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Browser Forensics on Web-based Tiktok Applications


Abstract and Figures

Tiktok application is an application that is being used a lot, so it causes many criminal acts such as defamation, cybercrime, and cyberbullying. This study uses a forensic method as a standard in the research phase to reveal evidence of pollution crimes that occur in the TikTok web browser application. The method used in this research is the National Institute of Standard Technology (NIST). This method has 4 stages used for reference in the analysis of evidence, namelyanalysis collection, examination,and reporting. This research uses a laptop which is used as experimental material in the scenario. This case uses a Chrome web browser in public mode where a laptop is logged into Tiktok with the Chrome browser used to post videos. This research uses tools, forensicnamely FTK Imager, Browser History Capture / Viewer, Video Cache Viewer. The results obtained from this study are data or evidence from a post that has been deleted in the TikTok web browser application. The results obtained from the process of this research stage are in the form of text, username, photos / videos, and links from posts that the suspect has deleted. Based on the toolsused in this study, 80% managed to get butki goods and 20% failed, namely video. The evidence found can then be used to report and assist in the trial process.
Content may be subject to copyright.
International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 8887)
Volume 175 No. 34, December 2020
Browser Forensics on Web-based Tiktok Applications
Tomi Pandela
Department of Information System
Universitas Ahmad Dahlan
Yogyakarta of Indonesia
Imam Riadi
Department of Information System
Universitas Ahmad Dahlan
Yogyakarta of Indonesia
Tiktok application is an application that is being used a lot, so
it causes many criminal acts such as defamation, cybercrime,
and cyberbullying. This study uses a forensic method as a
standard in the research phase to reveal evidence of pollution
crimes that occur in the TikTok web browser application. The
method used in this research is the National Institute of
Standard Technology (NIST). This method has 4 stages used
for reference in the analysis of evidence, namelyanalysis
collection, examination,and reporting. This research uses a
laptop which is used as experimental material in the scenario.
This case uses a Chrome web browser in public mode where a
laptop is logged into Tiktok with the Chrome browser used to
post videos. This research uses tools, forensicnamely FTK
Imager, Browser History Capture / Viewer, Video Cache
Viewer. The results obtained from this study are data or
evidence from a post that has been deleted in the TikTok web
browser application. The results obtained from the process of
this research stage are in the form of text, username, photos /
videos, and links from posts that the suspect has deleted.
Based on the toolsused in this study, 80% managed to get
butki goods and 20% failed, namely video. The evidence
found can then be used to report and assist in the trial process.
Forensics, Tiktok, Web, Browser, NIST.
Progress of science and technology has a very big influence in
various fields of human life [1]. The internet is becoming a
new digital space that creates a cultural space[2]. The rapid
development of this technology is followed by the
development of software such as social media, now many
social media services are Instagram, Facebook, Twitter and
Tiktok. Social media has changed the world a lot. Pervert a lot
of thoughts and theories that are owned. The level or level of
communication merges in one container called social
networking / social media[3]. Almost everyone from all walks
of life has a social media application, because social media is
used for various needs, such as sharing information, selling,
and entertainment. Personal freedom in conveying ideas,
criticism, suggestions and even "blasphemy" is often
encountered every hour and day through various variants of
the media used[4]. Social media itself has services such as
text messages, video posts and photos. TikTok is a social
media platform created by a Chinese company in September
2016. TikTok is the international version of the Chinese
mobile short video platform Douyin, which is owned by
Chinese tech giant ByteDance. Continued growth from 2019
to 2020, surpassing 2 billion downloads in April 2020 amid
the ongoing global health crisis[5]. Tiktok is a platform that
allows users to create videos up to 1 minute long with a
number of features. TikTok users can follow the accounts they
like, give hearts, comment, and share videos on other
platforms. Videos, hashtags, sounds and effects can be added
to the Favorites section of the user account. The level of
convenience provided by the Tiktok application in making
videos and editing videos, this creates the potential for cyber
bullying and even defamation. Legal provisions for criminal
acts of defamation and insult are regulated in Law Number 32
of 2002 concerning Broadcasting, Law Number 11 of 2008
concerning Electronic Information and Transactions, and
several other sectoral or special laws[6]. Defamation cases can
be revealed on social media with the help of digital forensics
using the NIST (National Institute of Standard Technology).
1.1 Literature Study
1.1.1 Previous Research
The literature study stage was carried out to provide a
reference to increase knowledge in conducting research,
Fadillah, Umar, and Yudhana (2018) Explains the process of
applying forensic cases to an Android-based mobile payment
application using a research method that refers to guidelines
mobile device forensics created by the National Institute of
Standards and Technology (NIST). In the process of lifting
digital evidence for smartphones that have been installed with
the mobile payment application, rooting is required for
Android smartphones, and there are many tools that can be
used in the process of lifting digital evidence that runs on the
Windows platform [7].
