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Association of Vitamins and Neurotransmitters: Understanding the Effect on Schizophrenia



One of the most challenging tasks is identifying all the chemical interactions inside the human body. The interplay of vitamins and neurotransmitters is an intriguing topic to study to understand the body-brain relationship better. Schizophrenia is a severe brain disorder in which neurotransmitters play a crucial role. We find significantly less study to investigate the linkage between the two in schizophrenia. This study attempted to determine the link between various vitamins found in our daily diet and neurotransmitters in our brain that are important for optimal mental functioning, focusing on schizophrenia. We conducted a comprehensive evaluation of the relevant literature, examined the significance of vitamins in the human body, and paid attention to those essential for proper brain growth. We also studied the linkage of neurotransmitters and their alterations due to the influence of vitamins in schizophrenia patients. Our study finds that vitamin E has a subtle effect on the dysfunction of serotonin and glutamate, and vitamin D affects dopamine. These findings prove the association of vitamin intake and its effect on the onset of schizophrenia, influencing the responsible neurotransmitters. To our best knowledge, this is the first study to examine the most relevant literature and present these findings, which may improve the understanding of the neuroscience domain and help further research.
ISSN 1819-7124, Neurochemical Journal, 2022, Vol. 16, No. 1, pp. 39–45. © Pleiades Publishing, Ltd., 2022.
Association of Vitamins and Neurotransmitters:
Understanding the Effect on Schizophrenia
Videsha Bansala and Indranath Chatterjeea, b, 1
a Chatterjee’s NeuroImaging and AI Lab, Tongmyong University, Busan, 48520 South Korea
b Department of Computer Engineering, Tongmyong University, Busan, 48520 South Korea
Received June 22, 2021; revised August 22, 2021; accepted September 2, 2021
Abstract—One of the most challenging tasks is identifying all the chemical interactions inside the human
body. The interplay of vitamins and neurotransmitters is an intriguing topic to study to understand the body-
brain relationship better. Schizophrenia is a severe brain disorder in which neurotransmitters play a crucial
role. We find significantly less study to investigate the linkage between the two in schizophrenia. This study
attempted to determine the link between various vitamins found in our daily diet and neurotransmitters in our
brain that are important for optimal mental functioning, focusing on schizophrenia. We conducted a com-
prehensive evaluation of the relevant literature, examined the significance of vitamins in the human body, and
paid attention to those essential for proper brain growth. We also studied the linkage of neurotransmitters and
their alterations due to the influence of vitamins in schizophrenia patients. Our study finds that vitamin E has
a subtle effect on the dysfunction of serotonin and glutamate, and vitamin D affects dopamine. These find-
ings prove the association of vitamin intake and its effect on the onset of schizophrenia, influencing the
responsible neurotransmitters. To our best knowledge, this is the first study to examine the most relevant lit-
erature and present these findings, which may improve the understanding of the neuroscience domain and
help further research.
Keywords: schizophrenia, vitamins, neurotransmitters, human brain, linkage, neurochemistry, vitamin D,
vitamin E, serotonin, glutamate, dopamine, psychological disorder
DOI: 10.1134/S1819712422010032
Around one percent of the global population suf-
fers from the debilitating mental disorder known as
schizophrenia [1]. Davison et al. [2] and American
Psychiatric Association [3] stated that the life span of
a person who has schizophrenia reduces by 0.4 to
0.7%. However, the diagnosis of schizophrenia is
entirely relied on clinical interviews and observing
symptoms. There are five types of schizophrenia,
namely, paranoid, disorganized, catatonic, undiffer-
entiated, and residual, which are classified according
to the observable symptoms [4]. Usually, the symp-
toms like hallucination and delusion are observed the
most. Nonetheless, cognitive symptoms are also
observed during schizophrenia.
The developmental status of illness may be divided
into four stages. Stage 1 is the onset of schizophrenia
diagnosed with the help of family history, environ-
mental and lifestyle risk. Stage 2 is the onset of schizo-
phrenia diagnosed with the help of cognitive assess-
ment. Stage 3 is the onset of schizophrenia diagnosed
with the help of a clinical trial, and stage 4, being the
onset of schizophrenia at this stage, is done with the
help of clinical interviews [5]. According to stage 1,
factors like genetics, environment, and lifestyle play a
significant role in the onset of schizophrenia. Besides
these, neurotransmitters and anti-psychotic drugs are
also responsible for causing schizophrenia [6].
Researchers have been working to find the link
between lifestyle and psychotic disorder, especially
schizophrenia. One of the significant connections
between lifestyle and schizophrenia stated by different
scientists is the deficiency of vitamins and minerals
causing psychotic disorders. Our daily diet affects our
body growth and plays a vital role in our brain devel-
We are aware that deficiency of vitamins causes
several side effects in the human body. From poor
body growth to weak eyesight and even mental disor-
der, vitamin deficiency can cause several complica-
tions. Among several causes of schizophrenia, lifestyle
is one of the leading triggers. A sufferer’s lifestyle cov-
ers all three aspects of his life, physical, mental and
emotional. In 1999, Ramakrishna T. [7] stated that
more than one-eighth of the population is undernour-
ished and suffers from different mental disorders.
1Corresponding author; address: Chatterjee’s NeuroImaging and
AI Lab, Tongmyong University, Busan-48520, South Korea;
Every vitamin has its responsibility in the human brain
and body development. Thus, this review explores
each vitamin in detail to find the linkage between how
each vitamin is responsible for any psychotic symp-
toms leading to schizophrenia. From the previously
available work to the role of different vitamins, we have
discussed how other people found various vitamins
responsible for symptoms of schizophrenia. Later
moving towards the discussion section, we discuss
how different vitamins can help in improving schizo-
phrenia symptoms and also state various research
opportunities which could be taken into consideration
in this field.
