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  • Higher Institute of computer science of Mahdia
  • University of Sfax - Tunisia

Abstract and Figures

Intelligent systems powered by Artificial Intelligence techniques have been massively proposed to help humans in various tasks. The intelligent personal assistant (IPA) is one of these smart systems. In this paper, we present an attempt to create an IPA, that interacts with users via Tunisian Arabic (TA), (the colloquial form used in Tunisia). We propose and explore a simple-to-implement method for building the principal components of a TA IPA. We apply Deep learning techniques: CNN [1], RNN encoder-decoder [2] and end-to-end approaches for creating IPA speech components (Speech Recognition and Speech Synthesis). In addition, we explore the availability and free dialog platform for understanding and generating the suitable response in TA for a request. For this proposal, we create and use TA transcripts for generating the corresponding models. Evaluation results are acceptable for the first attempt.
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Jordanian Journal of Computers and Information Technology (JJCIT), Vol. 08, No. 04, December 2022.
1. I. Zribi is with MIRACL Laboratory, Sfax University, Sfax, Tunisia. Email:
2. L. H. Belguith is with Faculty of Economics and Manag. of Sfax, Sfax Uni., Tunisia. Email:
Inès Zribi1 and Lamia Hadrich Belguith2
(Received: 6-Jun.-2022, Revised: 9-Aug.-2022, Accepted: 27-Aug.-2022)
Intelligent systems powered by artificial intelligence techniques have been massively proposed to help humans in
performing various tasks. The intelligent personal assistant (IPA) is one of these smart systems. In this paper, we
present an attempt to create an IPA that interacts with users via Tunisian Arabic (TA) (the colloquial form used
in Tunisia). We propose and explore a simple-to-implement method for building the principal components of a TA
IPA. We apply deep-learning techniques: CNN [1], RNN encoder-decoder [2] and end-to-end approaches for
creating IPA speech components (speech recognition and speech synthesis). In addition, we explore the
availability and free-dialog platform for understanding and generating the suitable response in TA for a request.
For this proposal, we create and use TA transcripts for generating the corresponding models. Evaluation results
are acceptable for the first attempt.
Intelligent personal assistant, Tunisian Arabic, Speech recognition, Natural-language understanding, Dialog
management, Response generation, Speech synthesis.
Technological progress has made a large number of advanced application technologies. Among them,
we cite smart systems, including spoken-dialog systems and especially the Intelligent Personal Assistant
(IPA). As illustrated by [3], IPA is a speech-compatible software that can be found on a specialized
device (e.g. Amazon Echo, Google Dot), a mobile device or a computer. It assists the user by answering
questions in natural language, giving suggestions, DOIng tasks, etc. Nowadays, IPAs are becoming
essential in human lives and have a powerful effect on our everyday lives. They are able to replace
humans in some ordinary cases that are repetitive in nature and can be easily automated, including
providing flight information, sport results, weather forecasts, share prices, booking hotels, renting cars,
etc. [4]. IPAs are designed to accept spoken dialog, which is a natural mode of communication, or typed
input in a natural language [5]. Some of them give responses to queries by voice and/or text messages.
The architecture of most of them is based principally on five principal modules [6]: speech-recognition
module (SR), natural-language understanding module (NLU), dialog-management module (DM),
natural-language generation module (NLG) and finally, speech-synthesis module (SS). The quality of
an assistant is based principally on the quality of each component. Figure 1 presents the basic
architecture of voice IPA inspired from [6].
Apple’s Siri, Amazon’s Alexa, Google Assistant and Cortana from Microsoft are the most popular and
used IPAs developed to help users do some usual and simple-to-complex tasks. They are now a signature
feature of some smartphones and tablets. There is also a set of free and open-source assistants, such as
Mycroft Core
, Open Jarvis
, etc. With the development of deep-learning techniques, many researchers
have developed specialized IPAs. Some of them have an object to build a social relation with the user
[7]. The IPA determines user’s goals and preferences, so that it can recommend conferences to attend
and people to meet. Some other IPAs have a goal to check a patient’s health indicator [8], support human
operators to empower operators in industry environments etc. [9]-[10]. Despite the continuous
development of this type of technology, IPAs cover a limited set of languages. They differ from one
another. Due to the variety and differences of language dialects, each dialect needs a distinct linguistic
model [11]. Therefore, only some dialectal forms are also considered by some IPAs. English, French
and Chinese are the most commonly treated languages by the majority of IPAs. However, their
Towards Developing an Intelligent Personal Assistant for Tunisian Arabic, I. Zribi and L. H. Belguith.
performances deteriorate when Arabic is the used language. Table 1 presents the languages treated by
the four IPAs: Cortana, Siri, Alexa and Google IPAs. We remark that Modern Standard Arabic (MSA)
is considered by some IPAs, while the colloquial form is neglected. Dialectal Arabic (DA) is mainly
spoken and used in daily communication. It is used in chat, utilities, radio, phone conversations and so
on. As a rule, Arabs are unable to speak the standard form of their language on a day-to-day basis.
Therefore, they interact with IPAs using a foreign language (e.g. English for Anglophone persons or
French for Francophone persons). So, it is important to develop a spoken-dialog system able to
understand the DA.
In this paper, we investigate the possibility to build an Intelligent Personal Assistant for dialectal Arabic,
especially, Tunisian Arabic (TA). We explore a simple-to-implement method for building TA IPA
components with the availability and free resources (corpus, GPU, APIs, etc.). We apply deep-learning
techniques: CNN [1], RNN encoder-decoder [2] and end-to-end approaches for creating IPA speech
components (SR and SS). In addition, we use the available and free-dialog platform for understanding
and generating the suitable response in TA for a request. For this proposal, we build about 5 hours of
TA speech corpora composed of IPA requests. To the best of our knowledge, our work is the first attempt
to build IPA-system components for TA. Indeed, no work has been done to building speech synthesis
and language understanding and generation for TA. Furthermore, only TA transcripts are used for
generating the different models.
Figure 1. Basic architecture of voice IPA.
This paper has five main sections. Section 2 describes our motivations and some challenges in building
an IPA for TA. Section 3 presents an overview of previous work that studied the building dialog systems
and the speech components of an IPA. In Section 4, we present our proposed method and the evaluation
results. Finally, in Section 5, we present the conclusion and expose our future directions.
