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Real-time gait biometrics for surveillance applications: A review

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Real-time Gait Biometrics for Surveillance Applications: A Review
Anubha Parashara,<,Apoorva Parasharb,Andrea F. Abatec,Rajveer Singh Shekhawatdand
Imad Ridae
aSchool of Computing & Information Technology, Manipal University Jaipur, Jaipur, Rajasthan, India
bConsultant, Emerging technology, Mahindra Integrated Business Solutions, Mumbai, India,
cUniversity of Salerno, Via Giovanni Paolo II, 132, Fisciano, Salerno 84084, Italy
dDean, Manipal University Jaipur, Rajasthan, India
eBMBI Laboratory, University of Technology of Compiègne, 60200, Compiègne, France
Gait Recognition
Deep Learning
Real-time Surveillance
Deep learning (DL) pipelines have evolved for over a decade now and are ecient at solving
many challenging problems of image and signal processing applications. Designing deep learn-
ing pipelines for a particular application requires a good understanding of deep learning and
various intermediate layers available. To develop a DL pipeline, one uses available dataset(s)
suitable for an application, and the pipeline is refined by iterating over intermediate layers. A
large amount of time and extensive thinking goes into these selections and validating the per-
formance of each configuration. Thus, it is hard to choose the correct and robust DL pipeline
that performs well on all relevant datasets. This review aims to aid researchers in understand-
ing dierent gait sensing technologies and provide foundational knowledge of the deep learning
concepts for faster solutions for a given problem. Gait recognition is more recent since it hasn’t
yet been used in a real-world situation. This article provides a comprehensive overview of gait
biometrics suited to real-time surveillance applications. All the important parameters of deep
learning pipelines are explained, along with their selection and implication for a given prob-
lem. Authors have reviewed important research articles recently on deep learning models and
how these perform across dierent application datasets. The benefits and drawbacks of the ap-
proaches are elucidated to help arrive at the optimized pipeline derived from a fusion of available
pipelines to achieve faster but accurate results for a given problem.
1. Introduction
The rise in popularity of automated identification over the past few years has increased the focus of professionals
working in computer vision and kinematics on gait recognition in real-time settings. This is because automated iden-
tification entries are becoming increasingly common. A person’s gait, which can be recognized from a great distance
and does not need cooperation from the target, is one of the most important biometric qualities humans possess. In
vision-based techniques, it is likely that videos from low-resolution cameras will be carried out. Other biometric iden-
tification methods (in figure 1) have absolutely no possibility of functioning correctly in such stated scenarios [76].
Thanks to this capability of gait, it is now possible to employ it in a real-time environment. Because gait patterns are
challenging to replicate and substantially more dicult to hide than facial characteristics, they are regarded as more
secure forms of biometric identification [77].
Deep learning has emerged as a promising method for recognizing humans through gait [80]. Starting gait recog-
nition with deep learning might be dicult since researchers don’t know which deep learning pipeline to use or what
results to anticipate. There are presently just a few review publications discussing deep learning techniques for gait
identification, including deep pipeline parameters. A few surveys on gait analysis have been conducted[70][71][72]
[73][74][75], but the majority of survey publications concentrated on model-free gait recognition systems, ignoring
model-based strategies. Despite the aforementioned benefits, gait identification real-time performance suers because
of factors like gait characteristics analyzed from various deep learning architectures and datasets. Researchers have
focused on finding a method to develop a reliable gait recognition system in response to these problems [78][79]. This
survey article aims to analyze in-depth the most recent developments in gait recognition research.
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(A. Parashar); (A.F. Abate)
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Figure 1: Various types of biometric approaches that are used for recognition
1.1. Contribution
The following are the important contributions of the paper.
1) The paper presented essential deep learning approaches in gait identification with a comprehensive emphasis on
the architecture of gait recognition.
2) Outline the methodologies that are used the majority of the time throughout the various deep learning pipelines
that have been reported, along with an explanation and assessment of these approaches.
3) The performance of gait recognition in a real-world setting is thoroughly investigated in this work.
4) The paper focuses on the future prospects that should be taken into account for the real-time use of gait recog-
1.2. Organization
The paper is organized as follows. The first section provides an outline of the topics, including motivation, contri-
bution, and organization. In Section 2, an examination of numerous factors reported in studies resulted in the develop-
ment of a deep learning pipeline for gait in terms of data collection, data types, dataset, preprocessing, deep learning
techniques, feature extraction, feature reduction, regularisation, activation function, hyper-parameters, optimizer, loss
function, classification, and system configuration. Section 3 discusses and highlights the benefits and shortcomings of
pipeline components along with gait sensing technology. The accuracy and dataset utilized in research publications
compare major features of deep learning pipelines. Section 4 is the conclusion. We list the acronyms used in this
article in the abbreviations section.
