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Abstract and Figures

One week of treatment with EGF and gastrin (EGF/G) was shown to restore normoglycemia and to induce islet regeneration in mice treated with the diabetogenic agent alloxan. The mechanisms underlying this regeneration are not fully understood. We performed genetic lineage tracing experiments to evaluate the contribution of beta cell neogenesis in this model. One day after alloxan administration, mice received EGF/G treatment for one week. The treatment could not prevent the initial alloxan-induced beta cell mass destruction, however it did reverse glycemia to control levels within one day, suggesting improved peripheral glucose uptake. In vitro experiments with C2C12 cell line showed that EGF could stimulate glucose uptake with an efficacy comparable to that of insulin. Subsequently, EGF/G treatment stimulated a 3-fold increase in beta cell mass, which was partially driven by neogenesis and beta cell proliferation as assessed by beta cell lineage tracing and BrdU-labeling experiments, respectively. Acinar cell lineage tracing failed to show an important contribution of acinar cells to the newly formed beta cells. No appearance of transitional cells co-expressing insulin and glucagon, a hallmark for alpha-to-beta cell conversion, was found, suggesting that alpha cells did not significantly contribute to the regeneration. An important fraction of the beta cells significantly lost insulin positivity after alloxan administration, which was restored to normal after one week of EGF/G treatment. Alloxan-only mice showed more pronounced beta cell neogenesis and proliferation, even though beta cell mass remained significantly depleted, suggesting ongoing beta cell death in that group. After one week, macrophage infiltration was significantly reduced in EGF/G-treated group compared to the alloxan-only group. Our results suggest that EGF/G-induced beta cell regeneration in alloxan-diabetic mice is driven by beta cell neogenesis, proliferation and recovery of insulin. The glucose-lowering effect of the treatment might play an important role in the regeneration process.
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Beta Cell Mass Restoration in Alloxan-
Diabetic Mice Treated with EGF and Gastrin
Imane Song
*, Oelfah Patel
, Eddy Himpe
, Christo J. F. Muller
, Luc Bouwens
1Cell Differentiation Lab, Vrije Universiteit Brussel (Brussels Free University), Brussels, Belgium,
2Diabetes Discovery Platform, South African Medical Research Council, Tygerberg, South Africa
One week of treatment with EGF and gastrin (EGF/G) was shown to restore normoglycemia
and to induce islet regeneration in mice treated with the diabetogenic agent alloxan. The
mechanisms underlying this regeneration are not fully understood. We performed genetic
lineage tracing experiments to evaluate the contribution of beta cell neogenesis in this
model. One day after alloxan administration, mice received EGF/G treatment for one week.
The treatment could not prevent the initial alloxan-induced beta cell mass destruction, how-
ever it did reverse glycemia to control levels within one day, suggesting improved peripheral
glucose uptake. In vitro experiments with C2C12 cell line showed that EGF could stimulate
glucose uptake with an efficacy comparable to that of insulin. Subsequently, EGF/G treat-
ment stimulated a 3-fold increase in beta cell mass, which was partially driven by neogen-
esis and beta cell proliferation as assessed by beta cell lineage tracing and BrdU-labeling
experiments, respectively. Acinar cell lineage tracing failed to show an important contribu-
tion of acinar cells to the newly formed beta cells. No appearance of transitional cells co-
expressing insulin and glucagon, a hallmark for alpha-to-beta cell conversion, was found,
suggesting that alpha cells did not significantly contribute to the regeneration. An important
fraction of the beta cells significantly lost insulin positivity after alloxan administration, which
was restored to normal after one week of EGF/G treatment. Alloxan-only mice showed more
pronounced beta cell neogenesis and proliferation, even though beta cell mass remained sig-
nificantly depleted, suggesting ongoing beta cell death in that group. After one week, macro-
phage infiltration was significantly reduced in EGF/G-treated group compared to the alloxan-
only group. Our results suggest that EGF/G-induced beta cell regeneration in alloxan-diabetic
mice is driven by beta cell neogenesis, proliferation and recovery of insulin. The glucose-low-
ering effect of the treatment might play an important role in the regeneration process.
Type 1 and type 2 diabetes result from inadequate beta cell mass, which leads to persistent
hyperglycemia. Restoration of beta cell mass by pancreas or islet cell transplantation can nor-
malize blood glucose levels [13]. However, donor shortage and the need of immunosuppres-
sion make transplantation therapy only available to a small number of diabetic patients. A very
PLOS ONE | DOI:10.1371/journal.pone.0140148 October 9, 2015 1/17
Citation: Song I, Patel O, Himpe E, Muller CJF,
Bouwens L (2015) Beta Cell Mass Restoration in
Alloxan-Diabetic Mice Treated with EGF and Gastrin.
PLoS ONE 10(10): e0140148. doi:10.1371/journal.
Editor: Ilse Rooman, Garvan Institute of Medical
Received: June 4, 2015
Accepted: September 21, 2015
Published: October 9, 2015
Copyright: © 2015 Song et al. This is an open
access article distributed under the terms of the
Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits
unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any
medium, provided the original author and source are
Data Availability Statement: All relevant data are
within the paper and its Supporting Information files.
Funding: This work was supported by Fund for
Scientific Research-Flanders (FWO; Fonds
Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek - Vlaanderen), URL: Grant number: G003110N.
Recipient: L.B. The funders had no role in study
design, data collection and analysis, decision to
publish, or preparation of the manuscript.
Competing Interests: The authors have declared
that no competing interests exist.
attractive possibility is the restoration of a functional beta cell mass by stimulating endogenous
regeneration of beta cells within the pancreas with pharmacological agents. To this end, drugs
should be developed that stimulate beta cell neogenesis, replication and/or survival. This could
offer a much more accessible therapy for both type 1 and type 2 patients, provided that in the
former, a way can be found to prevent autoimmune destruction of the regenerated beta cells.
Several candidate growth factors, hormones or cytokines have been already studied in the
context of beta cell regeneration [47]. In particular, the combination of gastrin hormone and
epidermal growth factor (EGF) was among the first combination of compounds that was pro-
posed to stimulate beta cell mass increase or regeneration in beta cell-depleted or autoimmune
diabetic mice and has been incorporated in clinical trials [8]. Gastrin and EGF combination
therapy was shown to revert hyperglycemia and increase beta cell mass in rodents [913]. Its
mode of action was proposed to include both a stimulation of beta cell replication and neogen-
esis from progenitor cells. However, the exact contribution of these two mechanisms to beta
cell mass expansion remains unclear and controversial in these studies and in many other
experimental models. More recently a genetic lineage tracing study confirmed the antidiabetic
action of gastrin/EGF and its effect on regenerating beta cell mass in alloxan-treated mice [10];
however the study failed to find evidence for a contribution of putative ductal progenitors to
beta cell regeneration. In the present study we tried to elucidate the cellular mechanisms that
contribute to beta cell regeneration in mice, using a model of severe beta cell injury by alloxan
followed by treatment with gastrin/EGF combination. Our main aim was to evaluate the rela-
tive importance of beta cell neogenesis in this model. To this end, we used the beta cell genetic
lineage tracing method, first described by Dor et al., which is generally accepted as the only
method allowing direct and unequivocal proof of beta cell neogenesis [14,15].
Materials and Methods
Animals and treatments
Male RIP-CreER;R26-Lox-STOP-Lox-LacZ (RIP-CreER/R26-LacZ) mice, provided by Dr.
Melton [14], and Ela-CreERT;R26-Lox-STOP-Lox-YFP (Ela-CreERT/R26-YFP) mice, pro-
vided by Dr. Stoffers [16], were housed in standard conditions with free access to food and
water. Animal procedures were approved by the ethical committee of the Vrije Universiteit
Brussel (permit number: LA1230277) and performed in accordance with the national guide-
lines and regulations.