2.1 Motivations for Developing IPA for Tunisian Arabic
2.1.1 Tunisian Arabic
In this paper, we intend to develop components for an IPA that understands and speaks Tunisian Arabic
(TA); a dialect of the North African (i.e., the Maghrib) dialects spoken in Tunisia by approximately
twelve million people [12]. Although TA is mainly spoken, it is written in social networks, blogs, some
novels, as well as in comics, commercials, some newspapers and popular songs. It was influenced by
other languages, such as Berber, French, MSA, Turkish, Italian, Maltese, etc. [12]. This is a result of the
position of Tunisia between the two continents (Africa and Europe), as well as the variety of civilizations
that ruled it and its openness to neighboring cultures. However, code-switching (between MSA, French
and TA) is the main characteristic of the TA [13]. For example, the sentence presented in Table 2 is
composed of two French phrases “C’est vrai” and “donc”, a TA phrase 
and an MSA phrase ”. This phenomenon allows the
introduction of new words (nouns and verbs) derived from foreign languages (e.g.  (ybrAtjý
He sharesderived from the French verb partager). Indeed, there are many differences as well as
similarity points between TA, Arabic dialects and MSA at different levels: lexical, morphological,
Transliterations of Arabic words are presented in the HSB scheme [83] and are presented between (...). Phonological transcriptions are
presented between slashes /…/.
Jordanian Journal of Computers and Information Technology (JJCIT), Vol. 08, No. 04, December 2022.
syntactic and phonetic (for more details, see [12]). In addition, TA is distinguished by the presence of
words from several other languages. The standard form of the Arabic language is used for some IPAs.
While the MSA is the official language of all Arab countries, Arabs do not use the standard form in their
daily communications. Colloquial Arabic or dialectal Arabic (DA) is the mother tongue spoken daily by
everyone [12].
Table 1. Languages and dialects recognized by devices of four IPAs: Cortana, Siri, Alexa and Google.
Languages Cortana Siri Alexa Google
English S + D4 S + D S + D S + D
Portuguese S S S
French S + D S + D S + D S + D
German S S + D S S + D
Italian S S + D S S
Spanish S + D S + D S + D S + D
Chinese S + D S + D
Japanese S + D S S S
Arabic S
Turkish S
Thai S
Swedish S S
Russian S
Norwegian S S
Hebrew S
Korean S S
Malay S
Cantonese S
Danish S S
Dutch S + D S
Finnish S
Hindi S S
Table 2. Example of TA sentence.
TA Cest vrai donc 
Transliteration C’est vrai Ally Almdyr ÂstAð ÂmA mA ynjmš ybrAtjý wywSl Almςlwmħ donc lA ySlH
ltsyyr Alšrkħ
Translation It’s true that the director is a professor, but he can't share information; so, he is unfit to
manage the company.
2.1.2 Importance of Using Dialectal Arabic for an IPA
As we said before, an IPA is a software solution designed to help people in their everyday lives to do
multiple tasks, going from simple (e.g. checking mail, making calls, etc.) to complex tasks related to
smart home (e.g. opening TV, etc.). To be useful to users, the communication mode should be simple.
The Arabic language that is currently supported by some IPAs (e.g. Siri on Apple) represents the
standard form of Arabic, while some Arabs (not to say the majority of Arab people) are not fluent in
MSA for many reasons. Therefore, they even use an IPA in foreign languages (e.g., French for French
speakers, English for English speakers, etc.). Indeed, the absence of the colloquial form of Arabic in all
APIs makes the use of such types of technologies relative only to intellectualized people. Therefore, the
design and development of an IPA speaking dialectal Arabic will help Arabs interact easily and
encourage them to use an intelligent assistant.
2.2 Challenges in Building Tunisian Arabic IPA
2.2.1 Rarity of Resources
The presence of spoken and annotated corpora is important for building an IPA. The automatic
processing of TA is a new area of research. Unlike MSA, TA suffers from the scarcity or even the
4 ‘S’ means the standard form of the language and ‘D’ means the dialectal form of the language.
Towards Developing an Intelligent Personal Assistant for Tunisian Arabic, I. Zribi and L. H. Belguith.
absence of freely available corpora. The few TA resources developed over the last few years are still in
the early stages. Their size is relatively limited compared to that of MSA. The only TA spoken corpus
accessible is that of [14].
2.2.2 Ambiguity
Like MSA, TA is characterized by ambiguity at many levels: phonological, morphological, semantic
and syntactic. A word or an expression can be understood differently based on the context. For example,
the greeting expression  (AlslAm ςlykm) is also used for the goodbye. Also, the word 
(bAhy) can mean ok’ or ‘good. Ambiguity affects the performance of TA IPA because of the confusion
in understanding some questions and/or answers. Some cases of ambiguity can be easily addressed,
while others require complex disambiguation methods to improve TA IPA achievement. A few works
[15] considered the task of disambiguation by TA. This issue complicates the task of building an IPA
for TA.
2.2.3 Sub-dialectal Variation
TA is characterized by the existence of many sub-dialectal varieties [15]. The sub-dialects differ at many
levels. The same word is pronounced in different ways (e.g.  (baqraħ) cow is pronounced as /bagra/
and /baqra/). The phonological differences complicate the development of speech recognition and
speech synthesis for TA. Similarly, the sense of a word differs from one sub-dialect to another. For
example, the word  (rbH) means in some sub-dialects salt and in others benefit.
2.2.4 Code Switching
Code switching between TA and other languages causes many problems for the development of TA
IPA. First, the SR component is not able to distinguish words in TA from other languages. As a result,
it transcribes all words using the same script. This creates ambiguities for the NLU module, because a
word in French transcribed in Arabic letters can have a different meaning. For example, the French word
“merci” ‘thank you transcribed in Arabic letters can refer to a person’s name  (mrsy) Morsi.
Tunisians also use some French words in everyday communication without any modification (e.g.
“mécanicien”). This can cause, also, some problems for the SS module.
3.1 Dialog System
In general, dialog systems (IPA, chatbot5, etc.) can be classified into task -oriented systems and task-
non-oriented systems [16]. Task-oriented systems (e.g. IPA) try to help the user achieve certain tasks.
Task-non-oriented systems (e.g. chatbot) talk to the user to provide responses and entertainment. While
developing a dialog system, four methods are proposed for understanding and generating language
according to its goal. For the first type of dialog system; oriented task, Chen et al. (2018) [16] have
classified methods into two categories: pipeline methods and end-to-end methods.
The typical structure of a pipeline methods consists of four key components:
- The language-understanding component (NLU) parses the user utterance into pre-defined
semantic slots. It classifies the user’s intent and the utterance category into one of the pre-
defined intents. The NLU component extracts important information, such as named entities
and fills the slots. Deep-learning techniques are successfully applied in intent classification.
