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Inna Yu. Badanina

Inna Yu. Badanina
Institute of Geology and Geochemistry, Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences · Geochemistry and Ore-Forming Processes



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My main research interests include: (i) mineralogy of platinum-group elements (PGE), (ii) origin of zircons in mafic and ultramafic rocks, (iii) isotopic composition of PGE deposits and the Earth’s mantle. Current research projects, funded by Ministry of Science and Higher Education of Russian Federation and Russian Science Fund (grant #22-27-00140), aim on elucidating the origin of ultramafic-mafic massifs and associated PGE deposits. Website: http://www.igg.uran.ru/?q=ru/node/174


Publications (114)
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In this paper we present textural and mineral chemistry data for a PGM inclusion assemblage and whole-rock platinum-group element (PGE) concentrations of chromitite from Harold's Grave, which occurrs in a dunite pod in a mantle tectonite at Unst in the Shetland Ophiolite Complex (SOC), Scotland. The study utilized a number of analytical techniques,...
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This paper reports original data on the composition and physico-chemical conditions of formation of native ruthenium, osmium, and iridium in the Verkh-Neivinsky Massif, typical example of the mantle ophiolite at the Middle Urals. Revealed redox conditions of the Ru–Os–Ir alloys of the Verkh-Neivinsky Massif together with previous studies for Ru–Os–...
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This study evaluates in detail the mineral chemistry, whole-rock and mineral separate Os-isotope compositions of distinct platinum-group mineral (PGM) assemblages in an isolated chromitite pod at Harold's Gravewhich occurs in mantle tectonite in the Shetland Ophiolite Complex (SOC), Scotland. Thiswas the first ophiolite sequence worldwide that was...
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This study presents compositional features of platinum-group element mineralization derived from the Late Archaean placers in the eastern part of the Witwatersrand basin. The significant presence of platinum-group minerals, formed by polycomponent solid-solution series in the system Ru-Os-Ir-Pt(±Fe), was determined using an electron microprobe anal...
This study presents the first results of oxygen isotope analyses (δ18O) collected on zircons from the Talnakh economic intrusion within the Noril’sk province. Zircons from gabbro-diorite, gabbroic rocks of the layered series and plagioclase-bearing wehrlite have similar mantle-like mean δ18O values (5.39 ± 0.48‰; 5.63 ± 0.48‰ and of 5.28 ± 0.34‰, r...
Понимание главных событий платинометалльного рудообразования невозможно без анализа источников и поведения главных рудообразующих компонентов, а именно платины, осмия, серы и меди, являющихся важными индикаторами магматических и гидротермальных процессов. В отличие от Re-Os изотопной системы, изотопные системы Pt-Os, меди и серы платинометалльных м...
Изучены вариации изотопного состава Cu и Zn в сульфидах промышленно-рудоносных (Хараелахского и Норильск-1), рудоносных (Зуб-Маркшейдерского и Вологочанского) и слаборудоносных (Нижнеталнахского и Нижненорильского) интрузивов в целях выявления источников рудного вещества и совершенствования подходов при прогнозировании месторождений стратегических...
Understanding the main events of platinum-group element (PGE) ore formation is impossible without analysis of the sources and behavior of major ore-forming components, namely, platinum, osmium, sulfur, and copper, which are important indicators of magmatic and hydrothermal processes. In contrast to the Re–Os isotope system, the radiogenic Pt–Os iso...
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To gain insight into the source of ore material, this study presents new Re–Os and Pt–Os isotopic and highly siderophile element (HSE: Os, Ir, Ru, Pt, Pd, Re) abundance data for chromitite and native osmium from the Guli massif of ultramafic alkaline rocks and carbonatites located in the Maimecha–Kotui province, Polar Siberia. The study utilized a...
