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Acute kidney injury remains associated with high morbidity and mortality despite progress in medical care. Carbon tetrachloride (CCl4)-toxicity causes free radical generation and increases calcium influx, leading to pathogenesis in target tissues which includes the kidney. The present study reports the protective effects of some calcium channel blockers (nifedipine and amlodipine) against CCl4-induced acute kidney injury. Twenty four (24) albino rats were randomly grouped into four groups: A, B, C and D; with six animals per group. Groups A-C received CCl4 (0.4ml/kg b.wt, i.p) for 3 days. Group A served as toxic (negative) control. Group B received nifedipine (1mg/100g of rat, i.p), while Group C received amlodipine (1mg/100g of rat, i.p) for 3 days. No treatment was administered to group D (Normal control). Renal injury was assessed through biochemical and histopathological analyses. The CCl4 administration alone caused a marked alteration in the levels of: Na+ (120.83±2.14 mmol/l), K+ (7.02±0.61 mmol/l), Creatinine (1.52±0.19 mg/dl) and Urea (34.02±4.46 mg/dl) (p<0.01). Treatment with the calcium channel blockers (nifedipine and amlodipine) separately, significantly attenuated the renal dysfunction with: Na+(129.54±1.68; 130.13±1.75 mmol/l), K+ (5.10±0.72; 5.08±0.60 mmol/l), Creatinine (0.72±0.16; 0.71±0.12 mg/dl) and Urea (21.37±2.09; 20.08±1.83 mg/dl) respectively (p<0.05). Histopathological results showed a concomitant association with the biochemical findings. Calcium channel blockers are nephroprotective, and may be used to prevent drug/chemical-induced acute renal injury.
April 30, 2019
Archives • 2019 • vol.1 • 87-95
ISSN: 1827-8620
Ikegwuonu Ifeoma Chinwe; Uchendu Ikenna Kingsley*; Ekeigwe Ifeoma Blessing
Department of Medical Laboratory Science, Faculty of Health Sciences and Technology, College of Medicine,
University of Nigeria Enugu Campus
Email address:*
Acute kidney injury remains associated with high morbidity and mortality despite progress in medical care.
Carbon tetrachloride (CCl4)-toxicity causes free radical generation and increases calcium influx, leading to
pathogenesis in target tissues which includes the kidney. The present study reports the protective effects of
some calcium channel blockers (nifedipine and amlodipine) against CCl4-induced acute kidney injury. Twenty four
(24) albino rats were randomly grouped into four groups: A, B, C and D; with six animals per group. Groups A-C
received CCl4 (0.4ml/kg b.wt, i.p) for 3 days. Group A served as toxic (negative) control. Group B received
nifedipine (1mg/100g of rat, i.p), while Group C received amlodipine (1mg/100g of rat, i.p) for 3 days. No treatment
was administered to group D (Normal control). Renal injury was assessed through biochemical and
histopathological analyses. The CCl4 administration alone caused a marked alteration in the levels of: Na+
(120.83±2.14 mmol/l), K+ (7.02±0.61 mmol/l), Creatinine (1.52±0.19 mg/dl) and Urea (34.02±4.46 mg/dl) (p<0.01).
Treatment with the calcium channel blockers (nifedipine and amlodipine) separately, significantly attenuated the
renal dysfunction with: Na+ (129.54±1.68; 130.13±1.75 mmol/l), K+ (5.10±0.72; 5.08±0.60 mmol/l), Creatinine
(0.72±0.16; 0.71±0.12 mg/dl) and Urea (21.37±2.09; 20.08±1.83 mg/dl) respectively (p<0.05). Histopathological
results showed a concomitant association with the biochemical findings. Calcium channel blockers are
nephroprotective, and may be used to prevent drug/chemical-induced acute renal injury.
