Ihor Kolosovych

Ihor Kolosovych
Bogomolets National Medical University · Department of Surgery N2

Head of the Department Surgery #2 of the Bogomolets National Medical University


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Laureate of the Prize of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine for young scientists in the field of clinical medicine (2001). In 2003 defended dissertation for the degree of Doctor of Sciences (Med., Surg). In 2013 was awarded the academic title "Professor". Academician of the Ukrainian Academy of Sciences (2023). Author over 400 scientific papers, incl. 23 study guides, 60 Ukrainian patents for invention and utility model. Prepared four PhD surgeons, prepares one doctor of sciences.
September 1991 - February 1994


Publications (49)
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ABSTRACT Aim: To improve treatment outcomes of patients with unresectable pancreatic head cancer complicated by obstructive jaundice by improving the tactics and techniques of surgical interventions. Materials and Methods: Depending on the treatment tactics, patients were randomised to the main group (53 people) or the comparison group (54 people)....
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Plasminogen (Pg) is currently considered a master regulator of wound healing, but the molecular mechanisms of its efficacy in improving impaired closure of chronic skin ulcers in type 2 diabetes patients remain unclear. Here, we investigated wound healing effects of autologous plasma-derived Pg in diabetes patients with chronic foot ulcers and eval...
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Taking into account the pathogenesis peculiarities of appendicular pylephlebitis, the risk group includes patients with a retrocecal location of the appendix, gangrenous and perforating appendicitis, the course of which was complicated by peritonitis or abscess. The purpose of our clinical-experimental study was to justify the method of pathogeneti...
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Background. The most common cause of death among patients with acute pancreatitis in the late period of the disease is purulent-septic complications, which occur in 30-50% of cases. Aim: To study of the spectrum of microorganisms in the complicated course of acute pancreatitis and justification of the appointment of antibiotic therapy, taking into...
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Acute pancreatitis is a common disease that occurs in 5—10% of patients with urgent pathology of the abdominal cavity. The most prevalent metabolic disorders affecting this group of patients are hypermetabolism and hypercatabolism syndromes, which are accompanied by excessive consumption of carbohydrates, fats, and amino acids, increased oxygen int...
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Background. Mini-invasive percutaneous echo-controlled puncture drainage interventions have certain limitations in case of location of local complications of acute pancreatitis of the right and central-right type due to the high risk of iatrogenic injuries as a result of possible uncontrolled advancement of the working part of the device. Aim: to i...
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Analysing the polymorphism of etiological factors that contribute to the development of erosive‑ulcerative gastric lesions in patients with liver cirrhosis (acid‑peptic factors, transformation of venous blood flow, immune complexes, etc.), it should be noted that portal hypertension is the most important cause of these lesions. Bleeding from erosiv...
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Вступ. Гострий панкреатит є одним з найпоширеніших захворювань органів черевної порожнини з високим ризиком розвитку ускладнень. Мета роботи – оцінити ефективність застосування парацентезу, дренування черевної порожнини з використанням мультимодальної аналгезії з декскетопрофеном в етапному лікуванні хворих з ускладненим перебігом гострого панкреат...
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The occurrence of hypermetabolism and hypercatabolism syndromes in patients with acute pancreatitis is associated with the release of pro-inflammatory cytokines, which leads to an increase in energy consumption and basic metabolism, which depend on both the severity of the course and the duration of the disease. The aim of our work was to investiga...
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Objective: The aim: To work out the predictive system that can help to determine the group of patients to whom the hemodynamic surgery of varicose disease, CHIVA, is beneficial. Patients and methods: Materials and methods: Results of examination and treatment of 58 patients of the main group who underwent hemodynamic surgery and 65 patients of t...
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Background. A feature of acute pancreatitis is the high risk of developing complications (occurring in 50% of patients), the mortality rate of which reaches 15%, and with a severe course varies within 40-70%. It has been proven that timely determination of the severity of the disease, selection of appropriate treatment tactics, early diagnosis of c...
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Introduction. A feature of acute pancreatitis is the high risk of developing complications (occurring in 50% of patients), the total mortality of which reaches 15%, and in severe cases it varies within 40-70%. The aim of the study was to determine the role of Helicobacter pylori as an etiological factor of acute pancreatitis and a marker of the dev...
Conference Paper
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Acute pancreatitis is a widespread disease of the abdominal organs with a high risk of complications and a mortality rate of 15-55% [1]. Among the causes of death of patients with severe acute pancreatitis, purulent-septic complications, which occur in 20-40% of cases of the disease, take the first place [2]. Currently, the problem of drainage of f...
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In the general structure of the disease, severe acute pancreatitis occurs in 20% of cases, requires treatment in the intensive care unit, and is accompanied by a high risk of complications (up to 50%) and death (40—70%). In turn, early use of enteral nutrition in patients with severe acute pancreatitis significantly improves the condition of the in...