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An Erratum to this paper has been published: https://doi.org/10.1134/S1028334X23050240
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For citation: Murzin V.V., Malitch К.N., Badanina I.Yu., Varlamov D.A., Chashchukhin I.S. (2023) Mineral assemblages from chromitites of the Alapaevsk dunite-harzburgite massif (Middle Urals). Lithosphere (Russia), 23(5), 740-765. (In Russ.) Поступила в редакцию 25.03.2023 г., принята к печати 23.04.2023 г. Объект исследования. Минералы и минера...
Troctolites, olivine and picrite gabbrodolerites account for up to 75% of the Lower Talnakh type intrusions in areas of their elevated thickness, whereas reduced sections consist of olivine-free and olivine-bearing gabbrodolerites. The high-Mg cumulates show no clear differentiation, although the contents of TiO2 and alkalis increase towards the up...
Conference Paper
To provide new insights into the origin of platinum-group minerals (PGM), this study presents the mineral chemistry and Cu-isotopic data for primary and secondary Pt-Fe minerals, and in-situ S-isotope data for Ru-Os sulfides and kashinite from chromitites and placer deposits of the Nizhny Tagil and Svetly Bor clinopyroxenite-dunite massifs (Middle...
Troctolites, olivine and picrite gabbrodolerites account for up to 75% of the Lower Talnakh type intrusions in places of their increased thickness whereas reduced thickness sections consist of olivine-free and olivine-bearing gabbrodolerites. Differentiation is not obvious within these high-Mg cumulates, although the content of TiO2 and alkalis inc...
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In order to provide further insights into the origin of Pt–Fe minerals, this study presents the first copper isotope data for Pt–Fe minerals from the Nizhny Tagil massif, an international standard of the zoned Ural-type complexes. The chemical and isotopic composition of Pt–Fe minerals were determined by electron microprobe analysis, chemical sampl...
С целью идентификации источника меди впервые в мировой практике охарактеризованы особенности Cu-изотопного состава Pt-Fe минералов Нижнетагильского массива на Среднем Урале – мирового эталона зональных комплексов уральского типа. Для выявления химического и изотопного состава Pt-Fe минералов использованы методы, включающие рентгеноспектральный микр...
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To gain further insight into the origin of Ru–Os sulfides, the first in-situ sulfur isotopic data for Ru–Os sulfides from different polyphase platinum-group mineral (PGM) assemblages derived from the Quaternary deposits of the Guli massif located in the Maimecha-Kotui province are presented. A number of analytical techniques, including electron mic...
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In order to provide further insights into the origin of Ru-Os-Ir alloys, this study presents new highly siderophile element (HSE: Re, Os, Ir, Ru, Pt, and Pd) abundance and 187Re-187Os and 190Pt-186Os isotope data for detrital grains of native Ru-Os-Ir alloys in placer deposits of the Kunar and Unga Rivers, which display a close spatial association...
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This study presents new compositional and S-Os isotope data for primary Ru-Os sulfides within a platinum-group mineral (PGM) assemblage from placer deposits associated with the Verkh-Neivinsk massif, which is part of the mantle ophiolite association of Middle Urals (Russia). The primary nature of Ru-Os sulfides represented by laurite (RuS2)–erlichm...
This study presents the first highly siderophile element (HSE: Re, Os, Ir, Ru, Rh, Pt, Pd, Au) abundance and Re-Os isotopic data for primary Pt-Fe minerals and Os-rich alloys from the Kondyor zoned-type ultramafic massif located in the southeastern part of the Siberian Craton, Russia. The Kondyor massif is composed of three zones: (A) the oldest du...
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Intrusions of the Zubovsky type (1) are commonly dominated by troctolite in their ultramafic parts and have an insignificant number (if any) of ultramafic units; (2) occur among olivine and olivine-bearing gabbro-dolerites and often show evidence of a number of accumulation of cumulus olivine, (3) have weakly pronounced (if any) taxitic gabbrodoler...
Интрузивы зубовского типа характеризуются рядом особенностей: 1) преобладанием в разрезе ультрабазитовой части интрузивов троктолитов и незначительным распространением горизонтов ультраосновных пород или их отсутствием; 2) положением среди оливиновых и оливинсодержащих габбро-долеритов часто с образованием нескольких этапов накопления оливинового к...