Keywords: Calcium channel blockers, nephroprotection, CCl4, nephrotoxicity
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ISSN: 1827-8620
Drugs such as aminoglycoside antibiotics, NSAIDS
(non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs),
amphotericin B, and ACE (angiotensin-converting
enzyme) inhibitors, have been implicated as causes
of nephrotoxicity (1). Factors such as age, presence
of comorbidities, and exposure to multiple drugs
and other therapeutic agents could trigger and
culminate into drug-induced nephrotoxicity (2). The
primary function of the renal system is the
elimination of metabolic waste products (3, 4). The
kidney is a common site of chemical toxicity as a
result of its constant exposure to chemicals and
toxicant xenobiotics, which it needs to eliminate
from the host’s body.
The production of toxic or active phase 1
metabolites during the biotransformation of
drugs/chemicals is a key feature of nephrotoxicity
and one known toxicant xenobiotic, among others,
which can be activated during biotransformation, is
carbon tetrachloride (CCl4). CCl4 is a well-established
xenobiotic and both the liver and the kidneys are its
target organs (5). It is known for its lytic injury on
target organs. Studies have also shown that
exposure to CCl4 is metabolized by cytochrome
P450 isoenzyme, CYP2E1 to the highly reactive
trichloromethyl (CCl3 and CCl3OO) free radical
which causes target tissue cell alteration through
lipid peroxidation (6).
Drug-induced nephrotoxicity is fast becoming a
common complication, with the ever-increasing
plethora of drugs and the ease of availability of OTC
(over-the-counter) drugs with detrimental effect on
the renal function (7). Drugs cause approximately
one-fifth of community- and hospital-acquired
episodes of acute renal failure (7-9), Although renal
impairment is often reversible if the offending drug
is discontinued, the condition can be costly and may
require multiple interventions including
hospitalization (10). Inhospital drug use may
contribute to 35% of all cases of acute tubular
necrosis, most cases of allergic interstitial nephritis,
as well as nephrotoxicity due to alterations in renal
hemodynamics and postrenal obstruction (7, 11).
Several biochemical mechanisms have been
reported to be involved in the occurrence of renal
cell injury. These mechanisms include cell death
through apoptosis, disruption of cell volume/ion
homeostasis, changes in cell membrane integrity,
mitochondrial ATP (adenosine triphosphate)
dysfunction, and disruption in cellular calcium (Ca2+)
homeostasis (8).
Ca2+ is a second messenger that plays a critical
role in a variety of cellular functions. Its distribution
within renal cells is known to be complex and
involves binding to anionic sites on macromolecules
and compartmentalization within subcellular
organelles (8). However, because the proximal renal
tubular cells reabsorb approximately over 50% of the
filtered load of Ca2+, they must maintain low
cytosolic Ca2+ concentrations during a large Ca2+ flux
(7, 8). Sustained elevations or abnormally large
increase in free cytosolic Ca2+ can exert a number of
harmful effects on the renal cells. While the precise
role of Ca2+ in toxicant-induced injury remains
unclear, release of endoplasmic reticulum (ER) Ca2+
stores may be a key step in initiating the injury
process and increasing cytosolic-free Ca2+
concentrations (8, 12, 13). However, prior depletion
of ER Ca2+ stores protect renal proximal tubules
from extracellular Ca2+ influx and cell death
produced by mitochondrial inhibition and hypoxia
(14). Ca2+ channel blockers (CCBs) are known
pharmacologically to inhibit the influx of Ca2+ into
cells thereby depleting the Ca2+ stores in the renal
cells, thus potentially exerting nephroprotective
This study was designed to investigate the
ameliorative effect of CCBs (nifedipine and
amlodipine) against CCl4-induced acute renal injury
in rats. This study is important because, CCBs are
commonly used for the treatment of hypertention
in many parts of the world, but have not been
clinically known to be used for treatment of acute
kidney injuries. Recently, Uchendu et al (15)
reported that combination of aqueous extracts of
curcuma longa (turmeric) and some calcium channel
blockers synergistically improves CCl4-induced
hepatotoxicity in albino rats. This suggests the
protective potentials of CCBs against target-tissue
injury by CCl4. Furthermore, there is scarcity of
literatures on the antinephotoxic effect of CCBs
against drug/chemical-induced kidney injury. Again
only one study, by Akindele et al. (7), has been
carried out on the protective effects of CCBs against
CCl4-induced nephrotoxicity. Thus, further studies
and more literatures are therefore needed to
PhOL Ikegwuonu, et al. 89 (pag 87-95)
ISSN: 1827-8620
validate their finding, either in support or in
contradiction for justification of results and/or to
affirm CCBs as potential nephroprotective drugs.
