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Securing Data in Cloud: Major Threats and Recent Strategies



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Securing Data in Cloud: Major Threats and
Recent Strategies
Iman Shakeel
Department of Electrical Engineering,
Jamia Millia Islamia.
New Delhi-110025, India.
Shabana Mehfuz
Department of Electrical Engineering,
Jamia Millia Islamia.
New Delhi-110025, India.
Shahnawaz Ahmad
Department of Electrical Engineering,
Jamia Millia Islamia.
New Delhi-110025, India.
Abstract- Innovation permeates deep into every part of our
modern life and, in doing so, easily enables attackers to
readily penetrate and attack a targeted enterprise at the
least conceivable expense. Regardless, it’s challenging for
any company to notice it swiftly, even after being prepared
for any unexpected occurrence. Furthermore, while Cloud
computing lets its users maintain their data throughout the
grid in an online environment, that data can be accessed
easily from anywhere worldwide. However, as security
becomes a crucial rising concern, most people, mainly those
oblivious to the increasing number of attacks and technical
breakthroughs, are concerned about storing their data on
the cloud. This paper discusses how to solve the
aforementioned issues while providing an ingenious
approach to numerous security risks in the cloud computing
Keywords- Cloud Computing, Cloud Security, Threats,
The advent of cloud computing has increased both
consumers' and service providers' access to modern
computing. Cloud computing gives users access to
limitless processing power. The cloud data center
provides resources for computers. A data center is a
facility that operates twenty-four hours a day, seven days
a week, and is where many computers and servers are
kept. Most small and medium-sized firms rely on the
cloud for daily operations. Cloud resources are made up
of platforms, infrastructure, and software components.
Furthermore, the main platform for providing cloud-based
services is infrastructure as a service (IaaS). Although
Google, Microsoft, and other businesses may now offer
support for it, Amazon was the first to offer IaaS.
Utilizing the cloud guarantees the user will always have
simple and direct access to the data they have stored
whenever required. Additionally, the cloud provides the
highest possible standard of protection for data against
physical loss. However, it should be noted that data
breaches occur more frequently when it comes to
cloud-based data. One illustration of this is the power of
the cloud to stop piracy. Abuse, tapping, etc., are a few
instances [17].
Over the recent years, cloud networking has evolved
significantly to become an essential part of the current and
prospective web technological advancements. Cloud
computing is also synonymously referred to as internet
computing. The world wide web broadly provides
network computing clusters, which authorize users to
access web resources all over the Internet. Cloud
networking technology can be accessed quickly from any
place at any moment, and in doing that, avoid facing any
physical issues with essential data resources. A
noteworthy cloud networking model, Google apps
provides various services to innumerable gadgets globally
via an internet browser application [1].
The National Institute of Standards and Innovation
designated five significant businesses in the cloud
networking field: "on-demand self-service, broad network
access, resource pooling, quick elasticity or expansion,
and determined service." Multiple different associations
described network computing as vigorous while quickly
offering virtualized tech resources for their consumers
throughout the world wide web [2]. Network computing
retains the position of being established as quite an
efficient technology for all the provided benefits;
however, it brings forth numerous dangers. Over many
years of its growth, data privacy invasions and resource
theft have stood notified as critical because the
information held in the network storage by an institution
or a unique user is covert and discreet.
For quite some time now, security has remained the most
crucial worry for the system and is among the vital
essential elements of cloud computing. It frequently faces
security problems and penetrations from harmful
software. Additionally, a host of issues like data storage
and cloud data transfer pose significant problems for the
customer. Additionally, enterprises that provide cloud
computing services need to substantiate their offerings'
serviceability, security, and accessibility. Numerous
elements could perhaps influence the schedule and the
convenience of network processing resources, such as
assistance rejection or natural/abnormal catastrophes.
Information discretion also stands amongst cloud
computing protection's central issues since customers
frequently complain that their information needs to be
protected from other parties. Also, because cloud
networking is utilized for data access by different parties,
information robbery continues to be a widespread and
significant concern for service providers and users [3].
It is via cloud computing that cyberattacks are most likely
to take place in an organization. A significant deal of this
cybercrime happens from the most ordinary encounters on
the Internet like a Brute force attack, DDOS invasion, vile
abuse of network computing, Insecure platform junction
and APIs, and so forth. Thus, it's been deemed crucial for
the providers that operate in the domain of cloud network
processing to intensify their internet safety, security, and
access systems to their information to keep a ledger of
who handled them.