Hashemi et al. [17] have applied Conventional Neuronal Network (CNN) in intent
classification, while Sreelakshmi et al. [18] have used Bi-Directional Long Short-Term Memory
(Bi-LSTM) networks for intent identification. Slot filling and named-entity extraction are
important tasks for NLU components. Deep-belief networks (DBNs) are usually used by some
researchers, like [19]. CNN has also been exploited in slot filling by [20]. Pre-trained BERT
and BiLSTM have been employed by [21] for intent and argument detection.
5 A chatbot is a program that allows a humancomputer conversation to be conducted via auditory or textual methods using natural
language[40], [84]. It operates almost as an IPA.
Jordanian Journal of Computers and Information Technology (JJCIT), Vol. 08, No. 04, December 2022.
- The dialog state tracker is the main component in a dialog system. It divines the objective of
each turn of dialog. For tracking dialog state, [22] exploited rule-based methods. [23] and [24]
made use of statistical and deep-learning techniques.
- Dialog policy learning learns the next action based on the current dialog state. Like in previous
components, rule-based [25], statistical and deep-learning approaches [26] have been applied.
- Natural Language Generation (NLG) is responsible for generating the response. As illustrated
in [16], conventional approaches are widely used in NLG. It transforms the input (i.e., semantic
symbols) into an intermediary structure (such as tree-like or template structures) and then, the
intermediate structure is transformed into the final response [27]. Deep-learning techniques,
such as LSTM-based structure, are proposed by [28] and [29] to NLG. Wen et al. [28] used a
forward RNN generator together with a CNN re-ranker and a backward RNN re-ranker [16].
Zhou et al. [30] adopted an encoder-decoder LSTM-based structure to generate correct answers
based on the question information, semantic slot values and dialog act type. The sequence-to-
sequence approach is used by [31]. It can be trained to produce natural-language strings as well
as deep syntax-dependency trees from input dialog acts. Recurrent neural-network language
generation (RNNLG) is proposed by [32]. It can learn to generate statements directly from
dialog-act pairs of statements with no pre-defined syntax and no semantic alignment.
End-to-end approaches to develop dialog task-oriented systems have been proposed and used by several
researchers [33][35]. They have combined several methods, like an encoder-decoder model, an end-
to-end reinforcement learning technique, an attention-based key-value retrieval mechanism, etc. All of
the end-to-end methods use a single module and interact with structured external databases. The input
of the model is the user request and the output is the response.
In each presented approach, there are multiple used techniques: parsing, pattern matching, Artificial
Intelligence Markup Language (AIML), chatscript, ontologies, Artificial Neural Network Models, etc.
Several commercial, free platforms, APIs and libraries have used these techniques for understanding
natural language, dialog management and language generation in order to develop conversational
systems. Among these platforms, we cite Dialogflow 6 from Google, IBM Watson Assistant 7,
Pandorabots8, Rasa [36], etc. Some of these platforms are exploited in developing some Arabic chatbots
for MSA [37], [38] and Colloquial Arabic (BOTTA [39], Nabiha [40], etc.). The majority of previous
efforts in creating Arabic dialog systems have been focusing on developing task-non-oriented dialog
systems. In contrast, in this work, we focus on building a task-oriented dialog system using Rasa
platform, which is able to understand TA and DOIng some simple tasks. Furthermore, to the best of our
knowledge, there is no work dealing with creating a TA task-oriented dialog system or developing
Tunisian IPA, where our work is the first one.
3.2 Speech Components
We present in this sub-section some work proposed for Speech Recognition (SR) and Speech Synthesis
(SS) for Latin and Arabic languages. As defined by [41], SR is an automatic way to transcribe speech
into text. It is used to make machines understand human speech. SS has the inverse task. It transforms
text into voice. In general, the SR module receives an IPA user request and the SS gives the response to
the user.
3.2.1 Speech Recognition
Like the dialog system, the automatic speech recognition (ASR) can be classified into two approaches:
conventional ASR pipeline approach and end-to-end ASR approach. The conventional ASR pipeline
includes trained acoustic, pronunciation and language model components which are trained
independently. It regroups classical methods: (1) rule-based methods that use phonetic rules in order to
convert graphemes into phonemes, (2) probabilistic and data-driven methods ([42], [43], etc.), which
are based on a phonetic dictionary, acoustic models and feature-extraction step. These methods utilize
Hidden Markov Models (HMMs), Conditional Random Fields (CRFs), Deep-learning techniques, etc.
to generate acoustic models and extract features. End-to-end voice recognition goes a long way to
Towards Developing an Intelligent Personal Assistant for Tunisian Arabic, I. Zribi and L. H. Belguith.
simplif the complexity of traditional speech recognition. It is based on deep-learning techniques. No
preliminary steps (phonetic rule construction, acoustic dictionary, feature extraction, etc.) are required.
In this approach, we need a set of records and their transcriptions and the deep neural network can
automatically learn language or pronunciation information. Among the works conducted using this
approach, we cite [44][49].
Few works are conducted in Arabic due to the scarcity of transcribed speech corpora. [50], [51], etc.
have proposed and tested SR classical methods which are based on HMMs. The broadcast news-
transcription system proposed by [50] has two main components: an audio partitioner and a word
recognizer. Data partitioning is based on an audio stream-mixture model and divides the continuous
stream of acoustic data into homogeneous segments [50]. The second component of the proposed system
determines the sequence of words for each speech segment. The recognizer utilizes continuous-density
HMMs for acoustic modeling and the n-gram statistics for language modeling. Lamel and Gauvain [50]
have developed a pronunciation lexicon based on a grapheme-to-phoneme tool. It contains 57k distinct
lexical forms from 50 hours of manually transcribed vocalized data. The language model contains up to
4-gram. The same method has been adopted by [51]. Their proposed system is based on Carnegie Mellon
University’s Sphinx tools. It uses 3-emmiting state HMMs for triphone-based acoustic models. The
system was trained on 4.3 hours of Arabic broadcast news corpus and tested on 1.1 hour. The phonetic
dictionary contains 23,841 definitions, corresponding to about 14,232 words. The language model
contains both bi-grams and tri-grams. The same approach has been adopted by [42] for recognizing TA
speech. The author has developed a phonetic dictionary for TA based on the CRF algorithm. Then, the
dictionary is integrated into the MSA SR system. Ben Ltaief et al. [52] have described an SR system for
TA based on the Kaldi toolkit. They have built 2 acoustic models: HMM-GMM (Gaussian mixture
models) and HMM-DNN and have trained 3-gram models. Their models are based on the TARIC corpus
[53]. Messaoudi et al. [54] have exploited the DeepSpeech architecture [2] to generate a model to
recognize TA speech. They have exploited four Arabic corpora (two TA corpora and two MSA corpora)
for generating language and deep-learning models. We note that these SR models are not available for
testing and using.