Fitriyah, Diklat, and Semarang (2019) conducted a study
entitled "The NIST Method for Forensic Analysis of Digital
Evidence on Android Devices". The results of the research are
finding digital evidence in the form of contact data, call logs,
and messages that have been deleted on the Samsung Galaxy
J1 Ace smartphone, it can be concluded that recovery with
thetool Wondershareonly reaches 30%, while the results of
recovery with Oxygen forensics reach 73% of deleted data.
Yudhana, Riadi, and Anshori (2018) with a study entitled
"Facebook Massenger Digital Evidence Analysis Using the
NIST Method" in this study discusses the process of obtaining
evidence on an android smartphone using Oxigen forensic
forensic software on the Facebook Massenger application.
With the conclusion, namely: The results that have been
obtained are conversational text, images and audio[9].
Prasongko, Yudhana, and Fadil (2018) which has a research
title, "Forensic Analysis of Kakaotalk Applications Using the
National Institute of Standards and Technology Method"
which has a discussion of digital forensic analysis on
KakaoTalk for handling cybercrime. With the conclusion:
Digital evidence expected from the process of forensic
removal and analysis can help the process of investigating a
digital crime[10].
Kunang and Khristian (2016) with the title "Implementation
of Forensic Procedures for Analysis of Whatsapp Artifacts on
Android Phones". The conclusion is that using the stages of
International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 8887)
Volume 175 No. 34, December 2020
the WhatsApp application forensic procedure on the platform
used in this study produces several conclusions and
suggestions that can be used as a standard procedure reference
for conducting forensic investigations on the use of WhatsApp
Messenger on an Android smartphone in real situations or as a
reference for related research.[11].
1.1.2 Digital Forensics
Forensics is an activity to investigate and establish facts
relating to criminal activities and other legal issues. Forensics
is a part of science that covers the discovery and investigation
of data found on digital devices (computers, cellphones /
smartphones, tablets, storage and the like), in this case digital
forensics can be divided into computer-related forensics (host,
server), networks, applications (including 12 databases), and
devices (digital devices). Each of them has its own depth[12].
1.1.3 Web Browser
Web browser is an application for accessing web sites via the
internet. Web browsers allow users to search for information,
read e-mails, communicate via instant messages or social
networks, use internet banking and shop throughweb sites e-
commerce [13]. A web browser is a software application for
retrieving, presenting, and traversing information sources on
the internet or the world wide web (WWW). The source of
information is identified by a Uniform Resource Identifier
(URL) and may be a web page, image, video, or other piece of
content[14]. The web browser itself stores a large amount of
data about user activity during browsing, including cache
files, Uniform Resource Identifier (URL), keywords, cookies.
1.1.4 Digital EvidenceDigital
Methodevidence is information stored or transmitted in binary
form that can be relied on in court. Evidence can be found on
computer hard drives, cell phones, personal digital assistants
(PDAs), CDs, and digital camera flash cards, among other
places. Digital evidence is generally related to digital or
electronic crimes, such as pornography, prostitution, identity
theft, phishing, credit card or ATM fraud. However, digital
evidence is now being used to prosecute all types of criminals,
not just digital crimes[15]. Digital evidence is divided into 15
types, namely logical files, deleted files, encrypted audio files,
video files, images files, emails, user id / password, etc.
1.1.5 Tiktok
TikTok is one of the fastest growing social media platforms in
the world. TikTok allows users to create short 15-second
videos with music, filters, and several other creative features.
In September 2016, the Chinese company ByteDance
launched a short video application called Douyin. Within 1
year, Douyin had 100 million users and 1 billion daily video
views. Just like most social media platforms, TikTok is also
big because users are creating their own content. TikTok is
considered a social media platform because like Twitter and
Instagram, its users have a social group of followers and other
users they follow[16].
1.1.6 Cybercrime
Cybercrime according to the United Nations: any illegal
behavior committed by means of, the victim of a computer
system or system or network, including crimes such as illegal
possession, offering or distributing information through
computer systems or networks. There are many different
categories to explore what is meant by cybercrime, one of
which is to divide cybercrime into two major groups, namely:
Violent / potentially violent, and Non-Violent [17].
