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Quantitative EMG analysis to investigate synergistic coactivation of ankle and knee muscles during isokinetic ankle movement. Part 2: Time frequency analysis


Abstract and Figures

Fundamental to intralimb coordination in the lower extremity, ankle-knee synergy induced by motor irradiation has long been employed to secure facilitation of paralyzed muscles. This study, a companion research subsequent to the time amplitude analysis of surface electromyography in part 1, was to investigate the recruitment strategy of irradiated muscles and prime movers during ankle isokinetic contraction at different contraction speeds (30, 60, 120 and 240 degrees/s) with time frequency analysis. The results indicated the recruitment strategies of the major irradiated muscles (ipsilateral rectus femoris/ipsilateral biceps femoris) and prime movers (anterior tibialis/gastrocnemius) were time-dependent and significantly different in terms of the instantaneous median frequency. In general, the prime movers for ankle isokinetic concentric contraction demonstrated a similar recruitment strategy, irrespective of different contraction speeds. This finding is consistent with the idea of generalized motor programs that speed is one of the constraint parameters supplied to motor programs. Nevertheless, the recruitment strategies of the irradiated muscles were highly inconsistent, varying across trials at different contraction speeds, and were not relevant to those of the prime movers. In addition, the recruitment in the irradiated muscles seemly limited to motor units of low threshold, in spite of maximal voluntary contraction of the prime movers.
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Journal of Electromyography and Kinesiology 11 (2001) 327–335
Quantitative EMG analysis to investigate synergistic coactivation
of ankle and knee muscles during isokinetic ankle movement.
Part 2: time frequency analysis
I.S. Hwang
, L.D. Abraham
Department of Physical Therapy, National Cheng Kung University, Tainan 701, Taiwan
Kinesiology and Health Education Department, and the Biomedical Engineering and Neuroscience Graduate Programs, The University of
Texas at Austin, Austin, TX 78712, USA
Received 1 June 2000; received in revised form 23 February 2001; accepted 15 March 2001
Fundamental to intralimb coordination in the lower extremity, ankle–knee synergy induced by motor irradiation has long been
employed to secure facilitation of paralyzed muscles. This study, a companion research subsequent to the time amplitude analysis
of surface electromyography in part 1, was to investigate the recruitment strategy of irradiated muscles and prime movers during
ankle isokinetic contraction at different contraction speeds (30, 60, 120 and 240°/s) with time frequency analysis. The results
indicated the recruitment strategies of the major irradiated muscles (ipsilateral rectus femoris/ipsilateral biceps femoris) and prime
movers (anterior tibialis/gastrocnemius) were time-dependent and significantly different in terms of the instantaneous median fre-
quency. In general, the prime movers for ankle isokinetic concentric contraction demonstrated a similar recruitment strategy, irrespec-
tive of different contraction speeds. This finding is consistent with the idea of generalized motor programs that speed is one of the
constraint parameters supplied to motor programs. Nevertheless, the recruitment strategies of the irradiated muscles were highly
inconsistent, varying across trials at different contraction speeds, and were not relevant to those of the prime movers. In addition,
the recruitment in the irradiated muscles seemly limited to motor units of low threshold, in spite of maximal voluntary contraction
of the prime movers. 2001 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
Keywords: Motor irradiation; Electromyography; Isokinetic concentric contraction; Recruitment strategy; Dynamic spectrum
1. Introduction
In part 1 [1], investigation of synergistic coactivation
during isokinetic ankle movement based on time ampli-
tude analysis was described. The results contribute an
understanding of the way patterned irradiation might
assist in providing to joint stability. Similar to most
research of neuromuscular synergy, that study focused
only on the electromyograph (EMG) features of relative
intensity and muscle patterns. However, the information
provided by time-amplitude analysis is incomplete, and
more information about muscle control can be realized
with EMG spectral analysis. Both experimentally and
* Corresponding author. Tel.: +886-6-2353535x5932; fax: +886-
E-mail address: (I.S. Hwang).
1050-6411/01/$ - see front matter 2001 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
PII: S 1 05 0 - 6 4 1 1 ( 0 1) 0 0 0 1 3 - X
theoretically, researchers agree that the use of spectral
shifts of surface EMG allows assessment of the type of
motor units (MUs) recruited, as predominate conduction
velocities and action potential durations of muscle fibers
differ [2–5]. Among several spectral variation indices,
the median frequency (MF) is recommended as an
appropriate representation of recruitment strategy [6–9].
For a strenuous contraction, no studies have ever tried
to investigate how MUs are recruited with motor
irradiation as an effect. To explore new aspects of neuro-
muscular functioning for motor irradiation [10,11], we
used joint time frequency analysis, or dynamic spectral
analysis, to elucidate the inter-relationship of the MU
recruitment strategy for the knee irradiated muscles and
ankle prime movers when the subject performed ankle
isokinetic contraction at different contraction speeds.
With dynamic spectral analysis to reveal the time-local
properties of the EMG spectrum, two hypotheses were
328 I.S. Hwang, L.D. Abraham / Journal of Electromyography and Kinesiology 11 (2001) 327–335
1. the recruitment strategies of the prime movers and
irradiated muscles during ankle isokinetic dorsiexion
and plantar exion are speed related; and
2. there exists an analogous recruitment strategy of the
ankle prime movers and of coactivated knee muscles
during motor irradiation.