Researchers initially believed there could be a link-
age between vitamin deficiency and schizophrenia,
and with intensive research, they found that various
vitamins are responsible for mental disorders.
In 1985, Petrie W.M. & Ban T.A. [8] discussed the
role of different vitamins in psychiatry. The authors
addressed each vitamin in-depth, including the com-
plication observed due to the lack of specific vitamins.
They have also focused on how different vitamins
could be used to treat mental disorders, majorly
schizophrenia. Later in 2008, Hoffer L.J. [9] talked
about different vitamins in the light of the complica-
tions experienced due to vitamin deficiency to the role
of vitamin therapy in treating schizophrenia. Again,
the authors touched upon every aspect where vitamins
and schizophrenia could be linked.
Firth J. et al. [1] performed a systematic review of
all randomized controlled trials (RCTs) to note the
effect of vitamins and minerals on people who have
schizophrenia. The authors concluded that there is
evidence that if the level of a few vitamins and minerals
is maintained, then it could result in the reduction of
schizophrenia symptoms. Finally, Peet M. [10] dis-
cussed how a person’s lifestyle could lead to schizo-
phrenia or mental disorder in a similar line. The
author majorly focuses on the diet and diabetes in
schizophrenia. This study confirmed that changes in a
person’s lifestyle could develop mental health and
improve cognitive symptoms in schizophrenia.
We came across investigations that focused only on
one vitamin and its role in schizophrenia. Recently,
Cao B. et al. [11] investigated the link between vita-
min B and schizophrenia and selected six vitamins
from the vitamin B family. They found that lower pyr-
idoxine levels and high nicotinamide level contributes
to schizophrenia. In contrast, biotin, choline, ribofla-
vin, and pyridoxamine showed no contribution to
schizophrenia. Brown H.E. & Roffman J.L. [12] dis-
cussed the role of different vitamins in mental disor-
ders and then concluded that folic acid, vitamin B,
and D play a vital role in stabilizing the symptoms of
schizophrenia. Finally, the role of vitamin E and C in
schizophrenia was discussed by D’souza B. &
D’souza, V. [13]. The authors focused on how vita-
min E and C prevent further oxidative injury and
improve behavioral symptoms of people living with
Besides lifestyle, one of the significant causes of
schizophrenia is the malfunctioning of different neu-
rotransmitters in the brain [6]. Further studies [14]
showcase that the nutrients we consume do facilitates
the release of different neurotransmitters. Table 1 is a
summary of various vitamins and the neurotransmit-
ters which are triggered by each one of them. Thus, it
could be concluded that a proper diet with all the vita-
mins keeps our body fit and improves our mental
health intact.
The available pieces of the literature suggest that
every vitamin is responsible for some roles in schizo-
phrenia. However, before we discuss the role of each
vitamin in schizophrenia, let us focus on all vitamins
Vitamins are organic compounds, an essential part
of the human diet. Each vitamin is responsible for one
or more physical or mental developments in the
human body. Table 2 summarizes all the responsibili-
ties of each vitamin. There are six types of vitamins dif-
ferentiated based on solubility. Vitamin B (group) and
C are water-soluble, and vitamins A, D, E, and K are
fat-soluble. Firth, J. et al. [1] mentioned in their study
that people who have schizophrenia were found to
have a deficit in some vitamins. They also discussed
various vitamins and minerals that could be added to a
patient’s diet to reduce some symptoms of schizophre-
Table 1. Different neurotransmitters triggered by different
Vitamin Influenced neurotransmitter
Vitamin A Dopamine [15]
Vitamin B
B1 Serotonin [16]
B2 Serotonin and noradrenaline [17]
B3 Serotonin, GABA [18, 19]
B5 Acetycholine [20]
B6 Dopamine, serotonin, GABA [16, 17]
B7 –
B9 Dopamine [17]
B12 Serotonin and noradrenaline [17]
Vitamin C Serotonin [21]
Vitamin D Dopamine and Serotonin [22–24]
Vitamin E Serotonin [21]
Vitamin K Glutamate [25]
nia. Vitamins B, C, D, and E play a significant role in
schizophrenia. The part of vitamin A and vitamin K
during schizophrenia is to be identified with various
clinical studies.
The significant vitamins contributing to schizo-
phrenia are as follow:
(1) Vitamin B (B1, B2, B3, B5, B7, B9, and B12)
(2) Vitamin C [30–33]
(3) Vitamin D [23, 34–36]
(4) Vitamin E [37–41]
Table 1 establishes the links between vitamins and
neurotransmitters. Thus, along with the details of each
critical vitamin, their connection with different neu-
rotransmitters responsible for schizophrenia is dis-
cussed herewith.
Vitamin B and group. Vitamin B is a collection of
eight vitamins, namely, B1 (thiamine); B2 (ribof la-
vin); B3 (niacin); B5 (pantothenic acid); B6 (pyridox-
ine); B7 (biotin); B9 (folate) and B12 (cobalamin).
Each sub vitamin is responsible for one or more devel-
opments in human beings. Thiamine is responsible for
converting glucose to energy circulated in the entire
body through cells for proper working. It is also
responsible for proper muscle movement [29].