An overview of deep learning techniques for covariate conditions in gait recognition is presented in this work.
A thorough examination of the recent literature published in reputable journals (Scopus or Web of Science), confer-
ences, and Google Scholar was carried out. "Gait recognition", "Sensor-based", "gait identification", "model-based
gait recognition", "pose-based", "gait-datasets", "gait surveillance", "biometrics", and other similar terms were used to
search for papers. The chosen search yielded roughly 1200 papers. A total of 200 unique publications related to gait
identification were chosen after analyzing the title, abstract, and keywords. After reading through the publications and
considering their relevance to this survey, 69 references were finalized, which focused on gait recognition. Figure 2
depicts a systematic review methodology adopted.
Figure 2: Systematic review methodology adopted for searching papers and categorizing them
2. Various Deep Learning Parameters to Recognizing Gait
Gait recognition is a challenging task in computer vision and deep learning. Here are some of the key parameters
that are commonly used in deep learning models for recognizing gait:
Convolutional Neural Network (CNN): CNN is a popular deep learning architecture used for gait recognition. It
consists of several convolutional layers that can extract meaningful features from the input image.
Recurrent Neural Network (RNN): RNN is another deep learning architecture that is used for gait recognition. It
is especially useful for handling sequential data, such as video frames.
Transfer Learning: Transfer learning is a technique where a pre-trained model is used as a starting point for a new
model. This technique can be used for gait recognition by fine-tuning a pre-trained model on a gait recognition dataset.
Data Augmentation: Data augmentation is a technique used to artificially increase the size of a dataset by creating
new training examples through various transformations such as rotation, flipping, or cropping.
Learning Rate: The learning rate is a hyperparameter that controls how much the model’s weights are updated
during training. A higher learning rate can help the model converge faster, but it may also cause the model to overshoot
the optimal weights.
Batch Size: The batch size is a hyperparameter that determines how many samples are used in each iteration of
training. A larger batch size can increase the training speed but can also lead to overfitting.
Dropout: Dropout is a regularization technique used to prevent overfitting. It randomly drops out a percentage of
the neurons in the network during training.
Activation Function: The activation function is a non-linear function applied to the output of each neuron in a
neural network. Common activation functions used in gait recognition models include ReLU and Sigmoid.
Loss Function: The loss function is a function that measures how well the model is performing on the training
data. Common loss functions used in gait recognition include binary cross-entropy and mean squared error.
Optimization Algorithm: The optimization algorithm is responsible for updating the model’s weights during train-
ing. Common optimization algorithms used in gait recognition include stochastic gradient descent (SGD), Adam, and
2.1. Data Collection
The gathering of gait datasets using a variety of methods is the initial step of gait detection (sensing technologies).
The quality of the data used has a significant impact on how well the deep learning model performs and how accurate it
is. Figure 3 illustrates various gait sensing devices like displacement sensors, accelerometers, strain gauges, tiltmeters,
depth cameras, Microsoft Kinetic, lidar, and radar for gait collection. List of data collection techniques used in deep
learning-based gait papers are listed in table 1.
Non wearable
Wearable Body contact
Body Contact
Wearable body
Soft robotic
EEG headset
Measurement Unit
Force platform pressure
CCTV camera Depth
vision sensor
Event sense
Radar micro-
doppler Radar Millimetre wave
radar sensor
Flash lidar
Depth kinetic
Figure 3: Dierent gait sensing devices through which gait dataset can be prepared
2.2. Data Types
Sensors may be used to collect data as inputs to the gait process. A deep learning pipeline or CNN receives a dataset
as input. Gait recognition systems are used to recognize individuals based on their walking patterns, which serve as
a representation of a person’s gait. They guess the identification of a probing sample from a gallery of samples the
system has collected. [44]. Low-resolution frames are captured from video surveillance using closed-circuit television
(CCTV) [30][31][43]. In a conventional preprocessing step, most of the existing works on RGB images will first
calculate silhouettes based on the images. RGB gait image silhouettes must be utilized, although extracting the gait
may cause color loss in any locations where the gait is identical to the backdrop color [39][40][41][45][46][84].