2. Methods
2.1. Test administration and data processing
Detailed description of the test administration was
provided in [1]. In brief, 11 subjects performed ankle
isokinetic contraction in either direction (plantar exion
or dorsiexion) at four different angular velocities, 30,
60, 120 and 240°/s. EMG signals from the ipsilateral
tibialis anterior (TA), medial gastrocnemius (GS), and
ipsilateral/contralateral rectus femoris (RF) and biceps
femoris (BF) were recorded using preamplied bipolar
surface electrodes (Iomed, Inc., electrode spacing 2.5
cm; diameter 1.1 cm, a gain of 380 and a CMRR of
102 dB) placed over the muscle belly. The EMG signals,
conditioned by an analog bandpass lter (6500 Hz),
were digitized at 1 kHz and processed off-line to yield
the time-varying spectrum [12]. General representation
of the time-frequency characterized by a cone-shape ker-
nel function was employed for off-line analysis of the
recorded EMG [13]. The selection of this time-nite
time frequency distribution was based on Devedeux and
Duchenes [14] work in which different EMG time fre-
quency distributions were compared. The resolution in
the frequency domain of the time-varying spectrum
analysis was equal to the Nyquist frequency divided by
(n=9). The resolution in the time domain was 2
(n=4), constrained by the uncertainty principle. The
instantaneous median frequency (IMF) was estimated by
extracting the MF from each time frame across the time
frequency distribution, and was further tted with a
regression polynomial of the lowest order to enhance its
implicit trend (p!0.05).
2.2. Statistical analyses of the control strategies of the
activated motor units during ankle isokinetic
With respect to the control strategies of the active
MUs, the order of the regression polynomials of the
IMF, the shape of the regression polynomials of the
IMF, and the mean IMF of each prime mover and major
irradiated muscle were examined. The former two were
a quantitative description of the IMF that referred to the
change of recruitment pattern of the active MUs in the
time course. The latter one was the average magnitude
of the IMF that referred to the mean recruitment level
of the active MUs during the contraction period. The
main interests in regard to the regression polynomial of
the IMF were differences:
1. among different contraction speeds; and
2. between prime movers and major irradiated muscles.
To compare the independence of the speed effect, the
order of the regression polynomials of the IMF of the
prime movers and major irradiated muscles were exam-
ined with the Friedman two-way ANOVA by ranks, and
the mean IMF was examined using repeated measures
one way ANOVA. In the same manner, the shape and
the order of the smoothed IMF were examined to com-
pare differences in the recruitment strategy between
prime movers and irradiated muscles. The level of sig-
nicance was 0.05 for all statistical analyses.
3. Results
3.1. Joint time frequency analysis and the recruitment
strategy of activated motor units
Fig. 1 shows a typical example of EMG time-varying
power spectrum as a representation of recruitment strat-
egy for the TA muscle. Fig. 1(c) is the time-frequency
distribution of original EMG [Fig. 1(a)], as illustrated by
the staggered dark bands in the time-frequency plot. The
spiky IMF [Fig. 1(b)], obtained by extracting every MF
across the time frame, represents the temporal change of
spectral prole and recruitment pattern of the TA during
isokinetic concentric contraction. In Fig. 1(b), a lowest
order polynomial, or smoothed IMF, was tted to
enhance the trend of the TA IMF (N=2, r=0.59, p!.01).
The smoothed IMF suggests that the EMG spectral pro-
le of the TA muscle shifted progressively toward higher
frequency components to the middle of the isokinetic
contraction for recruiting additional larger MUs, and
then decreased gradually as a result of decruitment.
3.2. Recruitment strategies of the prime movers and
irradiated muscles at different contraction speeds
As indicated in [1], the major irradiated muscles of
the knee joint during isokinetic dorsiexion and plan-
tarexion were the ipsilateral rectus femoris (IRF) and
both sides of the biceps femoris, respectively. However,
synergistic coactivation of the contralateral biceps fem-
oris during medium and fast isokinetic ankle dorsiexion
was insignicant for some of the subjects. For the pur-
pose of generality, dynamic spectral analysis was applied
only on data from the major irradiated muscles IRF and
ipsilateral biceps femoris (IBF) and the prime movers of
the ankle dorsiexion and plantarexion, TA and gastro-
cnemius (GS). Figs. 2 and 3 show the IMF and smoothed
329I.S. Hwang, L.D. Abraham / Journal of Electromyography and Kinesiology 11 (2001) 327335
Fig. 1. A schematic expression of the dynamic EMG spectrum and its relationship with raw surface EMG data and traditional power density
function. The dynamic spectrum on (c) is an example of joint time frequency analysis of the TA surface EMG during slow isokinetic dorsiexion.
(a) Original EMG data, (b) instantaneous median frequency, the unbiased estimation of the mean power frequency of the dynamic EMG spectrum
power spectrum, (d) traditional power spectrum based on the FFT algorithm). In (b), the instantaneous median frequency was tted by a smooth
second-order polynomial function. The simple correlation coefcient and signicance level are shown on the plot.
IMF of the TA and irradiated IRF during steady isoki-
netic dorsiexion at four contraction speeds. It was inter-
esting to note that a second order polynomial was an
appropriate representation of the IMF of the TA for most
dorsiexion trials, whereas IMF of the IRF muscle was
atypical and could not be tted with the same order of
polynomials, regardless of the contraction speeds. Table
1 shows that regression orders for both the TA and
irradiated IRF during isokinetic ankle dorsiexion were
not signicantly different for contraction speeds
(p"0.05), however remarkable variance across subjects
of the regression order for the IRF was noted. In the
case of ankle isokinetic plantarexion, in a sense, the
results were analog to those for isokinetic dorsiexion.