Businesses nowadays like offering network computing
options while building out the on-site framework in their
institution, but quite a lot of them are unsure regarding the
safety issues relating to the data and apps of their
company. The International Data Corporation surveyed
263 information technology administrators with their field
of business associates to determine the preferences and
enterprises' use of information technology cloud
networking services. Protection and security were
categorized as prime tribulations of cloud computing [4].
Given the aforementioned problems, our contribution in
this paper is to articulate and examine existing cloud
security solutions in terms of:
Conducting a comparative analysis to evaluate
the recent works related to Cloud Computing
risks and threats.
Providing a detailed overview of various security
vulnerabilities already existing in the cloud and
their impact on different cloud models and cloud
Having fundamental knowledge of the adverse
impacts in case of a security breach.
Drawing special attention to areas for future
work where developments can be made by
examining the research gaps currently existing in
present-day solutions.
Analyzing the fundamental reasons behind the
exponential rise of security threats and breaches.
The paper is organized in the following order. In section
2, the cloud computing architecture has been discussed.
Here we highlight the different cloud security threats and
ways to counter them effectively in section 3. In section 4,
we perform a comparative analysis of the recent works
accomplished in the cloud security arena, along with
suggestions to overcome the research gaps identified
during the study. Finally, the paper is summarized with a
brief conclusion in section 5.
Fig 1. Typical Cloud Service Context
Cloud computing models are divided into public, hybrid
and private clouds.
Public Cloud: In a public cloud, a programmer develops
a variety of tools for creating and securing applications
that anybody can use. Programs are run by cloud vendors
externally in public clouds, while private clouds are used
to store critical information.
Private Cloud: A Private cloud symbolizes interior
monetary benefits that are not easily available to the
general public. The architecture for this service concept
provides a specific group of users with hosted utilities
behind a firewall.
Hybrid Cloud: A hybrid cloud combines personal and
public clouds. Organizations use hybrid clouds, where
resources are provided inside and used externally. Within
a hybrid cloud, companies only need to grant authorized
employees access to the personal cloud portion and
protect it from outside input with firewall software. On
the other hand, outsiders can access the public cloud [5].
The three primary types of service in cloud computing:
“Platform as a Service (PaaS), Software as a Service
(SaaS), and Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS)” [6]
Consumers are granted access to internal structures,
enabling them to deploy consumer-created or acquired
application software and many others onto the cloud
platform by utilizing the tools and programming
languages supported by the cloud service. In addition to
operating server software, PaaS additionally involves
using IaaS [1, 6].
Cloud provider apps running on public clouds are offered
as benefits to customers based on their requirements,
allowing consumers to take full advantage of services
supported by cloud servers. Patching, upgrading, and
maintenance are complex activities that SaaS avoids [1,
Customers can manage virtual computers, use them,
conduct online transactions, and connect to networks
thanks to the availability of leasing, capability,
networking, and with that, some other processing
prerequisites. Material, digital, and comparatively more
secured web devices are displayed in IaaS cloud
computing [1, 6]. Users, however, lack sufficient
confidence to upload their data to the cloud platforms.
Data security is the cloud's main downside for those who
question its benefits. The core issue with the cloud is data
security, a problem that is only getting worse with time
[18]. If data is lost or corrupted, businesses and their
clients suffer severely. Therefore, cloud data security is a
pressing concern [19–20]. Since the cloud is a vast
computer network, stronger and more effective data
protection is required. A hierarchical management
approach that combines user passwords with secret
sharing is provided [21] in order to prevent a
cryptographic data leak. To secure cloud data, [22] a
symmetric key encryption technique is developed, which
encrypts a file locally on the client side before uploading
to the cloud and decrypts the file using the key received
during encryption after downloading on the client side.
One can be sure of the safety of their data when using
cryptography. But not all encryption techniques work well
in a cloud setting [23]. This study aims to assess current
techniques and safe data storage developments in cloud
computing to address security and privacy challenges,
such as data loss, manipulation, and theft [24].
Outsourcing IT services is possible due to cloud
computing. However, data breaches are multiplied when
data is outsourced. In terms of cloud security, data
security is a great concern. The data that has been
outsourced is maintained and controlled by the cloud
service providers. The user is unaware of third-party
cloud service providers. Users are also unable to
determine who is in charge of keeping their data up to
date and where it is kept. Cloud vendors store user data
according to their standards. More alternatives for
learning about the data sent to the cloud may be available
to providers. Data security in the cloud is provided both
when the data is in transit and at rest. Both internal and
external users can attack data while it is in storage and
during transmission across the network. Although it takes
time, data security in a hybrid cloud environment is of the
utmost importance. To avoid these problems, the user
encrypts the data and saves it on the cloud.