The ultramafic-mafic Talnakh intrusion in the Norilsk province (Russia) hosts one of the world’s major platinum group element (PGE)-Cu-Ni sulfide deposits. This study employed a multitechnique approach, including in situ Hf-O isotope analyses of zircon combined with whole-rock Nd isotope data, in order to gain new insights into genesis of the Talna...
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This study utilized SHRIMP, LA MC–ICP–MS and ID-TIMS analytical techniques and presents for the first time U–Pb age, Lu-Hf-isotope features of zircon and the Nd-isotope composition of variously mineralized rocks from the ore-bearing Dyumtaley intrusion, one of the most promising targets for platinum-group element (PGE)-Cu–Ni ores within the Taimyr...
C помощью SHRIMP-, MC–LA–ICP–MS- и TIMS-методов анализа впервые изучены соответственно U–Pb-возраст, изотопный состав гафния циркона и изотопный состав неодима пород Дюмталейского интрузива, являющегося одним из наиболее перспективных объектов на платиноидно-медно-никелевые руды в пределах Таймырской металлогенической провинции. U–Pb-система зерен...
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Limited data on the isotopic composition of sulfur of platinum-group minerals (PGM) are reported in the literature. The LA-ICP-MS method was used to study the S-isotopic composition of Ru-Os-Ir sulfides and sulfoarsenides forming secondary corrosion and superimposed PGM assemblages from placer deposit of the East Shishim river occurring within the...
Впервые охарактеризованы особенности изотопного состава кислорода (δ18O) цирконов Талнахского промышленно-рудоносного интрузива Норильской провинции. Цирконы из габбро-диоритов, габброидов расслоенной серии и плагиоверлитов характеризуются близкими средними значениями δ18O (5.39±0.48‰, 5.63±0.48‰ и 5.28±0.34‰, соответственно), которые отличаются от...
This study presents the first data set of sulfur isotope compositions of primary Ru–Os sulfides, represented by laurite (RuS2) – erlichmanite (OsS2) series, within a primary platinum-group mineral (PGM) assemblage derived from the Verkh-Neivinsky dunite-harzburgite massif, a typical example of the mantle ophiolite association at the Middle Urals. T...
Впервые охарактеризованы особенности химического и S-изотопного составов Ru–Os сульфидов, представленных минералами изоморфного ряда лаурит (RuS2)–эрликманит (OsS2), в составе первичного парагенезиса минералов платиновой группы Верх-Нейвинского дунит-гарцбургитового массива – типичного представителя мантийной офиолитовой ассоциации Урала. Полученны...
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This study evaluates for the first time Hf-isotope characteristics of zircon from dunite of the Kondyor massif, which is closely related to an economic platinum placer deposit. The significant range in εHf(t) values (from –8.4 ± 0.8 to 10.5 ± 1.3) in Mesozoic zircons indicates the interaction of a “juvenile” mantle source with distinct magma source...
Впервые охарактеризованы особенности начального изотопного состава гафния цирконов дунитов Кондёрского массива, с которым связаны промышленные россыпные месторождения платины. Широкие вариации эпсилон Hf(t) (от -8.4 ± 0.8 до 10.5 ± 1.3) в мезозойских цирконах свидетельствуют о взаимодействии “ювенильного” мантийного источника с производными других...
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В статье охарактеризованы петрохимические и геохимические особенности пород промышленно-рудоносного интрузива Норильск-1, свидетельствующие о неоднородном составе слагающих его породных ассоциаций и рудных концентраций. С петрохимической точки зрения разрез интрузива Норильск-1 состоит из двух частей; для каждой характерно наличие ультрамафитов в ц...
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Монография посвящена решению фундаментальных проблем, направленных на (i) раскрытие генетической природы и условий образования промышленно-рудоносных интрузивов норильского типа и (ii) формирование новых подходов при прогнозировании месторождений стратегических видов минерального сырья. Работа базируется на результатах минералого-геохимического, ге...