Fig. 4 displays a typical example of the IMF and
smoothed IMF with a linear trend for the GS during iso-
kinetic plantarexion contraction. On the other hand, the
IBF IMF at different contraction speeds, tted with poly-
nomials of different orders, was not consistent in shape
(Fig. 5). Table 1 again shows that regression orders of
IMF for both the GS and IBF were insensitive to speed
effect (p"0.05), but the regressive order of the IMF for
the IBF was rather variant across subjects. Table 2 shows
that mean IMF, similar to the regression order, was not
a function of the contraction speed (p"0.05). Based on
the ndings of the regression order and mean IMF level,
recruitment patterns for the prime movers were similar
for all contraction speeds, but recruitment patterns for
the irradiated muscles were atypical.
4. Discussion
4.1. The modulation of the primer mover IMF
One of the main attractions for the use of the surface
EMG spectrum is to provide a promising window for
understanding control strategies for a group of activated
MUs. As the conduction velocity of muscle ber deter-
mines the prole of MU action potential associated with
MUs of different sizes, the MF can be an indicator of
MU recruitment [8]. The idea was supported by the work
of Solomonow et al. [6,15] who examined the effects of
ring rate and MU recruitment by a dual channel com-
puter-controlled system. They found that linear increase
in the MF resulted from orderly recruitment of large
MUs in the cat gastrocnemius. In this study, we therefore
proposed the IMF to assess time-dependent recruitment
strategy. For isokinetic dorsiexion, the second order
smoothed IMF illustrated that recruitment strategy for
330 I.S. Hwang, L.D. Abraham / Journal of Electromyography and Kinesiology 11 (2001) 327335
Fig. 2. A typical example of the IMF and smoothed IMF of the TA muscle during isokinetic dorsiexion at four different contraction speeds.
(a) 30, (b) 60, (c) 120 and (d) 240°/s. Ris the correlation coefcient and Nis the regression order of the smoothed IMF.
the prime mover (TA) seemed to employ smaller MUs
of low threshold in the beginning, and then progressively
recruit larger MUs. The recruitment of high threshold
MUs during concentric contraction was also reported by
Moritani et al. [16]. At the end of contraction, MUs were
decruited in reverse order on account of biomechanical
constraint, a shorter muscle length. Interestingly, for
most of the subjects, the second order of smoothed IMF
was in parallel with the torque recruitment curve during
concentric isokinetic dorsiexion [17] and the length-
relationship observed for a single muscle ber [18], both
contain force build-up and force decay phases. These
ndings suggest that the recruitment of the TA MUs was
a time and force function, conforming to the size prin-
ciple [19]. In addition, a common recruitment pattern
for the GS muscle during isokinetic plantarexion was
represented by the rst order smoothed IMF. The GS
muscle appeared to recruit small MUs rst and then pro-
gressively to recruit larger MUs through the whole con-
traction period, excluding possible effect of muscle
length (discussed next). Our results were also in agree-
ment with orderly recruitment of MUs during low level
of concentric contraction using invasive approach [20],
which is in contrast to selective recruitment of high-
threshold MUs during eccentric contraction [21]. Gener-
ally, recruitment strategies of the TA and GS muscles
in the context of IMF proles demonstrated remarkable
similarities across various contraction speeds. The
invariant features of the IMF (TA: second order poly-
nomial, GS: rst order polynomial) support the idea of
a generalized motor program [22] in that recruitment pat-
tern of the prime movers was temporally compressed and
inherent speed-related parameters were crucial for isoki-
netic concentric contraction. Samples of generalized
motor program were reported elsewhere, such as a simi-
lar temporal structure of typing [23] and constant pro-
portion step cycles during locomotion [24].
Another main nding in the prime movers was recruit-
ment saturation during isokinetic contraction. With
maximal voluntary contraction, notwithstanding differ-
ent speeds, there was no statistical difference in mean
IMF and mean EMG RMS values for the prime movers
during ankle isokinetic contraction. According to the
torquevelocity relationship and empirical measure-
ments [17], it is known that the torque output of the
ankle joint depends on the contraction speed. Slower
contractions result in larger force output, and vice versa.
Although fast twitch ber MU (large MU) was reported
to be important for force output during fast contraction
[25,26], apparently the speed related force output was
not commensurate with the SEMG, either in the time or
the frequency domain, or both in this study. There are
several possibilities for this nding: rst, EMG-force
relationship is denitely not linear during isokinetic
331I.S. Hwang, L.D. Abraham / Journal of Electromyography and Kinesiology 11 (2001) 327335
Fig. 3. A typical example of the IMF and smoothed IMF of the IRF muscle during isokinetic dorsiexion at four different contraction speeds.
(a) 30, (b) 60, (c) 120 and (d) 240°/s. Ris the correlation coefcient and Nis the regression order of the smoothed IMF.