The suggested strategy's main focus is the cloud storage
of data in the cloud. However, the data can also be stored
in a hybrid cloud. The data may be stored in a hybrid
cloud, depending on the user's preference. Depending on
the user's request, a private or a public cloud can store the
data. Users can also choose the type of cloud depending
on how sensitive the data is. Under the suggested
approach, encryption, keys, and storage would be housed
in separate regions of the cloud because if they were all
obtained from the same cloud provider, they might share
information about the material in their storage. The
suggested framework design in Fig. 2 illustrates the use of
entities to safeguard data.
Fig 2. A Conceptual Framework and its Constituent Elements
Threat is the term used to describe an external force that
causes nodes currently in one state to move to another.
This node houses the data and provides a platform for the
user to use the application in the form of services.
Multiple attacks or intrusions can occur within cloud
applications. The subsequent paragraph mentions three
cloud service models that provide various services to the
user and make security and threat issues with data within
cloud systems visible.
1. Abuse and Dubious Utilization of Cloud Computing
Nowadays, signing up for and using cloud services has
become much more straightforward. This makes it simple
for hackers to access the cloud and exploit bugs in the
initial cloud registration procedure. SaaS, PaaS, and IaaS
services are available to them. Because of this, hackers
can engage in various risky actions like fraud, scamming,
and/or spamming. The dangers mentioned above stand
easily accessible across all three cloud levels.
Defensive measures involve (1) Stringent initial
authentication and validation process, (2) Enhanced
monitoring of illicit practices, (3) Comprehensive
introspection of network activity (4) Analyzing public
blacklists to supervise one's own network block.
2. Network Sniffing
Additionally, SaaS presents a threat. The hacker gains
access to web applications through this kind of threat. By
doing this, they can intercept packets as they move
through a network and seize any unencrypted data
transmitted through the captured packages. In such a
threat, the stolen data becomes accessible to everyone.
Defensive measures encompass (1) Restrict physical
access to the network media so that a packet sniffer
cannot be installed. (2) Utilise encryption to safeguard
private data while it is being transmitted and stored.
3. Session Hijacking
It is a violation of the user's session security. A new
session is started on the network when a user logs into a
website. It contains all the user's data and the data used by
the server so that the user does not need a password when
accessing unique pages. With all the crucial details, a
hacker can enter an active session and successfully access
that session ID using HTTP. The server uses session IDs
to identify users for a particular session. Hackers can
access this session hijacking to hijack the session ID and,
as a result, gain additional unauthorized access to the
user's data without consent. The most common session
hijacking attacks include cross-site scripting, session
fixation, side jacking, and session prediction.
Countermeasures include (1) making it illegal for users
and services to share login information, (2) implementing
two-factor solid authentication where appropriate, (3)
actively monitoring and spotting unauthorized activity,
and (4) comprehending the security policies and SLAs of
cloud providers.
4. Man in The Middle Attack
Another form of event hijacking is the MITM attack, in
which the hackers use a sniffer to intercept information
being exchanged between the devices used for data
collection and then send the information to themselves.
As a result, the consumer is fully convinced that the
interaction is uninterrupted, secure, and personal even
after the malicious attacker establishes an independent
connection with the device. In reality, though, the session
is entirely under the control of the hackers. Again, this
severely threatens the SaaS model.
Defensive measures involve (1) Trying to analyze the
security framework of Cloud Provider interfaces, (2)
Ensuring multi-factor robust authentication and access
control alongside the encrypted transmission, (3)
Monitoring the dependency chain affiliated with the API
5. Denial of Service
DoS is an attack upon the SaaS layer. By employing this
malicious attack, the hackers flood the web management
and services with so many requests that regular traffic
cannot be processed, disrupting normal operations.
Defensive measures involve (1) Trying to promote rigid
authentication for administrative usage and operations, (2)
Implementing SLAs for patching and vulnerability
reclamation, and (3) Undertaking vulnerability scanning
and configuration audits.
6. Flooding Attacks
This type of "denial of service attack" is used to saturate
the network with anomalous traffic to make it more
clogged. This foray happens when hackers flood the web
or other services with data packets. The host's buffer
memory is overrun with redundant and unused data due to
the server's constant assault from incomplete connections.