The majority of previous efforts in creating Arabic ASR have been focusing on using conventional
traditional pipeline. The only work done for TA based on end-to-end approach is proposed by [54]. In
this work, we propose to follow the same approach. The main difference between our work and that of
[54] is the nature of our corpus, which is based only on TA corpus.
3.2.2 Speech Synthesis
There are principally two types of speech-synthesis approaches. Classical approaches are based on
Concatenate Speech Synthesis (CSS) and HMM techniques. The principle of CSS is to generate speech
by concatenating its units one after the other [55]. The generation requires a corpus composed of
utterances with well-annotated phones. The quality of generated speech is related to the quality of the
collected corpus. The HMM synthesis techniques, called statistical parametric synthesis of speech [55],
extract parameters from the recorded utterances which are then used to generate speech. The quality of
the generated voice is maintained, even if the size of the training corpus is small. The classical
approaches are used in SS for several languages, such as English ([56], [57]), French ([58], [59]), etc.
and MSA ([60][63], etc.).
The second approach is based on deep neural architectures that have proved successful at learning the
fundamental features of data [64]. Several architectures are proposed. Among the most famous ones, we
cite WaveNet [65]; a deep generative model of audio data that operates at the waveform level. The
application of this model to SS shows that produced samples surpass many SS systems in subjective
naturalness. However, it has some drawbacks. First, the model is not a full end-to-end system. Second,
the generation of speech is very slow [64]. Deep voice [66] is another deep neural architecture used for
SS. It is an end-to-end neural architecture. Traditional text-to-speech pipelines inspire it, but its
components are replaced with neural networks. It is simpler than classical approaches. Any human
involvement is required for deep voice model training. Tacotron [67] is another end-to-end architecture
for SS. It is a generative model based on a seq.-to-seq. model with an attention mechanism [68] that
produces audio waveforms directly from the characters. Tacotron automated some SS tasks, such as
Jordanian Journal of Computers and Information Technology (JJCIT), Vol. 08, No. 04, December 2022.
feature engineering and human annotation. Tacotron 2 is an improved version of Tacotron proposed by
[69]. It eliminates non-neural network components used to synthesize speech, such as the Griffen-Lim
reconstruction algorithm [64]. Shen et al. [69] have used hybrid attention [70] with a recurrent seq.-to-
seq. generative model and a modified wavenet acting as a vocoder to synthesize speech signals [64].
The deep approach was proposed and tested for several languages, such as English. In the last few years,
a few researchers have tested some architectures for MSA. Tacotron 2 [69] has been tested for a voweled
MSA corpus by [64]. Hadj Ali et al. [71] have tested DNN for the task of grapheme-to-phoneme
conversion using diacritized texts. Abdelali et al., [72] have also tested Tacotron [67], Tacotron 2 [69]
and Model ESPnet Transformer TTS [73] in the Arabic language. To the best of our knowledge, there
is no work being done for TA and our work is the first one developing an SS for TA. In Table 3, we
present a comparison between speech works (SR and SS) done for Arabic language.
Table 3. Comparison between different Arabic speech systems.
Ref. No.
Classification method
Used dataset
HMM + n-gram
1200 hours of broadcast
news data
GMM-HMM model +
10 hours of TA
4.5 hours of Arabic TV
10 hours of TA
RNN encoder-decoder
61 hours and 34 minutes
of MSA and TA
598 utterances
architecture + flow-
based implementation
of WaveGlow
2.41 hours
1597 utterances
MAE9 =
Model ESPnet
9969 utterances male and
female voices
An IPA usually operates by the following these steps. First, when it is on and is not used for a certain
time, it goes into a listening mode. When the user calls the IPA by pronouncing the Trigger Word
(TW) (e.g. Alexa, Siri, Hey Google, etc.), the latter wakes up. It waits for the user’s request. Then,
the IPA accomplishes the requested task and gives vocal response to the user. Finally, it goes back into
the listening mode. Hence, we propose to build two SR modules. The first one (SR-TW), based on a
Convolutional Neural Network [1], is responsible for detecting the trigger word (TW). When it is
recognized, the second module (SR-R), based on the DeepSpeech architecture [2], is activated for
receiving and transcribing users requests. Once the request is received, the Language Understanding
module is activated. It is responsible for classifying the intents and detecting the entities. The latter are
used by the Dialog Management model to decide the next action to do. Then, the Language Generation
module prepares and generates the suitable response. For these three components, we propose to apply
the RASA dialog framework to generate the response by following the dialog history of the user and
generate the response according to user intention. It also accomplishes the requested task. Finally, the
generated response will be sent to the Speech Synthesis (SS) model in order to generate the
corresponding voice. We apply the Tacotron 2 [69] model to the TA. Figure 2 presents the architecture
of our IPA. We note that these components are dedicated to recognizing and understanding the
commands of the users relative to four basic IPA skills: greeting and knowledge, weather forecasts,
checking email and asking time and date. We present, in the rest of this section, the details of our
proposed method.
9 Mean absolute error is a measure of errors between paired words expressing the same speech.
Towards Developing an Intelligent Personal Assistant for Tunisian Arabic, I. Zribi and L. H. Belguith.
4.1 Speech Recognition
4.1.1 Proposed Method
We present in this sub-section our proposed methods for two SR modules. The first one, Speech
Recognition-Trigger Word (SR-TW), is responsible for detecting the trigger word (TW). The second
module, Speech Recognition-Request (SR-R), is responsible for transcribing users’ requests.
Speech Recognition-Trigger Word (SR-TW): In order to activate the IPA, a TW should be said by
the user. We propose to generate a model that classifies short sounds (1 second) into two classes: TW
and non-TW. For classification, we apply the deep neural network, in particular the Convolutional
Neural Network (CNN). Its architecture is composed of eight hidden layers: an input layer, four
convolutive layers followed each one by a pooling and drop layer, one flatten layer, two dense layers
followed each one by the dropout layer and finally, an output layer. This architecture is often used for
recognizing and classifying speech. “Hey Cortana”, “Hey Google” and “Alexa” are some of the TWs,
respectively, used by Microsoft Cortona, Google and Alexa IPAs. We have chosen  (ςAlslAmħ)
hello’ as a TW.
Figure 2. Architecture of our IPA.
Speech Recognition-Request (SR-R): For recognizing user requests, we applied the deep-learning
architecture proposed by [2], baptized DeepSpeech. We chose to apply this architecture, because it has
shown its efficacy for several languages (English [2], Mandarin [74], German [47], etc.). This
architecture also has shown its efficacy for TA [54]. We note that the SR module proposed by [54] is
not available for testing and using.