Materials and Methods
Chemical and drugs
The chemical used in the study was of analytical
grade and only includes CCl4 solution (Alpha
Pharmaceuticals, Enugu, Nigeria). Drugs used
include Nifedipine and Amlodipine (Salutas Pharma
GmBH for Lek Pharmaceutical and Chemical
Company, Veroskova, Slovenia).
Preparation of calcium channel blocker solutions.
Thirty-two (32) tablets of 10 mg (i.e. 320 mg)
amlodipine and 20 tablets of 20 mg nifedipine (400
mg) were grinded to powder, dissolved in 100ml
distilled water to give a stock solution of 3.2mg/ml
and 4mg/ml respectively.
Induction of acute kidney injury.
Renal injury was induced in each animal by
intraperitoneal injection with CCl4 (0.4ml/kg), daily
for 3 days.
Animals and maintenance
A total of twenty-four (24) adult albino rats,
weighing (120±20g), were obtained from the animal
house of the College of Veterinary Medicine,
University of Nigeria. The animals were housed in
metallic cages in the animal house under ambient
temperature (25±3°C) and 12-hour light and dark
periodicity. They were adequately fed with
commercial rat pellets (Neimeth Livestock Feeds
Ltd., Ikeja) and water ad libitum. The animals were
kept under observation for about 14 days before the
onset of the experiment for acclimatization. Ethical
approval for the use of animals for experimental
research was obtained from the Institutional Ethics
Committee at Department of Animal Science,
University of Nigeria, Nsukka, Enugu State, Nigeria.
Experimental Design
The 24 albino rats were grouped into (A-D) and
received the following treatments on a daily basis
for three days:
Group A: (Negative Control): received
intraperitoneal administration of carbon
tetrachloride CCl4 (0.4ml/kg body weight) only for 3
Group B: received CCl4 and nifedipine (1mg/100g of
rat, i.p) for 3 days.
Group C: received CCl4 and amlodipine (1mg/100g of
rat, i.p) for 3 days.
Group D: (normal Control): No treatment was
administered to this group.
Sacrificing of animals and sample collection
Blood samples for the determination of kidney
biochemical markers were taken by cardiac
puncture of the left ventricle of the heart under
chloroform anaesthesia and the kidney harvested
for histopathological analyses.
Biochemical analysis
The levels of Serum Electrolyte, Urea and
Creatinine were estimated using the following
methods: K+ and Na+ was determined using Perlong
Medical PL1000A Electrolyte Analyser; Serum urea
concentration was determined using the diacetyl
monoxime method with protein precipitation
according to Natelson et al. (16) Serum creatinine
concentration was determined using the Jaffe
Reaction according to Fabing and Ertingshausen
Histopathological analysis
The excised kidneys were processed using the
paraffin wax embedding technique, sectioned at 5
microns and stained using the Haematoxylin and
Eosin [H and E] staining procedure (18). The
histological sections were examined using an
Olympus TM light microscope.
Statistical analysis
Data analysis was done using GraphPad prism
version 6.0 (GraphPad, San Diego, CA, USA). The
results of the biochemical assays were reported as
mean±SEM (standard error of mean). The level of
significance was tested using one way analysis of
variance (ANOVA), followed by the Tukey post hoc
analysis. Probability levels less than 0.05 (p<0.05)
were considered significant.