In the end, the network won't be able to establish any
connection if the buffer is given no space. Denial of
service will occur as a result of this. The IaaS and PaaS
layers of the cloud model are the targets of this attack.
Mitigation strategies include (1) Implementing
comprehensive API access control, (2) Encrypting and
securing the integrity of information during transmission,
(3) Analyzing data protection at run time as well as design
time, (4) Integrating robust key generation, and
management, data storage, and destruction.
7. Privacy Breach
As a result of giving up direct control over many
security-related issues to the cloud computing model,
organizations hand over an unprecedented amount of their
information and trust to the cloud provider. Any cloud
security gap will allow unauthorized users to access
information. This will make it possible for unauthorized
users to gain access to their personal data, which could
further result in unauthorized and malicious activities
involving the info saved. The SaaS model's users will be
affected the most by this.
Security measures entail (1) Strictly enforcing chain
management and undertaking regular evaluations, (2)
Adopting transparency in overall network security and
management procedures, and (3) Trying to incorporate
security breach alert processes.
From comparatively analyzing the papers on computing
risks and threats, we suggest various possible solutions to
overcome the research gaps identified in the
methodologies used. A hands-on solution to consider the
effect of various system components (CPU, RAM, and
cache memory) is to use a Cache-Based Side-Channel
Intrusion Detector that uses Hardware Performance
Counters. Furthermore, a highly-secure cryptographic
technique known as the Manage-Your-Own-Key (MYOK)
model can enable hybrid cloud users to securely store
their data in the cloud. In the case of the three-MAKA
model, the communication cost can be reduced by taking
into account the full complexity of the networking
environment and the interactions that take place within it.
From our analysis, we also observed that it's crucial to
consider multiple attackers and the effect of their
malicious activities on numerous data storage systems, as
considering a single attacker attacking a single target
through one entry point will not be sufficient to analyze
the intensity of the security breach caused.
This paper aims to highlight cloud computing users'
serious security risks. There is still much to understand
about cloud computing because it has not yet been
sufficiently developed, and multiple possibilities exist for
potential successive development. After completing our
study on cloud security, we observed that security is the
main hurdle for both consumers and cloud service
companies. Many issues and concerns with cloud
computing security have been conceded as having severe
adverse effects on consumers' trust and confidentiality.
Prospective risks and security breaches to cloud
computing will be substantial as the technology improves.
This paper also aims to provide helpful recommendations
and constraints of primary open research to elucidate the
cloud's dilemmas, risks, and negative consequences.
While doing all that, this research study also strives to
provide a holistic range of perspectives for this field of
research and aid the researchers in identifying potential
countermeasures to such dangers and risks.
Cloud security continues to be crucial as more companies
integrate cloud services into their corporate
infrastructures. However, cloud security inadequacies are
known to have a deterrent effect on business interest in
cloud services, and to counter just that as the situation
stands, researchers are taking a proactive interest in
investigating different security paradigms to tackle the
concerns of the potential cloud subscriber base and
reassure them to safely and securely move their critical
applications and core business processes to the cloud.
Parameters taken
into account
Protocols used
Advantages present
An efficacious framework
is developed wherein each
network device is
targeted, observed, and
alternative solutions are
employed to defend the
cloud server.
Pattern Matching
Attack, Brute Force
Attack, DDoS Attack
An efficacious
intrusion detection
system software is
tested and developed
to specifically
intercept intrusions
from the cloud.
A key access management
scheme is created that
provides everyone in your
organization with a secure
way to access the public
cloud inside and outside
your organization's
Key Recovery
Security, Key
The KDC does not
need to store private
keys anywhere,
eliminating data
breach issues and the
risk of key exposure.
In a three-factor MAKA
protocol, Schnorr
signatures are used to
achieve dynamic
management of users and
provide a formal random
proof of security oracle.
Password and
Supports dynamic
revocation, achieves
the security
characteristics of
requirements from
improves functionality
without sacrificing
efficiency, and has
good computation
A Trust Assessment
Framework for Efficiently
and Effectively
Evaluating the
trustworthiness of Cloud
Security and
Trustworthy cloud
service selection,
Cloud-based IoT
Security controls
Combines security and
reputation capabilities
of cloud services
The suggested software
solution enables a cloud
provider's security
administrator to
effectively choose
mitigation measures
against certain threats.