1.1.7 National Institute of Standard Technology
National Institute of Standard Technology (NIST) has four
main areas including biotechnology, nanotechnology,
information technology, and modern manufacturing. NIST
provides standardized methods that can be used to solve
problems and perform analysis of digital evidence or stages to
obtain information from digital evidence [18]. The National
Institute of Standard and Technology (NIST) stages have 4
stages that will be used to carry out investigations on mobile
forensic cases.
2.1 Research Scenario
The case study used in this research is the distribution of
videos containing defamation through content uploaded on
social media, tiktok web. The simulation of this case is a
suspect who uses the Chrome web browser to log into Tiktok
and then uploads a video and in quite a while the post is
deleted. The acquisition process is carried out to secure the
data running on the computer at that time so as to minimize
the loss of evidence. The results are then backed up or copied,
these copies can then be continued for forensics. The laptop
used by the suspect is alive after being used to post videos to
the Tiktok application, as in Figure 1 a simulation of the case
of defamation of the Tiktok application running on the
Chrome browser by logging in using a username and
password, the perpetrator posts the video and then it is deleted
again. The simulation can be seen in Figure 1.
Figure 1. Research Scenario
In Figure 1 describes a scenario about how the suspect posted
video content to his Tiktok account and was deleted by the
suspect when someone felt harmed or harassed.
International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 8887)
Volume 175 No. 34, December 2020
2.2 Research Stages
The stages of this research are where the case study
simulation process can be carried out in stages to try to find a
crime butt from the Tiktok web application based on digital
evidence. The research stages can refer to a method, namely
the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST),
which has several steps that can be taken to produce evidence.
The National Institute of Standard and Technology (NIST)
stages have 4 stages that will be used to carry out
investigations on mobile forensic cases. Explanation 4 stages
following method as shown in Figure 2:
Figure 2. NIST Method Stages
mobile forensicStagesNational Institute of Standards
Technology (NIST), there are several stages as follows:
1. Collection The collection stage identifies, labels,
records, and retrieves data from relevant data
sources by following data integrity preservation
2. Examination The Examination Phase processes the
collected data forensically using a combination of
various scenarios, both automatic and manual,
assessing and releasing data as needed while
maintaining data integrity.
3. Analysis The Analysis phase analyzes the results of
the examination using technically and legally
justified methods to obtain useful information and
answer questions that drive collection and
4. Reporting The reporting stage is to report the results
of the analysis which includes a description of the
actions taken, an explanation of the tools and
procedures selected, the determination of other
actions that need to be taken (for example, forensic
examinations of additional data sources, identified
security gaps, or increased security controls), and
provide recommendations for improving policies,
procedures, equipment, and other aspects of the
forensic process[19].
The scenario of the case of spreading pornographic content on
social media Twitter is trying to be revealed by conducting
forensics on physical evidence, namely the alleged
perpetrator's laptop. The tools and materials needed, among
others, can be seen in Table 1.
Table 1. Tools and Materials
Tools and
Laptop suspect with the MSI
GL62M 7RDX brand, Intel Core
i7-7700HQ CPU @ 2.80GHz,
Windows 10 x64
FTK Imager
To read the capture results from
the ram capturer and use it to
check the hash value of the ram
acquisition results and is used to
search for evidence based on the
parameters you are looking for
Browser History
To read the capture results from
tool Browser History Capturer
Browser History
To retrieve history from browser
including cached images and
Cached Video
To getevidence.
3.1 Collection
This stage is the initial stage carried out by investigators to
find, collect and process the documentation of evidence in the
location of the incident. The evidence used in this scenario is
a laptop the suspect is using. In Table 2 the following is the
evidence used.
Table 2. Physical Evidence
Laptop with the
7RDX brand
that was found
turned on and
connected to the
internet at the
Table 2 is documentation of evidence with specifications
obtained from the scene of the incident, namely a MSI laptop
with type GL62M-7RDX with intel core i7-7700HQ and 8GB
RAM and 1TB HDD storage with a Windows 10 OS which
was found to be on and still connected to the internal in filling
out the Questionnaire.
3.2 Examination
This stage is a major stage in an investigation to acquire data
on evidence from a suspect's laptop.
3.2.1 Ftk Imager
In the process of collecting data from RAM memory or
International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 8887)
Volume 175 No. 34, December 2020
capture memory, acan be used tool forensicsuch as FTK
Imager, the data collection process is asin Figure 3.
Figure 3. FTK Imager acquisition
Data collection by means of memory capture. The way to
capture is to select the file menu and click on the memory
capture feature. The results will be saved with the .mem
3.2.2 Browser History Capture
In the Chrome application, data acquisition will be carried out
using tool thisto retrieve data from the browser. Data that can
be obtained from browser acquisition include history, cache,
and archived history. The stages for acquisition with thetool
Browser History Capturecan be seen in Figure 4 .