Table 1
A Friedman two-way analysis of variance by ranks of the regression order of the smoothed IMF of the prime movers and major irradiated muscles
(TA, tibialis anterior; GS, gastrocnemius; IRF, ipsilateral rectus femoris; IBF, ipsilateral biceps femoris)
Speed (°/s) TA IRF
Mean SD Mode Mean SD Mode
Isokinetic dorsiflexion
30 1.91 0.94 2 2.00 2.29 1
60 1.73 0.47 2 2.56 2.51 2
120 1.82 0.87 2 2.67 3.54 2
240 1.91 1.14 2 2.78 2.54 1
Friedman test c
(3)=0.484 c
Sig. of asymp.=0.922 Sig. of asymp.=0.452
Isokinetic plantarflexion
30 1.27 0.47 1 3.73 2.97 1
60 1.55 1.21 1 2.45 2.21 2
120 1.55 0.52 1 2.27 2.41 1
240 1.36 0.47 1 2.18 1.54 2
Friedman Test c
(3)=1.875 c
Sig. of asymp.=0.599 Sig. of asymp.=0.386
movement. Linear relationship between EMG and force
exists only in the isometric contraction with certain cor-
rection of EMG variables [7,15]. Next, fast switch MUs
are not fully recruited at all contraction speeds in spite
of maximal effort. Westing et al. [27] reported that under
certain high-tension loading conditions the neural drive
to the agonist muscles was reduced to protect the muscu-
loskeletal system from an injury. On the other hand, we
332 I.S. Hwang, L.D. Abraham / Journal of Electromyography and Kinesiology 11 (2001) 327335
Fig. 4. A typical example of the IMF and smoothed IMF of the GS muscle during isokinetic plantarexion at four different contraction speeds.
(a) 30, (b) 60, (c) 120 and (d) 240°/s. Ris the correlation coefcient and Nis the regression order of the smoothed IMF.
Fig. 5. A typical example of the IMF and smoothed IMF of the IBF muscle during isokinetic plantarexion at four different contraction speeds.
(a) 30, (b) 60, (c) 120 and (d) 240°/s. Ris the correlation coefcient and Nis the regression order of the smoothed IMF.
333I.S. Hwang, L.D. Abraham / Journal of Electromyography and Kinesiology 11 (2001) 327335
Table 2
A repeated measures ANOVA of the mean IMF of the prime movers and major irradiated muscles to examine the independence of the speed effect
(TA, tibialis anterior; IRF, ipsilateral rectus femoris; GS, gastrocnemius, IBF: ipsilateral biceps femoris)
Speed (°/s) Mean IMF (Hz)
Dorsiexion Plantarexion
30 76.5±14.6 66.0±15.4 115.8±10.3 59.9±8.6
60 79.0±15.7 66.4±17.0 111.0±6.4 59.8±10.5
120 76.3±15.1 64.9±9.8 108.6±5.9 59.8±11.3
240 79.3±13.3 68.2±16.8 112.6±9.9 57.1±10.6
FStatistics FTA(3,30)=1.74, sig. of F=0.180
FIRF(3,24)=4.33, sig. of F=0.730
FGS(3,30)=16.75, sig. of F=0.147
FIBF(3,24)=0.74, sig. of F=0.535
favor that the larger torque output at slower contraction
speed relates to muscle mechanical properties such as:
1. the viscoelastic component in the muscletendon unit
which stores contractile energy depending on the con-
traction rate [28]; and 2. the speed related formation of
crossbridges [29].
4.2. The recruitment strategy of the irradiated muscles
In contrast to generalized recruitment of the prime
mover, the recruitment pattern of the irradiated muscle
was inconsistent across trials at different contraction
speeds. This fact was manifest by the varying order of
the smoothed IMF as well as irregular shape of the IMF.
In [1], a larger mean EMG RMS of the irradiated knee
muscles indicated more MUs were recruited during
slower ankle isokinetic contraction. However, this
additional recruitment, lacking a consistent temporal pat-
tern, was different from steady isometric contraction at
axed level. Consequently, during ankle isokinetic con-
traction of various speeds, individuals may exhibit
reasonable consistency in the amount of irradiated mus-
cular activity [30,31], but not systematic recruitment of
MUs. Since cortical inhibitory mechanisms inuence
activity of the αmotor neurons [30], we argue that the
inhibitory system regulates merely the amount of overall
inhibition of voluntary effort. The inhibition is not selec-
tive, so the recruitment patterns in terms of the IMF are
arbitrary and unlikely to be a recruitment function of the
prime mover. In consideration of a larger mean EMG
RMS but insignicant increase in mean IMF during
slower ankle isokinetic contraction, additional recruit-
ment of the irradiated muscle might exclude those larger
MUs. Hence, the recruitment strategy of the irradiated
muscles of xed length is different from progressive iso-
metric contraction during which MUs are recruited in
order [2,3,9]. It is likely that irradiation may recruit
many intermittent MUs which occasionally stop ring
and later be recruited again [32]. Recruitment of inter-
mittent MUs was also reported in low level of aniotonic
contraction (20% MVC) [33]. This irradiated recruit-
ment, serving to joint stability as described in [1], delin-
eates a functional coupling of motor neuronal organiza-
tion within the central nervous system (CNS) to muscle
ber organization peripheral to the CNS is time-variant,
because synaptic excitation entering to spinal motor pool
is rather atypical.