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Objective: The aim: To improve the results of palliative surgical treatment of patients with unresectable cancer of the head of the pancreas, complicated by obstructive jaundice, disturbances of evacuation from the stomach, cancerous pancreatitis by improving surgical tactics and techniques of surgical interventions.. Patients and methods: Mater...
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in the case of severe acute pancreatitis, the early start of enteral nutrition (24-72 hours from the moment of hospitalization) by means of nasogastric or nasojejunal administration of the mixture is considered appropriate, which is associated with a 24% decrease in the frequency of infectious complications and a 32% decrease in mortality. However,...
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The aim of our work was to review modern aspects of pathogenesis, diagnosis and treatment of intra-abdominal hypertension as a complication of the severe course of acute pancreatitis. Acute pancreatitis is a systemic disease, the severe course of which is associated with organ dysfunction and increased intra-abdominal pressure. The frequency of int...
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Early adequate treatment of patients with acute pancreatitis leads to a decrease in mortality and reduces the financial burden on medical institutions and the patient, which encourages the continued search for optimal markers for assessing severity and predicting the course of the disease. The aim of this work is to study the modern aspects of the...
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Relevance. The frequency of development of intra-abdominal hypertension in patients with a complicated course of acute pancreatitis is 60-70% and leads to an increase in the mortality rate up to 62%. Acute peripancreatic fluid collection, occurring in 65.2-88.9% of patients with moderate and severe acute pancreatitis in the early period of the dise...
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Objective: The problem of predicting the course of acute pancreatitis and early diagnosis of its complications remains unresolved. This study aimed to determine changes in vitamin D and calcium-phosphorus metabolism in patients with severe acute pancreatitis. Material and Methods: There were examined 72 people divided into two groups as healthy per...
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Вступ. Згідно літературних даних, у 60% хворих з тяжким перебігом гострого панкреатиту відмічається внутрішньочеревна гіпертензія, що веде до розвитку у 30% пацієнтів абдомінального компартмент-синдрому та підвищує рівень летальності до 75%. Метою дослідження було покращання результатів лікування пацієнтів з тяжким перебігом гострого панкреатиту шл...
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We present the results of the treatment of 135 patients with a hepatic form of portal hypertension (liver cirrhosis) that have been hospitalized in the clinic of the Department of Surgery No. 2 in Bogomolets National Medical University within the period from 2011 to 2020. The aim of our study was to reveal the factors of the development of erosive...
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Relevance. Early onset of enteral nutrition (up to 48 hours after hospitalization) in patients with severe acute pancreatitis is associated with a 24% reduction in infectious complications and a 32% reduction in mortality. Data on the possibility of nasogastric tube feeding remain contradictory. Objective: comparison of the effectiveness and safet...
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The development of new technological solutions for palliative surgical treatment of patients with unresectable pancreatic cancer is relevant because the frequency of postoperative complications in such patients reaches 25 % and mortality — 20 %. Objective. Improve the diagnosis and immediate results of palliative surgical treatment of patients with...
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The aim of the study was to determine the role of phosphorus-calcium homeostasis and vitamin D in the pathogenesis of acute pancreatitis and assess the severity of its course. We examined 72 people, who were divided into two groups: the first group (comparison group) - men and women without pathology of the gastrointestinal tract and any other cond...
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Objective: Acute pancreatitis is a common disease that accounts for 5-10% of urgent pathology of the abdominal cavity and ranks third (25%) place, yielding to the incidence of acute cholecystitis (28%) and acute appendicitis (26%) [1]. In the general structure of the disease, severe acute pancreatitis occurs in 20% of cases, requires treatment in t...
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Generalized forms of peritonitis are a major factor leading to non-traumatic mortality in all cases of emergency care and the second leading cause of sepsis in critically ill patients. Objective of this study was to evaluate the efficacy and safety of multicomponent infusion solution Reosorbilact in the treatment of patients diagnosed with purulent...
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Objective: The aim: To search for new and improvement of known methods of diagnosis and surgical treatment of atypical forms of acute appendicitis. Patients and methods: Materials and methods: There were analyzed the results of diagnosis and surgical treatment of 852 patients with atypical course of acute appendicitis, which amounted to 25.3% of...
Objective: The aim: Improving the results of treatment of patients with acute surgical pathology of the abdominal cavity by correcting intra-abdominal hypertension (IAH). Patients and methods: Materials and methods: The results of examination and treatment of 187 patients with acute surgical pathology, which was accompanied by elevation of IAP....
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A feature of the severe condition of acute pancreatitis is the high risk of complications occurring in 50% of patients. The most dangerous are thrombohemorrhagic complications and arrosive bleeding, with late diagnosis of which mortality can reach more than 85%. The aim of the study was to determine early diagnostic criteria for the onset and devel...