This study presents new chemical and isotope data for Ru-Os sulfides and coexisting platinum-group minerals (PGMs) within primary assemblage derived from the Verkh-Neivinsky dunite-harzburgite massif. PGMs were studied using electron microprobe analysis, laser ablation and multiple collector-inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry. The obtaine...
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Впервые охарактеризованы особенности начального изотопного состава гафния цирконов из верлитов Феклистовского массива, с которым ассоциируют прибрежно-морские россыпи платины. Результаты по изотопии гафния для предварительно продатированных зерен цирконов получены с помощью метода лазерной абляции и масс-спектрометрии с ионизацией в индуктивно-связ...
This investigation presents new data on the Hf-isotope systematics of baddeleyite and the Nd-isotope compositions of calcite carbonatites of the Guli massif, located within the Maimecha–Kotui province. The Hf–Nd isotope signatures of carbonatites (εHf ~ 10.4, εNd ~ 5.8) indicate that depleted mantle material was involved during magma generation. Th...
This paper reports chemical, geochronological, and Hf-Nd-Sr isotopic-geochemical data on granite, leucogabbro, and microgabbro porphyrite vein bodies in the gabbro of the Volkovsky massif. It was proved that the vein granite and leucogabbro are genetically related to the leucogabbro-anorthosite-plagiogranite (anorthosite-granite) series of the Ural...
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Охарактеризованы вещественные, возрастные и изотопно-геохимические особенности различных популяций цирконов и бадделеита Волковского, Нижнетагильского и Светлоборского массивов, с которыми связаны промышленные месторождения платиноидов. Для палеозойских цирконов характерны Hf-изотопные параметры близкие к таковым «ювенильного» мантийного источника....
Chromitites enclosed within metasomatised Finero phlogopite peridotite (FPP) contain accessory platinum-group minerals, base metal (BM) sulfides, baddeleyite, zircon, zirconolite, uraninite and thorianite. To provide new insights into mantle-crustal interaction in the Finero lithosphere this study evaluates (1) the mineral chemistry and Os-isotope...
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С помощью рентгеноспектрального микроанализа охарактеризованы особенности химического состава платиноидной минерализации из палеоархейских россыпей золоторудного поля Эвандер (Evander Goldfield), расположенного в восточной части Витватерсрандского бассейна. Впервые установлено значительное распространение минералов платиновой группы (МПГ), представ...
Впервые в сравнительном аспекте охарактеризованы особенности химического состава минеральных ассоциаций платиноидов хромититов зональных Светлоборского, Вересовоборского и Нижнетагильского клинопироксенит-дунитовых массивов Среднего Урала. С данными массивами связаны наиболее продуктивные россыпи платины. Для исследования был использован комплекс м...
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Features of chemical composition of platinum-group mineral assemblages from chromitites of the Svetly Bor, Veresovy Bor, and Nizhny Tagil clinopyroxenite–dunite massifs of the Middle Urals are compared for the first time.
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This study evaluates combined U-Pb, Hf-Nd-Sr-Os radiogenic and Cu-S stable isotope data for the ultramafic-mafic intrusions of the Noril’sk and Taimyr Provinces to provide new insights on the timing and sources of materials involved in the generation of variously mineralized lithologies and associated Ni-Cu-PGE sulfide ores. New isotopic-geochemica...
Conference Paper
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The Kondyor massif is one of several zoned clinopyroxenite-dunite complexes within the Aldan Province, SE part of the Siberian Craton. The ultramafic rocks of the Kondyor massif have been subdivided into three lithologies [1]: a main dunite core, an apatite-phlogopite-magnetite-rich clinopyroxenite that cuts dunite in the southwestern part of the m...
Conference Paper
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The Late Archean placers of the Witwatersrand Basin (South Africa) are not only unparalleled in their gold-uranium deposits, but are also a leading source for osmium production as a by-product of gold mining from rocks underlying the Ventersdorp Supergroup, which is about 2.7 Ga old [1]. The compositionally diverse platinum-group minerals (PGMs) fr...