4.3. Further consideration of dynamic spectral
Several possibilities for processing EMG during
dynamic contraction should be taken into consideration
before nalizing the conclusion in this study. First, mus-
cle length of the prime movers varied during isokinetic
contraction in a way that might affect the general trend
of the IMF. This is because muscle conduction velocity
is conditional to the change of length and diameter of
muscle bers so that a corresponding alteration of the
MUAP prole occurs [3436]. According to this argu-
ment, a shorter muscle length would lead to the EMG
power spectrum shifting toward high frequency compo-
nents at a xed level of isometric contraction, and vice
versa. As a matter of fact, the change of the EMG power
spectrum might not be real change of the recruitment
patterns but physical phenomena. However, Vander Lin-
den et al. [37] used indwelling wire EMG to investigate
recruitment patterns of the MUs in the human TA mus-
cle. They concluded that the discharge pattern of the
MUs changes with muscle length. In addition, we also
noted that MF of the surface EMG during a xed level
(50% MVC) of isometric contraction varied with muscle
length for both the TA and GS muscles (p!0.05)
[unpublished data (n=10)]. For a contraction at a shorter
muscle length, it took greater effort to maintain a certain
level of contraction resulting in higher MF. Hence,
whether the spectral change of the EMG represents the
analogous modulation of recruitment patterns or merely
334 I.S. Hwang, L.D. Abraham / Journal of Electromyography and Kinesiology 11 (2001) 327335
a measuring partiality is still controversial. However, it
is worthy of mentioning that spectral change of physical
origins cannot explain the signicant reduction of the
IMF near the end of muscle contraction for most of the
TA muscles and some of the GS muscles (second order
polynomial of the smoothed IMF). With respect to the
major irradiated muscles, the length effect could be
ignored reasonably since the knee joint was xed and
contraction of the irradiated muscle was isometric. Sec-
ondly, we cannot rule out the possibility of the spectral
variation being due to a geometrical change between
muscle bers and the collecting electrodes. This
phenomenon could explain in part for the
intersubject/intertrial variability occurred in this study.
Third, the resolution of the EMG time-frequency analy-
sis may change with signal/noise ratio. As indicated in
[1], the irradiated muscle activity at the higher contrac-
tion speed was smaller than that at slower contraction
speeds. The accuracy and consistency of estimating the
IMF and smoothed IMF of the irradiated muscles might
be affected because of a relatively low signal/noise ratio
during very fast isokinetic ankle contraction.
4.4. Clinical implications
Muscle weakness and loss of coordination could be a
result of segmental or multiple injuries of the neuro-
muscular system. Stimulation of the proprioceptive sys-
tem, or proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation (PNF),
has long been considered a promising treatment to attain
a greater motor response and to re-educate impaired
muscles. The central idea of the techniques is to employ
mass movement patterns induced by motor irradiation to
restore integrated motor functions. The ndings of this
research characterize many interesting features of motor
irradiation, complex for rehabilitation clinicians while
applying the facilitation technique. First, the recruitment
of MUs in the irradiated muscles was neither patterned
nor consistent. Lack of patterning implies subsequent
reeducation programs are needed for paralyzed muscles.
Second, irradiated recruitment by means of the PNF
technique may limit to small MUs of lower threshold.
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Ing-Shiou Hwang received a B.S. degree in
physical therapy from the National Taiwan Uni-
versity, Taiwan, in 1988, and the M.S. degree
in 1993, and the Ph.D. degree in 1998, both in
biomedical engineering, from the National
Cheng Kung University, Taiwan and the Uni-
versity of Texas at Austin, USA, respectively.
He has been an assistant professor in the Depart-
ment of Physical Therapy, National Cheng Kung
University, Taiwan since 1999. His major inter-
ests are in biosignal processing and neuro-
muscular control.
Lawrence D. Abraham received the A.B.
degree in physical education from Oberlin Col-
lege in 1971, the M.S. degree in physical edu-
cation (motor learning) from Kansas State Tea-
chers College in 1972, and the Ed.D. degree in
physical education (motor learning and
biomechanics) from Teachers College, Colum-
bia University in 1975. He is an associate pro-
fessor of biomechanics and motor control in the
Department of Kinesiology and Health Edu-
cation at The University of Texas at Austin,
USA. He is also on the graduate faculty in the
Institute for Neuroscience and the Biomedical Engineering Program at The
University of Texas at Austin. His major interests are in biomechanical
and neurophysiological analysis of human motor performance coordi-
... Overflow of muscle activation or irradiation is the propagation of synergic muscle coactivation proceeding from a resisted movement [1]. The overflow begins in the stronger muscle groups and can reach any segments from proprioceptive inputs [2]. ...
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Background Although in several studies has been observed the principle of overflow of muscle activation, no one explored if this principle occurs in a standing position. This study aimed to investigate the occurrence and the condition of the overflow from upper limb migrating to inferior contralateral supported limb in standing position in healthy subjects. Methods Cross-sectional study with one sample. Eleven healthy individuals with a mean age of 22 (± 5.6) years were evaluated during 5 tasks applying the proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation in left side 1) rest, 2) active diagonal primitive3) isotonic resistive diagonal primitive, 4) isometric resistive diagonal primitive, 5) active primitive diagonal with active extension of the right lower limb. The right side was monitored by electromyography activity of the tibial anterior, soleus, vastus medial oblique, rectus abdominis, tensor fasciae latae, gluteus maximus, gluteus medius, adductor longus muscles. Results Results showed a difference between tasks for soleus muscle (p < 0.001), with higher clinical relevance (d = 0.87), and the task with diagonal primitive against isotonic resistance produced more electromyography activity (p < 0.001). For all muscles there was a clinical relevance (d > 0.55). Conclusion The approach used in this study could improve the condition of distal muscles, mainly soleus, facilitating the acquisition of a standing position as soon as possible.
Clinical Question: Does ankle dorsiflexion promote irradiation of ipsilateral lower extremity musculature during a maximal isometric quadriceps contraction task in a healthy population? Clinical Bottom Line: There is preliminary evidence supporting the use of active ankle dorsiflexion during isometric quadriceps exercises to promote increased quadriceps activation and force production. As isometric quadriceps exercises are often included in initial stage rehabilitation, increasing muscle activation and force production may be beneficial.
