Iraia García-Santisteban

Iraia García-Santisteban
Universidad del País Vasco / Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea | UPV/EHU · Departamento de Genética, Antropología Física y Fisiología Animal


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Publications (36)
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Background: Celiac disease (CeD) is an immune-mediated disorder that develops in genetically predisposed individuals upon gluten consumption. HLA risk alleles explain 40% of the genetic component of CeD, so there have been continuing efforts to uncover non-HLA loci that can explain the remaining heritability. As in most autoimmune disorders, the p...
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Endometriosia (EM) emakumeen artean ezgaitasuna eta antzutasuna sor ditzakeen gaixotasun prebalentea den arren, oraindik ez da argitu bere fisiopatologian eragiten dituzten faktoreak. Azken urte hauetan, argitaratutako ikerketek ingurumeneko disruptore endokrinoekiko (EDC) esposizioak EMn eragin dezakeela iradokitzen dute, eta orain arteko ebidentz...
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Background Celiac Disease (CeD) is an autoimmune disorder triggered by gluten intake in genetically susceptible individuals. Highest risk individuals are homozygous for the Human Leucocyte Antigen (HLA) DQ2.5 haplotype or DQ2.5/DQ2.2 heterozygous. Both the HLA-DQ2-positive high genetic risk individuals and those that have developed the disease have...
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Increasing evidence supports the role of placenta in neurodevelopment and potentially, in the later onset of neuropsychiatric disorders. Recently, methylation quantitative trait loci (mQTL) and interaction QTL (iQTL) maps have proven useful to understand SNP-genome wide association study (GWAS) relationships, otherwise missed by conventional expres...
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Endometriosia kausa ezezaguneko gaixotasun ginekologiko ohikoenetariko bat da, funtzionalki aktiboa den endometrio-ehuna umetoki-barrunbetik kanpo haztean agertzen dena. Fenotipo ugarirekin erlazionatu da, hala nola neurri antropometrikoekin eta ezaugarri menstrualekin. Hala ere, ez da oraindik ezagutzen azken horiek eta endometriosiak oinarri gene...
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USP21 deubikuitinasa nukleoaren eta zitoplasmaren artean translokatzen da, eta zentrosoman ere koka daiteke, baina kokapen azpizelular konplexu hori nola modulatzen den ezezaguna da. Proteomika analisiaren bidez, MARK4 kinasa zentrosomala identifikatu da USP21 proteinaren balizko interaktore gisa. Lan honetan, USP21/MARK4 elkarrekintza balioztatzen...
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Background Quantitative, reverse transcription PCR (qRT-PCR) is currently the gold-standard for SARS-CoV-2 detection and it is also used for detection of other virus. Manual data analysis of a small number of qRT-PCR plates per day is a relatively simple task, but automated, integrative strategies are needed if a laboratory is dealing with hundreds...
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Endometriosis is a common gynecological disorder that has been associated with endometrial, breast and epithelial ovarian cancers in epidemiological studies. Since complex diseases are a result of multiple environmental and genetic factors, we hypothesized that the biological mechanism underlying their comorbidity might be explained, at least in pa...
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Background The G1 checkpoint is a critical regulator of genomic stability in untransformed cells, preventing cell cycle progression after DNA damage. DNA double-strand breaks (DSBs) recruit and activate ATM, a kinase which in turn activates the CHK2 kinase to establish G1 arrest. While the onset of G1 arrest is well understood, the specific role th...
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Objectives Coeliac disease (CD) is a complex autoimmune disorder that develops in genetically susceptible individuals. Dietary gluten triggers an immune response for which the only available treatment so far is a strict, lifelong gluten free diet. Human leucocyte antigen (HLA) genes and several non-HLA regions have been associated with the genetic...
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Endometriosis, one of the most common gynecological disorders, is a complex disease characterized by the growth of endometrial-like tissue in extra-uterine locations and is a cause of pelvic pain and infertility. Evidence from observational studies indicate that endometriosis usually appears together with several other phenotypes. These include a l...
Celiac Disease (CeD) is an immune-mediated complex disease that is triggered by the ingestion of gluten and develops in genetically susceptible individuals. It has been known for a long time that the Human Leucocyte Antigen (HLA) molecules DQ2 and DQ8 are necessary, although not sufficient, for the disease development, and therefore other susceptib...
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Quantitative, reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (qRT-PCR) has been the gold-standard tool for viral detection during the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic. However, the desperate rush for a quick diagnosis led the use of very different types of machines and proprietary software, leading to an unbearable complexity of data analysis with a limited pa...
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Deadline extended till 21st May 2021.
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Celiac disease (CeD) is a complex immune-mediated inflammatory condition triggered by the ingestion of gluten in genetically predisposed individuals. Literature suggests that alterations in gut microbiota composition and function precede the onset of CeD. Considering that microbiota is partly determined by host genetics, we speculated that the gene...
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Celiac disease (CeD) is a complex immune-mediated inflammatory condition triggered by ingestion of gluten in genetically predisposed individuals. Literature suggests that alterations in gut microbiota composition and function precede the onset of CeD. Considering that microbiota is partly determined by host genetics, we speculate that the genetic m...
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DNA in micronuclei is prone to get damaged. When shattered DNA from micronuclei gets reincorporated into the primary nucleus, aberrant rearrangements can take place, a phenomenon referred to as chromothripsis. Here, we investigated how chromatids from micronuclei act in subsequent divisions and how this affects their fate. We observed that the majo...
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The cellular response to DNA damage is essential for maintaining the integrity of the genome. Recent evidence has identified E2F7 as a key player in DNA damage-dependent transcriptional regulation of cell-cycle genes. However, the contribution of E2F7 to cellular responses upon genotoxic damage is still poorly defined. Here we show that E2F7 repres...
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Protein post-translational modifications (PTMs) play a central role in the DNA damage response. In particular, protein phosphorylation and ubiquitination have been shown to be essential in the signalling cascade that coordinates break repair with cell cycle progression. Here, we performed whole-cell quantitative proteomics to identify global change...
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The exportin CRM1 binds nuclear export signals (NESs), and mediates active transport of NES-bearing proteins from the nucleus to the cytoplasm. Structural and biochemical analyses have uncovered the molecular mechanisms underlying CRM1/NES interaction. CRM1 binds NESs through a hydrophobic cleft, whose open or closed conformation facilitates NES bi...
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When cells in G2 phase are challenged with DNA damage, several key mitotic regulators such as Cdk1/Cyclin B, Aurora A and Plk1 are inhibited to prevent entry into mitosis. Here we have studied how inhibition of Plk1 is established after DNA damage. Using a Förster resonance energy transfer (FRET)-based biosensor for Plk1 activity, we show that inhi...
USP1 is a member of the ubiquitin-specific protease (USP) family of deubiquitinating enzymes. Efficient USP1 activity requires binding to its cofactor UAF1, and the USP1/UAF1 deubiquitinase complex has important roles in regulating DNA damage-related processes. USPs exhibit a common folding of their catalytic domain with three subdomains termed Thu...
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In complex with its cofactor UAF1, the USP1 deubiquitinase plays an important role in cellular processes related to cancer, including the response to DNA damage. The USP1/UAF1 complex is emerging as a novel target in cancer therapy, but several aspects of its function and regulation remain to be further clarified. These include the role of the seri...
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Reversible protein ubiquitination is emerging as a key process for maintaining cell homeostasis, and the enzymes that participate in this process, in particular E3 ubiquitin ligases and deubiquitinases (DUBs), are increasingly being regarded as candidates for drug discovery. Human DUBs are a group of approximately 100 proteins, whose cellular funct...
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The human deubiquitinase USP1 plays important roles in cancer-related processes, such as the DNA damage response, and the maintenance of the undifferentiated state of osteosarcoma cells. USP1 deubiquitinase activity is critically regulated by its interaction with the WD40 repeat-containing protein UAF1. Inhibiting the function of the USP1/UAF1 comp...
The mechanisms that regulate the nucleocytoplasmic localization of human deubiquitinases remain largely unknown. The nuclear export receptor CRM1 binds to specific amino acid motifs termed NESs (nuclear export sequences). By using in silico prediction and experimental validation of candidate sequences, we identified 32 active NESs and 78 inactive N...


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