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The compositional and isotope–geochemical features of zircons from wehrlite of the Feklistov massif, which formed platinum coastal placers, are discussed in this paper for the first time. Zircons from wehrlite of the Feklistov massif, similarly to worldwide zoned clinopyroxenite–dunite massifs, are characterized by different morphology, composition...
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Впервые обсуждаются вещественные и изотопно-геохимические особенности цирконов из верлитов Феклистовского массива, с которым связаны прибрежно-морские россыпи платины. Цирконы верлитов Феклистовского массива, подобно другим зональным клинопироксенит-дунитовым массивам, характеризуются различной морфологией, составом и широким спектром возрастов (от...
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New data for geology and mineralogy of the platinum-group element (PGE) mineralization related to the chromite–platinum ore zones within the dunite of the Svetly Bor and Veresovy Bor massifs in the Middle Urals are discussed. The geological setting of the chromite–platinum ore zones, their platinum content, compositional and morphological features...
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В статье приведены новые данные по геологии и минералогии платиноидного оруденения, приуроченного к хромит-платиновым рудным зонам в дунитах Светлоборского и Вересовоборского массивов Среднего Урала. Особенности геологической позиции хромит-платиновых рудных зон, содержания в них платины, химический состав и морфологические особенности минералов пл...
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Complex Os-Au-U paleoplacers of the Witwatersrand basin, known as the Witwatersrand reefs, have been mined for more than a hundred years. In order to clarify the sources of ore matter, the duration and conditions for formation of platinum-group element (PGE) mineralization this study presents the original data on chemical and Os-isotopic compositio...
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The isotopic and geochemical characteristics of platinum-group element (PGE) mineralization in Mg-bearing chromitite from the banded dunite–wehrlite–clinopyroxenite complex of the Nurali lherzolite massif, the South Urals, Russia is characterized for the first time. Electron microprobe analysis and LA MC-ICP-MS are used for studying Cr-spinel and p...
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We present for the first time U-Pb age data and Hf-Nd-Sr-Cu-S isotope signatures for lithologies and associated sulphide ores from the Binyuda and Dyumtaley ultramafic-mafic intrusions located in the limits of the Taimyr Peninsula (Russian Arctic). Zircons are characterized by similar U-Pb ages (245.7±12 Ma at Binyuda and 256.2±0.89 Ma at Dyumtaley...
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Впервые охарактеризованы изотопно геохимические особенности платиноидной минерализации из магнезиальных хромититов дунит-верлит-клинопироксенитового полосчатого комплекса Нуралинского лерцолитового массива (Южный Урал, Россия). Для исследования хромшпинедидов и минералов платиновой группы (МПГ) применен комплекс методов, включающий рентгеноспектрал...
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В статье приведены новые данные по геологии и минералогии платиноидного оруденения Светлоборского и Вересовоборского зональных клинопироксенит-дунитовых массивов и ассоциирующих с ними россыпей. Особенности состава минеральных ассоциаций платиноидов сопоставлены c аналогичными образованиями Нижнетагильского массива – мирового эталона зональных комп...
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The isotopic-geochronological features of thorianite and baddeleyite from carbonatites of the Guli massif, located within Maimecha-Kotui province in the north of the Siberian Platform, are characterized for the first time. The economic complex platinum-group element (PGE) and gold placer deposits are closely related to the Guli massif. Similar geoc...
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Впервые для Верх-Нейвинского ультраосновного массива, типичного представителя мантийной ассоциации офиолитов на Cреднем Урале, охарактеризованы вещественные и физико-химические условия образования Ru-Os-Ir минералов. Для исследования Ru-Os-Ir сплавов был применен комплекс методов, включающий сканирующую электронную микроскопию, микрорентгеноспектра...
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In this paper, we discuss geochemistry and mineralogy of platinum-group elements (PGEs) in chromitites of the Nizhny Tagil and Kondyor clinopyroxenite-dunite massifs, associated with economic platinum placer deposits. Majority of platinum-group minerals (PGMs) are represented by Pt–Fe alloys. High temperature ferroan platinum close to the stoichiom...
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Впервые сопоставлены оригинальные данные по геохимии и минералогии платиноидов хромититов на примере Нижнетагильского массива на Среднем Урале и Кондерского массива на юго-востоке Сибирской платформы. Для минералого-геохимического исследования хромититов и платиноидной минерализации использованы методы, включающие изотопное разбавление, масс-спектр...
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Впервые в сравнительном аспекте охарактеризованы изотопно-геохимические особенности торианита и бадделеита из карбонатитов Гулинского массива Маймеча-Котуйской провинции на севере Сибирской платформы. С этим массивом связаны промышленные россыпные месторождения платиноидов и золота. Сходные геохронологические данные для торианита (250.1 ± 2.9 млн л...
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The composition and isotopic-geochemical peculiarities of zircons from the ore-bearing ultramafic-mafic intrusives of western Taimyr that are promising for finding PGE-Cu-Ni mineralization were characterized for the first time. The similar U-Pb age of zircons from the Binyuda and Dyumptalei intrusions (248.3±13 and 244.4±2.4 Ma, respectively) indic...
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Combined Cu–S isotope data for Ni-Cu-PGE sufides from the economic deposits hosted in the Noril’sk-1, Talnakh and Kharaelakh intrusions, from the subeconomic deposits in the Chernogorsk, Zub-Marksheider, and Vologochan intrusions, and from the non-economic occurrences in the Nizhny Talnakh intrusion in the Noril’sk Province (Russia), and the J-M Re...
Conference Paper
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The study presents textural and mineral chemistry data, as well as whole-rock and mineral separate Os-isotopic compositions for PGM assemblages from deep portions of the oceanic mantle. The extensive data set of Os-isotope compositions of intimately intergrown grains of Os-rich alloy and Ru-Os sulfide from ophiolite-type massifs of different ages i...
Conference Paper
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The study presents textural and mineral chemistry data, as well as whole-rock and mineral separate Os-isotopic compositions for PGM assemblages from deep portions of the oceanic mantle. The extensive data set of Os-isotope compositions of intimately intergrown grains of Os-rich alloy and Ru-Os sulfide from ophiolite-type massifs of different ages i...
Conference Paper
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The study evaluates the usefulness of Nd-Sr-Hf-Cu-S isotope information, providing insights into origin of mafic-ultramafic intrusions and associated Ni-Cu-PGE sulfide ores of the Polar Siberia. New indicators for the economic potential of Ni-Cu-PGE sulfide deposits are suggested.
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The Nizhny Tagil zoned-type massif located in the Middle Urals is associated with world-class platinum-group elements (PGE) placer deposits. The Os-isotope results identify a restricted range of 187Os/188Os values of laurite, Os-rich alloys and chromitite. Similarly ‘unradiogenic’ 187Os/188Os values are indicative of a common near-to-chondritic sou...
Conference Paper
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This study presents the first in situ Os-isotopic compositions of distinct platinum-group mineral (PGM) assemblages from the metamorphosed chromitites of the Nurali ultramafic complex (Southern Urals Russia). ‘Primary’ Ru-Os sulfides are commonly replaced by a ‘secondary’ unnamed Ru-Os-Fe-Ir oxide, providing evidence for different stages of desulfu...
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The Guli massif of ultrabasic, alkaline rocks and carbonatites and associated noble metal placer deposits are located within the Maymecha-Kotuy Province in the north of the Siberian Platform. We firstly present the mineralogical characteristics of zirconolite from polyphase inclusions in gold minerals from alluvial deposits of the Gule River. The p...
Stable isotope systematics of magmatic PGE-Cu-Ni sulphide ores of the Noril'sk Province: genetic constraints and implications for exploration
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This study assesses Cu and S isotopic data for PGE-Cu-Ni sulphide deposits associated with the economic Noril’sk-1, Talnakh and Kharaelakh intrusions, the subeconomic Chernogorsk, Zub-Marksheider and Vologochan intrusions, and the non-economic Nizhny Talnakh intrusion within the Noril’sk Province (Russia). In terms of Cu-isotopes, the majority of...
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This study assesses textural and mineral chemistry data, whole-rock and mineral separate Os-isotope compositions for distinct platinum-group mineral (PGM) inclusion assemblages in an isolated chromitite pod at Harold's Grave, which occurrs in a mantle tectonite at Unst in the Shetland Ophiolite Complex, Scotland.
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The ultramafic–mafic Noril'sk-1 intrusion in Polar Siberia (Russia) hosts one of the world's major platinum-group-element (PGE)-Cu–Ni sulphide deposits. In situ Hf-isotope analyses of zircon and baddeleyite, combined with whole-rock Nd-isotope results, identify three distinct clusters of Hf–Nd isotope values restricted to different lithological uni...
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Впервые в сравнительном аспекте охарактеризованы изотопно-геохимические особенности цирконов платиноносных дунитов Нижне-Тагильского массива на Среднем Урале и осмиеносных дунитов Гулинского массива Маймеча-Котуйской провинции на севере Сибирской платформы. С данными массивами связаны промышленные россыпные месторождения платины и осмия. Результаты...
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Впервые охарактеризованы вещественные и изотопно-геохимические особенности цирконов дунитов Кондёрского массива Алданской провинции в юго-восточной части Сибирской платформы. С данным массивом связано промышленное россыпное месторождение платины. На основании детального изучения морфологии, внутреннего строения и геохимических характеристик цирконы...
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The material and isotope-geochemical peculiarities of zircons from dunites of the Kondyor massif (Aldan Province, Southeast Siberian Craton) have been described for the first time. This massif is associated with an economic platinum placer deposit. On the basis of detailed study of the morphology, internal structure, and geochemical characteristics...
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По состоянию на начало 2012 года Комиссией по новым минералам и названиям минералов Международной минералогической ассоциации [Commission on New Minerals and Mineral Names (CNMMN) of the International Mineralogical Association (IMA)] утверждены 115 минералов платиновой группы (МПГ). В докладе обсуждаются особенности их классификации и распространен...
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Since the pioneering work of Exley et al. (1982), the complex metasomatic history at Finero has received much attention. New U-Pb results are consistent with the age range obtained for mantle rocks, the phlogopite peridotite (293±13 Ma, Voshage et al. 1987) and chromitite (208±2 Ma, Grieco et al. 2001). The former age estimate, based on a Rb-Sr who...
We present for the first time the mineralogical and isotope-geochemical particularities of zircon and baddeleyite from various rocks of the economic ore-bearing Noril’sk-1 intrusion located in the northwestern part of the Siberian platform. The ultramafic-mafic Noril’sk-1 intrusion hosts one of the world’s major economic platinum-group-element (PGE...
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Native osmium from two different placer occurrences (i.e., Ingaringda and Burlakovsky) within the Guli Massif, Maimecha-Kotui Province, was evaluated for mineral compositions that show systematic differences between the localities. Grains of native osmium show increases in iridium towards the rim, and nuggets consisting of aggregates define trends...
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The Nizhny Tagil and Guli clinopyroxenite-dunite massifs, located in the Middle Urals and Maimecha-Kotui Province, respectively, are associated with world-class platinum-group elements (PGE) placer deposits. Both massifs contain small bodies of schlieren to massive chromitite associated with dunite. The predominance of Pt-Fe alloys at Nizhny Tagil...
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This study firstly presents chemical and initial Os-isotopic compositions of Os-Ir-Ru minerals of two ultramafic formations of Polar Siberia, which are exemplified by Guli clinopyroxene-dunite massif of the Maimecha-Kotui Province and the Kunar dunite-harzburgite massif from the Chelyuskin ultramafic belt of the Taimyr Peninsula. The study employed...
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Keywords: osmium-rich alloys – redox regime – oxigen fugacity – upper mantle – the Guli Massif – oxigen fugacity


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