The primary purpose of the present study is to determine if an organized control scheme exists for the antagonist muscle during steady isometric torque. A secondary focus is to better understand how firing rates of the antagonist muscle changes from a moderate- to higher-contraction intensity. Fourteen subjects performed two submaximal isometric trapezoid muscle actions of the forearm flexors that included a linearly increasing, steady force at both 40% and 70% maximum voluntary contraction, and linearly decreasing segments. Surface electromyographic signals of the biceps and triceps brachii were collected and decomposed into constituent motor unit action potential trains. Motor unit firing rate vs. recruitment threshold, motor unit action potential amplitude vs. recruitment threshold, and motor unit firing rate vs. action potential amplitude relationships of the biceps brachii (agonist) and triceps brachii (antagonist) muscles were analyzed. Moderate- to-strong relationships (|r| ³ 0.69) were present for the agonist and antagonist muscles for each relationship with no differences between muscles (p = 0.716, 0.428, 0.182). The y-intercepts of the motor unit firing rate vs. recruitment threshold relationship of the antagonist did not increase from 40% to 70% maximal voluntary contractions (p = 0.96), unlike for the agonist (p = 0.009). The antagonist muscle exhibits a similar motor unit control scheme to the agonist. Unlike the agonist, however, the firing rates of the antagonist did not increase with increasing intensity. Future research should investigate how antagonist firing rates adapt to resistance training and changes in antagonist firing rates in the absence of peripheral feedback.
Background: Ankle sprains are common joint injuries in daily and sports activities, whose underlying mechanisms have been amply studied. If joint structures are directly damaged, neuromuscular activity can be affected, particularly in the time domain. This study aims to establish whether previous ankle injury correlates with changes in the inter-joint synergy of the entire lower limb and in the muscle activity pattern during walking. Methods: Three-dimensional walking-gait analysis was conducted on twenty-four adults. Ten of them had never suffered from ankle sprain; fourteen had suffered from ankle sprain at least once during the three preceding years. Continuous Relative Phase (CRP) between the moving limbs assessed inter-joint coordination, and muscular activity was recorded by EMG. Findings: CRP between ankle and knee and between ankle and hip indicates that both joints moved in tight synchronization in the same direction on the injured side, whereas there was a time lag between joints on the healthy side for each sprained participants or on both side for the control group. Start-time and/or duration of muscular activity of tibialis anterior, soleus and peroneus longus occurred earlier and were longer on the injured side, respectively. Interpretation: Our findings suggest that ankle sprain modifies inter-joint coordination and muscular activity of the injured limb, inducing not an entirely new pattern of coordination but an alteration of the existing pattern. CRP revealed slight modifications in the extant inter-joint coordination which may not be captured by other kinematic variables, which opens perspectives on therapy and relapse prevention.
Purpose : We examined the effect of therapeutic exercise on osteoarthritis (OA) of the knee. Objects and Method : We evaluated seven women with bilateral OA of the knees of over Grade I on the Kellgren and Lawrence scale. The patients were instructed in therapeutic exercise for both knees. The exercise was to tie a Thera-Band® around the leg just above both ankles in the 8 figure, and then, in a sitting position, extend one leg while simultaneously retracting the other, repeating alternatively every 5 seconds. One set consisted of repeating this motion 10 times, and 2 sets were performed per day. Before exercise, 1 month, and 3 months after exercise, we evaluated the effect of this therapy by the JOA score, isokinetic muscle strength of knee extensors and flexors, and surface EMG signals recorded from rectus femoris (RF), vastus medialis (VM), vastus lateralis (VL), and biceps femoris (BF). The integrated signal, the root mean square (RMS), and the mean power frequency (MPF) parameters were extracted Result : The parameters of the JOA score, muscle strength of knee flexors, integrated EMG from RF, VM, VL, and RMS from VM, VL were significantly increased at 3 months after exercise. MPF from VM at 3 months after exercise decreased significantly. Conclusion : We thought a proper balance of knee extensors and flexors are related to the improvement of symptoms of OA of the knee. The decrease of MPF might suggest the possibility of muscle fiber type change. It is also possible that pain reduction results from the improvement of balance between knee extensors and flexors as well as from the increase of knee joint stability. Therapeutic exercise with the Thera-Band® is extremely easy and is effective in promoting continuous exercise.
This thesis investigates the modulation of spinal neuronal circuits involved in motor function and their corticospinal control during locomotion in healthy humans and after stroke. In this context, the strategy was to modulate the behavior of these circuits by modifying either the afferent volleys from suprasegmental origin or from peripheral origin and to study the impact of these changes on the behavior of spinal neuronal circuits during different motor tasks such as walking.Three major themes emerge from this project:« Combined influence of corticospinal inputs and reciprocal inhibition on ankle plantar flexor motoneuron activity during walking » was investigated during standing and during stabilized walking. The results suggested that the interaction between spinal motoneurons, Ia inhibitory interneurones and motor corticospinal descending volleys and their relative contribution to the activity of plantar flexor motoneurons of the ankle depend on the motor task. More interaction between descending inputs and Ia interneurones during standing was present, presumably to strengthen the tonic activation of the soleus motoneurons.« Task-related modulation of crossed spinal inhibition between human lower limbs» has been studied at the soleus muscles in sitting, standing and during stabilized walking. Our results suggest that crossed neural transmission via commissural interneurones of groups I and II, is depressed by bilateral descending inputs of motor cortex during voluntary movement. Specific modulation of the crossed inhibition by group II afferents during locomotion suggests a control from monoaminergic mesencephalic structures and its role in legs coordination during locomotion.« The influence of music on locomotor automatisms after stroke» was investigated during stabilized locomotion in stroke patients. Our preliminary results suggest that music modulate the spinal neuronal networks involved in locomotor automatisms.