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Biochemical results
Table 1 shows the results of kidney biochemical
parameters: urea, creatinine, K+, Na+ levels in four
(4) groups of six (6) animals, which received
intraperitoneal administration of carbon
tetrachloride CCl4 (0.4ml/kg body weight) and/or
some calcium channel blockers (nifedipine and
amlodipine; separately) for 3 days. From the results,
The CCl4 administration caused a marked alteration
in the levels of: Na+ (120.83±2.14 mmol/l), K+
(7.02±0.61 mmol/l), Creatinine (1.52±0.19 mg/dl) and
Urea (34.02±4.46 mg/dl) (p<0.01) in the negative
control animals when compared to normal control
animals. Treatment with the calcium channel
blockers (Nifedipine and Amlodipine) separately,
significantly attenuated the renal dysfunction with:
Na+ (129.54±1.68; 130.13±1.75 mmol/l), K+ (5.10±0.72;
5.08±0.60 mmol/l), Creatinine (0.72 ± 0.16; 0.71 ± 0.12
mg/dl) and Urea (21.37±2.09; 20.08±1.83 mg/dl)
respectively (p<0.05), when compared to the
negative control animals.
Histopathological results
The results are represented in figures 1 (A-D).
Microscopic examination of the kidney, revealed no
histopathological alteration, in the normal control
rats (Figure 1D). Presence of significant distortion
the glomeruli was observed in the kidney of rats
treated with CCl4 only (Figure 1A); however non-
significant degenerations were observed in rats
administered with nifedipine or amlodipine
separately, in the presence of CCl4 challenge (Figure
1B and 1C respectively). The kidneys of rats in group
B and C showed no significant histological
alterations when compared with the normal control
In the present study, the aim was to evaluate the
protective effects of two selected calcium channel
blockers (nifedipine and amlodipine) against CCl4-
induced acute renal injury. Findings from our study
showed that CCB effectively protected rat kidneys
against nephrotoxic injury by CCl4. This agrees with
or strengthens similar findings by Akindele et al (7).
It further scientifically supports the potential use of
calcium channel blockers for the prevention or
treatment of drug/chemical-induced renal injury in
hospital patients.
Drugs are chemical substance, and their
therapeutic use, usually alters the physiological
homeostasis and affects organs during treatment
process. Effective use of most drugs is limited
because of their toxicity to various organs including
the kidney (19, 20). Acute renal failure has remained
associated with high mortality and morbidity in
societies, considering major advances made in the
field of medicine and medical care (21-26). There is
increasing evidence that free radicals and reactive
steps initiate and regulate the progression of kidney
disease (7, 22).
CCl4-induced-target tissue injury is one of the
most characterized models of xenobiotic-induced
tissue toxicity, and is employed for evaluating
antihepatotoxicant or nephroprotective activities of
drugs or bioactive substances (27). The metabolism
of CCl4, primarily through the activity of CYP2E1,
generates highly reactive trichloromethyl free
radicals CCl3 and CCl3OO which result in target-
tissue damage. These free radicals initiate lipid
peroxidation by abstracting a hydrogen atom from
the polyunsaturated fatty acid of a phospholipid
(28). The CCl4-induced lipid peroxidation in turn
increases the permeability of plasma membrane to
calcium ion, resulting in severe disruption of calcium
homeostasis and necrotic cell death (28, 29). The
extent of kidney damage was assessed by the
alterations in serum levels of Urea, Creatinine,
potassium, sodium, and by histopathological
examination. The aim of the study was to evaluate,
the effects of selected calcium channel blockers
(nifedipine and amlodipine) against carbon
tetrachloride (CCl4)-induced acute renal injury in
Except for serum Na+, other renal biochemical
parameters, which include serum creatinine, urea,
and K+, were elevated in the group (negative
control) administered with CCl4 alone when
compared to the normal group. Factors like gender,
age, and the amount of the muscle mass can
influence serum creatinine level (11). These factors
were kept constant, as the rats were of the same
weight range and were restricted from movement.
The elevated urea and creatinine levels could be
attributed to renal damage, since kidney function,
with increased blood urea and creatinine (22).
PhOL Ikegwuonu, et al. 91 (pag 87-95)
ISSN: 1827-8620
Urea, creatinine and K+ were seen to be
significantly decreased, whereas Na+ was increased
in the group co-treated with a calcium channel
blocker, which indicates that calcium channel
blockers may afford protection against kidney
injury. Hiroki et al. (29) report that hypocalcaemia
has an ameliorating effect on CCl4-induced
hepatotoxicity. This again suggests that calcium
influx is involved in CCl4-induced tissue-toxicity. In
this study, the effects of calcium channel blockers
(nifedipine and amlodipine) on CCl4-induced kidney
damage were determined and the kidney showed a
significant reestablishment of several of the renal
biochemical parameters: a considerable decrease in
Urea, Creatinine and K+ levels was observed.
