated levels of metals (Na+, Pb, Cd, Se) and byproducts of petroleum combustion (S, Ni, V) were found in the oil-fueled glass plant's emissions.
Several important aspects are described in this paper. The occurrences of trace elements (TEs) in coal are introduced. Four main groups of trace element content level, say, >50, 10–50, 1–10 and <1 ppm, can be drawn. Trace elements partitioning in emission streams; enrichment in submicron particles; vaporization and emission in flue gas; and the mobility and leaching behavior of trace elements in coal and combustion waste are summarized. The mechanisms of trace element transformation during combustion are illustrated as following: the vaporized metals at high temperature near the combustion flame will subsequently nucleate or condense at a lower temperature downstream. These metals form a suspended aerosol along with particles. The conversion of vaporized components into various solid and/or liquid forms is the key factor influencing the final trace elements' transformation/partitioning behavior. Finally, current trace element emission control technologies are briefly introduced. To control trace elements in particle phase, electrostatic precipitators and fabric filters are mainly used. To control trace elements in vapor phase, spray dryer absorbers, wet scrubbers, condensing wet scrubbers, wet scrubbers and solid sorbent injection should mainly be used. Research needs are identified and potentially promising research topics on trace elements emission are proposed as following: (1) trace element speciation and enrichment in coal and coal ash. (2) Trace elements partitioning in combustion process. (3) Mechanisms of transformation and control technologies for easily vaporized TEs during combustion.