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The incidence of splenic injuries among all closed injuries of the abdominal cavity is from 15.5 to 30.0 %, and a mortality rate is between 7 % and 26 %. The tactics in the treatment of splenic injuries is determined by the degree of traumatic injury, the patient's condition during the operation, and a concomitant pathology. Studies of tissue regen...
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Objective. To study of the role of Helicobacter pylori as an etiological factor of acute pancreatitis and a marker of the development of its purulent-septic complications. Мethods. The study was conducted in the period of 2015-2020; patients with acute pancreatitis (n=124) were divided into 2 groups: the main group (66 patients with moderate severi...
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Introduction: Acute pancreatitis is one of the most pressing problems of modern medicine due to the development of severe complications that cause mortality in the range of 40 - 70%. The most common causes of death in patients with acute pancreatitis are purulent-septic complications, which in turn cause the development of sepsis, erosive bleeding,...
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The article deals with the problem of diagnosis and treatment of acute pancreatitis, which remains one of the most common surgical diseases of the abdominal cavity with a high risk of complications, the mortality rate of which reaches 5.5%, and in acute pancreatitis it varies within 40-70%. The purpose of this work is to improve the results of surg...
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Relevance. According to the modern realities of hostilities in the East of Ukraine, the medical community has grown a request for information about the nature of the most dangerous defeats of the participants of the Joint Forces Operation (JFO) in Donbass. Objective: analysis and generalization of the nature of heart injuries received during the h...
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Relevance. It is relevant to develop new technological solutions for palliative surgical treatment of patients with unresectable pancreatic head cancer (UPHC), since the incidence of postoperative complications in such patients reaches 25 %, and mortality – 20 %. Objective. To improve the diagnosis and immediate results of palliative surgical trea...
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2, 3]. Причинами розвитку канцероматозного панкреатиту є: обструкція пан-креатичної протоки пухлиною, руйнування ново-утворенням паренхіми залози з активацією пан-креатичних ферментів, прогресуючі порушення Мета роботи-поліпшити діагностику та результати паліативного хірургічного лікування хворих на нерезектабельний рак головки підшлункової залози...
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Introduction. Lately, intraperitoneal injection of local analgesics has been practised as an element of postoperative multimodal anaesthesia in some minimally invasive gynaecologic surgical interventions. Aim. To analyse efficacy of intraperitoneal bupivacaine injection for pain relief after laparoscopic cholecystectomy. Material and methods. Rando...
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Актуальность. Доказано, что местные анестетики не только блокируют натриевые каналы нейронов, но и проявляют мощный противовоспалительный эффект. Цель: изучить эффективность местного применения Дексалгина в обезболивании больных, перенесших лапароскопические оперативные вмешательства. Материалы и методы. Был изучен 51 больной, прооперированный лапа...
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Relevance. The article is devoted to the problem of diagnosis and treatment of acute biliary pancreatitis, which remains one of the most common surgical diseases of the abdominal cavity and accounts for 33.2% of the total number of patients with acute pancreatitis. Objective of the work is to improve the diagnosis and results of surgical treatment...
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1312 хворих з приводу гострого деструктивного апендициту (ГДА) в останні 5 років. Тифліт під час операції виявлений у 92 (7,01%) хворих, протяжна інфільтрація сліпої кишки-у 56 (60,9%). Запропо нований диференційований підхід до вибору варіанту оперативного втручання, удосконалені деякі оперативні методики при ГДА, ускладненому тифлітом (в тому чис...
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Results of diagnosis and surgical treatment of 852 patients, suffering an acute appendicitis (AA) with atypical course, were analyzed. Retrocecal localization of appendix was noted in 61.2% of observations, a pelvic one — in 24.3%, medial — in 11.2%, and subhepatic — in 3.4%. Destructive forms of atypical AA were diagnosed in 92.5% patients, and va...
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Bacteriological research of abdominal cavities exsudate is conducted to 264 patients on perforative duodenal ulcers and the dynamics of peritonitis motion is studied in a postoperative period. It is set that already hour-long after the perforation of duodenal ulcer, according to information of peritoneal maintenance pH-metry and it's bacteriologic...
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Character of microflora of exsudate of abdominals and mucosis microflora of vermicular appendix is studied for patients with the destructive forms of appendicitis with the purpose of development of variants of antibacterial therapy at surgical treatment of patients with acute appendicitis. The patients with the destructive forms of appendicitis, wh...
There were analyzed the immediate and remote results of treatment of 556 patients with complicated gastroduodenal ulcer, in whom radical operation and ulcer excision with various variants of medicinal correction in early postoperative period were performed. The best immediate result was achieved after performance of radical operation (vagotomy, thr...
There were examined 135 patients with perforative ulcer of the gastric terminal portion (GTP) and of duodenum. Performance of duodeno- or gastroduodenoplasty without vagotomy, the correcting therapy conduction in early postoperative period had promoted the normalization of the GTP motor function and the gastric acid output reduction in late follow-...


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