The present study shows that carbon
tetrachloride induced kidney injury; however the
treatment with calcium channel blockers (nifedipine
and amlodipine) ameliorated the effects in test
groups. Thus this data suggests that calcium
channel blockers may be of health benefit to patient
suffering from acute kidney injury induced by
nephrotoxic agents. Furthermore, this study
supports discovery of the potential use of calcium
channel blockers as complementary and alternative
drugs for the prevention or treatment of
drug/chemical-induced renal injury in hospital
patients. Therefore, this study would serve as
insight into further researches to harness more
pharmacologic potentials of calcium channel
blockers, aside their common use as
antihypertensive agents.
The authors express deep sense of gratitude to
Mr. Chris Ireoba, The head of department of the
Laboratory Division at Eastern Nigeria Medical
Centre, Enugu, and all the technical staff for their
kind cooperation.
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Table 1: Statistical comparison of kidney biochemical concentrations in different experimental animal groups.
CCl4 Alone
34.02 ± 4.46
1.52 ± 0.19
7.02 ± 0.61
120.83 ± 2.14
CCl4 + Nifedipine
21.37 ± 2.09*
0.72 ± 0.16*
5.10 ± 0.72
129.54 ± 1.68*
CCl4 + Amlodipine
20.08 ± 1.83*
0.71 ± 0.12*
5.08 ±0.60
130.13 ± 1.75*
Normal Control
17.85 ± 5.38**
0.54 ± 0.06**
4.02 ± 0.51*
132.21 ± 1.61*
Values given as Mean ± SEM. **P˂0.01 or *P˂0.05 is significant when CCl4 alone (negative control) is compared with all other groups.
Figure 1A: Photomicrograph of kidney from (A) CCl4 alone-treated rats. Presence of constricted glomerulus (CG), eroded
glomerulus (EG), stromal hyperaemia (arrow head) and eroded tubules (arrows). [Stain: H and E; ×400].
PhOL Ikegwuonu, et al. 94 (pag 87-95)
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Figure 1B: Photomicrograph of kidney from (B) CCl4 +nifedipine-treated rats. Presence of some normal glomeruli (G), the
tubules (T) appear normal. A hyperaemic portion of the stroma is seen (arrow head). [Stain: H and E; ×400].
Figure 1C: Photomicrograph of kidney from (C) CCl4+amlodipine-treated rats. Presence of some normal glomeruli (G), and the
tubules (T) appear normal. [Stain: H and E; ×400].
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Figure 1D: Histopathology and photomicrograph of kidney from (D) normal control rats. Presence of normal Glomeruli (G)
and renal tubules (T).[Stain: H and E; ×400].
... Amlodipine is a dihydropyridine calcium channel blocker, which is well-established in the treatment of hypertension, as well as other cardiovascular diseases (Fares et al., 2016). There is also increasing proof that calcium channel blockers, especially amlodipine, exhibit nephroprotective effect beyond their antihypertensive effect (Duan et al., 2000;Chinwe et al., 2019). The vasodilator effect of amlodipine on renal arterioles and the improvement of glomerular blood flow (Kimura et al., 1997;Ott et al., 2013) certainly contribute to its protective effects. ...