Security Risk
Evaluation, Threat,
STRIDE model
Focuses on the unique
security requirements
that each customer has
in relation demands
outsourced from the
Proactive auditing
strategy, which can
preclude breaches of
security guidelines at
runtime with a reasonable
reaction time without
prior knowledge about
future changes.
Security Auditing,
Enforcement, Cloud
Security, Proactive
VeriFlow] and
Can aid analysts in
diagnosing critical
events more
efficaciously, which
could enhance the
accuracy of
protection auditing.
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... However, the rise in popularity of cloud computing has been paralleled by an increase in cyber-attacks, making data security a top priority for many organizations. The primary responsibility of protecting sensitive data in the cloud falls on Key Management Systems (KMS) [33]. They are instrumental in generating, storing, and managing encryption keys used to secure data. ...
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This paper presents an innovative approach to strengthening Key Management Systems (KMS) against the escalating landscape of cyber threats by integrating advanced cryptographic technologies, machine learning, deep learning, and the Internet of Things (IoT). As digital reliance and cyber-attacks surge, strengthening KMS security becomes paramount. Our research provides a comprehensive overview of the state-of-the-art in cloud data security, identifying key vulnerabilities in existing KMS. The paper also outlines a distinctive framework based on the combined application of advanced cryptography, machine learning, deep learning, and IoT, which represents a novel approach in the quest for robust KMS security. Our experimental results substantiate the efficacy of this unique blend of technologies, providing solid empirical evidence that such a fusion can successfully strengthen KMS against potential threats. As technologies and threat landscapes continue to evolve, our framework can serve as a benchmark for future research and practical implementations. It highlights the potential of integrated technological solutions to counter complex cybersecurity issues. Moreover, the approach we've developed can be adapted and expanded to cater to the specific needs of different sectors, such as finance, healthcare, and e-commerce, which are particularly vulnerable to cyber threats. The novelty of our work lies in the amalgamation of the four technologies and the creation of an empirically backed, robust framework, marking a significant stride in KMS security.
Conference Paper
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Due to reduced key size, Elliptic Curve Cryptography (ECC) was utilized in this study for tenant authentication, data encryption, and decryption. The proposed ECC-based authentication technique efficiently defends against many related threats while allowing authorized users access to confidential data. The authors choose the exact and ideal values of elliptic curves to provide more secure data encryption by combining nature-inspired optimizations like the Moth Search Algorithm (MSA) with ECC. The DNS encryption and the ECC encryption technique are combined in the proposed encryption and decryption method. Analysis of the proposed method's security shows that it is effective against certain types of attacks, including denial-of-service attacks, spoofing attacks, reaction attacks, and simple both the selected ciphertext attack and text attacks.
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Cloud computing is a rapidly expanding field. It allows users to access computer system resources as needed, particularly data storage and computational power, without managing them directly. This paper aims to create a data security model based on cryptography and steganography for data in cloud computing that seeks to reduce existing security and privacy concerns, such as data loss, data manipulation, and data theft. To identify the problem and determine its core cause, we studied various literature on existing cloud computing security models. This study utilizes design science research methodology. The design science research approach includes problem identification, requirements elicitation, artifact design and development, demonstration, and assessment. Design thinking and the Python programming language are used to build the artifact, and discussion about its working is represented using histograms, tables, and algorithms. This paper’s output is a four-step data security model based on Rivest–Shamir–Adleman, Advanced Encryption Standard, and identity-based encryption algorithms alongside Least Significant Bit steganography. The four steps are data protection and security through encryption algorithms, steganography, data backup and recovery, and data sharing. This proposed approach ensures more cloud data redundancy, flexibility, efficiency, and security by protecting data confidentiality, privacy, and integrity from attackers.
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Cloud computing is considered to be the best technique for storing data online instead of using a hard drive. It includes three different types of computing services that are provided to remote users via the Internet. Cloud computing offers its end users a variety of options, such as cost savings, access to online resources and performance, but as the number of users in cloud computing grows, so does the likelihood of an attack. Various researchers have researched and provided many solutions to prevent these attacks. One of the best ways to detect an attack is through an Intrusion Detection System. This article will develop an efficient framework in which will use and discuss various security solutions for a network. Every device on the network will be attacked and the attack rate of the entire network will be monitored. After that, various solutions will be provided to protect the cloud server from attacks. Different principles will be used at the end of the article to test the accuracy of the results and from each conclusion it will be concluded to what extent the results of this paper are better than others.
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In this work, we construct a key access management scheme that seamlessly transitions any hierarchical-like access policy to the digital medium. The proposed scheme allows any public cloud system to be used as a private cloud.We consider the data owner an entity consisting of several organization units.We provide a secure method for each user of this entity to access the public cloud from both inside and outside the company’s network.The idea of our key access control scheme, which is based on Shamir’s secret sharing algorithm and polynomial interpolation method, is suitable especially for hierarchical organizational structures. It offers a secure, flexible, and hierarchical key access mechanism for organizations utilizing mission-critical data. It also minimizes concerns about moving mission-critical data to the public cloud and ensures that only users with sufficient approvals from the same or higher privileged users can access the key by making use of the topological ordering of a directed graph including self-loop. Main overheads such as public and private storage needs are reduced to a tolerable level, the key derivation is computationally efficient. From a security perspective, our scheme is both resistant to collaboration attacks and provides key indistinguishability security. Since the key does not need to be held anywhere, the problem of a data breach based on key disclosure risk is also eliminated.
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Cloud storage service has shown its great power and wide popularity which provides fundamental support for rapid development of cloud computing. However, due to management negligence and malicious attack, there still lie enormous security incidents that lead to quantities of sensitive data leakage at cloud storage layer. From the perspective of protecting cloud data confidentiality, this paper proposed a Cloud Secure Storage Mechanism named CSSM. To avoid data breach at the storage layer, CSSM integrated data dispersion and distributed storage to realize encrypted, chucked and distributed storage. In addition, CSSM adopted a hierarchical management approach and combined user password with secret sharing to prevent cryptographic materials leakage. The experimental results indicate that proposed mechanism is not only suitable for ensuring the data security at storage layer from leakage, but also can store huge amount of cloud data effectively without imposing too much time overhead. For example, when users upload/download 5G sized file with CSSM, it only takes 646seconds/269seconds, which is acceptable for users.
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Cryptography indicates to techniques of securing information and communication derived from mathematical perception to convert messages in ways that are tough to interpret. Cryptography is firmly associated with the department of cryptology along with cryptanalysis. It consists of techniques such as blending words with images, microdots, and alternative ways to mask data during storage or else transit. However, in the modern era, cryptography is repeatedly related to cloud computing. But, moving data into a cloud is a huge modification and has real involvement that makes users lapse before one can sign up for the desired service which can cause unwanted instruction on sensitive information and data lost. For the security of cloud data, a symmetric algorithm had been introduced by previous research work which used simple algorithms and had performance issues. In this research paper we have introduced and enforced symmetric key encryption that would encrypt a file locally at the client-side prior to uploading to the cloud and the file would decrypt after downloading on the client-side using key generated during encryption. This algorithm also uses a different algorithm to calculate the key value. As a result, our algorithm offers better security and better performance for large files. This way we can add an extra layer of security which would restrain unwanted attacks on intimated information as well as lack of standardization.
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The multi-tenancy in a cloud along with its dynamic and self-service nature could cause severe security concerns. To mitigate such concerns and ensure the accountability and transparency of the cloud providers towards their tenants, security auditing is a promising solution. However, the existing security auditing solutions for clouds suffer from several limitations. First, the traditional auditing approach, which is retroactive in nature, can only detect violations after the fact and hence, often becomes ineffective while dealing with the dynamic nature of a cloud. Second, the existing runtime approaches can cause significant delay in the response time while dealing with the sheer size of a cloud. Finally, the current proactive approaches typically rely on prior knowledge about future changes in a cloud and also require significant manual efforts, and thus become less practical for a dynamic environment like cloud. To address those limitations, we present a novel proactive security auditing system, namely, ProSAS, which can prevent violations to security policies at runtime with a practical response time, and yet does not require prior knowledge about future changes. ProSAS is integrated into OpenStack, a popular cloud platform. Our experiment results using both synthetic and real data demonstrate its efficiency and accuracy.
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Decentralized Cloud Storage services represent a promising opportunity for a different cloud market, meeting the supply and demand for IT resources of an extensive community of users. The dynamic and independent nature of the resulting infrastructure introduces security concerns that can represent a slowing factor towards the realization of such an opportunity, otherwise clearly appealing and promising for the expected economic benefits. In this paper, we present an approach enabling resource owners to effectively protect and securely delete their resources while relying on decentralized cloud services for their storage. Our solution combines All-Or-Nothing-Transform for strong resource protection, and carefully designed strategies for slicing resources and for their decentralized allocation in the storage network. We address both availability and security guarantees, jointly considering them in our model and enabling resource owners to control their setting.