Figure 4. Browser History Capture acquisition
This application has several advantages and several
disadvantages. The advantage itself is that tool thisdoes not
need to install on the device so it can speed up the data
collection process, the drawback is that tool thiscan only run
on a number of applications, namely on Firefox, Chrome, and
Internet Explorer & Edge. In the history folder, there are
several files such as Bookmarks, Cookies, Current Session,
History, Last session, Login Data, Preferences, Top sites, and
Web data. The above files will be analyzed using the Browser
History Viewer tool.
3.2.3 Video Cache View
Video Cache Viewer is a tool used to acquire videos from
browser applications such as Firefox, Opera, and Chrome.
The acquisition process involves extracting video files from
the video cache in the browser. Automatically all cache from
the browser in the form of videos will be read in this tool The
acquisition process can be seen in Figure 5.
Figure 5. Video Cache View Acquisition
When tool thisis opened, it will immediately carry out the data
acquisition process on all browsers on the suspect's laptop
according to the type mentioned earlier. When the tool
completes the acquisition, you will see all the video results
obtained from various sources.
3.3 Analysis
The analysis stage is a stage that aims to analyze and see the
evidence obtained previously from the Examination stage in
detail. The results that have been obtained will later be
entered into the table to see the comparison of the results
obtained from the various tools used. This analysis uses
several tools used by researchers as follows:
3.3.1 Ftk Imager
Analysis Tool FTK Imager are used to analyze the results of
examination its before performed using tool TFK Imager also,
files that can be seen in Figure 6.
Figure 6. Results FTK ImagerAcquisition
The acquired files above will then be analyzed. The results
obtained from the tiktok keywords that can be used as
evidence are as shown in Figure 7.
Figure 7. Results of the Tiktok keyword
Shown in FigureThe results of the first search can be seen in
Figure 7 with the tiktok keywords. Results in the can that link
be logged in with a user name
g=en"PTomy Pandella (@tomypandella) TikTok.
International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 8887)
Volume 175 No. 34, December 2020
Figure 8. Results From Keyword Username
Results of Search for the second word in Figure 8, namely the
user name of the victim's account which is evidence of a sign
of suspicion against the victim, and the results obtained are a
user @ tmpdl26 which is the victim's user name along with
the text "apparently he is" and a hashtag #nakal which is a
sentence listed in the caption in the video or content uploaded
by the suspect.
3.3.2 Browser History Viewer
The results obtained from the browser acquisition are two
folders, namely Chrome and Historical folders.In this study
we will retrieve what data in the Chrome folder containing the
folder cache and history Folder history contains several files
such as Bookmarks, Cookies, Current Session, History, Last
session, Login Data, Preferences, Top site, and Web data.
above will be analyzed with thetool as Browser History
Viewershown in Figure 9.
Figure 9. Results of Browser History Capture
In tool this, the process of extracting files that have been from
obtained the tool browser history capture is in the form of a
folder capture with the contents the file. The results that have
been extracted can be seen in Figure 10.
Figure 10. Photo Results from Tiktok
In Figure 10 the results are from Cached Image with the same
parameters as before, and there are results, namely two photos
which are the suspect's profile photo and a thumbnail of the
video content data. which he uploaded.
Figure 11. Results From Cached Web Page
Cached Web Page Like Figure 11 above is information from
the browser used by the suspect which contains search traces
that the suspect searched for, it can be seen in the image
above that the suspect searches the social media Tiktok web
on Google Chrome and some other history such as login and
upload to Tiktok.
3.4 Reporting
In this reporting process, the tools used for forensics will also
be input in order to see the results and comparisons of each
toolused. The information from the device of this research in
the form of Windows 10 laptop with the details in Table 3.
Table 3. Evidence Specifications
Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-7700HQ CPU @
Intel(R) HD Graphics 630 & NVIDIA
Geforce GTX1050/2GB DDR5
8GB Memory DDR4
1TB 7200RPM
Applications or software that are forensic or analyzed, namely
the Chrome browser with a web, namely Tiktok web. By
following several inspection procedures, evidence is analyzed
with several tools with their own functions and features, from
analysis of the TikTok web social media. So the results that
are focused are several things related to the suspect and the
Tiktok web social media, for more details, see Table 4.