Researches [27, 28] also showcase that people who
have schizophrenia were found to have a deficit of
vitamin B1. Mental symptoms like seizures and weak
mental ability were noted [28]. The link between thia-
mine and schizophrenia was studied by Vinh quc-
Lương K. & Nguyn L.T.H. [27], and the authors con-
cluded that lack of thiamine during schizophrenia
could lead to problems like inflammation and oxida-
tive stress. They also mention that absorption of thia-
mine decrease with increasing age, and thus, treat-
ment of schizophrenia with increasing age could be
more challenging. Recently, Calderón-Ospina C.A.,
& Nava-Mesa M.O. [16] mentioned a link between
thiamine and neurotransmitter serotonin which is
again responsible for the onset of schizophrenia.
We observed several essential vitamins in overall
human development, moving towards vitamin B2 and
B3, respectively known as riboflavin and niacin. Vita-
min B2 is responsible for maximum redox reactions in
the human body [42]. A study [42] concludes that lack
of vitamin B2 could lead to brain dysfunction and per-
sonality change. On the other hand, vitamin B3 (nia-
cin) was found responsible for human body develop-
ment and proper mental function [26]. Recently in
2019, Gasperi V. et al. [43] mentioned that lack of vita-
min B3 in humans could lead to neurodegenerative
diseases like Alzheimer’s, schizophrenia, and even
headache. Prousky J. [19] stated the role of vitamin B3
(niacin) in triggering the feel-good neurotransmitter,
i.e., serotonin.
Among the vitamins, such as B5, B6, B7, B9, and
B12, it is evident that only vitamin B6 and B12 majorly
contribute to the mental development of humans.
Vitamin B5, B7, and B9 are responsible for the pro-
duction of new proteins and fats [44], regulation of
DNA [45], and DNA replication [46] respectively.
Therefore, the deficiency of these three vitamins could
cause various health complications, even related to
genetic and emotional disorders [47]. Since vitamin
B9 is responsible for treating depression, these three
vitamins could require further clinical-based research
[47]. Vigorous studies [1, 7, 8] showcase that vitamin
B6 and vitamin B12 are responsible for brain develop-
ment and proper functioning of the brain, respectively.
Pyridoxine is accountable for releasing three major
neurotransmitters, i.e., dopamine, serotonin, and
Table 2. Natural supplements of vitamins and the recommended dietary allowed per day (RDA)
* Source—sunlight.
Food Products
Vegetarian Non-vegetarian
Vitamin A [59–61] Vegetarian—milk, sweet potatoes,
carrots, pumpkin, spinach, mangoes,
Non-vegetarian—liver, eggs,
shrimp, fish.
700–900 μg
Vitamin B (B1 to B12) [60, 61] Soymilk, watermelon, milk, yogurt,
cheese, grain, cereal, broccoli, avocados,
mushroom, potatoes, bananas, tofu,
orange juice
Ham, meat, fish, eggs,
1.5 –2 mg
Vitamin C [60, 61] Fruits, potatoes, broccoli, bell peppers,
spinach, strawberries, tomatoes, sprouts
–7590 mg
Vitamin D* [59–61] Milk, cereals Fatty fish 10–20 mg
Vitamin E [59–61] Vegetable oil, leafy green vegetables,
grains and nuts
15 m g
Vitamin K [62, 63] Cabbage, milk, spinach, broccoli Eggs 90–120 μg
GABA, responsible for causing schizophrenia [16].
Thus, changes in the level of vitamin B6 could affect
the onset and offset of schizophrenia. In some studies
[11, 16, 47], we find that the level of vitamin B12
affects mental stability, cognitive activities, mood,
energy level, causing neuropsychiatric disorders. Vita-
min B may be considered as a prime vitamin that could
help in the treatment of schizophrenia along with
heavy anti-psychotic drugs.
Vitamin C. Vitamin C is a natural water-soluble
antioxidant and reducing agent [30]. It is abundant in
the brain and helps neuronal regulation [31]. Tracing
back to the late 90s, Milner G. [32] linked vitamin C
with chronic schizophrenia [9]. Lee L. et al. [21] men-
tioned the link between vitamin C and different neu-
rotransmitters in the brain. The level of serotonin was
highly affected by the level of vitamin C in the brain.
Deana R. et al. [33] found that levels of acetylcholin-
esterase and catecholamine depend on the concentra-
tion of vitamin C. Any change in these levels could be
a connection to variation in the synapses of different
neurotransmitters. Other than schizophrenia, vitamin
C also plays a vital role in other mental disorders like
Alzheimer’s [48] and dementia [21].
Vitamin D. Vitamin D is the only vitamin that we
could directly get from sunlight. Vitamin D is pro-
duced when our skin is exposed to sunlight [35]. From
bone metabolism to building the immune systems and
neuromuscular development, vitamin D is responsible
for many activities in the human body [34]. Stubbs B.
et al. [49] stated low bone mass and osteoporosis prev-
alence during schizophrenia. Vitamin D plays a vital
role in the treatment of osteoporosis. Thus, a direct
link between schizophrenia and vitamin D could be
established through this prevalence [23]. Neurotrans-
mitters that are being affected due to the level of vita-
min D are dopamine [23, 36]; glutamate [23, 50]; and
GABA [23, 50]. These three neurotransmitters play a
vital role in schizophrenia, but a link between vitamin
D and dopamine is reported more than glutamate and
GABA. In addition to this, Kulaksizoglu S. & Kulak-
sizoglu, B. [24] linked vitamin D deficiency with psy-
Vitamin E. In the early 90s, Evans and Bishop dis-
covered a whole new group of eight naturally occur-
ring vitamins that were fat-soluble and antioxidant in
nature. They named it Vitamin E [51]. Rizvi S. et al.