We present a system for polymyographic analysis which addresses detection of muscle fatigue and strategies assumed by the central nervous system to deal with it. The system consists of EMG amplifiers, force transducers, A/D converter, portable computer and software running in the LabView environment that allows real-time and detailed offline processing of EMG signals in time and frequency domains. We demonstrate the features of the system by using the example of analyzing the strategy to generate 80% percent of the maximum force for prolonged period of time. Force sensor was used to detect muscle fatigue (fall of the force bellow the selected threshold), and EMG recordings were used for the analysis which of the quantitative measures of EMG is correlated with this. We tested the following four methods of EMG measures: 1) median frequency, 2) short-time mean frequency, 3) mean frequency of scalogram and 4) fractal dimension. We show that the system is capable of providing reproducible results and could be used for diagnostics and basic research in motor control. The analysis shows that the median frequency used often is not the best predictor of fatigues, and the measure needs to be selected based on the relative activity of the muscle compared to its maximal activity.
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Physiological rhythms are ubiquitous and essential to our life. They usually interact with one another and also with the outside environment. Disappearance of normal rhythms and emergence of abnormal rhythms are called dynamical diseases. In this article, we will first review the current knowledge on the genesis of physiological rhythms. Then, models of rhythmic interactions among themselves and with external stimuli will be reviewed. Particular emphasis will be placed on the methods that can diagnose abnormal rhythms. Finally, treatment of dynamical diseases will be discussed. It turns out that the models of fractional Brownian motion and fractional Gaussian noise based on dynamical systems have the potential to become biomarkers in differentiating and evaluating normal from abnormal physiological rhythms in dynamical diseases. Meanwhile, in order to explain how acupuncture works, a feasible model of meridians based on communication networks is also included.
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In reflex and volitional actions, co-activations of agonist and antagonist muscles are believed to be present. Recent studies indicate that such co-activations can be either synergic or dyssynergic. The aim of this paper is to investigate if the co-activations of biceps brachii, brachialis, and triceps brachii during volitional elbow flexion are in the synergic or dyssynergic state. In this study, two groups with each containing six healthy male volunteers participated. Each person of the first group performed 30 trials of volitional elbow flexion while each of the second group performed 30 trials of passive elbow flexion as control experiments. Based on the model of fractional Brownian motion, the intensity and frequency information of the surface electromyograms (EMGs) could be extracted simultaneously. No statistically significant changes were found in the control group. As to the other group, results indicated that the surface EMGs of all five muscle groups were temporally synchronized in frequencies with persistent intensities during each elbow flexion. In addition, the mean values of fractal dimensions for rest and volitional flexion states revealed significant differences with P < 0.01. The obtained positive results suggest that these muscle groups work together synergically to facilitate elbow flexion during the co-activations.
Motor unit (MU) recruitment patterns were studied in 6 female subjects during dynamic contractions at relative workloads corresponding to 10% maximum voluntary contraction. The contractions consisted of a 20 ° elbow flexion (concentric contractionl and extension (eccentric contraction) and MU action potential trains were recorded from the brachial biceps muscle. The mean angular velocity of the dynamic contractions was 10°/s, during which a total of 119 MUs were identified. Additionally, a few contractions were studied at 20°/s during which 30 MUs were identified, and 9 MUs during the 4(/°/s contraction. About 60% of the identified MUs were active during the concentric as well as the eccentric phase for each of the velocities. Mean firing rate decreased significantly when the contraction changed from concentric to eccentric, whereas the number and properties of identified active MUs were similar, This emphasizes firing rate modulation as important during low level dynamic contractions rather than selective recruitment of different types of MUs in the concentric versus the eccentric phase. Similar kinetic demands occur frequently in occupational tasks, especially during monotonous work. The present data indicate that only a limited pool of MUs are being recruited during such tasks. Extensive recruitment of these MUs may cause fatigue and start a potentially vicious circle leading to work-related muscle disorders.
Preface to Second Edition Preface to First Edition 1. Physiological and biomechanical aspects of isokinetics 2. Hardware, test parameters and issues in testing 3. Reproducibility of isokinetic measurements 4. Application of isokinetics to muscle conditioning and rehabilitation 5. Medicolegal applications 6. Isokinetics of the hip muscles 7. Isokinetics of the knee muscles 8. Isokinetics of the ankle muscles 9. Isokinetics of the trunk muscles 10. Isokinetics of the shoulder muscles 11. Isokinetics of elbow, forearm, wrist and hand muscles Index
Motor unit (MU) recruitment patterns were studied during dynamic and static contractions at workloads corresponding to 10% of maximal voluntary contraction force. The dynamic contraction consisted of a 20% flexion and extension of the elbow performed with a velocity of 10μ/s. Motor unit potential trains were recorded from the branchial biceps muscle of 6 healthy females using a quadripolar needle electrode and a computerized decomposition program. Properties of the identified MUs were derived from concentric needle EMG. A total of 119 MUs were identified during dynamic contractions, 107 MUs during static anisotonic contractions, and 96 MUs during static isotonic contractions. The main result was that MUs recruited during different contractions showed similar properties and may belong to the same part of the motoneuron pool. This indicates that MU recruitment patterns during dynamic contractions may be almost as stereotypical as during static contractions and may even activate the same MUs.© 1995 John Wiley &Sons, Inc.