Full-text available
Background The therapeutic utility of the effective chemotherapeutic agent cisplatin is hampered by its nephrotoxic effect. We aimed from the current study to examine the possible protective effects of amlodipine through gamma-glutamyl transpeptidase (GGT) enzyme inhibition against cisplatin nephrotoxicity. Methods Amlodipine (5 mg/kg, po) was administered to rats for 14 successive days. On the 10th day, nephrotoxicity was induced by a single dose of cisplatin (6.5 mg/kg, ip). On the last day, blood samples were collected for estimation of kidney function, while kidney samples were used for determination of GGT activity, oxidative stress, inflammatory, and apoptotic markers, along with histopathological evaluation. Results Amlodipine alleviated renal injury that was manifested by significantly diminished serum creatinine and blood urea nitrogen levels, compared to cisplatin group. Amlodipine inhibited GGT enzyme, which participates in the metabolism of extracellular glutathione (GSH) and platinum-GSH- conjugates to a reactive toxic thiol. Besides, amlodipine diminished mRNA expression of NADPH oxidase in the kidney, while enhanced the anti-oxidant defense by activating Nrf2/HO-1 signaling. Additionally, it showed marked anti-inflammatory response by reducing expressions of p38 mitogen-activated protein kinase (p38 MAPK) and nuclear factor-kappa B (NF-κB), with subsequent down-regulation of tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-α), interleukin-6 (IL-6), and vascular cell adhesion molecule-1 (VCAM-1). Moreover, amlodipine reduced Bax/Bcl2 ratio and elevated hepatocyte growth factor (HGF), thus favoring renal cell survival. Conclusions Effective GGT inhibition by amlodipine associated with enhancement of anti-oxidant defense and suppression of inflammatory signaling and apoptosis support our suggestion that amlodipine could replace toxic GGT inhibitors in protection against cisplatin nephrotoxicity.
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Several liver diseases are caused by a variety of factors and affecting everyone, from infants to older adults. Drugs or alcohol has been implicated as the main cause of some liver diseases. In this study, special attention was drawn to CCl4-induced liver damage and how the damaged liver could be treated or prevented by turmeric aqueous extracts alone or in combination with some calcium channel blockers..We investigated the antihepatotoxic effects of aqueous extract of curcuma longa (AECL) alone or in combination with nifedipine or amlodipine against CCl4-induced acute liver injury in male albino wister rats. Thirty (30) male albino wister rats were randomly grouped into six groups: A, B, C, D, E and F of five animals per group. Rats in groups AD received CCl4 (0.4ml/kg b.wt, i.p) for 3 days. Group B received AECL (200mg/kg, oral), Group C received AECL and nifedipine (1mg/100g of rat, i.p), Group D received AECL and amlodipine (1mg/100g of rat, i.p), and group E received AECL alone for 3 days. No treatment was administered to group F (Normal control). CCl4 administration to the rats resulted in acute liver injury with significantly increased ALT, AST, ALP and total bilirubin levels; 46.00 ± 6.35 IU/L, 46.37 ± 5.88 IU/L, 178.30 ± 19.22 IU/L and 1.45 ± 0.08 mg/dl respectively. The 3 days daily administration of AECL alone or plus nifedipidine or amlodipine resulted in the mitigation of the CCl4-induced liver damage with significantly decreased ALT, AST, ALP and total bilirubin levels; (p<0.05. p<0.01 or p<0.001). Histopathological results showed a concomitant association with the biochemical findings. This study shows that the combination of the extract and some calcium channel blockers is synergistically hepatoprotective, and can be used to prevent hepatotoxicity. PhOL Uchendu, et al. 393 (pag 392-401)
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Background and Objective: Phoenix dactylifera fruit, Cyperus esculentus nut and Cocos nucifera nut are widely consumed as food in many parts of the world and are also the major ingredients in the preparation of certain drinks. This study examined the effects of ethanolic extracts of Phoenix dactylifera fruit, Cyperus esculentus nut and Cocos nucifera nut on selected indices of kidney function in male albino rats. Materials and Methods: Twenty male albino rats used in this study were distributed randomly into four groups with five rats in each group. Group 1 served as normal control, while groups 2, 3 and 4 served as test animals. The corresponding plant extracts were administered to the animals in the test groups through oral route for three weeks. Thereafter, they were starved overnight, anaesthetized with chloroform and sacrificed. Blood samples and kidneys were collected from the animals for biochemical and histological analysis respectively. Results: The results showed that urea decreased in all the groups compared to the control. Urea decreased significantly (p<0.05) in group 3 and 4, but decreased less-significantly (p>0.05) in group 2 compare to the control. Creatinine decreased less-significantly in group 2 and increased less-significantly in group 3 (p>0.05), but increased significantly in group 4 (p<0.05). Sodium, potassium and chlorides increased less-significantly (p>0.05) in all the test groups compared to the control. Sodium increased highest in group 2, potassium increased highest in group 3, while chlorides increased highest in group 4. The histoarchitectural states of the kidney sections showed that the extracts have no apparent toxic effects. However, there were some evidence of mildly altered parts of some kidney tissues. Conclusion: The results of this study showed the extracts have no apparent toxic effect on kidney function of the experimental rats. The results also showed the plant extracts may help to reduce the retention of urea, thereby supporting kidney functions. The three plant materials are therefore encouraged for use in general nutrition.