[52] stated that vitamin E is not fully effective in the
human body; an equal amount of vitamin C, B3, sele-
nium, and glutathione is essential. Thus, from this
statement, we could understand the linkage between
the vitamins. Any changes in vitamin C and B3 levels
could lead to changes in vitamin E as well. Starting
from immunity booster [37] to the anti-inflammation
agent [38, 39] to a mental disorder like Alzheimer [40,
41] to cardiovascular diseases [53] and lastly cancer
[54], vitamin E plays a vital role to prevent all of such
complications. An optimum level of vitamin E in the
human body keeps it away from all the mentioned
complications. As stated before, if vitamin E is com-
bined with vitamin C, then it is even helpful in the pre-
vention of complications like cataracts [55], menstrual
pain, and pre-eclampsia [52, 56]. Desrumaux C.M.
et al. [57] studied the role of vitamin E behind anxiety
in adulthood. They stated that lack of vitamin E during
pregnancy could cause some alteration in glutamate
level, eventually leading to anxiety issues in adulthood
[52]. On a similar line, Bošković M. et al. [58] studied
the role of vitamin E in schizophrenia and observed
improvement in the glutathione system. Their results
also showcased that if vitamin E is insufficient, there is
minor motor retardation. Vitamin E, along with other
vitamins places a crucial role in schizophrenia. They
might not prevent it entirely, but the symptoms and
person’s struggle during schizophrenia could be
reduced by maintaining the level of each vitamin.
From the above discussion, we could clearly state
that vitamins are essential to overall development.
Besides physical complications, lack of vitamins can
cause various mental disorders like schizophrenia,
depression, Alzheimer’s. Thus, including a proper
amount of each vitamin in our diet is essential. Table 2
lists some food items that contain different vitamins
and recommended dietary allowed per day. These
vitamins may not prevent a mental disorder com-
pletely but indeed can reduce the aggressiveness of
such conditions. Therefore, an optimum level of vita-
mins in the human body is a necessity.
As discussed, schizophrenia is caused due to vari-
ous reasons like the malfunctioning of neurotransmit-
ters, lifestyle, adverse environment, drugs, and genet-
ics [6, 63, 64]. Individually each factor that causes
schizophrenia is discussed vastly, but interlinking
among the elements is the trend research [5, 64]. In
this review paper, we have discussed the role of differ-
ent vitamins and attempted to link each vitamin with
one or more neurotransmitters associated with schizo-
phrenia. We have discussed the related work rigorously
and the stated role of each vitamin in developing phys-
ical and mental health. After discussing all the vita-
mins, we shifted our focus to the vitamins related to vari-
ous mental disorders and malfunctioning of neurotrans-
mitters; thus, vitamin B, vitamin C, vitamin D, and
vitamin E were discussed more thoroughly in Fig. 1.
After collecting the relevant data, it was noted that
only a few sub vitamins of vitamin B are related to the
brain and its activities. Vitamin B1, vitamin B2, vita-
min B3, vitamin B6, and vitamin B12 are highly
related to human brain development. More efforts are
being made to identify vitamin B9 in developing the
human brain and its related disorders. Thus, in total,
vitamin B is not just essential for physical development
but also brain development.
We cannot deny that we need a robust immunity
system to fight any medical complications, and vita-
min C boosts our immunity system. In this path, we
discussed vitamin C, the immunity booster. From the
relevant studies, we noted that vitamin C is also
responsible for healthy neuronal regulation in the
human brain and detoxification of the body. Connect-
ing it with schizophrenia and mental disorder, differ-
ent studies established a link between vitamin C and
the level of serotonin in the human brain. Therefore, a
gradually falling immunity could be a sign of low vita-
min C and low serotonin levels in the human body,
which could have adverse side effects on mental
health, resulting in different neurodegenerative disor-
ders like schizophrenia.
Ramakrishna, T. [7] stated that vitamin D is highly
essential for developing cerebellar parts in the human
brain. Along with its role in bone metabolism, it is
highly required for neuromuscular development in
humans. During osteoporosis, vitamin D plays a vital
role. The relevant studies noted that neurotransmitters
like dopamine, glutamate, and GABA are connected
to vitamin D. Therefore, vitamin D plays a vital role in
neurodegenerative disorders, i.e., schizophrenia.
Vitamin E is highly effective in improving our
immunity system against diseases like cancer and cat-
aract. Also, relevant studies showcased its role in pre-
venting/decreasing mental disorders like Alzheimer’s
disease and schizophrenia, linked to the glutathione
system. We found a major research gap linked to the
interactions of vitamins because of vitamin E (see Fig. 1).
Vitamin E is extremely interacting among all vitamins.
Other encounters can lead to new techniques to diag-
nose even during therapy any underlined mental ill-
ness. Thus, researchers should focus more on the
interactions among the vitamins and how they can
collectively change mental health. Recently,
Kulaksızoglu B. et al. [66] evaluated the interconnec-
tion between vitamin B12, homocysteine, and methi-
onine along with their serum ratio in 62 schizophrenic
patients. They concluded that due to deficiency of
B12, the level of homocysteine and methionine could
rise, due to which patients could suffer from various
other health complications. We firmly believe that a
proper diet keeping all the vitamins in mind and anti-
psychotic drugs could help the patient deal with a
chronic mental disorder like schizophrenia with more
ease. To sum up, we believe that even if the vitamins
could not prevent any mental illness, it is undoubtedly
capable of building the body for a long fight against
any health complications.
The difficulty grows much more while studying the
human brain because it is the most complicated organ
in your body. This paper attempted to link several vita-
mins in our daily diet with neurotransmitters in our
brains responsible for good mental activity. In this
paper, we have gradually moved towards factors that
could be related and may cause schizophrenia. We
carefully examined and analyzed the significance of
Fig. 1. Association and interconnection between vitamins and neurotransmitters to understand its effect on schizophrenia (Dot-
ted line represents interconnection between vitamins).
Vitamin B
(B1, B2, B3, B6, B12)
Sources: milk, eggs, fruits, carrots.
Other problems: seizures, neurodegenerative diseases,
emotional health issues, change in energy level
of serotonin GABA
of dopamine,
glutamate & GABA
of serotonin,
of serotonin
Sources: fruits, potatoes, broccoli & sprouts.
Other problems: weak immune system, neuronal de-regulation,
dental problems
Sources: milk, cereals, fish & sunlight.
Other problems: osteoporosis, digestive problems,
eected neurotransmitters, emotional issues
Sources: grains & nuts, leafy vegetables & eggs.
Other problems: low immunity, cardiovascular issues, cataract
complication, depression and mental health derioration
Vitamin C
Vitamin EVitamin D
numerous vitamins in the human body in the relevant
literature. We have also focused on the vitamins
responsible for healthy brain growth. Here, we have
additionally focused on the human brain triggering
neurotransmitters. Changes in neurotransmitters have
already been shown to cause mental illnesses, such as
schizophrenia. We then reviewed our results and
ended our research with all the gaps in the research
with the hope of bringing coherence and future study
to this subject.
This research work was performed during the RA-ship
of Ms. Videsha Bansal under the supervision of
Dr. Indranath Chatterjee at Chatterjee’s Neuroimaging and
AI Lab, Busan, South Korea. The authors acknowledge
Tongmyong University for providing the platform to com-
plete the study.
No external funding was received.
Conflicts of interest. The authors declare that they have
no conflicts of interest.
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... We know that a vitamin shortage in the body has several negative repercussions. Vitamin insufficiency can result in several issues, including slow physical growth, bad eyesight, and even mental disorders (Bansal & Chatterjee, 2022). Various alternatives or safeguards must be taken to avoid this worst-case situation. ...
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Alzheimer's disease (AD) is a common neurological disorder characterised by the progressive shrinkage of brain tissue and the death of cells. Understanding how genetic and environmental factors interact to cause AD is challenging but crucial for effectively managing and treating this disease. Many personal, social, and economic impacts can be attributed to AD, making it a crucial area for research. This paper proposes using Internet of Things (IoT) technologies to assist people with Alzheimer's disease. IoT can potentially enhance people's quality of life and simplify daily activities. IoT applications in healthcare, smart homes, and patient tracking have been explored. Various sensors, devices, and software can be utilised to monitor patients' health status. By leveraging IoT, we can develop innovative solutions to address AD management challenges and improve the overall quality of patient care.
... Vitamin C influences neurotransmitter concentration. It exhibits antioxidant, neurotrophic, and neuromodulator properties [84]. It can be particularly beneficial in conditions of oxidative stress and compromised immunity [13]. ...
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Major depressive disorder and bipolar disorder are the leading causes of global disability. Approximately 50% of patients fail to attain remission, prompting a pronounced focus on the significance of dietary patterns and specific nutrients within the pathophysiology of mood disorders. The connection between chronic diseases and mood disorders follows a bidirectional pattern: physical ailments are interrelated with affective disorders, and, concurrently, mood symptoms often precede chronic diseases and have the potential to worsen their prognosis. Nutraceuticals affect factors that could potentially impact the onset of mood disorders: monoamines and brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) concentrations, neuroinflammation, oxidative stress, and sleep quality. Furthermore, mood disorders rarely manifest in isolation. Typically, such patients concurrently experience other mental disorders or somatic comorbidities: obesity, hypertension, diabetes, polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), etc., where providing nutritional support is also pertinent. To optimize the therapeutic approach for individuals with mood disorders, incorporating nutritional support may not solely ameliorate symptoms stemming directly from the mental condition, but also indirectly through interventions targeting comorbidities.
... Vitamins play a vital role in cellular metabolism, and a low level of vitamin B is commonly seen in ScZ patients, as vitamin D deficiency is also reported in ScZ (Bansal and Chatterjee 2022). It has been reported that vitamin D deficiency can increase the risk of ScZ (Brown and Roffman 2014). ...
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Schizophrenia (ScZ) is a mental condition in which individuals’ views of reality are distorted. Hallucinations, delusions, altered cognition, and behavior are some of the symptoms of ScZ, making it a challenging condition to deal with daily life. Recognizing the clinical manifestations of ScZ early is essential. It is caused by genetic factors, alterations in the neurotransmitter system, mitochondrial dysfunction, immunological variables, and psychological issues. Apart from these causes, traumatic events in childhood or particularly cannabis consumption during adolescence (a critical phase in the development of the brain) may influence the disease’s origin, progression, and relapse risk. Initiating early treatment immediately after the initial episode of psychosis is important for recovery. The patients usually require long-term treatment. There are multiple medications available for treating and managing symptoms associated with ScZ. These medicines have been shown to ameliorate the symptoms related to ScZ. However, several drugs show adverse side effects. This chapter discusses the well-known drugs and the mechanism of action, and some of the emerging compounds that can be used to treat ScZ effectively. Curcumin, emodin, stigmasterol, spinach, vitamins, exogenous melatonin, and cannabidiol, among other developing medicines, have all been proven to ameliorate symptoms linked with schizophrenia.
... CHR patients only exhibit a rise in anhedonia and avolition [41]. Later, when investigating the causes of psychological distress during COVID-19, research on the relationship between vitamins and neurotransmitters assisted us in understanding how vitamin shortage impacts neurotransmitters, resulting in SZ [42]. The vitamin dose provided to COVID-19 participants might be connected to this study. ...
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Background The COVID-19 virus caused countless significant alterations in the human race, the most challenging of which was respiratory and neurological disorders. Several studies were conducted to find a robust therapy for the virus, which led to a slew of additional health issues. Objective This study aims to understand the changes in the neurological system brought about by COVID-19 drugs and highlights the drug-drug interaction between COVID-19 drugs and psychiatric drugs. Alongside this, the study focuses on the neuropsychological changes in three critical mental disorders, such as schizophrenia, Alzheimer’s disease, and Parkinson’s disease. Methods The comprehensive and narrative review being performed in this paper, has brought together the relevant work done on the association of COVID-19 drugs and changes in the neurological system. For this study, a systematic search was performed on several databases such as PubMed, Scopus, and Web of Science. This study also consolidates shreds of evidence about the challenges confronted by patients having disorders like Schizophrenia, Alzheimer’s disease, and Parkinson's disease. This review is based on the studies done on COVID-19 drugs from mid-2020 to date. Conclusion We have identified some scopes of crucial future opportunities which could add more depth to the current knowledge on the association of COVID-19 drugs and the changes in the neurological system. This study may present scope for future work to investigate the pathophysiological changes of these disorders due to COVID-19.
Schizophrenia is a complex disorder signified by both positive and negative symptoms that include delusion, apathy, and cognitive dysfunction. Adolescence is the most affected age group. Cannabis consists of two active agents namely cannabidiol and delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol. The consumption of cannabis has repeatedly been linked to the occurrence of psychosis and subsequently, conversion into schizophrenia. The factors that affect the relationship between cannabis use and schizophrenia are dose, age of onset, gender, genetic predisposition, environmental risk, and comorbid substance use. Many structural and functional alterations occur in the central and peripheral tissues because cannabinoid receptors are stimulated that are found all over the central nervous tissues and in some peripheral tissues. Schizophrenia patients who smoke cannabis have a greater chance of recurrence and extended hospital stays, and exhibit extreme positive manifestations. On the other hand, consumption of cannabis has demonstrated a reduction in negative symptoms and improvement in cognitive performance. It diminishes psychotic symptoms and has lesser adverse effects as compared to other antipsychotic drugs. Current evidence suggests that the consumption of high potency cannabis carries a higher chance of onset and progression of schizophrenia. It is recommended to develop preventive programs to avoid the harmful impact of cannabis use in the community.
Schizophrenia (SZD) is one of the chronic disorders but is not very common. The symptoms of SZD are broadly divided into two types: positive and negative symptoms. Still SZD is hard to diagnose at an initial level because it shares some similar characteristics with other disorders like Alzheimer’s (AD), Parkinson’s (PD), or chronic and manic depression. Characterizing it from other mental disorders is one of the most vital works. In this chapter, we have covered five major mental disorders which share some or the other common characteristics. We have selected SZD, AD, PD, chronic depression, and Bi-polar disorder. Starting from their definition to its severity, we have highlighted different characteristics like biological, psychological, and cognitive characteristics of SZD, and how it is different from other disorders. Wherever possible we have also linked more than two disorders and ways to differentiate them from each other. We have also discussed the clinical methods to diagnose each selected mental disorder and is there an effective way to treat it or not. This chapter sheds a limited light on each selected disorder.
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Schizophrenia is the seventh largest cause of impairment in people aged from 15 to 44 years around the world. This is the long-term psychological disorder marked by illusions, thinking and attention difficulties, absence of desire along with that the majority will have significant and long-term social impairments. Generally, schizophrenia is associated with positive as well as negative or cognitive symptoms. The conventional antipsychotics are used to treat the positive symptoms but the negative symptoms are rarely treated. There were no effective drugs for the treatment of schizophrenia before the introduction of antidopaminergic psychotropic drugs in the 1950s. Here, we described the key meta-analytic evidence on the efficacy of antipsychotics in the acute treatment of schizophrenia, particularly clozapine in treatment-resistant patients. In this chapter, primarily we have focused on the neuropharmacological treatment options available for schizophrenia and how has the treatment changed over time. An improved understanding of how conventional antipsychotic drugs convey their therapeutic effect during the treatment and what are the cutting-edge alternatives that are available in order to mitigate the drawbacks of traditional neuroleptics.
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Schizophrenia is a psychological disorder, way tougher to diagnose than other psychological disorders, as it shares similar symptoms with psychosis. As we know, schizophrenia occurs due to chemical imbalance in the brain; identifying the role of neurotransmitters in schizophrenia poses a vital area to study. Neurotransmitters being the sole carrier of different brain activities, researchers have already initiated studies to investigate their role and effect in disorder. Firstly, this paper performs a critical review of the literature that dealt with different neurotransmitters in schizophrenia. Secondly, we identify the most important neurotransmitters and broadly elaborate on their functional roles and effects on the disorder. Finally, we have successfully identified various gaps and unexplored research questions to investigate these neurochemicals' role. Studies show that neurotransmitters like dopamine, glutamate, GABA, serotonin, and oxytocin are majorly responsible for schizophrenia, among which dopamine contributes the most. To the best of our knowledge, this paper encapsulates all the neurotransmitters, enzymes, and chemicals for the first time and explores their related literature. This study also identifies the most responsible chemicals involved in schizophrenia and unfolds the research community's unsolved problem.
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Schizophrenia is a severe mental illness in which people experience hallucinations and delusions. Reasons for happening schizophrenia are genetics, occur in a family, and it is heritable. It can happen due to the brain's inappropriate development due to complications at the time of birth due to the intake of drugs and an increase in the environment's stress level. Diagnosing critical psychological disorders like schizophrenia, functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) has always been proved its beneficial usage. This technique measures the indirect neural activity of the brain tracing the oxygenation level of the blood flow. Resting-state fMRI measures the same in the rest condition of the patient while doing no cognitive task. In this review article, we first describe schizophrenia and a brief description of its occurrence, cause, symptoms, and treatment. Secondly, we describe the fMRI technology followed by the resting-state analysis, and finally, we describe the methods of data analysis briefly to diagnose schizophrenia with resting-state fMRI. This review article may act like a start-up for the research in this domain.
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Schizophrenia is a mental disorder that results in adverse functional and biochemical changes in the brain. Although normal ageing significantly affects the brain of a person structurally as well as functionally, the functional activation pattern in the brain of a schizophrenia patient may change differentially with age. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first of its kind fMRI-based study to find the functional changes in the brain of schizophrenia patients associated with ageing. In this study, we aim to compare the age-related variations in the functional activation pattern in the brain of schizophrenia patients vis a vis the healthy controls. For this study, we have used 1.5T fMRI data of 60 subjects and 3T fMRI data of 50 subjects, having an equal number of schizophrenia and healthy subjects. We have split this dataset into multiple age-groups. We applied a three-stage methodology comprising the application of the general linear model, followed by statistical hypothesis testing, and a finally bi-objective NSGA-II algorithm for selection of relevant voxels. The proposed methodology yielded a set of relevant voxels in the brain that demonstrate the age related variations in activation patterns. Specifically, it revealed increased functional activations in elderly patients suffering from schizophrenia in multiple brain regions, mostly located in areas like frontal lobe, temporal lobe and parietal lobe as compared to the young schizophrenic patients. These findings may help in making decisions for differential clinical management of younger patients as compared to the elderly ones.
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Indications Vitamin B1 is one of the eight B vitamins. It has acquired several names since its discovery, including aneurin and, as of the year 2000, thiamin (thiamine). Because thiamin can only be stored in the body for a short time before excretion, a regular dietary intake of thiamin is necessary to maintain proper blood levels. Moderate amounts of thiamin are present in most foods, yet the food sources richest in thiamin include whole-grains, brown rice, pork, poultry, soybeans, nuts, dried beans, peas, and fortified or enriched grain products such as cereals. The recommended daily intake (RDI) for adults over age eighteen is 1.2 mg/day for men and 1.1 mg/day for women. For children, adequate intake levels are lower, with RDI levels at 0.2 mg/day during early infancy that steadily increase with age. Women of any age who are pregnant or should increase their daily intake of thiamin to 1.4 mg/day. Vitamin B1 deficiencies may occur if the required daily intake (RDI) is not maintained.; this can happen with alcohol abuse, poor nutrition, fasting, restricted access to food, persistent vomiting, and in cases where the absorption of thiamin becomes hindered. Additionally, individuals with excessive carbohydrate consumption may fail to compensate by increasing their level of thiamin intake, resulting in a thiamin deficiency since thiamin plays a role in carbohydrate metabolism. Decreased thiamin levels can result in reduced enzymatic activity, altered mitochondrial activity, impaired oxidative metabolism, and reduced energy production. Many cells and organ systems can be affected, and cell death can occur. Neurons have high energy requirements and therefore are especially vulnerable to a thiamin deficit.
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Maintaining a metabolic steady state is essential for an organism's fitness and survival when confronted with environmental stress, and metabolic imbalance can be reversed by exposing the organism to fasting. Here, we attempted to apply this physiological principle to mammalian cell cultures to improve cellular fitness and consequently their ability to express recombinant proteins. We showed that transient vitamin B5 deprivation, an essential cofactor of central cellular metabolism, can quickly and irreversibly affect mammalian cell growth and division. A selection method was designed that relies on mammalian cell dependence on vitamin B5 for energy production, using the co-expression of the B5 transporter SLC5A6 and a gene of interest. We demonstrated that vitamin B5 selection persistently activates peroxisome proliferator-activated receptors (PPAR), a family of transcription factors involved in energy homeostasis, thereby altering lipid metabolism, improving cell fitness and therapeutic protein production. Thus, stable PPAR activation may constitute a cellular memory of past deprivation state, providing increased resistance to further potential fasting events. In other words, our results imply that cultured cells, once exposed to metabolic starvation, may display an improved metabolic fitness as compared to non-exposed cells, allowing increased resistance to cellular stresses.
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Cerebral ischemia/reperfusion (I/R) injury causes cognitive deficits, excitotoxicity, neuroinflammation, oxidative stress and brain edema. Vitamin K2 (Menaquinone 4, MK-4) as a potent antioxidant can be a good candidate to ameliorate I/R consequences. This study focused on the neuroprotective effects of MK-4 for cerebral I/R insult in rat’s hippocampus. The rat model of cerebral I/R was generated by transient bilateral common carotid artery occlusion for 20 min. Rats were divided into control, I/R, I/R+DMSO (solvent (1% v/v)) and I/R+MK-4 treated (400 mg/kg, i.p.) groups. Twenty-four hours after I/R injury induction, total brain water content, superoxide dismutase (SOD) activity, nitrate/nitrite concentration and neuronal density were evaluated. In addition to quantify the apoptosis processes, TUNEL staining, as well as expression level of Bax and Bcl2, were assessed. To evaluate astrogliosis and induced neurotoxicity by I/R GFAP and GLT-1 mRNA expression level were quantified. Furthermore, pro-inflammatory cytokines including IL-1β, IL-6 and TNF-α were measured. Seven days post I/R, behavioral analysis to quantify cognitive function, as well as Nissl staining for surviving neuronal evaluation, were conducted. The findings indicated that administration of MK-4 following I/R injury improved anxiety-like behavior, short term and spatial learning and memory impairment induced by I/R. Also, MK-4 was able to diminish the increased total brain water content, apoptotic cell density, Bax/ Bcl2 ratio and GFAP mRNA expression following I/R. In addition, the high level of nitrate/nitrite, IL-6, IL-1β and TNF-α induced by I/R was reduced after MK-4 administration. However, MK-4 promotes the level of SOD activity and GLT-1 mRNA expression in I/R rat model. The findings demonstrated that MK-4 can rescue transient global cerebral I/R consequences via its anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidative stress features. MK-4 administration ameliorates neuroinflammation, neurotoxicity and neuronal cell death processes and leads to neuroprotection.
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Schizophrenia, a serious psychological disorder, causes auditory and visual hallucinations, and delusions in a person. Several studies have shown that schizophrenia imposes structural changes in human brain. Relative changes in the grey matter volume of the schizophrenia patients in comparison to healthy controls have been well explored. However, identification of relevant brain regions that exhibit grey matter atrophy and also aid in the classification of schizophrenic patients and healthy controls has not been extensively investigated. In this study, a novel application of the non-dominated sorting genetic algorithm has been developed to select a set of relevant features (voxels) that show grey matter changes in the brain regions attributable to schizophrenia. This study uses MRI data of 32 healthy controls and 28 schizophrenia patients. The results show notable shrink in the gray matter volume in the brain of the schizophrenia patients, mostly in inferior frontal gyrus, superior temporal gyrus, middle occipital gyrus, and insula. The proposed approach yields a mean classification accuracy close to 90% with a feature set having around 70 voxels. This study may open a means of investigation of underlying neurobiology of schizophrenic brain for effective clinical intervention.
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Vitamin B5 (d-pantothenic acid; pantothenate) is an essential trace nutrient that functions as the obligate precursor of coenzyme A (CoA), through which it plays key roles in myriad biological processes, including many that regulate carbohydrate, lipid, protein, and nucleic acid metabolism. In the brain, acetyl-CoA is necessary for synthesis of the complex fatty-acyl chains of myelin, and of the neurotransmitter acetylcholine. We recently found that cerebral pantothenate is markedly lowered, averaging ∼55% of control values in cases of Huntington's disease (HD) including those who are pre-symptomatic, and that regions where pantothenate is lowered correspond to those which are more severely damaged. Here we sought to determine the previously unknown distribution of pantothenate in the normal-rat brain, and whether the diabetic rat might be useful as a model for altered cerebral pantothenate metabolism. We employed histological staining (Nissl) to identify brain structures; immunohistochemistry with anti-pantothenate antibodies to determine the distribution of pantothenate in caudate putamen and cerebellum; and gas-chromatography/mass-spectrometry to quantitate levels of pantothenate and other metabolites in normal- and diabetic-rat brain. Remarkably, cerebral pantothenate was almost entirely localized to myelin-containing structures in both experimental groups. Diabetes did not modify levels or disposition of cerebral pantothenate. These findings are consistent with physiological localization of pantothenate in myelinated white-matter structures, where it could serve to support myelin synthesis. Further investigation of cerebral pantothenate is warranted in neurodegenerative diseases such as HD and Alzheimer's disease, where myelin loss is a known characteristic of pathogenesis.
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Background Neurotropic B vitamins play crucial roles as coenzymes and beyond in the nervous system. Particularly vitamin B1 (thiamine), B6 (pyridoxine), and B12 (cobalamin) contribute essentially to the maintenance of a healthy nervous system. Their importance is highlighted by many neurological diseases related to deficiencies in one or more of these vitamins, but they can improve certain neurological conditions even without a (proven) deficiency. Aim This review focuses on the most important biochemical mechanisms, how they are linked with neurological functions and what deficits arise from malfunctioning of these pathways. Discussion We discussed the main role of B Vitamins on several functions in the peripheral and central nervous system (PNS and CNS) including cellular energetic processes, antioxidative and neuroprotective effects, and both myelin and neurotransmitter synthesis. We also provide an overview of possible biochemical synergies between thiamine, pyridoxine, and cobalamin and discuss by which major roles each of them may contribute to the synergy and how these functions are inter‐related and complement each other. Conclusion Taking into account the current knowledge on the neurotropic vitamins B1, B6, and B12, we conclude that a biochemical synergy becomes apparent in many different pathways in the nervous system, particularly in the PNS as exemplified by their combined use in the treatment of peripheral neuropathy.
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Niacin (also known as “vitamin B3” or “vitamin PP”) includes two vitamers (nicotinic acid and nicotinamide) giving rise to the coenzymatic forms nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD) and nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate (NADP). The two coenzymes are required for oxidative reactions crucial for energy production, but they are also substrates for enzymes involved in non-redox signaling pathways, thus regulating biological functions, including gene expression, cell cycle progression, DNA repair and cell death. In the central nervous system, vitamin B3 has long been recognized as a key mediator of neuronal development and survival. Here, we will overview available literature data on the neuroprotective role of niacin and its derivatives, especially focusing especially on its involvement in neurodegenerative diseases (Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, and Huntington’s diseases), as well as in other neuropathological conditions (ischemic and traumatic injuries, headache and psychiatric disorders).