Six to eight week old mice received 50 mg of tamoxifen (Sigma Aldrich), dissolved in 0.9%
NaCl and 10% EtOH, by oral gavage in three doses over a 5-day period (Fig 1). After a wash-
out period of 2 weeks, mice were randomly divided into three groups, namely control (CTRL),
alloxan only (ALX) and alloxan plus EGF/G (ALX+EGF/G). Mice in the two latter groups were
injected intravenously with alloxan (70 mg/kg; Sigma Aldrich). One day after alloxan adminis-
tration, EGF/G treatment was started (ALX+EGF/G) as previously described [12]. Mice were
euthanized by cervical dislocation on day 3 and day 8 post-alloxan.
Metabolic analysis
Blood samples from the tail vein were collected to measure glycemia using Glucocard Memory
strips (A. Menarini Diagnostics). Only mice that reached 11.1 mmol/l or more, one day after
alloxan administration, were included. Glucose concentrations exceeding the devices upper
detection limit were scored as 33.3 mmol/l. For plasma C-peptide analysis, blood samples of
fed and fasted mice (overnight) were collected via cardiac puncture into tubes containing
EDTA-aprotinin and plasma was obtained by centrifugation. Plasma C-peptide concentration
Beta Cell Regeneration after EGF and Gastrin
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was determined by radioimmunoassay (
I C-peptide; Millipore) following the manufacturers
Beta cell proliferation
To study beta cell proliferation, mice were continuously treated with BrdU (5-Bromo-2-deox-
yuridine; Sigma Aldrich) via drinking water (1 mg/ml) from day 3 to day 8 post-alloxan.
Immunodetection of BrdU incorporation was performed on pancreatic sections.
Histochemistry of pancreatic sections
To determine the labeling efficiency for lineage tracing, X-gal and insulin staining were per-
formed on cryosections as previously described [15]. For beta cell tracing analysis, the fraction
of insulin-positive cells expressing X-gal (A = X-gal
) and the fraction of X-gal-posi-
tive cells expressing insulin (B = X-gal
) were counted for each mouse. At least
5000 insulin-positive cells and 2000 X-gal-positive cells were analyzed per group. Alloxan
administration resulted into a decrease in the fraction of X-gal-positive cells expressing insulin
due to degranulation or dedifferentiation of beta cells (see results). To evaluate the contribution
of beta cell neogenesis, beta cells that lost insulin positivity after alloxan were included in the
total beta cell population. The fraction of beta cells expressing X-gal was calculated as follow:
Xgalþbeta cells ¼XgalþINSþþXgalþINS
Where X galþINS¼A
For immunohistochemistry on paraffin sections, pancreata were fixed in 4% formaldehyde for
4 h, dehydrated and embedded in paraffin. Sections of 4 μm were cut at an interval of 10 sections
and stained. Following primary antibodies were used: guinea pig anti-insulin pAb (1:3000; Van
Schravendijk), mouse anti-glucagon mAb (1:1000; G2654; Sigma Aldrich), rabbit anti-amylase
pAb (1:500; A8273; Sigma Aldrich), mouse anti-BrdU mAb (1:10; 11200; Pro-gen), goat anti-
GFP pAb (1:100; GTX26658; Genetex) and rat anti-F4/80 mAb (1:200; MCA497; Serotec). For
immunofluorescence, species-matched FITC- and Cy3-conjugated secondary antibodies (Jack-
son) were used, and counterstained with Hoechst (Sigma Aldrich). F4/80 staining was visualized
with DAB (Vector). For acinar cell tracing analysis, at least 10000 amylase-positive and 3800
insulin-positive cells were counted per group.For all other analyses, at least 3000 cells were
counted per group. Beta cell apoptosis was assessed by TUNEL staining using the In Situ Cell
Death Detection kit (Roche). Images were acquired with a Nikon Eclipse 90i fluorescence micro-
scope or Carl Zeiss multi-photon confocal laser scanning microscope LSM710.
Morphometric analysis of insulin- and glucagon-stained paraffin sections was performed to
measure beta cell and alpha cell mass, respectively. An area of at least 100 mm
was analyzed
Fig 1. Scheme of the experimental design.
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for each mouse. Cell masses were calculated by multiplying the relative insulin or glucagon-
positive cell area with the corresponding pancreatic weight. The number of insulin-positive
clusters per mm
pancreatic area was scored to assess the relative islet density. Beta cell size
was calculated by dividing the insulin-positive cell area by the number of nuclei in that area.
In vitro glucose uptake by C2C12 myocytes
Differentiated C2C12 myocytes, purchased from the European Collection of Cell Cultures
(ECACC; Catalogue No. 91031101), were exposed for three hours to EGF or gastrin or combi-
nations of EGF and gastrin prepared in Krebs-ringer bicarbonate HEPES buffer (KRBH) con-
taining 8 mM glucose. Vehicle controls were 0.5μM acetic acid for EGF and 0.000003% DMSO
for gastrin, respectively. After the three-hour incubation, glucose uptake in C2C12 cells was
determined using pulse-labeling with
H-2-deoxy-D-glucose (
H-2-DOG) in glucose-free
KRBH buffer containing EGF and/or gastrin for fifteen minutes. Liquid scintillation counting
was used to measure intracellular
H-2-DOG. Exposure of C2C12 cells to insulin (1μM) was
included as a positive control.
Statistical analysis
Data are presented as mean ± SEM and analyzed with GraphPad Prism using 1-way ANOVA
with Bonferroni post-hoc and Dunnett post-hoc test or 2-way ANOVA with Bonferroni post-
hoc test. A P value of less than 0.05 was considered to be statistically significant.
Combined treatment with EGF and gastrin rapidly restores
normoglycemia following alloxan administration
From one day after alloxan injection, mice were treated with the combination of EGF and gas-
trin (EGF/G) for one week. Non-fasting glycemia was measured at different time points as
shown in Fig 2A. Glycemia rose rapidly within one day following alloxan administration, and
gradually increased to severely hyperglycemic values that persisted until the end of the experi-
ment. EGF/G treatment one day after alloxan administration, reversed hyperglycemia to nor-
mal within one day, and this persisted until the end of experiment. We did not observe
significant differences in body weight changes between ALX and ALX+EGF/G groups (Fig 2B).
Combined treatment with EGF and gastrin induces beta cell mass
regeneration between day 3 and day 8 post-alloxan
Insulin-positive beta cell mass was determined on day 3 and day 8 post-alloxan. As shown in
Fig 2C beta cell mass was reduced by more than 80% on day 3 in ALX and ALX+EGF/G
groups. No statistical significance was found between ALX and ALX+EGF/G groups, which
indicates that EGF/G treatment could not attenuate the alloxan-induced beta cell mass
Beta cell mass reduction was reflected by a significant decrease in mean number of insulin-
positive cells per cluster and islet density (number of INS
) in ALX and ALX+-
EGF/G groups (Fig 2D and 2E). The reduction was not associated with beta cell atrophy.
Indeed, the mean beta cell size was even slightly increased in both groups compared to controls
(Fig 2F). No significant difference was found between ALX and ALX+EGF/G groups.
At a later stage, between day 3 and day 8, we observed a 3-fold increase in beta cell mass in
ALX+EGF/G group, while beta cell mass of ALX group tended to further decrease (Fig 2C). No
further significant changes were observed in islet density and mean beta cell size (Fig 2E and 2F).
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However, we did observe a significant increase in mean number of insulin-positive cells per clus-
ter in the ALX+EGF/G group (Fig 2D). These data indicate that the EGF/G-induced beta cell
mass regeneration resulted from an absolute increase in number of beta cells, leading to growth
of pre-existing islets.