Table 4. Results of All Methods
Forensic Software
Table 4 is the result of the discovery of evidence on the
TikTok web site running on the Chrome web browser. In
thetool FTK Imager successfully obtained evidence in the
form of text from the post caption uploaded by the suspect,
the suspect's user name (@tomypandella) who logged into
TikTok and the victim's user name (@tmpdl26) which was
marked in the suspect's content caption, and the suspect's link
International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 8887)
Volume 175 No. 34, December 2020
when logging in upload content and other activities on tiktok
social media. The results of photos and videos (Thumnail)
were obtained from thetool Browser History Capture /
Viewer, the results obtained were in the form of photos of the
suspect's account, video (Thumnail) of the video content
uploaded by the suspect and there was a link and username of
the suspect when logging in and uploading the content of the
3.5 Result
The keywords used to find evidence are photos, videos, text,
usernames, and links posts. The results of Tiktok forensics on
the Chrome web browser can be seen in table 5.
Table 5. Results of Findings
Forensics Software
FTK Imager
Based on table 5, the results of this study almost get all the
results from the keywords used by 80% and 20% fail, namely
video posts.
Based on the results of research that has been running on the
Chrome browser application on Windows 10 with the title
"Browser Forensics in Web-Based Tiktok Applications",
collecting forensic evidence by capturing ram and cache using
several tools that support the data collection process,such as
the FTK Imager tool, browser history capture, and video
cache display. To search for evidence yourself using the same
tools as FTK Imager, browser history viewer,and video cache
view. The results of the evidence generated by several tools
are used, then analyzed to find digital evidence in the form of
text, caption content,Username of suspect and victim, profile
photo of suspect and victim, video photo thumnail and source
link from Tiktok that the suspect accessed. Based on the tools
used in this study, 80% of items were successfully obtained
and 20% failed, namely videos.
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... Numerous studies have been conducted on some of the most widely used social media platforms, including Facebook, What-sApp, TikTok, Skype, Twitter, and others Pandela and Riadi (2020), Chang and Yen (2020), Paligu and Varol (2020), Shao et al. (2019). Despite the popularity of these applications, many new social media applications are being developed and are also attracting millions of users, such as Discord. ...
... Other research works that are more focused on specific applications are as follows. Pandela and Riadi (2020) conducted browser forensics on the TikTok web browser application using a case scenario of defamation videos being uploaded on the social media application using a chrome browser and later deleting it. The results revealed that the text post caption, suspect's username, profile photographs, and video post were successfully recovered. ...
Over the past decade, social media applications have significantly increased their market share and garnered a wide user base. However, these applications have also attracted the attention of criminals desiring to exploit the apps to support illicit operations due to the low barrier to entry and ease of usage. A digital forensic investigation of these applications can reveal valuable information about criminal activity and the suspect. Discord is a Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) service that enables text, image, video, and audio chats. It has grown in popularity, and as a result, it is subject to increased use by cybercriminals. In this paper, we examine the remnants of the increasingly popular social media application ‘‘Discord” when used on the Google Chrome web browser. We recovered various artifacts such as payment information, sent messages, account settings, conversations, uploaded attachments, and much more, all of which could be utilized in a forensic investigation.
... In a Chrome-based TikTok application running on Windows 10, Pandela T. and Riadi I. in [15] discuss the data population and recovery of artifacts generated via this web browser. They used popular tools like FTK Imager, Browser History Capture/Viewer, and Video Cache Viewer to assist their findings. ...
... Again, this is recovered from both Android and iOS devices. In ref. [15], 20% of the data failure occurs due to the non-recovery of posted videos. One highlight of our research is recovering the posted videos as well as deleted videos. ...
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TikTok has consistently been one of the most used mobile apps worldwide on any mobile operating system. However, despite people’s enjoyment of using the application, there have been growing concerns about the application’s origins and alleged privacy violations. These allegations have become such a big problem that the former President of the United States, Donald Trump, expressed a desire to ban the TikTok application from being offered on US application stores like Google’s Play Store and Apple’s App Store. This remark sent TikTok users into a frenzy to find alternatives before the ban took effect. To this end, several alternative applications for TikTok have surfaced and are already garnering millions of users. In this paper, we identified three popular alternatives to the TikTok application (Byte, Dubmash, and Triller) and forensically analyzed each on smartphones of Android version 8 and iOS version 13. We focused on identifying forensically relevant artifacts that may be helpful to investigators in the event of a criminal investigation, should these or similar apps fall under scrutiny. We used Magnet AXIOM Process and Cellebrite UFED 4PC for acquisition, and Magnet AXIOM Examine and DB Browser for SQLite for analysis and reading. The investigation resulted in successful extraction of expected yet unique data points, plain text sensitive data, directories and format. These results lead to a discussion about identifying and comparing these app’s privacy concerns to that of TikTok, as formulated from the literature.