A Kinect sensor was employed in an indoor setting to capture gait and depth data. Using depth data to model gait
characteristics based on model-based data [24][37].The eectiveness of 2D posture motion analysis systems for 2D
posture gait analysis is well recognized. It does not need as much expertise as 3D systems, and the necessary technology
is readily accessible and aordable. Due to high processing costs, 3D eorts in monitoring and research have been
restricted so far [6].
For a single silhouette frame, a human skeleton was created. After that, the raw gait signature is produced by
recognizing skeletons in each frame of the video feed [47]. GEI is a large descriptor that comprises a vast quantity of
data, which diminishes the quality of distinguishing characteristics. It encompasses both linear and angular kinematics,
which explain the trajectories and angular positions of body segments as they move through time [2]. The gait cycle is
the time period or series of events or activities that occur during locomotion from the moment one foot makes contact
with the ground to the time the same foot makes contact with the ground again, and it includes the center of gravity’s
propulsion in the direction of motion [4][13]. Shapelets are subsequences of time series data that may distinguish
across classes [17]. Shapelets are the most emblematic of their kind. Grayscale R-D maps, which take grayscale input
pictures and map them[19]. List of data types used in deep learning-based gait papers are listed in table 1.
2.3. Preprocessing
After the input is taken in the gait pipeline, it is passed to the next gait pipeline stage for preprocessing and feature
selection. Table 2 shows the various techniques used by the researchers for data preprocessing and feature selection.
2.4. DL Techniques
To distinguish gait, a variety of deep learning approaches are applied. We provide a summary of deep learning
methods and succinct explanations of each strategy used to identify gait. CNN, or Convolutional Neural Networks,
were created to transform image input into parameters. List of deep learning techniques used in gait papers are listed in
table 3. They have proven to be so successful that they are now the solution of choice for any kind of prediction problem
that takes visual data as input [2][4][5][8][10][12][14][17][18][19][20][21][22][25][26][27][29][30][33]
[35][38][39][40][41][42][46]. A generative adversarial network (GAN) is based on "indirect" training through a
discriminator that is also dynamically updated. This means that the generator is trained to fool the discriminator rather
than lessen the distance to a certain image. This enables the model to learn without supervision [37]. The Encoder-
Decoder is a recurrent neural network created to deal with sequence-to-sequence (seq2seq) problems. Sequence-to-
sequence prediction tasks are challenging when the number of items in the input and output sequences diers [7]
[28]. Autoencoders are an unsupervised artificial neural network that learns ecient data coding. An autoencoder
trains the network to eliminate signal "noise," generally for dimensionality reduction, in order to learn a representation
(encoding) for a set of data, [45]. An artificial recurrent neural network with deep learning is designed for long short-
term memory. LSTM has feedback connections as opposed to traditional feedforward neural networks. It can manage
whole data sequences as well as individual data points [3][6][9][25][27][31][32][37][40][45][47]. A residual
neural network is a kind of artificial neural network based on cerebral cortex pyramidal cells. Skip connections, or
shortcuts, are used by residual neural networks to avoid specific layers [15][33][39].
A pose estimation network is a computer vision technique that predicts and tracks the position of a person or object.
This is performed by looking at a person’s or object’s posture and orientation. Skeleton in 2D Pose Estimate makes
advantage of GPU acceleration to deliver low-latency joint real-time object identification and high-accuracy 2D key
point pose estimate [24]. A recurrent neural network is a kind of artificial neural network in which node connections
form a directed graph over time. It is possible to display temporal dynamic behaviour as a result of this [3][23][27]
[31][44][47].The RCNN algorithm creates a set of boxes in the picture and examines them to determine whether
any of them contain any objects. RCNN uses selective search to extract these boxes from a picture [4]. LeNet-5 is a
large-scale image processing feedforward neural network containing artificial neurons that can respond to a fraction
of the cells in its coverage region [19]. High-order sequences may be stored, learned, inferred, and recalled using
Hierarchical Temporal Memory. HTM is dierent from most machine learning algorithms because it constantly learns
time-based patterns in unlabeled data. HTM is quiet and can hold a lot of things [43]. Radial basis function (RBF)
networks are a form of artificial neural network that is often employed for function approximation challenges [16].
A neural network is a collection of algorithms that attempts to detect underlying connections in a batch of data by
simulating how the human brain works [31]. In most circumstances, an artificial neural network (ANN) is employed
when something that occurred in the past is repeated nearly identically in the same manner [9]. A deep neural network
is a machine learning system that uses numerous layers of nodes to extract high-level functions from input data. It
involves transforming data into a more ethereal and imaginative element [1][13][36].