EGF treatment enhances glucose uptake in muscle cells
Although normoglycemia was already achieved in the EGF/G-treated group on day 3, while the
ALX group remained hyperglycemic, beta cell mass in both groups did not differ. To understand
this discrepancy, the plasma C-peptide level was measured on day 3. In ALX+EGF/G group, plasma
C-peptide was found to be significantly reduced in non-fastedandfastedstatessuggestingabenefi-
cial effect of EGF/G treatment on glucose uptake following alloxan administration (Fig 2G and 2H).
To test the effect of EGF/G on glucose uptake in an in vitro model, we treated C2C12 myo-
cytes with EGF, gastrin or a combination of both factors. Glucose uptake activity of the cells
was measured for each condition and results show that EGF alone was able to significantly
increase the uptake with an efficacy comparable to that of insulin (Fig 3A). No significant glu-
cose uptake activity was observed with gastrin alone, and the combination of the two factors
showed no additional effect compared to EGF alone (Fig 3A and 3B).
Combined treatment with EGF and gastrin restores insulin expression in
pre-existing beta cells following alloxan administration
To follow beta cell fate and to evaluate the importance of beta cell neogenesis during the regen-
eration process, inducible genetic lineage tracing experiments were performed. RIP-CreER/
R26-LacZ mice were used in which tamoxifen administration leads to heritable lacZ gene
expression, which encodes for beta-galactosidase, in insulin-expressing beta cells present at the
time of administration and in their progeny. By performing a pulse-chase experiment, the fate
of pre-existing X-gal-labeled beta cells can be followed over time. In control group, roughly all
X-gal-labeled cells are insulin positive (98.5 ± 0.3%), which confirms the high specificity of X-
gal for beta cells (Fig 4A and 4C). Alloxan administration, with or without EGF/G treatment,
induced a significant loss of insulin positivity of approximately 20% in the X-gal-labeled beta
cell population on day 3. No significant difference was observed between ALX and ALX+EGF/
G groups. On day 8, X-gal
beta cells in ALX+EGF/G group recovered their insulin positivity
to almost control values, as opposed to ALX group. These data indicate that alloxan treatment
induces loss of insulin positivity in beta cells, either by degranulation or by dedifferentiation
towards a less mature phenotype and that one week of EGF/G treatment was able to normalize
the proportion of insulin-positive beta cells.
Contribution of beta cell neogenesis to beta cell mass regeneration
Next, we investigated the contribution of beta cell neogenesis using the above-mentioned line-
age tracing system. In order to determine the fraction of beta cells expressing X-gal
, we first
assessed the fraction of X-gal-labeled insulin-positive cells (Fig 4C and S1 Fig). To correct for
insulin-negative cells as a result of degranulation following alloxan, we included the insulin-
Fig 2. EGF/G treatment restores glycemia and stimulates beta cell regeneration after alloxan-induced ablation. Non-fasting glycemia (A) and body
weight (B) were monitored; n = 2437 per group. (C) Beta cell mass, (D) number of insulin-positive cells per islet, (E) islet density (number of insulin-positive
clusters per mm
) and (F) beta cell size were assessed in CTRL, ALX and ALX+EGF/G on d3 and d8 post-alloxan. For histological analysis n=47 per group
per time point. (G) Fasted and fed plasma C-peptide levels (day 3) were significantly reduced in ALX+EGF/G compared to CTRL. (H) Fasting glycemia on
day 3; n= 3 per group per time point. Symbol *represents the statistical significance of each condition compared to CTRL. The horizontalbar denotes the
significant difference between the experimental groups. *,+, P <0.05; **,++, P <0.01; ***,+++, P <0.001.
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negative beta cell fraction (INS
) (Material and methods for calculations; Fig 4B). In con-
trol group, 65.8 ± 5.3% of the beta cells were X-gal-labeled. Three days following alloxan
administration, the proportion of labeled beta cells tended to decrease in ALX and ALX+EGF/
G groups, but no significance was found compared to control. However, on day 8, the propor-
tion of labeled beta cells significantly decreased to 52.5 ± 4.1% and 75.9 ± 5.4% of control in
ALX and ALX+EGF/G groups, respectively. This indicates that a significant fraction of the beta
cell population in both groups (~47% in ALX group and ~25% in ALX+EGF/G group) origi-
nated from a non-beta cell source during the 8-day period in both groups.
Analysis of the X-gal-labeled insulin-positive clusters showed no indication of neoformation
of these clusters during the regeneration period and indicates that beta cell neogenesis primar-
ily occurred within, or immediately adjacent to, pre-existing islets (Fig 4D). These data suggest
that intra-islet precursor cells might be the source of neogenic beta cells, or that extra-islet pre-
cursor cells have migrated into the pre-existing islets to give rise to insulin-expressing cells.
No important contribution of acinar cells in beta cell neogenesis
To directly assess whether neogenic beta cells originated from acinar cells, acinar cell tracing
was performed with Ela-CreERT/R26-YFP mice. In these mice, after tamoxifen administration,
Fig 3. In vitro effect of EGF and/or gastrin on glucose uptake in C2C12 myocytes. The percentage glucose uptake activity when treated with EGF alone,
gastrin alone (A) or EGF+gastrin (B). Symbol *represents the statistical significance of each condition compared to positive control (1μM Ins); **,P<0.01;
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acinar cells are heritably labeled with YFP. The proportion of YFP-labeled amylase-expressing
acinar cells was similar in control, ALX and ALX+EGF/G groups (Fig 5A). No significant
Fig 4. Beta cell lineage tracing: Contribution of beta cell neogenesis. (A) The percentage of X-gal-labeled cells that co-express insulin. Beta cell tracing
in RIP-CreER/R26-LacZ mice showed that almost all X-gal-positive cells are insulin positive in CTRL. A decrease of insulin positivity was observed in ALX
and ALX+EGF/G on d3. Insulin positivity was recovered in ALX+EGF/G on d8. (B) X-gal-labeling of total beta cells (percentage beta cells labeled with X-gal).
Total beta cell population includes INS
beta cell fraction. Percentage labeled beta cells in ALX and ALX+EGF/G was significantly reduced compared to
CTRL on d8. (C) Pancreata of RIP-CreER/R26-LacZ mice were stained for insulin and X-gal. (D) The percentage insulin-positive clusters labeled with X-gal.
The percentage X-gal-labeled insulin-positive clusters remained unchanged between d3 and d8. n = 46 per group per time point. Symbol *represents the
statistical significance of each condition compared to CTRL. The horizontal bar denotesthe significant difference between the experimental groups. +,
P<0.05; **,P<0.01; ***,+++, P <0.001.
Fig 5. Acinar cell lineage tracing: No important contribution of acinar cells. (A) The percentage AMY
acinar cells labeled with YFP. Acinar cell tracing in
Ela-CreERT/R26-YFP mice showed comparable percentages YFP-labeled AMY
acinar cells in CTRL, ALX and ALX+EGF/G. (B) The percentage of
beta cells labeled with YFP. Labeling index of beta cells show no contribution of acinar cells in newly generated beta cells. (C) Pancreata of Ela-CreERT/
R26-YFP mice were stained for insulin and YFP. n=34 per group. No statistical difference (P 0.05) was found between the conditions.
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increase was observed in the proportion of YFP-labeled beta cells in ALX and ALX+EGF/G
groups compared to control (Fig 5B and 5C). This indicates that acinar cells did not signifi-
cantly contribute to the newly generated beta cells in this experimental model.
