Ionut Butoi

Ionut Butoi
University of Bucharest | Unibuc · Department of Cultural Anthropology and Communication


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Publications (10)
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This research is intended as an in-depth study of the contexts favouring the development of organizational and scientific cooperation practices, as well as of the contexts favouring the emergence of organizational competition and conflict practices within the Gustian School. I will follow how the respective practices emerged and consolidated within...
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In this paper, I highlight mostly ignored aspects of the work of H. H. Stahl: his stance on the issue of “national specificity,” on village culture, and on the modernization of Romanian villages through “culturalization”. Reviewing some of his popularization and scientific texts from the 1930, but also his late contributions from the 1980, show a r...
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On Friday, November 15, 2019, at „Dimitrie Gusti” Council Hall, Faculty of Sociology and Social Assistance, the University of Bucharest, was held the debate „Myths, falsehoods, amnesia. A critical introduction to the history of the Gustian school”, organized by the Research Institute of the University of Bucharest at the initative of Zoltán Rostás...
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Dimitrie Gusti társadalomkutatást és cselekvést ötvöző felfogását a társadalmi problémák kezeléséről először az 1920-as években kirobbant egyetemi zavargások idején alkalmazta. Egy kisebb keresztény egyetemi csoport közreműködésével kidolgozta az egyetemi élet megreformálását célzó intervenciós programot, ehhez az egyetemisták életét kutató szociol...
Between July and October 1933 Mircea Vulcanescu held, under the pseudonym "Ivy", the fashion section on the economic weekly magazine, Index. Most of his 13 articles, representing all the contributions of "Ivy", were dedicated to women's fashion and were written in the first person feminine. In this study I will frame the context of these articles l...
This research project is about the literary and artistically social environment of the Gustian School. It gives a first glimpse on the complex network of artists and writers, some of them renowned, that helped consolidate the status of the sociological School in the political-cultural field of the Romanian interwar society. As a consequence of the...
In this article I will analyze the Encyclopaedia seen as a manifestation of Gustian School's domination within the scientific and cultural field of the interwar period. Given the type of power strategy used by D. Gusti and by monographists, as well as the context, this dominance has not morphed, however, in a cultural hegemony, meaning that it has...
This paper focuses on the lesser known side of Mircea Vulcanescu's activity, namely as a polemic monographist, caught in a moment of general effervescence of the young interwar generation from the beginning of the fourth decade, when the main monographists were trying to assert themselves in a distinct way and with programmatic articles in newspape...