2.5. Feature Extraction
When dealing with massive amounts of raw data, feature extraction refers to the process of transforming raw data
into numerical characteristics that may be analysed while retaining the information in the original data set. A large
number of variables in these large data sets involve using a large number of computer resources to process them.
Table 3 provides a detailed overview of the various methods used in deep learning frameworks with dierent feature
extraction and representation techniques explored.
2.6. Hardware and Software Details
A tiny computer devoted to one specific activity is known as a graphics processing unit (GPU). It is distinct from
a CPU that does several tasks concurrently. GPUs have their own processors, motherboards, vRAMs, and a suitable
thermal design for cooling and ventilation. Gait recognition algorithms are performed on CPUs in 65% of the listed
publications, whereas GPUs are utilized in 35% of them. The platforms that authors have utilized to execute their gait
recognition algorithms are listed in Table 4.
3. Comparative Analysis of Most Adopted Deep Learning Approach
The most often used data types are shown in Figure 4 (a). The most often used deep learning methods are shown
in Figure 4 (b). shows the most popular deep learning approaches. CNN is the most adopted deep learning technique
followed by LSTM.
(a) Most adopted data types
(b) Most used deep learning techniques
Figure 4: Most adopted deep learning approaches
3.1. Potential Future Directions
There are open issues and challenges in surveillance application of gait analysis that have not been fully explored
or addressed:
1. The inability of DL models to be interpreted when used in conjunction with applications that take into account
2. The restriction of computing resources and the risk of compromising the confidentiality of data when using a
variety of gait sensing methods to identify gait.
3. Various real-time gait datasets are missing due to which performance of deep learning pipeline cannot be
evaluated properly.
4. Wearable sensing devices have greater accuracy than non wearable devices but wearable devices are not feasible
every place and intervene with the subject during surveillance.
5. Various gait covariates need to be adressed like perturbation, speed, and other environment factors.
6. The majority of the eorts on gait recognition concentrate on observing a single person in the scenario while
they are conducted in controlled situations. However, situations that really occur in real life often demand solutions
that can withstand uncontrolled conditions in which more than one person is present.
7. Lots of gait recognition algorithms performs below average on few datasets (table 8, 9) due to wrong model
selection or less training.
8. Hyper-parameter tuning is an important concept and many research donot consider it.
9. Model-based techniques provide superior outcomes and seem to be well suited for identifying applications in
which the surrounding environment is subject to significant change. However, the quality of the data has a considerable
influence on the performance of the algorithm (noise sensitivity), and the process of fitting frequently needs a large
amount of processing resources to complete. It is possible that in the future, a potential avenue worth pursuing might
be the combining of model-based approaches with model-free techniques to provide a comprehensive approach to
gait-based recognition.
10. The combination of a number of dierent characteristics is also quite interesting. However, there are still con-
cerns that have not been solved, such as which characteristics should be picked, the best approach for fusion, and how
to adaptively choose the modalities. The procedures that are currently used often result in a reduction in recognition
accuracy because of redundant or noisy data. The multimodal fusion of a variety of distinguishing characteristics has
been an unique notion in the area, and numerous studies are now in the process of researching it further.
Before we wrap up our study, we would want to emphasise that gait-based recognition is a very new topic that is
fraught with diculties and oers a wealth of possibilities that have not yet been fully explored. In these early years
of study, a number of approaches have been developed and are producing promising findings; nevertheless, they have
only been tested on datasets whose properties dier greatly from one another. The absence of a refefrence dataset
that can test the algorithms with a large range of conceivable situations has, up to this point, rendered it impossible
to provide an accurate comparison between dierent techniques [85] - [95]. We anticipate significant progress in the
years to come as a result of recent developments including the availability of massive datasets, improved sensors, and
end-to-end training methods such as deep learning.
4. Conclusion
While the gait recognition system is still in its early stages compared to other biometrics like fingerprint, face,
voice, and iris identification, its non-intrusiveness makes it more desirable than other approaches for many applica-
tions. However, running deep learning methods in real-time has made it impossible to utilize this biometric eectively
in any circumstance and is thus its limitation as applications move to the edge for privacy and security in real time
gait applications. In this study, a large number of deep learning pipeline parameters for recognizing gaits were deter-
mined. We evaluated a set of datasets suitable for training deep learning pipelines to handle a range of confounders
in addition to evaluating the methods’ accuracy. Furthermore, we analyzed the most current deep learning models
for each parameter and highlighted those that delivered remarkable results. There is a variety of possible advantages
and disadvantages associated with deep learning techniques, which have been thoroughly addressed. Deep learning
approaches have also been discussed in terms of potential advantages and limitations. We examined the deep learning
approaches to gait identification that has been most widely used. In order to identify the gait recognition gaps that need
to be addressed, comparisons of accuracy attained and datasets utilized are also summarized.