DeepSpeech is also robust when it is applied in noisy environments [2]. With deep learning, we do not
need to do the extraction of features or generate the phonetic dictionary. The DeepSpeech architecture
is composed of five hidden layers [2]. The three first layers of non-recurrent ht(1-3) (dense) are fully
connected and computed by the ReLu activation function. The fourth layer is a bi-directional recurrent
layer. It includes two sets of hidden units: a set with the forward recurrence ht(f) and a set with the
backward recurrence ht(b). The fifth (non-recurrent) ht(5) layer takes both the forward and backward units
as inputs. The output layer is a standard softmax function that yields the predicted character probabilities
for each time slice t and character k in the alphabet. Further, the Connectionist Temporal Classification
(CTC) loss function is used to maximize the probability of correct transcription [75].
We do not modify the architecture of DeepSpeech, because it has shown its performance for complex
languages with a large number of characters, like Mandarin [45]. For training an automatic SR system
based on a DeepSpeech system [2], two main components are used: a Recurrent Neural Network (RNN)
and a language model. We used a set of audio files with their corresponding transcriptions in order to
train the RNN model. For the language model, we have used KenLM to generate an n-gram model [76].
We have used the same values of parameters as proposed in [54]. We have generated a 3-gram model
with an alpha value of 1 and a beta value of 1.5. We have used an alphabet composed of 38 characters
and omitted the short vowels of the alphabet.
4.1.2 Dataset
We exploited in the development of IPA components the freely available spoken corpora for TA. To the
best of our knowledge, the Spoken Tunisian Arabic Corpus (STAC) [14] is the only publicly available
Jordanian Journal of Computers and Information Technology (JJCIT), Vol. 08, No. 04, December 2022.
spoken corpus. It is composed of 5 transcribed hours collected from different Tunisian TV channels and
radio stations. It contains spontaneous speech, less spontaneous speech and prepared speech and a large
number of speakers (about 70 speakers) in order to make the dataset a representative sample of the TA.
We have exploited a part of STAC (2 hours and 31 minutes). Some pre-processing steps are done on
this corpus. First, we have removed all types of annotations, such as disfluencies, etc. We have, then,
corrected some orthographic errors. We have corrected them according to the CODA convention [12].
Next, we have removed unclear speeches, music, superposed sounds and long pauses. After that, we
have subdivided the audio files into small audio waves (less than or equal to 10 seconds). Finally, we
have converted files into wave format with a mono audio channel and a sample rate of 16,000 Hz in
order to be read by the DeepSpeech pipeline. We obtained, after pre-processing, 1 hour and 56 minutes
of pure transcription.
We recall that our objective is to build an IPA for TA. So, we have enriched the corpus with some
transcriptions of an IPA user command, such as greeting and acknowledgement, providing weather
forecasts, asking for the date and time and finally, checking new email. We have recorded commands
for 28 persons (3 men and 25 women). We have augmented the transcriptions by adding noise and
modifying the pitch. We have obtained a total of 50 minutes. We have also enriched the corpus with
some other transcriptions (Tunisian dialect stories and some read chapters from the Tunisian constitution
in TA). The total size of these transcriptions is 1 hour and 27 minutes. We have augmented this corpus
by adding noise and modifying the pitch (down and up) of its files. Table 4 summarizes the details of
our corpus.
Table 4. Size of our corpus used in SR modules.
A part of STAC
1 hour and 56 minutes
IPA corpus
50 minutes
Other transcriptions
1 hour and 27 minutes
3 hours and 24 minutes
7 hours and 37 minutes
For training and testing SR-TW, we have collected, from the corpus, transcriptions that contain the word
 (ςAlslAmħ) hello. The duration of each transcription is about 1 second. We have collected
multiple pronunciations (10 persons) of the trigger word. We have augmented the corpus by adding
noise and modifying the pitch. We obtained about 16 minutes of different pronunciations of the trigger
word. For the class non-trigger word (NTW), we have collected different sounds that have a duration
equal to 1 second, pronouncing different words in TA. We have obtained about 33 minutes. To train and
test the TW-SR model, we have divided the corpus into 70-30%. In contrast, we used the division 80-
10-10% for the training, validation and testing of the SR-R models. For generating n-gram models, we
have exploited the TA corpora used in [77], composed of 260,364 words.
4.1.3 Evaluation
To measure the performance of our module, we have calculated the Word Error Rate (WER) and the
Character Error Rate (CER) for SR-R. A Lower WER respectively CER is often used to indicate that
the Speech Recognition model is more precise in recognizing speech. A higher WER respectively CER,
then, often associated with a lower accuracy. Since the SR-TW classifies short sounds into TW and
Non-TW, we have calculated the accuracy measure to test the accomplishment of this component.
Formulae of the following measures are presented below, where Nw is the number of words in reference
text, Sw is the number of words substituted (a word in the reference text is transcribed differently), Dw
is the number of words deleted (a word is completely missing) and Iw is the number of words inserted.
We note that the formula for CER is the same as that of WER, but CER operates at the character level
instead. Table 5 presents the results of the two models. The accuracy value of SR-TW is an encouraging
result. The errors are related to some homophones, such as  (ςAlslAmħ) hello et 
(bAlslAmħ) ‘bye’. For SR-R, the evaluation results of [54] are better than our results. This is due to the
size of their used corpus that contains STAC corpus and other speech TA corpora. By analyzing the
results, transcription errors are caused by the insertion of some extra letters. The presence of
homophones, disfluencies, etc. are the principal causes of failure cases.
(1)   
Towards Developing an Intelligent Personal Assistant for Tunisian Arabic, I. Zribi and L. H. Belguith.
(2)  󰇛󰇜
󰇛󰇜 󰇛󰇜
Table 5. Evaluation results of the two SR models.
Tunisian DeepSpeech [54]
4.2 Natural Language Understanding, Dialog Management and Response Generation
4.2.1 Proposed Method
Over the last decade, there has been a focus on using statistical and machine-learning methods in
language understanding, dialogue management and language generation rather than traditional
technologies (i.e., rule-based method). Indeed, we propose to apply a statistical method to understand
requests, manage dialogs, generate a suitable response and do the task. Therefore, we have used the Rasa
framework [36]: an open-source framework which allows developers to create a machine learning-based
conversational system (especially a chatbot). Rasa proposes two main modules: Rasa NLU and Rasa
Core. Rasa NLU analyzes the user’s request. It classifies it based on the appropriate intent and then
extracts the entities. Rasa Core chooses the action that the dialog system should take based on the output
of the Rasa NLU (structured data in the form of intents and entities) using a probabilistic model. Rasa
leads to creating and generating models DOIng simple and complicated tasks in an efficient way, even
with minimal initial training data [36]. It regroups a set of components that make up the NLU pipeline
(tokenization, entity extraction, intent classification, response selection, pre-processing and more) and
works in succession to process the user input into a structured output. It also has a set of policies that
manage conversation actions. Both policies and components are based on machine learning (e.g. SVM,
CRF, RNN, LSTM, etc.) and rule-based techniques. We have chosen to use Rasa for many reasons.