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Acute Kidney Injury has a very high mortality and morbidity despite advances in clinical treatment. The health benefits of tomato extract on kidney injury has not been extensively studied. This research investigated the effects of tomato extracts on carbimazole-induced alterations in the kidney of albino rats. A total of 24 albino rats weighing (100±25g) were randomly divided into four groups (A-D) with six rats per group. Group A served as normal control and received no treatment. Group B received only Carbimazole (60mg/kg, oral) daily for 3 weeks and served as negative control. Group C received Vitamin C (200mg/kg, oral) in the presence of carbimazole challenge and served as the positive control and Group D which served as the test group received Tomato extract (30mg/kg, oral) in the presence of Carbimazole challenge. The Carbimazole administration resulted in Kidney injury with Serum Creatinine, Urea and Potassium levels: 1.57±0.12mg/dl; 47.00±1.00 mg/dl and 6.43±0.54mmol/l respectively. The administration of Tomato extracts resulted in the amelioration of the Carbimazole-induced kidney damage with Serum Creatinine, Urea and Potassium levels: 0.83±0.20mg/dl (P˂0.05); 25.67±3.38mg/dl (P˂0.01) and 4.77±0.12mmol/l (P<0.05) respectively. Histopathological results also revealed no significant kidney degeneration in the Tomato group; hence the kidneys were protected by the Tomato extract. The phytochemicals present in the Tomato extracts may have protected the kidneys from carbimazole-induced kidney injury. Intake of Tomato extract protects the kidneys from acute Kidney Injury.
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The health benefit of soybean consumption has currently gained the attention of researchers. The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of soymilk onrenal biochemical parameters and histopathology of glycerol-induced acute renal injury in rats. In this study, twenty-four (24) albino wistar rats weighing (200-250g) were divided into four (4) groups with six (6) animals per cage: group A served as normal control group and received only distilled water, group Bas positive control and was given glycerol plus vitamin C (200mg/kg, oral), group C, the negative control was given 50% glycerol alone (10ml/kg, i.m.), and group D, the test group was given glycerol plus soymilk (2000mg/kg, oral). Renal injury was assessed by analysing renal histopathology and biochemical parameters such as: Na + , K + , Cl-, HCO 3-, creatinine and blood urea nitrogen (BUN) levels. The Glycerol treatment resulted in marked elevation of:K + (8.66±0.64mmol/l); creatinine (1.47±0.23 mg/dl);and BUN (44.39±5.78 mg/dl) and caused deranged renal functions which were significantly attenuated after soymilk treatment: K + (6.51±0.33 mmol/l); creatinine (0.88±0.005 mg/dl); and BUN (19.67±1.45 mg/dl) with[P < 0.05].Based on these results, this study demonstrates the potential beneficial effects of soy bean against glycerol-induced acute renal failure in rats.
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The aim of this study is to investigate whether a Ca-deficient diet has an attenuating effect on carbon tetrachloride (CCl4)-induced hepatotoxicity. Four-week-old male ddY mice were fed a Ca-deficient diet for 4 weeks as a part of the experimental protocol. While hypocalcemia was observed, there was no significant change in body weight. The CCl4-exposed hypocalcemic mice exhibited a significant decrease in alanine aminotransferase and aspartate aminotransferase activities at both 6 h and 24 h even though markers of renal function remained unchanged. Moreover, lipid peroxidation was impaired and total antioxidant power was partially recovered in the liver. Studies conducted in parallel with the biochemical analysis revealed that hepatic histopathological damage was attenuated 24 h post CCl4 injection in hypocalcemic mice fed the Ca-deficient diet. Finally, this diet impaired CCl4-induced inflammatory responses. Although upregulation of Ca concentration is a known indicator of terminal progression to cell death in the liver, these results suggest that Ca is also involved in other phases of CCl4-induced hepatotoxicity, via regulation of oxidative stress and inflammatory responses.