A. Abbreviations
The following abbreviations are used in this manuscript:
Abb. Full form Abb. Full form
DL Deep Learning DCNN Deep Convolutional Neural Network
BCE Binary Cross Entropy DNN Deep Neural Network
CCE Categorical Cross Entropy PReLU Parametric Rectification
SGD Stochastic Gradient Decent ReLU Rectified Linear Unit
MSE Mean Square Error LReLU Leaky Rectified Linear Unit
WD Weight Decay LSTM Long Short-Term Memory
LR Learning Rate FCL Focal Convolution Layer
M Momentum LDA Linear Discriminant Analysis
BP Back Propagation PCA Principal Component Analysis
SNE Stochastic Neighbor Embedding DCT Discrete Cosine Transform
SD Standard Deviation GAN Generative Adversarial Network
MSE Mean Square Error BS Background Subtraction
ED Euclidean Distance GEI Gait Energy Image
LRL Logistic Regression Loss OF Optical Flow
PSO Particle Swarm Optimization SSA Stacked Sparse Autoencoder
RMSP Root Mean Square Propagation SSM Silhouette Stereo Map
GA Genetic Algorithm CFA Canonical Feature Aggregation
CGI Chrono Gait Image PFA Pose Feature Aggregation
IMU Inertial Measurement Unit GMM Gaussian Mixture Model
BN Batch Normalization FCNN Fully Convolutional Neural Network
LRN Local Response Normalization HMM Hidden Markov Model
NAC Normalized Auto Correlation NDNN Non-Linear Deep Neural Network
SNR Spectral Norm Regularization COG Centre of Gravity
NN Nearest Neighbor RNN Recurrent Neural Network
KNN K Nearest Neighbor DRN Deep Recurrent Network
NC Nearest Centroid MB Model Based
SVM Support Vector Machine PB Pose Based
SNN Spiking Neural Networks MF Model Free
CNN Convolution Neural Network SNN Siamese Neural Network
MLP Multilayer Perceptron BCC Binary Cross Entropy
DCRNN Deep Convolutional and
Recurrent Neural Network ABGAN Alpha Blending Generative
Adversarial Networks
B. Data availability
My manuscript has no associated data.
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Anubha Parashar is a Ph.D. candidate at Manipal University Jaipur, India. She received her M.Tech degree in Computer
Science and Engineering from VCE Rohtak, India, in 2016 and her B.Tech degree in Computer Science and Engineering
from PDMCE Bahadurgarh, India, in 2013. Her research interests include Gait Recognition, Biometrics, Deep Learning,
Computer Vision, Pattern Recognition, and IoT.
Apoorva Parashar is AI Consultant in Emerging technology, Mahindra Integrated Business Solutions, Mumbai. She has
done her M.Tech and B.Tech in Computer Science and Engineering from Maharshi Dayanand University, Rohtak, India.
She provides solutions in computer vision for the real-time processing of video analysis. Her research interests include
Computer Vision, Deep Learning, Medical Imaging, Biometrics, IoT, and Artificial Intelligence.
Andrea F. Abate currently serves as Full Professor with the University of Salerno from 2006, where he is team leader of
the Computer Graphics Laboratory. Dr. Abate is a member of the IEEE Haptics Technical Committee and a member of the
the International Association for Pattern Recognition. His current research interests include multibiometric systems, vir-
tual/augmented/mixed reality, haptics and human–computer interaction. He has authored many scientific papers published
in scientific journals and proceedings of refereed international conferences and co-edited one book. He currently serves as
Associate Editor for Pattern Recognition Letters and IEEE Access.
Rajveer S Shekhawat is currently the Dean and Director of SCIT, and Professor in the CSE department. He has been a
scientist for more than 20 years at the national research lab of Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR),Central
Electronics Engg Research Institute (CEERI, Pilani). He is recipient of prestigious fellowships by German Research bodies.
He received all the degrees from Birla Institute of Technology and Science (BITS) Pilani. PhD (Soft Computing) in 2002,
MS in 1994, B. Tech (EEE) in 1981, and M.Sc. (Hons) Physics. His research areas include Image Processing, Pattern
Recognition, Computer Vision, Deep Learning and IoT.