No evidence for an important contribution of alpha cells in beta cell
Three days after alloxan administration islet architecture was severely disturbed, which could
not be prevented by EGF/G treatment (Fig 6A). This disorganization is most likely caused by
alloxans rapid ablation of beta cells, which resulted into the collapse of the central beta cell
core and the appearanceof alpha cells within the islet core. Given this histological observa-
tion together with the finding that neogenic beta cells mainly reside within pre-existing islets,
we wanted to examine whether alpha cells could have contributed to beta cell neogenesis. The
appearance of bi-hormonal cells, representing an intermediate cell type, would be indicative
for this [17]. However, no significant changes were observed in the percentage of glucagon-
insulin co-expressing cells on day 3 and day 8 in ALX and ALX+EGF/G groups compared to
the control group (Fig 6B).
Analysis of alpha cell mass and number of alpha cells per islet showed no significant
changes in ALX and ALX+EGF/G groups compared to control (Fig 6C and 6D), which sug-
gests that the alpha cells residing in the core of the islets were pre-existing alpha cells that reor-
ganized from the periphery of the islet after alloxan induced beta cell depletion.
Combined treatment with EGF and gastrin promotes beta cell
In order to determine whether beta cell proliferation contributes to beta cell mass regeneration,
a continuous BrdU-labeling experiment from day 3 to day 8 was performed. As shown in Fig
7A, ALX+EGF/G treatment induced a 3-fold increase in beta cell proliferation. However, a
much higher beta cell proliferation (6-fold) was observed in ALX group despite the low beta
cell mass, which suggests that increased beta cell death continued to occur between day 3 and
day 8 in the ALX group, and that this cell loss was compensated by proliferation and neogen-
esis. Consequently, it appears that EGF/G treatment induces beta cell mass regeneration by
promoting beta cell survival, which allows the accumulation of cells resulting from prolifera-
tion and neogenesis. In order to measure beta cell apoptosis, TUNEL staining was performed.
In control, ALX+EGF/G day 3 and day 8 mice, no TUNEL-positive beta cells could be detected,
whereas in ALX day 3 and ALX day 8 there were 0.21 ± 0.11% and 0.07 ± 0.07% TUNEL-posi-
tive beta cells, respectively. However, percentages remained extremely low and no significant
difference was found between the groups.
Reduced macrophage infiltration after EGF/G-induced beta cell mass
Alloxan-induced beta cell ablation was associated with a significant increase in macrophage
infiltration in the pancreas as assessed by F4/80 immunostaining (Fig 7B). On day 3, ALX and
ALX+EGF/G groups showed a significant increase in infiltration compared to control group.
In ALX group, infiltration further increased until day 8, whereas in ALX+EGF/G group further
infiltration was not observed, but rather slightly diminished. Based on histological observa-
tions, we also observed a marked peri- and intra-islet infiltrate on day 3 in both ALX and ALX
+EGF/G groups, (Fig 7C). This was less pronounced in EGF/G-treated group on day 8.
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Fig 6. No evidence for an important contribution of alpha cells. (A) IHC for insulin and glucagon. (B) The percentageof glucagon-positive cells that co-
express insulin. Transitional cells co-expressing glucagon and insulin were not observed. There were no significant differences in (C) alpha cell mass and (D)
number of alpha cells per islet in ALX and ALX+EGF/G on d3 and d8 compared to CTRL; n=45 per group per time point. No statistical difference (P 0.05)
was found between the conditions.
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In previous studies, co-treatment with EGF and gastrin induced beta cell regeneration and nor-
malized glycemia in rodent models of chemically induced diabetes and in NOD mouse model
[1013]. Treatment with either EGF or gastrin alone failed to induce regeneration and normali-
zation of glycemia. In these studies, indirect evidence suggested that EGF/G treatment could
stimulate beta cell regeneration via neogenesis, but this was not confirmed by genetic lineage
tracing, which is the only method allowing to assess neogenesis in a direct way. Our present
Fig 7. Beta cell proliferation and macrophage infiltration. (A) Continuous BrdU-labeling from day 3 to day 8 showed a significantincrease in proliferating
beta cells in ALX and ALX+EGF/G compared to CTRL. (B) Alloxan-induced beta cell ablation promotes F4/80
macrophage infiltration (number of F4/80
per mm
) in ALX and ALX+EGF/G on d3. EGF/G suppresses further infiltration on d8. (C) Pancreata stained for insulin and F4/80 showed reduced peri- and
intra-islet infiltration in ALX+EGF/G on d8. n= 3 per group per time point. Symbol *represents the statistical significance of each condition compared to
CTRL. The horizontal bar denotes the significant difference between the experimental groups. *,+, P <0.05; **,++, P <0.01; ***,P<0.001.
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results confirmed the effect of EGF/G administration on alloxan-treated mice in inducing a
rapid normalization of glycemia within the first days of treatment. Thereafter a significant beta
cell mass increase occurred between 2 and 7 days of treatment, which was mainly due to
growth of pre-existing islets. The rapid glucose-lowering effect of the treatment, despite low
beta cell mass is possibly achieved by increasing glucose uptake in peripheral tissues. The lower
fasting and non-fasting plasma C-peptide levels in EGF/G-treated mice, measured on day 3
post-alloxan, indeed indicates improved peripheral glucose uptake. In vitro, EGF was found to
directly stimulate glucose uptake by C2C12 muscle cell line. This insulin-mimicking effect of
EGF and the role of EGFR on glucose uptake were also reported previously by several studies
The inducible Insulin-Cre/Lox genetic tracing method [14] and continuous BrdU-labeling,
respectively, revealed that both beta cell neogenesis and replication took place during the
regeneration of the beta cell mass in EGF/G-treated animals. In alloxan-only animals, that
remained hyperglycemic, neogenesis and proliferation were even more pronounced. The pro-
liferative effects noted in treated and untreated animals can be explained by previous studies
showing that EGF, gastrin and high glucose are mitogenic for beta cells [9,2228]. In alloxan-
only mice, increased beta cell proliferation and neogenesis did not result in increased beta cell
mass, most likely because it was compensated by increased beta cell death. TUNEL assay failed
to show significant beta cell apoptosis in alloxan-only mice, although it tended to increase. It is
notoriously difficult to reliably detect and quantify apoptosis in beta cells in situ due to the
short duration of the process and rapid elimination of apoptotic cells, especially in alloxan-
treated mice where only a small beta cell number remains. Besides apoptosis as a mechanism of
alloxan-induced beta cell death, numerous researchers reported that alloxan mainly induces
beta cell loss by necrosis [2932].
Analysis of pancreatic and islet infiltration of F4/80-positive macrophages showed that
alloxan administration promoted inflammation, which persisted until the end of the experi-
ment. Macrophage infiltration was less pronounced after one week of EGF/G treatment. This is
not necessarily a direct effect of the treatment, as it could also have resulted from the lower gly-
cemia and hence the protection against glucotoxicity. These observations may also indicate
ongoing beta cell damage and beta cell loss during persisting hyperglycemic conditions in the
alloxan-only group.
EGF/G treatment could also have reduced a possible beta cell dedifferentiation effect result-
ing from hyperglycemic conditions or it could have stimulated redifferentiation [33,34]. Our
beta cell tracing experiments rule out an underestimation of total beta cell population since we
could still recognize insulin-negative beta cells by X-gal staining. It revealed that about 20% of
beta cells had lost insulin expression after alloxan administration, as demonstrated immuno-
histochemically in X-gal
cells. This degranulation or dedifferentiation effect was restored to
normal after one week of EGF/G treatment, when the animals had restored beta cell mass. It
remains possible that the regranulation resulted from the glucose-lowering effect of the
Since we observed beta cell neogenesis both in untreated hyperglycemic and in EGF/G-
treated normoglycemic mice, we wanted to find out which type of progenitors were involved.