Associated movements in the contralateral limbs were measured quantitatively for 42 seven‐ to eight‐year‐old children who wrote with the right hand. Associated movements of the contralateral homologous muscles systematically increased as a function of the intensity of contraction of the active hand. The associated movements were more intense when the left hand was active. The order of hand use markedly affected the lateral asymmetry, indicating that the right and left hands were affected differentially by previous activity. Associated movements of the contralateral antagonist muscles were also observed, and their frequency varied as a function of active hand and exertion level. RÉSUMÉ Les mouvements associés des membres contro‐latéraux ont étéétudiés quantitativement chez 42 enfants âgés de sept ou huit ans écrivant avec la main droite. Les mouvements assocités des muscles controlatéraux homologues augmentaient systématiquement en fonction de l'intensité de la contraction dans la main active. Les mouvements assocités étaient plus intenses lorsque la main gauche était active. L'ordre d'utilisation de la main affectait de façon marquée l'asymétrie latérale, indiquant que les mains droite et gauche étaient affectées différemment par l'activité antérieure. Les mouvements associés des muscles antagonistes contralatéraux ont été aussi observés et leur fréquence variait en fonction de la main active et du niveau d'activité. ZUSAMMENFASSUNG Bei 42 sieben‐ bis achtjährigen Kindern, die mit der rechten Hand schrieben, wurden die assoziierten Bewegungen der kontralateralen Seite quantitativ gemessen. Die assoziierten Bewegungen der kontralateralen homologen Muskeln nahmen systematisch als eine Funktion des Kontraktionsgrades der aktiven Hand zu. Die assoziierten Bewegungen waren intensiver, wenn die linke Hand aktiv war. Die Reihenfolge des Handgebrauchs beeinflußte deutlich die laterale Asymmetrie, was anzeigt, daß die rechte und linke Hand durch vorausgegangene Aktivität unterschiedlich beeinflußt wurden. Es wurden auch assoziierte Bewegungen der kontralateralen Antagonisten beobachtet, ihre Frequenz wechselte als eine Funktion der aktiven Hand und des Anspannungsgrades. RESUMEN Si midieron los movimientos asociados de las extremidades contralaterales y de forma cuantitativa en 42 nños de siete a ocho años de edad, que escribian con la mano derecha. Los movimientos asociados de los músculos homologos contralaterales aumentaban sistemáticamente en función de la intensidad de la contracción de la mano activa. Los movimientos asociados eran más intensos cuando la mano izquierda era la activa. El orden en el uso de la mano afectaba marcadamente la asimetria lateral, indicando que las manos derecha e izquierda se afectaban diferentemente sugún la actividad previa. También se observaron movimientos asociados de los músculos antagonistas contralaterales i su frecuencia variaba en función de la mano activa y el nivel de esfuerzo.
The purpose of the present study was to determine the specific changes occurring in the power spectrum with an increasing force level during isometric contractions. Surface electromyographic signals of the triceps brachii (TB) and the anconeus (AN) of 29 normal subjects were recorded during isometric ramp contractions performed from 0 to 100% of the maximum voluntary contraction (MVC) in a 5-s period. Power spectra were obtained at 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80 and 90% MVC. Changes in the shape of these spectra were evaluated visually and with the calculation of several statistical parameters related to the distribution of power along the frequency axis, such as median frequency and mean power frequency, standard deviation, skewness, first and third quartiles and half-power range. For the AN, the behaviour of the spectrum was relatively similar across subjects, presenting a shift toward higher frequencies without any major change in the shape of the spectrum. For the TB, subjects with a thin skinfold thickness presented similar behaviours. In subjects with a thicker skinfold, however, a loss of power in the high frequency region paralleled the increase in the force level. Significant correlations were obtained between the extent of the change in the value of higher order statistical parameters across force and the thickness of the skin. This points out the importance of the skinfold layer when recording with surface electrodes. Furthermore, the use of a combination of several parameters appears to provide a better appreciation of the changes occurring in the spectrum than any single parameter taken alone.
The goal of the present study was to compare electromyogram (EMG) power spectra obtained from step (constant force level) and ramp (progressive increase in the force level) isometric contractions. Data windows of different durations were also analysed for the step contractions, in order to evaluate the stability of EMG power spectrum statistics. Fourteen normal subjects performed (1) five ramp elbow extensions ranging from 0 to 100% of the maximum voluntary contraction (MVC) and (2) three stepwise elbow extensions maintained at five different levels of MVC. Spectral analysis of surface EMG signals obtained from triceps brachii and anconeus was performed. The mean power frequency (MPF) and the median frequency (MF) of each power spectrum were obtained from 256-ms windows taken at 10, 20, 40, 60 and 80% MVC for each type of contraction and in addition on 512-, 1024-and 2048-ms windows for the step contractions. No significant differences (P>0.05) were found in the values of both spectral statistics between the different window lengths. Even though no significant differences (P>0.05) were found between the ramp and the step contractions, significant interactions (P<0.05) between these two types of contraction and the force level were found for both the MPF and the MF data. These interactions point out the existence of different behaviours for both the MPF and the MF across force levels between the two types of contraction.