Imad Rida received the Ph.D. degree in computer science from Normandy University, MontSaint-Aignan, France, in 2017.
He is currently an Associate Professor with the University of Technology of Compiègne, Compiègne, France. His research
interests include machine learning, pattern recognition, and signal/ image processing.
Full-text available
Gait Recognition, as a long-distance biometric technique for identity recognition, has attracted widespread attention in recent years. Previous academia typically employs minor convolutional networks to extract single-modal features from the silhouette or the joint skeleton. Nevertheless, silhouette-based methods are susceptible to clothing variations, while skeleton-based methods encounter the issue of missing physique information. Therefore, we propose a novel multimodal triple-branch network dubbed GaitRA to comprehensively acquire gait features from two aspects of silhouette and skeleton simultaneously. GaitRA consists of three branches: a 3D-CNN branch to extract the primary features of silhouette sequences, a 2D-CNN branch to obtain the secondary features of silhouette sequences, and a branch based on Spatio-Temporal Graph Convolution (ST-GCN) to gain joint skeleton features. More importantly, we innovatively introduce the RepLK-ACTION Module, which combines the RepLK Block based on the Swin Transformer and the ACTION Module based on a mixed attention mechanism from the Action Recognition. RepLK-ACTION Module establishes larger Effective Receptive Fields (ERFs) through the large-kernel re-parameterized convolution to attain more discriminative multimodal gait information, thereby enhancing the model performance under complex walking conditions. Experiments have demonstrated that GaitRA significantly improves performance on both CASIA-B and Gait3D datasets. Especially, the proposed method achieves excellent results of 73.1% (Rank-1), 86.4% (Rank-5), 64.3% (mAP), and 36.2% (mINP) on the Gait3D dataset.
This chapter introduces the fundamental principles of gait analysis, covering normal and abnormal gait features and the significance of clinical gait analysis. Wearable sensor technology, particularly Inertial Measurement Units (IMUs), is highlighted for utilization in gait analysis, referencing studies that explore IMU data methods for gait recognition and prediction and using deep learning models for gait classification. Thoroughly explores gait biometrics, highlighting physical and behavioral traits crucial for gait recognition while underscoring the importance of sensor and posture datasets in training and assessing machine and deep learning models. Furthermore, diverse sensing modalities like video, pressure, and IMU are applied in gait recognition, detailing their respective features and techniques. Environmental-based gait biometrics systems’ potential applications and value showcase practical scenarios such as indoor positioning, activity monitoring, and personal identification in smart buildings and home environments. Intelligent gait health applications encompass clinical intelligent gait, remote gait monitoring, and smart home integration. An innovative method for gait assessment involving advanced wearable technology and AI-powered computational platforms, live monitoring via wearable IMU devices and machine learning, and a gait biometric recognition system hosted in the cloud for secure smart home entry. These innovations offer broader prospects for gait assessment and monitoring, along with associated challenges and requirements for clinical and daily life applications.
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Crop diseases, as one of the major problems in global agricultural production, lead to crop yield reduction, death, and even total extinction, with serious impacts on farmers and the food supply. Traditionally, crop diseases are identified by visual inspection and based on the experience of farmers and agricultural experts, a method that not only consumes human resources but also has a certain degree of subjectivity and inaccuracy. The development of artificial intelligence technology successfully achieves real-time monitoring, automatic identification, and intelligent decision by combining the Internet of Things (IoT) technology and cloud computing technology. Herein, we proposed an EfficientNet Convolutional Group-Wise Transformer (EGWT) architecture. The local features of crop leaf images are extracted by EfficientNet convolution and then input into a group-wise transformer architecture. In the group-wise transformer process, the input features are divided into multiple groups. An attention mechanism is used within each group to calculate correlations between features. After calculating the intra-group attention, the output features of each group are stitched together to form the final output features. Our proposed model achieves 99.8% accuracy on the PlantVillage dataset, 86.9% accuracy on the cassava dataset, and 99.4% accuracy on the Tomato leaves dataset, with the least number of parameters 23.04M in the state-of-the-art convolutional combinatorial transformer hybrid model. The experimental results indicate that the proposed model has the best accuracy and optimal model complexity so far compared to other neural networks based on CNN, transformer, and the hybrid structure of CNN and transformer.