... Collection, examination, analysis, and reporting are the steps used to complete the analysis. NIST technique is used because it offers a systematic and structured analysis approach, making it easier to get the data or evidence need [9]. In obtaining digital evidence, this research will analyze the findings of investigations conducted on the evidence collected, emphasizing the issue of crime on the tiktok web [10]. ...
... This technological development is followed by software such as social media; now, many social media services are Instagram, Facebook, Twitter and Tiktok. Almost everyone in all walks of life has a social media application because social media is used for various needs such as sharing information, sales and entertainment facilities [6]. Digital Forensics Research Workshop (DFRWS) is used for the digital forensic analysis stage. ...
... TikTok is one of the most downloaded applications by millions of people around the world today. TikTok is a social network and music video platform that originated in China (Pandela & Riadi, 2020). The short video uploaded which has a maximum duration of only 3 minutes contains various kinds of content uploaded by users or creators, from content about beauty, lifestyle, history, education, art, comedy, to preaching. ...
... TikTok is one of the most downloaded applications by millions of people around the world today. TikTok is a social network and music video platform that originated in China (Pandela & Riadi, 2020). The short video uploaded which has a maximum duration of only 3 minutes contains various kinds of content uploaded by users or creators, from content about beauty, lifestyle, history, education, art, comedy, to preaching. ...
Social media usage in mobile phones has increased substantially in recent times, and they are a critically important source of a forensics investigation. In this paper, we have developed Python‐based forensic analyzers that are integrated with the open‐source tool Autopsy. The proposed analyzers find forensic artifacts from the three most widely used social media messaging applications, that is, WhatsApp, Instagram, and Facebook Messenger. This research focuses on finding forensic artifacts stored by these social media applications on an iOS device. These analyzers extract data critical for a forensic investigation such as text messages, media attachments, sender and receiver details, timestamps, contact information, and other related forensics data from the full file system image of iOS devices. These Python‐based plugins extract the required data from the social media applications' databases and present the evidential artifacts in a human‐readable format. We integrated these analyzers into the Autopsy Forensics tool and showcased the gathered evidence so that investigators are capable to analyze the extracted information effortlessly. The data integrity is maintained by converting it into readable form without permanently altering the database format. The results prove that the proposed analyzers can successfully extract and analyze forensics data at a low computational overhead.
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TikTok merupakan media sosial yang populer digunakan pada masa kini. Media sosial TikTok yang populer di kalangan pengguna menjadi salah satu media yang banyak ditemui jenis kejahatan siber cyberbullying. Kasus cyberbullying pada media sosial TikTok dapat ditindak secara hukum yakni dengan dilakukan investigasi forensik digital. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengumpulkan dan menganalisis bukti digital kasus cyberbullying pada TikTok android dan juga TikTok web dengan melakukan skenario kasus serta menerapkan model investigasi forensik digital yang berfokus pada jejaring sosial. Fase skenario terdiri dari persiapan, perancangan, serta pelaksanaan. Data dari skenario ini kemudian dilakukan forensik digital fase dengan tahapan-tahapan berikut: planning, reconnaissance, collection, transport, examination, identification, analysis, classification, reporting, dan presentation. Penelitian ini berhasil mendapatkan bukti-bukti digital untuk membuktikan kasus cyberbullying yang dieksperimenkan dengan skenario serta dengan model investigasi forensik digital yang diterapkan. Didapatkan hasil perbandingan yang signifikan pada perbedaan antara bukti digital TikTok android dan TikTok web. Secara keseluruhan, penelitian ini berhasil memperoleh barang bukti digital dengan persentase sebesar 68,8% dari perbandingan data awal skenario dengan data ditemukan dari hasil forensik digital. Abstract TikTok is currently a widely popular social media platform among users and is also a media where various forms of cyberbullying are encountered. Cases of cyberbullying on TikTok can be subject to legal prosecution through digital forensic investigations. This research aims to collect and analyze digital evidence related to cyberbullying cases on TikTok's Android and Website platforms. It involves the creation of case scenarios and the application of a digital forensic investigative model specifically focused on social networks. The scenario phase encompasses preparation, design, and implementation. Data obtained from these scenarios is subsequently subjected to a digital forensics phase, consisting of these stages: planning, reconnaissance, collection, transport, examination, identification, analysis, classification, reporting, and presentation. This research successfully obtained digital evidence that substantiates cases of cyberbullying, as simulated in the scenarios and investigated using the applied digital forensic model. Significant differences were observed in the digital evidence between TikTok on Android and TikTok on the web. In summary, this study achieved a 68.8% match between the initial scenario data and the data retrieved through digital forensics, ultimately obtaining valuable digital evidence.