We previously reported by genetic lineage tracing with Hnf1ß labeling, that duct cells did not
contribute to the beta cell mass in this experimental model [10]. In the present study we exam-
ined another possibility, namely that exocrine acinar cells might act as progenitors as was pre-
viously observed following treatment with EGF and CNTF of hyperglycemic mice [35].
However, lineage tracing in inducible Ela-CreERT/R26-YFP mice showed no important contri-
bution of acinar cells to the beta cell mass in the present experimental model. A third possibil-
ity that was considered is transdifferentiation of alpha cells to beta cells. However, double
Beta Cell Regeneration after EGF and Gastrin
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immunohistochemical staining for glucagon and insulin could not reveal the presence of
transitionalcells that are a hallmark for this type of conversion [17,36]. Insulin-expressing
multipotent progenitors have been described in adult pancreas [37]. However, in our study,
genetic lineage tracing showed that beta cell neogenesis resulted from an important fraction
of cells that did not express insulin and therefore caused a dilutionof the pre-labeled beta
We can conclude that EGF/G-induced beta cell regeneration is accomplished by promoting
beta cell neogenesis, proliferation and (re-)differentiation or regranulation. An estimation of
the relative contribution to the beta cell mass of pre-existing and neogenic beta cells is repre-
sented in Fig 8. An important fraction of beta cells formed by neogenesis originated from a yet
unidentified type of beta cell progenitor that is distinct from duct, acinar, alpha and insulin-
positive progenitor cells. The glucose-lowering effect of the treatment might play an important
role in the regeneration of the beta cell mass, as it could relieve beta cell stress, allowing beta
cell (re-)differentiation or regranulation and the expansion of the beta cell mass resulting from
proliferation and neogenesis, as opposed to the alloxan-only group where no beta cell mass
expansion occurred despite high proliferation and neogenesis. We did observe the attenuation
of pancreatic and islet inflammation, which could have resulted from a direct EGF/G effect or
indirectly via its glucose-lowering effect, and hence, lowering beta cell stress. On the other
hand, it could also indicate better survival of the beta cells compared to the alloxan-only group
where inflammation persisted. Interestingly, the present study not only confirms that EGF/G
stimulates beta cell neogenesis, but also demonstrates the spontaneousoccurrence of neogen-
esis in hyperglycemic alloxan-treated mice. It remains unclear whether hyperglycemia in itself
is responsible, directly or indirectly, for triggering this effect or whether alloxan treatment may
also influence the process of neogenesis via other effects.
Fig 8. Estimation of relative contribution to the beta cell mass of pre-existing and neogenic beta cells.
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Supporting Information
S1 Fig. X-gal-labeling of insulin-expressing beta cells. Symbol represents the statistical sig-
nificance of each condition compared to CTRL. The horizontal bar denotes the significant dif-
ference between the experimental groups. ,P<0.01; ,+++, P <0.001.
We thank Dr. Isabelle Houbracken and Dr. Josue Mfopou for their comments and discussions,
and William Rabiot, Emmy De Blay and Iris Mathijs for their assistance in this project. We
also thank Gaby Schoonjans for performing RIA on plasma samples.
Author Contributions
Conceived and designed the experiments: IS LB OP CM. Performed the experiments: IS OP
EH. Analyzed the data: IS OP EH LB CM. Wrote the paper: IS LB OP EH CM.
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... In humans, the combined application of EGF and gastrin leads to the expansion and differentiation of ductal cells into Pdx-1+/insulin + cells, either through replication of existing β cells or β-cell neogenesis from ductal cells (Suarez-Pinzon et al., 2005). Furthermore, administration of EGF and gastrin to alloxan-treated mice rapidly normalized blood glucose levels within the first few days of treatment (Song et al., 2015), suggesting EGF's role in insulin sensitivity. EGF and insulin regulate lipolysis through distinct mechanisms, as EGF (unlike insulin) increases cytoplasmic calcium signaling (Tebar et al., 1996). ...
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Interactions and correlations between metabolites, pancreatic hormones, and growth factors. Note the gender differences, frequently opposite among metabolites, insulin and glucagon with growth factors, as well as the effect of metabolic disturbances induced by Diabetes type 2. The size of the arrows indicates the strength of the correlation and the direction whether the correlation was straight or inverse.
... After washing, a suitable secondary antibody was applied for 1 h at RT. Subsequently, the samples were treated with horseradish peroxidase (HRP) and avidin-biotin complex (ABC) reagent complex (Vector, CA, USA) to facilitate secondary antibody conjugation for 30 min at RT. Conjugated antibodies were visualized by adding 3,3-diaminobenzidine for at least 1 min at RT, followed by counterstaining with hematoxylin (Sigma-Aldrich). Cell counts were performed using ImageJ software (NIH, NY, USA) and activated area was quantified as previously reported [69]. ...
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Type 2 diabetes (T2D) is known as adult-onset diabetes, but recently, T2D has increased in the number of younger people, becoming a major clinical burden in human society. The objective of this study was to determine the effects of Bifidobacterium and Lactiplantibacillus strains derived from the feces of 20 healthy humans on T2D development and to understand the mechanism underlying any positive effects of probiotics. We found that Bifidobacterium longum NBM7-1 (Chong Kun Dang strain 1; CKD1) and Lactiplantibacillus rhamnosus NBM17-4 (Chong Kun Dang strain 2; CKD2) isolated from the feces of healthy Korean adults (n = 20) have anti-diabetic effects based on the insulin sensitivity. During the oral gavage for 8 weeks, T2D mice were supplemented with anti-diabetic drugs (1.0–10 mg/kg body weight) to four positive and negative control groups or four probiotics (200 uL; 1 × 10⁹ CFU/mL) to groups separately or combined to the four treatment groups (n = 6 per group). While acknowledging the relatively small sample size, this study provides valuable insights into the potential benefits of B. longum NBM7-1 and L. rhamnosus NBM17-4 in mitigating T2D development. The animal gene expression was assessed using a qRT-PCR, and metabolic parameters were assessed using an ELISA assay. We demonstrated that B. longum NBM7-1 in the CKD1 group and L. rhamnosus NBM17-4 in the CKD2 group alleviate T2D development through the upregulation of IL-22, which enhances insulin sensitivity and pancreatic functions while reducing liver steatosis. These findings suggest that B. longum NBM7-1 and L. rhamnosus NBM17-4 could be the candidate probiotics for the therapeutic treatments of T2D patients as well as the prevention of type 2 diabetes.
... In children, severe onset has been characterized by a near-total loss of β cell mass, with a mass reduction of over 80%, but in older onset patients, a 40-60% reduction in β cell mass has proven to be sufficient for disease development [29,30] (Table 1). In contrast, a β cell loss of 70-90% or more is required for disease in mice [8,31,32]. The loss of β cell mass results in insufficient insulin levels in the blood, causing inadequate glucose uptake via insulindependent pathways of metabolic organs. ...