First, it is free and an open-source tool. It can run locally [78]. Second, the use, implementation and
bootstrapping of Rasa are relatively easy [79]. Since Rasa NLU does not support the Arabic language,
we have applied the pre-configured NLU pipeline. It is composed of eight components. Rasa Core uses
policies to decide the next action in a dialog conversation. It provides rule-based and machine-learning
policies. In our work, we have also used pre-configured policies. Figure 2 presents the components of
the pre-configured pipeline and pre-configured policies. The full description of the components and
policies is presented in the documentation of Rasa [80].
Our training data is composed of a list of messages that IPA expects to receive. These messages are
annotated with intents and entities that the RASA NLU learns to extract. As we said before, our IPA is
limited to four services: “greeting and knowledge, weather forecasts, checking email and asking
time and date. Therefore, our corpus includes intents for these services. We added other basic intents;
namely, “affirm”, “goodbye”, “thanks”, “person identification” and “city identification” to ensure a
good conversation. Our training data also contains a set of responses that the user expects to receive.
We have defined five types of responses: “bye”, “end”, “start”, “first conversation” and thanks”. We
have added four customizable responses to the intents: “ask mail”, “provide weather forecasts”, “person
identification” and “ask date and time”. We identified and annotated nine entities; namely, date”,
“component of the date”, “mail”, “person’s name”, “time”, “Tunisian city”, “weather specification”,
“weekday” and “hijri date”. In addition, the data contains a list of entities’ synonyms. Table 6 and Table
7 present, respectively, some examples of intents and entities and IPA responses.
The main function of the Tunisian IPA is to provide answers to several inquiries about the weather, time,
date and email box. We have prepared several possible stories that simulate a real conversation between
a user and an IPA. A story is a representation of a conversation between a user and an IPA transformed
into a particular format. The user request is expressed as intent (entities when necessary) and the
assistant’s responses and actions are expressed as action names [80]. Stories are used to train models
that are able to generalize to unseen conversation paths. We identified 24 possible stories for requesting
services in Tunisian. Figure 3 presents an example of a story. It is composed of a set of user requests
(i.e., intent: greet, intent: ask_email and intent: thanks) and actions which the IPA should do (i.e., action:
utter_start, action: action_mail, action: utter_thanks.). In a story, we mark entities which the IPA should
Jordanian Journal of Computers and Information Technology (JJCIT), Vol. 08, No. 04, December 2022.
identify and save. The attribute “slot_was_set” is used to this end. Table 8 presents a real example of
the story presented in Figure 3. For generating the suitable response for some intents (i.e.,
provide_weather_forecasts, ask_mail and ask_time_date), we have extracted the suitable information
from three APIs: Accuweather API10, google_api_python_client11 and ummalqura.hijri_date API12.
Figure 3. The pre-configured RASA pipeline and polices.
Table 6. Examples of intents and entities.
 AlslAmħ) Hello
 (bAhy) Ok
 (bAlslAmħ) Good bye
 (SHyt) Well-done
(bAllh šnwħ AHwAl AlTqs)
How is the weather?
(šnyħ AHwAl AlTqs fy Aljm~
 {‘entity’: ‘tun_city’,
{‘entity’: ‘tun_city’, ‘value’:
How is the weather in Djem Mahdia?
(ÂqrA ly lyzmAyl mtAςy)
 {‘entity’: ‘mail’, ‘value’:
Please read my emails
(Alywm fy qdAh) 
What is the date of today?
(ÂHnA qdAš fy AlςAm Alhjry?)
What is the Hijri date today?
 {‘entity’:‘date’,
4.2.2 Dataset
To use RASA NLU, we prepared a training dataset to recognize intents and extract entities. The training
data includes about 722 sentences with marked entities to train the RASA NLU. More specifically, there
are 84.63% of sentences with entities which are presented according to weather specifications, date,
time and email. The training data contains both interrogative and declarative sentences. We have also
defined 46 synonyms for several entities (e.g. Tunisian cities, wind, clouds, etc.). We have used the
person’s name lexicon, composed of 538 entries.
4.2.3 Evaluation
First, to evaluate the performance of our NLU module, we have measured the numbers of intents and
Towards Developing an Intelligent Personal Assistant for Tunisian Arabic, I. Zribi and L. H. Belguith.
Table 7. Examples of pre-defined responses.
Figure 4. Example of Tunisian dialect story.
entities correctly classified. Due to the small size of the collected corpus, we have applied 5-cross
validation and 10-cross validation to evaluate our NLU module. We have calculated the accuracy, F1-
score and precision measures. Table 9 shows that entity-extraction accuracy is generally good. The
accuracy value is 0.97 for both 10- and 5-cross validation. The results show that the F1-score scales
from 0.74 for cloud entity extraction to 1 for multiple entities (e.g. month name). The failure in the
classification of some entities can be explained by the presence of some entities composed of two words
or more (e.g.  (ςAm Alςrby) Hejri Year). The DIET classifier [81] is not able to detect the
whole components of an entity. Sometimes, it detects the first or second part of the entity. In other cases,
it fails to detect all the parts. When it comes to intents, the accuracy is 0.951 for 10-cross validation and
0.947 for 5-cross validation (See Table 9). There are some intent-classification mistakes related to
greeting, denying and bye intents. By analyzing errors, we observe that the classifier makes an error for
closely related utterances like  (ςAlslAmħ)hello and  (bAlslAmħ) bye’. In addition,
some Tunisians use the same utterances for greeting and good-bye (i.e.,  (AlslAm ςlykm) to
say hello and goodbye). In our future work, to avoid some errors, we propose to apply some pre-
processing steps (e.g. tokenization, parsing, base phrase chunking, etc.) to requests before classification
Table 8. Example of conversation between the user and IPA according to the story presented in Fig. 3.
Hello (ςAlslAmħ)
 Hello Ines (ςAlslAmħ ǍynAs)
 (tšwf ly ςndyšy mAyl jdyd)
‘Can you tell me if I have new email?’