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Social media applications have been ubiquitous in modern society, and their usage has grown exponentially over the years. With the widespread adoption of these platforms, social media has evolved into a significant origin of digital evidence in the domain of digital forensics. The increasing utilization of social media has caused an increase in the number of studies focusing on artifact (digital remnants of data) recovery from these platforms. As a result, we aim to present a comprehensive survey of the existing literature from the past 15 years on artifact recovery from social media applications in digital forensics. We analyze various approaches and techniques employed for artifact recovery, structuring our review on well-defined analysis focus categories, which are memory, disk, and network. By scrutinizing the available literature, we determine the trends and commonalities in existing research and further identify gaps in existing literature and areas of opportunity for future research in this field. The survey is expected to provide a valuable resource for academicians, digital forensics professionals, and researchers by enhancing their comprehension of the current state of the art in artifact recovery from social media applications. Additionally, it highlights the need for continued research to keep up with social media’s constantly evolving nature and its consequent impact on digital forensics.
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TikTok is the international twin of China’s mobile short video app, Douyin, and one of the fastest growing short video platforms in the world. Owned by Chinese tech giant, ByteDance, TikTok and Douyin share many similarities in terms of appearance, functionality, and platform affordances; however, they exist in radically different markets and are governed by radically different forces. Unlike other popular mobile media platforms in China and internationally, TikTok and Douyin are neither part of the big three tech giants in China nor the big five in the US. This provides an interesting case study to investigate how an emerging internet company adapts its products to better fit divergent expectations, cultures, and policy frameworks in China and abroad. Using the app walkthrough method informed by platformization of culture production theory, this study highlights the similarities and distinctions between these two platforms. We argue the co-evolution of Douyin and TikTok is a new paradigm of global platform expansion that differs from strategies of regionalization adopted by previous major social media platforms. We contribute to platformization theory by developing the concept of parallel platformization to explain ByteDance’s strategies for surviving in two opposing platform ecosystems in China and abroad.
Conference Paper
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TikTok is a video-sharing social networking service, whose popularity is increasing rapidly. It was the world’s second-most downloaded app in 2019. Although the platform is known for having users posting videos of themselves dancing, lip-syncing, or showcasing other talents, user-videos expressing political views have seen a recent spurt. This study aims to perform a primary evaluation of political communication on TikTok. We collect a set of US partisan Republican and Democratic videos to investigate how users communicated with each other about political issues. With the help of computer vision, natural language processing, and statistical tools, we illustrate that political communication on TikTok is much more interactive in comparison to other social media platforms, with users combining multiple information channels to spread their messages. We show that political communication takes place in the form of communication trees since users generate branches of responses to existing content. In terms of user demographics, we find that users belonging to both the US parties are young and behave similarly on the platform. However, Republican users generated more political content and their videos received more responses; on the other hand, Democratic users engaged significantly more in cross-partisan discussions.
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Facebook Messenger menjadi media sosial yang populer kedua setelah Whatsapp di tahun 2017. Meningkatnya jumlah pengguna Facebook Messenger tentu membawa dampak positif dan negatif, salah satu efek negatifnya adalah beberapa orang yang menggunakan Facebook Messenger melakukan kejahatan digital. Jika sebuah smartphone android menjadi bukti dalam kasus pidana dan Facebook Messenger terinstall di smartphone tersebut, maka pada aplikasi ini bukti digital dapat diidentifikasi dan dapat diharapkan menjadi pilihan untuk membantu penegakan hukum dalam mengungkap kejahatan digital. Proses identifikasi berdasarkan proses forensic mobile yang berdasarkan metode NIST (National Institute of Standards Technology). NIST memiliki panduan kerja baik itu kebijakan dan standar untuk menjamin setiap examiner mengikuti alur kerja yang sama sehingga pekerjaan mereka terdokumentasikan dan hasilnya dapat di ulang (repeatable) dan dapat dipertahankan (defendable). Penelitian ini menjelaskan gambaran umum bagaimana teknik-teknik yang dapat digunakan untuk mengembalikan bukti digital berupa text,gambar, dan audio pada Facebook Mesenger yang ada di Smartphone Android.
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Objective of this study is to explore a phenomenon of how social media shapes identity on teen. The research is using Von Eckartsberg phenomenology analysis. Steps used on yhis procedures are data analysis, formed in explication and interpretation. After interview data is completed, last phase of this procedure is to read and meticulously analyzed the data to uncover the meaning configuration, both structure and the processes. Subject of this study is teen, actively using social media, account owner of facebook and twitter. Result of the study shows that each subject has projected different identity on each social media they have. In terms of personal orientation, these teen are using social media to communicate with their peers. This orientation is the reason why these teen have social media account of more than one. Moreover, these teen try to construct positive image on those social media. Their images are often presented as smart, happy by hobbies and leisure they participate. These teen is quite open in showing their identity. It is showed on their photos, words and expression on social media status.