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Diabetes is a group of diseases characterized by loss of β cell mass and/or -function, resulting in hyperglycemia. Approx. 537 million people worldwide suffer from diabetes – a number which is expected to increase. Diabetes is primarily treated by exogenous insulin, which comes with the challenges of maintaining glycemic control to prevent ketoacidosis and severe complications. The need for a curative treatment has initiated the research in β cell regeneration. Several studies in mice have identified essential genes for β cell fate, which can be manipulated in other cells to induce generation of new β cells. Zebrafish, a regeneration-positive animal model, has shown several different sources of new β cells, including regeneration by self-replication, neogenesis by duct-associated progenitor cells, and transdifferentiation of other endocrine islet cells. The animal models used in this research area are either limited by their low regenerative ability (mice), or their small size and remoteness from humans (zebrafish). There is a need for new animal models of diabetes, in which the molecular pathways of endogenous regeneration can be studied. This study proposes the axolotl salamander (Ambystoma mexicanum) as a model for studying the regeneration of β cells. The axolotl has shown great regenerative capability, as they have proven capable of regenerating amputated limbs, and hearts with myocardial infarction, among other organs. This study aims to establish a diabetic axolotl model, investigate their regenerative ability in the pancreas, and examine the potential systemic effects of the induced disease. In a pilot study, five different protocols using STZ (streptozotocin) were tested, and the most optimal protocol was found. Furthermore, the glucose tolerance test was optimized to characterize the glycemic state of the animals. The effect of the treatment on blood glucose levels was measured to characterize the development and decline of the disease. The histological changes in the pancreas were examined. Moreover, the systemic effects of the STZ treatment were investigated in blood and urine. The study indicated that it is possible to induce diabetes in the axolotl, but variations between the animals should be minimized, or the sample size should be increased to conduct a satisfying experiment, as it was not possible to induce diabetes in all animals. Regeneration was not observed histologically, but a restoration of blood glucose levels was seen over the span of the experiment. Lastly, edema formation was observed in some of the STZ-treated animals, but the cause of edema remains undetermined.
... [5][6] The glucose-lowering effect of natural ingredients may be significant in b cell regeneration process. 7 Hyperglycemic conditions not only affect metabolism but also influence the microbiome profile. Oral bacteria contribute to hyperglycemia by increasing insulin resistance, which results in uncontrolled blood glucose levels. ...
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Hyperglycemia is a condition in which the blood glucose levels exceed normal limits. Ethanol extract of Jamaican cherry leaves (Muntingia calabura L.) contains active components that have the potential to lower blood sugar levels and heal pancreatic cell damage in rats. Gut microbiota imbalance can cause immune system abnormalities, illnesses, and metabolic disorders, including diabetes. The aim of the present study was to determine whether an ethanol extract of Jamaican cherry leaves can repair pancreatic cell damage, as well as influence the total coliforms and lactic acid bacteria in hyperglycemic mice. In this study, 25 mice were randomly placed into five groups, which were then provided with food and drinking water. Alloxan in a dose of 160 mg/kg bw was administered to the positive control group and three treatment groups. Each of the three groups was then treated with the ethanol extract of Jamaican cherry leaves at doses of 300, 400, or 500 mg/kg bw for 14 days. The groups that received the extract were able to repair the pancreatic damage considerably by increasing the number of normal pancreatic cells. This was supported by histological observations. The total abundance of lactic acid bacteria in hyperglycemic mice was 1.08 ± 45 x 1010 CFU/g, which was substantially lower than that in mice treated with the extract. The overall coliform abundance in hyperglycemic mice was 4.37 ± 41 x 1010 CFU/g, which was higher than that in mice supplemented with the extract. Therefore, the administration of Jamaican cherry leaf ethanol extract on a regular basis can increase the abundance of cecum microbiota in hyperglycemic mice. Furthermore, this extract can be used as a natural alternative treatment for recovering pancreatic cell damage.
... 3 In vitro studies found that gastrin increases β-cell mass by inducing β-cell neogenesis and regeneration, and treatment with gastrin was found to induce the formation of new β cells in animal models. [4][5][6][7] Proton pump inhibitor (PPI) decreases gastric acid secretion by blocking its secretion system and consequently increases blood concentration of gastrin by lowering somatostatin. [8][9][10] As mentioned above, gastrin has the potential to induce the formation of new β cells; therefore, the use of PPI may have a potential impact on the development of T2DM. ...
Background: Proton pump inhibitor use was reported to potentially provide benefits to prevent diabetes mellitus. This study aims to investigate the association between proton pump inhibitor use and the risk of developing diabetes mellitus. Methods: This study was registered on the International Prospective Register of Systematic Reviews (PROSPERO) (ID: CRD42021238481). A systematic literature search was conducted to identify eligible studies up to February 2021. Quality assessment was conducted according to Jadad Scoring Scale and Newcastle-Ottawa Scale. The heterogeneity among studies was tested and estimated by Q test and I2. Pooled hazard ratio with 95% CI was calculated using the random-effects or fixed-effects model depending on the heterogeneity. Subgroup analyses, sensitivity analysis, and publication bias assessment were also performed. Results: Eight studies including 850 019 participants were included. We found that proton pump inhibitor use was associated with a statistically non-significant increased risk of diabetes mellitus (pooled hazard ratio was 1.06, 95% CI = 0.89-1.28, P = .50). In subgroup analysis, 5 studies conducted in North America confirmed the overall result; however, one study conducted in Europe demonstrated a statistically significant increased risk, while one study in Asia revealed a statistically significant decreased risk. Conclusion: Proton pump inhibitor use is not associated with either increased or decreased risk of diabetes mellitus. However, more well- designed studies focusing on proton pump inhibitor use and the risk of diabetes mellitus, especially among populations with different backgrounds, are still needed.
... The regenerative properties of endocrine pancreatic cells and the possible source of newly-formed pancreatic islets are the subject of investigations and lively discussions in the scientific community (Domínguez-Bendala et al., 2019). Lineage tracing studies produced contradictory results on the topic, both excluding and individuating a possible role for progenitor cells in endocrine pancreas renewal (Dor et al., 2004;Xiao et al., 2013;Song et al., 2015;Yuchi et al., 2015). Despite the possibility of mature endocrine cell replication (Meier et al., 2008;van der Meulen et al., 2017), several studies have identified cell populations with progenitor features in both the insulae and in the ductal compartment (Martin-Pagola et al., 2008;Huch et al., 2013;El-Gohary et al., 2016;Qadir et al., 2018;Wang et al., 2020). ...
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Contrasting evidence is present regarding the contribution of stem/progenitor cell populations to pancreatic regeneration in diabetes. Interestingly, a cell compartment with stem/progenitor cell features has been identified in the pancreatic duct glands (PDGs). The aims of the present study were to evaluate pancreatic islet injury and regeneration, and the participation of the PDG compartment in type 2 diabetic mellitus (T2DM) and in an experimental model of diabetes. Human pancreata were obtained from normal (N = 5) or T2DM (N = 10) cadaveric organ donors. Experimental diabetes was generated in mice by intraperitoneal injection of 150 mg/kg of streptozotocin (STZ, N = 10); N = 10 STZ mice also received daily intraperitoneal injections of 100 µg of human recombinant PDX1 peptide (STZ + PDX1). Samples were examined by immunohistochemistry/immunofluorescence or RT-qPCR. Serum glucose and c-peptide levels were measured in mice. Islets in T2DM patients showed β-cell loss, signs of injury and proliferation, and a higher proportion of central islets. PDGs in T2DM patients had a higher percentage of proliferating and insulin+ or glucagon+ cells compared to controls; pancreatic islets could be observed within pancreatic duct walls of T2DM patients. STZ mice were characterized by reduced islet area compared to controls. PDX1 treatment increased islet area and the percentage of central islets compared to untreated STZ mice but did not revert diabetes. In conclusion, T2DM patients show signs of pancreatic islet regeneration and involvement of the PDG niche. PDX1 administration could support increased endocrine pancreatic regeneration in STZ. These findings contribute to defining the role and participation of stem/progenitor cell compartments within the pancreas.