You have two new emails. (ςndk zwz mAylwAt jdd)
 Thank you (myrsy yςyšk)
(mn γyr mzyħ) ‘You are welcome, 
Moreover, to evaluate the quality of a full-dialog system; namely, NLU, DM and NLG modules, we
have evaluated dialogs end-to-end by running through test stories. For this purpose, we used 15 stories.
We obtained an accuracy of about 60%. Some errors are related to misclassification of some intents
and/or entities. We have also evaluated the action level of the RASA core. The action-level results
Response type
ςTyny AlwlAyħ mtAςk)
City identification
Give me the name of your state.
 (bAlslAmħ) ‘Bye
‘You are welcome,
(mn γyr mzyħ)  
(ςAlslAmħ) {person_name} 
Start the conversation
Hello {person_name}
(ςAlslAmħ ĀnA AlmsAςd AlšxSy mtAςk. tnjm tςrfny
byk? šnw Asmk?)
Hello. I am your personal assistant. Can I recognize
you? What is your name?
Jordanian Journal of Computers and Information Technology (JJCIT), Vol. 08, No. 04, December 2022.
Table 9. Entities and intents classification results.
5-cross validation
10-cross validation
5-cross validation
10-cross validation
measure the numbers for each intent-entity extraction prediction in all of the test stories. We obtained
the following results: 0.899, 0.894 and 0.915, respectively, for F1-score, precision and accuracy.
4.3 Speech Synthesis
4.3.1 Proposed Method
End-to-end neural network architectures are widely used in many SS tasks. Unlike pipeline-based
techniques, they are structured as a single component. End-to-end architectures learn all the steps
between the initial input phase and the final output result and generate a single model. They reduce the
need for expensive domain expertise and arduous feature engineering and require only minimal human
annotation [64]. Among the famous and successful proposed end-to-end architectures proposed for SS,
we cite Tacotron 2 [69]. Tacotron 2 is composed of two components: a sequence-to-sequence
architecture spectrogram prediction network with attention and a flow-based implementation of
WaveGlow [64]. For TA, we applied the Tacotron 2 architecture, which was updated by [64] in order
to synthesize MSA. According to [64], the sequence-to-sequence spectrogram consists of an encoder
and a decoder. The encoder takes a phonetized text as input and produces a hidden feature vector
representation, which goes to the decoder and generates the mel-spectrograms of the given input
characters. Then, the spectrograms are passed to a five-layer post-net. Finally, the WaveGlow vocoder,
a flow-based generative network, is trained alongside using the mel-spectrograms and generates the
voice as the output. We have used the open-source phonetization algorithm proposed by Nawar Halabi13
to phonetize the input text.
4.3.2 Dataset
As the first attempt for our SS model, we have decided to train our model using one speaker
transcriptions. Hence, we have trained Tacotron 2 on TA transcriptions, which contain about 1 hour and
33 minutes of speech composed of 2180 utterances. The corpus is composed of a pair of audio files and
their transcriptions. We collected text from some Tunisian stories and some chapters from the Tunisian
constitution in TA. We have divided them into short sentences which, then, have been recorded by a
Tunisian woman (native speaker) in a silent environment. We manually recorded speech audio files
using Audacity software14. We have used the Buckwalter transliteration15 for the input text. Due to the
unavailability of diacritization system for the TA and the slowness of manual transcription, we have
decided to ignore all diacritics. Like SR corpus, we have converted files into wave format with a mono
audio channel with a sample rate of 22050 Hz in order to be read by the Tacotron 2 pipeline. This dataset
is used for training and validating the model. For testing our model, we have used a set composed of
2445 utterances, which consists of possible responses that the TA IPA can return to the user. The
utterances include greetings, bye, weather forecasts, as well as time and date information.
4.3.3 Evaluation
Qualitative analysis was realized by using human ratings. We have calculated the subjective Mean
Opinion Score (MOS), a rating of how good the synthesized utterances are for audio naturalness and
comprehensiveness. Each utterance is evaluated by two raters. A score ranging from 1 to 5 was given to
each utterance. 1 is given to bad audio, while 5 is given to the most natural audio. Table 10 presents the
evaluation results. We have obtained an average MOS of 3.08. The score is encouraging for a first
attempt to generate an SS model for TA. It shows that our SS can generate voice (the output of the IPA),
which is almost natural and understandable. The analysis of the SS output shows that the majority of
Towards Developing an Intelligent Personal Assistant for Tunisian Arabic, I. Zribi and L. H. Belguith.
mistakes are related to some phonemes that our model is not able to pronounce. Also, it is not able to
synthesize some words. We can explain this failure by the absence of some phonemes in the training
corpus. For example, the word
ltTAš) ‘thirteenis mispronounced due to the absence of the
phoneme related to the letter š
. We remark that our MOS score is lower than the [64] score. First,
they used a diacritized corpus. The presence of short vowels helps learn the pronunciation. Also, their
corpus is relatively bigger than ours.
Table 10. Evaluation results
MOS average
MSA Tacotron 2 model [64]
In this paper, we present an attempt to create an Intelligent Personal Assistant (IPA) for the Tunisian
dialect. We studied different approaches proposed for developing a dialog system, in particular, a task-
oriented system. We prepared the basic components of an IPA: speech components (speech recognition
model and speech synthesis model) and a dialog system core (natural-language understanding, Dialog
management and language generation). We have applied deep-learning techniques: CNN [1], RNN
encoder-decoder [2] and end-to-end approaches for creating IPA speech components (Speech
Recognition and Speech Synthesis). In addition, we have explored the available and free dialog platform
for understanding and generating the suitable response in TA for a request. Despite the lack of TA
resources and as the first attempt, the evaluation results of some components are acceptable. We have
proved the feasibility of creating an IPA with free resources while the language is under-resourced.
For future work, we have two main objectives. First, we intend to improve the quality of the proposed
components. We intend to expand the size of all corpora by adding code-switching utterances and test
other deep architectures. For speech components, we plan to add diacritics for our transcriptions. Their
roles are important for the Arabic language. For speech recognition, we also plan to add more speakers
to our corpus in order to recognize different speakers. We aim to augment the size of the corpus for the
core of the dialog system by adding more services to the IPA. We intend to apply Transformer [82] in
order to build some TA NLP tools and integrate them into the Rasa pipeline. The model will be able in
the future to detect more complex entities and perform more complicated tasks. The second objective is
the integration and testing of the developed components in the open-source vocal IPA, “openjarvis”. It
is designed to be executed on an energy-saving system, like the Raspberry Pi. It is a customizable IPA
and the integration of new components is relatively easy.