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The ameliorative effect of calcium channel blockers (CCBs) and a phospholipase-A2 inhibitor in drug-/ chemical-induced nephrotoxicity was investigated. Rats were divided into 7 groups of 5 rats in each group. In the gentamicin model, group I rats were pretreated with normal saline (10 ml kg�1), while groups II–VII rats were pretreated with normal saline (10 ml kg�1), ascorbic acid (10 mg kg�1), nifedipine (0.86 mg kg�1), verapamil (4.3 mg kg�1), diltiazem (3.43 mg kg�1), and prednisolone (0.57 mg kg�1), respectively, perorally 1 h before intraperitoneal (i.p.) injection of gentamicin (40 mg kg�1) for 14 days. In the carbon tetrachloride (CCl4) model, rats were pretreated with CCBs and prednisolone for 7 days before inducing nephrotoxicity with 20% CCl4 (1.5 ml kg�1). Rats were thereafter killed and blood and tissue samples were collected for assessments. I.p. injections of gentamicin and CCl4 caused significant hypernatremia, hypokalemia, hypocalcemia, hypophosphatemia, and hyperchloremic alkalosis and reduced renal tissue levels of antioxidants. Also, significant reductions in the hemoglobin, packed cell volume, red blood cells, and platelet indices were observed. Pretreatments with nifedipine (0.86 mg kg�1), verapamil (4.3 mg kg�1), diltiazem (3.43 mg kg�1), and prednisolone (0.57 mg kg�1) significantly ameliorated the deleterious effects of gentamicin and CCl4 possibly via antioxidant and antilipoperoxidation mechanisms. The results obtained in this study suggest potential clinical usefulness of tested CCBs and prednisolone in drug-/chemical-induced nephrotoxicity.
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Background Acute kidney injury (AKI) remains associated with high morbidity and mortality, despite progress in medical care. Although the RIFLE (Risk, Injury, Failure, Loss, End-Stage Kidney Disease) and AKIN (Acute Kidney Injury Network) criteria, based on serum creatinine and urine output, were a step forward in diagnosing AKI, a reliable tool to differentiate between true parenchymal and pre-renal azotaemia in clinical practice is still lacking. In the last decade, many papers on the use of new urinary and serum biomarkers for the diagnosis and prognostication of AKI have been published. Thus, the question arises which biomarker is a reliable differential diagnostic tool under which circumstances.
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Purpose of review: The purpose of this review is to describe the most prevalent mechanisms of drug-induced acute kidney injury, to define the risk factors for nephrotoxicity, and to analyze the available evidence for preventive measures. Recent findings: Drug toxicity remains an important cause of acute kidney injury that, in many circumstances, can be prevented or at least minimized by vigilance and early intervention. Recent studies have resulted in increased insight into the subcellular mechanisms of drug nephrotoxicity. Further improvement is to be expected from the identification of early markers of nephrotoxicity and an increasing involvement of a clinical pharmacist. Summary: The main mechanisms of nephrotoxicity are vasoconstriction, altered intraglomerular hemodynamics, tubular cell toxicity, interstitial nephritis, crystal deposition, thrombotic microangiopathy, and osmotic nephrosis. Before prescribing a potentially nephrotoxic drug, the risk-to-benefit ratio and the availability of alternative drugs should be considered. Modifiable risk factors should be corrected. The correct drug dosage should be prescribed. Patients should be pre-hydrated and the glomerular filtration rate should be frequently monitored during the administration of a potentially nephrotoxic drug. Studies are needed to further elucidate the mechanisms of nephrotoxicity to design more-rational prevention and treatment strategies. Computer-based prescriber-order entry and an appropriately trained intensive care unit pharmacist are particularly helpful to minimize medication errors and adverse drug events.