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The goal of information security is to prevent unauthorized access to data. There are several conventional ways to confirm user identity, such as using a password, user name, and keys. These conventional methods are rather limited; they can be stolen, lost, copied, or cracked. Because multimodal biometric identification systems are more secure and have higher recognition efficiency than unimodal biometric systems, they get attention. Singlemodal biometric recognition systems perform poorly in real-world public security operations because of poor biometric data quality. Some of the drawbacks of current multimodal fusion methods include low generalization and single-level fusion. This study presents a novel multimodal biometric fusion model that significantly enhances accuracy and generalization through the power of artificial intelligence. Various fusion methods, encompassing pixel-level, feature-level, and score-level fusion, are seamlessly integrated through deep neural networks. At the pixel level, we employ spatial, channel, and intensity fusion strategies to optimize the fusion process. On the feature level, modality-specific branches and jointly optimized representation layers establish robust dependencies between modalities through backpropagation. Finally, intelligent fusion techniques, such as Rank-1 and modality evaluation, are harnessed to blend matching scores on the score level. To validate the model’s effectiveness, we construct a virtual homogeneous multimodal dataset using simulated operational data. Experimental results showcase significant improvements compared to single-modal algorithms, with a remarkable 2.2 percentage point increase in accuracy achieved through multimodal feature fusion. The score fusion method surpasses singlemodal algorithms by 3.5 percentage points, reaching an impressive retrieval accuracy of 99.6%.
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This paper presents a comprehensive exposition of deep learning architectures and pipelines for biometric applications using complex characteristics of human gait. The variety and complexity that we have come across encompass the majority of deep learning techniques. Recognizing humans by their walking patterns is a complicated biometric processing approach that identifies people without intervention and works well even with low-resolution images. Several covariates, such as footwear, heavy clothing and carry situations, view angle, occlusion, speed transition, and others, can affect the gait recognition rate. We provide an extensive literature review focusing on the performance of deep learning models in covariate conditions. It shall help researchers to understand specific aspects of deep learning pipelines in gait recognition. The discussion is done on data acquisition, input, dataset, preprocessing, feature extraction, transformation, activation function, classification and training parameters. We also demonstrate the most often used strategies for each parameter over the previous five years. The datasets used so far are compared with the accuracy achieved for each covariate condition. Finally, we listed the benefits and drawbacks of deep learning approaches in covariate conditions along with open problems in the identification based on behavioral traits and concluded the paper by highlighting important lessons.
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Gait recognition is an essential biometric technique that recognizes humans at a distance through their unique walking style. In the present era of deep learning, automated gait analysis has become easier with an increase in processing power. However, the recognition accuracy is affected by many covariates such as clothing conditions, carrying objects, varying viewing angles, occlusion, walking speed variations, and thus, it remains a challenging problem. For this complex problem, huge datasets are required to train for given conditions and predict new situations; thus, deep learning is preferred. In this review paper, we categorize various gait covariates which have been recently handled. There are various approaches, but the most effective approach is deep learning; hence in this paper, we include the most used deep learning approaches for each covariate condition found in the literature. Further, we highlight open problem areas handling these covariates and offer some suggestions about their better handling. Based on the review and our understanding of all the gait pipelines employed in deep learning, we have suggested a comprehensive and universal deep learning pipeline that can handle most gait covariates rather than customized deep learning pipelines. The methods of handling gait covariates are summarized according to appearance, pose, and sensors. A comprehensive comparison of reviewed approaches for real-time scenarios in terms of their novelty, benefits, and limitations is then offered, which led us to identify open research problems related to gait covariates. In the end, the paper concludes with the challenges identified and prospects.
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Human gait recognition (HGR) has received a lot of attention in the last decade as an alternative biometric technique. The main challenges in gait recognition are the change in in-person view angle and covariant factors. The major covariant factors are walking while carrying a bag and walking while wearing a coat. Deep learning is a new machine learning technique that is gaining popularity. Many techniques for HGR based on deep learning are presented in the literature. The requirement of an efficient framework is always required for correct and quick gait recognition. We proposed a fully automated deep learning and improved ant colony optimization (IACO) framework for HGR using video sequences in this work. The proposed framework consists of four primary steps. In the first step, the database is normalized in a video frame. In the second step, two pre-trained models named ResNet101 and InceptionV3 are selected and modified according to the dataset's nature. After that, we trained both modified models using transfer learning and extracted the features. The IACO algorithm is used to improve the extracted features. IACO is used to select the best features, which are then passed to the Cubic SVM for final classification. The cubic SVM employs a multiclass method. The experiment was carried out on three angles (0, 18, and 180) of the CASIA B dataset, and the accuracy was 95.2, 93.9, and 98.2 percent, respectively. A comparison with existing techniques is also performed, and the proposed method outperforms in terms of accuracy and computational time.