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Deep learning-based machine learning models have shown significant results in speech recognition and numerous vision-related tasks. The performance of the present speech-to-text model relies upon the hyperparameters used in this research work. In this research work, it is shown that convolutional neural networks (CNNs) can model raw and tonal speech signals. Their performance is on par with existing recognition systems. This study extends the role of the CNN-based approach to robust and uncommon speech signals (tonal) using its own designed database for target research. The main objective of this research work was to develop a speech-to-text recognition system to recognize the tonal speech signals of Gurbani hymns using a CNN. Further, the CNN model, with six layers of 2DConv, 2DMax Pooling, and 256 dense layer units (Google's TensorFlow service) was also used in this work, as well as Praat for speech segmentation. Feature extraction was enforced using the MFCC feature extraction technique, which extracts standard speech features and features of background music as well. Our study reveals that the CNN-based method for identifying tonal speech sentences and adding instrumental knowledge performs better than the existing and conventional approaches. The experimental results demonstrate the significant performance of the present CNN architecture by providing an 89.15% accuracy rate and a 10.56% WER for continuous and extensive vocabulary sentences of speech signals with different tones.
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This paper introduces a natural language understanding (NLU) framework for argumentative dialogue systems in the information-seeking and opinion building domain. The proposed framework consists of two sub-models, namely intent classifier and argument similarity. Intent classifier model stack BiLSTM with attention mechanism on top of pre-trained BERT model and fine-tune the model for recognizing the user intent, whereas argument similarity model employs BERT+BiLSTM for identifying system arguments the user refers to in his or her natural language utterances. Our model is evaluated in an argumentative dialogue system that engages the user to inform him-/herself about a controversial topic by exploring pro and con arguments and build his/her opinion towards the topic. In order to evaluate the proposed approach, we collect user utterances for the interaction with the respective system labeling intent and referenced argument in an extensive online study. The data collection includes multiple topics and two different user types (native English speakers from the UK and non-native English speakers from China). Additionally, we evaluate the proposed intent classifier and argument similarity models separately on the publicly available Banking77 and STS benchmark datasets. The evaluation indicates a clear advantage of the utilized techniques over baseline approaches on several datasets, as well as the robustness of the proposed approach against new topics and different language proficiency as well as the cultural background of the user. Furthermore, results show that our intent classifier model outperforms DIET, DistillBERT, and BERT fine-tuned models in few-shot setups (i.e., with 10, 20, or 30 labeled examples per intent) and full data setup.
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Conventional automatic speech recognition (ASR) and emerging end-to-end (E2E) speech recognition have achieved promising results after being provided with sufficient resources. However, for low-resource language, the current ASR is still challenging. The Lhasa dialect is the most widespread Tibetan dialect and has a wealth of speakers and transcriptions. Hence, it is meaningful to apply the ASR technique to the Lhasa dialect for historical heritage protection and cultural exchange. Previous work on Tibetan speech recognition focused on selecting phone-level acoustic modeling units and incorporating tonal information but underestimated the influence of limited data. The purpose of this paper is to improve the speech recognition performance of the low-resource Lhasa dialect by adopting multilingual speech recognition technology on the E2E structure based on the transfer learning framework. Using transfer learning, we first establish a monolingual E2E ASR system for the Lhasa dialect with different source languages to initialize the ASR model to compare the positive effects of source languages on the Tibetan ASR model. We further propose a multilingual E2E ASR system by utilizing initialization strategies with different source languages and multilevel units, which is proposed for the first time. Our experiments show that the performance of the proposed method-based ASR system exceeds that of the E2E baseline ASR system. Our proposed method effectively models the low-resource Lhasa dialect and achieves a relative 14.2% performance improvement in character error rate (CER) compared to DNN-HMM systems. Moreover, from the best monolingual E2E model to the best multilingual E2E model of the Lhasa dialect, the system’s performance increased by 8.4% in CER.
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Chatbots have become very popular in our times and are used in several fields. The emergence of chatbots has created a new way of communicating between human and computer interaction. In this study, we have developed a Chatbot in Arabic language, which is a program that can understand and analyze Arabic language. The Chatbot developed in this study contributes to its users about the Prophet's biography and provide them with valuable information. SeerahBot will be the first chatbot dedicated to the Prophet's biography. We implemented this system by using two methods first build retrieval based chatbot from scratch using natural language processing NLP and machine learning techniques and second technique we used a chatbot design platform. To facilitate access to SeerahBot, we have made it available on Telegram. SeerahBot was tested, and the results were acceptable.
We present a general solution towards building task-oriented dialogue systems for online shopping, aiming to assist online customers in completing various purchase-related tasks, such as searching products and answering questions, in a natural language conversation manner. As a pioneering work, we show what & how existing NLP techniques, data resources, and crowdsourcing can be leveraged to build such task-oriented dialogue systems for E-commerce usage. To demonstrate its effectiveness, we integrate our system into a mobile online shopping app. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first time that an AI bot in Chinese is practically used in online shopping scenario with millions of real consumers. Interesting and insightful observations are shown in the experimental part, based on the analysis of human-bot conversation log. Several current challenges are also pointed out as our future directions.
Recent advances in neural architectures, such as the Transformer, coupled with the emergence of large-scale pre-trained models such as BERT, have revolutionized the field of Natural Language Processing (NLP), pushing the state of the art for a number of NLP tasks. A rich family of variations of these models has been proposed, such as RoBERTa, ALBERT, and XLNet, but fundamentally, they all remain limited in their ability to model certain kinds of information, and they cannot cope with certain information sources, which was easy for pre-existing models. Thus, here we aim to shed light on some important theoretical limitations of pre-trained BERT-style models that are inherent in the general Transformer architecture. First, we demonstrate in practice on two general types of tasks—segmentation and segment labeling—and on four datasets that these limitations are indeed harmful and that addressing them, even in some very simple and naïve ways, can yield sizable improvements over vanilla RoBERTa and XLNet models. Then, we offer a more general discussion on desiderata for future additions to the Transformer architecture that would increase its expressiveness, which we hope could help in the design of the next generation of deep NLP architectures.
Sentence boundary detection (SBD) is an essential step for a very large number of natural language processing applications such as parsing, information retrieval, automatic summarization, machine translation, etc. In this paper, we tackle the problem of SBD of dialectal Arabic, especially for the Tunisian dialect. We compare the efficiency of three learning algorithms: Deep Neuronal Networks (DNN), Support Vector Machines (SVM) and Conditional Random Fields (CRF) to detect the boundaries of sentences written in different types of dialect. The best model achieved an F-measure of 84.37% using CRF which is a popular formalism for structured prediction in NLP and it has been widely applied in text segmentation. (Read here: