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Imas Rita Saadah

Imas Rita Saadah
Indonesian Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN) · Plant Breeding

Master of Science


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Publications (18)
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Tomatoes are climacteric fruits that experience a surge in respiration rate and ethylene production. This condition affects the fruits’ physiological deterioration, shortens their shelf-life, and degrades the quality of tomatoes. The study aimed to enhance the shelf-life of commercial tomatoes with different genetic backgrounds by utilizing the Sle...
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Disease attacks on shallots ( Allium cepa L. var. aggregatum ) are one of the main constraints on increasing shallot production. Important diseases that often appear in shallots are purple blotch disease ( Alternaria porri ), leaf blight ( Stemphylium vesicarium ), and downy mildew (Peronospora destructor). The diversity of existing varieties is we...
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Chili pepper is a popular horticultural commodity grown across the tropics, including Indonesia. The availability of chili varieties, particularly hybrids, may extend options for growers as well as consumers, depending on their personal preferences and needs. In 2022, research was conducted in the Lembang highlands agroecosystem, West Java, Indones...
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Bawang merah (Allium cepa L. var aggregatum) merupakan salah satu komoditas hortikultura yang banyak dikonsumsi di Indonesia sehingga memiliki nilai ekonomi yang tinggi. Curah hujan yang tinggi sangat mempengaruhi produksi bawang merah. Selain itu varietas yang berbeda dapat menghasilkan karakter produksi yang berbeda pula. Penelitian ini bertujuan...
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Enhancing fruit quality and yield is the goal of creating superior tomato varieties. One area of concern for breeders is fruit shelf life. To produce better offspring, hybridization attempts to combine the traits of two parents, but the results can be unpredictable. Backcrossing can create stable offspring with desired traits and eliminate undesira...
Conference Paper
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Pembibitan merupakan tantangan bagi True Shallot Seeds (TSS). Sebelum disemai, petani sering merendam benih dengan air, air hangat, pestisida, atau zat pengatur tumbuh. Previcur-N merupakan salah satu fungisida yang digunakan petani untuk merendam benih sebelum semai. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk melihat pengaruh Previcur-N pada benih ba...
Conference Paper
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Seed availability is very important in supporting the sustainability of agriculture in a country and maintaining the existence of a variety. Therefore, seeds of OP chili varieties are produced by the Indonesian Vegetables Research Institute through the seed certification process. Identification of the potential and character of seed production of e...
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The obstacles that farmers face by using the True Shallot Seed (TSS) due to the germination ability. In a laboratory level, the application of bio-stimulants was tested to enhance the TSS germination. Two types of bio-stimulants namely Bio A and Bio B with 16 treatment were tested with the TSS. Hypocotyl length, speed of seed germination, germinati...
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Identification of the appearance of shallot accession is needed in the selection of new superior varieties of shallots. Therefore, performance identification of shallot accessions from various parental backgrounds was carried out. Thirty-four shallot accessions were planted on open land in Lembang highlands (1250 m asl) from May to September 2022....
Conference Paper
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Dark Septate Endophyte (DSE) adalah jamur menguntungkan yang termasuk kelas Ascomycetes yang mampu mengkolonisasi akar tanaman sehingga dapat memacu pertumbuhan dan kesehatan tanaman. Di Indonesia, penggunaan DSE pada tanaman sayuran masih kurang. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh penggunaan DSE dengan fungisida terhadap pertumbuha...
Conference Paper
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The use of artificial chemical fertilizers that are very intensive and not in accordance with the availability of soil nutrients, has a negative impact on decreasing agricultural soil fertility and vegetable productivity. The aim of this experiment was to obtain an effective and efficient dose of compound fertilizer (Ca and N) for potato plants in...
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Granola L. is one of potato variety that is very popular in Indonesia and is currently difficult to replace by other varieties. One of the efforts to maintain the genetic purity of the Granola L. variety can be done through biotechnology technique using molecular markers. This research aimed to obtain molecular markers for the Granola L variety. Th...
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The use of biostimulants from endophytic bacteria enriched with seaweed is still rarely used in shallot plants. This study was conducted to determine the effect of reducing NPK chemical fertilizers and adding biostimulants to shallot plants in the highlands. The research was conducted in Lembang, Indonesian Vegetables Research Institute, Indonesia...
Conference Paper
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True Shallot seeds (TSS) are susceptible to seedling. Farmers usually apply pesticides or growth regulators prior sowing. The use of DSE has not been widely tried as pre-sowing seed treatment. Therefore, an experiment was carried out using DSE to determine the response to TSS germination. The experiment was carried out using a one-factor complete r...
Conference Paper
Garlic is one of Indonesia main spices. However, garlic bulb needs a long period of dormancy (4–6 months) before sprouting. Garlic dormancy ends as the shoot emerges from the clove. This research was aimed to examine the internal sprout growth of different garlic cultivars. A factorial completely randomized block design with two replications was...
Conference Paper
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True Shallot Seeds (TSS) are susceptible to seedling. Farmers usually apply water, warm water, pesticides or growth regulators prior sowing. The pesticides s used by farmers is Previcur-N. This study aimed to evaluate Previcur-N used on True Shallot Seed (TSS) in laboratorium. The experiment was carried out using randomized block design with two fa...
Conference Paper
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Productivity of local garlic is still an unsolved problem. The plant yield character is correlated with its productivity. This study aims to determine the effect of size differences of garlic cloves used as seeds on the growth and yield characteristics of local and introduced garlic cultivars. The research was carried out at the Margahayu Lembang e...
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This study aims to determine the color diversity of grain dan rice color of local varieties of black rice which was cultivated by farmers in Sleman, Bantul, and Magelang regencies. Location of research in the Laboratory of Genetics and Plant Breeding, Agronomy Department Faculty of Agriculture Gadjah Mada University. The research was conducted in S...


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