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The gut microbiota plays a pivotal role in metabolic disorders, notably type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM). In this study, we investigated the synergistic potential of combining the effects of Bifidobacterium longum NBM7–1 (CKD1) with anti-diabetic medicines, LobeglitazoneⓇ (LO), SitagliptinⓇ (SI), and MetforminⓇ (Met), to alleviate hyperglycemia in a diabetic mouse model. CKD1 effectively mitigated insulin resistance, hepatic steatosis, and enhanced pancreatic β-cell function, as well as fortifying gut-tight junction integrity. In the same way, SI-CKD1 and Met- CKD1 synergistically improved insulin sensitivity and prevented hepatic steatosis, as evidenced by the modulation of key genes associated with insulin signaling, β-oxidation, gluconeogenesis, adipogenesis, and inflammation by qRT-PCR. The comprehensive impact on modulating gut microbiota composition was observed, particularly when combined with MetforminⓇ. This combination induced an increase in the abundance of Rikenellaceae and Alistipes related negatively to the T2DM incidence while reducing the causative species of Cryptosporangium, Staphylococcaceae, and Muribaculaceae. These alterations intervene in gut microbiota metabolites to modulate the level of butyrate, indole-3-acetic acid, propionate, and inflammatory cytokines and to activate the IL-22 pathway. However, it is meaningful that the combination of B. longum NBM7–1(CKD1) reduced the medicines’ dose to the level of the maximal inhibitory concentrations (IC50). This study advances our understanding of the intricate relationship between gut microbiota and metabolic disorders. We expect this study to contribute to developing a prospective therapeutic strategy modulating the gut microbiota.
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Type 1 Diabetes (T1D) is a chronic autoimmune disease characterized by a gradual destruction of insulin-producing β-cells in the endocrine pancreas due to innate and specific immune responses, leading to impaired glucose homeostasis. T1D patients usually require regular insulin injections after meals to maintain normal serum glucose levels. In severe cases, pancreas or Langerhans islet transplantation can assist in reaching a sufficient β-mass to normalize glucose homeostasis. The latter procedure is limited because of low donor availability, high islet loss, and immune rejection. There is still a need to develop new technologies to improve islet survival and implantation and to keep the islets functional. Mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) are multipotent non-hematopoietic progenitor cells with high plasticity that can support human pancreatic islet function both in vitro and in vivo and islet co-transplantation with MSCs is more effective than islet transplantation alone in attenuating diabetes progression. The beneficial effect of MSCs on islet function is due to a combined effect on angiogenesis, suppression of immune responses, and secretion of growth factors essential for islet survival and function. In this review, various aspects of MSCs related to islet function and diabetes are described.
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Background: Maintaining functional beta cell mass (BCM) to meet glycemic demands is essential to preventing or reversing the progression of diabetes. Yet the mechanisms that establish and regulate endocrine cell fate are incompletely understood. We sought to determine the impact of deletion of mitogen-inducible gene 6 (Mig6), a negative feedback inhibitor of epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) signaling, on mouse endocrine cell fate. The extent to which loss of Mig6 might protect against loss of functional BCM in a multiple very low dose (MVLD) STZ-induced model of diabetes was also determined. Methods: Ten-week-old male mice with whole pancreas (Pdx1:Cre, PKO) and beta cell-specific (Ins1:Cre, BKO) knockout of Mig6 were used alongside control (CON) littermates. Mice were given MVLD STZ (35 mg/kg for five days) to damage beta cells and induce hyperglycemia. In vivo fasting blood glucose and glucose tolerance were used to assess beta cell function. Histological analyses of isolated pancreata were utilized to assess islet morphology and beta cell mass. We also identified histological markers of beta cell replication, dedifferentiation, and death. Isolated islets were used to reveal mRNA and protein markers of beta cell fate and function. Results: PKO mice had significantly increased alpha cell mass with no detectable changes to beta or delta cells. The increase in alpha cells alone did not impact glucose tolerance, BCM, or beta cell function. Following STZ treatment, PKO mice had 18±8% higher BCM than CON littermates and improved glucose tolerance. Interestingly, beta cell-specific loss of Mig6 was insufficient for protection, and BKO mice had no discernable differences compared to CON mice. The increase in BCM in PKO mice was the result of decreased beta cell loss and increased beta cell replication. Finally, STZ-treated PKO mice had more Ins+/Gcg+ bi-hormonal cells compared to controls suggesting alpha to beta cell transdifferentiation. Conclusions: Mig6 exerted differential effects on alpha and beta cell fate. Pancreatic loss of Mig6 reduced beta cell loss and promoted beta cell growth following STZ. Thus, suppression of Mig6 may provide relief of diabetes.
Progressive destruction of pancreatic islet β-cells by immune cells is a primary feature of type 1 diabetes (T1D) and therapies that can restore the functional β-cell mass are needed to alleviate disease progression. Here, we report the use of mesenchymal stromal/stem cells (MSCs) for the production and delivery of Gastrin, a peptide hormone that is produced by intestinal cells and foetal islets and can increase β-Cell mass, to promote protection from T1D. A single injection of syngeneic MSCs that were engineered to express Gastrin (Gastrin-MSCs) caused a significant delay in hyperglycaemia in non-obese diabetic (NOD) mice compared to engineered control-MSCs. Similar treatment of early-hyperglycaemic mice caused the restoration of euglycemia for a considerable duration, and these therapeutic effects were associated with the protection of, and/or higher frequencies of, insulin-producing islets and less severe insulitis. While the overall immune cell phenotype was not affected profoundly upon treatment using Gastrin-MSCs or upon in vitro culture, pancreatic lymph node cells from Gastrin-MSC treated mice, upon ex vivo challenge with self-antigen, showed a Th2 and Th17 bias, and diminished the diabetogenic property in NOD-Rag1 deficient mice suggesting a disease protective immune modulation under Gastrin-MSC treatment associated protection from hyperglycaemia. Overall, this study shows the potential of production and delivery of Gastrin in vivo, by MSCs, in protecting insulin-producing β-cells and ameliorating the disease progression in T1D.
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The incidence of type 2 diabetes (T2D) increases dramatically worldwide and has created an enormous health care burden. Obesity, dyslipidemia and insulin resistance are major risk factors for the development of T2D, but the major factor leading to the disease is failure of the insulin-producing beta cell mass to compensate for increasing insulin demands of the body. Progression of the disease further diminishes the beta cell mass as a result of lipotoxicity and glycotoxicity for which beta cells are particularly sensitive. Hence, treatment aiming to prevent beta cell loss or increase the number of beta cells could inhibit diabetes progression or lead to restoration of normal metabolism. Whereas current and new antidiabetic drugs are mainly targeting insulin secretion and action or glucose uptake, newer interventions must be found that prevent beta cell loss or increase beta cell number. The targets for this are beta cell proliferation, neogenesis and survival. This review examines major evidence from animal experiments suggesting that it is feasible to regulate the beta cell mass by bioactive compounds like growth factors, cytokines, hormones, phytochemicals and small molecules. Often the mode of action remains unclear due to inadequate methods to assess the effects of the compounds on the beta cell dynamics. Furthermore, a major challenge is to identify compounds with sufficient specificity in order to avoid unwanted effects on other cell types. Provided such safety issues can be solved, this may provide a curative approach for diabetes treatment.
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Diabetes is characterized by "glucotoxic" loss of pancreatic β cell function and insulin content, but underlying mechanisms remain unclear. A mouse model of insulin-secretory deficiency induced by β cell inexcitability (KATP gain of function) demonstrates development of diabetes and reiterates the features of human neonatal diabetes. In the diabetic state, β cells lose their mature identity and dedifferentiate to neurogenin3-positive and insulin-negative cells. Lineage-tracing experiments show that dedifferentiated cells can subsequently redifferentiate to mature neurogenin3-negative, insulin-positive β cells after lowering of blood glucose by insulin therapy. We demonstrate here that β cell dedifferentiation, rather than apoptosis, is the main mechanism of loss of insulin-positive cells, and redifferentiation accounts for restoration of insulin content and antidiabetic drug responsivity in these animals. These results may help explain gradual decrease in β cell mass in long-standing diabetes and recovery of β cell function and drug responsivity in type 2 diabetic patients following insulin therapy, and they suggest an approach to rescuing "exhausted" β cells in diabetes.
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Reprogramming of pancreatic exocrine cells into cells resembling beta cells may provide a strategy for treating diabetes. Here we show that transient administration of epidermal growth factor and ciliary neurotrophic factor to adult mice with chronic hyperglycemia efficiently stimulates the conversion of terminally differentiated acinar cells to beta-like cells. Newly generated beta-like cells are epigenetically reprogrammed, functional and glucose responsive, and they reinstate normal glycemic control for up to 248 d. The regenerative process depends on Stat3 signaling and requires a threshold number of Neurogenin 3 (Ngn3)-expressing acinar cells. In contrast to previous work demonstrating in vivo conversion of acinar cells to beta-like cells by viral delivery of exogenous transcription factors, our approach achieves acinar-to-beta-cell reprogramming through transient cytokine exposure rather than genetic modification.
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In type 1 diabetes (T1D) β cell mass is markedly reduced by autoimmunity. Type 2 diabetes (T2D) results from inadequate β cell mass and function that can no longer compensate for insulin resistance. The reduction of β cell mass in T2D may result from increased cell death and/or inadequate birth through replication and neogenesis. Reduction in mass allows glucose levels to rise, which places β cells in an unfamiliar hyperglycemic environment, leading to marked changes in their phenotype and a dramatic loss of glucose-stimulated insulin secretion (GSIS), which worsens as glucose levels climb. Toxic effects of glucose on β cells (glucotoxicity) appear to be the culprit. This dysfunctional insulin secretion can be reversed when glucose levels are lowered by treatment, a finding with therapeutic significance. Restoration of β cell mass in both types of diabetes could be accomplished by either β cell regeneration or transplantation. Learning more about the relationships between β cell mass, turnover, and function and finding ways to restore β cell mass are among the most urgent priorities for diabetes research.
3T3-L1 adipocytes represent an established physiological model for studying glucose uptake and storage. Overexpression of epidermal growth factor (EGF) receptors in these cells (200,000–250,000 receptors per cell) confers EGF-inducible GLUT4-mediated glucose uptake (17). We now report that EGF receptor (EGFR)-mediated signals can induce incorporation of glucose into glycogen and lipids in these cells. Incorporation into lipids was stimulated to similar levels by insulin or EGF in adipocytes expressing full-length (wild type) EGFR (2.05 ± 0.26-fold for insulin vs. 2.28 ± 0.15-fold for EGF). EGF induced incorporation into glycogen at roughly 60% of the level of insulin (4.53 ± 0.57-fold for insulin vs. 2.76 ± 0.25-fold for EGF); this corresponded with similarly lower levels of glycogen synthase activation by EGF relative to insulin stimulation. EGFR kinase activity was required for induced storage because a kinase-inactive (M721) EGFR failed to stimulate glucose incorporation into glycogen or lipids. EGFRs that lack all or part of the unique EGFR COOH-terminal tail induced glucose incorporation at levels similar to that stimulated by full-length (wild type) EGFR. Thus, domains in the COOH-terminal tail of the EGFR, which are necessary for stimulating glucose transport, are not required for signaling EGF-induced glucose storage. EGF-induced glucose storage did not require de novo protein synthesis, suggesting that EGFR signaling uses existing pathways in the adipocytes. These data demonstrate that signaling pathways for EGFR-mediated glucose storage and GLUT4-mediated glucose transport diverge at the receptor level. Thus, EGF-induced glucose storage can be achieved in the absence of induced GLUT4-mediated glucose transport.
Diabetes mellitus is a metabolic disorder constituting a major health concern today whose prevalence has continuously increased worldwide over the past few decades. Moreover, it has been considered as an incurable metabolic disorder affecting about 2.8% of the global population. Alloxan-induced diabetes is one of the widely used model to induce Type I diabetes mellitus in the the experimental animals. Alloxan has been found to be selectively toxic to pancreatic beta cells as it preferentially accumulates in the beta cells as glucose analogues. In addition, the cytotoxic action of alloxan is mediated mainly by the generation of reactive oxygen species (ROS). Alloxan and the product of its reduction, dialuric acid, has been noted to establish a redox cycle with the formation of superoxide radicals, which undergo dismutation to hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) and more highly reactive hydroxyl radicals are formed by the Fenton reaction. Further, the massive increase in cytosolic calcium concentration ultimately causes rapid destruction of beta cells of pancreatic islets. This review decisively highlights about the mechanism of action of alloxan in order to induce diabetes mellitus in experimental animals. INTRODUCTION Diabetes mellitus has been considered as one of the major health concerns all around the world today. 1-2 Experimental animal models are one of the best strategies for the understanding of pathophysiology of any disease in order to design and develop the drugs for its treatment. 3-4 Numerous animal models have been developed for the past few decades for studying diabetes mellitus and testing anti-diabetic agents that include chemical, surgical and genetic manipulations. 5-6 One of the most potent methods to induce experimental diabetes mellitus is chemical induction by Alloxan. 6 It is a well-known diabetogenic agent that is used to induce Type I diabetes in experimental animals. 7 Alloxan is a urea derivative which causes selective necrosis of the β-cells of pancreatic islets. In addition, it has been widely used to produce experimental diabetes in animals such as rabbits, rats, mice and dogs with different grades of disease severity by varying the dose of alloxan used. 6,8 As it has been widely accepted that alloxan selectively destroys the insulin-producing beta-cells found in the pancreas, hence it is used to induce diabetes in laboratory animals. The toxic action of alloxan on pancreatic beta cells involve oxidation of essential sulphydryl (-SH groups), inhibition of glucokinase enzyme, generation of free radicals and disturbances in intracellular calcium homeostasis. 9-11 The underlying mechanism involves the selective uptake of the compound due to its structural similarity to glucose as well as highly efficient uptake mechanism of the pancreatic beta-cells. 12-13 The aim of the present review is to explicate the mechanisms involved in alloxan induced induction of experimental diabetes mellitus. Moreover, the biological effects produced by alloxan have also been discussed in the review article.
Islet transplantation has become a promising treatment for selected patients with type 1 diabetes. Here we provide an overview of the procedure including its history, the process of donor selection and the techniques and procedures involved in a successful transplant. A brief overview of the current immunosuppressive regimens, the long-term follow up and the reported outcomes will also be discussed. While islet transplantation is currently generally reserved for adults with type 1 diabetes with severe hypoglycemia or glycemic lability, we herein consider the possibility of its application to the pediatric population.
Pancreatic insulin-producing beta-cells have traditionally been viewed as a quiescent cell population. However, several recent lines of evidence indicated that like most tissues the beta-cell mass is dynamically regulated with ongoing beta-cell regeneration throughout life to replenish lost or damaged beta-cells. In type 1 diabetes (T1D), this fine-tuned balance between beta-cell death and beta-cell renewal in the endocrine pancreas is lost and the deficit in beta-cell mass is largely caused by autoimmune-mediated apoptosis. Currently, the concept that a cure for T1D will require both re-establishment of immunological tolerance along with replacement or regeneration of a functional beta-cell mass in T1D patients is generally accepted. In this study our current understanding of the events directing beta-cell replication, beta-cell reprogramming from different cell types and beta-cell regeneration is reviewed, in view of the results of various immunomodulatory strategies aiming at blocking autoimmune responses against pancreatic beta-cells and at improving beta-cell mass and function in subjects with T1D.
Genetic lineage tracing is an invaluable tool to demonstrate and measure neogenesis of beta cells from putative precursor cells. Cre-Lox recombination technology can be used for indelible labeling of a cohort of cells and following the fate of these cells and their progeny in animal models. Here, the combination is described of beta-galactosidase enzymatic staining with immunohistochemical staining to demonstrate labeled cells. This technique is performed in tissue cryosections.