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Dengan maraknya penggunaan smartphone terutama yang berbasis Android yang menguasai hampir mencapai 85% pasar smartphone juga mendorong peningkatan jumlah penggunaan aplikasi pertukaran pesan seperti WhatsApp, facebook Messenger dan lainnya. Pengguna aplikasi WhatsApp messenger di seluruh dunia sejak April 2016 telah mencapai lebih dari 1 milyar mengungguli aplikasi sejenis. Di sisi lain pada beberapa kasus kejahatan dan kasus perdata yang sedang marak, mulai menggunakan barang bukti berupa percakapan, gambar, rekaman video dan lainnya yang berasal dari aplikasi WhatsApp. Untuk itu pada penelitian ini menghasilkan prosedur yang bisa dijadikan rujukan dalam melakukan investigasi forensic aplikasi WhatsApp untuk mendapatkan barang bukti berupa sesi percakapan, data media seperti audio, no kontak, foto dan lainnya. Penelitian ini menggunakan teknik dekripsi file database aplikasi WhatsApp untuk membaca file database backup yang terenkripsi yang menyimpan sesi percakapan yang sudah dihapus.
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p> Media presents to be a part of human life. The presence and the development of internet bring a new way of how to communite in social life. Social media presents and changes the communication paradigm in today's society. Communication in social media is not limited by distance, time, and space. It could happen anywhere, anytime, without having a face to face talking. Even social media can negate social status that is often as a barrier in communication. Social media has changed the world. Levels of communication merged into one container called a social media. The rise of many consequences must also be wary of, in the sense of social media opens up the opportunity of each individual involved in it to issue his opinion freely. However, self-control should be shared, in order to have freedom of communication which does not violate ethical boundaries and does not offend others. </p
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Almost all aspects of life already use the internet, to be able to access the Internet one of them using a web browser. For security, some web browser features to develop private mode. Unfortunately, from this feature, by some unscrupulous used for criminal activities by the anti-forensics. An anti-forensics process such as by using a portable web browser and delete registry. Motivation use of anti-forensics is to minimize or inhibit the discovery of digital evidence in criminal cases. So that, be an obstacle for investigators to uncover internet crimes that have been carried out. This paper proposes a framework for analysis phases of the web browser in private mode and anti-forensics. The purpose of this study is to provide solutions in forensic investigations effectively and efficiently using live forensics. This study uses a live forensics to get more detailed 3 evidence information on the computer with the condition is still on. So this method is suitable to be applied to the handling of incidents more quickly and allows getting the data in RAM. General Terms Browser Security, Digital Forensic.
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Media pembelajaran dapat merupakan wahana penyalur pesan dan informasi belajar. Media pembelajaran yang dirancang secara baik akan sangat membantu peserta didik dalam mencerna dan memahami materi pelajaran. Di era globalisasi dan informasi ini, perkembangan media pembelajaran juga semakin maju. Penggunaan Teknologi Informasi (TI) sebagai media pembelajaran sudah merupakan suatu tuntutan. Walaupun perancangan media berbasis TI memerlukan keahlian khusus, bukan berarti media tersebut dihindari dan ditinggalkan. Media pembelajaran berbasis TI dapat berupa internet, intranet, mobile phone, dan CD Room/Flash Disk. Adapun komponen utamanya meliputi Learning Management System (LMS), dan Learning Content (LC). Kata kunci: media pembelajaran, teknologi informasi
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ABSTRAK Forensik digital merupakan bagian dari ilmu forensik yang melingkupi penemuan dan investigasi materi (data) yang ditemukan pada perangkat digital. Sebagai ilmu yang masih baru, masih dibutuhkan pemahaman dan kemampuan untuk menguasai ilmu ini. Penguasaan ilmu ini tidak hanya ditujukan kepada kemampuan teknis semata tetapi juga terkait dengan bidang lain, seperti bidang hukum. Makalah ini menguraikan secara singkat mengenai forensik digital. Kata kunci: forensik, keamanan, teknologi informasi ABSTRACT Digital forensic is considered a new field of study. It is a branch of forensic science encompassing the recovery and investigation of data found in digital devices. Digital forensic is needed to solve cyber crimes and related security problems. As a new field, awareness and skill are needed to master this field. Digital forensic is not only related to technical aspect, but also legal. This paper describes digital forensic in a nut shell.