Gait recognition, i.e., recognizing persons from their walking postures, has found versatile applications in security check, health monitoring, and novel human-computer interaction. The millimeter-wave (mmWave) based gait recognition represents the most recent advance. Compared with traditional camera-based solutions, mmWave based gait recognition bears unique advantages of being still effective under non-line-of-sight scenarios, such as in black, weak light, or blockage conditions. Moreover, they are able to accomplish person identification while preserving privacy. Currently, there are only few works in mmWave gait recognition, since no public data set is available. In this paper, we build a first-of-its-kind mmWave gait data set, in which we collect gait of 95 volunteers 'seen' from two mmWave radars in two different scenarios, which together lasts about 30 hours. Using the data set, we propose a novel deep-learning driven mmWave gait recognition method called mmGaitNet, and compare it with five state-of-the-art algorithms. We find that mmGaitNet is able to achieve 90% accuracy for single-person scenarios, 88% accuracy for five co-existing persons, while the existing methods achieve less than 66% accuracy for both scenarios.
Person identification is a problem that has received substantial attention, particularly in security domains. Gait recognition is one of the most convenient approaches enabling person identification at a distance without the need of high-quality images. There are several review studies addressing person identification such as the utilization of facial images, silhouette images, and wearable sensor. Despite skeleton-based person identification gaining popularity while overcoming the challenges of traditional approaches, existing survey studies lack the comprehensive review of skeleton-based approaches to gait identification. We present a detailed review of the human pose estimation and gait analysis that make the skeleton-based approaches possible. The study covers various types of related datasets, tools, methodologies, and evaluation metrics with associated challenges, limitations, and application domains. Detailed comparisons are presented for each of these aspects with recommendations for potential research and alternatives. A common trend throughout this paper is the positive impact that deep learning techniques are beginning to have on topics such as human pose estimation and gait identification. The survey outcomes might be useful for the related research community and other stakeholders in terms of performance analysis of existing methodologies, potential research gaps, application domains, and possible contributions in the future. ############################################## @@@@LJMU Link: @@@@@ DOI@@@:
Person re-identification (re-id) is a significant process in applications of video analysis. Several applications in different areas such as airports and stations are used multiple cameras in different places for monitoring and investigation, which are expensive and can be easily abused. Therefore, automatic person re-identification techniques are highly required. The main issue of this field is to find distinguishing features that represent the person. In this paper, we proposed an efficient method to extract the main features based on the deep transfer learning technique for a person re-id system. In addition, we employed a support vector classifier (SVC) as a separated classifier for the final decision to increase the accuracy of the system. We employed several publicly available datasets, which are the main datasets used for person re-id purposes in the literature. The proposed method achieved the best accuracy of 89.59% for rank-1, which outperforms the state-of the-art methods. Finally, the simulation results reveal that the proposed system is efficient prior to person re-id.
This letter presents a novel framework for continuous user authentication of mobile devices based on gait analysis, exploiting inertial sensors and Recurrent Neural Network for deep-learning based classification. The proposed framework handles all the stages of the continuous authentication, starting from data collection, to data preprocessing, classification and policy enforcement. The letter will puts its emphasis on the data analysis aspects, discussing the methodologies used to improve the quality of classification, including data augmentation and a sliding window interval approach for improved training. Furthermore, it will be discussed the enforcement which is based on the Usage Control paradigm for continuous policy enforcement. A set of real experiments will demonstrate the effectiveness and efficiency of the proposed framework.
Nowadays, the use of deep learning for the calibration of soft wearable sensors has addressed the typical drawbacks of the microfluidic soft sensors, such as hysteresis and nonlinearity. However, previous studies have not yet resolved some of the design constraints such as the sensors are needed to be attached to the joints and many sensors are needed to track the human motion. Moreover, the previous methods also demand an excessive amount of data for sensor calibration which make the system impractical. In this letter, we present a gait motion generating method using only two microfluidic sensors. We select appropriate sensor positions with consideration of the deformation patterns of the lower-limb skins and mutual interference with soft actuators. Moreover, a semi-supervised deep learning model is proposed to reduce the size of calibration data. We evaluated the performance of the proposed model with various walking speeds. From the experiment, the proposed method showed a higher performance with smaller calibration dataset comparing to the other methods that are based on the supervised deep learning.